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Tattward & Inkella One-Shot Contest Title: Claws Your pen name: dariachenowith Characters: Bella / Edward Disclaimer:

I don't own Twilight. I write graphic lemons. if you are not sure if you are allowed to, or want to read it - don't.!All hail to my gorgeous beta cravingtwilight, without her insistence this would never have been written. Length: 9,926 words To see other entries in the Tattward & Inkella Contest, please visit the C2 page:w ! ww(dot)fanfiction(dot)net/community/Tattward_and_Inkella_ Contest/71624/

Bella, customer for you! I grunted, and sent a last longing look at the design I had been working over for half an hour. One of my regulars wanted to expand her simple shoulder tat into a full back piece, and after all the kids coming in, asking for generic tribals and cutesy cartoon characters that I knew would be covered up or lasered off in a year or two I really needed something to work with. I couldn't even say who was more excited, Marcy or me. As I walked out of the private area I shot a quick glance towards the front of the shop, trying to gauge what my new customer would want to get at the first look. Tribal. Definitely tribal type, probably to impress his girlfriend. Or maybe a kickass Chinese symbol, strength of course. Nothing wrong with the symbols, just the intent in getting them done was what made me want to barf every single time.

Please don't let it be the symbol, even if it's fast, I'm gonna cry if I have to work one of those today! I didn't even really understand why Emmett called me in for that shit. He knew I was in for the real art, that's why he had hired me. He was literally wasting my time and his money here. Hey, what's up? I asked my friend directly, trying to convey my obvious bad temper through my tone. Maybe if I was lucky the kid would change his mind and just go harass someone else. I knew I shouldn't be this picky, but I really had been looking forward to that tat for ages. Ah, here you are! Em boomed at me, as if the shop had been so large that I could have hidden somewhere, even if I had wanted to. He nodded at the guy on the other side of the counter. This is Edward, an old friend of mine. And he's got a job for you. I rolled my eyes at Em, and when I couldn't put off acknowledging the presence of Geek Boy any longer, I offered him my hand as I really looked at him for the first time, starting at his shoes and working my way up. Nondescript black sneakers. Dark blue jeans, frayed at the hem from long wear. Gray long-sleeved shirt, spelling Nerd Herd around some pictograph. And just as he took my hand and shook it, my once-over reached his face. The jaw. The sparkling green eyes. The unruly, auburn hair. The five o'clock shadow. The easy smile. Fuck. Me. So my first impression of him might have been a little off, but without the face he was just a tall, lean guy. Now that part of my brain considered pushing him down into one of the easy chairs in the waiting area and fucking him senseless, it bothered me even more that I should mar him with a design that was less than a true masterpiece.

I must have stared a little too long at him, or probably salivated like Pavlov's dog, because a light frown appeared on his forehead. Uh, if there's a problem with that I can come back later? he said, jolting me out of my reverie. Damn, he had said something to me, and I hadn't even realized it, lost in the tone of his voice. Sorry, I was a little distracted, still thinking about a design for one of my regs that I'm planning. So what exactly do you want to get? I was pretty sure whatever he had said before was about a tattoo. Which wasnt exactly a lucky guess considering that we were standing in a tattoo parlor. Great move, Bella, if he hasn't figured you a dumb imbecile yet, he will now after that slip. An easy smile spread on his lips as he dug into the bag slung over his shoulder. Out came a handful of print-outs, all black and white. I wordlessly motioned to the seats, sure that if I said something it would likely be along the lines of, Pick one to bend me over, please. As we sat down, safely out of touching distance, I mentally kicked myself in the hopes of dragging my mind out of the gutter. It might have been a while, but I never acted that unprofessional around a client, and even he wouldn't change that. I don't know if that's enough for you to work with, but Emmett said you were the best with drawing intricate stuff? Edward offered as he pushed the stack of papers at me. Suddenly intrigued I took them, leafing through the pictures. So you want a Celtic panther? I ventured, not really going out on a limb there, considering what he had handed over. His grin nearly melted me all over again. Trying hard to keep from leaning closer, I looked at the pictures again. Where? On my right upper arm, starting at the lower point of the triceps, and going up towards the front of the shoulder. Like from here to here, he gestured to the appropriate parts. I nodded, a little dumbly, as I saw the muscles under the shirt flex.

Rein it in, Bella! It's not like you never get to see any hot man-meat under your needle. Trying hard to focus on anything but his eyes looking at me with just a tad of mirth in them, I tapped the print-outs with my finger. Have a little time? I'll see what I can come up with to accommodate your wishes. Edward grinned at my phrasing, and inclined his head. May I watch? Snorting, I reached for my drawing board. Sure. Just let me finish the first sketch real quick, okay? Under his watchful eyes I started on the design. A few bold lines that would later become the body of the panther, some swirls around where I figured the twitching tail could wrap around the hind legs, over the powerful muscles. The whole world around me became unimportant, even the bronze haired panty drencher next to me moved into the background. Twenty minutes later I laid down the pencil, and looked up to find Edward watching me intently. Me, not the drawing. I felt a little selfconscious for just a moment, something that hadn't happened to me since high school. Normally I didn't have my clients watch me prepare like that. Like that? I asked as I pushed the drawing at him. His eyes held mine for a moment before he looked down, studying the lines closely. It's great, he replied, but something in his voice made me look up at him sharply. But? Can you maybe, I don't know, change it a little? My first impulse was to tell him that the design was fucking perfect,

but the last shreds of my business sense kept me from opening my mouth. Sure, what do you want changed? He scratched his head in the most adoring kind of way, then drew his hand through his hair as he studied the design more closely. Maybe make him more pouncy? he offered. Pouncy? Is that even a word? Edward sighed with mock exasperation, but when his green eyes fixed me again I felt my mouth go dry. Pouncy, I echoed, taking up the pencil and drawing another panther, this one with muscles bunching, jaws agape in a silent roar while one paw was pointing towards where I pictured his clavicle to be in the end, slashing. Looking up, I caught him staring at my mouth. I grinned, and licking my lips in an impulsively seductive move let the stud in my tongue click against my teeth. Almost immediately I felt stupid, and highly unprofessional, but the way his eyes widened was certainly worth it. Like what you see? I asked, my voice low and slightly husky. He nodded, rather dumbfounded, but then offered a cocky smile in return. Just maybe with more pronounced claws? It's not exactly a Hello Kitty tat after all. That comment just cracked me up, and I obediently added the last details. Like that? Perfect. He even purred the r lightly, making me shiver. Trying to hide my reaction as best I could, I got up and went to my station, setting everything up to prepare the stencil. Edward followed me, his eyes meanwhile traveling over the photographs of my previous work that adorned part of the wall. Yours? I nodded absentmindedly, once again fully focused on transferring the lines.

Neat, he commented, his tone just a little teasing, but I ignored him. Working with Emmett had made me pretty much immune to stupid guy talk, and I had more important things to do than trade witty banter with him now. Some might call me anal about my work, I preferred the term obsessed. Once I was done, I presented the finished stencil to Edward, who after a last affirmative nod sat down on the padded chair I indicated. This your first tattoo? I asked, pretty sure that his answer would be affirmative. A twinge of guilt then zoomed through me as I studied the large, black parts the final design would be comprised of. The tat would be a true piece of art, but certainly neither subtle, nor light on the physical procedure. Because if it is, we should probably just do the outline today, see how you manage with the pain, and finish in two weeks or so. There's always a chance with allergic reactions, you know? He looked a little queasy, but also strangely determined. I want it completed today. And it's not exactly my first. I raised my brows, more at the way he said it than his actual tone. What did you get? Looking uncomfortable for a moment he sighed, then turned around and started to unbuckle his belt over the worn jeans. I better show you, this is kind of hard to explain. Actually it was hard for me to remain seated in my chair with something resembling calm, as he pushed his jeans down to the lower part of his ass, revealing dark gray boxer briefs that hugged his body nicely. I was even a little disappointed that they weren't baggy and sporting some cartoon character or other, but apparently Geek Boy liked to dress with style underneath. I tried hard not to stare as he pushed his underwear down a little to reveal the pert swell of his ass, but as my eyes took in the ink there I had to fight laughter instead of the impulse to just lick and bite what he offered me so freely.

Please tell me there's a story behind this, I drawled, biting my lip to keep from laughing. He shot me a scathing look as he hitched his boxers and jeans up, covering the red-and-black heart that was partly shattered by a hammer. I will, if you promise to finish the panther today. Blackmail, huh? He offered me a slightly crooked smile that threatened to undo me, and just to cover my inevitable reaction I nodded for him to sit down again. Deal. Now get that shirt off so I can see my canvas. I kind of hoped that he would ditch the whole shirt, but he just slipped his arm out of the sleeve, letting me see only a glimpse of what looked like nicely defined pecs under the wife-beater he wore underneath. It sure fit the package, lean and trim, but not the kind of bulge years of weight lifting would leave him with. I certainly approved. My eyes then fixed on his arm, the one area of his body I was not only allowed to stare at, but required to. Even as I slipped on my latex gloves and took the razor to remove the fine hairs as I went through the usual prep talk, I could see the design rise off the skin already, sleek lines and bold panes. Once the stencil was transferred I held my black edged mirror for Edward to check the position, and give him a last chance to back out, but really, the way he flexed his muscles was just sinful. Looks great, he assured me as he resumed his former relaxed pose on the turned around chair. I nodded mutely, and went on with my preparations. He nodded to all of my bits and pieces of advice about aftercare, but I really just talked to keep myself from drooling too much all over him. I made a mental notice to repeat the important stuff once we were done, hoping that by then the irresistible pull would lessen somewhat. Edward flinched briefly at the sound of my tattoo gun starting up, but he didn't move as I let the needle travel over what would become the

left rear leg of the panther. I couldn't say whether he really didn't mind or was just playing tough guy, but for his own good I really hoped for the latter. Tell me about the heart, I nudged him, stopping my work for a moment and daring to look at his face rather than his arm. His eyes went from where he had watched me commit the outline forever onto his skin to my eyes, and the intensity of his gaze made me shiver. I lost a bet, so Emmett got to ink my ass. It's as easy as that. For a moment I was glad I hadn't yet resumed my work, because the familiarity of that statement made me laugh rather raucously. Not that I had ever been that stupid, but it so sounded like something Em would get you into. What kind of bet? I asked, but then looked back to his arm as his freaking green eyes just seemed to drink up my very soul. How long I'd need to get over a girl. Ah, I offered sagely, but had to bite down on my lip not to add a stupid quip that the heart kind of was a dead giveaway for that. I really hoped it was a little less lame than my imagination, though. To my defense I have to add that I was really heartbroken at the time, and she screwed me over good. She wasn't exactly the love of my life, but walking in to your girlfriend eating out her best friend, then refusing to let you join is kind of tough on a guy's ego. That made me stop again, and this time I was sure the look I sent him was just as heated as the one I got in return. Naughty boy, huh? I offered, and he wisely kept the impulse to shrug down, although I saw his shoulders tense. Not really. More opportunistic. I considered for a moment how to react to that, as I finished the panther's head. Normally I didn't engage into any witty, let alone sexually charged banter with my clients, but with Edward it was

damn hard to resist. The fact that Emmett had inked him a fucking shattered heart on his ass kind of gave me some leeway there anyway. And it wasn't like I was about to jump him and have wild, kinky sex on my work station. Although the thought did cross my mind at least a time or two. Or ten. I decided to refrain from asking him how many other opportunities like that had presented themselves to him, and instead focused on the design. So how does that fit in with the bet? Well, after lots of moping around and a couple of beers I finally told the guys, and they of course found the story hilarious. I tried to retain some dignity by claiming that I really, really loved the girl, and that it wasn't just a horny one-night stand that kind of prolonged itself. Em then told me he didn't buy my shit, and that I wouldnt last a week before being on the rebound. And? I was stupid enough to forget about the party his fraternity held that weekend, and of course he sent a whole squad of girls after me. What can I say, the first four weakened my defenses, the fifth scored, and my ass was game. I shook my head, grinning, as I went on. Four, huh? I bet that was not an easy feat. If you were a guy and your masculinity was at stake, would you just chase after the first skirt that came your way? I was just about to answer, grinning deviously, as he added, And no stupid jokes about guys and their limits, I do have standards, you know? I wisely kept my trap shut then, and instead wiped off some excess ink.

Need a break? I offered as I set down the gun and admired the partial outline I had already completed. No, I'm good, he replied, and after making sure he really looked sincere I went on. Time flew by, way too fast for my liking, and before long I had awakened the whole panther to pitch black life. During the entire time we kept up the banter, but didn't really get serious. I told him about how I came to work here after flunking out of college. He told me how he was about to finish his Masters in Computer Science. I joked about the picture I had seen online about some guy getting the Pacman screen tattooed all over his ass, and Edward actually looked intrigued. He confessed to being a real geek then, but Emmett kept him safely grounded in the real world. We both agreed on Shirley Manson having one of the sexiest voices ever, and I was pleased to find out that at least our tastes in music matched perfectly. Too pleased, in fact, and that made me all the more grumpy when the design was finished. I couldn't say why, but not a single word he had said had bored me and that was quite a feat, seeing as he had spent the whole shading of the Celtic knots around the left rear paw trying to make me see why Facebook really was the work of the devil himself. Maybe it was because nothing that could have come from those luscious lips of his could have bored me. Maybe it had just been a damn long time since I had hit on a guy who wasn't just looks, but also sharp wits to back them up. I spent a ridiculous amount of time talking him through all the aftercare procedures again before I wrapped his arm up and finally let him get off my chair. It felt sacrilegious to have the vivid wild cat covered in gauze and hidden under the shirt again, but maybe I was a little biased because I also had to let Edward go. Stalling a little I led him up to the counter, where Emmett had miraculously disappeared just seconds before we got there. You know if anything feels weird about the tat or something, just come in and let me check on it, I offered as I handed him the

change. I briefly thought about giving him one of our business cards and scrawling my cell number onto the back like the neediest twat ever, but realized if Em got wind of that move he would never let me see the end of it. Edward grinned and nodded. Sure will do. If something is weird, I mean, he added, a little too hastily, and my traitorous heart of course skipped a beat. We stared at each other then, both a little nervous. Uhm, thank you, the panther looks really great, he offered, then turned to go. You're welcome! I replied, feeling utterly stupid that my mind wouldn't come up with anything a little less generic. Sounding like a moron is always a huge turn on with the gents. Edward smirked for a moment, then walked up to the door, but before he could open it he turned around and fixed me with his intent green eyes again while raking his fingers through his hair, tugging on it. This might sound strange, but wanna grab a coffee? Be still, my fucktarded heart! I was just about to agree with the goofiest smile I could muster, but at the last moment remembered Marcy. Sorry, I still have a client tonight. Really huge piece, I'll be stuck here for hours. Oh, was all he said, his eyes cast down onto the floor. I really felt like kicking myself, hard, the urge only getting worse as he opened the door. But, you know, we could maybe grab a beer tomorrow night? Rosalie's band has a gig at some dive downtown, and we could meet there? Theyre actually pretty good, and we can always go somewhere else once the mandatory fangirling is done?

I was rambling, but thankfully he smiled as he got his phone out. We exchanged numbers, and I told him the exact address of the club. The numbers were for precaution only, of course. Not that I could have launched a happy dance or something. Suffice it to say, I was kind of distracted for the rest of the day. It wasn't too bad though. Working on Marcy's design didn't require me to be coherent, just concentrated, and that at least went well. She didn't mind my silence while she filled me in on her latest gossip, more intent on telling the tale than me listening to it anyway. The next day passed agonizingly slow, but I was strangely ecstatic. At least until nine in the evening, when I perused my wardrobe and couldnt find a single outfit to wear. Normally I didn't really fret over my clothes; in the shop I uniformly worked in jeans and dark t-shirts, while outside of that I dressed in as revealing stuff as possible. I didn't get my thighs and back all inked to hide them, after all. I knew my fretting was stupid. Heck, I didn't even know if Edward was interested in me, or if this was a date or not. Sure, he had asked me out for coffee, which was the universal way of telling someone you wanted to get to know them better, but there was no way of knowing what he expected of me. On a normal night I would have gone with a back free top and a short, tight skirt, letting the world gaze upon the awesomeness that was my ink. I knew my back was fucking gorgeous, no sense in denying it. But with Edward I didn't know whether he would be intimidated if he were confronted with it all in such an obvious way, or not. He had only seen the Sanskrit symbols at the inside of my left arm, and while not exactly self-conscious about the rest of my tattoos, the thought of letting him explore my body and find them, one after the other, was strangely exhilarating. In the end I settled on a pair of very low rise jeans, and a white blouse to cover the top. Not knowing where things might lead with Edward, I decided to go with the more revealing outfit underneath anyway. Sheepishly looking in the mirror I saw that I looked more conservative than I had in ages, but at least my eye make-up was

dark, and my lips a deep red. I was a little early, so I actually got a seat at the bar. Rose and the rest of the band were getting ready, so I made sure not to stray anywhere near them, lest someone recruit me for a sound check or something. Instead I enjoyed two shots of tequila, and chatted a little with Alice and Jasper. Jas was still pretty beat up over having to step back and letting someone else take over the bass guitar in the band, but finally getting a real job had its drawbacks. Hey Bella, whatcha up to tonight? Emmett greeted me, as he gathered me into a veritable bear hug. I screeched and did my best to evade his affection, but as usual resistance was futile. Getting crushed by you, what else? Why ya asking? I shot back once I found myself safely in my seat again. I don't know, but some birdie must have chirped something about a date to me? he teased, his brown eyes twinkling. I had just enough time to let out a groan before Alice was all over me, hugging and laughing, and generally being a pain in the ass. Oh Bella, that's so wonderful, finally you're loosening up and seeing someone again! Jasper thankfully saved me from her affection, but that didn't mean that Alice was done with me yet. Whoa, a date, I really thought that day would never come! I sent Em a scathing glare which he just ignored, before I turned back to Alice. It's not a date, which I would have told you if you hadn't been so ready to smother me. Im just meeting some friend of Emmett's here, that's all. Sure, that's why you're all dressed up and stuff! You can lie to yourself, but not to me! Alice sang, before she dragged Jas away, singing something that sounded awfully like Someone's gonna get

laid tonight! under her breath. I turned back to Emmett to give him the shit he deserved, but just then Rose jumped into his lap, her usual pre-concert vibes riding high. Sorry, Bella, but I need to kidnap my Monkey Man here for some sweet, hot lovin' for a minute! And off they went, leaving me alone. I stared at my empty shot glass and signaled Tanya for a refill. Friend that she was, she made it a double, on the house. I thanked her with a grin as I chucked the liquid gold down. I'd repay her with her next tat update. Bitch kept a friggin' tab of her lays on her back every new guy got her a new star. Tanya, being the succubus she was, would soon have the whole Milky Way across her spine. The band was late as usual, seeing as Rosalie's one minute took a little longer, but tonight just sitting there, waiting, was driving me insane. Edward and I had agreed to meet at ten, which should have brought him here twenty fucking minutes ago. Of course he could have been late, but he had seemed like the guy who would have called. Checking my cell just made me feel like a freaking stalker, so I stopped, and instead got two more shots. One thing I hated even more than stupid, generic tats was getting stood up by a guy without notice. Not that it really surprised me. Geek Boy probably chickened out once he mentioned to Emmett that he and I had agreed to meet here. Because he must have tattled on me, as Em knew about it. I could just picture Edward losing his will to hook up with me after Em held the 'vapid bitch from hell' speech. And really, it was probably for the best. Edward might have been a bit of a naughty boy in college, but then being around Emmett made you get into stupid situations. If not for the damn feeling of desperation at the thought of him not getting to lick salt off my hip for a body shot, I might have just been glad for Geek Boy. Em was suddenly in the chair next to me, having the audacity to

arrange the seat of his kilt, and the fact that I for once didn't feel like teasing him about his outfit nor their pre-gig bang, made me realize how fucked up I already was, and not just because of what felt like half a bottle. For some reason that guy had really gotten under my skin, like no one else before. Hey Bells, what's with the funk? Em hollered, leaning closer to me. I scowled and shook my head, telling him mutely that I had no intention of sharing. Oh, I forgot to tell you before, but my Rosie kinda distracted me. Edward sends his regards, his phrasing, not mine. He's sorry that he's running late, and he asked me to ask you if you maybe wanted to hook up after the show? My head shot up, and I must have looked rather scary as Em blanched even in the low light. Sheesh, Bells, what's wrong? What's wrong? Emmett, you let me sit her for twenty-five fucking minutes, getting wasted because I was sure you'd scared my prospective boy toy away, and then you tell me that your damn ritual got you distracted from telling me that he was just running late? Em visibly relaxed at my rant, a broad smile spreading on his face. Aw, c'mon, why should I scare him away? He hasn't even seen your cute little angel there. I'm not gonna tell him to run before he got to appreciate my work. I rolled my eyes at him then, absentmindedly rubbing the outside of my thigh. 'Cute little angel', my ass. Neither of the tattoos Em had put on me was cute, or little, but I certainly wouldn't mind for Edward to explore them both. So you didn't tell him what a nice, helpful gal I am? Oh, I told him plenty 'bout you! But don't worry, there's more than meets the eye with Edward. He's not gonna run because of that teensy amount of ink on your bod.

I didn't question that, but still kept my scowl in place, for good measure. Emmett loved to tease me, and sometimes I made it too easy for him. The other reason why I didn't reply was the light getting killed everywhere but at the bar, signaling the start of the gig. Seconds later, illumined by a single spot, Rose was on, her sultry voice echoing through the room, carrying above the low strums of the guitar. As always, she rocked the stage from the first moment on. Make up and hair fixed like a forties pinup girl, she wore a screaming red, sleeveless Asian style dress that barely contained her curves and hit her legs mid-thigh, with black combat boots up to her knees. Dressed like that, she could make even the straightest gal rethink her conviction. The lights came on as Rose pitched her voice from a low sing-song to full-out vocals, the rest of the band picking up the song. As always that was the moment when Emmett and I jumped up and cheered, doing our stupid fan dance. And just in the middle of the inane routine my eyes fell on their new bass player, making me nearly end up on the floor as I literally lost my balance. More than meets the eye, my ass! I probably should have expected something like that, considering how all the bits and pieces fit together in retrospect. Em had no 'normal' friends, at least none he would send to me for an intricate yet still simple design like a panther. It also wasn't like Em to forget to relay a message of someone he had evidently pushed at me to hook up with, even in the face of Rose being all over him. And last but not least, Alice might be an exuberant pixie sometimes, but she usually never teased me about guys like that, except they fell smack in the middle of my prime danger zone musicians with tattoos who weren't total crack heads. I didn't even feel betrayed by their evident plot, because for the next three minutes and forty-two seconds my mind was completely taken up by just staring at him. His delectable hair. The way his fingers kept strumming over the guitar strings, way too close to the crotch of his pants that I could

avert my gaze. His tight, black Sevendust shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his shoulders, revealing the bulge of his biceps. Both of them. Both covered with ink. The thought that he shouldn't have uncovered his panther yet flitted across my mind, but I was way too absorbed with staring at his left arm, where a black-and-blue tribal arched from the inside of his elbow up to his shoulder, the ends trailing towards his back and throat alike. And somehow I got the notion that the tribal was not the only other tat he had been hiding from me yesterday. Fuck. Me. Now, and hard, and I don't even care if it's on stage with all these people watching! My bout of insanity passed before I could enact any details of that plan, and thankfully once the second song came on I was a little more myself. Then my mood changed, and while still horny as hell I was suddenly angry. That deceiving bastard! Let me ramble on for hours about aftercare, and worry that I put him through too much, and he runs around with a piece that is at least thrice as much work, and probably hurt a lot more at the elbow. While I really wanted to lay in to him, I realized that being a bitch about him deceiving me was not going to help me achieve my new goal in lifeto get up close and very personal with that tribal. Then again, I had other weapons I might as well resort to as a means of getting there. By the time I had my blouse off and turned to Tanya she had, of course, spotted the tasty new morsel, too. With everyone else in the band hooked up, and Alice's standing threat to cut her should she ever lay her eyes on Jasper again, Tanya had been pretty decent around all of us for the time being. As I handed her my blouse for safekeeping, she barely averted her eyes from the stage, which fucking annoyed me.

Don't get your hopes up, chica, that one's off-limits, I told her, already turning towards the stage again. Says who? Tanya replied in a sexy drawl, licking her lips. I suddenly understood Alice's need for physical violence when it came to the strawberry blond woman. Says me, I shot back, hoping that would be enough. Why, put your mark on him? she jeered back, unimpressed. Frowning, I opened my mouth to tell her to just shut the fuck up, but her words made me change my mind. Actually, yeah. See the panther on his right arm? That's mine. It was a little disconcerting how territorial I felt, as possessiveness wasn't really my strong suit, but I couldn't even let her get her hopes up. For her he would just be a quick fuck, one in a string of many. But for me well, that entirely depended on whether the kid knew how to use that godlike bod of his, but by the way he moved those long fingers over the guitar strings I couldn't really see how he could not know how to use them cunningly elsewhere. Tanya finally got the message, and with a shrug took my garment to stow it with my purse behind the bar. That obstacle dealt with I made my way through the crowds, until I reached the stage. Carefully steering clear of the three kids who thought they knew what a mosh pit should be, I got my first real good look at my object of desire. Oh, he was just gorgeous, sweat already plastering his shirt to his body, and making his hair stick up in all directions. His playing was nearly as good as Jasper's, and considering that he had only just joined the band, that was fucking amazing. It was damn hard not to stare at his fingers or the way his whole body moved with the beat. Just then he looked up and into the crowd, his eyes finding mine as if he had known I was standing there. For the tiniest moment he seemed startled, but then the sexiest smirk came to those sinful lips, and the intensity of his gaze sent my heart into overdrive.

I stumbled as some guy accidentally bumped into me, but that at least cleared the daze from my mind. Stepping a little further towards a group of girls who all cheered at Mike on the drums, I turned my attention back to Edward, as my body started swaying to the beat. Thankfully, (for any tools in the crowd, or their crown jewels, more specifically) no one tried any more body checks on me while I was busy eye fucking Edward for the next ten songs. He sure knew how to give back as good as he received, and by the time the band stopped for a last announcement before the final song, I was wet with more than just sweat. Rosalie's voice shouting into the crowd finally tore my attention from Edward and I cheered with the rest. You've all been a fuckawesome audience, we of Forks High wanna thank you! More cheering went up, but mine cut off as she directed her typical mean smile at me. And I see our number one groupie is working the crowds again! Must be a special evening! I knew what was coming, but even shaking my head in denial couldn't save me now. I still glared at her as she pointed straight at me, one of the spot lights following her. Keeping from cringing I waved up at her, then showed her the finger, but of course she just laughed. Get it on one more time, boys! Rose shouted in return, and Mike laid into the drums. Garrett rolled his eyes as he found himself again forced to play the same chords over and over for the next four minutes. Edward just laughed. I can't help myself, I'm addicted to a life of material!It's some kind of joke, I'm obsessively opposed to the typical As Rose started to drawl out the lyrics I couldn't keep still any longer, and throwing my hands in the air started to dance rather

exaggeratedly. It had been a joke when I suggested to her that they should just do a cover version, seeing as the lyrics were stuck in my brain for days, but Rose had taken a serious liking to it. I had to admit that they did a really great job, and consequently took up my duty to dance to it every time. Which I now did, only this time to my special audience of one. Edward sure had gotten more than an eye full of my tits tonight, but I was pretty sure that I hadn't given him a glance of my back yet. A quick look at him proved that his eyes were still glued to my body, so when Rose reached the chorus for the first time I pivoted around so that I was facing the crowd, but kept on dancing. I was nervous for a second, wondering how, if at all, he would react. I couldn't hold back any longer so I looked over my shoulder, a suggestive smile on my face. And oh, he was definitely interested, the way he lost his beat for a moment and kept staring at the waves crashing all over my skin. And we have a winner! I turned around as Rose continued through the song, now singing her own, different lyrics. Garrett kept nodding his chin between me and her, and after a few seconds I relented. He let go of his guitar for a moment to offer me a hand, drawing me up onto the stage. I shrieked a bit as he hurled me towards Rose, who promptly tugged me into her side, and handed me the second mic. I certainly couldn't match her kickass voice, but grinding myself against her while providing some aberrant background vocals was pure hilarity. Doing it a few feet from Edward away made me so hot that it was a miracle I didn't combust instantly. Rose was launching the last round of chorus repeats when I decided that I needed a breather, and pressing the mic back into her hand I jumped off the stage and right into the crowd, shouting out my exhilaration. Emmett got me safely onto the ground again, grinning like the huge fool he was. I swatted at him playfully until he let go of me, sending me staggering towards the bathrooms.

Quickly splashing cold water onto my face I stared at my reflection for a moment, seeing my eyes wide and hungry. I felt myself sober up a little, but not enough to abandon my plan. Five minutes later I was sitting backstage, watching from the side as the band gave their second reprise. I nearly laughed out loud as I watched Edward scan the crowd repeatedly, apparently on the lookout, but coming up blank. Cheers erupted as they finished, and I checked the seat of my top as I crossed my legs. The band came spilling backstage then, all but Edward not too surprised to find me sitting there. I did my fangirling routine, but really looked at him the whole time, hoping to convey the message. While Garrett and Mike already started rolling up the cables he stopped in front of me, his eyes roaming over my body with raw intensity in his gaze. Number one groupie, huh? he asked, his eyes still not done undressing me. Officially, yes. Rose even got me some panties spelling it all over the front for my last birthday. His eyes widened a little. Wearing them right now? I just smirked back at him. Wouldn't you like to know? Sadly, our banter was rudely interrupted when Edward was ordered to help with getting the band's equipment into their van. Rose used the moment to hug me, and whisper a teasing, Don't do anything I haven't done, repeatedly, on those amps, to me, before she left. Edward came back a few very long minutes later. He was still staring at me intently as he closed the distance between us, but there was a slight tension in his shoulders that hadn't been there before. I changed my smile from seductive to nice for a moment, and got a goofy grin in return. Oh look, Geek Boy is still inside there, somewhere.

Maybe that should have been just adorable, but somehow it was a huge, freaking turn on for me. I leaned back against the wall, and grabbed the water bottle I had kept behind the amp case I was sitting on. Need a drink? He grinned and took the bottle, but instead of opening it right away, he grabbed the back of his shirt, and took it off with one powerful motion. And as if that weren't enough to kill me dead, he then upended the bottle over his head, water cascading down over his perfect body. My eyes latched onto his rippling six-pack and the delicious V at his hips that lead to the Promised Land, but only until I saw the third tattoo he had been hiding from me before. See something you like? he asked in a low voice. I looked up his body to his face again, catching and holding his gaze. Maybe, I offered, my voice a little breathy. He took a few steps towards me and I came to my feet, not wanting him to tower over me like that. He still had to lean down to bring our faces at eye level, but at least he wasn't hulking. I just couldn't hold back anymore as I felt him so close, and reached out towards his chest, running my fingers over the amazingly life-like claw marks over his pecs. His skin was warm under the cool droplets of water, but he shuddered at my touch. The next things I knew, his lips were moving against mine, making me forget about ink and cute smiles and great guitar skills. He didn't touch me anywhere else, in fact my palm and mouth where the only two points of contact, but it still felt as if there was an instant connection between us. I moaned as his tongue slid between my lips, hungrily exploring my mouth. There was a desperation and need to his kiss that mirrored what I felt inside, and when we parted, I nearly felt hollow. At least until he suddenly grabbed my hips and pulled me against his very prominent hard-on.

Happy to see me? He gave me a crooked grin for that, then echoed my previous words. Maybe. I puckered my lips into a pout and gazed up at Edward through my lashes. His smile faltered a little, as his eyes filled with hunger. What kind of tattoo artist are you anyway? I mean I knew about the inside of your arm, and your back was damn hard to miss tonight, but I just can't believe that's all the ink you carry. Oh, maybe you just haven't looked thoroughly enough? I hedged, then caught my lower lip between my teeth in what I hoped was still an innocent gesture. The way his eyes remained fixed on my mouth I doubted it, but at least it had some effect. I think I might just do that now, he answered, before his gaze turned to my cleavage. I held my breath as his lips briefly ghosted along my jaw, but instead of going for a kiss, he dropped to his knees, now eye level with the smooth expanse of my bare stomach below the end of my skimpy top. I saw him stare at the vibrant orange of the leaves trailing from below my top to the waistband of my jeans, and clearly farther below. His fingers were shaking slightly as he undid the buckle of my belt, then worked the buttons open. My own breath hitched as he dragged my jeans down to my thighs slowly, revealing another few inches of marked skin, and my black lace thong. Not even wearing your official attire? he mocked, briefly looking up at my face. I shrugged. I can always ditch the lingerie, if it offends you. The cutest hue of pink came to his cheeks, but before I could offer any comment on it he suddenly caught the fabric of my underwear between his teeth and dragged it down my legs, until it pooled

together with the jeans at my ankles. I think we both held our breaths then, staring at the lowest part of the trail of leaves, which ended just above my pussy lips. He was the first to exhale, his hot breath on my pubic mound, making me shiver. It clearly took him a lot of resolution to tear his eyes away, but true to the mission I had set for him, he turned his head to study my thighs. Another minute passed as he took in the colorful image on my right leg, Emmett's angel. Well, it was an angel, even though inked in vibrant blue and purple, naked with an apple in her hand, and a snake coiled around her middle and arm. His fingers touched the feathered wings nearly reverently, before he trailed them down my leg, helping me step out of my discarded jeans. He stopped again to look at the grinning fighting fish that swam around my left ankle, then traced the tribal dragon that wound around my whole leg in a slow spiral from my knee back up to my hip. I felt a moan come over my lips as his mouth trailed kisses up the orange leaves the other direction, to my hip, where he stopped for a moment to lick and nibble softly, then on over my ribs to where the cloth of my top still hid the rest of the design. Edward slowly came to his feet, his hands straying from my hips to my back, finding the draw strings and quickly opening them. Beautiful, he whispered as the fabric fell away, letting him gaze upon the last three leaves that ended at the underside of my breast, hugging my tit. His fingers drifted on, and he let his thumbs brush over my pierced nipples nearly in passing. I moaned at the sensation as he leaned in and slowly licked over where his thumb had just been, his tongue teasing the small barbell. His eyes were dark with lust as his mouth moved away from my body, and I smiled at him knowingly. My turn now. Edward didn't protest as I turned us around until his back hit the

wall. I had every intention of repaying the rapt attention he had given the scrutiny of my tats, but I just couldn't tear my eyes off the claw marks on his chest. Whoever had inked him was a true genius, and it was only natural that I needed to take a closer look. Professional interest, of course. He groaned as my tongue ran over each of the four marks, only straying for a quick moment to tease his nipple in turn. At that his hips surged forward, and something else caught my eye. Kissing my way slowly down his chiseled abs to his hip I pulled his jeans down, revealing a line of script just below his right hip bone. It read, In omnia paratus, and he translated for me before I could even ask. Ready for anything. I cocked a brow at that, then leaned in and bit down over the middle word, further sucking and nibbling on it. I heard his breath hitch, and after a last kiss, dove for his zipper. Only to realize that Emmett might not just have meant Edward's tats when he stated that there was more to him than met the eye. And I didn't even mean his cock, which was of course huge and marvelous and worthy of my sincerest worship but in fact what graced the underside of said object of my admiration. Speed bumps? Why, you opposed to a frenum ladder? he asked, grinning cockily. Not at all, I replied, and extended my tongue to run it over the five straight barbell piercings adorning his dick, ending with a quick swirl over his head. He let out the most wanton moan, and his cock twitched lightly. I would have loved teasing him, and he certainly deserved it for how he had leaded me on, but I simply couldn't. The claw marks had worn my resistance down, but seeing his pierced cock just made me believe in fate for the moment. Edward shuddered as I dragged my tongue over his shaft again, this

time paying attention that my tongue stud moved over the ladder. His continuous moan spurred me on, making me place a row of openmouthed kisses over the barbells, my lips and tongue nudging the balls and sucking on them lightly. When I took his head into my mouth I could taste the salty precum already, so I hurried to take him deeper into my mouth. The sensation of the ridges his piercings created was wonderful, but the way he kept balling his hands into fists at his sides told me that he was really fighting not to fully thrust himself into my mouth. I sucked some more, but let his cock pop out of my mouth, returning to licking over his ladder instead. The way he gazed down at me made me feel even more empowered than giving head normally did, those startling green eyes dark and hooded, his lips moist as his tongue kept darting over them languidly. I think I would have felt like being in heaven to spend the rest of my life on my knees in front of him like that, but seriously, I was way too horny not to be a little more egoistic. Grinning evilly I came to my feet again, letting my fingers dance over his thighs and up to his hips. As I leaned into him his lips searched for mine, but I kept evading him, just letting our mouths brush against one another, then moving away quickly. He was soon growling in frustration, and before I knew what was happening I suddenly found myself facing the empty wall, with Edward behind me. I gasped as his fingers found my clit, scooping up a little moisture from my folks before circling it slowly. My palms met the wall and my fingers looked for purchase on the tough bricks, and I cried out low under my breath as his thumb took over, while two of his long, strong fingers slid into me. Before long he had a third finger join the others, and I panted and grinded against his hand. I felt him speed up his ministrations as he grabbed my hand, intertwined our fingers and roughly pressed them into the wall to support our writhing bodies. just as he laid his other hand atop mine, intertwining our fingers. I was hyper aware of his body close to mine as he leaned into me, his lips planting a few hot,

wet kisses on my shoulder before he whispered into my ear. I couldn't take my eyes off you the whole fucking night! Do you even know how many damn mistakes I made, just because of your delicious vixen body moving in front of me like that? I closed my eyes as his breath against my neck made me shiver, but somehow still managed to groan out an answer. You were great! That made him laugh, the sound making my whole body ache with need. I was a far stretch from that, and I blame you for it. I even think you did that on purpose, trying to drive me insane with your lithe movements and siren song. I think I have to punish you for that. Threats had never been more inviting. Playing along I pretended to gasp in fear, but it just sounded terribly needy. And how do you intend to punish me? His laughter was just a husky breath against the nape of my neck before he stepped away, removing his hand altogether from my body. I'm going to fuck you, here, against this wall, where anyone can just walk in and see us. My knees were too shaky to even try to move away, but I certainly didn't feel the need to. As I looked back over my shoulder at Edward I saw him roll on a condom. He palmed himself and stroked his hand up and down his cock a few times, making me whimper as my eyes followed the movement of his fingers, mesmerized. Smirking at me he stepped between my spread legs, and another moan tore itself from my throat as he stroked his cock up and down between my folds, teasing me relentlessly. But instead of protesting, or crying for him to just fuck me, I arched my back and pushed my hips at him, making his next upward stroke brush against my clit.

He then had mercy on me and positioned the head of his dick at my entrance, only stopping for a moment to tease me with another swirl of his hips, before he pushed into me. We both cried out, never caring for who might indeed hear us. His previous restraint obviously took its toll on him, as he quickly abandoned that notion. His hands wrapped around my hips as he started to move inside me, setting a slow yet deep rhythm. My fingers dug into the wall as I felt my eyes roll into the back of my head, bliss spreading throughout my body. Small cries and pants came over my lips with each of his thrusts, the sensation of his cock moving inside of me pleasantly enhanced by the ridges the frenum piercings created. The moment his hands moved from my waist up my sides I pushed my hips further back at him, making him go a little deeper into me. God, you're so beautiful, I heard him murmur, as his fingers skimmed over the crashing waves and swept away lotus flowers all over my back. My skin seemed to come alive under his touch, hot and wonderful. The sensation intensified when he leaned into me again, his chest now pressed into my back as his hands regained their hold on my hips, as he drove into me faster. Fuck! was all I was able to pant out as nimble fingers reclaimed my clit as hot lips pressed against my shoulder. He played my body like an instrument, and moments later, I came undone. Edward didn't still, but increased his speed as I shuddered in the throes of my climax, grinding myself against him. A low growl later and I felt his teeth sink into my neck, his own release crashing over him. We stood like that, close together and haphazardly panting, for a while, the world around insignificant. The first thing I really noticed once I became aware of my surroundings was his lips fluttering over my neck as he slowly kissed me. I turned in his arms and looked up into his face. His eyes wouldn't leave mine, and there was something in there that I didn't understand,

but words seemed too trivial right now. We kissed again, this time savoring the moment, our tongues entwining in a slow dance. Minutes passed, and as my body cooled down I started to shiver. Skimming my fingers over the intricate tribal design on his arm, I felt goose bumps rise in my path, making me smile against his lips. As much as I hate to say this, I think we should get dressed, I whispered into his mouth, earning myself a low groan in turn. Edward's hands tightened around my body for a moment, a silent hug, before he stepped away from me. I was used to such encounters ending with awkward scrambling and forgotten panties, but there was an odd sense of calm as we sorted through the few articles of clothing between us, and donned them again. When Edward ran his hand through his hair, making it stick out even more, I was tempted to just jump him again, but I somehow restrained myself. While still flushed and sweaty from banging me against the wall, once dressed, he looked more like the geek than the sex god I knew him to be; even though knowing what lay underneath the neutral outfit made the scale unbalanced in my mind. How about that coffee now? he teased me, and looked all adorable as he smiled. I rolled my eyes at him, laughing. Are you fucking kidding me? At least let me buy you a beer!

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