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You Got a Car - Now to drive it! 2.3k

May 01, 2011, 10:10 IST by Shiva Shankar
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Learning driving is one of the most interesting things to do for almost all youngsters. e !an see the enthusiasm they sho" to learn driving a !ar or any vehi!le. #o"ever, there are $lenty of e%am$les of $eo$le getting into an a!!ident "hile learning or during the initial stages of driving a !ar in traffi!. In our &'( se!tion too, "e re!eive many )ueries about driving the !ar. In today*s arti!le, "e "ill !onsider different as$e!ts of driving and !ontrolling a !ar. Control theory (utomobile are des!ribed as self+$ro$elled vehi!les, meaning that it is a me!hanism "hi!h !an move on its o"n. In other "ords, on!e the !ar*s ignition is started, the gears are in engaged !ondition, and it !an go on moving !ontinuously till the fuel is em$ty. ,nly on!e fuel is finished or the vehi!le !omes a!ross an obsta!le "hi!h the for!e of vehi!le !annot over!ome, does the motion sto$. -eedba!k !ontrol theory des!ribes driving as follo". Let us !onsider a $erson driving a !ar "ho !omes a!ross an obsta!le and "ants to sto$ the !ar. The $ro!ess involves the driver seeing the obsta!le through eye and mind $ro!ess and then gauging the distan!e bet"een the !ar and ob.e!t. Instru!tion is then sent to the hands and legs for a!tion. The hands !ontrol the steering and through the leg, brake is $ressed, as "ell as the !lut!h $edal to disengage the drive. Through the a$$li!ation of for!e by legs and !ontrol of steering, the vehi!le is brought to rest "ithin a safe distan!e from the obsta!le. These, !ontrols are left only after ensuring safe distan!e from ob.e!t. In !ase of !ontinued driving, there "ill be !ontinuation of the $ro!ess of the mind sensing distan!e through eyes, instru!ting hands and legs to a!t "ith relevant for!e and hen!e result in !ontrolling of the s$eed and dire!tion of motion of !ar. (s "e !an see, the non+fun!tioning of any one a!t in the feedba!k !ontrol loo$, su!h as seeing or .udging by mind, not a$$lying relevant for!e by legs or malfun!tioning of any !om$onent su!h as steering or brakes, !an result in an a!!ident. This indi!ates the ne!essity of healthy mind and body of driver and good !ondition of the !ar. /learly then, a$art from me!hanisms su!h as engine, transmission, differential, "heels, ele!tri!al !onne!tions et!. "hi!h are ne!essary for the automati! motion of the !ar, the main !om$onents involved as far as !ontrolling the !ar is !on!erned are Steering, 0rake $edal, !lut!h $edal, a!!elerator, gear lever, rear vie" mirrors, and indi!ators. hile this is all of !ourse obvious, it is em$hasi1ed here sin!e many tend to only fo!us on engine and $o"er, but not on the !ar*s !ontrol as$e!ts. Getting Ready to take out the Car The first thing "hen one goes for a drive, is to !he!k the $arking !ondition of the vehi!le i.e. "hether the !ar is $arked on a level road or u$hill or do"nhill road, and "hether any tyre gri$ has been $ut. This is ne!essary as it !an be an obsta!le to over!ome during moving !ar in first gear. (fter getting in, !he!k fuel gauge, indi!ators, mirrors, the gear lever, !lut!h, brake, a!!elerator $edal, ele!tri!als like the indi!ator, head light et!. and remember to fasten the seatbelt. Actual driving ,n!e seated, !he!k the gear lever and ensure that it*s in neutral $osition. In all manual transmissions, the !enter $osition is the neutral and gear lever "ould be movable easily i.e. $lay "ill be there. In !ase of doubt, moving the gear into first gear, then moving to se!ond gear and bringing it ba!k to neutral, "ill give $erfe!t !onfiden!e of neutral $osition. It is to be noted that "hen the engine has not been started, there is no need to $ress !lut!h $edal to !hange gears. In !ase the engine has been, started then !lut!h $edal has to be $ressed to !hange gears. In general, the !lut!h "ill be in engaged !ondition. hen "e $ress !lut!h $edal, the !lut!h is disengaged and hen!e dis!onne!ts the drive from engine to transmission. Then, "e !an !hange to re)uired gear, engage the transmission and move the vehi!le. (fter starting engine, $ress the !lut!h $edal and $ut the !ar into first gear. 2o" leave the !lut!h $edal as smoothly as $ossible. This is the most im$ortant $oint as all learners struggle to leave !lut!h $edal smoothly, but "ith $ra!ti!e one "ill be able to do it easily and smoothly. (s the !lut!h $edal is being left, !lut!h starts engaging and hen!e the !ar starts moving even before !lut!h $edal is left fully. #ere, the driver has to !on!entrate more on looking to the front of the vehi!le rather to !he!k ho" the !lut!h $edal is being left. (lso ensure that the a!!elerator $edal is not $ressed mu!h. 3ust a slight tou!h "ill be enough to $rovide enough a!!eleration. The initial movement is the most im$ortant $hase of driving of the !ar. Most first time drivers tend to leave !lut!h $edal abru$tly and the !ar moves "ith a .erk and gets off. In some other !ases, "hile one !on!entrates on leaving !lut!h $edal smoothly, the driver unkno"ingly $resses the a!!elerator $edal hard and hen!e the !ar moves very fast leading it to go out of !ontrol. This gives rise to tension of the driver and many times ends u$ in a!!ident. This is "hy one should

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al"ays drive !ar in o$en areas as many rounds as re)uired and !ome on to only road after getting reasonable !onfiden!e. ,n!e the !ar starts moving in first gear + say u$ to 208M9# ma% + immediately $ress the !lut!h $edal and $ut to se!ond gear and leave $edal. This is easier as one need not "orry about leaving !lut!h $edal smoothly. #o"ever as !ar is already moving, one must not forget to kee$ing looking ahead "hile $utting the !ar to se!ond gear. 6entle $ressing of a!!eleration $edal is enough for getting re)uired s$eed. ,n!e the s$eed goes to to :0 8M9# again $ress !lut!h $edal and $ut the !ar to third gear. (s a general rule, the !ar !an be driven u$to ;08M9# in third gear and later $ut fourth gear and higher gears as re)uired. Sele!ting gear should be based on the s$eed of !ar and intention to go at higher s$eed or lo"er s$eed. Su$$ose one "ants to slo"do"n the !ar "ithout sto$$ing, then .ust release $ressure on a!!elerator $edal or a$$ly brake slightly, "hile $ressing the !lut!h $edal and moving the gear lever to lo"er $ositions. #ere, many learners doubt "hether "e have to go to lo"er gears in des!ending order. The ans"er is 2,. (s mentioned above, gear sele!tion should be based on s$eed <i.e. =otation 9er Minute of engine, !ommonly referred as =9M of engine>. Su$$ose one is moving at around ?0 to 1008M9# and suddenly finds a road hum$ and "ants to slo" do"n, it "on*t make sense to go in des!ending order of !hanging gears. 9ressing the !lut!h $edal disengages drive and $ressing the brake $edal slo"s do"n !ar and the harder "e brake, the faster the !ar sto$s or slo"s do"n. (s far as

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a$$roa!hing a hum$ is !on!erned, on!e "e $ress the !lut!h $edal the drive is disengaged and a$$lying brakes slo"s do"n the vehi!le to around :0 8M9# and "e !an shift the gear lever to se!ond gear as soon as the !ar !rosses the hum$ and then $ress a!!elerator $edal and move on to higher gears. In short, "henever one "ants to sto$ the !ar )ui!kly, $ressing both !lut!h $edal and brake $edal "ill bring do"n the s$eed of !ar faster and safer. If driving a !ar "ith (utomati! Transmission then there is no need to "orry about !lut!h $edal. 9ressing the desired s"it!h on the gear lever "ill solve the $ur$ose. (ll other $ro!edures are similar to manual transmission version. Driving in reverse direction =eversing the !ar is one of the most diffi!ult stages in driving. 6enerally, the s$eed of the !ar is limited to that of s$eed in first gear "hi!h ensures that the driver "on*t take too many risks. hile reversing, one has to gauge distan!e and obsta!les looking through rearvie" mirrors and !abin mirror. Many $eo$le even turn head to"ards rear "indshield and drive the !ar. This method is easier as one !an easily .udge distan!e better in dire!t vie". 9arking sensors or a !amera fitted to rear bum$ers hel$s a lot for driving in reverse dire!tion. First time driving (ll learners should have a !o+$assenger e%$erien!ed in driving. It is im$ortant as he !an give $ro$er guidan!e on immediate a!tion re)uired "hile driving. (lso, it gives sense of !onfiden!e to the learner a$art from a Mandatory re)uirement as $er =T, rules. Mindset Learning drivers "ill go through a lot of stress "hile driving until they get familiar. #aving a !alm mind is im$ortant and one must listen to the instru!tor or !o+driver*s instru!tions !arefully and )ui!kly follo" the same. /ommon mistakes !ommitted by learners are $ressing the a!!elerator $edal instead of brake $edal, leading to a!!ident. #aving a !alm mind over!omes su!h a!tions. Driving alone Learning driving "ith an instru!tor is )uite an easy task. The real test starts "hen one takes out the !ar alone or "ith a !o+$assenger not familiar "ith driving. #ere, one has to ensure that he@she is familiar "ith the basi!s of driving su!h as moving from start, !hanging gears on move, steering $ro$erly et!. 9ro$er utili1ation of !ontrols and a!!essories su!h as rearvie" mirror, !abin mirror, handbrake et! hel$s a lot. 6iving a glan!e at the !abin mirror gives indi!ation of ho" !lose the rear vehi!le is and side vie" mirror indi!ates a$$roa!hing of vehi!le that is overtaking. Indeed, your mirrors are the most im$ortant tool in avoiding a!!idents. Su$$ose the !ar has to be started "hen $arked or sto$$ed on an in!lined surfa!e, then the $ro$er usage of hand brake hel$s a lot. ,n!e the hand brake is $ut, the !ar "on*t move ba!k"ards and the !ar !an be started in neutral and $ut to first gear. hile leaving the !lut!h $edal, the simultaneous release of the handbrake "ill ensure the smooth moving of the !ar. (fter $ra!ti!e, using the half $osition of !lut!h $edal and simultaneous usage of a!!eleration hel$s to move !ar from sto$ $osition on in!line surfa!e. Driving license ( small note on getting your li!ense. -or getting a learner*s li!ense one has to $ass the test given at =T, !overing different signals, mandatory, !autionary and information signs, hand signals et!. 6enerally, a Learner li!ense is valid for 2 months and the learner has to $ass a test for getting a $ermanent li!ense. If a $erson is driving "ith learner li!ense, he has to dis$lay red !olor L board at front and rear of !ar and has to be a!!om$anied by other $erson. ,n!e the $erson is !onfident of driving, he !an go for test at =T, and get $ermanent li!ense. Conclusion Though driving after learning seems to be an easy task, many a!!idents o!!ur either during learning $eriod or due to rash driving. In this arti!le, guidelines have been given for learners. e "el!ome vie"ers to share give more guidelines, if any.

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Rajesh Kini R6-Senior Executive at Glenmark P armaceuticals good in!ormative" # ank $ou aut or Repl$ Like %ovember &'" &()* at +,(-am Jaisingh Patil .adar Englis /ig Sc ool l ave started learning motor driving at t e age o! 0+. # is article is ver$ in!ormative .1er$ elp!ul as a t eor$ lesson also. Ever$ ne2 learner s ould read t is. Repl$ & Like September )3" &()* at -,&&am

Abhay Borkar 4orks at .istrict court pune 5 like t is use!ull artical. Repl$ Like %ovember 3" &()* at ',3*am Shamshad Ali /P67 at And raprades /i i m learning t e car. So i read t is lesson and ver$ app$ to read t is and ver$ use!ull !or ne2 car learner driving .ever$ ne2 learner go t roug t is t ank $ou Repl$ Like 8ctober &" &()* at )&,0)pm ai artificial intelligence /umans.. $ou rock. Repl$ Like 8ctober 0" &()& at ',*3pm
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This bin looks ni!e, o$ens and !loses slotfy and you seem to fit more rubbish in than the normal round ty$e7 #ave been very $leased "ith it Ae!ember 20 , 2012 by 2aibelis

( handi!a$ "h!ehelair raise is an e%!ellent a!!essibility e)ui$ment for $ersons "ith disabilities for a!!essing a number of amounts of their $ro$erties or other $ro$erties. This elevate !an $resent them elevated mobility, !reating s$e!ifi! all round inde$enden!e and fle%ibility. ($$ro$riate no", there are mainly t"o varieties of #andi!a$ heel!hair Lifts 2ovember 1B , 2012 by -ikret

ItDs like youDre on a missoin to save me time and money7 2ovember 1B , 2012 by 0lea!h

Eery best arti!le for learning driver....!an more im$rove by sho"ing gra$hi!s arti!le. May 0? , 2012 by Sumit (!harekar

EF=4 GSF-GL (=TI/LF... 9F=S,2(LL4 I -FFL IT IS 6=F(T (S IT T,G/#FS GTM,ST (LL T#F (S9F/TS ( 9F=S,2 M(4 #(EF A,G0TS I2 MI2A... T#FSF (=F /LF(=FA SIM9L4... T#(2H... ($ril 20 , 2012 by Milind Tendle

hen I a$$roa!h a hum$, I $ress the !lut!h fully, a$$ly break to slo" do"n to a re)uired s$eed, and lo"er the gear only after !rossing the hum$. This avoids unne!essary gear !hanges. I donDt kno" I am right. -ebruary 0C , 2012 by 0i.u

Eery usefull arti!le. It has some mistakes, it is not a mistake.That is his style of driving. This is only a guide not a rule.3ust read it and develo$ ourselves. Fveryone should de!ide "hi!h method is , then go through that method. I think this des!ribes the best for me. 3une 10 , 2011 by Thiraviam

It #el$s...atleast it has hel$ed me..a learner should ready this "hile learning and this "ill add to its !onfiden!e the ne%t time he is sitting in the !ar May 12 , 2011 by 2itesh /hinoy

( good lesson for !ar learners. ($$li!ation of break "ithout de$ressing the !lut!h $edal generally results in sto$$age of the !ar engine. #en!e half !lut!hing along"ith a$$li!ation of break seems to be a better o$tion "hile negotiating a road hum$ by learners. May 0C , 2011 by Iftikhar #ussain

I agree "ith !hanging to lo"er gears and a!!elerating bit at hum$ is !orre!t "ay to !ross a hum$.#o"ever the s!enario mentioned is about handling "hen a learner !omes a!ross a road hum$ "ithout $rior noti!e "hen driving at high s$eed.The rea!tion time "ould be too less to shift to lo"er gears and smoothly !ross the hum$.

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hiva , CarTrade Expert

Disagree with you hivaThe method given in the article is the 7R8)9 method * period.,ollowing it for any learner is )8T %D:- %;<&.The car has to be slowed down and in the right gear before the speed brea+er. light acceleration while over the speed brea+er ma+es negotiating the speed brea+er easier and results in lesser discomfort to the occupants. May #! 2 2#11 by 3uraish 4mrethi

Hi2&asy and right method should not be confused as easy and wrong method. May #$ 2 2#11 by hiva , CarTrade Expert

<earning the wrong method means you will carry on a bad habits. -t might be difficult to do something right but in the long run its the best way forward. &ncouraging a wrong method =ust because its easy is not a healthy practise. May #$ 2 2#11 by %nonymous

Hi2%nonymousThough the points mentioned is also correct2 from the learner point of view following the method mentioned in article will be easy and effective too. May #5 2 2#11 by hiva , CarTrade Expert

% (ouple of mista+es in the article/1. >-n short2 whenever one wants to stop the car ?uic+ly2 pressing both clutch pedal and bra+e pedal will bring down the speed of car faster and safer.>* Depressing the clutch pedal means engine bra+ing is compromised2 which in turn means that overall bra+e force is reduced. The clutch should be used only when the vehicle is about to stall under heavy bra+ing.2. Driving method to tac+le a speed brea+er has been very wrongly described.* The (orrect way is to slow the car down to a resonable speed @depending on the siAe of the speed brea+erB well in advance and shifting into the correct gear that will be re?uired @for that speed re?uired to e'it after the speed brea+erB before reaching the speed brea+er. This will ensure that the car rolls over the speed brea+er slowly and will not =ump and cause passenger discomfort due to e'cessive speed. &'cessive use of the cluth as described a couple of times in the article will result in un*necessary clutch wear and higher maintenance costs. May #2 2 2#11 by %nonymous

- started driving my )ew car with a learner license and this is a very useful article. than+s May #2 2 2#11 by Ramanathan &lango

Hi2This is a great article for newly learned peoples. - have recently received my <icence but was doubtfull about the inclied position starting. The way of description given here is e'cellent.Manish May #2 2 2#11 by Manish harma

Than+ you for the article.it helps me to drive my car in safe way.C May #2 2 2#11 by 6rabannai+

:ery 9ood for learners May #1 2 2#11 by Munish

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