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Nacht der Untoten

Dusk was falling as the B25 bomber limped across the sky,sky; twelve of the aircraft had left from a US airbase a few hours earlier to carry out a bombing run deep into apanese!held territory" #he raid itself went off perfectly, the apanese air defences seemed to be sleeping and all the bombs landed on target" #he bombers had turned and were heading back to base when all hell broke loose, the bombing party began taking fire from a group of apanese fighters that had been hiding in the clouds above the bomber formation" #he fighters came in hard and fast, strafing the formation and shooting down two of them and severely damaging three others" By this time the apanese anti!aircraft batteries were awake and the air around the bombers was filled with e$plosions as the %% guns hammered the sky with flak" &ne of the bombers took a direct hit and e$ploded in midair, the debris from the blast peppered the remaining bombers but they flew on regardless, two of them tried to climb into the clouds but were swiftly brought down by the fighters" #he entire engagement lasted for around three minutes during which the fighters and the %% guns had brought down eleven of the twelve planes" #he last bomber had cleared the range of the %% guns but not the fighters" #he bomber pilot knew what he was doing and evaded most of the incoming fire, however one of them scored a lucky hit on the one of the engines before the machine guns ran out of ammunition and the fighters turned away" #he in'ured bomber dropped close to the ground and the crew assessed the damage" #he left engine was trailing smoke and two of the five crewmen were dead, the pilot and co!pilot were discussing their options when the remaining engine began to cough and stall" ()uck it" *e+re never going to make it back to the airbase, ,+m going to have to put down on the ground and hope for the best"- #he pilot called to the rest of the crew" (Brace yourselves and tie down the bodies, we+re making a belly landing"- #he pilot tightened the harness across his body, took a firm grip on the control column and said a silent prayer for their survival" #he bomber hit the ground hard, the propellers on the remaining engine snapped as they ploughed into the earth and slowed it+sits speed" #he pilot and co!pilot were thrown forward against their straps,straps; the pilot+s face smashed against the instrument panel as the windscreen came crashing inwards showering them both with shards of glass" #he co!pilot screamed as the shards sliced into his face, then the plane came to a stop and there was nothing but silence" . . . . .

/e didn+t know how long he had been unconscious for, he wasn+t even sure how he had gotten knocked out in the first place" /e tried to open his eyes and bolts of pain shot through his head, after a few moments the pain subsided and the man opened his eyes again, his vision was cloudy but he recognised the cockpit of the B25 bomber" /e remembered the bombing run, the fighters and the anti! aircraft fire but his recollection of the crash itself was ha0y" /e tried to move and found that his leg was trapped, the man moaned in pain and a few seconds later he heard a voice" (,s anyone still alive here1- #he voice said" #he pilot groaned again and heard the cockpit door being forced open" (2aptain3- #he voice e$claimed, the pilot opened his eyes to see his gunner kneeling ne$t to him, he looked unhurt e$cept for a gash above his right eye" ( esus 2ap, it looks like we+re screwed" *e+ve come down in a bombed!out airfield, still inside ap territory" *e need to move before the search parties arrive"#he captain groaned again and the gunner looked down at his leg" #he gunner reached over and took a firm grip on the leg" (#his is going to hurt a lot 2aptain, but it+s either this or , leave you for the apanese"- #he captain nodded and the gunner pulled the leg out from under the destroyed control column" #he captain screamed in intense pain then lapsed into unconsciousness once again" #he gunner lifted the captains limp body onto his shoulders and climbed out of the wrecked plane" #he airfield had been bombed weeks before and was deserted, there was a single building that looked like it would offer shelter and the gunner began making his way towards it" /e hadn+t gone far when the captain regained consciousness and groaned loudly, the gunner swore softly and lowered the captain to the ground"

(Sir, you have to keep 4uiet, we don+t know if we+re safe or not yet3- #he gunner hissed" (By the way, how+s the leg1(,t feels like ,+ve got a concrete block strapped to it"- #he captain grinned weakly" (, need a few minutes before we move" , don+t want to pass out again"- #he captain closed his eyes for a few moments then asked" (So what weapons do we have1#he gunner shook his head" (%ll ,+ve got is my 56766 with maybe si$ e$tra clips" ,t wontwon+t be enough if we run into a search team"- #he gunner drew his pistol and made it ready to fire" (, wontwon+t go down without a fight though"- #he gunner grinned then whirled round as a loud groan echoed around the airfield" (&k captain, we have to go" 8ow3- #he gunner lifted the captain, ignoring his groans of pain as he ran across the crater filled landscape" #he gunner turned towards the building he had seen earlier and felt his foot slip on some loose rocks, he fell forward and was unable to get his arms out to break his fall, the ground rushed up to meet him and the captain was flung off to the side" . . . . .

#he gunner struggled to open his eyes, he could see shadowy figures in the distance, all spread out in a long line" #he pain made him wince and he shut his eyes again, when he opened them the figures were closer and the gunner could see that they looked like enemy soldiers" #he gunner scrambled to his feet and looked for the captain, he found nothing but a pool of blood and some pistol maga0ines, he scooped them up and turned 'ust in time to see that one of the figures was running straight at him" #he gunner raised his pistol and fired off a full clip but the enemy kept running, so he reloaded and fired another few rounds, one of which hit the enemy in the head" #he creature gave a low moan and collapsed on the ground with half it+sits head missing" #he gunner took a 4uick look at the corpse in front of him and gasped in ama0ement, not only had the thing taken nearly thirteen rounds to die, it was also dressed in full 9erman army uniform, right down to the bright red swastika armband" ()ucking great" 8a0i 0ombies, that+s all , need right now"- #he gunner noticed the others were now getting closer, he fired a few rounds into a pile of fuel drums and the resulting chain of e$plosions served to kill a number of the advancing creatures" #he gunner reloaded the pistol and ran the rest of the way to the building he had noticed earlier" #he doors had been sealed and the windows were heavily barricaded, the gunner began to frantically pull at one of the barricades until he had cleared enough space to climb inside" /e 4uickly rebuilt the barricade and made sure the 0ombies were still moving at their slow pace, then he began e$ploring his new surroundings" #he first thing he noticed were two Stielhandgranate which he stuck in his pockets, the gunner had a feeling that the grenades would be very useful" #he ne$t thing he saw was a collection of discarded e4uipment pouches along with some dried bloodstains, the gunner poked through the pile and found a radio device that was transmitting heavy static" #he gunner fiddled with the controls and suddenly the static stopped and a voice could be heard, it spoke :nglish but the speech was tinged with a heavy 9erman accent" (, am sorry it has come to this"- #he voice echoed from the radio" (,f you are hearing this transmission then there has been another outbreak" #here will be no rescue for you, it is up to you how long you survive"- #here was a burst of static through which a scream could be heard, then the voice returned" (%fter the first 8acht der Untoten we decided to provide some help" ;ou will find weapons on the walls of this building and although ammunition is limited there are other means" <ill the UndeadUndead"- #he transmission faded into static and the radio clicked off" #he gunner checked the wall to his right and found an 56 2arbine" (8ow this is something , can use"/e said as he lifted the weapon and checked it over" ,t was fully loaded and had a bandolier of ten maga0ines, now armed with his pistol and a semi!automatic rifle the gunner readied himself for an assault on the UndeadUndead" #wo of the creatures had pulled down one of the window barricades and had by now entered the building, they shuffled towards the gunner with their arms outstretched" /e raised the 2arbine and fired five rounds causing the two 0ombies to fall to the floor, the gunner cursed in surprise as the window ne$t to him was also assaulted by more of the creatures" /e switched to his pistol and emptied the clip into the creatures who continued to pull the barricade away" ()uck it"- #he gunner said as he pulled the

pin on one of the potato masher style grenades and threw it, the grenade e$ploded, scattering body parts all over the room and showering the gunner with bits of flesh and blood" /e switched back to the 2arbine and backed further into the building and felt something hit him from behind, the gunner spun round, shoved the mu00le of the 56 2arbine into the 0ombie+s neck and pulled the trigger causing the creature+s head to e$plode" #he gunner retreated upstairs until his back was against a pile of debris that looked like it had been put there to block anyone reaching the second level, at least he wouldn+t be caught from behind again" #here were only five or si$ of the creatures left and they moved slowly towards him as he threw another grenade to give himself time to reload both the 56766 and the 56 2arbine" /e shot the last two 0ombies and silence descended on the room, the gunner left his perch on the stairs and went to e$plore the rest of the room" ,n the corner was a steel door with the word =/:>?+ scrawled on it, the gunner tugged at it but it seemed to be locked from the other side" #here was also another rifle on the wall to his left but when he checked he saw it was a bolt!action <ar7@k" (, think ,+ll stick with my pistol"- #he gunner said to himself as he reloaded the 2arbine and positioned himself to wait for the ne$t wave of 0ombies" /e didn+t have to wait long, he took a glance at the window to his right and saw three 0ombies tearing at the barricades, he fired a few shots and tossed a grenade, the 0ombies had 'ust started climbing through when the grenade detonated" By now several more creatures had entered the room through other barricades, some of them were running, the gunner blew the heads off the two runners and reloaded" /e threw a grenade into the remaining 0ombies and watched as it killed most of them and blew the legs off one of them, this creature remained alive and began crawling slowly towards him" 5ore 0ombies attacked from the right, the gunner emptied a full maga0ine into the creatures then moved out of his corner, he slashed his knife out and one of the creatures gave a low moan as it fell to the ground" /e was back at the blocked stairway now with around ten 0ombies still left in the room, he reloaded the 2arbine and began to take careful aim as he was running low on ammunition" :ven with the gunner+s precise shooting he was down to three rounds and one full clip, he needed another gun and he needed it fast, the 0ombies were getting too strong for the 56 2arbine to cope" % final 0ombie came charging towards the gunner, surprising him for a second, he fired off the three rounds in the 2arbine then dropped the weapon and emptied a full clip from the 56766, the 0ombie+s head e$ploded and the body slid to a stop in front of him" #he gunner then realised he+d been holding his breath and he e$haled in a long sigh then began reloading his weapons, he noticed that the crawling 0ombie was still alive and it seemed to him that no other creatures would come while the crawler lived so he began unblocking the staircase in the hope that it would lead him to safety, or at least a better weapon" #he gunner cautiously made his way upstairs keeping his eyes peeled not only for any hidden enemies but also for another weapon" Some kind of sword would be nice, the gunner thought to himself with a grin, he noticed what looked like a grenade pouch on the wall nearby, he looked inside and pulled out another four StielhandgrenateStielhandgranate" #he gunner walked towards the larger area of the second floor and saw a Sawn!off Double!barrelled Shotgun on the wall to his right but he ignored it, shotguns were powerful weapons but those double!barrelled versions took too long to reload" %s he entered the main area of the second floor he saw there were more barricades, did that mean the creatures would come through those too1 #he gunner could hear more 0ombies moaning and groaning in the distance, he checked behind him and saw that the crawling 0ombie had made it to the top of the stairs and was slowly dragging itself towards him" /e was contemplating whether to kill it or try and escape the building altogether when he saw another weapon hanging on the wall, it was an 56@7A #rench 9un" (#his is what a shotgun is supposed to look like"- #he gunner smiled approvingly as he lifted the #rench 9un down and checked it over, it was fully loaded and had an e$tra si$ty rounds with it" /e dropped the now empty 56 2arbine and slung the #rench 9un over his shoulder, it was then he noticed the room+s other surprise" #here was another set of stairs that had also been barricaded but at the top of those stairs was a Browning %utomatic Bifle or B%B, the gunner chuckled to himself as he lifted it down, it too was fully loaded with an e$tra ten maga0ines" (#wo hundred and twenty rounds of steel!'acketed pain"- #he gunner said as he holstered his 56766, he now carried a pistol, a machine gun, shotgun and four grenades, he would give those UndeadUndead bastards a run for their money"

#he gunner went back to a position ne$t to the locked =/:>?+ room, pausing to use the #rench 9un on the crawling 0ombie, the creature blew apart spattering the gunner and the nearby walls with blood and gore" 8ot long afterwards the ne$t wave of 0ombies attacked, they were getting faster and more numerous and the gunner opened up with the B%B" Seven point si$!two millimetre rounds tore through dead flesh like a hot knife through butter, the first twenty!round maga0ine clattered to the floor and the bolt clicked home on an empty chamber" #he gunner switched to the #rench 9un and the high!grade buckshot pellets destroyed two 0ombies with each shot, he had two rounds left when there was a lull in the attack" #he gunner 4uickly reloaded both his weapons and used the #rench 9un to fight his way up the recently cleared stairway, he took up a new position where he had grabbed the grenades, he looked inside and saw that all four grenades had reappeared" Before he could consider this discovery another bunch of 0ombies made their way up the stairs, the gunner threw two grenades that thinned out the advancing 0ombies" /e switched to the B%B and hammered out a short burst that dropped three of the creatures and took an arm off another, the one! armed 0ombie lunged at the gunner who instinctively grabbed his combat knife and slashed it across the 0ombie+s throat" #he 0ombie fell backwards and the gunner saw more of the creatures running directly towards him, he pulled the #rench 9un out and blasted the approaching creatures, the close range of the shots overwhelmed the 0ombies and soon they were nothing more than a pile of bloody body parts" #he rest of the room was clear and the gunner took the opportunity to check the downstairs area again" #here were still a few 0ombies milling about downstairs so the gunner threw one of his grenades hoping to create another crawler so he could make a start on clearing the debris from the second set of stairs" /e heard the grenade e$plode and then there was silence, the gunner took a 4uick look and saw that the 0ombies were dead, shit, he thought, he would have to move fast" /e remembered how the grenades had restored themselves and wondered if the same was true of the weapons, he ran to where he had found the #rench 9un and discovered that although the weapon itself was gone, the ammunition had replenished itself" #he gunner reloaded the #rench 9un and then did the same for the B%B, he had 'ust finished loading the rifle when a 0ombie grabbed him from behind" #hey were getting faster, he thought as he swung round and fired the #rench 9un, pulverising his attacker+s head and damaging some of the others coming behind" Slowly the gunner thought his way back to the grenade stock and switched to the B%B, he aimed high and fired in bursts, 0ombies fell to the ground as the rounds ripped through them, the gunner reloaded and dropped two grenades into the bottom floor, he heard the e$plosions mi$ed with groans and the sound of wet flesh hitting concrete and the gunner knew the grenades had found their mark" #he gunner reloaded and switched back to the #rench 9un and used it to clear a path to the blocked staircase, he put his back to the barricade and began shooting, occasionally he would toss a grenade out to give himself time to reload" %nother few grenades and a few crawlers appeared, he must have killed at least fifteen of them during that last attack, the crawlers were a good distance away so he had a 4uick look at the barricade" #he gunner shouted in surprise as something grabbed his boot, one of the crawlers had been faster than the others and it was about to sink it+s teeth into the gunner+s foot, that is until the gunner brought his foot crashing down, crushing the rotting skull and brain beneath his foot" #he headless corpse twitched as the gunner edged his way around the room, the other crawlers were too close now to allow the gunner to clear the stairway in relative safety" /e ran into the ne$t section and re!stocked his grenade supply then lifted the Sawn!off Double!barrelled Shotgun from the wall and slipped it into his webbing as an e$tra weapon" #hings were starting to get a bit hairy in here, the gunner knew he needed some heavier firepower and he needed it soon or his chances of survival would be slim" #he gunner went back downstairs and rebuilt a few of the barricades, he knew it wouldn+t keep the 0ombies at bay for long, but a few seconds could make all the difference between life and death" #he gunner tired the =/:>?+ door once again in the hope that the earlier fighting had somehow loosened the lock but it was as solid as ever, the gunner swore loudly and resigned himself to having to clear the debris from the stairs" /e blasted one of the crawlers with both barrels from the Sawn!off Shotgun, leaving only the slowest crawler at the bottom of the stairwell" #he gunner reloaded the Shotgun and then returned to the barricaded stairs and began removing the debris, there wasn+t much light to see by but the gunner guessed that this would be the last room he would be able to run to, he hoped there was more weapons in the new room"

*hen the barricade was clear the gunner used the same tactics to e$plore the room as he had before, he moved slowly, keeping close to the walls and studying the shadows to make sure they didn+t hide any 0ombies" /e came across a #hompson sub!machine gun on the wall at the bottom left corner of the room and a full!length Double!barrelled Shotgun on the opposite side, he left them both for the moment" %s he e$plored the rest of the room he saw a wooden bo$ on the floor ne$t to a desk that contained another radio set, he could hear the slight bu00 of static" 5aybe this radio still worked1 #he gunner thought as he approached the desk, he made a 4uick check to ensure the crawler wasn+t nearby and then tried the radio" :very channel the gunner tried produced nothing but static, he flung the microphone away from himself in disgust and it clattered off the wall, the static from the radio grew louder and louder until it began to hurt the gunner+s ears" #hen it abruptly stopped and a voice could be heard, it was the same voice the gunner had heard on the first radio" ,t sounded like the man had been to hell and back, the gunner thought, the words that came through the radio ne$t chilled the gunner to his very core" (;ou have not yet abandoned hope"- #he voice said" (;ou will wish you had soon enough, but for now , offer something more substantial than hope" #he bo$ behind you contains a selection of weapons that will help you survive this outbreak"- #here was more static mi$ed in with the sound of moaning 0ombies, then the voice came back" (#hey are drawing closer" #here may still be a way out" ;ou must have hope"- #he voice trailed off and the sound of the 0ombies got louder" #he gunner checked his weapons, he thought about grabbing the #hompson from the wall and then went to check on the crawler, when he returned the man was speaking again"" (But ,+m all out of hope now"- #here was the sound of a pistol being cocked" (%uf *iederschen my friend"- %n alarm began wailing in the background and a mechanical sounding voice could be heard" (*arning3 #he shield is now active, destroy the designated materials and report to the barracks" #his is not a drill3- #he voice began to repeat itself over and over as the first man spoke again" (Damn , can+t find my pillsC they are coming" , must do what , must to make sure they do not escape"- #here was the sound of breaking glass and 0ombie howls followed by the unmistakeable sound of gunshots, the radio erupted with another burst of static and was silent once again" #he gunner was even more on edge now, thousands of thoughts were speeding through his mind" /e was still in apan he was sure of that, so why the hell was he being attacked by 9erman 0ombies1 *ho had set this place up1 *as it the man from the radio transmissions1 *ho was the man in the transmissions1 *here had these 0ombies come from and what, if anything, did they want1 %ll these 4uestions were tumbling around in the gunner+s sub!consciousness so he shook his head to clear his thoughts" (9et yourself together soldier"- #he gunner said to himself" (Show these UndeadUndead <rauts that they can+t mess with the US%)"- #he gunner went to the end of the room and positioned himself by the #hompson" #he ammunition for his other weapons was fine but the gunner knew that he wouldn+t be able to resupply so staying beside the #hompson was a good move" *ith the new weapon within easy reach, the gunner shot the final crawler and waited for the ne$t attack" /e wasn+t waiting long before four 0ombies made their way down the stairs and began running towards him, the gunner fired a short burst from the B%B and reloaded" /e emptied the whole twenty round maga0ine into another bunch of 0ombies that had broken through a barricade on the right hand side of the room, he switched to the #rench 9un and fired four rounds before throwing two grenades, he reloaded both the B%B and #rench 9un before snatching the #hompson from the wall" #he sub! machine gun fired "D5%2? and short two or three round bursts were enough to drive the creatures back, it wasn+t long however before they attacked again" #hey had stood 4uietly in front of the barricade, they could see and smell fresh meat but the sound of weapons had made them wary" #he loud noises had now stopped and one of them reached through the barricade and grabbed the gunner by the soldier, pulling him towards the waiting 0ombies" #he gunner screamed and thrashed but the 0ombie+s grip was like an iron vice, the other 0ombies began tearing at

the barricade as the gunner fought for his life" 5ore 0ombies had 'oined the commotion at the barricade, they could all smell the gunner+s fear and it attracted them like flies to a dung!heap" #he gunner struggled, panic was beginning to set in, there were more 0ombies advancing towards him so he fired the #hompson one!handed and pulled the Sawn!off Double!barrelled Shotgun from his webbing" /e thrust the short barrel of the weapon behind him and pulled the trigger, the 0ombie that had hold of his shoulder suddenly went limp as it fell away with its lower body pulverised by the destructive power of the small weapon" #he gunner returned the weapon to his webbing and drew the #rench 9un, then he threw a couple of grenades through the barricade to deal with the 0ombies that had congregated there" #he double e$plosions set some nearby fuel drums on fire and when they e$ploded they killed the crawlers as well as those 0ombies who had survived the initial grenade blasts" #he gunner then fought his way across the room to the radio set, he wanted to check out this strange bo$, if what the radio transmission said was true then there were some powerful weapons inside that thing" /e drew the #hompson and fired in bursts until the rest of the 0ombies had been killed, the gunner reloaded and noticed that he had not saved a crawler this time around, that meant he would have to move fast before the ne$t 0ombie attack" #he gunner opened the mystery bo$ at his feet and gave a whoop of e$citement as he reached in and lifted the weapon" (&h yeah, this is more like it3- #he gunner said as he checked over his new weapon" (Browning thirty! cal3 #hese 0ombies have no idea who they+re dealing with"- /e cocked the light machine gun and closed the mystery bo$" (#his place 'ust seems to get weirder and weirder" , give up trying to figure it out"- #he gunner thought about opening the bo$ for another go but the 0ombies had other ideas" #hey seemed to attack from everywhere at once, the gunner had positioned himself in the corner where the mystery bo$ was so at least his back was covered, he knelt on the floor and raised the Browning to his shoulder" #he 0ombies were inside now and still more were shuffling and stumbling down the stairs, when the main group of 0ombies was about three metres away the gunner opened fire" #he roar of the Browning was deafening in such a confined space but it was a small price to pay for his life, the gunner thought as he watched the 0ombies fall in front of him" #he main body of the attack had been destroyed but there were still plenty of 0ombies to kill, the gunner could hear them above him as he reloaded his weapons" #he Browning was a monster to reload and the gunner knew he would never be able to reload the weapon mid!battle" ()uck it"- #he gunner thought" (,f two hundred and fifty rounds isn+t enough , shouldn+t be in this war"- /e cocked the >59 and slung it over his shoulder, he would use the #hompson and B%B to deal with the remaining 0ombies" /e tossed a few grenades hoping to get some crawlers, he took out two more 0ombies on the stairs and heard his grenades e$plode, he lobbed a third grenade, this one blew one 0ombie to bits and leg and an arm off another" #he gunner took careful aim with the #hompson and shot the other leg off, the 0ombie moaned sadly as it dragged it+s torso around on it+s one remaining arm" #he gunner sidestepped the slowly advancing 0ombie and went up onto the second floor to restock his grenade supply and checked his other weapons, the B%B, Browning and #rench 9un had plenty of ammunition but the #hompson was running low" (,+ve got too many weapons to be safe"- #he gunner said to himself as he went downstairs into the first room, there were a few slow moving 0ombies in here and the gunner used the #rench 9un to take care of them" *hen they were all dead the gunner began lifting some of the discarded sandbags that littered the room, he had a plan forming in his head and if it worked there was a small chance he might actually survive this hellish nightmare" /is plan was simple, he would use the sandbags to build himself a sangar which would help protect him from the 0ombies as well as give him an opportunity to use the bipod attachment on the Browning" ,t didn+t take long for the gunner to finish building the sangar, it was positioned at grenade station, this allowed the gunner to concentrate on the 0ombies coming to his front without having to worry about them sneaking up behind him" #he gunner made sure his sangar was solid, then he unfolded the bipod on the Browning and placed it so he could cover the entire room from his position" :verything was ready, he 'ust had to hope he didn+t run out of ammunition, he was about to kill the crawling 0ombie when he decided to try the mystery bo$ again" >eaving everything but the #hompson and #rench 9un at the sangar the gunner made his way back to the mystery bo$ and opened it, inside was a grenade bag filled with 5olotov 2ocktails, the gunner took

these then checked his pocket to make sure he still had his lighter" /e closed the bo$ and went to the other side of the room to replenish his #hompson ammunition, after a 4uick check on the crawler the gunner opened the bo$ again and was rewarded with an S#9DD with two hundred rounds of ammunition, he lifted the fully automatic rifle and went back to the sangar" 8ow armed with an 567@A #rench 9un, a B%B, a #hompson, an S#9DD and an 56767 Browning machine gun, as well as the Sawn!off Double!barrelled Shotgun and the 56766 pistol, the gunner was considerably more confident about his chances of survival" /e positioned himself ne$t to the Browning and raised the S#9DD to his shoulder and s4uee0ed off a few rounds which killed the crawler" #he 0ombie howls got louder and more fren0ied and the gunner barely had time to draw breath before the UndeadUndead were attacking once more" #he gunner emptied the remainder of the clip into the four 0ombies that attacked from the left, his hastily built sangar did its 'ob and the 0ombies gathered at the front to be mowed down by the gunner" /e dropped the S#9DD and lit two of the 5olotov 2ocktails and threw them at the advancing creatures, the fire raged and enveloped the 0ombies but they kept running towards him, the burning 0ombies clawed at the sangar as the flames si00led their dead flesh, after a few seconds the 0ombies affected by the flames simply fell to the ground and burnt out" #he gunner 4uickly reloaded the S#9DD and shot si$ more 0ombies then he dropped to one knee and picked up the Browning, a large number of 0ombies had emerged from the =/:>?+ room and the gunner used the now stationary machine gun to rip right through them" #he Browning was powerful, the fired the weapon in short bursts occasionally pivoting the machine gun around on it+s bipod in order to shoot the creatures approaching from the left" /e fired a final burst and saw that all the running 0ombies had been eliminated and now only the slow shuffling 0ombies remained" #he gunner reloaded the Browning and the S#9DD and threw some grenades at the slow! moving UndeadUndead, then he picked up the #hompson and climbed over his sangar and made his way down the stairs to his left" %s he reached the bottom he threw another 5olotov 2ocktail into the room, three 0ombies went up in flames and the gunner moved into the room, two of the burning 0ombies immediately rushed at him but the gunner drew the Sawn!off Double!barrelled Shotgun and pulled the trigger, the buckshot pellets tore through the burning 0ombies and stopped them dead in their tracks" #he third 0ombie howled in pain as the flames consumed it, the gunner watched it burn for a few moments before switching to the #rench 9un and returning to the stairs, two blasts from the #rench 9un and another five 0ombies went down leaving the way clear" #he gunner tossed his last grenade, heard it e$plode then heard the low moaning of a crawling 0ombie, it was a little faster than normal but the gunner was confident that he would be able to avoid it" #he gunner allowed the crawler to come down the stairs and then used his #hompson to kill the walking 0ombies that followed, then he went back upstairs and restocked his grenade then checked over his weapons, reloading them where necessary" #he Browning was down to one hundred and seventy!five rounds but most of his other weapons had full ammunition" /e strengthened his sangar with more sandbags then hopped back over the barricade and sat with his back to the wall as he had a rest" ( esus ,+ve never been so hungry"- #he gunner said to himself" (,f the 0ombies don+t finish me off ,+ll probably starve to death"- /e dug around in his pockets and found half a chocolate bar which he wolfed down hungrily" (#hat should keep me going for another while, , wish , had more though"- #he gunner got to his feet as the crawler reached the front of the sangar, he watched as the creature tried to climb over the barricade" (, wonder what 0ombie flesh tastes like1- #he gunner hopped back over the sangar wall, avoided the crawler+s snapping 'aws and went downstairs into the =/:>?+ room and stood in front of the mystery bo$ but the bo$ wouldn+t open" #he gunner cursed loudly and kicked over the table containing the radio, the radio hit the floor in a shower of sparks, the gunner could hear static as though the radio was attempting to receive a transmission" #he gunner cursed again and turned to leave the area when the radio released a garbled transmission followed by more static, then the gunner heard the now familiar 9erman voice" ,t sounded a lot more evil than before, the gunner thought to himself" #he voice was low, as though the speaker was far away from the microphone, suddenly there was a strange cackling laughter and the 9erman voice spoke again in a louder voice"

(Until now you have had help to ensure your survival, it is now time for you to survive on your own" #he mystery bo$ is no longer available to you, but all the weapons you possess have been replenished one more time"- #he voice laughed harshly" (#his will be the last time , speak to you, for , do not believe you will survive the ne$t few hours" %l the same , do wish you the best of luck"- #he radio lapsed back into silence and the voice was gone" #he gunner lifted the radio set" (*here the fuck are you, you 8a0i fuck1- /e shouted at the radio" (#ell me how , get out of here3- /e threw the radio at the wall and it shattered in a shower of sparks" (>et+s see you talk to me now you <raut bastard"- #he gunner spat on the remains of the radio then 'umped as the crawler attacked him from behind, as he dodged the crawler he raised the #rench 9un to his shoulder" ()uck it" ,f those things are going to kill me then ,+m going down fighting" >et+s get this over with"- /e blasted the crawler into oblivion and ran back up the stairs and 'umped back behind the sangar wall for his final battle" #wo 0ombies appeared at the window to the gunner+s right and he used the B%B as they pulled down the barricade, he reloaded and fired again as more creatures appeared on the stairs, the 0ombies went down but still more followed" #he gunner threw his four grenades then switched to the #hompson, the rate of fire on the B%B 'ust wasn+t enough to cope with the amount of enemies coming his way" /e reloaded the #hompson and began firing it one handed as he restocked his grenades, the 0ombies still hadn+t been able to penetrate the sangar but their numbers were becoming too great for the gunner to handle with the #hompson" /e threw another grenade into the packed mass of 0ombies and watched as it e$ploded and drove the creatures back, he emptied another #hompson maga0ine and threw two 5olotov 2ocktails engulfing more of the creatures in flames" #he gunner restocked his grenades from the pouch on the wall behind him as he fired the last of his #hompson bullets, dropped the empty weapon and snatched up the B%B again" ,t may have a slow rate of fire, the gunner thought, but it was still one of the most powerful weapons he had" /e emptied maga0ine after maga0ine into the 0ombies but the tide of creatures seemed never ending" #he gunner threw all his grenades and 5olotov+s, creating a maelstrom of fire and shrapnel that destroyed at least a 4uarter of the remaining 0ombies and turned a few of them into crawlers" #he gunner wasn+t interested in crawlers this time and continued firing the B%B, when the last maga0ine dropped from the rifle the gunner once again restocked his grenade supply and checked his remaining weapons" /e only had ammunition for the S#9DD, #rench 9un and the Browning machine gun, once those were empty the gunner only had his 56766 and Sawn!off Double!barrelled Shotgun with which to defend himself" /e threw some more grenades and picked up the S#9DD, the weapon wasn+t as powerful as the B%B but the high rate of fire more than compensated for that fact" 5ore 0ombies fell in front of the sangar and the gunner whooped in delight as he was showered with bits of flesh and gore" (;ou 0ombies aren+t so tough, if , had more ammo you Undead freaks wouldn+t stand a chance3- #he gunner shouted as he reloaded the S#9DD then pulled the Sawn!off Double!barrelled Shotgun from his webbing, the small twin!barrelled weapon would be devastating in such an enclosed space" #he gunner pulled the trigger and emptied both barrels into a crowd of 0ombies that had gathered at the far right of the sangar wall, their heads simply disintegrated and the lifeless bodies sank to the floor only to be replaced by more of the Undead creatures" #he gunner reloaded the Sawn!off Double!barrelled Shotgun and stuck it back into his webbing and fired the S#9DD again" #he 0ombies had stopped coming but there was still a large number to be killed, the gunner tossed some more grenades, all he needed was a single crawler and maybe he would be able to escape from this nightmare" #he grenades e$ploded, nearly deafening the gunner as he alternated between the S#9DD and #rench 9un, the gunner moved toward the sangar wall and blasted a 0ombie that tried to throw itself over the sangar" /e reloaded the #rench 9un and saw that he had a few crawlers, now he 'ust had to deal with the remainder of the walking 0ombies and he could rest for a while" (,f ,+m going to make a break ,+ll have to do it soon"- #he gunner said to himself" (, haven+t got enough ammunition to last for another attack" ,+ll take my chance in the open"- #he gunner used the S#9DD to mop up the rest of the walking 0ombies then restocked his grenades for the final time" /e reloaded the S#9DD and #rench 9un then lifted the Browning machine gun"

#he gunner hopped over the sangar wall and avoided the crawling 0ombies, he ran to the nearest window and climbed out" #he air was shrouded in a thick mist and the gunner shrugged as he shouldered the Browning and cocked the #rench 9un" ()ucking 8a0i Eombies"- #he gunner muttered as he walked off into the mist"""

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