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View spraying missions in Vietnam by date and location

View spraying missions in Vietnam by date and location


U.S. troops, Vietnamese nationals exposed to dangerous chemicals

By Jason Grotto, Chris Groskopf, Ryan Mark, Joe Germuska and Brian Boyer | Tribune staff Dec. 4, !!" The map be#o$ can be used to see defo#iant sprayin% missions by &.'. and 'outh (ietnamese forces o)er (ietnam, as $e## as *aos and Cambodia. The missions be%an in summer +",+ and ended more than a decade #ater, in sprin% +"-+. C#ickin% and dra%%in% on the time#ine at the bottom of the map #ets you )ie$ the sprayin% missions as they took p#ace o)er months and years. .ou a#so can /oom in on a particu#ar to$n or area by enterin% its name in the search bo0. 1nce you ha)e found the sprayin% missions you are #ookin% for, you can c#ick on the #ines on the map to %et more detai#s about the missions, such as the number of #e%s, or runs, the number of %a##ons and the type of defo#iant.

Read the Tribune series on 2%ent 1ran%e and its to0ic #e%acy.
Defoliants sprayed during the Vietnam War
Most defo#iants used in the $ar $ere %i)en co#or3coded names4 2%ent 1ran%e, 2%ent B#ue, etc. The amount sprayed $as not reported for a## missions, so the tota# numbers of %a##ons are hi%her than noted be#o$. www.chicagotribune.com/chi-091204-agentorange-map,0,2014263.htmlpage

(For the full map


(For the full map

5#ease note4 *ines rendered on the map represent sprayin% runs, many of $hich are part of mu#ti3run sprayin% missions. The 6uantity of herbicide #isted in the map descriptions are per mission. *ine $idth on the map is not an indicator of spray distribution. 7erbicide 6uantity is not a)ai#ab#e for some missions.

This interacti)e map is based on the 7erbicide 80posure 2ssessment3(ietnam database de)e#oped by Jeanne 'te##man, professor emeritus at Co#umbia &ni)ersity9s schoo# of pub#ic hea#th, and Co#umbia epidemio#o%y professor 'te)en 'te##man. They c#eaned data from a +"-4 :ationa# 2cademy of 'ciences database and supp#emented the records $ith documents from the :ationa# 2rchi)es. The database is considered the most comprehensi)e a)ai#ab#e on sprayin% missions. The effort $as funded by a contract from the :ationa# 2cademy of 'ciences to bui#d an e0posure mode# that cou#d be used to assess the defo#iants9 hea#th impact on &.'. )eterans $ho ser)ed in (ietnam. The mode# has been e)a#uated t$ice by the ;nstitute of Medicine, $hich recommended that the &.'. Department of (eterans 2ffairs use it to e)a#uate the chemica#s9 hea#th impact. The (2 has been testin% the e0posure mode# since !!<.

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