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Speciol Assumpsil

Time Wqrner, lnc.

Anesl, Replevin, Dissemble Order (ARDO)
Heirs of Creoiion, Court of Ages

clouse ten of the Armistice & Accord* of November 22,2013 stotes: "Armistice initioles oscended reorientotion to intro- ond inter-personol relotionships wiihin the heorts qnd minds of ALL Heirs of Creqtion upon receipt;" ond

the condiiions set forth by the Heirs of Creqtion. through court order, in the Armistice & clouse six of the Armistice stotes: "Breqches of these clouses sholl result in reprisols;" ond

Accord hove been breoched; ond


occording to lnternotionql Low, o reprisol domoge or loss suffered; ond

** describes WHEREAS "THE EVENT"

on oct of restorotion, shorl of wqr, for

the oclion or reprisol chosen for this time; ond


through the Letiers Potent of December of Ages, wos esiobiished; ond


20,l3, o wholly indemnified court, the Court

the will of eoch Heir of Creotion


qssured by the low of noture,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE lT RESOLVED by the Court of Ages on behqlf of ALL Hein of Creotion thot the ** will of the Heirs of Creolion be fulfilled ond immediote oction token to irigger "THE EVENT" lo irrclude the onest of AIL ollicers ond boqrd members of Time Worner, lnc., heodquoriered in New York, NY, USA; replevin ol oll properlies, fqcililies, bronches, stollons, offices, locolions, equipmeni. files, vehlcles, ond records on eorlh ond lhroughout the unlverse lhot ore in ANY WAY reloted to Time l,Vqrner, lnc.; dissembling ol ANY AND ALL trusls, instilulions, ogencies, orgonizolions, burequs, services, initiolives, or progroms reloled lN ANY WAY to Tlme Worner lnc..

-D **'-) --4,' , -. /-1 L '_ _t ,'( . L l*-_-. ."r


/s/ Cindy


Cunier. Ombudsmon ond Porlementoire

Adopted ot Court of Ages.


session Jonuory 22,2014, Los Angeles, CA

* http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 1 95877536/Armistlce-ond-Ac ** http ://preporef orchon ge. net/orchives/the-event

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