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Liquid-Liquid Extraction

Some Legacies of Java Island

Antique Extraction Products


Extraction Products in Modern Life

Kananga Flower

Olive Oil

Extraction !efinition
Liquid"liquid extraction #solvent extraction$ a liquid feed of two or more components is contacted with a second liquid phase, called the solvent, which is immiscible or only partly miscible with one or more feed components and completely or partially miscible with one or more of the other feed components. Thus, the solvent partially dissolves certain species of the liquid feed, effectin at least a partial separation of the feed components !olven boleh "adi murni ataupun campuran. #iasanya "i$a umpan %feed& adalah senyawa or ani$, ma$a solvennya adalah air dan sebali$nya bila umpannya larutan air, ma$a solvennya adalah senyawa or ani$ $ecuali ada pertimban an tertentu misalnya adanya incompatibility dll.


Acetic acid is %roduced &' met(anol car&on'lation or oxidation of acetalde('de) or as a &'%roduct of cellulose* acetate manufacture+ In all cases) a mixture of acetic acid #n+ &+%+,,-+, .$ and water #n+ &+%+ ,// .$ is se%arated to give glacial acetic acid #00+- wt1 min+$+ 2(en t(e mixture contains less t(an 3/1 acetic acid) se%aration &' distillation is ex%ensive+

'ef. !eader d$$. %2011&

Some Industrial Extractions


Extraction is %referred over distillation for

1.)issolved or comple*ed inor anic substances in or anic or aqueous solutions. 2.'emoval of a contaminant present in small concentrations, such as a color former in tallow or hormones in animal oil. 3.+ hi h,boilin component present in relatively small quantities in an aqueous waste stream, as in the recovery of acetic acid from cellulose acetate. (.'ecovery of heat,sensitive materials, where e*traction may be less e*pensive than vacuum distillation. -.!eparation of mi*tures accordin to chemical type rather than relative volatility. ..!eparation of close,meltin or close,boilin liquids, where solubility differences can be e*ploited. /.!eparation of mi*tures that form a0eotropes

Extraction Equi%ment Mixer-Settlers

Princi%les t(e two liquid %(ases are first mixed in a vessel &' one of several t'%es of im%ellers or im%ingement and t(en se%arated &' gravit'-induced settling+

4ori5ontal gravit'-settling vessel .om%artmented mixing vessel wit( tur&ine agitators+


Extraction Equi%ment S%ra' .olumns

%a& li ht liquid dispersed, heavy liquid continuous1 %b& heavy liquid dispersed, li ht liquid continuous.

'ef. !eader d$$. %2011&


2late Towers


S6ema Lang6a( Pencam%uran !an Pemisa(an Pada E6stra6si Solven

.olumns wit( Mec(anicall' Assisted Agitation


.olumns wit( Mec(anicall' Assisted Agitation



Solvent Selection
7(e 6e' to an effective extraction %rocess is a suita&le solvent Ideal solvents %osses c(aracteristics
1.5i h selectivity for the solute relative to the carrier to minimi0e the need to recover carrier from the solvent 2.5i h capacity for dissolvin the solute to minimi0e solvent, to,feed ratio 3. 6inimal solubility in the carrier (. + volatility sufficiently different from the solute that recovery of the solvent can be achieved by distillation, but not so hi h that a hi h e*tractor pressure is needed, or so low that a hi h temperature is needed if the solvent is recovered by distillation

Ideal solvent #cont8d$

-.!tability to ma*imi0e the solvent life and minimi0e the solvent ma$eup requirement ..7nertness to permit use of common materials of construction /.8ow viscosity to promote phase separation, minimi0e pressure drop, and provide a hi h,solute mass,transfer rate 3.9onto*ic and nonflammable characteristics to facilitate its safe use 4.+vailability at a relatively low cost 10.6oderate interfacial tension to balance the ease of dispersion and the promotion of phase separation 11.8ar e difference in density relative to the carrier to achieve a hi h capacity in the e*tractor



Ideal solvent #cont8d$

12.:ompatibility with the solute and carrier to avoid contamination 13.8ac$ of tendency to form a stable ra or scum layer at the phase interface 1(.)esirable wettin characteristics with respect to e*tractor internals

Solute !istri&ution
8et; + < !olute : < :arrier ! , !olvent )istribution of solute %+& between solvent = carrier;
7 ; raffinate phase %rich in :& 77; e*tract phase %rich in !&

!imilarly for carrier and solvent

7i is activity coefficient of component 7 in raffinate



Selectivit' of Solvent to Solute 9elative to .arrier

>or hi h selectivity, +: should be hi h, so at equilibrium there is a hi h concentration 0f + and a low concentration of : in the solvent. )esirable interaction between solvent %!& and solute %+& is that lowerin the activity coefficient %ne ative& >or hi h solvent capacity, %?+&) should be hi h

Solute-Solvent Interaction

.(ose solvent t(at lower activit' coefficient #negative interaction$



.onto( a$an dipun ut aseton dari air. 'e$omendasi$anlah solvent yan tepat @awab; dari tabel terlihat bahwa aseton termasu$ olon an $eton. 6a$a masu$ roup 3. )ari $olom yan ada yan memili$i intera$si ne ativ den an roup 3 adalah roup 1 dan roup .. 2ilihan selan"utnya mempertimban $an har a, fa$tor $eselamatan dan lin $un an dll

!is6usi :rou%
+$an dipun ut ethylene lycole dari larutan dalam air den an proses e$stra$si. 'e$omendasi$anlah solvent yan sesuai



7E9;A9< LI=>I!*LI=>I! S<S7EMS

P(ase s%litting of ternar' mixtures #a$ com%onents A and . mutuall' insolu&le? #&$ com%onents A and . %artiall' solu&le+

.ase I Mutuall' non-solu&le solvent and .arrier 8et; + A rate of carrier +

! A flow rate of solvent :

B#A ratio of mass or moles of solute # to mass or moles of the other component in the feed >, raffinate %'& or e*tract %C& The solute material balance;

Dhere ?E)# A the distribution or partition coefficient in terms of mass or mole ratios %instead of mass or mole fractions&.



#ila didefinisi$an e$straction factor untu$ solute # adalah %C#&

8ar e e*traction factors result from lar e distribution coefficients or lar e ratios of solvent to carrier.

The fraction of # not e*tracted

Thus, the lar er the e*traction factor, the smaller the fraction of # not e*tracted or the lar er the fraction of # e*tracted. +lternatively, the fraction of # e*tracted is 1 minus previous equation or C#/%1FC#&



6ass %mole& ratios ,B, are related to mass %mole& fractions, *, by

Dhen values of *i are small, ?E) approaches ?).

'ef. 2erryEs 5andboo$





'ef.; 2erryEs 5andboo$

Liquid-liquid Extraction of Partiall' Misci&le Liquids

7ernar' !iagram

'eference; @. ). !eader, C. @. 5enley, and ). ?. 'oper, 2011, G!eparation 2rocess 2rinciples; :hemical and #iochemical OperationsH, 3rd Cdition, @ohn Diley = !ons. #aca; :hapter 3 plus :hapter (



#oth solvent,solute and carrier,solute solutions are miscible in all proportion

For 7'%e I) t(e solute and solvent are misci&le in all %ro%ortions) w(ile in 7'%e II t(e' are not+



Only feed solutions in the composition ran e from : to > can be separated because, re ardless of how much solvent is added, two liquid phases are not formed in the feed composition ran e of >+ %i.e. , >! does not pass throu h the two,phase re ion&

Figure -+,, Effect of solu&ilit' on range of feed com%osition t(at can &e extracted+

Figure -+,@ Effect of tem%erature on solu&ilit' for t(e s'stem n-(exane 4$"met('lc'clo%entane #M$"aniline #A$+

7'%e II

7ransition 7'%e II into 7'%e I

7'%e I



9e%resentasi Lain 7ernar' S'stem !iagram Segitiga Si6u

Aer&agai Konfigurasi S'stem E6stra6si .air-.air



E6stra6si Stage 7unggal

9eraca massa disusun untu$ mendapat$an persamaan untu$ stage tersebut;





:ontoh ?asus; C$stra$si 1 !ta e

!uatu ben $el radiator mobil memili$i limbah air pendin in yan men andun ethylene lycole %CI& den an $onsentrasi 20 J masa. CI a$an dipun ut den an men una$an pelarut furfural sehin a $onsentrasi tersisa dalam limbah tin al 10 J. Tentu$anlah rasio antara >urfural %murni& dan air limbah untu$ mencapai tar et di atas
+n $a,an $a di atas se$edar untu$ $eperluan ilustrasi %a ar titi$, titi$ mudah dibaca pada dia ram& bu$an an $a yan sebenarnya

> ! C1 '1



'epresentasi e$stra$tor stage tun al dalam dia ram se iti a

@i$a e$stra$si stage tun al dinyata$an dalam dia ram x-y atau X-Y bebas solven



E6stra6si Multi-stage Cross-flow



Sistem E6stra6si Multi Stage Penentuan Jumla( Stage

4unter*;as( met(od

S%ecification F) #xi$F)#'i$S) dan 7 %lus sala( satu set &eri6ut)

Aila di%ili( set B s"d C) %er(itungan meli&at6an trial and error



.onstruction , #Product .om%osition Points$

.onto( 6asus

Mixing Point M
+ndai$an 6 merupa$an pencampuran %mi*in & antara > dan !

Point M can &e %ut on t(e ternar' diagram &ased two of t(e t(ree values of xiM Aisa di&u6ti6an secara geometri &a(wa titi6-titi6 F) M) dan S terleta6 %ada satu garis 'ang sama #Aaca .(a%ter B dari Seader d66+ #@/,,$



Inverse-lever-arm 9ule
> ! 6

9atio S"F is given &' t(e inverse-lever-arm rule as

The hi her !/> the closer point 6 to point !. #eyond 6ma*, there will be no phase separation

2enentuan ?ondisi Terminal yan lain;

%B+&'n is on equilibrium curve. Titi$,titi$ '9, C1 dan 6 %seba ai mi*in point dari C1 dan '9& harus terleta$ pada satu aris yan sama. )en an men ambar aris dari '9 memoton titi$ 6, ma$a dapat diperoleh C1 pada curva setimban di daerah e$stra$



7(e inverse lever-arm rule

5asil 8en $ap ?ondisi Terminal

.onstruction @ #D%erating Point and D%erating Lines$

'eferrin to >i ure 3.13, material balances around roups of sta es from the feed end are;

2 defines a difference point, not a mi*in point, 6. >rom the same eometric considerations that apply to a mi*in point, a difference point also lies on a line throu h the points involved 2 usually lies outside the trian ular dia ram alon an e*trapolation of the line throu h two points such as > and C1, '9 and !, and so on.



:onstruction 3 %Tie 8ines and Cquilibrium 8ines&

The third type of construction involves the tie lines that define the equilibrium curve, which is divided into the two sides %raffinate and e*tract& by the plait point Typically, a dia ram will not contain all tie lines needed1 however, they may be added by centerin them between e*istin tie lines, or by usin either of two interpolation procedures illustrated in >i ure 3.1..



The con"u ate line from the plait point to @ is determined from four tie lines and the plait point. >rom tie line )C, lines )I and C> are drawn parallel to trian le sides :# and +:, respectively. The intersection at point 5 ives a second point on the con"u ate curve. !ubsequent intersections establish additional points from which the con"u ate curve is drawn. Then, usin the curve, additional tie lines are drawn by reversin the procedure.

>i ure 3.1.b is used, where lines are drawn parallel to trian le sides +# and +:.



!teppin Off !ta es Cquilibrium sta es are stepped off by alternate use of tie lines and operatin lines as shown in >i ure 3.1/, where :onstructions 1 and 2 have been employed to locate points >, C, !, '1, and 2.



Penentuan Minimum Solven"Feed 9atio


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