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CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the responsibility of an organization for the impacts of its decisions and

activities on society, the environment and its own prosperity, known as the triple bottom line of people, planet, and profit !ot only do responsible, s"stainable and transparent approaches help b"ild brand and rep"tation, they help strengthen the comm"nity and therefore the marketplace # solid b"siness plan, embedded into the b"siness c"lt"re, reflecting organizational val"es and ob$ectives thro"gh strategic CSR application, will help to b"ild a s"stainable and profitable f"t"re for all %&' realizes that CSR is important to remain s"stainable Strong comm"nities s"pport strong organizations( the reverse is also tr"e #s a global organization, we will look for global strategies that have local relevance )e enco"rage o"r comm"nity to read *"r Common +ision, o"r first Comm"nication on &rogress to s"pport o"r commitment to the ,! -lobal Compact )hile there is no "niversal definition of corporate social responsibility, it generally refers to transparent b"siness practices that are based on ethical val"es, compliance with legal re."irements, and respect for people, comm"nities, and the environment /h"s, beyond making profits, companies are responsible for the totality of their impact on people and the planet &eople constit"te the company0s

stakeholders1 its employees, c"stomers, b"siness partners, investors, s"ppliers and +endors, the government, and the comm"nity 'ncreasingly, stakeholders e2pect that companies sho"ld be more environmentally and socially responsible in cond"cting their b"siness 'n the b"siness comm"nity, CSR is alternatively referred to as corporate citizenship, which essentially means that a company sho"ld be a good neighbor within its host comm"nity

Why do companies decide to get involved in C R! and ho" do they #ene$it% /oday, more and more companies are realizing that in order to stay prod"ctive, competitive, and relevant in a rapidly changing b"siness world, they have to become socially responsible 'n the last decade, globalization has bl"rred national borders, and technology has accelerated time and masked distance -iven this sea change in the corporate environment, companies want to increase their ability to manage their profits and risks, and to protect the rep"tation of their brands 3eca"se of globalization, there is also fierce competition for skilled employees, investors, #nd cons"mer loyalty 4ow a company relates with its workers, its host comm"nities, and the marketplace can greatly contrib"te to the s"stainability of its b"siness s"ccess %ankind wars have been won and lost thro"gh logistical strengths and capabilities or the lack of them 5ven tho"gh the generals of

the past have "nderstood the critical role of logistics it is only in the recent past that the big organizations have realized its role in the achievement of competitive advantage

Impo&tance o$ C R'
Corporate social responsibility generates direct and indirect b"siness benefits and advantages to the corporation that adopt it (3"eble, 6778) 'n synthesis, the benefits and advantages that corporations adopting Corporate social responsibility initiatives may obtain are the following (Campbell, 2007): 'ncreased employee loyalty and retention( -aining legitimacy and access to markets( 9ess litigation 'ncreased ."ality of prod"cts and services( 3olstering p"blic image and rep"tation and enhanced brand val"e( 9ess volatile stock val"e( #voiding state reg"lation( and 'ncreased c"stomer loyalty( Corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities amongst vario"s corporations and its stakeholders co"ld contrib"te to the macroeconomic development of a developing co"ntry thro"gh s"stainable benefit to all #t the same time, optim"m national impact, cooperation, and comm"nication wo"ld be enco"raged and socialized /he following are the vario"s benefits of corporate social responsibility to the society 9ocal comm"nity and society improved ."ality of life and Changed habits, Capacity b"ilding creates wealth and employment /he world and environment 3alanced ecosystems )aste management

Clean and -reen environment Corporations -oodwill and Comm"nity acceptance &rofit, -rowth, competitive edge and image -en"ine dialog with stakeholders Spirit"al and &ride val"es to their families and employees /h"s it can be "nderstood that, corporate social responsibility helps in b"ilding a rep"tation as a responsible b"siness and as a good citizen



/he story of one of 'ndia:s favo"rite brands reads almost like a fairy tale *nce "pon a time, in ;<86 to be precise, a bisc"it company was started in a nondescript ho"se in Calc"tta (now =olkata) with an initial investment of Rs 68> /he company we all know as 3ritannia today

/he beginnings might have been h"mble?the dreams were anything b"t 3y ;8;7, with the advent of electricity, 3ritannia mechanised its operations, and in ;86;, it became the first company east of the S"ez Canal to "se imported gas ovens 3ritannia:s b"siness was flo"rishing 3"t, more importantly, 3ritannia was ac."iring a rep"tation for ."ality and val"e #s a res"lt, d"ring the tragic )orld )ar '', the -overnment reposed its tr"st in 3ritannia by contracting it to s"pply large ."antities of @service bisc"its@ to the armed forces

#s time moved on, the bisc"it market contin"ed to growA and 3ritannia grew along with it 'n ;8B>, the 3ritannia 3isc"it Company took over the distrib"tion of bisc"its from &arry:s who till now distrib"ted 3ritannia bisc"its in 'ndia 'n the s"bse."ent p"blic iss"e of ;8B<, 'ndian shareholding crossed C7D, firmly establishing the 'ndianness of the firm /he following year,

3ritannia 3isc"it Company was re?christened 3ritannia 'nd"stries 9imited (3'9) Eo"r years later in ;8<F, it crossed the Rs ;77 crores reven"e mark

*n the operations front, the company was making e."ally dynamic

strides 'n ;886, it celebrated its &latin"m G"bilee 'n ;88B, the company "nveiled its new corporate identity ? @5at 4ealthy, /hink 3etter@ ? and made its first foray into the dairy prod"cts market 'n ;888, the @3ritannia =hao, )orld C"p Gao@ promotion f"rther fortified the affinity cons"mers had with :3rand 3ritannia: 3ritannia strode into the 6;st Cent"ry as one of 'ndia:s biggest brands and the pre?eminent food brand of the co"ntry 't was e."ally recognised for its innovative approach to prod"cts and marketing1 the 9agaan %atch was voted 'ndia:s most s"ccessf"l promotional activity of the year 677; while the delicio"s 3ritannia >7?>7 %aska?Chaska became 'ndia:s most s"ccessf"l prod"ct la"nch 'n 6776, 3ritannia:s !ew 3"siness Hivision formed a $oint vent"re with Eonterra, the world:s second largest Hairy Company, and 3ritannia !ew Iealand Eoods &vt 9td was born 'n recognition of its vision and accelerating graph, Eorbes -lobal rated 3ritannia :*ne amongst the /op 677 Small Companies of the )orld:, and /he 5conomic /imes pegged 3ritannia 'ndia:s 6nd %ost /r"sted 3rand

/oday, more than a cent"ry after those tentative first steps, 3ritannia:s fairy tale is not only going strong b"t blazing new standards, and that minisc"le initial investment has grown by leaps and bo"nds to crores of r"pees in wealth for 3ritannia:s shareholders /he company:s offerings are spread across the spectr"m with prod"cts ranging from the healthy and economical /iger bisc"its to the more lifestyle?oriented %ilkman Cheese 4aving s"cceeded in garnering the tr"st of almost one?third of 'ndia:s one billion pop"lation and a strong management at the

helm means 3ritannia will contin"e to dream big on its path of innovation and ."ality #nd millions of cons"mers will savo"r the res"lts, happily ever after

4'S/*RJ *E 3'SC,'/S Sweet or salty Soft or cr"nchy Simple or e2otic 5verybody loves m"nching on bisc"its, b"t do they know how bisc"its beganK /he history of bisc"its can be traced back to a recipe created by the Roman chef #pici"s, in which @a thick paste of fine wheat flo"r was boiled and spread o"t on a plate )hen it had dried and hardened it was c"t "p and then fried "ntil crisp, then served with honey and pepper @ /he word :3isc"it: is derived from the 9atin words :3is: (meaning :twice:) and :Coct"s: (meaning cooked or baked) /he word :3iscotti: is also the generic term for cookies in 'talian 3ack then, bisc"its were "nleavened, hard and thin wafers which, beca"se of their low water content, were ideal food to store

#s people started to e2plore the globe, bisc"its became the ideal travelling food since they stayed fresh for long periods /he seafaring age, th"s, witnessed the boom of bisc"its when these were sealed in airtight containers to last for months at a time 4ard track bisc"its (earliest version of the biscotti and present?day crackers) were part of the staple diet of 5nglish and #merican sailors for many cent"ries 'n fact, the co"ntries which led this seafaring charge, s"ch as those in )estern 5"rope, are the ones where bisc"its are most pop"lar even today 3iscotti is said to have been a favo"rite of Christopher Col"mb"s who discovered #mericaL %aking good bisc"its is ."ite an art, and history bears testimony to that H"ring the ;Bth and ;<th Cent"ries in 5"rope, baking was a caref"lly controlled profession, managed thro"gh a series of :g"ilds: or professional associations /o become a baker, one had to complete years of apprenticeship ? working thro"gh the ranks of apprentice, $o"rneyman, and finally master baker !ot only this, the amo"nt and ."ality of bisc"its baked were also caref"lly monitored /he 5nglish, Scottish and H"tch immigrants originally bro"ght the first cookies to the ,nited States and they were called teacakes /hey were often flavo"red with nothing more than the finest b"tter, sometimes with the addition of a few drops of rose water Cookies in #merica were also called by s"ch names as @$"mbles@, @pl"nkets@ and @cry babies@ #s technology improved d"ring the 'nd"strial Revol"tion in the ;8th cent"ry, the price of s"gar and flo"r dropped Chemical leavening agents, s"ch as baking soda,

became available and a prof"sion of cookie recipes occ"rred /his led to the development of man"fact"red cookies

'nterestingly, as time has passed and despite more varieties becoming available, the essential ingredients of bisc"its haven:t changed ? like :soft: wheat flo"r (which contains less protein than the flo"r "sed to bake bread) s"gar, and fats, s"ch as b"tter and oil /oday, tho"gh they are known by different names the world over, people agree on one thing ? nothing beats the bisc"itL Some interesting facts on the origin of other forms of biscuits: /he recipe for oval shaped cookies (that are also known as bo"doir bisc"its, sponge bisc"its, sponge fingers, !aples bisc"its and Savoy bisc"its) has changed little in 877 years and dates back to the ho"se of Savoy in the ;;th cent"ry Erance &eter the -reat of R"ssia seems to have en$oyed an oval?shaped cookie called @lady fingers@ when visiting 9o"is M+ of Erance

/he macaroon ? a small ro"nd cookie with crisp cr"st and a soft interior ? seems to have originated in an 'talian monastery in ;B86 d"ring the Erench Revol"tion

S&R'!-?"hr?lee, have been traditional Christmas cookies in #"stria and 3avaria for cent"ries /hey are made from a simple egg, flo"r and s"gar do"gh and are "s"ally rectang"lar in shape /hese cookies are made with a leavening agent called ammoni"m carbonate and baking ammonia


/he inspiration for fort"ne cookies dates back to the ;6th and ;Fth Cent"ries, when Chinese soldiers slipped rice paper messages into moon cakes to help co?ordinate their defence against %ongolian invaders

;) 3asket of goodies1 3ritannia N eat healthy think better

-ood day >7?>7 %arie gold /reat 9ittle heart Cakes 3read Sh"bh kamna &"re magic 3o"rbon /ime pass Cookies /iger %ilk bikies !"tri choice !ice time


6) 3ritannia healthy start1 *ats O porridge &oha ,pma



F) Hairy delight Cheese %ilk Hahi Hairy whitener -hee #ctimind /iger zor choco milk /iger zor badam milk -o"rmet 3"tter



/he involvement of the )adias in comm"nity welfare began with tha magnificent obsession of 3ai Gerbai )adia who single mindedly and commitedly set o"t to constr"ct low cost ba"gs or


ho"sing colonies in 3ombay for lower and middle?class &arsis 3etween ;87< and ;8>C, a total of five 3a"gs were b"ilt N the !owroz 3a"g, R"stom 3a"g, 3ai Gerbai 3a"g, C"srow 3a"g and 3ess 3a"g 5ven today, they stand testimony to the magnanimo"s spirit of 3ai Gerbai and her sons

4ealth Care facilities was another area close her heart )ith her inspiration, her sons !ess #nd C"srow set abo"t b"ilding m"ch needed hospitals in 3ombay %angaldas %ehta, a renowned -ynecologist, were appalled by the conditions in which the mill workers0 children were born 't was a ca"se that soon became their cr"sade )hat started as a few make?shift rooms in a b"ilding at &arel, 3ombay, soon became a large %aternity 4ome, the !owros$ee )adia %ater Eor the )adia -ro"p, charity has always beg"n at home?with the "el$a&e o$ its "o&.e&s/ in fact, one of the first ho"sing pro$ects for mill workers was started by the )adia mills 3ombay Hyeing was the first to open a provident f"nd for workers and a forer"nner in establishing family planning centres for its work force /he sir !ess )adia Eo"ndation, a charitable tr"st set "p in ;8C8 is today vibrant and throbbing 'ndivid"al companies of the )adia -ro"p rise to the occasion whenever a ca"se is taken "p by the Eo"ndation, and more often when profits $"stify it /he tr"stees have dis#0&sed $0nds to a #&oad spect&0m o$ ca0ses $&om schola&ships $o& the disa#led to d&o0ght &elie$ in -om#ay/ Eor instance, the aftermath of the 9at"r earth."ake in 'ndia saw the


)adia -ro"p reb"ild an entire village and in the process, rehabilitate tho"sands of families





Cadb"ry 'ndia 9td is a part of %ondelPz 'nternational Cadb"ry 'ndia operates in five categories N Chocolate confectionery, 3everages, 3isc"its, -"m and Candy 'n the Chocolate Confectionery b"siness, Cadb"ry has maintained its "ndisp"ted leadership over the years Some of the key brands are Cadbury Dairy Milk, Bourn ita, ! "tar, #erk, Bourn ille, Celebration$, %em$, &all$, '(lair$, Bubbaloo, )ang and *reo *"r core p"rpose


@make today delicio"s@ capt"res the spirit of what we are trying to achieve as a b"siness

'n 'ndia, Cadb"ry began its operations in ;8Q< by importing chocolates #fter over C7 years of e2istence, it today has si2 company?owned man"fact"ring facilities at /hane, 'nd"ri (&"ne) and %alanp"r (-walior), 3angalore and 3addi (4imachal &radesh) 4yderabad and Q sales offices (!ew Helhi, %"mbai, =olkata and Chennai) /he corporate office is in %"mbai Cadb"ry 'ndia en$oys a val"e market share of over B7 percent in the chocolate category and o"r brand Cadbury Dairy Milk (CDM) is considered the @gold standard@ for chocolates in 'ndia /he p"re taste of CDM defines the chocolate taste for the 'ndian cons"mer 'n the %ilk Eood drinks segment o"r main prod"ct is Bourn ita ? the leading %alted Eood Hrink (%EH) in the co"ntry Similarly in the medicated candy category 4alls is the "ndisp"ted leader )e recently entered the bisc"its category with the la"nch of the )orlds !o ; bisc"it brand *reo Since ;8C> Cadb"ry has also pioneered the development of cocoa c"ltivation in 'ndia Eor over two decades, we have worked with the =erala #gric"lt"ral ,niversity to "ndertake cocoa research and


released clones, hybrids that improve the cocoa yield *"r Cocoa team visits farmers and advises them on the c"ltivation aspects from planting to harvesting )e also cond"ct farmer meetings O seminars to ed"cate them on Cocoa c"ltivation aspects *"r efforts have increased cocoa prod"ctivity and to"ched the lives of tho"sands of farmers 4ardly s"rprising then that the Cocoa tree is called the Cadb"ry treeL

Ho" is Chocolate made


/he cocoa?bean ?? the heart of the sweetest delicacy in the world ?? is bitterL /his is why, "p to the ;<th cent"ry some native tribes ate only the sweetish flesh of the cocoa fr"it /hey regarded the precio"s bean as waste or "sed it, as was the case among the #ztecs, as a form of c"rrency

The 2a&ieties /here are two ."ite different basic classifications of cocoa, "nder which practically all varieties can be categorised1 Criollo and Eorastero cocoas /he p"re variety of the Criollo tree is fo"nd mainly in its native 5."ador and +enez"ela /he seeds are of finer ."ality than those of the Eorastero variety /hey have a partic"larly fine, mild aroma and are, therefore, "sed only in the prod"ction of high?."ality chocolate and for blending 4owever, Criollo cocoa acco"nts for only ;7D of the world crop /he remaining 87D is harvested from trees of the Eorastero family, with its many hybrids and varieties /he main growing area is )est #frica /he cocoa tree can flo"rish only in the hottest regions of the world

The Ha&vest 'mmediately after harvesting, the fr"it is treated to prevent it from rotting #t fermentation sites either in the plantation or at, collecting points, the fr"it is opened


+e&mentation /he fermentation process is decisive in the prod"ction of high ."ality raw cocoa /he techni."e varies depending on the growing region

D&ying #fter fermentation, the raw cocoa still contains far too m"ch water( in fact abo"t C7D %ost of this has to be removed )hat co"ld be more nat"ral than to spread the beans o"t to dry on the s"n?soaked gro"nd or on matsK #fter a week or so, all b"t a small percentage of the water has evaporated

Cleaning 3efore the real processing begins, the raw cocoa is thoro"ghly cleaned by passing thro"gh sieves, and by br"shing Einally, the last vestiges of wood, $"te fibres, sand and even the finest d"st are e2tracted by powerf"l vac""m e."ipment

Roasting /he s"bse."ent roasting process is primarily designed to develop the aroma /he entire roasting process, d"ring which the air in the nearly ;7 feet high f"rnaces reaches a temperat"re of ;F7 RC, is carried o"t a"tomatically


C&0shing and shelling /he roasted beans are now broken into medi"m sized pieces in the cr"shing machine

-lending 3efore grinding, the cr"shed beans are weighed and blended according to special recipes /he secret of every chocolate factory lies in the special mi2ing ratios which it has developed for different types of cocoa

3&inding /he cr"shed cocoa beans, which are still fairly coarse are now pre? gro"nd by special milling e."ipment and then fed on to rollers where they are gro"nd into a fine paste /he heat generated by the res"lting press"re and friction ca"ses the cocoa b"tter (appro2imately >7D of the bean) contained in the beans to melt, prod"cing a thick, li."id mi2t"re /his is dark brown in colo"r with a characteristic, strong odo"r H"ring cooling it grad"ally sets1 this is the cocoa paste #t this point the prod"ction process divides into two paths, b"t which soon $oin again # part of the cocoa paste is taken to large presses, which e2tract the cocoa b"tter /he other part passes thro"gh vario"s blending and refining processes, d"ring which some of the cocoa b"tter is added to it /he two paths have re$oined


Cocoa -0tte& /he cocoa b"tter has important f"nctions 't not only forms part of every recipe, b"t it also later gives the chocolate its fine str"ct"re, bea"tif"l l"stre and delicate, attractive glaze Cocoa Po"de& #fter the cocoa b"tter has left the press, cocoa cakes are left which still contain a ;7 to 67D proportion of fat depending on the intensity of compression /hese cakes are cr"shed again, gro"nd to powder and finely sifted in several stages and we obtain a dark, strongly aromatic powder which is e2cellent for the preparation of delicio"s drinks ? cocoa Cocoa paste, cocoa b"tter, s"gar and milk are the fo"r basic ingredients for making chocolate 3y blending them in accordance with specific recipes the three types of chocolate are obtained which form the basis of ever prod"ct assortment, namely1

4neading 'n the case of milk chocolate for e2ample, the cocoa paste, cocoa b"tter, powdered or condensed milk, s"gar and flavo"ring ? maybe vanilla ? go into the mi2er, where they are p"lverized and kneaded

Rolling Hepending on the design of the rolling mills, three or five vertically mo"nted steel rollers rotate in opposite directions ,nder heavy press"re they


p"lverise the tiny particles of cocoa and s"gar down to a size of appro2 F7 microns (*ne micron is a tho"sandth part of a millimetre )

Conching 3"t still the chocolate paste is not smooth eno"gh to satisfy o"r palates 3"t within two or three days all that will have been p"t right Eor d"ring this period the chocolate paste will be refined to s"ch an e2tent in the conches that it will flatter even the most discriminating palate Conches (from the Spanish word @concha@, meaning a shell) is the name given to the tro"ghs in which ;77 to ;777 kilograms of chocolate paste at a time can be heated "p to <7 RC and, while being constantly stirred, is given a velvet smoothness by the addition of certain amo"nts of cocoa b"tter # kind of aeration of the li."id chocolate paste then takes place in the conches1 its bitter taste grad"ally disappears and the flavo"r is f"lly developed /he chocolate no longer seems sandy, b"t dissolves meltingly on the tong"e 't has attained the o"tstanding p"rity which gives it its rep"tation



;) C4*C*9#/51 Cadb"ry dairy milk Cadb"ry celebrations 3o"rnville > star &erk -ems toblerone


6) 35+5R#-5S 1 3o"rnvita /ang

F) 3'SC,'/S1



Q) C#!HJ 1 Sclairs 4alls

>) -,%1 3"bbaloo



Cadb"ry 'ndia has a tradition of caring for the environment and enriching the ."ality of lives of the comm"nities we live and work in, thro"gh a variety of res"lt?oriented programs O0& Commitment to the Envi&onment )e are committed to responsible environmental, health and safety management )e aim to look after the health and safety of o"r people and minimize the environmental impact of o"r b"siness aro"nd the world

Ind0&i +acto&y helps p&ovide village&s

a$e D&in.ing Wate& to 11!555

'n %ay 67;; with s"pport from 'nd"ri Eactory a water scheme was ina"g"rated in 'nd"ri village )ith a storage capacity of ; > lakhs


litres, the new water scheme will provide safe drinking water to over ;;777 villagers /he development of the new water scheme began in 677>?677C 'nd"ri village is sit"ated on the banks of the 'ndrani River, which serves all its water re."irements )ater from the river is conserved in a water scheme and p"mped to the 'nd"ri village /he e2isting water scheme, however, was "nable to provide s"fficient and safe drinking water to 'nd"ri village with its growing needs and pop"lation 4ence a need was felt for a comprehensive water scheme to meet the water re."irements of the village )hile "nder the e2isting R"ral )ater Scheme, the government wo"ld f"nd 87D of the "pgradation, the residents of 'nd"ri village were e2pected to raise the remaining ;7D -iven Cadb"ry 'ndia0s long association of comm"nity development in 'nd"ri village, we offered o"r s"pport, f"nding over >7D of the remaining b"dget Recognizing the importance of safe drinking water for the village residents, we also helped b"ild a filtration system in the water scheme

)ig&ato&y #i&ds stop ove& at o0& -angalo&e $acto&y6

)ater is a precio"s reso"rce #s part of Cadb"ry 'ndia:s efforts to contin"o"sly increase water conservation o"r 3angalore factory has


constr"cted a check dam to store the rainwater /his dam not only acts as a ma$or gro"nd water replenishing so"rce for the bore wells in the factories and s"rro"nding comm"nity, b"t is also a stopover location for some of the migratory birdsL

3&o"ing Comm0nity 2al0e 5verything needs a little n"rt"ring to help it to grow *"r comm"nities are no different Cadb"ry 'ndia is committed to growing comm"nity val"e aro"nd the world Eor o"r employees, this is abo"t making a difference in the comm"nity.

A.shaya Pat&a

#s one of the world0s largest food company, we believe that we are in a "ni."e position to fight h"nger and maln"trition *ne in si2 people worldwide N more than ; billion people don0t have eno"gh food to eat 'n 'ndia, o"r involvement with #kshaya &atra N a non?profit organization that provides n"tritio"s mid?day meals to over ;6 9akh school children every day, is o"r flagship program, and o"r biggest


effort in that direction O0& Involvement' *"r relationship with #kshaya &atra began with the Helicio"s Hifference )eek (HH)) 67;7 *ver >77 colleag"es, in close to 67 locations across 'ndia, $oined hands with #kshaya &atra to cook and distrib"te hot, healthy and n"tritio"s food to over ;7,777 st"dents over the co"rse of the week Eor each colleag"e who vol"nteered d"ring the week, we pledged to s"pport mid?day meals for an "nderprivileged child for an entire academic year 5ach colleag"e0s involvement was therefore a very meaningf"l and long?term difference to the life of a child #dditionally, as part of o"r %"mbai %arathon participation in 67;;, over 677 colleag"es ran for #kshaya &atra )ith the combined effort of the HH) and %"mbai %arathon, we have made a positive difference in the lives of over 6777 children


'n response to the 677Q #sian /s"nami crisis, Cadb"ry committed f"nds and reso"rces to the Sri #"robindo R"ral +illage #ction %ovement (S#R+#%) comm"nity pro$ect to redevelop two villages in the coastal regions of &ondicherry, 'ndia1 &ooth"rai and &erambai in








)e have been working in partnership with the local government and local charity, the Sri #"robindo Society, and it is hoped that the two villages will "ltimately become an inspirational e2ample for all of 'ndia


H"ring Hiwali (the festival of lights) 6778, Cadb"ry tied?"p with %ake? #?)ish to s"pport the wishes of children s"ffering from life?threatening diseases in the age gro"p of F?;< yrs #s part of the partnership, Cadb"ry has pledged to f"lfill the heart?felt wishes of children /he partnership was an effort to spread %ithaas (sweetness) in the comm"nity Impact' Erom *ctober 6778 to Hecember to 67;7, close to >77 wishes have been f"lfilled /o make the e2perience more involving and intimate for o"r colleag"es, m"ltiple opport"nities for employee vol"nteering were created H"ring Hiwali, colleag"es visited < hospitals across %"mbai identifying the wishes of children # national wish?f"lfilment event inspired many to be part of the initiative H"ring Christmas,

colleag"es played Santa Ca"se, f"lfilling the wishes of >7 4'+ positive children of St Catherine0s 4ome( spreading cheer in the festival season 'n 67;7, we spent a day with the children of %amta Eo"ndation ? an orphanage in &"ne city that takes care of abandoned 4'+T children ahyog7 Non7$o&mal school set 0p #y Cad#0&y $o& child&en o$ mig&ant "o&.e&s in -addi

P&o8ect' Sahyog ? 'mproving comm"nity health thro"gh ed"cation and primary health care in 3addi, 4imachal &radesh Cadb"ry partnered with C#E (Charities #id Eo"ndation) to identify a local !-* N R"chi, to help improve health and ed"cation 3addi is an ind"strial town in the so"thwestern Solan district of 4imachal &radesh #s a recently declared S5I, 3addi is getting ind"strialized at a fast pace ,nable to keep "p with the speed of development, some aspects of healthy living have taken a beating 'ss"es incl"de


environmental degradation, sanitation, lack of health and ed"cational facilities /he problems have been f"rther aggravated d"e to the increased press"re on land and water reso"rces as a res"lt of migrant labo"r recr"ited by the ind"stries #gainst this backgro"nd, Cadb"ry 'ndia decided to invest in the health and ed"cation of the children and families in the area &artnering with R"chi, Cadb"ry 'ndia started work in the village of Sandholi Impact' Cadb"ry has set "p a non?formal school near 3addi factory as part of o"r commitment to create prospero"s, incl"sive and healthy comm"nities >7 children of migrant workers living have daily access to non?formal ed"cation /he pro$ect aims at to"ching the lives of Q77 families at Sandholi village by s"pporting three thematic areas of ed"cation, sanitation and health and hygiene )ith this holistic approach we are hoping to achieve better standards of health and living /he pro$ect is helping s"pport integrated child ed"cation and health care initiatives in 3addi 'n the area of ed"cation, the pro$ect is foc"sing on delivery of services from the o"t?of?school children belonging to disadvantaged gro"ps to ens"re that they enroll and stay in school





NATURE O+ THE -U INE ' /he Company designs, man"fact"res and markets paper stationery prod"cts e2ercise note books, long books, note pads, scrap books, drawing books, graph books N for st"dents of all ages, as well as officeU corporate stationery prod"cts and printing, writing O packaging paper Company has over ;87 varieties of paper stationery prod"cts "nder the brand S"ndaram which are very pop"lar among the st"dent comm"nities and en$oy very high rep"tation in the market for its s"perb ."ality and d"rability -U INE HI TOR* '

/he Company was incorporated on ;Fth %arch, ;88> with the Registrar of Companies, %aharashtra, at %"mbai and the Certificate of Commencement of 3"siness was obtained on ;7th #pril, ;88> Shri #mr"tbhai & Shah and Shri Shantilal & Shah promoted the Company /he Company took over the partnership firm viz Starline 'nd"stries engaged in the man"fact"re of e2ercise note books, acco"nt books and other paper stationery prod"cts, with its assets, bank liabilities and b"siness and the said promoters were the partners of this partnership firm /he p"rchase consideration was fi2ed at Rs Q6,67,777U? and the same was paid by the Company thro"gh the iss"e


of Q,66,777 5."ity Shares of the Company of Rs ;7U? each, f"lly paid "p, at par /he Company made its maiden p"blic offer of ; < million 5."ity Shares of Rs ;7U? each for cash at par aggregating to Rs ;< million on 6FrdEebr"ary, ;88C which was f"lly s"bscribed and obtained the listing of its 5."ity Shares on &"ne and #hmedabad Stock 52changes 'n G"ly 677> the 5."ity Shares of the Company were also listed on 3S5 #t the start of the Company in the year ;88>, the Company had a capacity of > tons per day of conversion of paper into paper stationery, which was increased to 67 tons per day in ;88< with the addition of two -erman made machines, to >7 tons per day in 677; with the addition of one more "nit of man"fact"re, and to C7 tons per day in 677F with the addition of one more "nit of man"fact"re /his therefore, is the c"rrent capacity of conversion of paper into paper stationery of the Company


S"ndaram0s %ission statement has evolved after deep tho"ght and in cons"ltation with the members of s"ndaram company /he %ission Statement as defined below reflects the fabric and character of s"ndaram and integrates in the f"lfillment of s"ndaram0s +ision

/o carve o"t a niche in the global arena of advanced



/echnology O enhance o"r brand image /o contin"e to create and deploy the finest talent in o"r ."est for f"rther e2panding the frontiers of 5d"cational and -eneral books for Children /o provide international ."ality st"dent and office stationery /o achieve rapid and effective spread of knowledge thro"gh the the power of 'nformation /echnology and bring home its wonder to children thro"gh electronic media /o share o"r vast reservoir of e2perience for ed"cation O knowledge enrichment in the field of p"blication

2al0es' )e behave ethically, acting with integrity and respect )e work with o"r clients to contrib"te to their s"ccess )e care for o"r colleag"es, enco"raging their development, engagement and achievement )e share knowledge with o"r colleag"es to deliver professional e2cellence )e act in a socially and environmentally responsible manner, committed to high standards of safe performance


;) *ffice paper stationery 6) #nswer sheet F) Scrap book Q) &ractical book >) Hrawing book C) !ote book B) 3ig college book



Company firmly believes that its growth and s"ccess achieved is also contrib"ted by the s"rro"nding environment and comm"nity in which it operates and to acknowledge this Company has very conscio"sly "ndertaken comm"nity development pro$ects partic"larly in the field of providing primary and secondary ed"cation in and aro"nd &alghar as well as in ="tch Company has from ;88< onwards created > schools for primary and secondary ed"cation starting with a special school for deaf and d"mb children with all re."ired facilities at &alghar in ;88< /he pro$ects that have been completed by the Company are as follows1?

School &ro$ects1 Special school for deaf and d"mb children at ;88< &alghar &rimary O Secondary School at Samkhiyali, ="tch with Catholic /r"st at Samkhiyali, ="tch S"ndaram Central School (C3S5 3oard) at 677F 677; 5nglish &rimary O Secondary school in association 6776


Sakwar, +irar, Hist /hane, %aharashtra S"ndaram &alghar Central School (C3S5 3oard) at 677C

4ostel &ro$ects1 Goined hands with the management of e2isting 677B hostel for the 4andicapped children at 3hacha" and Rapar, ="tch

!ational &ro$ects1 # special > years tie "p for 677; to 677C with Rs 6> !ational #ssociation for the 3lind (!#3) for the 9acs 5d"cation of the 3lind Children thro"gh donations of Rs > lacs per year from the sale proceeds of %r 3'- !ote 3ook /o create awareness abo"t !ational Ieal and Rs ; > &ride e2hibited by o"r #rmed Eorces d"ring the 9akh =argil )ar, Company decided to contrib"te Re ; per long books with kargil war as a theme on the cover page /his amo"nt was donated to national Hefense E"nd /o create awareness abo"t preserving wild life in 'ndia specially printed 9ong 3ooks with informative wild life cover page at the behest of %rs %aneka -andhi





;8>7 ? ;8>81 )45! !'=5 3R5#/45H '/S E'RS/ 3R5#/4, '/ '!4#95H /45 S&'R'/ *E /)* %5!

;8C7 N ;8C81 E*,!H5H *! # 4#!HS4#=5, V>77 #!H %,/,#9 /R,S/

;8B7 N ;8B81 /45 3'R/4 *E /45 !'=5 3R#!H, #!H C*%&#!J

;8<7 ? ;8<81 # H5C#H5 *E /R#!S'/'*! #!H R5H5H'C#/'*!


;887 N ;8881 !'=5 5M/5!HS '/S R5#C4

6777 N &R5S5!/ 1 95#H'!- # !5) -5!5R#/'*!


;) S4*5S 6) 3#-S



WORN OUT/ P,A* ON/ S5&/5%35R C, 67;6 )hat the !ike Re"se?#?Shoe program has achieved in its short life wo"ld p"t most 66 year?olds to shame !ike la"nched the Re"se?#?Shoe program in ;887 Since then,

over 6< million pairs of shoes have been collected and given a second life, remade into things like sport co"rts, tracks and playgro"nds

4ow does it workK ; *ld athletic shoes are collected in Re"se?a?Shoe bins located in !ike retail locations, and scrap materials are collected from o"r man"fact"ring facilities 6 /he old athletic shoes and scrap materials are sent thro"gh grinders, slicers, and sorters, t"rning them into F main materials1 r"bber, foam and fiber )e call this new material !ike -rind F !ike -rind r"bber is "sed in athletic tracks, weight room

flooring, soccer fields and playgro"nd s"rfacing !ike -rind foam gets a new lease on life in synthetic and wood flooring for o"tdoor and indoor basketball, volleyball and tennis co"rts





4/ %edia fo"nd its beginning in ;86Q when its flagship newspaper, 4ind"stan /imes was ina"g"rated by %ahatma -andhi 4/ %edia (3S5, !S5) has today grown to become one of 'ndia:s largest media companies &rod"ced by an editorial team known for its ."ality, innovation and integrity, 4ind"stan /imes (5nglish newspaper) and 4ind"stan (4indi newspaper thro"gh a s"bsidiary 4ind"stan %edia +ent"res 9imited),4ind"stan /imes is the choice for nearly F B million readers across 'ndia, who t"rn to it daily for news, information, analysis and

entertainment 4ind"stan, the gro"p:s 4indi daily, contin"es to be the second?largest daily in the co"ntry with a total readership of FC C million,(based 7n 'ndian Readership S"rvey ('RS) for the first ."arter (W;) of 67;; 3oth dailies en$oy a strong brand recognition among readers as well as advertisers 'n addition to 4ind"stan /imes, 4/ %edia also p"blishes a national b"siness newspaper, %int %int is a one?of?its?kind newspaper in the sense that the company has an e2cl"sive agreement with the )all Street Go"rnal to p"blish Go"rnal?branded news and information in 'ndia %int is today the second?largest b"siness newspaper in 'ndia with presence in the key markets of Helhi, %"mbai, Chennai, 3engal"r", Chandigarh, &"ne, =olkata and now #hmedabad too 4/ %edia has also made its foray into electronic media Hiversifying its ambit of operations, the company in a cons"lting partnership with +irgin Radio, has la"nched the E% radio channel ? Eever ;7Q C"rrently available in Helhi, %"mbai, 3engal"r" and =olkata, Eever ;7Q has established a strong presence as being one of the most vibrant channels on air 'n a short span, the channel:s rise has been meteoric considering its position in %"mbai and 3engal"r" at !o ; and in Helhi as the !o 6 station on the pop"larity charts 'nternet b"sinesses of 4/ %edia incorporated "nder Eirefly e? vent"res, b"siness news operate categories has respectively received leading the general company:s /he web and $ob from portals 4ind"stantimes com and livemint com in portal Shine com which high


cons"mers and ind"stry for its innovative design and "sability crossed B million registrations Hesimartini com ?a platform to discover and e2press oneself on movies /he company also has an ed"cation portal www 4/Camp"s com aimed at st"dents passing o"t of school

and college to help them take the right decision abo"t their higher ed"cation Einancially, the Company was ahead of the ind"stry in more ways than one *n a consolidated basis, its reven"es grew by 6>D to reach Rs ;,<;> Crore, 53'/H# grew by 6CD to reach Rs FC> Crore, net profit grew by FFD to reach Rs ;<; Crore Reven"e growth was driven by a 66D increase in advertisement reven"e within the print segment, which reached Rs ;,F8> Crore from Rs ;,;Q; Crore in the previo"s fiscal and an impressive CFD increase in reven"e from the Radio O 5ntertainment segment from Rs QF Crore in EJ ;7 to Rs B7 Crore this year /his rob"st reven"e growth has been partially offset by a significant increase in cost of raw material, reaching Rs C6< Crore in EJ ;; from Rs QBC Crore in the previo"s year, d"e to higher circ"lation and newsprint prices

;) %int money 6) 4ind"stan N naya nazariya F) Eever ;7Q fm Q) Shine com >) 4ind"stan N kya poori tayari hai C) 4/ ne2t



1( Ed0cation '

4/ %edia has believed in strengthening and empowering f"t"re generations thro"gh vario"s medi"ms /he organization has forayed into 5d"cation, a new vertical, as a part of strategic e2pansion and social s"pport plans N aiming to provide ."ality ed"cation to 'ndia0s


yo"th /he diversification model leverages the reach of the 4/ %edia gro"p, depth of o"r management, o"r highly ethical and diversified leadership team, s"stained financial performance, brand credibility and ."ality orientation 4/ %edia, with its powerf"l reach of more than ;> million readers and strong employer network across ind"striesUsectors envisions s"pporting the co"ntry0s development by bringing ."ality, access and relevance to 'ndia0s yo"th 4/ has been s"ccessf"l in making an impact in the minds of the yo"ng generation, by s"pporting them in their day?to?day lives &rod"cts from 4ind"stan /imes:s 5nglish portfolio like 4/ 5dge, 4/ !e2t, 4/ 5d"cation, which are targeted at the yo"th, have been well received 4/ Camp"s com foc"ses on the g"iding st"dents towards their preferred careers( 4/ &ace, an initiative to bring the newspaper to classrooms across the co"ntry, events s"ch as Camp"s Calling, 4"m se &oocho, 4/ 4orizons mission %3#, 4ind"stan /imes #spirations etc have been very s"ccessf"l in helping st"dents make so"nd ed"cation and career choices /he organization has f"rther reinforced its presence in 5d"cation and the importance of ed"cating yo"th by la"nching learning centers, St"dy%ate, which aims at providing s"pplementary coaching to Class 'M to M'' st"dents 4/ has forayed into 4igher 5d"cation and $oined hands with #pollo -lobal to offer ind"stry relevant programs to working ad"lts across sectors and domains




4ind"stan /imes in association with %/ 5d"care started St"dymate t"ition centers for Class 'M?M'' in the year 67;7 /he development of St"dymate t"ition centers is the c"lmination of many years of e2perience in the field of ed"cation, garnered thro"gh o"r ed"cational s"pplement 4/ 5d"cation, and thro"gh partnership initiatives with n"mero"s schools for o"r !ewspapers in 5d"cation initiative thro"gh 4/ &#C5 and 4/ !5M/ )ith St"dymate, o"r aim of e."ipping and empowering yo"ng minds to p"rs"e their dreams has been f"rthered %/ 5d"care is an 5d"cational Service &rovider with a versatile prod"ct portfolio and has strong foothold in the domain of imparting s"pplementary ed"cation %/ is well entrenched in %aharashtra, -"$arat, =arnataka and /amil !ad" and internationally in H"bai, with over ;B6 centers and over 6 lakh al"mni, the world over 5very Jear over B>D of its st"dents, score an aggregate of 87 percent and above in the board e2ams )e started with fo"r state?of?the art centers in HelhiU!CR (&atel !agar, 9a$pat !agar, Ganakp"ri and %ay"r +ihar) and based on the tremendo"s response we received in the first year, we added another two centers (%alviya !agar and -"rgaon) in the year 67;; /oday we have more than B77 st"dents enrolled with "s #t a St"dymate /"ition center, the child benefits from a c"rric"l"m that has been synchronized with the C3S5 3oard:s System and is "pdated to incl"de the latest Contin"o"s and Comprehensive 5val"ation Erom

enrolment to e2ams and st"dent personality development, o"r st"dents are mentored by teachers with a proven track record, who:ve been hired by o"r 5d"cational 3oard after an e2ha"stive screening and selection process St"dymate prides itself in having fac"lty of the highest caliber, as we believe they form the backbone of o"r t"ition center )e ens"re that o"r fac"lty inherently displays val"es, which are synonymo"s with St"dymate, namely N patience, approachability, confidence, res"lt orientation and an "nbiased attit"de *"r centers are e."ipped with best in class infrastr"ct"re with clean and well lit classrooms r"nning on optim"m batch size to ens"re attention to the needs of each child )ithin the classroom, learning is simplified by /echnology?#ided /eaching as well as having st"dy material and st"dy notes collated by teachers who:ve demonstrated years of s"b$ect e2pertise #part from s"pport for p"re academic e2cellence, we go the e2tra mile by providing a 6Q ho"r board e2am helpline /his interface addresses a st"dent:s co"nseling and emotional needs, helps the st"dent manage stress and clear last min"te do"bts as well *"r X4"m se &ocho0 6Q ho"r board e2am helpline initiative last year received tremendo"s response and was appla"ded by the school principals as well as the C3S5 chairman %r +ineet Goshi /he recent C3S5 board e2ams are strong endorsement for St"dymate *"r st"dents did e2tremely well across classes !ot only did a large proportion achieve above 87D, b"t a significant n"mber of st"dents registered a s"bstantial improvement in their res"lts /he enco"raging feedback received from both parents and st"dents have f"rther strengthened o"r belief that it was a step taken in the


right direction 'n the coming years we f"rther plan to b"ild on o"r learning in the first two years and grow e2ponentially with a single minded vision to impart high ."ality coaching to o"r st"dents



'ncorporated in ;88B, Canon 'ndia &vt 9td is a ;77D s"bsidiary of Canon Singapore &te 9td( a world leader in imaging technologies Canon today has offices spread across ;7 cities in 'ndia with an employee strength of over ;;77 people and markets ;Q7 comprehensive range of sophisticated and contemporary digital imaging prod"cts in the co"ntry /hese incl"de digitalcopiers, m"lti? f"nctional peripherals, fa2?machines, ink$et and laser printers,

scanners, #ll?in?ones, digital cameras, digital camcorders , dye s"b photo printers and m"lti media pro$ectors semicond"ctors, card printers O cable 'H printers

Canon has pioneered Eive technology Ximaging0 engines viz1 *ptical 5ngine, 5lectrophotography, 3"bble Get, Semicond"ctors and Hisplay which drives Canon0s c"tting?edge technology prod"cts )ith over ;;77 registered patented technologies in Higital Cameras, 6F77 in ink$et printers, >C77 in m"ltif"nctional printers and more than 677 in scanners, Canon has emerged as one of the leading technology innovators in the digital imaging space worldwide

Canon 'ndia forayed into retail space with the la"nch of its e2cl"sive brand retail store called Canon 'mage S."are Canon ina"g"rated >7 retail stores in 67;;, targets to ina"g"rate another >7 by the end of 67;6 taking the co"nt to F77 stores in the ne2t F years Canon0s "ni."e initiative to tap 3, C and H?class cities of the co"ntry, 'mage 52press, reached F< cities in /ier '' and /ier ''' towns )ith the ac."isition of *cY Canon was positioned as the "ndisp"ted leader in professional and display graphics printing domain in 67;7

'n 67;;, Canon 'ndia was ranked as one of the top 6> 3est 5mployers in 'ndia by #on 4ewitt /he e2tensive st"dy was cond"cted across C months and 677 companies with a stringent methodology to arrive at the rankings %etrics covering information on b"siness performance, organization str"ct"re, and 4R strategy, policies and metrics, employee s"rvey of random pop"lation, C5* interviews and on site a"dit to validate acc"racy of information provided and incl"ded interaction with 4R teams, gro"p disc"ssions with employees and

managers, disc"ssion with the C5*, and facility to"r of the organization 'n 6778, Canon was ranked amongst top ;7 employers in 'ndia in the 3"siness /oday X3est Companies to )ork for in 'ndia0 s"rvey /his ranking was given on the basis of a process that involved an "nderstanding of the 4R systems of companies, a s"rvey of their employees, and a s"rvey of their e2ternal stakeholders s"ch as 3? schools, placement firms, and al"mni 't was "ndertaken by %ercer 4"man Reso"rce Cons"lting

Canon takes pride in not only bringing ."ality prod"cts to the market( b"t also contrib"tes to minimising environmental b"rden thro"gh effective application of environmental technologies Canon foc"ses on the development of reso"rce conserving prod"cts that are smaller, lighter and easy to recycle 'n 'ndia, Canon takes responsibility to dispose off end of life Canon prod"cts and other e?waste by sending s"ch waste to government approved recycling agency

/oday, Canon 'ndia is certified for 'S* 877;, 'S* ;Q77; and *4S#S ;<77; 'n 677C and 67;7, the company was certified for its Strong commitment to e2cel@ at the C''?5M'% 3"siness 52cellence #ward *ver the last ;Q years of its 'ndia growth story, Canon0s comprehensive range of the latest digital imaging prod"cts s"pported by a trained sales force across the co"ntry has emerged as its key differentiator Canon has aro"nd ;77 primary channel partners ;Q !ational Retail Chain partners, B Canon owned Service Centres and FB Canon care

centres , over C777 secondary retail points incl"ding 6B7 !ational Retail Chain store partners Canon prod"cts are available in over Q77 towns in 'ndia 3y end of 67;7, Canon has ac."ired a c"stomer base of over F7 lac c"stomers in 'ndia

#s part of the company0s promise to enhance digital e2perience for cons"mers, Canon 'mage 9o"nge was la"nched in 677< in -"rgaon for c"stomers to get a to"ch and feel of Canon prod"cts /he lo"nges provide a comprehensive display of Canon0s vast range of offerings and display over ;7; cons"mer imaging prod"cts for cons"mers to simply look, feel and e2perience witho"t the comp"lsion on b"ying Special photography workshops and other c"stomer engagement programmes are being held in these lo"nges Canon also has 3"siness Sol"tions 9o"nge for 363 c"stomers in -"rgaon showcasing b"siness applications alongwith seminar rooms for b"siness workshops

PRODUCT HS9Rs1 Compact cameras1 Compact photo printers (S59&4J &ersonal camcorders (95-R'#)1 &rinters1


%"ltif"nction N printers1 Scanners1 Ea2 machines1 &ro$ectors (M55H and 9+)1


#s a responsible b"siness, Canon 'ndia takes pride in being socially inclined and foc"ses on s"stained and effective CSR pro$ects /he three core areas that Canon

'ndia s"pports are 5ye Care, 5d"cation and 5nvironment /he CSR policy aligns with the corporate philosophy of =yosei, which means living and working together for common good *"r employees are enco"raged to vol"nteer their time and skills and en$oy the e2perience of giving back to the comm"nities in which their work

P&o8ects ' +&ee )o#ile Eye c&eening Camps 3eing in the imaging ind"stry, Canon believes in the right for every person to en$oy the gift of vision 5ye care is a ca"se close to Canon0s core philosophy Canon and )ockhardt Eo"ndation came together to diagnose people with Cataract, -la"coma and other eye related problems and provide free medical treatment and operation )ithin a span of > months, appro2 F>77 people were screened in si2 locations across 'ndia incl"ding %"mbai, #"rangabad, #methi, &ondicherry, Chennai and 9"cknow

Open schools $o& disadvantaged child&en Canon and Ship for )orld Jo"th #l"mni #ssociationN'ndia (S)J##? 'ndia) have set "p twelve open schools to ed"cate over ;777 disadvantaged children in the age gro"p of Q to ;Q years living in eight sl"m cl"sters of %ayap"ri, !araina, =irti !agar and Chankyap"ri area in !ew Helhi /he pro$ect goal is to help economically disadvantaged

children to get ."ality ed"cation in these open schools /he schools provide basic primary level ed"cation as per the school syllab"s so that the children are able to enter the school system and get enrolled in the government primary schools

UNICE+ INDIA = >AWAA? DO@ Campaign Canon 'ndia is pro"d to partner with ,!'C5E :#waaz Ho: campaign in promoting the Right to 5d"cation in 'ndia /he :#waaz Ho: campaign aims at creating a movement, at b"ilding a platform where people can have access to and share information abo"t the Right to 5d"cation

UNE CO INDIA = )* COUNTR*@ WOR,D HERITA3E Canon 'ndia s"pported the %y Co"ntry:s )orld 4eritage initiative by ,!5SC* 'ndia, with the ob$ective to create awareness and sensitize the masses, especially children and yo"th abo"t the importance and relevance of the world heritage today /he ob$ective was also to create interest amongst st"dents towards o"r heritage and history


"sing photography as a medi"m of comm"nication to voice their concern towards the preservation and importance of these sites and o"r environment /he B months activity began with a series of photography workshops cond"cted for the local school children at vario"s ,!5SC* world heritage sites &ost workshops, the children were enco"raged to take photographs and participate in a photo competition # small e2hibition was also organised to showcase the entries sent by the school children

Photog&aphy classes $o& vis0ally impai&ed Canon 'ndia s"pported a si2 months training programme in association with 3eyond Sight Eo"ndation to cond"ct photography classes for appro2 >C7 vis"ally impaired in %"mbai, -oa, %t #b", #hmedabad, S"rat and 3angalore 9ocal sighted photographers were trained "nder @/rain the /rainer@ program on the methodology to teach photography to the vis"ally impaired *n completion of their classes, each school showcased best ;77 pict"res d"ring the Eo"ndation Hays


Envi&onmental P&o8ect Canon 'ndia has s"pported an eco?drive N &ro$ect +riksha initiated by !#3 (5O/), %anesar /his environmental drive reached o"t to lacs of comm"ters at the Helhi?-"rgaon /oll &laza where free saplings were distrib"ted to the comm"ters Canon 'ndia has also adopted green belts near its corporate office where tho"sands of plants and trees have been planted by the employee vol"nteers B77 saplings were also adopted as part of the million trees campaign of organization iamg"rgaon /he employees are also sensitized towards paper recycling and the company has tied "p with organization Gaagr"ti to receive recycled notepads in e2change of the waste paper, old newspapers and magazines collected at the end of every month

-lood donation camps 3lood donation camps have been organised in 4yderabad, 3angalore


and -"rgaon offices in association with !/R 3lood 3ank, Sankalp 'ndia Eo"ndation and 'ndian Red Cross Society /he event has received an overwhelming response from the employees

Collection d&ives Canon 'ndia organized collection drives to s"pport organization -oon$ in Helhi, 3angalore, 4yderabad, Chennai, %"mbai and =olkata /he collection drives were organized to s"pport -oon$ initiatives of +astra Samman and School to school campaign, with an ob$ective to provide clothing to the poor /he employee0s whole heartedly donated clothes, toys, stationary, footwear, and bed sheets #n organization to"r was also arranged for the vol"nteers to get e2posed to over B7 people who are engaged into rigoro"s process of sorting, mending, and packing of the different kind of material that comes to the organization /he e2perience of the to"r was an eye opener for the vol"nteers, and the drive came to an end with a satisfying e2perience

)a&athons Canon 'ndia also participated in the memory walk organised by


X#lzheimer and Related Hisorders Society N 4yderabad Heccan Chapter0 't was a Fkm walk to showcase the comm"nity0s solidarity for those s"ffering from dementia 't also took part in vario"s marathons like the X4yderabad ;7km r"n0 and the X&"ne %arathon0 /he ob$ective of these events was to create awareness towards good health and #'HS




Hr 3atra0s N the name that represents e2cellence and commitment to the health services sector N the pioneering force that aims at b"ilding val"es for patients, employees, partners and for the society, at large /he f"ndamental b"siness strategy of Hr 3atra0s is to innovate, to e2cel at whatever is created and to b"ild a brand that constantly strives for something still betterL

/ransparency in b"siness and abiding by their f"ndamental principles has bro"ght Hr 3atra0s a long way in developing and maintaining e2cellent relations with c"stomers /he commitment and dedication in providing c"stomers with the best service helped Hr 3atra0s to become the world0s largest homeopathic corporate

Eo"nded in ;8<6 by Hr %"kesh 3atra, Hr 3atra0s positive 4ealth Clinic has come a long way today with ;77 clinics spread across Q6 cities in 'ndia, H"bai and ,= 't provides state?of?the?art services to more than half a million people from all over the world, with the n"mbers growing steadily Spreading its wings beyond 'ndia, Hr 3atra0s went global in 677< with its first clinic in %"scat, in a $oint vent"re with 9ama &olyclinic 99C /he international operations were f"rthered in 6778 with the la"nch of Hr 3atra0s 4omeopathic Clinic EI?99C at the H"bai 4ealthcare City /he company made another mark on the global scenario when it established its presence in the h"b of medical e2cellence in 9ondon, at 4arley Street in 67;7

#s a part of their constant endeavo"r to ma2imize c"stomer benefit, Hr 3atra0s also introd"ced hair transplantation services in the year 6778 /his company N Hr 3atra0s 3 &erfect N soon e2panded its

services domain to incl"de cosmetic proced"res s"ch as 3oto2 and Eillers *n the other hand, Hr 3atra0s &ositive 4ealth &rod"cts has been ch"rning o"t health prod"cts since 677; and their vast range has steadily gained pop"larity for e2cellent ."ality and a nat"ral base

)ith so m"ch happening aro"nd all the time, Hr %"kesh 3atra also made s"re that he f"lfilled his social responsibility diligently and with this end in mind, he established Hr 3atras0 &ositive 4ealth Eo"ndation nin 677; 4elping the "nderprivileged and the deprived gives a better meaning to the life of any person associated with Hr 3atra0s gro"p

;) Hr 3atra0s &ositive 4ealth Clinic &rivate 9td

6) Hr 3atra0s &ositive 4ealth Clinic (,=) 9td F) Hr 3atra0s 4omeopathic Clinic EI?99C Q) Hr 3atra0s &ositive 4ealth &rod"cts 9td >) Hr 3atra0s 3 &erfect &rivate 9td C) Hr 3atra0s &ositive 4ealth Eo"ndation



Replete with Social conscience and a desire to f"lfill his social responsibilities, Hr %"kesh 3atra established Hr 3atras: &ositive 4ealth Eo"ndation in 677; to help the "nderprivileged and deprived /his Eo"ndation symbolizes his philanthropist nat"re and has been making a profo"nd difference to the lives of street children, orphans, physically and mentally challenged people, elderly and even e2tends its services to animals 5very clinic adopts orphanages and old?age homes and provides lifelong free treatment to the inmates E"eled by the goodness in people:s hearts, Hr 3atras: &ositive 4ealth Eo"ndation is o"t to make a difference to the lives of the needy and strongly believes that :/ogether we can create the change we want to seeL: /he f"nds raised by the Eo"ndation are completely "sed for o"r CSR activities only and no part of this is "sed for any administrative processes involved /his ens"res that every penny is p"t to fr"itf"l "se ? in the right place and at the right timeL

Hr 3atras: &ositive 4ealth Eo"ndation /he CSR arm of Hr (H3&4C&9) Hr %"kesh 3atra, Eo"nder and C%H, H3&4C&9, started the &ositive 4ealth Eo"ndation in 677; /he Eo"ndation was la"nched by former Chief %inister of %aharashtra Shri +ilasrao Heshm"kh with the following key ob$ectives1 /o provide f"nds for the treatment of needy and deserving patients 3atras0 &ositive 4ealth Clinic &vt 9td


/o give scholarships to deserving st"dents p"rs"ing st"dies in 4omeopathy /he f"nd aims to benefit ma2im"m n"mber of people /he entire proced"re has been kept simple and to the bare minim"m, to ens"re that people are benefited ."ickly and with minim"m effort Ho" "e gene&ate $0nds% /he Eo"ndation believes in the B1C $o&m0laB #ccording to Hr 3atra, the +,- .ormula work$ ,00-+/ 5very employee of H3&4C&9 contrib"tes ;D of his salary to the Eo"ndation every month *ver and above this, ;D of the organisation0s net profit is contrib"ted to the Eo"ndation, and the Company0s vendors are also re."ested to donate ;D of their income towards this Eo"ndation /his way, the Eo"ndation has never accepted grantsUf"nds from any organisationUperson in the last < yearsL 4ey Activities 5ight years down the line, the Eo"ndation has grown manifolds in terms of the activities "ndertaken, all for a ca"se Eollowing are the key highlights1 +&ee T&eatment

,s"ally, on the first %onday of each month, one of o"r clinics, in each of the ;B cities in which we have o"r clinics, offers free cons"ltation along with medicines to patients, irrespective of their identity, backgro"nd, stat"s, etc *n an average, appro2imately F>7 patients benefit from this charity 0ppo&ting the 0nde&p&ivileged


*"r pro$ects for s"pporting the "nderprivileged and the physically and mentally challenged are carried o"t in m"ltiple cities all over 'ndia s"ch as %"mbai, Helhi, =olkata, Chennai, 4yderabad, 3angalore, &"ne, Chandigarh, 9"cknow, #hmedabad, 3aroda, etc P&omoting Ed0cation

'n the field of ed"cation, the Eo"ndation has made a significant contrib"tion 't grants scholarships to deserving st"dents who want to p"rs"e st"dies in the field of 4omeopathy b"t are "nable to pay the fees /he co"rse fee for the entire five and a half years is taken care of by the Eo"ndation with no strings attached and witho"t any f"t"re benefits (no signing of bonds, etc ) Homeopathy $o& Animals

)hen Hr 3atra0s $oined hands with animal activist %aneka -andhi, /r"stee, &eople Eor #nimals, it was for the first time that animals were being treated thro"gh 4omeopathy over there

/oday, more than 877 dogs and cattle are reg"larly and s"ccessf"lly treated free by Hr 3atra0s team of doctors thro"gh 4omeopathy at the San$ay -andhi #nimal Care Centre in !ew Helhi, which is one of the 6B animal shelters that &eople Eor #nimals operates

&eople Eor #nimals have acknowledged the fact that 4omeopathy s"ccessf"lly treated many animals and it is the best medication for them 4omeopathy has also treated comple2 syndromes s"ch as Xseparation an2iety0 among animals Positive Health A"a&ds


'n 677C, Hr 3atras0 &ositive 4ealth Clinics celebrated 6> years of e2istence( and to celebrate this landmark, the Eo"ndation instit"tionalized the X&ositive 4ealth #wards 0 /hese awards are an ann"al tradition of recognizing individ"als who have created medical miracles thro"gh the demonstration of their instinct for s"rvival, co"rage and will power, beaten the odds and recovered from seemingly irrecoverable conditions, to lead normal, healthy lives /hese awards are also a way of honoring the spirit of life and re?affirming the Company0s commitment to all ro"nd health and positivism Ann0al charity /h"s, Hr 3atra:s has adhered to a responsible b"siness model by deliberate incl"sion of p"blic interest into corporate decision? making )e actively promote p"blic interest by enco"raging growth and development of the comm"nity in every possible way Photog&aphy EDhi#ition

/he proceeds of o"r #nn"al &hotography 52hibition directly go to




Technoc&a$t 3&o0p was established in ;8B6 by ''/, %"mbai grad"ates /he -ro"p aimed at man"fact"ring of high precision and sophisticated D&0m Clos0&e &rod"cts )ith a modest beginning of man"fact"ring Hr"m Clos"res, o"r gro"p was slowly moved towards &ipe O Scaffolding man"fact"ring to take advantage of higher margin offered by this segment /oday, Technoc&a$t Ind0st&ies EIndia( ,td/ , the parent company of the gro"p is one of the leading man"fact"rers of Hr"m Clos"re incl"ding /ite Seal Elanges and &l"gs, /ite Seal -askets, /ite Seal 9eak 9ocks &l"gs, *ctagon base Hr"m Elanges O #"to Clos"re Systems teel T0#es F ca$$olding ystems also form part of the prod"ct

portfolio of /echnocraft )e offer Scaffolding Systems O Scaffolding #ccessories thro"gh /echnocraft Scaffolding Systems incl"ding /? State Scaffolding O related prod"cts transoms, frames, scaffolding fittings and accessories Cotton *a&n Hivision is into man"fact"ring O e2porting of ;77D Cotton Ring Sp"n Jarn /he plant is e."ipped with prod"ction capacity of ;777 kgUhr and C;,;77 spindles in co"nt range Erom !5 67 to !5 Q7, Carded and Combed variety of Cotton Jarn is prod"ced /he Spinning mill is e."ipped with world class Swiss, Gapanese, -erman, Spanish and other e."ipments /he Cotton Jarn ,nit is a Certified 'S* 877;16777 't also has a Captive power generation plant to cater to its power re."irements Technoso$t is o"r 5ngineering Services S"bsidiary 't provides total sol"tions in the field of C#H U C#% U C#5 /echnosoft is the b"siness


partner with leading software companies in the C#HUC#%UC#5 field )e market and s"pport R#H#! and StrandB 3a&ment Division is into man"fact"ring premi"m ."ality active wear prod"cts and provides s"perior service making it one of the leading te2tile and apparel man"fact"rers in 'ndia &rod"cts are c"stom knit, dyed, finished, c"t, sewn, decorated, packaged and distrib"ted with names Dan0#e +ashions 3eing part of a diverse gro"p, it has access to the latest trends in the 5"ropean markets, th"s enabling to offer high ."ality and latest fashions with 'ndian prices in a very short lead?time /he motto of the brand is to offer ."ality right from the cotton yarn to the clothes /he head office of /echnocraft -ro"p is in %"mbai, 'ndia with its overseas offices in ,=, &oland, 4"ngary, -ermany and #"stralia /5C4!*CR#E/, a m"lti prod"ct and m"lti national gro"p was established in ;8B6 by a gro"p of technologists with the aim of man"fact"ring high precision and sophisticated prod"cts , mainly for discerning worldwide markets /echnocraft en$oys a significant position in five main b"siness ind"stries viz , Hr"m Clos"res, &ipes O /"bes, 5ngineering Services, Scaffolding systems O accessories and Cotton Jarn Several prod"cts in comp"ter software and information technology have been added recently )e are an 'S* 'S* 877;16777 certificate company having o"r head office in %"mbai ('ndia) O overseas offices O )areho"ses in %anchester (, = ), 9odz (&oland) O 3"dapest (4"ngary)( Chicago (, S # ) O 4o"ston,4ilden (-ermany), China, #"stralia /echnocraft is now a government recognized @/rading 4o"se@ d"e to

its performance in foreign trade and managerial reso"rces

;) Hr"m Clos"re 1 i) Specifications for /ite?Seal Elanges and &l"gs1



Specifications Capseals1







Specifications for Can seal clos"res1



Specifications for /ite?Seal -askets1



Specifications for 9eak 9ock System1




6) Scaffolding1

F) /echnocraft /ower O Str"ct"re Hivision


Q) Cotton Jarn 1



#s a part of corporate social responsibility, /echnocraft has promoted an 'nstit"te of 4igher 5d"cation in the name of NTT+ T&aining Cent&e ENTC(/ !/C offers Hiploma Co"rse in )echat&onics and Tool F Die Design Enginee&ing initially and f"rther co"rses will be added in d"e co"rse !/C is located on a l"sh 8 acres landscaped site in %"rbad, Hist /hane, abo"t 87 km from %"mbai, %aharashtra, 'ndia !//E /raining Centre is a tr"st r"n by /echnocraft 'nd"stries promoters, tied "p with !ett"r /echnical /raining Eo"ndation (!//E) to bring the esteemed instit"te in %aharashtra for the first time !//E is the living symbol of 'ndo?Swiss co?operation aimed at promoting a p"rposef"l technical ed"cation for the yo"th in 'ndia


Co0&ses O$$e&ed'

1( Diploma in )echat&onics' %echatronics is a word originated in Gapan in ;8<7s to denote the combination of technologies which go together to prod"ce ind"strial robots # formal definition of %echatronics is @the synergistic integration of %echanics and %echanical 5ngineering, 5lectronics, Comp"ter technology, and 'nformation /echnology to prod"ce or enhance prod"cts and systems @ /his co"rse gives the ind"stries the engineers who can b"ild a"tomations, robotics, etc /his co"rse is the need of the ho"r for 'ndian 'nd"stry to be competitive in the global village

1( Diploma in Tool and Die )a.ing' /ool O Hie %aking is part of %echanical 5ngineering specializing in &ress?tools, &lastic %o"lds, #l"min"m Hie Casting Hies and Gigs O Ei2t"res in design and man"fact"ring /here are very few instit"tes offering training in this field in 'ndia

/he co"rse is recognised by Hepartment of 5d"cation, -overnment of 'ndia, Hirectorate of /echnical 5d"cation, -ovt of =arnataka, Hepartment of 'nd"strial Relations, Central office N Canberra, 'nstit"tion of 5ngineers ('ndia) for admission to 3 level #%'5 co"rses




Eo"nded as a single company c"tting and polishing diamonds for the $ewellery trade at S"rat, -"$arat, in ;8CC, the 3itan8ali 3&o0p became, many times over, a pioneer among ma$or diamond and $ewellery ho"ses Eirst ma$or diamond and $ewellery ho"se to be la"nched and r"n by modern entreprene"rs rather than dynastic $ewellers #n a"thorised H/C Sightholder and loyal c"stomer N and a modern m"ltinational b"siness r"n on innovative insights #t the forefront of the global breakthro"gh in diamond $ewellery design and prod"ction bro"ght abo"t by 'ndia0s ability to c"t diamonds considered "nworkable for $ewellery till then 4as the distinction of prod"cing the world0s smallest heart shaped diamond (7 7F carat), and developing some 6> patented facet patterns 3esides changing the face of man"fact"re, broke the mo"ld of traditional segments *pened "p distrib"tion via s"perstores, department stores and other retail o"tlets at %R&,s"pported by international certifications of scientifically tested p"rity and a"thenticity, across 'ndia and in the world0s $ewellery capitals 5ven markets branded $ewellery directly by mail order catalog"e 3"siness model now integrates all operations, from ro"gh diamond so"rcing, c"tting, polishing and distrib"tion, and $ewellery man"fact"re, to $ewellery branding and retail, as well as global lifestyle brands, in 'ndia and abroad 3ro"ght diamonds within reach of a wide cons"mer base /he first to offer diamond st"dded $ewellery at affordable prices, of standardised $ewellery marketing1 it abandoned $ewellery trade convention by la"nching m"ltiple brands for m"ltiple markets and price


designs, ."ality and pricing across locations N progressively precision? prod"cing replicable designs "sing the latest C#H and C#% processes and e."ipment *ffers $ewellery in diverse styles1 traditional, international classic, and cas"al Eor cons"mers of all age gro"ps, tastes and b"dgets )ith a growing hamper of brands, some already global, and each targeted to specific cons"mer and market segments 4aving won over >7 awards from the %inistry of Commerce, 'ndia for o"tstanding e2ports of diamond and $ewellery, is today over V6>77 million m"ltinational gro"p, and a p"blicly listed entity *perations span the globe, all the way from ,S#, ,=, 3elgi"m, 'taly and the %iddle 5ast to /hailand, So"th 5ast #sia China, and Gapan



;) Gewellery


6) )atches



;) 35/'1 -itan$ali -ems 9td and -R<L $ointly hold an initiative called 35/' a movement ,which will involve providing s"pport for medically "nfit U h"rt victims of rape cases, female infanticide, dowry b"rning, acid repair and also female feticide 35/' a movement will be a voiceARaised against this mentality that is eating into the entrails of o"r social str"ct"reA't is S"pported by the ,nited !ations &op"lation E"nd (,!E&#) S"pporting this ca"se are noted social activist, actress %s Shabana #zmi and 52 %iss )orld %s Hiana 4ayden 3y cond"cting vario"s events a b"zz and awareness has been created and f"nds collected for the movement with the help of the many celebrities who have always s"pported the ca"seA 6) S#=S4#% 1


Rep"blic Hay Celebration -itan$ali -ems 9td, 4yderabad ,nit celebrated 6Cth Gan 67;6 ,Rep"blic /he Hay with great patriotism Special participated activities, in the competitions and indoor games were organized for the &)H0s entire staff and management celebrations #ll the employees gathered in the gro"nd for the flag hoisting &rizes were distrib"ted for the vario"s sports and c"lt"ral activities that were organized






3E) 3A)E








INTERNATIONA, DA* +OR THE DI A-,ED Hecember F, 67;; )as # Special Hay Eor /he Specially #bled 5mployees *f -itan$ali -ro"p #s %r %eh"l Choksi #nd /op %anagement *f -itan$ali -ro"p Celebrated @'nternational Hay Eor /he Hisabled @ )ith /he &wd 5mployees )orking #cross 'ts Hifferent *ffices 'n %"mbai Since ;886, /he ,nited !ations: (,n) 'nternational Hay *f &ersons )ith Hisabilities 's #nn"ally


4eld *n Hecember F 't #ims /o 'ncrease /he ,nderstanding *f /he 'ss"es #ro"nd Hisabilities #nd #ttention /o /he Hignity, Rights #nd )ell?3eing *f &ersons )ith Hisabilities

#s # %ark *f 5steem #nd 'n Recognition *f +al"ed Service, Several 5specially #bled 5mployees )ere Eelicitated Eor /heir Jears *f #ssociation #nd Hedication /owards /he *rganisation -itan$ali -ems &resently 5mployees Close /o 6>7 Specially #bled &eople /he 5mployees )ere 52tremely /o"ched 3y /his -est"re








4ind"$a Eo"ndation is an important milestone in a $o"rney in h"manitarianism which began with the philanthropic work of &aramanand Heepchand 4ind"$a (;87; N ;8B;), fo"nder of the 4ind"$a -ro"p %o"lded in the entreprene"rial traditions of his birthplace Shikarp"r in Sind, at the yo"ng age of fo"rteen &aramanand arrived in %"mbai and with his prodigio"s drive for taking on challenges, he established a family b"siness which rapidly spread to a n"mber of co"ntries in #sia and beyond

5ven as a yo"ng man, &aramanand was keenly aware of the debt he owed to society1 the need to transcend commercial activities and e2tend help to those less fort"nate /he spirit of the !ationalist %ovement did not leave him "nto"ched and he became an ardent

s"pporter of the freedom str"ggle # teetotaler and a vegetarian all his life, he ref"sed to deal in meat, denying himself a h"ge trading opport"nity 4e reg"larly kept a portion of his profits aside for charity 4e had great faith in the spirit of progress and believed that good health and ed"cation were not only essentials for progress b"t f"ndamental rights of every h"man being 4e was spirit"al witho"t being fanatical and deeply conscio"s of the tenet of the 3hagvad -eeta which la"ds that charity which is born of a feeling that to help the needy was one0s d"ty 4e "sed to say, %y Hharma (H"ty) is to work, so that ' can give &aramanand0s wife Gam"na shared her h"sband0s spirit of h"manitarianism and compassion Heeply spirit"al, she inspired those aro"nd her with her sheer simplicity and nobility of character ;8QQ marked the beginning of str"ct"red charity for &aramanand and his family when he established a charitable ed"cational tr"st, the Shrimati &ah"nchbai Heepchand 4ind"$a /r"st, in memory of his mother /oday this tr"st r"ns the =&3 4ind"$a College of Commerce in %"mbai ;8QB witnessed the terrible tragedy of partition of the 'ndian s"bcontinent %any of the "prooted families from )est &akistan came to %"mbai &aramanand took lead in p"tting together his and his friends0 reso"rces to set "p relief centres, settlements, and medical care "nits 'n ;8>; he pooled reso"rces and set "p an o"tdoor clinic in %"mbai which developed into the & H 4ind"$a !ational 4ospital and %edical Research Centre, an "ltramodern tertiary care centre of international rep"te )ith &aramanand0s inspiration was fo"nded in ;8C< the 4ind"$a Eo"ndation, a p"blic charitable tr"st which has a broad spectr"m of charitable ob$ectives #s more concrete steps were "nder way to


implement his progressive ideas, in ;8B; &aramanand 4ind"$a passed away 3"t he left behind a committed band of instit"tions and enterprises deeply conscio"s of their social responsibility, and a family bro"ght "p to believe that philanthropy is an hono"rable reward of b"siness the 4ind"$a /his legacy is carried forward "nder the aegis of Eo"ndation which works in tandem with4ind"$a

Eo"ndations established in the ,= and the ,S# /ogether they form an integral part of the 4ind"$a -ro"p and strive to achieve their goals by creating socially responsible instit"tions( working $ointly with other instit"tions of rep"te and by s"pporting deserving !-*s working for similar ob$ectives /he other tr"sts established by &armanand and activities inspired by him are dear to the Eo"ndation which acts as the coordinating and g"iding body, lending a helping hand wherever necessary /he -ro"p companies have, over the years, developed a symbiotic relationship with the Eo"ndation and their backing is an "nfailing so"rce of s"pport in f"lfilling the dreams of the fo"nder Hrawing inspiration from the fo"nder, the 4ind"$a Eo"ndation believes that philanthropy, a sacred social responsibility of all enterprise, is worthier when it enco"rages self help and sets an e2ample for the yo"nger generations Srichand & 4ind"$a, Chairman of the 4ind"$a -ro"p, leads the Eo"ndation *"r aim, he says, is to b"ild bridges between 'ndia and the world, between the past and the present, between generations that are and generations to come


/he Eo"ndation0s core ob$ectives are1 4ealthcare 5d"cation #rts, C"lt"re and 'nterfaith ,nderstanding Social )elfare Sports



3e it caref"lly planned long term welfare meas"res or swift help in times of crises, 4ind"$a Eo"ndation has done its bit to bring smiles back to helpless faces S"pport to disease eradication meas"res, reconstr"ction of ho"sing for the ."ake and cyclone affected, provision of drinking water to remote 'ndian villages are some of Eo"ndation0s notable pro$ects in this area 4ind"$a Eo"ndation also s"pports vario"s organizations and initiatives working for social welfare Some of the notable efforts in this area are1

Hisaster Relief1 Eo"ndations s"pport to relief meas"res incl"de help to the victims of ;8<< 'ran earth."ake, constr"ction of ho"ses for the ;888 *rissa cyclone victims in con$"nction with

-ro"p Company #shok 9eyland, donation to Swaminarayan /r"st for b"ilding ho"ses for the cyclone affected in *rissa, Honation to %ata #mritanandamayi #shram for creating earth."akeNresistant ho"sing for the 677;-"$arat ."ake victims

9eprosy 5radication1 Honation to the 9eprosy %ission in setting "p the Regional +ocational /raining Centre for Rehabilitation of 9eprosy #ffected in +adathorasal"r in /amil !ad" working for leprosy eradication /he Eo"ndation also gives financial help to vario"s other !-*s &olio 5radication and 'mm"nisation initiative with )4* O the Rotary 'nternational1 H"ring the !ational 'mm"nization Campaign from 6nd Hecember 677; to 67th of Gan"ary 6776, f"nds provided by the Eo"ndation were "sed specifically for p"rchase of oral &olio vaccine for one million 'ndian children in weaker sections of -reater %"mbai, Helhi, Chennai, 3angalore, 4yderabad, 4ind"$a, 4aradwar, Rishikesh and Gwalap"r 'n ;8<< the Eo"ndation s"pported a Hrinking )ater for the %illions &rogramme in the less accessible areas of five 'ndian states( %adhya &radesh, ,ttar &radesh, Ra$asthan, /amil !ad" and %aharastra Creation of &"blic Eacilities and "p?gradation of &ilgrim Eacilities in 3adrinath, =edarnath, 4rishikesh, 4ardwar, %ansarovar Honation for the la"nch of 'ndia 6767 Centre for Societal /ransformation to %ata #mritanandamayi %ath S"pport to 'S=C*!0s Eood Eor 9ife &rogramme Honations to Save a Child, Eoster &lan ,= and &lan 'nternational in ,=, and donations to a n"mber of !-*s



1( A A OWNER' Corporate social responsibility (CSR) can be defined as the @economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary e2pectations that society has of organizations at a given point in time@ (Carroll and 3"chholtz 677F) and philanthropic /he concept of corporate social in addition to their responsibility means that organizations have moral, ethical, responsibilities responsibilities to earn a fair ret"rn for investors and comply with the law # traditional view of the corporation s"ggests that its primary, if not sole, responsibility is to its owners, or stockholders 4owever, CSR re."ires organizations to adopt a broader view of its responsibilities that incl"des not only stockholders, b"t many other constit"encies as well, incl"ding employees, s"ppliers, c"stomers, the local comm"nity, local, state, and federal governments, environmental gro"ps, and other special interest gro"ps Collectively, the vario"s gro"ps


affected by the actions of an organization are called @stakeholders @ /he stakeholder concept is disc"ssed more f"lly in a later section Corporate social responsibility is related to, b"t not identical with, b"siness ethics )hile CSR encompasses the economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary responsibilities of organizations, b"siness ethics "s"ally foc"ses on the moral $"dgments and behavior of individ"als and gro"ps within organizations /h"s, the st"dy of b"siness ethics may be regarded as a component of the larger st"dy of corporate social responsibility

1( A A HEAD O+ DEPART)ENT' /he definition of CSR makes e2plicit the m"lti?faceted nat"re of social responsibility /he economic responsibilities cited in the definition refer to society:s e2pectation that organizations will prod"ce good and services that are needed and desired by c"stomers and sell those goods and services at a reasonable price *rganizations are e2pected to be efficient, profitable, and to keep shareholder interests in mind /he legal responsibilities relate to the e2pectation that organizations will comply with the laws set down by society to govern competition in the marketplace *rganizations have tho"sands of legal responsibilities governing almost every aspect of their operations, incl"ding cons"mer and prod"ct laws, environmental laws, and employment laws /he ethical

responsibilities concern societal e2pectations that go beyond the law, s"ch as the e2pectation that organizations will cond"ct their affairs in a fair and $"st way /his means that organizations are e2pected to do more than $"st comply with the law, b"t also make proactive efforts to anticipate and meet the norms of society even if those norms are not formally enacted in law Einally, the discretionary responsibilities of corporations refer to society:s e2pectation that organizations be good citizens /his may involve s"ch things as philanthropic s"pport of programs benefiting a comm"nity or the nation 't may also involve donating employee e2pertise and time to worthy ca"ses


Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a concept describing corporate activities beyond profit?making( the term is increasingly "sed to describe the role of b"siness in society CSR involves a broad commitment by companies to social welfare and the common good and to the policies that s"pport them 't involves not $"st the prod"cts that a company man"fact"res b"t also being a good corporate citizen in terms of the employees that it hires and the way it looks after them 't is also abo"t protecting the environment and getting involved in the local comm"nity and the wider c"lt"re in which the company engages in b"siness 3roadly speaking, CSR has three key components1 the basic val"es, ethics, policies, and practices of a company0s b"siness( the vol"ntary contrib"tions made by a company to comm"nity development( the management of environmental and social iss"es within the val"e chain by the company and its b"siness partnersZfrom the ac."isition and prod"ction of raw materials, thro"gh the welfare of staff, to


prod"ct sale, "se, and disposal #s b"sinesses, beverage alcohol companies m"st be acco"ntable to their shareholders who, among other legitimate ob$ectives, seek a financial ret"rn on their investment Companies recognize that they 'n short, are also acco"ntable to a wider range of stakeholders, incl"ding cons"mers, employees, comm"nities, media, and critics stakeholders are those individ"als and gro"ps with an interest in or affected by a company0s prod"cts, operations, or the nat"re of its b"siness /he idea that the meas"re of the overall performance of a company sho"ld be based on its combined contrib"tion to economic prosperity, environmental ."ality, and social wellbeing has come to be called the triple bottom line Companies, therefore, are deemed to be acco"ntable for their actions, not $"st formally to their owners b"t also in less well?defined ways to this m"ch wider gro"p of stakeholders /his view has become central to the management of social and comm"nity iss"es 3"sinesses need to act honestly and ethically with regard to their internal management and a"diting, b"t corporate social responsibility responsibilities also re."ires them to foc"s on their wider



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