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Speciol Assumpsil

lnternolionol Crisis Group (Aresl)


of Creotion, Court of Ages

clouse ten of the Armistice & Accord* of November 22,2013 stotes: "Armistice initiotes oscended reorientotion to intro- ond inter-personol relotionships within the heorts ond minds of ALL Heirs of Creotion upon receipt;" ond
WHEREAS WHEREAS the conditions set forth by the Heirs of Creotion. through court order, in the Armistice & Accord hove been breoched; ond

WHEREAS clouse six of

the Armistice stqtes: "Breoches of these clouses shqll result in


reprisols;" ond

occording to lnternotionol Low, o reprisol for domoge or loss suffered; ond


on oci of restorotion, short of wqr,

the oction or reprisol chosen for this time; ond

through the Letlers Poient of December 15, 2013, o wholly indemnified court, the Court of Ages, wos estoblished; ond

the willof eoch Heir of Creotion


ossured by the low of noture,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE lT RESOLVED by the Court of Ages on beholf of ALL Heirs of Creotion

thot the willof the Heirs of Creotion be fulfilled ond immediote oction token io trigger "THE EVENT" ** to include the orresl of A[t MEMEBERS of the lnlernolionol Cdsis Group. Pleose see lisl below (on poge 2 of lhis SA).

/s/ Cindy r. Cufrier. Ombudsmon ond Porlementoire

o <7(-G--\*-:


Adopied ot Court of Ages, session Jonuory 22,2Ol4

Los Angeles. Colifornio

References: * http ://www.scribd.com/doc/ I 958/I5&tArmistice-ond-Accord-V-2 ** hitp /l pre po r:ef orc ho n g e. n etlqtc hiyes/th e-eve nt

Poge of 2 of 2


lnternotionol Crisis Group Advisors:

Noloble ICG Boord Members:

George Soros Kenneth Adelmon SomuelBerger Wesley Clcrk

Mohqmed ElBorodei Corlq Hills

Notqble ICG Advisers:
Richord Armitoge Zbigniew Baezinski Stonley Fischer Shimon Peres Surin Pitsuwon

FidelV. Romos

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