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Mark scheme Bio 2 Trial Pahang 2007 1


No Marking Criteria Marks

(a) Mitosis 1 1

(b) L, N, K and M 1 1

(c ) (i) K : (Early) anaphase 1

N : Metaphase 1 2

(ii) K : Sister chromatids separate and move towards the

opposite poles of the cell 1

N : Chromosomes align at the metaphase plate 1 2

(d ) Cloning is a process to produce a new frog identical to its

parent by mitosis. 1 1

(e) Asexual reproduction. 1

The production of offspring is not involving the process of
fertilization. 1 2

(f) -Mature intestinal cells are able to undergo cell division 1

-have all the necessary factors required for a complete cell 1 2

(g)(i) Species Y 1

(g)(ii) The nucleus of the frog is obtained from species Y. 1 2


Mark scheme Bio 2 Trial Pahang 2007 2

No Marking Criteria Marks

(a) The peanut contains more energy (value) compared todried

prawns 1 1
Rise in temperature of the water ( 0C ) :
(b) Peanut : 16
Dried prawn : 4
( Both must be correct) 1 1

Energy value of the peanut = 20 X 4.2 X 16 Jg-1 1

(c) 2.0
= 672.0 Jg-1 1 2

Energy value of the dried prawn = 20 X 4.2 X 4 Jg-1 1

= 186.7 Jg-1 1 2

(d) (i) The peanut 1

(ii) Peanuts contaun more lipids /Lipids have higher energy 1 2

value than proteins.

(e) 1. Not all the energy released during the burning of the
food is absorbed by the water; some is lost in the form 1
of heat to the surroundings. 1
2. Some of the energy is absorbed by the boiling tube.
3. The food may not be completely burnt, especially the 1 2
centre. ( Any two )

(f) 1. Water in the boiling tube must be stirred to ensure that 1

the heat is distributed evenly.
2. (The food must be oxidised completely by) making sure 1
the flame does not extinguished too quickly.
3. The distance between the food and the boiling tube 1 2
must not be too far.
4. Make sure the thermometer does not touch the bottom of
the test tube.
( Any two )
Mark scheme Bio 2 Trial Pahang 2007 3


No Marking Criteria Marks

(a) Kidney 1 1

(b) (i) J : Ultrafiltration 1

(ii) K : Reabsorption (of glucose) 1 2

(c) (i). Red blood cells 1

Plasma proteins 1 2

(ii) Both components are large (to move through small pores in
the capillary wall and the inner wall of Bowman’s capsule.) 1 1

Pt 1 : The filtrate flows from part J to the

(d) proximal tubule, where 1
Pt 2 : a large volume of water is reabsorbed Any
Pt 3 : all the glucose and amino acids are one
reabsorbed 1
Pt 4 : more water is reabsorbed Any
Pt 5 : the filtrate in the Loop of Henle is one
more concentrated 1 3
Osmotic blood pressure decrease

(e) (i) Pt 1 : Osmoreceptor in the hypothalamus is less 1 1

stimulated, less ADH hormone is secreted.
(ii) Pt 2 : The distal tubule and the collecting duct are not
permeable to water. 1
Pt 3 : Less water is absorbed in the blood.
Pt 4 : A large amount of urine is produced, making it 1
dilute. 1
(Any two)
1 2
Mark scheme Bio 2 Trial Pahang 2007 4


No Marking Criteria Marks

(a) ( i) Follicle stimulating hormone / FSH 1

(ii) To stimulate the formation of follicles in the ovary 1 2

(b) Pt. 1 : If P secretion is reduced, Y is inhibited. 1

Pt. 2 : Ovulation is delayed / does not occur 1


Pt. 3 : If P secretion is excessive, secretion of Y is

stimulated. 1
Pt. 4 : Inhibits X, no follicle development / ovulation is
hastened 1 2

(c) The structure T shrinks.

The size of structure T is smaller than its size on 20th day. 1 1

(d) ( i) Hormone Q : Progesterone 1

Structure T : Corpus luteum 1 2

(ii) Pt.1 : On the 16th day, T is formed, hormone Q is secreted. 1

Pt 2 : On the 24th day, T degenerates, the level of hormone
Q declines. 1 2

(e) Pt. 1 : The pituitary gland produces FSH to stimulate the

development of follicles in the ovary. 1
Pt. 2 : The follicle secretes oestrogen to repair the uterine
wall. 1
Mark scheme Bio 2 Trial Pahang 2007 5

Pt. 3 : After the 14th day, the pituitary produces LH that

causes ovulation. 1 3


No Marking Criteria Marks

(a) P generation : TT tt 1

Gametes T t 1

K generation : Tt 1

Gametes T t T t 1

L generation : TT Tt Tt tt 1 5

(b) M : Meiosis 1
N : Fertilisation 1 2

1 1
(c) Genotypic ratio : 1 TT : 2 Tt : 1 tt
Phenotypic ratio : 3 tall : 1 dwarf
1 2
(d) Mendel’s Law of Segregation :
Mark scheme Bio 2 Trial Pahang 2007 6

- The members of each pair of alleles separate or

segregate during the formation of gametes.
- Only one allele can be carried in a single gamete.
1 1


No Marking Criteria Marks

(a)(i) - The variation in height for humans is shown in

Diagram 7.1
- It is continuous variation /normal distribution 1
- It has many intermediate values between the
highest and the shortest in the population. 1
- The characters are quantitative 1

- The variation in height for pea plant its shown in

Diagram 7.2
- It is a discontinuous variation / discrete distribution 1
- There are only two categories of variation – either 1
short or tall; there are no intermediate values in
between them.
- The characters are qualitative 1


The continuous variation shown in Diagram 7.1 is

- t he result of the combined effects of many genes. 1
- Environmental factors also affects the way in which
the genes express themselves. 1
The continuous variation shown in Diagram 7.2 is
Mark scheme Bio 2 Trial Pahang 2007 7

- the result of the effect of one or only a few genes. 1

- It is caused by genetic factors and also by the
mutation of genes and chromosomes. 1

(b) (i) Total=4

- It is a genetic disorder due to genetic mutation.
- It causes a complete lack of pigment in the eyes, 1
(ii) hair and skin. 1

Inheritance of albinism
- An albino child has a homozygous genotype with
two recessive alleles (for the absence of 1
- In sexual reproduction, two heterozygous parents
for the genes give rise to a 25% of their child may 1
inherit one recessive( mutant) allele from each

(c ) The importance of variation

- Variation provides new genetic material for the
survival of the fittest, 1
- e.g. the mutated genes of the black peppered moth 1
- Variation prepares a species to survive when there
are changes in the external environment, like after a
volcanic eruption, or in global warming; 1
- e.g. the black peppered moths survive well in a
soot-covered environment. 1
- A population with a varied genotypes or genotypes
is useful in spreading the particular species over a
wider range of habitats; 1
- e.g. the house sparrow. 1
- Produced phenotype/physical differences among 1
- E.g. No human are alike eventhough they are 1
Any 6 6

Mark scheme Bio 2 Trial Pahang 2007 8

No Marking Criteria Marks

(a) - 50 maize seeds are planted in a nursery bed. 1

- The seeds are given the same condition – the same 1
amount of light, water and minerals
- On day 1, three maize seeds are removed from the 1
nursery bed and heated at 102°C until their
combined mass becomes constant. The average dry
mass of each maize seed is determined.
- On day 3, three maize seeds (or seedling, if they 1
have germinated) are taken out and their average
dry mass is determine in the above step (On day 1).
- Three seedling are again removed at every interval 1
of two day (on day %, 7, 9 and so on) and their
average dry mass is determined.
- Changes in the average dry mass of a maize plant 1
are recorded in the form of a table.

(b) - The growth curve of the maize plant has a sigmoid 1

- For the period of time from A to B, the dry mass of 1
Mark scheme Bio 2 Trial Pahang 2007 9

the plant decreases.

- This is because the stored food in the seed is 1
oxidised to produce energy for germination.
- From B to C, leaves have emerged and the young
plant begins to make food by photosynthesis. The 1
food is used to make plant tissues.
- This cause the growth rate to increase. 1
- When the maize plant is near maturation, 1
- growth slows down and the curve is less steep(CD) 1
- During the period from D to E, the plant has 1
reached maturity. The rate of photosynthesis Is
equal to the rate of respiration.
- Hence, there is no more increase in the dry mass of 1
the plant. Growth rate equals zero.
- When the plant are old, there will be a decrease in 1
the dry mass of the plant (EF).
- This is because flowers, fruits and the older leaves 1
fall off. The growth rate is negative.


(c) - The dry mass of an organism is its mass after all its
water content has been removed. 1
- It is the mass of real tissues in the organism 1
- Unlike fresh mass, dry mass is not affected by
changes in the water content in the organism. Total=3

TOTAL 20 marks
Mark scheme Bio 2 Trial Pahang 2007 10
Mark scheme Bio 2 Trial Pahang 2007 11

8(a) (i)
Biodiversity is important for several reasons:

F- it provides humans with necessities of life 1

P- is a resource for food /timber to build shelter / as a
fuel/fibers for clothing 1
F- many plant species are original sources of
pharmaceutical drugs/medicines. 1
P- New commodities, for example, new crop plants or
medicinal materials could be developed using the gene 1
pool from wild species in the forests.
F- F-Allow for biological control to maintain stable 1
P- Regulate climatic conditions, biogeochemical cycles, 1
prevent flooding
F- Natural ecosystems and species in the wild are 1
P- there is much pleasure to be derived from unspoilt
natural environment. 1
F- Ecotourism 1
P-could provide income for some countries 1
Any 2F and 2P

(a)(ii) Waste materials from households

- rich in organic matters,bacteria and microorganism 1
- (in oxidation pond) the sewage is decomposed by
(millions0 of aerobic bacteria (in the presence of
oxygen) 1
- Decomposed sewage /sludge settled to the bottom
of the pond 1
- Fermentation takes place at (sedimentation tanks) 1
- Using anaerobic bacteria 1
- Produce methane/carbon dioxide/minerals 1
- Digested sludge used as fertilisers 1

Any 6 6
Mark scheme Bio 2 Trial Pahang 2007 12


No Marking Criteria Marks

(a) Similarities

- plants and humans are exposed to stimuli from the 1

external environment, such as light, water,
chemical, etc.

- these external stimuli stimulates automatic or 1

involuntary responses in plant and reflex actions in
humans, 2


F-rate of response 1
P-is slow in plants, is fast in humans 1

F-Duration of response 1
P-for plants response lasts longer if the stimulus stays
the same; it involve either a rapid response for 1

F-Location of response
P-for plants, a response takes place at the region just 1
below the shoot tip or above the root tip; for humans
response takes place in one or more specific
effectors in different parts of the body. 1

F-Nature of message 1
P- for plants it is chemical; for human it is both
chemical (hormone) and electrical 1

F-Type of response 1
P- for plants it is a growth movement caused by cell
division and cell elongation; for humans it involves
muscular contraction or secretions from glands 1

Any 2Fs and 2Ps


Mark scheme Bio 2 Trial Pahang 2007 13

(b) (i) A drug is any chemical externally administered to the

human body and it:

-affects the chemical reactions of the human body 1

-is used to prevent, diagnose, treat or relieve 1
symptoms of a disease
- also alters a person’s mood or body function that 1
can be habit-forming or addictive
- Drug abuse is the misuse(wrongly used) or
overuse(overdose) of any drug or medication, 1
including alcohol causing addiction and wrecking
- A drug becomes a medicine if it is prescribed by
medical doctors to cure diseases. 1
Any 4 4
(ii) Some causes of drug abuse:

- seeking pleasure; e.g. heroin addiction starts off

with a desire for pleasure. 1
- To enhance physical performance; e.g. taking
anabolic steroids to increase sports performance or 1
amphetamine in order to stay awake more hours.
- Influenced by bad company – e.g. Influenced by
drug addicts. 1
- Taking ‘club drugs – e.g. taking ecstasy pills, which
is a stimulants and hallucinogen used to improve 1
mood and to maintain energy, often for all-night
dance parties.
- Out of curiosity – adolescents are often curious and 1
want to try.
- Peer group pressure and influence. 1



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