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Our Lady of Fatima


Most holy Virgin, who hast deigned to come to Fatima, to reveal the treasures of graces hidden in the recitation of the Rosary, inspire our hearts with a sincere love of this devotion, that meditating on the Mysteries of Our Redemption recalled therein, we may obtain the conversion of Russia. And (here name other favours you are praying for ! which we as" you in this #ovena, for greater glory of $od, for your own honour, and for the good of souls. Amen.

Novena To Our Lady Of Fatima

Pray for 9 consecutive days

Most %oly Virgin, who has deigned to come to Fatima to reveal to the three little shepherds the treasures of graces hidden in the recitation of the Rosary, inspire our hearts with a sincere love of this devotion, so that by meditating on the mysteries of our redemption that are recalled in it, we may gather the fruits and obtain the conversion of sinners, the conversion of Russia, and this favour that & so earnestly see", re'uest which & as" of you in this novena, for the greater glory of $od, for your own honour, and for the good of all people. Amen. Pray 3 sets of : 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, and 1 Glory Be

Litany of Our Lady of Fatima

Feast Day: May 13

Our (ady of Fatima, )ray for our beloved country. Our (ady of Fatima, *anctify our clergy. Our (ady of Fatima, Ma"e our +atholics more fervent. Our (ady of Fatima, $uide and inspire those who govern us. Our (ady of Fatima, +ure the sic" who confide in thee. Our (ady of Fatima, +onsole the sorrowful who trust in thee. Our (ady of Fatima, %elp those who invo"e thine aid. Our (ady of Fatima, ,eliver us from all dangers. Our (ady of Fatima, %elp us to resist temptation. Our (ady of Fatima, Obtain for us all that we lovingly as" of thee. Our (ady of Fatima, %elp those who are dear to us. Our (ady of Fatima, -ring to %oly +atholic +hurch those who are in error. Our (ady of Fatima, $ive us bac" our ancient fervour. Our (ady of Fatima, Obtain for us pardon of our manifold sins and offenses. Our (ady of Fatima, -ring all men to the feet of thy ,ivine +hild. Our (ady of Fatima, Obtain peace for the world. O Mary conceived without sin, )ray for us who have recourse to thee. &mmaculate %eart of Mary, )ray for us now and at the hour of our death. Amen. Let Us Pray. O $od of infinite goodness and mercy, fill our hearts with a great confidence in /hy dear Mother, whom we invo"e under the title of Our (ady of the Rosary and Our (ady of Fatima, and grant us by her powerful intercession all the graces, spiritual and temporal, which we need. /hrough +hrist Our (ord. Amen.

Prayers Taught to the Chi dren at Fatima )ardon )rayer

O My $od, & believe, & adore, & trust, and & love you0 And & beg pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not trust, and do not love you.

)rayer of Reparation
O Most %oly /rinity, Father, *on and %oly *pirit, & adore thee profoundly. & offer thee the most precious -ody, -lood, *oul and ,ivinity of 1esus +hrist, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences by which %e is offended. -y the infinite merits of the *acred %eart of 1esus, and the &mmaculate %eart of Mary, & beg of thee the conversion of poor sinners.

2ucharistic )rayer
Most %oly /rinity, & adore you0 My $od, my god, & love you in the Most -lessed *acrament0

*acrifice )rayer
O my 1esus, it is for love of you, in reparation for the offenses committed against the &mmaculate %eart of Mary, and for the conversion of poor sinners.

Rosary ,ecade )rayer

O my 1esus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell. (ead all souls to %eaven, especially those most in need of /hy mercy.

Our Lady's Requests at Fatima

,o you "now the re'uests of Our (ady of Fatima to bring peace to the world3 *he promised that when a sufficient number of people fulfill her re'uests, 4Russia will be converted and a period of peace will be granted to the world.4 Apparitions of the -lessed Virgin Mary have occurred periodically in the history of the +hurch since the time of *t. $regory the 5onder6wor"er (who died in 789 A, . And, when these apparitions did occur, it is plausible to believe that there must have been a serious reson that called for a special message for $od:s people. Our concern is with the apparitions at Fatima, )ortugal, which too" place successively on the ;<th day of the month from May until October in ;=;8. At the conclusion of her first appearance on May ;<, ;=;8, Our (ady told the < children, (ucia, 1acinta, and Francisco. 4*ay the Rosary every day to obtain peace for the world and the end of the war.4 &n the apparition of 1uly ;<, the -lessed Virgin added 7 more re'uests. devotion to her &mmaculate %eart and +ommunions of reparation on the first *aturday of each month. /hen, in the apparition on *eptember ;<, she again stressed the importance of the daily recitation of the Rosary. &n the final apparition in October, Our (ady identified herself as the (ady of the Rosary, again urging its daily recitation. 5hy did she repeatedly insist on the praying of the Rosary3 First of all, we should note that praying this devotion is much more than the automatic repetition of words (the Our Father, %ail Mary, and $lory -e ! it is primarily a mental prayer. /his is why one of the 79 mysteries66>oyful, luminous, sorrowful, and glorious66is announced at the beginning of each decade of the Rosary. /he announced mystery becomes the sub>ect matter of the reflection and meditation.

/here are various types of mental prayer. M2,&/A/&O# Meditation is the first and lowest form of mental prayer. &t is comprised of < steps. the consideration of some sacred truth, the application of that truth to one:s own life here and now, and the resolution to carry the truth into practice. &t is an eminently practical form of prayer, and it disposes a person to grow in virtue and thereby form a good +hristian character. AFF2+/&V2 )RA?2R /he second type of mental prayer is called 4affective4 prayer because love is its motivating power. @nli"e meditation, which concentrates on one:s self6improvement, affective prayer is oriented to the Other, 5ho is $od. &t brings the soul into the ,ivine )resence and is usually a very consoling type of prayer. +O#/2M)(A/&O# +ontemplation is described as a 4loving gaAe.4 /he individual is no longer intent on ma"ing particular acts and considerations, but is content to remain in a state of loving awareness of $od.

< RO*AR? M2/%O,* Any one of these three forms of prayer may be used in the recitation of the Rosary. 5hen meditating on the mysteries, a person considers the content and meaning of the event in the life of 1esus or Mary. For eBample, in the Cth *orrowful Mystery, the

+rucifiBion and ,eath of +hrist, one will consider the significance of %is death, ma"e it meaningful to his life, and resolve to carry into practice the lessons learned. &f one recites the Rosary as affective prayer, sentiments such as petition, gratitude, contrition, compassion, or love will be aroused in response to the sacrifice of +hrist on the +ross during the Cth *orrowful Mystery. &f the Rosary is prayed in a more contemplative manner, the stance of the individual before the Cth *orrowful Mystery will be one of silent vigil, similar to that of Mary at the foot of the cross, or of adoration, as when we say. 45e adore ?ou, O +hrist, and we bless ?ou, because by ?our holy cross ?ou have redeemed the world.4 /he Rosary is a prayer form that satisfies our basic spiritual need, namely, to "now +hrist, to love %im, and gradually to 4put on the mind of +hrist,4 as *t. )aul says. /he 79 mysteries of the entire Rosary ta"e us through the ma>or events in the lives of 1esus and Mary. /hus, daily recitation of the Rosary "eeps us in the company of the (ord and %is Mother.

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"tually #oin$ !hat %he Requests&

Are you offering up your daily tas"s as a sacrifice in reparation3 Are you praying the Rosary daily3 Are you wearing the -rown *capular as a sign of personal consecration66and ma"ing acts of consecration to the &mmaculate %eart of Mary3 Are you fulfilling Our (ady:s First *aturday:s +ommunion re'uest3 Are you ma"ing fre'uent visits to church66adoring Our (ord in the -lessed *acrament3 Mass66+ommunion3 Are you ma"ing a %oly %our at least once a wee" in reparation for the sins of the world and for the conversion of sinners3

Our Lady of Fatima %aid':

1. OFFERING. 45ill you offer yourselves to $od, and bear all the sufferings %e
sends you3 &n atonement for all the sins that offend %im3 And for the conversion of sinners34 light. /hey fell to their "nees, repeating. 4O Most %oly /rinity, & adore /hee0 My $od, My $od, & love /hee in the Most -lessed *acrament04 she appeared will go to heaven, but one of them would have to pray many rosaries. children who had recently died66her name was Amelia.

2. BLESSED SACRAMENT. Our (ady opened her hands and flooded the children in 3. HEAVEN: 4& come from heaven.4 Our (ady promised that the children to whom 4. PURGATORY. 4*he is in purgatory.4 Our (ady was referring to a friend of the 5. ROSARY. 4*ay the Rosary every day, to obtain peace for the world. Add after
each decade the following prayer. 4O my 1esus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of /hy mercy.4

6. IMMACULATE HEART. 4My &mmaculate %eart will be your comfort and the way
which will lead you to $od.4

7. SACRIFICES. 4Ma"e sacrifices for sinners, and say often, especially while ma"ing
a sacrifice. 4O 1esus, this is for love of /hee, for the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for the offenses committed against the &mmaculate %eart of Mary.4

8. HELL. 4?ou have seen hell, where the souls of sinners go. &t is to save them that
$od wants to establish in the world devotion to my &mmaculate %eart. &f you do what & tell you, many souls will be saved, and there will be peace.4 As Our (ady spo"e these words, she opened her hands, and the children were able to see a sea of fire. )lunged in this flame were devils and souls that loo"ed li"e transparent embers! others were blac" or bronAe, and in human form! these were suspended in flames which seemed to come from the forms themselves66there to remain, without weight or e'uilibrium, amid cries of pain and despair which horrified the children so that they trembled with fear. /he devils could be distinguished from the damned souls by the terrifying forms of weird and un"nown animals in which they were cast. (ta)en from the memoirs of Lu"ia*

9. C 5AR#&#$*. 4&f my re'uests are not granted, Russia will scatter her errors
throughout the world, provo"ing wars and persecutions of the +hurch. /he good will be martyred, the %oly Father will have much to suffer, and various nations will be destroyed04

10. PEACE. 4&f my re'uests are fulfilled, Russia will be converted and there will be 11. PRAY. 4)ray, pray, a great deal, and ma"e the sacrifices for sinners, for many 12. 5AR. 45ar is a punishment from $od for sins04

peace.... &n the end, my &mmaculate %eart will triumph.... a period of peace will be granted to the world.4

souls go to hell because they have no one to ma"e sacrifices and pray for them.4

13. AMEND. 4& have come to warn the faithful to amend their lives and as" pardon
for their sins. /hey must not continue to offend Our (ord 5ho is already deeply offended.4

14. ST. JOSEPH. /he only saint who appeared at Fatima besides Our (ady. *t.
1oseph held the +hild 1esus in his arms and blessed the 89,999 people three times. &t is he of whom it has been said. 4/he sound of victory will be heard when the faithful recogniAe the sanctity of *t. 1oseph.4

15. SCAPULAR. &n the final vision, on October ;<, ;=;8, Our (ady silently held out
the *capular. (ucia has said the -lessed Mother wants everyone to wear it.... 4/he *capular and the Rosary are inseparable.4

16. 1st SATURDAY DEVOTION. 4& promise to help at the hour of death with graces

needed for salvation, whoever. on the ;st *aturday of C consecutive months, shall confess and receive %oly +ommunion! recite C decades of the Rosary! and "eep me company for ;C minutes while meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary with the intention of ma"ing reparation to my &mmaculate %eart.4 much.4

17. FASHIONS. 4+ertain fashions will be introduced that will offend Our (ord very 18. t! COMMANDMENT. 4More souls go to hell because of sins of the flesh than for
any other reason.4

19. MARRIAGES. 4Many marriages are not good! they do not please Our (ord and
are not of $od.4

20. PRIESTS. 4)riests must be pure, very pure. /hey should not busy themselves
with anything eBcept what concerns the +hurch and souls. /he disobedience of priests to their superiors and to the %oly Father is very displeasing to Our (ord.4

/hese 'uotations are in the eBact order in which Our (ady of Fatima spo"e them beginning with the first apparition on May ;<, ;=;8.

/he above information has been ta"en from 7 pamphlets. 4/he Rosary Message of Fatima4 by Rev. 1ordan Aumann, O) 5orld Apostolate of Fatima 5ashington, #1 98DD769=8E F ;==7 /he -lue Army of Our (ady of Fatima 4,o ?ou Gnow4 &mprimatur. Most Rev. $eorge 5. Ahr, */,, -ishop of /renton -lue Army of Our (ady of Fatima 5ashington, #1 98DD769=8E

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