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INTRODUCTION BY ELIZABETH HARDWICK Salim, the narrator of A Bend in the River, i a !o"n# man from an In$ian famil!

of tra$er lon# re i$ent on the %oa t of Central Afri%a, &erha& in 'hat i no' (no'n a Zaire) The !o"n# man* &la%ement in the 'orl$ i &art of the $ramati% tr"%t"re an$ +i ion of the no+el) ,Afri%a 'a m! home, ha$ -een the home of m! famil! for %ent"rie ) B"t 'e %ame from the ea t %oa t an$ that ma$e a $ifferen%e) The %oa t 'a not tr"l! Afri%a) It 'a an Ara-.In$ian./er ian./ort"#"e e &la%e, an$ 'e 'ho li+e$ there 'ere reall! &eo&le of the In$ian O%ean)0 In the no+el, Salim ha left the %oa t to ma(e hi 'a! in the interior, there to ta(e on a mall tra$in# ho& of thi an$ that, "n$rie , ol$ to the nati+e ) The &la%e i ,a -en$ in the ri+er01 it i Afri%a) There are other In$ian familie in the to'n, -"t the $i &la%ement of Salim i to ome $e#ree a &art of the $i &la%ement of the %o"ntr!) The time i &o t.%olonial, the time of In$e&en$en%e) The E"ro&ean ha+e 'ith$ra'n or -een for%e$ to 'ith$ra', an$ the %ene i one of %hao , +iolent %han#e, 'arrin# tri-e , i#noran%e, i olation, &o+ert!, an$ a la%( of &re&aration for the mo$ern 'orl$ the! ha+e entere$, or &artiall! a "me$ a a ort of $e%oration) The -lin$ a "ran%e of the %olonial a$mini tration, 'ith it r"le , it %ommer%ial e2&loitation of the a+aila-le re o"r%e , it a+en"e an$ han$ ome ho" e an$ %l"for the &lea "re of the forei#n ettler , ha #i+en 'a! to the -lin$in# %onfla#ration in o man! of the ne'l! in$e&en$ent tate ) Here the &o'er i %"rrentl! in the han$ of the /re i$ent, a tri-al 'arrior threatene$ -! the am-ition of other 'arrior of other tri-e ) A Bend in the River i a tor! of hi tori%al "&hea+al an$ o%ial -rea($o'n) The %olli ion of %"lt"re in In$ia, I lam, Afri%a, So"th Ameri%a, an$ the Cari--ean inform the e2traor$inar! %o&e of Nai&a"l* %reati+e ima#ination in fi%tion an$ in hi -oo( of tra+el a-o"t the 'orl$, 3o"rne! o an#"lar an$ &er onal the! %annot -e %la ifie$ a tra+el -oo( ) He 'a -orn in Trini$a$ in 4567, -orn into a Hin$" famil! that ha$ %ome #eneration -a%( a in$ent"re$ er+ant from the
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"-%ontinent of In$ia to a tro&i%al i lan$ in the Cari--ean, 'here Hin$" 'ere a minorit!) /erha& the ha&e of hi +i ion o'e omethin# to hi o'n &la%ement in the 'orl$ 8 omethin#, -"t not e+er!thin#, in%e he i a 'riter of #reat intelle%t"al %"rio it!, $ee& %"lt"re, an$ the mo t erio" (in$ of literar! am-ition) 9rom Trini$a$ he ma$e hi 'a! to O2for$ an$ ha li+e$ in En#lan$ in%e then, all the 'hile &ro$"%in# ome t'ent!.t'o +ol"me ) Hi 'or( #i+e the en e that to him the art of 'ritin# i a +o%ation, a ort of an%tifie$ %allin# rather than a %areer) The -io#ra&hi%al fa%t %ome to min$ -e%a" e there i a Sa+onarola tonalit! ometime in Nai&a"l* elo:"en%e a-o"t the $ama#e of entimentalit! an$ fal e ho&e ) In A Bend in the River, the %ree&in#, "ffo%atin# %orr"&tion an$ $e tr"%ti+ene that a%%om&an! the tri-al %omin# into &o'er or &lottin# for &o'er, the in ta-ilit! of arran#ement , the "na&&ea e$ %ro'$ of lon#. "fferin# nati+e $e %en$in# "&on the to'n; all of thi i the lan$ %a&e in 'hi%h the no+el &ro%ee$ ) There are In$ian tra$er an$ &ro&rietor of one -" ine or another, a 'hite E"ro&ean %o"&le, an ol$ Bel#ian &rie t of lon# re i$en%e, Afri%an ee(in# o&&ort"nit!) The no+el i an "n$erta(in# of ome ri ( an$ o"t of the ri ( Nai&a"l ha fa hione$ a 'or( of inten e ima#inati+e for%e) The /re i$ent; ,The /re i$ent I ha$ een onl! in &hoto#ra&h 8 fir t in arm! "niform, then in the t!li h hort. lee+e$ 3a%(et an$ %ra+at, an$ then in hi leo&ar$. (in %hief* %a& an$ hi %ar+e$ ti%(, em-lem of hi %hieftain%!) ) ) )0 The m!th.ma(in# of the /re i$ent 'ill %on "me the ne' nation a he %on oli$ate hi &o'er, hi 'ealth, hi #ran$io e e2&en$it"re in a mini.%it! to -e %alle$ the Domain, an$ in the ele+ation of hi -io#ra&h! 'ith tat"e to hi mother, 'ho ha$ -een a mai$ in a %olonial hotel) ,A an Afri%an, he 'a -"il$in# a ne' to'n on the ite of 'hat ha$ -een a ri%h E"ro&ean "-"r- 8 -"t 'hat he 'a -"il$in# 'a meant to -e #ran$er) ) ) ) He 'a %reatin# mo$ern Afri%a) He 'a %reatin# a mira%le that 'o"l$ a to"n$ the re t of the 'orl$)0 One of the %hara%ter in the -oo( i 9ather H"i man , a Bel#ian &rie t, 'ho ha 'ith a tirele o- e ion ma$e a m" e"m %olle%tion of nati+e ma ( an$ %ar+in# , information on nati+e reli#ion , an$ al o %attere$ reli% of the %olonial &re en%e) 9ather H"i man #oe a-o"t $i##in# an$ ear%hin# 'ith a ort of nai*+e in$" tr!) He a&&ear :"ite in$ifferent to the $ra ti% alteration -ro"#ht a-o"t -! the ne' #o+ernment1 he loo( "&on it a the flo' of time in a moo$ of Thi too 'ill &a ) Ne+erthele , he i -r"tall! (ille$ on one of hi e2&e$ition ) The %olle%tion 8 ,the ri%he t &ro$"%t of the fore t0 8 i left to $eteriorate an$ to "ffer the &illa#in# of an Ameri%an a$mirer of &rimiti+e art) The Afri%an %on i$ere$, or 'ere tol$ to %on i$er, the %olle%tion of ma ( an$ %ar+in# an affront to their reli#ion) Salim i an intere tin# first-person narrator, an$ he oar hi 'a! thro"#h the har(.infe te$ 'ater of that tr"%t"ral %hoi%e 'itho"t ho'in# "n$"e e2ertion to (ee& afloat) He i en iti+e, o- er+ant, of a ome'hat melan%hol! in%lination, a &e imi m he $oe not attri-"te to to a Hin$" ,%on+i%tion a-o"t the +anit! of all h"man en$ea+o"r)0 In tea$ hi &e imi m i not a re "lt of reli#ion, -"t of hi , ee(in# to o%%"&! the mi$$le #ro"n$, -et'een a- or&tion in life an$ oarin# a-o+e the %are of the earth)0 Ne+erthele , he #et aro"n$, $ine o"t, ha an affair, &la! :"a h at the Helleni% Cl"-) ,Can+a hoe , hort , ra%(et, to'el aro"n$ m! ne%( 8 it 'a li(e ol$ time on the %oa t)0 At the o&enin# of the tor!, Za-eth, a nati+e 'oman from one of the fi hin# +illa#e , %ome to Salim* ho& to -"! arti%le he 'ill ta(e -a%( to ell to the nati+e , there-! ma(in# her li+in# a a marchande) Salim a$mire the ener#! that #et her -a%( an$ forth on the ri+er an$ a#ree , 'ith a i#h, 'hen he a ( him to ta(e on her on, 9er$inan$, to &la%e him in the l!%<e in the to'n an$ -! e$"%ation to re %"e him from the ,-" h)0 =,B" h0 8 a term thro"#ho"t that i#nifie not
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onl! +e#etation -"t al o the -a%('ar$ne an$ &rimiti+e %on$ition an$ the &rimiti+e & !%holo#! &erha& of tho e %"t off from the a%%ommo$ation ne%e ar! for life in the to'n an$ %itie )> 9er$inan$ 'ill fini h the l!%<e, #o on to the &ol!te%h, an$ a$+an%e to an a$mini trati+e &o ition in the %a&ital, 'here the /re i$ent rei#n ) So 9er$inan$ i the ne' Afri%a, or the ne' Afri%an) He ha e %a&e$, -"t hi &ro#re i "n tea$! -e%a" e the /re i$ent an$ hi troo& are -r"tal an$ %a&ri%io" 1 he 'ho ha ri en %an -e %"t $o'n) When, later, Salim ee 9er$inan$ in the %a&ital, he $oe not fin$ a !o"n# man &"ffe$ "& 'ith &ri$e an$ &o ition -"t omeone , hr"n(en, an$ %hara%terle ) ) ) ) The e men, 'ho $e&en$e$ on the /re i$ent* fa+o"r for e+er!thin#, 'ere -"n$le of ner+e ) The #reat &o'er the! e2er%i e$ 'ent 'ith a %on tant fear of -ein# $e tro!e$) An$ the! 'ere "n ta-le, half $ea$)0 Y+ette, Bel#ian, an$ Ra!mon$, En#li h, are a %o"&le 'ho ha+e &artie , &la! ?oan Bae@ on the #ramo&hone, $an%e "ntil the earl! mornin#, an$ o on) It i 'ith Y+ette that Salim 'ill ha+e an affair, a ort of allian%e of -ore$ %olonial far from home, $i+ertin#, -"t not o+er'helmin#) Ra!mon$ i an a%a$emi%, an Afri%ani t, 'ritin# hi -oo( 'hile li+in# on the %ene a a &e%iali t) He i a rather h"m-le &er on, a in%ere, li-eral.min$e$ %olle%tor of material from &rinte$ o"r%e $"l! note$ in footnote ) There i a %omi%al a &e%t to hi in$" tr! an$ to the &o ition he rea%he in the ne' Afri%a) Some time -a%(, 'hile tea%hin# in a %olle#e in the %a&ital, he ha$ -een +i ite$ -! a tri+in# Afri%an mother, the hotel mai$ 'ho 'ill later -e %anoni@e$ -! the re+ol"tion) The mother +i it Ra!mon$ for a$+i%e a-o"t the f"t"re of her on, +er! m"%h in the 'a! Salim ha$ -een %alle$ to ,re %"e0 9er$inan$) Ra!mon$ meet 'ith the on an$ tell him to for#et la' an$ the &rofe ion an$ in tea$ to 3oin the Defen%e 9or%e) The on 'ill -e%ome the /re i$ent an$ Ra!mon$ 'ill -e hi a$+i er, hi White Aan, a it 'ere) Ra!mon$ i the +oi%e of in%ere ho&e for the %o"ntr!, for free$om, home r"le, a%%ommo$ation of the trea%hero" o- ta%le an e2&loite$, i#norant nation 'ill fa%e) A-o"t the /re i$ent he a! ; ,He* a tr"l! remar(a-le man) I $on*t thin( 'e #i+e him %re$it for 'hat he ha $one) He* $i %i&line$ the arm! an$ -ro"#ht &ea%e to thi lan$ of man! &eo&le )0 In the en$, e+er!thin# i o+er'helme$, %r" he$ -! %i+i% %hao ) The /re i$ent* &o'er i %hallen#e$ an$ the re&ri al are -loo$!) He ha no " e no' for hi White Aan, an$ 'hen Salim #oe -! their ho" e, Ra!mon$ an$ Y+ette ha+e #one) It i o%%"&ie$ -! an Afri%an) Hi o'n tore i %onfi %ate$, an$ he i arre te$ for 8 &e imi t that he ha -een 8 torin# #ol$ an$ i+or! a#ain t $i a ter) 9er$inan$, hara e$ him elf, i till in a &o ition to #et Salim relea e$ an$ to in i t that he lea+e the %o"ntr!) So the In$ian tore(ee&er from the %oa t ha li+e$ hi time in a -en$ in the ri+er an$ no' m" t retra%e the te& of hi &a a#e) Salim mana#e to #et a'a! on a teamer, the +e el of the a$+an%e$ 'orl$, 'hile $e &erate &eo&le han#in# on to a ri+er -ar#e 'ith the ho&e of e %a&e are 'am&e$) ,The ear%hli#ht lit "& the -ar#e &a en#er , 'ho, -ehin$ -ar an$ 'ire #"ar$ , a !et %ar%el! eeme$ to "n$er tan$ that the! 'ere a$rift) Then there 'ere #"n hot ) ) ) ) The teamer tarte$ "& a#ain an$ mo+e$ 'itho"t li#ht $o'n the ri+er, a'a! from the %ene of -attle) The air 'o"l$ ha+e -een f"ll of moth an$ fl!in# in e%t ) The ear%hli#ht, 'hile it 'a on, ha$ ho'n tho" an$ , 'hite in the 'hite li#ht), The no+el en$ in $ar(ne ) It i a ha"ntin# %reation, ri%h 'ith in%i$ent an$ h"man -afflement, &la!e$ o"t in an immen e $etail of lan$ %a&e ren$ere$ 'ith a &oi#nant -rillan%e)

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CONTENTS INTRODUCTION by Elizabeth Hardwick ix ONE The Second Rebellion TWO The !ew "omain #$ THREE The Bi% &an #'( 9OUR Battle ()*



The 'orl$ i 'hat it i 1 men 'ho are nothin#, 'ho allo' them el+e to -e%ome nothin#, ha+e no &la%e in it) Na@r"$$in, 'ho ha$ ol$ me the ho& %hea&, $i$n*t thin( I 'o"l$ ha+e it ea ! 'hen I too( o+er) The %o"ntr!, li(e other in Afri%a, ha$ ha$ it tro"-le after in$e&en$en%e) The to'n in the interior, at the -en$ in the #reat ri+er, ha$ almo t %ea e$ to e2i t1 an$ Na@r"$$in ai$ I 'o"l$ ha+e to tart from the -e#innin#) I $ro+e "& from the %oa t in m! /e"#eot) That i n*t the (in$ of $ri+e !o" %an $o no'a$a! in Afri%a 8 from the ea t %oa t ri#ht thro"#h to the %entre) Too man! of the &la%e on the 'a! ha+e %lo e$ $o'n or are f"ll of -loo$) An$ e+en at that time, 'hen the roa$ 'ere more or le o&en, the $ri+e too( me o+er a 'ee() It 'a n*t onl! the an$ $rift an$ the m"$ an$ the narro', 'in$in#, -ro(en roa$ "& in the mo"ntain ) There 'a all that -" ine at the frontier &o t , all that ha##lin# in the fore t o"t i$e 'oo$en h"t that fle' tran#e fla# ) I ha$ to tal( m! elf an$ m! /e"#eot &a t the men 'ith #"n 8 3" t to $ri+e thro"#h -" h an$ more -" h) An$ then I ha$ to tal( e+en har$er, an$ he$ a fe' more -an( note an$ #i+e a'a! more of m! tinne$ foo$, to #et m! elf 8 an$ the /e"#eot 8 o"t of the &la%e I ha$ tal(e$ " into) Some of the e &ala+er %o"l$ ta(e half a $a!) The to& man 'o"l$ a ( for omethin# :"ite ri$i%"lo" 8 t'o or three tho" an$ $ollar ) I 'o"l$ a! no) He 'o"l$ #o into hi h"t, a tho"#h there 'a nothin# more to a!1 I 'o"l$ han# aro"n$ o"t i$e, -e%a" e there 'a nothin# el e for me to $o) Then after an ho"r or t'o I 'o"l$ #o in i$e the h"t, or he 'o"l$ %ome o"t i$e, an$ 'e 'o"l$ ettle for t'o or three $ollar ) It 'a a Na@r"$$in ha$ ai$, 'hen I a (e$ him a-o"t +i a an$ he ha$ ai$ that -an( note 'ere -etter) ,Yo" %an al'a! #et into tho e &la%e ) What i har$ i to #et o"t) That i a &ri+ate fi#ht) E+er!-o$! ha to fin$ hi o'n 'a!)0
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A I #ot $ee&er into Afri%a 8 the %r"-, the $e ert, the ro%(! %lim- "& to the mo"ntain , the la(e , the rain in the afternoon , the m"$, an$ then, on the other, 'etter i$e of the mo"ntain , the fern fore t an$ the #orilla fore t 8 a I #ot $ee&er I tho"#ht; B"t thi i ma$ne ) I am #oin# in the 'ron# $ire%tion) There %an*t -e a ne' life at the en$ of thi ) B"t I $ro+e on) Ea%h $a!* $ri+e 'a li(e an a%hie+ement1 ea%h $a!* a%hie+ement ma$e it har$er for me to t"rn -a%() An$ I %o"l$n*t hel& thin(in# that that 'a ho' it 'a in the ol$ $a! 'ith the la+e ) The! ha$ ma$e the ame 3o"rne!, -"t of %o"r e on foot an$ in the o&&o ite $ire%tion, from the %entre of the %ontinent to the ea t %oa t) The f"rther a'a! the! #ot from the %entre an$ their tri-al area, the le li(el! the! 'ere to %"t loo e from the %ara+an an$ r"n -a%( home, the more ner+o" the! -e%ame of the tran#e Afri%an the! a' a-o"t them, "ntil at the en$, on the %oa t, the! 'ere no tro"-le at all, an$ 'ere &o iti+el! an2io" to te& into the -oat an$ -e ta(en to afe home a%ro the ea) Li(e the la+e far from home, I -e%ame an2io" onl! to arri+e) The #reater the $i %o"ra#ement of the 3o"rne!, the (eener I 'a to &re on an$ em-ra%e m! ne' life) When I arri+e$ I fo"n$ that Na@r"$$in ha$n*t lie$) The &la%e ha$ ha$ it tro"-le ; the to'n at the -en$ in the ri+er 'a more than half $e tro!e$) What ha$ -een the E"ro&ean "-"r- near the ra&i$ ha$ -een -"rnt $o'n, an$ -" h ha$ #ro'n o+er the r"in 1 it 'a har$ to $i tin#"i h 'hat ha$ -een #ar$en from 'hat ha$ -een treet ) The offi%ial an$ %ommer%ial area near the $o%( an$ %" tom ho" e "r+i+e$, an$ ome re i$ential treet in the %entre) B"t there 'a n*t m"%h el e) E+en the Afri%an cit+s 'ere inha-ite$ onl! in %orner , an$ in $e%a! el e'here, 'ith man! of the lo', -o2.li(e %on%rete ho" e in &ale -l"e or &ale #reen a-an$one$, h"n# 'ith :"i%(.#ro'in#, :"i%(.$!in# tro&i%al +ine , mattin# of -ro'n an$ #reen) Na@r"$$in* ho& 'a in a mar(et :"are in the %ommer%ial area) It melt of rat an$ 'a fall of $"n#, -"t it 'a inta%t) I ha$ -o"#ht Na@r"$$in* to%( 8 -"t there 'a none of that) I ha$ al o -o"#ht the #oo$'ill 8 -"t that 'a meanin#le , -e%a" e o man! of the Afri%an ha$ #one -a%( to the -" h, to the afet! of their +illa#e , 'hi%h la! "& hi$$en an$ $iffi%"lt %ree( ) After m! an2iet! to arri+e, there 'a little for me to $o) B"t I 'a not alone) There 'ere other tra$er , other forei#ner 1 ome of them ha$ -een there ri#ht thro"#h the tro"-le ) I 'aite$ 'ith them) The &ea%e hel$) /eo&le -e#an %omin# -a%( to the to'n1 the cite !ar$ fille$ "&) /eo&le -e#an nee$in# the #oo$ 'hi%h 'e %o"l$ "&&l!) An$ lo'l! -" ine tarte$ "& a#ain) Za-eth 'a amon# the earlie t of m! re#"lar %" tomer ) She 'a a marchande 8 not a mar(et 'oman, -"t a retailer in a mall 'a!) She -elon#e$ to a fi hin# %omm"nit!, almo t a little tri-e, an$ e+er! month or o he %ame from her +illa#e to the to'n to -"! her #oo$ 'hole ale) 9rom me he -o"#ht &en%il an$ %o&!-oo( , ra@or -la$e , !rin#e , oa& an$ tooth&a te an$ tooth-r" he , %loth, &la ti% to! , iron &ot an$ al"min"m &an , enamel &late an$ -a in ) The e 'ere ome of the im&le thin# Za-eth* fi herfol( nee$e$ from the o"t i$e 'orl$, an$ ha$ -een $oin# 'itho"t $"rin# the tro"-le ) Not e ential , not l"2"rie 1 -"t thin# that ma$e or$inar! life ea ier) The &eo&le here ha$ man! (ill 1 the! %o"l$ #et -! on their o'n) The! tanne$ leather, 'o+e %loth, 'or(e$ iron1 the! hollo'e$ o"t lar#e tree tr"n( into -oat an$ maller one into (it%hen mortar ) B"t to &eo&le loo(in# for a lar#e +e el that 'o"l$n*t taint 'ater an$ foo$, an$ 'o"l$n*t lea(, ima#ine 'hat a -le in# an enamel -a in 'a B Za-eth (ne' e2a%tl! 'hat the &eo&le of her +illa#e nee$e$ an$ ho' m"%h the! 'o"l$ -e a-le or 'illin# to &a! for it) Tra$er on the %oa t =in%l"$in# m! o'n father> " e$ to a! 8 e &e%iall!
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'hen the! 'ere %on olin# them el+e for ome -a$ &"r%ha e 8 that e+er!thin# e+ent"all! ha$ it -"!er) That 'a n*t o here) /eo&le 'ere intere te$ in ne' thin# 8 li(e the !rin#e , 'hi%h 'ere a "r&ri e to me 8 an$ e+en mo$ern thin# 1 -"t their ta te ha$ et aro"n$ the fir t e2am&le of the e thin# that the! ha$ a%%e&te$) The! tr" te$ a &arti%"lar $e i#n, a &arti%"lar tra$emar() It 'a " ele for me to tr! to , ell0 an!thin# to Za-eth1 I ha$ to ti%( a far a &o i-le to familiar to%() It ma$e for $"ll -" ine , -"t it a+oi$e$ %om&li%ation ) An$ it hel&e$ to ma(e Za-eth the #oo$ an$ $ire%t -" ine 'oman that, "n" "all! for an Afri%an, he 'a ) She $i$n*t (no' ho' to rea$ an$ 'rite) She %arrie$ her %om&li%ate$ ho&&in# li t in her hea$ an$ he remem-ere$ 'hat he ha$ &ai$ for thin# on &re+io" o%%a ion ) She ne+er a (e$ for %re$it 8 he hate$ the i$ea) She &ai$ in %a h, ta(in# the mone! o"t from the +anit! %a e he -ro"#ht to to'n 'ith her) E+er! tra$er (ne' a-o"t Za-eth* +anit! %a e) It 'a n*t that he $i tr" te$ -an( 1 he $i$n*t "n$er tan$ them) I 'o"l$ a! to her, in that mi2e$ ri+er lan#"a#e 'e " e$, ,One $a!, Beth, ome-o$! 'ill nat%h !o"r %a e) It i n*t afe to tra+el a-o"t 'ith mone! li(e that)0 ,The $a! that ha&&en , Ai * Salim, I 'ill (no' the time ha %ome to ta! home)0 It 'a a tran#e 'a! of thin(in#) B"t he 'a a tran#e 'oman) ,Ai *,0 a " e$ -! Za-eth an$ other , 'a hort for ,mi ter)0 I 'a mi ter -e%a" e I 'a a forei#ner, omeone from the far.off %oa t, an$ an En#li h. &ea(er1 an$ I 'a mi ter in or$er to -e $i tin#"i he$ from the other re i$ent forei#ner , 'ho 'ere monsie,r) That 'a , of %o"r e, -efore the Bi# Aan %ame alon# an$ ma$e " all citoyens an$ citoyennes) Whi%h 'a all ri#ht for a 'hile, "ntil the lie he tarte$ ma(in# " all li+e ma$e the &eo&le %onf" e$ an$ fri#htene$, an$ 'hen a feti h tron#er than hi 'a fo"n$, ma$e them $e%i$e to &"t an en$ to it all an$ #o -a%( a#ain to the -e#innin#) Za-eth* +illa#e 'a onl! a-o"t i2t! mile a'a!) B"t it 'a ome $i tan%e off the roa$, 'hi%h 'a little more than a tra%(1 an$ it 'a ome mile in from the main ri+er) B! lan$ or -! 'ater it 'a a $iffi%"lt 3o"rne!, an$ too( t'o $a! ) B! lan$ $"rin# the rain! ea on it %o"l$ ta(e three) In the -e#innin# Za-eth %ame -! the lan$ 'a!, tre((in# 'ith her 'omen a i tant to the roa$ an$ 'aitin# there for a +an or tr"%( or -" ) When the teamer tarte$ "& a#ain, Za-eth al'a! " e$ the ri+er1 an$ that 'a n*t m"%h ea ier) The e%ret %hannel from the +illa#e 'ere hallo', f"ll of na# , h"mmin# 'ith mo :"itoe ) Do'n the e %hannel Za-eth an$ her 'omen &ole$ an$ often &" he$ their $"#o"t to the main ri+er) There, %lo e to the -an(, the! 'aite$ for the teamer, the $"#o"t f"ll of #oo$ 8 " "all! foo$ 8 to -e ol$ to &eo&le on the teamer an$ the -ar#e the teamer to'e$) The foo$ 'a mainl! fi h or mon(e!, fre h or bo,can+ 8 mo(e$ in the 'a! of the %o"ntr!, 'ith a thi%( -la%( %r" t) Sometime there 'a a mo(e$ na(e or a mo(e$ mall %ro%o$ile, a -la%( h"n( -arel! re%o#ni@a-le for 'hat it ha$ -een 8 -"t 'ith 'hite or &ale &in( fle h -elo' the %harre$ %r" t) When the teamer a&&eare$, 'ith it &a en#er -ar#e in to', Za-eth an$ her 'omen &ole$ or &a$$le$ o"t to the mi$$le of the ri+er an$ too$ at the e$#e of the teamer %hannel, $riftin# $o'n 'ith the %"rrent) The teamer &a e$1 the $"#o"t ro%(e$ in the 'ell1 an$ then %ame the %riti%al moment 'hen the $"#o"t an$ the -ar#e %ame %lo e to#ether) Za-eth an$ her 'omen thre' ro&e onto the lo'er teel $e%( of the -ar#e, 'here there 'ere al'a! han$ to #ra- the ro&e an$ tie them to ome -"l(hea$1 an$ the $"#o"t , from $riftin# $o'n tream an$ a#ain t the i$e of the -ar#e, -e#an mo+in# in the other $ire%tion, 'hile &eo&le on the -ar#e thre' $o'n &ie%e of &a&er or %loth on the fi h or the mon(e! the! 'ante$ to -"!)
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Thi atta%hin# of $"#o"t to the mo+in# teamer or -ar#e 'a a re%o#ni@e$ ri+er &ra%ti%e, -"t it 'a $an#ero" ) Almo t e+er! tri& the teamer ma$e there 'a a re&ort of a $"#o"t -ein# o+ert"rne$ ome'here alon# the tho" an$.mile ro"te an$ of &eo&le -ein# $ro'ne$) B"t the ri ( 'a 'orth ta(in#; after'ar$ , 'itho"t la-o"r, a a marchande ellin# #oo$ , Za-eth 'a to'e$ "& the ri+er to the +er! e$#e of the to'n, "n%o"&lin# her $"#o"t -! the r"in of the %athe$ral, a little -efore the $o%( , to a+oi$ the offi%ial there, 'ho 'ere al'a! an2io" to %laim ome ta2) What a 3o"rne!B S"%h tro"-le an$ $an#er to ell im&le +illa#e thin# , an$ to ta(e other #oo$ -a%( to the &eo&le of her +illa#e) 9or a $a! or t'o -efore the teamer %ame there 'a a mar(et an$ a %am& in the o&en &a%e o"t i$e the $o%( #ate) Za-eth -e%ame &art of thi %am& 'hile he 'a in the to'n) If it raine$ he le&t in the +eran$ah of a #ro%er! or a -ar1 at a later $ate he &"t "& in an Afri%an lo$#in# ho" e, -"t in the -e#innin# "%h &la%e $i$n*t e2i t) When he %ame to the ho& there 'a nothin# in her a&&earan%e that &o(e of her $iffi%"lt 3o"rne! or her ni#ht in the o&en) She 'a formall! $re e$, 'ra&&e$ in her %otton in the Afri%an t!le that -! fol$ an$ $ra&e em&ha i@e$ the -i#ne of her -ottom) She 'ore a t"r-an 8 a &ie%e of $o'nri+er t!le1 an$ he ha$ her +anit! %a e 'ith the %rea e$ note he ha$ #ot from &eo&le in her +illa#e an$ &eo&le on the teamer an$ -ar#e) She ho&&e$, he &ai$1 an$ ome ho"r -efore the teamer aile$ a#ain her 'omen 8 thin, hort, -al$. loo(in#, an$ in ra##e$ 'or(in# %lothe 8 %ame to ta(e the #oo$ a'a!) Thi 'a a :"i%(er 3o"rne!, $o'nri+er) B"t it 'a 3" t a $an#ero" , 'ith the ame %o"&lin# an$ "n%o"&lin# of the $"#o"t an$ the -ar#e) In tho e $a! the teamer left the to'n at fo"r in the afternoon1 o it 'a $ee& ni#ht 'hen Za-eth an$ her 'omen %ame to 'here the! ha$ to %a t off from the teamer) Za-eth too( %are then not to #i+e a'a! the entran%e to her +illa#e) She %a t off1 he 'aite$ for the teamer an$ the -ar#e an$ the li#ht to $i a&&ear) Then he an$ her 'omen &ole$ -a%( "& or $rifte$ $o'n to their e%ret %hannel, an$ their ni#httime la-o"r of &olin# an$ &" hin# -elo' the o+erhan#in# tree ) Coin# home at ni#htB It 'a n*t often that I 'a on the ri+er at ni#ht) I ne+er li(e$ it) I ne+er felt in %ontrol) In the $ar(ne of ri+er an$ fore t !o" %o"l$ -e "re onl! of 'hat !o" %o"l$ ee 8 an$ e+en on a moonli#ht ni#ht !o" %o"l$n*t ee m"%h When !o" ma$e a noi e 8 $i&&e$ a &a$$le in the 'ater 8 !o" hear$ !o"r elf a tho"#h !o" 'ere another &er on) The ri+er an$ the fore t 'ere li(e &re en%e , an$ m"%h more &o'erf"l than !o") Yo" felt "n&rote%te$, an intr"$er) In the $a!li#ht 8 tho"#h the %olo"r %o"l$ -e +er! &ale an$ #ho tl!, 'ith the heat mi t at time "##e tin# a %ol$er %limate 8 !o" %o"l$ ima#ine the to'n -ein# re-"ilt an$ &rea$in#) Yo" %o"l$ ima#ine the fore t -ein# "&roote$, the roa$ -ein# lai$ a%ro %ree( an$ 'am& ) Yo" %o"l$ ima#ine the lan$ -ein# ma$e &art of the &re ent; that 'a ho' the Bi# Aan &"t it later, offerin# " the +i ion of a t'o.h"n$re$.mile ,in$" trial &ar(0 alon# the ri+er) =B"t he $i$n*t mean it reall!1 it 'a onl! hi 'i h to a&&ear a #reater ma#i%ian than an! the &la%e ha$ e+er (no'n)> In $a!li#ht, tho"#h, !o" %o"l$ -elie+e in that +i ion of the f"t"re) Yo" %o"l$ ima#ine the lan$ -ein# ma$e or$inar!, fit for men li(e !o"r elf, a mall &art of it ha$ -een ma$e or$inar! for a hort 'hile -efore in$e&en$en%e 8 the +er! &art that 'ere no' in r"in ) B"t at ni#ht, if !o" 'ere on the ri+er, it 'a another thin#) Yo" felt the lan$ ta(in# !o" -a%( to omethin# that 'a familiar, omethin# !o" ha$ (no'n at ome time -"t ha$ for#otten or i#nore$, -"t 'hi%h 'a al'a! there) Yo" felt the lan$ ta(in# !o" -a%( to 'hat 'a there a h"n$re$ !ear a#o, to 'hat ha$ -een there al'a! )
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What 3o"rne! Za-eth ma$eB It 'a a tho"#h he %ame o"t ea%h time from her hi$$en &la%e to nat%h from the &re ent =or the f"t"re> ome &re%io" %ar#o to ta(e -a%( to her &eo&le 8 tho e ra@or -la$e , for in tan%e, to -e ta(en o"t from their &a%(et an$ ol$ one -! one, mira%le of metal 8 %ar#o that -e%ame more &re%io" the f"rther he #ot from the to'n, the nearer he #ot to her fi hin# +illa#e, the tr"e, afe 'orl$, &rote%te$ from other men -! fore t an$ %lo##e$."& 'ater'a! ) An$ &rote%te$ in other 'a! a 'ell) E+er! man here (ne' that he 'a 'at%he$ from a-o+e -! hi an%e tor , li+in# fore+er in a hi#her &here, their &a a#e on earth not for#otten, -"t e entiall! &re er+e$, &art of the &re en%e of the fore t) In the $ee&e t fore t 'a the #reate t e%"rit!) That 'a the e%"rit! that Za-eth left -ehin$, to #et her &re%io" %ar#o1 that 'a the e%"rit! to 'hi%h he ret"rne$) No one li(e$ #oin# o"t i$e hi territor!) B"t Za-eth tra+elle$ 'itho"t fear1 he %ame an$ 'ent 'ith her +anit! %a e an$ no one mole te$ her) She 'a not an or$inar! &er on) In a&&earan%e he 'a not at all li(e the &eo&le of o"r re#ion) The! 'ere mall an$ li#ht an$ +er! -la%() Za-eth 'a a -i# 'oman 'ith a %o&&er! %om&le2ion1 there 'ere time 'hen thi %o&&er #lo', e &e%iall! on her %hee(-one , loo(e$ li(e a (in$ of ma(e"&) There 'a omethin# el e a-o"t Za-eth) She ha$ a &e%ial mell) It 'a tron# an$ "n&lea ant, an$ at fir t I tho"#ht 8 -e%a" e he %ame from a fi hin# +illa#e 8 that it 'a an ol$ an$ $ee& mell of fi h) Then I tho"#ht it ha$ to $o 'ith her re tri%te$ +illa#e $iet) B"t the &eo&le of Za-eth* tri-e 'hom I met $i$n*t mell li(e Za-eth) Afri%an noti%e$ her mell) If the! %ame into the ho& 'hen Za-eth 'a there the! 'rin(le$ their no e an$ ometime the! 'ent a'a!) Aett!, the half.Afri%an -o! 'ho ha$ #ro'n "& in m! famil!* ho" e on the %oa t an$ ha$ %ome to 3oin me, Aett! ai$ that Za-eth* mell 'a tron# eno"#h to (ee& mo :"itoe a'a!) I tho"#ht m! elf that it 'a thi mell that (e&t men a'a! from Za-eth, in &ite of her fle hine ='hi%h the men here li(e$> an$ in &ite of her +anit! %a e 8 -e%a" e Za-eth 'a n*t marrie$ an$, o far a I (ne', li+e$ 'ith no man) B"t the mell 'a meant to (ee& &eo&le at a $i tan%e) It 'a Aett! 8 learnin# lo%al %" tom fa t 8 'ho tol$ me that Za-eth 'a a ma#i%ian, an$ 'a (no'n in o"r re#ion a a ma#i%ian) Her mell 'a the mell of her &rote%tin# ointment ) Other 'omen " e$ &erf"me an$ %ent to attra%t1 Za-eth* ointment re&elle$ an$ 'arne$) She 'a &rote%te$) She (ne' it, an$ other &eo&le (ne' it) I ha$ treate$ Za-eth o far a a marchande an$ a #oo$ %" tomer) No' that I (ne' that in o"r re#ion he 'a a &er on of &o'er, a &ro&hete , I %o"l$ ne+er for#et it) So the %harm 'or(e$ on me a 'ell)


Afri%a 'a m! home, ha$ -een the home of m! famil! for %ent"rie ) B"t 'e %ame from the ea t %oa t, an$ that ma$e the $ifferen%e) The %oa t 'a not tr"l! Afri%an) It 'a an Ara-.In$ian. /er ian./ort"#"e e &la%e, an$ 'e 'ho li+e$ there 'ere reall! &eo&le of the In$ian O%ean) Tr"e Afri%a 'a at o"r -a%() Aan! mile of %r"- or $e ert e&arate$ " from the "&%o"ntr! &eo&le1 'e loo(e$ ea t to the lan$ 'ith 'hi%h 'e tra$e$ 8 Ara-ia, In$ia, /er ia) The e 'ere al o the lan$
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of o"r an%e tor ) B"t 'e %o"l$ no lon#er a! that 'e 'ere Ara-ian or In$ian or /er ian 1 'hen 'e %om&are$ o"r el+e 'ith the e &eo&le, 'e felt li(e &eo&le of Afri%a) A! famil! 'a A" lim) B"t 'e 'ere a &e%ial #ro"&) We 'ere $i tin%t from the Ara- an$ other A" lim of the %oa t1 in o"r %" tom an$ attit"$e 'e 'ere %lo er to the Hin$" of north'e tern In$ia, from 'hi%h 'e ha$ ori#inall! %ome) When 'e ha$ %ome no one %o"l$ tell me) We 'ere not that (in$ of &eo&le) We im&l! li+e$1 'e $i$ 'hat 'a e2&e%te$ of " , 'hat 'e ha$ een the &re+io" #eneration $o) We ne+er a (e$ 'h!1 'e ne+er re%or$e$) We felt in o"r -one that 'e 'ere a +er! ol$ &eo&le1 -"t 'e eeme$ to ha+e no mean of #a"#in# the &a in# of time) Neither m! father nor m! #ran$father %o"l$ &"t $ate to their torie ) Not -e%a" e the! ha$ for#otten or 'ere %onf" e$1 the &a t 'a im&l! the &a t) I remem-er hearin# from m! #ran$father that he ha$ on%e hi&&e$ a -oatf"l of la+e a a %ar#o of r"--er) He %o"l$n*t tell me 'hen he ha$ $one thi ) It 'a 3" t there in hi memor!, floatin# aro"n$, 'itho"t $ate or other a o%iation, a an "n" "al e+ent in an "ne+entf"l life) He $i$n*t tell it a a &ie%e of 'i%(e$ne or tri%(er! or a a 3o(e1 he 3" t tol$ it a omethin# "n" "al that he ha$ $one 8 not hi&&in# the la+e , -"t $e %ri-in# them a r"--er) An$ 'itho"t m! o'n memor! of the ol$ man* tor! I "&&o e that 'o"l$ ha+e -een a &ie%e of hi tor! lo t fore+er) I -elie+e, from m! later rea$in#, that the i$ea of r"--er 'o"l$ ha+e o%%"rre$ to m! #ran$father at the time, -efore the 9ir t Worl$ War, 'hen r"--er -e%ame -i# -" ine 8 an$ later a -i# %an$al 8 in %entral Afri%a) So that fa%t are (no'n to me 'hi%h remaine$ hi$$en or "nintere tin# to m! #ran$father) Of that 'hole &erio$ of "&hea+al in Afri%a 8 the e2&"l ion of the Ara- , the e2&an ion of E"ro&e, the &ar%ellin# o"t of the %ontinent 8 that i the onl! famil! tor! I ha+e) That 'a the ort of &eo&le 'e 'ere) All that I (no' of o"r hi tor! an$ the hi tor! of the In$ian O%ean I ha+e #ot from -oo( 'ritten -! E"ro&ean ) If I a! that o"r Ara- in their time 'ere #reat a$+ent"rer an$ 'riter 1 that o"r ailor #a+e the Ae$iterranean the lateen ail that ma$e the $i %o+er! of the Ameri%a &o i-le1 that an In$ian &ilot le$ Da %o $a Cama from Ea t Afri%a to Cali%"t1 that the +er! 'or$ che-,e 'a fir t " e$ -! o"r /er ian mer%hant 8 if I a! the e thin# it i -e%a" e I ha+e #ot them from E"ro&ean -oo( ) The! forme$ no &art of o"r (no'le$#e or &ri$e) Witho"t E"ro&ean , I feel, all o"r &a t 'o"l$ ha+e -een 'a he$ a'a!, li(e the %"ff mar( of fi hermen on the -ea%h o"t i$e o"r to'n) There 'a a to%(a$e on thi -ea%h) The 'all 'ere of -ri%() It 'a a r"in 'hen I 'a a -o!, an$ in tro&i%al Afri%a, lan$ of im&ermanent -"il$in#, it 'a li(e a rare &ie%e of hi tor!) It 'a in thi to%(a$e that the la+e 'ere (e&t after the! ha$ -een mar%he$ $o'n from the interior in the %ara+an 1 there the! 'aite$ for the $ho' to ta(e them a%ro the ea) B"t if !o" $i$n*t (no', then the &la%e 'a nothin#, 3" t fo"r %r"m-lin# 'all in a &i%t"re.&o t%ar$ ettin# of -ea%h an$ %o%on"t tree ) On%e the Ara- ha$ r"le$ here1 then the E"ro&ean ha$ %ome1 no' the E"ro&ean 'ere a-o"t to #o a'a!) B"t little ha$ %han#e$ in the manner or min$ of men) The fi hermen* -oat on that -ea%h 'ere till &ainte$ 'ith lar#e e!e on the -o' for #oo$ l"%(1 an$ the fi hermen %o"l$ #et +er! an#r!, e+en m"r$ero" , if ome +i itor trie$ to &hoto#ra&h them 8 trie$ to ro- them of their o"l ) /eo&le li+e$ a the! ha$ al'a! $one1 there 'a no -rea( -et'een &a t an$ &re ent) All that ha$ ha&&ene$ in the &a t 'a 'a he$ a'a!1 there 'a al'a! onl! the &re ent) It 'a a tho"#h, a a re "lt of ome $i t"r-an%e in the hea+en , the earl! mornin# li#ht 'a al'a! re%e$in# into the $ar(ne , an$ men li+e$ in a &er&et"al $a'n)
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The la+er! of the ea t %oa t 'a not li(e the la+er! of the 'e t %oa t) No one 'a hi&&e$ off to &lantation ) Ao t of the &eo&le 'ho left o"r %oa t 'ent to Ara-ian home a $ome ti% er+ant ) Some -e%ame mem-er of the famil! the! ha$ 3oine$1 a fe' -e%ame &o'erf"l in their o'n ri#ht) To an Afri%an, a %hil$ of the fore t, 'ho ha$ mar%he$ $o'n h"n$re$ of mile from the interior an$ 'a far from hi +illa#e an$ tri-e, the &rote%tion of a forei#n famil! 'a &refera-le to -ein# alone amon# tran#e an$ "nfrien$l! Afri%an ) Thi 'a one rea on 'h! the tra$e 'ent on lon# after it ha$ -een o"tla'e$ -! the E"ro&ean &o'er 1 an$ 'h!, at the time 'hen the E"ro&ean 'ere $ealin# in one (in$ of r"--er, m! #ran$father %o"l$ till o%%a ionall! $eal in another) Thi 'a al o the rea on 'h! a e%ret la+er! %ontin"e$ on the %oa t "ntil the other $a!) The la+e , or the &eo&le 'ho mi#ht -e %on i$ere$ la+e , 'ante$ to remain a the! 'ere) In m! famil!* %om&o"n$ there 'ere t'o la+e familie , an$ the! ha$ -een there for at lea t three #eneration ) The la t thin# the! 'ante$ to hear 'a that the! ha$ to #o) Offi%iall! the e &eo&le 'ere onl! er+ant ) B"t the! 'ante$ it (no'n 8 to other Afri%an , an$ to &oor Ara- an$ In$ian 8 that the! 'ere reall! la+e ) It 'a n*t that the! 'ere &ro"$ of la+er! a a %on$ition1 'hat the! 'ere fier%e a-o"t 'a their &e%ial %onne%tion 'ith a famil! of re&"te) The! %o"l$ -e +er! ro"#h 'ith &eo&le the! %on i$ere$ maller fr! than the famil!) When I 'a !o"n# I 'o"l$ -e ta(en for 'al( in the narro' 'hite.'alle$ lane of the ol$ &art of the to'n, 'hi%h 'a 'here o"r ho" e 'a ) I 'o"l$ -e -athe$ an$ $re e$1 the! 'o"l$ &"t (ohl on m! e!e an$ han# a #oo$.l"%( %harm aro"n$ m! ne%(1 an$ then A" tafa, one of o"r ol$ men, 'o"l$ hoi t me on hi ho"l$er ) That 'a ho' I too( m! 'al(; A" tafa $i &la!in# me on hi ho"l$er , $i &la!in# the 'orth of o"r famil!, an$ at the ame time $i &la!in# hi o'n tr" te$ &o ition in o"r famil!) There 'ere ome -o! 'ho ma$e a &oint of ta"ntin# " ) A" tafa, 'hen 'e ran into the e -o! , 'o"l$ et me $o'n, en%o"ra#e me to &ea( in "lt , 'o"l$ a$$ to the e in "lt him elf, 'o"l$ en%o"ra#e me to fi#ht, an$ then, 'hen thin# -e%ame too hot for me, 'o"l$ lift me o"t of rea%h of the -o! * feet an$ fi t an$ &la%e me a#ain on hi ho"l$er ) An$ 'e 'o"l$ %ontin"e o"r 'al() Thi tal( of A" tafa an$ Ara-ia an$ $ho' an$ la+e mi#ht o"n$ li(e omethin# o"t of the Arabian !i%hts) B"t 'hen I thin( of A" tafa, an$ e+en 'hen I hear the 'or$ , la+e,0 I thin( of the :"alor of o"r famil! %om&o"n$, a mi2t"re of %hool !ar$ an$ -a%( !ar$; all tho e &eo&le, omeone al'a! hrie(in#, :"antitie of %lothe han#in# on the line or &rea$ o"t on the -lea%hin# tone , the o"r mell of tho e tone r"nnin# into the mell of the latrine an$ the -arre$. off "rinal %orner, &ile of $irt! enamel an$ -ra $i he on the 'a hin#."& tan$ in the mi$$le of the !ar$, %hil$ren r"nnin# a-o"t e+er!'here, en$le %oo(in# in the -la%(ene$ (it%hen -"il$in#) I thin( of a h"--"- of 'omen an$ %hil$ren, of m! i ter an$ their familie , the er+ant 'omen an$ their familie , -oth i$e a&&arentl! in %on tant %om&etition1 I thin( of :"arrel in the famil! room , %om&etiti+e :"arrel in the er+ant * :"arter ) There 'ere too man! of " in the mall %om&o"n$) We $i$n*t 'ant all tho e &eo&le in the er+ant * :"arter ) B"t the! 'eren*t or$inar! er+ant , an$ there 'a no :"e tion of #ettin# ri$ of them) We 'ere t"%( 'ith them) That 'a ho' it 'a on the ea t %oa t) The la+e %o"l$ ta(e o+er, an$ in more than one 'a!) The &eo&le in o"r er+ant ho" e 'ere no lon#er &"re Afri%an) It 'a n*t a%(no'le$#e$ -! the famil!, -"t ome'here alon# the line, or at man! &la%e alon# the line, the -loo$ of A ia ha$ -een a$$e$ to tho e &eo&le) A" tafa ha$ the -loo$ of C"3arat in hi +ein 1 o ha$ Aett!, the -o! 'ho later %ame all the 'a! a%ro the %ontinent to 3oin me) Thi , tho"#h, 'a a tran ferrin# of -loo$
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from ma ter to la+e) With the Ara- on o"r %oa t the &ro%e ha$ 'or(e$ the other 'a!) The la+e ha$ 'am&e$ the ma ter 1 the Ara-ian ra%e of the ma ter ha$ +irt"all! $i a&&eare$) On%e, #reat e2&lorer an$ 'arrior , the Ara- ha$ r"le$) The! ha$ &" he$ far into the interior an$ ha$ -"ilt to'n an$ &lante$ or%har$ in the fore t) Then their &o'er ha$ -een -ro(en -! E"ro&e) Their to'n an$ or%har$ $i a&&eare$, 'allo'e$ "& in -" h) The! %ea e$ to -e $ri+en on -! their i$ea of their &o ition in the 'orl$, an$ their ener#! 'a lo t1 the! for#ot 'ho the! 'ere an$ 'here the! ha$ %ome from) The! (ne' onl! that the! 'ere A" lim 1 an$ in the A" lim 'a! the! nee$e$ 'i+e an$ more 'i+e ) B"t the! 'ere %"t off from their root in Ara-ia an$ %o"l$ onl! fin$ their 'i+e amon# the Afri%an 'omen 'ho ha$ on%e -een their la+e ) Soon, therefore, the Ara- , or the &eo&le 'ho %alle$ them el+e Ara- , ha$ -e%ome in$i tin#"i ha-le from Afri%an ) The! -arel! ha$ an i$ea of their ori#inal %i+ili@ation) The! ha$ the Koran an$ it la' 1 the! t"%( to %ertain fa hion in $re , 'ore a %ertain (in$ of %a&, ha$ a &e%ial %"t of -ear$1 an$ that 'a all) The! ha$ little i$ea of 'hat their an%e tor ha$ $one in Afri%a) The! ha$ onl! the ha-it of a"thorit!, 'itho"t the ener#! or the e$"%ation to -a%( "& that a"thorit!) The a"thorit! of the Ara8 'hi%h 'a real eno"#h 'hen I 'a a -o! 8 'a onl! a matter of %" tom) It %o"l$ -e -lo'n a'a! at an! time) The 'orl$ i 'hat it i ) I 'a 'orrie$ for the Ara- ) I 'a al o 'orrie$ for " ) Be%a" e, o far a &o'er 'ent, there 'a no $ifferen%e -et'een the Ara- an$ o"r el+e ) We 'ere -oth mall #ro"& li+in# "n$er a E"ro&ean fla# at the e$#e of the %ontinent) In o"r famil! ho" e 'hen I 'a a %hil$ I ne+er hear$ a $i %" ion a-o"t o"r f"t"re or the f"t"re of the %oa t) The a "m&tion eeme$ to -e that thin# 'o"l$ %ontin"e, that marria#e 'o"l$ %ontin"e to -e arran#e$ -et'een a&&ro+e$ &artie , that tra$e an$ -" ine 'o"l$ #o on, that Afri%a 'o"l$ -e for " a it ha$ -een) A! i ter marrie$ in the tra$itional 'a!1 it 'a a "me$ that I, too, 'o"l$ marr! 'hen the time %ame an$ e2ten$ the life of o"r famil! ho" e) B"t it %ame to me 'hile I 'a :"ite !o"n#, till at %hool, that o"r 'a! of life 'a anti:"ate$ an$ almo t at an en$) Small thin# %an tart " off in ne' 'a! of thin(in#, an$ I 'a tarte$ off -! the &o ta#e tam& of o"r area) The Briti h a$mini tration #a+e " -ea"tif"l tam& ) The e tam& $e&i%te$ lo%al %ene an$ lo%al thin# 1 there 'a one %alle$ ,Ara- Dho')0 It 'a a tho"#h, in tho e tam& , a forei#ner ha$ ai$, ,Thi i 'hat i mo t tri(in# a-o"t thi &la%e)0 Witho"t that tam& of the $ho' I mi#ht ha+e ta(en the $ho' for #rante$) A it 'a , I learne$ to loo( at them) Whene+er I a' them tie$ "& at the 'aterfront I tho"#ht of them a omethin# &e%"liar to o"r re#ion, :"aint, omethin# the forei#ner 'o"l$ remar( on, omethin# not :"ite mo$ern, an$ %ertainl! nothin# li(e the liner an$ %ar#o hi& that -erthe$ in o"r o'n mo$ern $o%( ) So from an earl! a#e I $e+elo&e$ the ha-it of loo(in#, $eta%hin# m! elf from a familiar %ene an$ tr!in# to %on i$er it a from a $i tan%e) It 'a from thi ha-it of loo(in# that the i$ea %ame to me that a a %omm"nit! 'e ha$ fallen -ehin$) An$ that 'a the -e#innin# of m! in e%"rit!) I " e$ to thin( of thi feelin# of in e%"rit! a a 'ea(ne , a failin# of m! o'n tem&erament, an$ I 'o"l$ ha+e -een a hame$ if an!one ha$ fo"n$ o"t a-o"t it) I (e&t m! i$ea a-o"t the f"t"re to m! elf, an$ that 'a ea ! eno"#h in o"r ho" e, 'here, a I ha+e ai$, there 'a ne+er an!thin# li(e a &oliti%al $i %" ion) A! famil! 'ere not fool ) A! father an$ hi -rother 'ere tra$er , -" ine men1 in their o'n 'a! the! ha$ to (ee& "& 'ith the time ) The! %o"l$ a e it"ation 1 the! too( ri ( an$ ometime the! %o"l$ -e +er! -ol$) B"t the! 'ere -"rie$ o $ee& in their li+e that the! 'ere not a-le to tan$ -a%( an$ %on i$er the nat"re of their li+e ) The! $i$ 'hat the! ha$
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to $o) When thin# 'ent 'ron# the! ha$ the %on olation of reli#ion) Thi 'a n*t 3" t a rea$ine to a%%e&t 9ate1 thi 'a a :"iet an$ &rofo"n$ %on+i%tion a-o"t the +anit! of all h"man en$ea+o"r) I %o"l$ ne+er ri e o hi#h) A! o'n &e imi m, m! in e%"rit!, 'a a more terre trial affair) I 'a 'itho"t the reli#io" en e of m! famil!) The in e%"rit! I felt 'a $"e to m! la%( of tr"e reli#ion, an$ 'a li(e the mall %han#e of the e2alte$ &e imi m of o"r faith, the &e imi m that %an $ri+e men on to $o 'on$er ) It 'a the &ri%e for m! more materiali t attit"$e, m! ee(in# to o%%"&! the mi$$le #ro"n$, -et'een a- or&tion in life an$ oarin# a-o+e the %are of the earth) If the in e%"rit! I felt a-o"t o"r &o ition on the %oa t 'a $"e to m! tem&erament, then little o%%"rre$ to %alm me $o'n) E+ent in thi &art of Afri%a -e#an to mo+e fa t) To the north there 'a a -loo$! re-ellion of an "&.%o"ntr! tri-e 'hi%h the Briti h eeme$ "na-le to &"t $o'n1 an$ there 'ere e2&lo ion of $i o-e$ien%e an$ ra#e in other &la%e a 'ell) E+en h!&o%hon$ria% ometime ha+e real illne e , an$ I $on*t thin( it 'a m! ner+o" ne alone that ma$e me feel that the &oliti%al ! tem 'e ha$ (no'n 'a %omin# to an en$, an$ that 'hat 'a #oin# to re&la%e it 'a n*t #oin# to -e &lea ant) I feare$ the lie 8 -la%( men a "min# the lie of 'hite men) If it 'a E"ro&e that #a+e " on the %oa t ome i$ea of o"r hi tor!, it 'a E"ro&e, I feel, that al o intro$"%e$ " to the lie) Tho e of " 'ho ha$ -een in that &art of Afri%a -efore the E"ro&ean ha$ ne+er lie$ a-o"t o"r el+e ) Not -e%a" e 'e 'ere more moral) We $i$n*t lie -e%a" e 'e ne+er a e e$ o"r el+e an$ $i$n*t thin( there 'a an!thin# for " to lie a-o"t1 'e 'ere &eo&le 'ho im&l! $i$ 'hat 'e $i$) B"t the E"ro&ean %o"l$ $o one thin# an$ a! omethin# :"ite $ifferent1 an$ the! %o"l$ a%t in thi 'a! -e%a" e the! ha$ an i$ea of 'hat the! o'e$ to their %i+ili@ation) It 'a their #reat a$+anta#e o+er " ) The E"ro&ean 'ante$ #ol$ an$ la+e , li(e e+er!-o$! el e1 -"t at the ame time the! 'ante$ tat"e &"t "& to them el+e a &eo&le 'ho ha$ $one #oo$ thin# for the la+e ) Bein# an intelli#ent an$ ener#eti% &eo&le, an$ at the &ea( of their &o'er , the! %o"l$ e2&re -oth i$e of their %i+ili@ation1 an$ the! #ot -oth the la+e an$ the tat"e ) Be%a" e the! %o"l$ a e them el+e , the E"ro&ean 'ere -etter e:"i&&e$ to %o&e 'ith %han#e than 'e 'ere) An$ I a', 'hen I %om&are$ the E"ro&ean 'ith o"r el+e , that 'e ha$ %ea e$ to %o"nt in Afri%a, that reall! 'e no lon#er ha$ an!thin# to offer) The E"ro&ean 'ere &re&arin# to #et o"t, or to fi#ht, or to meet the Afri%an half'a!) We %ontin"e$ to li+e a 'e ha$ al'a! $one, -lin$l!) E+en at thi late ta#e there 'a ne+er an!thin# li(e a &oliti%al $i %" ion in o"r ho" e or in the ho" e of familie I (ne') The "-3e%t 'a a+oi$e$) I fo"n$ m! elf a+oi$in# it) I " e$ to #o t'i%e a 'ee( to &la! :"a h in the :"a h %o"rt of m! frien$ In$ar) Hi #ran$father ha$ %ome from the /"n3a- in In$ia to 'or( on the rail'a! a a %ontra%t la-o"rer) The ol$ /"n3a-i ha$ $one 'ell) When he ha$ 'or(e$ o"t hi %ontra%t he ha$ ettle$ on the %oa t an$ -e%ome a mar(et mone!.len$er, len$in# t'ent! or thirt! hillin# a time to tall.(ee&er in the mar(et 'ho ran hort an$ $e&en$e$ on the e mall loan to -"! their #oo$ ) 9or ten hillin# lent thi 'ee( t'el+e or fifteen ha$ to -e ret"rne$ the ne2t) Not the -e t (in$ of -" ine 1 -"t an a%ti+e man =an$ a to"#h man> %o"l$ in%rea e hi %a&ital man! time o+er in a !ear) Well, it 'a a er+i%e, an$ a li+in#) An$ more than a li+in#) The famil! ha$ -e%ome +er! #ran$) The! ha$ -e%ome mer%hant -an(er in an "noffi%ial 'a!, ta(in# mall &ro &e%tin# %om&anie , ta(in# tra$in# +ent"re to In$ia an$ Ara-ia an$ the /er ian C"lf = till in the Ara- $ho' of the &o ta#e tam&>) The famil! li+e$ in a -i# %om&o"n$ in an a &halte$ !ar$) The main ho" e 'a at the far en$1 there 'ere maller ho" e at the i$e for mem-er of the famil! 'ho 'i he$ to li+e -! them el+e , other ho" e for the er+ant =&ro&er er+ant , hire.an$.fire &eo&le, not lim&et li(e o"r >1 an$ there 'a the :"a h %o"rt) E+er!thin# 'a "rro"n$e$ -! a hi#h o%hre.'a he$ 'all, an$ there
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'a a main #ate 'ith a 'at%hman) The %om&o"n$ 'a in a ne'er &art of the to'n1 I $i$n*t thin( it 'a &o i-le to -e more e2%l" i+e or &rote%te$) Ri%h &eo&le ne+er for#et the! are ri%h, an$ I loo(e$ "&on In$ar a a #oo$ on of hi mone!. len$in# or -an(in# famil!) He 'a han$ ome, %aref"l of hi a&&earan%e, an$ li#htl! effeminate, 'ith omethin# -"ttone$ "& in hi e2&re ion) I &"t that e2&re ion $o'n to hi re#ar$ for hi o'n 'ealth an$ al o to hi e2"al an2ietie ) I tho"#ht he 'a a #reat -rothel man on the l! an$ li+e$ in fear of -ein# e2&o e$ or %at%hin# ome $i ea e) We 'ere ha+in# %ol$ oran#e 3"i%e an$ hot -la%( tea after o"r #ame =In$ar 'a alrea$! %on%erne$ a-o"t hi 'ei#ht>, 'hen he tol$ me he 'a lea+in#) He 'a #oin# a'a!, #oin# to En#lan$ to a famo" "ni+er it! to $o a three.!ear %o"r e) It 'a li(e In$ar, an$ hi famil!, to anno"n%e im&ortant ne' in thi %a "al 'a!) The ne' $e&re e$ me a little) In$ar %o"l$ $o 'hat he 'a $oin# not onl! -e%a" e he 'a ri%h =I a o%iate$ #oin# a-roa$ to t"$! 'ith #reat 'ealth>, -"t al o -e%a" e he ha$ #one ri#ht thro"#h o"r lo%al En#li h.lan#"a#e %olle#e "ntil he 'a ei#hteen) I ha$ left 'hen I 'a i2teen) Not -e%a" e I 'a n*t -ri#ht or $i$n*t ha+e the in%lination, -"t -e%a" e no one in o"r famil! ha$ ta!e$ at %hool after i2teen) We 'ere ittin# on the te& of the :"a h %o"rt, in the ha$e) In$ar ai$ in hi :"iet 'a!, ,We*re 'a he$ "& here, !o" (no') To -e in Afri%a !o" ha+e to -e tron#) We*re not tron#) We $on*t e+en ha+e a fla#)0 He ha$ mentione$ the "nmentiona-le) An$ a oon a he &o(e I a' the 'all of hi %om&o"n$ a " ele ) T'o #eneration ha$ -"ilt 'hat I a'1 an$ I mo"rne$ for that lo t la-o"r) A oon a In$ar &o(e I felt I %o"l$ enter hi min$ an$ ee 'hat he a' 8 the mo%(in# :"alit! of the #ran$e"r, the #ate an$ the 'at%hman that 'o"l$n*t -e a-le to (ee& o"t the tr"e $an#er) B"t I #a+e no i#n that I "n$er too$ 'hat he 'a tal(in# a-o"t) I -eha+e$ li(e the other 'ho ha$ inf"riate$ an$ a$$ene$ me -! ref" in# to a%(no'le$#e that %han#e 'a %omin# to o"r &art of the 'orl$) An$ 'hen In$ar 'ent on to a (, ,What are !o" #oin# to $oE0 I ai$, a tho"#h I $i$n*t ee an! &ro-lem, ,I*ll ta!) I*ll #o into the -" ine )0 It 'a n*t tr"e at all) It 'a the o&&o ite of 'hat I felt) B"t I fo"n$ that I 'a "n'illin# 8 a oon a the :"e tion ha$ -een &"t to me 8 to a%(no'le$#e m! hel&le ne ) I in tin%ti+el! fell into the attit"$e of m! famil!) B"t 'ith me the fatali m 'a -o#" 1 I %are$ +er! m"%h a-o"t the 'orl$ an$ 'i he$ to reno"n%e nothin#) All I %o"l$ $o 'a to hi$e from the tr"th) An$ that $i %o+er! a-o"t m! elf ma$e the 'al( -a%( thro"#h the hot to'n +er! $i t"r-in#) The afternoon "n fell on the oft -la%( a &halt roa$ an$ the tall hi-i %" he$#e ) It 'a all o or$inar!) There 'a a !et no $an#er in the %ro'$ , the -ro(en.$o'n treet , the -lan(.'alle$ lane ) B"t the &la%e 'a &oi one$ for me) I ha$ an "& tair room in o"r famil! ho" e) It 'a till li#ht 'hen I #ot -a%() I loo(e$ o"t o+er o"r %om&o"n$, a' the tree an$ #reener! of the nei#h-o"rin# !ar$ an$ o&en &a%e ) A! a"nt 'a %allin# to one of her $a"#hter ; ome ol$ -ra +a e that ha$ -een ta(en o"t to the !ar$ to -e %o"re$ 'ith lime ha$n*t -een ta(en -a%( in) I loo(e$ at that $e+o"t 'oman, heltere$ -ehin$ her 'all, an$ a' ho' &ett! her %on%ern 'ith the -ra +a e 'a ) The thin 'hite'a he$ 'all =thinner than the 'all of the la+e to%(a$e on the -ea%h> &rote%te$ her o little) She 'a o +"lnera-le 8 her &er on, her reli#ion, her %" tom , her 'a! of life) The :"allin# !ar$ ha$ %ontaine$ it o'n life, ha$ -een it o'n %om&lete 'orl$, for o lon#) Ho' %o"l$ an!one not ta(e it for #rante$E Ho' %o"l$ an!one to& to a ( 'hat it 'a that ha$ reall! &rote%te$ " E
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I remem-ere$ the loo( of %ontem&t an$ irritation In$ar ha$ #i+en me) An$ the $e%i ion I %ame to then 'a thi ) I ha$ to -rea( a'a!) I %o"l$n*t &rote%t an!one1 no one %o"l$ &rote%t me) We %o"l$n*t &rote%t o"r el+e 1 'e %o"l$ onl! in +ario" 'a! hi$e from the tr"th) I ha$ to -rea( a'a! from o"r famil! %om&o"n$ an$ o"r %omm"nit!) To ta! 'ith m! %omm"nit!, to &reten$ that I ha$ im&l! to tra+el alon# 'ith them, 'a to -e ta(en 'ith them to $e tr"%tion) I %o"l$ -e ma ter of m! fate onl! if I too$ alone) One ti$e of hi tor! 8 for#otten -! " , li+in# onl! in -oo( -! E"ro&ean that I 'a !et to rea$ 8 ha$ -ro"#ht " here) We ha$ li+e$ o"r li+e in o"r 'a!, $one 'hat 'e ha$ to $o, 'or hi&&e$ Co$ an$ o-e!e$ hi %omman$ment ) No' 8 to e%ho In$ar* 'or$ 8 another ti$e of hi tor! 'a %omin# to 'a h " a'a!) I %o"l$ no lon#er "-mit to 9ate) A! 'i h 'a not to -e #oo$, in the 'a! of o"r tra$ition, -"t to ma(e #oo$) B"t ho'E What $i$ I ha+e to offerE What talent, 'hat (ill, a&art from the Afri%an tra$in# (ill of o"r famil!E Thi an2iet! -e#an to eat a'a! at me) An$ that 'a 'h!, 'hen Na@r"$$in ma$e hi offer, of a ho& an$ -" ine in a far.off %o"ntr! that 'a till in Afri%a, I %l"t%he$ at it) Na@r"$$in 'a an e2oti% in o"r %omm"nit!) He 'a a man of m! father* a#e, -"t he loo(e$ m"%h !o"n#er an$ 'a alto#ether more a man of the 'orl$) He &la!e$ tenni , $ran( 'ine, &o(e 9ren%h, 'ore $ar( #la e an$ "it ='ith +er! 'i$e la&el , the ti& of 'hi%h %"rle$ $o'n>) He 'a (no'n amon# " =an$ li#htl! mo%(e$ -ehin$ hi -a%(> for hi E"ro&ean manner , 'hi%h he ha$ &i%(e$ "& not from E"ro&e =he ha$ ne+er -een there>, -"t from a to'n in the %entre of Afri%a 'here he li+e$ an$ ha$ hi -" ine ) Aan! !ear -efore, follo'in# ome fan%! of hi o'n, Na@r"$$in ha$ %"t $o'n on hi -" ine on the %oa t an$ -e#"n to mo+e inlan$) The %olonial -o"n$arie of Afri%a #a+e an international fla+o"r to hi o&eration ) B"t Na@r"$$in 'a $oin# no more than follo'in# the ol$ Ara- tra$in# ro"te to the interior1 an$ he ha$ fet%he$ "& in the %entre of the %ontinent, at the -en$ in the #reat ri+er) That 'a a far a the Ara- ha$ #ot in the la t %ent"r!) There the! ha$ met E"ro&e, a$+an%in# from the other $ire%tion) 9or E"ro&e it 'a one little &ro-e) 9or the Ara- of %entral Afri%a it 'a their all1 the Ara-ian ener#! that ha$ &" he$ them into Afri%a ha$ $ie$ $o'n at it o"r%e, an$ their &o'er 'a li(e the li#ht of a tar that tra+el on after the tar it elf ha -e%ome $ea$) Ara- &o'er ha$ +ani he$1 at the -en$ in the ri+er there ha$ #ro'n "& a E"ro&ean, an$ not an Ara-, to'n) An$ it 'a from that to'n that Na@r"$$in, rea&&earin# amon# " from time to time, -ro"#ht -a%( hi e2oti% manner an$ ta te an$ hi tale of %ommer%ial "%%e ) Na@r"$$in 'a an e2oti%, -"t he remaine$ -o"n$ to o"r %omm"nit! -e%a" e he nee$e$ h" -an$ an$ 'i+e for hi %hil$ren) I al'a! (ne' that in me he a' the &ro &e%ti+e h" -an$ of one of hi $a"#hter 1 -"t I ha$ li+e$ 'ith thi (no'le$#e for o lon# that it $i$n*t em-arra me) I li(e$ Na@r"$$in) I 'el%ome$ hi +i it , hi tal(, hi +er! alienne a he at $o'n tair in o"r $ra'in# room or +eran$ah an$ &o(e of the e2%itement of hi far.off 'orl$) He 'a a man of enth" ia m ) He reli he$ e+er!thin# he $i$) He li(e$ the ho" e he -o"#ht =al'a! -ar#ain >, the re ta"rant he %ho e, the $i he he ha$ or$ere$) E+er!thin# 'or(e$ o"t 'ell for him, an$ hi tale of "nfailin# l"%( 'o"l$ ha+e ma$e him intolera-le if he $i$n*t ha+e the #ift of $e %ri-in# thin# o 'ell) He ma$e me lon# to $o 'hat he ha$ $one, to -e 'here he ha$ -een) In ome 'a! he -e%ame m! mo$el)
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He 'a omethin# of a &almi t, in a$$ition to e+er!thin# el e, an$ hi rea$in# 'ere +al"e$ -e%a" e he %o"l$ $o them onl! 'hen the moo$ too( him) When I 'a ten or t'el+e he ha$ #i+en me a rea$in# an$ ha$ een #reat thin# in m! han$) So I re &e%te$ hi 3"$#ment) He a$$e$ to that rea$in# from time to time) I remem-er one o%%a ion e &e%iall!) He 'a on the -ent.'oo$ ro%(er, ro%(in# "n tea$il! from the e$#e of the %ar&et onto the %on%rete floor) He -ro(e off 'hat he 'a a!in# an$ a (e$ to ee m! han$) He felt the ti& of m! fin#er , -ent m! fin#er , loo(e$ -riefl! at m! &alm, an$ then let m! han$ #o) He tho"#ht for a little a-o"t 'hat he ha$ een 8 it 'a hi 'a!, thin(in# a-o"t 'hat he ha$ een rather than loo(in# at the han$ all the time 8 an$ he ai$, ,Yo" are the mo t faithf"l man I (no')0 Thi $i$n*t &lea e me1 it eeme$ to me he 'a offerin# me no life at all) I ai$, ,Can !o" rea$ !o"r o'n han$E Do !o" (no' 'hat* in tore for !o"E0 He ai$, ,Don*t I (no', $on*t I (no')0 The tone of hi +oi%e 'a $ifferent then, an$ I a' that thi man, for 'hom =a%%or$in# to hi tal(> e+er!thin# 'or(e$ o"t -ea"tif"ll!, reall! li+e$ 'ith a +i ion of thin# t"rnin# o"t -a$l!) I tho"#ht; Thi i ho' a man ho"l$ -eha+e1 an$ I felt %lo e to him after that, %lo er than I $i$ to mem-er of m! o'n famil!) Then %ame the %ra h 'hi%h ome &eo&le ha$ -een :"ietl! &ro&he !in# for thi "%%e f"l an$ tal(ati+e man) Na@r"$$in* a$o&te$ %o"ntr! -e%ame in$e&en$ent, :"ite "$$enl!, an$ the ne' from that &la%e for 'ee( an$ month 'a of 'ar an$ (illin# ) 9rom the 'a! ome &eo&le tal(e$ !o" mi#ht ha+e -elie+e$ that if Na@r"$$in ha$ -een another (in$ of &er on, if he ha$ -oa te$ le of hi "%%e , $r"n( le 'ine an$ -een more eeml! in hi -eha+io"r, e+ent 'o"l$ ha+e ta(en another t"rn) We hear$ that he ha$ fle$ 'ith hi famil! to U#an$a) There 'a a re&ort that the! ha$ $ri+en thro"#h the -" h for $a! on the -a%( of a tr"%( an$ ha$ t"rne$ "& &ani%. tri%(en an$ $e tit"te at the -or$er to'n of Ki oro) At lea t he 'a afe) In $"e %o"r e he %ame to the %oa t) /eo&le loo(in# for a -ro(en man 'ere $i a&&ointe$) Na@r"$$in 'a a &ri#htl! a e+er, till 'ith hi $ar( #la e an$ "it) The $i a ter a&&eare$ not to ha+e to"%he$ him at all) U "all! 'hen Na@r"$$in %ame to +i it, effort 'ere ma$e to re%ei+e him 'ell) The $ra'in# room 'a #i+en a &e%ial %leanin#, an$ the -ra +a e 'ith the h"ntin# %ene 'ere &oli he$ "&) B"t thi time, -e%a" e of the -elief that he 'a a man in tro"-le, an$ therefore or$inar! a#ain, 3" t li(e " , no one ha$ trie$ har$) The $ra'in# room 'a in it " "al tate of me an$ 'e at o"t on the +eran$ah fa%in# the !ar$) A! mother -ro"#ht tea, offerin# it not in the " "al 'a!, a the hamefa%e$ ho &italit! of im&le fol(, -"t -eha+in# a tho"#h he 'a &erformin# ome ne%e ar! final rite) When he &"t the tra! $o'n he eeme$ a-o"t to -"r t into tear ) A! -rother .in.la' #athere$ aro"n$ 'ith %on%erne$ fa%e ) B"t from Na@r"$$in 8 in &ite of that tale a-o"t the lon#.$i tan%e ri$e on the -a%( of a tr"%( 8 there %ame no torie of $i a ter, onl! torie of %ontin"in# l"%( an$ "%%e ) He ha$ een the tro"-le %omin#1 he ha$ &"lle$ o"t month -efore it %ame) Na@r"$$in ai$; ,It 'a n*t the Afri%an 'ho ma$e me ner+o" ) It 'a the E"ro&ean an$ the other ) ?" t -efore a %ra h &eo&le #o %ra@!) We ha$ a fanta ti% &ro&ert! -oom) E+er!-o$! 'a onl! tal(in# a-o"t mone!) A &ie%e of -" h %o tin# nothin# to$a! 'a ellin# for half a million fran% tomorro') It 'a li(e ma#i%, -"t 'ith real mone!) I #ot %a"#ht "& in it m! elf, an$ nearl! #ot tra&&e$) ,One S"n$a! mornin# I 'ent o"t to the $e+elo&ment 'here I ha$ -o"#ht a fe' lot ) The 'eather 'a -a$) Hot an$ hea+!) The (! 'a $ar( -"t it 'a n*t #oin# to rain1 it 'a 3" t #oin# to ta! li(e that) The li#htnin# 'a far a'a! 8 it 'a rainin# ome'here el e in the fore t) I tho"#ht;
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What a &la%e to li+e inB I %o"l$ hear the ri+er 8 the $e+elo&ment 'a n*t too far from the ra&i$ ) I li tene$ to the ri+er an$ loo(e$ "& at that (! an$ I tho"#ht; Thi i n*t &ro&ert!) Thi i 3" t -" h) Thi ha al'a! -een -" h) I %o"l$ %ar%el! 'ait for Aon$a! mornin# after that) I &"t e+er!thin# "& for ale) Lo'er than the #oin# &ri%e, -"t I a (e$ to -e &ai$ in E"ro&e) I ent the famil! to U#an$a) ,Do !o" (no' U#an$aE A lo+el! %o"ntr!) Cool, three to fo"r tho" an$ feet "&, an$ &eo&le a! it* li(e S%otlan$, 'ith the hill ) The Briti h ha+e #i+en the &la%e the fine t a$mini tration !o" %o"l$ a ( for) Der! im&le, +er! effi%ient) Won$erf"l roa$ ) An$ the Bant" &eo&le there are &rett! -ri#ht)0 That 'a Na@r"$$in) We ha$ ima#ine$ him $one for) In tea$, he 'a tr!in# to e2%ite " 'ith hi enth" ia m for hi ne' %o"ntr!, an$ a (in# " to %ontem&late hi l"%( !et a#ain) The &atrona#e, in fa%t, 'a all on hi i$e) Tho"#h he ne+er ai$ an!thin# o&enl!, he a' " on the %oa t a threatene$, an$ he ha$ %ome that $a! to ma(e me an offer) He till ha$ intere t in hi ol$ %o"ntr! 8 a ho&, a fe' a#en%ie ) He ha$ tho"#ht it &r"$ent to (ee& the ho& on, 'hile he 'a tran ferrin# hi a et o"t of the %o"ntr!, to &re+ent &eo&le loo(in# at hi affair too %lo el!) An$ it 'a thi ho& an$ tho e a#en%ie that he no' offere$ me) ,The! aren*t 'orth an!thin# no') B"t the! 'ill -e a#ain) I reall! ho"l$ -e #i+in# it to !o" for nothin#) B"t that 'o"l$ -e -a$ for !o" an$ for me) Yo" m" t al'a! (no' 'hen to &"ll o"t) A -" ine man i n*t a mathemati%ian) Remem-er that) Ne+er -e%ome h!&noti@e$ -! the -ea"t! of n"m-er ) A -" ine man i omeone 'ho -"! at ten an$ i ha&&! to #et o"t at t'el+e) The other (in$ of man -"! at ten, ee it ri e to ei#hteen an$ $oe nothin#) He i 'aitin# for it to #et to t'ent!) The -ea"t! of n"m-er ) When it $ro& to ten a#ain he 'ait for it to #et -a%( to ei#hteen) When it $ro& to t'o he 'ait for it to #et -a%( to ten) Well, it #et -a%( there) B"t he ha 'a te$ a :"arter of hi life) An$ all he* #ot o"t of hi mone! i a little mathemati%al e2%itement)0 I ai$, ,Thi ho&; a "min# !o" -o"#ht at ten, 'hat 'o"l$ !o" a! !o" 'ere ellin# it to me forE0 ,T'o) In three or fo"r !ear it 'ill %lim- "& to i2) B" ine ne+er $ie in Afri%a1 it i onl! interr"&te$) 9or me it i a 'a te of time to ee that t'o #et "& to i2) There i more for me in %otton in U#an$a) B"t for !o" it 'ill -e a tre-lin# of !o"r %a&ital) What !o" m" t al'a! (no' i 'hen to #et o"t), Na@r"$$in ha$ een faithf"lne in m! han$) B"t he ha$ rea$ me 'ron#) Be%a" e 'hen I a%%e&te$ hi offer I 'a in an im&ortant 'a! -rea(in# faith 'ith him) I ha$ a%%e&te$ hi offer -e%a" e I 'ante$ to -rea( a'a!) To -rea( a'a! from m! famil! an$ %omm"nit! al o meant -rea(in# a'a! from m! "n &o(en %ommitment to Na@r"$$in an$ hi $a"#hter) She 'a a lo+el! #irl) On%e a !ear, for a fe' 'ee( , he %ame to the %oa t to ta! 'ith her father* i ter) She 'a -etter e$"%ate$ than I 'a 1 there 'a ome tal( of her #oin# in for a%%o"ntan%! or la') She 'o"l$ ha+e -een a +er! ni%e #irl to marr!, -"t I a$mire$ her a I 'o"l$ ha+e a$mire$ a #irl of m! o'n famil!) Nothin# 'o"l$ ha+e -een ea ier than to marr! Na@r"$$in* $a"#hter) Nothin#, to me, 'o"l$ ha+e -een more tiflin#) An$ it 'a from that tiflin# a 'ell a from e+er!thin# el e that I $ro+e a'a!, 'hen I left the %oa t in the /e"#eot) I 'a -rea(in# faith 'ith Na@r"$$in) Yet he 8 a reli her of life, a ee(er after e2&erien%e 8 ha$ -een m! e2em&lar1 an$ it 'a to hi to'n that I $ro+e) All that I (ne' of the to'n at the -en$ of the ri+er I ha$ #ot from Na@r"$$in* torie ) Ri$i%"lo" thin# %an 'or( on " at moment of
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train1 an$ to'ar$ the en$ of that har$ $ri+e 'hat 'a often in m! hea$ 'a 'hat Na@r"$$in ha$ ai$ a-o"t the re ta"rant of the to'n, a-o"t the foo$ of E"ro&e an$ the 'ine) ,The 'ine are Sa%%one an$ S&ee$,0 he ha$ ai$) It 'a a mer%hant* o- er+ation) He ha$ meant that e+en there, in the %entre of Afri%a, the 'ine ha$ %ome from the hi&&er on o"r ea t %oa t, an$ not from the &eo&le on the other i$e) B"t in m! ima#ination I allo'e$ the 'or$ to tan$ for &"re -li ) I ha$ ne+er -een to a real E"ro&ean re ta"rant or ta te$ 'ine 8 for-i$$en to " 8 'ith an! &lea "re1 an$ I (ne' that the life Na@r"$$in ha$ $e %ri-e$ ha$ %ome to an en$) B"t I $ro+e thro"#h Afri%a to Na@r"$$in* to'n a to a &la%e 'here thi life mi#ht -e re.%reate$ for me) When I arri+e$ I fo"n$ that the to'n from 'hi%h Na@r"$$in ha$ -ro"#ht -a%( hi tale ha$ -een $e tro!e$, ha$ ret"rne$ to the -" h he ha$ ha$ a +i ion of 'hen he ha$ $e%i$e$ to ell) In &ite of m! elf, in &ite of all that I ha$ -een tol$ a-o"t re%ent e+ent , I felt ho%(e$, let $o'n) A! faithle ne har$l! eeme$ to matter) WineB It 'a har$ to #et the im&le t foo$1 an$ if !o" 'ante$ +e#eta-le !o" either #ot them o"t of an ol$ 8 an$ e2&en i+e 8 tin, or !o" #re' them !o"r elf) The Afri%an 'ho ha$ a-an$one$ the to'n an$ #one -a%( to their +illa#e 'ere -etter off1 the! at lea t ha$ #one -a%( to their tra$itional life an$ 'ere more or le elf. "ffi%ient) B"t for the re t of " in the to'n, 'ho nee$e$ ho& an$ er+i%e 8 a fe' Bel#ian , ome Cree( an$ Italian , a han$f"l of In$ian 8 it 'a a tri&&e$, Ro-in on Cr" oe (in$ of e2i ten%e) We ha$ %ar an$ 'e li+e$ in &ro&er ho" e 8 I ha$ -o"#ht a flat o+er an em&t! 'areho" e for almo t nothin#) B"t if 'e ha$ 'orn (in an$ li+e$ in that%he$ h"t it 'o"l$n*t ha+e -een too ina&&ro&riate) The ho& 'ere em&t!1 'ater 'a a &ro-lem1 ele%tri%it! 'a errati%1 an$ &etrol 'a often hort) On%e for ome 'ee( 'e 'ere 'itho"t (ero ene) T'o em&t! oil -ar#e ha$ -een han#haie$ -! &eo&le $o'nri+er, to'e$ a ri+er &oil to a hi$$en %ree(, an$ %on+erte$ into li+in# :"arter ) The &eo&le here li(e$ to %ra&e their !ar$ $o'n to the re$ earth, to (ee& a'a! na(e 1 an$ the teel $e%( of the -ar#e &ro+i$e$ an i$eal li+in# "rfa%e) On tho e (ero enele mornin# I ha$ to -oil m! 'ater on an En#li h.ma$e %a t.iron %har%oal -ra@ier 8 &art of m! ho& to%(, inten$e$ for ale to +illa#e Afri%an ) I too( the -ra@ier to the lan$in# of the e2ternal tair%a e at the -a%( of the ho" e, :"atte$ an$ fanne$) All aro"n$ me &eo&le 'ere $oin# the ame1 the &la%e 'a -l"e 'ith mo(e) An$ there 'ere the r"in ) &isceri-,e probat pop,los et foedera .,n%i) The e Latin 'or$ , 'ho e meanin# I $i$n*t (no', 'ere all that remaine$ of a mon"ment o"t i$e the $o%( #ate ) I (ne' the 'or$ -! heart1 I #a+e them m! o'n &ron"n%iation, an$ the! ran li(e a non en e 3in#le in m! hea$) The 'or$ 'ere %ar+e$ at the to& of a -lo%( of #ranite, an$ the re t of the #ranite 'a no' -are) The -ron@e %"l&t"re -elo' the 'or$ ha$ -een torn a'a!1 the 3a##e$ little -it of -ron@e that remaine$ an%hore$ in the #ranite "##e te$ that the %"l&tor ha$ $one -anana lea+e or &alm -ran%he at the to&, to frame hi %om&o ition) I 'a tol$ that the mon"ment ha$ -een &"t "& onl! a fe' !ear -efore, almo t at the en$ of the %olonial time, to mar( i2t! !ear of the teamer er+i%e from the %a&ital) So almo t a oon a it ha$ -een &"t "& 8 no $o"-t 'ith &ee%he a-o"t a f"rther i2t! !ear of er+i%e 8 the teamer mon"ment ha$ -een (no%(e$ $o'n) With all the other %olonial tat"e an$ mon"ment ) /e$e tal ha$ -een $efa%e$, &rote%ti+e railin# flattene$, floo$li#ht ma he$ an$ left to r" t) R"in ha$ -een left a r"in 1 no attem&t ha$ -een ma$e to ti$! "&) The name of all the main treet ha$ -een %han#e$) Ro"#h -oar$ %arrie$ the ne', ro"#hl! lettere$ name ) No one " e$ the ne' name , -e%a" e no one &arti%"larl! %are$ a-o"t them) The 'i h ha$ onl! -een to #et
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ri$ of the ol$, to 'i&e o"t the memor! of the intr"$er) It 'a "nner+in#, the $e&th of that Afri%an ra#e, the 'i h to $e tro!, re#ar$le of the %on e:"en%e ) B"t more "nner+in# than an!thin# el e 'a the r"ine$ "-"r- near the ra&i$ ) Dal"a-le real e tate for a 'hile, an$ no' -" h a#ain, %ommon #ro"n$, a%%or$in# to Afri%an &ra%ti%e) The ho" e ha$ -een et ali#ht one -! one) The! ha$ -een tri&&e$ 8 -efore or after'ar$ 8 onl! of tho e thin# that the lo%al &eo&le nee$e$; heet of tin, len#th of &i&e, -atht"- an$ in( an$ la+ator! -o'l =im&ermea-le +e el , " ef"l for oa(in# %a a+a in>) The -i# la'n an$ #ar$en ha$ ret"rne$ to -" h1 the treet ha$ $i a&&eare$1 +ine an$ %ree&er ha$ #ro'n o+er -ro(en, -lea%he$ 'all of %on%rete or hollo' %la! -ri%() Here an$ there in the -" h %o"l$ till -e een the %on%rete hell of 'hat ha$ -een re ta"rant =Sa%%one an$ S&ee$ 'ine > an$ ni#ht%l"- ) One ni#ht%l"- ha$ -een %alle$ ,Na&oli01 the no' meanin#le name, &ainte$ on the %on%rete 'all, 'a almo t -lea%he$ a'a!) S"n an$ rain an$ -" h ha$ ma$e the ite loo( ol$, li(e the ite of a $ea$ %i+ili@ation) The r"in , &rea$in# o+er o man! a%re , eeme$ to &ea( of a final %ata tro&he) B"t the %i+ili@ation 'a n*t $ea$) It 'a the %i+ili@ation I e2i te$ in an$ in fa%t 'a till 'or(in# to'ar$ ) An$ that %o"l$ ma(e for an o$$ feelin#; to -e amon# the r"in 'a to ha+e !o"r time. en e "n ettle$) Yo" felt li(e a #ho t, not from the &a t, -"t from the f"t"re) Yo" felt that !o"r life an$ am-ition ha$ alrea$! -een li+e$ o"t for !o" an$ !o" 'ere loo(in# at the reli% of that life) Yo" 'ere in a &la%e 'here the f"t"re ha$ %ome an$ #one) With it r"in an$ it $e&ri+ation , Na@r"$$in* to'n 'a a #ho t to'n) An$ for me, a a ne'%omer, there 'a nothin# li(e a o%ial life) The e2&atriate 'eren*t 'el%omin#) The! ha$ -een thro"#h a lot1 the! till $i$n*t (no' ho' thin# 'ere #oin# to t"rn o"t1 an$ the! 'ere +er! ner+o" ) The Bel#ian , e &e%iall! the !o"n#er one , 'ere f"ll of re entment an$ a en e of in3" ti%e) The Cree( , #reat famil! men, 'ith the a##re i+ene an$ fr" tration of famil! men, (e&t to their familie an$ their imme$iate frien$ ) There 'ere three ho" e that I +i ite$, +i itin# them in t"rn on 'ee($a! for l"n%h, 'hi%h ha$ -e%ome m! main meal) The! 'ere all A ian or In$ian ho" e ) There 'a a %o"&le from In$ia) The! li+e$ in a mall flat that melle$ of a afoeti$a an$ 'a $e%orate$ 'ith &a&er flo'er an$ -ri#htl! %olo"re$ reli#io" &rint ) He 'a a Unite$ Nation e2&ert of ome ort 'ho ha$n*t 'ante$ to #o -a%( to In$ia an$ ha$ ta!e$ on $oin# o$$ 3o- after hi %ontra%t ha$ e2&ire$) The! 'ere a ho &ita-le %o"&le an$ the! ma$e a &oint =I feel for reli#io" rea on > of offerin# ho &italit! to fri#htene$ or tran$e$ forei#ner ) The! &oilt their ho &italit! -! tal(in# a little too m"%h a-o"t it) Their foo$ 'a too li:"i$ an$ &e&&er! for me, an$ I $i$n*t li(e the 'a! the man ate) He -ent hi hea$ lo' o+er hi foo$, (ee&in# hi no e an in%h or t'o a'a! from hi &late, an$ he ate noi il!, la&&in# hi li& to#ether) While he ate li(e thi hi 'ife fanne$ him, ne+er ta(in# her e!e off hi &late, fannin# 'ith her ri#ht han$, re tin# her %hin on the &alm of her left han$) Still, I 'ent there t'i%e a 'ee(, more for the a(e of ha+in# ome'here to #o than for the foo$) The other &la%e I 'ent to 'a a ro"#h, ran%h.li(e ho" e that -elon#e$ to an el$erl! In$ian %o"&le 'ho e famil! ha$ all #one a'a! $"rin# the tro"-le ) The !ar$ 'a -i# an$ $" t!, f"ll of a-an$one$ %ar an$ tr"%( , the reli% of a tran &ort -" ine in %olonial $a! ) Thi ol$ %o"&le $i$n*t eem to (no' 'here the! 'ere) The -" h of Afri%a 'a o"t i$e their !ar$1 -"t the! &o(e no 9ren%h, no Afri%an lan#"a#e, an$ from the 'a! the! -eha+e$ !o" 'o"l$ ha+e tho"#ht that the ri+er 3" t $o'n the roa$ 'a the Can#e , 'ith tem&le an$ hol! men an$ -athin# te& ) B"t it 'a
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oothin# to -e 'ith them) The! $i$n*t loo( for %on+er ation, an$ 'ere :"ite ha&&! if !o" ai$ nothin#, if !o" ate an$ ran) Sho-a an$ Aahe h 'ere the &eo&le I felt %lo e t to, an$ I oon tho"#ht of them a frien$ ) The! ha$ a ho& in 'hat o"#ht to ha+e -een a &rime %ommer%ial &o ition, o&&o ite the +an $er We!$en Hotel) Li(e me, the! 'ere mi#rant from the ea t an$ ref"#ee from their o'n %omm"nit!) The! 'ere an e2traor$inaril! #oo$.loo(in# %o"&le1 it 'a tran#e, in o"r to'n, to fin$ &eo&le o %aref"l of their $re an$ a&&earan%e) B"t the! ha$ li+e$ too lon# a&art from their fello' an$ ha$ for#otten ho' to -e %"rio" a-o"t them) Li(e man! i olate$ &eo&le, the! 'ere 'ra&&e$ "& in them el+e an$ not too intere te$ in the 'orl$ o"t i$e) An$ thi -ea"tif"l %o"&le ha$ their $a! of ten ion) Sho-a, the la$!, 'a +ain an$ ne"roti%) Aahe h, the im&ler &artner, %o"l$ -e in a tate of an2iet! a-o"t her) That 'a m! life in Na@r"$$in* to'n) I ha$ 'ante$ to -rea( a'a! an$ ma(e a fre h tart) B"t there are $e#ree in e+er!thin#, an$ I felt -"r$ene$ -! the -arene of m! $a! ) A! life 'a "n%on tri%te$, -"t narro'er than it ha$ e+er -een1 the olit"$e of m! e+enin# 'a li(e an a%he) I $i$n*t thin( I ha$ the re o"r%e to la t) A! %omfort 'a that I ha$ lo t little, e2%e&t time1 I %o"l$ al'a! mo+e on 8 tho"#h 'here, I $i$n*t !et (no') An$ then I fo"n$ I %o"l$n*t mo+e) I ha$ to ta!) What I ha$ feare$ 'o"l$ ha&&en on the %oa t %ame to &a ) There 'a an "&ri in#1 an$ the Ara- 8 men almo t a Afri%an a their er+ant 8 ha$ -een finall! lai$ lo') I fir t hear$ the ne' from m! frien$ Sho-a an$ Aa.he h, 'ho ha$ #ot it from the ra$io 8 that e2&atriate ha-it of li tenin# to the BBC ne' 'a omethin# I ha$ not !et #ot into) We treate$ the ne' a a e%ret, a omethin# that ha$ to -e (e&t from the lo%al &eo&le1 thi 'a one o%%a ion 'hen 'e 'ere #la$ there 'a no lo%al ne' &a&er) Then ne' &a&er from E"ro&e an$ the Unite$ State %ame to +ario" &eo&le in the to'n an$ 'ere &a e$ aro"n$1 an$ it 'a e2traor$inar! to me that ome of the ne' &a&er %o"l$ ha+e fo"n$ #oo$ 'or$ for the -"t%her! on the %oa t) B"t &eo&le are li(e that a-o"t &la%e in 'hi%h the! aren*t reall! intere te$ an$ 'here the! $on*t ha+e to li+e) Some &a&er &o(e of the en$ of fe"$ali m an$ the $a'n of a ne' a#e) B"t 'hat ha$ ha&&ene$ 'a not ne') /eo&le 'ho ha$ #ro'n fee-le ha$ -een &h! i%all! $e tro!e$) That, in Afri%a, 'a not ne'1 it 'a the ol$e t la' of the lan$) Letter e+ent"all! %ame from the %oa t 8 in a -at%h 8 from mem-er of m! famil!) The! 'ere %a"tio" l! 'ritten, -"t their me a#e 'a &lain) There 'a no &la%e for " on the %oa t1 o"r life there 'a o+er) The famil! 'a %atterin#) Onl! ol$ &eo&le 'o"l$ ta! on in o"r famil! %om&o"n$ 8 a :"ieter life there, at la t) The famil! er+ant , -"r$en ome to the en$, ref" in# to #o a'a!, in i tin# on their la+e tat" e+en at thi time of re+ol"tion, 'ere -ein# &lit "& amon# the famil!) An$ one of the &oint of the letter 'a that I ha$ to ta(e m! hare) It 'a not for me to %hoo e 'hom I 'ante$1 a&&arentl! I ha$ alrea$! -een %ho en -! omeone) One of the -o! or !o"n# men from the er+ant ho" e 'ante$ to #et a far a'a! from the %oa t a &o i-le, an$ he ha$ -een firm a-o"t -ein# ent ,to ta! 'ith Salim)0 The -o! ai$ he ha$ al'a! ha$ ,a &e%ial li(in# for Salim,0 an$ he ha$ ma$e "%h a f" that the! ha$ $e%i$e$ to en$ him to me) I %o"l$ ima#ine the %ene) I %o"l$ ima#ine the %reamin# an$ the tam&in# an$ the "l(in#) That 'a ho' the er+ant #ot their 'a! in o"r ho" e1 the! %o"l$ -e 'or e than %hil$ren) A! father, not reali in# 'hat other &eo&le in the famil! ha$ 'ritten, im&l! ai$ in hi letter that
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he an$ m! mother ha$ $e%i$e$ to en$ omeone to loo( after me 8 he meant, of %o"r e, that he 'a en$in# me a -o! to loo( after an$ fee$) I %o"l$n*t a! no; the -o! 'a on hi 'a!) That thi -o! ha$ ,a &e%ial li(in#0 for me 'a ne' to me) A -etter rea on for hi %hoi%e of me 'a that I 'a 3" t three or fo"r !ear ol$er than he 'a , "nmarrie$, an$ more li(el! to &"t "& 'ith hi 'an$erin# 'a! ) He ha$ al'a! -een a 'an$erer) We ha$ ent him to the Korani% %hool 'hen he 'a mall, -"t he 'a al'a! r"nnin# off ome'here el e, in &ite of -eatin# -! hi mother) =An$ ho' he %reame$ in the :"arter , an$ ho' hi mother ho"te$ 8 -oth of them o+er$oin# the $rama, tr!in# to #et a m"%h attention a &o i-le from the re t of the %om&o"n$B> He 'a no-o$!* i$ea of a ho" e er+ant) With -e$ an$ -oar$ al'a! &ro+i$e$, he 'a more a man a-o"t to'n, frien$l! an$ "nrelia-le an$ f"ll of frien$ , al'a! 'illin#, al'a! offerin# to hel&, an$ ne+er $oin# a :"arter of 'hat he &romi e$) He t"rne$ "& at the flat one e+enin# in one of Da"lat* tr"%( , not lon# after I ha$ #ot the letter a!in# that he ha$ -een ent) An$ m! heart 'ent o"t to him; he loo(e$ o altere$, o tire$ an$ fri#htene$) He 'a till li+in# 'ith the ho%( of e+ent on the %oa t1 an$ he ha$n*t li(e$ the 3o"rne! a%ro Afri%a at all) He ha$ $one the fir t half of the 3o"rne! -! the rail'a!, 'hi%h tra+elle$ at an a+era#e &ee$ of ten mile an ho"r) Then he ha$ tran ferre$ to -" e an$ finall! to Da"lat* tr"%( ; in &ite of 'ar , -a$ roa$ an$ 'orn.o"t +ehi%le , Da"lat, a man of o"r %omm"nit!, maintaine$ a tr"%(in# er+i%e -et'een o"r to'n an$ the ea tern frontier) Da"lat* $ri+er hel&e$ the -o! &a t the +ario" offi%ial ) B"t the mi2e$.ra%e man a-o"t to'n from the %oa t 'a till Afri%an eno"#h to -e "n ettle$ -! hi &a a#e thro"#h the tran#e tri-e of the interior) He %o"l$n*t -rin# him elf to eat their foo$, an$ he ha$n*t eaten for $a! ) Witho"t (no'in# it, he ha$ ma$e in re+er e the 3o"rne! 'hi%h ome of hi an%e tor ha$ ma$e a %ent"r! or more -efore) He thre' him elf into m! arm , %on+ertin# the A" lim em-ra%e into a %hil$* %lin#in#) I &atte$ him on the -a%(, an$ he too( thi a a i#nal to %ream the &la%e $o'n) Ri#ht a'a!, -et'een %ream an$ -a'l , he -e#an tellin# me a-o"t the (illin# he ha$ een in the mar(et at home) I $i$n*t ta(e in all that he 'a a!in#) I 'a 'orrie$ a-o"t the nei#h-o"r , an$ tr!in# to #et him to tone $o'n the %reamin#, tr!in# to #et him to "n$er tan$ that that (in$ of ho'in#.off la+e -eha+io"r ='hi%h it &artl! 'a > 'a all ri#ht on the %oa t, -"t that &eo&le here 'o"l$n*t "n$er tan$) He 'a -e#innin# to #o on a little -it, too, a-o"t the a+a#er! of the kafar, the Afri%an , -eha+in# a tho"#h m! flat 'a the famil! %om&o"n$ an$ he %o"l$ ho"t an!thin# he 'ante$ a-o"t &eo&le o"t i$e) An$ all the time Da"lat* frien$l! Afri%an loa$er 'a %omin# "& the e2ternal tair%a e 'ith l"##a#e 8 not m"%h, -"t in man! mall, a'('ar$ &ie%e ; a fe' -"n$le , a 'i%(er'or( la"n$r! -a (et, ome %ar$-oar$ -o2e ) I -ro(e a'a! from the -a'lin# -o! 8 to &a! attention 'a to en%o"ra#e him 8 an$ I $ealt 'ith the loa$er, 'al(in# o"t 'ith him to the treet to ti& him) The -a'lin# in the flat "& tair $ie$ $o'n, a I ha$ e2&e%te$1 oli.r"$e an$ the tran#ene of the flat 'ere ha+in# their effe%t1 an$ 'hen I 'ent -a%( "& I ref" e$ to hear an! more from the -o! "ntil he ha$ ha$ omethin# to eat) He -e%ame :"iet an$ %orre%t, an$ 'hile I &re&are$ ome -a(e$ -ean an$ %hee e on toa t he -ro"#ht o"t, from hi -"n$le an$ -o2e , the thin# that ha$ -een ent me -! m! famil!) Cin#er an$ a"%e an$ &i%e from m! mother) T'o famil! &hoto#ra&h from m! father, an$ a 'all &rint on %hea& &a&er of one of o"r hol! &la%e in C"3arat, ho'in# it a a mo$ern &la%e, tho"#h; the arti t ha$ &"t in motor%ar an$ motor-i(e an$ -i%!%le an$ e+en train &ell.mell in the
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"rro"n$in# treet ) It 'a m! father* 'a! of a!in# that, mo$ern a I 'a , I 'o"l$ ret"rn to the faith) ,I 'a in the mar(et, Salim,0 the -o! ai$, after he ha$ eaten) ,At fir t I tho"#ht it 'a 3" t a :"arrel aro"n$ Aian* tall) I %o"l$n*t -elie+e 'hat I 'a eein#) The! 'ere -eha+in# a tho"#h (ni+e $i$n*t %"t, a tho"#h &eo&le 'eren*t ma$e of fle h) I %o"l$n*t -elie+e it) At the en$ it 'a a if a &a%( of $o# ha$ #ot into a -"t%her* tall) I a' arm an$ le# -lee$in# an$ l!in# a-o"t) ?" t li(e that) The! 'ere till there the ne2t $a!, tho e arm an$ le# )0 I trie$ to to& him) I $i$n*t 'ant to hear more) B"t it 'a n*t ea ! to to& him) He 'ent on a-o"t tho e %"t.off arm an$ le# that -elon#e$ to &eo&le 'e ha$ (no'n in%e 'e 'ere %hil$ren) It 'a terri-le, 'hat he ha$ een) B"t I 'a al o -e#innin# to feel that he 'a tr!in# to e2%ite him elf to %r! a little -it more after he ha$ to&&e$ 'antin# to %r!) I felt that it 'orrie$ him to fin$ that from time to time he 'a for#ettin#, an$ thin(in# of other thin# ) He eeme$ to -e 'antin# to thrill him elf a#ain an$ a#ain1 an$ thi $i t"r-e$ me) In a fe' $a! , tho"#h, he tha'e$ o"t) An$ the e+ent of the %oa t 'ere ne+er &o(en of a#ain) He ettle$ $o'n more ea il! than I e2&e%te$) I ha$ e2&e%te$ him to #o "l(! an$ 'ith$ra'n1 I ha$ tho"#ht, e &e%iall! after hi "nha&&! 3o"rne!, that he 'o"l$ ha+e hate$ o"r -a%('ar$ to'n) B"t he li(e$ it1 an$ he li(e$ it -e%a" e he 'a him elf li(e$, in a 'a! he ha$n*t -een -efore) /h! i%all! he 'a :"ite $ifferent from the lo%al &eo&le) He 'a taller, more m" %"lar, loo er an$ more ener#eti% in hi mo+ement ) He 'a a$mire$) The lo%al 'omen, 'ith their " "al free 'a! , ma$e no e%ret of fin$in# him $e ira-le 8 %allin# o"t to him in the treet, an$ to&&in# an$ tarin# 'ith 'i%(e$, half. milin# =an$ li#htl! %ro e$> e!e that a&&eare$ to a!; ,Con i$er thi a 3o(e, an$ la"#h) Or ta(e it erio" l!)0 A! o'n 'a! of loo(in# at him %han#e$) He %ea e$ to -e one of the -o! from the er+ant ho" e ) I a' 'hat the lo%al &eo&le a'1 in m! o'n e!e he -e%ame more han$ ome an$ $i tin%ti+e) To the lo%al &eo&le he 'a n*t :"ite an Afri%an, an$ he aro" e$ no tri-al "nea ine 1 he 'a an e2oti% 'ith Afri%an %onne%tion 'hom the! 'ante$ to %laim) He flo"ri he$) He &i%(e$ "& the lo%al lan#"a#e fa t, an$ he e+en #ot a ne' name) At home 'e ha$ %alle$ him Ali or 8 'hen 'e 'ante$ to "##e t the &e%ial 'il$ an$ "nrelia-le nat"re of thi Ali 8 Ali.'a =,AliB AliB B"t 'here i thi Ali.'aE0>) He re3e%te$ hi name no') He &referre$ to -e %alle$ Aett!, 'hi%h 'a 'hat the lo%al &eo&le %alle$ him) It 'a ome time -efore I "n$er too$ that it 'a n*t a real name, that it 'a 3" t the 9ren%h 'or$ metis, omeone of mi2e$ ra%e) B"t that 'a n*t ho' I " e$ it) To me it 'a onl! a name; Aett!) Here, a on the %oa t, Aett! 'a a 'an$erer) He ha$ the -e$room 3" t a%ro the &a a#e from the (it%hen1 it 'a the fir t $oor on the ri#ht a !o" %ame in from the lan$in# of the e2ternal tair%a e) I often hear$ him %omin# in late at ni#ht) That 'a the free$om he ha$ %ome to me for) B"t the Aett! 'ho en3o!e$ that free$om 'a a $ifferent &er on from the -o! 'ho ha$ arri+e$ -a'lin# an$ %reamin#, 'ith the manner of the er+ant ho" e) He ha$ :"i%(l! he$ tho e manner 1 he ha$ $e+elo&e$ a ne' i$ea of hi 'orth) He -e%ame " ef"l in the ho&1 an$ in the flat, hi 'an$erin# ha-it 8 'hi%h I ha$ $rea$e$ 8 (e&t hi &re en%e li#ht) B"t he 'a al'a! there, an$ in the to'n he 'a li(e one of m! o'n) He le ene$ m! olit"$e an$ ma$e the em&t! month more -eara-le 8 month of 'aitin# for tra$e to tart "& a#ain) A , +er! lo'l!, it 'a -e#innin# to $o) We fell into the ro"tine of mornin# %offee at the flat, ho&, e&arate l"n%he , ho&, e&arate e+enin# ) Aan an$ ma ter ometime met, a e:"al 'ith e:"al nee$ , in the $ar( little -ar that
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-e#an to a&&ear in o"r to'n, i#n of rea'a(enin# life; ro"#h little %ell 'ith roof of %orr"#ate$ iron, no %eilin# , %on%rete 'all &ainte$ $ar( -l"e or #reen, re$ %on%rete floor ) In one "%h &la%e Aett! &"t the eal on o"r ne' relation hi& one e+enin#) When I entere$ I a' him $an%in# fanta ti%all! 8 lim.'ai te$, narro'.hi&&e$, 'on$erf"ll! ma$e) He to&&e$ a oon a he a' me 8 hi er+ant* in tin%t) B"t then he -o'e$ an$ ma$e a ho' of 'el%omin# me a tho"#h he o'ne$ the &la%e) He ai$, in the 9ren%h a%%ent he ha$ &i%(e$ "&, ,I m" t $o nothin# in$e%ent in front of the patron)0 An$ that 'a &re%i el! 'hat he 'ent on to $o) So he learne$ to a ert him elf) B"t there 'ere no train -et'een " ) An$ he -e%ame, in%rea in#l!, an a et) He -e%ame m! %" tom %ler() He 'a al'a! #oo$ 'ith the %" tomer an$ 'on me an$ the ho& m"%h #oo$'ill) A an e2oti%, a li%en e$ man, he 'a the onl! &er on in the to'n 'ho 'o"l$ ri ( ma(in# a 3o(e 'ith Za-eth, the marchande 'ho 'a al o a or%ere ) That 'a ho' it 'a 'ith " , a the to'n %ame to life a#ain, a the teamer tarte$ to %ome "& a#ain from the %a&ital, on%e a 'ee(, then t'i%e a 'ee(, a &eo&le -e#an %omin# -a%( from the +illa#e to the cit+s in the to'n, a tra$e #re' an$ m! -" ine , 'hi%h ha$ too$ for o lon# at @ero, %lim-e$ =to " e Na@r"$$in* %ale of ten> -a%( "& to t'o, an$ e+en #a+e me #lim& e of fo"r)


Za-eth, a a ma#i%ian or or%ere , (e&t her elf from men) B"t it ha$n*t al'a! -een o1 Za-eth ha$n*t al'a! -een a ma#i%ian) She ha$ a on) She &o(e of him ometime to me, -"t he &o(e of him a &art of a life he ha$ &"t -ehin$ her) She ma$e that on eem o far a'a! that I tho"#ht the -o! mi#ht -e $ea$) Then one $a! he -ro"#ht him to the ho&) He 'a a-o"t fifteen or i2teen, an$ alrea$! :"ite -i#, taller an$ hea+ier than the men of o"r re#ion, 'ho e a+era#e hei#ht 'a a-o"t fi+e feet) Hi (in 'a &erfe%tl! -la%(, 'ith nothin# of hi mother* %o&&er %olo"r1 hi fa%e 'a lon#er an$ more firml! mo$elle$1 an$ from 'hat Za-eth ai$ I #athere$ that the -o!* father %ame from one of the tri-e of the o"th) The -o!* father 'a a tra$er) A a tra$er, he ha$ tra+elle$ a-o"t the %o"ntr! $"rin# the mira%"lo" &ea%e of the %olonial time, 'hen men %o"l$, if the! 'i he$, &a! little attention to tri-al -o"n$arie ) That 'a ho', $"rin# hi tra+el , he an$ Za-eth ha$ met1 it 'a from thi tra$er that Za-eth ha$ &i%(e$ "& her tra$in# (ill ) At in$e&en$en%e, tri-al -o"n$arie ha$ -e%ome im&ortant a#ain, an$ tra+el 'a not a afe a it ha$ -een) The man from the o"th ha$ #one -a%( to hi tri-al lan$, ta(in# the on he ha$ ha$ -! Za-eth) A father %o"l$ al'a! %laim hi %hil$1 there 'ere an! n"m-er of fol( a!in# that e2&re e$ thi almo t "ni+er al Afri%an la') An$ 9er$inan$ 8 that 'a the name of the -o! 8 ha$ &ent the la t fe' !ear a'a! from hi mother) He ha$ #one to %hool in the o"th, in one of the minin# to'n , an$ ha$ -een there thro"#h all the tro"-le that ha$ %ome after in$e&en$en%e, e &e%iall! the lon# e%e ioni t 'ar) No' for ome rea on 8 &erha& -e%a" e the father ha$ $ie$, or ha$ marrie$ a#ain an$ 'i he$ to #et ri$ of 9er$inan$, or im&l! -e%a" e Za-eth ha$ 'i he$ it 8 9er$inan$ ha$ -een ent -a%( to hi mother) He 'a a tran#er in the lan$) B"t no one here %o"l$ -e 'itho"t a tri-e1 an$ 9er$inan$, a#ain a%%or$in# to tri-al %" tom, ha$ -een re%ei+e$ into hi mother* tri-e)
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Za-eth ha$ $e%i$e$ to en$ 9er$inan$ to the l!%<e in o"r to'n) That ha$ -een %leane$ "& an$ #ot #oin# a#ain) It 'a a oli$ t'o. tor!, t'o.%o"rt!ar$ tone -"il$in# in the %olonial.offi%ial t!le, 'ith 'i$e +eran$ah "& tair an$ $o'n tair ) S:"atter ha$ ta(en o+er the $o'n tair &art, %oo(in# on fire tone in the +eran$ah an$ thro'in# o"t their r"--i h onto the %o"rt!ar$ an$ #ro"n$ ) Stran#e r"--i h, not the tin an$ &a&er an$ -o2e an$ other %ontainer !o" 'o"l$ e2&e%t in a to'n, -"t a finer (in$ of 'a te 8 hell an$ -one an$ a he , -"rnt a%(in# 8 'hi%h ma$e the mi$$en loo( li(e #re!.-la%( mo"n$ of ifte$ earth) The la'n an$ #ar$en ha$ -een %"ffe$ a'a!) B"t the -o"#ain+illaea ha$ #ro'n 'il$, %ho(in# the tall &almi te tree , t"m-lin# o+er the l!%<e 'all, an$ %lim-in# "& the :"are &illar of the main #ate to t'ine a-o"t the $e%orati+e metal ar%h 'here, in letter of metal, 'a till the l!%<e motto; Semper Ali-,id !ovi) The :"atter , timi$ an$ half. tar+e$, ha$ mo+e$ o"t a oon a the! ha$ -een a (e$) Some $oor an$ 'in$o' an$ h"tter ha$ -een re&la%e$, the &l"m-in# re&aire$, the &la%e &ainte$, the r"--i h on the #ro"n$ %arte$ a'a!, the #ro"n$ a &halte$ o+er1 an$ in the -"il$in# 'hi%h I ha$ tho"#ht of a a r"in there ha$ -e#"n to a&&ear the 'hite fa%e of the tea%her ) It 'a a a l!%<e -o! that 9er$inan$ %ame to the ho&) He 'ore the re#"lation 'hite hirt an$ hort 'hite tro" er ) It 'a a im&le -"t $i tin%ti+e %o t"me1 an$ 8 tho"#h the hort tro" er 'ere a little a- "r$ on omeone o -i# 8 the %o t"me 'a im&ortant -oth to 9er$inan$ an$ to Za-eth) Za-eth li+e$ a &"rel! Afri%an life1 for her onl! Afri%a 'a real) B"t for 9er$inan$ he 'i he$ omethin# el e) I a' no %ontra$i%tion1 it eeme$ to me nat"ral that omeone li(e Za-eth, li+in# "%h a har$ life, ho"l$ 'ant omethin# -etter for her on) Thi -etter life la! o"t i$e the timele 'a! of +illa#e an$ ri+er) It la! in e$"%ation an$ the a%:"irin# of ne' (ill 1 an$ for Za-eth, a for man! Afri%an of her #eneration, e$"%ation 'a omethin# onl! forei#ner %o"l$ #i+e) 9er$inan$ 'a to -e a -oar$er at the l!%<e) Za-eth ha$ -ro"#ht him to the ho& that mornin# to intro$"%e him to me) She 'ante$ me to (ee& an e!e on him in the tran#e to'n an$ ta(e him "n$er m! &rote%tion) If Za-eth %ho e me for thi 3o-, it 'a n*t onl! -e%a" e I 'a a -" ine a o%iate he ha$ #ro'n to tr" t) It 'a al o -e%a" e I 'a a forei#ner, an$ En#li h. &ea(in# a 'ell, omeone from 'hom 9er$inan$ %o"l$ learn manner an$ the 'a! of the o"t i$e 'orl$) I 'a omeone 'ith 'hom 9er$inan$ %o"l$ &ra%ti e) The tall -o! 'a :"iet an$ re &e%tf"l) B"t I ha$ the feelin# that that 'o"l$ la t onl! 'hile hi mother 'a aro"n$) There 'a omethin# $i tant an$ li#htl! mo%(in# in hi e!e ) He eeme$ to -e h"mo"rin# the mother he ha$ onl! 3" t #ot to (no') She 'a a +illa#e 'oman1 an$ he, after all, ha$ li+e$ in a minin# to'n in the o"th, 'here he m" t ha+e een forei#ner a #oo$ $eal more t!li h than m! elf) I $i$n*t ima#ine him ha+in# the re &e%t for m! ho& that hi mother ha$) It 'a a %on%rete -arn, 'ith the ho$$! #oo$ &rea$ all o+er the floor =-"t I (ne' 'here e+er!thin# 'a >) No one %o"l$ thin( of it a a mo$ern &la%e1 an$ it 'a n*t a -ri#htl! &ainte$ a ome of the Cree( ho& ) I ai$, for 9er$inan$* -enefit a 'ell a Za-eth* , ,9er$inan$* a -i# -o!, Beth) He %an loo( after him elf 'itho"t me)0 ,No, no, Ai * Salim) 9er*nan$ 'ill %ome to !o") Yo" -eat him 'hene+er !o" 'ant)0 There 'a little li(elihoo$ of that) B"t it 'a onl! a 'a! of &ea(in#) I mile$ at 9er$inan$ an$ he mile$ at me, &"llin# -a%( the %orner of hi mo"th) The mile ma$e me noti%e the neatne of hi mo"th an$ the har&.%"t :"alit! of the re t of hi feat"re ) In hi fa%e I felt I %o"l$ ee the tartin# &oint of %ertain (in$ of Afri%an ma ( , in 'hi%h feat"re 'ere im&lifie$ an$ tren#thene$1 an$, 'ith memorie of tho e ma ( , I tho"#ht I a' a &e%ial $i tin%tion in hi
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feat"re ) The i$ea %ame to me that I 'a loo(in# at 9er$inan$ 'ith the e!e of an Afri%an, an$ that 'a ho' I al'a! loo(e$ at him) It 'a the effe%t on me of hi fa%e, 'hi%h I a' then an$ later a one of #reat &o'er) I 'a n*t ha&&! a-o"t Za-eth* re:"e t) B"t it ha$ to -e a ente$ to) An$ 'hen I '"n# m! hea$ lo'l! from i$e to i$e, to let them -oth (no' that 9er$inan$ 'a to loo( "&on me a a frien$, 9er$inan$ -e#an to #o $o'n on one (nee) B"t then he to&&e$) He $i$n*t %om&lete the re+eren%e1 he &reten$e$ that omethin# ha$ it%he$ him on that le#, an$ he %rat%he$ the -a%( of the (nee he ha$ -ent) A#ain t the 'hite tro" er hi (in 'a -la%( an$ health!, 'ith a li#ht hine) Thi #oin# $o'n on one (nee 'a a tra$itional re+eren%e) It 'a 'hat %hil$ren of the -" h $i$ to ho' their re &e%t for an ol$er &er on) It 'a li(e a refle2, an$ $one 'ith no &arti%"lar %eremon!) O"t i$e the to'n !o" mi#ht ee %hil$ren -rea( off 'hat the! 'ere $oin# an$ "$$enl!, a tho"#h the! ha$ -een fri#htene$ -! a na(e, ra%e to the a$"lt the! ha$ 3" t een, (neel, #et their little "n%on i$ere$ &at on the hea$, an$ then, a tho"#h nothin# ha$ ha&&ene$, r"n -a%( to 'hat the! 'ere $oin#) It 'a a %" tom that ha$ &rea$ from the fore t (in#$om to the ea t) B"t it 'a a %" tom of the -" h) It %o"l$n*t tran fer to the to'n1 an$ for omeone li(e 9er$inan$, e &e%iall! after hi time in the o"thern minin# to'n, the %hil$* #e t"re of re &e%t 'o"l$ ha+e eeme$ ol$. fa hione$ an$ "- er+ient) I ha$ alrea$! -een $i t"r-e$ -! hi fa%e) No' I tho"#ht; There* #oin# to -e tro"-le here) The l!%<e 'a n*t far from the ho&, an ea ! 'al( if the "n 'a n*t too hot or if it 'a n*t rainin# 8 rain floo$e$ the treet in no time) 9er$inan$ %ame on%e a 'ee( to the ho& to ee me) He %ame at a-o"t half &a t three on 9ri$a! afternoon, or he %ame on Sat"r$a! mornin#) He 'a al'a! $re e$ a the l!%<e -o!, in 'hite1 an$ ometime , in &ite of the heat, he 'ore the l!%<e -la@er, 'hi%h ha$ the Semper Ali-,id !ovi motto in a %roll on the -rea t &o%(et) We e2%han#e$ #reetin# , an$ in the Afri%an 'a! 'e %o"l$ ma(e that ta(e time) It 'a har$ to #o on after 'e ha$ fini he$ 'ith the #reetin# ) He offere$ me nothin# in the 'a! of ne' 1 he left it to me to a ( :"e tion ) An$ 'hen I a (e$ 8 for the a(e of a (in# 8 ome :"e tion li(e ,What $i$ !o" $o at %hool to$a!E0 or ,Doe 9ather H"i man ta(e an! of !o"r %la e E0 he #a+e me hort an$ &re%i e an 'er that left me 'on$erin# 'hat to a ( ne2t) The tro"-le 'a that I 'a "n'illin# 8 an$ +er! oon "na-le 8 to %hat 'ith him a I 'o"l$ ha+e $one 'ith another Afri%an) I felt that 'ith him I ha$ to ma(e a &e%ial effort, an$ I $i$n*t (no' 'hat I %o"l$ $o) He 'a a -o! from the -" h1 'hen the holi$a! %ame he 'o"l$ -e #oin# -a%( to hi mother* +illa#e) B"t at the l!%<e he 'a learnin# thin# I (ne' nothin# a-o"t) I %o"l$n*t tal( to him a-o"t hi %hool 'or(1 the a$+anta#e there 'a on hi i$e) An$ there 'a hi fa%e) I tho"#ht there 'a a lot #oin# on -ehin$ that fa%e that I %o"l$n*t (no' a-o"t) I felt there 'a a oli$it! an$ elf.&o e ion there, an$ that a a #"ar$ian an$ e$"%ator I 'a -ein# een thro"#h) /erha& , 'ith nothin# to (ee& them #oin#, o"r meetin# 'o"l$ ha+e %ome to an en$) B"t in the ho& there 'a an attra%tion; there 'a Aett!) Aett! #ot on 'ith e+er!-o$!) He $i$n*t ha+e the &ro-lem I ha$ 'ith 9er$inan$1 an$ it 'a for Aett! that 9er$inan$ oon -e#an to %ome, to the ho& an$ then to the flat a 'ell) After hi tiff %on+er ation in En#li h or 9ren%h 'ith me, 9er$inan$ 'o"l$, 'ith Aett!, 'it%h to the lo%al &atoi ) He 'o"l$ a&&ear then to "n$er#o a %hara%ter %han#e, rattlin# a'a! in a hi#h.&it%he$ +oi%e, hi la"#hter o"n$in# li(e &art of hi &ee%h) An$ Aett! %o"l$ mat%h him1 Aett! ha$ a- or-e$ man! of the intonation of the lo%al lan#"a#e, an$ the manneri m that 'ent 'ith the lan#"a#e)
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9rom 9er$inan$* &oint of +ie' Aett! 'a a -etter #"i$e to the to'n than I 'a ) An$ for the e t'o "natta%he$ !o"n# men the &lea "re of the to'n 'ere 'hat !o" 'o"l$ e2&e%t 8 -eer, -ar , 'omen) Beer 'a &art of the &eo&le* foo$ here1 %hil$ren $ran( it1 &eo&le -e#an $rin(in# from earl! in the mornin#) We ha$ no lo%al -re'er!, an$ a lot of the %ar#o -ro"#ht "& -! the teamer 'a that 'ea( la#er the &eo&le here lo+e$) At man! &oint alon# the ri+er, +illa#e $"#o"t too( on %a e from the mo+in# teamer1 an$ the teamer, on the 'a! -a%( to the %a&ital, re%ei+e$ the em&tie ) A-o"t 'omen, the attit"$e 'a 3" t a matter.of.fa%t) Shortl! after I arri+e$, m! frien$ Aahe h tol$ me that 'omen le&t 'ith men 'hene+er the! 'ere a (e$1 a man %o"l$ (no%( on an! 'oman* $oor an$ lee& 'ith her) Aahe h $i$n*t tell me thi 'ith an! e2%itement or a&&ro+al 8 he 'a 'ra&&e$ "& in hi o'n -ea"tif"l Sho-a) To Aahe h the e2"al %a "alne 'a &art of the %hao an$ %orr"&tion of the &la%e) That 'a ho' 8 after earl! $eli#ht 8 I ha$ -e#"n to feel m! elf) B"t I %o"l$n*t &ea( o"t a#ain t &lea "re 'hi%h 'ere al o m! o'n) I %o"l$n*t 'arn Aett! or 9er$inan$ a#ain t #oin# to &la%e I 'ent to m! elf) The re traint, in fa%t, 'or(e$ the other 'a!) In &ite of the %han#e that ha$ %ome to Aett!, I till re#ar$e$ him a a mem-er of m! famil!1 an$ I ha$ to -e %aref"l not to $o an!thin# to 'o"n$ him or an!thin# 'hi%h, 'hen re&orte$ -a%(, 'o"l$ 'o"n$ other mem-er of the famil!) I ha$, &e%ifi%all!, not to -e een 'ith Afri%an 'omen) An$ I 'a &ro"$ that, $iffi%"lt tho"#h it 'a , I ne+er #a+e %a" e for offen%e) 9er$inan$ an$ Aett! %o"l$ $rin( in the little -ar an$ o&enl! &i%( "& 'omen or $ro& in at the ho" e of 'omen the! ha$ #ot to (no') It 'a I 8 a ma ter of one man an$ #"ar$ian of the other 8 'ho ha$ to hi$e) What %o"l$ 9er$inan$ learn from meE I ha$ hear$ it ai$ on the %oa t 8 an$ the forei#ner I met here ai$ it a 'ell 8 that Afri%an $i$n*t (no' ho' to ,li+e)0 B! that 'a meant that Afri%an $i$n*t (no' ho' to &en$ mone! en i-l! or ho' to (ee& a ho" e) WellB A! %ir%"m tan%e 'ere "n" "al, -"t 'hat 'o"l$ 9er$inan$ ee 'hen he %on i$ere$ m! e ta-li hmentE A! ho& 'a a ham-le ) I ha$ -olt of %loth an$ oil%loth on the hel+e , -"t mo t of the to%( 'a &rea$ o"t on the %on%rete floor) I at on a $e ( in the mi$$le of m! %on%rete -arn, fa%in# the $oor, 'ith a %on%rete &illar ne2t to the $e ( #i+in# me ome feelin# of -ein# an%hore$ in that ea of 3"n( 8 -i# enamel -a in , 'hite an$ -l"e.rimme$, or -l"e.rimme$ 'ith floral &attern 1 ta%( of 'hite enamel &late 'ith :"are of %oar e, m"$.%olo"re$ &a&er -et'een the &late 1 enamel %"& an$ iron &ot an$ %har%oal -ra@ier an$ iron -e$ tea$ an$ -"%(et in @in% or &la ti% an$ -i%!%le tire an$ tor%hli#ht an$ oil lam& in #reen or &in( or am-er #la ) That 'a the (in$ of 3"n( I $ealt in) I $ealt in it re &e%tf"ll! -e%a" e it 'a m! li+elihoo$, m! mean of rai in# t'o to fo"r) B"t it 'a anti:"ate$ 3"n(, &e%iall! ma$e for ho& li(e mine1 an$ I $o"-t 'hether the 'or(men 'ho ma$e the t"ff 8 in E"ro&e an$ the Unite$ State an$ &erha& no'a$a! ?a&an 8 ha$ an! i$ea of 'hat their &ro$"%t 'ere " e$ for) The maller -a in , for in tan%e, 'ere in $eman$ -e%a" e the! 'ere #oo$ for (ee&in# #r"- ali+e in, &a%(e$ in $am& fi-re an$ mar h earth) The lar#er -a in 8 a -i# &"r%ha e; a +illa#er e2&e%te$ to -"! no more than t'o or three in a lifetime 8 'ere " e$ for oa(in# %a a+a in, to #et ri$ of the &oi on) That 'a m! %ommer%ial ettin#) There 'a a imilar ro"#h.an$.rea$! :"alit! a-o"t m! flat) The "nmarrie$ Bel#ian la$! 'ho ha$ li+e$ there -efore ha$ -een omethin# of an arti t) To her
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, t"$io0 atmo &here I ha$ a$$e$ a #en"ine "nti$ine 8 it 'a li(e omethin# -e!on$ m! %ontrol) Aett! ha$ ta(en o+er the (it%hen an$ it 'a in a terri-le tate) I $on*t -elie+e he e+er %leane$ the (ero ene to+e1 'ith hi er+ant.ho" e -a%(#ro"n$, he 'o"l$ ha+e %on i$ere$ that 'oman* 'or() An$ it $i$n*t hel& if I %leane$ the to+e) Aett! 'a n*t hame$; the to+e oon -e#an to mell a#ain an$ -e%ame ti%(! 'ith all (in$ of "- tan%e ) The 'hole (it%hen melle$, tho"#h it 'a " e$ 3" t for ma(in# mornin# %offee, mainl!) I %o"l$ %ar%el! -ear to #o into the (it%hen) B"t Aett! $i$n*t min$, tho"#h hi -e$room 'a 3" t a%ro the &a a#e from the (it%hen) Yo" entere$ thi &a a#e $ire%tl! from the lan$in# of the e2ternal tair%a e, 'hi%h h"n# at the -a%( of the -"il$in#) A oon a !o" o&ene$ the lan$in# $oor !o" #ot the 'arme$."&, h"t.in mell of r" t an$ oil an$ (ero ene, $irt! %lothe an$ ol$ &aint an$ ol$ tim-er) An$ the &la%e melle$ li(e that -e%a" e !o" %o"l$n*t lea+e an! 'in$o' o&en) The to'n, r"n $o'n a it 'a , %ra'le$ 'ith thie+e , an$ the! eeme$ a-le to 'ri##le thro"#h an! little o&enin#) To the ri#ht 'a Aett!* -e$room; one loo( ho'e$ !o" that Aett! ha$ t"rne$ it into a &ro&er little er+ant* room, 'ith hi %ot, hi -e$$in# roll an$ hi +ario" -"n$le , hi %ar$-oar$ -o2e , hi %lothe han#in# on nail an$ 'in$o' %at%he ) A little 'a! $o'n the &a a#e, to the left, after the (it%hen, 'a the ittin# room) It 'a a lar#e room, an$ the Bel#ian la$! ha$ &ainte$ it 'hite all o+er, %eilin#, 'all , 'in$o' , an$ e+en 'in$o' &ane ) In thi 'hite room 'ith -are floor-oar$ there 'a a %o"%h "&hol tere$ in a %oar e.'ea+e, $ar(.-l"e material1 an$, to %om&lete the t"$io. ittin# room effe%t, there 'a an "n&ainte$ tre tle ta-le a -i# a a /in#./on# ta-le) That ha$ -een &rea$ o+er 'ith m! o'n 3"n( 8 ol$ ma#a@ine , &a&er-a%( , letter , hoe , ra%(et an$ &anner , hoe -o2e an$ hirt -o2e in 'hi%h at $ifferent time I ha$ trie$ to ort thin# ) One %orner of the ta-le 'a (e&t %lear, an$ thi 'a &er&et"all! %o+ere$ -! a %or%he$ 'hite %loth; it 'a 'here Aett! $i$ hi ironin#, ometime 'ith the ele%tri% iron =on the ta-le, al'a! >, ometime ='hen the ele%tri%it! faile$> 'ith the ol$ oli$ flatiron, a &ie%e of ho& to%() On the 'hite 'all at the en$ of the room 'a a lar#e oil &aintin# of a E"ro&ean &ort, $one in re$ an$ !ello' an$ -l"e ) It 'a in la&$a h mo$ern t!le1 the la$! ha$ &ainte$ it her elf an$ i#ne$ it) She ha$ #i+en it &ri$e of &la%e in her main room) Yet he ha$n*t tho"#ht it 'orth the tro"-le of ta(in# a'a!) On the floor, leanin# a#ain t the 'all , 'ere other &aintin# I ha$ inherite$ from the la$!) It 'a a if the la$! ha$ lo t faith in her o'n 3"n(, an$ 'hen the in$e&en$en%e %ri i %ame, ha$ -een #la$ to #o) The -e$room 'a at the en$ of the &a a#e) It 'a for me a &la%e of &e%ial $e olation, 'ith it -i# fitte$ %"&-oar$ an$ it +er! -i# foam -e$) What anti%i&ation that -e$ ha$ #i+en me, a it ha$ no $o"-t #i+en the la$!B S"%h anti%i&ation , "%h an a "ran%e of m! o'n free$om1 "%h let$o'n , "%h a en e of hame) Ho' man! Afri%an 'omen 'ere h" tle$ a'a! at $iffi%"lt ho"r 8 -efore Aett! %ame in, or -efore Aett! 'o(e "&B Aan! time on that -e$ I 'aite$ for mornin# to %lean e me of memor!1 an$ often, thin(in# of Na@r"$$in* $a"#hter an$ the faith of that man in m! o'n faithf"lne , I &romi e$ to -e #oo$) In time that 'a to %han#e1 the -e$ an$ the room 'ere to ha+e other a o%iation for me) B"t "ntil then I (ne' onl! 'hat I (ne') The Bel#ian la$! ha$ attem&te$ to intro$"%e a to"%h of E"ro&e an$ home an$ art, another (in$ of life, to thi lan$ of rain an$ heat an$ -i#.lea+e$ tree 8 al'a! +i i-le, if -l"rre$, thro"#h the 'hite.&ainte$ 'in$o' &ane ) She 'o"l$ ha+e ha$ a hi#h i$ea of her elf1 -"t 3"$#e$ on it o'n, 'hat he ha$ trie$ to $o 'a n*t of m"%h +al"e) An$ I felt that 9er$inan$, 'hen he loo(e$ at m! ho& an$ flat, 'o"l$ %ome to the ame %on%l" ion a-o"t me) It 'o"l$ -e har$ for him to ee an!
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#reat $ifferen%e -et'een m! life an$ the life he (ne') Thi a$$e$ to m! ni#httime #loom ) I 'on$ere$ a-o"t the nat"re of m! a &iration , the +er! "&&ort of m! e2i ten%e1 an$ I -e#an to feel that an! life I mi#ht ha+e an!'here 8 ho'e+er ri%h an$ "%%e f"l an$ -etter f"rni he$ 8 'o"l$ onl! -e a +er ion of the life I li+e$ no') The e tho"#ht %o"l$ ta(e me into &la%e I $i$n*t 'ant to -e) It 'a &artl! the effe%t of m! i olation; I (ne' that) I (ne' there 'a more to me than m! ettin# an$ ro"tine ho'e$) I (ne' there 'a omethin# that e&arate$ me from 9er$inan$ an$ the life of the -" h a-o"t me) An$ it 'a -e%a" e I ha$ no mean in m! $a!.to.$a! life of a ertin# thi $ifferen%e, of e2hi-itin# m! tr"e elf, that I fell into the t"&i$it! of e2hi-itin# m! thin# ) I ho'e$ 9er$inan$ m! thin# ) I ra%(e$ m! -rain 'on$erin# 'hat to ho' him ne2t) He 'a +er! %ool, a tho"#h he ha$ een it all -efore) It 'a onl! hi manner, the $ea$ tone of +oi%e he " e$ 'hen he &o(e to me) B"t it irritate$ me) I 'ante$ to a! to him; ,Loo( at the e ma#a@ine ) No-o$! &a! me to rea$ them) I rea$ them -e%a" e I am the (in$ of &er on I am, -e%a" e I ta(e an intere t in thin# , -e%a" e I 'ant to (no' a-o"t the 'orl$) Loo( at tho e &aintin# ) The la$! too( a lot of tro"-le o+er them) She 'ante$ to ma(e omethin# -ea"tif"l to han# in her ho" e) She $i$n*t han# it there -e%a" e it 'a a &ie%e of ma#i%)0 I ai$ it in the en$, tho"#h not in tho e 'or$ ) 9er$inan$ $i$n*t re &on$) An$ the &aintin# 'ere 3"n( 8 the la$! $i$n*t (no' ho' to fill the %an+a an$ ho&e$ to #et a'a! 'ith the ro"#h tro(e of %olo"r) An$ the -oo( an$ ma#a@ine 'ere 3"n( 8 e &e%iall! the &orno#ra&hi% one , 'hi%h %o"l$ $e&re me an$ em-arra me -"t 'hi%h I $i$n*t thro' a'a! -e%a" e there 'ere time 'hen I nee$e$ them) 9er$inan$ mi "n$er too$ m! irritation) He ai$ one $a!, ,Yo" $on*t ha+e to ho' me an!thin#, Salim)0 He ha$ to&&e$ %allin# me mi ter, follo'in# Aett!* lea$) Aett! ha$ ta(en to %allin# me patron, an$ in the &re en%e of a thir$ &er on, %o"l$ ma(e it o"n$ ironi%al) Aett! 'a there that $a!1 -"t 9er$inan$, 'hen he tol$ me I 'a n*t to ho' him an!thin#, 'a n*t &ea(in# ironi%all!) He ne+er &o(e ironi%all!) I 'a rea$in# a ma#a@ine 'hen 9er$inan$ %ame to the ho& one afternoon) I #reete$ him an$ 'ent on 'ith the ma#a@ine) It 'a a ma#a@ine of &o&"lar %ien%e, the (in$ of rea$in# I ha$ -e%ome a$$i%te$ to) I li(e$ re%ei+in# the e little -it of (no'le$#e1 an$ I often tho"#ht, 'hile I rea$, that the &arti%"lar %ien%e or fiel$ I 'a rea$in# a-o"t 'a the thin# to 'hi%h I ho"l$ ha+e #i+en m! $a! an$ ni#ht , a$$in# (no'le$#e to (no'le$#e, ma(in# $i %o+erie , ma(in# omethin# of m! elf, " in# all m! fa%"ltie ) It 'a a #oo$ feelin#1 from m! &oint of +ie', it 'a a #oo$ a the life of (no'le$#e it elf) Aett! 'a at the %" tom that afternoon, %learin# ome #oo$ that ha$ arri+e$ -! the teamer a fortni#ht -efore 8 that 'a the &a%e at 'hi%h thin# mo+e$ here) 9er$inan$ h"n# a-o"t the ho& for a 'hile) I ha$ felt re-"(e$ -! 'hat he ha$ ai$ a-o"t not ho'in# him thin# , an$ I 'a n*t #oin# to ta(e the lea$ in %on+er ation) At la t he %ame to the $e ( an$ ai$, ,What are !o" rea$in#, SalimE0 I %o"l$n*t hel& m! elf; the tea%her an$ the #"ar$ian in me %ame o"t) I ai$, ,Yo" ho"l$ loo( at thi ) The!*re 'or(in# on a ne' (in$ of tele&hone) It 'or( -! li#ht im&"l e rather than an ele%tri% %"rrent)0
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I ne+er reall! -elie+e$ in the e ne' 'on$er thin# I rea$ a-o"t) I ne+er tho"#ht I 'o"l$ %ome a%ro them in m! o'n life) B"t that 'a the attra%tion of rea$in# a-o"t them; !o" %o"l$ rea$ arti%le after arti%le a-o"t the e thin# !o" ha$n*t !et -e#"n to " e) 9er$inan$ ai$, ,Who are the!E0 ,What $o !o" meanE0 ,Who are the Fthe!* 'ho are 'or(in# on the ne' tele&honeE0 I tho"#ht; We are here alrea$!, after onl! a fe' month at the l!%<e) He* 3" t o"t of the -" h1 I (no' hi mother1 I treat him li(e a frien$1 an$ alrea$! 'e*re #ettin# thi &oliti%al non en e) I $i$n*t #i+e the an 'er I tho"#ht he 'a e2&e%tin#) I $i$n*t a!, ,The 'hite men)0 Tho"#h 'ith half of m! elf I felt li(e a!in# it, to &"t him in hi &la%e) I ai$ in tea$, ,The %ienti t )0 He ai$ no more) I ai$ no more, an$ $eli-eratel! 'ent -a%( to rea$in#) That 'a the en$ of that little &a a#e -et'een " ) It 'a al o, a it t"rne$ o"t, the en$ of m! attem&t to -e a tea%her, to ho' m! elf an$ m! thin# to 9er$inan$) Be%a" e I tho"#ht a lot a-o"t m! ref" al to a! ,the 'hite men0 'hen 9er$inan$ a (e$ me to $efine the ,the!0 'ho 'ere 'or(in# on the ne' tele&hone) An$ I a' that, in m! 'i h not to #i+e him &oliti%al ati fa%tion, I ha$ in$ee$ ai$ 'hat I inten$e$ to a!) I $i$n*t mean the 'hite men) I $i$n*t mean, I %o"l$n*t mean, &eo&le li(e tho e I (ne' in o"r to'n, the &eo&le 'ho ha$ ta!e$ -ehin$ after in$e&en$en%e) I reall! $i$ mean the %ienti t 1 I meant &eo&le far a'a! from " in e+er! en e) The!B When 'e 'ante$ to &ea( &oliti%all!, 'hen 'e 'ante$ to a-" e or &rai e &oliti%all!, 'e ai$ ,the Ameri%an ,0 ,the E"ro&ean ,0 ,the 'hite &eo&le,0 ,the Bel#ian )0 When 'e 'ante$ to &ea( of the $oer an$ ma(er an$ the in+entor , 'e all 8 'hate+er o"r ra%e 8 ai$ ,the!)0 We e&arate$ the e men from their #ro"& an$ %o"ntrie an$ in thi 'a! atta%he$ them to o"r el+e ) ,The!*re ma(in# %ar that 'ill r"n on 'ater)0 ,The!*re ma(in# tele+i ion et a mall a a mat%h-o2)0 The ,the!0 'e &o(e of in thi 'a! 'ere +er! far a'a!, o far a'a! a to -e har$l! 'hite) The! 'ere im&artial, "& in the %lo"$ , li(e #oo$ #o$ ) We 'aite$ for their -le in# , an$ ho'e$ off tho e -le in# 8 a I ha$ ho'n off m! %hea& -ino%"lar an$ m! fan%! %amera to 9er$inan$ 8 a tho"#h 'e ha$ -een re &on i-le for them) I ha$ ho'n 9er$inan$ m! thin# a tho"#h I ha$ -een lettin# him into the $ee&er e%ret of m! e2i ten%e, the tr"e nat"re of m! life -elo' the in i&i$it! of m! $a! an$ ni#ht ) In fa%t, I 8 an$ all the other li(e me in o"r to'n, A ian, Bel#ian, Cree( 8 'ere a far a'a! from ,the!0 a he 'a ) That 'a the en$ of m! attem&t to -e a tea%her to 9er$inan$) I $e%i$e$ no' im&l! to let him -e, a -efore) I felt that -! #i+in# him the r"n of the ho& an$ the flat I 'a (ee&in# m! &romi e to hi mother) The rain!. ea on %hool holi$a! %ame, an$ Za-eth %ame to to'n to $o her ho&&in# an$ to ta(e 9er$inan$ -a%( 'ith her) She eeme$ &lea e$ 'ith hi &ro#re ) An$ he $i$n*t eem to min$ e2%han#in# the l!%<e an$ the -ar of the to'n for Za-eth* +illa#e) So he 'ent home for the holi$a! ) I tho"#ht of the 3o"rne! $o'nri+er -! teamer an$ $"#o"t) I tho"#ht of rain on the ri+er1 Za-eth* 'omen &olin# thro"#h the "nlit 'ater'a! to the hi$$en +illa#e1 the -la%( ni#ht an$ the em&t! $a! ) The (! el$om %leare$ no') At mo t it t"rne$ from #re! or $ar( #re! to hot il+er) It li#htene$ an$ th"n$ere$ m"%h of the time, ometime far a'a! o+er the fore t, ometime $ire%tl!
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o+erhea$) 9rom the ho& I 'o"l$ ee the rain -eatin# $o'n the flam-o!ant tree in the mar(et :"are) Rain li(e that (ille$ the +en$or * tra$e1 it -le' all aro"n$ the 'oo$en tall an$ $ro+e &eo&le to helter "n$er the a'nin# of the ho& aro"n$ the :"are) E+er!one -e%ame a 'at%her of the rain1 a lot of -eer 'a $r"n() The "n "rfa%e$ treet ran re$ 'ith m"$1 re$ 'a the %olo"r of the earth on 'hi%h all the -" h #re') B"t ometime a $a! of rain en$e$ 'ith a #lorio" %lo"$e$ "n et) I li(e$ to 'at%h that from the +ie'in# &ot near the ra&i$ ) On%e that &ot ha$ -een a little &ar(, 'ith amenitie 1 -"t all that remaine$ of the &ar( 'a a tret%h of %on%rete ri+er 'all an$ a 'i$e %leare$ area, m"$$! in rain) 9i hermen* net h"n# on #reat tri&&e$ tree tr"n( -"rie$ amon# the ro%( at the e$#e of the ri+er =ro%( li(e tho e that, in the ri+er, %reate$ the ra&i$ >) At one en$ of the %leare$ area 'ere that%he$ h"t 1 the &la%e ha$ -e%ome a fi hin# +illa#e a#ain) The in(in# "n hot thro"#h la!er of #re! %lo"$1 the 'ater t"rne$ from -ro'n to #ol$ to re$ to +iolet) An$ al'a! there 'a the tea$! noi e of the ra&i$ , inn"mera-le little %a %a$e of 'ater o+er ro%() The $ar(ne %ame1 an$ ometime the rain %ame a 'ell, an$ to the o"n$ of the ra&i$ 'a a$$e$ the o"n$ of rain on 'ater) Al'a! , ailin# "& from the o"th, from -e!on$ the -en$ in the ri+er, 'ere %l"m& of 'ater h!a%inth , $ar( floatin# i lan$ on the $ar( ri+er, -o--in# o+er the ra&i$ ) It 'a a if rain an$ ri+er 'ere tearin# a'a! -" h from the heart of the %ontinent an$ floatin# it $o'n to the o%ean, in%al%"la-le mile a'a!) B"t the 'ater h!a%inth 'a the fr"it of the ri+er alone) The tall lila%. %olo"re$ flo'er ha$ a&&eare$ onl! a fe' !ear -efore, an$ in the lo%al lan#"a#e there 'a no 'or$ for it) The &eo&le till %alle$ it ,the ne' thin#0 or ,the ne' thin# in the ri+er,0 an$ to them it 'a another enem!) It r"--er! +ine an$ lea+e forme$ thi%( tan#le of +e#etation that a$here$ to the ri+er -an( an$ %lo##e$ "& 'ater'a! ) It #re' fa t, fa ter than men %o"l$ $e tro! it 'ith the tool the! ha$) The %hannel to the +illa#e ha$ to -e %on tantl! %leare$) Ni#ht an$ $a! the 'ater h!a%inth floate$ "& from the o"th, ee$in# it elf a it tra+elle$) I ha$ $e%i$e$ to let 9er$inan$ -e) B"t in the ne' term I noti%e$ a %han#e in hi attit"$e to me) He 'a le $i tant 'ith me, an$ 'hen he %ame to the ho& he 'a n*t o an2io" to lea+e me for Aett!) I tho"#ht that hi mother mi#ht ha+e #i+en him a tal(in# to) I tho"#ht al o that tho"#h he ha$ -een %ool 'hen he ha$ #one to hi mother* +illa#e for the holi$a! , he ha$ &ro-a-l! -een ho%(e$ -! hi time there 8 ho', I 'on$ere$, ha$ he &ent the $a! E 8 an$ no lon#er too( the to'n, an$ the life of the to'n, for #rante$) The tr"th 'a im&ler) 9er$inan$ ha$ -e#"n to #ro' "&, an$ he 'a fin$in# him elf a little -it at ea) He 'a of mi2e$ tri-al herita#e, an$ in thi &art of the %o"ntr! he 'a a tran#er) He ha$ no #ro"& that 'a reall! hi o'n, an$ he ha$ no one to mo$el him elf on) He $i$n*t (no' 'hat 'a e2&e%te$ of him) He 'ante$ to fin$ o"t, an$ he nee$e$ me to &ra%ti e on) I %o"l$ ee him no' tr!in# on +ario" %hara%ter , attem&tin# $ifferent (in$ of manner ) Hi ran#e 'a limite$) 9or a fe' $a! after Za-eth %ame to to'n for her #oo$ , he mi#ht -e the on of hi mother, the marchande) He 'o"l$ &reten$ to -e m! -" ine a o%iate, m! e:"al, mi#ht ma(e in:"irie a-o"t ale an$ &ri%e ) Then he mi#ht -e%ome the !o"n# Afri%an on the 'a! "&, the l!%<e t"$ent, mo$ern, #o.ahea$) In thi %hara%ter he li(e$ to 'ear the -la@er 'ith the Semper Ali-,id !ovi motto1 no $o"-t he felt it hel&e$ him %arr! off the manneri m he ha$ &i%(e$ "& from ome of hi E"ro&ean tea%her ) Co&!in# one tea%her, he mi#ht, in the flat, tan$ 'ith %ro e$ le# a#ain t the 'hite t"$io 'all an$, fi2e$ in that &o ition, attem&t to %on$"%t a 'hole %on+er ation)
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Or, %o&!in# another tea%her, he mi#ht 'al( aro"n$ the tre tle ta-le, liftin# thin# , loo(in# at them, an$ then $ro&&in# them, 'hile he tal(e$) He ma$e an effort no' to tal( to me) Not in the 'a! he tal(e$ to Aett!1 'ith me he attem&te$ a &e%ial (in$ of erio" %on+er ation) Wherea -efore he ha$ 'aite$ for me to a ( :"e tion , no' it 'a he 'ho &"t "& little i$ea , little $e-atin# &oint , a tho"#h he 'ante$ to #et a $i %" ion #oin#) It 'a &art of the ne' l!%<e %hara%ter he 'a 'or(in# on, an$ he 'a &ra%ti in#, treatin# me almo t a a lan#"a#e tea%her) B"t I 'a intere te$) I -e#an to #et ome i$ea of 'hat 'a tal(e$ a-o"t at the l!%<e 8 an$ I 'ante$ to (no' a-o"t that) He ai$ to me one $a!, ,Salim, 'hat $o !o" thin( of the f"t"re of Afri%aE0 I $i$n*t a!1 I 'ante$ to (no' 'hat he tho"#ht) I 'on$ere$ 'hether, in &ite of hi mi2e$ an%e tr! an$ hi tra+el , he reall! ha$ an i$ea of Afri%a1 or 'hether the i$ea of Afri%a ha$ %ome to him, an$ hi frien$ at %hool, from the atla ) Wa n*t 9er$inan$ till 8 li(e Aett!, $"rin# hi 3o"rne! from the %oa t 8 the (in$ of man 'ho, amon# tran#e tri-e , 'o"l$ tar+e rather than eat their tran#e foo$E Di$ 9er$inan$ ha+e a m"%h lar#er i$ea of Afri%a than Za-eth, 'ho mo+e$ 'ith a "ran%e from her +illa#e to the to'n onl! -e%a" e he (ne' he 'a e &e%iall! &rote%te$E 9er$inan$ %o"l$ onl! tell me that the 'orl$ o"t i$e Afri%a 'a #oin# $o'n an$ Afri%a 'a ri in#) When I a (e$ in 'hat 'a! the 'orl$ o"t i$e 'a #oin# $o'n, he %o"l$n*t a!) An$ 'hen I &" he$ him &a t the ta#e 'here he %o"l$ re&eat -it of 'hat he ha$ hear$ at the l!%<e, I fo"n$ that the i$ea of the %hool $i %" ion ha$ in hi min$ -e%ome 3"m-le$ an$ im&lifie$) I$ea of the &a t 'ere %onf" e$ 'ith i$ea of the &re ent) In hi l!%<e -la@er, 9er$inan$ a' him elf a e+ol+e$ an$ im&ortant, a in the %olonial $a! ) At the ame time he a' him elf a a ne' man of Afri%a, an$ im&ortant for that rea on) O"t of thi ta##erin# i$ea of hi o'n im&ortan%e, he ha$ re$"%e$ Afri%a to him elf1 an$ the f"t"re of Afri%a 'a nothin# more than the 3o- he mi#ht $o later on) The %on+er ation that 9er$inan$, in thi %hara%ter, attem&te$ 'ith me ha$ a erial :"alit!, -e%a" e he 'a n*t al'a! 'ell -riefe$) He too( a $i %" ion "& to a %ertain &oint an$ then $ro&&e$ it 'itho"t em-arra ment, a tho"#h it ha$ -een a lan#"a#e e2er%i e in 'hi%h he 'o"l$ $o -etter ne2t time) Then, ret"rnin# to ol$ 'a! , he 'o"l$ loo( for Aett! an$ lea+e me) Tho"#h I 'a learnin# more of 'hat 'ent on in the l!%<e = o :"i%(l! %olonial. no--i h a#ain>, an$ 'hat 'ent on in the min$ of 9er$inan$, I $i$n*t feel I 'a #ettin# %lo er to him) When I ha$ %on i$ere$ him a m! ter!, $i tant an$ mo%(in# -ehin$ hi ma (.li(e fa%e, I ha$ een him a a oli$ &er on) No' I felt that hi affe%tation 'ere more than affe%tation , that hi &er onalit! ha$ -e%ome fl"i$) I -e#an to feel that there 'a nothin# there, an$ the tho"#ht of a l!%<e f"ll of 9er$inan$ ma$e me ner+o" ) Yet there 'a the i$ea of hi im&ortan%e) It "n ettle$ me 8 there 'a n*t #oin# to -e e%"rit! for an!one in the %o"ntr! 8 an$ it "n ettle$ Aett!) When !o" #et a'a! from the %hief an$ the &oliti%ian there i a im&le $emo%ra%! a-o"t Afri%a; e+er!one i a +illa#er) Aett! 'a a ho& a i tant an$ a (in$ of er+ant1 9er$inan$ 'a a l!%<e -o! 'ith a f"t"re1 !et the frien$ hi& -et'een the t'o men 'a li(e the frien$ hi& -et'een e:"al ) That frien$ hi& %ontin"e$) B"t Aett!, a a er+ant in o"r famil! ho" e, ha$ een &la!mate #ro' into ma ter 1 an$ he m" t ha+e felt him elf 8 'ith hi ne' i$ea of hi 'orth 8 -ein# left -ehin$ a#ain) I 'a in the flat one $a! 'hen I hear$ them %ome in) Aett! 'a e2&lainin# hi %onne%tion 'ith me an$ the ho&, e2&lainin# hi 3o"rne! from the %oa t)

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Aett! ai$; ,A! famil! " e$ to (no' hi famil!) The! " e$ to %all me Bill!) I 'a t"$!in# -oo((ee&in#, I*m not ta!in# here, !o" (no') I am #oin# to Cana$a) I*+e #ot m! &a&er an$ e+er!thin#) I*m 3" t 'aitin# for m! me$i%al)0 Bill!B Well, it 'a %lo e to Ali) Cana$a 8 that 'a 'here one of m! -rother .in.la' ha$ #one1 in a letter I re%ei+e$ hortl! after Aett! 3oine$ me I ha$ hear$ a-o"t the an2iet! of the famil! a-o"t that -rother.in.la'* ,me$i%al)0 That 'a no $o"-t 'here Aett! ha$ &i%(e$ "& the tal( a-o"t Cana$a) I ma$e a noi e to let them (no' I 'a in the flat, an$ 'hen the! %ame into the ittin# room I &reten$e$ I ha$ hear$ nothin#) Not lon# after thi , on an afternoon of ettle$ rain, 9er$inan$ %ame to the ho& an$ a-r"&tl!, 'et an$ $ri&&in# a he 'a , ai$, ,Salim, !o" m" t en$ me a'a! to Ameri%a to t"$!)0 He &o(e li(e a $e &erate man) The i$ea ha$ -"r t in i$e him1 an$ he %learl! ha$ felt that if he $i$n*t a%t ri#ht a'a!, he mi#ht ne+er a%t) He ha$ %ome thro"#h the hea+! rain an$ the floo$e$ treet 1 hi %lothe 'ere oa(e$) I 'a "r&ri e$ -! the a-r"&tne an$ the $e &eration, an$ -! the -i#ne of hi re:"e t) To me, #oin# a-roa$ to t"$! 'a omethin# rare an$ e2&en i+e, omethin# -e!on$ the mean of m! o'n famil!) I ai$, ,Wh! ho"l$ I en$ !o" to Ameri%aE Wh! ho"l$ I &en$ mone! on !o"E0 He ha$ nothin# to a!) After the $e &eration an$ the tri& thro"#h the rain, the 'hole thin# mi#ht 3" t ha+e -een another attem&t at %on+er ation) Wa it onl! hi im&li%it!E I felt m! tem&er ri in# 8 the rain an$ the li#htnin# an$ the "nnat"ral $ar(ne of the afternoon ha$ omethin# to $o 'ith that) I ai$, ,Wh! $o !o" thin( I ha+e o-li#ation to !o"E What ha+e !o" $one for meE0 An$ that 'a tr"e) Hi attit"$e, in%e he ha$ -e#"n to feel to'ar$ a %hara%ter, 'a that I o'e$ him omethin#, im&l! -e%a" e I eeme$ 'illin# to hel&) He 'ent -lan() He too$ till in the $ar(ne of the ho& an$ loo(e$ at me 'itho"t re entment, a tho"#h he ha$ e2&e%te$ me to -eha+e in the 'a! I 'a -eha+in#, an$ ha$ to ee it thro"#h) 9or a 'hile hi e!e hel$ mine) Then hi #a@e hifte$, an$ I (ne' he 'a #oin# to %han#e the "-3e%t) He &"lle$ the 'et 'hite hirt 8 'ith the l!%<e mono#ram em-roi$ere$ on the &o%(etGa'a! from hi (in, an$ he ai$, ,A! hirt i 'et)0 When I $i$n*t re&l!, he &"lle$ the hirt a'a! in one or t'o other &la%e an$ ai$, ,I 'al(e$ thro"#h the rain)0 Still I $i$n*t re&l!) He let the hirt #o an$ loo(e$ a'a! to the floo$e$ treet) It 'a hi 'a! of re%o+erin# from a fal e tart; hi attem&t at %on+er ation %o"l$ en$ 'ith the e hort enten%e , irritatin# o- er+ation a-o"t 'hat he or I 'a $oin#) So no' he loo(e$ o"t at the rain an$ &o(e %attere$ enten%e a-o"t 'hat he a') He 'a &lea$in# to -e relea e$) I ai$, ,Aett! i in the toreroom) He 'ill #i+e !o" a to'el) An$ a ( him to ma(e ome tea)0 That 'a not the en$ of the -" ine , tho"#h) With 9er$inan$ no', thin# el$om en$e$ neatl!) T'i%e a 'ee( I ha$ l"n%h 'ith m! frien$ Sho-a an$ Aahe h in their flat) Their flat 'a #a"$! an$ in ome 'a! li(e them el+e ) The! 'ere a -ea"tif"l %o"&le, %ertainl! the mo t -ea"tif"l &eo&le in o"r to'n) The! ha$ no %om&etition, !et the! 'ere al'a! li#htl! o+er$re e$) So, in their flat, to the tr"e -ea"t! of ol$ /er ian an$ Ka hmiri %ar&et an$ ol$ -ra 'are the! ha$ a$$e$ man! flim !, #litter! thin# 8 %r"$el! 'or(e$ mo$ern Aora$a-a$ -ra , ma%hine.t"rne$ 'all &la:"e of Hin$" #o$ , hin! three.&ron#e$ 'all li#ht ) There 'a al o a hea+! %ar+in# in
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#la of a na(e$ 'oman) Thi 'a a to"%h of art, -"t it 'a al o a remin$er of the -ea"t! of 'omen, the -ea"t! of Sho-a 8 &er onal -ea"t! -ein# the o- e ion an$ theme of that %o"&le, li(e mone! for ri%h &eo&le) At l"n%h one $a! Aahe h ai$, ,What* #ot into that -o! of !o"r E He* #ettin# malin li(e the other )0 ,Aett!E0 ,He %ame to ee me the other $a!) He &reten$e$ he ha$ (no'n me a lon# time) He 'a ho'in# off to the Afri%an -o! he ha$ 'ith him) He ai$ he 'a -rin#in# me a %" tomer) He ai$ the Afri%an -o! 'a Za-eth* on an$ a #oo$ frien$ of !o"r )0 ,I $on*t (no' a-o"t #oo$ frien$) What $i$ he 'antE0 ,Aett! ran a'a! 3" t 'hen I 'a -e#innin# to #et an#r!, an$ left the -o! 'ith me) The -o! ai$ he 'ante$ a %amera, -"t I $on*t thin( he 'ante$ an!thin# at all) He 3" t 'ante$ to tal()0 I ai$, ,I ho&e he ho'e$ !o" hi mone!)0 ,I $i$n*t ha+e an! %amera to ho' him) That 'a a -a$ -" ine , Salim) Commi ion, %ommi ion all the 'a!) Yo" har$l! #et !o"r mone! -a%( in the en$)0 The %amera 'ere one of Aahe h* i$ea that ha$ #one 'ron#) Aahe h 'a li(e that, al'a! loo(in# for the #oo$ -" ine i$ea, an$ f"ll of little i$ea he :"i%(l! #a+e "&) He ha$ tho"#ht that the to"ri t tra$e 'a a-o"t to tart a#ain, 'ith o"r to'n -ein# the -a e for the #ame &ar( in the ea t) B"t the to"ri t tra$e e2i te$ onl! in the &o ter &rinte$ in E"ro&e for the #o+ernment in the %a&ital) The #ame &ar( ha$ #one -a%( to nat"re, in a 'a! ne+er meant) The roa$ an$ re t ho" e , al'a! r"$imentar!, ha$ #one1 the to"ri t =forei#ner 'ho mi#ht -e intere te$ in %"t.&ri%e &hoto#ra&hi% e:"i&ment> ha$n*t %ome) Aahe h ha$ ha$ to en$ hi %amera ea t, " in# the ta#in# &o t that 'ere till maintaine$ -! &eo&le li(e o"r el+e for the tran &ort =le#al or other'i e> of #oo$ in an! $ire%tion) Aahe h ai$, ,The -o! ai$ !o" 'ere en$in# him to Ameri%a or Cana$a to $o hi t"$ie )0 ,What am I en$in# him to t"$!E0 ,B" ine a$mini tration) So he %an ta(e o+er hi mother* -" ine ) B"il$ it "&)0 ,B"il$ it "&B B"!in# a #ro of ra@or -la$e an$ ellin# them one -! one to fi hermen)0 ,I (ne' he 'a onl! tr!in# to %om&romi e !o" 'ith !o"r frien$ )0 Sim&le ma#i%; if !o" a! omethin# a-o"t a man to hi frien$ , !o" mi#ht #et the man to $o 'hat !o" a! he i #oin# to $o) I ai$, ,9er$inan$* an Afri%an)0 When I ne2t a' 9er$inan$ I ai$, ,A! frien$ Aahe h ha -een tellin# me that !o" are #oin# to Ameri%a to t"$! -" ine a$mini tration) Ha+e !o" tol$ !o"r motherE0 He $i$n*t "n$er tan$ iron!) Thi +er ion of the tor! %a"#ht him "n&re&are$, an$ he ha$ nothin# to a!) I ai$, ,9er$inan$, !o" m" tn*t #o aro"n$ tellin# &eo&le thin# that aren*t tr"e) What $o !o" mean -! -" ine a$mini trationE0 He ai$, ,Boo((ee&in#, t!&in#, horthan$) What !o" $o)0 ,I $on*t $o horthan$) An$ that* not -" ine a$mini tration) That* a e%retarial %o"r e) Yo" $on*t ha+e to #o to Ameri%a or Cana$a to $o that) Yo" %an $o that ri#ht here) I am "re there are &la%e in the %a&ital) An$ 'hen the time %ome !o"*ll fin$ !o" 'ant to $o more than that)0

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He $i$n*t li(e 'hat I ai$) Hi e!e -e#an to #o -ri#ht 'ith h"miliation an$ an#er) B"t I $i$n*t ta! for that) It 'a 'ith Aett!, an$ not me, that he ha$ to ettle a%%o"nt , if there 'ere a%%o"nt to -e ettle$) He ha$ fo"n$ me a I 'a lea+in# to &la! :"a h at the Helleni% Cl"-) Can+a hoe , hort , ra%(et, to'el aro"n$ m! ne%( 8 it 'a li(e ol$ time on the %oa t) I left the ittin# room an$ too$ in the &a a#e, to #i+e him the %han%e to lea+e, o that I %o"l$ lo%( "&) B"t he ta!e$ in the ittin# room, $o"-tle 'aitin# for Aett!) I 'ent o"t to the tair%a e lan$in#) It 'a one of o"r $a! 'itho"t ele%tri%it!) The mo(e from %har%oal -ra@ier an$ other o&en fire ro e -l"e amon# the im&orte$ ornamental tree 8 %a ia, -rea$fr"it, fran#i&ani, flam-o!ant 8 an$ #a+e a to"%h of the fore t +illa#e to a re i$ential area 'here, a I ha$ hear$, in the ol$ $a! neither Afri%an nor A ian 'ere &ermitte$ to li+e) I (ne' the tree from the %oa t) I "&&o e the! ha$ -een im&orte$ there a 'ell1 -"t I a o%iate$ them 'ith the %oa t an$ home, another life) The ame tree here loo(e$ artifi%ial to me, li(e the to'n it elf) The! 'ere familiar, -"t the! remin$e$ me 'here I 'a ) I hear$ no more a-o"t 9er$inan$* t"$ie a-roa$, an$ oon he e+en $ro&&e$ the -ri#ht. !o"n#.l!%<e.man &o e) He -e#an tr!in# o"t omethin# ne') There 'a no more of that tan$in# a#ain t the 'all 'ith %ro e$ le# , no more 'al(in# aro"n$ the tre tle ta-le an$ liftin# an$ $ro&&in# thin# , no more of that erio" %on+er ation) He %ame in no' 'ith a et fa%e, hi e2&re ion tern an$ %lo e$) He hel$ hi hea$ "& an$ mo+e$ lo'l!) When he at on the %o"%h in the ittin# room, he l"m&e$ o far $o'n that ometime hi -a%( 'a on the eat of the %oa%h) He 'a lan#"i$, -ore$) He loo(e$ 'itho"t eein#1 he 'a rea$! to li ten, -"t %o"l$n*t -e -othere$ to tal( him elf 8 that 'a the im&re ion he trie$ to #i+e) I $i$n*t (no' 'hat to ma(e of thi ne' %hara%ter of 9er$inan$* , an$ it 'a onl! from %ertain thin# that Aett! ai$ that I "n$er too$ 'hat 9er$inan$ 'a aimin# at) D"rin# the %o"r e of the term there ha$ %ome to the l!%<e ome -o! from the 'arrior tri-e to the ea t) The! 'ere an immen el! tall &eo&le1 an$, a Aett! tol$ me 'ith a'e, the! 'ere " e$ to -ein# %arrie$ aro"n$ on litter -! their la+e , 'ho 'ere of a maller, :"atter ra%e) 9or the e tall men of the fore t there ha$ al'a! -een E"ro&ean a$miration) E+er in%e I %o"l$ remem-er there ha$ -een arti%le a-o"t them in the ma#a@ine 8 the e Afri%an 'ho %are$ nothin# a-o"t &lantin# or tra$e an$ loo(e$ $o'n, almo t a m"%h a E"ro&ean , on other Afri%an ) Thi E"ro&ean a$miration till e2i te$1 arti%le an$ &hoto#ra&h %ontin"e$ to a&&ear in ma#a@ine , in &ite of the %han#e that ha$ %ome to Afri%a) In fa%t, there 'ere no' Afri%an 'ho felt a the E"ro&ean $i$, an$ a' the 'arrior &eo&le a the hi#he t (in$ of Afri%an) At the l!%<e, till o %olonial in &ite of e+er!thin#, the ne' -o! ha$ %reate$ a tir) 9er$inan$, -oth of 'ho e &arent 'ere tra$er , ha$ $e%i$e$ to tr! o"t the role of the in$olent fore t 'arrior) He %o"l$n*t l"m& aro"n$ at the l!%<e an$ &reten$ he 'a " e$ to -ein# 'aite$ on -! la+e ) B"t he tho"#ht he %o"l$ &ra%ti e on me) I (ne' other thin# a-o"t the fore t (in#$om, tho"#h) I (ne' that the la+e &eo&le 'ere in re+olt an$ 'ere -ein# -"t%here$ -a%( into "-mi ion) B"t Afri%a 'a -i#) The -" h m"ffle$ the o"n$ of m"r$er, an$ the m"$$! ri+er an$ la(e 'a he$ the -loo$ a'a!) Aett! ai$, ,We m" t #o there, patron) I hear it i the la t #oo$ &la%e in Afri%a) /a encore bien0 bien des blancs c1t+--,i-l2) It ha+e a lot of 'hite &eo&le "& there till) The! tell me that in B"3"m-"ra it i li(e a little /ari )0
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If I -elie+e$ that Aett! "n$er too$ a :"arter of the thin# he ai$ 8 if I -elie+e$, for in tan%e, that he reall! lon#e$ for the 'hite %om&an! at B"3"m-"ra, or (ne' 'here or 'hat Cana$a 'a 8 I 'o"l$ ha+e 'orrie$ a-o"t him) B"t I (ne' him -etter1 I (ne' 'hen hi %hat 'a 3" t %hat) Still, 'hat %hatB The 'hite &eo&le ha$ -een $ri+en o"t from o"r to'n, an$ their mon"ment $e tro!e$) B"t there 'ere a lot of 'hite &eo&le "& there, in another to'n, an$ 'arrior an$ la+e ) An$ that 'a #lamo"r for the 'arrior -o! , #lamo"r for Aett!, an$ #lamo"r for 9er$inan$) I -e#an to "n$er tan$ ho' im&le an$ "n%om&li%ate$ the 'orl$ 'a for me) 9or &eo&le li(e m! elf an$ Aahe h, an$ the "ne$"%ate$ Cree( an$ Italian in o"r to'n, the 'orl$ 'a reall! :"ite a im&le &la%e) We %o"l$ "n$er tan$ it, an$ if too man! o- ta%le 'eren*t &"t in o"r 'a! 'e %o"l$ ma ter it) It $i$n*t matter that 'e 'ere far a'a! from o"r %i+ili@ation, far a'a! from the $oer an$ ma(er ) It $i$n*t matter that 'e %o"l$n*t ma(e the thin# 'e li(e$ to " e, an$ a in$i+i$"al 'ere e+en 'itho"t the te%hni%al (ill of &rimiti+e &eo&le) In fa%t, the le e$"%ate$ 'e 'ere, the more at &ea%e 'e 'ere, the more ea il! 'e 'ere %arrie$ alon# -! o"r %i+ili@ation or %i+ili@ation ) 9or 9er$inan$ there 'a no "%h &o i-ilit!) He %o"l$ ne+er -e im&le) The more he trie$, the more %onf" e$ he -e%ame) Hi min$ 'a n*t em&t!, a I ha$ -e#"n to thin() It 'a a 3"m-le, f"ll of all (in$ of 3"n() With the arri+al of the 'arrior -o! , -oa tin# ha$ -e#"n at the l!%<e, an$ I -e#an to feel that 9er$inan$ 8 or ome-o$! 8 ha$ -een -oa tin# a-o"t me too) Or 'hat ha$ -een #ot o"t of me) The 'or$ $efinitel! a&&eare$ to ha+e #ot aro"n$ that term that I 'a intere te$ in the e$"%ation an$ 'elfare of !o"n# Afri%an ) Yo"n# men, not all of them from the l!%<e, too( to t"rnin# "& at the ho&, ometime 'ith -oo( in their han$ , ometime 'ith an o-+io" l! -orro'e$ Semper Ali-,id !ovi -la@er) The! 'ante$ mone!) The! ai$ the! 'ere &oor an$ 'ante$ mone! to %ontin"e their t"$ie ) Some of the e -e##ar 'ere -ol$, %omin# trai#ht to me an$ re%itin# their re:"e t 1 the h! one h"n# aro"n$ "ntil there 'a no one el e in the ho&) Onl! a fe' ha$ -othere$ to &re&are torie , an$ the e torie 'ere li(e 9er$inan$* ; a father $ea$ or far a'a!, a mother in a +illa#e, an "n&rote%te$ -o! f"ll of am-ition) I 'a ama@e$ -! the t"&i$it!, then irritate$, then "n ettle$) None of the e &eo&le eeme$ to min$ -ein# re-"ffe$ or -ein# h" tle$ o"t of the ho& -! Aett!1 ome of them %ame a#ain) It 'a a if none of them %are$ a-o"t m! rea%tion , a if ome'here o"t there in the to'n I ha$ -een #i+en a &e%ial ,%hara%ter,0 an$ 'hat I tho"#ht of m! elf 'a of no im&ortan%e) That 'a 'hat 'a "n ettlin#) The #"ilele ne , the inno%en%e that 'a n*t inno%en%e 8 I tho"#ht it %o"l$ -e tra%e$ -a%( to 9er$inan$, hi inter&retation of o"r relation hi& an$ hi i$ea of 'hat I %o"l$ -e " e$ for) I ha$ ai$ to Aahe h, li#htl!, im&lif!in# matter for the -enefit of a &re3"$i%e$ man; ,9er$inan$* an Afri%an)0 9er$inan$ ha$ &erha& $one the ame for me 'ith hi frien$ , e2&lainin# a'a! hi relation hi& 'ith me) An$ I felt no' that o"t of hi lie an$ e2a##eration , an$ the %hara%ter he ha$ #i+en me, a 'e- 'a -ein# &"n aro"n$ me) I ha$ -e%ome &re!) /erha& that 'a tr"e of all of " 'ho 'ere not of the %o"ntr!) Re%ent e+ent ha$ ho'n o"r hel&le ne ) There 'a a (in$ of &ea%e no'1 -"t 'e all 8 A ian , Cree( an$ other E"ro&ean 8 remaine$ &re!, to -e tal(e$ in $ifferent 'a! ) Some men 'ere to -e feare$, an$ tal(e$ %a"tio" l!1 it 'a ne%e ar! to -e er+ile 'ith ome1 other 'ere to -e a&&roa%he$ the 'a! I 'a
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a&&roa%he$) It 'a in the hi tor! of the lan$; here men ha$ al'a! -een &re!) Yo" $on*t feel mali%e to'ar$ !o"r &re!) Yo" et a tra& for him) It fail ten time 1 -"t it i al'a! the ame tra& !o" et) Shortl! after I ha$ arri+e$ Aahe h ha$ ai$ to me of the lo%al Afri%an ; ,Yo" m" t ne+er for#et, Salim, that the! are malins)0 He ha$ " e$ the 9ren%h 'or$, -e%a" e the En#li h 'or$ he mi#ht ha+e " e$ 8 ,'i%(e$,0 ,mi %hie+o" ,0 ,-a$.min$e$0 8 'ere not ri#ht) The &eo&le here 'ere malins the 'a! a $o# %ha in# a li@ar$ 'a malin, or a %at %ha in# a -ir$) The &eo&le 'ere malins -e%a" e the! li+e$ 'ith the (no'le$#e of men a &re!) The! 'ere not a t"r$! &eo&le) The! 'ere +er! mall an$ li#htl! -"ilt) Yet, a tho"#h to ma(e "& for their &"nine in that immen it! of ri+er an$ fore t, the! li(e$ to 'o"n$ 'ith their han$ ) The! $i$n*t " e their fi t ) The! " e$ the flat of the han$1 the! li(e$ to &" h, ho+e, la&) Aore than on%e, at ni#ht, o"t i$e a -ar or little $an%e hall, I a' 'hat loo(e$ li(e a $r"n(en &" hin# an$ ho+in#, a -ra'l 'ith la& , t"rn to metho$i%al m"r$er, a tho"#h the fir t 'o"n$ an$ the fir t &"rt of -loo$ ha$ ma$e the +i%tim omethin# le than a man, an$ %om&elle$ the 'o"n$er to ta(e the a%t of $e tr"%tion to the en$) I 'a "n&rote%te$) I ha$ no famil!, no fla#, no feti h) Wa it omethin# li(e thi that 9er$inan$ ha$ tol$ hi frien$ E I felt that the time ha$ %ome for me to trai#hten thin# o"t 'ith 9er$inan$, an$ #i+e him another i$ea of m! elf) I oon ha$ m! %han%e, a I tho"#ht) A 'ell.$re e$ !o"n# man %ame into the ho& one mornin# 'ith 'hat loo(e$ li(e a -" ine le$#er in hi han$) He 'a one of the h! one ) He h"n# aro"n$, 'aitin# for &eo&le to #o a'a!, an$ 'hen he %ame to me I a' that the le$#er 'a le -" ine li(e than it loo(e$) The &ine, in the mi$$le, 'a -la%( an$ 'orn from -ein# hel$) An$ I a' too that the man* hirt, tho"#h o-+io" l! hi -e t, 'a n*t a %lean a I ha$ tho"#ht) It 'a the #oo$ hirt he 'ore on &e%ial o%%a ion an$ then too( off an$ h"n# "& on a nail an$ 'ore a#ain on another &e%ial o%%a ion) The %ollar 'a !ello'.-la%( on the in i$e) He ai$, ,Ai * Salim)0 I too( the le$#er, an$ he loo(e$ a'a!, &"%(erin# "& hi -ro' ) The le$#er -elon#e$ to the l!%<e, an$ it 'a ol$) It 'a omethin# from near the en$ of the %olonial time; a "- %ri&tion li t for a #!mna i"m the l!%<e ha$ -een &lannin# to -"il$) On the in i$e of the %o+er 'a the l!%<e la-el, 'ith the %oat of arm an$ the motto) O&&o ite that 'a the &rin%i&al* a&&eal, in the tiff an$ an#"lar E"ro&ean han$'ritin# t!le 'hi%h ha$ -een &a e$ $o'n to ome of the Afri%an here) The fir t "- %ri-er 'a the #o+ernor of the &ro+in%e, an$ he ha$ i#ne$ ro!all!, on a 'hole &a#e) I t"rne$ the &a#e , t"$!in# the %onfi$ent i#nat"re of offi%ial an$ mer%hant ) It 'a all o re%ent, -"t it eeme$ to -elon# to another %ent"r!) I a', 'ith e &e%ial intere t, the i#nat"re of a man of o"r %omm"nit! a-o"t 'hom Na@r"$$in ha$ tal(e$ a #reat $eal) That man ha$ ha$ ol$.fa hione$ i$ea a-o"t mone! an$ e%"rit!1 he ha$ " e$ hi 'ealth to -"il$ a &ala%e, 'hi%h he ha$ ha$ to a-an$on after in$e&en$en%e) The mer%enarie 'ho ha$ re tore$ the a"thorit! of the %entral #o+ernment ha$ -een :"artere$ there1 no' the &ala%e 'a an arm! -arra%( ) He ha$ "- %ri-e$ for an enormo" amo"nt) I a' Na@r"$$in* i#nat"re 8 I 'a "r&ri e$; I ha$ for#otten that he mi#ht -e here, amon# the e $ea$ %olonial name ) The #!mna i"m ha$n*t -een -"ilt) All the e $emon tration of lo!alt! an$ faith in the f"t"re an$ %i+i% &ri$e ha$ #one for nothin#) Yet the -oo( ha$ "r+i+e$) No' it ha$ -een tolen, it
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mone!.attra%tin# &ro&ertie re%o#ni@e$) The $ate ha$ -een altere$, +er! o-+io" l!1 an$ 9ather H"i man * name ha$ -een 'ritten o+er the i#nat"re of the earlier &rin%i&al) I ai$ to the man -efore me, ,I 'ill (ee& thi -oo() I 'ill #i+e it -a%( to the &eo&le to 'hom it -elon# ) Who #a+e !o" the -oo(E 9er$inan$E0 He loo(e$ hel&le ) S'eat 'a -e#innin# to r"n $o'n hi &"%(ere$ forehea$, an$ he 'a -lin(in# it a'a!) He ai$, ,Ai * Salim)0 ,Yo"*+e $one !o"r 3o-) Yo"*+e #i+en me the -oo() No' #o)0 An$ he o-e!e$) 9er$inan$ %ame that afternoon) I (ne' he 'o"l$ 8 he 'o"l$ 'ant to loo( at m! fa%e, an$ fin$ o"t a-o"t hi -oo() He ai$, ,SalimE0 I $i$n*t a%(no'le$#e him) I let him tan$) B"t he $i$n*t ha+e to tan$ a-o"t for lon#) Aett! 'a in the toreroom, an$ Aett! m" t ha+e hear$ him) Aett! %alle$ o"t; ,Oo.ooB0 9er$inan$ %alle$ -a%(, an$ 'ent to the toreroom) He an$ Aett! -e#an to %hat in the &atio ) A! tem&er ro e a I hear$ that %ontente$, ri&&lin#, hi#h.&it%he$ o"n$) I too( the #!mna i"m -oo( from the $ra'er of m! $e ( an$ 'ent to the toreroom) The room, 'ith one mall -arre$ 'in$o' et hi#h, 'a half in $ar(ne ) Aett! 'a on a la$$er, %he%(in# to%( on the hel+e on one 'all) 9er$inan$ 'a leanin# a#ain t the hel+e on another 'all, 3" t -elo' the 'in$o') It 'a har$ to ee hi fa%e) I too$ in the $oor'a!) I ma$e a #e t"re to'ar$ 9er$inan$ 'ith the -oo( an$ I ai$, ,Yo" are #oin# to #et into tro"-le)0 He ai$, ,What tro"-leE0 He &o(e in hi flat, $ea$ 'a!) He $i$n*t mean to -e ar%a ti%1 he reall! 'a a (in# 'hat I 'a tal(in# a-o"t) B"t it 'a har$ for me to ee hi fa%e) I a' the 'hite of hi e!e , an$ I tho"#ht I a' the %orner of hi mo"th &"llin# -a%( in a mile) That fa%e, that remin$er of fri#htenin# ma ( B An$ I tho"#ht; Ye 8 'hat tro"-leE To tal( of tro"-le 'a to &reten$ there 'ere la' an$ re#"lation that e+er!one %o"l$ a%(no'le$#e) Here there 'a nothin#) There ha$ -een or$er on%e, -"t that or$er ha$ ha$ it o'n $i hone tie an$ %r"eltie 8 that 'a 'h! the to'n ha$ -een 're%(e$) We li+e$ in that 're%(a#e) In tea$ of re#"lation there 'ere no' onl! offi%ial 'ho %o"l$ al'a! &ro+e !o" 'ron#, "ntil !o" &ai$ "&) All that %o"l$ -e ai$ to 9er$inan$ 'a ; ,Don*t harm me, -o!, -e%a" e I %an $o !o" #reater harm)0 I -e#an to ee hi fa%e more %learl!) I ai$, ,Yo" 'ill ta(e thi -oo( -a%( to 9ather H"i man ) If !o" $on*t, I 'ill ta(e it -a%( m! elf) An$ I 'ill ee that he en$ !o" home for #oo$)0 He loo(e$ -lan(, a tho"#h he ha$ -een atta%(e$) Then I noti%e$ Aett! on the la$$er) Aett! 'a ner+o" , ten e1 hi e!e -etra!e$ him) An$ I (ne' I ha$ ma$e a mi ta(e, a+in# "& all m! an#er for 9er$inan$) 9er$inan$* e!e 'ent -ri#ht, an$ the 'hite ho'e$ %learl!) So that, at thi terri-le moment, he eeme$ li(e a %omi% in an ol$.time film) He a&&eare$ to lean for'ar$, to -e a-o"t to lo e hi -alan%e) He too( a $ee& -reath) Hi e!e ne+er left m! fa%e) He 'a &ittin# 'ith ra#e1 hi en e of in3"r! ha$ $ri+en him ma$) Hi arm h"n# trai#ht an$ loo e at hi i$e , o that the! eeme$ lon#er than " "al) Hi han$ %"rle$ 'itho"t %len%hin#) Hi mo"th 'a o&en) B"t 'hat I ha$ tho"#ht 'a a mile 'a no mile at all) If the li#ht ha$ -een -etter I 'o"l$ ha+e een that at the -e#innin#)
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He 'a fri#htenin#, an$ the tho"#ht %ame to me; Thi i ho' he 'ill loo( 'hen he ee hi +i%tim* -loo$, 'hen he 'at%he hi enem! -ein# (ille$) An$ %lim-in# on that tho"#ht 'a another; ,Thi i the ra#e that flattene$ the to'n)0 I %o"l$ ha+e &" he$ har$er, an$ t"rne$ that hi#h ra#e into tear ) B"t I $i$n*t &" h) I tho"#ht I ha$ #i+en them -oth a ne' i$ea of the (in$ of man I 'a , an$ I left them in the toreroom to %ool $o'n) After ome time I hear$ them tal(in#, -"t oftl!) At fo"r o*%lo%(, %lo in# time, I ho"te$ to Aett!) An$ he, #la$ of the %han%e to %ome o"t an$ -e a%ti+e, ai$, ,3atron,0 an$ fro'ne$ to ho' ho' erio" l! he too( the -" ine of %lo in# "& the ho&) 9er$inan$ %ame o"t, :"ite %alm, 'al(in# 'ith a li#ht te&) He ai$, ,SalimE0 I ai$, ,I 'ill ta(e the -oo( -a%()0 An$ I 'at%he$ him 'al( "& the re$ treet, tall an$ a$ an$ lo' -elo' the leafle flam-o!ant , &a t the ro"#h mar(et ha%( of hi to'n)


9ather H"i man 'a n*t in 'hen I 'ent to the l!%<e 'ith the -oo() There 'a a !o"n# Bel#ian in the o"ter offi%e, an$ he tol$ me that 9ather H"i man li(e$ to #o a'a! for a fe' $a! from time to time) Where $i$ he #oE ,He #oe into the -" h) He #oe to all tho e +illa#e ,0 the !o"n# man 8 e%retar! or tea%her 8 ai$, 'ith irritation) An$ he -e%ame more irritate$ 'hen I #a+e him the #!mna i"m -oo() He ai$, ,The! %ome an$ -e# to -e a$mitte$ to the l!%<e) A oon a !o" ta(e them in the! tart tealin#) The! 'o"l$ %arr! a'a! the 'hole %hool if !o" let them) The! %ome an$ -e# !o" to loo( after their %hil$ren) Yet in the treet the! 3o tle !o" to ho' !o" the! $on*t %are for !o")0 He $i$n*t loo( 'ell) He 'a &ale, -"t the (in -elo' hi e!e 'a $ar(, an$ he 'eate$ a he tal(e$) He ai$, ,I*m orr!) It 'o"l$ -e -etter for !o" to tal( to 9ather H"i man ) Yo" m" t "n$er tan$ that it i n*t ea ! for me here) I*+e -een li+in# on hone! %a(e an$ e## ), It o"n$e$ a tho"#h he ha$ -een &"t on an e &e%iall! ri%h $iet) Then I "n$er too$ that he 'a reall! tellin# me he 'a tar+in#) He ai$, ,9ather H"i man ha$ the i$ea thi term of #i+in# the -o! Afri%an foo$) Well, that eeme$ all ri#ht) There* an Afri%an la$! in the %a&ital 'ho $oe 'on$erf"l thin# 'ith &ra'n an$ hellfi h) B"t here it 'a %ater&illar an$ &ina%h in tomato a"%e) Or 'hat loo(e$ li(e tomato a"%e) The fir t $a!B Of %o"r e, it 'a onl! for the -o! , -"t the i#ht of it t"rne$ m! toma%h) I %o"l$n*t ta! in the hall an$ 'at%h them %he') I %an*t -rin# m! elf to eat an!thin# from the (it%hen no') I $on*t ha+e %oo(in# fa%ilitie in m! room, an$ at the +an $er We!$en there* thi e'er mell from the &atio) I*m lea+in#) I*+e #ot to #o) It* all ri#ht for H"i man ) He* a &rie t) I*m not a &rie t) He #oe into the -" h) I $on*t 'ant to #o into the -" h)0 I %o"l$n*t hel& him) 9oo$ 'a a &ro-lem for e+er!-o$! here) A! o'n arran#ement 'ere not of the ha&&ie t1 I ha$ ha$ l"n%h that $a! 'ith the %o"&le from In$ia, in a mell of a afoeti$a an$ oil%loth) When, a 'ee( or o later, I 'ent -a%( to the l!%<e I hear$ that 3" t t'o $a! after o"r meetin# the !o"n# Bel#ian ha$ ta(en the teamer an$ #one a'a!) It 'a 9ather H"i man 'ho #a+e me the
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ne' 1 an$ 9ather H"i man , "n-"rnt an$ health! after hi o'n tri&, $i$n*t eem &"t o"t -! the lo of one of hi tea%her ) He ai$ he 'a #la$ to ha+e the #!mna i"m -oo( -a%() It 'a &art of the hi tor! of the to'n1 the -o! 'ho ha$ tolen the -oo( 'o"l$ re%o#ni@e that one $a! them el+e ) 9ather H"i man 'a in hi fortie ) He 'a n*t $re e$ li(e a &rie t, -"t e+en in or$inar! tro" er an$ hirt there 'a omethin# a-o"t him of the man a&art) He ha$ the ,"nfini he$0 fa%e 'hi%h I ha+e noti%e$ that %ertain E"ro&ean 8 -"t ne+er Ara- or /er ian or In$ian 8 ha+e) In the e fa%e there i a -a-!.li(e :"alit! a-o"t the %"t of the li& an$ the 3"t of the forehea$) It mi#ht -e that the e &eo&le 'ere -orn &remat"rel!1 the! eem to ha+e &a e$ thro"#h ome +er! earl! $i t"r-an%e, 'a! -a%() Some of the e &eo&le are a fra#ile a the! loo(1 ome are +er! to"#h) 9ather H"i man 'a to"#h) The im&re ion he #a+e 'a of in%om&letene , fra#ilit!, an$ to"#hne ) He ha$ -een o"t on the ri+er, +i itin# ome +illa#e he (ne', an$ he ha$ -ro"#ht -a%( t'o &ie%e 8 a ma ( an$ an ol$i h 'oo$ %ar+in#) It 'a a-o"t the e fin$ that he 'ante$ to tal(, rather than a-o"t the tea%her 'ho ha$ #one a'a! or the #!mna i"m -oo() The %ar+in# 'a e2traor$inar!) It 'a a-o"t fi+e feet hi#h, a +er! thin h"man fi#"re, 3" t lim- an$ tr"n( an$ hea$, a- ol"tel! -a i%, %ar+e$ o"t of a &ie%e of 'oo$ no more than i2 to ei#ht in%he in $iameter) I (ne' a-o"t %ar+in# 8 it 'a one of the thin# 'e $ealt in on the %oa t1 'e #a+e em&lo!ment to a %o"&le of %ar+in# familie from a tri-e 'ho 'ere #ifte$ that 'a!) B"t 9ather H"i man $i mi e$ thi information 'hen I #a+e it to him, an$ tal(e$ in tea$ of 'hat he a' in the fi#"re he ha$ &i%(e$ "&) To me it 'a an e2a##erate$ an$ %r"$e &ie%e, a %ar+er* 3o(e =the %ar+er 'e em&lo!e$ $i$ thin# li(e that ometime >) B"t 9ather H"i man (ne' 'hat the thin fi#"re 'a a-o"t, an$ to him it 'a ima#inati+e an$ f"ll of meanin#) I li tene$, an$ at the en$ he ai$ 'ith a mile, ,Semper ali-,id novi)0He ha$ " e$ the l!%<e motto to ma(e a 3o(e) The 'or$ 'ere ol$, he tol$ me, t'o tho" an$ !ear ol$, an$ referre$ to Afri%a) An an%ient Roman 'riter ha$ 'ritten that o"t of Afri%a there 'a ,al'a! omethin# ne'0 8 semper ali-,id novi) An$ 'hen it %ame to ma ( an$ %ar+in# , the 'or$ 'ere till literall! tr"e) E+er! %ar+in#, e+er! ma (, er+e$ a &e%ifi% reli#io" &"r&o e, an$ %o"l$ onl! -e ma$e on%e) Co&ie 'ere %o&ie 1 there 'a no ma#i%al feelin# or &o'er in them1 an$ in "%h %o&ie 9ather H"i man 'a not intere te$) He loo(e$ in ma ( an$ %ar+in# for a reli#io" :"alit!1 'itho"t that :"alit! the thin# 'ere $ea$ an$ 'itho"t -ea"t!) That 'a tran#e, that a Chri tian &rie t ho"l$ ha+e ha$ "%h re#ar$ for Afri%an -elief , to 'hi%h on the %oa t 'e ha$ &ai$ no attention) An$ !et, tho"#h 9ather H"i man (ne' o m"%h a-o"t Afri%an reli#ion an$ 'ent to "%h tro"-le to %olle%t hi &ie%e , I ne+er felt that he 'a %on%erne$ a-o"t Afri%an in an! other 'a!1 he eeme$ in$ifferent to the tate of the %o"ntr!) I en+ie$ him that in$ifferen%e1 an$ I tho"#ht, after I left him that $a!, that hi Afri%a, of -" h an$ ri+er, 'a $ifferent from mine) Hi Afri%a 'a a 'on$erf"l &la%e, f"ll of ne' thin# ) He 'a a &rie t, half a man) He li+e$ -! +o' I %o"l$n*t ma(e1 an$ I ha$ a&&roa%he$ him 'ith the re &e%t that &eo&le of m! -a%(#ro"n$ feel for hol! men) B"t I -e#an to thin( of him a omethin# more) I -e#an to thin( of him a a &"re man) Hi &re en%e in o"r to'n %omforte$ me) Hi attit"$e , hi intere t , hi (no'le$#e, a$$e$ omethin# to the &la%e, ma$e it le -arren) It $i$n*t 'orr! me that he 'a elf.a- or-e$, that he ha$ -een in$ifferent to the -rea($o'n of one of hi tea%her , or that he %ar%el! eeme$ to ta(e me in 'hile he 'a tal(in# to me) To me that 'a &art of hi &arti%"lar reli#io" nat"re) I o"#ht him o"t an$ trie$ to "n$er tan$ hi intere t ) He 'a
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al'a! 'illin# to tal( =al'a! loo(in# a'a! li#htl!> an$ to ho' hi ne' fin$ ) He %ame a fe' time to the ho& an$ or$ere$ thin# for the l!%<e) B"t the h!ne 8 that 'a n*t reall! h!ne 8 ne+er left him) I 'a ne+er ea ! 'ith him) He remaine$ a man a&art) He e2&laine$ the e%on$ motto of the to'n for me 8 the Latin 'or$ %ar+e$ on the r"ine$ mon"ment near the $o%( #ate ; &isceri-,e probat pop,los et foedera .,n%i) ,He a&&ro+e of the min#lin# of the &eo&le an$ their -on$ of "nion0; that 'a 'hat the 'or$ meant, an$ a#ain the! 'ere +er! ol$ 'or$ , from the $a! of an%ient Rome) The! %ame from a &oem a-o"t the fo"n$in# of Rome) The +er! fir t Roman hero, tra+ellin# to Ital! to fo"n$ hi %it!, lan$ on the %oa t of Afri%a) The lo%al :"een fall in lo+e 'ith him, an$ it eem that the 3o"rne! to Ital! mi#ht -e %alle$ off) B"t then the 'at%hin# #o$ ta(e a han$1 an$ one of them a! that the #reat Roman #o$ mi#ht not a&&ro+e of a ettlement in Afri%a, of a min#lin# of &eo&le there, of treatie of "nion -et'een Afri%an an$ Roman ) That 'a ho' the 'or$ o%%"rre$ in the ol$ Latin &oem) In the motto, tho"#h, three 'or$ 'ere altere$ to re+er e the meanin#) A%%or$in# to the motto, the 'or$ %ar+e$ in #ranite o"t i$e o"r $o%( #ate , a ettlement in Afri%a rai e no $o"-t ; the #reat Roman #o$ a&&ro+e of the min#lin# of &eo&le an$ the ma(in# of treatie in Afri%a) &isceri-,e probat pop,los et foedera .,n%i) I 'a ta##ere$) T'i tin# t'o.tho" an$.!ear.ol$ 'or$ to %ele-rate i2t! !ear of the teamer er+i%e from the %a&italB Rome 'a Rome) What 'a thi &la%eE To %ar+e the 'or$ on a mon"ment -e i$e thi Afri%an ri+er 'a "rel! to in+ite the $e tr"%tion of the to'n) Wa n*t there ome little an2iet!, a in the ori#inal line in the &oemE An$ almo t a oon a it ha$ -en &"t "& the mon"ment ha$ -een $e tro!e$, lea+in# onl! -it of -ron@e an$ the mo%(in# 'or$ , #i--eri h to the &eo&le 'ho no' " e$ the o&en &a%e in front a a mar(et an$ -i+o"a%, 'ith their #oat an$ %rate$ hen an$ tethere$ mon(e! =foo$, li(e the #oat an$ hen >, for the t'o $a! or o -efore the teamer aile$) B"t I 'a #la$ I $i$n*t &ea(, -e%a" e to 9ather H"i man the 'or$ 'ere not +ain#lorio" ) The! 'ere 'or$ that hel&e$ him to ee him elf in Afri%a) He $i$n*t im&l! ee him elf in a &la%e in the -" h1 he a' him elf a &art of an immen e flo' of hi tor!) He 'a of E"ro&e1 he too( the Latin 'or$ to refer to him elf) It $i$n*t matter that the E"ro&ean in o"r to'n 'ere "ne$"%ate$, or that there 'a "%h a $ifferen%e -et'een 'hat he too$ for in hi o'n life an$ 'hat the r"ine$ "-"r- near the ra&i$ ha$ too$ for) He ha$ hi o'n i$ea of E"ro&e, hi o'n i$ea of hi %i+ili@ation) It 'a that that la! -et'een " ) Nothin# li(e that %ame -et'een me an$ the &eo&le I met at the Helleni% Cl"-) An$ !et 9ather H"i man tre e$ hi E"ro&eanne an$ hi e&aratene from Afri%an le than tho e &eo&le $i$) In e+er! 'a! he 'a more e%"re) He 'a n*t re entf"l, a ome of hi %o"ntr!men 'ere, of 'hat ha$ ha&&ene$ to the E"ro&ean to'n) He 'a n*t 'o"n$e$ -! the in "lt that ha$ -een offere$ to the mon"ment an$ the tat"e ) It 'a n*t -e%a" e he 'a more rea$! to for#i+e, or ha$ a -etter "n$er tan$in# of 'hat ha$ -een $one to the Afri%an ) 9or him the $e tr"%tion of the E"ro&ean to'n, the to'n that hi %o"ntr!men ha$ -"ilt, 'a onl! a tem&orar! et-a%() S"%h thin# ha&&ene$ 'hen omethin# -i# an$ ne' 'a -ein# et "&, 'hen the %o"r e of hi tor! 'a -ein# altere$) There 'o"l$ al'a! ha+e -een a ettlement at that -en$ in the ri+er, he ai$) It 'a a nat"ral meetin# &la%e) The tri-e 'o"l$ ha+e %han#e$, &o'er 'o"l$ ha+e hifte$, -"t men 'o"l$ al'a! ha+e ret"rne$ there to meet an$ tra$e) The Ara- to'n 'o"l$ ha+e -een onl! a little more "- tantial than the Afri%an ettlement , an$ te%hnolo#i%all! not m"%h more a$+an%e$) The Ara- , o far in the interior, 'o"l$ ha+e ha$ to -"il$ 'ith the &ro$"%t of the fore t1 life in their to'n
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'o"l$n*t ha+e -een m"%h more than a (in$ of fore t life) The Ara- ha$ onl! &re&are$ the 'a! for the mi#ht! %i+ili@ation of E"ro&e) 9or e+er!thin# %onne%te$ 'ith the E"ro&ean %oloni@ation, the o&enin# "& of the ri+er, 9ather H"i man ha$ a re+eren%e 'hi%h 'o"l$ ha+e "r&ri e$ tho e &eo&le in the to'n 'ho #a+e him the re&"tation of -ein# a lo+er of Afri%a an$ therefore, in their 'a! of thin(in#, a man 'ho re3e%te$ the %olonial &a t) That &a t ha$ -een -itter, -"t 9ather H"i man a&&eare$ to ta(e the -itterne for #rante$1 he a' -e!on$ it) 9rom the hi&.re&air !ar$ near the %" tom , lon# ne#le%te$ an$ f"ll of 3"n( an$ r" t, he ha$ ta(en a'a! &ie%e of ol$ teamer an$ -it of $i " e$ ma%hiner! from the late 4I5J an$ lai$ them 8 li(e reli% of an earl! %i+ili@ation 8 in the inner %o"rt!ar$ of the l!%<e) He 'a e &e%iall! &lea e$ 'ith a &ie%e that %arrie$, on an o+al teel &late, the name of the mar(er in the to'n of Serain# in Bel#i"m) O"t of im&le e+ent -e i$e that 'i$e m"$$! ri+er, o"t of the min#lin# of &eo&le , #reat thin# 'ere to %ome one $a!) We 'ere 3" t at the -e#innin#) An$ to 9ather H"i man %olonial reli% 'ere a &re%io" a the thin# of Afri%a) Tr"e Afri%a he a' a $!in# or a-o"t to $ie) That 'a 'h! it 'a o ne%e ar!, 'hile that Afri%a till li+e$, to "n$er tan$ an$ %olle%t an$ &re er+e it thin# ) What he ha$ %olle%te$ from that $!in# Afri%a la! in the #"n room of the l!%<e, 'here the anti:"ate$ rifle of the %hool %a$et %or& " e$ to -e (e&t in the ol$ $a! ) The room 'a a -i# a a %la room an$ from the o"t i$e loo(e$ li(e one) B"t there 'ere no 'in$o' , onl! tall &anelle$ $oor on t'o i$e 1 an$ the onl! li#ht 'a from a -are -"l- han#in# on a lon# %or$) When 9ather H"i man fir t o&ene$ the $oor of that room for me, an$ I #ot the 'arm mell of #ra an$ earth an$ ol$ fat, an$ ha$ a %onf" e$ im&re ion of ma ( l!in# in ro' on latte$ hel+e , I tho"#ht; Thi i Za.-eth* 'orl$) Thi i the 'orl$ to 'hi%h he ret"rn 'hen he lea+e m! ho&) B"t Za-eth* 'orl$ 'a li+in#, an$ thi 'a $ea$) That 'a the effe%t of tho e ma ( l!in# flat on the hel+e , loo(in# "& not at fore t or (! -"t at the "n$er i$e of other hel+e ) The! 'ere ma ( that ha$ -een lai$ lo', in more than one 'a!, an$ ha$ lo t their &o'er) That 'a the im&re ion onl! of a moment, tho"#h) Be%a" e in that $ar(, hot room, 'ith the ma ( mell #ro'in# tron#er, m! o'n feelin# of a'e #re', m! en e of 'hat la! all aro"n$ " o"t i$e) It 'a li(e -ein# on the ri+er at ni#ht) The -" h 'a f"ll of &irit 1 in the -" h ho+ere$ all the &rote%tin# &re en%e of a man* an%e tor 1 an$ in thi room all the &irit of tho e $ea$ ma ( , the &o'er the! in+o(e$, all the reli#io" $rea$ of im&le men, eeme$ to ha+e -een %on%entrate$) The ma ( an$ %ar+in# loo(e$ ol$) The! %o"l$ ha+e -een an! a#e, a h"n$re$ !ear ol$, a tho" an$ !ear ol$) B"t the! 'ere $ate$1 9ather H"i man ha$ $ate$ them) The! 'ere all :"ite ne') I tho"#ht; B"t thi one* onl! 45HJ) I 'a -orn in that !ear) Or; Thi i 45K6) That 'a 'hen I %ame here) While thi 'a -ein# ma$e I 'a &ro-a-l! ha+in# l"n%h 'ith Sho-a an$ Aahe h) So ol$, o ne') An$ o"t of hi t"&en$o" i$ea of hi %i+ili@ation, hi t"&en$o" i$ea of the f"t"re, 9ather H"i man a' him elf at the en$ of it all, the la t, l"%(! 'itne )


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Ao t of " (ne' onl! the ri+er an$ the $ama#e$ roa$ an$ 'hat la! -e i$e them) Be!on$ that 'a the "n(no'n1 it %o"l$ "r&ri e " ) We el$om 'ent to &la%e off the e ta-li he$ 'a! ) In fa%t, 'e el$om tra+elle$) It 'a a tho"#h, ha+in# %ome o far, 'e $i$n*t 'ant to mo+e a-o"t too m"%h) We (e&t to 'hat 'e (ne' 8 flat, ho&, %l"-, -ar, the ri+er em-an(ment at "n et) Sometime 'e ma$e a 'ee(en$ e2%"r ion to the hi&&o&otam" i lan$ in the ri+er, a-o+e the ra&i$ ) B"t there 'ere no &eo&le there, 3" t the hi&&o&otam" e 8 e+en of them 'hen I fir t " e$ to #o, three no') We (ne' the hi$$en +illa#e mainl! -! 'hat 'e a' of the +illa#er 'hen the! %ame to the to'n) The! loo(e$ e2ha" te$ an$ ra##e$ after their !ear of i olation an$ 'ant, an$ eeme$ #la$ to -e a-le to mo+e a-o"t freel! a#ain) 9rom the ho& I " e$ to ee them i$lin# a-o"t the mar(et tall in the :"are, #a@in# at the $i &la! of %loth an$ rea$!.ma$e %lothe , an$ 'an$erin# -a%( to the foo$ tall ; little oil! hea& of frie$ fl!in# ant =e2&en i+e, an$ ol$ -! the &oonf"l> lai$ o"t on %ra& of ne' &a&er1 hair! oran#e.%olo"re$ %ater&illar 'ith &rot"-erant e!e 'ri##lin# in enamel -a in 1 fat 'hite #r"- (e&t moi t an$ oft in little -a# of $am& earth, fi+e or i2 #r"- to a -a# 8 the e #r"- , a- or-ent in -o$! an$ of ne"tral ta te, -ein# an all.&"r&o e fatt! foo$, 'eet 'ith 'eet thin# , a+or! 'ith a+or! thin# ) The e 'ere all fore t foo$ , -"t the +illa#e ha$ -een %leane$ o"t of them =the #r"- %ame from the heart of a &alm tree>1 an$ no one 'ante$ to #o fora#in# too far in the fore t) Aore an$ more of the +illa#er 'ho %ame a +i itor remaine$ to %am& in the to'n) At ni#ht there 'a %oo(in# in the treet an$ the :"are ) On the &a+ement -elo' ho& a'nin# , !m-oli% 'all 'ere &"t "& aro"n$ lee&in# &a%e 8 lo' fen%e of %ar$-oar$ hel$ -et'een tone or -ri%( , or len#th of trin# tie$ =li(e the ro&e of a miniat"re -o2in# rin#> to ti%( (e&t "&ri#ht -! %airn of tone ) 9rom -ein# a-an$one$, the to'n -e#an to feel %ro'$e$) It eeme$ that nothin# %o"l$ to& the mo+ement of &eo&le from the +illa#e ) Then, from the #reat "n(no'n o"t i$e the to'n, %ame the r"mo"r of a 'ar) An$ it 'a the ol$ 'ar, the one 'e 'ere till re%o+erin# from, the emi.tri-al 'ar that ha$ -ro(en o"t at in$e&en$en%e an$ hattere$ an$ em&tie$ the to'n) We ha$ tho"#ht it o+er an$ $one 'ith, the &a ion -"rnt o"t) There 'a nothin# to ma(e " thin( other'i e) E+en lo%al Afri%an ha$ -e#"n to tal( of that time a a time of ma$ne ) An$ ma$ne 'a the 'or$) 9rom Aahe h an$ Sho-a I ha$ hear$ $rea$f"l torie of that time, of %a "al (illin# o+er man! month -! ol$ier an$ re-el an$ mer%enarie , of &eo&le tr" e$ "& in $i #" tin# 'a! an$ -ein# ma$e to in# %ertain on# 'hile the! 'ere -eaten to $eath in the treet ) None of the &eo&le 'ho %ame in from the +illa#e eeme$ rea$! for that (in$ of horror) Yet no' it 'a all tartin# "& a#ain) At in$e&en$en%e the &eo&le of o"r re#ion ha$ #one ma$ 'ith an#er an$ fear 8 all the a%%"m"late$ an#er of the %olonial &erio$, an$ e+er! (in$ of rea'a(ene$ tri-al fear) The &eo&le of o"r re#ion ha$ -een m"%h a-" e$, not onl! -! E"ro&ean an$ Ara- , -"t al o -! other Afri%an 1 an$ at in$e&en$en%e the! ha$ ref" e$ to -e r"le$ -! the ne' #o+ernment in the %a&ital) It 'a an in tin%ti+e "&ri in#, 'itho"t lea$er or a manife to) If the mo+ement ha$ -een more rea one$, ha$ -een le a mo+ement of im&le re3e%tion, the &eo&le of o"r re#ion mi#ht ha+e een that the to'n at the -en$ in the ri+er 'a their , the %a&ital of an! tate the! mi#ht et "&) B"t the! ha$ hate$ the to'n for the intr"$er 'ho ha$ r"le$ in it an$ from it1 an$ the! ha$ &referre$ to $e tro! the to'n rather than ta(e it o+er)
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Ha+in# $e tro!e$ their to'n, the! ha$ #rie+e$ for it) The! ha$ 'i he$ to ee it a li+in# &la%e a#ain) An$ eein# it %ome to a (in$ of life a#ain, the! ha$ #ro'n afrai$ on%e more) The! 'ere li(e &eo&le 'ho $i$n*t (no' their o'n min$) The! ha$ "ffere$ o m"%h1 the! ha$ -ro"#ht o m"%h "fferin# on them el+e ) The! loo(e$ o fee-le an$ %ra@e$ 'hen the! %ame o"t of their +illa#e an$ 'an$ere$ a-o"t the to'n) The! loo(e$ o m"%h li(e &eo&le nee$in# the foo$ an$ the &ea%e that the to'n offere$) B"t it 'a &eo&le li(e them, #oin# -a%( to their +illa#e , 'ho 'i he$ to la! the to'n lo' a#ain) S"%h ra#eB Li(e a fore t fire that #oe "n$er#ro"n$ an$ -"rn "n een alon# the root of tree it ha alrea$! $e tro!e$ an$ then er"&t in %or%he$ lan$ 'here it ha little to fee$ on, o in the mi$$le of $e tr"%tion an$ 'ant the 'i h to $e tro! flare$ "& a#ain) An$ the 'ar, 'hi%h 'e ha$ tho"#ht $ea$, 'a all at on%e aro"n$ " ) We hear$ of am-" he on roa$ 'e (ne', of +illa#e atta%(e$, of hea$men an$ offi%ial (ille$) It 'a at thi time that Aahe h ai$ omethin# 'hi%h I remem-ere$) It 'a n*t the (in$ of thin# I 'a e2&e%tin# from him 8 o %aref"l of hi loo( an$ %lothe , o &oile$, o o- e e$ 'ith hi lo+el! 'ife) Aahe h ai$ to me; ,What $o !o" $oE Yo" li+e here, an$ !o" a ( thatE Yo" $o 'hat 'e all $o) Yo" %arr! on)0 We ha$ the arm! in o"r to'n) The! %ame from a 'arrior tri-e 'ho ha$ er+e$ the Ara- a la+e.h"nter in the re#ion, an$ ha$ later, 'ith one or t'o na t! m"tinie , er+e$ the %olonial #o+ernment a ol$ier ) So the &attern of &oli%in# 'a ol$) B"t la+e 'ere no lon#er re:"ire$, an$ in &o t.%olonial Afri%a e+er!-o$! %o"l$ #et #"n 1 e+er! tri-e %o"l$ -e a 'arrior tri-e) So the arm! 'a $i %reet) Sometime there 'ere tr"%( 'ith ol$ier in the treet 8 -"t the ol$ier ne+er ho'e$ their 'ea&on ) Sometime there 'a a %eremonial %omin# an$ #oin# at the -arra%( 8 the &ala%e -"ilt -! the #reat man of o"r %omm"nit!, 'hi%h no' ha$ 'omen* 'a hin# h"n# o"t in the &artitione$ +eran$ah "& tair an$ $o'n tair =a Cree( ha$ the la"n$r! %ontra%t for the ol$ier * "niform >) The arm! 'a el$om more &ro+o%ati+e than that) The! %o"l$n*t affor$ to -e) The! 'ere amon# their tra$itional enemie , their former la+e &re!1 an$ tho"#h the! 'ere &ai$ re#"larl! an$ li+e$ 'ell, the! 'ere (e&t hort of e:"i&ment) We ha$ a ne' /re i$ent, an arm! man) Thi 'a hi 'a! of &oli%in# the %o"ntr! an$ %ontrollin# hi $iffi%"lt arm!) It ma$e for a -alan%e in the to'n) An$ a 'ell.&ai$, $ome ti%ate$ arm! 'a #oo$ for tra$e) The ol$ier &ent) The! -o"#ht f"rnit"re, an$ the! lo+e$ %ar&et 8 that 'a a ta te the! ha$ inherite$ from the Ara- ) B"t no' the -alan%e in o"r to'n 'a threatene$) The arm! ha$ a real 'ar to fi#ht1 an$ no one %o"l$ a! 'hether tho e men, #i+en mo$ern 'ea&on a#ain an$ or$er to (ill, 'o"l$n*t fall into the 'a! of their la+e.h"ntin# an%e tor an$ -rea( "& into mara"$in# -an$ , a the! ha$ $one at in$e&en$en%e, 'ith the %olla& e of all a"thorit!) No, in thi 'ar I 'a ne"tral) I 'a fri#htene$ of -oth i$e ) I $i$n*t 'ant to ee the arm! on the loo e) An$ tho"#h I felt !m&ath! for the &eo&le of o"r re#ion, I $i$n*t 'ant to ee the to'n $e tro!e$ a#ain) I $i$n*t 'ant an!-o$! to 'in1 I 'ante$ the ol$ -alan%e to -e maintaine$) One ni#ht I ha$ a &remonition that the 'ar ha$ %ome %lo e) I 'o(e "& an$ hear$ the o"n$ of a tr"%( far a'a!) It %o"l$ ha+e -een an! tr"%(1 it %o"l$ e+en ha+e -een one of Da"lat* , near the en$ of it har$ r"n from the ea t) B"t I tho"#ht; That i the o"n$ of 'ar) That o"n$ of a tea$!, #rin$in# ma%hine ma$e me thin( of #"n 1 an$ then I tho"#ht of the %ra@e$ an$ half. tar+e$ +illa#e
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&eo&le a#ain t 'hom the #"n 'ere #oin# to -e " e$, &eo&le 'ho e ra# 'ere alrea$! the %olo"r of a he ) Thi 'a the an2iet! of a moment of 'a(ef"lne 1 I fell a lee& a#ain) When Aett! -ro"#ht me %offee in the mornin# he ai$, ,The ol$ier are r"nnin# -a%() The! %ame to a -ri$#e) An$ 'hen the! #ot to that -ri$#e their #"n -e#an to -en$)0 ,Aett!B0 ,I am tellin# !o", patron)0 That 'a -a$) If it 'a tr"e that the arm! 'a retreatin#, it 'a -a$1 I $i$n*t 'ant to ee that arm! in retreat) If it 'a n*t tr"e, it 'a till -a$) Aett! ha$ &i%(e$ "& the lo%al r"mo"r 1 an$ 'hat he ai$ a-o"t the -en$in# #"n meant that the re-el , the men in ra# , ha$ -een ma$e to -elie+e that -"llet %o"l$n*t (ill them, that all the &irit of the fore t an$ the ri+er 'ere on their i$e) An$ that meant that at an! moment, a oon a omeone #a+e the %orre%t %all, there %o"l$ -e an "&ri in# in the to'n it elf) It 'a -a$, an$ there 'a nothin# I %o"l$ $o) The to%( of the ho& 8 there 'a no mean of &rote%tin# that) What other thin# of +al"e $i$ I ha+eE There 'ere t'o or three (ilo of #ol$ I ha$ &i%(e$ "& in +ario" little $eal 1 there 'ere m! $o%"ment 8 m! -irth %ertifi%ate an$ m! Briti h &a &ort1 there 'a the %amera I ha$ ho'n 9er$inan$, -"t $i$n*t 'ant to tem&t an!one 'ith no') I &"t the e thin# in a 'oo$en %rate) I al o &"t in the 'all &rint of the hol! &la%e m! father ha$ ent me -! Aett!, an$ I #ot Aett! to &"t in hi &a &ort an$ mone! a 'ell) Aett! ha$ -e%ome the famil! er+ant a#ain, an2io" , for the a(e of &re ti#e, e+en at thi moment, to -eha+e 3" t li(e me) I ha$ to to& him from thro'in# in all (in$ of r"--i h) We $"# a hole in the !ar$ 3" t at the -ottom of the e2ternal tair%a e 8 it 'a ea !; no tone in the re$ earth 8 an$ -"rie$ the %rate there) It 'a earl! mornin#) O"r -a%( !ar$ 'a o $ra-, o or$inar! 'ith "nli#ht an$ the mell of the nei#h-o"r * %hi%(en , o or$inar! 'ith re$ $" t an$ $ea$ lea+e an$ the mornin# ha$o' of tree I (ne' at home on the %oa t, that I tho"#ht; Thi i too t"&i$) A little later I tho"#ht; I*+e ma$e a mi ta(e) Aett! (no' that e+er!thin# of +al"e that I &o e i in that -o2) I*+e &"t m! elf in hi han$ ) We 'ent an$ o&ene$ the ho&1 I 'a %arr!in# on) We $i$ a little -" ine in the fir t ho"r) B"t then the mar(et :"are -e#an to em&t! an$ the to'n -e#an to #o ilent) The "n 'a -ri#ht an$ hot, an$ I t"$ie$ the %ontra%tin# ha$o' of tree an$ mar(et tall an$ -"il$in# aro"n$ the :"are) Sometime I tho"#ht I %o"l$ hear the noi e of the ra&i$ ) It 'a the eternal noi e at that -en$ in the ri+er, -"t on a normal $a! it %o"l$n*t -e hear$ here) No' it eeme$ to %ome an$ #o on the 'in$) At mi$$a!, 'hen 'e h"t the ho& for l"n%h, an$ I $ro+e thro"#h the treet , it 'a onl! the ri+er, #litterin# in the har$ li#ht, that eeme$ ali+e) No $"#o"t , tho"#h1 onl! the 'ater h!a%inth tra+ellin# "& from the o"th, an$ floatin# a'a! to the 'e t, %l"m& after %l"m&, 'ith the thi%(. tal(e$ lila% flo'er li(e ma t ) I 'a ta(in# l"n%h that $a! 'ith the ol$ A ian %o"&le 8 the! ha$ ha$ a tran &ort -" ine "ntil in$e&en$en%e, 'hen -" ine 3" t to&&e$, an$ the re t of the famil! 'ent a'a!) Nothin# ha$ %han#e$ there in%e I ha$ ma$e the arran#ement to ha+e l"n%h 'ith them t'i%e a 'ee() The! 'ere &eo&le almo t 'itho"t ne' , an$ 'e till ha$ +er! little %on+er ation) The +ie', from the +eran$ah of the ro"#h, ran%h.li(e ho" e, 'a till of a-an$one$ motor +ehi%le , reli% of the ol$ -" ine , rottin# a'a! in the !ar$) I 'o"l$ ha+e min$e$ that +ie', if it ha$ -een m! -" ine ) B"t the ol$ &eo&le $i$n*t eem to min$ or (no' that the! ha$ lo t a lot) The! eeme$ %ontent 3" t to li+e o"t
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their li+e ) The! ha$ $one all that their reli#ion an$ famil! %" tom ha$ re:"ire$ them to $o1 an$ the! felt 8 li(e the ol$er &eo&le of m! o'n famil! 8 that the! ha$ li+e$ #oo$ an$ %om&lete li+e ) On the %oa t I " e$ to #rie+e for &eo&le of o"r %omm"nit! 'ho 'ere li(e that, in$ifferent to 'hat la! aro"n$ them) I 'ante$ to ha(e them "& an$ alert them to $an#er) B"t it 'a oothin# no' to -e 'ith the e %alm ol$ &eo&le1 an$ it 'o"l$ ha+e -een ni%e, on a $a! li(e thi , not to ha+e to lea+e that ho" e, to -e a %hil$ a#ain, &rote%te$ -! the 'i $om of the ol$, an$ to -elie+e that 'hat the! a' 'a tr"e) Who 'ante$ &hilo o&h! or faith for the #oo$ time E We %o"l$ all %o&e 'ith the #oo$ time ) It 'a for the -a$ that 'e ha$ to -e e:"i&&e$) An$ here in Afri%a none of " 'ere a 'ell e:"i&&e$ a the Afri%an ) The Afri%an ha$ %alle$ "& thi 'ar1 the! 'o"l$ "ffer $rea$f"ll!, more than an!-o$! el e1 -"t the! %o"l$ %o&e) E+en the ra##e$e t of them ha$ their +illa#e an$ tri-e , thin# that 'ere a- ol"tel! their ) The! %o"l$ r"n a'a! a#ain to their e%ret 'orl$ an$ -e%ome lo t in tho e 'orl$ , a the! ha$ $one -efore) An$ e+en if terri-le thin# ha&&ene$ to them the! 'o"l$ $ie 'ith the %omfort of (no'in# that their an%e tor 'ere #a@in# $o'n a&&ro+in#l! at them) B"t thi 'a not tr"e of 9er$inan$) With hi mi2e$ &arenta#e, he 'a almo t a m"%h a tran#er in the to'n a I 'a ) He %ame to the flat in the afternoon, an$ he 'a 'il$, %lo e to h! teria, &o e e$ -! all the Afri%an terror of tran#e Afri%an ) Cla e ha$ -een " &en$e$ at the l!%<e1 tho"#ht there 'ere of the afet! of the -o! an$ the tea%her ) 9er$inan$ ha$ $e%i$e$ that the l!%<e 'a n*t afe1 he tho"#ht it 'o"l$ -e one of the fir t &la%e to -e atta%(e$ if there 'a an "&ri in# in the to'n) He ha$ $ro&&e$ all hi %hara%ter , all hi &o e ) The -la@er, 'hi%h he ha$ on%e 'orn 'ith &ri$e a a !o"n# man of ne' Afri%a, he ha$ $i %ar$e$ a $an#ero" , omethin# that ma$e him more a man a&art1 an$ he 'a 'earin# lon# (ha(i tro" er , not the 'hite hort of the %hool "niform) He tal(e$ in a franti% 'a! of ret"rnin# to the o"th, to hi father* &eo&le) B"t that 'a im&o i-le 8 he (ne' it 'a im&o i-le1 an$ there 'a no :"e tion either of en$in# him $o'nri+er to hi mother* +illa#e) The -i# -o!, almo t a man, o--e$, ,I $i$n*t 'ant to %ome here) I $on*t (no' an!one here) A! mother 'ante$ me to %ome) I $i$n*t 'ant to -e in the to'n or #o to the l!%<e) Wh! $i$ he en$ me to the l!%<eE0 It 'a a %omfort to " , Aett! an$ m! elf, to ha+e omeone to %omfort) We $e%i$e$ that 9er$inan$ 'a to lee& in Aett!* room, an$ 'e $"# o"t ome -e$$in# for him) The attention %alme$ 9er$inan$ $o'n) We ate earl!, 'hile it 'a till li#ht) 9er$inan$ 'a ilent then) B"t later, 'hen 'e 'ere in o"r $ifferent room , he an$ Aett! tal(e$) I hear$ Aett! a!; ,The! %ame to a -ri$#e) An$ all the tr"%( talle$ an$ the #"n -e#an to -en$)0 Aett!* +oi%e 'a hi#h.&it%he$ an$ e2%ite$) That 'a n*t the +oi%e he ha$ " e$ 'hen he ha$ #i+en me the ne' in the mornin#) He 'a tal(in# no' li(e the lo%al Afri%an , from 'hom he ha$ #ot the tor!) In the mornin# the mar(et :"are o"t i$e the ho& $i$n*t %ome to life at all) The to'n remaine$ em&t!) The :"atter an$ %am&er in the treet eeme$ to ha+e #one into hi$in#) When I 'ent to Sho-a an$ Aahe h* flat for l"n%h I noti%e$ that their -etter %ar&et ha$ $i a&&eare$, an$ ome of the finer #la 'are an$ il+er, an$ the %r! tal fi#"re of the n"$e 'oman) Sho-a loo(e$ traine$, e &e%iall! aro"n$ her e!e , an$ Aahe h eeme$ more ner+o" of her than of an!thin# el e) Sho-a* moo$ al'a! $i%tate$ the moo$ of o"r l"n%h, an$ he eeme$ that $a! to
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'ant to &"ni h " for the #oo$ l"n%h he ha$ &re&are$) We ate for ome time in ilen%e, Sho-a loo(in# $o'n at the ta-le 'ith her tire$ e!e , Aahe h %on tantl! loo(in# at her) Sho-a ai$, ,I ho"l$ ha+e -een at home thi 'ee() A! father i i%() Di$ I tell !o", SalimE I ho"l$ ha+e -een 'ith him) An$ it i hi -irth$a!)0 Aahe h* e!e ho&&e$ a-o"t the ta-le) S&oilin# the effe%t of the 'or$ that I ha$ fo"n$ o 'i e, he ai$, ,We*ll %arr! on) It 'ill -e all ri#ht) The ne' /re i$ent* not a fool) He i n*t 3" t #oin# to ta! in hi ho" e li(e the la t man, an$ $o nothin#)0 She ai$, ,Carr! on, %arr! on) That* all I*+e -een $oin#) That* ho' I*+e &ent m! life) That* ho' I*+e li+e$ in thi &la%e, amon# Afri%an ) I that a life, SalimE0 She loo(e$ at her &late, not at me) An$ I ai$ nothin#) Sho-a ai$, ,I*+e 'a te$ m! life, Salim) Yo" $on*t (no' ho' I*+e 'a te$ m! life) Yo" $on*t (no' ho' I li+e in fear in thi &la%e) Yo" $on*t (no' ho' fri#htene$ I 'a 'hen I hear$ a-o"t !o", 'hen I hear$ that a tran#er ha$ %ome to the to'n) I*+e #ot to -e fri#htene$ of e+er!-o$!, !o" (no')0 Her e!e t'it%he$) She to&&e$ eatin#, an$ &re e$ her %hee(-one 'ith the ti& of her fin#er , a tho"#h &re in# a'a! a ner+o" &ain) ,I %ome from a 'ell.to.$o famil!, a ri%h famil!) Yo" (no' that) A! famil! ha$ &lan for me) B"t then I met Aahe h) He " e$ to o'n a motor%!%le ho&) Somethin# terri-le ha&&ene$) I le&t 'ith him almo t a oon a I met him) Yo" (no' " an$ o"r 'a! 'ell eno"#h to (no' that that 'a a terri-le thin# for me to $o) B"t it 'a terri-le for me in another 'a! a 'ell) I $i$n*t 'ant to #et to (no' an!-o$! el e after that) That ha -een m! %"r e) Wh! aren*t !o" eatin#, SalimE Eat, eat) We m" t %arr! on)0 Aahe h* li& %ame to#ether ner+o" l!, an$ he loo(e$ a little fooli h) At the ame time hi e!e -ri#htene$ at the &rai e %ontaine$ in the %om&lainin# 'or$ 1 !et he an$ Sho-a ha$ -een to#ether for nearl! ten !ear ) ,A! famil! -eat "& Aahe h terri-l!) B"t that 3" t ma$e me more $etermine$) A! -rother threatene$ to thro' a%i$ on me) The! 'ere erio" ) The! al o threatene$ to (ill Aahe h) That 'a 'h! 'e %ame here) I 'at%he$ for m! -rother e+er! $a!) I till $o) I 'ait for them) Yo" (no' that 'ith familie li(e o"r %ertain thin# are no 3o(e) An$ then, Salim, 'hile 'e 'ere here, omethin# 'or e ha&&ene$) Aahe h ai$ one $a! that I 'a t"&i$ to -e 'at%hin# o"t for m! -rother ) He ai$, FYo"r -rother 'o"l$n*t %ome all the 'a! here) The!*ll en$ ome-o$! el e)* 0 Aahe h ai$, ,That 'a a 3o(e)0 ,No, that 'a n*t a 3o(e) That 'a tr"e) An!-o$! %o"l$ %ome here 8 the! %o"l$ en$ an!-o$!) It $oe n*t ha+e to -e an A ian) It %o"l$ -e a Bel#ian or a Cree( or an! E"ro&ean) It %o"l$ -e an Afri%an) Ho' am I to (no'E0 She $i$ all the tal(in# at l"n%h, an$ Aahe h let her1 he eeme$ to ha+e han$le$ thi (in$ of it"ation -efore) After'ar$ I $ro+e him -a%( to the %entre of the to'n 8 he ai$ he $i$n*t 'ant to ta(e hi %ar in) Hi ner+o" ne $i a&&eare$ a oon a 'e left Sho-a) He $i$n*t eem em-arra e$ -! 'hat Sho-a ha$ ai$ a-o"t their life to#ether, an$ ma$e no %omment a-o"t it) He ai$, a 'e $ro+e thro"#h the $" t! re$ treet , ,Sho-a e2a##erate ) Thin# are not a -a$ a he -elie+e ) The ne' man* no fool) The teamer %ame in thi mornin# 'ith the 'hite men) Yo" $i$n*t (no'E Co a%ro to the +an $er We!$en an$ !o"*ll ee a fe' of them) The ne' man mi#ht -e a mai$* on) B"t he* #oin# to hol$ it to#ether) He* #oin# to " e thi to &"t a lot of &eo&le in their &la%e) Co to the +an $er We!$en) It 'ill #i+e !o" an i$ea of 'hat thin# 'ere li(e after in$e&en$en%e)0
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Aahe h 'a ri#ht) The teamer ha$ arri+e$1 I ha$ a #lim& e of it 'hen 'e $ro+e -! the $o%( ) It ha$n*t hoote$ an$ I ha$n*t loo(e$ for it earlier) Lo'.$e%(e$, flat.-ottome$, it 'a almo t hi$$en -! the %" tom he$ , all -"t the to& of the "&er tr"%t"re at the rear) An$ 'hen I to&&e$ o"t i$e Aahe h* ho&, 'hi%h 'a o&&o ite the +an $er We!$en, I a' a n"m-er of arm! +ehi%le , an$ ome %i+ilian tr"%( an$ ta2i that ha$ -een %omman$ere$) Aahe h ai$, ,It* a #oo$ thin# Afri%an ha+e hort memorie ) Co an$ ha+e a loo( at the &eo&le 'ho*+e %ome to a+e them from "i%i$e)0 The +an $er We!$en 'a a mo$ern -"il$in#, fo"r torie hi#h, %on%rete an$ trai#ht line , &art of the &re.in$e&en$en%e -oom1 an$ in &ite of all that it ha$ #one thro"#h, it till &reten$e$ to -e a mo$ern hotel) It ha$ man! #la $oor at &a+ement le+el1 the lo--! ha$ a mo ai% floor1 there 'ere lift =not relia-le no'>1 there 'a a re%e&tion $e ( 'ith a &re.in$e&en$en%e airline a$+erti ement an$ a &ermanent H1tel 4omplet =,No Da%an%ie 0> i#n 8 'hi%h ha$n*t -een tr"e for ome !ear ) I ha$ e2&e%te$ a %ro'$ in the lo--!, noi e, ro'$ine ) I fo"n$ the &la%e loo(in# em&tier than " "al, an$ it 'a almo t h" he$) B"t the hotel ha$ #"e t ; on the mo ai% floor there 'ere a-o"t t'ent! or thirt! "it%a e 'ith i$enti%al -l"e tie.on la-el &rinte$ Hazel5s Travels) The lift 'eren*t 'or(in#, an$ a in#le hotel -o! 8 a mall ol$ man 'earin# the er+ant %o t"me of the %olonial time; hort (ha(i tro" er , hort. lee+e$ hirt, an$ a lar#e, %oar e 'hite a&ron o+er that 8 ha$ the 3o- of ta(in# the "it%a e "& the terra@@o te& at the i$e of the lift) He 'a 'or(in# "n$er the $ire%t "&er+i ion of the -i#.-ellie$ Afri%an =from $o'nri+er ome'here> 'ho normall! too$ -ehin$ the re%e&tion $e ( %leanin# hi teeth 'ith a tooth&i%( an$ -ein# r"$e to e+er!-o$!, -"t 'a no' tan$in# -! the "it%a e an$ tr!in# to loo( -" ! an$ erio" ) Some of the hotel* ne' #"e t 'ere in the &atio -ar, 'here there 'ere a fe' #reen &alm an$ %ree&er in %on%rete &ot ) The terra@@o floor here lo&e$ from all i$e to a %entral #rille, an$ from thi #rille there al'a! %ame, -"t e &e%iall! after rain, a mell of the e'er) In thi mell 8 not &arti%"larl! -a$ no'; it 'a $r! an$ hot, a trian#le of "nli#ht $a@@le$ on one 'all 8 the 'hite men at, eatin# the +an $er We!$en* an$'i%he an$ $rin(in# la#er) The! 'ore %i+ilian %lothe , -"t the! 'o"l$ ha+e -een a noti%ea-le %ro'$ an!'here) An or$inar! -ar %ro'$ 'o"l$ ha+e ha$ ome fla--! t!&e an$ 'o"l$ ha+e -een more mi2e$ in a#e) The e men 'ere all in fine &h! i%al %on$ition, an$ e+en the fe' #re!.haire$ one amon# them $i$n*t loo( o+er fort!1 the! %o"l$ ha+e &a e$ a ome (in$ of &ort team) The! at in t'o $i tin%t #ro"& ) One #ro"& 'a ro"#her.loo(in#, noi ier, 'ith a fe' fla h! $re er 1 t'o or three +er! !o"n# men in thi #ro"& 'ere &reten$in# to -e $r"n(, an$ %lo'nin#) The men in the other #ro"& 'ere #ra+er, %leaner. ha+e$, more e$"%ate$ in fa%e, more %on %io" of their a&&earan%e) An$ !o" mi#ht ha+e tho"#ht the t'o #ro"& ha$ a%%i$entall! %ome to#ether in the -ar, "ntil !o" a' that the! 'ere all 'earin# the ame (in$ of hea+! -ro'n -oot ) Normall! at the +an $er We!$en the hotel -o! $roo&e$ aro"n$) The ol$ one , 'ith their :"a he$ an$ o"r little fa%e , at on their tool an$ e2&e%te$ onl! to -e ti&&e$, 'earin# their hort an$ +er! -i# a&ron li(e a &en ioner* "niform =an$ ometime , in their #reat tillne , hi$in# their arm -elo' their a&ron an$ loo(in# li(e men at the -ar-er* >1 the !o"n#er, &o t. in$e&en$en%e -o! 'ore their o'n %lothe an$ %hatte$ -ehin$ the %o"nter a tho"#h the! 'ere %" tomer ) No' the! 'ere all alert an$ 3"m&in# a-o"t) I a (e$ for a %"& of %offee, an$ no %"& of %offee e+er %ame to me more :"i%(l! at the +an $e We!$en) It 'a a tin! ol$ man 'ho er+e$ me) An$ I tho"#ht, not for the fir t time, that in %olonial
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$a! the hotel -o! ha$ -een %ho en for their mall i@e, an$ the ea e 'ith 'hi%h the! %o"l$ -e manhan$le$) That 'a no $o"-t 'h! the re#ion ha$ &ro+i$e$ o man! la+e in the ol$ $a! ; la+e &eo&le are &h! i%all! 'ret%he$, half.men in e+er!thin# e2%e&t in their %a&a%it! to -ree$ the ne2t #eneration) The %offee %ame fa t, -"t the tainle teel 3"# the ol$ man -ro"#ht me ha$ onl! a tale. loo(in# tri%(le of &o'$ere$ mil() I lifte$ the 3"#) The ol$ man a' -efore I %o"l$ ho' him, an$ he loo(e$ o terrifie$ that I &"t the 3"# $o'n an$ i&&e$ the a'f"l %offee -! it elf) The men in the -ar ha$ %ome to $o a 3o-) The! 8 or their fello' 8 ha$ &ro-a-l! alrea$! -e#"n) The! (ne' the! 'ere $ramati% fi#"re ) The! (ne' I ha$ %ome to ee 'hat the! loo(e$ li(e1 the! (ne' the -o! 'ere terrifie$ of them) Until thi mornin# tho e hotel er+ant ha$ -een tellin# one another torie a-o"t the in+in%i-ilit! of their &eo&le in the fore t1 an$ tho e hotel er+ant 'ere men 'ho, #i+en an "&ri in# in the to'n, 'o"l$ ha+e $one terri-le thin# 'ith their mall han$ ) No', o :"i%(l!, the! ha$ -e%ome a-3e%t) In one 'a! it 'a #oo$1 in another 'a! it 'a &itif"l) Thi 'a ho' the &la%e 'or(e$ on !o"; !o" ne+er (ne' 'hat to thin( or feel) 9ear or hame 8 there eeme$ to -e nothin# in -et'een) I 'ent -a%( to the ho&) It 'a a 'a! of %arr!in# on, an$ a 'a! of &a in# the time) The flam-o!ant tree 'ere in ne' leaf, feather!, a $eli%ate #reen) The li#ht %han#e$1 ha$o' -e#an to an#le a%ro the re$ treet ) On another $a! at thi time I 'o"l$ ha+e -een tartin# to thin( of tea at the flat, :"a h at the Helleni% Cl"-, 'ith %ol$ $rin( after'ar$ in the ro"#h little -ar, ittin# at the metal ta-le an$ 'at%hin# the li#ht #o) When Aett! %ame in, 3" t -efore fo"r, %lo in# time, he ai$, ,The 'hite men %ame thi mornin#) Some of them 'ent to the -arra%( an$ ome of them 'ent to the h!$ro)0 Thi 'a the h!$roele%tri% tation, ome mile "&ri+er from the to'n) ,The fir t thin# the! $i$ at the -arra%( 'a to hoot Colonel Yen!i) It 'a 'hat the /re i$ent a (e$ them to $o) He $oe n*t &la!, thi ne' /re i$ent) Colonel Yen!i 'a r"nnin# o"t to meet them) The! $i$n*t let him tal() The! hot him in front of the 'omen an$ e+er!-o$!) An$ I!an$a, the er#eant 8 he -o"#ht that -olt of %"rtain material 'ith the a&&le &attern 8 the! hot him too, an$ a fe' other ol$ier a 'ell)0 I remem-ere$ I!an$a 'ith hi o+er tar%he$ "niform, hi -roa$ fa%e, an$ hi milin#, mall, mali%io" e!e ) I remem-ere$ the 'a! he ha$ r"--e$ the &alm of hi han$ o+er the %loth 'ith the -i# re$ a&&le , the &ro"$ 'a! he ha$ &"lle$ o"t the rolle$."& note to &a! 8 "%h a mall "m, reall!) C"rtain materialB The ne' of hi e2e%"tion 'o"l$ ha+e &lea e$ the lo%al &eo&le) Not that he 'a a 'i%(e$ man1 -"t he -elon#e$ to that $ete te$ la+e.h"ntin# tri-e, li(e the re t of the arm!, li(e hi %olonel) The /re i$ent ha$ ent terror to o"r to'n an$ re#ion) B"t at the ame time, -! terrori@in# the arm! a 'ell, he 'a ma(in# a #e t"re to the lo%al &eo&le) The ne' of the e2e%"tion 'o"l$ ha+e &rea$ fa t, an$ &eo&le 'o"l$ alrea$! ha+e -e%ome %onf" e$ an$ ner+o" ) The! 'o"l$ ha+e felt 8 a I -e#an to feel 8 that for the fir t time in%e in$e&en$en%e there 'a ome #"i$in# intelli#en%e in the %a&ital, an$ that the free.for.all of in$e&en$en%e ha$ %ome to an en$) I %o"l$ ee the %han#e in Aett!) He ha$ -ro"#ht :"ite -loo$! ne' ) Yet he eeme$ %almer than in the mornin#1 an$ he ma$e 9er$inan$ %almer) Late in the afternoon 'e -e#an to hear #"n ) In the mornin# that o"n$ 'o"l$ ha+e &ani%(e$ " all) No' 'e 'ere almo t relie+e$ 8 the #"n 'ere far a'a!, an$ the noi e 'a a #oo$ $eal le lo"$ than th"n$er, to 'hi%h 'e 'ere a%%" tome$) The $o# 'ere $i t"r-e$ -! the tran#e noi e, tho"#h, an$ et "& a -ar(in# that rolle$
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-a%( an$ forth, at time $ro'nin# the o"n$ of the #"n ) Late "nli#ht, tree , %oo(in# mo(e; that 'a all 'e %o"l$ ee 'hen 'e 'ent o"t to the lan$in# of the e2ternal tair%a e to loo() No li#ht %ame on at "n et) There 'a no ele%tri%it!) The ma%hiner! ha$ faile$ a#ain, or the &o'er ha$ -een $eli-eratel! t"rne$ off, or the &o'er tation ha$ -een %a&t"re$ -! the re-el ) B"t it 'a n*t -a$ to -e 'itho"t li#ht no'1 it meant that at lea t there 'o"l$ -e no "&ri in# $"rin# the ni#ht) /eo&le here $i$n*t li(e the $ar(, an$ ome %o"l$ lee& onl! 'ith li#ht in their room or h"t ) An$ none of " 8 neither Aett! nor 9er$inan$ nor m! elf 8 -elie+e$ that the tation ha$ -een %a&t"re$ -! the re-el ) We ha$ faith in the /re i$ent* 'hite men) The it"ation, o %onf" e$ for " in the mornin#, ha$ -e%ome a im&le a that no') I ta!e$ in the ittin# room an$ rea$ ol$ ma#a@ine -! an oil lam&) In their room Aett! an$ 9er$inan$ tal(e$) The! $i$n*t " e their $a!time +oi%e or the +oi%e the! mi#ht ha+e " e$ in ele%tri% li#ht) The! -oth o"n$e$ lo', %ontem&lati+e, ol$1 the! tal(e$ li(e ol$ men) When I 'ent o"t to the &a a#e I a', thro"#h the o&en $oor, Aett! ittin# on hi %ot in "n$er hirt an$ &ant , an$ 9er$inan$, al o in "n$er hirt an$ &ant , l!in# on hi -e$$in# on the floor, one rai e$ foot &re e$ a#ain t the 'all) In lam&li#ht it 'a li(e the interior of a h"t1 their lei "rel!, oft tal(, f"ll of &a" e an$ ilen%e , mat%he$ their &o t"re ) 9or the fir t time in $a! the! 'ere rela2e$, an$ the! felt o far from $an#er no' that the! -e#an to tal( of $an#er, 'ar an$ armie ) Aett! ai$ he ha$ een the 'hite men in the mornin#) 9er$inan$ ai$, ,There 'ere a lot of 'hite ol$ier in the o"th) That 'a a real 'ar)0 ,FYo" ho"l$ ha+e een them thi mornin#) The! 3" t ra%e$ to the -arra%( an$ the! 'ere &ointin# their #"n at e+er!-o$!) I ne+er a' ol$ier li(e that -efore)0 9er$inan$ ai$, ,I a' ol$ier for the fir t time 'hen I 'a +er! !o"n#) It 'a 3" t after the E"ro&ean 'ent a'a!) It 'a in m! mother* +illa#e, -efore I 'ent to ta! 'ith m! father) The e ol$ier %ame to the +illa#e) The! ha$ no offi%er an$ the! -e#an to -eha+e -a$l!)0 ,Di$ the! ha+e #"n E0 ,Of %o"r e the! ha$ #"n ) The! 'ere loo(in# for 'hite &eo&le to (ill) The! ai$ 'e 'ere hi$in# 'hite &eo&le) B"t I thin( the! onl! 'ante$ to ma(e tro"-le) Then m! mother &o(e to them an$ the! 'ent a'a!) The! 3" t too( a fe' 'omen)0 ,What $i$ he a! to themE0 ,I $on*t (no') B"t the! -e%ame fri#htene$) A! mother ha &o'er )0 Aett! ai$, ,That 'a li(e the man 'e ha$ on the %oa t) He %ame from ome'here near here) He 'a the man 'ho ma$e the &eo&le (ill the Ara- ) It -e#an in the mar(et) I 'a there) Yo" ho"l$ ha+e een it, 9er$inan$) The arm an$ le# l!in# a-o"t in the treet )0 ,Wh! $i$ he (ill the Ara- E0 ,He ai$ he 'a o-e!in# the #o$ of Afri%an )0 Aett! ha$ ne+er tol$ me a-o"t that) /erha& he ha$n*t tho"#ht it im&ortant1 &erha& it ha$ fri#htene$ him) B"t he ha$ remem-ere$) The! 'ent ilent for a 'hile1 I ha$ the feelin# that 9er$inan$ 'a e2aminin# 'hat he ha$ hear$) When the! &o(e a#ain it 'a of other thin# ) The #"nfire 'ent on) B"t it %ame no nearer) It 'a the o"n$ of the 'ea&on of the /re i$ent* 'hite men, the &romi e of or$er an$ %ontin"it!1 an$ it 'a o$$l! %omfortin#, li(e the o"n$ of rain in the ni#ht) All that 'a threatenin#, in that #reat "n(no'n o"t i$e, 'a -ein# hel$ in %he%() An$ it 'a a relief, after all the an2iet!, to it in the lam&lit flat an$ 'at%h the ha$o' that ele%tri% li#ht ne+er ma$e1 an$ to hear 9er$inan$ an$ Aett! tal( in their lei "rel! ol$ men*
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+oi%e in that room 'hi%h the! ha$ t"rne$ into a 'arm little %a+ern) It 'a a little li(e -ein# tran &orte$ to the hi$$en fore t +illa#e , to the &rote%tion an$ e%re%! of the h"t at ni#ht 8 e+er!thin# o"t i$e h"t o"t, (e&t -e!on$ ome ma#i%al &rote%tin# line1 an$ I tho"#ht, a I ha$ tho"#ht 'hen I ha$ ha$ l"n%h 'ith the ol$ %o"&le, ho' ni%e it 'o"l$ -e if it 'ere tr"e) If in the mornin# 'e %o"l$ 'a(e "& an$ fin$ that the 'orl$ ha$ hr"n(en onl! to 'hat 'e (ne' an$ 'hat 'a afe) In the mornin# there %ame the fi#hter &lane) Almo t a oon a !o" hear$ it, -efore !o" ha$ time to #o o"t an$ loo( for it, it 'a o+erhea$, fl!in# lo', an$ %reamin# at "%h a &it%h that !o" -arel! felt !o"r elf in &o e ion of !o"r -o$!1 !o" 'ere %lo e to a %"ttin#.o"t of the en e ) A 3et fi#hter fl!in# lo', o lo' that !o" %learl! ee it trian#"lar il+er "n$er i$e, i a (illin# thin#) Then it 'a #one, an$ 'a oon har$l! +i i-le in the (!, 'hite 'ith the heat of the $a! that ha$ 3" t -e#"n) It ma$e a fe' more &a e o+er the to'n, that one &lane, li(e a +i%io" -ir$ that 'o"l$n*t #o a'a!) Then it fle' o+er the -" h) At la t it lifte$, an$ 3" t a little 'hile later, at ome $i tan%e, the mi ile it ha$ relea e$ e2&lo$e$ in the -" h) An$ that 'a li(e the th"n$er 'e 'ere " e$ to) It %ame -a%( more than on%e $"rin# the 'ee(, that in#le &lane, to fl! lo' o+er the to'n an$ the -" h an$ to $ro& it e2&lo i+e at ran$om in the -" h) B"t the 'ar 'a o+er that fir t $a!) Tho"#h it 'a a month -efore the arm! -e#an to %ome -a%( from the -" h, an$ a f"ll t'o month -efore the +an $er We!$en -e#an to lo e it ne' #"e t ) In the -e#innin#, -efore the arri+al of the 'hite men, I ha$ %on i$ere$ m! elf ne"tral) I ha$ 'ante$ neither i$e to 'in, neither the arm! nor the re-el ) A it t"rne$ o"t, -oth i$e lo t) Aan! of the ol$ier 8 from the famo" 'arrior tri-e 8 'ere (ille$) An$ after'ar$ man! more lo t their #"n an$ o+er tar%he$ "niform an$ the :"arter the! ha$ &ent o m"%h of their mone! f"rni hin#) The arm! 'a reor#ani@e$ -! the /re i$ent, far a'a! in the %a&ital1 in o"r to'n the arm! -e%ame more mi2e$, 'ith men from man! tri-e an$ $ifferent re#ion ) The men of the 'arrior tri-e 'ere t"rne$ o"t "n&rote%te$ into the to'n) There 'ere $rea$f"l %ene at the -arra%( 1 the 'omen 'aile$ in the fore t 'a!, liftin# their -ellie an$ lettin# them $ro& hea+il! a#ain) A famo" tri-e, no' hel&le amon# their tra$itional &re!; it 'a a tho"#h ome ol$ la' of the fore t, omethin# that %ame from Nat"re it elf, ha$ -een o+ert"rne$) A for the tar+elin# re-el of o"r re#ion, the! oon -e#an to rea&&ear in the to'n, more tar+e$ an$ a-3e%t, their -la%(ene$ ra# han#in# on them, men 'ho onl! a fe' 'ee( -efore ha$ tho"#ht the! ha$ fo"n$ a feti h &o'erf"l eno"#h to %a" e the #"n of their enemie to -en$ an$ to t"rn -"llet to 'ater) There 'a -itterne in their 'a te$ fa%e , an$ for a little 'hile the! 'ere 'ith$ra'n, li(e &eo&le li#htl! %ra@e$) B"t the! nee$e$ the to'n the! ha$ 'ante$ to $e tro!1 a Aahe h ai$, the! ha$ -een a+e$ from "i%i$e) The! re%o#ni@e$ the ne' intelli#en%e that ran the %o"ntr! from afar, an$ the! ret"rne$ to their ol$ ha-it of o-e$ien%e) 9or the fir t time in%e I ha$ arri+e$ there 'a omethin# li(e life at the +an $er We!$en) The teamer -ro"#ht "& not onl! "&&lie for the /re i$ent* 'hite men, -"t al o +er! &l"m& an$ fanta ti%all! $re e$ 'omen from the $o'nri+er &eo&le , -e i$e 'hom the 'omen of o"r re#ion, &oler of $"#o"t an$ %arrier of loa$ , loo(e$ li(e -on! -o! ) E+ent"all! 'e 'ere allo'e$ to $ri+e o"t to the $am an$ the h!$roele%tri% tation, near 'here there ha$ -een fi#htin#) The in tallation 'ere "nto"%he$1 -"t 'e ha$ lo t one of o"r ne' ni#ht%l"- ) It ha$ -een tarte$ -! a ref"#ee from the /ort"#"e e territor! to the o"th =a man a+oi$in# %on %ri&tion>, an$ it 'a -ea"tif"ll! ite$, on a %liff o+erloo(in# the ri+er) It 'a a &la%e
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to 'hi%h 'e ha$ 3" t -e#"n to #et a%%" tome$) The tree 'ere h"n# 'ith mall %olo"re$ -"l- an$ 'e at o"t at metal ta-le an$ $ran( li#ht /ort"#"e e 'hite 'ine an$ loo(e$ at the #or#e an$ the floo$lit $am1 it 'a li(e l"2"r! to " , an$ ma$e " feel t!li h) That &la%e ha$ -een %a&t"re$ -! the re-el an$ &illa#e$) The main -"il$in# 'a -a i% an$ +er! or$inar! 8 'all of %on%rete -lo%( aro"n$ an "nroofe$ $an%e floor 'ith a %o+ere$ -ar at one i$e) The 'all till too$ =tho"#h the! ha$ trie$ to et the %on%rete ali#ht; there 'ere fire mar( in man! &la%e >1 -"t all the fittin# ha$ -een $e tro!e$) The ra#e of the re-el 'a li(e a ra#e a#ain t metal, ma%hiner!, 'ire , e+er!thin# that 'a not of the fore t an$ Afri%a) There 'ere i#n of that ra#e in other &la%e a 'ell) After the earlier 'ar a Unite$ Nation a#en%! ha$ re&aire$ the &o'er tation an$ the %a" e'a! at the to& of the $am) A metal &la:"e et on a mall tone &!rami$, ome $i tan%e from the $am it elf, re%or$e$ thi fa%t) That &la:"e ha$ -een $efa%e$, -attere$ 'ith ome hea+! metal &ie%e, in$i+i$"al letter file$ a'a!) At the -e#innin# of the %a" e'a! ol$ %a t.iron lam& tan$ar$ from E"ro&e ha$ -een &la%e$ a a $e%orati+e feat"re 8 ol$ lam& at a ite of ne' &o'er) A &rett! i$ea1 -"t the lam& tan$ar$ ha$ al o re%ei+e$ a -atterin#, an$ a#ain attem&t ha$ -een ma$e to file a'a! the letterin# 8 the name of the nineteenth.%ent"r! ma(er in /ari ) It 'a the ra#e that ma$e an im&re ion 8 the ra#e of im&le men tearin# at metal 'ith their han$ ) An$ alrea$!, after onl! a fe' 'ee( of &ea%e, 'ith o man! &eo&le from the +illa#e h"n#r! an$ %ro"n#in# in the to'n, it eeme$ far a'a!, har$ to ima#ine) It 'a $"rin# the e earl! $a! of the &ea%e that 9ather H"i man 'ent o"t on one of hi tri& an$ 'a (ille$) Hi $eath nee$ ne+er ha+e -een $i %o+ere$1 he %o"l$ ea il! ha+e -een -"rie$ ome'here in the -" h) B"t the &eo&le 'ho (ille$ him 'ante$ the fa%t to -e (no'n) Hi -o$! 'a &"t in a $"#o"t, an$ the $"#o"t $rifte$ $o'n the main ri+er "ntil it %a"#ht a#ain t the -an( in a tan#le of 'ater h!a%inth ) Hi -o$! ha$ -een m"tilate$, hi hea$ %"t off an$ &i(e$) He 'a -"rie$ :"i%(l!, 'ith the minim"m of %eremon!) It 'a terri-le) Hi $eath ma$e hi life eem "%h a 'a te) So m"%h of hi (no'le$#e 'a -"rie$ 'ith him, an$ 'hat to me 'a more than (no'le$#e 8 hi attit"$e , hi reli h for Afri%a, hi feelin# for the -elief of the fore t) A little -it of the 'orl$ 'a lo t 'ith him) I ha$ a$mire$ him for hi &"rit!, -"t no' I ha$ to a ( 'hether in the en$ it ha$ -een of +al"e) A $eath li(e that ma(e " :"e tion e+er!thin#) B"t 'e are men1 re#ar$le of the $eath aro"n$ " 'e %ontin"e to -e fle h an$ -loo$ an$ min$, an$ 'e %annot ta! 'ith that :"e tionin# moo$ for lon#) When the moo$ 'ent a'a! I felt 8 'hat $ee& $o'n, a a life.lo+in# man, I ha$ ne+er $o"-te$ 8 that he ha$ &a e$ hi time -etter than mo t of " ) The i$ea 9ather H"i man ha$ of hi %i+ili@ation ha$ ma$e him li+e hi &arti%"lar (in$ of $e$i%ate$ life) It ha$ ent him loo(in#, in:"irin#1 it ha$ ma$e him fin$ h"man ri%hne 'here the re t of " a' -" h or ha$ to&&e$ eein# an!thin# at all) B"t hi i$ea of hi %i+ili@ation 'a al o li(e hi +anit!) It ha$ ma$e him rea$ too m"%h in that min#lin# of &eo&le -! o"r ri+er1 an$ he ha$ &ai$ for it) Little 'a ai$ a-o"t the 'a! he ha$ $ie$) B"t the -o$! ha$ floate$ $o'n the main ri+er in a $"#o"t an$ m" t ha+e -een een -! man! &eo&le) Wor$ #ot aro"n$ the l!%<e) In o"r to'n 9ather H"i man ha$ the re&"tation 8 tho"#h mo t &eo&le 'ere rather +a#"e a-o"t him 8 of -ein# a lo+er of Afri%a1 an$ ome of the -o! at the l!%<e 'ere em-arra e$ an$ a hame$) Some 'ere a##re i+e) 9er$inan$ 8 re%o+ere$ from the $a! of fri#ht, hi 'i h to -e -a%( in hi father* or mother* +illa#e 8 'a one of the a##re i+e one ) I 'a n*t "r&ri e$)
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9er$inan$ ai$, ,It i a thin# of E"ro&ean , a m" e"m) Here it i #oin# a#ain t the #o$ of Afri%an ) We ha+e ma ( in o"r ho" e an$ 'e (no' 'hat the! are there for) We $on*t ha+e to #o to H"i man * m" e"m)0 ,The #o$ of Afri%an 0 8 the 'or$ 'ere Aett!* , an$ Aett! ha$ #ot them from the lea$er of the "&ri in# a#ain t the Ara- on the %oa t) I ha$ hear$ the 'or$ for the fir t time that ni#ht 'hen 'e hear$ the #"nfire from the h!$roele%tri% tation an$ (ne' that 'e 'ere afe) The 'or$ , o%%"rrin# 'hen the! $i$, eeme$ to ha+e relea e$ %ertain thin# in 9er$inan$) Tho e $a! in the flat ha$ -een $a! of &e%ial %ri i for 9er$inan$, an$ he ha$ e+er in%e -een ettlin# into a ne' %hara%ter) Thi one fitte$, or ma$e more en e) He 'a no lon#er %on%erne$ a-o"t -ein# a &arti%"lar (in$ of Afri%an1 he 'a im&l! an Afri%an, him elf, rea$! to a%(no'le$#e all i$e of hi %hara%ter) It $i$n*t ma(e him ea ier) He a-an$one$ &olitene 1 he -e%ame a##re i+e an$ &er+er e, o+er a e%ret ner+o" ne ) He -e#an to ta! a'a! from the ho& an$ flat) I e2&e%te$ that1 it 'a hi 'a! of $emon tratin#, after the #reat fri#ht of the re-ellion, that he %o"l$ $o 'itho"t me) B"t then one $a! Aett! -ro"#ht me a letter from 9er$inan$, an$ the letter mo+e$ me) It 'a a one. enten%e letter 'ritten in +er! -i# letter on a line$ heet ro"#hl! torn o"t from an e2er%i e -oo(, an$ ent 'itho"t an en+elo&e, the heet 3" t fol$e$ mall an$ ti#ht) ,SalimB Yo" too( me in that time an$ treate$ me a a mem-er of !o"r o'n famil!) 9)0 It 'a hi letter of than( ) I ha$ #i+en him helter "n$er m! o'n roof, an$ to him, a an Afri%an, that ho &italit! 'a e2traor$inar! an$ ha$ to -e a%(no'le$#e$) B"t he $i$n*t 'ant to a&&ear fa'nin# or 'ea(, an$ e+er!thin# in the letter 'a $eli-eratel! %r"$e 8 no en+elo&e, the line$ &a&er torn $o'n one i$e, the +er! -i# an$ %arele han$'ritin#, the a- en%e of the $ire%t 'or$ of than( , the ,SalimB0 an$ not ,Dear Salim,0 the ,9)0 an$ not ,9er$inan$)0 I fo"n$ it f"nn! an$ mo+in#) Yet there 'a omethin# ironi%al a-o"t the 'hole thin#) The a%tion 'hi%h ha$ $ra'n that oftne from 9er$inan$ 'a the im&le #e t"re of a man from the %oa t 'ho e famil! ha$ li+e$ %lo e, too %lo e, to their er+ant , on%e their la+e , $e %en$ant of &eo&le nat%he$ from thi &art of Afri%a) 9er$inan$ 'o"l$ ha+e -een o"tra#e$ if he (ne') Still, the letter, an$ hi "na&olo#eti% ne' %hara%ter, ho'e$ ho' far, a a man, he ha$ ro"n$e$ o"t) An$ that 'a 'hat hi mother, Za-eth, ha$ ha$ in min$ 'hen he -ro"#ht him to the ho& an$ a (e$ me to loo( after him) What 9er$inan$ ha$ ai$ a-o"t 9ather H"i man * %olle%tion, other &eo&le -e#an to a!) While he li+e$, 9ather H"i man , %olle%tin# the thin# of Afri%a, ha$ -een tho"#ht a frien$ of Afri%a) B"t no' that %han#e$) It 'a felt that the %olle%tion 'a an affront to Afri%an reli#ion, an$ no one at the l!%<e too( it o+er) /erha& there 'a no one there 'ith the (no'le$#e an$ the e!e that 'ere re:"ire$) Di itor 'ere ometime ho'n the %olle%tion) The 'oo$en %ar+in# remaine$ a the! 'ere1 -"t in the "n.+entilate$ #"n room the ma ( -e#an to $eteriorate an$ the mell -e%ame more "n&lea ant) The ma ( them el+e , %r"m-lin# on the latte$ hel+e , eeme$ to lo e the reli#io" &o'er 9ather H"i man ha$ ta"#ht me to ee in them1 'itho"t him, the! im&l! -e%ame e2tra+a#ant o-3e%t ) In the lon# &ea%e that no' ettle$ on the to'n, 'e -e#an to re%ei+e +i itor from a $o@en %o"ntrie , tea%her , t"$ent , hel&er in thi an$ that, &eo&le 'ho -eha+e$ li(e $i %o+erer of Afri%a, 'ere ha&&! 'ith e+er!thin# the! fo"n$, an$ loo(e$ $o'n :"ite a -it on forei#ner li(e
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o"r el+e 'ho ha$ -een li+in# there) The %olle%tion -e#an to -e &illa#e$) Who more Afri%an than the !o"n# Ameri%an 'ho a&&eare$ amon# " , 'ho more rea$! to &"t on Afri%an %lothe an$ $an%e Afri%an $an%e E He left "$$enl! -! the teamer one $a!1 an$ it 'a $i %o+ere$ after'ar$ that the -"l( of the %olle%tion in the #"n room ha$ -een %rate$ an$ hi&&e$ -a%( 'ith hi -elon#in# to the Unite$ State , no $o"-t to -e the n"%le" of the #aller! of &rimiti+e art he often &o(e of tartin#) The ri%he t &ro$"%t of the fore t)



If !o" loo( at a %ol"mn of ant on the mar%h !o" 'ill ee that there are ome 'ho are tra##ler or ha+e lo t their 'a!) The %ol"mn ha no time for them1 it #oe on) Sometime the tra##ler $ie) B"t e+en thi ha no effe%t on the %ol"mn) There i a little $i t"r-an%e aro"n$ the %or& e, 'hi%h i e+ent"all! %arrie$ off 8 an$ then it a&&ear o li#ht) An$ all the time the #reat -" !ne %ontin"e , an$ that a&&arent o%ia-ilit!, that rite of meetin# an$ #reetin# 'hi%h ant tra+ellin# in o&&o ite $ire%tion , to an$ from their ne t, &erform 'itho"t fail) So it 'a after the $eath of 9ather H"i man ) In the ol$ $a! hi $eath 'o"l$ ha+e %a" e$ an#er, an$ &eo&le 'o"l$ ha+e 'ante$ to #o o"t to loo( for hi (iller ) B"t no' 'e 'ho remaine$ 8 o"t i$er , -"t neither ettler nor +i itor , 3" t &eo&le 'ith no'here -etter to #o 8 &"t o"r hea$ $o'n an$ #ot on 'ith o"r -" ine ) The onl! me a#e of hi $eath 'a that 'e ha$ to -e %aref"l o"r el+e an$ remem-er 'here 'e 'ere) An$ o$$l! eno"#h, -! a%tin# a 'e $i$, -! &"ttin# o"r hea$ $o'n an$ #ettin# on 'ith o"r 'or(, 'e hel&e$ to -rin# a-o"t 'hat he ha$ &ro&he ie$ for o"r to'n) He ha$ ai$ that o"r to'n 'o"l$ "ffer et-a%( -"t that the! 'o"l$ -e tem&orar!) After ea%h et-a%(, the %i+ili@ation of E"ro&e 'o"l$ -e%ome a little more e%"re at the -en$ in the ri+er1 the to'n 'o"l$ al'a! tart "& a#ain, an$ 'o"l$ #ro' a little more ea%h time) In the &ea%e that 'e no' ha$, the to'n 'a n*t onl! re.e ta-li he$1 it #re') An$ the re-ellion an$ 9ather H"i man * $eath re%e$e$ fa t) We $i$n*t ha+e 9ather H"i man * -i# +ie' ) Some of " ha$ o"r o'n %lear i$ea a-o"t Afri%an an$ their f"t"re) B"t it o%%"rre$ to me that 'e $i$ reall! hare hi faith in the f"t"re) Unle 'e -elie+e$ that %han#e 'a %omin# to o"r &art of Afri%a, 'e %o"l$n*t ha+e $one o"r -" ine ) There 'o"l$ ha+e -een no &oint) An$ 8 in &ite of a&&earan%e 8 'e al o ha$ the attit"$e to o"r el+e that he ha$ to him elf) He a' him elf a &art of a #reat hi tori%al &ro%e 1 he 'o"l$ ha+e een hi o'n $eath a "nim&ortant, har$l! a $i t"r-an%e) We felt li(e that too, -"t from a $ifferent an#le) We 'ere im&le men 'ith %i+ili@ation -"t 'itho"t other home ) Whene+er 'e 'ere allo'e$ to, 'e $i$ the %om&li%ate$ thin# 'e ha$ to $o, li(e the ant ) We ha$ the o%%a ional %omfort of
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re'ar$, -"t in #oo$ time or -a$ 'e li+e$ 'ith the (no'le$#e that 'e 'ere e2&en$a-le, that o"r la-o"r mi#ht at an! moment #o to 'a te, that 'e o"r el+e mi#ht -e ma he$ "&1 an$ that other 'o"l$ re&la%e " ) To " that 'a the &ainf"l &art, that other 'o"l$ %ome at the -etter time) B"t 'e 'ere li(e the ant 1 'e (e&t on) /eo&le in o"r &o ition mo+e ra&i$l! from $e&re ion to o&timi m an$ -a%( $o'n a#ain) No' 'e 'ere in a &erio$ of -oom) We felt the ne' r"lin# intelli#en%e 8 an$ ener#! 8 from the %a&ital1 there 'a a lot of %o&&er mone! aro"n$1 an$ the e t'o thin# 8 or$er an$ mone! 8 'ere eno"#h to #i+e " %onfi$en%e) A little of that 'ent a lon# 'a! 'ith " ) It relea e$ o"r ener#!1 an$ ener#!, rather than :"i%(ne or #reat %a&ital, 'a 'hat 'e &o e e$) All (in$ of &ro3e%t 'ere tarte$) Dario" #o+ernment $e&artment %ame to life a#ain1 an$ the to'n at la t -e%ame a &la%e that %o"l$ -e ma$e to 'or() We alrea$! ha$ the teamer er+i%e1 no' the airfiel$ 'a re%ommi ione$ an$ e2ten$e$, to ta(e the 3et from the %a&ital =an$ to fl! in ol$ier >) The cit+s fille$ "&, an$ ne' one 'ere -"ilt, tho"#h nothin# that 'a $one %o"l$ %o&e 'ith the mo+ement of &eo&le from the +illa#e 1 'e ne+er lo t the :"atter an$ %am&er in o"r %entral treet an$ :"are ) B"t there 'ere -" e no', an$ man! more ta2i ) We e+en -e#an to #et a ne' tele&hone ! tem) It 'a far too ela-orate for o"r nee$ , -"t it 'a 'hat the Bi# Aan in the %a&ital 'ante$ for " ) The #ro'th of the &o&"lation %o"l$ -e #a"#e$ -! the #ro'th of the r"--i h hea& in the cit+s) The! $i$n*t -"rn their r"--i h in oil $r"m , a 'e $i$1 the! 3" t thre' it o"t on the -ro(en treet 8 that ifte$, a h! Afri%an r"--i h) Tho e mo"n$ of r"--i h, tho"#h %on tantl! flattene$ -! rain, #re' month -! month into in%rea in#l! oli$ little hill , an$ the hill literall! -e%ame a hi#h a the -o2.li(e %on%rete ho" e of the cit+s) No-o$! 'ante$ to mo+e that r"--i h) B"t the ta2i tan( of $i infe%tant1 the offi%ial of o"r health $e&artment 'ere fier%e a-o"t ta2i ) An$ for thi rea on) In the %olonial $a! &"-li% +ehi%le ha$ -! la' to -e $i infe%te$ on%e a !ear -! the health $e&artment) The $i in.fe%tor 'ere entitle$ to a &er onal fee) That %" tom ha$ -een remem-ere$) An! n"m-er of &eo&le 'ante$ to -e $i infe%tor 1 an$ no' ta2i an$ tr"%( 'eren*t $i infe%te$ 3" t on%e a !ear1 the! 'ere $i infe%te$ 'hene+er the! 'ere %a"#ht) The fee ha$ to -e &ai$ ea%h time1 an$ $i infe%tor in their offi%ial 3ee& &la!e$ hi$e an$ ee( 'ith ta2i an$ tr"%( amon# the hill of r"--i h) The re$ $irt roa$ of o"r to'n, ne#le%te$ for !ear , ha$ :"i%(l! -e%ome %orr"#ate$ 'ith the ne' traffi% 'e ha$1 an$ the e $i infe%tant %ha e 'ere in a %"rio" (in$ of lo' motion, 'ith the +ehi%le of h"nter an$ h"nte$ &it%hin# "& an$ $o'n the %orr"#ation li(e la"n%he in a hea+! ea) All the &eo&le 8 li(e the health offi%ial 8 'ho &erforme$ er+i%e for rea$! mone! 'ere ener#eti%, or %o"l$ -e ma$e o; the %" tom &eo&le, the &oli%e, an$ e+en the arm!) The a$mini tration, ho'e+er hollo', 'a f"ller1 there 'ere &eo&le !o" %o"l$ a&&eal to) Yo" %o"l$ #et thin# $one, if !o" (ne' ho' to #o a-o"t it) An$ the to'n at the -en$ in the ri+er -e%ame a#ain 'hat 9ather H"i man ha$ ai$ it ha$ al'a! -een, lon# -efore the &eo&le of the In$ian O%ean or E"ro&e %ame to it) It -e%ame the tra$in# %entre for the re#ion, 'hi%h 'a +a t) &archands %ame in no' from +er! far a'a!, ma(in# 3o"rne! m"%h more $iffi%"lt than Za-eth* 1 ome of tho e 3o"rne! too( a 'ee() The teamer $i$n*t #o -e!on$ o"r to'n1 a-o+e the ra&i$ there 'ere onl! $"#o"t = ome 'ith o"t-oar$ motor > an$ a fe' la"n%he ) O"r to'n -e%ame a #oo$ $e&ot, an$ I a%:"ire$ a n"m-er of a#en%ie =rea "min# ome that 9er$inan$ ha$ ha$> for thin# that "ntil then I ha$ more or le -een ellin# retail)
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There 'a mone! in a#en%ie ) The im&ler the &ro$"%t, the im&ler an$ -etter the -" ine ) It 'a a $ifferent (in$ of -" ine from the retail tra$e) Ele%tri% -atterie , for in tan%e 8 I -o"#ht an$ ol$ :"antitie lon# -efore the! arri+e$1 I $i$n*t ha+e to han$le them &h! i%all! or e+en ee them) It 'a li(e $ealin# in 'or$ alone, i$ea on &a&er1 it 'a li(e a form of &la! 8 "ntil one $a! !o" 'ere notifie$ that the -atterie ha$ arri+e$, an$ !o" 'ent to the %" tom 'areho" e an$ a' that the! e2i te$, that 'or(men ome'here ha$ a%t"all! ma$e the thin# ) S"%h " ef"l thin# , "%h ne%e ar! thin# 8 the! 'o"l$ ha+e -een a%%e&ta-le in a &lain -ro'n.&a&er %a in#1 -"t the &eo&le 'ho ha$ ma$e them ha$ #one to the e2tra tro"-le of #i+in# them &rett! la-el , 'ith tem&tin# lo#an ) Tra$e, #oo$ B What a m! ter!B We %o"l$n*t ma(e the thin# 'e $ealt in1 'e har$l! "n$er too$ their &rin%i&le ) Aone! alone ha$ -ro"#ht the e ma#i%al thin# to " $ee& in the -" h, an$ 'e $ealt in them o %a "all!B Sale men from the %a&ital, E"ro&ean mo t of them, &referrin# to fl! "& no' rather than &en$ e+en $a! on the teamer %omin# "& an$ fi+e #oin# $o'n, -e#an to ta! at the +an $er We!$en, an$ the! #a+e a little +ariet! to o"r o%ial life) In the Helleni% Cl"-, in the -ar , the! -ro"#ht at la t that to"%h of E"ro&e an$ the -i# %it! 8 the atmo &here in 'hi%h, from hi torie , I ha$ ima#ine$ Na@r"$$in li+in# here) Aahe h, 'ith hi ho& 3" t a%ro the roa$ from the +an $er We!$en, a' the %omin# an$ #oin# , an$ hi e2%itement le$ him into a erie of little -" ine +ent"re ) It 'a tran#e a-o"t Aahe h) He 'a al'a! on the loo(o"t for the -i# -rea(, -"t he %o"l$ &en$ 'ee( on thin# that 'ere :"ite &ett!) He a%:"ire$ at one time a ma%hine for %"ttin# o"t or en#ra+in# letter an$ n"m-er , an$ he a%:"ire$ a ta%( of the +er! to"#h &la ti% &late on 'hi%h the n"m-er or letter 'ere to -e en#ra+e$) Hi i$ea 'a to "&&l! name.&late to the to'n) He &ra%ti e$ at home1 Sho-a ai$ the noi e 'a terri-le) Aahe h, in hi flat an$ in hi ho&, ho'e$ off the &ra%ti e name&late a tho"#h it 'a he, rather than the ma%hine, that ha$ ma$e the -ea"tif"l letter ) The mo$ernit! an$ &re%i ion 8 an$, a-o+e all, the ,man"fa%t"re$0 loo( of the &late 8 reall! e2%ite$ him, an$ he 'a "re it 'o"l$ e2%ite e+er!-o$! el e a 'ell) He ha$ -o"#ht the e:"i&ment from a ale man 'ho ha$ ta!e$ at the +an $er We!$en) An$ it 'a t!&i%al of Aahe h* %a "al a&&roa%h to -" ine that 'hen it %ame to #ettin# en#ra+in# or$er , he %o"l$ onl! thin( of %ro in# the roa$ -a%( to the +an $er We!$en 8 re+er in# the tri& of the ale man 'ho ha$ ol$ him the e:"i&ment) He ha$ &inne$ all hi ho&e on the +an $er We!$en) He 'a #oin# to re$o the room n"m-er , all the Hommes an$ "ames i#n , an$ he 'a #oin# to affi2 $e %ri&ti+e &late on almo t e+er! $oor $o'n tair ) The +an $er We!$en alone 'a #oin# to (ee& him -" ! for 'ee( an$ &a! -a%( for the ma%hine) B"t the +an $er We!$en o'ner =a mi$$le.a#e$ Italian %o"&le 'ho (e&t them el+e in the -a%(#ro"n$ an$ hi$ -ehin$ their Afri%an front men> $i$n*t 'ant to &la!) An$ not man! of " felt the nee$ to ha+e o"r name on trian#"lar e%tion of 'oo$ on o"r $e () So that i$ea 'a $ro&&e$1 that tool 'a for#otten) Aahe h, -roa%hin# a ne' i$ea, li(e$ to -e m! terio" ) The time, for in tan%e, he 'ante$ to im&ort a ma%hine from ?a&an for %"ttin# little flat 'oo$ ti%( an$ &oon for i%e %ream, he $i$n*t a! o ri#ht o"t) He -e#an -! offerin# me a am&le &oon in a &a&er 'ra&&er 'hi%h the ale man ha$ #i+en him) I loo(e$ at the little hoe. ha&e$ &oon) What 'a there to a!E He a (e$ me to mell the &oon an$ then to ta te it1 an$ 'hile I $i$ o he loo(e$ at me in a 'a! that ma$e me feel that I 'a #oin# to -e "r&ri e$) There 'a no "r&ri e; he 'a 3" t $emon tratin# to me 8
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omethin# I m" t a! I ha$ ne+er to&&e$ to thin( a-o"t 8 that i%e %ream &oon an$ ti%( ho"l$n*t ta te or mell) He 'ante$ to (no' 'hether there 'a a lo%al 'oo$ 'hi%h 'a li(e that ni%e ?a&ane e 'oo$) To im&ort the 'oo$ from ?a&an 'ith the ma%hine 'o"l$ -e too %om&li%ate$, an$ mi#ht ma(e the ti%( an$ &oon %o t more than the i%e %ream) So for ome 'ee( 'e tho"#ht an$ tal(e$ a-o"t 'oo$) The i$ea intere te$ me1 I #ot ta(en "& 'ith it, an$ -e#an to loo( at tree in a $ifferent 'a!) We ha$ ta tin# e ion , mellin# an$ ta tin# $ifferent (in$ of 'oo$, in%l"$in# ome +arietie that Da"lat, the man 'ith the tr"%( , &i%(e$ "& for " on hi r"n ea t) B"t then it o%%"rre$ to me that it 'a im&ortant to fin$ o"t 8 -efore the &oon.ma(in# ma%hine %ame $o'n 8 'hether the lo%al &eo&le, 'ith their o'n ta te in foo$, 'ere rea$! for i%e %ream) /erha& there 'a a #oo$ rea on 'h! the i%e %ream i$ea ha$n*t o%%"rre$ to an!-o$! el e1 an$ 'e ha$ Italian in the to'n, after all) An$ ho' 'a the i%e %ream #oin# to -e ma$eE Where 'ere the mil( an$ the e## E Aahe h ai$, ,Do !o" nee$ e## to ma(e i%e %reamE0 I ai$, ,I $on*t (no') I 'a a (in# !o")0 It 'a n*t the i%e %ream that attra%te$ Aahe h) It 'a the i$ea of that im&le ma%hine, or rather the i$ea of -ein# the onl! man in the to'n to o'n "%h a ma%hine) When Sho-a ha$ met him he ha$ -een a motor%!%le re&airman1 an$ he ha$ -een o flattere$ -! her $e+otion that he ha$ not ri en a-o+e that (in$ of &er on) He remaine$ the man 'ho lo+e$ little ma%hine an$ ele%tri%al tool an$ a' them a ma#i%al mean of ma(in# a li+in#) I (ne' a n"m-er of men li(e that on the %oa t, men of o"r %omm"nit!1 an$ I -elie+e &eo&le li(e that e2i t 'here+er ma%hine are not ma$e) The e men are #oo$ 'ith their han$ an$ #ifte$ in their o'n 'a!) The! are $a@@le$ -! the ma%hine the! im&ort) That i &art of their intelli#en%e1 -"t the! oon tart -eha+in# a tho"#h the! $on*t 3" t o'n the ma%hine , -"t the &atent a 'ell1 the! 'o"l$ li(e to -e the onl! men in the 'orl$ 'ith "%h ma#i%al in tr"ment ) Aahe h 'a loo(in# for the 'on$erf"l im&orte$ thin# 'hi%h he 'o"l$ o'n e2%l" i+el!, the im&le thin# 'hi%h 'o"l$ &ro+i$e a hort.%"t to &o'er an$ mone!) So that in thi re &e%t Aahe h 'a onl! a not%h or t'o a-o+e the marchands 'ho %ame to the to'n to -"! mo$ern #oo$ to ta(e -a%( to their +illa#e ) I " e$ to 'on$er ho' omeone li(e Aahe h ha$ "r+i+e$ all that he ha$ "r+i+e$ in o"r to'n) There 'a a (in$ of :"iet 'i $om or %annine there, no $o"-t of that) B"t I al o -e#an to feel that he ha$ "r+i+e$ -e%a" e he 'a %a "al, 'itho"t $o"-t or $ee& an2ietie , an$ 8 in &ite of hi tal( of #ettin# o"t to a -etter %o"ntr! = tan$ar$ tal( amon# " > 8 'itho"t $ee&er am-ition ) He "ite$ the &la%e1 he 'o"l$ ha+e fo"n$ it har$ to "r+i+e an!'here el e) Sho-a 'a hi life) She tol$ him 8 or -! her $e+otion ho'e$ him 8 ho' fine he 'a 1 an$ I -elie+e he a' him elf a he a' him) O"t i$e that, he too( thin# a the! %ame) An$ no' in the mo t %a "al 'a!, 'ith almo t no attem&t at e%re%! or #"ile, he -e%ame in+ol+e$ in ,-" ine 0 $eal that fri#htene$ me 'hen he tol$ me a-o"t them) He eeme$ "na-le to re i t an!thin# that mi#ht -e $e %ri-e$ a a -" ine offer) An$ mo t of tho e -" ine offer %ame to him no' from the arm!) I 'a n*t too ha&&! 'ith o"r ne' arm!) I &referre$ the men from the 'arrior tri-e, for all their ro"#hne ) I "n$er too$ their tri-al &ri$e an$ 8 al'a! ma(in# allo'an%e for that 8 I ha$ fo"n$ them trai#ht) The offi%er of the ne' arm! 'ere a $ifferent -ree$) No 'arrior %o$e there1 no %o$e) The! 'ere all in +ar!in# 'a! li(e 9er$inan$, an$ the! 'ere often a !o"n# a 9er$inan$) The! 'ere a a##re i+e, -"t 'itho"t 9er$inan$* "n$erl!in# #ra%io" ne )
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The! 'ore their "niform the 'a! 9er$inan$ ha$ at one time 'orn hi l!%<e -la@er; the! a' them el+e -oth a the ne' men of Afri%a an$ the men of the ne' Afri%a) The! ma$e "%h &la! 'ith the national fla# an$ the &ortrait of the /re i$ent 8 the t'o no' al'a! #oin# to#ether 8 that in the -e#innin# I tho"#ht, after all that the %o"ntr! ha$ #one thro"#h, an$ all that ha$ ha&&ene$ to them, the offi%er , all the l"%(! a%%i$ent that ha$ ta(en them 'here the! ha$ #ot, in the -e#innin# I tho"#ht the e ne' offi%er too$ for a ne', %on tr"%ti+e &ri$e) B"t the! 'ere im&ler) The fla# an$ the /re i$ent* &ortrait 'ere onl! li(e their feti he , the o"r%e of their a"thorit!) The! $i$n*t ee, the e !o"n# men, that there 'a an!thin# to -"il$ in their %o"ntr!) A far a the! 'ere %on%erne$, it 'a all there alrea$!) The! ha$ onl! to ta(e) The! -elie+e$ that, -! -ein# 'hat the! 'ere, the! ha$ earne$ the ri#ht to ta(e1 an$ the hi#her the offi%er, the #reater the %roo(e$ne 8 if that 'or$ ha$ an! meanin#) With their #"n an$ 3ee& , the e men 'ere &oa%her of i+or! an$ thie+e of #ol$) I+or!, #ol$ 8 a$$ la+e , an$ it 'o"l$ ha+e -een li(e -ein# -a%( in ol$e t Afri%a) An$ the e men 'o"l$ ha+e $ealt in la+e , if there 'a till a mar(et) It 'a to the tra$er in the to'n that the arm! t"rne$ 'hen the! 'i he$ to %lear their #ol$ or, more e &e%iall!, the i+or! the! ha$ &oa%he$) Offi%ial an$ #o+ernment ri#ht a%ro the %ontinent 'ere en#a#e$ in thi i+or! tra$e 'hi%h the! them el+e ha$ $e%lare$ ille#al) It ma$e m"##lin# ea !1 -"t I 'a ner+o" of #ettin# in+ol+e$, -e%a" e a #o+ernment that -rea( it o'n la' %an al o ea il! -rea( !o") Yo"r -" ine a o%iate to$a! %an -e !o"r 3ailer or 'or e tomorro') B"t Aahe h $i$n*t min$) Li(e a %hil$, a it eeme$ to me, he a%%e&te$ all the &oi one$ 'eet that 'ere offere$ him) B"t he 'a n*t a %hil$1 he (ne' the 'eet 'ere &oi one$) He ai$, ,Oh, the! 'ill let !o" $o'n) B"t if the! let !o" $o'n, !o" &a! "&) That i all) In !o"r %o tin# !o" ma(e allo'an%e for that) Yo" 3" t &a!) I $on*t thin( !o" "n$er tan$, Salim) An$ it i n*t an ea ! thin# to "n$er tan$) It i n*t that there* no ri#ht an$ 'ron# here) There* no ri#ht)0 T'i%e, mira%"lo" l! inter&retin# a non en e tele&hone %all from him a an a&&eal for hel&, I ha$ to ta(e a'a! thin# from hi flat) The fir t time, one afternoon, after ome in%on e:"ential tal( from him a-o"t tenni an$ the hoe I ha$ a (e$ for, I $ro+e to hi flat an$ -le' m! horn) He $i$n*t %ome $o'n) He o&ene$ a 'in$o' of hi ittin# room an$ ho"te$ $o'n to me in the treet, ,I*m en$in# the -o! $o'n 'ith the tenni hoe for !o") Ri#ht, SalimB0 An$, till tan$in# -efore the 'in$o', he t"rne$ an$ ho"te$ in &atoi to omeone in i$e) , F3honse6Ao,tchikon% po,r &is5 SalimB0 8 ao,tcbikon%, from cao,tcho,c, the 9ren%h 'or$ for r"--er, -ein# &atoi for %an+a hoe ) With man! &eo&le loo(in# on, the -o! Il$e&hon e -ro"#ht $o'n omethin# ro"#hl! 'ra&&e$ in ne' &a&er) I thre' it on the -a%( eat an$ $ro+e off 'itho"t han#in# aro"n$) It t"rne$ o"t, 'hen I e2amine$ it later, to -e a -"n$le of forei#n -an( note 1 an$ it 'ent, a oon a it 'a $ar(, into the hole in the #ro"n$ at the foot of m! e2ternal tair%a e) To hel& Aahe h li(e thi , tho"#h, 'a onl! to en%o"ra#e him) The ne2t time I ha$ to -"r! ome i+or!) B"r!in# i+or!B What a#e 'ere 'e li+in# inE What $i$ &eo&le 'ant i+or! for, a&art from %ar+in# it 8 an$ not too 'ell the e $a! 8 into %i#arette hol$er an$ fi#"rine an$ 3"n( li(e thatE Still, the e $eal ma$e Aahe h mone!, an$ he a%(no'le$#e$ m! hel& an$ &"t me in the 'a! of a$$in# to m! little tore of #ol$) He ha$ ai$ that there 'a no ri#ht) It 'a har$ for me to a$a&t to that1 -"t he mana#e$ it -ea"tif"ll!) He 'a al'a! %ool an$ %a "al, ne+er r"ffle$) I ha$ to a$mire him for it) Tho"#h the %a "alne %o"l$ lea$ him into it"ation that 'ere :"ite ri$i%"lo" )
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He ai$ to me one $a!, 'ith the m! terio" , o+er.inno%ent manner he &"t on 'hen he 'a a-o"t to tell a-o"t ome $eal; ,Yo" rea$ the forei#n &a&er , Salim) Are !o" (ee&in# an e!e on the %o&&er mar(etE What* it li(eE0 Well, %o&&er 'a hi#h) We all (ne' that1 %o&&er 'a at the -ottom of o"r little -oom) He ai$, ,It* that 'ar the Ameri%an are fi#htin#) I hear the!*+e " e$ "& more %o&&er in the la t t'o !ear than the 'orl$ ha " e$ in the la t t'o %ent"rie )0 Thi 'a -oom tal(, ale men* %hat from the +an $er We!$en) Aahe h, 3" t a%ro the roa$, &i%(e$ "& a fair amo"nt of that %hat1 'itho"t it, he mi#ht ha+e ha$ le i$ea than he ha$ of 'hat 'a ha&&enin# in the 'orl$) 9rom %o&&er he t"rne$ to the other metal , an$ 'e tal(e$ for a 'hile, :"ite i#norantl!, a-o"t the &ro &e%t for tin an$ lea$) Then he ai$, ,Urani"m 8 'hat a-o"t thatE What are the! :"otin# that at no'E0 I ai$, ,I $on*t thin( the! :"ote that)0 He #a+e me hi inno%ent loo() ,B"t it m" t -e &rett! hi#hE A %ha& here 'ant to ell a &ie%e)0 ,Do the! ell "rani"m in &ie%e E What $oe it loo( li(eE0 ,I ha+en*t een it) B"t the %ha& 'ant to ell it for a million $ollar )0 That 'a 'hat 'e 'ere li(e) One $a! #r"--in# for foo$, o&enin# r" t! tin , %oo(in# on %har%oal -ra@ier an$ o+er hole in the #ro"n$1 an$ no' tal(in# of a million $ollar a tho"#h 'e ha$ tal(e$ of million all o"r li+e ) Aahe h ai$, ,I tol$ the #eneral it %o"l$ -e ol$ onl! to a forei#n &o'er, an$ he tol$ me to #o ahea$) Yo" (no' ol$ Aan%ini) He i %on "l for :"ite a fe' %o"ntrie here 8 that* a ni%e line of -" ine , I al'a! thin() I 'ent to ee him) I tol$ him trai#ht o"t, -"t he 'a n*t intere te$) In fa%t, Aan%ini 'ent %ra@!) He ran to the $oor an$ %lo e$ it an$ too$ 'ith hi -a%( a#ain t it an$ tol$ me to #et o"t) Hi fa%e 'a re$, re$) E+er!-o$!* fri#htene$ of the Bi# Aan in the %a&ital) What $o !o" thin( I ho"l$ tell the #eneral, SalimE He* fri#htene$ too) He tol$ me he tole it from ome to&. e%"rit! &la%e) I 'o"l$n*t li(e to ma(e an enem! of the #eneral) I 'o"l$n*t li(e him to thin( I ha$n*t trie$) What $o !o" thin( I ho"l$ tell himE Serio" l!, erio" l!)0 ,Yo" a! he* fri#htene$E0 ,Der! fri#htene$)0 ,Then tell him he* -ein# 'at%he$ an$ he m" tn*t %ome to ee !o" a#ain)0 I loo(e$ in m! %ien%e ma#a@ine an$ %hil$ren* en%!%lo&ae$ia &art =I ha$ #ro'n to lo+e tho e> an$ rea$ "& on "rani"m) Urani"m i one of tho e thin# 'e all hear a-o"t -"t not man! of " (no' a-o"t) Li(e oil) I " e$ to thin(, from hearin# an$ rea$in# a-o"t oil re er+oir , that oil ran in tra&&e$ "n$er#ro"n$ tream ) It 'a m! en%!%lo&ae$ia &art 'hi%h tol$ me that oil re er+oir 'ere of tone an$ %o"l$ e+en -e of mar-le, 'ith the oil in tin! &o%(et ) It 'a in 3" t "%h a 'a!, I "&&o e, that the #eneral, hearin# of the immen e +al"e of "rani"m, ha$ tho"#ht of it a a (in$ of "&er.&re%io" metal, a (in$ of #ol$ n"##et) Aan%ini the %on "l, m" t ha+e tho"#ht o too) A! rea$in# tol$ me of ton an$ ton of ore that ha$ to -e &ro%e e$ an$ re$"%e$ 8 -"t re$"%e$ to heft! -lo%( ) The #eneral, offerin# a ,&ie%e,0 mi#ht ha+e -een $"&e$ him elf) B"t for ome rea on 8 Aahe h mi#ht ha+e tol$ him he 'a -ein# 'at%he$ 8 he ne+er tro"-le$ Aahe h a#ain) An$ not lon# after'ar$ he 'a &o te$ a'a! from o"r to'n) It 'a the metho$ of the ne' /re i$ent; he #a+e hi men &o'er an$ a"thorit!, -"t he ne+er allo'e$ them to ettle in an!'here an$ -e%ome lo%al (in# ) He a+e$ " a lot of tro"-le)
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Aahe h 'ent on a %ooll! a -efore) The onl! man 'ho ha$ ha$ a fri#ht 'a Aan%ini, the %on "l) That 'a 'hat 'e 'ere li(e in tho e $a! ) We felt that there 'a trea "re aro"n$ " , 'aitin# to -e &i%(e$ "&) It 'a the -" h that #a+e " thi feelin#) D"rin# the em&t!, i$le time, 'e ha$ -een in$ifferent to the -" h1 $"rin# the $a! of the re-ellion it ha$ $e&re e$ " ) No' it e2%ite$ " 8 the "n" e$ earth, 'ith the &romi e of the "n" e$) We for#ot that other ha$ -een here -efore " , an$ ha$ felt li(e " ) I hare$ in the -oom) I 'a ener#eti% in m! o'n mo$e t 'a!) B"t I 'a al o re tle ) Yo" o :"i%(l! #et " e$ to &ea%e) It i li(e -ein# 'ell 8 !o" ta(e it for #rante$, an$ for#et that 'hen !o" 'ere ill, to -e 'ell a#ain ha$ eeme$ e+er!thin#) An$ 'ith &ea%e an$ the -oom I -e#an to ee the to'n a or$inar!, for the fir t time) The flat, the ho&, the mar(et o"t i$e the ho&, the Helleni% Cl"-, the -ar , the life of the ri+er, the $"#o"t , the 'ater h!a%inth 8 I (ne' it o 'ell) An$ e &e%iall! on hot "nn! afternoon 8 that har$ li#ht, tho e -la%( ha$o' , that feelin# of tillne 8 it eeme$ 'itho"t f"rther h"man &romi e) I $i$n*t ee m! elf &en$in# the re t of m! $a! at that -en$ in the ri+er, li(e Aahe h an$ the other ) In m! o'n min$ I e&arate$ m! elf from them) I till tho"#ht of m! elf a a man 3" t &a in# thro"#h) B"t 'here 'a the #oo$ &la%eE I %o"l$n*t a!) I ne+er tho"#ht %on tr"%ti+el! a-o"t it) I 'a 'aitin# for ome ill"mination to %ome to me, to #"i$e me to the #oo$ &la%e an$ the ,life0 I 'a till 'aitin# for) 9rom time to time no' letter from m! father on the %oa t remin$e$ me of hi 'i h to ee me ettle$ 8 marrie$ to Na@r"$$in* $a"#hter; that 'a almo t li(e a famil! %ommitment) B"t I 'a le &re&are$ than e+er for that) Tho"#h it 'a a %omfort on o%%a ion to &la! 'ith the i$ea that o"t i$e thi &la%e a 'hole life 'aite$ for me, all the relation hi& that -in$ a man to the earth an$ #i+e him a feelin# of ha+in# a &la%e) B"t I (ne' that it 'a n*t li(e that reall!) I (ne' that for " the 'orl$ 'a no lon#er a afe a that) An$ a#ain e+ent %a"#ht "& 'ith m! an2ietie ) There 'a tro"-le in U#an$a, 'here Na@r"$$in ha$ a %otton.#innin# -" ine ) U#an$a "& till then ha$ -een the e%"re an$ 'ell.r"n %o"ntr! Na@r"$$in ha$ trie$ to e2%ite " a-o"t, the %o"ntr! 'hi%h re%ei+e$ ref"#ee from nei#h-orin# %o"ntrie ) No' in U#an$a it elf a (in# 'a o+erthro'n an$ for%e$ to flee1 Da"lat -ro"#ht -a%( torie of !et another arm! on the loo e) Na@r"$$in, a I remem-ere$, li+e$ 'ith the (no'le$#e that, after all hi l"%(, thin# 'ere #oin# to en$ -a$l! for him1 an$ I tho"#ht that hi l"%( ha$ r"n o"t no') B"t I 'a 'ron#1 Na@r"$$in* l"%( 'a till 'ith him) The tro"-le in U#an$a $i$n*t la t1 onl! the (in# "ffere$) Life there 'ent -a%( to normal) B"t I -e#an to fear for Na@r"$$in an$ hi famil!, an$ the i$ea of marria#e to hi $a"#hter %ea e$ to -e the i$ea of a %orre%t famil! $"t!) It -e%ame a more o&&re i+e (in$ of re &on i-ilit!, an$ I &" he$ it to the -a%( of m! min$ a omethin# I 'o"l$ fa%e 'hen I a- ol"tel! ha$ to) So in the mi$ t of the -oom I ha$ m! an2ietie an$ -e%ame almo t a $i ati fie$ an$ re tle a I ha$ -een at the -e#innin#) It 'a n*t onl! o"t i$e &re "re , or m! olit"$e an$ m! tem&erament) It al o ha$ to $o 'ith the &la%e it elf, the 'a! it ha$ altere$ 'ith the &ea%e) It 'a no-o$!* fa"lt) It 'a omethin# that ha$ 3" t ha&&ene$) D"rin# the $a! of the re-ellion I ha$ ha$ the har&e t en e of the -ea"t! of the ri+er an$ the fore t, an$ ha$ &romi e$ m! elf that 'hen the &ea%e %ame I 'o"l$ e2&o e m! elf to it, learn it, &o e that -ea"t!) I ha$ $one nothin# of the
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ort1 'hen the &ea%e %ame I ha$ im&l! to&&e$ loo(in# a-o"t me) An$ no' I felt that the m! ter! an$ the ma#i% of the &la%e ha$ #one) In tho e $a! of fear I felt 'e ha$ -een in to"%h, thro"#h the Afri%an , 'ith the &irit of the ri+er an$ fore t1 an$ that e+er!thin# ha$ -een f"ll of ten ion) B"t all the &irit eeme$ no' to ha+e left the &la%e, a , after 9ather H"i man * $eath, the &irit a&&eare$ to ha+e left hi ma ( ) We ha$ -een o ner+o" of the Afri%an $"rin# tho e $a! 1 'e ha$n*t ta(en an! man for #rante$) We ha$ -een the intr"$er , the or$inar! men, the! the in &ire$ one ) No' the &irit ha$ left them1 the! 'ere or$inar!, :"ali$, &oor) Witho"t effort 'e ha$ -e%ome, in a real 'a!, the ma ter , 'ith the #ift an$ (ill the! nee$e$) An$ 'e 'ere o im&le) On the lan$ no' or$inar! a#ain 'e ha$ arran#e$ "%h or$inar! li+e for o"r el+e 8 in the -ar an$ -rothel , the ni#ht%l"- ) Oh, it 'a "n ati fa%tor!) Yet 'hat el e %o"l$ 'e $oE We $i$ onl! 'hat 'e %o"l$ $o) We follo'e$ Aahe h* motto; 'e %arrie$ on) Aahe h $i$ more than that) He &"lle$ off a %o"&) He %ontin"e$ to %on "lt %atalo#"e , fill in %o"&on , 'rite off for f"rther information1 an$ at la t he fo"n$ the &a%(a#e he ha$ -een loo(in# for, the thin# he %o"l$ im&ort 'hole an$ " e a a hort.%"t to -" ine an$ mone!) He #ot the Bi#-"r#er fran%hi e for o"r to'n) It 'a n*t 'hat I 'a e2&e%tin#) He ha$ -een r"nnin# an o$$ little ho& that $ealt in ironmon#er! of +ario" ort , ele%tri%al #oo$ , %amera , -ino%"lar , lot of little #a$#et ) Ham-"r#er 8 Bi#-"r#er 8 $i$n*t eem to -e hi thin#) I 'a n*t e+en "re that the to'n 'o"l$ #o for Bi#-"r#er ) B"t he ha$ no $o"-t ) He ai$, ,The!*+e $one their mar(et re ear%h an$ the!*+e $e%i$e$ to ma(e a -i# &" h in Afri%a) The! ha+e an area offi%e no' in one of the 9ren%h &la%e on the 'e t %oa t) The %ha& %ame the other $a! an$ mea "re$ "& an$ e+er!thin#) The! $on*t 3" t en$ !o" the a"%e, !o" (no', Salim) The! en$ !o" the 'hole ho&)0 An$ that 'a 'hat the! $i$) The %rate that %ame "& on the teamer in a %o"&le of month $i$ %ontain the 'hole ho&; the to+e , the mil(. ha(e ma%hine , the %offee ma%hine , the %"& an$ &late , the ta-le an$ %hair , the ma$e.to.mea "re %o"nter, the tool , the ma$e.to.mea "re 'all &anellin# 'ith the Bi#-"r#er $e i#n) An$ after all thi erio" t"ff there 'ere the to! ; the Bi#-"r#er %r"et , the Bi#-"r#er (et%h"& %ontainer , the Bi#-"r#er men" an$ men" hol$er , an$ the lo+el! a$+erti ement ; ,Bi#-"r#er 8 The Bi# One 8 The Bi#.'on$erf"l One,0 'ith &i%t"re of $ifferent (in$ of Bi#.-"r#er ) I tho"#ht the Bi#-"r#er &i%t"re loo(e$ li(e mooth 'hite li& of -rea$ o+er man#le$ -la%( ton#"e of meat) B"t Aahe h $i$n*t li(e it 'hen I tol$ him, an$ I $e%i$e$ not to a! an!thin# $i re &e%tf"l a-o"t Bi#-"r#er a#ain) Aahe h ha$ -een f"ll of 3o(e a-o"t the &ro3e%t1 -"t a oon a the t"ff arri+e$ he -e%ame $ea$l! erio" 8 he ha$ -e%ome Bi#-"r#er) Aahe h* ho& 'a tr"%t"rall! :"ite im&le, the tan$ar$ %on%rete -o2 of o"r to'n1 an$ in no time the lo%al Italian -"il$er ha$ %leare$ it of Aahe h* hel+e , re'ire$, &"t in ne' &l"m-in#, an$ fitte$ "& a $a@@lin# na%( -ar that eeme$ to ha+e -een im&orte$ from the Unite$ State ) The 'hole &refa-ri%ate$ -" ine $i$ 'or(1 an$ it 'a #reat f"n to -e in Bi#-"r#er, to lea+e the e'er mell of the treet, an$ the $" t an$ the r"--i h, an$ to te& into thi mo$ern interior, 'ith the a$+erti ement an$ e+er!thin#) So Aahe h $i$, after all, &"ll it off) The &rettine ha$ an effe%t on Sho-a too) It ma$e her ener#eti% an$ -ro"#ht o"t omethin# of her famil! -" ine talent ) She or#ani@e$ the &la%e an$ oon ha$ it r"nnin# moothl!) She
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arran#e$ for the $eli+erie of meat from o"r ne' "&ermar(et =the meat %ame from So"th Afri%a, li(e o"r e## no'> an$ he arran#e$ 'ith an Italian for the loa+e ) She traine$ the -o! an$ 'or(e$ o"t their %he$"le ) Il$e&hon e, the ho" e-o!, 'a ta(en from the flat an$ #i+en a Bi#-"r#er %hef* %a& an$ a !ello' Bi#-"r#er 3a%(et an$ &"t -ehin$ the %o"nter) It 'a Aahe h* i$ea to #i+e Il$e&hon e a la-el for hi 3a%(et 'ith hi name an$ the $e i#nation 8 in En#li h, for the e2tra t!le 8 Aana#er) Aahe h $i$ little thin# li(e that ometime 'hi%h ho'e$ !o" that, %a "al a he 'a , he (ne' in tin%ti+el! ho' to o&erate in o"r to'n) He ai$ he %alle$ Il$e&hon e the mana#er to 'ar$ off Afri%an re entment of the ne', ri%h.loo(in# &la%e, an$ al o to attra%t Afri%an %" tomer ) An$ he ma$e a &oint of lea+in# Il$e&hon e in %har#e for ome ho"r e+er! $a!) It 'a tran#e a-o"t Il$e&hon e, tho"#h) He lo+e$ hi Bi#-"r#er %o t"me an$ he lo+e$ hi ne' 3o-) No one 'a :"i%(er an$ more frien$l! an$ more an2io" to &lea e than he 'a , 'hen Sho-a or Aahe h 'a aro"n$) The! tr" te$ Il$e&hon e1 the! -oa te$ of their tr" t in him, in hi &re en%e) Yet a oon a he 'a left alone he -e%ame a $ifferent &er on) He 'ent +a%ant) Not r"$e, 3" t +a%ant) I noti%e$ thi alteration in the Afri%an taff in other &la%e a 'ell) It ma$e !o" feel that 'hile the! $i$ their 3o- in their +ario" #lo ! ettin# , the! 'ere onl! a%tin# for the &eo&le 'ho em&lo!e$ them1 that the 3o- it elf 'a meanin#le to them1 an$ that the! ha$ the #ift 8 'hen the! 'ere left alone, an$ ha$ no one to a%t for 8 of e&aratin# them el+e in &irit from their ettin#, their 3o-, their "niform) Bi#-"r#er 'a a "%%e ) The +an $er We!$en, a%ro the roa$, 'a %ontent to ma(e mone! from it -e$ an$ room ) The er+i%e an$ the (it%hen there $ro+e &eo&le o"t to loo( for foo$, an$ Bi#-"r#er 'a &erfe%tl! &la%e$ to %a&t"re that ref"#ee tra$e) Bi#-"r#er attra%te$ a lot of Afri%an offi%ial an$ arm! &eo&le a 'ell 8 the! li(e$ the $e%or an$ the mo$ernit!) So that Aahe h, from r"nnin# a non$e %ri&t little har$'are ho&, fo"n$ him elf at the %entre of thin# in o"r to'n) All thi ha&&ene$ :"i%(l!, in le than a !ear) E+er!thin# ha&&ene$ :"i%(l! no') It 'a a tho"#h e+er!one felt he ha$ to ma(e "& for the lo t !ear , or a tho"#h e+er!one felt that time 'a hort, that the &la%e mi#ht %lo e $o'n at an! moment a#ain) Aahe h ai$ to me one $a!, ,Noimon offere$ me t'o million) B"t !o" (no' Noimon) When he offer t'o, !o" (no' it* 'orth fo"r)0 Noimon 'a one of o"r lo%al -i# Cree( ) The ne' f"rnit"re ho& 8 $oin# fanta ti% -" ine 8 'a 3" t one of hi +ent"re ) The t'o million he offere$ 'ere lo%al fran% , 'hi%h 'ere thirt!. i2 to the $ollar) Aahe h ai$, ,I "&&o e !o"r &la%e i 'orth a lot no') Na@r"$$in offere$ it to me, !o" (no') A h"n$re$ an$ fift! tho" an$) What $o !o" thin( !o"*ll #et for it no'E0 Yo" hear$ that (in$ of &ro&ert! tal( e+er!'here no') E+er!one 'a tottin# "& ho' m"%h he ha$ #aine$ 'ith the -oom, ho' m"%h he 'a 'orth) /eo&le learne$ to &ea( h"#e fi#"re %alml!) There ha$ -een a -oom -efore, 3" t at the en$ of the %olonial &erio$, an$ the r"ine$ "-"rnear the ra&i$ 'a 'hat it ha$ left -ehin$) Na@r"$$in ha$ tol$ a tor! a-o"t that) He ha$ #one o"t there one S"n$a! mornin#, ha$ tho"#ht that the &la%e 'a -" h rather than real e tate, an$ ha$ $e%i$e$ to ell) L"%(! for him then1 -"t no' that $ea$ "-"r- 'a -ein# reha-ilitate$) That $e+elo&ment or re$e+elo&ment ha$ -e%ome the mo t im&ortant feat"re of o"r -oom) An$ it ha$ %a" e$ the -i# re%ent ri e in &ro&ert! +al"e in the to'n)
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The -" h near the ra&i$ 'a -ein# %leare$) The r"in 'hi%h ha$ eeme$ &ermanent 'ere -ein# le+elle$ -! -"ll$o@er 1 ne' a+en"e 'ere -ein# lai$ o"t) It 'a the Bi# Aan* $oin#) The #o+ernment ha$ ta(en o+er all that area an$ $e%ree$ it the Domain of the State, an$ the Bi# Aan 'a -"il$in# 'hat loo(e$ li(e a little to'n there) It 'a ha&&enin# +er! fa t) The %o&&er mone! 'a &o"rin# in, &" hin# "& &ri%e in o"r to'n) The $ee&, earth. ha(in# -"rr of -"ll$o@er %om&ete$ 'ith the o"n$ of the ra&i$ ) E+er! teamer -ro"#ht "& E"ro&ean -"il$er an$ arti an , e+er! air&lane) The +an $er We!$en el$om ha$ room to &are) E+er!thin# the /re i$ent $i$ ha$ a rea on) A a r"ler in 'hat 'a &otentiall! ho tile territor!, he 'a %reatin# an area 'here he an$ hi fla# 'ere "&reme) A an Afri%an, he 'a -"il$in# a ne' to'n on the ite of 'hat ha$ -een a ri%h E"ro&ean "-"r- 8 -"t 'hat he 'a -"il$in# 'a meant to -e #ran$er) In the to'n the onl! ,$e i#ne$0 mo$ern -"il$in# 'a the +an $er We!$en1 an$ to " the lar#er -"il$in# of the Domain 'ere tartlin# 8 %on%rete lo"+re , &ier%e$ %on%rete -lo%( of #reat i@e, tinte$ #la ) The maller -"il$in# 8 ho" e an$ -"n#alo' 8 'ere more li(e 'hat 'e 'ere " e$ to) B"t e+en the! 'ere on the lar#e i$e an$, 'ith air %on$itioner ti%(in# o"t in man! &la%e li(e -"il$in# -lo%( that ha$ li&&e$, loo(e$ e2tra+a#ant) No one 'a "re, e+en after ome of the ho" e 'ere f"rni he$, 'hat the Domain 'a to -e " e$ for) There 'ere torie of a #reat ne' mo$el farm an$ a#ri%"lt"ral %olle#e1 a %onferen%e hall to er+e the %ontinent1 holi$a! ho" e for lo!al %iti@en ) 9rom the /re i$ent him elf there %ame no tatement) We 'at%he$ an$ 'on$ere$ 'hile the -"il$in# 'ere r"n "&) An$ then 'e -e#an to "n$er tan$ that 'hat the /re i$ent 'a attem&tin# 'a o t"&en$o" in hi o'n e!e that e+en he 'o"l$ not ha+e 'ante$ to &ro%laim it) He 'a %reatin# mo$ern Afri%a) He 'a %reatin# a mira%le that 'o"l$ a to"n$ the re t of the 'orl$) He 'a -!.&a in# real Afri%a, the $iffi%"lt Afri%a of -" h an$ +illa#e , an$ %reatin# omethin# that 'o"l$ mat%h an!thin# that e2i te$ in other %o"ntrie ) /hoto#ra&h of thi State Domain 8 an$ of other li(e it in other &art of the %o"ntr! 8 -e#an to a&&ear in tho e ma#a@ine a-o"t Afri%a that 'ere &"-li he$ in E"ro&e -"t "- i$i@e$ -! #o+ernment li(e o"r ) In the e &hoto#ra&h the me a#e of the Domain 'a im&le) Un$er the r"le of o"r ne' /re i$ent the mira%le ha$ o%%"rre$; Afri%an ha$ -e%ome mo$ern men 'ho -"ilt in %on%rete an$ #la an$ at in %" hione$ %hair %o+ere$ in imitation +el+et) It 'a li(e a %"rio" f"lfilment of 9ather H"i man * &ro&he%! a-o"t the retreat of Afri%an Afri%a, an$ the "%%e of the E"ro&ean #raft) Di itor 'ere en%o"ra#e$, from the cites an$ hant! to'n , from the "rro"n$in# +illa#e ) On S"n$a! there 'ere -" e an$ arm! tr"%( to ta(e &eo&le there, an$ ol$ier a%te$ a #"i$e , ta(in# &eo&le alon# one.'a! &ath mar(e$ 'ith $ire%tional arro' , ho'in# the &eo&le 'ho ha$ re%entl! 'i he$ to $e tro! the to'n 'hat their /re i$ent ha$ $one for Afri%a) S"%h ho$$! -"il$in# , after !o" #ot " e$ to the ha&e 1 "%h fla h! f"rnit"re 8 Noimon 'a ma(in# a fort"ne 'ith hi f"rnit"re ho&) All aro"n$, the life of $"#o"t an$ %ree( an$ +illa#e %ontin"e$1 in the -ar in the to'n the forei#n -"il$er an$ arti an $ran( an$ ma$e ea ! 3o(e a-o"t the %o"ntr!) It 'a &ainf"l an$ it 'a a$) The /re i$ent ha$ 'i he$ to ho' " a ne' Afri%a) An$ I a' Afri%a in a 'a! I ha$ ne+er een it -efore, a' the $efeat an$ h"miliation 'hi%h "ntil then I ha$ re#ar$e$ a 3" t a fa%t of life) An$ I felt li(e that 8 f"ll of ten$erne for the Bi# Aan, for the ra##e$ +illa#er 'al(in# aro"n$ the Domain, an$ the ol$ier ho'in# them the ha--! i#ht 8 "ntil ome ol$ier &la!e$ the fool 'ith me or ome offi%ial at the %" tom 'a $iffi%"lt, an$ then I fell into the ol$ 'a! of feelin#, the ea ier attit"$e of the forei#ner in the -ar ) Ol$ Afri%a, 'hi%h eeme$ to a- or 61 165 http://www.en8848.com.cn/

e+er!thin#, 'a im&le1 thi &la%e (e&t !o" ten e) What a train it 'a , &i%(in# !o"r 'a! thro"#h t"&i$it! an$ a##re i+ene an$ &ri$e an$ h"rtB B"t 'hat 'a the Domain to -e " e$ forE The -"il$in# #a+e &ri$e, or 'ere meant to1 the! ati fie$ ome &er onal nee$ of the /re i$ent* ) Wa that all the! 'ere forE B"t the! ha$ %on "me$ million ) The farm $i$n*t materiali@e) The Chine e or the Tai'ane e $i$n*t t"rn "& to till the lan$ of the ne' mo$el Afri%an farm1 the i2 tra%tor that ome forei#n #o+ernment ha$ #i+en remaine$ in a neat line in the o&en an$ r" te$, an$ the #ra #re' hi#h a-o"t them) The -i# 'immin# &ool near the -"il$in# that 'a ai$ to -e a %onferen%e hall $e+elo&e$ lea( an$ remaine$ em&t!, 'ith a 'i$e.me he$ ro&e net at the to&) The Domain ha$ -een -"ilt fa t, an$ in the "n an$ the rain $e%a! al o %ame fa t) After the fir t rain! ea on man! of the !o"n# tree that ha$ -een &lante$ -e i$e the 'i$e main a+en"e $ie$, their root 'aterlo##e$ an$ rotte$) B"t for the /re i$ent in the %a&ital the Domain remaine$ a li+in# thin#) Stat"e 'ere a$$e$, an$ lam& tan$ar$ ) The S"n$a! +i it 'ent on1 the &hoto#ra&h %ontin"e$ to a&&ear in the "- i$i@e$ ma#a@ine that &e%iali@e$ in Afri%a) An$ then at la t a " e 'a fo"n$ for the -"il$in# ) The Domain -e%ame a "ni+er it! %it! an$ a re ear%h %entre) The %onferen%e.hall -"il$in# 'a t"rne$ into a &ol!te%hni% for &eo&le of the re#ion, an$ other -"il$in# 'ere t"rne$ into $ormitorie an$ taff :"arter ) Le%t"rer an$ &rofe or -e#an to %ome from the %a&ital, an$ oon from other %o"ntrie 1 a &arallel life $e+elo&e$ there, of 'hi%h 'e in the to'n (ne' little) An$ it 'a to the &ol!te%hni% there 8 on the ite of the $ea$ E"ro&ean "-"r- that to me, 'hen I fir t %ame, ha$ "##e te$ the r"in of a %i+ili@ation that ha$ %ome an$ #one 8 that 9er$inan$ 'a ent on a #o+ernment %holar hi&, 'hen he ha$ fini he$ at the l!%<e) The Domain 'a ome mile a'a! from the to'n) There 'a a -" er+i%e, -"t it 'a irre#"lar) I ha$n*t -een eein# m"%h of 9er$inan$, an$ no' I a' e+en le of him) Aett! lo t a frien$) That mo+e of 9er$inan$* finall! ma$e the $ifferen%e -et'een the t'o men %lear, an$ I tho"#ht that Aett! "ffere$) A! o'n feelin# 'ere more %om&li%ate$) I a' a $i or$ere$ f"t"re for the %o"ntr!) No one 'a #oin# to -e e%"re here1 no man of the %o"ntr! 'a to -e en+ie$) Yet I %o"l$n*t hel& thin(in# ho' l"%(! 9er$inan$ 'a , ho' ea ! it ha$ -een ma$e for him) Yo" too( a -o! o"t of the -" h an$ !o" ta"#ht him to rea$ an$ 'rite1 !o" le+elle$ the -" h an$ -"ilt a &ol!te%hni% an$ !o" ent him there) It eeme$ a ea ! a that, if !o" %ame late to the 'orl$ an$ fo"n$ rea$!.ma$e tho e thin# that other %o"ntrie an$ &eo&le ha$ ta(en o lon# to arri+e at 8 'ritin#, &rintin#, "ni+er itie , -oo( , (no'le$#e) The re t of " ha$ to ta(e thin# in ta#e ) I tho"#ht of m! o'n famil!, Na@r"$$in, m! elf 8 'e 'ere o %lo##e$ -! 'hat the %ent"rie ha$ $e&o ite$ in o"r min$ an$ heart ) 9er$inan$, tartin# from nothin#, ha$ 'ith one te& ma$e him elf free, an$ 'a rea$! to ra%e ahea$ of " ) The Domain, 'ith it ho$$! #ran$e"r, 'a a hoa2) Neither the /re i$ent 'ho ha$ %alle$ it into -ein# nor the forei#ner 'ho ha$ ma$e a fort"ne -"il$in# it ha$ faith in 'hat the! 'ere %reatin#) B"t ha$ there -een #reater faith -eforeE &isceri-,e probat pop,los et foedera .,n%i; 9ather H"i man ha$ e2&laine$ the arro#an%e of that motto) He ha$ -elie+e$ in it tr"th) B"t ho' man! of the -"il$er of the earlier %it! 'o"l$ ha+e a#ree$ 'ith himE Yet that earlier hoa2 ha$ hel&e$ to ma(e men of the %o"ntr! in a %ertain 'a!1 an$ men 'o"l$ al o -e ma$e -! thi ne' hoa2) 9er$inan$ too( the &ol!te%hni% erio" l!1 it 'a #oin# to lea$ him to an a$mini trati+e
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%a$et hi& an$ e+ent"all! to a &o ition of a"thorit!) To him the Domain 'a fine, a it ho"l$ -e) He 'a a #lamoro" to him elf at the &ol!te%hni% a he ha$ -een at the l!%<e) It 'a a- "r$ to -e 3ealo" of 9er$inan$, 'ho till after all 'ent home to the -" h) B"t I 'a n*t 3ealo" of him onl! -e%a" e I felt that he 'a a-o"t to ra%e ahea$ of me in (no'le$#e an$ enter realm I 'o"l$ ne+er enter) I 'a 3ealo" more of that i$ea he ha$ al'a! ha$ of hi o'n im&ortan%e, hi o'n #lamo"r) We li+e$ on the ame &at%h of earth1 'e loo(e$ at the ame +ie' ) Yet to him the 'orl$ 'a ne' an$ #ettin# ne'er) 9or me that ame 'orl$ 'a $ra-, 'itho"t &o i-ilitie ) I #re' to $ete t the &h! i%al feel of the &la%e) A! flat remaine$ a it ha$ al'a! -een) I ha$ %han#e$ nothin# there, -e%a" e I li+e$ 'ith the i$ea that at a moment* noti%e I ha$ to %on i$er it all a lo t 8 the -e$room 'ith the 'hite.&ainte$ 'in$o' &ane an$ the -i# -e$ 'ith the foam mattre , the ro"#hl! ma$e %"&-oar$ 'ith m! mell! %lothe an$ hoe , the (it%hen 'ith it mell of (ero ene an$ fr!in# oil an$ r" t an$ $irt an$ %o%(roa%he , the em&t! 'hite t"$io. ittin# room) Al'a! there, ne+er reall! mine, remin$in# me no' onl! of the &a in# of time) I $ete te$ the im&orte$ ornamental tree , the tree of m! %hil$hoo$, o "nnat"ral here, 'ith the re$ $" t of the treet that t"rne$ to m"$ in rain, the o+er%a t (! that meant onl! more heat, the %lear (! that meant a "n that h"rt, the rain that el$om %oole$ an$ ma$e for a #eneral %lammine , the -ro'n ri+er 'ith the lila%.%olo"re$ flo'er on r"--er! #reen +ine that floate$ on an$ on, ni#ht an$ $a!) 9er$inan$ ha$ mo+e$ onl! a fe' mile a'a!) An$ I, o re%entl! hi enior, felt 3ealo" an$ $e erte$) Aett!, too, 'a li(e a man 'ith &reo%%"&ation ) 9ree$om ha$ it &ri%e) On%e he ha$ ha$ the la+e* e%"rit!) Here he ha$ #aine$ an i$ea of him elf a a man to -e mea "re$ a#ain t other men) That ha$ o far -ro"#ht him onl! &lea "re) B"t no' it eeme$ to ha+e -ro"#ht him a little -itterne a 'ell) He eeme$ to -e ta!in# a'a! from hi frien$ ) He 'a f"ll of frien$ , an$ all (in$ of &eo&le %ame to the ho& an$ the flat to a ( a-o"t him) Or ometime the! ent other to a ( a-o"t him) One "%h me en#er I #re' to re%o#ni@e) She 'a li(e a +er! thin -o!, the (in$ of #irl !o" 'o"l$ ee &olin# the $"#o"t , omeone re#ar$e$ -! her &eo&le 3" t a la-o"r, a &air of han$ ) Har$ 'or( an$ -a$ foo$ a&&eare$ to ha+e ne"tere$ her, 'orn a'a! her feminine %hara%teri ti% , an$ left her almo t -al$) She " e$ to %ome for Aett! at the ho&, han#in# aro"n$ o"t i$e) Sometime he &o(e to her1 ometime he 'a ro"#h 'ith her) Sometime he ma$e a if to %ha e her a'a!, -en$in# $o'n to &i%( "& an ima#inar! tone, the 'a! &eo&le $i$ here 'hen the! 'ante$ to fri#hten a'a! a &ariah $o#) No one li(e the la+e for &ottin# the la+e, or (no'in# ho' to $eal 'ith the la+e) Thi #irl 'a amon# the lo'e t of the lo'1 her tat" , in 'hate+er Afri%an ho" ehol$ he 'a , 'o"l$ ha+e -een %lo e to that of a la+e) Aett! "%%ee$e$ in $ri+in# her a'a! from the ho&) B"t one afternoon, 'hen I 'ent to the flat after %lo in# the ho&, I a' her on the &a+ement o"t i$e, tan$in# amon# the $" t! h"mmo%( of 'il$ #ra near the i$e entran%e to o"r -a%( !ar$) An a h!, "n'a he$ %otton mo%(, 'i$e. lee+e$ an$ 'i$e.ne%(e$, h"n# loo el! from her -on! ho"l$er an$ ho'e$ he 'a 'earin# nothin# el e -elo') Her hair 'a o &ar e her hea$ loo(e$ ha+e$) Her thin little fa%e 'a et in a fro'n 'hi%h 'a n*t a fro'n -"t 'a onl! meant to a! he 'a n*t loo(in# at me)
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She 'a till there 'hen, after ma(in# m! elf ome tea, an$ %han#in#, I 'ent $o'n a#ain) I 'a #oin# to the Helleni% Cl"- for m! afternoon :"a h) It 'a m! r"le; 'hate+er the %ir%"m tan%e , ho'e+er "n'illin# the &irit, ne+er #i+e "& the $a!* e2er%i e) After'ar$ I $ro+e o"t to the $am, to the /ort"#"e e ni#ht%l"- on the %liff, no' #ot #oin# a#ain, an$ ha$ ome frie$ fi h there 8 I am "re the! $i$ it -etter in /ort"#al) It 'a too earl! for the -an$ an$ the to'n %ro'$, -"t the $am 'a floo$lit, an$ the! t"rne$ on the %olo"re$ li#ht on the tree for me) The #irl 'a till on the &a+ement 'hen I 'ent -a%( to the flat) Thi time he &o(e to me) She ai$, ,&etty-ki l2E0 She ha$ onl! a fe' 'or$ of the lo%al &atoi , -"t he %o"l$ "n$er tan$ it 'hen it 'a &o(en, an$ 'hen I a (e$ her 'hat he 'ante$ he ai$, ,3opo malade7 "is-li &etty)0 3opo 'a ,-a-!)0 Aett! ha$ a -a-! ome'here in the to'n, an$ the -a-! 'a i%() Aett! ha$ a 'hole life o"t there, e&arate from hi life 'ith me in the flat, e&arate from hi -rin#in# me %offee in the mornin# , e&arate from the ho&) I 'a ho%(e$) I felt -etra!e$) If 'e ha$ -een li+in# in o"r %om&o"n$ on the %oa t, he 'o"l$ ha+e li+e$ hi o'n life, -"t there 'o"l$ ha+e -een no e%ret ) I 'o"l$ ha+e (no'n 'ho hi 'oman 'a 1 I 'o"l$ ha+e (no'n 'hen hi -a-! 'a -orn) I ha$ lo t Aett! to thi &art of Afri%a) He ha$ %ome to the &la%e that 'a &artl! hi home, an$ I ha$ lo t him) I felt $e olate) I ha$ -een hatin# the &la%e, hatin# the flat1 !et no' I a' the life I ha$ ma$e for m! elf in that flat a omethin# #oo$, 'hi%h I ha$ lo t) Li(e the #irl o"t i$e, li(e o man! other &eo&le, I 'aite$ for Aett!) An$ 'hen, +er! late, he %ame in, I -e#an to &ea( at on%e) ,Oh, Aett!, 'h! $i$n*t !o" tell meE Wh! $i$ !o" $o thi to meE0 Then I %alle$ him -! the name 'e %alle$ him at home) ,Ali, Ali.'aB We li+e$ to#ether) I too( !o" "n$er m! roof an$ treate$ !o" a a mem-er of m! o'n famil!) An$ no' !o" $o thi )0 D"tif"ll!, li(e the er+ant of the ol$ $a! , he trie$ to mat%h hi moo$ to mine, trie$ to loo( a tho"#h he "ffere$ 'ith me) ,I 'ill lea+e her, patron) She* an animal)0 ,Ho' %an !o" lea+e herE Yo"*+e $one it) Yo" %an*t #o -a%( on that) Yo"*+e #ot that %hil$ o"t there) Oh, Ali, 'hat ha+e !o" $oneE Don*t !o" thin( it* $i #" tin# to ha+e a little Afri%an %hil$ r"nnin# a-o"t in ome-o$!* !ar$, 'ith it toto 'in#in# from i$e to i$eE Aren*t !o" a hame$, a -o! li(e !o"E0 ,It i $i #" tin#, Salim)0 He %ame an$ &"t hi han$ on m! ho"l$er) ,An$ I am +er! a hame$) She* onl! an Afri%an 'oman) I 'ill lea+e her)0 ,Ho' %an !o" lea+e herE That i no' !o"r life) Di$n*t !o" (no' it 'a #oin# to -e li(e thatE We ent !o" to %hool, 'e ha$ the m"llah tea%h !o") An$ no' !o" $o thi )0 I 'a a%tin#) B"t there are time 'hen 'e a%t o"t 'hat 'e reall! feel, time 'hen 'e %annot %o&e 'ith %ertain emotion , an$ it i ea ier to a%t) An$ Aett! 'a a%tin# too, -ein# lo!al, remin$in# me of the &a t, of other &la%e , remin$in# me of thin# I %o"l$ %ar%el! -ear that ni#ht) When I ai$, a%tin#, ,Wh! $i$n*t !o" tell me, Aett!E0 he a%te$ -a%( for m! a(e) He ai$, ,Ho' %o"l$ I tell !o", SalimE I (ne' !o" 'ere #oin# to #et on li(e thi )0 Ho' $i$ he (no'E I ai$, ,Yo" (no', Aett!, the fir t $a! !o" 'ent to %hool, I 'ent 'ith !o") Yo" %rie$ all the time) Yo" -e#an to %r! a oon a 'e left the ho" e)0
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He li(e$ -ein# remin$e$ of thi , -ein# remem-ere$ from o far -a%() He ai$, almo t milin#, ,I %rie$ a lotE I ma$e a lot of noi eE0 ,Ali, !o" %reame$ the &la%e $o'n) Yo" ha$ !o"r 'hite %a& on, an$ !o" 'ent $o'n the little alle! at the i$e of Co(ool* ho" e, an$ !o" 'ere -a'lin#) I %o"l$n*t ee 'here !o" ha$ #one) I 3" t hear$ !o" -a'lin#) I %o"l$n*t tan$ it) I tho"#ht the! 'ere $oin# terri-le thin# to !o", an$ I -e##e$ for !o" not to #o to %hool) Then the tro"-le 'a to #et !o" to %ome -a%( home) Yo"*+e for#otten, an$ 'h! ho"l$ !o" remem-erE I*+e -een noti%in# !o" in%e !o"*+e -een here) Yo"*+e -een +er! m"%h #ettin# on a tho"#h !o"*re !o"r o'n man)0 ,Oh, SalimB Yo" m" tn*t a! that) I al'a! ho' !o" re &e%t)0 That 'a tr"e) B"t he ha$ ret"rne$ home1 he ha$ fo"n$ hi ne' life) Ho'e+er m"%h he 'i he$ it, he %o"l$n*t #o -a%() He ha$ he$ the &a t) Hi han$ on m! ho"l$er 8 'hat #oo$ 'a that no'E I tho"#ht; Nothin# tan$ till) E+er!thin# %han#e ) I 'ill inherit no ho" e, an$ no ho" e that I -"il$ 'ill no' &a to m! %hil$ren) That 'a! of life ha #one) I ha+e lo t m! t'entie , an$ 'hat I ha+e -een loo(in# for in%e I left home ha n*t %ome to me) I ha+e onl! -een 'aitin#) I 'ill 'ait for the re t of m! life) When I %ame here, thi flat 'a till the Bel#ian la$!* flat) It 'a n*t m! home1 it 'a li(e a %am&) Then that %am& -e%ame mine) No' it ha %han#e$ a#ain) Later, I 'o(e to the olit"$e of m! -e$room, in the "nfrien$l! 'orl$) I felt all the %hil$* hearta%he at -ein# in a tran#e &la%e) Thro"#h the 'hite.&ainte$ 'in$o' I a' the tree o"t i$e 8 not their ha$o' , -"t the "##e tion of their form ) I 'a home i%(, ha$ -een home i%( for month ) B"t home 'a har$l! a &la%e I %o"l$ ret"rn to) Home 'a omethin# in m! hea$) It 'a omethin# I ha$ lo t) An$ in that I 'a li(e the ra##e$ Afri%an 'ho 'ere o a-3e%t in the to'n 'e er+i%e$)


Di %o+erin# the 'a! of &ain, the a#in# that it -rin# , I 'a n*t "r&ri e$ that Aett! an$ m! elf ho"l$ ha+e -een o %lo e 3" t at that moment 'hen 'e "n$er too$ that 'e ha$ to #o o"r e&arate 'a! ) What ha$ #i+en the ill" ion of %lo ene that e+enin# 'a onl! o"r re#ret for the &a t, o"r a$ne that the 'orl$ $oe n*t tan$ till) O"r life to#ether $i$n*t %han#e) He %ontin"e$ to li+e in hi room in the flat, an$ he %ontin"e$ to -rin# me %offee in the mornin# ) B"t no' it 'a "n$er too$ that he ha$ a 'hole life o"t i$e) He altere$) He lo t the -ri#htne an$ #aiet! of the er+ant 'ho (no' that he 'ill -e loo(e$ after, that other 'ill $e%i$e for him1 an$ he lo t 'hat 'ent 'ith that -ri#htne 8 the in$ifferen%e to 'hat ha$ 3" t ha&&ene$, the a-ilit! to for#et, the rea$ine for e+er! ne' $a!) He eeme$ to #o a little o"r in i$e) Re &on i-ilit! 'a ne' to him1 an$ 'ith that he m" t al o ha+e $i %o+ere$ olit"$e, in &ite of hi frien$ an$ hi ne' famil! life) I, too, -rea(in# o"t of ol$ 'a! , ha$ $i %o+ere$ olit"$e an$ the melan%hol! 'hi%h i at the -a i of reli#ion) Reli#ion t"rn that melan%hol! into "&liftin# fear an$ ho&e) B"t I ha$ re3e%te$ the 'a! an$ %omfort of reli#ion1 I %o"l$n*t t"rn to them a#ain, 3" t li(e that) That melan%hol! a-o"t
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the 'orl$ remaine$ omethin# I ha$ to &"t "& 'ith on m! o'n) At ome time it 'a har&1 at ome time it 'a n*t there) An$ 3" t 'hen I ha$ $i#e te$ that a$ne a-o"t Aett! an$ the &a t, omeone from the &a t t"rne$ "&) He 'al(e$ into the ho& one mornin#, Aett! lea$in# him in, Aett! %allin# o"t in hi#h e2%itement, ,SalimB SalimB0 It 'a In$ar, the man 'ho ha$ fir t -ro"#ht o"t m! &ani% on the %oa t, %onfronte$ me 8 after that #ame of :"a h in the :"a h %o"rt of hi -i# ho" e 8 'ith m! o'n fear a-o"t o"r f"t"re, an$ ha$ ent me a'a! from hi ho" e 'ith a +i ion of $i a ter) He ha$ #i+en me the i$ea of fli#ht) He ha$ #one to En#lan$, to hi "ni+er it!1 I ha$ fle$ here) An$ I felt no', a Aett! le$ him in, that he ha$ %a"#ht me o"t a#ain, ittin# at m! $e ( in the ho&, 'ith m! #oo$ &rea$ o"t on the floor, a the! ha$ al'a! -een, an$ 'ith m! hel+e f"ll of %hea& %loth an$ oil%loth an$ -atterie an$ e2er%i e -oo( ) He ai$, ,I hear$ ome !ear a#o in Lon$on that !o" 'ere here) I 'on$ere$ 'hat !o" 'ere $oin#)0 Hi e2&re ion 'a %ool, -alan%e$ -et'een irritation an$ a neer, an$ it eeme$ to a! that he $i$n*t ha+e to a ( no', an$ that he 'a n*t "r&ri e$ -! 'hat he ha$ fo"n$) It ha$ ha&&ene$ o :"i%(l!) When Aett! %ame r"nnin# in a!in#, ,SalimB SalimB C"e 'ho* here,0 I ha$ at on%e ha$ an i$ea that it 'o"l$ -e omeone 'e ha$ -oth (no'n in the ol$ $a! ) I tho"#ht it 'o"l$ -e Na@r"$$in, or ome mem-er of m! famil!, ome -rother.in.la' or ne&he') An$ I ha$ tho"#ht; B"t I %an*t %o&e) The life here i no lon#er the ol$ life) I %annot a%%e&t thi re &on i-ilit!) I $on*t 'ant to r"n a ho &ital) E2&e%tin#, then, omeone 'ho 'a a-o"t to ma(e a %laim on me in the name of famil! an$ %omm"nit! an$ reli#ion, an$ &re&arin# a fa%e an$ an attit"$e for that &er on, I 'a $i ma!e$ to fin$ Aett! lea$in# In$ar into the ho&, Aett! -e i$e him elf 'ith 3o!, not &reten$in# no', -"t for that moment $eli#hte$ to re.%reate omethin# of the ol$ $a! , -ein# the man in to"%h 'ith #reat familie ) An$ from -ein# m! elf the man f"ll of %om&laint, the man 'ho 'a #oin# to &o"r o"t hi melan%hol! in har h a$+i%e to a ne' arri+al 'ho 'a &erha& alrea$! half %r" he$ 8 ,There i no &la%e for !o" here) There i no &la%e here for the homele ) 9in$ ome'here el e0 8 from -ein# that (in$ of man, I ha$ to -e the o&&o ite) I ha$ to -e the man 'ho 'a $oin# 'ell an$ more than 'ell, the man 'ho e $ra- ho& %on%eale$ ome -i##er o&eration that ma$e million ) I ha$ to -e the man 'ho ha$ &lanne$ it all, 'ho ha$ %ome to the $e tro!e$ to'n at the -en$ in the ri+er -e%a" e he ha$ fore een the ri%h f"t"re) I %o"l$n*t -e an! other 'a! 'ith In$ar) He ha$ al'a! ma$e me feel o -a%('ar$) Hi famil!, tho"#h ne' on the %oa t, ha$ o"t tri&&e$ " all1 an$ e+en their lo' -e#innin# 8 the #ran$father 'ho 'a a rail'a! la-o"rer, then a mar(et mone!.len$er 8 ha$ -e%ome =from the 'a! &eo&le &o(e> a little a%re$, &art of their 'on$erf"l tor!) The! in+e te$ a$+ent"ro" l! an$ &ent mone! 'ell1 their 'a! of li+in# 'a m"%h finer than o"r 1 an$ there 'a their "n" "al &a ion for #ame an$ &h! i%al e2er%i e) I ha$ al'a! tho"#ht of them a ,mo$ern0 &eo&le, 'ith a t!le :"ite $ifferent from o"r ) Yo" #et " e$ to $ifferen%e li(e that1 the! %an e+en -e#in to a&&ear nat"ral) When 'e ha$ &la!e$ :"a h that afternoon, an$ In$ar ha$ tol$ me he 'a #oin# to En#lan$ to a "ni+er it!, I ha$n*t felt re entf"l or 3ealo" of him for 'hat he 'a $oin#) Coin# a-roa$, the "ni+er it! 8 that 'a &art of hi t!le, 'hat mi#ht ha+e -een e2&e%te$) A! "nha&&i.ne 'a the "nha&&ine of a man 'ho felt left -ehin$, "n&re&are$ for 'hat 'a %omin#) An$ m! re entment of him ha$ to $o 'ith the in e%"rit! he ha$ ma$e me feel) He ha$ ai$, ,We*re 'a he$ "& here,
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!o" (no')0 The 'or$ 'ere tr"e1 I (ne' the! 'ere tr"e) B"t I $i li(e$ him for &ea(in# them; he ha$ &o(en a omeone 'ho ha$ fore een it all an$ ha$ ma$e hi $i &o ition ) Ei#ht !ear ha$ &a e$ in%e that $a!) What he ha$ ai$ 'o"l$ ha&&en ha$ ha&&ene$) Hi famil! ha$ lo t a lot1 the! ha$ lo t their ho" e1 the! ='ho ha$ a$$e$ the name of the to'n on the %oa t to their famil! name> ha$ %attere$, li(e m! o'n famil!) Yet no', a he %ame into the ho&, it eeme$ that the $i tan%e -et'een " ha$ remaine$ the ame) There 'a Lon$on in hi %lothe , the tro" er , the tri&e$ %otton hirt, the 'a! hi hair 'a %"t, hi hoe =o2-loo$ in %olo"r, thin. ole$ -"t t"r$!, a little too narro' at the toe >) An$ I 8 'ell, I 'a in m! ho&, 'ith the re$ $irt roa$ an$ the mar(et :"are o"t i$e) I ha$ 'aite$ o lon#, en$"re$ o m"%h, %han#e$1 !et to him I ha$n*t %han#e$ at all) So far I ha$ remaine$ ittin#) A I too$ "& I ha$ a little t'in#e of fear) It %ame to me that he ha$ rea&&eare$ onl! to -rin# me -a$ ne' ) An$ all I %o"l$ fin$ to a! 'a ; ,What -rin# !o" to the -a%( of -e!on$E0 He ai$, ,I 'o"l$n*t a! that) Yo" are 'here it* at)0 , FWhere it* at*E0 ,Where -i# thin# are ha&&enin#) Other'i e I 'o"l$n*t -e here)0 That 'a a relief) At lea t he 'a n*t #i+in# me m! mar%hin# or$er a#ain, 'itho"t tellin# me 'here to #o) Aett! all thi 'hile 'a milin# at In$ar an$ 'in#in# hi hea$ from i$e to i$e, a!in#, ,In$arB In$arB0 An$ it 'a Aett! 'ho remem-ere$ o"r $"t! a ho t ) He ai$, ,Yo" 'o"l$ li(e ome %offee, In$arE0 A tho"#h 'e 'ere on the %oa t, in the famil! ho&, an$ he 3" t ha$ to te& $o'n the lane to Noor* tall an$ -rin# -a%( the little -ra %"& of 'eet an$ m"$$! %offee on a hea+! -ra tra!) No %offee li(e that here1 onl! Ne %afe, ma$e in the I+or! Coa t, an$ er+e$ in -i# %hina %"& ) Not the ame (in$ of $rin(; !o" %o"l$n*t %hat o+er it, i#hin# at ea%h hot 'eet i&) In$ar ai$, ,That 'o"l$ -e +er! ni%e, Ali)0 I ai$, ,Hi name here i Aett!) It mean Fhalf.%a te)* 0 ,Yo" let them %all !o" that, AliE0 ,Afri%an &eo&le, In$ar) 8afar) Yo" (no' 'hat the! #i+e)0 I ai$, ,Don*t -elie+e him) He lo+e it) It ma(e him a #reat hit 'ith the #irl ) Ali* a -i# famil! man no') He* lo t)0 Aett!, #oin# to the toreroom to -oil the 'ater for the Ne %afe, ai$, ,Salim, Salim) Don*t let me $o'n too m"%h)0 In$ar ai$, ,He 'a lo t a lon# time a#o) Ha+e !o" hear$ from Na@r"$$inE I a' him in U#an$a a fe' 'ee( a#o)0 ,What* it li(e o"t there no'E0 ,Settlin# $o'n) 9or ho' lon# i another matter) Not one -loo$! &a&er ha &o(en "& for the (in#) Di$ !o" (no' thatE When it %ome to Afri%a, &eo&le $on*t 'ant to (no' or the! ha+e their &rin%i&le ) No-o$! %are a $amn a-o"t the &eo&le 'ho li+e in the &la%e)0 ,B"t !o" $o a lot of tra+ellin#)0 ,It* m! -" ine ) Ho' are thin# 'ith !o" hereE0 ,It* -een +er! #oo$ in%e the re-ellion) The &la%e i -oomin#) /ro&ert! i fanta ti%) Lan$ i t'o h"n$re$ fran% a :"are foot in ome &art no')0 In$ar $i$n*t loo( im&re e$ 8 -"t the ho& 'a n*t an im&re i+e &la%e) I felt, too, I ha$ r"n on a little -it an$ 'a $oin# the o&&o ite of 'hat I inten$e$ to $o 'ith In$ar) Wi hin# to let him
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(no' that hi a "m&tion a-o"t me 'ere 'ron#, I 'a in fa%t a%tin# o"t the %hara%ter he a' me a ) I 'a tal(in# the 'a! I ha$ hear$ tra$er in the to'n tal(, an$ e+en a!in# the thin# the! ai$) I ai$, attem&tin# another (in$ of lan#"a#e, ,It* a &e%iali@e$ -" ine ) A o&hi ti%ate$ mar(et 'o"l$ -e ea ier in ome 'a! ) B"t here !o" %an*t follo' !o"r &er onal li(e an$ $i li(e ) Yo" ha+e to (no' e2a%tl! 'hat i nee$e$) An$ of %o"r e there are the a#en%ie ) That* 'here the real mone! i )0 In$ar ai$, ,Ye , !e ) The a#en%ie ) It* li(e ol$ time for !o", Salim)0 I let that &a ) B"t I $e%i$e$ to tone the 'hole thin# $o'n) I ai$, ,I $on*t (no' ho' lon# it* #oin# to la t, tho"#h)0 ,It 'ill la t a lon# a !o"r /re i$ent 'ant it to la t) An$ no one %an tell ho' lon# that 'ill -e) He* a tran#e man) He eem to -e $oin# nothin# at all, an$ then he %an a%t li(e a "r#eon) C"ttin# a'a! ome &art he $oe n*t li(e)0 ,That* ho' he ettle$ the ol$ arm!) It 'a terri-le, In$ar) He ent a me a#e to Colonel Yen!i tellin# him to ta! at the -arra%( an$ to 'el%ome the %omman$er of the mer%enarie ) So he ta!e$ on the te& in f"ll "niform, an$ 'hen the! arri+e$ he -e#an to 'al( to the #ate) The! hot him a he 'al(e$) An$ e+er!-o$! 'ith him)0 ,It a+e$ !o"r -a%on, tho"#h) I ha+e omethin# for !o", -! the 'a!) I 'ent to ee !o"r father an$ mother -efore I %ame here)0 ,Yo" 'ent homeE0 B"t I $rea$e$ hearin# a-o"t it from him) He ai$, ,Oh, I*+e -een there a fe' time in%e the #reat e+ent ) It i n*t o -a$) Yo" remem-er o"r ho" eE The!*+e &ainte$ it in the &art! %olo"r ) It* ome (in$ of &art! -"il$in# no') Yo"r mother #a+e me a -ottle of %o%on"t %h"tne!) It i n*t for !o" alone) It i for Ali an$ !o") She ma$e that %lear)0 An$ to Aett!, %omin# -a%( then 'ith the 3"# of hot 'ater an$ the %"& an$ the tin of Ne %afe an$ the %on$en e$ mil(, he ai$, ,Aa ent !o" ome %o%on"t %h"tne!, Ali)0 Aett! ai$, ,Ch"tne!, %o%on"t %h"tne!) The foo$ here i horrible, In$ar)0 We at all three aro"n$ the $e (, tirrin# %offee an$ 'ater an$ %on$en e$ mil( to#ether) In$ar ai$, ,I $i$n*t 'ant to #o -a%() Not the fir t time) I $i$n*t thin( m! heart %o"l$ tan$ it) B"t the air&lane i a 'on$erf"l thin#) Yo" are till in one &la%e 'hen !o" arri+e at the other) The air&lane i fa ter than the heart) Yo" arri+e :"i%(l! an$ !o" lea+e :"i%(l!) Yo" $on*t #rie+e too m"%h) An$ there i omethin# el e a-o"t the air&lane) Yo" %an #o -a%( man! time to the ame &la%e) An$ omethin# tran#e ha&&en if !o" #o -a%( often eno"#h) Yo" to& #rie+in# for the &a t) Yo" ee that the &a t i omethin# in !o"r min$ alone, that it $oe n*t e2i t in real life) Yo" tram&le on the &a t, !o" %r" h it) In the -e#innin# it i li(e tram&lin# on a #ar$en) In the en$ !o" are 3" t 'al(in# on #ro"n$) That i the 'a! 'e ha+e to learn to li+e no') The &a t i here)0 He to"%he$ hi heart) ,It i n*t there)0 An$ he &ointe$ at the $" t! roa$) I felt he ha$ &o(en the 'or$ -efore, or ha$ #one o+er them in hi min$) I tho"#ht; He fi#ht to (ee& hi t!le) He* &ro-a-l! "ffere$ more than the re t of " ) We at, the three of " , $rin(in# Ne %afe) An$ I tho"#ht the moment -ea"tif"l) Still, the %on+er ation ha$ o far -een one. i$e$) He (ne' e+er!thin# a-o"t me1 I (ne' nothin# a-o"t hi re%ent life) When I ha$ fir t arri+e$ in the to'n I ha$ noti%e$ that for mo t &eo&le %on+er ation meant an 'erin# :"e tion a-o"t them el+e 1 the! el$om a (e$ !o" a-o"t !o"r elf1 the! ha$ -een %"t off for too lon#) I $i$n*t 'ant In$ar to feel that 'a! a-o"t me) An$ I reall! 'ante$ to (no' a-o"t him) So, a little a'('ar$l!, I -e#an to a ()
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He ai$ he ha$ -een in the to'n for a %o"&le of $a! an$ 'a #oin# to ta! for a fe' month ) Ha$ he %ome "& -! the teamerE He ai$, ,Yo"*re %ra@!) Coo&e$ "& 'ith ri+er Afri%an for e+en $a! E I fle' "&)0 Aett! ai$, ,I 'o"l$n*t #o an!'here -! the teamer) The! tell me it* horri-le) An$ it* e+en 'or e on the -ar#e, 'ith the latrine an$ the &eo&le %oo(in# an$ eatin# e+er!'here) It* horri-le. horri-le, the! tell me)0 I a (e$ In$ar 'here he 'a ta!in#; it ha$ o%%"rre$ to me that I ho"l$ ma(e the #e t"re of offerin# him ho &italit!) Wa he ta!in# at the +an $er We!$enE Thi 'a the :"e tion he 'a 'aitin# to -e a (e$) He ai$ in a oft an$ "na "min# +oi%e, ,I*m ta!in# at the State Domain) I ha+e a ho" e there) I*m a #"e t of the #o+ernment)0 An$ Aett! -eha+e$ more #ra%io" l! than I) Aett! la&&e$ the $e ( an$ ai$, ,In$arB0 I ai$, ,The Bi# Aan in+ite$ !o"E0 He -e#an to %ale it $o'n) ,Not e2a%tl!) I ha+e m! o'n o"tfit) I am atta%he$ to the &ol!te%hni% for a term) Do !o" (no' itE0 ,I (no' omeone there) A t"$ent)0 In$ar -eha+e$ a tho"#h I ha$ interr"&te$ him1 a tho"#h 8 altho"#h I li+e$ in the &la%e, an$ he ha$ 3" t arri+e$ 8 I 'a tre &a in#, an$ ha$ no ri#ht to (no' a t"$ent at the &ol!te%hni%) I ai$, ,Hi mother* a marchande, one of m! %" tomer )0 That 'a -etter) He ai$, ,Yo" m" t %ome an$ meet ome of the other &eo&le there) Yo" ma! not li(e 'hat* #oin# on) B"t !o" m" tn*t &reten$ it i n*t ha&&enin#) Yo" m" tn*t ma(e that mi ta(e a#ain)0 I 'ante$ to a!; ,I li+e here) I ha+e li+e$ thro"#h :"ite a lot in the la t i2 !ear )0 B"t I $i$n*t a! that) I &la!e$ "& to hi +anit!) He ha$ hi o'n i$ea of the (in$ of man I 'a 8 an$ in$ee$ he ha$ %a"#ht me in m! ho&, at m! an%e tral -" ine ) He ha$ hi o'n i$ea of 'ho he 'a an$ 'hat he ha$ $one, the $i tan%e he ha$ &"t -et'een him elf an$ the re t of " ) Hi +anit! $i$n*t irritate me) I fo"n$ I 'a reli hin# it, in the 'a! that !ear -efore, on the %oa t, a a %hil$, I ha$ reli he$ Na@r"$$in* torie of hi l"%( an$ of the $eli#ht of life here, in the %olonial to'n) I ha$n*t la&&e$ the $e ( li(e Aett!, -"t I 'a im&re e$ -! 'hat I a' of In$ar) An$ it 'a a relief to &"t a i$e the $i ati fa%tion he ma$e me feel, to for#et a-o"t -ein# %a"#ht o"t, an$ to #i+e him a trai#ht a$miration for 'hat he ha$ ma$e of him elf 8 for hi Lon$on %lothe an$ the &ri+ile#e the! &o(e of, hi tra+ellin#, hi ho" e in the Domain, hi &o ition at the &ol!te%hni%) To #i+e him a$miration, to a&&ear not to -e %om&etin# or re i tin#, 'a to &"t him at hi ea e) A 'e %hatte$ o+er o"r Ne %afe, a Aett! e2%laime$ from time to time, e2&re in# in hi er+ant* manner the a$miration 'hi%h hi ma ter al o felt, In$ar* e$#ine 'ore off) He -e%ame #entle, f"ll of manner , %on%erne$) At the en$ of the mornin# I felt I ha$ at la t ma$e a frien$ of m! (in$) An$ I -a$l! nee$e$ "%h a frien$) An$ far from -ein# hi ho t an$ #"i$e, I -e%ame the man 'ho 'a le$ a-o"t) It 'a n*t all that a- "r$) I ha$ o little to ho' him) All the (e! &oint of the to'n I (ne' %o"l$ -e ho'n in a %o"&le of ho"r , a I $i %o+ere$ 'hen I $ro+e him aro"n$ later that mornin#) There 'a the ri+er, 'ith a tret%h of -ro(en &romena$e near the $o%( ) There 'ere the $o%( them el+e 1 the re&air !ar$ 'ith o&en %orr"#ate$.iron he$ f"ll of r" tin# &ie%e of ma%hiner!1 an$ ome 'a! $o'nri+er the r"ine$ %athe$ral, -ea"tif"ll! o+er#ro'n an$ loo(in# anti:"e, li(e
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omethin# in E"ro&e 8 -"t !o" %o"l$ onl! loo( from the roa$, -e%a" e the -" h 'a too thi%( an$ the ite 'a famo" for it na(e ) There 'ere the %"ffe$ :"are 'ith their $efa%e$ an$ tat"ele &e$e tal 1 the offi%ial -"il$in# from the %olonial time in a+en"e line$ 'ith &almi te tree 1 the l!%<e, 'ith the $e%a!in# ma ( in the #"n room =-"t that -ore$ In$ar>1 the +an $er We!$en an$ Aahe h* Bi#-"r#er &la%e, 'hi%h 'ere har$l! thin# to ho' to a man 'ho ha$ -een to E"ro&e) There 'ere the cit+s an$ the :"atter * ettlement = ome of them I 'a $ri+in# into for the fir t time> 'ith their hill of r"--i h, their %orr"#ate$ $" t! lane , an$ a lot of ol$ tire l!in# in the $" t) To me the r"--i h hill an$ the tire 'ere feat"re of the cit+s an$ hant! to'n ) The &i$er! little %hil$ren that 'e ha$ here $i$ 'on$erf"l omer a"lt off tho e tire , r"nnin#, 3"m&in# on the tire , an$ then &rin#in# hi#h in the air) B"t it 'a nearl! noon) There 'ere no %hil$ren $oin# omer a"lt 'hen 'e $ro+e -!1 an$ I reali@e$ that =after a mon"ment 'ith nothin# on it, an$ &e$e tal 'itho"t tat"e > I 'a literall! 3" t ho'in# In$ar a lot of r"--i h) I %"t hort the to"r at that &oint) The ra&i$ an$ the fi hermen* +illa#e 8 that ha$ -een in%or&orate$ into the State Domain1 that he ha$ alrea$! een) A 'e $ro+e to the Domain 8 the inter+enin# area, on%e em&t!, no' fillin# "& 'ith the ha%( of ne' arri+al from the +illa#e ; ha%( 'hi%h, in In$ar* %om&an!, I eeme$ to -e eein# for the fir t time; the re$ #ro"n$ -et'een the ha%( taine$ 'ith ri+"let of -la%( or #re!.#reen filth, mai@e an$ %a a+a &lante$ in e+er! free &a%e 8 a 'e $ro+e, In$ar ai$, ,Ho' lon# $i$ !o" a! !o"*+e -een li+in# hereE0 ,Si2 !ear )0 ,An$ !o"*+e ho'n me e+er!thin#E0 What ha$n*t I ho'n himE A fe' interior of ho& an$ ho" e an$ flat , the Helleni% Cl"- 8 an$ the -ar ) B"t I 'o"l$n*t ha+e ho'n him the -ar ) An$ reall!, loo(in# at the &la%e 'ith hi e!e , I 'a ama@e$ at the little I ha$ -een li+in# 'ith) An$ I ha$ to&&e$ eein# o m"%h) In &ite of e+er!thin#, I ha$ tho"#ht of the to'n a a real to'n1 I a' it no' a an a##lomeration of ha%( ettlement ) I tho"#ht I ha$ -een re i tin# the &la%e) B"t I ha$ onl! -een li+in# -lin$ 8 li(e the &eo&le I (ne', from 'hom in m! heart of heart I ha$ tho"#ht m! elf $ifferent) I ha$n*t li(e$ it 'hen In$ar ha$ "##e te$ that I 'a li+in# li(e o"r %omm"nit! in the ol$ $a! , not &a!in# attention to 'hat 'a #oin# on) B"t he 'a n*t o far 'ron#) He 'a tal(in# a-o"t the Domain1 an$ for " in the to'n the Domain ha$ remaine$ onl! a o"r%e of %ontra%t ) We (ne' little of the life there, an$ 'e ha$n*t 'ante$ to fin$ o"t) We a' the Domain a &art of the 'a te an$ fooli hne of the %o"ntr!) B"t more im&ortantl!, 'e a' it a &art of the /re i$ent* &oliti% 1 an$ 'e $i$n*t 'ant to -e%ome entan#le$ 'ith that) We 'ere a'are of the ne' forei#ner on the &eri&her! of o"r to'n) The! 'ere not li(e the en#ineer an$ ale men an$ arti an 'e (ne', an$ 'e 'ere a little ner+o" of them) The Domain &eo&le 'ere li(e to"ri t , -"t the! 'ere not &en$er 8 e+er!thin# 'a fo"n$ for them on the Domain) The! 'ere not intere te$ in " 1 an$ 'e, thin(in# of them a &rote%te$ &eo&le, loo(e$ "&on them a &eo&le e&arate from the tr"e life of the &la%e, an$ for thi rea on not :"ite real, not a real a o"r el+e ) Witho"t (no'in# it, an$ thin(in# all the time that 'e 'ere (ee&in# o"r hea$ $o'n an$ -ein# 'i e an$ &rote%tin# o"r intere t , 'e ha$ -e%ome li(e the Afri%an the /re i$ent r"le$) We 'ere &eo&le 'ho felt onl! the 'ei#ht of the /re i$ent* &o'er) The Domain ha$ -een %reate$ -! the /re i$ent1 for rea on of hi o'n he ha$ %alle$ %ertain forei#ner to li+e there) 9or " that 'a eno"#h1 it 'a n*t for " to :"e tion or loo( too %lo el!)
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Sometime , after 9er$inan$ ha$ %ome to the to'n to ee hi mother $"rin# one of her ho&&in# tri& , I ha$ $ri+en him -a%( to hi ho tel in the Domain) What I a' then 'a all that I (ne', "ntil In$ar -e%ame m! #"i$e) It 'a a In$ar ha$ ai$) He ha$ a ho" e in the Domain an$ he 'a a #"e t of the #o+ernment) Hi ho" e 'a %ar&ete$ an$ f"rni he$ ho'room t!le 8 t'el+e han$.%ar+e$ $inin# %hair , "&hol tere$ %hair in frin#e$ !ntheti% +el+et in t'o %olo"r in the ittin# room, lam& , ta-le , air %on$itioner e+er!'here) The air %on$itioner 'ere ne%e ar!) The Domain ho" e , na(e$ in le+elle$ lan$, 'ere li(e #ran$er %on%rete -o2e , 'ith roof that $i$n*t &ro3e%t at all, o that at an! ho"r of a -ri#ht $a! one 'all, or t'o, #ot the f"ll for%e of the "n) With the ho" e there 'a al o a -o!, in the Domain er+ant %o t"me 8 'hite hort , 'hite hirt an$ a 'hite .acket de boy =in tea$ of the a&ron of %olonial $a! >) It 'a the Domain t!le for &eo&le in In$ar* &o ition) The t!le 'a the /re i$ent* ) It 'a he 'ho ha$ $e%i$e$ on the %o t"me for the -o! ) An$ in the tran#e 'orl$ of the Domain In$ar a&&eare$ to -e 'ell re#ar$e$) /art of thi re#ar$ 'a $"e to the ,o"tfit0 to 'hi%h he -elon#e$) He %o"l$n*t :"ite e2&lain to me 'hat the o"tfit 'a that ent him on Afri%an to"r 8 or I mi#ht ha+e -een too naN+e to "n$er tan$) B"t a n"m-er of &eo&le on the Domain eeme$ to -elon# to o"tfit that 'ere a m! terio" 1 an$ the! loo(e$ "&on In$ar not a a man of o"r %omm"nit! or a ref"#ee from the %oa t, -"t a one of them el+e ) It 'a all a little e2traor$inar! to me) The e 'ere the ne'. t!le forei#ner 'hom 'e, in the to'n, ha$ een arri+in# for ome time &a t) We ha$ een them &"ttin# on Afri%an %lothe 1 'e ha$ noti%e$ their #aiet!, o "nli(e o"r o'n %a"tion1 their ha&&ine 'ith e+er!thin# the! fo"n$) An$ 'e ha$ %on i$ere$ them &ara ite an$ half $an#ero" , er+in# ome hi$$en %a" e of the /re i$ent* , &eo&le 'e ha$ to -e %aref"l 'ith) B"t no', -ein# 'ith them in the Domain, 'hi%h in e+er! 'a! 'a their re ort, an$ -ein# a$mitte$ o ea il! to their life, their 'orl$ of -"n#alo' an$ air %on$itioner an$ holi$a! ea e, %at%hin# in their e$"%ate$ tal( the name of famo" %itie , I '"n# the other 'a! an$ -e#an to ee ho' h"t in an$ ha--! an$ ta#nant 'e in the to'n 'o"l$ ha+e eeme$ to them) I -e#an to #et ome en e of the o%ial e2%itement of life on the Domain, of &eo&le a o%iatin# in a ne' 'a!, -ein# more o&en, le %on%erne$ 'ith enemie an$ $an#er, more rea$! to -e intere te$ an$ entertaine$, loo(in# for the h"man 'orth of the other man) On the Domain the! ha$ their o'n 'a! of tal(in# a-o"t &eo&le an$ e+ent 1 the! 'ere in to"%h 'ith the 'orl$) To -e 'ith them 'a to ha+e a en e of a$+ent"re) I tho"#ht of m! o'n life an$ Aett!* 1 of Sho-a an$ Aahe h an$ their o+erheate$ &ri+a%!1 of the Italian an$ Cree( 8 e &e%iall! the Cree( 8 -ottle$ "& an$ ten e 'ith their famil! %on%ern an$ their ner+o" ne of Afri%a an$ Afri%an ) There 'a har$l! an!thin# ne' there) So to tra+el tho e fe' mile -et'een the to'n an$ the Domain 'a al'a! to ma(e ome a$3" tment, to a "me a ne' attit"$e, an$ ea%h time almo t to ee another %o"ntr!) I 'a a hame$ of m! elf for the ne' 3"$#ment I fo"n$ m! elf ma(in# on m! frien$ Sho-a an$ Aahe h, 'ho ha$ $one o m"%h for me for o man! !ear , an$ 'ith 'hom I ha$ felt o afe) B"t I %o"l$n*t hel& tho e tho"#ht ) I 'a tiltin# the other 'a!, to the life of the Domain, a I a' it in the %om&an! of In$ar) I 'a a'are, in the Domain, that I -elon#e$ to the other 'orl$) When I met &eo&le 'ith In$ar I fo"n$ I ha$ little to a!) There 'ere time 'hen I tho"#ht that I mi#ht -e lettin# him $o'n) B"t there eeme$ to -e no "%h tho"#ht in hi hea$) He intro$"%e$ me ro"n$ a a frien$ of hi famil!* from the %oa t, a mem-er of hi %omm"nit!) He $i$n*t onl! 'ant me to 'itne hi "%%e 'ith
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the &eo&le of the Domain1 he eeme$ to 'ant me to hare it a 'ell) It 'a hi 'a! of re'ar$in# me for m! a$miration, an$ I a' a $eli%a%! in him that I ha$ ne+er een on the %oa t) Hi manner 'ere li(e a form of %on i$eration1 an$ ho'e+er mall the o%%a ion, hi manner ne+er faile$) The! 'ere the manner of an im&re ario, a little -it) B"t it 'a al o hi ol$ famil! t!le1 it 'a a tho"#h he ha$ nee$e$ e%"rit! an$ a$miration to -rin# it o"t a#ain) In the artifi%ialit! of the Domain he ha$ fo"n$ hi &erfe%t ettin#) We in the to'n %o"l$ offer In$ar nothin# li(e the re#ar$ an$ the o%ial e2%itement he en3o!e$ at the Domain1 'e %o"l$ %ar%el! a&&re%iate 'hat he en3o!e$ there) With o"r %!ni%i m, %reate$ -! !ear of in e%"rit!, ho' $i$ 'e loo( on menE We 3"$#e$ the ale men in the +an $er We!$en -! the %om&anie the! re&re ente$, their a-ilit! to offer " %on%e ion ) Kno'in# "%h men, ha+in# a%%e to the er+i%e the! offere$, an$ -ein# flattere$ -! them that 'e 'ere not or$inar! %" tomer &a!in# the f"ll &ri%e or ha+in# to ta(e o"r &la%e in the :"e"e, 'e tho"#ht 'e ha$ ma tere$ the 'orl$1 an$ 'e a' tho e ale men an$ re&re entati+e a men of &o'er 'ho ha$ to -e %o"rte$) We 3"$#e$ tra$er -! their %o"& , the %ontra%t the! lan$e$, the a#en%ie the! &i%(e$ "&) It 'a the ame 'ith Afri%an ) We 3"$#e$ them -! their a-ilit!, a arm! men or offi%ial in the %" tom or &oli%emen, to $o " er+i%e 1 an$ that 'a ho' the! al o 3"$#e$ them el+e ) Yo" %o"l$ &ot the &o'erf"l in Aa.he h* Bi#-"r#er &la%e) The!, harin# in o"r -oom, an$ no lon#er a ho$$! a the! on%e 'ere, 'ore #ol$ a m"%h a &o i-le 8 #ol$.rimme$ #la e , #ol$ rin# , #ol$ &en.an$.&en%il et , #ol$ 'at%he 'ith oli$ #ol$ 'ri tlet ) Amon# o"r el+e 'e %offe$ at the +"l#arit! an$ &atho of that Afri%an l" t for #ol$) Col$ 8 ho' %o"l$ it alter the man, 'ho 'a onl! an Afri%anE B"t 'e 'ante$ #ol$ o"r el+e 1 an$ 'e re#"larl! &ai$ tri-"te to the Afri%an 'ho 'ore #ol$) O"r i$ea of men 'ere im&le1 Afri%a 'a a &la%e 'here 'e ha$ to "r+i+e) B"t in the Domain it 'a $ifferent) There the! %o"l$ %off at tra$e an$ #ol$, -e%a" e in the ma#i%al atmo &here of the Domain, amon# the a+en"e an$ ne' ho" e , another Afri%a ha$ -een %reate$) In the Domain, Afri%an 8 the !o"n# men at the &ol!te%hni% 8 'ere romanti%) The! 'ere not al'a! &re ent at the &artie or #atherin# 1 -"t the 'hole life of the Domain 'a -"ilt aro"n$ them) In the to'n ,Afri%an0 %o"l$ -e a 'or$ of a-" e or $i re#ar$1 in the Domain it 'a a -i##er 'or$) An ,Afri%an0 there 'a a ne' man 'hom e+er!-o$! 'a -" ! ma(in#, a man a-o"t to inherit 8 the im&ortant man that !ear -efore, at the l!%<e, 9er$inan$ ha$ een him elf a ) In the to'n, 'hen the! 'ere at the l!%<e, 9er$inan$ an$ hi frien$ 8 %ertainl! hi frien$ 8 'ere till %lo e to +illa#e 'a! ) When the! 'ere off $"t!, not at the l!%<e or 'ith &eo&le li(e m! elf, the! ha$ mer#e$ into the Afri%an life of the to'n) 9er$inan$ an$ Aett! 8 or 9er$inan$ an$ an! Afri%an -o! 8 %o"l$ -e%ome frien$ -e%a" e the! ha$ o m"%h in %ommon) B"t in the Domain there 'a no :"e tion of %onf" in# 9er$inan$ an$ hi frien$ 'ith the 'hite."niforme$ er+ant ) 9er$inan$ an$ hi frien$ ha$ a %lear i$ea of 'ho the! 'ere an$ 'hat 'a e2&e%te$ of them) The! 'ere !o"n# men on #o+ernment %holar hi& 1 the! 'o"l$ oon -e%ome a$mini trati+e %a$et in the %a&ital, er+in# the /re i$ent) The Domain 'a the /re i$ent* %reation1 an$ in the Domain the! 'ere in the &re en%e of forei#ner 'ho ha$ a hi#h i$ea of the ne' Afri%a) E+en I, in the Domain, -e#an to feel a little of the roman%e of that i$ea) So forei#ner an$ Afri%an a%te$ an$ rea%te$ on one another, an$ e+er!one -e%ame lo%(e$ in an i$ea of #lor! an$ ne'ne ) E+er!'here the /re i$ent* &hoto#ra&h loo(e$ $o'n at " ) In the
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to'n, in o"r ho& an$ in #o+ernment -"il$in# , it 'a 3" t the &hoto#ra&h of the /re i$ent, the r"ler, omethin# that ha$ to -e there) In the Domain the #lor! of the /re i$ent -r" he$ off onto all hi ne' Afri%an ) An$ the! 'ere -ri#ht, tho e !o"n# men) I ha$ remem-ere$ them a little tri%( ter , &ertina%io" -"t fooli h, 'ith onl! a (in$ of +illa#e %"nnin#1 an$ I ha$ a "me$ that for them t"$!in# meant onl! %rammin#) Li(e other &eo&le in the to'n, I -elie+e$ that $e#ree %o"r e ha$ -een %ale$ $o'n or altere$ for Afri%an ) It 'a &o i-le1 the! $i$ #o in for %ertain "-3e%t 8 international relation , &oliti%al %ien%e, anthro&olo#!) B"t tho e !o"n# men ha$ har& min$ an$ &o(e 'on$erf"ll! 8 an$ in 9ren%h, not the &atoi ) The! ha$ $e+elo&e$ fa t) ?" t a fe' !ear -efore, 9er$inan$ ha$ -een in%a&a-le of #ra &in# the i$ea of Afri%a) That 'a n*t o no') The ma#a@ine a-o"t Afri%an affair 8 e+en the emi.-o#" , "- i$i@e$ one from E"ro&e 8 an$ the ne' &a&er , tho"#h %en ore$, ha$ &rea$ ne' i$ea , (no'le$#e, ne' attit"$e ) In$ar too( me one e+enin# to one of hi eminar , in a le%t"re room in the -i# &ol!te%hni% -"il$in#) The eminar 'a not &art of an! %o"r e) It 'a an e2tra, an$ 'a $e %ri-e$ on the $oor a an e2er%i e in En#li h. &ea(in#) B"t more m" t ha+e -een e2&e%te$ from In$ar) Ao t of the $e ( 'ere ta(en) 9er$inan$ 'a there, in a little #ro"& of hi o'n) The -i %"it.%olo"re$ 'all of the le%t"re room 'ere -are e2%e&t for a &hoto#ra&h of the /re i$ent 8 not in arm! "niform, -"t in a %hief* leo&ar$. (in %a&, a hort. lee+e$ 3a%(et an$ a &ol(a.$otte$ %ra+at) In$ar, ittin# -elo' thi &hoto#ra&h, -e#an to &ea(, ea il!, a-o"t the other &art of Afri%a he ha$ +i ite$, an$ the !o"n# men 'ere fa %inate$) Their inno%en%e an$ ea#erne 'ere a toni hin#) In &ite of the 'ar an$ %o"& the! 'ere hearin# a-o"t, Afri%a 'a till to them the ne' %ontinent, an$ the! -eha+e$ a tho"#h In$ar felt li(e them, 'a almo t one of them) The lan#"a#e e2er%i e t"rne$ into a $i %" ion a-o"t Afri%a, an$ I %o"l$ feel &ol!te%hni% to&i% , le%t"re to&i% , %omin# to the "rfa%e) Some of the :"e tion 'ere $!namite1 -"t In$ar 'a +er! #oo$, al'a! %alm, ne+er "r&ri e$) He 'a li(e a &hilo o&her1 he trie$ to #et the !o"n# men to e2amine the 'or$ the! 'ere " in#) The! tal(e$ for a 'hile a-o"t the %o"& in U#an$a, an$ a-o"t the tri-al an$ reli#io" $ifferen%e there) Then the! -e#an to tal( more #enerall! a-o"t reli#ion in Afri%a) There 'a ome mo+ement in the #ro"& aro"n$ 9er$inan$) An$ 9er$inan$ 8 not "na'are of me 8 too$ "& an$ a (e$, ,Wo"l$ the hono"ra-le +i itor tate 'hether he feel that Afri%an ha+e -een $e&er onali@e$ -! Chri tianit!E0 In$ar $i$ 'hat he ha$ $one -efore) He re tate$ the :"e tion) He ai$, ,I "&&o e !o" are reall! a (in# 'hether Afri%a %an -e er+e$ -! a reli#ion 'hi%h i not Afri%an) I I lam an Afri%an reli#ionE Do !o" feel that Afri%an ha+e -een $e&er onali@e$ -! thatE0 9er$inan$ $i$n*t re&l!) It 'a a in the ol$ $a! 8 he ha$n*t tho"#ht -e!on$ a %ertain &oint) In$ar ai$, ,Well, I "&&o e !o" %an a! that I lam ha -e%ome an Afri%an reli#ion) It ha -een on the %ontinent for a +er! lon# time) An$ !o" %an a! the ame for the Co&ti% Chri tian ) I $on*t (no' 8 &erha& !o" mi#ht feel that tho e &eo&le ha+e -een o $e&er onali@e$ -! tho e reli#ion that the! are o"t of to"%h 'ith Afri%a) Wo"l$ !o" a! thatE Or 'o"l$ !o" a! the! are Afri%an of a &e%ial ortE0 9er$inan$ ai$, ,The hono"ra-le +i itor (no' +er! 'ell the (in$ of Chri tianit! I mean) He i tr!in# to %onf" e the i "e) He (no' a-o"t the lo' tat" of Afri%an reli#ion, an$ he (no' +er! 'ell that thi i a $ire%t :"e tion to him a-o"t the rele+an%e or other'i e of Afri%an reli#ion)
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The +i itor i a #entleman !m&atheti% to Afri%a 'ho ha tra+elle$) He %an a$+i e " ) That i 'h! 'e a ()0 A n"m-er of $e ( li$ 'ere -an#e$ in a&&ro+al) In$ar ai$, ,To an 'er that :"e tion !o" m" t allo' me to a ( !o" one) Yo" are t"$ent ) Yo" are not +illa#er ) Yo" %annot &reten$ !o" are) Yo" 'ill oon -e er+in# !o"r /re i$ent an$ hi #o+ernment in $ifferent %a&a%itie ) Yo" are men of the mo$ern 'orl$) Do !o" nee$ Afri%an reli#ionE Or are !o" -ein# entimental a-o"t itE Are !o" ner+o" of lo in# itE Or $o !o" feel !o" ha+e to hol$ on to it 3" t -e%a" e it* !o"r E, 9er$inan$* e!e 'ent har$) He -an#e$ the li$ of hi $e ( an$ too$ "&) ,Yo" are a (in# a %om&li%ate$ :"e tion)0 An$ ,%om&li%ate$,0 amon# the e t"$ent , 'a %learl! a 'or$ of $i a&&ro+al) In$ar ai$, ,Yo" are for#ettin#) I $i$n*t rai e the :"e tion) Yo" rai e$ it, an$ I merel! a (e$ for information)0 That re tore$ or$er, &"t an en$ to the -an#in# of the $e ( li$ ) It ma$e 9er$inan$ frien$l! a#ain, an$ he remaine$ frien$l! for the re t of the eminar) He 'ent to In$ar at the en$, 'hen the -o! in the .ackets de boy &" he$ in %hromi"m.&late$ trolle! an$ -e#an er+in# %offee an$ 'eet -i %"it =&art of the t!le the /re i$ent ha$ $e%ree$ for the Domain>) I ai$ to 9er$inan$, ,Yo"*+e -een he%(lin# m! frien$)0 He ai$, ,I 'o"l$n*t ha+e $one it if I ha$ (no'n he 'a !o"r frien$)0 In$ar ai$, ,What are !o"r o'n feelin# a-o"t Afri%an reli#ionE0 9er$inan$ ai$, ,I $on*t (no') That* 'h! I a (e$) It i not an ea ! :"e tion for me)0 Later, 'hen In$ar an$ I left the &ol!te%hni% -"il$in# to 'al( -a%( to hi ho" e, In$ar ai$, ,He* &rett! im&re i+e) He* !o"r marchande5s onE That e2&lain it) He* #ot that little e2tra -a%(#ro"n$), In the a &halte$ &a%e o"t i$e the &ol!te%hni% -"il$in# the fla# 'a floo$lit) Slen$er lam& tan$ar$ lifte$ fl"ore %ent arm $o'n -oth i$e of the main a+en"e1 an$ the a+en"e 'a al o lit 'ith li#ht at #ra le+el, li(e an air&ort r"n'a!) Some of the -"l- ha$ -een -ro(en an$ #ra ha$ #ro'n tall aro"n$ the fittin# ) I ai$, ,Hi mother* al o a ma#i%ian)0 In$ar ai$, ,Yo" %an*t -e too %aref"l) The! 'ere to"#h toni#ht, -"t the! $i$n*t a ( the reall! $iffi%"lt :"e tion) Do !o" (no' 'hat that i E Whether Afri%an are &ea ant ) It* a non en e :"e tion, -"t -i# -attle are fo"#ht a-o"t that one) Whate+er !o" a! !o" #et into tro"-le) Yo" ee 'h! m! o"tfit i nee$e$) Unle 'e %an #et them thin(in#, an$ #i+e them real i$ea in tea$ of 3" t &oliti% an$ &rin%i&le , the e !o"n# men 'ill (ee& o"r 'orl$ in t"rmoil for the ne2t half %ent"r!)0 I tho"#ht ho' far 'e ha$ -oth %ome, to tal( a-o"t Afri%a li(e thi ) We ha$ e+en learne$ to ta(e Afri%an ma#i% erio" l!) It ha$n*t -een li(e that on the %oa t) B"t a 'e tal(e$ that e+enin# a-o"t the eminar, I -e#an to 'on$er 'hether In$ar an$ I 'eren*t foolin# o"r el+e an$ 'hether 'e 'eren*t allo'in# the Afri%a 'e tal(e$ a-o"t to -e%ome too $ifferent from the Afri%a 'e (ne') 9er$inan$ $i$n*t 'ant to lo e to"%h 'ith the &irit 1 he 'a ner+o" of -ein# on hi o'n) That ha$ -een at the -a%( of hi :"e tion) We all "n$er too$ hi an2iet!1 -"t it 'a a tho"#h, at the eminar, e+er!one ha$ -een a hame$, or fearf"l, of referrin# to it $ire%tl!) The $i %" ion ha$ -een f"ll of 'or$ of another (in$, a-o"t reli#ion an$ hi tor!) It 'a li(e that on the Domain1 Afri%a there 'a a &e%ial &la%e)
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I 'on$ere$, too, a-o"t In$ar) Ho' ha$ he arri+e$ at hi ne' attit"$e E I ha$ tho"#ht of him, in%e the %oa t, a a hater of Afri%a) He ha$ lo t a lot1 I $i$n*t thin( he ha$ for#i+en) Yet he flo"ri he$ on the Domain1 it 'a hi ettin#) I 'a le ,%om&li%ate$01 I -elon#e$ to the to'n) An$ to lea+e the Domain an$ $ri+e -a%( to the to'n, to ee the ha%( , a%re an$ a%re of them, the r"--i h mo"n$ , to feel the &re en%e of the ri+er an$ the fore t all aro"n$ =more than lan$ %a&in# no'>, to ee the ra##e$ #ro"& o"t i$e the $rin(in# -ooth , the :"atter * %oo(in# fire on the &a+ement in the %entre of the to'n 8 to $o that $ri+e -a%( 'a to ret"rn to the Afri%a I (ne') It 'a to %lim- $o'n from the e2altation of the Domain, to #ra & realit! a#ain) Di$ In$ar -elie+e in the Afri%a of 'or$ E Di$ an!one on the Domain -elie+eE Wa n*t the tr"th 'hat 'e in the to'n li+e$ 'ith 8 the ale men* %hat in the +an $er We!$en an$ the -ar , the &hoto#ra&h of the /re i$ent in #o+ernment offi%e an$ in o"r ho& , the arm! -arra%( in the %on+erte$ &ala%e of the man of o"r %omm"nit!E In$ar ai$, ,Doe one -elie+e in an!thin#E Doe it matterE0 There 'a a rit"al I 'ent thro"#h 'hene+er I ha$ to %lear a $iffi%"lt %on i#nment thro"#h the %" tom ) I fille$ in the $e%laration form, fol$e$ it o+er fi+e h"n$re$ fran% , an$ han$e$ it to the offi%ial in %har#e) He 'o"l$ 8 a oon a he ha$ #ot hi "-or$inate o"t of the room =an$ the! of %o"r e (ne' 'h! the! ha$ -een a (e$ to lea+e the room> 8 %he%( the note 'ith hi e!e alone) The note 'o"l$ then -e ta(en1 the entrie on the form 'o"l$ -e t"$ie$ 'ith e2a##erate$ %are1 an$ oon he 'o"l$ a!, ,45est bien0 &is5 Salim7 9o,s :tes en ordre)0 Neither he nor I 'o"l$ refer to the -an( note ) We 'o"l$ tal( onl! a-o"t the $etail on the $e%laration form, 'hi%h, %orre%tl! fille$, %orre%tl! a&&ro+e$, 'o"l$ remain a &roof of -oth o"r %orre%tne ) Yet 'hat ha$ lain at the heart of the tran a%tion 'o"l$ -e &a e$ o+er in ilen%e, an$ 'o"l$ lea+e no tra%e in the re%or$ ) So, in m! tal( 'ith In$ar a-o"t Afri%a 8 the &"r&o e of hi o"tfit, the Domain, hi an2ietie a-o"t im&orte$ $o%trine , the $an#er to Afri%a of it +er! ne'ne , fir t i$ea -ein# %a"#ht mo t e%"rel! -! ne' min$ a ti%(! a a$he i+e ta&e 8 I felt that -et'een " la! ome $i hone t!, or 3" t an omi ion, ome -lan(, aro"n$ 'hi%h 'e -oth ha$ to 'al( %aref"ll!) That omi ion 'a o"r o'n &a t, the ma he$ life of o"r %omm"nit!) In$ar ha$ referre$ to that at o"r fir t meetin# that mornin# in the ho&) He ai$ that he ha$ learne$ to tram&le on the &a t) In the -e#innin# it ha$ -een li(e tram&lin# on a #ar$en1 later it ha$ -e%ome li(e 'al(in# on #ro"n$) I -e%ame %onf" e$ m! elf) The Domain 'a a hoa2) B"t at the ame time it 'a real, -e%a" e it 'a f"ll of erio" men =an$ a fe' 'omen>) Wa there a tr"th o"t i$e menE Di$n*t men ma(e the tr"th for them el+e E E+er!thin# men $i$ or ma$e -e%ame real) So I mo+e$ -et'een the Domain an$ the to'n) It 'a al'a! rea "rin# to ret"rn to the to'n I (ne', to #et a'a! from that Afri%a of 'or$ an$ i$ea a it e2i te$ on the Domain =an$ from 'hi%h, often, Afri%an 'ere &h! i%all! a- ent>) B"t the Domain, an$ the #lor! an$ the o%ial e2%itement of the life there, al'a! %alle$ me -a%()


In$ar ai$, ,We are #oin# to a &art! after $inner) It* -ein# #i+en -! Y+ette) Do !o" (no' herE Her h" -an$, Ra!mon$, (ee& a lo' &rofile, -"t he r"n the 'hole ho' here) The /re i$ent,
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or the Bi# Aan, a !o" %all him, ent him $o'n here to (ee& an e!e on thin# ) He* the Bi# Aan* 'hite man) In all the e &la%e there* omeone li(e that) Ra!mon$* a hi torian) The! a! the /re i$ent rea$ e+er!thin# he 'rite ) That* the tor! an!'a!) Ra!mon$ (no' more a-o"t the %o"ntr! than an!one on earth)0 I ha$ ne+er hear$ of Ra!mon$) The /re i$ent I ha$ een onl! in &hoto#ra&h 8 fir t in arm! "niform, then in the t!li h hort. lee+e$ 3a%(et an$ %ra+at, an$ then 'ith hi leo&ar$. (in %hief* %a& an$ hi %ar+e$ ti%(, em-lem of hi %hieftain%! 8 an$ it ha$ ne+er o%%"rre$ to me that he mi#ht -e a rea$er) What In$ar tol$ me -ro"#ht the /re i$ent %lo er) At the ame time it ho'e$ me ho' far a'a! I, an$ &eo&le li(e me, 'ere from the eat of &o'er) Con i$erin# m! elf from that $i tan%e, I a' ho' mall an$ +"lnera-le 'e 'ere1 an$ it $i$n*t eem :"ite real that, $re e$ a I 'a , I ho"l$ -e trollin# a%ro the Domain after $inner to meet &eo&le in $ire%t to"%h 'ith the #reat) It 'a tran#e, -"t I no lon#er felt o&&re e$ -! the %o"ntr!, the fore t an$ the 'ater an$ the remote &eo&le ; I felt m! elf a-o+e it all, %on i$erin# it from thi ne' an#le of the &o'erf"l) 9rom 'hat In$ar ha$ ai$ I ha$ e2&e%te$ that Ra!mon$ an$ Y+ette 'o"l$ -e mi$$le.a#e$) B"t the la$! 8 in -la%( la%( in ome hin! material 8 'ho %ame to meet " after the 'hite. 3a%(ete$ -o! ha$ let " in 'a !o"n#, in her late t'entie , near m! o'n a#e) That 'a the fir t "r&ri e) The e%on$ 'a that he 'a -arefoote$, feet 'hite an$ -ea"tif"l an$ finel! ma$e) I loo(e$ at her feet -efore I %on i$ere$ her fa%e an$ her -lo" e, -la%( il(, em-roi$ere$ ro"n$ the lo'.%"t %ollar 8 e2&en i+e t"ff, not the ort of #oo$ !o" %o"l$ #et in o"r to'n) In$ar ai$, ,Thi lo+el! la$! i o"r ho te ) Her name i Y+ette)0 He -ent o+er her an$ a&&eare$ to hol$ her in an em-ra%e) It 'a a &ie%e of &antomime) She &la!f"ll! ar%he$ her -a%( to re%ei+e hi em-ra%e, -"t hi %hee( -arel! -r" he$ her , he ne+er to"%he$ her -rea t, an$ onl! the ti& of hi fin#er re te$ on her -a%(, on the il( -lo" e) It 'a a ho" e of the Domain, li(e In$ar* ) B"t all the "&hol tere$ f"rnit"re ha$ -een %leare$ o"t of the ittin# room an$ ha$ -een re&la%e$ -! %" hion an$ -ol ter an$ Afri%an mat ) T'o or three rea$in# lam& ha$ -een &"t on the floor, o that &art of the room 'ere in $ar(ne ) Y+ette ai$, referrin# to the f"rnit"re, ,The /re i$ent ha an e2a##erate$ i$ea of the nee$ of E"ro&ean ) I*+e $"m&e$ all that +el+et! t"ff in one of the -e$room )0 Remem-erin# 'hat In$ar ha$ tol$ me, I i#nore$ the iron! in her +oi%e, an$ felt that he 'a &ea(in# 'ith &ri+ile#e, the &ri+ile#e of omeone %lo e to the /re i$ent) A n"m-er of &eo&le 'ere alrea$! there) In$ar follo'e$ Y+ette $ee&er into the room, an$ I follo'e$ In$ar) In$ar ai$, ,Ho'* Ra!mon$E0 Y+ette ai$, ,He* 'or(in#) He*ll loo( in later)0 We at $o'n all three ne2t to a -oo(%a e) In$ar lo"n#e$ a#ain t a -ol ter, a man at ea e) I %on%entrate$ on the m" i%) A o often 'hen I 'a 'ith In$ar on the Domain, I 'a &re&are$ onl! to 'at%h an$ li ten) An$ thi 'a all ne' to me) I ha$n*t -een to a Domain &art! li(e thi ) An$ the atmo &here it elf in that room 'a omethin# I ha$ ne+er e2&erien%e$ -efore) T'o or three %o"&le 'ere $an%in#1 I ha$ +i ion of 'omen* le# ) I ha$ a +i ion e &e%iall! of a #irl in a #reen $re 'ho at on a trai#ht.-a%(e$ $inin# %hair =one of the ho" e et of t'el+e>) I t"$ie$ her (nee , her le# , her an(le , her hoe ) The! 'ere not &arti%"larl! 'ell ma$e le# , -"t the! ha$ an effe%t on me) All m! a$"lt life I ha$ loo(e$ for relea e in the -ar of the to'n) I (ne' onl! 'omen 'ho ha$ to -e &ai$ for) The other i$e of the life of &a ion, of em-ra%e freel! #i+en an$ re%ei+e$, I (ne' nothin# of, an$ ha$ -e#"n to %on i$er alien, omethin# not for me) An$ o
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m! ati fa%tion ha$ onl! -een -rothel ati fa%tion , 'hi%h ha$n*t -een ati fa%tion at all) I felt the! ha$ ta(en me f"rther an$ f"rther a'a! from the tr"e life of the en e an$ I feare$ the! ha$ ma$e me in%a&a-le of that life) I ha$ ne+er -een in a room 'here men an$ 'omen $an%e$ for m"t"al &lea "re, an$ o"t of &lea "re in one another* %om&an!) Trem-lin# e2&e%tation 'a in that #irl* hea+! le# , the #irl in the #reen $re ) It 'a a ne' $re , loo el! hemme$, not irone$ into a %rea e, till "##e tin# the material a it ha$ -een mea "re$ o"t an$ -o"#ht) Later I a' her $an%in#, 'at%he$ the mo+ement of her le# , her hoe 1 an$ "%h a 'eetne 'a relea e$ in me that I felt I ha$ re%o+ere$ a &art of m! elf I ha$ lo t) I ne+er loo(e$ at the #irl* fa%e, an$ it 'a ea ! in the emi.#loom to let that remain "n(no'n) I 'ante$ to in( into the 'eetne 1 I $i$n*t 'ant an!thin# to &oil the moo$) An$ the moo$ -e%ame 'eeter) The m" i% that 'a -ein# &la!e$ %ame to an en$, an$ in the 'on$erf"ll! lit room, -l"rre$ %ir%le of li#ht thro'n onto the %eilin# from the lam& on the floor, &eo&le to&&e$ $an%in#) What ne2t %ame on 'ent trai#ht to m! heart 8 a$ #"itar , 'or$ , a on#, an Ameri%an #irl in#in# ,Bar-ara Allen)0 That +oi%eB It nee$e$ no m" i%1 it har$l! nee$e$ 'or$ ) B! it elf it %reate$ the line of the melo$!1 -! it elf it %reate$ a 'hole 'orl$ of feelin#) It i 'hat &eo&le of o"r -a%(#ro"n$ loo( for in m" i% an$ in#in#; feelin#) It i 'hat ma(e " ho"t , ;a-waB Bra+oB0 an$ thro' -an( note an$ #ol$ at the feet of a in#er) Li tenin# to that +oi%e, I felt the $ee&e t &art of m! elf a'a(enin#, the &art that (ne' lo , home i%(ne , #rief, an$ lon#e$ for lo+e) An$ in that +oi%e 'a the &romi e of a flo'erin# for e+er!one 'ho li tene$) I ai$ to In$ar, ,Who i the in#erE0 He ai$, ,?oan Bae@) She* +er! famo" in the State )0 ,An$ a millionaire,0 Y+ette ai$) I 'a -e#innin# to re%o#ni@e her iron!) It ma$e her a&&ear to -e a!in# omethin# 'hen he ha$ ai$ +er! little 8 an$ he 'a , after all, &la!in# the re%or$ in her ho" e) She 'a milin# at me, &erha& milin# at 'hat he ha$ ai$, or &erha& milin# at me a In$ar* frien$, or milin# -e%a" e he -elie+e$ it -e%ame her) Her left le# 'a $ra'n "&1 her ri#ht le#, -ent at the (nee, la! flat on the %" hion on 'hi%h he at, o that her ri#ht heel la! almo t a#ain t her left an(le) Bea"tif"l feet, an$ their 'hitene 'a 'on$erf"l a#ain t the -la%( of her la%( ) Her &ro+o%ati+e &o t"re, her mile 8 the! -e%ame &art of the moo$ of the on#, too m"%h to %ontem&late) In$ar ai$, ,Salim %ome from one of o"r ol$ %oa t familie ) Their hi tor! i intere tin#)0 Y+ette* han$ la! 'hite on her ri#ht thi#h) In$ar ai$, ,Let me ho' !o" omethin#)0 He leane$ a%ro m! le# an$ rea%he$ "& to the -oo(%a e) He too( o"t a -oo(, o&ene$ it an$ ho'e$ me 'here I 'a to rea$) I hel$ the -oo( $o'n to the floor, to %at%h the li#ht from the rea$in# lam&, an$ a', amon# a li t of name , the name of Y+ette an$ Ra!mon$, a%(no'le$#e$ -! the 'riter of the -oo( a ,mo t #enero" of ho t 0 at ome re%ent time in the %a&ital) Y+ette %ontin"e$ to mile) No em-arra ment or &la!in# it $o'n, tho"#h1 no iron! no') Her name in the -oo( mattere$ to her) I #a+e the -oo( -a%( to In$ar, loo(e$ a'a! from Y+ette an$ him, an$ ret"rne$ to the +oi%e) Not all the on# 'ere li(e ,Bar-ara Allen)0 Some 'ere mo$ern, a-o"t 'ar an$ in3" ti%e an$ o&&re ion an$ n"%lear $e tr"%tion) B"t al'a! in -et'een there 'ere the ol$er, 'eeter melo$ie ) The e 'ere the one I 'aite$ for, -"t in the en$ the +oi%e lin(e$ the t'o (in$ of on#, lin(e$ the
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mai$en an$ lo+er an$ a$ $eath of -!#one time 'ith the &eo&le of to$a! 'ho 'ere o&&re e$ an$ a-o"t to $ie) It 'a ma(e.-elie+e 8 I ne+er $o"-te$ that) Yo" %o"l$n*t li ten to 'eet on# a-o"t in3" ti%e "nle !o" e2&e%te$ 3" ti%e an$ re%ei+e$ it m"%h of the time) Yo" %o"l$n*t in# on# a-o"t the en$ of the 'orl$ "nle 8 li(e the other &eo&le in that room, o -ea"tif"l 'ith "%h im&le thin# ; Afri%an mat on the floor an$ Afri%an han#in# on the 'all an$ &ear an$ ma ( 8 !o" felt that the 'orl$ 'a #oin# on an$ !o" 'ere afe in it) Ho' ea ! it 'a , in that room, to ma(e tho e a "m&tion B It 'a $ifferent o"t i$e, an$ Aahe h 'o"l$ ha+e %offe$) He ha$ ai$, ,It i n*t that there* no ri#ht an$ 'ron# here) There* no ri#ht)0 B"t Aahe h felt far a'a!) The ari$it! of that life, 'hi%h ha$ al o -een mineB It 'a -etter to &reten$, a I %o"l$ &reten$ no') It 'a -etter to hare the %om&anion hi& of that &reten%e, to feel that in that room 'e all li+e$ -ea"tif"ll! an$ -ra+el! 'ith in3" ti%e an$ imminent $eath an$ %on ole$ o"r el+e 'ith lo+e) E+en -efore the on# en$e$ I felt I ha$ fo"n$ the (in$ of life I 'ante$1 I ne+er 'ante$ to -e or$inar! a#ain) I felt that -! ome &ie%e of l"%( I ha$ t"m-le$ on the e:"i+alent of 'hat !ear -efore Na@r"$$in ha$ fo"n$ ri#ht here) It 'a late 'hen Ra!mon$ %ame in) I ha$, at In$ar* in i ten%e, e+en $an%e$ 'ith Y+ette an$ felt her (in -elo' the il( of her -lo" e1 an$ 'hen I a' Ra!mon$ m! tho"#ht 8 lea&in# at thi ta#e of the e+enin# from &o i-ilit! to &o i-ilit! 8 'ere at fir t onl! a-o"t the $ifferen%e in their a#e ) There m" t ha+e -een thirt! !ear -et'een Y+ette an$ her h" -an$1 Ra!mon$ 'a a man in hi late fiftie ) B"t I felt &o i-ilitie fa$e, felt them a $ream , 'hen I a' the imme$iate loo( of %on%ern on Y+ette* fa%e 8 or rather in her e!e , for her mile 'a till on, a tri%( of her fa%e1 'hen I a' the e%"rit! of Ra!mon$* manner, remem-ere$ hi 3o- an$ &o ition, an$ too( in the $i tin%tion of hi a&&earan%e) It 'a the $i tin%tion of intelli#en%e an$ intelle%t"al la-o"r ) He loo(e$ a tho"#h he ha$ 3" t ta(en off hi #la e , an$ hi #entle e!e 'ere attra%ti+el! tire$) He 'a 'earin# a lon#. lee+e$ afari 3a%(et1 an$ it %ame to me that the t!le 8 lon# lee+e rather than hort 8 ha$ -een "##e te$ to him -! Y+ette) After that loo( of %on%ern at her h" -an$, Y+ette rela2e$ a#ain, 'ith her fi2e$ mile) In$ar #ot "& an$ -e#an fet%hin# a $inin# %hair from a#ain t the o&&o ite 'all) Ra!mon$ motione$ to " to ta! 'here 'e 'ere1 he re3e%te$ the %han%e of ittin# ne2t to Y+ette, an$ 'hen In$ar ret"rne$ 'ith the $inin# %hair, at on that) Y+ette ai$, 'itho"t mo+in#, ,Wo"l$ !o" li(e a $rin(, Ra!mon$E0 He ai$, ,It 'ill &oil it for me, E+ie) I*ll -e #oin# -a%( to m! room in a min"te)0 Ra!mon$* &re en%e in the room ha$ -een note$) A !o"n# man an$ a #irl ha$ -e#"n to ho+er aro"n$ o"r #ro"&) One or t'o other &eo&le %ame "&) There 'ere #reetin# ) In$ar ai$, ,I ho&e 'e ha+en*t $i t"r-e$ !o")0 Ra!mon$ ai$, ,It ma$e a &lea ant -a%(#ro"n$) If I loo( a little tro"-le$, it i -e%a" e 3" t no', in that room, I -e%ame +er! $e3e%te$) I -e#an to 'on$er, a I*+e often 'on$ere$, 'hether the tr"th e+er #et (no'n) The i$ea i n*t ne', -"t there are time 'hen it -e%ome e &e%iall! &ainf"l) I feel that e+er!thin# one $oe i 3" t #oin# to 'a te)0 In$ar ai$, ,Yo" are tal(in# non en e, Ra!mon$) Of %o"r e it ta(e time for omeone li(e !o"r elf to -e re%o#ni@e$, -"t it ha&&en in the en$) Yo" are not 'or(in# in a &o&"lar fiel$)0 Y+ette ai$, ,Yo" tell him that for me, &lea e)0
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One of the men tan$in# aro"n$ ai$, ,Ne' $i %o+erie are %on tant! ma(in# " re+i e o"r i$ea a-o"t the &a t) The tr"th i al'a! there) It %an -e #ot at) The 'or( ha to -e $one, that* all)0 Ra!mon$ ai$, ,Time, the $i %o+erer of tr"th) I (no') It* the %la i%al i$ea, the reli#io" i$ea) B"t there are time 'hen !o" -e#in to 'on$er) Do 'e reall! (no' the hi tor! of the Roman Em&ireE Do 'e reall! (no' 'hat 'ent on $"rin# the %on:"e t of Ca"lE I 'a ittin# in m! room an$ thin(in# 'ith a$ne a-o"t all the thin# that ha+e #one "nre%or$e$) Do !o" thin( 'e 'ill e+er #et to (no' the tr"th a-o"t 'hat ha ha&&ene$ in Afri%a in the la t h"n$re$ or e+en fift! !ear E All the 'ar , all the re-ellion , all the lea$er , all the $efeat E0 There 'a a ilen%e) We loo(e$ at Ra!mon$, 'ho ha$ intro$"%e$ thi element of $i %" ion into o"r e+enin#) Yet the moo$ 'a onl! li(e an e2ten ion of the moo$ of the ?oan Bae@ on# ) An$ for a little 'hile, -"t 'itho"t the hel& of m" i%, 'e %ontem&late$ the a$ne of the %ontinent) In$ar ai$, ,Ha+e !o" rea$ A"ller* arti%leE0 Ra!mon$ ai$, ,A-o"t the Ba&en$e re-ellionE He ent me a &roof) It* ha$ a #reat "%%e , I hear)0 The !o"n# man 'ith the #irl ai$, ,I hear the!*re in+itin# him to Te2a to tea%h for a term)0 In$ar ai$, ,I tho"#ht it 'a a lot of r"--i h) E+er! (in$ of %li%he &ara$in# a ne' 'i $om) The A@an$e, that* a tri-al "&ri in#) The Ba&en$e, that* 3" t e%onomi% o&&re ion, r"--er -" ine ) The!*re to -e l"m&e$ 'ith the B"$3a an$ the Ba-'a) An$ !o" $o that -! &la!in# $o'n the reli#io" i$e) Whi%h i 'hat ma(e the Ba&en$e $" t."& o 'on$erf"l) It* 3" t the (in$ of thin# that ha&&en 'hen &eo&le t"rn to Afri%a to ma(e the fa t a%a$emi% -"%(), Ra!mon$ ai$, ,He %ame to ee me) I an 'ere$ all hi :"e tion an$ ho'e$ him all m! &a&er )0 The !o"n# man ai$, ,A"ller* a -it of 'hi@ (i$, I thin()0 Ra!mon$ ai$, ,I li(e$ him)0 Y+ette ai$, ,He %ame to l"n%h) A oon a Ra!mon$ left the ta-le, he for#ot all a-o"t the Ba&en$e an$ ai$ to me, FDo !o" 'ant to %ome o"t 'ith meE* ?" t li(e that) The min"te Ra!mon$* -a%( 'a t"rne$)0 Ra!mon$ mile$) In$ar ai$, ,I 'a tellin# Salim, Ra!mon$, that !o" are the onl! man the /re i$ent rea$ )0 Ra!mon$ ai$, ,I $on*t thin( he ha m"%h time for rea$in# the e $a! )0 The !o"n# man, hi #irl no' %lo e to him, ai$, ,Ho' $i$ !o" meet himE0 ,It i a tor! at on%e im&le an$ e2traor$inar!,0 Ra!mon$ ai$) ,B"t I $on*t thin( 'e ha+e time for that no')0 He loo(e$ at Y+ette) She ai$, ,I $on*t thin( an!-o$! i r" hin# off an!'here ri#ht at thi min"te)0 ,It 'a lon# a#o,0 Ra!mon$ ai$) ,In %olonial time ) I 'a tea%hin# at a %olle#e in the %a&ital) I 'a $oin# m! hi tori%al 'or() B"t of %o"r e in tho e $a! there 'a no :"e tion of &"-li hin#) There 'a the %en or hi& that &eo&le &reten$e$ $i$n*t e2i t, in &ite of the %ele-rate$ $e%ree of 4577) An$ of %o"r e in tho e $a! Afri%a 'a n*t a "-3e%t) B"t I ne+er ma$e an! e%ret of 'hat I felt or 'here I too$, an$ I "&&o e the 'or$ m" t ha+e #ot aro"n$) One $a! at the %olle#e I 'a tol$ that an ol$ Afri%an 'oman ha$ %ome to ee me) It 'a one of the Afri%an er+ant 'ho -ro"#ht me the me a#e, an$ he 'a n*t too im&re e$ -! m! +i itor) ,I a (e$ him to -rin# her to me) She 'a mi$$le.a#e$ rather than ol$) She 'or(e$ a a mai$ in the -i# hotel in the %a&ital, an$ he ha$ %ome to ee me a-o"t her on) She -elon#e$ to one of the maller tri-e , &eo&le 'ith no a! in an!thin#, an$ I "&&o e he ha$ no one of her o'n (in$ to
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t"rn to) The -o! ha$ left %hool) He ha$ 3oine$ ome &oliti%al %l"- an$ ha$ $one +ario" o$$ 3o- ) B"t he ha$ #i+en "& all that) He 'a $oin# nothin# at all) He 'a 3" t ta!in# in the ho" e) He $i$n*t #o o"t to ee an!-o$!) He "ffere$ from hea$a%he , -"t he 'a n*t ill) I tho"#ht he 'a #oin# to a ( me to #et the -o! a 3o-) B"t no) All he 'ante$ me to $o 'a to ee the -o! an$ tal( to him) ,She im&re e$ me a #reat $eal) Ye , the $i#nit! of that hotel mai$ 'a :"ite remar(a-le) Another 'oman 'o"l$ ha+e tho"#ht that her on 'a -e'it%he$, an$ ta(en a&&ro&riate mea "re ) She, in her im&le 'a!, a' that her on* $i ea e ha$ -een -ro"#ht on -! hi e$"%ation) That 'a 'h! he ha$ %ome to me, the tea%her at the %olle#e) ,I a (e$ her to en$ the -o! to me) He $i$n*t li(e the i$ea of hi mother tal(in# to me a-o"t him, -"t he %ame) He 'a a ner+o" a a (itten) What ma$e him "n" "al 8 I 'o"l$ e+en a! e2traor$inar! 8 'a the :"alit! of hi $e &air) It 'a n*t 3" t a matter of &o+ert! an$ the la%( of o&&ort"nit!) It 'ent m"%h $ee&er) An$, in$ee$, to tr! to loo( at the 'orl$ from hi &oint of +ie' 'a to -e#in to #et a hea$a%he !o"r elf) He %o"l$n*t fa%e the 'orl$ in 'hi%h hi mother, a &oor 'oman of Afri%a, ha$ en$"re$ "%h h"miliation) Nothin# %o"l$ "n$o that) Nothin# %o"l$ #i+e him a -etter 'orl$) ,I ai$ to him, FI*+e li tene$ to !o", an$ I (no' that one $a! the moo$ of $e &air 'ill #o an$ !o" 'ill 'ant to a%t) What !o" m" tn*t $o then i to -e%ome in+ol+e$ in &oliti% a the! e2i t) Tho e %l"- an$ a o%iation are tal(in# ho& , $e-atin# o%ietie , 'here Afri%an &o t"re for E"ro&ean an$ ho&e to &a a e+ol+e$) The! 'ill eat "& !o"r &a ion an$ $e tro! !o"r #ift ) What I am #oin# to tell !o" no' 'ill o"n$ tran#e, %omin# from me) Yo" m" t 3oin the Defen%e 9or%e) Yo" 'on*t ri e hi#h, -"t !o" 'ill learn a real (ill) Yo" 'ill learn a-o"t 'ea&on an$ tran &ort, an$ !o" 'ill al o learn a-o"t men) On%e !o" "n$er tan$ 'hat hol$ the Defen%e 9or%e to#ether, !o" 'ill "n$er tan$ 'hat hol$ the %o"ntr! to#ether) Yo" mi#ht a! to me, 0B"t i n*t it -etter for me to -e a la'!er an$ -e %alle$ ma<treE, I 'ill a!, 0No) It i -etter for !o" to -e a &ri+ate an$ %all the er#eant ir), Thi i n*t a$+i%e I 'ill 'ant to #i+e to an!-o$! el e) B"t I #i+e it to !o")* 0 Ra!mon$ ha$ hel$ " all) When he to&&e$ &ea(in# 'e allo'e$ the ilen%e to la t, 'hile 'e %ontin"e$ to loo( at him a he at on the $inin# %hair in hi afari 3a%(et, $i tin#"i he$, hi hair %om-e$ -a%(, hi e!e tire$, a -it of a $an$! in hi 'a!) In a more %on+er ational +oi%e, a tho"#h he 'a %ommentin# on hi o'n tor!, Ra!mon$ ai$ at la t, -rea(in# the ilen%e, ,He* a tr"l! remar(a-le man) I $on*t thin( 'e #i+e him eno"#h %re$it for 'hat he* $one) We ta(e it for #rante$) He* $i %i&line$ the arm! an$ -ro"#ht &ea%e to thi lan$ of man! &eo&le ) It i &o i-le on%e a#ain to tra+er e the %o"ntr! from one en$ to the other 8 omethin# the %olonial &o'er tho"#ht it alone ha$ -ro"#ht a-o"t) An$ 'hat i mo t remar(a-le i that it* -een $one 'itho"t %oer%ion, an$ entirel! 'ith the %on ent of the &eo&le) Yo" $on*t ee &oli%emen in the treet ) Yo" $on*t ee #"n ) Yo" $on*t ee the arm!)0 In$ar, ittin# ne2t to Y+ette, 'ho 'a till milin#, eeme$ a-o"t to %han#e the &o ition of hi le# &rior to a!in# omethin#) B"t Ra!mon$ rai e$ hi han$, an$ In$ar $i$n*t mo+e) ,An$ there* the free$om,0 Ra!mon$ ai$) ,There* the remar(a-le 'el%ome #i+en to e+er! (in$ of i$ea from e+er! (in$ of ! tem) I $on*t thin(,0 he ai$, a$$re in# In$ar $ire%tl!, a tho"#h ma(in# "& to him for (ee&in# him :"iet, ,that an!one ha e+en hinte$ to !o" that there are %ertain thin# !o" ha+e to a! an$ %ertain thin# !o" m" tn*t a!)0 In$ar ai$, ,We*+e ha$ an ea ! ri$e here)0
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,I $on*t thin( it 'o"l$ ha+e o%%"rre$ to him to tr! to %en or !o") He feel that all i$ea %an -e ma$e to er+e the %a" e) Yo" mi#ht a! that 'ith him there* an a- ol"te h"n#er for i$ea ) He " e them all in hi o'n 'a!)0 Y+ette ai$, ,I 'i h he 'o"l$ %han#e the -o! * "niform ) The #oo$ ol$ %olonial t!le of hort tro" er an$ a lon# 'hite a&ron) Or lon# tro" er an$ a 3a%(et) B"t not that %arni+al %o t"me of hort tro" er an$ 3a%(et)0 We all la"#he$, e+en Ra!mon$, a tho"#h 'e 'ere #la$ to to& -ein# olemn) An$ Y+ette* -ol$ne 'a al o li(e &roof of the free$om Ra!mon$ ha$ -een tal(in# a-o"t) Ra!mon$ ai$, ,Y+ette #oe on a-o"t the -o! * "niform ) B"t that* the arm! -a%(#ro"n$, an$ the mother* hotel -a%(#ro"n$) The mother 'ore a %olonial mai$* "niform all her 'or(in# life) The -o! in the Domain ha+e to 'ear their ) An$ it i n*t a %olonial "niform 8 that* the &oint) In fa%t, e+er!-o$! no'a$a! 'ho 'ear a "niform ha to "n$er tan$ that) E+er!one in "niform ha to feel that he ha a &er onal %ontra%t 'ith the /re i$ent) An$ tr! to #et the -o! o"t of that "niform) Yo" 'on*t "%%ee$) Y+ette ha trie$) The! 'ant to 'ear that "niform, ho'e+er a- "r$ it i to o"r e!e ) That* the ama@in# thin# a-o"t thi man of Afri%a 8 thi flair, thi (no'le$#e of 'hat the &eo&le nee$, an$ 'hen) ,We ha+e all the e &hoto#ra&h of him in Afri%an %o t"me no'a$a! ) I m" t %onfe I 'a $i t"r-e$ 'hen the! -e#an to a&&ear in "%h n"m-er) I rai e$ the i "e 'ith him one $a! in the %a&ital) I 'a hattere$ -! the &enetration of hi an 'er) He ai$, F9i+e !ear a#o, Ra!mon$, I 'o"l$ ha+e a#ree$ 'ith !o") 9i+e !ear a#o o"r Afri%an &eo&le, 'ith that %r"el h"mo"r 'hi%h i their , 'o"l$ ha+e la"#he$, an$ that ri$i%"le 'o"l$ ha+e $e tro!e$ o"r %o"ntr!, 'ith it till frail -on$ ) B"t time ha+e %han#e$) The &eo&le no' ha+e &ea%e) The! 'ant omethin# el e) So the! no lon#er ee a &hoto#ra&h of a ol$ier) The! ee a &hoto#ra&h of an Afri%an) An$ that i n*t a &i%t"re of me, Ra!mon$) It i a &i%t"re of all Afri%an )* , Thi 'a o li(e 'hat I felt, that I ai$, ,Ye B None of " in the to'n li(e$ &"ttin# "& the ol$ &hoto#ra&h) B"t it i $ifferent eein# the ne' &hoto#ra&h , e &e%iall! in the Domain)0 Ra!mon$ &ermitte$ thi interr"&tion) Hi ri#ht han$ 'a -ein# rai e$, tho"#h, to allo' him to #o on) An$ he 'ent on) ,I tho"#ht I 'o"l$ %he%( thi ) ?" t la t 'ee(, a a matter of fa%t) I ran into one of o"r t"$ent o"t i$e the main -"il$in#) An$ 3" t to -e &ro+o%ati+e, I $ro&&e$ ome remar( a-o"t the n"m-er of the /re i$ent* &hoto#ra&h ) The !o"n# man &"lle$ me "& :"ite har&l!) So I a (e$ him 'hat he felt 'hen he a' the /re i$ent* &hoto#ra&h) Yo" 'ill -e "r&ri e$ -! 'hat he ai$ to me, that !o"n# man, hol$in# him elf a ere%t a an! militar! %a$et) FIt i a &hoto#ra&h of the /re i$ent) B"t here on the Domain, a a t"$ent at the &ol!te%hni%, I al o %on i$er it a &hoto#ra&h of m! elf)* The +er! 'or$ B B"t that* a :"alit! of #reat lea$er 8 the! int"it the nee$ of their &eo&le lon# -efore tho e nee$ are form"late$) It ta(e an Afri%an to r"le Afri%a 8 the %olonial &o'er ne+er tr"l! "n$er too$ that) Ho'e+er m"%h the re t of " t"$! Afri%a, ho'e+er $ee& o"r !m&ath!, 'e 'ill remain o"t i$er ), The !o"n# man, ittin# no' on a mat 'ith hi #irl, a (e$, ,Do !o" (no' the !m-oli m of the er&ent on the /re i$ent* ti%(E I it tr"e that there* a feti h in the -ell! of the h"man fi#"re on the ti%(E0 Ra!mon$ ai$, ,I $on*t (no' a-o"t that) It i a ti%() It i a %hief* ti%() It i li(e a ma%e or a mitre) I $on*t thin( 'e ha+e to fall into the error of loo(in# for Afri%an m! terie e+er!'here)0 The %riti%al note 3arre$ a little) B"t Ra!mon$ eeme$ not to noti%e)
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,I ha+e re%entl! ha$ o%%a ion to loo( thro"#h all the /re i$ent* &ee%he ) No', 'hat an intere tin# &"-li%ation that 'o"l$ ma(eB Not the &ee%he in their entiret!, 'hi%h ine+ita-l! $eal 'ith man! &a in# i "e ) B"t ele%tion ) The e ential tho"#ht )0 In$ar ai$, ,Are !o" 'or(in# on thatE Ha he a (e$ !o"E0 Ra!mon$ lifte$ a &alm an$ h"n%he$ a ho"l$er, to a! that it 'a &o i-le, -"t that he %o"l$n*t tal( a-o"t a matter that 'a till %onfi$ential) ,What i intere tin# a-o"t tho e &ee%he 'hen rea$ in e:"en%e i their $e+elo&ment) There !o" %an ee +er! %learl! 'hat I ha+e $e %ri-e$ a the h"n#er for i$ea ) In the -e#innin# the i$ea are im&le) Unit!, the %olonial &a t, the nee$ for &ea%e) Then the! -e%ome e2traor$inaril! %om&le2 an$ 'on$erf"l a-o"t Afri%a, #o+ernment, the mo$ern 'orl$) S"%h a 'or(, if a$e:"atel! &re&are$, mi#ht 'ell -e%ome the han$-oo( for a tr"e re+ol"tion thro"#ho"t the %ontinent) Al'a! !o" %an %at%h that :"alit! of the !o"n# man* $e &air 'hi%h ma$e "%h an im&re ion on me o lon# a#o) Al'a! !o" ha+e that feelin# that the $ama#e %an ne+er &erha& -e "n$one) Al'a! there i that note, for tho e 'ith the ear to hear it, of the !o"n# man #rie+in# for the h"miliation of hi mother, the hotel mai$) He* al'a! remaine$ tr"e to that) I $on*t thin( man! &eo&le (no' that earlier thi !ear he an$ hi entire #o+ernment ma$e a &il#rima#e to the +illa#e of that 'oman of Afri%a) Ha that -een $one -eforeE Ha an! r"ler attem&te$ to #i+e an%tit! to the -" h of Afri%aE Thi a%t of &iet! i omethin# that -rin# tear to the e!e ) Can !o" ima#ine the h"miliation of an Afri%an hotel mai$ in %olonial time E No amo"nt of &iet! %an ma(e "& for that) B"t &iet! i all 'e ha+e to offer), ,Or 'e %an for#et,0 In$ar ai$) ,We %an tram&le on the &a t)0 Ra!mon$ ai$, ,That i 'hat mo t of the lea$er of Afri%a $o) The! 'ant to -"il$ (! %ra&er in the -" h) Thi man 'ant to -"il$ a hrine)0 A" i% 'itho"t 'or$ ha$ -een %omin# o"t of the &ea(er ) No' ,Bar-ara Allen0 -e#an a#ain, an$ the 'or$ 'ere $i tra%tin#) Ra!mon$ too$ "&) The man 'ho ha$ -een ittin# on the mat 'ent to lo'er the +ol"me) Ra!mon$ in$i%ate$ that he 'a n*t to -other, -"t the on# 'ent faint) Ra!mon$ ai$, ,I 'o"l$ li(e to -e 'ith !o") B"t "nfort"natel! I ha+e to #et -a%( to m! 'or() Other'i e I mi#ht lo e omethin#) I fin$ that the mo t $iffi%"lt thin# in &ro e narrati+e i lin(in# one thin# 'ith the other) The lin( mi#ht 3" t -e a enten%e, or e+en a 'or$) It "m "& 'hat ha #one -efore an$ &re&are one for 'hat i to %ome) A I 'a ittin# 'ith !o" I ha$ an i$ea of a &o i-le ol"tion to a &ro-lem that 'a -e#innin# to a&&ear :"ite intra%ta-le) I m" t #o an$ ma(e a note) Other'i e I mi#ht for#et)0 He -e#an to mo+e a'a! from " ) B"t then he to&&e$ an$ ai$, ,I $on*t thin( it i "ffi%ientl! "n$er too$ ho' har$ it i to 'rite a-o"t 'hat ha ne+er -een 'ritten a-o"t -efore) The o%%a ional a%a$emi% &a&er on a &arti%"lar "-3e%t, the Ba&en$e re-ellion or 'hate+er 8 that ha it o'n form) The lar#er narrati+e i another matter) An$ that* 'h! I ha+e -e#"n to %on i$er Theo$or Aomm en the #iant of mo$ern hi tori%al 'ritin#) E+er!thin# that 'e no' $i %" a-o"t the Roman Re&"-li% i onl! a %ontin"ation of Aomm en) The &ro-lem , the i "e , the +er! narrati+e, e &e%iall! of tho e e2traor$inaril! tro"-le$ !ear of the later Re&"-li% 8 !o" mi#ht a! the Cerman #eni" $i %o+ere$ it all) Of %o"r e, Theo$or Aomm en ha$ the %omfort of (no'in# that hi "-3e%t 'a a #reat one) Tho e of " 'ho 'or( in o"r &arti%"lar fiel$ ha+e no "%h a "ran%e) We ha+e no i$ea of the +al"e &o terit! 'ill &la%e on the e+ent 'e attem&t to %hroni%le) We ha+e no i$ea 'here the %ontinent i #oin#) We %an onl! %arr! on)0
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He en$e$ a-r"&tl!, t"rne$, an$ 'ent o"t of the room, lea+in# " in ilen%e, loo(in# after 'here he ha$ $i a&&eare$, an$ onl! lo'l! $ire%tin# o"r attention to Y+ette, no' hi re&re entati+e in that room, milin#, a%(no'le$#in# o"r re#ar$) After a little In$ar ai$ to me, ,Do !o" (no' Ra!mon$* 'or(E0 Of %o"r e he (ne' the an 'er to that one) B"t, to #i+e him hi o&enin#, I ai$, ,No, I $on*t (no' hi 'or()0 In$ar ai$, ,That* the tra#e$! of the &la%e) The #reat men of Afri%a are not (no'n)0 It 'a li(e a formal &ee%h of than( ) An$ In$ar ha$ %ho en hi 'or$ 'ell) He ha$ ma$e " all men an$ 'omen of Afri%a1 an$ in%e 'e 'ere not Afri%an the %laim #a+e " a &e%ial feelin# for o"r el+e 'hi%h, o far a I 'a %on%erne$, 'a oon hei#htene$ -! the +oi%e of ?oan Bae@, t"rne$ "& a#ain, remin$in# " 'eetl!, after the ten ion Ra!mon$ ha$ thro'n amon# " , of o"r %ommon -ra+er! an$ orro' ) In$ar 'a em-ra%e$ -! Y+ette 'hen 'e left) An$ I 'a em-ra%e$, a the frien$) It 'a $eli%io" to me, a the %lima2 to that e+enin#, to &re that -o$! %lo e, oft at thi late ho"r, an$ to feel the il( of the -lo" e an$ the fle h -elo' the il() There 'a a moon no' 8 there ha$ -een none earlier) It 'a mall an$ hi#h) The (! 'a f"ll of hea+! %lo"$ , an$ the moonli#ht %ame an$ 'ent) It 'a +er! :"iet) We %o"l$ hear the ra&i$ 1 the! 'ere a-o"t a mile a'a!) The ra&i$ in moonli#htB I ai$ to In$ar, ,Let* #o to the ri+er)0 An$ he 'a 'illin#) In the 'i$e le+elle$ lan$ of the Domain the ne' -"il$in# eeme$ mall, an$ the earth felt immen e) The Domain eeme$ the mere t %learin# in the fore t, the mere t %learin# in an immen it! of -" h an$ ri+er 8 the 'orl$ mi#ht ha+e -een nothin# el e) Aoonli#ht $i torte$ $i tan%e 1 an$ the $ar(ne , 'hen it %ame, eeme$ to $ro& $o'n to o"r hea$ ) I ai$ to In$ar, ,What $o !o" thin( of 'hat Ra!mon$ ai$E0 ,Ra!mon$ tell a tor! 'ell) B"t a lot of 'hat he a! i tr"e) What he a! a-o"t the /re i$ent an$ i$ea i %ertainl! tr"e) The /re i$ent " e them all an$ omeho' ma(e them 'or( to#ether) He i the #reat Afri%an %hief, an$ he i al o the man of the &eo&le) He i the mo$erni@er an$ he i al o the Afri%an 'ho ha re$i %o+ere$ hi Afri%an o"l) He* %on er+ati+e, re+ol"tionar!, e+er!thin#) He* #oin# -a%( to the ol$ 'a! , an$ he* al o the man 'ho* #oin# ahea$, the man 'ho* #oin# to ma(e the %o"ntr! a 'orl$ &o'er -! the !ear 7JJJ) I $on*t (no' 'hether he* $one it a%%i$entall! or -e%a" e omeone* -een tellin# him 'hat to $o) B"t the mi h.ma h 'or( -e%a" e he (ee& on %han#in#, "nli(e the other #"! ) He i the ol$ier 'ho $e%i$e$ to -e%ome an ol$.fa hione$ %hief, an$ he* the %hief 'ho e mother 'a a hotel mai$) That ma(e him e+er!thin#, an$ he &la! "& e+er!thin#) There i n*t an!one in the %o"ntr! 'ho ha n*t hear$ of that hotel mai$ mother)0 I ai$, ,The! %a"#ht me 'ith that &il#rima#e to the mother* +illa#e) When I rea$ in the &a&er that it 'a an "n&"-li%i@e$ &il#rima#e, I tho"#ht of it a 3" t that)0 ,He ma(e the e hrine in the -" h, hono"rin# the mother) An$ at the ame time he -"il$ mo$ern Afri%a) Ra!mon$ a! he $oe n*t -"il$ (! %ra&er ) Well, he $oe n*t $o that) He -"il$ the e +er! e2&en i+e Domain )0 ,Na@r"$$in " e$ to o'n ome lan$ here in the ol$ $a! )0 ,An$ he ol$ it for nothin#) Are !o" #oin# to tell me thatE That* an Afri%an tor!)0 ,No, Na@r"$$in ol$ 'ell) He ol$ at the hei#ht of the -oom -efore in$e&en$en%e) He %ame o"t one S"n$a! mornin# an$ ai$, FB"t thi i onl! -" h)* An$ he ol$)0
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,It %o"l$ #o that 'a! a#ain)0 The o"n$ of the ra&i$ ha$ #ro'n lo"$er) We ha$ left the ne' -"il$in# of the Domain -ehin$ an$ 'ere a&&roa%hin# the fi hermen* h"t , $ea$ in the moonli#ht) The thin +illa#e $o# , &ale in the moonli#ht, their ha$o' -la%( -elo' them, 'al(e$ la@il! a'a! from " ) The fi hermen* &ole an$ net 'ere $ar( a#ain t the -ro(en #litter of the ri+er) An$ then 'e 'ere on the ol$ +ie'in# &oint, re&aire$ no', ne'l! 'alle$1 an$ aro"n$ " , $ro'nin# e+er!thin# el e, 'a the o"n$ of 'ater o+er ro%( ) Cl"m& of 'ater h!a%inth -"%(e$ &a t) The h!a%inth 'ere 'hite in the moonli#ht, the +ine $ar( tan#le o"tline$ in -la%( ha$o') When the moonli#ht 'ent, there 'a nothin# to -e een1 the 'orl$ 'a then onl! that ol$ o"n$ of t"m-lin# 'ater) I ai$, ,I*+e ne+er tol$ !o" 'h! I %ame here) It 'a n*t 3" t to #et a'a! from the %oa t or to r"n that ho&) Na@r"$$in " e$ to tell " 'on$erf"l torie of the time he " e$ to ha+e here) That 'a 'h! I %ame) I tho"#ht I 'o"l$ -e a-le to li+e m! o'n life, an$ I tho"#ht that in time I 'o"l$ fin$ 'hat Na@r"$$in fo"n$) Then I #ot t"%() I $on*t (no' 'hat I 'o"l$ ha+e $one if !o" ha$n*t %ome) If !o" ha$n*t %ome I 'o"l$ ne+er ha+e (no'n a-o"t 'hat 'a #oin# on here, 3" t "n$er m! no e)0 ,It* $ifferent from 'hat 'e " e$ to (no') To &eo&le li(e " it* +er! e$"%ti+e) E"ro&e in Afri%a, &o t.%olonial Afri%a) B"t it i n*t E"ro&e or Afri%a) An$ it loo( $ifferent from the in i$e, I %an tell !o")0 ,Yo" mean &eo&le $on*t -elie+e in itE The! $on*t -elie+e in 'hat the! a! an$ $oE0 ,No one i a %r"$e a that) We -elie+e an$ $on*t -elie+e) We -elie+e -e%a" e that 'a! e+er!thin# -e%ome im&ler an$ ma(e more en e) We $on*t -elie+e 8 'ell, -e%a" e of thi )0 An$ In$ar 'a+e$ at the fi hermen* +illa#e, the -" h, the moonlit ri+er) He ai$ after a time, ,Ra!mon$* in a -it of a me ) He ha to (ee& on &reten$in# that he i the #"i$e an$ a$+i er, to (ee& him elf from (no'in# that the time i almo t here 'hen he 'ill 3" t -e re%ei+in# or$er ) In fa%t, o a not to #et or$er , he i -e#innin# to anti%i&ate or$er ) He 'ill #o %ra@! if he ha to a%(no'le$#e that that* hi it"ation) Oh, he* #ot a -i# 3o- no') B"t he* on the li&&er! lo&e) He* -een ent a'a! from the %a&ital) The Bi# Aan i #oin# hi o'n 'a!, an$ he no lon#er nee$ Ra!mon$) E+er!-o$! (no' that, -"t Ra!mon$ thin( the! $on*t) It* a $rea$f"l thin# for a man of hi a#e to ha+e to li+e 'ith), B"t 'hat In$ar 'a a!in# $i$n*t ma(e me thin( of Ra!mon$) I tho"#ht of Y+ette, all at on%e -ro"#ht nearer -! thi tale of her h" -an$* $i tre ) I 'ent o+er the &i%t"re I ha$ of her that e+enin#, ran the film o+er a#ain, o to &ea(, re%on tr"%tin# an$ reinter&retin# 'hat I ha$ een, re. %reatin# that 'oman, fi2in# her in the &o t"re that ha$ -e'it%he$ me, her 'hite feet to#ether, one le# $ra'n "&, one le# flat an$ -ent, rema(in# her fa%e, her mile, to"%hin# the 'hole &i%t"re 'ith the moo$ of the ?oan Bae@ on# an$ all that the! ha$ relea e$ in me, an$ a$$in# to it thi e2tra moo$ of moonli#ht, the ra&i$ , an$ the 'hite h!a%inth of thi #reat ri+er of Afri%a)


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It 'a on that e+enin#, -! the ri+er, after he ha$ &o(en a-o"t Ra!mon$, that In$ar -e#an to tell me a-o"t him elf) The e+enin# that ha$ e2%ite$ me ha$ ener+ate$ an$ $e&re e$ him1 he ha$ -e%ome irrita-le a oon a 'e ha$ left Y+ette* ho" e) Earlier in the e+enin#, a 'e ha$ 'al(e$ a%ro to the ho" e for the &art!, he ha$ &o(en of Ra!mon$ a a tar, omeone %lo e to &o'er, the Bi# Aan* 'hite man1 -"t then, -! the ra&i$ , he ha$ &o(en of Ra!mon$ in :"ite another 'a!) A m! #"i$e In$ar ha$ -een an2io" for me tr"l! to "n$er tan$ the nat"re of life on the Domain, an$ hi o'n &o ition there) No' that I ha$ ei@e$ the #lamo"r of hi 'orl$ he 'a li(e a #"i$e 'ho ha$ lo t faith in 'hat he ho'e$) Or li(e a man 'ho, -e%a" e he ha$ #ot omeone el e to -elie+e, ha$ felt he %o"l$ let #o of ome of hi o'n faith) The moonli#ht that ma$e me li#ht.hea$e$ $ee&ene$ hi $e&re ion, an$ it 'a o"t of thi $e&re ion that he -e#an to &ea() The moo$ of the e+enin# $i$n*t ta! 'ith him, tho"#h1 the ne2t $a! he ha$ -o"n%e$ -a%(, an$ 'a li(e the man he ha$ al'a! -een) B"t he 'a more rea$! to a%(no'le$#e hi $e&re ion 'hen it %ame1 an$ 'hat he o"tline$ that e+enin# he ret"rne$ to an$ fille$ in at other time , 'hen the o%%a ion "ite$, or 'hen he $rifte$ -a%( to that earlier moo$) ,We ha+e to learn to tram&le on the &a t, Salim) I tol$ !o" that 'hen 'e met) It ho"l$n*t -e a %a" e for tear , -e%a" e it i n*t 3" t tr"e for !o" an$ me) There ma! -e ome &art of the 'orl$ 8 $ea$ %o"ntrie , or e%"re an$ -!.&a e$ one 8 'here men %an %heri h the &a t an$ thin( of &a in# on f"rnit"re an$ %hina to their heir ) Aen %an $o that &erha& in S'e$en or Cana$a) Some &ea ant $e&artment of 9ran%e f"ll of half.'it in %hOtea"21 ome %r"m-lin# In$ian &ala%e.%it!, or ome $ea$ %olonial to'n in a ho&ele So"th Ameri%an %o"ntr!) E+er!'here el e men are in mo+ement, the 'orl$ i in mo+ement, an$ the &a t %an onl! %a" e &ain) ,It i n*t ea ! to t"rn !o"r -a%( on the &a t) It i n*t omethin# !o" %an $e%i$e to $o 3" t li(e that) It i omethin# !o" ha+e to arm !o"r elf for, or #rief 'ill am-" h an$ $e tro! !o") That i 'h! I hol$ on to the ima#e of the #ar$en tram&le$ "ntil it -e%ome #ro"n$ 8 it i a mall thin#, -"t it hel& ) That &er%e&tion a-o"t the &a t %ame to me at the en$ of m! thir$ !ear in En#lan$) An$ o$$l! eno"#h, it %ame to me -e i$e another ri+er) Yo"*+e tol$ me that I*+e le$ !o" here to the (in$ of life !o"*+e al'a! felt !o" nee$e$) It 'a omethin# li(e that, too, that I -e#an to feel -e i$e that ri+er in Lon$on) I ma$e a $e%i ion a-o"t m! elf then) An$ it 'a a an in$ire%t re "lt of that $e%i ion that I %ame -a%( to Afri%a) Tho"#h 'hen I left it 'a m! intention ne+er to ret"rn) ,I 'a +er! "nha&&! 'hen I left) Yo" remem-er that) I trie$ to $e&re !o" 8 in fa%t, I trie$ to 'o"n$ !o" 8 -"t that 'a onl! -e%a" e I 'a m! elf o $e&re e$) The tho"#ht of the 'or( of t'o #eneration #oin# to 'a te 8 it 'a +er! &ainf"l) The tho"#ht of lo in# that ho" e -"ilt -! m! #ran$father, the tho"#ht of the ri ( he an$ m! father ha$ ta(en to -"il$ "& a -" ine from nothin#, the -ra+er!, the lee&le ni#ht 8 it 'a all +er! &ainf"l) In another %o"ntr! "%h effort an$ "%h talent 'o"l$ ha+e ma$e " millionaire , ari to%rat , or at an! rate e%"re for ome #eneration ) There it 'a all #oin# "& in mo(e) A! ra#e 'a n*t onl! 'ith the Afri%an ) It 'a al o 'ith o"r %omm"nit! an$ o"r %i+ili@ation, 'hi%h #a+e " ener#! -"t in e+er! other 'a! left " at the mer%! of other ) Ho' $o !o" ra#e a#ain t a thin# li(e thatE ,I tho"#ht 'hen I 'ent to En#lan$ I 'o"l$ &"t all that -ehin$ me) I ha$ no &lan -e!on$ that) The 'or$ F"ni+er it!* $a@@le$ me, an$ I 'a inno%ent eno"#h to -elie+e that after m! time in the "ni+er it! ome 'on$erf"l life 'o"l$ -e 'aitin# for me) At that a#e three !ear eem a lon# time 8 !o" feel that an!thin# %an ha&&en) B"t I ha$n*t "n$er too$ to 'hat e2tent o"r %i+ili@ation ha$ al o -een o"r &ri on) I ha$n*t "n$er too$ either to 'hat e2tent 'e ha$ -een ma$e -! the &la%e 'here 'e ha$ #ro'n "&, ma$e -! Afri%a an$ the im&le life of the %oa t, an$ ho' in%a&a-le 'e
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ha$ -e%ome of "n$er tan$in# the o"t i$e 'orl$) We ha+e no mean of "n$er tan$in# a fra%tion of the tho"#ht an$ %ien%e an$ &hilo o&h! an$ la' that ha+e #one to ma(e that o"t i$e 'orl$) We im&l! a%%e&t it) We ha+e #ro'n "& &a!in# tri-"te to it, an$ that i all that mo t of " %an $o) We feel of the #reat 'orl$ that it i im&l! there, omethin# for the l"%(! one amon# " to e2&lore, an$ then onl! at the e$#e ) It ne+er o%%"r to " that 'e mi#ht ma(e ome %ontri-"tion to it o"r el+e ) An$ that i 'h! 'e mi e+er!thin#) ,When 'e lan$ at a &la%e li(e Lon$on Air&ort 'e are %on%erne$ onl! not to a&&ear fooli h) It i more -ea"tif"l an$ more %om&le2 than an!thin# 'e %o"l$ ha+e $reame$ of, -"t 'e are %on%erne$ onl! to let &eo&le ee that 'e %an mana#e an$ are not o+era'e$) We mi#ht e+en &reten$ that 'e ha$ e2&e%te$ -etter) That i the nat"re of o"r t"&i$it! an$ in%om&eten%e) An$ that 'a ho' I &ent m! time at the "ni+er it! in En#lan$, not -ein# o+era'e$, al'a! -ein# li#htl! $i a&&ointe$, "n$er tan$in# nothin#, a%%e&tin# e+er!thin#, #ettin# nothin#) I a' an$ "n$er too$ o little that e+en at the en$ of m! time at the "ni+er it! I %o"l$ $i tin#"i h -"il$in# onl! -! their i@e, an$ I 'a har$l! a'are of the &a in# of the ea on ) An$ !et I 'a an intelli#ent man, an$ %o"l$ %ram for e2amination ) ,In the ol$ $a! , after three !ear li(e that, an$ 'ith ome %ra&e$.thro"#h $e#ree, I 'o"l$ ha+e ret"rne$ home an$ h"n# "& m! -oar$ an$ $e+ote$ m! elf to the ma(in# of mone!, " in# the little half. (ill I ha$ &i%(e$ "&, the half.(no'le$#e of other men* -oo( ) B"t of %o"r e I %o"l$n*t $o that) I ha$ to ta! 'here I 'a an$ I ha$ to #et a 3o-) I ha$n*t a%:"ire$ a &rofe ion, !o" "n$er tan$1 nothin# at home ha$ &" he$ me in that $ire%tion) ,9or ome time the -o! of m! !ear at the "ni+er it! ha$ -een tal(in# of 3o- an$ inter+ie' ) The more &re%o%io" one ha$ e+en -een tal(in# a-o"t the inter+ie' e2&en e +ario" %om&anie &ai$) In the &orter* lo$#e the &i#eonhole of the e -o! 'ere f"ll of lon# -ro'n en+elo&e from the Uni+er it! A&&ointment Committee) The $imme t -o! 'ere nat"rall! the one 'ith the mo t +arie$ &ro &e%t 1 the! %o"l$ -e an!thin#1 an$ in their &i#eonhole the -ro'n en+elo&e fell a thi%( a a"t"mn lea+e ) That 'a m! attit"$e to tho e a$+ent"ro" -o! 8 li#htl! mo%(in#) I ha$ to #et a 3o-, -"t I ne+er tho"#ht of m! elf a omeone 'ho 'o"l$ ha+e to #o thro"#h the -ro'n. en+elo&e a$+ent"re) I $on*t (no' 'h!1 I 3" t $i$n*t1 an$ then, almo t at the en$ of m! time, 'ith -e'il$erment an$ hame I reali e$ that I ha$) I ma$e an a&&ointment 'ith the A&&ointment Committee an$ on the mornin# &"t on a $ar( "it an$ 'ent) ,A oon a I #ot there I (ne' m! erran$ 'a fr"itle ) The Committee 'a meant to &"t En#li h -o! in En#li h 3o- 1 it 'a n*t meant for me) I reali e$ that a oon a I a' the loo( on the fa%e of the #irl in the o"ter offi%e) B"t he 'a ni%e, an$ the $ar(. "ite$ man in i$e 'a al o ni%e) He 'a intri#"e$ -! m! Afri%an -a%(#ro"n$, an$ after a little tal( a-o"t Afri%a he ai$, FAn$ 'hat %an thi #reat or#ani@ation $o for !o"E* I 'ante$ to a!, FCo"l$n*t !o" en$ me ome -ro'n en+elo&e tooE* B"t 'hat I ai$ 'a ; FI 'a ho&in# !o" 'o"l$ tell me)* He eeme$ to fin$ thi f"nn!) He too( $o'n m! $etail , for the form of the thin#1 an$ then he trie$ to #et a %on+er ation #oin#, enior $ar( "it to 3"nior $ar( "it, man to man) ,He ha$ little to tell me, tho"#h) An$ I ha$ le to tell him) I ha$ har$l! loo(e$ at the 'orl$) I $i$n*t (no' ho' it 'or(e$ or 'hat I mi#ht $o in it) After m! three "nama@e$ t"$ent !ear , I 'a o+er'helme$ -! m! i#noran%e1 an$ in that :"iet little offi%e f"ll of &ea%ef"l file I -e#an to thin( of the 'orl$ o"t i$e a a &la%e of horror) A! $ar(. "ite$ inter+ie'er -e%ame im&atient) He ai$, FCoo$ hea+en , manB Yo" m" t #i+e me ome #"i$an%e) Yo" m" t ha+e ome i$ea of the (in$ of 3o- !o" ee !o"r elf $oin#)*
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,He 'a ri#ht, of %o"r e) B"t that FCoo$ hea+en , manB* eeme$ to me affe%te$, omethin# he mi#ht ha+e &i%(e$ "& in the &a t from omeone hi enior an$ 'a no' thro'in# at me a omeone le er) I -e%ame an#r!) The i$ea %ame to me that I ho"l$ fi2 him 'ith a loo( of the "tmo t ho tilit! an$ a!, FThe 3o- I 'ant i !o"r 3o-) An$ I 'ant !o"r 3o- -e%a" e !o" en3o! it o m"%h)* B"t I $i$n*t &ea( the 'or$ 1 I $i$n*t &ea( an! 'or$ at all1 I 3" t #a+e him the ho tile loo() So o"r inter+ie' en$e$ in%on%l" i+el!) ,I -e%ame %almer o"t i$e) I 'ent to the %afe 'here I " e$ to #o for %offee in the mornin# ) A a %on olation, I -o"#ht m! elf a &ie%e of %ho%olate %a(e a 'ell) B"t then, to m! "r&ri e, I fo"n$ I 'a n*t %on olin# m! elf1 I 'a %ele-ratin#) I fo"n$ I 'a &o iti+el! ha&&! to -e in the %afe in the mi$$le of the mornin#, $rin(in# %offee an$ eatin# %a(e, 'hile m! tormentor f" e$ a-o"t 'ith hi -ro'n en+elo&e in hi offi%e) It 'a onl! e %a&e, an$ it %o"l$n*t la t lon#) B"t I remem-er that half ho"r a one of &"re ha&&ine ) ,After thi I $i$n*t e2&e%t an!thin# from the A&&ointment Committee) B"t the man 'a , after all, a fair man1 a -"rea"%ra%! i a -"rea"%ra%!1 an$ a %o"&le of -ro'n en+elo&e $i$ arri+e for me, "n ea ona-l!, not a &art of the a"t"mn r" h, %ho(in# the &i#eonhole in the &orter* lo$#e, -"t li(e the la t $ea$ lea+e of the !ear, torn a'a! -! the #ale of ?an"ar!) An oil %om&an!, an$ t'o or three other lar#e %om&anie 'ith %onne%tion in A ia or Afri%a) With ea%h 3o- $e %ri&tion I rea$, I felt a ti#htenin# of 'hat I m" t %all m! o"l) I fo"n$ m! elf #ro'in# fal e to m! elf, a%tin# to m! elf, %on+in%in# m! elf of m! ri#htne for 'hate+er 'a -ein# $e %ri-e$) An$ thi i 'here I "&&o e life en$ for mo t &eo&le, 'ho tiffen in the attit"$e the! a$o&t to ma(e them el+e "ita-le for the 3o- an$ li+e that other &eo&le ha+e lai$ o"t for them) ,None of tho e 3o- %ame m! 'a!) There a#ain I fo"n$ m! elf am" in# m! inter+ie'er "nintentionall!) On%e I ai$, FI $on*t (no' an!thin# a-o"t !o"r -" ine , -"t I %an &"t m! min$ to it)* 9or ome rea on thi -ro"#ht the ho" e $o'n 8 in thi %a e it 'a a three.man -oar$) The! la"#he$, the ol$e t man lea$in# the la"#hter an$ in the en$ e+en 'i&in# a'a! tear 1 an$ the! $i mi e$ me) With ea%h re3e%tion %ame a feelin# of relief1 -"t 'ith ea%h re3e%tion I -e%ame more an2io" a-o"t the f"t"re) ,On%e a month or o I ha$ l"n%h 'ith a 'oman le%t"rer) She 'a a-o"t thirt!, not -a$. loo(in#, an$ +er! (in$ to me) She 'a "n" "al -e%a" e he 'a o m"%h at &ea%e 'ith her elf) That 'a 'h! I li(e$ her) It 'a he 'ho ma$e me $o the a- "r$ thin# I am no' #oin# to $e %ri-e) ,Thi la$! ha$ the i$ea that &eo&le li(e m! elf 'ere at ea -e%a" e 'e 'ere men of t'o 'orl$ ) She 'a ri#ht, of %o"r e) B"t at the time it $i$n*t eem o to me 8 I tho"#ht I a' e+er!thin# +er! %learl! 8 an$ I tho"#ht he ha$ #ot the i$ea from ome !o"n# man from Bom-a! or therea-o"t 'ho 'a tr!in# to ma(e him elf intere tin#) B"t thi la$! al o tho"#ht that m! e$"%ation an$ -a%(#ro"n$ ma$e me e2traor$inar!, an$ I %o"l$n*t fi#ht the i$ea of m! e2traor$inarine ) ,An e2traor$inar! man, a man of t'o 'orl$ , nee$e$ an e2traor$inar! 3o-) An$ he "##e te$ I ho"l$ -e%ome a $i&lomat) That 'a 'hat I $e%i$e$ to $o, an$ the %o"ntr! I $e%i$e$ to er+e 8 in%e a $i&lomat ha to ha+e a %o"ntr! 8 'a In$ia) It 'a a- "r$1 I (ne' it 'a a- "r$, e+en 'hile I 'a $oin# it1 -"t I 'rote a letter to the In$ian Hi#h Commi ion) I #ot a re&l!, an$ 'a #i+en an a&&ointment) ,I 'ent "& to Lon$on -! train) I $i$n*t (no' Lon$on +er! 'ell, an$ $i$n*t li(e 'hat I (ne'1 an$ I li(e$ it le that mornin#) There 'a /rae$ Street 'ith it &orno#ra&hi% -oo( ho& that $i$n*t $eal in real &orno#ra&h!1 there 'a the E$#'are Roa$, 'here the ho& an$ re ta"rant eeme$
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%ontin"all! to -e %han#in# han$ 1 there 'ere the ho& an$ %ro'$ of O2for$ Street an$ Re#ent Street) The o&enne of Trafal#ar S:"are #a+e me a lift, -"t it remin$e$ me that I 'a almo t at the en$ of m! 3o"rne!) An$ I ha$ -e#"n to -e +er! em-arra e$ -! m! mi ion) ,The -" too( me $o'n the Stran$ an$ $ro&&e$ me at the %"r+e of the Al$'!%h, an$ I %ro e$ the roa$ to the -"il$in# that ha$ -een &ointe$ o"t to me a In$ia Ho" e) Ho' %o"l$ I ha+e mi e$ it, 'ith all the In$ian motif on the o"t i$e 'allE At thi ta#e m! em-arra ment 'a a%"te) I 'a in m! $ar( "it an$ m! "ni+er it! tie, an$ I 'a enterin# a Lon$on -"il$in#, an En#li h -"il$in#, 'hi%h &reten$e$ to -e of In$ia 8 an In$ia :"ite $ifferent from the %o"ntr! m! #ran$father ha$ &o(en a-o"t) ,9or the fir t time in m! life I 'a fille$ 'ith a %olonial ra#e) An$ thi 'a n*t onl! a ra#e 'ith Lon$on or En#lan$1 it 'a al o a ra#e 'ith the &eo&le 'ho ha$ allo'e$ them el+e to -e %orralle$ into a forei#n fanta !) A! ra#e $i$n*t $ie $o'n 'hen I 'ent in i$e) There a#ain 'ere the Oriental motif ) The "niforme$ me en#er 'ere En#li h an$ mi$$le.a#e$1 the! %learl! ha$ -een ta(en on -! the ol$ mana#ement, if !o" %an %all it that, an$ 'ere 'or(in# o"t their time "n$er the ne') I ha$ ne+er felt o in+ol+e$ 'ith the lan$ of m! an%e tor , an$ !o"r , an$ o far from it) I felt in that -"il$in# I ha$ lo t an im&ortant &art of m! i$ea of 'ho I 'a ) I felt I ha$ -een #rante$ the mo t %r"el (no'le$#e of 'here I too$ in the 'orl$) An$ I hate$ it) ,It 'a a minor offi%ial 'ho ha$ 'ritten me) The re%e&tioni t &o(e to one of the el$erl! En#li h me en#er , an$ he le$ me, 'ith no #reat %eremon! an$ a lot of a thmati% -reathin#, to a room that %ontaine$ man! $e ( ) At one of the e m! man 'a ittin#) Hi $e ( 'a -are, an$ the man him elf eeme$ :"ite +a%ant an$ ea ! in hi min$) He ha$ mall, milin# e!e , a "&erior manner, an$ he $i$n*t (no' 'hat I ha$ %ome a-o"t) ,In &ite of hi 3a%(et an$ tie he 'a n*t 'hat I 'a e2&e%tin#) He 'a n*t the (in$ of man I 'o"l$ ha+e 'orn a $ar( "it for) I tho"#ht he -elon#e$ to another (in$ of offi%e, another (in$ of -"il$in#, another (in$ of %it!) Hi name 'a the name of hi mer%hant %a te, an$ it 'a ea ! for me to ima#ine him in a $hoti re%linin# a#ain t a -ol ter in a %loth ho& in a -a@aar lane, 'ith hi feet -are, an$ hi fin#er ma a#in# hi toe , r"--in# off the $ea$ (in) He 'a the (in$ of man 'ho 'o"l$ a!, FShirtin# E Yo" 'ant hirtin# E* an$, -arel! mo+in# hi -a%( from the -ol ter, 'o"l$ thro' a -olt of %loth a%ro the heet &rea$ on the floor of hi tall) ,It 'a n*t hirtin# that he fl"n# a%ro the $e ( at me, -"t m! letter, the letter he ha$ 'ritten him elf, 'hi%h he ha$ a (e$ to ee) He "n$er too$ that I 'a loo(in# for a 3o- an$ hi mall e!e t'in(le$ 'ith am" ement) I felt +er! ha--! in m! "it) He ai$, FYo" ha$ -etter #o an$ ee Ar) Derma)* The En#li h me en#er, -reathin# hea+il!, an$ eemin# to %ho(e 'ith e+er! -reath, le$ me to another offi%e) An$ there he a-an$one$ me) ,Ar) Derma 'ore horn.rimme$ #la e ) He at in a le %ro'$e$ offi%e an$ he ha$ man! &a&er an$ fol$er on hi $e () On the 'all there 'ere &hoto#ra&h , from the Briti h $a! , of In$ian -"il$in# an$ In$ian lan$ %a&e ) Ar) Derma loo(e$ more 'orrie$ than the fir t man) He 'a hi#her in the er+i%e1 an$ he ha$ &ro-a-l! ta(en the name Derma to %on%eal hi %a te ori#in ) He 'a &"@@le$ -! m! letter1 -"t he 'a al o ma$e "nea ! -! m! $ar( "it an$ "ni+er it! tie an$ he attem&te$ in a half.hearte$ 'a! to inter+ie' me) The tele&hone ran# a lot an$ o"r inter+ie' ne+er #ot #oin#) At one ta#e, after tal(in# on the tele&hone, Ar) Derma left me an$ 'ent o"t of the room) He 'a a'a! for a 'hile an$ 'hen he %ame -a%(, 'ith ome &a&er , he eeme$ "r&ri e$ to ee me) He tol$ me then that I ho"l$ #o to an offi%e on another floor1 an$, #i+in# me real attention for the fir t time, tol$ me ho' to #et there)
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,The room I (no%(e$ at t"rne$ o"t to -e a $ar( little ante%ham-er, 'ith a mall man ittin# -efore an ol$.fa hione$ tan$ar$ t!&e'riter 'ith a 'i$e %arria#e) He loo(e$ at me 'ith omethin# li(e terror 8 it 'a the effe%t of m! $ar( "it an$ the tie, m! man.of.t'o.'orl$ #ar- 8 an$ he %alme$ $o'n onl! 'hen he ha$ rea$ m! letter) He a (e$ me to 'ait) There 'a no %hair) I remaine$ tan$in#) ,A -"@@er ran#, an$ the t!&i t. e%retar! 3"m&e$) He eeme$, after thi 3"m&, to lan$ on the ti& of hi toe 1 he +er! :"i%(l! $re' hi ho"l$er "& an$ then $o'n into a (in$ of %rin#e, ma(in# him elf maller than he alrea$! 'a 1 an$ 'ith a %"rio" lon# ti&toein# tri$e, a lo&e, he rea%he$ the #reat 'oo$en $oor that e&arate$ " from the room on the other i$e) He (no%(e$, o&ene$1 an$ 'ith hi h"n%he$ #ait, hi &re&are$ %rin#e, $i a&&eare$) ,A! 'i h for the $i&lomati% life ha$ -! no' +ani he$) I t"$ie$ the lar#e frame$ &hoto#ra&h of Can$hi an$ Nehr" an$ 'on$ere$ ho', o"t of :"alor li(e thi , tho e men ha$ mana#e$ to #et them el+e %on i$ere$ a men) It 'a tran#e, in that -"il$in# in the heart of Lon$on, eein# tho e #reat men in thi ne' 'a!, from the in i$e, a it 'ere) U& till then, from the o"t i$e, 'itho"t (no'in# more of them than I ha$ rea$ in ne' &a&er an$ ma#a@ine , I ha$ a$mire$ them) The! -elon#e$ to me1 the! enno-le$ me an$ #a+e me ome &la%e in the 'orl$) No' I felt the o&&o ite) In that room the &hoto#ra&h of tho e #reat men ma$e me feel that I 'a at the -ottom of a 'ell) I felt that in that -"il$in# %om&lete manhoo$ 'a &ermitte$ onl! to tho e men an$ $enie$ to e+er!-o$! el e) E+er!one ha$ "rren$ere$ hi manhoo$, or a &art of it, to tho e lea$er ) E+er!one 'illin#l! ma$e him elf maller the -etter to e2alt tho e lea$er ) The e tho"#ht "r&ri e$ an$ &aine$ me) The! 'ere more than hereti%al) The! $e tro!e$ 'hat remaine$ of m! faith in the 'a! the 'orl$ 'a or$ere$) I -e#an to feel %a t o"t an$ alone) ,When the e%retar! %ame -a%( to the room, I noti%e$ that he till 'al(e$ on ti&toe, till %rin#e$, till leane$ for'ar$) I a' then that 'hat ha$ loo(e$ li(e a %rin#e, that h"m&in# of the ho"l$er a he ha$ 3"m&e$ off hi %hair an$ lo&e$ a%ro to the $oor, 'a n*t omethin# he ha$ &"t on, -"t 'a nat"ral) He 'a a h"n%h-a%() Thi 'a a ho%() I -e#an %onf" e$l! to thin( -a%( to m! earlier im&re ion of the man, an$ I 'a in a tate of %onf" ion 'hen he motione$ me thro"#h the $oor into the inner offi%e, 'here a fat -la%( man in a -la%( "it, one of o"r -la%( In$ian , 'a ittin# at a -i# -la%( ta-le, o&enin# en+elo&e 'ith a &a&er (nife) ,Hi hin! %hee( 'ere 'ollen 'ith fat an$ hi li& a&&eare$ to &o"t) I at $o'n on a %hair &la%e$ ome $i tan%e a'a! from hi $e () He $i$n*t loo( "& at me an$ he $i$n*t &ea() An$ I $i$n*t &ea(1 I let him o&en hi letter ) Not an ho"r* e2er%i e ha$ he ta(en in hi life, thi $e+o"t man of the So"th) He ree(e$ of %a te an$ tem&le, an$ I 'a "re that -elo' that -la%( "it he 'ore all (in$ of am"let ) ,At la t, -"t till not loo(in# "&, he ai$, FSoE* ,I ai$, FI 'rote in a-o"t 3oinin# the $i&lomati% er+i%e) I ha$ a letter from A##ar'al an$ I %ame to ee him)* ,O&enin# hi letter , he ai$, F&ister A##ar'al)* ,I 'a #la$ he ha$ fo"n$ omethin# 'e mi#ht fi#ht a-o"t) , FA##ar'al $i$n*t eem to (no' too m"%h) He ent me to Derma)* ,He almo t loo(e$ at me) B"t he $i$n*t) He ai$, FAi ter Derma)* , FDerma $i$n*t (no' too m"%h either) He &ent a lon# time 'ith omeone %alle$ Di+e$i)* , FAi ter Di+e$i)* ,I #a+e "&) He %o"l$ o"t&la! me) I ai$, 'earil!, FAn$ he ent me to !o")*
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, FB"t !o" a! in !o"r letter !o" are from Afri%a) Ho' %an !o" 3oin o"r $i&lomati% er+i%eE Ho' %an 'e ha+e a man of $i+i$e$ lo!altie E* ,I tho"#ht; Ho' $are !o" le%t"re me a-o"t hi tor! an$ lo!alt!, !o" la+eE We ha+e &ai$ -itterl! for &eo&le li(e !o") Who ha+e !o" e+er -een lo!al to, a&art from !o"r elf an$ !o"r famil! an$ !o"r %a teE ,He ai$, FYo" &eo&le ha+e -een li+in# the #oo$ life in Afri%a) No' that thin# ha+e #ot a little ro"#h !o" 'ant to r"n -a%() B"t !o" m" t thro' in !o"r lot 'ith the lo%al &eo&le)* ,That 'a 'hat he ai$) B"t I $on*t ha+e to tell !o" that 'hat he 'a reall! tal(in# a-o"t 'a hi o'n +irt"e an$ #oo$ fort"ne) 9or him elf the &"rit! of %a te, arran#e$ marria#e, the %orre%t $iet, the er+i%e of the "nto"%ha-le ) 9or e+er!-o$! el e, &oll"tion) E+er!-o$! el e 'a tee&e$ in &oll"tion, an$ ha$ to &a! the &ri%e) It 'a li(e the me a#e of the &hoto#ra&h of Can$hi an$ Nehr" in the room o"t i$e) ,He ai$, FIf !o" -e%ome a %iti@en of In$ia, there are the e2amination ) We ha+e arran#e$ for them to -e ta(en at ome of the "ni+er itie here) Ar) Derma ho"l$ ha+e tol$ !o") He ho"l$n*t ha+e ent !o" to me)* ,He &re e$ a -"@@er on hi $e () The $oor o&ene$, an$ the h"n%h-a%( e%retar! ent in a tall, thin man 'ith -ri#ht, an2io" e!e an$ a #en"ine %rin#e) The ne' man %arrie$ an arti t* @i&."& &ortfolio, an$ he ha$ a lon# #reen 'oollen %arf 'o"n$ a-o"t hi ne%(, altho"#h the 'eather 'a 'arm) Witho"t referen%e to me, 'ith e!e onl! for the -la%( man, he "n@i&&e$ hi &ortfolio an$ -e#an ta(in# o"t $ra'in# ) He hel$ them one -! one a#ain t hi %he t, #i+in# the -la%( man an an2io" o&en.mo"the$ mile e+er! time, an$ then loo(in# $o'n at 'hat he 'a ho'in#, o that, 'ith hi hea$ -o'e$ o+er hi $ra'in# , an$ 'ith the %rin#e that 'a alrea$! there, he loo(e$ li(e a man $oin# &enan%e, $i &la!in# one in after another) The -la%( man $i$n*t loo( at the arti t, onl! at the $ra'in# ) The! 'ere of tem&le an$ of milin# 'omen &i%(in# tea 8 &erha& for ome 'in$o' $i &la! a-o"t the ne' In$ia) ,I ha$ -een $i mi e$) The h"n%h-a%( e%retar!, ten e o+er hi ol$, -i# t!&e'riter, -"t not t!&in#, hi -on! han$ li(e %ra- on the (e! , #a+e me one la t loo( of terror) Thi time, tho"#h, in hi loo( I tho"#ht there 'a al o a :"e tion; FDo !o" "n$er tan$ no' a-o"t meE* ,Wal(in# $o'n the te& , "rro"n$e$ -! the motif of im&erial In$ia, I a' Ar) Derma, a'a! from hi $e ( a#ain, an$ 'ith more &a&er 1 -"t he ha$ for#otten me) The i$le mer%hant.%a te man in the offi%e $o'n tair remem-ere$ me, of %o"r e) I re%ei+e$ hi mo%(in# mile, an$ then I 'ent o"t thro"#h the re+ol+in# $oor into the Lon$on air) ,A! %ra h %o"r e in $i&loma%! ha$ la te$ a little o+er an ho"r) It 'a &a t t'el+e, too late for the %omfort of %offee an$ %a(e, a a i#n in a na%( -ar remin$e$ me) I et to 'al(in#) I 'a f"ll of ra#e) I follo'e$ the %"r+e of Al$'!%h to the en$, %ro e$ the Stran$, an$ 'ent $o'n to the ri+er) ,A I 'al(e$, the tho"#ht %ame to me; It i time to #o home) It 'a n*t o"r to'n that I tho"#ht of, or o"r tret%h of the Afri%an %oa t) I a' a %o"ntr! roa$ line$ 'ith tall ha$e tree ) I a' fiel$ , %attle, a +illa#e -elo' tree ) I $on*t (no' 'hat -oo( or &i%t"re I ha$ #ot that from, or 'h! a &la%e li(e that ho"l$ ha+e eeme$ to me afe) B"t that 'a the &i%t"re that %ame to me, an$ I &la!e$ 'ith it) The mornin# , the $e', the fre h flo'er , the ha$e of the tree in the mi$$le of the $a!, the fire in the e+enin#) I felt I ha$ (no'n that life, an$ that it 'a 'aitin# for me a#ain ome'here) It 'a fanta !, of %o"r e) ,I a'a(ene$ to 'here I 'a ) I 'a 'al(in# on the Em-an(ment, -e i$e the ri+er, 'al(in# 'itho"t eein#) On the Em-an(ment 'all there are #reen metal lam& tan$ar$ ) I ha$ -een
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e2aminin# the $ol&hin on the tan$ar$ , $ol&hin -! $ol&hin, tan$ar$ -! tan$ar$) I 'a far from 'here I ha$ tarte$, an$ I ha$ momentaril! left the $ol&hin to e2amine the metal "&&ort of the &a+ement -en%he ) The e "&&ort , a I a' 'ith ama@ement, 'ere in the ha&e of %amel ) Camel an$ their a%( B Stran#e %it!; the roman%e of In$ia in that -"il$in#, an$ the roman%e of the $e ert here) I to&&e$, te&&e$ -a%( mentall!, a it 'ere, an$ all at on%e a' the -ea"t! in 'hi%h I ha$ -een 'al(in# 8 the -ea"t! of the ri+er an$ the (!, the oft %olo"r of the %lo"$ , the -ea"t! of li#ht on 'ater, the -ea"t! of the -"il$in# , the %are 'ith 'hi%h it ha$ all -een arran#e$) ,In Afri%a, on the %oa t, I ha$ &ai$ attention onl! to one %olo"r in nat"re 8 the %olo"r of the ea) E+er!thin# el e 'a 3" t -" h, #reen an$ li+in#, or -ro'n an$ $ea$) In En#lan$ o far I ha$ 'al(e$ 'ith m! e!e at ho& le+el1 I ha$ een nothin#) A to'n, e+en Lon$on, 'a 3" t a erie of treet or treet name , an$ a treet 'a a ro' of ho& ) No' I a' $ifferentl!) An$ I "n$er too$ that Lon$on 'a n*t im&l! a &la%e that 'a there, a &eo&le a! of mo"ntain , -"t that it ha$ -een ma$e -! men, that men ha$ #i+en attention to $etail a min"te a tho e %amel ) ,I -e#an to "n$er tan$ at the ame time that m! an#"i h a-o"t -ein# a man a$rift 'a fal e, that for me that $ream of home an$ e%"rit! 'a nothin# more than a $ream of i olation, ana%hroni ti% an$ t"&i$ an$ +er! fee-le) I -elon#e$ to m! elf alone) I 'a #oin# to "rren$er m! manhoo$ to no-o$!) 9or omeone li(e me there 'a onl! one %i+ili@ation an$ one &la%e 8 Lon$on, or a &la%e li(e it) E+er! other (in$ of life 'a ma(e.-elie+e) Home 8 'hat forE To hi$eE To -o' to o"r #reat menE 9or &eo&le in o"r it"ation, &eo&le le$ into la+er!, that i the -i##e t tra& of all) We ha+e nothin#) We ola%e o"r el+e 'ith that i$ea of the #reat men of o"r tri-e, the Can$hi an$ the Nehr", an$ 'e %a trate o"r el+e ) FHere, ta(e m! manhoo$ an$ in+e t it for me) Ta(e m! manhoo$ an$ -e a #reater man !o"r elf, for m! a(eB* NoB I 'ant to -e a man m! elf) ,At %ertain time in ome %i+ili@ation #reat lea$er %an -rin# o"t the manhoo$ in the &eo&le the! lea$) It i $ifferent 'ith la+e ) Don*t -lame the lea$er ) It i 3" t &art of the $rea$f"lne of the it"ation) It i -etter to 'ith$ra' from the 'hole -" ine , if !o" %an) An$ I %o"l$) Yo" ma! a! 8 an$ I (no', Salim, that !o" ha+e tho"#ht it 8 that I ha+e t"rne$ m! -a%( on m! %omm"nit! an$ ol$ o"t) I a!; FSol$ o"t to 'hat an$ from 'hatE What $o !o" ha+e to offer meE What i !o"r o'n %ontri-"tionE An$ %an !o" #i+e me -a%( m! manhoo$E* An!'a!, that 'a 'hat I $e%i$e$ that mornin#, -e i$e the ri+er of Lon$on, -et'een the $ol&hin an$ the %amel , the 'or( of ome $ea$ arti t 'ho ha$ -een a$$in# to the -ea"t! of their %it!) ,That 'a fi+e !ear a#o) I often 'on$er 'hat 'o"l$ ha+e ha&&ene$ to me if I ha$n*t ma$e that $e%i ion) I "&&o e I 'o"l$ ha+e "n() I "&&o e I 'o"l$ ha+e fo"n$ ome (in$ of hole an$ trie$ to hi$e or &a ) After all, 'e ma(e o"r el+e a%%or$in# to the i$ea 'e ha+e of o"r &o i-ilitie ) I 'o"l$ ha+e hi$$en in m! hole an$ -een %ri&&le$ -! m! entimentalit!, $oin# 'hat I 'a $oin#, an$ $oin# it 'ell, -"t al'a! loo(in# for the 'ailin# 'all) An$ I 'o"l$ ne+er ha+e een the 'orl$ a the ri%h &la%e that it i ) Yo" 'o"l$n*t ha+e een me here in Afri%a, $oin# 'hat I $o) I 'o"l$n*t ha+e 'ante$ to $o it, an$ no one 'o"l$ ha+e 'ante$ me to $o it) I 'o"l$ ha+e ai$; FIt* all o+er for me, o 'h! ho"l$ I let m! elf -e " e$ -! an!-o$!E The Ameri%an 'ant to 'in the 'orl$) It* their fi#ht, not mine)* An$ that 'o"l$ ha+e -een t"&i$) It i t"&i$ to tal( of the Ameri%an ) The! are not a tri-e, a !o" mi#ht thin( from the o"t i$e) The!*re all in$i+i$"al fi#htin# to ma(e their 'a!, tr!in# a har$ a !o" or me not to in() ,It 'a n*t ea ! after I left the "ni+er it!) I till ha$ to #et a 3o-, an$ the onl! thin# I (ne' no' 'a 'hat I $i$n*t 'ant to $o) I $i$n*t 'ant to e2%han#e one &ri on for another) /eo&le li(e me ha+e to ma(e their o'n 3o- ) It i n*t omethin# that* #oin# to %ome to !o" in a -ro'n en+elo&e)
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The 3o- i there, 'aitin#) B"t it $oe n*t e2i t for !o" or an!one el e "ntil !o" $i %o+er it, an$ !o" $i %o+er it -e%a" e it* for !o" an$ !o" alone) ,I ha$ $one a little a%tin# at the "ni+er it! 8 that ha$ -e#"n 'ith a 'al(.on &art in a little film ome-o$! ha$ ma$e a-o"t a -o! an$ #irl 'al(in# in a &ar() I fell in 'ith the remnant of that #ro"& in Lon$on an$ -e#an to $o a %ertain amo"nt of a%tin#) Not in an! im&ortant 'a!) Lon$on i f"ll of little theatri%al #ro"& ) The! 'rite their o'n &la! , an$ the! #et #rant from firm an$ lo%al %o"n%il here an$ there) A lot of them li+e on the $ole) Sometime I &la!e$ En#li h &art , -"t " "all! the! 'rote &art for me, o that a an a%tor I fo"n$ m! elf -ein# the (in$ of &er on I $i$n*t 'ant to -e in real life) I &la!e$ an In$ian $o%tor +i itin# a $!in# 'or(in#.%la mother1 I $i$ another In$ian $o%tor 'ho ha$ -een %har#e$ 'ith ra&e1 I 'a a -" %on$"%tor no one 'ante$ to 'or( 'ith) An$ o on) On%e I $i$ Romeo) Another time there 'a an i$ea of re'ritin# The &erchant of 9enice a The &alindi Banker, o that I %o"l$ &la! Sh!lo%() B"t it -e%ame too %om&li%ate$) ,It 'a a -ohemian life, an$ it 'a attra%ti+e at fir t) Then it -e%ame $e&re in#) /eo&le $ro&&e$ o"t an$ too( 3o- an$ !o" "n$er too$ that the! ha$ ha$ &rett! oli$ %onne%tion all alon#) That 'a al'a! a let$o'n, an$ there 'ere time $"rin# tho e t'o !ear 'hen I felt lo t an$ ha$ to fi#ht har$ to hol$ on to that moo$ that ha$ %ome to me -e i$e the ri+er) Amon# all tho e ni%e &eo&le I 'a the onl! real $ro&o"t) An$ I $i$n*t 'ant to -e a $ro&o"t at all) I*m not r"nnin# the e &eo&le $o'n) The! $i$ 'hat the! %o"l$ to ma(e room for me, an$ that i more than an! o"t i$er %an a! for " ) It* a $ifferen%e in %i+ili@ation) ,I 'a ta(en one S"n$a! to l"n%h at the ho" e of a frien$ of a frien$) There 'a nothin# -ohemian a-o"t the ho" e or the l"n%h, an$ I $i %o+ere$ that I ha$ -een in+ite$ for the a(e of one of the other #"e t ) He 'a an Ameri%an an$ he 'a intere te$ in Afri%a) He &o(e a-o"t Afri%a in an "n" "al 'a!) He &o(e of Afri%a a tho"#h Afri%a 'a a i%( %hil$ an$ he 'a the &arent) I later -e%ame +er! %lo e to thi man, -"t at that l"n%h he irritate$ me an$ I 'a ro"#h 'ith him) Thi 'a -e%a" e I ha$ ne+er met that (in$ of &er on -efore) He ha$ all thi mone! to &en$ on Afri%a, an$ he $e &eratel! 'ante$ to $o the ri#ht thin#) I "&&o e the i$ea of all that mone! #oin# to 'a te ma$e me "nha&&!) B"t he al o ha$ the im&le t -i#.&o'er i$ea a-o"t the re#eneration of Afri%a) ,I tol$ him that Afri%a 'a n*t #oin# to -e a+e$ or 'on -! &romotin# the &oem of Ye+t" hen(o or -! tellin# the &eo&le a-o"t the 'i%(e$ne of the Berlin Wall) He $i$n*t loo( too "r&ri e$) He 'ante$ to hear more, an$ I reali e$ I ha$ -een in+ite$ to the l"n%h to a! the thin# I ha$ -een a!in#) An$ it 'a there that I -e#an to "n$er tan$ that e+er!thin# 'hi%h I ha$ tho"#ht ha$ ma$e me &o'erle in the 'orl$ ha$ al o ma$e me of +al"e, an$ that to the Ameri%an I 'a of intere t &re%i el! -e%a" e I 'a 'hat I 'a , a man 'itho"t a i$e) ,That 'a ho' it -e#an) That 'a ho' I -e%ame a'are of all the or#ani@ation that 'ere " in# the "r&l" 'ealth of the We tern 'orl$ to &rote%t that 'orl$) The i$ea I &"t for'ar$, a##re i+el! at that l"n%h, an$ more %alml! an$ &ra%ti%all! later, 'ere :"ite im&le one ) B"t the! %o"l$ onl! ha+e %ome from omeone li(e m! elf, omeone of Afri%a, -"t 'ith no " e at all for the (in$ of free$om that ha$ %ome to Afri%a) ,A! i$ea 'a thi ) E+er!thin# ha$ %on &ire$ to &" h -la%( Afri%a into e+er! (in$ of t!rann!) A a re "lt Afri%a 'a f"ll of ref"#ee , fir t.#eneration intelle%t"al ) We tern #o+ernment $i$n*t 'ant to (no', an$ the ol$ Afri%a han$ 'ere in no &o ition to "n$er tan$ 8 the! 'ere till fi#htin# an%ient 'ar ) If Afri%a ha$ a f"t"re, it la! 'ith tho e ref"#ee ) A! i$ea 'a to remo+e them from the %o"ntrie 'here the! %o"l$n*t o&erate an$ en$ them, if onl! for a little 'hile, to
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tho e &art of the %ontinent 'here the! %o"l$) A %ontinental inter%han#e, to #i+e the men them el+e ho&e, to #i+e Afri%a the -etter ne' a-o"t it elf, an$ to ma(e a tart on the tr"e Afri%an re+ol"tion) ,The i$ea ha 'or(e$ -ea"tif"ll!) E+er! 'ee( 'e #et re:"e t from one "ni+er it! or the other 'here the! 'o"l$ li(e to (ee& ome (in$ of intelle%t"al life #oin# 'itho"t #ettin# in+ol+e$ in lo%al &oliti% ) Of %o"r e, 'e*+e attra%te$ the " "al freeloa$er , -la%( an$ 'hite, an$ 'e*+e r"n into tro"-le 'ith the &rofe ional anti.Ameri%an ) B"t the i$ea i #oo$) I $on*t feel I ha+e to $efen$ it) Whether it* $oin# an! #oo$ a of no' i another matter) An$ &erha& 'e $on*t ha+e the time) Yo"*+e een the -o! at the Domain here) Yo"*+e een ho' -ri#ht the! are) B"t the! onl! 'ant 3o- ) The!*ll $o an!thin# for that, an$ that* 'here it ma! all en$) There are time 'hen I feel that Afri%a 'ill im&l! ha+e it o'n 'a! 8 h"n#r! men are h"n#r! men) An$ that i 'hen I %an #et +er! lo') ,To 'or( for an o"tfit li(e thi i to li+e in a %on tr"%t 8 !o" $on*t ha+e to tell me that) B"t all men li+e in %on tr"%t ) Ci+ili@ation i a %on tr"%t) An$ thi %on tr"%t i m! o'n) Within it, I am of +al"e, 3" t a I am) I ha+e to &"t nothin# on) I e2&loit m! elf) I allo' no one to e2&loit me) An$ if it fol$ , if tomorro' the &eo&le at the to& $e%i$e 'e*re #ettin# no'here, I*+e no' learne$ that there are other 'a! in 'hi%h I mi#ht e2&loit m! elf) ,I*m a l"%(! man) I %arr! the 'orl$ 'ithin me) Yo" ee, Salim, in thi 'orl$ -e##ar are the onl! &eo&le 'ho %an -e %hoo er ) E+er!one el e ha hi i$e %ho en for him) I %an %hoo e) The 'orl$ i a ri%h &la%e) It all $e&en$ on 'hat !o" %hoo e in it) Yo" %an -e entimental an$ em-ra%e the i$ea of !o"r o'n $efeat) Yo" %an -e an In$ian $i&lomat an$ al'a! -e on the lo in# i$e) It* li(e -an(in#) It i t"&i$ ettin# "& a a -an(er in Ken!a or the S"$an) That 'a more or le 'hat m! famil! $i$ on the %oa t) What $o the -an( a! in their ann"al re&ort a-o"t tho e &la%e E That man! of the &eo&le are Fo"t i$e the monetar! e%tor*E Yo"*re not #oin# to -e a Roth %hil$ there) The Roth %hil$ are 'hat the! are -e%a" e the! %ho e E"ro&e at the ri#ht time) The other ?e' , 3" t a talente$, 'ho 'ent to -an( for the Ottoman Em&ire, in T"r(e! or E#!&t or 'here+er, $i$n*t $o o 'ell) No-o$! (no' their name ) An$ that* 'hat 'e*+e -een $oin# for %ent"rie ) We*+e -een %lin#in# to the i$ea of $efeat an$ for#ettin# that 'e are men li(e e+er!-o$! el e) We*+e -een %hoo in# the 'ron# i$e) I*m tire$ of -ein# on the lo in# i$e) I $on*t 'ant to &a ) I (no' e2a%tl! 'ho I am an$ 'here I tan$ in the 'orl$) B"t no' I 'ant to 'in an$ 'in an$ 'in)0


In$ar ha$ -e#"n hi tor! at the en$ of that e+enin# at Ra!mon$ an$ Y+ette* ) He ha$ a$$e$ to it at $ifferent time later) He ha$ -e#"n hi tor! on the fir t e+enin# I ha$ een Y+ette, an$ 'hene+er I a' Y+ette after'ar$ he 'a in hi %om&an!) I ha$ tro"-le 'ith -oth their &er onalitie ; I %o"l$ &in $o'n neither) In m! min$ I ha$ m! o'n &i%t"re of Y+ette, an$ thi ne+er +arie$) B"t the &er on I a', at $ifferent time of $a!, in $ifferent (in$ of li#ht an$ 'eather, in %ir%"m tan%e o $ifferent from tho e in 'hi%h I ha$ fir t een her, 'a al'a! ne', al'a! a "r&ri e) I 'a ner+o" of loo(in# at her fa%e 8 I 'a -e%omin# o- e e$ 'ith her)
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An$ In$ar too -e#an to %han#e for me) Hi &er onalit! too ha$ a $i ol+in# :"alit!) A he fille$ in hi tor! he -e%ame in m! e!e :"ite "nli(e the man 'ho ha$ &re ente$ him elf in m! ho& man! 'ee( -efore) In hi %lothe then I ha$ een Lon$on an$ &ri+ile#e) I ha$ een that he 'a fi#htin# to (ee& "& hi t!le, -"t I ha$n*t tho"#ht of hi t!le a omethin# he ha$ %reate$ for him elf) I ha$ een him more a a man to"%he$ -! the #lamo"r of the #reat 'orl$1 an$ I ha$ tho"#ht that #i+en the %han%e to -e in hi 'orl$, I, too, 'o"l$ ha+e -een to"%he$ -! the ame #lamo"r) In tho e earl! $a! I ha$ often 'ante$ to a! to him; ,Hel& me to #et a'a! from thi &la%e) Sho' me ho' to ma(e m! elf li(e !o")0 B"t that 'a n*t o no') I %o"l$ no lon#er en+! hi t!le or hi t!li hne ) I a' it a hi onl! a et) I felt &rote%ti+e to'ar$ him) I felt that in%e that e+enin# at Y+ette* 8 the e+enin# 'hi%h ha$ lifte$ me "& -"t %a t him $o'n 8 'e ha$ e2%han#e$ role ) I no lon#er loo(e$ on him a m! #"i$e1 he 'a the man 'ho nee$e$ to -e le$ -! the han$) That &erha& 'a the e%ret of hi o%ial "%%e 'hi%h I ha$ en+ie$) A! 'i h 8 'hi%h m" t ha+e -een li(e the 'i h of the &eo&le in Lon$on he ha$ tol$ me a-o"t, 'ho ha$ ma$e room for him 8 'a to %lear a'a! the a##re i+ene an$ the $e&re ion that %ho(e$ the ten$erne I (ne' 'a there) I 'a &rote%ti+e to'ar$ him an$ to'ar$ hi t!li hne , hi e2a##eration , hi $el" ion ) I 'i he$ to (ee& all tho e from h"rt) It a$$ene$ me that in a little 'hile he 'o"l$ ha+e to lea+e, to %arr! on 'ith hi le%t"rer* $"tie el e'here) That 'a 'hat, from hi tor!, I 3"$#e$ him to -e 8 a le%t"rer, a "n%ertain of hi f"t"re in thi role a he ha$ -een in hi &re+io" role ) The onl! frien$ in the to'n I ha$ intro$"%e$ him to 'ere Sho-a an$ Aahe h) The! 'ere the onl! &eo&le I tho"#ht he 'o"l$ ha+e ha$ omethin# in %ommon 'ith) B"t that ha$n*t 'or(e$) There 'a " &i%ion on -oth i$e ) The e three &eo&le 'ere in man! 'a! ali(e 8 rene#a$e , %on%erne$ 'ith their &er onal -ea"t!, fin$in# in that -ea"t! the ea ie t form of $i#nit!) Ea%h a' the other a another +er ion of him elf1 an$ the! 'ere li(e &eo&le 8 Sho-a an$ Aahe h on one i$e, In$ar on the other 8 niffin# o"t the fal ene in one another, At l"n%h in their flat one $a! 8 a #oo$ l"n%h; the! ha$ #one to a lot of tro"-le; il+er an$ -ra &oli he$, the %"rtain $ra'n to (ee& o"t the #lare, the three. temme$ tan$ar$ lam& li#htin# "& the /er ian %ar&et on the 'all 8 Sho-a a (e$ In$ar, ,I there an! mone! in 'hat !o" $oE0 In$ar ha$ ai$, ,I #et -!)0 B"t o"t i$e, in the "nli#ht an$ re$ $" t, he ra#e$) A 'e $ro+e -a%( to the Domain, hi home, he ai$, ,Yo"r frien$ $on*t (no' 'ho I am or 'hat I*+e $one) The! $on*t e+en (no' 'here I*+e -een)0 He 'a n*t referrin# to hi tra+el 1 he meant the! ha$n*t a&&re%iate$ the (in$ of -attle he ha$ fo"#ht) ,Tell them that m! +al"e i the +al"e I &la%e on m! elf) There i no rea on 'h! it %o"l$n*t -e fift! tho" an$ $ollar a !ear, a h"n$re$ tho" an$ $ollar a !ear)0 That 'a hi moo$ a hi time at the Domain %ame to an en$) He 'a more ea il! irritate$ an$ $e&re e$) B"t for me, e+en $"rin# tho e ra%in# $a! , the Domain remaine$ a &la%e of &o i-ilit!) I 'a loo(in# for a re&eat of the e+enin# I ha$ ha$ 8 the moo$ of the ?oan Bae@ on# , rea$in# lam& an$ Afri%an mat on the floor, a $i t"r-in# 'oman in -la%( la%( , a 'al( to the ra&i$ -elo' a moon an$ $riftin# %lo"$) It -e#an to feel li(e fanta !1 I (e&t it e%ret from In$ar) An$ Y+ette, 'hene+er I a' her, in har her ele%tri% li#ht or or$inar! $a!li#ht, %onfo"n$e$ me a#ain an$ a#ain, o $ifferent from 'hat I remem-ere$) The $a! &a e$1 the &ol!te%hni% term 'a o+er) In$ar ai$ #oo$-!e a-r"&tl! one afternoon, li(e a man 'ho $i$n*t 'ant to ma(e too m"%h f" a-o"t a #oo$-!e1 he $i$n*t 'ant me to ee him off) An$ I felt that the Domain, an$ the life there, ha$ -een %lo e$ to me fore+er)
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9er$inan$ too 'a #oin# a'a!) He 'a #oin# to the %a&ital to ta(e "& hi a$mini trati+e %a$et hi&) An$ it 'a 9er$inan$ 'hom I 'ent to ee off on the teamer at the en$ of the term) The h!a%inth of the ri+er, floatin# on; $"rin# the $a! of the re-ellion the! ha$ &o(en of -loo$1 on hea+! afternoon of heat an$ #litter the! ha$ &o(en of e2&erien%e 'itho"t a+o"r1 'hite in moonli#ht, the! ha$ mat%he$ the moo$ of a &arti%"lar e+enin#) No', lila% on -ri#ht #reen, the! &o(e of omethin# o+er, other &eo&le mo+in# on) The teamer ha$ arri+e$ the &re+io" afternoon 'ith it &a en#er -ar#e in to') It ha$n*t -ro"#ht Za-eth an$ her $"#o"t) 9er$inan$ ha$n*t 'ante$ her to -e there) I ha$ tol$ Za-eth thi 'a onl! -e%a" e 9er$inan$ 'a at the a#e 'hen he 'ante$ to a&&ear :"ite in$e&en$ent) An$ thi 'a tr"e "& to a &oint) The 3o"rne! to the %a&ital 'a im&ortant to 9er$inan$1 an$ -e%a" e it 'a im&ortant, he 'i he$ to &la! it $o'n) He ha$ al'a! een him elf a im&ortant) B"t thi 'a &art of the ne' "n "r&ri e$ attit"$e to him elf that he ha$ $e+elo&e$) 9rom $"#o"t to a fir t.%la %a-in on the teamer, from a fore t +illa#e to the &ol!te%hni% to an a$mini trati+e %a$et hi& 8 he ha$ lea&t %ent"rie ) Hi &a a#e ha$n*t al'a! -een ea !1 $"rin# the re-ellion he ha$ 'ante$ to r"n a'a! an$ hi$e) B"t he ha$ in%e learne$ to a%%e&t all i$e of him elf an$ all i$e of the %o"ntr!1 he re3e%te$ nothin#) He (ne' onl! hi %o"ntr! an$ 'hat it offere$1 an$ all that hi %o"ntr! offere$ him he 'i he$ no' to ta(e a hi $"e) It 'a li(e arro#an%e1 -"t it 'a al o a form of ea e an$ a%%e&tan%e) He 'a at home in e+er! ettin#, he a%%e&te$ e+er! it"ation1 an$ he 'a him elf e+er!'here) That 'a 'hat he $emon trate$ that mornin# 'hen I &i%(e$ him "& from the Domain to $ri+e him to the $o%() The %han#e from the Domain to the hant! ettlement o"t i$e 8 'ith their %attere$ &lantin# of mai@e, their r"nnel of filth an$ mo"n$ of ifte$ r"--i h 8 3arre$ more on me than on him) I 'o"l$ ha+e &referre$, -ein# 'ith him, an$ thin(in# of hi &ri$e, to i#nore them1 he &o(e a-o"t them, not %riti%all!, -"t eein# them a &art of hi to'n) At the Domain, a!in# #oo$-!e to &eo&le he (ne', he ha$ -eha+e$ li(e the a$mini trati+e %a$et1 'ith me in the %ar he ha$ -een li(e an ol$ frien$1 an$ then o"t i$e the $o%( #ate he ha$ -e%ome a rea ona-l! ha&&!, an$ &atient, mem-er of an Afri%an %ro'$, ta(en 'ith the mar(et -" tle) &isceri-,e probat pop,los et foedera .,n%i) I ha$ lon# in%e %ea e$ to refle%t on the +ain#lor! of the 'or$ ) The mon"ment ha$ onl! -e%ome &art of the mar(et %ene on teamer $a! ) Thro"#h that %ro'$ 'e no' -e#an to ma(e o"r 'a!, a%%om&anie$ -! an ol$ man, fee-ler than either of " , 'ho ha$ ta(en &o e ion of 9er$inan$* "it%a e ) Ba in of #r"- an$ %ater&illar 1 -a (et of tr" e$."& hen , :"a'(in# 'hen the! 'ere lifte$ -! one 'in# -! the +en$or or a &ro &e%ti+e -"!er1 $"ll.e!e$ #oat on the -are, %"ffe$ #ro"n$, %he'in# at r"--i h an$ e+en &a&er1 $am&.haire$ !o"n# mon(e! , f"ll of mi er!, tethere$ ti#htl! aro"n$ their narro' 'ai t an$ ni--lin# at &ean"t an$ -anana (in an$ man#o (in, -"t ni--lin# 'itho"t reli h, a tho"#h the! (ne' that the! them el+e 'ere oon to -e eaten) Ner+o" &a en#er from the -" h, -ar#e &a en#er , tra+ellin# from one far.off +illa#e to another, an$ -ein# een off -! familie or frien$ 1 the e ta-li he$ +en$or in their e ta-li he$ &la%e =t'o or three at the foot of the mon"ment>, 'ith their -o2 eat , %oo(in# tone , &ot an$ &an , -"n$le , -a-ie 1 i$ler , %ri&&le an$ %ro"n#er ) An$ offi%ial ) There 'ere man! more offi%ial no'a$a! , an$ mo t of them a&&eare$ to -e a%ti+e in thi area on teamer $a! ) Not all of them 'ere in &oli%e or arm! "niform, an$ not all of them 'ere men) In the name of hi $ea$ mother, the hotel mai$, ,the 'oman of Afri%a,0 a he %alle$ her in hi
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&ee%he , the /re i$ent ha$ $e%i$e$ to hono"r a man! 'omen a &o i-le1 an$ he ha$ $one o -! ma(in# them #o+ernment er+ant , not al'a! 'ith %lear $"tie ) 9er$inan$ an$ m! elf an$ the &orter ma$e a noti%ea-le #ro"& =9er$inan$ m"%h taller than the men of the re#ion>, an$ 'e 'ere to&&e$ a-o"t half a $o@en time -! &eo&le 'ho 'ante$ to ee o"r &a&er ) On%e 'e 'ere to&&e$ -! a 'oman in a lon# Afri%an. t!le %otton $re ) She 'a a mall a her i ter 'ho &ole$ the $"#o"t in +illa#e %ree( , an$ fet%he$ an$ %arrie$1 her hea$ 'a a hairle an$ loo(e$ a ha+e$1 -"t her fa%e ha$ &l"m&e$ o"t) She &o(e to " ro"#hl!) She hel$ 9er$inan$* teamer ti%(et =one for the fare, one for the foo$> "& i$e $o'n 'hen he e2amine$ them1 an$ he fro'ne$) 9er$inan$* fa%e re#i tere$ nothin#) When he #a+e him -a%( the ti%(et he ai$, ,Than( !o", citoyenne)0 He &o(e 'itho"t iron!1 the 'oman* fro'n 'a re&la%e$ -! a mile) An$ that eeme$ to ha+e -een the main &oint of the e2er%i e 8 the 'oman 'ante$ to -e ho'n re &e%t an$ to -e %alle$ citoyenne) &onsie,r an$ madame an$ boy ha$ -een offi%iall! o"tla'e$1 the /re i$ent ha$ $e%ree$ " all to -e citoyens an$ citoyennes) He " e$ the t'o 'or$ to#ether in hi &ee%he , a#ain an$ a#ain, li(e m" i%al &hra e ) We mo+e$ thro"#h the 'aitin# %ro'$ 8 &eo&le ma$e room for " im&l! -e%a" e 'e 'ere mo+in# 8 to the $o%( #ate ) An$ there o"r &orter, a tho"#h (no'in# 'hat 'a to follo', $ro&&e$ hi loa$, a (e$ for a lot of fran% , :"i%(l! ettle$ for le , an$ -olte$) The #ate , for no rea on, 'ere %lo e$ a#ain t " ) The ol$ier loo(e$ at " an$ then loo(e$ a'a!, ref" in# to enter into the &ala+er 9er$inan$ an$ I trie$ to #et #oin#) 9or half an ho"r or more 'e too$ there in the %ro'$, &re e$ a#ain t the #ate, in the tin#in# "n, in the mell of 'eat an$ mo(e$ foo$1 an$ then, for no a&&arent rea on, one of the ol$ier o&ene$ the #ate an$ let " in, -"t 3" t " , not an!one -ehin$, a tho"#h, in &ite of 9er$inan$* ti%(et an$ m! o'n $o%( &a , he 'a $oin# " a #reat fa+o"r) The teamer 'a till &ointin# to'ar$ the ra&i$ ) The 'hite "&er tr"%t"re, 'ith the fir t. %la %a-in , 3" t +i i-le a-o+e the %" tom . he$ roof, 'a at the tern en$ of the teamer) On the teel.&late$ $e%( -elo', 3" t a fe' feet a-o+e the 'ater, a ran#e of iron.%la$ -arra%(.li(e tr"%t"re ran all the 'a! to the ro"n$e$ -o') The iron -arra%( 'ere for the le er &a en#er ) An$ for &a en#er 'ho 'ere lea t of all there 'a the -ar#e 8 tier of %a#e on a hallo' iron h"ll, the %a#e 'ire.nette$ an$ -arre$, the 'ire nettin# an$ -ar $ente$ an$ t'i te$, the internal or#ani@ation of the %a#e hi$$en, lo t in #loom, in &ite of the "nli#ht an$ the #litter of the ri+er) The fir t.%la %a-in till "##e te$ l"2"r!) The iron 'all 'ere 'hite1 the tim-ere$ $e%( 'ere %r"--e$ an$ tarre$) The $oor 'ere o&en1 there 'ere %"rtain ) There 'ere te'ar$ an$ e+en a &"r er) I ai$ to 9er$inan$, ,I tho"#ht tho e &eo&le $o'n there 'ere #oin# to a ( !o" for !o"r %ertifi%ate of %i+i% merit) In the ol$ $a! !o" ha$ to ha+e one -efore the! let !o" "& here)0 He $i$n*t la"#h, a an ol$er man mi#ht ha+e $one) He $i$n*t (no' a-o"t the %olonial &a t) Hi memorie of the lar#er 'orl$ -e#an 'ith the m! terio" $a! 'hen m"tino" ol$ier , tran#er , ha$ %ome to hi mother* +illa#e loo(in# for 'hite &eo&le to (ill, an$ Za-eth ha$ fri#htene$ them off, an$ the! ha$ ta(en a'a! onl! a fe' of the +illa#e 'omen) To 9er$inan$ the %olonial &a t ha$ +ani he$) The teamer ha$ al'a! -een Afri%an, an$ fir t %la on the teamer 'a 'hat he %o"l$ ee no') Re &e%ta-l! $re e$ Afri%an , the ol$er men in "it , the e+ol+e$ men of an earlier #eneration1 ome 'omen 'ith familie , e+er!one $re e$ "& for the 3o"rne!1 one or t'o of the ol$ la$ie of "%h familie , %lo er to the 'a! of the fore t,
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alrea$! ittin# on the floor of their %a-in an$ &re&arin# l"n%h, -rea(in# the -la%( h"ll of mo(e$ fi h an$ mo(e$ mon(e! into enamel &late 'ith %olo"re$ &attern , an$ relea in# tron#, alt! mell ) R" ti% manner , fore t manner , in a ettin# not of the fore t) B"t that 'a ho', in o"r an%e tral lan$ , 'e all -e#an 8 the &ra!er mat on the an$, then the mar-le floor of a mo :"e1 the rit"al an$ ta-oo of noma$ , 'hi%h, tran ferre$ to the &ala%e of a "ltan or a ma.hara3a, -e%ome the tra$ition of an ari to%ra%!) Still, I 'o"l$ ha+e fo"n$ the 3o"rne! har$, e &e%iall! if, li(e 9er$inan$, I ha$ to hare a %a-in 'ith omeone el e, omeone in the %ro'$ o"t i$e 'ho ha$ not !et -een let in) B"t the teamer 'a not meant for me or 8 in &ite of the %olonial em-lem em-roi$ere$ in re$ on the fra!e$, m"%h la"n$ere$ heet an$ &illo'%a e on 9er$inan$* -"n( 8 for the &eo&le 'ho ha$ in the ol$ $a! re:"ire$ %ertifi%ate of %i+i% merit, 'ith #oo$ rea on) The teamer 'a no' meant for the &eo&le 'ho " e$ it, an$ to them it 'a +er! #ran$) The &eo&le on 9er$inan$* $e%( (ne' the! 'ere not &a en#er on the -ar#e) 9rom the rear en$ of the $e%(, loo(in# &a t the life-oat , 'e %o"l$ ee &eo&le #oin# a-oar$ the -ar#e 'ith their %rate an$ -"n$le ) A-o+e the roof of the %" tom he$ the to'n ho'e$ mainl! a tree or -" h 8 the to'n 'hi%h, 'hen !o" 'ere in it, 'a f"ll of treet an$ o&en &a%e an$ "n an$ -"il$in# ) 9e' -"il$in# ho'e$ thro"#h the tree an$ none ro e a-o+e them) An$ from the hei#ht of the fir t.%la $e%( !o" %o"l$ ee 8 from the :"alit! of the +e#etation, the %han#e from im&orte$ ornamental tree to "n$ifferentiate$ -" h 8 ho' :"i%(l! the to'n en$e$, 'hat a narro' tri& of the ri+er-an( it o%%"&ie$) If !o" loo(e$ the other 'a!, a%ro the m"$$! ri+er to the lo' line of -" h an$ the em&tine of the other -an(, !o" %o"l$ &reten$ that the to'n $i$n*t e2i t) An$ then the -ar#e on thi -an( 'a li(e a mira%le, an$ the %a-in of the fir t.%la $e%( an im&o i-le l"2"r!) At either en$ of that $e%( 'a omethin# e+en more im&re i+e 8 a cabine de l,xe) That 'a 'hat the ol$, &aint. &attere$ metal &late a-o+e the $oor ai$) What $i$ the e t'o %a-in %ontainE 9er$inan$ ai$, ,Shall 'e ha+e a loo(E0 We 'ent into the one at the -a%() It 'a $ar( an$ +er! hot1 the 'in$o' 'ere eale$ an$ hea+il! %"rtaine$) A -a(in# -athroom1 t'o arm%hair , rather -eaten "&, an$ one 'ith an arm mi in#, -"t till arm%hair 1 a ta-le 'ith t'o ha(! %hair 1 %on%e 'ith -"l- mi in#1 torn %"rtain %reenin# off the -"n( from the re t of the %a-in1 an$ an air %on$itioner) Who, in that %ro'$ o"t i$e, ha$ "%h a ri$i%"lo" i$ea of hi nee$ E Who re:"ire$ "%h &ri+a%!, "%h %ram&in# %omfort E 9rom the for'ar$ en$ of the $e%( %ame the o"n$ of a $i t"r-an%e) A man 'a %om&lainin# lo"$l!, an$ he 'a %om&lainin# in En#li h) 9er$inan$ ai$, ,I thin( I hear !o"r frien$)0 It 'a In$ar) He 'a %arr!in# an "n" "al loa$, an$ he 'a 'eatin# an$ f"ll of an#er) With hi forearm hel$ o"t at the hori@ontal 8 li(e the for( of a for(.lift tr"%( 8 he 'a "&&ortin# a hallo' -"t +er! 'i$e %ar$-oar$ -o2, o&en at the to&, on 'hi%h he %o"l$ +i i-l! #et no #ri&) The -o2 'a hea+!) It 'a f"ll of #ro%erie an$ -i# -ottle , ten or t'el+e -ottle 1 an$ after the lon# 'al( from the $o%( #ate an$ "& all the teamer te& , In$ar eeme$ to -e at the en$ of all &h! i%al re o"r%e an$ on the +er#e of tear ) With a -a%('ar$ lean he ta##ere$ into the cabine de l,xe, an$ I a' him $ro& 8 almo t thro' 8 the %ar$-oar$ -o2 on the -"n() An$ then he -e#an to $o a little $an%e of &h! i%al a#on!,
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tam&in# a-o"t the %a-in an$ fle2in# hi arm +iolentl! from the el-o' $o'n, a tho"#h to ha(e o"t the a%he from all (in$ of !el&in# m" %le ) He 'a o+er$oin# the $i &la!, -"t he ha$ an a"$ien%e) Not me, 'hom he ha$ een -"t 'a !et in no moo$ to a%(no'le$#e) Y+ette 'a -ehin$ him) She 'a %arr!in# hi -rief%a e) He ho"te$ at her, 'ith the e%"rit! that the En#li h lan#"a#e #a+e him here, ,The "it%a e 8 i the -"##er -rin#in# the "it%a eE0 She loo(e$ 'eate$ an$ traine$ her elf, -"t he ai$ oothin#l!, ,Ye , !e )0 An$ a man in a flo'ere$ hirt 'hom I ha$ ta(en to -e a &a en#er a&&eare$ 'ith the "it%a e) I ha$ een In$ar an$ Y+ette to#ether man! time , -"t ne+er in "%h a $ome ti% relation hi&) 9or a $i lo%atin# moment the tho"#ht %ame to me that the! 'ere #oin# a'a! to#ether) B"t then Y+ette, trai#htenin# "&, an$ remem-erin# to mile, ai$ to me, ,Are !o" eein# omeone off tooE0 An$ I "n$er too$ that m! an2iet! 'a fooli h) In$ar 'a no' :"ee@in# hi -i%e& ) Whate+er he ha$ &lanne$ for thi moment 'ith Y+ette ha$ -een $e tro!e$ -! the &ain of the %ar$-oar$ -o2) He ai$, ,The! ha$ no %arrier -a# ) The! ha$ no -loo$! %arrier -a# )0 I ai$, ,I tho"#ht !o" ha$ ta(en the &lane)0 ,We 'aite$ for ho"r at the air&ort !e ter$a!) It 'a al'a! %omin# an$ %omin#) Then at mi$ni#ht the! #a+e " a -eer an$ tol$ " that the &lane ha$ -een ta(en o"t of er+i%e) ?" t li(e that) Not $ela!e$) Ta(en a'a!) The Bi# Aan 'ante$ it) An$ no one (no' 'hen he i #oin# to en$ it -a%() An$ then -"!in# thi teamer ti%(et 8 ha+e !o" e+er $one thatE There are all (in$ of r"le a-o"t 'hen the! %an ell an$ 'hen the! %an*t ell) The man i har$l! e+er there) The $amne$ $oor i al'a! lo%(e$) An$ e+er! fi+e !ar$ ome-o$! 'ant to ee !o"r &a&er ) 9er$inan$, e2&lain thi to me) When the man 'a tottin# "& the fare, all the $e l"2e "&&lement , he 'or(e$ the "m o"t t'ent! time on the a$$in# ma%hine) The ame "m, t'ent! time ) Wh!E Di$ he thin( the ma%hine 'a #oin# to %han#e it min$E That too( half an ho"r) An$ then, than( Co$, Y+ette remin$e$ me a-o"t the foo$) An$ the 'ater) So 'e ha$ to #o ho&&in#) Si2 -ottle of Di%h! 'ater for the fi+e $a! ) It 'a all the! ha$ 8 I*+e %ome to Afri%a to $rin( Di%h! 'ater) One $ollar an$ fift! %ent a -ottle, U)S) Si2 -ottle of re$ 'ine, the a%i$ /ort"#"e e t"ff !o" #et here) If I ha$ (no'n I 'o"l$ ha+e to %arr! it all in that -o2, I 'o"l$ ha+e $one 'itho"t it)0 He ha$ al o -o"#ht fi+e tin of ar$ine , one for ea%h $a! of the 3o"rne!, I "&&o e1 t'o tin of e+a&orate$ mil(1 a tin of Ne %af<, a D"t%h %hee e, ome -i %"it an$ a :"antit! of Bel#ian hone! %a(e) He ai$, ,The hone! %a(e 'a Y+ette* i$ea) She a! it* f"ll of no"ri hment)0 She ai$, ,It (ee& in the heat)0 I ai$, ,There 'a a man at the l!%<e 'ho " e$ to li+e on hone! %a(e)0 9er$inan$ ai$, ,That* 'h! 'e mo(e nearl! e+er!thin#) On%e !o" $on*t -rea( the %r" t it la t a lon# time)0 ,B"t the foo$ it"ation in thi &la%e i a&&allin#,0 In$ar ai$) ,E+er!thin# in the ho& i im&orte$ an$ e2&en i+e) An$ in the mar(et, a&art from the #r"- an$ thin# that &eo&le &i%( "&, all !o" ha+e are t'o ti%( of thi an$ t'o ear of that) An$ &eo&le are %omin# in all the time) Ho' $o the! ma(e o"tE Yo" ha+e all thi -" h, all thi rain) An$ !et there %o"l$ -e a famine in thi to'n)0 The %a-in 'a more %ro'$e$ than it ha$ -een) A :"at -arefoote$ man ha$ %ome in to intro$"%e him elf a the te'ar$ of the cabine de l,xe, an$ after him the &"r er ha$ %ome in, 'ith a to'el o+er one ho"l$er an$ a fol$e$ ta-le%loth in hi han$) The &"r er hooe$ a'a! the te'ar$,
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&rea$ the ta-le%loth on the ta-le 8 lo+el! ol$ material, -"t mer%ile l! la"n$ere$) Then he a$$re e$ Y+ette) ,I ee that the #entleman ha -ro"#ht hi o'n foo$ an$ 'ater) B"t there i no nee$, ma$ame) We follo' the ol$ r"le till) O"r 'ater i &"rifie$) I m! elf ha+e 'or(e$ on o%ean liner an$ -een to %o"ntrie all o+er the 'orl$) No' I am ol$ an$ 'or( on thi Afri%an teamer) B"t I am a%%" tome$ to 'hite &eo&le an$ (no' their 'a! 'ell) The #entleman ha nothin# to fear, ma$ame) He 'ill -e loo(e$ after 'ell) I 'ill ee that the #entleman* foo$ i &re&are$ e&aratel!, an$ I 'ill er+e him 'ith m! o'n han$ in hi %a-in)0 He 'a a thin, el$erl! man of mi2e$ ra%e1 hi mother or father mi#ht ha+e -een a m"latto) He ha$ %on %ientio" l! " e$ the for-i$$en 'or$ 8 monsie,r, madame1 he ha$ &rea$ a ta-le%loth) An$ he too$ 'aitin# to -e re'ar$e$) In$ar #a+e him t'o h"n$re$ fran% ) 9er$inan$ ai$, ,Yo"*+e #i+en him too m"%h) He %alle$ !o" monsie,r an$ madame, an$ !o" ti&&e$ him) A far a he* %on%erne$, hi a%%o"nt ha -een ettle$) No' he 'ill $o nothin# for !o"), An$ 9er$inan$ eeme$ to -e ri#ht) When 'e 'ent $o'n one $e%( to the -ar, the &"r er 'a there, leanin# a#ain t the %o"nter, $rin(in# -eer) He i#nore$ all fo"r of " 1 an$ he $i$ nothin# for " 'hen 'e a (e$ for -eer an$ the -arman ai$, , Termin+)0 If the &"r er ha$n*t -een $rin(in#, an$ if another man 'ith three 'ell.$re e$ 'omen ha$n*t -een $rin(in# at one of the ta-le , it 'o"l$ ha+e loo(e$ %on+in%in#) The -ar 8 'ith a frame$ &hoto#ra&h of the /re i$ent in %hief* %lothe , hol$in# "& the %ar+e$ ti%( 'ith the feti h 8 'a tri&&e$1 the -ro'n hel+e 'ere -are) I ai$ to the -arman, ,4itoyen)0 9er$inan$ ai$, ,4itoyen)0 We #ot a &ala+er #oin#, an$ -eer 'a -ro"#ht from the -a%( room) In$ar ai$, ,Yo" 'ill ha+e to -e m! #"i$e, 9er$inan$) Yo" 'ill &ala+er for me)0 It 'a &a t noon, an$ +er! hot) The -ar 'a f"ll of refle%te$ ri+er li#ht, 'ith $an%in# +ein of #ol$) The -eer, 'ea( a it 'a , l"lle$ " ) In$ar for#ot hi a%he an$ &ain 1 a $i %" ion he tarte$ 'ith 9er$inan$ a-o"t the farm at the Domain that the Chine e or Tai'ane e ha$ a-an$one$ traile$ a'a!) A! o'n ner+o" ne 'a oothe$1 m! moo$ 'a -"o!ant; I 'o"l$ lea+e the teamer 'ith Y+ette) The li#ht 'a the li#ht of the +er! earl! afternoon 8 e+er!thin# to(e$ "&, the -la@e #ot tr"l! #oin#, -"t 'ith a hint of the -la@e a-o"t to %on "me it elf) The ri+er #littere$, m"$$! 'ater t"rne$ to 'hite an$ #ol$) It 'a -" ! 'ith $"#o"t 'ith o"t-oar$ motor , a al'a! on teamer $a! ) The $"#o"t %arrie$ the e2tra+a#ant name of their ,e ta-li hment 0 &ainte$ in lar#e letter $o'n their i$e ) Sometime , 'hen a $"#o"t %ro e$ a &at%h of #litter, the o%%"&ant 'ere all ilho"ette$ a#ain t the #litter1 the! a&&eare$ then to -e ittin# +er! lo', to -e ho"l$er an$ ro"n$ hea$ alone, o that for a 'hile the! 'ere li(e %omi% fi#"re in a %artoon tri&, en#a#e$ on ome :"ite ri$i%"lo" 3o"rne!) A man teetere$ into the -ar on &latform hoe 'ith ole a-o"t t'o in%he thi%() He m" t ha+e -een from the %a&ital1 that t!le in hoe ha$n*t rea%he$ " a !et) He 'a al o an offi%ial, %ome to %he%( o"r ti%(et an$ &a e ) Not lon# after he ha$ teetere$ o"t, &ani% a&&eare$ to ei@e the &"r er an$ the -arman an$ ome of the men $rin(in# at ta-le ) It 'a thi &ani% that finall! $i tin#"i he$ %re' an$ offi%ial , none of them in "niform, from the other &eo&le 'ho ha$ %ome in an$ &ala+ere$ for their -eer1 an$ it meant onl! that the teamer 'a a-o"t to lea+e) In$ar &"t hi han$ on Y+ette* thi#h) When he t"rne$ to him he ai$ #entl!, ,I*ll ee 'hat I %an fin$ o"t a-o"t Ra!mon$* -oo() B"t !o" (no' tho e &eo&le in the %a&ital) If the! $on*t re&l!
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to !o"r letter , it* -e%a" e the! $on*t 'ant to re&l!) The!*re not #oin# to a! !e or no) The!*re #oin# to a! nothin#) B"t I*ll ee)0 Their em-ra%e, 3" t -efore 'e #ot off, 'a no more than formal) 9er$inan$ 'a %ool) No han$ ha(e, no 'or$ of fare'ell) He im&l! ai$, ,Salim)0 An$ to Y+ette he #a+e a no$ rather than a -o') We too$ on the $o%( an$ 'at%he$) After ome mane"+erin# the teamer 'a %lear of the $o%( 'all) Then the -ar#e 'a atta%he$1 an$ teamer an$ -ar#e $i$ a lo', 'i$e t"rn in the ri+er, the -ar#e re+ealin# at it tern tier , li%e , of a %a#e$ -a%(.!ar$ life, a mi2t"re of (it%hen an$ animal &en ) A $e&art"re %an feel li(e a $e ertion, a 3"$#ment on the &la%e an$ &eo&le left -ehin$) That 'a 'hat I ha$ -een a%%" tomin# m! elf to in%e the &re+io" $a!, 'hen I tho"#ht I ha$ ai$ #oo$-!e to In$ar) 9or all m! %on%ern for him, I ha$ tho"#ht of him 8 a I ha$ tho"#ht of 9er$inan$ 8 a the l"%(! man, the man mo+in# on to ri%her e2&erien%e, lea+in# me to m! little life in a &la%e on%e a#ain of no a%%o"nt) B"t I $i$n*t thin( o no', tan$in# 'ith Y+ette on the e2&o e$ $o%(, after the a%%i$ent an$ l"%( of that e%on$ #oo$-!e, 'at%hin# the teamer an$ -ar#e trai#hten in the -ro'n ri+er, a#ain t the em&tine of the far -an(, 'hi%h 'a &ale in the heat an$ li(e &art of the 'hite (!) The &la%e 'here it 'a all #oin# on after all 'a 'here 'e 'ere, in the to'n on the ri+er-an() In$ar 'a the man 'ho ha$ -een ent a'a!) The har$ 3o"rne! 'a hi )


It 'a &a t t'o, a time 'hen, on "nn! $a! , it h"rt to -e in the o&en) We ha$ neither of " ha$ an!thin# to eat 8 'e ha$ onl! ha$ that -loatin# -eer 8 an$ Y+ette $i$n*t re3e%t the i$ea of a na%( in a %ool &la%e) The a &halt "rfa%in# of the $o%( area 'a oft "n$erfoot) Har$ -la%( ha$o' ha$ &"lle$ -a%( to the +er! e$#e of -"il$in# , -"il$in# 'hi%h here on the $o%( 'ere of the %olonial time an$ "- tantial 8 o%hre.'a he$ tone 'all , #reen h"tter , tall, iron.-arre$ 'in$o' , #reen.&ainte$ %orr"#ate$.iron roof ) A %rat%he$ -la%(-oar$ o"t i$e the %lo e$ teamer offi%e till #a+e the time of the teamer ailin#) B"t the offi%ial ha$ #one1 the %ro'$ o"t i$e the $o%( #ate ha$ #one) The mar(et aro"n$ the #ranite 'all of the r"ine$ mon"ment 'a -ein# $i mantle$) The feather! lea+e of the flam-o!ant tree ma$e no ha$e1 the "n tr"%( ri#ht thro"#h) The #ro"n$, h"mmo%(e$ aro"n$ t"ft of #ra , %"ffe$ to $" t el e'here, 'a littere$ 'ith r"--i h an$ animal $ro&&in# an$ &at%he of 'et 'hi%h, %oate$ an$ -o"n$ on the "n$er i$e 'ith fine $" t, eeme$ to -e %"rlin# -a%( on them el+e , &eelin# off the #ro"n$) We $i$n*t #o to Aahe h* Bi#-"r#er -ar) I 'ante$ to a+oi$ the %om&li%ation 8 Sho-a ha$n*t a&&ro+e$ of Y+ette* %onne%tion 'ith In$ar) We 'ent in tea$ to the Ti+oli) It 'a n*t far a'a!, an$ I ho&e$ that Aahe h* -o! Il$e&hon e 'o"l$n*t re&ort) B"t that 'a "nli(el!1 it 'a the time of $a! 'hen Il$e&hon e 'a normall! +a%ant) The Ti+oli 'a a ne' or ne'i h &la%e, &art of o"r %ontin"in# -oom, an$ 'a o'ne$ -! a famil! 'ho ha$ r"n a re ta"rant in the %a&ital -efore in$e&en$en%e) No', after ome !ear in
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E"ro&e, the! ha$ %ome -a%( to tr! a#ain here) It 'a a -i# in+e tment for them 8 the! ha$ (im&e$ on nothin# 8 an$ I tho"#ht the! 'ere ta(in# a %han%e) B"t I $i$n*t (no' a-o"t E"ro&ean an$ their re ta"rant ha-it ) An$ the Ti+oli 'a meant for o"r E"ro&ean ) It 'a a famil! re ta"rant, an$ it er+e$ the hort.%ontra%t men 'ho 'ere 'or(in# on +ario" #o+ernment &ro3e%t in o"r re#ion 8 the Domain, the air&ort, the 'ater "&&l! ! tem, the h!$roele%tri% tation) The atmo &here 'a E"ro&ean1 Afri%an (e&t a'a!) There 'ere no offi%ial 'ith #ol$ 'at%he an$ #ol$ &en.an$.&en%il et , a at Aahe h* ) While !o" 'ere at the Ti+oli !o" %o"l$ li+e 'itho"t that ten ion) B"t !o" %o"l$n*t for#et 'here !o" 'ere) The &hoto#ra&h of the /re i$ent 'a a-o"t three feet hi#h) The offi%ial &ortrait of the /re i$ent in Afri%an #ar- 'ere #ettin# -i##er an$ -i##er, the :"alit! of the &rint finer =the! 'ere ai$ to -e $one in E"ro&e>) An$ on%e !o" (ne' a-o"t the meanin# of the leo&ar$ (in an$ the !m-oli m of 'hat 'a %ar+e$ on the ti%(, !o" 'ere affe%te$1 !o" %o"l$n*t hel& it) We ha$ all -e%ome hi &eo&le1 e+en here at the Ti+oli 'e 'ere remin$e$ that 'e all in +ario" 'a! $e&en$e$ on him) Normall! the -o! 8 or %iti@en 'aiter 8 'ere frien$l! an$ 'el%omin# an$ -ri () B"t the l"n%h &erio$ 'a more or le o+er1 the tall, fat on of the famil!, 'ho too$ -ehin$ the %o"nter -! the %offee ma%hine, "&erinten$in# thin# , 'a &ro-a-l! ha+in# hi ie ta1 no other mem-er of the famil! 'a &re ent1 an$ the 'aiter too$ a-o"t i$l!, li(e alien in their -l"e 'aiter * 3a%(et ) The! 'eren*t r"$e1 the! 'ere im&l! a- tra%te$, li(e &eo&le 'ho ha$ lo t a role) The air %on$itionin# 'a 'el%ome, tho"#h, an$ the a- en%e of #lare, an$ the $r!ne after the h"mi$it! o"t i$e) Y+ette loo(e$ le hara e$1 ener#! ret"rne$ to her) We #ot the attention of a 'aiter) He -ro"#ht " a 3"# of re$ /ort"#"e e 'ine, %hille$ $o'n an$ then allo'e$ to lo e it %hill1 an$ t'o 'oo$en &latter 'ith S%otti h mo(e$ almon on toa t) E+er!thin# 'a im&orte$1 e+er!thin# 'a e2&en i+e1 mo(e$ almon on toa t 'a in fa%t the Ti+oli* &laine t offerin#) I ai$ to Y+ette, ,In$ar* a -it of an a%tor) Were thin# reall! a -a$ a he ai$E0 ,The! 'ere m"%h 'or e) He left o"t %a hin# the tra+eller* %he:"e )0 She 'a ittin# 'ith her -a%( to the 'all) She ma$e a mall arre tin# #e t"re 8 li(e Ra!mon$* 8 'ith the &alm of her han$ a#ain t the e$#e of the ta-le, an$ #a+e a li#ht tilt of her hea$ to her ri#ht) T'o ta-le a'a! a famil! of fi+e 'ere fini hin# l"n%h an$ tal(in# lo"$l!) Or$inar! &eo&le, the (in$ of famil! #ro"& I ha$ -een " e$ to eein# at the Ti+oli) B"t Y+ette eeme$ to $i a&&ro+e, an$ more than $i a&&ro+e1 a little ra#e +i ite$ her) She ai$, ,Yo" %an*t tell a-o"t them) I %an)0 An$ !et that fa%e, of ra#e, till eeme$ %lo e to a mile1 an$ tho e lantin# e!e , half %lo e$ a-o+e the mall %"& of %offee 'hi%h he 'a hol$in# at the le+el of her mo"th, 'ere :"ite $em"re) What ha$ irritate$ her a-o"t the famil! #ro"&E The $i tri%t he ha$ 3"$#e$ them to %ome fromE The 3o- the man $i$, the lan#"a#e, the lo"$ tal(, the manner E What 'o"l$ he ha+e ai$ a-o"t the &eo&le in o"r ni#ht%l"- E I ai$, ,Di$ !o" (no' In$ar -eforeE0 ,I met him here)0 She &"t the %"& $o'n) Her lantin# e!e %on i$ere$ it an$ then, a tho"#h he ha$ $e%i$e$ on omethin#, he loo(e$ at me) ,Yo" li+e !o"r life) A tran#er a&&ear ) He i an en%"m-ran%e) Yo" $on*t nee$ him) B"t the en%"m-ran%e %an -e%ome a ha-it)0 A! e2&erien%e of 'omen o"t i$e m! famil! 'a &e%ial, limite$) I ha$ ha$ no e2&erien%e of $ealin# 'ith a 'oman li(e thi , no e2&erien%e of lan#"a#e li(e thi , no e2&erien%e of a 'oman
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'ith "%h irritation an$ %on+i%tion ) An$ in 'hat he ha$ 3" t ai$ I a' an hone t!, a $arin#ne 'hi%h, to a man of m! -a%(#ro"n$, 'a li#htl! fri#htenin# an$, for that rea on, -e'it%hin#) I 'a "n'illin# for " to ha+e In$ar in %ommon, a In$ar an$ he eeme$ to ha+e ha$ Ra!mon$ in %ommon) I ai$, ,I %an*t tell !o" ho' m"%h I li(e$ -ein# in !o"r ho" e that e+enin#) I*+e ne+er for#otten the -lo" e !o" 'ore) I*+e al'a! -een ho&in# to ee !o" in it a#ain) Bla%( il(, -ea"tif"ll! %"t an$ em-roi$ere$)0 I %o"l$n*t ha+e to"%he$ a -etter "-3e%t) She ai$, ,There ha n*t -een the o%%a ion) B"t I a "re !o" it* till there)0 ,I $on*t thin( it 'a In$ian) The %"t an$ the 'or( 'ere E"ro&ean)0 ,It* from Co&enha#en) Aar#it Bran$t) Ra!mon$ 'ent there for a %onferen%e)0 An$ at the $oor of the Ti+oli, -efore 'e 'ent o"t a#ain into the heat an$ the li#ht, $"rin# that moment of &a" e 'hi%h in the tro&i% i li(e the &a" e 'e ma(e -efore 'e finall! #o o"t into the rain, he ai$ to me, a tho"#h it 'ere an aftertho"#ht, ,Wo"l$ !o" li(e to %ome to l"n%h at the ho" e tomorro'E We ha+e to ha+e one of the le%t"rer , an$ Ra!mon$ fin$ that (in$ of o%%a ion +er! tr!in# the e $a! )0 The teamer 'o"l$ ha+e -een a-o"t fifteen mile $o'nri+er) It 'o"l$ ha+e -een tra+ellin# thro"#h -" h1 it 'o"l$ ha+e &a e$ the fir t -" h ettlement) There, tho"#h the to'n 'a o %lo e, the! 'o"l$ ha+e -een 'aitin# for the teamer in%e mornin#, an$ there 'o"l$ ha+e -een the atmo &here of a fair "ntil the teamer &a e$) Bo! 'o"l$ ha+e $i+e$ off $"#o"t an$ '"m to'ar$ the mo+in# teamer an$ -ar#e, tr!in# to #et the attention of &a en#er ) Tra$in# $"#o"t , &olin# o"t from their tation on the -an( 'ith their little %ar#oe of &inea&&le an$ ro"#hl! ma$e %hair an$ tool =$i &o a-le f"rnit"re for the ri+er 3o"rne!, a &e%ialt! of the area>, 'o"l$ ha+e -een atta%he$ in %l" ter to the i$e of the teamer1 an$ the e $"#o"t 'o"l$ -e ta(en 8 'ere -ein# ta(en 8 mile $o'nri+er, to &a$$le -a%( for ho"r , after that -rief e2%itement, thro"#h the fa$in# afternoon, $" ( an$ ni#ht, in ilen%e) Y+ette ha$ %an%elle$ the l"n%h) B"t he ha$n*t let me (no') The 'hite.3a%(ete$ er+ant le$ me to a room 'hi%h o-+io" l! a'aite$ no +i itor an$ 'a not at all li(e the room I remem-ere$) The Afri%an mat 'ere on the floor, -"t ome of the "&hol tere$ %hair that ha$ -een ta(en a'a! for that e+enin# =an$, a I remem-ere$ Y+ette a!in#, tore$ in a -e$room> ha$ -een -ro"#ht o"t a#ain 8 frin#e$ imitation +el+et, in the ,ol$ -ron@e0 %olo"r that 'a e+er!'here in the Domain) The -"il$in# of the Domain ha$ -een r"n "& fa t, an$ the fla' that lam&li#ht ha$ hi$$en 'ere noti%ea-le in the mi$$a! -ri#htne ) The &la ter on the 'all ha$ %ra%(e$ in man! &la%e , an$ in one &la%e the %ra%( follo'e$ the te&&e$ &attern of the hollo' %la! -ri%( -elo') The 'in$o' an$ $oor'a! , 'itho"t ar%hitra+e or 'oo$en fa%in# , 'ere li(e hole "ne+enl! %"t o"t of the ma onr!) The %eilin# &anel , %om&re e$ %ar$-oar$ of ome ort, -ellie$ here an$ there) One of the t'o air %on$itioner in the room ha$ lea(e$ $o'n the 'all1 the! 'ere not on) The 'in$o' 'ere o&en1 an$ 'ith no &ro3e%tin# roof, no tree o"t i$e, 3" t the le+elle$ lan$, the room 'a f"ll of li#ht an$ #lare an$ there 'a no feelin# of helter) What fanta ie I ha$ -"ilt aro"n$ thi room, aro"n$ the m" i% that ha$ %ome o"t of the re%or$ &la!er 8 there, a#ain t the 'all ne2t to the -oo(%a e, 'ith it mo(e$ /er &e2 %o+er ho'in# $" t in the -ri#ht li#htB To ee the room li(e thi , a Y+ette li+e$ in it e+er! $a!, to a$$ m! (no'le$#e of Ra!mon$* &o ition in the %o"ntr!, 'a to %at%h her "na'are an$ #et ome i$ea of her ho" e'ifel! or$inarine , ome i$ea of the ten ion an$ $i ati fa%tion of her life at the Domain, 'hi%h ha$
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"ntil then eeme$ o #lamoro" to me) It 'a to fear to -e entan#le$ 'ith her an$ thi life of her 1 an$ it 'a to -e "r&ri e$ an$ relie+e$ at the $i a&&earan%e of m! fanta ie ) B"t relief an$ fear la te$ onl! "ntil he %ame in) The "r&ri e then, a al'a! for me, 'a her elf) She 'a more am" e$ than a&olo#eti%) She ha$ for#otten, -"t he (ne' there 'a omethin# he ha$ ha$ to remem-er a-o"t that l"n%h) There ha$ -een o man! %han#e of &lan a-o"t the l"n%h 8 'hi%h 'a in fa%t ta(in# &la%e in the taff room of the &ol!te%hni%) She 'ent a'a! to ma(e " ome %ram-le$ So"th Afri%an e## ) The er+ant %ame in to %lear ome re%ei&t from the o+al ta-le, 'hi%h 'a $ar( an$ hi#hl! &oli he$, an$ to la! the ta-le) ,Yo" li+e !o"r life) A tran#er a&&ear ) He i an en%"m-ran%e)0 On the "&&er helf of the -oo(%a e I a' the -oo( In$ar ha$ ho'n me that e+enin# in 'hi%h there 'a a mention of Ra!mon$ an$ Y+ette a #enero" ho t at one time in the %a&ital 8 a mention 'hi%h ha$ mattere$ to Y+ette) The -ri#ht li#ht an$ the altere$ room eeme$ to ma(e it a $ifferent -oo() Colo"r ha$ fa$e$ from the -a%( of -oo( ) One -oo( I too( o"t %arrie$ Ra!mon$* i#nat"re an$ the $ate 456M 8 a note of o'ner hi&, -"t al o &erha& at that $ate a tatement of intent, Ra!mon$* e2&re ion of faith in hi o'n f"t"re) That -oo( felt +er! tarni he$ no', 'ith the &a&er -ro'n at the e$#e , the re$ letter on the &a&er &ine almo t -lea%he$ a'a! 8 omethin# $ea$, a reli%) Another, ne'er -oo( %arrie$ Y+ette* i#nat"re 'ith her "nmarrie$ name; +er! t!li h, that Continental han$'ritin#, 'ith a fan%! y, an$ &ea(in# in m"%h the ame 'a! a Ra!mon$* i#nat"re of t'ent!.three !ear -efore) I ai$ to Y+ette 'hile 'e 'ere eatin# the %ram-le$ e## , ,I 'o"l$ li(e to rea$ omethin# -! Ra!mon$) In$ar a! he (no' more a-o"t the %o"ntr! than an! man li+in#) Ha he &"-li he$ an! -oo( E0 ,He* 'or(in# on thi -oo(, an$ ha -een for ome !ear no') The #o+ernment 'ere #oin# to &"-li h it, -"t no' a&&arentl! there are $iffi%"ltie )0 ,So there are no -oo( )0 ,There* hi the i ) That* -een &"-li he$ a a -oo() B"t I %an*t re%ommen$ it) I %o"l$n*t -ear to rea$ it) When I tol$ Ra!mon$ that, he ai$ he %o"l$ %ar%el! -ear to 'rite it) There are a fe' arti%le in +ario" 3o"rnal ) He ha n*t ha$ time for man! of tho e) He* &ent all hi time on that -i# -oo( a-o"t the hi tor! of the %o"ntr!)0 ,I it tr"e that the /re i$ent ha rea$ &art of that -oo(E0 ,That " e$ to -e ai$)0 B"t he %o"l$n*t tell me 'hat the $iffi%"ltie no' 'ere) All I learne$ 'a that Ra!mon$ ha$ tem&oraril! &"t a i$e hi hi tor! to 'or( on a ele%tion of the /re i$ent* &ee%he ) O"r l"n%h -e#an to feel a$) Un$er tan$in# Y+ette* &o ition in the Domain no', (no'in# that the torie I ha$ hear$ a-o"t Ra!mon$ 'o"l$ ha+e -een hear$ -! other , I -e#an to feel that the ho" e m" t ha+e -een li(e a &ri on to her) An$ that e+enin# 'hen he #a+e a &art! an$ 'ore her Aar#it Bran$t -lo" e -e#an to a&&ear li(e an a-erration) I ai$, a I 'a #ettin# rea$! to lea+e, ,Yo" m" t %ome 'ith me to the Helleni% Cl"- one afternoon) Yo" m" t %ome tomorro') The &eo&le there are &eo&le 'ho ha+e -een here a lon# time) The!*+e een it all) The la t thin# the! 'ant to tal( a-o"t i the it"ation of the %o"ntr!)0 She a#ree$) B"t then he ai$, ,Yo" m" tn*t for#et them)0 I ha$ no i$ea 'hat he 'a tal(in# a-o"t) She left the room, #oin# thro"#h the $oor that Ra!mon$ ha$ #one thro"#h after he ha$ ma$e hi e2it &ee%h that e+enin#1 an$ he %ame -a%( 'ith a n"m-er of ma#a@ine , 4ahiers of thi an$ that, ome of them &rinte$ -! the #o+ernment
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&rinter! in the %a&ital) The! 'ere ma#a@ine 'ith arti%le -! Ra!mon$) Alrea$!, then, 'e ha$ Ra!mon$ in %ommon1 it 'a li(e a -e#innin#) The ro"#h.-la$e$ #ra of the la'n or o&en area of thi &art of the Domain 'a hi#h1 it almo t -"rie$ the lo'.le+el li#ht ho" e$ in m" hroom.li(e al"min"m tr"%t"re that line$ the a &halte$ a+en"e ) A n"m-er of tho e li#ht ha$ -een ma he$, ome a lon# time a#o1 -"t there eeme$ to -e no one to men$ them) On the other i$e of the Domain the lan$ for the mo$el farm ha$ -e%ome o+er#ro'n1 all that remaine$ of the &ro3e%t 'a the Chine e #ate'a! that the no' a- ent Tai'ane e or Chine e ha$ -"ilt, an$ the i2 tra%tor tan$in# in a line an$ rottin#) B"t the area 'here the &"-li% 'al(e$ on S"n$a! , follo'in# a fi2e$ one.'a! ro"te 8 'at%he$ no' -! the Yo"th C"ar$ an$ not the arm! 8 'a maintaine$) Ne' tat"e 'ere till a$$e$ from time to time to thi &"-li% 'al() The mo t re%ent, at the en$ of the main a+en"e, 'a a -"l(! %"l&t"re in tone, "nfini he$.loo(in#, of a mother an$ %hil$) Na@r"$$in* ol$ 'or$ %ame to me) ,Thi i nothin#) Thi i 3" t -" h)0 B"t m! alarm 'a n*t li(e Na@r"$$in* ) It ha$ nothin# to $o 'ith m! -" ine &ro &e%t ) I a' the em&t! &a%e of the Domain, an$ the :"atter from the +illa#e %am&in# 3" t o"t i$e1 an$ m! tho"#ht 'ere of Y+ette an$ her life on the Domain) Not E"ro&e in Afri%a, a it ha$ eeme$ to me 'hen In$ar 'a there) Onl! a life in the -" h) An$ m! fear 'a at on%e the fear of failin# 'ith her, -ein# left 'ith nothin#, an$ the fear of the %on e:"en%e of "%%e ) B"t that alarm +ani he$ the ne2t afternoon 'hen he %ame to the flat) She ha$ -een there -efore 'ith In$ar1 in that ettin#, m! o'n, he ha$ for me a #oo$ $eal of her ol$ #lamo"r) She ha$ een the /in#./on# ta-le 'ith m! ho" ehol$ 3"n( an$ 'ith one %orner left %lear for Aett!* ironin#) She ha$ een the &aintin# of E"ro&ean &ort that the Bel#ian la$! ha$ -e:"eathe$ me 'ith the 'hite t"$io 8 ittin# room) It 'a a#ain t thi 'hite 'all that, after ome tal( a-o"t the &aintin# an$ the Helleni% Cl"-, -oth of " tan$in#, he ho'e$ me her &rofile, t"rnin# a'a! 'hen I $re' %lo e, not re3e%tin# me or en%o"ra#in# me, 3" t eemin# 'ear!, a%%e&tin# a ne' en%"m-ran%e) That moment 8 a I rea$ it 8 'a the (e! to all that follo'e$) The %hallen#e that I a' then 'a 'hat I al'a! a'1 it 'a the %hallen#e to 'hi%h I ne+er faile$ to re &on$) Until then m! fanta ie 'ere -rothel fanta ie of %on:"e t an$ $e#ra$ation, 'ith the 'oman a the 'illin# +i%tim, the a%%om&li%e in her o'n $e#ra$ation) It 'a all that I (ne') It 'a all that I ha$ learne$ from the -rothel an$ ni#ht%l"- of o"r to'n) It ha$ -een no har$ hi& to me to #i+e the e &la%e "& 'hile In$ar 'a aro"n$) I ha$ #ro'n to fin$ tho e o%%a ion of +i%e ener+atin#) 9or ome time, in fa%t, tho"#h it till e2%ite$ me to ee the e 'omen in #ro"& in a -ar or a -rothel front room, I ha$ hr"n( from tr"e e2 'ith -o"#ht 'omen, an$ re tri%te$ m! elf to "- i$iar! e2"al ati fa%tion ) 9amiliarit! of thi (in$ 'ith o man! 'omen ha$ -re$ omethin# li(e %ontem&t for 'hat the! offere$1 an$ at the ame time, li(e man! men 'ho " e -rothel alone, I ha$ #ro'n to thin( of m! elf a fee-le, %riti%all! $i a$+anta#e$) A! o- e ion 'ith Y+ette ha$ ta(en me -! "r&ri e1 an$ the a$+ent"re 'ith her ="n-o"#ht -"t 'illin#> that -e#an in the 'hite ittin# room 'a for me :"ite ne') What I ha+e %alle$ m! -rothel fanta ie h"rrie$ me thro"#h the initial a'('ar$ne ) B"t in the -e$room 'ith the +er! lar#e -e$ 'ith the foam mattre 8 at la t er+in# the &"r&o e for 'hi%h I 'a %ertain the Bel#ian &ainter ha$ inten$e$ it 8 in the -e$room tho e fanta ie altere$) The elf.re#ar$ of tho e fanta ie $ro&&e$ a'a!)
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Women ma(e "& half the 'orl$1 an$ I tho"#ht I ha$ rea%he$ the ta#e 'here there 'a nothin# in a 'oman* na(e$ne to "r&ri e me) B"t I felt no' a if I 'a e2&erien%in# ane', an$ eein# a 'oman for the fir t time) I 'a ama@e$ that, o- e e$ 'ith Y+ette a I ha$ -een, I ha$ ta(en o m"%h for #rante$) The -o$! on the -e$ 'a to me li(e the re+elation of 'oman* form) I 'on$ere$ that %lothe , e+en the a&&arentl! re+ealin# tro&i%al %lothe I ha$ een on Y+ette, ho"l$ ha+e %on%eale$ o m"%h, ho"l$ ha+e -ro(en the -o$! "&, a it 'ere, into e&arate &art an$ not reall! hinte$ at the &len$o"r of the 'hole) To 'rite a-o"t the o%%a ion in the manner of m! &orno#ra&hi% ma#a@ine 'o"l$ -e more than fal e) It 'o"l$ -e li(e tr!in# to ta(e &hoto#ra&h of m! elf, to -e the +o!e"r of m! o'n a%tion , to re%on+ert the o%%a ion into the -rothel fanta ! that, in the -e$room, it %ea e$ to -e) I 'a o+er'helme$, -"t alert) I $i$ not 'i h to lo e m! elf in the elf.re#ar$ an$ elf. a- or&tion of that fanta !, the -lin$ne of that fanta !) The 'i h that %ame to me 8 %on "min# the an2iet! a-o"t lettin# m! elf $o'n 8 'a the 'i h to 'in the &o e or of that -o$!, the -o$! 'hi%h, -e%a" e I 'i he$ to 'in it &o e or, I a' a &erfe%t, an$ 'ante$ %ontin"o" l!, $"rin# the a%t it elf, to ee, hol$in# m! elf in 'a! that ena-le$ me to $o o, a+oi$in# %r" hin# the -o$! 'ith m! o'n, a+oi$in# that o-literation of i#ht an$ to"%h) All m! ener#! an$ min$ 'ere $e+ote$ to that ne' en$ of 'innin# the &er on) All m! ati fa%tion la! in that $ire%tion1 an$ the e2"al a%t -e%ame for me an e2traor$inar! no+elt!, a ne' (in$ of f"lfilment, %ontin"o" l! ne') Ho' often -efore, at "%h moment , moment alle#e$l! of tri"m&h, -ore$om ha$ fallen on meB B"t a a mean of 'innin#, rather than the tri"m&h in it elf, the &re ent a%t re:"ire$ %on tant alertne , a %on tant loo(in# o"t'ar$ from m! elf) It 'a n*t ten$er, tho"#h it e2&re e$ a #reat nee$ for ten$erne ) It -e%ame a -r"te &h! i%al a%t, an a%t almo t of la-o"r1 an$ a it $e+elo&e$ it -e%ame f"ll of $eli-erate -r"talit!) Thi "r&ri e$ me) B"t I 'a alto#ether "r&ri e$ -! m! ne' elf, 'hi%h 'a a far from the -rothel man I ha$ ta(en m! elf to -e, 'ith all hi im&"l e to fee-lene , a thi a%t 'a from the -rothel a%t of "rren$er, 'hi%h 'a all I ha$ o far (no'n) Y+ette ai$, ,Thi ha n*t ha&&ene$ to me for !ear )0 That tatement, if it 'a tr"e, 'o"l$ ha+e -een a "ffi%ient re'ar$1 m! o'n %lima2 'a not im&ortant to me) If 'hat he ai$ 'a tr"eB B"t I ha$ no mean of #a"#in# her re &on e) She 'a the e2&erien%e$ one, I 'a the -e#inner) An$ there 'a a f"rther "r&ri e) No fati#"e, no $ro' ine o+er%ame me at the en$) On the %ontrar!) In that room 'ith the 'in$o' &ane &ainte$ 'hite, a 'hite that no' #lo'e$ 'ith the late afternoon li#ht, in that heate$ room, at the en$ of one of o"r hea+!, hot $a! , 'eatin# a I 'a , 'ith a -o$! li&&er! 'ith 'eat, I 'a f"ll of ener#!) I %o"l$ ha+e #one an$ &la!e$ :"a h at the Helleni% Cl"-) I felt refre he$, re+itali@e$1 m! (in felt ne') I 'a f"ll of the 'on$er of 'hat ha$ -efallen me) An$ a'a(enin# from min"te to min"te to the $e&th of m! ati fa%tion , I -e#an to -e a'are of m! immen e &re+io" $e&ri+ation) It 'a li(e $i %o+erin# a #reat, "na&&ea a-le h"n#er in m! elf) Y+ette, na(e$, 'et, "nem-arra e$, her hair lan(, -"t alrea$! her elf a#ain, her fl" h #one, her e!e %alm, at 'ith %ro e$ le# on the e$#e of the -e$ an$ tele&hone$) She &o(e in &atoi ) It 'a to her ho" e er+ant; he 'a %omin# home ri#ht a'a!; he 'a to tell Ra!mon$) She $re e$ an$ ma$e "& the -e$) Thi ho" e'ifel! attention remin$e$ me 8 &ainf"ll!, alrea$! 8 of attention li(e thi that he #a+e el e'here) ?" t -efore he left the -e$room he to&&e$ an$ (i e$ me -riefl! on the front of m! tro" er ) An$ then it 'a o+er 8 the %orri$or, Aett!* $rea$f"l (it%hen, the lan$in#, the !ello'in# afternoon li#ht, the tree of -a%( !ar$ , the $" t in the air, the %oo(in# mo(e, the a%ti+e 'orl$,
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an$ the o"n$ of Y+ette* feet &atterin# $o'n the e2ternal tair%a e) That #e t"re, of (i in# m! tro" er , 'hi%h el e'here I 'o"l$ ha+e $i mi e$ a a -rothel %o"rte !, the #e t"re of an o+erti&&e$ 'hore, no' mo+e$ me to a$ne an$ $o"-t) Wa it meantE Wa it tr"eE I tho"#ht of #oin# to the Helleni% Cl"-, to " e "& the ener#! that ha$ %ome to me, an$ to 'eat a little more) B"t I $i$n*t #o) I 'an$ere$ a-o"t the flat, lettin# the time &a ) The li#ht -e#an to fa$e1 an$ a tillne fell o+er me) I felt -le e$ an$ rema$e1 I 'ante$ to -e alone for a 'hile 'ith that en ation) Later, thin(in# of $inner, I $ro+e o"t to the ni#ht%l"- near the $am) It 'a $oin# -etter than e+er no', 'ith the -oom an$ the e2&atriate ) B"t the tr"%t"re ha$n*t -een a$$e$ to an$ till ha$ a tem&orar! loo(, the loo( of a &la%e that %o"l$ -e "rren$ere$ 'itho"t too m"%h lo 8 3" t fo"r -ri%( 'all , more or le , aro"n$ a %leare$ &a%e in the -" h) I at o"t i$e at one of the ta-le "n$er the tree on the %liff an$ loo(e$ at the floo$lit $am1 an$ "ntil omeone noti%e$ me an$ t"rne$ on the %olo"re$ -"l- tr"n# a-o"t the tree , I at in the $ar(ne , feelin# the ne'ne of m! (in) Car %ame an$ &ar(e$) There 'ere the 9ren%h a%%ent of E"ro&e an$ Afri%a) Afri%an 'omen, in t'o an$ three , %ame "& in ta2i from the to'n) T"r. -anne$, la@!, ere%t, tal(in# lo"$l!, the! $ra##e$ their li&&er o+er the -are #ro"n$) It 'a the other i$e of the e2&atriate famil! %ene that ha$ offen$e$ Y+ette at the Ti+oli) To me it all felt far a'a! 8 the ni#ht%l"-, the to'n, the :"atter , the e2&atriate , ,the it"ation of the %o"ntr!01 e+er!thin# ha$ 3" t -e%ome -a%(#ro"n$) The to'n, 'hen I $ro+e -a%(, ha$ ettle$ $o'n to it o'n ni#ht life) At ni#ht no', in the in%rea in#l! %ro'$e$ main treet , there 'a the atmo &here of the +illa#e, 'ith "n tea$! #ro"& aro"n$ the little $rin(in# tall in the hant! area , the %oo(in# fire on the &a+ement , the -arrin# off of lee&in# &la%e , the l"nati% or $r"n(en ol$ men in ra# , rea$! to narl li(e $o# , ta(in# their foo$ to $ar( %orner , to eat o"t of the i#ht of other ) The 'in$o' of ome ho& 8 e &e%iall! %lothin# ho& , 'ith their e2&en i+e im&orte$ #oo$ 8 'ere -ri#htl! lit, a a &re%a"tion a#ain t theft) In the :"are not far from the flat a !o"n# 'oman 'a -a'lin# 8 a real Afri%an -a'l) She 'a -ein# h" tle$ alon# the &a+ement -! t'o men, ea%h one t'i tin# an arm) B"t no one in the :"are $i$ an!thin#) The men 'ere of o"r Yo"th C"ar$) The offi%er #ot a mall ti&en$ from the Bi# Aan, an$ the! ha$ -een #i+en a %o"&le of #o+ernment 3ee& ) B"t, li(e the offi%ial at the $o%( , the! reall! ha$ to loo( for thin# to $o) Thi 'a their ne' ,Aoral /atrol)0 It 'a the o&&o ite of 'hat it ai$) The #irl 'o"l$ ha+e -een &i%(e$ "& from ome -ar1 he ha$ &ro-a-l! an 'ere$ -a%( or ref" e$ to &a!) In the flat I a' that Aett!* li#ht 'a on) I ai$, ,Aett!E0 He ai$ thro"#h the $oor, ,3atron)0 He ha$ to&&e$ %allin# me Salim1 'e ha$ een little of one another o"t i$e the ho& for ome time) I tho"#ht there 'a a$ne in hi +oi%e1 an$ #oin# on to m! o'n room, %on i$erin# m! o'n l"%(, I tho"#ht; /oor Aett!) Ho' 'ill it en$ for himE So frien$l!, an$ !et in the en$ al'a! 'itho"t frien$ ) He ho"l$ ha+e ta!e$ on the %oa t) He ha$ hi &la%e there) He ha$ &eo&le li(e him elf) Here he i lo t) Y+ette tele&hone$ me at the ho& late the ne2t mornin#) It 'a o"r fir t tele&hone %all, -"t he $i$n*t &ea( m! name or #i+e her o'n) She ai$, ,Will !o" -e at the flat for l"n%hE0 I el$om ha$ l"n%h at the flat $"rin# the 'ee(, -"t I ai$, ,Ye )0 She ai$, ,I*ll ee !o" there)0 An$ that 'a all)
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She ha$ allo'e$ no &a" e, no ilen%e, ha$ #i+en me no time for "r&ri e) An$ in$ee$, 'aitin# for her in the 'hite ittin# room 3" t after t'el+e, tan$in# at the /in#./on# ta-le, t"rnin# o+er a ma#a@ine, I felt no "r&ri e) I felt the o%%a ion 8 for all it "n" "alne , the o$$it! of the ho"r, the (illin# -ri#htne of the li#ht 8 to -e onl! a %ontin"ation of omethin# I ha$ lon# -een li+in# 'ith) I hear$ her h"rr! "& the te& he ha$ &attere$ $o'n the &re+io" afternoon) O"t of e+er! (in$ of ner+o" ne I $i$n*t mo+e) The lan$in# $oor 'a o&en, the ittin# room $oor 'a o&en 8 her te& 'ere -ri ( an$ $i$n*t falter) I 'a "tterl! $eli#hte$ to ee her1 that 'a an immen e relief) There 'a till -ri (ne in her manner1 -"t tho"#h her fa%e eeme$ et for it, he 'ore no mile) Her e!e 'ere erio" , 'ith a $i t"r-in#, %hallen#in# hint of #ree$) She ai$, ,I*+e -een thin(in# of !o" all mornin#) I ha+en*t -een a-le to #et !o" o"t of m! hea$)0 An$ a tho"#h he ha$ entere$ the ittin# room onl! to lea+e it, a tho"#h her arri+al at the flat 'a a %ontin"ation of the $ire%tne of her tele&hone %all, an$ he 'ante$ to #i+e neither of " time for 'or$ , he 'ent into the -e$room an$ -e#an to "n$re ) It 'a a -efore 'ith me) Confronte$ 'ith her, I he$ ol$ fanta ie ) A! -o$! o-e!e$ it ne' im&"l e , $i %o+ere$ in it elf re o"r%e that an 'ere$ m! ne' nee$) Ne' 8 it 'a the 'or$) It 'a al'a! ne', familiar tho"#h the -o$! an$ it re &on e -e%ame, an$ a &h! i%al a the a%t 'a , re:"irin# "%h ro"#hne , %ontrol an$ "-tlet!) At the en$ ='hi%h I 'ille$, a I ha$ 'ille$ all that ha$ #one -efore>, ener#i@e$, re+i+ifie$, I felt I ha$ -een ta(en far -e!on$ the 'on$er of the &re+io" afternoon) I ha$ %lo e$ the ho& at t'el+e) I #ot -a%( 3" t after three) I ha$n*t ha$ an! l"n%h) That 'o"l$ ha+e $ela!e$ me f"rther, an$ 9ri$a! 'a a -i# $a! for tra$e) I fo"n$ the ho& %lo e$) Aett! ha$n*t o&ene$ "& at one, a I ha$ e2&e%te$ him to) Barel! an ho"r of tra$e remaine$, an$ man! of the retailer from the o"tl!in# +illa#e 'o"l$ ha+e $one their ho&&in# an$ tarte$ -a%( on the lon# 3o"rne! home -! $"#o"t or tr"%() The la t &i%("& +an in the :"are, 'hi%h left 'hen the! ha$ a loa$, 'ere more or le loa$e$) I ha$ m! fir t alarm a-o"t m! elf, the -e#innin# of the $e%a! of the man I ha$ (no'n m! elf to -e) I ha$ +i ion of -e##ar! an$ $e%re&it"$e; the man not of Afri%a lo t in Afri%a, no lon#er 'ith the tren#th or &"r&o e to hol$ hi o'n, an$ 'ith le %laim to an!thin# than the ra##e$, half. tar+e$ ol$ $r"n( from the +illa#e 'ho 'an$ere$ a-o"t the :"are, e!ein# the foo$ tall , %a$#in# mo"thf"l of -eer, an$ the !o"n# tro"-le.ma(er from the hant! to'n , a ne' -ree$, 'ho 'ore hirt tam&e$ 'ith the Bi# Aan* &i%t"re an$ tal(e$ a-o"t forei#ner an$ &rofit an$, 'antin# onl! mone! =li(e 9er$inan$ an$ hi frien$ at the l!%<e in the ol$ $a! >, %ame into ho& an$ -ar#aine$ a##re i+el! for #oo$ the! $i$n*t 'ant, in i tin# on the %o t &ri%e) 9rom thi alarm a-o"t m! elf 8 e2a##erate$, -e%a" e it 'a the fir t 8 I mo+e$ to a feelin# of ra#e a#ain t Aett!, for 'hom the &re+io" ni#ht I ha$ felt "%h %om&a ion) Then I remem-ere$) It 'a n*t Aett!* fa"lt) He 'a at the %" tom , %learin# the #oo$ that ha$ arri+e$ -! the teamer that ha$ ta(en In$ar an$ 9er$inan$ a'a!, the teamer that 'a till one $a!* ailin# from the %a&ital) 9or t'o $a! , in%e m! %ram-le$.e## l"n%h 'ith Y+ette at her ho" e in the Domain, the ma#a@ine 'ith Ra!mon$* arti%le ha$ lain in the $ra'er of m! $e () I ha$n*t loo(e$ at them) I $i$ o no', remin$e$ of them -! tho"#ht of the teamer)
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When I ha$ a (e$ Y+ette to ee omethin# Ra!mon$ ha$ 'ritten, it 'a onl! a a mean of a&&roa%hin# her) No' there 'a no lon#er that nee$1 an$ it 'a 3" t a 'ell) The arti%le -! Ra!mon$ in the lo%al ma#a@ine loo(e$ &arti%"larl! $iffi%"lt) One 'a a re+ie' of an Ameri%an -oo( a-o"t Afri%an inheritan%e la' ) The other, :"ite lon#, 'ith footnote an$ ta-le , eeme$ to -e a 'ar$.-!.'ar$ anal! i of tri-al +otin# &attern in the lo%al %o"n%il ele%tion in the -i# minin# to'n in the o"th 3" t -efore in$e&en$en%e1 ome of the name of the maller tri-e I ha$n*t e+en hear$ of) The earlier arti%le , in the forei#n ma#a@ine , eeme$ ea ier) ,Riot at a 9oot-all Aat%h,0 in an Ameri%an ma#a@ine, 'a a-o"t a ra%e riot in the %a&ital in the 456J that ha$ le$ to the formation of the fir t Afri%an &oliti%al %l"-) ,Lo t Li-ertie ,0 in a Bel#ian ma#a@ine, 'a a-o"t the fail"re of a mi ionar! %heme, in the late nineteenth %ent"r!, to -"! &i%(e$ la+e from the Ara- la+e %ara+an an$ re ettle them in ,li-ert! +illa#e )0 The e arti%le 'ere a little more in m! line 8 I 'a e &e%iall! intere te$ in the mi ionarie an$ the la+e ) B"t the -ri#ht o&enin# &ara#ra&h 'ere $e%e&ti+e1 the arti%le 'eren*t e2a%tl! ho&.time, afternoon rea$in#) I &"t them a i$e for later) An$ that e+enin#, a I rea$ in the lar#e -e$ 'hi%h Y+ette a fe' ho"r earlier ha$ ma$e "&, an$ 'here her mell till lin#ere$, I 'a a&&alle$) The arti%le a-o"t the ra%e riot 8 after that -ri#ht o&enin# &ara#ra&h 'hi%h I ha$ rea$ in the ho& 8 t"rne$ o"t to -e a %om&ilation of #o+ernment $e%ree an$ :"otation from ne' &a&er ) There 'a a lot from the ne' &a&er 1 Ra!mon$ eeme$ to ha+e ta(en them +er! erio" l!) I %o"l$n*t #et o+er that, -e%a" e from m! e2&erien%e on the %oa t I (ne' that ne' &a&er in mall %olonial &la%e tol$ a &e%ial (in$ of tr"th) The! $i$n*t lie, -"t the! 'ere formal) The! han$le$ -i# &eo&le 8 -" ine men, hi#h offi%ial , mem-er of o"r le#i lati+e an$ e2e%"ti+e %o"n%il 8 'ith re &e%t) The! left o"t a lot of im&ortant thin# 8 often e ential thin# 8 that lo%al &eo&le 'o"l$ (no' an$ #o i& a-o"t) I $i$n*t thin( that the &a&er here in the 456J 'o"l$ ha+e -een m"%h $ifferent from o"r on the %oa t1 an$ I 'a al'a! ho&in# that Ra!mon$ 'a #oin# to #o -ehin$ the ne' &a&er torie an$ e$itorial an$ tr! to #et at the real e+ent ) A ra%e riot in the %a&ital in the 456J 8 that o"#ht to ha+e -een a tron# tor!; #"n tal( in the E"ro&ean %afe an$ %l"- , h! teria an$ terror in the Afri%an cites) B"t Ra!mon$ 'a n*t intere te$ in that i$e) He $i$n*t #i+e the im&re ion that he ha$ tal(e$ to an! of the &eo&le in+ol+e$, tho"#h man! 'o"l$ ha+e -een ali+e 'hen he 'rote) He t"%( 'ith the ne' &a&er 1 he eeme$ to 'ant to ho' that he ha$ rea$ them all an$ ha$ 'or(e$ o"t the &re%i e &oliti%al ha$e of ea%h) Hi "-3e%t 'a an e+ent in Afri%a, -"t he mi#ht ha+e -een 'ritin# a-o"t E"ro&e or a &la%e he ha$ ne+er -een) The arti%le a-o"t the mi ionarie an$ the ran ome$ la+e 'a al o f"ll of :"otation , not from ne' &a&er , -"t from the mi ion* ar%hi+e in E"ro&e) The "-3e%t 'a n*t ne' to me) At %hool on the %oa t 'e 'ere ta"#ht a-o"t E"ro&ean e2&an ion in o"r area a tho"#h it ha$ -een no more than a $efeat of the Ara- an$ their la+e.tra$in# 'a! ) We tho"#ht of that a En#li h. %hool t"ff1 'e $i$n*t min$) Hi tor! 'a omethin# $ea$ an$ #one, &art of the 'orl$ of o"r #ran$father , an$ 'e $i$n*t &a! too m"%h attention to it1 e+en tho"#h, amon# tra$in# familie li(e o"r , there 'ere till +a#"e torie 8 o +a#"e that the! $i$n*t feel real 8 of E"ro&ean &rie t -"!in# la+e %hea& from the %ara+an -efore the! #ot to the $e&ot on the %oa t) The Afri%an =an$ thi 'a the &oint of the torie > ha$ -een %are$ o"t of their (in ; the! tho"#ht the mi ionarie 'ere -"!in# them in or$er to eat them)
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I ha$ no i$ea, "ntil I rea$ Ra!mon$* arti%le, that the +ent"re ha$ -een o -i# an$ erio" ) Ra!mon$ #a+e the name of all the li-ert! +illa#e that ha$ -een e ta-li he$) Then, :"otin# an$ :"otin# from letter an$ re&ort in the ar%hi+e , he trie$ to fi2 the $ate of the $i a&&earan%e of ea%h) He #a+e no rea on an$ loo(e$ for none1 he 3" t :"ote$ from the mi ionar! re&ort ) He $i$n*t eem to ha+e #one to an! of the &la%e he 'rote a-o"t1 he ha$n*t trie$ to tal( to an!-o$!) Yet fi+e min"te * tal( 'ith omeone li(e Aett! 8 'ho, in &ite of hi %oa t e2&erien%e, ha$ tra+elle$ in terror a%ro the tran#ene of the %ontinent 8 'o"l$ ha+e tol$ Ra!mon$ that the 'hole &io" %heme 'a %r"el an$ +er! i#norant, that to et a fe' "n&rote%te$ &eo&le $o'n in tran#e territor! 'a to e2&o e them to atta%( an$ (i$na& an$ 'or e) B"t Ra!mon$ $i$n*t eem to (no') He (ne' o m"%h, ha$ re ear%he$ o m"%h) He m" t ha+e &ent 'ee( on ea%h arti%le) B"t he ha$ le tr"e (no'le$#e of Afri%a, le feel for it, than In$ar or Na@r"$$in or e+en Aahe h1 he ha$ nothin# li(e 9ather H"i man * in tin%t for the tran#ene an$ 'on$er of the &la%e) Yet he ha$ ma$e Afri%a hi "-3e%t) He ha$ $e+ote$ !ear to tho e -o2e of $o%"ment in hi t"$! that I ha$ hear$ a-o"t from In$ar) /erha& he ha$ ma$e Afri%a hi "-3e%t -e%a" e he ha$ %ome to Afri%a an$ -e%a" e he 'a a %holar, " e$ to 'or(in# 'ith &a&er , an$ ha$ fo"n$ thi &la%e f"ll of ne' &a&er ) He ha$ -een a tea%her in the %a&ital) Chan%e 8 in earl! mi$$le a#e 8 ha$ -ro"#ht him in to"%h 'ith the mother of the f"t"re /re i$ent) Chan%e 8 an$ omethin# of the tea%her* !m&ath! for the $e &airin# Afri%an -o!, a !m&ath! &ro-a-l! mi2e$ 'ith a little -itterne a-o"t the more "%%e f"l of hi o'n (in$, the man &erha& eein# him elf in the -o!; that a$+i%e he ha$ #i+en the -o! a-o"t 3oinin# the Defen%e 9or%e a&&eare$ to ha+e in it omethin# of a &er onal -itterne 8 %han%e ha$ #i+en him that e2traor$inar! relation hi& 'ith the man 'ho -e%ame /re i$ent an$ ha$ rai e$ him, after in$e&en$en%e, to a #lor! he ha$ ne+er $reame$ of) To Y+ette, ine2&erien%e$, from E"ro&e, an$ 'ith her o'n am-ition , he m" t ha+e #littere$) She 'o"l$ ha+e -een mi le$ -! her am-ition , m"%h a I ha$ -een -! her ettin#, in 'hi%h I ha$ een "%h #lamo"r) Reall!, then, 'e $i$ ha+e Ra!mon$ in %ommon, from the tart)



I often tho"#ht a-o"t the %han%e that ha$ ho'n me Y+ette for the fir t time that e+enin# in her ho" e, in that atmo &here of E"ro&e in Afri%a, 'hen he ha$ 'orn her -la%( Aar#it Bran$t -lo" e an$ ha$ -een li#hte$ -! the rea$in# lam& &la%e$ on the floor, an$ e+er! (in$ of !earnin# ha$ -een tirre$ in me -! the +oi%e of ?oan Bae@)
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/erha& in another ettin# an$ at another time he 'o"l$ not ha+e ma$e "%h an im&re ion on me) An$ &erha& if I ha$ rea$ Ra!mon$* arti%le on the $a! Y+ette ha$ #i+en them to me, nothin# 'o"l$ ha+e ha&&ene$ the follo'in# afternoon 'hen he %ame to the flat) I 'o"l$n*t ha+e #i+en her %a" e to ho' me her &rofile a#ain t the 'hite 'all of the t"$io. ittin# room1 'e mi#ht in tea$ ha+e im&l! #one to the Helleni% Cl"-) Seein# her ho" e in the li#ht of mi$$a! ha$ alrea$! #i+en me a little alarm) To ha+e "n$er too$ more a-o"t Ra!mon$ imme$iatel! after mi#ht ha+e ma$e me ee her more %learl! 8 her am-ition, her -a$ 3"$#ment, her fail"re) An$ fail"re li(e that 'a n*t 'hat I 'o"l$ ha+e %ho en to -e entan#le$ 'ith) A! 'i h for an a$+ent"re 'ith Y+ette 'a a 'i h to -e ta(en "& to the (ie , to -e remo+e$ from the life I ha$ 8 the $"llne , the &ointle ten ion, ,the it"ation of the %o"ntr!)0 It 'a n*t a 'i h to -e in+ol+e$ 'ith &eo&le a tra&&e$ a m! elf) B"t that 'a 'hat I ha$ no') An$ it 'a n*t o&en to me to 'ith$ra') After that fir t afternoon, m! fir t $i %o+er! of her, I 'a &o e e$ -! Y+ette, &o e e$ -! that &er on I ne+er to&&e$ 'antin# to 'in) Sati fa%tion ol+e$ nothin#1 it onl! o&ene$ "& a ne' +oi$, a fre h nee$) The to'n %han#e$ for me) It ha$ ne' a o%iation ) Different memorie an$ moo$ atta%he$ to &la%e , to time of $a!, 'eather) In the $ra'er of m! $e ( in the ho&, 'here Ra!mon$* ma#a@ine ha$ on%e lain for#otten for t'o $a! , there 'ere no' &hoto#ra&h of Y+ette) Some of them 'ere :"ite ol$ an$ m" t ha+e -een &re%io" to her) The e &hoto#ra&h 'ere her #ift to me, ma$e at +ario" time , a fa+o"r , re'ar$ , #e t"re of ten$erne 1 in%e, 3" t a 'e ne+er em-ra%e$ 'hen 'e met, ne+er 'a te$ the en e of to"%h =an$ in fa%t el$om (i e$>, o, a if -! "n &o(en a#reement, 'e %ontin"e$ a 'e ha$ -e#"n an$ ne+er e2%han#e$ 'or$ of ten$erne ) In &ite of the %orr"&t &h! i%al 'a! o"r &a ion ha$ -e#"n to ta(e, the &hoto#ra&h of Y+ette that I &referre$ 'ere the %ha te t) I 'a e &e%iall! intere te$ in tho e of her a a #irl in Bel#i"m, to 'hom the f"t"re 'a till a m! ter!) With the e &hoto#ra&h in m! $ra'er, the +ie' from m! ho& ha$ a $ifferent feel; the :"are 'ith the -e$ra##le$ tree , the mar(et tall , the 'an$erin# +illa#er , the "n&a+e$ roa$ $" t! in the "n or r"nnin# re$ in the rain) The -ro(en.$o'n to'n, in 'hi%h I ha$ felt ne"tere$, -e%ame the &la%e 'here it ha$ all %ome to me) With that I $e+elo&e$ a ne' (in$ of &oliti%al %on%ern, almo t a &oliti%al an2iet!) I %o"l$ ha+e $one 'itho"t that, -"t it %o"l$n*t -e hel&e$) Thro"#h Y+ette I 'a -o"n$ to Ra!mon$, an$ thro"#h Ra!mon$ I 'a -o"n$ more %lo el! than e+er to the fa%t or the (no'le$#e of the /re i$ent* &o'er) Seein# the /re i$ent* &hoto#ra&h e+er!'here ha$ alrea$! ma$e me feel that, 'hether Afri%an or not, 'e ha$ all -e%ome hi &eo&le) To that 'a no' a$$e$, -e%a" e of Ra!mon$, the feelin# that 'e 'ere all $e&en$ent on the /re i$ent an$ that 8 'hate+er 3o- 'e $i$ an$ ho'e+er m"%h 'e tho"#ht 'e 'ere 'or(in# for o"r el+e 8 'e all 'ere er+in# him) 9or that -rief moment 'hen I ha$ -elie+e$ Ra!mon$ to -e a In$ar ha$ $e %ri-e$ him 8 the Bi# Aan* 'hite man 8 I ha$ -een thrille$ to feel o %lo e to the hi#he t &o'er in the lan$) I felt I ha$ -een ta(en far a-o+e the %o"ntr! I (ne' an$ it e+er!$a! 'orrie 8 the mo"ntaino" r"--i h $"m& , -a$ roa$ , tri%(! offi%ial , hant! to'n , the &eo&le %omin# in e+er! $a! from the -" h an$ fin$in# nothin# to $o an$ little to eat, the $r"n(enne , the :"i%( m"r$er , m! o'n ho&) /o'er, an$ the life aro"n$ the /re i$ent in the %a&ital, ha$ eeme$ to -e 'hat 'a real an$ e ential a-o"t the %o"ntr!) When I "n$er too$ 'hat Ra!mon$* &o ition 'a , the /re i$ent ha$ on%e a#ain a&&eare$ to @oom a'a! an$ to -e hi#h a-o+e " ) B"t no' there remaine$ a lin( 'ith him; the en e of hi
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&o'er a a &er onal thin#, to 'hi%h 'e 'ere all atta%he$ a 'ith trin# , 'hi%h he mi#ht &"ll or let $an#le) That 'a omethin# I ha$ ne+er felt -efore) Li(e other e2&atriate in the to'n, I ha$ $one 'hat 'a e2&e%te$ of me) We h"n# "& the offi%ial &hoto#ra&h in o"r ho& an$ offi%e 1 'e "- %ri-e$ to the +ario" /re i$ential f"n$ ) B"t 'e trie$ to (ee& all that a -a%(#ro"n$, e&arate from o"r &ri+ate li+e ) At the Helleni% Cl"-, for in tan%e, tho"#h there 'a no r"le a-o"t it, 'e ne+er tal(e$ of lo%al &oliti% ) B"t no', ta(en $ee& into the &oliti% thro"#h Ra!mon$ an$ Y+ette, an$ "n$er tan$in# the intent -ehin$ ea%h ne' offi%ial &hoto#ra&h, ea%h ne' tat"e of the Afri%an ma$onna 'ith %hil$, I %o"l$ no lon#er %on i$er tat"e an$ &hoto#ra&h a -a%(#ro"n$) I mi#ht -e tol$ that tho" an$ 'ere o'e$ in E"ro&e to the &rinter of tho e &hoto#ra&h 1 -"t to "n$er tan$ the /re i$ent* &"r&o e 'a to -e affe%te$ -! it) The +i itor mi#ht ni##er a-o"t the Afri%an ma$onna1 I %o"l$n*t) The ne' a-o"t Ra!mon$* -oo(, the hi tor!, 'a -a$; there 'a no ne' ) In$ar, in &ite of hi &romi e to fin$ o"t a-o"t the -oo( =an$ that fare'ell han$ on Y+ette* thi#h on the teamer>, ha$n*t 'ritten) It $i$n*t %on ole Y+ette to hear that he ha$n*t 'ritten me either, that he 'a a man 'ith -i# &ro-lem of hi o'n) It 'a n*t In$ar he 'a 'orrie$ a-o"t1 he 'ante$ ne' , an$ lon# after In$ar ha$ left the %o"ntr! he %ontin"e$ to 'ait for ome 'or$ from the %a&ital) Ra!mon$ in the meantime ha$ fini he$ hi 'or( on the /re i$ent* &ee%he an$ ha$ #one -a%( to hi hi tor!) He 'a #oo$ at hi$in# hi $i a&&ointment an$ train ) B"t the! 'ere refle%te$ in Y+ette) Sometime 'hen he %ame to the flat he loo(e$ !ear ol$er than he 'a , 'ith her !o"n# (in loo(in# -lea%he$, the fle h -elo' her %hin a##in# into the -e#innin# of a $o"-le %hin, the little 'rin(le a-o"t her e!e more noti%ea-le) /oor #irlB It 'a n*t at all 'hat he ha$ e2&e%te$ from a life 'ith Ra!mon$) She 'a a t"$ent in E"ro&e 'hen the! ha$ met) He ha$ #one there 'ith an offi%ial $ele#ation) Hi role a the a$+i er of the man 'ho ha$ re%entl! ma$e him elf /re i$ent 'a "&&o e$ to -e e%ret, -"t hi eminen%e 'a #enerall! (no'n an$ he ha$ -een in+ite$ to le%t"re at the "ni+er it! 'here Y+ette 'a ) She ha$ a (e$ a :"e tion 8 he 'a 'ritin# a the i a-o"t the theme of la+er! in 9ren%h Afri%an 'ritin#) The! ha$ met after'ar$ 1 he ha$ -een o+er'helme$ -! hi attention ) Ra!mon$ ha$ -een marrie$ -efore1 -"t there ha$ -een a $i+or%e ome !ear -efore in$e&en$en%e, 'hile he 'a till a tea%her, an$ hi 'ife an$ $a"#hter ha$ #one -a%( to E"ro&e) ,The! a! that men ho"l$ loo( at the mother of the #irl the! inten$ to marr!,0 Y+ette ai$) ,Cirl 'ho $o 'hat I $i$ ho"l$ %on i$er the 'ife a man ha $i %ar$e$ or 'orn o"t, an$ (no' the! are not #oin# to $o m"%h -etter) B"t %an !o" ima#ineE Thi han$ ome an$ $i tin#"i he$ man 8 'hen Ra!mon$ too( me o"t to $inner for the fir t time he too( me to one of the mo t e2&en i+e &la%e ) He $i$ it all in a +er! a- ent.min$e$ 'a!) B"t he (ne' the (in$ of famil! I %ame from an$ he (ne' e2a%tl! 'hat he 'a $oin#) He &ent more on that $inner than m! father earne$ in a 'ee() I (ne' it 'a $ele#ation mone!, -"t it $i$n*t matter) Women are t"&i$) B"t if 'omen 'eren*t t"&i$ the 'orl$ 'o"l$n*t #o ro"n$) ,It 'a 'on$erf"l 'hen 'e %ame o"t, I m" t a! that) The /re i$ent in+ite$ " to $inner re#"larl! an$ for the fir t t'o or three time I at on hi ri#ht) He ai$ he %o"l$ $o no le for the 'ife of hi ol$ professe,r 8 -"t that 'a n*t tr"e; Ra!mon$ ne+er ta"#ht him; that 'a 3" t for the E"ro&ean &re ) He 'a e2traor$inaril! %harmin#, the /re i$ent, an$ there 'a ne+er an! hint of non en e, I ho"l$ a$$) The fir t time 'e tal(e$ a-o"t the ta-le, literall!) It 'a ma$e of lo%al 'oo$ an$ %ar+e$ 'ith Afri%an motif at the e$#e) Rather horri-l!, if !o" 'ant to (no') He ai$ the Afri%an ha$ &ro$i#io" (ill a 'oo$.%ar+er an$ that the %o"ntr! %o"l$ "&&l! the 'hole 'orl$
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'ith hi#h.:"alit! f"rnit"re) It 'a li(e the re%ent tal( a-o"t an in$" trial &ar( alon# the ri+er 8 it 'a 3" t an i$ea to tal( a-o"t) B"t I 'a ne' then an$ I 'ante$ to -elie+e e+er!thin# I 'a tol$) ,Al'a! there 'ere the %amera ) Al'a! the %amera , e+en in tho e earl! $a! ) He 'a al'a! &o in# for them1 !o" (ne' that, an$ it ma$e %on+er ation $iffi%"lt) He ne+er rela2e$) He al'a! le$ the %on+er ation) He ne+er let !o" tart a ne' to&i%1 he im&l! t"rne$ a'a!) The eti:"ette of ro!alt! 8 he ha$ learne$ it from ome-o$!, an$ I learne$ it from him, the har$ 'a!) He ha$ thi +er! a-r"&t 'a! of t"rnin# a'a! from !o"1 it 'a li(e a &ie%e of &er onal t!le) An$ he eeme$ to en3o! the t!li hne of t"rnin# an$ 'al(in# trai#ht o"t of a room at the a&&ointe$ time) ,We " e$ to #o o"t on to"r 'ith him) We a&&eare$ in the -a%(#ro"n$ in a fe' of the ol$ offi%ial &i%t"re 8 'hite &eo&le in the -a%(#ro"n$) I noti%e$ that hi %lothe 'ere %han#in#, -"t I tho"#ht it 'a onl! hi 'a! of 'earin# more %omforta-le %lothe , Afri%an. t!le %o"ntr! %lothe ) E+er!'here 'e 'ent there " e$ to -e the e 'el%omin# s+ances d5animation, tri-al $an%in#) He 'a +er! (een on that) He ai$ he 'ante$ to #i+e $i#nit! to tho e $an%e that Holl!'oo$ an$ the We t ha$ mali#ne$) He inten$e$ to -"il$ mo$ern theatre for them) An$ it 'a $"rin# one of tho e animation that I #ot into tro"-le) He ha$ &"t hi ti%( on the #ro"n$) I $i$n*t (no' that ha$ a meanin#) I $i$n*t (no' I ha$ to h"t "&, that in the ol$ $a! of the %hief , to tal( 'hen that ti%( 'a $o'n 'a omethin# !o" %o"l$ -e -eaten to $eath for) I 'a %lo e to him an$ I ai$ omethin# &erfe%tl! -anal a-o"t the (ill of the $an%er ) He 3" t %"rle$ hi li& in an#er an$ loo(e$ a'a!, liftin# "& hi hea$) There 'a n*t an! t!li hne in that) All the Afri%an 'ere horrifie$ at 'hat I ha$ $one) An$ I felt that the ma(e.-elie+e ha$ t"rne$ horri-le an$ that I ha$ %ome to a horri-le &la%e) ,After that I %o"l$n*t a&&ear 'ith him in &"-li%) B"t of %o"r e that 'a n*t 'h! he -ro(e 'ith Ra!mon$) In fa%t, he 'a frien$lier than e+er 'ith Ra!mon$ after'ar$ ) He -ro(e 'ith Ra!mon$ 'hen he $e%i$e$ that he $i$n*t nee$ him, that in the ne' $ire%tion he 'a ta(in# the 'hite man 'a an em-arra ment to him in the %a&ital) A for me, he ne+er &o(e to me) B"t he al'a! ma$e a &oint of en$in# me hi re#ar$ , of ha+in# ome offi%ial %ome to a ( ho' I 'a #ettin# on) He nee$ a mo$el in e+er!thin#, an$ I -elie+e he hear$ that $e Ca"lle " e$ to en$ &er onal re#ar$ to the 'i+e of hi &oliti%al enemie ) ,That 'a 'h! I tho"#ht that if In$ar ma$e ome in:"irie a-o"t Ra!mon$* -oo( in the %a&ital, it 'o"l$ #et -a%( to him) E+er!thin# #et -a%( to the /re i$ent here) The &la%e i a one. man ho', a !o" (no') An$ I 'a e2&e%tin# to #et ome in$ire%t 'or$) B"t in all the e month he ha n*t e+en ent me hi re#ar$ )0 She "ffere$ more than Ra!mon$ a&&eare$ to) She 'a in a %o"ntr! that 'a till tran#e to her an$ he 'a $an#lin#, $o"-l! $e&en$ent) Ra!mon$ 'a in a &la%e that ha$ -e%ome hi home) He 'a in a it"ation that he ha$ &erha& li+e$ thro"#h -efore, 'hen he 'a a ne#le%te$ tea%her in the %olonial %a&ital) /erha& he ha$ ret"rne$ to hi ol$er &er onalit!, the elf.%ontaine$ne he ha$ arri+e$ at a a tea%her, the man 'ith the :"iet -"t $efiant (no'le$#e of hi o'n 'orth) B"t I felt there 'a omethin# el e) I felt that Ra!mon$ 'a %on %io" l! follo'in# a %o$e he ha$ &re %ri-e$ for him elf, an$ the fa%t that he 'a follo'in# thi %o$e #a+e him hi erenit!) Thi %o$e for-a$e him e2&re in# $i a&&ointment or en+!) In thi he 'a $ifferent from the !o"n# men 'ho %ontin"e$ to %ome to the Domain an$ %alle$ on him an$ li tene$ to him) Ra!mon$ till ha$ hi -i# 3o-1 he till ha$ tho e -o2e of &a&er that man! &eo&le 'ante$ to loo( thro"#h1
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an$ after all hi !ear a the Bi# Aan* 'hite man, all tho e !ear a the man 'ho (ne' more a-o"t the %o"ntr! than an! man li+in#, Ra!mon$ till ha$ a re&"tation) When one of the e +i itor &o(e %riti%all! a-o"t ome-o$!* -oo( or a %onferen%e that ome-o$! ha$ or#ani@e$ ome'here =Ra!mon$ 'a n*t in+ite$ to %onferen%e the e $a! >, Ra!mon$ 'o"l$ a! nothin#, "nle he ha$ omethin# #oo$ to a! a-o"t the -oo( or the %onferen%e) He 'o"l$ loo( tea$il! at the e!e of the +i itor, a tho"#h onl! 'aitin# for him to fini h) I a' him $o thi man! time 1 he #a+e the im&re ion then of hearin# o"t an interr"&tion) Y+ette* fa%e 'o"l$ re#i ter the "r&ri e or the h"rt) A it $i$ on the e+enin# 'hen I "n$er too$, from omethin# one of o"r +i itor ai$, that Ra!mon$ ha$ a&&lie$ for a 3o- in the Unite$ State an$ ha$ -een re3e%te$) The +i itor, a -ear$e$ man 'ith mean an$ "nrelia-le e!e , 'a &ea(in# li(e a man on Ra!mon$* i$e) He 'a e+en tr!in# to -e a little -itter on Ra!mon$* -ehalf, an$ thi ma$e me feel that he mi#ht -e one of tho e +i itin# %holar Y+ette tol$ me a-o"t, 'ho, 'hile the! 'ere #oin# thro"#h Ra!mon$* &a&er , al o too( the o&&ort"nit! of ma(in# a &a at her) Time ha$ %han#e$ in%e the earl! 45KJ , the -ear$e$ man ai$) Afri%ani t 'ere not o rare no', an$ &eo&le 'ho ha$ #i+en their life to the %ontinent 'ere -ein# &a e$ o+er) The #reat &o'er ha$ a#ree$ for the time -ein# not to 'ran#le o+er Afri%a, an$ a a re "lt attit"$e to Afri%a ha$ %han#e$) The +er! &eo&le 'ho ha$ ai$ that the $e%a$e 'a the $e%a$e of Afri%a, an$ ha$ %ram-le$ after it #reat men, 'ere no' #i+in# "& on Afri%a) Y+ette lifte$ her 'ri t an$ loo(e$ %aref"ll! at her 'at%h) It 'a li(e a $eli-erate interr"&tion) She ai$, ,The $e%a$e of Afri%a fini he$ ten e%on$ a#o)0 She ha$ $one that on%e -efore, 'hen omeone ha$ &o(en of the $e%a$e of Afri%a) An$ the tri%( 'or(e$ a#ain) She mile$1 Ra!mon$ an$ I la"#he$) The -ear$e$ man too( the hint, an$ the "-3e%t of Ra!mon$* re3e%te$ a&&li%ation 'a left alone) B"t I 'a $i ma!e$ -! 'hat I ha$ hear$, an$ 'hen Y+ette ne2t %ame to the flat I ai$, ,B"t !o" $i$n*t tell me !o" 'ere thin(in# of lea+in#)0 ,Aren*t !o" thin(in# of lea+in#E0 ,E+ent"all!, !e )0 ,E+ent"all! 'e all ha+e to lea+e) Yo"r life i ettle$) Yo"*re &ra%ti%all! en#a#e$ to that man* $a"#hter, !o"*+e tol$ me) E+er!thin# i 3" t 'aitin# for !o") A! life i till fl"i$) I m" t $o omethin#) I 3" t %an*t ta! here), ,B"t 'h! $i$n*t !o" tell meE0 ,Wh! tal( of omethin# !o" (no' i n*t #oin# to %ome offE An$ it 'o"l$n*t $o " an! #oo$ if it #ot aro"n$) Yo" (no' that) Ra!mon$ $oe n*t tan$ a %han%e a-roa$ no' an!'a!)0 ,Wh! $i$ he a&&l!, thenE0 ,I ma$e him) I tho"#ht there 'a a &o i-ilit!) Ra!mon$ 'o"l$n*t $o a thin# li(e that -! him elf) He* lo!al)0 The %lo ene to the /re i$ent that ha$ #i+en Ra!mon$ hi re&"tation, an$ ha$ ma$e &eo&le %all him o"t to %onferen%e in $ifferent &art of the 'orl$, no' $i :"alifie$ him from erio" %on i$eration a-roa$) Unle omethin# e2traor$inar! ha&&ene$, he 'o"l$ ha+e to ta! 'here he 'a , $e&en$ent on the &o'er of the /re i$ent) Hi &o ition in the Domain re:"ire$ him to $i &la! a"thorit!) B"t at an! moment he mi#ht -e tri&&e$ of thi a"thorit!, re$"%e$ to nothin#, 'ith nothin# to fall -a%( on) In hi &la%e I $on*t thin( I 'o"l$ ha+e -een a-le to &reten$ to ha+e an! a"thorit! 8 that 'o"l$ ha+e -een the har$e t
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thin# for me) I 'o"l$ ha+e 3" t #i+en "&, "n$er tan$in# the tr"th of 'hat Aahe h ha$ tol$ me !ear -efore; ,Remem-er, Salim, the &eo&le here are malins)0 B"t Ra!mon$ ho'e$ no "n%ertaint!) An$ he 'a lo!al 8 to the /re i$ent, to him elf, hi i$ea an$ hi 'or(, hi &a t) A! a$miration for him #re') I t"$ie$ the /re i$ent* &ee%he 8 the $ail! ne' &a&er 'ere flo'n "& from the %a&ital 8 for i#n that Ra!mon$ mi#ht -e %alle$ -a%( to fa+o"r) An$ if I -e%ame Ra!mon$* en.%o"ra#er, after Y+ette, if I -e%ame hi %ham&ion an$ &romote$ him e+en at the Helleni% Cl"- a the man 'ho ha$n*t &"-li he$ m"%h -"t reall! knew, the man e+er! intelli#ent +i itor o"#ht to ee, it 'a n*t onl! -e%a" e I $i$n*t 'ant to ee him #o a'a!, an$ Y+ette 'ith him) I $i$n*t 'ant to ee him h"miliate$) I a$mire$ hi %o$e an$ 'i he$ that 'hen m! o'n time %ame I mi#ht -e a-le to ti%( to omethin# li(e it) Life in o"r to'n 'a ar-itrar! eno"#h) Y+ette, eein# m! life a ettle$, 'ith e+er!thin# 'aitin# for me ome'here, ha$ een her o'n life a fl"i$) She felt he 'a n*t a &re&are$ a the re t of " 1 he ha$ to loo( o"t for her elf) That 'a ho' 'e all felt, tho"#h; 'e a' o"r o'n li+e a fl"i$, 'e a' the other man or &er on a ol$ier) B"t in the to'n, 'here all 'a ar-itrar! an$ the la' 'a 'hat it 'a , all o"r li+e 'ere fl"i$) We none of " ha$ %ertaintie of an! (in$) Witho"t al'a! (no'in# 'hat 'e 'ere $oin#, 'e 'ere %on tantl! a$3" tin# to the ar-itrarine -! 'hi%h 'e 'ere "rro"n$e$) In the en$ 'e %o"l$n*t a! 'here 'e too$) We too$ for o"r el+e ) We all ha$ to "r+i+e) B"t -e%a" e 'e felt o"r li+e to -e fl"i$ 'e all felt i olate$, an$ 'e no lon#er felt a%%o"nta-le to an!one or an!thin#) That 'a 'hat ha$ ha&&ene$ to Aahe h) ,It i n*t that there* no ri#ht an$ 'ron# here) There* no ri#ht)0 That 'a 'hat ha$ ha&&ene$ to me) It 'a the o&&o ite of the life of o"r famil! an$ %omm"nit! on the %oa t) That life 'a f"ll of r"le ) Too man! r"le 1 it 'a a &re&a%(e$ (in$ of life) Here I ha$ tri&&e$ m! elf of all the r"le ) D"rin# the re-ellion 8 "%h a lon# time a#o 8 I ha$ al o $i %o+ere$ that I ha$ tri&&e$ m! elf of the "&&ort the r"le #a+e) To thin( of it li(e that 'a to feel m! elf floatin# an$ lo t) An$ I &referre$ not to thin( a-o"t it; it 'a too m"%h li(e the &ani% !o" %o"l$ at an! time ma(e !o"r elf feel if !o" tho"#ht har$ eno"#h a-o"t the &h! i%al &o ition of the to'n in the %ontinent, an$ !o"r o'n &la%e in that to'n) To ee Ra!mon$ an 'erin# ar-itrarine 'ith a %o$e li(e the one he ha$ 'or(e$ o"t for him elf eeme$ to me e2traor$inar!) When I ai$ o to Y+ette he ai$, ,Do !o" thin( I 'o"l$ ha+e marrie$ omeone 'ho 'a not e2traor$inar!E0 Stran#e, after all the %riti%i m, or 'hat I ha$ een a %riti%i mB B"t e+er!thin# that 'a tran#e in m! relation hi& 'ith Y+ette :"i%(l! to&&e$ -ein# tran#e) E+er!thin# a-o"t the relation hi& 'a ne' to me1 I too( e+er!thin# a it %ame) With Y+ette 8 an$ 'ith Y+ette an$ Ra!mon$ to#ether 8 I ha$ a%:"ire$ a (in$ of $ome ti% life; the &a ion in the flat, the :"iet famil! e+enin# in the ho" e in the Domain) The i$ea that it 'a m! $ome ti% life %ame to me 'hen the life it elf 'a $i t"r-e$) While it 'ent on I im&l! li+e$ it) An$ it 'a onl! 'hen the life 'a $i t"r-e$ that ama@ement %ame to me at the %oolne 'ith 'hi%h I ha$ a%%e&te$ a 'a! of li+in# 'hi%h, if it ha$ -een re&orte$ to me a-o"t omeone el e 'hen I 'a !o"n#er, 'o"l$ ha+e eeme$ a'f"l) A$"lter! 'a horri-le to me) I %ontin"e$ to thin( of it in the ettin# of famil! an$ %omm"nit! on the %oa t, an$ a' it a l! an$ $i hono"ra-le an$ 'ea(.'ille$)
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It 'a Y+ette 'ho ha$ "##e te$, after an afternoon in the flat, that I ho"l$ ha+e $inner 'ith them that e+enin# in the ho" e) She ha$ $one o o"t of affe%tion, an$ a %on%ern for m! lonel! e+enin#1 an$ he eeme$ not to ee an! &ro-lem ) I 'a ner+o" 1 I $i$n*t thin( I 'o"l$ -e a-le to fa%e Ra!mon$ in hi ho" e o oon after'ar$ ) B"t Ra!mon$ 'a in hi t"$! 'hen I arri+e$, an$ remaine$ there "ntil it 'a time to eat1 an$ m! ner+o" ne $i a&&eare$ in the no+el e2%itement I felt at eein# Y+ette, o re%entl! na(e$, %orr"&t 'ith &lea "re, in the role of 'ife) I at in the ittin# room) She %ame an$ 'ent) Tho e moment 'ere "tterl! $eli%io" to me) I 'a tirre$ -! e+er! ho" e'ifel! #e t"re1 I lo+e$ the or$inarine of her %lothe ) Her mo+ement in her ho" e 'ere -ri (er, more a erti+e, her 9ren%h &ee%h ='ith Ra!mon$ no' at the ta-le> more &re%i e) E+en 'hile =all an2iet! #one> I 'a li tenin# to Ra!mon$, it 'a a thrill to me to $i tan%e m! elf from Y+ette, to tr! to ee her a a tran#er, an$ then to loo( thro"#h that tran#er to the other 'oman I (ne') On the e%on$ or thir$ o%%a ion li(e thi I ma$e her $ri+e -a%( 'ith me to the flat) No "-terf"#e 'a ne%e ar!; imme$iatel! after eatin#, Ra!mon$ ha$ #one -a%( to hi t"$!) Y+ette ha$ tho"#ht I ha$ onl! 'ante$ to #o for a $ri+e) When he "n$er too$ 'hat I ha$ in min$ he ma$e an e2%lamation, an$ her fa%e 8 o ma (.li(e an$ ho" e'ifel! at the $inner ta-le 8 'a tran forme$ 'ith &lea "re) All the 'a! to the flat he 'a %lo e to la"#hter) I 'a "r&ri e$ -! her rea%tion1 I ha$ ne+er een her o ea !, o $eli#hte$, o rela2e$) She (ne' he 'a attra%ti+e to men 8 tho e +i itin# %holar $ro+e home that me a#e) B"t to -e $e ire$ an$ nee$e$ a#ain after all that ha$ ha&&ene$ $"rin# o"r lon# afternoon eeme$ to to"%h her in a 'a! he ha$n*t -een to"%he$ -efore) She 'a &lea e$ 'ith me, a- "r$l! &lea e$ 'ith her elf, an$ o %om&aniona-le that I mi#ht ha+e -een an ol$ %hool frien$ rather than a lo+er) I trie$ to &"t m! elf in her &la%e, an$ 3" t for a 'hile I ha$ the ill" ion of enterin# her 'oman* -o$! an$ min$ an$ "n$er tan$in# her $eli#ht) An$ I tho"#ht then, (no'in# 'hat I $i$ of her life, that I ha$ -een #i+en an i$ea of her o'n nee$ an$ $e&ri+ation ) Aett! 'a in) In the ol$ $a! , follo'in# ol$ manner , I ha$ ta(en %are to (ee& thi i$e of m! life e%ret from him, or at an! rate to a&&ear to -e tr!in# to $o o) B"t no' e%re%! 'a n*t &o i-le an$ $i$n*t eem to matter) An$ 'e ne+er 'orrie$ a-o"t Aett! in the flat a#ain) What 'a e2traor$inar! that e+enin# -e%ame &art of the &attern of man! of the $a! 'e 'ere to#ether) The $inner 'ith Ra!mon$ in the ho" e, or the after.$inner #atherin# 'ith Ra!mon$, o%%"rre$ in a (in$ of &arenthe i , -et'een the afternoon in the flat an$ the late e+enin# in the flat) So that in the ho" e, 'hen Ra!mon$ a&&eare$, I 'a a-le to li ten 'ith a %lear min$ an$ real %on%ern to 'hate+er he ha$ to a!) Hi ro"tine $i$n*t %han#e) He ten$e$ to -e 'or(in# in hi t"$! 'hen I 8 an$ +i itor , if there 'ere +i itor 8 arri+e$) He too( hi time to a&&ear, an$ in &ite of hi a- ent.min$e$ air hi hair 'a al'a! fre hl! $am&e$, ni%el! %om-e$ -a%('ar$ , an$ he 'a neatl! $re e$) Hi e2it , 'hen the! 'ere &re%e$e$ -! a little &ee%h, %o"l$ -e $ramati%1 -"t hi entran%e 'ere " "all! mo$e t) He li(e$, e &e%iall! at after.$inner #atherin# , to -e#in -! &reten$in# to -e a h! #"e t in hi o'n ho" e) B"t it $i$n*t ta(e m"%h to $ra' him o"t) Aan! &eo&le 'ante$ to hear a-o"t hi &o ition in the %o"ntr! an$ hi relation 'ith the /re i$ent1 -"t Ra!mon$ no lon#er tal(e$ a-o"t that) He tal(e$ in tea$ a-o"t hi 'or(, an$ from that he mo+e$ on to #eneral intelle%t"al to&i% )
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The #eni" of Theo$or Aomm en, the man Ra!mon$ ai$ ha$ re'ritten the hi tor! of Rome, 'a a fa+o"rite theme) I #re' to re%o#ni@e the 'a! Ra!mon$ -"ilt "& to it) He ne+er a+oi$e$ ma(in# a &oliti%al %omment, -"t he ne+er rai e$ the "-3e%t of &oliti% him elf an$ ne+er -e%ame in+ol+e$ in &oliti%al ar#"ment) Ho'e+er %riti%al o"r #"e t 'ere of the %o"ntr!, Ra!mon$ allo'e$ them to ha+e their a!, in that 'a! he ha$ of hearin# o"t an interr"&tion) O"r +i itor 'ere -e%omin# in%rea in#l! %riti%al) The! ha$ a lot to a! a-o"t the %"lt of the Afri%an ma$onna) Shrine ha$ -een et "& 8 an$ 'ere -ein# et "& 8 in +ario" &la%e %onne%te$ 'ith the /re i$ent* mother, an$ &il#rima#e to the e &la%e ha$ -een $e%ree$ for %ertain $a! ) We (ne' a-o"t the %"lt, -"t in o"r re#ion 'e ha$n*t een too m"%h of it) The /re i$ent* mother %ame from one of the mall $o'nri+er tri-e , far a'a!, an$ in o"r to'n 'e ha$ onl! ha$ a fe' tat"e in emi.Afri%an t!le, an$ &hoto#ra&h of hrine an$ &ro%e ion ) B"t +i itor 'ho ha$ -een to the %a&ital ha$ a lot to re&ort, an$ it 'a ea ! eno"#h for them a o"t i$er to -e atiri%al) Aore an$ more the! in%l"$e$ " 8 Ra!mon$ an$ Y+ette an$ &eo&le li(e m! elf 8 in their atire) It -e#an to a&&ear that in their e!e 'e 'ere &eo&le not of Afri%a 'ho ha$ allo'e$ o"r el+e to -e t"rne$ into Afri%an , a%%e&tin# 'hate+er 'a $e%ree$ for " ) Satire li(e thi from &eo&le 'ho 'ere 3" t &a in# thro"#h, &eo&le 'e 'eren*t #oin# to ee a#ain -"t $i$ o"r -e t for, &eo&le 'ho 'ere afe in their o'n %o"ntrie , atire li(e thi 'a ometime 'o"n$in#) B"t Ra!mon$ ne+er allo'e$ him elf to -e &ro+o(e$) To one %ra man he ai$, ,What !o" are failin# to "n$er tan$ i that thi &aro$! of Chri tianit! !o" tal( o 'arml! a-o"t %an onl! ma(e en e to &eo&le 'ho are Chri tian ) In fa%t, that i 'h!, from the /re i$ent* &oint of +ie', it ma! not -e "%h a #oo$ i$ea) The &oint of the me a#e ma! -e lo t in the &aro$!) Be%a" e at the heart of thi e2traor$inar! %"lt i an immen e i$ea a-o"t the re$em&tion of the 'oman of Afri%a) B"t thi %"lt, &re ente$ a it ha -een, ma! anta#oni@e &eo&le for $ifferent rea on ) It me a#e ma! -e mi inter&rete$, an$ the #reat i$ea it en hrine ma! -e et -a%( for t'o or three #eneration ), That 'a Ra!mon$ 8 till lo!al, tr!in# har$ to ma(e en e of e+ent 'hi%h m" t ha+e -e'il$ere$ him) It $i$ him no #oo$1 all the la-o"r that 'ent into tho e tho"#ht 'a 'a te$) No 'or$ %ame from the %a&ital) He an$ Y+ette %ontin"e$ to $an#le) B"t then, for a month or o, their &irit a&&eare$ to lift) Y+ette tol$ me that Ra!mon$ ha$ rea on to -elie+e that hi ele%tion from the /re i$ent* &ee%he ha$ fo"n$ fa+o"r) I 'a $eli#hte$) It 'a :"ite ri$i%"lo" 1 I fo"n$ m! elf loo(in# in a $ifferent 'a! at the /re i$ent* &i%t"re ) An$ tho"#h no $ire%t 'or$ %ame, Ra!mon$, after -ein# on the $efen i+e for o lon#, an$ after all the tal(in# he ha$ ha$ to $o a-o"t the ma$onna %"lt, -e#an to -e more ar#"mentati+e 'ith +i itor an$ to hint, 'ith omethin# of hi ol$ +er+e, that the /re i$ent ha$ omethin# "& hi lee+e that 'o"l$ #i+e a ne' $ire%tion to the %o"ntr!) On%e or t'i%e he e+en &o(e a-o"t the &o i-le &"-li%ation of a -oo( of the /re i$ent* &ee%he , an$ it effe%t on the &eo&le) The -oo( 'a &"-li he$) B"t it 'a n*t the -oo( Ra!mon$ ha$ 'or(e$ on, not the -oo( of lon#i h e2tra%t 'ith a lin(in# %ommentar!) It 'a a +er! mall, thin -oo( of tho"#ht , &aximes, t'o or three tho"#ht to a &a#e, ea%h tho"#ht a-o"t fo"r or fi+e line lon#) Sta%( of the -oo( %ame to o"r to'n) The! a&&eare$ in e+er! -ar an$ ho& an$ offi%e) A! ho& #ot a h"n$re$1 Aahe h #ot a h"n$re$ an$ fift! at Bi#-"r#er1 the Ti+oli #ot a h"n$re$ an$ fift!) E+er! &a+ement h"%( ter #ot a little to%( 8 fi+e or ten; it $e&en$e$ on the %ommi ioner)
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The -oo( 'eren*t free1 'e ha$ to -"! them at t'ent! fran% a %o&! in m"lti&le of fi+e) The %ommi ioner ha$ to en$ the mone! for hi entire %on i#nment -a%( to the %a&ital, an$ for a fortni#ht or o, -i# man a he 'a , he ran aro"n$ e+er!'here 'ith hi Lan$.Ro+er f"ll of &aximes, tr!in# to &la%e them) The Yo"th C"ar$ " e$ "& a lot of it to%( on one of it Sat"r$a!.afternoon %hil$ren* mar%he ) The e mar%he 'ere h"rrie$, ra##e$ affair 8 -l"e hirt , h"n$re$ of -" ! little le# , 'hite %an+a hoe , ome of the maller %hil$ren franti%, %lo e to tear , re#"larl! -rea(in# into a r"n to (ee& "& 'ith their $i tri%t #ro"&, e+er!-o$! an2io" to #et to the en$ an$ then to #et -a%( home, 'hi%h %o"l$ -e man! mile a'a!) The mar%h 'ith the /re i$ent* -oo(let 'a ra##e$er than " "al) The afternoon 'a o+er%a t an$ hea+!, after earl! mornin# rain1 an$ the m"$ in the treet , $r!in# o"t, ha$ rea%he$ the na t! ta#e 'here -i%!%le an$ e+en foot te& %a" e$ it to fl! a-o"t in ti%(! l"m& an$ &ellet ) A"$ taine$ the %hil$ren* %an+a hoe re$ an$ loo(e$ li(e 'o"n$ on their -la%( le# ) The %hil$ren 'ere meant to hol$ "& the /re i$ent* -oo( a the! mar%he$ an$ to ho"t the lon# Afri%an name the /re i$ent ha$ #i+en him elf) B"t the %hil$ren ha$n*t -een &ro&erl! $rille$1 the ho"t 'ere irre#"lar1 an$ in%e the %lo"$ ha$ rolle$ o+er -la%(, an$ it loo(e$ a tho"#h it 'a #oin# to rain a#ain oon, the mar%her 'ere in a #reater h"rr! than " "al) The! 3" t hel$ the little -oo( an$ %am&ere$ in the #loom, &atterin# one another 'ith m"$, ho"tin# onl! 'hen the Yo"th C"ar$ ho"te$ at them) The mar%he 'ere alrea$! omethin# of a 3o(e to o"r &eo&le, an$ thi $i$n*t hel&) Ao t &eo&le, e+en &eo&le from the $ee& -" h, "n$er too$ 'hat the ma$onna %"lt 'a a-o"t) B"t I $on*t thin( an!one in the :"are or the mar(et ha$ an! i$ea 'hat the &aximes mar%h 'a a-o"t) I $on*t thin(, to tell the tr"th, that e+en Aahe h (ne' 'hat it referre$ to or 'a mo$elle$ on, "ntil he 'a tol$) So &aximes faile$ 'ith " ) An$ it m" t ha+e -een o in other &art of the %o"ntr! a 'ell, -e%a" e hortl! after re&ortin# the #reat $eman$ for the -oo(, the ne' &a&er $ro&&e$ the "-3e%t) Ra!mon$, &ea(in# of the /re i$ent, ai$; ,He (no' 'hen to &"ll -a%() That ha al'a! -een one of hi #reat +irt"e ) No one "n$er tan$ -etter than he the %r"el h"mo"r of hi &eo&le) An$ he ma! finall! $e%i$e that he i -ein# -a$l! a$+i e$)0 Ra!mon$ 'a till 'aitin#, then) In 'hat I ha$ een a hi %o$e I -e#an to re%o#ni@e a t"--ornne an$ omethin# li(e +anit!) B"t Y+ette no' $i$n*t e+en -other to %on%eal her im&atien%e) She 'a -ore$ 'ith the "-3e%t of the /re i$ent) Ra!mon$ mi#ht ha+e no'here el e to #o) B"t Y+ette 'a re tle ) An$ that 'a a -a$ i#n for me)


Aahe h 'a m! frien$) B"t I tho"#ht of him a a man 'ho ha$ -een t"nte$ -! hi relation hi& 'ith Sho-a) That ha$ -een a%hie+ement eno"#h for him) Sho-a a$mire$ him an$ nee$e$ him, an$ he 'a therefore %ontent 'ith him elf, %ontent 'ith the &er on he a$mire$) Hi onl! 'i h eeme$ to -e to ta(e %are of thi &er on) He $re e$ for her, &re er+e$ hi loo( for her) I " e$ to thin( that 'hen Aahe h %on i$ere$ him elf &h! i%all! he $i$n*t %om&are him elf 'ith
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other men, or 3"$#e him elf a%%or$in# to ome ma %"line i$eal, -"t a' onl! the -o$! that &lea e$ Sho-a) He a' him elf a hi 'oman a' him1 an$ that 'a 'h!, tho"#h he 'a m! frien$, I tho"#ht that hi $e+otion to Sho-a ha$ ma$e him half a man, an$ i#no-le) I ha$ lon#e$ m! elf for an a$+ent"re, for &a ion an$ &h! i%al f"lfilment, -"t I ne+er tho"#ht that it 'o"l$ ta(e me in that 'a!, that all m! i$ea of m! o'n 'orth 'o"l$ -e -o"n$ "& 'ith the 'a! a 'oman re &on$e$ to me) B"t that 'a ho' it 'a ) All m! elf.e teem %ame from -ein# Y+ette* lo+er, from er+in# her an$ &lea in# her in the &h! i%al 'a! I $i$) That 'a m! &ri$e) It 'a al o m! hame, to ha+e re$"%e$ m! manhoo$ 3" t to that) There 'ere time , e &e%iall! $"rin# la%( &erio$ in the ho&, 'hen I at at m! $e ( =Y+ette* &hoto#ra&h in the $ra'er> an$ fo"n$ m! elf mo"rnin#) Ao"rnin#, in the mi$ t of a &h! i%al f"lfilment 'hi%h %o"l$ not ha+e -een more %om&leteB There 'a a time 'hen I 'o"l$n*t ha+e tho"#ht it &o i-le) An$ o m"%h ha$ %ome to me thro"#h Y+ette) I ha$ #ot to (no' o m"%h more) I ha$ lo t the e2&atriate -" ine man* 'a! of not a&&earin# to ta(e too m"%h noti%e of thin# , 'hi%h %o"l$ en$ "& in #en"ine -a%('ar$ne ) I ha$ -een #i+en o man! i$ea a-o"t hi tor!, &oliti%al &o'er, other %ontinent ) B"t 'ith all m! ne' (no'le$#e, m! 'orl$ 'a narro'er than it ha$ e+er -een) In e+ent aro"n$ me 8 li(e the &"-li%ation of the /re i$ent* -oo(, an$ the -oo( mar%h 8 I loo(e$ onl! to ee 'hether the life I ha$ 'ith Y+ette 'a threatene$ or 'a #oin# to #o on) An$ the narro'er m! 'orl$ -e%ame, the more o- e i+el! I li+e$ in it) E+en o, it 'a a ho%( 'hen I hear$ that Noimon ha$ ol$ "& an$ left, to #o to A" tralia) Noimon 'a o"r -i##e t -" ine man, the Cree( 'ith a fin#er in e+er! &ie) He ha$ %ome o"t to the %o"ntr! a a +er! !o"n# man at the en$ of the 'ar to 'or( on one of the Cree( %offee &lantation in the $ee& -" h) Tho"#h &ea(in# onl! Cree( 'hen he %ame, he ha$ $one +er! 'ell +er! :"i%(l!, a%:"irin# &lantation of hi o'n an$ then a f"rnit"re -" ine in the to'n) In$e&en$en%e ha$ a&&eare$ to 'i&e him o"t1 -"t he ha$ ta!e$ &"t) At the Helleni% Cl"- 8 'hi%h he treate$ li(e hi &ri+ate %harit!, an$ r"le$, ha+in# (e&t it #oin# thro"#h +er! -a$ time 8 he " e$ to a! that the %o"ntr! 'a hi home) All $"rin# the -oom Noimon ha$ -een rein+e tin# an$ e2&an$in#1 at one time he ha$ offere$ Aahe h a lot of mone! for the Bi#-"r#er &ro&ert!) He ha$ a 'a! 'ith offi%ial an$ 'a #oo$ at #ettin# #o+ernment %ontra%t =he ha$ f"rni he$ the ho" e in the Domain>) An$ no' he ha$ ol$ "& e%retl! to ome of the ne'fan#le$ tate tra$in# a#en%ie in the %a&ital) We %o"l$ onl! #"e at the forei#n.e2%han#e in an$ o"t , an$ the hi$$en -enefi%iarie , of that $eal1 the ne' &a&er in the %a&ital anno"n%e$ it a a (in$ of nationali@ation, 'ith fair %om&en ation) Hi $e&art"re left " all feelin# a little -etra!e$) We al o felt fooli h, %a"#ht o"t) An!-o$! %an -e $e%i i+e $"rin# a &ani%1 it ta(e a tron# man to a%t $"rin# a -oom) An$ Na@r"$$in ha$ 'arne$ me) I remem-ere$ hi little le%t"re a-o"t the $ifferen%e -et'een the -" ine man an$ the man 'ho 'a reall! onl! a mathemati%ian) The -" ine man -o"#ht at ten an$ 'a ha&&! to #et o"t at t'el+e1 the mathemati%ian a' hi ten ri e to ei#hteen, -"t $i$n*t ell -e%a" e he 'ante$ to $o"-le hi ten to t'ent!) I ha$ $one -etter than that) What =" in# Na@r"$$in* %ale> I ha$ -o"#ht at t'o I ha$ ta(en o+er the !ear to t'ent!) B"t no', 'ith Noimon* $e&art"re, it ha$ $ro&&e$ to fifteen) Noimon* $e&art"re mar(e$ the en$ of o"r -oom, the en$ of %onfi$en%e) We all (ne' that) B"t at the Helleni% Cl"- 8 'here onl! a fortni#ht -efore, thro'in# $" t in o"r e!e , Noimon ha$
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-een tal(in# in hi " "al &ra%ti%al 'a! a-o"t im&ro+in# the 'immin# &ool 8 'e &"t a -ra+e fa%e on thin# ) I hear$ it ai$ that Noimon ha$ ol$ "& onl! for the a(e of hi %hil$ren* e$"%ation1 it 'a al o ai$ that he ha$ -een &re "re$ -! hi 'ife =Noimon 'a r"mo"re$ to ha+e a e%on$, half. Afri%an famil!>) An$ then it -e#an to -e ai$ that Noimon 'o"l$ re#ret hi $e%i ion) Co&&er 'a %o&&er, the -oom 'a #oin# to #o on, an$ 'hile the Bi# Aan 'a in %har#e, e+er!thin# 'o"l$ (ee& on r"nnin# moothl!) Be i$e , tho"#h A" tralia an$ E"ro&e an$ North Ameri%a 'ere ni%e &la%e to +i it, life there 'a n*t a ro ! a ome &eo&le tho"#ht 8 an$ Noimon, after a lifetime in Afri%a, 'a #oin# to fin$ that o"t &rett! oon) We li+e$ -etter 'here 'e 'ere, 'ith er+ant an$ 'immin# &ool , l"2"rie that onl! millionaire ha$ in tho e other &la%e ) It 'a a lot of non en e) B"t the! ha$ to a! 'hat the! ai$, tho"#h that &oint a-o"t the 'immin# &ool 'a e &e%iall! t"&i$, -e%a" e in &ite of the forei#n te%hni%ian o"r 'ater "&&l! ! tem ha$ -ro(en $o'n) The to'n ha$ #ro'n too fa t, an$ too man! &eo&le 'ere till %omin# in1 in the hant! to'n the emer#en%! tan$.&i&e " e$ to r"n all $a! lon#1 an$ 'ater 'a no' ratione$ e+er!'here) Some of the 'immin# &ool 8 an$ 'e $i$n*t ha+e o man! 8 ha$ -een $raine$) In ome the filterin# ma%hiner! ha$ im&l! -een t"rne$ off 8 e%onom! or ine2&erien%e 8 an$ tho e &ool ha$ -e%ome %ho(e$ 'ith -rilliant #reen al#ae an$ 'il$er #ro'th , an$ loo(e$ li(e &oi ono" fore t &on$ ) B"t the 'immin# &ool e2i te$, 'hate+er their %on$ition, an$ &eo&le %o"l$ tal( a-o"t them a the! $i$ -e%a" e here 'e li(e$ the i$ea of the 'immin# &ool -etter than the thin# it elf) E+en 'hen the &ool 'or(e$ the! ha$n*t -een " e$ m"%h1 it 'a a if 'e ha$n*t !et learne$ to fit thi -other ome l"2"r! into o"r $a!.to.$a! life) I re&orte$ the Helleni% Cl"- %hatter -a%( to Aahe h, e2&e%tin# him to hare m! attit"$e or at lea t to ee the 3o(e, -a$ a the 3o(e 'a for " ) B"t Aahe h $i$n*t ee the 3o(e) He, too, ma$e the &oint a-o"t the "&erior :"alit! of o"r life in the to'n) He ai$, ,I*m #la$ Noimon ha #one) Let him #et a ta te of the #oo$ life o"t there) I ho&e he reli he it) Sho-a ha ome I maili frien$ in Lon$on) The!*re ha+in# a very ni%e ta te of the life o+er there) It i n*t all Har.ro$ ) The!*+e 'ritten to Sho-a) A ( her) She 'ill tell !o" a-o"t her Lon$on frien$ ) What the! %all a -i# ho" e o+er there 'o"l$ -e li(e a 3o(e to " here) Yo"*+e een the ale men at the +an $er We!$en) That* e2&en e ) A ( them ho' the! li+e -a%( home) None of them li+e a 'ell a I li+e here)0 I tho"#ht later that it 'a the ,I0 in Aahe h* la t enten%e that offen$e$ me) Aahe h %o"l$ ha+e &"t it -etter) That ,I0 #a+e me a #lim& e of 'hat ha$ enra#e$ In$ar a-o"t hi l"n%h 'ith Aahe h an$ Sho-a) In$ar ha$ ai$; ,The! $on*t (no' 'ho I am or 'hat I*+e $one) The! $on*t e+en (no' 'here I*+e -een)0 He ha$ een 'hat I ha$n*t een; it 'a ne' to me that Aahe h tho"#ht he 'a li+in# ,'ell,0 in the 'a! he meant) I ha$n*t noti%e$ an! #reat %han#e in hi t!le) He an$ Sho-a till li+e$ in their %on%rete flat 'ith the ittin# room f"ll of hin! thin# ) B"t Aahe h 'a n*t 3o(in#) Stan$in# in hi ni%e %lothe -! hi im&orte$ %offee ma%hine in hi fran%hi e.#i+en ho&, he reall! tho"#ht he 'a omethin#, "%%e f"l an$ %om&lete, reall! tho"#ht he ha$ ma$e it an$ ha$ no'here hi#her to #o) Bi#-"r#er an$ the -oom 8 an$ Sho-a, al'a! there 8 ha$ $e tro!e$ hi en e of h"mo"r) An$ I " e$ to thin( of him a a fello' "r+i+orB B"t it 'a n*t for me to %on$emn him or the other ) I 'a li(e them) I, too, 'ante$ to ta! 'ith 'hat I ha$1 I, too, hate$ the i$ea that I mi#ht ha+e -een %a"#ht) I %o"l$n*t a!, a the! $i$, that all
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'a till for the -e t) B"t that, in effe%t, 'a m! attit"$e) The +er! fa%t that the -oom ha$ &a e$ it &ea(, that %onfi$en%e ha$ -een ha(en, -e%ame for me a #oo$ eno"#h rea on for $oin# nothin#) That 'a ho' I e2&laine$ the &o ition to Na@r"$$in 'hen he 'rote from U#an$a) Na@r"$$in har$l! 'rote) B"t he 'a till #atherin# e2&erien%e, hi min$ 'a till ti%(in# o+er1 an$ tho"#h hi letter ma$e me ner+o" -efore I o&ene$ them, I al'a! rea$ them 'ith &lea "re, -e%a" e o+er an$ a-o+e hi &er onal ne' there 'a al'a! ome ne' #eneral &oint that Na@ni$$in 'ante$ to ma(e) We 'ere till o %lo e to o"r ho%( a-o"t Noimon that I tho"#ht, 'hen Aett! -ro"#ht the letter from the &o t offi%e, that the letter 'a #oin# to -e a-o"t Noimon or a-o"t the &ro &e%t for %o&&er) B"t it 'a a-o"t U#an$a) The! 'ere ha+in# their &ro-lem there too) Thin# 'ere -a$ in U#an$a, Na@r"$$in 'rote) The arm! &eo&le 'ho ha$ ta(en o+er ha$ a&&eare$ to -e all ri#ht at fir t, -"t no' there 'ere %lear i#n of tri-al an$ ra%ial tro"-le ) An$ the e tro"-le 'eren*t 3" t #oin# to -lo' o+er) U#an$a 'a -ea"tif"l, fertile, ea !, 'itho"t &o+ert!, an$ 'ith hi#h Afri%an tra$ition ) It o"#ht to ha+e ha$ a f"t"re, -"t the &ro-lem 'ith U#an$a 'a that it 'a n*t -i# eno"#h) The %o"ntr! 'a no' too mall for it tri-al hatre$ ) The motor%ar an$ mo$ern roa$ ha$ ma$e the %o"ntr! too mall1 there 'o"l$ al'a! -e tro"-le) E+er! tri-e felt more threatene$ in it territor! no' than in the $a! 'hen e+er!-o$!, in%l"$in# tra$er from the %oa t li(e o"r #ran$father , 'ent a-o"t on foot, an$ a in#le tra$in# +ent"re %o"l$ ta(e "& to a !ear) Afri%a, #oin# -a%( to it ol$ 'a! 'ith mo$ern tool , 'a #oin# to -e a $iffi%"lt &la%e for ome time) It 'a -etter to rea$ the i#n ri#ht than to ho&e that thin# 'o"l$ 'or( o"t) So for the thir$ time in hi life Na@r"$$in 'a thin(in# of mo+in# an$ ma(in# a fre h tart, thi time o"t of Afri%a, in Cana$a) ,B"t m! l"%( i r"nnin# o"t) I %an ee it in m! han$)0 The letter, in &ite of it $i t"r-in# ne' , 'a in Na@r"$$in* ol$, %alm t!le) It offere$ no $ire%t a$+i%e an$ ma$e no $ire%t re:"e t ) B"t it 'a a remin$er 8 a it 'a inten$e$ to -e, e &e%iall! at thi time of "&hea+al for him 8 of m! -ar#ain 'ith Na@r"$$in, m! $"t! to hi famil! an$ mine) It $ee&ene$ m! &ani%) At the ame time it tren#thene$ m! re ol+e to ta! an$ $o nothin#) I re&lie$ in the 'a! I ha+e ai$, o"tlinin# o"r ne' $iffi%"ltie in the to'n) I too( ome time to re&l!, an$ 'hen I $i$ I fo"n$ m! elf 'ritin# &a ionatel!, offerin# Na@r"$$in the &i%t"re of m! elf a omeone in%om&etent an$ hel&le , one of hi ,mathemati%ian )0 An$ nothin# that I 'rote 'a n*t tr"e) I 'a a hel&le a I &re ente$ m! elf) I $i$n*t (no' 'here I %o"l$ #o on to) I $i$n*t thin( 8 after 'hat I ha$ een of In$ar an$ other &eo&le in the Domain 8 that I ha$ the talent or the (ill to "r+i+e in another %o"ntr!) An$ it 'a a if I ha$ -een %a"#ht o"t -! m! o'n letter) A! &ani% #re', an$ m! #"ilt, an$ m! feelin# that I 'a &ro+o(in# m! o'n $e tr"%tion) An$ o"t of thi , o"t of a life 'hi%h I felt to -e hrin(in# an$ 'hi%h -e%ame more o- e e$ a it hran(, I -e#an to :"e tion m! elf) Wa I &o e e$ -! Y+etteE Or 'a I 8 li(e Aahe h 'ith hi ne' i$ea of 'hat he 'a 8 &o e e$ -! m! elf, the man I tho"#ht I 'a 'ith Y+etteE To er+e her in the 'a! I $i$, it 'a ne%e ar! to loo( o"t'ar$ from m! elf) Yet it 'a in thi elfle ne that m! o'n f"lfilment la!1 I $o"-te$, after m! -rothel life, 'hether I %o"l$ -e a man in that 'a! 'ith an! other 'oman) She #a+e me the i$ea of m! manline I ha$ #ro'n to nee$) Wa n*t m! atta%hment to her an atta%hment to that i$eaE An$ o$$l! in+ol+e$ 'ith thi i$ea of m! elf, an$ m! elf an$ Y+ette, 'a the to'n it elf 8 the flat, the ho" e in the Domain, the 'a! -oth o"r li+e 'ere arran#e$, the a- en%e of a
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%omm"nit!, the i olation in 'hi%h 'e -oth li+e$) In no other &la%e 'o"l$ it -e 3" t li(e thi 1 an$ &erha& in no other &la%e 'o"l$ o"r relation hi& -e &o i-le) The :"e tion of %ontin"in# it in another &la%e ne+er aro e) That 'hole :"e tion of another &la%e 'a omethin# I &referre$ not to thin( a-o"t) The fir t time he ha$ %ome -a%( to the flat after $inner at the ho" e I felt I ha$ -een #i+en ome i$ea of her o'n nee$ , the nee$ of an am-itio" 'oman 'ho ha$ marrie$ !o"n# an$ %ome o"t to the 'ron# %o"ntr!, %"ttin# her elf off) I ha$ ne+er felt I %o"l$ meet tho e nee$ ) I ha$ #ro'n to a%%e&t, an$ -e e2%ite$ -!, the i$ea that I 'a an en%"m-ran%e that ha$ -e%ome a ha-it) /erha& he 'a for me too) B"t I ha$ no mean of fin$in# o"t an$ $i$n*t &arti%"larl! 'ant to) The i olation that (e&t me o- e e$ ha$ -e%ome omethin# I a' a ne%e ar!) In time it 'o"l$ all #o1 'e 'o"l$ -oth ret"rn to o"r interr"&te$ li+e ) That 'a no tra#e$!) That %ertaint! of the en$ 8 e+en 'hile the -oom la%(ene$ an$ m! fifteen $ro&&e$ to fo"rteen, an$ Na@r"$$in an$ hi "&roote$ famil! trie$ to e ta-li h them el+e in Cana$a 8 'a m! e%"rit!) P"ite "$$enl!, Sho-a left " to #o an$ +i it her famil! in the ea t) Her father ha$ $ie$) She ha$ #one for the %remation) I 'a "r&ri e$ 'hen Aahe h tol$ me) Not -! the $eath, -"t -! the fa%t that Sho-a %o"l$ #o -a%( to her famil!) That 'a n*t at all 'hat I ha$ -een le$ to -elie+e) Sho-a ha$ &re ente$ her elf a a r"na'a!, omeone 'ho ha$ #one a#ain t the r"le of her %omm"nit! -! marr!in# Aahe h, an$ 'a li+in# in thi remote &la%e to hi$e from her famil!* +en#ean%e) When he ha$ fir t tol$ me her tor! 8 it ha$ -een at l"n%h on a till, ilent $a! $"rin# the re-ellion 8 he ha$ ai$ that he ha$ to -e %a"tio" 'ith tran#er ) It ha$ o%%"rre$ to her that her famil! mi#ht hire omeone, of an! ra%e, to $o 'hat the! ha$ threatene$; to $i fi#"re her or to (ill Aahe h) A%i$ on the fa%e of the 'oman, the (illin# of the man 8 the! 'ere the tan$ar$ famil! threat on the e o%%a ion , an$ Sho-a, %on+entional in o man! 'a! , 'a n*t too $i &lea e$ to let me (no' that the threat ha$ -een ma$e in her %a e) U "all! the e threat 'ere meanin#le , an$ ma$e onl! to ati f! %on+ention1 -"t ometime the! %o"l$ -e %arrie$ o"t to the letter) Ho'e+er, a time &a e$, an$ Sho-a a&&eare$ to -e for#ettin# ome of the $etail of her fir t tor!, I to&&e$ -elie+in# in that $rama of the hire$ tran#er) B"t I too( it a ettle$ that Sho-a ha$ -een $i o'ne$ -! her famil!) In m! o'n &re$i%ament I ha$ al'a! -een %on %io" of Sho-a* e2am&le, an$ it 'a a let$o'n to $i %o+er that he ha$ (e&t her line of %omm"ni%ation o&en) A for Aahe h, he -e#an to -eha+e li(e the mo"rnin# on.in.la') It mi#ht ha+e -een hi 'a! of ma(in# a &"-li% $rama o"t of the -" ine , ta(in# e2&en i+e or$er for %offee an$ -eer an$ Bi#-"r#er =the &ri%e the e $a! B> 'ith an air of ten$erne an$ orro') It mi#ht ha+e -een hi 'a! of ho'in# !m&ath! for Sho-a an$ re &e%t for the $ea$) B"t it 'a al o a little -it li(e the -eha+io"r of a man 'ho felt he ha$ at la t earne$ hi &la%e) WellB B"t then the 3o(e t"rne$ o"r) Sho-a 'a to ha+e -een a'a! for t'o month ) She ret"rne$ after three 'ee( , an$ then he eeme$ to #o into hi$in#) There 'ere no in+itation to me to l"n%h1 that arran#ement 8 almo t that tra$ition no' 8 at la t %ame to an en$) She ha$ hate$ the &oliti%al it"ation in the ea t, Aahe h ai$) She ha$ ne+er li(e$ Afri%an an$ ha$ %ome -a%( ra#in# a-o"t thie+in# an$ -oa tf"l &oliti%ian , the in%e ant lie an$ hate on the ra$io an$ in the ne' &a&er , the -a#. nat%hin# in $a!li#ht, the ni#htl! +iolen%e) She 'a a&&alle$ -! the &o ition of her famil!,
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'hom he ha$ #ro'n "& thin(in# of a oli$ an$ e%"re) All thi , %om-ine$ 'ith her #rief for her father, ha$ ma$e her tran#e) It 'a -etter for the time -ein#, Aahe h ai$, for me to ta! a'a!) B"t that har$l! eeme$ e2&lanation eno"#h) Wa there omethin# more than &oliti%al an$ ra%ial ra#e, an$ #rief for the father 'hom at one time he ha$ hame$E Wa there &erha& a ne' +i ion of the man he ha$ %ho en an$ the life he ha$ -een li+in#E Some re#ret for the famil! life he no' a' he ha$ mi e$, ome #reater #rief for the thin# he ha$ -etra!e$E The air of mo"rnin# that Aahe h, in Sho-a* a- en%e, ha$ -een o #la$ to &"t on -e%ame a $ee& an$ real #loom after Sho-a* ret"rn1 an$ then thi #loom -e%ame hot thro"#h 'ith irritation ) He -e#an to ho' hi a#e) The %onfi$en%e, 'hi%h ha$ irritate$ me, left him) I #rie+e$ for it, #rie+e$ that he ho"l$ ha+e en3o!e$ it for o hort a time) An$ he, 'ho ha$ &o(en o har&l! a-o"t Noimon, an$ &o(en 'ith "%h &ri$e a-o"t the 'a! he li+e$ here, no' ai$, ,It* 3"n(, Salim) It* all t"rnin# to 3"n( a#ain)0 No lon#er a-le to l"n%h 'ith them or +i it their flat, I too( to $ro&&in# in at Bi#-"r#er on ome e+enin# to e2%han#e a fe' 'or$ 'ith Aahe h) One e+enin# I a' Sho-a there) She 'a ittin# at the %o"nter, a#ain t the 'all, an$ Aahe h 'a ittin# on the tool ne2t to her ) The! 'ere li(e %" tomer in their o'n &la%e) I #reete$ Sho-a, -"t there 'a no 'armth in her a%(no'le$#ment) I mi#ht ha+e -een a tran#er or omeone he -arel! (ne') An$ e+en 'hen I at $o'n ne2t to Aahe h he %ontin"e$ to -e $i tant) She eeme$ not to -e eein# me) An$ Aahe h a&&eare$ not to noti%e) Wa he re-"(in# me for tho e thin# he ha$ #ro'n to %on$emn in her elfE I ha$ (no'n them -oth for o lon#) The! 'ere &art of m! life, ho'e+er m"%h m! feelin# a-o"t them hifte$ a-o"t) I %o"l$ ee the ti#htne an$ &ain an$ omethin# li(e illne in Sho-a* e!e ) I %o"l$ al o ee he 'a a%tin# a little) Still, I 'a h"rt) An$ 'hen I left them 8 no %r! of ,Sta!B0 from either of them 8 I felt %a t o"t an$ li#htl! $a@e$) An$ e+er! familiar $etail of treet life at ni#ht 8 the %oo(in# fire #il$in# the thin, e2ha" te$.loo(in# fa%e of the &eo&le 'ho at aro"n$ them, the #ro"& in the ha$o' -elo' the ho& a'nin# , the lee&er an$ their -o"n$ar! mar(er , the ra##e$ lo t l"nati% , the li#ht of a -ar fannin# o"t o+er a 'oo$en 'al('a! 8 e+er!thin# ha$ a $ifferent :"alit!) A ra$io 'a on in the flat) It 'a "n" "all! lo"$, an$ a I 'ent "& the e2ternal tair%a e I ha$ the im&re ion that Aett! 'a li tenin# to a foot-all mat%h %ommentar! from the %a&ital) An e%hoin# +oi%e 'a +ar!in# it &a%e an$ &it%h, an$ there 'a the roar of a %ro'$) Aett!* $oor 'a o&en an$ he 'a ittin# in &ant an$ "n$er hirt on the e$#e of hi %ot) The li#ht from the %entral han#in# -"l- in hi room 'a !ello' an$ $im1 the ra$io 'a $eafenin#) Loo(in# "& at me, then loo(in# $o'n a#ain, %on%entratin#, Aett! ai$, ,The /re i$ent)0 That 'a %lear, no' that I ha$ -e#"n to follo' the 'or$ ) It e2&laine$ 'h! Aett! felt he $i$n*t ha+e to t"rn the ra$io $o'n) The &ee%h ha$ -een anno"n%e$1 I ha$ for#otten) The /re i$ent 'a tal(in# in the Afri%an lan#"a#e that mo t &eo&le 'ho li+e$ alon# the ri+er "n$er too$) At one time the /re i$ent* &ee%he 'ere in 9ren%h) B"t in thi &ee%h the onl! 9ren%h 'or$ 'ere citoyens an$ citoyennes, an$ the! 'ere " e$ a#ain an$ a#ain, for m" i%al effe%t, no' r"n to#ether into a ri&&lin# &hra e, no' %alle$ o"t e&aratel!, e+er! !lla-le &a%e$, to %reate the effe%t of a olemn $r"m-eat) The Afri%an lan#"a#e the /re i$ent ha$ %ho en for hi &ee%he 'a a mi2e$ an$ im&le lan#"a#e, an$ he im&lifie$ it f"rther, ma(in# it the lan#"a#e of the $rin(in# -ooth an$ the treet
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-ra'l, %on+ertin# him elf, 'hile he &o(e, thi man 'ho (e&t e+er!-o$! $an#lin# an$ imitate$ the eti:"ette of ro!alt! an$ the #ra%e of $e Ca"lle, into the lo'e t of the lo') An$ that 'a the attra%tion of the Afri%an lan#"a#e in the /re i$ent* mo"th) That re#al an$ m" i%al " e of the lo'e t lan#"a#e an$ the %oar e t e2&re ion 'a 'hat 'a hol$in# Aett!) Aett! 'a a- or-e$) Hi e!e , -elo' the !ello' hi#hli#ht on hi forehea$, 'ere tea$!, mall, intent) Hi li& 'ere %om&re e$ an$ in hi %on%entration he (e&t 'or(in# them) When the %oar e e2&re ion or the o- %enitie o%%"rre$, an$ the %ro'$ roare$, Aett! la"#he$ 'itho"t o&enin# hi mo"th) The &ee%h, o far, 'a li(e man! other the /re i$ent ha$ ma$e) The theme 'ere not ne'; a%rifi%e an$ the -ri#ht f"t"re1 the $i#nit! of the 'oman of Afri%a1 the nee$ to tren#then the re+ol"tion, "n&o&"lar tho"#h it 'a 'ith tho e -la%( men in the to'n 'ho $reame$ of 'a(in# "& one $a! a 'hite men1 the nee$ for Afri%an to -e Afri%an, to #o -a%( 'itho"t hame to their $emo%rati% an$ o%iali t 'a! , to re$i %o+er the +irt"e of the $iet an$ me$i%ine of their #ran$father an$ not to #o r"nnin# li(e %hil$ren after thin# in im&orte$ tin an$ -ottle 1 the nee$ for +i#ilan%e, 'or( an$, a-o+e all, $i %i&line) Thi 'a ho', 'hile a&&earin# 3" t to re tate ol$ &rin%i&le , the /re i$ent al o a%(no'le$#e$ an$ ri$i%"le$ ne' %riti%i m, 'hether it 'a of the ma$onna %"lt or of the horta#e of foo$ an$ me$i%ine ) He al'a! a%(no'le$#e$ %riti%i m, an$ he often anti%i&ate$ it) He ma$e e+er!thin# fit1 he %o"l$ "##e t he (ne' e+er!thin#) He %o"l$ ma(e it a&&ear that e+er!thin# that 'a ha&&enin# in the %o"ntr!, #oo$ or -a$ or or$inar!, 'a &art of a -i##er &lan) /eo&le li(e$ to li ten to the /re i$ent* &ee%he -e%a" e o m"%h 'a familiar1 li(e Aett! no', the! 'aite$ for the ol$ 3o(e ) B"t e+er! &ee%h 'a al o a ne' &erforman%e, 'ith it o'n $ramati% $e+i%e 1 an$ e+er! &ee%h ha$ a &"r&o e) Thi &ee%h 'a of &arti%"lar %on%ern to o"r to'n an$ re#ion) That 'a 'hat the /re i$ent ai$, an$ it -e%ame one of the $ramati% $e+i%e of the later &art of the &ee%h; he -ro(e off a#ain an$ a#ain to a! that he ha$ omethin# to a! to the &eo&le of o"r to'n an$ re#ion, -"t 'e ha$ to 'ait for it) The %ro'$ in the %a&ital, re%o#ni@in# the $e+i%e a a $e+i%e, a ne' &ie%e of t!le, -e#an to roar 'hen the! a' it %omin#) We in the re#ion li(e$ o"r -eer, the /re i$ent ai$) He li(e$ it -etter1 he %o"l$ o"t$rin( an!one of " an! $a!) B"t 'e m" tn*t #et &i e$ too oon1 he ha$ omethin# to a! to " ) An$ it 'a (no'n that the tatement the /re i$ent 'a #oin# to ma(e 'a a-o"t o"r Yo"th C"ar$) 9or a fortni#ht or more 'e ha$ -een 'aitin# for thi tatement1 for a fortni#ht he ha$ (e&t the 'hole to'n $an#lin#) The Yo"th C"ar$ ha$ ne+er re%o+ere$ their &re ti#e after the fail"re of the -oo( mar%h) Their %hil$ren* mar%he on Sat"r$a! afternoon ha$ #ro'n ra##e$er an$ thinner, an$ the offi%er ha$ fo"n$ that the! ha$ no mean of %om&ellin# %hil$ren to ta(e &art) The! ha$ (e&t on 'ith the Aoral /atrol) B"t the ni#httime %ro'$ 'ere no' more ho tile1 an$ one e+enin# an offi%er of the C"ar$ ha$ -een (ille$) It ha$ -e#"n a a :"a--le 'ith ome &a+ement lee&er 'ho ha$ -arre$ off a tret%h of &a+ement in a emi&ermanent 'a! 'ith %on%rete -lo%( loote$ from a -"il$in# ite) An$ it %o"l$ ea il! ha+e en$e$ a a ho"tin# mat%h, no more) B"t the offi%er ha$ t"m-le$ an$ fallen) B! that fall, that momentar! a&&earan%e of hel&le ne , he ha$ in+ite$ the fir t -lo' 'ith one of the %on%rete -lo%( 1 an$ the i#ht of -loo$ then ha$ en%o"ra#e$ a "$$en, fren@ie$ a%t of m"r$er -! $o@en of mall han$ )
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No one ha$ -een arre te$) The &oli%e 'ere ner+o" 1 the Yo"th C"ar$ 'ere ner+o" 1 the &eo&le of the treet 'ere ner+o" ) There 'a tal( a fe' $a! later that the arm! 'a #oin# to -e ent in to -eat "& ome of the hant! to'n ) That ha$ %a" e$ a little %"ttle -a%( to the +illa#e 1 the $"#o"t ha$ -een -" !) B"t nothin# ha$ ha&&ene$) E+er!one ha$ -een 'aitin# to ee 'hat the /re i$ent 'o"l$ $o) B"t for more than a fortni#ht the /re i$ent ha$ ai$ an$ $one nothin#) An$ 'hat the /re i$ent ai$ no' 'a ta##erin#) The Yo"th C"ar$ in o"r re#ion 'a to -e $i -an$e$) The! ha$ for#otten their $"t! to the &eo&le1 the! ha$ -ro(en faith 'ith him, the /re i$ent1 the! ha$ tal(e$ too m"%h) The offi%er 'o"l$ lo e their ti&en$1 there 'o"l$ -e no #o+ernment 3o- for an! of them1 the! 'o"l$ -e -ani he$ from the to'n an$ ent -a%( to the -" h, to $o %on tr"%ti+e 'or( there) In the -" h the! 'o"l$ learn the 'i $om of the mon(e!) ,4itoyens-citoyennes, mon(e! mart) Aon(e! mart li(e hit) Aon(e! %an tal() Yo" $i$n*t (no' thatE Well, I tell !o" no') Aon(e! %an tal(, -"t he (ee& it :"iet) Aon(e! (no' that if he tal( in front of man, man #oin# to %at%h him an$ -eat him an$ ma(e him 'or() Aa(e him %arr! loa$ in hot "n) Aa(e him &a$$le -oat) 4itoyens6 4itoyennesB We 'ill tea%h the e &eo&le to -e li(e mon(e!) We 'ill en$ them to the -" h an$ let them 'or( their ar e off)0


It 'a the Bi# Aan* 'a!) He %ho e hi time, an$ 'hat loo(e$ li(e a %hallen#e to hi a"thorit! er+e$ in the en$ to "n$erline hi a"thorit!) He ho'e$ him elf a#ain a the frien$ of the &eo&le, the petit pe,ple, a he li(e$ to %all them, an$ he &"ni he$ their o&&re or ) B"t the Bi# Aan ha$n*t +i ite$ o"r to'n) /erha& , a Ra!mon$ ai$, the re&ort he ha$ -een re%ei+in# 'ere ina%%"rate or in%om&lete) An$ thi time omethin# 'ent 'ron#) We ha$ all tho"#ht of the Yo"th C"ar$ a a mena%e, an$ e+er!-o$! 'a ha&&! to ee them #o) B"t it 'a after the $i -an$in# of the Yo"th C"ar$ that thin# -e#an to #et -a$ in o"r to'n) The &oli%e an$ other offi%ial -e%ame $iffi%"lt) The! too( to tormentin# Aett! 'hene+er he too( the %ar o"t, e+en on the hort r"n to the %" tom ) He 'a to&&e$ a#ain an$ a#ain, ometime -! &eo&le he (ne', ometime -! &eo&le 'ho ha$ to&&e$ him -efore, an$ the %ar* $o%"ment 'ere %he%(e$, an$ hi o'n &a&er ) Sometime he ha$ to lea+e the %ar 'here it 'a an$ 'al( -a%( to the ho& to #et ome %ertifi%ate or &a&er he $i$n*t ha+e) An$ it $i$n*t hel& if he ha$ all the &a&er ) On%e, for no rea on at all, he 'a ta(en to &oli%e hea$:"arter , fin#er&rinte$ an$ 8 in the %om&an! of other $i &irite$ &eo&le 'ho ha$ -een &i%(e$ "& 8 ma$e to &en$ a 'hole afternoon 'ith -la%(ene$ han$ in a room 'ith -a%(le 'oo$en -en%he , a -ro(en %on%rete floor an$ -l"e $i tem&ere$ 'all #rim! an$ hinin# from the hea$ an$ ho"l$er that ha$ r"--e$ a#ain t them) The room, from 'hi%h I re %"e$ him late in the afternoon, ha+in# &ent a lot of time tra%(in# him $o'n, 'a in a ro"#h %on%rete an$ %orr"#ate$.iron he$ at the -a%( of the main %olonial -"il$in#) The floor 'a 3" t a fe' in%he a-o+e the #ro"n$1 the $oor 'a o&en, an$ %hi%(en 'ere %rat%hin# a-o"t in the -are !ar$) B"t ro"#h an$ homel! an$ f"ll of afternoon li#ht a it 'a , the room hinte$ at the 3ail) The one ta-le an$ %hair -elon#e$ to the offi%er in %har#e, an$ the e %ra&&! &ie%e of f"rnit"re em&ha i@e$ the $e&ri+ation of e+er!-o$! el e)
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The offi%er 'a 'eatin# "n$er the arm in hi o+er. tar%he$ "niform, an$ he 'a 'ritin# +er! lo'l! in a le$#er, ha&in# one letter at a time, a&&arentl! enterin# $etail from the -lot%he$ fin#er&rint heet ) He ha$ a re+ol+er) There 'a a &hoto#ra&h of the /re i$ent ho'in# hi %hief* ti%(1 an$ a-o+e it on the -l"e 'all, hi#h "&, 'here the "ne+en "rfa%e 'a $" t! rather than #rim!, 'a &ainte$ "iscipline Avant To,t 8 ,Di %i&line A-o+e All)0 I $i$n*t li(e that room, an$ I tho"#ht it 'o"l$ -e -etter after that for Aett! not to " e the %ar an$ for me to -e m! o'n %" tom %ler( an$ -ro(er) B"t then the offi%ial t"rne$ their attention to me) The! $"# "& ol$ %" tom $e%laration form , thin# that ha$ -een eale$ an$ ettle$ in the tan$ar$ 'a! lon# a#o, an$ -ro"#ht them to the ho& an$ 'a+e$ them in m! fa%e li(e "nre$eeme$ IOU ) The! ai$ the! 'ere "n$er &re "re from their "&erior an$ 'ante$ to #o thro"#h %ertain $etail 'ith me a#ain) At fir t the! 'ere h!, li(e 'i%(e$ %hool-o! 1 then the! 'ere %on &iratorial, li(e frien$ 'antin# to $o me a e%ret #oo$ t"rn1 then the! 'ere a##re i+e, li(e 'i%(e$ offi%ial ) Other 'ante$ to %he%( m! to%( a#ain t m! %" tom $e%laration an$ m! ale re%ei&t 1 other ai$ the! 'ante$ to in+e ti#ate m! &ri%e ) It 'a hara ment, an$ the &"r&o e 'a mone!, an$ mone! fa t, -efore e+er!thin# %han#e$) The e men ha$ niffe$ ome %han#e %omin#1 in the $i -an$in# of the Yo"th C"ar$ the! ha$ een i#n of the /re i$ent* 'ea(ne rather than tren#th) An$ in thi it"ation there 'a no one I %o"l$ a&&eal to) E+er! offi%ial 'a 'illin#, for a %on i$eration, to #i+e a "ran%e a-o"t hi o'n %on$"%t) B"t no offi%ial 'a hi#h eno"#h or e%"re eno"#h to #"arantee the %on$"%t of an! other offi%ial) E+er!thin# in the to'n 'a a it ha$ -een 8 the arm! 'a in it -arra%( , the &hoto#ra&h of the /re i$ent 'ere e+er!'here, the teamer %ame "& re#"larl! from the %a&ital) B"t men ha$ lo t or re3e%te$ the i$ea of an o+er eein# a"thorit!, an$ e+er!thin# 'a a#ain a fl"i$ a it ha$ -een at the -e#innin#) Onl! thi time, after all the !ear of &ea%e an$ #oo$ in all the ho& , e+er!one 'a #ree$ier) What 'a ha&&enin# to me 'a ha&&enin# to e+er! other forei#n -" ine man) E+en Noimon, if he ha$ till -een aro"n$, 'o"l$ ha+e "ffere$) Aahe h 'a #loomier than e+er) He ai$, ,I al'a! a!; Yo" %an hire them, -"t !o" %an*t -"! them)0 It 'a one of hi a!in# 1 it meant that ta-le relation hi& 'ere not &o i-le here, that there %o"l$ onl! -e $a!.to.$a! %ontra%t -et'een men, that in a %ri i &ea%e 'a omethin# !o" ha$ to -"! afre h e+er! $a!) Hi a$+i%e 'a to ti%( it o"t) An$ there 'a nothin# el e 'e %o"l$ $o) A! o'n feelin# 8 m! e%ret %omfort $"rin# thi time 8 'a that the offi%ial ha$ mi rea$ the it"ation an$ that their fren@! 'a elf.in$"%e$) Li(e Ra!mon$, I ha$ #ro'n to -elie+e in the &o'er 'i $om of the /re i$ent, an$ 'a %onfi$ent he 'o"l$ $o omethin# to rea ert hi a"thorit!) So I &re+ari%ate$ an$ $i$n*t &a!, eein# no en$ to &a!in# if I ho"l$ tart) B"t the &atien%e of the offi%ial 'a #reater than mine) It i no e2a##eration to a! that not a $a! &a e$ no' 'itho"t ome offi%ial %allin#) I -e#an to 'ait for their %all ) It 'a -a$ for m! ner+e ) In the mi$$le of the afternoon, if no one ha$ !et %alle$, I %o"l$ fin$ m! elf 'eatin#) I #re' to hate, an$ fear, tho e milin# malin fa%e &" he$ "& %lo e to mine in mo%( familiarit! an$ hel&f"lne ) An$ then the &re "re ea e$) Not -e%a" e the /re i$ent a%te$, a I ha$ -een ho&in#) B"t -e%a" e +iolen%e ha$ %ome to o"r to'n) Not the e+enin# $rama of treet -ra'l an$ m"r$er , -"t a
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tea$!, ni#htl! a a"lt in $ifferent area on &oli%emen an$ &oli%e tation an$ offi%ial an$ offi%ial -"il$in# ) It 'a thi , no $o"-t, that the offi%ial ha$ een %omin#, an$ I ha$n*t) Thi 'a 'hat ha$ ma$e them #ree$! to #ra- a m"%h a the! %o"l$ 'hile the! %o"l$) One ni#ht the tat"e of the Afri%an ma$onna an$ %hil$ in the Domain 'a (no%(e$ off it &e$e tal an$ ma he$, a the %olonial tat"e ha$ on%e -een ma he$, an$ the mon"ment o"t i$e the $o%( #ate ) After thi the offi%ial -e#an to ma(e them el+e %ar%e) The! ta!e$ a'a! from the ho&1 the! ha$ too man! other thin# to $o) An$ tho"#h I %o"l$n*t a! thin# 'ere -etter, !et the +iolen%e %ame a a relief an$ for a 'hile, to me a 'ell a to the &eo&le I a' in the treet an$ :"are , 'a e+en e2hilaratin#, the 'a! a -i# fire or a torm %an -e e2hilaratin#) In o"r o+er#ro'n, o+er&o&"late$, "nre#"late$ to'n 'e ha$ ha$ an! n"m-er of +iolent o"t-"r t ) There ha$ -een riot a-o"t 'ater, an$ on man! o%%a ion in the hant! to'n there ha$ -een riot 'hen omeone ha$ -een (ille$ -! a %ar) In 'hat 'a ha&&enin# no' there 'a till that element of &o&"lar fren@!1 -"t it 'a al o %lear that it 'a more or#ani@e$, or that at lea t it ha$ ome $ee&er &rin%i&le) Some &ro&he%!, &erha& , ha$ -een ma(in# the ro"n$ of the cites an$ hant! to'n an$ ha$ fo"n$ %onfirmation in the $ream of +ario" &eo&le) It 'a the (in$ of thin# the offi%ial 'o"l$ ha+e #ot 'in$ of) One mornin#, 'hen he -ro"#ht me %offee, Aett!, loo(in# erio" , #a+e me a &ie%e of ne' &rint, fol$e$ mall an$ %aref"ll!, an$ $irt! alon# the o"ter %rea e ) It 'a a &rinte$ leaflet an$ ha$ o-+io" l! -een fol$e$ an$ "nfol$e$ man! time ) It 'a hea$line$ ,The An%e tor Shrie(,0 an$ 'a i "e$ -! omethin# %alle$ the Li-eration Arm!) The ANCESTORS hrie() Aan! fal e #o$ ha+e %ome to thi lan$, -"t none ha+e -een a fal e a the #o$ of to$a!) The %"lt of the 'oman of Afri%a (ill all o"r mother , an$ in%e 'ar i an e2ten ion of &oliti% 'e ha+e $e%i$e$ to fa%e the ENEAY 'ith arme$ %onfrontation) Other'i e 'e all $ie fore+er) The an%e tor are hrie(in#) If 'e are not $eaf 'e %an hear them) B! ENEAY 'e mean the &o'er of im&eriali m, the m"lti.national an$ the &"&&et &o'er that -e, the fal e #o$ , the %a&itali t , the &rie t an$ tea%her 'ho #i+e fal e inter&retation ) The la' en%o"ra#e %rime) The %hool tea%h i#noran%e an$ &eo&le &ra%ti e i#noran%e in &referen%e to their tr"e %"lt"re) O"r ol$ier an$ #"ar$ian ha+e -een #i+en fal e $e ire an$ fal e #ree$ an$ the forei#ner no' :"alif! " e+er!'here a thie+e ) We are i#norant of o"r el+e an$ mi lea$ o"r el+e ) We are mar%hin# to $eath) We ha+e for#otten the TRUTH9UL LAWS) We of the LIBERATION ARAY ha+e re%ei+e$ no e$"%ation) We $o not &rint -oo( an$ ma(e &ee%he ) We onl! (no' the TRUTH, an$ 'e a%(no'le$#e thi lan$ a the lan$ of the &eo&le 'ho e an%e tor no' hrie( o+er it) OUR /EO/LE m" t "n$er tan$ the tr"##le) The! m" t learn to $ie 'ith " ) Aett! ai$ he $i$n*t (no' 'here the leaflet %ame from) Some-o$! ha$ 3" t #i+en it to him the ni#ht -efore) I tho"#ht he (ne' more than he ai$, -"t I $i$n*t &re him) We $i$n*t ha+e man! &rinterie in the to'n, an$ it 'a %lear to me that the leaflet 8 +er! -a$l! &rinte$, the t!&e -ro(en an$ mi2e$ 8 %ame from the &rintin# ho& that " e$ to $o the 'ee(l! ne' &a&er of the Yo"th C"ar$) That, 'hile it la te$, ha$ -een o"r onl! lo%al &a&er, an$ it 'a a non en e heet 8 li(e the 'all ne' &a&er of a %hool, 'ith meanin#le a$+erti ement from tra$er an$ -" ine men an$ e+en tall hol$er in the mar(et, an$ a fe' item of o.%alle$
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ne' =more li(e o&en -la%(mail> a-o"t &eo&le -rea(in# traffi% r"le or " in# #o+ernment +ehi%le a ni#ht ta2i or -"il$in# ha%( 'here the! ho"l$n*t) Still, it 'a +er! tran#e) The offi%er of the Yo"th C"ar$, 'hile the! ha$ -een er+in# the /re i$ent, ha$ -een hatef"l to the &eo&le the! trie$ to &oli%e) No', h"miliate$ -! the /re i$ent in that ,mon(e!0 &ee%h, tri&&e$ of &o'er an$ 3o- , the! offere$ them el+e to the &eo&le a h"miliate$ an$ an#"i he$ men of the re#ion, a $efen$er of the &eo&le of the re#ion) An$ the &eo&le 'ere re &on$in#) It 'a li(e the time -efore the re-ellion) B"t there ha$ -een no leaflet then, no lea$er a !o"n# an$ e$"%ate$ a the e) An$ there 'a omethin# el e) At the time of the re-ellion the to'n 'a 3" t -e#innin# to -e ree ta-li he$, an$ the fir t $i t"r-an%e too( &la%e far a'a!, in the +illa#e ) No' e+er!thin# 'a ha&&enin# in the to'n it elf) There 'a a lot more -loo$ a a re "lt1 an$ the +iolen%e, 'hi%h at fir t eeme$ $ire%te$ a#ain t the a"thoritie alone, -e%ame more #eneral) Afri%an tall an$ ho& in the o"ter area 'ere atta%(e$ an$ loote$) /eo&le -e#an to -e (ille$ in horri-le 'a! , -! rioter an$ &oli%e an$ hant! to'n %riminal ) Afri%an an$ the o"ter area fir t, forei#ner an$ the %entre later 8 that 'a the 'a! I a' thin# ha&&enin# here) So that, ha+in# 3" t -een free$ from a (in$ of offi%ial -la%(mail a#ain t 'hi%h there 'a no a&&eal, I on%e a#ain ha$ to thin( of m! elf a e2&o e$, 'ith nothin# to hol$ on to) I too( thi fear 'ith me into the familiar treet , thi feelin# that I 'a no' &h! i%all! +"lnera-le) The treet ha$ al'a! -een $an#ero" ) B"t not for me) A an o"t i$er I ha$ o far -een allo'e$ to -e e&arate from the +iolen%e I o- er+e$) The train 'a #reat) It %orr"&te$ e+er!thin#, an$ for the fir t time I %on i$ere$ the i$ea of fli#ht) If there ha$ -een a afe ho" e 'aitin# for me in ome far %it! 'hi%h 'o"l$ ha+e allo'e$ me in, I -elie+e I mi#ht ha+e left $"rin# thi time) On%e there 'a "%h a ho" e1 on%e there 'ere e+eral "%h ho" e ) B"t there 'a no "%h ho" e no') The ne' from Na@r"$$in 'a $i heartenin#) Hi !ear in Cana$a ha$ -een -a$, an$ he 'a "&rootin# hi famil! !et a#ain, an$ #oin# to En#lan$) The o"t i$e 'orl$ no lon#er offere$ ref"#e1 it ha$ remaine$ for me the #reat "n(no'n an$ 'a , in%rea in#l!, &erilo" ) What I ha$ on%e fal el! 'ritten to Na@r"$$in ha$ %ome tr"e) I 'a in no &o ition to a%t) I ha$ to ta! 'here I 'a ) An$, for#ettin# #oal , I (e&t on, li+in# m! life; I ha$ learne$ that !ear a#o from Aahe h) An$ more an$ more it ha&&ene$, in m! $ealin# 'ith &eo&le I (ne' 'ell, that I for#ot to t"$! their fa%e , for#ot m! fear) In thi 'a! fear, the feelin# that e+er!thin# %o"l$ at an! moment #o, -e%ame -a%(#ro"n$, a %on$ition of life, omethin# !o" ha$ to a%%e&t) An$ I 'a ma$e almo t %alm -! omethin# a Cerman from the %a&ital, a man in hi late fiftie , ai$ to me at the Helleni% Cl"one afternoon) He ai$, ,In a it"ation li(e thi !o" %an*t &en$ all !o"r time -ein# fri#htene$) Somethin# ma! ha&&en, -"t !o" m" t ma(e !o"r elf thin( of it a a -a$ roa$ a%%i$ent) Somethin# o"t i$e !o"r %ontrol, that %an ha&&en an!'here)0 Time &a e$) No e2&lo ion %ame, no %ata%l! m "%h a I ha$ -een e2&e%tin# at the -e#innin#) 9ire $i$n*t -"rn in the %entre1 the re-el * mean 'ere limite$) The a a"lt an$ (illin# %ontin"e$1 the &oli%e ma$e their retaliator! rai$ 1 an$ omethin# li(e a -alan%e 'a a%hie+e$) T'o or three &eo&le 'ere (ille$ e+er! ni#ht) B"t, tran#el!, it all -e#an to eem far a'a!) The +er! i@e an$ "nre#"late$ &ra'l of the to'n m"ffle$ all -"t the mo t e2traor$inar! e+ent 1 &eo&le in the treet
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an$ :"are no lon#er 'aite$ for ne' ) Ne' , in fa%t, 'a %ar%e) The /re i$ent ma$e no tatement, an$ nothin# 'a re&orte$ on the ra$io or in the ne' &a&er from the %a&ital) In the %entre of the to'n life 'ent on a -efore) The -" ine man 'ho %ame in from the %a&ital -! air or -! the teamer an$ &"t "& at the +an $er We!$en, an$ 'ent to the -etter.(no'n re ta"rant an$ ni#ht%l"- an$ a (e$ no :"e tion , 'o"l$ not ha+e #"e e$ that the to'n 'a in a tate of in "rre%tion, that the in "rre%tion ha$ it lea$er an$ 8 tho"#h their name 'ere (no'n onl! in their o'n $i tri%t 8 it mart!r ) 9or ome time Ra!mon$ ha$ -een li(e a t"nne$ man) At ome moment he eeme$ to ha+e $e%i$e$ that he 'a n*t #oin# to -e %alle$ -a%( to the /re i$ent* fa+o"r, an$ he ha$ to&&e$ 'aitin#, to&&e$ rea$in# the i#n ) At $inner in the ho" e he no lon#er anal!@e$ or e2&laine$ e+ent 1 he no lon#er trie$ to ma(e the &ie%e fit to#ether) He $i$n*t tal( a-o"t hi tor! or a-o"t Theo$or Aomm en) I $i$n*t (no' 'hat he 'a $oin# in hi t"$!, an$ Y+ette %o"l$n*t tell me1 he 'a n*t too intere te$) At one time I #ot the im&re ion that he 'a rea$in# ol$ thin# he ha$ 'ritten) He mentione$ a $iar! he ha$ (e&t 'hen he ha$ fir t %ome o"t to the %o"ntr!) He ha$ for#otten o man! thin# , he ai$1 o man! thin# 'ere $oome$ to -e for#otten) That " e$ to -e one of hi $inner.ta-le theme 1 he eeme$ to re%o#ni@e that, an$ -ro(e off) Later he ai$, ,Stran#e, rea$in# tho e $iarie ) In tho e $a! !o" " e$ to %rat%h !o"r elf to ee 'hether !o" -le$)0 The in "rre%tion a$$e$ to hi %onf" ion1 an$ after the ma$onna tat"e in the Domain ha$ -een ma he$ he -e%ame +er! ner+o" ) It 'a n*t the /re i$ent* ha-it to a&&ear to "&&ort tho e of hi men 'ho ha$ -een atta%(e$1 he ten$e$ to $i mi them) An$ Ra!mon$ no' li+e$ in fear of $i mi al) Thi 'a 'hat it ha$ %ome $o'n to for him 8 a 3o-, a ho" e, hi li+elihoo$, im&le e%"rit!) He 'a a $efeate$ man, an$ the ho" e in the Domain 'a li(e a ho" e of $eath) The lo 'a mine a 'ell) That ho" e 'a im&ortant to me1 an$ m"%h, a I no' a', $e&en$e$ on the health an$ o&timi m of -oth the &eo&le 'ho li+e$ in it) A $efeate$ Ra!mon$ ma$e non en e of m! e+enin# there) Tho e e+enin# in the ho" e 'ere &art of m! relation hi& 'ith Y+ette1 the! %o"l$n*t im&l! -e tran ferre$ to another ite) That 'o"l$ ha+e meant a ne' #eo#ra&h!, another (in$ of to'n, another (in$ of relation hi&, not the one I ha$) A! life 'ith Y+ette $e&en$e$ on the health an$ o&timi m of all three of " ) I 'a a toni he$ -! thi $i %o+er!) I ha$ $i %o+ere$ it fir t a-o"t m! elf, 'hen I 'a "n$er &re "re from the offi%ial ) I 'ante$ to hi$e from her then) I felt I %o"l$ #o to her, an$ -e 'ith her in the 'a! I 'ante$, onl! in tren#th, a I ha$ al'a! #one to her) I %o"l$n*t &re ent m! elf to her a a man tormente$ an$ 'ea(ene$ -! other men) She ha$ her o'n %a" e for re tle ne 1 I (ne' that, an$ I %o"l$n*t -ear the i$ea of the lo t %omin# to#ether for %omfort) It 'a at thi time 8 a tho"#h 'e "n$er too$ one another 8 that 'e -e#an to &a%e o"t o"r meetin# ) The fir t $a! 'itho"t Y+ette, the fir t $a! of olit"$e, "- i$in# e2%itement an$ %lear +i ion, 'ere al'a! a relief) I %o"l$ e+en &reten$ that I 'a a free man an$ that it 'a &o i-le to $o 'itho"t her) Then he 'o"l$ tele&hone) The (no'le$#e that I 'a till nee$e$ 'o"l$ -e li(e ati fa%tion eno"#h, an$ 'o"l$ -e %on+erte$, 'hile I 'aite$ for her in the flat, into irritation an$ elf.$i #" t, 'hi%h 'o"l$ %ontin"e ri#ht "& to the moment 'hen, after &atterin# "& the e2ternal tair%a e, he %ame into the ittin# room, all the train of Ra!mon$ an$ the inter+enin# $a! ho'in# on her fa%e) Then +er! oon, in m! o'n min$, the inter+enin# $a! 'o"l$ $ro& a'a!1 time 'o"l$
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tele %o&e) /h! i%all! no' I (ne' her o 'ell1 one o%%a ion 'o"l$ +er! oon eem lin(e$ to the la t) B"t that i$ea of %ontin"it!, ho'e+er o+er&o'erin# at tho e intimate, narro' moment , 'a an ill" ion, a I (ne') There 'ere the ho"r an$ $a! in her ho" e, 'ith Ra!mon$1 there 'a her o'n &ri+a%!, an$ her o'n ear%h) She ha$ le an$ le ne' ) There 'ere e+ent no' 'e $i$n*t hare, an$ there 'ere fe'er thin# that %o"l$ -e tol$ me 'itho"t ome #lo or e2&lanation) She tele&hone$ me no' e+er! ten $a! ) Ten $a! eeme$ to -e the limit -e!on$ 'hi%h he %o"l$n*t #o) It o%%"rre$ to me on one of the e $a! 8 'hen, the -i# foam -e$ alrea$! trai#htene$, he 'a ma(in# "& her fa%e an$ %on i$erin# &art of her elf in the $re in# ta-le mirror, -efore #oin# -a%( to the Domain 8 it o%%"rre$ to me then that there 'a omethin# -loo$le a-o"t o"r relation hi& 3" t at that moment) I mi#ht ha+e -een a %om&lai ant father or h" -an$, or e+en a 'oman frien$, 'at%hin# her &re&are her elf for a lo+er) An i$ea li(e that i li(e a +i+i$ $ream, fi2in# a fear 'e $on*t 'ant to a%(no'le$#e, an$ ha+in# the effe%t of a re+elation) I "&&o e that, thin(in# of m! o'n hara ment an$ Ra!mon$* $efeat, I ha$ -e#"n to %on i$er Y+ette a $efeate$ &er on a 'ell, tra&&e$ in the to'n, a i%( of her elf an$ the 'a tin# a et of her -o$! a I 'a i%( of m! elf an$ m! an2ietie ) No', loo(in# at Y+ette in front of the $re in# ta-le mirror, eein# her -ri#ht 'ith more than I ha$ 3" t #i+en her, I a' ho' 'ron# I ha$ -een) Tho e -lan( $a! 'hen he 'a a'a! from me, tho e $a! a-o"t 'hi%h I $i$n*t in:"ire, 'o"l$ ha+e -een f"ll of &o i-ilitie for her) I -e#an to 'ait for %onfirmation) An$ then, t'o meetin# later, I tho"#ht I fo"n$ it) I (ne' her o 'ell) With her, e+en no', I ha$ ne+er %ea e$ to loo( o"t'ar$ from m! elf) No other 'a! 'o"l$ ha+e ha$ meanin#, no other 'a! 'o"l$ ha+e -een &o i-le) What he $re' o"t of me remaine$ e2traor$inar! to me) Her re &on e 'ere &art of the #ift, an$ I ha$ #ro'n " e$ to them a the! ha$ $e+elo&e$1 I ha$ learne$ to #a"#e them finel!) On ea%h o%%a ion I 'a a'are of her en "al memor! of me -e#innin# to 'or(, lin(in# the &re ent to the &a t) B"t no', on the o%%a ion I &ea( of, her re &on e 'ere %onf" e$) Somethin# ha$ inter+ene$1 ome ne' ha-it ha$ -e#"n to form, -rea(in# "& the $eli%ate mem-rane of ol$er memor!) It 'a 'hat I ha$ -een e2&e%tin#) I ha$ to -e, one $a!) B"t the moment 'a li(e &oi on) After'ar$ %ame that -loo$le interl"$e) The -i# foam -e$ ha$ -een ma$e "& 8 that ho" e'ifel! er+i%e till, after 'hat " e$ to -e &a ion) I 'a tan$in#) She 'a tan$in# too, %on i$erin# her li& in the mirror) She ai$, ,Yo" ma(e me loo( o #oo$) What 'ill I $o 'itho"t !o"E0 That 'a a tan$ar$ %o"rte !) B"t then he ai$, ,Ra!mon$ 'ill 'ant to ma(e lo+e to me 'hen he ee me loo(in# li(e thi )0 An$ that 'a "n" "al, not li(e her at all) I ai$, ,Doe it e2%ite !o"E0 ,Ol$er men are not a re&"l i+e a !o" eem to thin() An$ I am a 'oman, after all) If a man $oe %ertain thin# to me, I rea%t)0 She $i$n*t mean to 'o"n$ me, -"t he $i$) An$ then I tho"#ht; B"t he* &ro-a-l! ri#ht) Ra!mon$* li(e a 'hi&&e$ -o!) It* all he %an t"rn to no') I ai$, ,I "&&o e 'e*+e ma$e him "ffer)0 ,Ra!mon$E I $on*t (no') I $on*t thin( o) He* ne+er #i+en an! i#n) Of %o"r e, he ma! tell him elf omethin# $ifferent no')0 I 'al(e$ 'ith her to the lan$in#; the ha$o' of the ho" e o+er the !ar$, the tree a-o+e the ho" e an$ the 'oo$en o"t-"il$in# , the #ol$en afternoon li#ht, the $" t in the air, the flam-o!ant
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-loom , the %oo(in# mo(e) She h"rrie$ $o'n the 'oo$en te& to 'here the "nli#ht, lantin# -et'een the ho" e , tr"%( f"ll on her) Then, a-o+e the noi e of the "rro"n$in# !ar$ , I hear$ her $ri+e off) An$ it 'a onl! ome $a! later that I tho"#ht ho' tran#e it 'a for " to ha+e tal(e$ of Ra!mon$ at that moment) I ha$ tal(e$ of Ra!mon$* &ain 'hen I 'a thin(in# of m! o'n, an$ Y+ette ha$ tal(e$ of Ra!mon$* nee$ 'hen he 'a thin(in# of her o'n) We ha$ -e#"n to tal(, if not in o&&o ite , at lea t in$ire%tl!, l!in# an$ not l!in#, ma(in# tho e i#nal at the tr"th 'hi%h &eo&le in %ertain it"ation fin$ it ne%e ar! to ma(e) I 'a in -e$ one e+enin#, a-o"t a 'ee( later, rea$in# in one of m! en%!%lo&e$ia ma#a@ine a-o"t the ,-i# -an#0 ori#in of the "ni+er e) It 'a a familiar to&i%1 I li(e$ rea$in# in m! en%!%lo&ae$ia a-o"t thin# I ha$ rea$ in other en%!%lo&ae$ia ) Thi (in$ of rea$in# 'a n*t for (no'le$#e1 I rea$ to remin$ m! elf in an ea ! an$ en3o!a-le 'a! of all the thin# I $i$n*t (no') It 'a a form of $r"#1 it et me $reamin# of ome im&o i-le f"t"re time 'hen, in the mi$$le of e+er! (in$ of &ea%e, I 'o"l$ tart at the -e#innin# of all "-3e%t an$ $e+ote m! $a! an$ ni#ht to t"$!) I hear$ a %ar $oor lam) An$ I (ne', -efore I hear$ the foot te& on the tair%a e, that it 'a Y+ette, 'on$erf"ll! arri+e$ at thi late ho"r, 'itho"t 'arnin#) She h"rrie$ "& the te& 1 her hoe an$ %lothe ma$e an e2traor$inar! amo"nt of noi e in the &a a#e1 an$ he &" he$ the -e$room $oor o&en) She 'a %aref"ll! $re e$, an$ her fa%e 'a fl" he$) There m" t ha+e -een ome f"n%tion he ha$ -een at) Dre e$ a he 'a , he thre' her elf on the -e$ an$ em-ra%e$ me) She ai$, ,I too( a %han%e) All thro"#h $inner I 'a thin(in# a-o"t !o", an$ a oon a I %o"l$ I li&&e$ a'a!) I ha$ to) I 'a n*t "re !o" 'o"l$ -e here, -"t I too( the %han%e)0 I %o"l$ mell the $inner an$ the $rin( on her -reath) It ha$ all -een o :"i%( 8 from the o"n$ of the %ar $oor to thi ; Y+ette on the -e$, the em&t! room tran forme$, Y+ette in that e2%lamator!, $eli#hte$ moo$ 'hi%h 'a li(e the moo$ that ha$ o+erta(en her the fir t time 'e ha$ %ome -a%( to the flat after $inner at the Domain) I fo"n$ m! elf in tear ) She ai$, ,I %an*t ta!) I*ll 3" t #i+e the #o$ a (i an$ #o)0 After'ar$ he remem-ere$ the %lothe of 'hi%h o far he ha$ -een :"ite %arele ) Stan$in# -efore the mirror, he rai e$ her (irt to &"ll $o'n her -lo" e) I, at her in i ten%e, ta!e$ in the -e$) Hol$in# her hea$ to one i$e, loo(in# at the mirror, he ai$, ,I tho"#ht !o" mi#ht ha+e -een in !o"r ol$ ha"nt )0 She eeme$ to -e tal(in# more me%hani%all! no') The moo$ he ha$ -ro"#ht to the room ha$ left her) At la t he 'a rea$!) When he loo(e$ from the mirror to me he eeme$ on%e a#ain, tho"#h, to -e #en"inel! &lea e$ 'ith her elf an$ 'ith me, &lea e$ at her little a$+ent"re) She ai$, ,I*m orr!) B"t I ha+e to #o)0 When he 'a almo t at the $oor he t"rne$ an$ mile$ an$ ai$, ,Yo" $on*t ha+e a 'oman hi$$en in the %"&-oar$, $o !o"E0 It 'a o o"t of %hara%ter) It 'a o m"%h the (in$ of thin# I ha$ hear$ from 'hore 'ho tho"#ht the! ho"l$ &reten$ to -e 3ealo" in or$er to &lea e) It -la te$ the moment) O&&o ite ; a#ain thi %omm"ni%ation -! o&&o. ite ) That 'oman in the %"&-oar$; that other &er on o"t i$e) That 3o"rne! o"t from the Domain; that other 3o"rne! -a%() Affe%tion, 3" t -efore -etra!al) An$ I ha$ -een in tear )
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It e2&lo$e$ then, all that ha$ -een -"il$in# "& in me in%e he ha$ -e#"n to trai#hten her %lothe ) An$ I 'a o"t of the -e$, an$ -et'een her an$ the $oor) ,Do !o" thin( I*m Ra!mon$E0 She 'a tartle$) ,Do !o" thin( I*m Ra!mon$E0 Thi time he 'a #i+en no %han%e to re&l!) She 'a hit o har$ an$ o often a-o"t the fa%e, e+en thro"#h rai e$, &rote%tin# arm , that he ta##ere$ -a%( an$ allo'e$ her elf to fall on the floor) I " e$ m! foot on her then, $oin# that for the a(e of the -ea"t! of her hoe , her an(le , the (irt I ha$ 'at%he$ her rai e, the h"m& of her hi&) She t"rne$ her fa%e to the floor an$ remaine$ till for a 'hile1 then 'ith a $ee& -reath "%h a a %hil$ $ra' -efore it %ream , he -e#an to %r!, an$ that 'ail after a time -ro(e into real, ho%(in# o- ) An$ it 'a li(e that in the room for man! min"te ) I 'a ittin#, amon# the %lothe I ha$ ta(en off -efore #oin# to -e$, in the ro"n$.-a%(e$ Win$ or %hair a#ain t the 'all) The &alm of m! han$ 'a tiff, 'ollen) The -a%( of m! han$, from little fin#er to 'ri t, 'a a%hin#1 -one ha$ tr"%( -one) Y+ette rai e$ her elf "&) Her e!e 'ere lit -et'een e!eli$ re$ an$ 'ollen 'ith real tear ) She at on the e$#e of the foam mattre , at the %orner of the -e$, an$ loo(e$ at the floor, her han$ re tin# &alm o"t'ar$ on her (nee ) I 'a 'ret%he$) She ai$ after a time, ,I %ame to ee !o") It eeme$ "%h a #oo$ thin# to $o) I 'a 'ron#)0 Then 'e ai$ nothin#) I ai$, ,Yo"r $innerE0 She hoo( her hea$ lo'l!) Her e+enin# 'a r"ine$1 he ha$ #i+en it "& 8 -"t ho' ea il!B An$ that hea$. ha(in# #e t"re ma$e me enter into her earlier 3o!, no' #one) A! error; I 'a too rea$! to ee her a omeone lo t) She &ri e$ her hoe off, " in# one foot a#ain t the other) She too$ "&, "n$i$ her (irt an$ too( it off) Then, 3" t a he 'a , 'ith her hair $one "&, her -lo" e on, he #ot into the -e$, &"lle$ the to& %otton heet o+er her elf an$ mo+e$ to the far i$e of the -e$, al'a! her ) She ettle$ her fl"ffe$.o"t hea$ on the &illo', t"rne$ her -a%( to me1 an$ the en%!%lo&ae$ia ma#a@ine, 'hi%h ha$ remaine$ on that i$e of the -e$, fell to the floor 'ith it o'n little noi e) An$ that 'a ho', at thi time of fare'ell, in thi &aro$! of $ome ti% life, 'e ta!e$ for a 'hile, o$$l! re&o e$) She ai$ after ome time, ,Aren*t !o" %omin#E0 I 'a too ner+o" to mo+e or tal() A 'hile later, t"rnin# to me, he ai$, ,Yo" %an*t (ee& ittin# on that %hair)0 I 'ent an$ at on the -e$ -e i$e her) Her -o$! ha$ a oftne , a &lia-ilit!, an$ a #reat 'armth) Onl! on%e or t'i%e -efore ha$ I (no'n her li(e that) At thi momentB I hel$ her le# a&art) She rai e$ them li#htl! 8 mooth %on%a+itie of fle h on either i$e of the inner ri$#e 8 an$ then I &at on her -et'een the le# "ntil I ha$ no more &it) All her oftne +ani he$ in o"tra#e) She ho"te$, ,Yo" %an*t $o thatB0 Bone tr"%( a#ain t -one a#ain1 m! han$ a%he$ at e+er! -lo'1 "ntil he rolle$ a%ro the -e$ to the other i$e an$, ittin# "&, -e#an to $ial the tele&hone) Who 'a he tele&honin# at thi ho"rE Who %o"l$ he t"rn to, 'ho 'a he o "re ofE She ai$, ,Ra!mon$) Oh, Ra!mon$) No, no) I*m all ri#ht) I*m orr!) I*m %omin# ri#ht a'a!)0 She &"t on her (irt an$ hoe , an$ thro"#h the $oor that he left o&en he '"n# o"t into the &a a#e) No &a" e, no he itation; I hear$ her &atterin# $o'n the tair%a e 8 'hat a o"n$ no'B The -e$, 'here nothin# ha$ o%%"rre$, 'a in a me 8 for the fir t time, after he ha$ -een; I ha$
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ha$ the la t of that ho" e'ifel! er+i%e) There 'ere the mar( of her hea$ on the &illo', the #ather in the heet from her mo+ement ; thin# no' rare, in$e %ri-a-l! &re%io" to me, tho e reli% in %loth that 'o"l$ #o o oon) I la! $o'n 'here he ha$ lain, to #et her mell) O"t i$e the $oor Aett! ai$, ,SalimE0 He %alle$ a#ain, ,Salim)0 An$ he %ame in, in hi "n$er&ant ) I ai$, ,Oh, Ali, Ali) Terri-le thin# ha&&ene$ toni#ht) I &at on her) She ma$e me &it on her)0 ,/eo&le :"arrel) After three !ear a thin# $oe n*t 3" t en$ li(e thi )0 ,Ali, it i n*t that) I %o"l$n*t $o an!thin# 'ith her) I $i$n*t 'ant her, I $i$n*t 'ant her) That i 'hat I %an*t -ear) It* all #one)0 ,Yo" m" tn*t ta! in i$e) Come o"t i$e) I 'ill &"t on m! &ant an$ hirt an$ I 'ill 'al( 'ith !o") We 'ill 'al( to#ether) We 'ill 'al( to the ri+er) Come, I 'ill 'al( 'ith !o")0 The ri+er, the ri+er at ni#ht) No, no) ,I (no' more thin# a-o"t !o"r famil! than !o", Salim) It i -etter for !o" to 'al( it off) It i the -e t 'a!)0 ,I*ll ta! here)0 He too$ a-o"t for a little, then he 'ent to hi room) B"t I (ne' that he 'a 'aitin# an$ 'at%hin#) All the -a%( of m! 'ollen han$ 'a a%hin#1 m! little fin#er felt $ea$) The (in 'a -l"e.-la%( in &art 8 that too no' a reli%) I 'a rea$! 'hen the tele&hone ran#) ,Salim, I $i$n*t 'ant to lea+e) Ho' are !o"E0 ,Drea$f"l) An$ !o"E0 ,When I left I $ro+e lo'l!) Then after the -ri$#e I $ro+e +er! fa t, to #et -a%( here to tele&hone !o")0 ,I (ne' that !o" 'o"l$) I 'a 'aitin# for it)0 ,Do !o" 'ant me to %ome -a%(E The roa$ i :"ite em&t!) I %an -e -a%( in t'ent! min"te ) Oh, Salim) I loo( $rea$f"l) A! fa%e i in an a'f"l tate) I 'ill ha+e to hi$e for $a! )0 ,Yo" 'ill al'a! loo( 'on$erf"l to me) Yo" (no' that)0 ,I ho"l$ ha+e #i+en !o" ome Dali"m 'hen I a' ho' !o" 'ere) B"t I tho"#ht a-o"t that onl! 'hen I 'a in the %ar) Yo" m" t tr! to lee&) Aa(e ome hot mil( an$ tr! to lee&) It hel& to ha+e a hot $rin() Let Aett! ma(e ome hot mil( for !o")0 Ne+er %lo er, ne+er more li(e a 'ife, than at thi moment) It 'a ea ier to tal( on the tele&hone) An$ 'hen that 'a o+er, I -e#an to 'at%h thro"#h the ni#ht, 'aitin# for $a!li#ht an$ another tele&hone %all) Aett! 'a lee&in#) He ha$ left the $oor of hi room o&en, an$ I hear$ hi -reathin#) There %ame a moment, 'ith the %omin# of the li#ht, 'hen "$$enl! the ni#ht -e%ame &art of the &a t) The -r" h tro(e on the 'hite.&ainte$ 'in$o' &ane -e#an to ho', an$ at that time, o"t of m! #reat &ain, I ha$ an ill"mination) It $i$n*t %ome in 'or$ 1 the 'or$ I attem&te$ to fit to it 'ere %onf" e$ an$ %a" e$ the ill"mination it elf to +ani h) It eeme$ to me that men 'ere -orn onl! to #ro' ol$, to li+e o"t their &an, to a%:"ire e2&erien%e) Aen li+e$ to a%:"ire e2&erien%e1 the :"alit! of the e2&erien%e 'a immaterial1 &lea "re an$ &ain 8 an$ a-o+e all, &ain 8 ha$ no meanin#1 to &o e &ain 'a a meanin#le a to %ha e &lea "re) An$ e+en 'hen the ill"mination +ani he$, -e%ame a thin an$ half non en i%al a a $ream, I remem-ere$ that I ha$ ha$ it, that (no'le$#e a-o"t the ill" ion of &ain)
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The li#ht -ri#htene$ thro"#h the 'hite.&ainte$ 'in$o' ) The $i t"r-e$ room %han#e$ it %hara%ter) It eeme$ to ha+e -e%ome tale) The onl! tr"e reli% 'a no' m! a%hin# han$, tho"#h if I ha$ loo(e$ I 'o"l$ ha+e fo"n$ a hair or t'o from her hea$) I $re e$, 'ent $o'n tair an$, #i+in# "& the i$ea of a mornin# 'al(, -e#an to $ri+e a-o"t the a'a(enin# to'n) I felt refre he$ -! the %olo"r 1 I tho"#ht thi earl! mornin# $ri+e 'a omethin# I ho"l$ ha+e $one more often) ?" t -efore e+en I 'ent to the %entre, to Bi#-"r#er) Sa%( an$ -o2e of "n%olle%te$ r"--i h 'ere on the &a+ement) Il$e&hon e 'a there, the 3a%(et of hi "niform no' a 'orn a the $e%or) E+en at thi earl! ho"r Il$e&hon e ha$ -een $rin(in#1 a 'ith mo t Afri%an , he nee$e$ 3" t a little of the 'ea( lo%al -eer to to& "& an$ #et hi#h) He ha$ (no'n me for !ear 1 I 'a the fir t %" tomer of the $a!1 !et he har$l! a%(no'le$#e$ me) Hi -eer.#la@e$ e!e tare$ &a t me at the treet) In one of the line or f"rro' of hi lo'er li& he ha$ fitte$ a tooth&i%(, +er! &re%i el!, +er! n"#l!, o he %o"l$ tal( or let hi lo'er li& fall 'itho"t the tooth&i%( -ein# $i t"r-e$1 it 'a li(e a tri%() I %alle$ him -a%( from 'here+er he 'a , an$ he #a+e me a %"& of %offee an$ a li%e of &ro%e e$ %hee e in a roll) That 'a t'o h"n$re$ fran% , nearl! i2 $ollar 1 &ri%e 'ere ri$i%"lo" the e $a! ) A fe' min"te -efore ei#ht, Aahe h %ame) He ha$ -een lettin# him elf #o) He ha$ al'a! -een &ro"$ of hi mallne an$ &arene ) B"t he 'a n*t a &are a he ha$ -een1 I %o"l$ 3" t -e#in to ee him a a im&ler (in$ of mall fat man) The effe%t of hi arri+al on Il$e&hon e 'a ele%tri%) The #la@e$ loo( left Il$e&hon e* e!e , the tooth&i%( $i a&&eare$, an$ he -e#an to 3"m& a-o"t, milin# an$ 'el%omin# the earl! mornin# %" tomer , mainl! #"e t from the +an $er We!$en) I 'a ho&in# that Aahe h 'o"l$ noti%e m! %on$ition) B"t he ma$e no referen%e to it1 he $i$n*t e+en eem "r&ri e$ to ee me) He ai$, ,Sho-a 'ant to ee !o", Salim)0 ,Ho' i heE0 ,She i -etter) I thin( he i -etter) She 'ant to ee !o") Yo" m" t %ome to the flat) Come for a meal) Come for l"n%h) Come for l"n%h tomorro')0 Za-eth hel&e$ me to #et thro"#h the mornin#) It 'a her ho&&in# $a!) Her -" ine ha$ #one $o'n in%e the in "rre%tion, an$ her ne' the e $a! 'a of tro"-le in the +illa#e ) Yo"n# men 'ere -ein# (i$na&&e$ here an$ there -! the &oli%e an$ the arm!; it 'a the ne' #o+ernment ta%ti%) Tho"#h nothin# a&&eare$ in the ne' &a&er , the -" h 'a no' a#ain at 'ar) Za-eth eeme$ to -e on the i$e of the re-el , -"t I %o"l$n*t -e "re1 an$ I trie$ to -e a ne"tral a I %o"l$) I a (e$ a-o"t 9er$inan$) Hi time in the %a&ital a an a$mini trati+e %a$et 'a o+er) He 'a $"e for ome -i# &o t oon, an$ the la t I ha$ hear$ from Za-eth 'a that he 'a -ein# %on i$ere$ a a "%%e or to o"r lo%al %ommi ioner, 'ho ha$ -een a%(e$ hortl! after the in "rre%tion ha$ -ro(en o"t) 9er$inan$* mi2e$ tri-al an%e tr! ma$e him a #oo$ %hoi%e for the $iffi%"lt &o t) Za-eth, &ea(in# the -i# title :"ite %alml! =I tho"#ht of the ol$ "- %ri&tion -oo( for the l!%<e #!mna i"m, an$ of the $a! 'hen the #o+ernor of the &ro+in%e i#ne$ -! him elf on a 'hole &a#e, li(e ro!alt!>, Za-eth ai$, ,I "&&o e 9er*nan$ 'ill -e %ommi ioner, Salim) If the! let him li+e)0 ,If he li+e , BethE0 ,If the! $on*t (ill him) I $on*t (no' 'hether I 'o"l$ li(e him to ta(e that 3o-, Salim) Both i$e 'o"l$ 'ant to (ill him) An$ the /re i$ent 'ill 'ant to (ill him fir t, a a a%rifi%e) He i a
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3ealo" man, Salim) He 'ill allo' no-o$! to #et -i# in thi &la%e) It i onl! hi &hoto e+er!'here) An$ loo( at the &a&er ) Hi &hoto i -i##er than e+er!-o$! el e* , e+er! $a!) Loo()0 The &re+io" $a!* &a&er from the %a&ital 'a on m! $e (, an$ the &hoto#ra&h Za-eth &ointe$ to 'a of the /re i$ent a$$re in# #o+ernment offi%ial in the o"thern &ro+in%e) ,Loo(, Salim) He i +er! -i#) The other are o mall !o" %an %ar%el! ee them) Yo" %an*t tell 'ho i 'ho)0 The offi%ial 'ere in the re#"lation $re $e+i e$ -! the /re i$ent 8 hort. lee+e$ 3a%(et , %ra+at , in &la%e of hirt an$ tie ) The! at in neat &a%(e$ ro' an$ in the &hoto#ra&h the! $i$ loo( ali(e) B"t Za-eth 'a &ointin# o"t omethin# el e to me) She $i$n*t ee the &hoto#ra&h a a &hoto#ra&h1 he $i$n*t inter&ret $i tan%e an$ &er &e%ti+e) She 'a %on%erne$ 'ith the a%t"al &a%e o%%"&ie$ in the &rinte$ &i%t"re -! $ifferent fi#"re ) She 'a , in fa%t, &ointin# o"t omethin# I ha$ ne+er noti%e$; in &i%t"re in the ne' &a&er onl! +i itin# forei#ner 'ere #i+en e:"al &a%e 'ith the /re i$ent) With lo%al &eo&le the /re i$ent 'a al'a! &re ente$ a a to'erin# fi#"re) E+en if &i%t"re 'ere of the ame i@e, the /re i$ent* &i%t"re 'o"l$ -e of hi fa%e alone, 'hile the other man 'o"l$ -e ho'n f"ll len#th) So no', in the &hoto#ra&h of the /re i$ent a$$re in# the o"thern offi%ial , a &hoto#ra&h ta(en from o+er the /re i$ent* ho"l$er, the /re i$ent* ho"l$er , hea$ an$ %a& o%%"&ie$ mo t of the &a%e, an$ the offi%ial 'ere $ot %lo e to#ether, imilarl! $re e$) ,He i (illin# tho e men, Salim) The! are %reamin# in i$e, an$ he (no' the!*re %reamin#) An$ !o" (no', Salim, that i n*t a feti h he* #ot there) It* nothin#)0 She 'a loo(in# at the -i# &hoto#ra&h in the ho&, 'hi%h ho'e$ the /re i$ent hol$in# "& hi %hief* ti%(, %ar+e$ 'ith +ario" em-lem ) In the $i ten$e$ -ell! of the :"at h"man fi#"re half'a! $o'n the ti%( the &e%ial feti h 'a tho"#ht to -e lo$#e$) She ai$, ,That* nothin%) I*ll tell !o" a-o"t the /re i$ent) He* #ot a man, an$ thi man #oe ahea$ of him 'here+er he #oe ) Thi man 3"m& o"t of the %ar -efore the %ar to& , an$ e+er!thin# that i -a$ for the /re i$ent follo' thi man an$ lea+e the /re i$ent free) I a' it, Salim) An$ I 'ill tell !o" omethin#) The man 'ho 3"m& o"t an$ #et lo t in the %ro'$ i 'hite)0 ,B"t the /re i$ent ha n*t -een here, Beth)0 ,I a' it, Salim) I a' the man) An$ !o" m" tn*t tell me that !o" $on*t (no')0 Aett! 'a #oo$ all that $a!) Witho"t referrin# to 'hat ha$ ha&&ene$, he han$le$ me 'ith a'e =a'e for me a a +iolent, 'o"n$e$ man> an$ ten$erne ) I re%alle$ moment li(e thi from o"r o'n %om&o"n$ life on the %oa t, after ome -a$ famil! :"arrel) I "&&o e he re%alle$ "%h moment too, an$ fell into ol$ 'a! ) I -e#an in the en$ to a%t for him, an$ that 'a a hel&) I allo'e$ him to en$ me home to the flat in the mi$$le of the afternoon1 he ai$ he 'o"l$ %lo e "&) He $i$n*t #o to hi famil! after'ar$ , a 'a hi %" tom) He %ame to the flat an$ $i %reetl! let me (no' that he 'a there, an$ ta!in#) I hear$ him ti&toein# a-o"t) There 'a no nee$ for that, -"t the attention %omforte$ me1 an$ on that -e$, 'here from time to time I %a"#ht ome faint %ent from the $a! -efore =no, that $a! it elf>, I -e#an to lee&) Time mo+e$ in 3er( ) Whene+er I a'a(ene$ I 'a %onf" e$) Neither the afternoon li#ht nor the noi ! $ar(ne eeme$ ri#ht) So the e%on$ ni#ht &a e$) An$ the tele&hone $i$n*t rin# an$ I $i$n*t tele&hone) In the mornin# Aett! -ro"#ht me %offee) I 'ent to Aahe h an$ Sho-a* for l"n%h; it eeme$ to me that I ha$ -een to Bi#-"r#er an$ re%ei+e$ that in+itation a lon# time a#o)
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The flat, 'ith it %"rtain $ra'n to (ee& o"t the #lare, 'ith it ni%e /er ian %ar&et an$ -ra , an$ all it other f" ! little &ie%e , 'a a I remem-ere$ it) It 'a a ilent l"n%h, not e &e%iall! a l"n%h of re"nion or re%on%iliation) We $i$n*t tal( a-o"t re%ent e+ent ) The to&i% of &ro&ert! +al"e 8 at one time Aahe h* fa+o"rite to&i%, -"t no' $e&re in# to e+er!-o$! 8 $i$n*t %ome "&) When 'e $i$ tal(, it 'a a-o"t 'hat 'e 'ere eatin#) To'ar$ the en$ Sho-a a (e$ a-o"t Y+ette) It 'a the fir t time he ha$ $one o) I #a+e her ome i$ea of ho' thin# 'ere) She ai$, ,I*m orr!) Somethin# li(e that ma! not ha&&en to !o" a#ain for t'ent! !ear )0 An$ after all that I ha$ tho"#ht a-o"t Sho-a, her %on+entional 'a! an$ her mali%e, I 'a ama@e$ -! her !m&ath! an$ 'i $om) Aahe h %leare$ the ta-le an$ &re&are$ the Ne %af< 8 o far I ha$ een no er+ant) Sho-a &"lle$ one et of %"rtain a&art a little, to let in more li#ht) She at, in the e2tra li#ht, on the mo$ern ettee 8 hin! t"-"lar metal frame, %h"n(! &a$$e$ armre t 8 an$ a (e$ me to it -e i$e her) ,Here, Salim)0 She loo(e$ %aref"ll! at me 'hile I at $o'n) Then, liftin# her hea$ a little, he ho'e$ me her &rofile an$ ai$, ,Do !o" ee an!thin# on m! fa%eE0 I $i$n*t "n$er tan$ the :"e tion) She ai$, ,SalimB0 an$ t"rne$ her fa%e f"ll to me, (ee&in# it lifte$, fi2in# her e!e on mine) ,Am I till -a$l! $i fi#"re$E Loo( aro"n$ m! e!e an$ m! left %hee() E &e%iall! the left %hee() What $o !o" eeE0 Aahe h ha$ et $o'n the %"& of %offee on the lo' ta-le an$ 'a tan$in# -e i$e me, loo(in# 'ith me) He ai$, ,Salim %an*t ee an!thin#)0 Sho-a ai$, ,Let him &ea( for him elf) Loo( at m! left e!e) Loo( at the (in -elo' the e!e, an$ on the %hee(-one)0 An$ he hel$ her fa%e "&, a tho"#h &o in# for a hea$ on a %oin) Loo(in# har$, loo(in# for 'hat he 'ante$ me to fin$, I a' that 'hat I ha$ tho"#ht of a the %olo"r of fati#"e or illne -elo' her e!e 'a al o in &art a +er! li#ht tainin# of the (in, a faint li+i$ne on her &ale (in, 3" t noti%ea-le on the left %hee(-one) An$ ha+in# een it, after ha+in# not een it, I %o"l$n*t hel& eein# it1 an$ I a' it a the $i fi#"rement he too( it to -e) She a' that I a') She 'ent a$, re i#ne$) Aahe h ai$, ,It i n*t o -a$ no') Yo" made him ee it)0 Sho-a ai$, ,When I tol$ m! famil! that I 'a #oin# to li+e 'ith Aahe h, m! -rother threatene$ to thro' a%i$ on m! fa%e) Yo" %o"l$ a! that ha %ome to &a ) When m! father $ie$ the! ent me a %a-le) I too( that a a i#n that the! 'ante$ me to #o -a%( home for the %eremonie ) It 'a a terri-le 'a! to #o -a%( 8 m! father $ea$, the %o"ntr! in "%h a tate, the Afri%an -ein# o a'f"l) I a' e+er!-o$! on the e$#e of a &re%i&i%e) B"t I %o"l$n*t tell them that) When !o" a (e$ them 'hat the! 'ere #oin# to $o, the! 'o"l$ &reten$ that it 'a all all ri#ht, there 'a nothin# to 'orr! a-o"t) An$ !o" 'o"l$ ha+e to &reten$ 'ith them) Wh! are 'e li(e thatE ,One mornin# I $on*t (no' 'hat &o e e$ me) There 'a thi Sin$hi #irl 'ho ha$ t"$ie$ in En#lan$ 8 a he ai$ 8 an$ ha$ et "& a hair$re er* ho&) The "n i +er! -ri#ht in the hi#hlan$ there, an$ I ha$ $one a lot of $ri+in# a-o"t, +i itin# ol$ frien$ an$ 3" t $ri+in# a-o"t, #ettin# o"t of the ho" e) E+er! &la%e I " e$ to li(e, an$ 'ent to ee, I -e#an to hate, an$ I ha$ to to&) I "&&o e it 'a that $ri+in# a-o"t that ha$ $ar(ene$ an$ -lot%he$ m! (in) I a (e$ the Sin$hi #irl 'hether there 'a n*t ome %ream or omethin# I %o"l$ " e) She ai$ he ha$ omethin#) She " e$ thi omethin#) I %rie$ o"t to her to to&) She ha$ " e$ &ero2i$e) I ran home 'ith m! fa%e %or%he$) An$ that ho" e of $eath -e%ame for me tr"l! a ho" e of #rief)
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,I %o"l$n*t ta! after that) I ha$ to hi$e m! fa%e from e+er!-o$!) An$ then I ran -a%( here, to hi$e a -efore) No' I %an #o no'here) I onl! #o o"t at ni#ht ometime ) It ha #ot -etter) B"t I till ha+e to -e %aref"l) Don*t tell me an!thin#, Salim) I a' the tr"th in !o"r e!e ) I %an*t #o a-roa$ no') I o m"%h 'ante$ to #o, to #et a'a!) An$ 'e ha$ the mone!) Ne' Yor(, Lon$on, /ari ) Do !o" (no' /ari E There i a (in &e%iali t there) The! a! he &eel !o"r (in -etter than an!-o$! el e) That 'o"l$ -e ni%e, if I %o"l$ #et there) An$ then I %o"l$ #o an!'here) S"i e, no' 8 ho' $o !o" a! it in En#li hE0 ,S'it@erlan$)0 ,Yo" ee) Li+in# in thi flat, I*m e+en for#ettin# m! En#li h) That 'o"l$ -e a ni%e &la%e, I al'a! thin(, if !o" %o"l$ #et a &ermit)0 All the 'hile Aahe h loo(e$ at her fa%e, half en%o"ra#in# her, half irritate$ 'ith her) Hi ele#ant re$ %otton hirt 'ith the tiff, ni%el! ha&e$ %ollar 'a o&en at the ne%( 8 it 'a &art of the t!li hne he ha$ learne$ from her) I 'a #la$ to #et a'a! from them, from the o- e ion the! ha$ for%e$ on me in their ittin# room) /eelin#, (in 8 the 'or$ ma$e me "nea ! lon# after I ha$ left them) Their o- e ion 'a 'ith more than a (in -lemi h) The! ha$ %"t them el+e off) On%e the! 'ere "&&orte$ -! their i$ea of their hi#h tra$ition =(e&t #oin# ome'here el e, -! other &eo&le>1 no' the! 'ere em&t! in Afri%a, an$ "n&rote%te$, 'ith nothin# to fall -a%( on) The! ha$ -e#"n to rot) I 'a li(e them) Unle I a%te$ no', m! fate 'o"l$ -e li(e their ) That %on tant :"e tionin# of mirror an$ e!e 1 %om&ellin# other to loo( for the -lemi h that (e&t !o" in hi$in#1 l"na%! in a mall room) I $e%i$e$ to re3oin the 'orl$, to -rea( o"t of the narro' #eo#ra&h! of the to'n, to $o m! $"t! -! tho e 'ho $e&en$e$ on me) I 'rote to Na@r"$$in that I 'a %omin# to Lon$on for a +i it, lea+in# him to inter&ret that im&le me a#e) What a $e%i ion, tho"#hB When no other %hoi%e 'a left to me, 'hen famil! an$ %omm"nit! har$l! e2i te$, 'hen $"t! har$l! ha$ a meanin#, an$ there 'ere no afe ho" e ) I left e+ent"all! on a &lane 'hi%h tra+elle$ on to the ea t of the %ontinent -efore it t"rne$ north) Thi &lane to&&e$ at o"r air&ort) I $i$n*t ha+e to #o to the %a&ital to ta(e it) So e+en no' the %a&ital remaine$ "n(no'n to me) I fell a lee& on the ni#ht fli#ht to E"ro&e) A 'oman in the 'in$o' eat, #oin# o"t to the ai le, r"--e$ a#ain t m! le# an$ a'a(ene$ me) I tho"#ht; B"t that* Y+ette) She* 'ith me, then) I*ll 'ait for her to %ome -a%() An$ 'i$e a'a(e, for ten or fifteen e%on$ I 'aite$) Then I "n$er too$ that it ha$ -een a 'a(in# $ream) That 'a &ain, to "n$er tan$ that I 'a alone, an$ fl!in# to :"ite a $ifferent $e tin!)


I ha$ ne+er tra+elle$ on an air&lane -efore) I half remem-ere$ 'hat In$ar ha$ ai$ a-o"t air&lane tra+el1 he ha$ ai$, more or le , that the air&lane ha$ hel&e$ him to a$3" t to hi homele ne ) I -e#an to "n$er tan$ 'hat he meant)
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I 'a in Afri%a one $a!1 I 'a in E"ro&e the ne2t mornin#) It 'a more than tra+ellin# fa t) It 'a li(e -ein# in t'o &la%e at on%e) I 'o(e "& in Lon$on 'ith little -it of Afri%a on me 8 li(e the air&ort ta2 ti%(et, #i+en me -! an offi%ial I (ne', in the mi$$le of another (in$ of %ro'$, in another (in$ of -"il$in#, in another %limate) Both &la%e 'ere real1 -oth &la%e 'ere "nreal) Yo" %o"l$ &la! off one a#ain t the other1 an$ !o" ha$ no feelin# of ha+in# ma$e a final $e%i ion, a #reat la t 3o"rne!) Whi%h, in a 'a!, 'a 'hat thi 'a for me, tho"#h I onl! ha$ an e2%"r ion ti%(et, a +i itor* +i a, an$ I ha$ to #o -a%( 'ithin i2 'ee( ) The E"ro&e the air&lane -ro"#ht me to 'a not the E"ro&e I ha$ (no'n all m! life) When I 'a a %hil$ E"ro&e r"le$ m! 'orl$) It ha$ $efeate$ the Ara- in Afri%a an$ %ontrolle$ the interior of the %ontinent) It r"le$ the %oa t an$ all the %o"ntrie of the In$ian O%ean 'ith 'hi%h 'e tra$e$1 it "&&lie$ o"r #oo$ ) We (ne' 'ho 'e 'ere an$ 'here 'e ha$ %ome from) B"t it 'a E"ro&e that #a+e " the $e %ri&ti+e &o ta#e tam& that #a+e " o"r i$ea of 'hat 'a &i%t"re :"e a-o"t o"r el+e ) It al o #a+e " a ne' lan#"a#e) E"ro&e no lon#er r"le$) B"t it till fe$ " in a h"n$re$ 'a! 'ith it lan#"a#e an$ ent " it in%rea in#l! 'on$erf"l #oo$ , thin# 'hi%h, in the -" h of Afri%a, a$$e$ !ear -! !ear to o"r i$ea of 'ho 'e 'ere, #a+e " that i$ea of o"r mo$ernit! an$ $e+elo&ment, an$ ma$e " a'are of another E"ro&e 8 the E"ro&e of #reat %itie , #reat tore , #reat -"il$in# , #reat "ni+er itie ) To that E"ro&e onl! the &ri+ile#e$ or the #ifte$ amon# " 3o"rne!e$) That 'a the E"ro&e In$ar ha$ #one to 'hen he ha$ left for hi famo" "ni+er it!) That 'a the E"ro&e that omeone li(e Sho-a ha$ in min$ 'hen he &o(e of tra+ellin#) B"t the E"ro&e I ha$ %ome to 8 an$ (ne' from the o"t et I 'a %omin# to 8 'a neither the ol$ E"ro&e nor the ne') It 'a omethin# hr"n(en an$ mean an$ for-i$$in#) It 'a the E"ro&e 'here In$ar, after hi time at the famo" "ni+er it!, ha$ "ffere$ an$ trie$ to %ome to ome re ol"tion a-o"t hi &la%e in the 'orl$1 'here Na@r"$$in an$ hi famil! ha$ ta(en ref"#e1 'here h"n$re$ of tho" an$ of &eo&le li(e m! elf, from &art of the 'orl$ li(e mine, ha$ for%e$ them el+e in, to 'or( an$ li+e) Of thi E"ro&e I %o"l$ form no mental &i%t"re) B"t it 'a there in Lon$on1 it %o"l$n*t -e mi e$1 an$ there 'a no m! ter!) The effe%t of tho e little tall , -ooth , (io ( an$ %ho(e$ #ro%er! ho& 8 r"n -! &eo&le li(e m! elf 8 'a in$ee$ of &eo&le 'ho ha$ :"a he$ them el+e in) The! tra$e$ in the mi$$le of Lon$on a the! ha$ tra$e$ in the mi$$le of Afri%a) The #oo$ tra+elle$ a horter $i tan%e, -"t the relation hi& of the tra$er to hi #oo$ remaine$ the ame) In the treet of Lon$on I a' the e &eo&le, 'ho 'ere li(e m! elf, a from a $i tan%e) I a' the !o"n# #irl ellin# &a%(et of %i#arette at mi$ni#ht, eemin#l! im&ri one$ in their (io ( , li(e &"&&et in a &"&&et theatre) The! 'ere %"t off from the life of the #reat %it! 'here the! ha$ %ome to li+e, an$ I 'on$ere$ a-o"t the &ointle ne of their o'n har$ life, the &oint.le ne of their $iffi%"lt 3o"rne!) What ill" ion Afri%a #a+e to &eo&le 'ho %ame from o"t i$eB In Afri%a I ha$ tho"#ht of o"r in tin%t an$ %a&a%it! for 'or(, e+en in e2treme %on$ition , a heroi% an$ %reati+e) I ha$ %ontra te$ it 'ith the in$ifferen%e an$ 'ith$ra'al of +illa#e Afri%a) B"t no' in Lon$on, a#ain t a -a%(#ro"n$ of -" !ne , I a' thi in tin%t &"rel! a in tin%t, &ointle , er+in# onl! it elf) An$ a feelin# of re-ellion &o e e$ me, tron#er than an! I ha$ (no'n in m! %hil$hoo$) To thi 'a a$$e$ a ne' !m&ath! for the re-ellion In$ar ha$ &o(en of to me, the re-ellion he ha$ $i %o+ere$ 'hen he ha$ 'al(e$ -e i$e the ri+er of Lon$on an$ ha$ $e%i$e$ to re3e%t the i$ea of home an$ an%e tral &iet!, the "nthin(in# 'or hi& of hi #reat men, the elf. "&&re ion that 'ent 'ith that 'or hi& an$ tho e
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i$ea , an$ to thro' him elf %on %io" l! into the -i##er, har$er 'orl$) It 'a the onl! 'a! I %o"l$ li+e here, if I ha$ to li+e here) Yet I ha$ ha$ m! life of re-ellion, in Afri%a) I ha$ ta(en it a far a I %o"l$ ta(e it) An$ I ha$ %ome to Lon$on for relief an$ re %"e, %lin#in# to 'hat remaine$ of o"r or#ani@e$ life) Na@r"$$in 'a n*t "r&ri e$ -! m! en#a#ement to hi $a"#hter Karei ha) He ha$ al'a! , a I reali e$ 'ith $i ma!, hel$ fa t to that i$ea of m! faithf"lne 'hi%h !ear -efore he ha$ een in m! han$) Karei ha her elf 'a n*t "r&ri e$) In fa%t, the onl! &er on 'ho eeme$ to e2amine the e+ent 'ith ome a toni hment 'a m! elf, 'ho mar+elle$ that "%h a t"rn in m! life %o"l$ o%%"r o ea il!) The en#a#ement %ame almo t at the en$ of m! time in Lon$on) B"t it ha$ -een ta(en a ettle$ from the tart) An$, reall!, it 'a %omfortin#, in the tran#e -i# %it!, after that fa t 3o"rne!, to -e ta(en o+er -! Karei ha, to ha+e her %all me -! m! name all the time, to ha+e her lea$ me a-o"t Lon$on, he the (no'in# one =U#an$a an$ Cana$a -ehin$ her>, I the &rimiti+e =a%tin# "& a little>) She 'a a &harma%i t) That 'a &artl! Na@r"$$in* $oin#) With hi e2&erien%e of %han#e an$ "$$en "&hea+al, he ha$ lon# a#o lo t faith in the &o'er of &ro&ert! an$ -" ine to &rote%t &eo&le1 an$ he ha$ &" he$ hi %hil$ren into a%:"irin# (ill that %o"l$ -e t"rne$ to a%%o"nt an!'here) It mi#ht ha+e -een her 3o- that #a+e Karei ha her erenit!, e2traor$inar! for an "nmarrie$ 'oman of thirt! from o"r %omm"nit!1 or it mi#ht ha+e -een her f"ll famil! life, an$ the e2am&le of Na@r"$$in, till reli hin# hi e2&erien%e an$ loo(in# for ne' i#ht ) B"t I felt more an$ more that at ome ta#e in Karei ha* 'an$erin# there m" t ha+e -een a roman%e) At one time the i$ea 'o"l$ ha+e o"tra#e$ me) I $i$n*t min$ no') An$ the man m" t ha+e -een ni%e) Be%a" e he ha$ left Karei ha 'ith an affe%tion for men) Thi 'a ne' to me1 m! e2&erien%e of 'omen 'a o limite$) I l"2"riate$ in thi affe%tion of Karei ha* , an$ a%te$ o"t m! man* role a little) It 'a 'on$erf"ll! oothin#) A%te$ 8 there 'a a lot of that a-o"t me at thi time) Be%a" e al'a! I ha$ to #o -a%( to m! hotel =not far from their flat> an$ there I ha$ to fa%e m! olit"$e, the other man that I al o 'a ) I hate$ that hotel room) It ma$e me feel I 'a no'here) It for%e$ ol$ an2ietie on me an$ a$$e$ ne' one , a-o"t Lon$on, a-o"t thi -i##er 'orl$ 'here I 'o"l$ ha+e to ma(e m! 'a!) Where 'o"l$ I tartE When I t"rne$ the tele+i ion on, it 'a n*t to mar+el) It 'a to -e%ome a'are of the #reat tran#ene o"t i$e, an$ to 'on$er ho' tho e men on the %reen ha$ ha$ them el+e &i%(e$ o"t from the %ro'$) An$ al'a! in m! min$ then 'a the %omfort of ,#oin# -a%(,0 of ta(in# another air&lane, of &erha& not ha+in#, after all, to -e here) The $e%i ion an$ the &lea "re of the $a! an$ earl! e+enin# 'ere re#"larl! %an%elle$ o"t -! me at ni#ht) In$ar ha$ ai$ a-o"t &eo&le li(e me that 'hen 'e %ame to a #reat %it! 'e %lo e$ o"r e!e 1 'e 'ere %on%erne$ onl! to ho' that 'e 'ere not ama@e$) I 'a a little li(e that, e+en 'ith Karei ha to #"i$e me aro"n$) I %o"l$ a! that I 'a in Lon$on, -"t I $i$n*t reall! (no' 'here I 'a ) I ha$ no mean of #ra &in# the %it!) I (ne' onl! that I 'a in the Clo"%e ter Roa$) A! hotel 'a there1 Na@r"$$in* flat 'a there) I tra+elle$ e+er!'here -! "n$er#ro"n$ train, &o&&in# $o'n into the earth at one &la%e, &o&&in# "& at another, not a-le to relate one &la%e to the other, an$ ometime ma(in# %om&li%ate$ inter%han#e to tra+el hort $i tan%e ) The onl! treet I (ne' 'ell 'a the Clo"%e ter Roa$) If I 'al(e$ in one $ire%tion I %ame to more -"il$in# an$ a+en"e an$ #ot lo t) If I 'al(e$ in the other $ire%tion I 'ent &a t a lot of to"ri t eatin# &la%e , a %o"&le of Ara- re ta"rant , an$ %ame to the &ar() There 'a a 'i$e, lo&in#
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a+en"e in the &ar( 'ith -o! (ate.-oar$in#) At the to& of the lo&e there 'a a -i# &on$ 'ith a &a+e$ rim) It loo(e$ artifi%ial, -"t it 'a f"ll of real -ir$ , 'an an$ $ifferent (in$ of $"%( 1 an$ that al'a! tr"%( me a tran#e, that the -ir$ $i$n*t min$ -ein# there) Artifi%ial -ir$ , li(e the lo+el! %ell"loi$ thin# of m! %hil$hoo$, 'o"l$n*t ha+e -een o"t of &la%e) 9ar a'a!, all aro"n$, -e!on$ the tree , 'ere the -"il$in# ) There !o" reall! $i$ ha+e an i$ea of the %it! a omethin# ma$e -! man, an$ not a omethin# that ha$ 3" t #ro'n -! it elf an$ 'a im&l! there) In$ar ha$ &o(en of that too1 an$ he 'a ri#ht) It 'a o ea ! for &eo&le li(e " to thin( of #reat %itie a nat"ral #ro'th ) It re%on%ile$ " to o"r o'n hant! %itie ) We li&&e$ into thin(in# that one &la%e 'a one thin#, an$ another &la%e another thin#) In the &ar( on fine afternoon &eo&le fle' (ite , an$ ometime Ara- from the em-a ie &la!e$ foot-all -elo' the tree ) There 'ere al'a! a lot of Ara- a-o"t, fair. (inne$ &eo&le, real Ara- , not the half.Afri%an Ara- of o"r %oa t1 one of the ne' tan$ o"t i$e the Clo"%e ter Roa$ tation 'a f"ll of Ara-i% &a&er an$ ma#a@ine ) Not all of the Ara- 'ere ri%h or %lean) Sometime I a' little #ro"& of &oor Ara- in $in#! %lothe :"attin# on the #ra in the &ar( or on the &a+ement of the treet near-!) I tho"#ht the! 'ere er+ant , an$ that eeme$ to me hamef"l eno"#h) B"t then one $a! I a' an Ara- la$! 'ith her la+e) I &otte$ the fello' at on%e) He ha$ hi little 'hite %a& on an$ hi &lain 'hite #o'n, &ro%laimin# hi tat" to e+er!-o$!, an$ he 'a %arr!in# t'o ho&&in# -a# of #ro%erie from the Waitro e "&ermar(et on the Clo"%e ter Roa$) He 'a 'al(in# the re#"lation ten &a%e ahea$ of hi mi tre , 'ho 'a fat in the 'a! Ara- 'omen li(e to -e, 'ith -l"e mar(in# on her &ale fa%e -elo' her #a"@! -la%( +eil) She 'a &lea e$ 'ith her elf1 !o" %o"l$ ee that -ein# in Lon$on an$ $oin# thi mo$ern ho&&in# 'ith other ho" e'i+e at the Waitro e "&ermar(et ha$ e2%ite$ her) 9or a moment he tho"#ht I 'a an Ara- an$ he #a+e me a loo(, thro"#h her #a"@! +eil, 'hi%h 'a meant to #et -a%( a loo( of a&&ro+al an$ a$miration from me) A for the fello' %arr!in# the #ro%erie , he 'a a thin, fair. (inne$ !o"n# man, an$ I 'o"l$ ha+e ai$ that he ha$ -een -orn in the ho" e) He ha$ the +a%ant, $o#.li(e e2&re ion that ho" e. -orn la+e , a I remem-ere$, li(e$ to &"t on 'hen the! 'ere in &"-li% 'ith their ma ter an$ &erformin# ome im&le ta () Thi fello' 'a &reten$in# that the Waitro e #ro%erie 'ere a #reat -"r$en, -"t thi 'a 3" t an a%t, to $ra' attention to him elf an$ the la$! he er+e$) He, too, ha$ mi ta(en me for an Ara-, an$ 'hen 'e %ro e$ he ha$ $ro&&e$ the -"r$ene$.$o'n e2&re ion an$ #i+en me a loo( of 'i tf"l in:"i iti+ene , li(e a &"&&! that 'ante$ to &la! -"t ha$ 3" t -een ma$e to "n$er tan$ that it 'a n*t &la!time) I 'a #oin# to the Waitro e &la%e to #et a #ift of 'ine for Na@r"$$in) He ha$n*t lo t hi ta te for 'ine an$ #oo$ foo$) He 'a ha&&! to -e m! #"i$e in the e matter 1 an$ in$ee$, after !ear of that /ort"#"e e t"ff in Afri%a, 'hite an$ meanin#le or re$ an$ a%ri$, the ran#e of 'ine in Lon$on 'a a mall $ail! e2%itement for me) At $inner in the flat =an$ -efore tele+i ion; he 'at%he$ for a %o"&le of ho"r e+er! ni#ht> I tol$ Na@r"$$in a-o"t the la+e in 'hite) He ai$ he 'a n*t "r&ri e$1 it 'a a ne' feat"re of life in the Clo"%e ter Roa$1 for a %o"&le of 'ee( he ha$ -een noti%in# a #r"--! fello' in -ro'n) Na@r"$$in ai$; ,In the ol$ $a! the! ma$e a lot of f" if the! %a"#ht !o" en$in# a %o"&le of fello' to Ara-ia in a $ho') To$a! the! ha+e their &a &ort an$ +i a li(e e+er!-o$! el e, an$ 'al( &a t immi#ration li(e e+er!-o$! el e, an$ no-o$! #i+e a $amn) ,I*m "&er titio" a-o"t the Ara- ) The! #a+e " an$ half the 'orl$ o"r reli#ion, -"t I %an*t hel& feelin# that 'hen the! lea+e Ara-ia terri-le thin# are a-o"t to ha&&en in the 'orl$) Yo" 3" t
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ha+e to thin( of 'here 'e %ome from) /er ia, In$ia, Afri%a) Thin( of 'hat ha&&ene$ there) No' E"ro&e) The!*re &"m&in# the oil in an$ "%(in# the mone! o"t) /"m&in# the oil in to (ee& the ! tem #oin#, "%(in# the mone! o"t to en$ it %ra hin# $o'n) The! nee$ E"ro&e) The! 'ant the #oo$ an$ the &ro&ertie an$ at the ame time the! nee$ a afe &la%e for their mone!) Their o'n %o"ntrie are o $rea$f"l) B"t the!*re $e tro!in# mone!) The!*re (illin# the #oo e that la! the #ol$en e##) ,An$ the! aren*t the onl! one ) All o+er the 'orl$ mone! i in fli#ht) /eo&le ha+e %ra&e$ the 'orl$ %lean, a %lean a an Afri%an %ra&e hi !ar$, an$ no' the! 'ant to r"n from the $rea$f"l &la%e 'here the!*+e ma$e their mone! an$ fin$ ome ni%e afe %o"ntr!) I 'a one of the %ro'$) Korean , 9ili&ino , &eo&le from Hon# Kon# an$ Tai'an, So"th Afri%an , Italian , Cree( , So"th Ameri%an , Ar#entine , Colom-ian , Dene@"elan , Boli+ian , a lot of -la%( &eo&le 'ho*+e %leane$ o"t &la%e !o"*+e ne+er hear$ of, Chine e from e+er!'here) All of them are on the r"n) The! are fri#htene$ of the fire) Yo" m" tn*t thin( it* onl! Afri%a &eo&le are r"nnin# from) ,Ao tl! no'a$a! , in%e S'it@erlan$ %lo e$ $o'n, the! are #oin# to the Unite$ State an$ Cana$a) An$ the! are 'aitin# for them there, to ta(e them to the %leaner ) There the! meet the e2&ert ) The So"th Ameri%an are 'aitin# for the So"th Ameri%an , the A ian for the A ian , the Cree( for the Cree( ) An$ the! ta(e them to the %leaner ) In Toronto, Dan%o"+er, California) A for Aiami, that i one -i# %leanin# e ta-li hment) ,I (ne' a-o"t thi -efore I 'ent to Cana$a) I $i$n*t let an!-o$! ell me a million.$ollar +illa in California or an oran#e #ro+e in Central Ameri%a or a &ie%e of 'am& in 9lori$a) Yo" (no' 'hat I -o"#ht in tea$E Yo" 'o"l$n*t -elie+e it) I -o"#ht an oil 'ell, &art of one) The man 'a a #eolo#i t) A$+ani intro$"%e$ him to me) The! ai$ the! 'ante$ ten of " to form a little &ri+ate oil %om&an!) The! 'ante$ to rai e a h"n$re$ tho" an$ $ollar , e+er!-o$! &"ttin# "& ten) The a"thori@e$ %a&ital, tho"#h, 'a to -e more than that, an$ the arran#ement 'a that if 'e tr"%( oil the #eolo#i t 'a to -"! the re t of the hare at nominal rate ) That 'a fair) It 'a hi ta(e, hi 'or() ,The ta(e 'a in or$er, the lan$ 'a there) In Cana$a !o" %an 3" t #o an$ $o !o"r o'n $rillin#) Yo" %an hire the e:"i&ment, an$ it $oe n*t %o t all that m"%h) Thirt! tho" an$ for a trial 'ell, $e&en$in# on 'here !o" 'ant to $rill) An$ the! $on*t ha+e the fr"it .of.the.earth le#i lation !o" ha+e 'here !o" are) I %he%(e$ it all o"t) It 'a a ri (, -"t I tho"#ht it 'a onl! a #eolo#i%al ri () I &"t "& m! ten) An$ #"e 'hat) We tr"%( oil) O+erni#ht, then, m! ten 'a 'orth t'o h"n$re$ 8 'ell, a! a h"n$re$) B"t in%e 'e 'ere a &ri+ate %om&an! the &rofit 'a onl! a &a&er &rofit) We %o"l$ onl! ell to one another, an$ none of " ha$ that (in$ of mone!) ,The #eolo#i t e2er%i e$ hi o&tion an$ -o"#ht "& the remainin# hare of the %om&an! for +irt"all! nothin#) So he a%:"ire$ %ontrol of o"r %om&an! 8 -"t all that 'a in the a#reement) Then he -o"#ht a emi.-an(r"&t minin# %om&an!) We 'on$ere$ a-o"t thi , -"t 'e $i$n*t :"e tion the 'i $om of o"r man no') Then he $i a&&eare$ to one of the -la%( i lan$ ) He ha$ lin(e$ the t'o %om&anie in ome 'a!, -orro'e$ a million $ollar for o"r %om&an! on the tren#th of o"r oil, an$ tran ferre$ the mone! on ome &rete2t to hi o'n %om&an!) He left " 'ith the $e-t) The ol$e t tri%( in the -oo(, an$ the nine of " too$ an$ 'at%he$ 'hile it 'a ha&&enin# a tho"#h 'e 'ere 'at%hin# a man $i# a hole in the roa$) To a$$ in "lt to in3"r!, 'e fo"n$ o"t that he ha$n*t &"t "& hi ten) He ha$ $one it all 'ith o"r mone!) No' I "&&o e he i mo+in# hea+en an$ earth to tran fer hi million to ome afe &la%e) An!'a!, that 'a ho' I a%hie+e$ the im&o i-le, %on+ertin# ten into a $e-t of a h"n$re$)
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,In time the $e-t 'ill ettle it elf) The oil i there) I mi#ht e+en #et m! ten -a%() The tro"-le 'ith &eo&le li(e " , r"nnin# a-o"t the 'orl$ 'ith mone! to hi$e, i that 'e are #oo$ a-o"t -" ine onl! in o"r o'n &la%e ) Still) The oil 'a onl! a i$eline) What I 'a tr!in# to $o 'a to r"n a mo+ie theatre, an ethni% theatre) Yo" (no' the 'or$E It mean all the forei#n #ro"& in a &la%e) It 'a +er! ethni% 'here I 'a , -"t I "&&o e I #ot the i$ea onl! -e%a" e there 'a a theatre for ale, an$ it eeme$ a ni%e $o'nto'n &ro&ert! to #et) ,E+er!thin# 'a 'or(in# 'hen I loo(e$ at the &la%e, -"t 'hen I too( o+er I fo"n$ 'e %o"l$n*t #et a %lear &i%t"re on the %reen) At fir t I tho"#ht it 3" t ha$ to $o 'ith the len e ) Then I reali e$ that the man 'ho ha$ ol$ me the &la%e ha$ %han#e$ the e:"i&ment) I 'ent to him an$ ai$, FYo" %an*t $o thi )* He ai$, FWho are !o"E I $on*t (no' !o")* So) Well, 'e trai#htene$ o"t the &ro3e%tor in the en$, 'e im&ro+e$ the eatin# an$ o on) B" ine 'a n*t too #oo$) An ethni% theatre $o'nto'n 'a n*t "%h a #oo$ i$ea) The thin# a-o"t ome of tho e ethni% #ro"& o+er there i that the! $on*t li(e mo+in# aro"n$ too m"%h) The! 3" t 'ant to #o home a fa t a the! %an an$ ta! there) The &i%t"re that $i$ 'ell 'ere the In$ian &i%t"re ) We #ot a lot of Cree( then) The Cree( lo+e In$ian &i%t"re ) Di$ !o" (no' thatE An!'a!) We tr"##le$ thro"#h the "mmer) The %ol$ 'eather %ame) I thre' ome 'it%he for the heatin#) Nothin# %ame on) There 'a no heatin# ! tem) Or 'hat 'a there ha$ -een ta(en a'a!) ,I 'ent to the man a#ain) I ai$, FYo" ol$ me the theatre a a #oin# %on%ern)* He ai$, FWho are !o"E* I ai$, FA! famil! ha+e -een tra$er an$ mer%hant in the In$ian O%ean for %ent"rie , "n$er e+er! (in$ of #o+ernment) There i a rea on 'h! 'e ha+e la te$ o lon#) We -ar#ain har$, -"t 'e ti%( to o"r -ar#ain) All o"r %ontra%t are oral, -"t 'e $eli+er 'hat 'e &romi e) It i n*t -e%a" e 'e are aint ) It i -e%a" e the 'hole thin# -rea( $o'n other'i e)* He ai$, FYo" ho"l$ #o -a%( to the In$ian O%ean)* ,When I left him I 'al(e$ +er! fa t) I t"m-le$ on an "ne+enne in the &a+ement an$ t"rne$ m! an(le) I too( that a a i#n) A! l"%( ha$ r"n o"t1 I (ne' that it ha$ to) I $i$n*t feel I %o"l$ ta! in that %o"ntr!) I felt the &la%e 'a a hoa2) The! tho"#ht the! 'ere &art of the We t, -"t reall! the! ha$ -e%ome li(e the re t of " 'ho ha$ r"n to them for afet!) The! 'ere li(e &eo&le far a'a!, li+in# on other &eo&le* lan$ an$ off other &eo&le* -rain , an$ that 'a all the! tho"#ht the! ho"l$ $o) That 'a 'h! the! 'ere o -ore$ an$ $"ll) I tho"#ht I 'o"l$ $ie if I ta!e$ amon# them) ,When I %ame to En#lan$ all m! in tin%t 'ere to #o into li#ht en#ineerin#) A mall %o"ntr!, #oo$ roa$ an$ rail'a! , &o'er, e+er! (in$ of in$" trial fa%ilit!) I tho"#ht that if !o" i$entifie$ ome area, #ot in #oo$ e:"i&ment, an$ em&lo!e$ A ian , !o" %o"l$n*t lo e) E"ro&ean are -ore$ 'ith ma%hine an$ fa%torie ) A ian &eo&le lo+e them1 the! e%retl! &refer fa%torie to their famil! life) B"t after Cana$a I ha$ lo t m! ner+e) I tho"#ht I 'o"l$ &la! afe) I tho"#ht I 'o"l$ #o into &ro&ert!) That 'a ho' I %ame to the Clo"%e ter Roa$) ,It i one of the %entre of the to"ri t tra$e in Lon$on, a !o" ee) Lon$on i $e tro!in# it elf for it to"ri t tra$e 8 !o" %an ee that here) H"n$re$ of ho" e , tho" an$ of flat , ha+e -een em&tie$ to &ro+i$e hotel , ho tel an$ re ta"rant for the to"ri t ) /ri+ate a%%ommo$ation i #ettin# %ar%er) I tho"#ht I %o"l$n*t lo e) I -o"#ht i2 flat in a -lo%() I -o"#ht at the hei#ht of the -oom) /ri%e ha+e no' $ro&&e$ t'ent!.fi+e &er%ent, an$ intere t rate ha+e ri en from t'el+e &er%ent to t'ent! an$ e+en t'ent!.fo"r &er%ent) Do !o" remem-er the %an$al on the %oa t 'hen it %ame o"t that In$ar* &eo&le 'ere len$in# mone! at ten an$ t'el+e &er%entE I feel I no lon#er "n$er tan$ mone!) An$ the Ara- are in the treet o"t i$e)
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,I ha+e to %har#e ri$i%"lo" rent to -rea( e+en) An$ 'hen !o" %har#e ri$i%"lo" rent !o" attra%t tran#e &eo&le) Thi i one of m! o"+enir ) It i a -ettin# li& from one of the -ettin# ho& in the Clo"%e ter Roa$) I (ee& it to remin$ m! elf of a im&le #irl 'ho %ame $o'n from the north) She #ot her Ara- mi2e$ "&) The Ara- he -e%ame in+ol+e$ 'ith 'a one of the &oor one , from Al#eria) She " e$ to $"m& her r"--i h o"t i$e her flat $oor) The Al#erian " e$ to #am-le on the hor e ) That 'a ho' the! 'ere #oin# to ma(e the -i# time) ,The! 'on, an$ then the! lo t) The! %o"l$n*t &a! the rent) I re$"%e$ it) The! till %o"l$n*t &a!) There 'ere %om&laint a-o"t the r"--i h an$ the :"arrel , an$ the Al#erian 'a in the ha-it of &i in# in the lift 'hen he 'a lo%(e$ o"t) I a (e$ them to lea+e) The! ref" e$, an$ the la' 'a on their i$e) I ha$ a ne' lo%( &"t in one $a! 'hen the! 'ere o"t) When the! %ame -a%( the! im&l! %alle$ the &oli%e, an$ the &oli%e o&ene$ "& for them) To &re+ent me #ettin# in a#ain, the! &"t in another lo%() B! thi time, on that $oor, (e!hole an$ their metal "rro"n$ 'ere li(e -"tton $o'n a hirt front) I #a+e "&) ,E+er! (in$ of -ill 'a "n&ai$) I 'ent "& one mornin# an$ (no%(e$) The flat 'a f"ll of 'hi &er , -"t no one o&ene$) The lift 'a %lo e to the flat $oor) I o&ene$ the $oor of the lift an$ %lo e$ it) The! tho"#ht I ha$ #one $o'n, an$ "re eno"#h the! o&ene$ "& to %he%() I &"t m! foot in the $oor an$ 'ent in) The little flat 'a f"ll of &oor Ara- in "n$er hirt an$ horri-l! %olo"re$ &ant ) There 'a -e$$in# all o+er the floor) The #irl 'a n*t 'ith them) The! ha$ ent her a'a!, or he ha$ left) So for t'o month , 'hile I ha$ -een &a!in# t'ent! &er%ent intere t an$ other %har#e , I ha$ -een #i+in# free helter to a 'hole tentf"l of &oor Ara- ) The! are a tran#e &eo&le ra%iall!) One of them ha$ -ri#ht re$ hair) What 'ere the! $oin# in Lon$onE What 'ere the! e2&e%tin# to $oE Ho' are the! #oin# to "r+i+eE What &la%e i there in the 'orl$ for &eo&le li(e thatE There are o man! of them) ,Here i another #irl 'ho ran o"t on me) Se+en h"n$re$ &o"n$ 'ent 'ith her) She %ame from Ea tern E"ro&e) Ref"#eeE B"t he 'a a 'oman) She m" t ha+e &ent :"ite a -it of mone! to #et the e &hoto#ra&hi% %ar$ &rinte$) Here he i , "& to her ne%( in 'ater1 I $on*t (no' 'h! he tho"#ht he ho"l$ &"t that on her %ar$) An$ here he i , &reten$in# to th"m- a lift, in a (in$ of -"tton."& o+erall o&en at the to&, an$ ho'in# a little -rea t) Here he i 'earin# a -i# -la%( -o'ler hat an$ -la%( leather tro" er an$ ti%(in# o"t her little -ottom) FEri(a) Ao$el.A%tre . Sin#er.Dan%er) Hair; Re$) E!e ; Cre!.Creen) S&e%ialtie ; 9a hion.Co meti%.9oot'ear.Han$ . Le# .Teeth.Hair) L*5,) 67.7L.66)* All that, an$ no-o$! 'ant to -"!) All that ha&&ene$ to her 'a that he -e%ame &re#nant, ran "& a tele&hone -ill of Q47JJ 8 t'el+e h"n$re$ &o"n$ B 8 an$ ran a'a! one ni#ht, lea+in# the e &i%t"re %ar$ of her elf) A -i# &ile) I %o"l$n*t -ear to thro' them all a'a!) I felt I ho"l$ (ee& one, for her a(e) ,What ha&&en to the e &eo&leE Where $o the! #oE Ho' $o the! li+eE Do the! #o -a%( homeE Do the! ha+e home to #o -a%( toE Yo"*+e tal(e$ a lot, Salim, a-o"t tho e #irl from Ea t Afri%a in the to-a%%o (io ( , ellin# %i#arette at all ho"r of the ni#ht) The!*+e $e&re e$ !o") Yo" a! the! $on*t ha+e a f"t"re an$ that the! $on*t e+en (no' 'here the! are) I 'on$er 'hether that i n*t their l"%() The! e2&e%t to -e -ore$, to $o 'hat the! $o) The &eo&le I*+e -een tal(in# a-o"t ha+e e2&e%tation an$ the! (no' the!*re lo t in Lon$on) I "&&o e it m" t -e $rea$f"l for them 'hen the! ha+e to #o -a%() Thi area i f"ll of them, %omin# to the %entre -e%a" e it i all the! (no' a-o"t an$ -e%a" e the! thin( it* mart, an$ tr!in# to ma(e omethin# o"t of nothin#) Yo" %an*t -lame them) The!*re $oin# 'hat the! ee the -i# &eo&le $oin#)
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,Thi &la%e i o -i# an$ -" ! !o" ta(e ome time to ee that +er! little i ha&&enin#) It* 3" t (ee&in# it elf #oin#) A lot of &eo&le ha+e -een :"ietl! 'i&e$ o"t) There* no ne' mone!, no real mone!, an$ thi ma(e e+er!-o$! more $e &erate) We*+e %ome here at the 'ron# time) B"t ne+er min$) It* the 'ron# time e+er!'here el e too) When 'e 'ere in Afri%a in the ol$ $a! , %on "ltin# o"r %atalo#"e an$ or$erin# o"r #oo$ an$ 'at%hin# the hi& "nloa$ in the har-o"r, I $on*t "&&o e 'e tho"#ht it 'o"l$ -e li(e thi in E"ro&e, or that the Briti h &a &ort 'e too( o"t a &rote%tion a#ain t the Afri%an 'o"l$ a%t"all! -rin# " here, an$ that the Ara- 'o"l$ -e in the treet o"t i$e), That 'a Na@r"$$in) Karei ha ai$, ,I ho&e !o" (no' !o"*+e -een li tenin# to the tor! of a ha&&! man)0 She $i$n*t ha+e to tell me) Na@r"$$in 'a all ri#ht) He ha$ ma$e him elf at home in the Clo"%e ter Roa$) The Lon$on ettin# 'a tran#e, -"t Na@r"$$in a&&eare$ to -e a he ha$ al'a! -een) He ha$ mo+e$ on from fift! to i2t!, -"t he $i$n*t loo( &arti%"larl! ol$er) He till 'ore hi ol$. t!le "it 1 an$ the -roa$ la&el ='ith the %"rlin# ti& > 'hi%h I a o%iate$ 'ith him 'ere -a%( in fa hion) I $i$n*t thin( he $o"-te$ that hi &ro&ert! +ent"re 'o"l$ e+ent"all! ri#ht it elf) What o&&re e$ him =an$ ma$e him tal( a-o"t hi l"%( r"nnin# o"t> 'a hi ina%ti+it!) B"t he ha$ fo"n$ in the half mile or o of the Clo"%e ter Roa$, -et'een the "n$er#ro"n$ rail'a! tation an$ the &ar(, the &erfe%t retirement re ort) He -o"#ht hi ne' &a&er in one ho&, rea$ it 'ith mornin# %offee in a tin! %afe that al o offere$ ol$ 'ater.%olo"r &aintin# for ale1 too( a t"rn in the &ar(1 ho&&e$ for $eli%a%ie in the +ario" foo$ ho& ) Sometime he #a+e him elf the l"2"r! of tea or a $rin( in the -i#, ol$. fa hione$ lo"n#e of the re$.-ri%( hotel near the tation) Sometime he 'ent to the Ara- or /er ian ,Dan%in# Room)0 An$ there 'a the ni#htl! e2%itement of tele+i ion in the flat) The &o&"lation of the Clo"%e ter Roa$ 'a %o mo&olitan, al'a! hirtin#, 'ith &eo&le of all a#e ) It 'a a frien$l!, holi$a! &la%e, an$ Na@r"$$in* $a! 'ere f"ll of en%o"nter an$ ne' o- er+ation ) He ai$ it 'a the -e t treet in the 'orl$1 he inten$e$ to ta! there a lon# a he 'a allo'e$ to) He ha$ %ho en 'ell on%e a#ain) That ha$ al'a! -een hi #ift, to "##e t that he ha$ %ho en 'ell) At one time it ha$ ma$e me an2io" to fin$ the 'orl$ he ha$ fo"n$) Na@r"$$in* e2am&le, or the 'a! in 'hi%h I ha$ e%retl! inter&rete$ hi e2&erien%e, ha$ after all hel&e$ to $etermine m! life) No' in Lon$on, #la$ tho"#h I 'a to fin$ him in #oo$ &irit , that #ift of hi $e&re e$ me) It ma$e me feel that after all the e !ear I ha$ ne+er %a"#ht "& 'ith him, an$ ne+er 'o"l$1 that m! life 'o"l$ al'a! -e "n ati fa%tor!) It %o"l$ en$ me -a%( to m! hotel room in an a#on! of olit"$e an$ $rea$) Sometime a I 'a fallin# a lee& I 'a (i%(e$ a'a(e -! ome &i%t"re that %ame to me of m! Afri%an to'n 8 a- ol"tel! real =an$ the air&lane %o"l$ ta(e me there tomorro'>, -"t it a o%iation ma$e it $ream.li(e) Then I remem-ere$ m! ill"mination, a-o"t the nee$ of men onl! to li+e, a-o"t the ill" ion of &ain) I &la!e$ off Lon$on a#ain t Afri%a "ntil -oth -e%ame "nreal, an$ I %o"l$ fall a lee&) After a time I $i$n*t ha+e to %all "& the ill"mination, the moo$ of that Afri%an mornin#) It 'a there, -e i$e me, that remote +i ion of the &lanet, of men lo t in &a%e an$ time, -"t $rea$f"ll!, &ointle l! -" !) It 'a in thi tate of in$ifferen%e an$ irre &on i-ilit! 8 li(e the lo t Clo"%e ter Roa$ &eo&le Na@r"$$in ha$ &o(en a-o"t 8 that I -e%ame en#a#e$ to Karei ha)
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One $a!, near the en$ of m! time in Lon$on, Karei ha ai$, ,Ha+e !o" -een to ee In$arE Are !o" #oin# to ee himE0 In$arE Hi name ha$ %ome "& often in o"r tal(, -"t I $i$n*t (no' that he 'a in Lon$on) Karei ha ai$, ,That* 3" t a 'ell) I 'o"l$n*t re%ommen$ a +i it or tr!in# to #et in to"%h or an!thin# li(e that) He %an -e $iffi%"lt an$ a##re i+e 'hen he* in the moo$, an$ it i n*t f"nn!) He* -een li(e that e+er in%e hi o"tfit fol$e$)0 ,Hi o"tfit fol$e$E0 ,A-o"t t'o !ear a#o)0 ,B"t he (ne' it 'a #oin# to fol$) He tal(e$ a tho"#h he e2&e%te$ it to fol$) Le%t"rer , "ni+er itie , Afri%an inter%han#e 8 he (ne' the e2%itement %o"l$n*t la t, that no lo%al #o+ernment reall! %are$ one 'a! or the other) B"t I tho"#ht he ha$ hi &lan ) He ai$ he %o"l$ e2&loit him elf in lot of other 'a! )0 Karei ha ai$; ,It 'a $ifferent 'hen the time %ame) He %are$ more a-o"t hi o"tfit than he &reten$e$) Of %o"r e, there are man! thin# he %an $o) B"t he* $etermine$ not to $o them) He %an #et a 3o- in a "ni+er it!, %ertainl! in Ameri%a) He ha the %onta%t ) He %an 'rite for the &a&er ) We $on*t tal( a-o"t it no' 'hen 'e ee him) Na@* a! In$ar* -e%ome hel&.re i tant) The tro"-le i he in+e te$ too m"%h in that o"tfit of hi ) An$ after it fol$e$ he ha$ that -a$ e2&erien%e in Ameri%a) A -a$ e2&erien%e for him an!'a!) ,Yo" (no' In$ar) Yo" (no' that 'hen he 'a !o"n# the mo t im&ortant thin# to him 'a that hi famil! 'a ri%h) Yo" remem-er the ho" e the! li+e$ in) When !o" li+e in a ho" e li(e that, I "&&o e !o" thin( ten or t'el+e or t'ent! time a $a! that !o" are +er! ri%h or that !o" are ri%her than nearl! e+er!-o$! el e) An$ !o" remem-er ho' he " e$ to #et on) Not tal(in# a-o"t mone!, -"t it 'a al'a! there) Yo" 'o"l$ a! that he felt that mone! ha$ ma$e him hol!) All ri%h &eo&le are li(e that, I "&&o e) An$ that 'a one i$ea a-o"t him elf that In$ar ne+er lo t) Hi o"tfit $i$n*t #i+e him -a%( hi mone!, -"t it ma$e him hol! a#ain) It rai e$ him a#ain a-o+e e+er!-o$! el e an$ ma$e him e:"al 'ith the -i# -o! of Afri%a, -ein# a #"e t of the #o+ernment in thi &la%e an$ that &la%e, meetin# forei#n mini ter an$ &re i$ent ) So it 'a a -lo' 'hen the o"tfit fol$e$, 'hen the Ameri%an $e%i$e$ there 'a nothin# in it for them) ,In$ar 'ent to Ameri%a, to Ne' Yor() Bein# In$ar, he ta!e$ in an e2&en i+e hotel) He a' hi Ameri%an &eo&le) The! 'ere all +er! ni%e) B"t he $i$n*t li(e the $ire%tion in 'hi%h the! 'ere &" hin# him) He felt the! 'ere &" hin# him to'ar$ maller thin# an$ he &reten$e$ not to noti%e) I $on*t (no' 'hat In$ar 'a e2&e%tin# from the e &eo&le) No, I (no') He 'a ho&in# to -e ma$e one of them, to (ee& on at the ol$ le+el) He tho"#ht that 'a hi $"e) He 'a &en$in# a lot of mone!, an$ the mone! 'a r"nnin# o"t) One $a!, m"%h a#ain t hi 'ill, he e+en loo(e$ at %hea&er hotel ) He $i$n*t 'ant to $o that -e%a" e he tho"#ht that e+en to tart loo(in# for %hea&er hotel 'a to a$mit that it oon mi#ht -e o+er for him) He 'a a&&alle$ -! the %hea&er hotel ) In Ne' Yor( !o" $ro& fa t, he ai$) ,There 'a one man in &arti%"lar he " e$ to $eal 'ith) He ha$ met thi man in Lon$on ri#ht at the -e#innin#, an$ the! ha$ -e%ome frien$ ) It 'a n*t al'a! li(e that) In the -e#innin# he ha$ tho"#ht the man fooli h an$ ha$ -een a##re i+e 'ith him) That " e$ to em-arra In$ar, -e%a" e it 'a thi man 'ho ha$ -ro"#ht him o"t of the me he 'a in the fir t time in Lon$on) Thi man ha$ #i+en In$ar -a%( hi %onfi$en%e then, ha$ ma$e him thin( &o iti+el! a-o"t Afri%a an$ him elf) It 'a thi man 'ho ha$ $ra'n the #oo$ i$ea o"t of In$ar) In$ar ha$ #ro'n to $e&en$ on thi man) He tho"#ht of him a hi e:"al, an$ !o" 'ill (no' 'hat I mean -! that)
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,The! " e$ to meet in Ne' Yor() L"n%h, $rin( , meetin# in the offi%e) B"t nothin# eeme$ to -e ha&&enin#) It 'a al'a! 3" t -a%( to the hotel, an$ 'aitin#) In$ar 'a #ettin# lo'er) The man in+ite$ In$ar to $inner one e+enin# at hi a&artment) It 'a an e2&en i+e.loo(in# -"il$in#) In$ar #a+e hi name $o'n tair an$ too( the ele+ator "&) The ele+ator man 'aite$ an$ 'at%he$ "ntil the a&artment $oor 'a o&ene$ an$ In$ar 'a let in) When In$ar 'ent in i$e he 'a t"nne$) ,He ha$ tho"#ht of the man a hi e:"al, hi frien$) He ha$ o&ene$ him elf to the man) He fo"n$ no' that the man 'a immen el! ri%h) He ha$ ne+er -een in a ri%her room) Yo" or I 'o"l$ ha+e fo"n$ it intere tin#, the mone!) In$ar 'a hattere$) It 'a onl! there, in the ri%h a&artment 'ith the %o tl! o-3e%t an$ &i%t"re , that In$ar "n$er too$ that 'hile he ha$ o&ene$ him elf to the man, an$ tal(e$ of all the little thin# that ma$e him an2io" , he ha$ re%ei+e$ +er! little of that in ret"rn) Thi man 'a m"%h, m"%h holier) It 'a more than In$ar %o"l$ -ear) He felt he ha$ -een %heate$ an$ foole$) He ha$ #ro'n to $e&en$ on thi man) He te te$ hi i$ea on him1 he loo(e$ to him for moral "&&ort) He tho"#ht of thi man a omeone li(e him elf) He felt he ha$ -een le$ on all the e !ear , an$ e2&loite$ in the 'or t 'a!) All that o&timi m $ra##e$ o"t of him, after he ha$ lo t o m"%h) All tho e %on tr"%ti+e i$ea B Afri%aB There 'a nothin# of Afri%a in that a&artment, or in the $inner &art!) No $an#er, no lo ) The &ri+ate life, the life 'ith frien$ , 'a :"ite $ifferent from the life o"t i$e) I $on*t (no' 'hat In$ar e2&e%te$) ,D"rin# the $inner he fo%" e$ all hi re entment on a !o"n# 'oman) She 'a the 'ife of a +er! ol$ 3o"rnali t 'ho ha$ 'ritten -oo( that ha$ ma$e a lot of mone! at one time) In$ar hate$ her) Wh! ha$ he marrie$ the ol$ manE What 'a the 3o(eE Be%a" e a&&arentl! the $inner ha$ -een arran#e$ aro"n$ her an$ the man he 'a ha+in# an affair 'ith) The! $i$n*t (ee& it too e%ret, an$ the ol$ man &reten$e$ not to noti%e) He 3" t (e&t -a--lin# on a-o"t 9ren%h &oliti% in the 456J , till (ee&in# him elf in the %entre of thin# , tho"#h, tellin# a-o"t the im&ortant &eo&le he ha$ met an$ 'hat the! ha$ tol$ him &er onall!) No one &ai$ him the li#hte t attention, -"t he $i$n*t min$) ,Still, he ha$ -een a famo" man) In$ar tho"#ht a lot a-o"t that) He 'a tr!in# to &"t him elf on the ol$ man* i$e, to hate the other -etter) Then the ol$ man noti%e$ 'ho In$ar 'a , an$ he -e#an to tal( a-o"t In$ia in the ol$ $a! an$ hi meetin# 'ith Can$hi in ome famo" m"$ h"t) A !o" (no', Can$hi an$ Nehr" aren*t In$ar* fa+o"rite "-3e%t ) He $e%i$e$ he 'a n*t $oin# an! o%ial 'or( that ni#ht, an$ he 'a +er! ro"#h 'ith the ol$ man, m"%h ro"#her than an!-o$! el e ha$ -een) ,So at the en$ of the $inner In$ar 'a in a tate) He tho"#ht a-o"t the %hea& hotel he ha$ loo(e$ at, an$ a he 'a #oin# $o'n in the ele+ator he ha$ a 'il$ &ani%) He tho"#ht he 'a #oin# to &a o"t) B"t he #ot o"t i$e all ri#ht, an$ there he %alme$ $o'n) He ha$ #ot a im&le i$ea) The i$ea 'a that it 'a time for him to #o home, to #et a'a!) ,An$ that* ho' it ha -een 'ith him) 9rom time to time that i all he (no' , that it i time for him to #o home) There i ome $ream +illa#e in hi hea$) In -et'een he $oe the lo'e t (in$ of 3o-) He (no' he i e:"i&&e$ for -etter thin# , -"t he $oe n*t 'ant to $o them) I -elie+e he en3o! -ein# tol$ he %an $o -etter) We*+e #i+en "& no') He $oe n*t 'ant to ri ( an!thin# a#ain) The i$ea of a%rifi%e i afer, an$ he li(e the a%t) B"t !o" 'ill ee for !o"r elf, 'hen !o" %ome -a%()0 Karei ha, tal(in# a-o"t In$ar, to"%he$ me more than he (ne') That i$ea of #oin# home, of lea+in#, the i$ea of the other &la%e 8 I ha$ li+e$ 'ith it in +ario" form for man! !ear ) In Afri%a
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it ha$ al'a! -een 'ith me) In Lon$on, in m! hotel room, I ha$ allo'e$ it on ome ni#ht to ta(e me o+er) It 'a a $e%e&tion) I a' no' that it %omforte$ onl! to 'ea(en an$ $e tro!) That ill"mination I hel$ on to, a-o"t the "nit! of e2&erien%e an$ the ill" ion of &ain, 'a &art of the ame 'a! of feelin#) We fell into it 8 &eo&le li(e In$ar an$ m! elf 8 -e%a" e it 'a the -a i of o"r ol$ 'a! of life) B"t I ha$ re3e%te$ that 'a! of life 8 an$ 3" t in time) In &ite of the #irl in the %i#arette (io ( , that 'a! of life no lon#er e2i te$, in Lon$on or Afri%a) There %o"l$ -e no #oin# -a%(1 there 'a nothin# to #o -a%( to) We ha$ -e%ome 'hat the 'orl$ o"t i$e ha$ ma$e " 1 'e ha$ to li+e in the 'orl$ a it e2i te$) The !o"n#er In$ar 'a 'i er) U e the air&lane1 tram&le on the &a t, a In$ar ha$ ai$ he ha$ tram&le$ on the &a t) Cet ri$ of that i$ea of the &a t1 ma(e the $ream.li(e %ene of lo or$inar!) That 'a the moo$ in 'hi%h I left Lon$on an$ Karei ha, to #o -a%( to Afri%a, to 'in$ "& there, reali e a m"%h a I %o"l$ of 'hat I ha$) An$ ma(e a fre h tart ome'here el e) I #ot to Br" el in the late afternoon) The &lane for Afri%a 'a lea+in# from there at mi$ni#ht) I felt afre h the $rama of air&lane tra+el; Lon$on +ani he$, Afri%a to %ome, Br" el no') I #a+e m! elf $inner an$ 'ent to a -ar after'ar$ , a &la%e 'ith 'omen) All the e2%itement la! in the i$ea of the &la%e rather than the &la%e it elf) What follo'e$, ome time later, 'a -rief an$ meanin#le an$ rea "rin#) It $i$n*t le en the +al"e of 'hat I ha$ ha$ in Afri%a; that 'a no $el" ion1 that remaine$ tr"e) An$ it remo+e$ the &e%ial $o"-t I felt a-o"t m! en#a#ement to Karei ha, 'hom I ha$ not !et e+en (i e$) The 'oman, na(e$, "nr"ffle$, too$ in front of a lon# mirror an$ loo(e$ at her elf) 9at le# , ro"n$i h -ell!, %h"n(! -rea t ) She ai$, ,I*+e -e#"n to $o !o#a 'ith a #ro"& of frien$ ) We ha+e a tea%her) Do !o" $o !o#aE0 ,I &la! a lot of :"a h)0 She &ai$ no attention) ,O"r tea%her a! that a man* & !%hi% fl"i$ %an o+er&o'er a 'oman) O"r tea%her a! that after a $an#ero" en%o"nter a 'oman %an -e%ome her elf a#ain -! %la&&in# her han$ har$ or -! ta(in# a $ee& -reath) Whi%h metho$ $o !o" re%ommen$E0 ,Cla& !o"r han$ )0 She fa%e$ me a he mi#ht ha+e fa%e$ her !o#a tea%her, $re' her elf "&, half %lo e$ her e!e , &"lle$ her o"t tret%he$ arm -a%(, an$ -ro"#ht her han$ +iolentl! to#ether) At the o"n$, tartlin# in the o+er.f"rni he$ little room, he o&ene$ her e!e , loo(e$ "r&ri e$, mile$ i tho"#h he ha$ -een 3o(in# all alon#, an$ ai$, ,=oB0 When I 'a o"t in the treet I too( a $ee& -reath, an$ +ent trai#ht to the air&ort to %at%h the mi$ni#ht &lane)



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The $a'n %ame "$$enl!, in the 'e t &ale -l"e, in the ea t re$ 'ith thi%( hori@ontal -ar of -la%( %lo"$) An$ for man! min"te it 'a li(e that) The %ale, the &len$o"r 8 i2 mile a-o+e the earthB We %ame $o'n lo'l!, lea+in# the "&&er li#ht) Belo' the hea+! %lo"$ Afri%a ho'e$ a a $ar(.#reen, 'et.loo(in# lan$) Yo" %o"l$ ee that it 'a -arel! $a'n $o'n there1 in the fore t an$ %ree( it 'o"l$ till -e :"ite $ar() The fore te$ lan$ 'ent on an$ on) The "n tr"%( the -ottom of the %lo"$ 1 it 'a li#ht 'hen 'e to"%he$ $o'n) So at la t I ha$ %ome to the %a&ital) It 'a a tran#e 'a! to %ome to it, after "%h a ro"n$a-o"t 3o"rne!) If I ha$ %ome to it fre h from m! "&ri+er to'n it 'o"l$ ha+e eeme$ immen e, ri%h, a %a&ital) B"t after E"ro&e, an$ 'ith Lon$on till %lo e to me, it eeme$ flim ! in &ite of it i@e, an e%ho of E"ro&e, an$ li(e ma(e.-elie+e, at the en$ of all that fore t) The more e2&erien%e$ amon# the E"ro&ean &a en#er , &a!in# no attention to the -i# &hoto#ra&h of the /re i$ent 'ith hi %hief* ti%(, ma$e a r" h at the immi#ration an$ %" tom offi%ial an$ a&&eare$ to for%e their 'a! thro"#h) I 'on$ere$ at their %onfi$en%e, -"t the! 'ere mainl! &eo&le 'ith &rote%tion 8 em-a ! &eo&le, &eo&le 'or(in# on #o+ernment &ro3e%t , &eo&le 'or(in# for -i# %om&anie ) A! o'n &a a#e 'a lo'er) When I 'a thro"#h, the terminal -"il$in# 'a almo t em&t!) The airline &o ter an$ the &hoto#ra&h of the /re i$ent ha$ no one to loo( at them) Ao t of the offi%ial ha$ $i a&&eare$) An$ it 'a f"ll! mornin#) It 'a a lon# $ri+e into the to'n) It 'a li(e the $ri+e, in m! o'n to'n, from the Domain to the to'n %entre) B"t the lan$ 'a hillier here an$ e+er!thin# 'a on a lar#er %ale) The hant! to'n an$ cites ='ith the mai@e &lantin# -et'een ho" e > 'ere -i##er1 there 'ere -" e , e+en a rail'a! train 'ith ol$.fa hione$ o&en %oa%he 1 there 'ere fa%torie ) All alon# the roa$ 'ere -i# -oar$ a-o"t ten feet hi#h, "niforml! &ainte$, ea%h 'ith a e&arate a!in# or ma2im of the /re i$ent) Some of the &ainte$ &ortrait of the /re i$ent 'ere literall! a -i# a a ho" e) We ha$ ha$ nothin# li(e that in o"r to'n) E+er!thin# in o"r to'n, a I reali@e$, 'a on a maller %ale) /ortrait , ma2im , o%%a ional tat"e of the Afri%an ma$onna 8 the! %ontin"e$ all the 'a! to the hotel) If I ha$ %ome to the %a&ital fre h from o"r to'n I 'o"l$ ha+e felt %ho(e$) B"t after E"ro&e, an$ after 'hat I ha$ een of the %o"ntr! from the air, an$ till 'ith m! en e of the flim ine of the %a&ital, m! attit"$e 'a $ifferent, an$ I 'a "r&ri e$ -! it) There 'a to me an element of &atho in tho e ma2im , &ortrait an$ tat"e , in thi 'i h of a man of the -" h to ma(e him elf -i#, an$ ettin# a-o"t it in "%h a %r"$e 'a!) I e+en felt a little !m&ath! for the man 'ho 'a ma(in# "%h a $i &la! of him elf) I "n$er too$ no' 'h! o man! of o"r later +i itor at the Domain fo"n$ o"r %o"ntr!, an$ o"r a'e of the /re i$ent, %omi%) What I a' on the roa$ from the air&ort $i$n*t eem %omi%, tho"#h) I felt it more a a hrie() I ha$ 3" t %ome from E"ro&e1 I ha$ een the real %om&etition) O+erni#ht I ha$ %han#e$ one %ontinent for another, an$ thi o$$ !m&ath! for the /re i$ent, thi +i ion of the im&o i-ilit! of 'hat I tho"#ht he 'a tr!in# to $o, %ame 3" t at the moment of arri+al) The !m&ath! 'ore off a the to'n -e%ame more familiar an$ I -e#an to ee it a a lar#er +er ion of m! o'n to'n) The !m&ath!, in fa%t, -e#an to 'ear off 'hen I #ot to the ne' -i# hotel =air.%on$itione$, ho& in the lo--!, a 'immin# &ool no one 'a " in#> an$ fo"n$ it f"ll of e%ret &oli%e) I %an*t ima#ine that the! ha$ m"%h to $o there) The! 'ere there to ho' them el+e to +i itor ) An$ al o -e%a" e the! li(e$ -ein# in the mart ne' hotel1 the! 'ante$ to ho' them el+e to +i itor in that mo$ern ettin#) It 'a &atheti%1 or !o" %o"l$ ma(e a 3o(e of it) B"t tho e men 'eren*t al'a! f"nn!) Alrea$!, then, the ten ion of Afri%a 'ere ret"rnin# to me)
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Thi 'a the /re i$ent* %it!) Thi 'a 'here he ha$ #ro'n "& an$ 'here hi mother ha$ 'or(e$ a a hotel mai$) Thi 'a 'here, in %olonial $a! , he ha$ #ot hi i$ea of E"ro&e) The %olonial %it!, more e2ten i+e than o"r , 'ith man! re i$ential area ri%h 'ith $e%orati+e, helterin# tree no' rall! #ro'n, 'a till to -e een) It 'a 'ith thi E"ro&e that, in hi o'n -"il$in# , the /re i$ent 'i he$ to %om&ete) The %it!, 'hile $e%a!in# in the %entre, 'ith $irt roa$ an$ r"--i h mo"n$ 3" t at the -a%( of the #reat %olonial -o"le+ar$ , 'a !et f"ll of ne' &"-li% 'or( ) Lar#e area near the ri+er ha$ -een t"rne$ into /re i$ential re er+e 8 &ala%e 'ith #reat 'all , #ar$en , tate ho" e of +ario" ort ) In the /re i$ential #ar$en near the ra&i$ =the ra&i$ here mat%hin# o"r , a tho" an$ mile "&ri+er>, the tat"e of the E"ro&ean e2&lorer 'ho ha$ %harte$ the ri+er an$ " e$ the fir t teamer ha$ -een re&la%e$ -! a #i#anti% tat"e of an Afri%an tri-e man 'ith &ear an$ hiel$, $one in the mo$ern Afri%an t!le1 9ather H"i .man 'o"l$ ha+e ha$ no time for it) Be i$e thi tat"e 'a a maller one of an Afri%an ma$onna 'ith a -o'e$, +eile$ hea$) Near-! 'ere the #ra+e of the earlie t E"ro&ean ; a little $ea$ ettlement, o"t of 'hi%h it ha$ all #ro'n, o"t of 'hi%h o"r to'n ha$ -een ee$e$) Sim&le &eo&le, 'ith im&le tra$e an$ im&le #oo$ , -"t a#ent of E"ro&e) Li(e the &eo&le 'ho %ame no', li(e the &eo&le on the air&lane) The ra&i$ ma$e a %on tant, "n%han#in# noi e) The 'ater h!a%inth , ,the ne' thin# in the ri+er,0 -e#innin# o far a'a!, in the %entre of the %ontinent, -"%(e$ &a t in %l"m& an$ tan#le an$ in#le +ine , here almo t at the en$ of their 3o"rne!) The ne2t mornin# I 'ent -a%( to the air&ort, to ta(e the "&%o"ntr! &lane) B! no' I 'a more in t"ne 'ith the &la%e, an$ the &rea$ of the %a&ital ma$e a #reater im&re ion on me) Al'a! , -e i$e the air&ort roa$, there 'a ome ne' ettlement) Ho' $i$ all the e &eo&le li+eE The hill! lan$ ha$ -een %ra&e$ %lean, %"t "&, ero$e$, e2&o e$) Ha$ there -een fore t hereE The &o t that "&&orte$ the /re i$ent* ma2im -oar$ 'ere often et in -are %la!) An$ the -oar$ them el+e , &attere$ 'ith m"$ from the roa$ an$ $" t.-lo'n at the -ottom, not a fre h a the! ha$ eeme$ to me the &re+io" mornin#, 'ere li(e &art of the $e olation) At the air&ort, in the e%tion for internal fli#ht , the $e&art"re -oar$ anno"n%e$ m! fli#ht an$ one other) The -oar$ 'a ele%tri%all! o&erate$ an$, a%%or$in# to a i#n it %arrie$, ma$e in Ital!) It 'a a mo$ern &ie%e of e:"i&ment1 it 'a li(e the -oar$ I ha$ een in the air&ort of Lon$on an$ Br" el ) B"t -elo' it, aro"n$ the %he%(in#.in $e ( an$ 'ei#hin# ma%hine , 'a the " "al %ram-le1 an$ 'hat 'a -ein# %he%(e$ in, 'ith a lot of ho"tin#, 'a li(e the %ar#o of a mar(et 3itne!; metal tr"n( , %ar$-oar$ -o2e , %loth -"n$le , a%( of thi an$ that, -i# enamel -a in tie$ "& in %loth) I ha$ m! ti%(et an$ it 'a in or$er, -"t m! name 'a n*t on the &a en#er li t) Some fran% ha$ to &a fir t) An$ then, 3" t a I 'a #oin# o"t to the &lane, a e%"rit! man in &lain %lothe 'ho 'a eatin# omethin# a (e$ for m! &a&er an$ $e%i$e$ that the! ha$ to -e e2amine$ more %lo el!) He loo(e$ +er! offen$e$ an$ ent me to 'ait in an em&t! little inner room) Thi 'a tan$ar$ &ro%e$"re) The offen$e$, i$e'a! loo(, the little &ri+ate room 8 thi 'a ho' mi$$le.ran( offi%ial let !o" (no' the! 'ere #oin# to ta(e ome mone! off !o") B"t thi fello' $i$n*t #et an!thin#, -e%a" e he &la!e$ the fool an$ (e&t me 'aitin# in that little room o lon#, 'itho"t %omin# to %olle%t, that he $ela!e$ the fli#ht an$ 'a -a'le$ o"t -! an airline man, 'ho, %learl! (no'in# 'here I 'a to -e fo"n$, -"r t into the little room, ho"te$ to me to #et o"t at on%e, an$ ent me r"nnin# a%ro the a &halt to the &lane, la t man in, -"t l"%(!)
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In the front ro' 'a one of the airline* E"ro&ean &ilot , a mall, mi$$le.a#e$ famil! man1 -e i$e him 'a a little Afri%an -o!, -"t it 'a har$ to tell 'hether there 'a an! %onne%tion) Some ro' -ehin$ there 'a a #ro"& of i2 or ei#ht Afri%an , men in their thirtie , 'ith ol$ 3a%(et an$ hirt -"ttone$ ri#ht "&, 'ho 'ere tal(in# lo"$l!) The! 'ere $rin(in# 'hi (!, trai#ht from the -ottle 8 an$ it 'a nine in the mornin#) Whi (! 'a e2&en i+e here, an$ the e men 'ante$ e+er!-o$! to (no' that the! 'ere $rin(in# 'hi (!) The -ottle 'a &a e$ to tran#er 1 it 'a e+en &a e$ to me) The e men 'ere not li(e the men of m! re#ion) The! 'ere -i##er, 'ith $ifferent %om&le2ion an$ feat"re ) I %o"l$n*t "n$er tan$ their fa%e 1 I a' onl! their arro#an%e an$ $r"n(enne ) Their tal( 'a -oa tf"l1 the! 'ante$ the re t of " to (no' that the! 'ere men 'ho o'ne$ &lantation ) The! 'ere li(e &eo&le 'ho ha$ 3" t %ome into mone!, an$ the 'hole thin# tr"%( me a o$$) It 'a a im&le fli#ht, t'o ho"r , 'ith a half'a! to&) An$ it eeme$ to me, 'ith m! e2&erien%e of inter%ontinental tra+el, that 'e ha$ 3" t -e#"n to %r"i e a-o+e the 'hite %lo"$ 'hen 'e -e#an %omin# $o'n for that to&) We a' then that 'e ha$ -een follo'in# the ri+er 8 -ro'n, ri&&le$ an$ 'rin(le$ an$ trea(e$ from thi hei#ht, 'ith man! %hannel -et'een lon#, thin i lan$ of #reen) The air&lane ha$o' mo+e$ o+er the fore t to&) That to& -e%ame le e+en an$ ti#ht a the air&lane ha$o' #re' -i##er1 the fore t 'e %ame $o'n to 'a :"ite ra##e$) After 'e lan$e$ 'e 'ere tol$ to lea+e the air&lane) We 'ent to the mall -"il$in# at the e$#e of the airfiel$, an$ 'hile 'e 'ere there 'e a' the air&lane t"rn, ta2i, an$ fl! a'a!) It 'a nee$e$ for ome /re i$ential er+i%e1 it 'o"l$ %ome -a%( 'hen it ha$ $one that er+i%e) We ha$ to 'ait) It 'a onl! a-o"t ten) Until a-o"t noon, 'hile the heat -"ilt "&, 'e 'ere re tle ) Then 'e ettle$ $o'n 8 all of " , e+en the 'hi (! $rin(er 8 to 'ait) We 'ere in the mi$$le of -" h) B" h "rro"n$e$ the %leare$ area of the airfiel$) 9ar a'a!, a &e%ial $en it! a-o"t the tree mar(e$ the %o"r e of the ri+er) The air&lane ha$ ho'n ho' %om&le2 it 'a , ho' ea ! it 'o"l$ -e to #et lo t, to 'a te ho"r &a$$lin# "& %hannel that too( !o" a'a! from the main ri+er) Not man! mile from the ri+er, &eo&le 'o"l$ -e li+in# in +illa#e more or le a the! ha$ li+e$ for %ent"rie ) Le than fort!.ei#ht ho"r -efore, I ha$ -een in the o+ertram&le$ Clo"%e ter Roa$, 'here the 'orl$ met) No', for ho"r , I ha$ -een tarin# at -" h) Ho' man! mile e&arate$ me from the %a&ital, from m! o'n to'nE Ho' lon# 'o"l$ it ta(e to $o the $i tan%e -! lan$ or -! 'aterE Ho' man! 'ee( , ho' man! month , an$ a#ain t 'hat $an#er E It %lo"$e$ o+er) The %lo"$ #re' $ar( an$ the -" h #re' $ar() The (! -e#an to 3"m& 'ith li#htnin# an$ th"n$er1 an$ then the rain an$ the 'in$ %ame, $ri+in# " in from the +eran$ah of the little -"il$in#) It raine$ an$ torme$) The -" h +ani he$ in the rain) It 'a rain li(e thi that fe$ the e fore t , that %a" e$ the #ra an$ -ri#ht #reen 'ee$ aro"n$ the airfiel$ -"il$in# to #ro' o hi#h) The rain la%(ene$, the %lo"$ lifte$ a little) The -" h re+eale$ it elf a#ain, one line of tree -ehin$ another, the nearer tree $ar(er, the f"rther tree fa$in# line -! line into the #re! %olo"r of the (!) Em&t! -eer -ottle %o+ere$ the metal ta-le ) Not man! &eo&le 'ere mo+in# a-o"t1 nearl! e+er!one ha$ fo"n$ the &la%e 'here he 'a #oin# to ta!) No one 'a tal(in# m"%h) The mi$$le. a#e$ Bel#ian 'oman 'hom 'e ha$ fo"n$ in the -"il$in# 'aitin# to 3oin o"r fli#ht 'a till a- or-e$ in the 9ren%h &a&er-a%( of 3eyton 3lace) Yo" %o"l$ ee that he ha$ h"t the -" h an$ 'eather o"t an$ 'a li+in# ome'here el e) The "n %ame o"t an$ #littere$ on the tall, 'et #ra ) The a &halt teame$, an$ for a 'hile I 'at%he$ that) Later in the afternoon one half of the (! 'ent -la%(, 'hile the other half ta!e$
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li#ht) The torm that -e#an 'ith +i+i$ li#htnin# in the -la%( half then &rea$ to " an$ it -e%ame $ar( an$ %hill an$ +er! $am&) The fore t ha$ -e%ome a &la%e of #loom) There 'a no e2%itement in thi e%on$ torm) One of the Afri%an &a en#er , an el$erl! man, a&&eare$ 'ith a #re! felt hat an$ a -l"e -athro-e of to'ellin# material o+er hi "it) No one &ai$ him too m"%h attention) I 3" t note$ hi o$$it!, an$ tho"#ht; He* " in# a forei#n thin# in hi o'n 'a!) An$ omethin# li(e that 'ent thro"#h m! hea$ 'hen a -arefoote$ man t"rne$ "& 'earin# a fireman* helmet 'ith the tran &arent &la ti% +i or &"lle$ $o'n) He 'a an ol$ man 'ith a hr"n(en fa%e1 hi -ro'n hort an$ #re! %he%( hirt 'ere ra##e$ an$ oa(e$ thro"#h) I tho"#ht; He* fo"n$ a rea$!.ma$e $an%in# ma () He 'ent from ta-le to ta-le, %he%(in# the -eer -ottle ) When he $e%i$e$ that a -ottle 'a 'orth em&t!in# he rai e$ the +i or of hi ma ( an$ $ran() It to&&e$ rainin#, -"t it remaine$ $ar(, the $ar(ne of late afternoon) The air&lane, at fir t onl! a -ro'n mo(e trail in the (!, a&&eare$) When 'e 'ent o"t to the 'et fiel$ to -oar$ it I a' the man 'ith the fireman* helmet 8 an$ a %om&anion, al o helmete$ 8 tan$in# "n tea$il! -e i$e the #an#'a!) He 'a , after all, a fireman) A 'e ro e 'e a' the ri+er, %at%hin# the la t of the li#ht) It 'a #ol$.re$, then re$) We follo'e$ it for man! mile an$ min"te , "ntil it -e%ame a mere heen, a moothne , omethin# e2tra.-la%( -et'een the -la%( fore t ) Then it 'a all -la%() Thro"#h thi -la%(ne 'e fle' to o"r $e tination) The 3o"rne!, 'hi%h ha$ eeme$ o im&le in the mornin#, ha$ a%:"ire$ another :"alit!) Di tan%e an$ time ha$ -een re tore$ to it) I felt I ha$ -een tra+ellin# for $a! , an$ 'hen 'e -e#an to #o $o'n a#ain, I (ne' that I ha$ tra+elle$ far, an$ I 'on$ere$ ho' I ha$ ha$ the %o"ra#e to li+e for o lon# in a &la%e o far a'a!) An$ then, "$$enl!, it 'a ea !) A familiar -"il$in#1 offi%ial I (ne' an$ %o"l$ &ala+er 'ith1 &eo&le 'ho e fa%e I "n$er too$1 one of o"r ol$ $i infe%te$ ta2i 1 the 'ell.(no'n l"m&! roa$ to the to'n, at fir t thro"#h -" h 'hi%h ha$ $i tin#"i hin# feat"re , then &a t the :"atter * ettlement ) After the tran#ene of the $a!, it 'a li(e or#ani@e$ life a#ain) We &a e$ a -"rnt.o"t -"il$in#, a ne' r"in) It ha$ -een a &rimar! %hool, ne+er m"%h of a &la%e, more li(e a lo' he$, an$ I mi#ht ha+e mi e$ it in the $ar( if the $ri+er ha$n*t &ointe$ it o"t to me1 it e2%ite$ him) The in "rre%tion, the Li-eration Arm! 8 that 'a till #oin# on) It $i$n*t le en m! relief at -ein# in the to'n, eein# the ni#httime &a+ement #ro"& , an$ fin$in# m! elf, o :"i%(l! after arri+al, omethin# of the fore t #loom till on me, in m! o'n treet 8 all there, an$ a real an$ a or$inar! a e+er) It 'a a ho%(, a &"n%t"rin#, to fin$ Aett! %ol$) I ha$ ma$e "%h a 3o"rne!) I 'ante$ him to (no'1 from him I ha$ -een e2&e%tin# the 'arme t 'el%ome) He m" t ha+e hear$ the lam of the ta2i $oor an$ m! &ala+er 'ith the $ri+er) B"t Aett! $i$n*t %ome $o'n) An$ all that he ai$ 'hen I 'ent "& the e2ternal tair%a e, an$ fo"n$ him tan$in# in the $oor'a! of hi room, 'a ; ,I $i$n*t e2&e%t to ee !o" -a%(, patron)0 The 'hole 3o"rne! eeme$ to t"rn o"r then) E+er!thin# 'a in or$er in the flat) B"t a-o"t the ittin# room an$ e &e%iall! the -e$room there 'a omethin# 8 &erha& an e2tra or$er, an a- en%e of talene 8 that ma$e me feel that Aett! ha$ -een &rea$in# him elf in the flat in m! a- en%e) The tele#ram that I ha$ ent him from Lon$on m" t ha+e %a" e$ him to retreat) Di$ he re ent thatE Aett!E B"t he ha$ #ro'n "& in o"r famil!1 he (ne' no other life) He ha$ al'a! -een 'ith the famil! or 'ith me) He ha$ ne+er -een on hi o'n, e2%e&t on hi 3o"rne! "& from the %oa t, an$ no') He -ro"#ht me %offee in the mornin#)
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He ai$, ,I "&&o e !o" (no' 'h! !o" %ome -a%(, patron)0 ,Yo" ai$ thi la t ni#ht)0 ,Be%a" e !o" ha+e nothin# to %ome -a%( to) Yo" $on*t (no'E No-o$! tol$ !o" in Lon$onE Yo" $on*t rea$ the &a&er E Yo" $on*t ha+e an!thin#) The! ta(e a'a! !o"r ho&) The! #i+e it to Citi@en Th<otime) The /re i$ent ma$e a &ee%h a fortni#ht -a%() He ai$ he 'a ra$i%ali@in# an$ ta(in# a'a! e+er!thin# from e+er!-o$!) All forei#ner ) The ne2t $a! the! &"t a &a$lo%( on the $oor) An$ a fe' other $oor a 'ell) Yo" $i$n*t rea$ that in Lon$onE Yo" $on*t ha+e an!thin#, I $on*t ha+e an!thin#) I $on*t (no' 'h! !o" %ome -a%() I $on*t thin( it 'a for m! a(e), Aett! 'a in a -a$ 'a!) He ha$ -een alone) He m" t ha+e -een -e i$e him elf 'aitin# for me to %ome -a%() He 'a tr!in# to &ro+o(e ome an#r! re &on e from me) He 'a tr!in# to #et me to ma(e ome &rote%ti+e #e t"re) B"t I 'a a lo t a he 'a ) Ra$i%ali@ation; t'o $a! -efore, in the %a&ital, I ha$ een the 'or$ in a ne' &a&er hea$line, -"t I ha$n*t &ai$ attention) I ha$ tho"#ht of it a 3" t another 'or$1 'e ha$ o man!) No' I "n$er too$ that ra$i%ali@ation 'a the -i# ne' e+ent) An$ it 'a a Aett! ha$ ai$) The /re i$ent ha$ &r"n# another of hi "r&ri e , an$ thi "r&ri e %on%erne$ " ) I 8 an$ other li(e me 8 ha$ -een nationali@e$) O"r -" ine e ha$ %ea e$ to -e o"r , -! $e%ree, an$ 'ere -ein# #i+en o"t -! the /re i$ent to ne' o'ner ) The e ne' o'ner 'ere %alle$ , tate tr" tee )0 Citi@en Th<otime ha$ -een ma$e the tate tr" tee of m! -" ine 1 an$ Aett! ai$ that for the la t 'ee( the man ha$ a%t"all! -een &en$in# hi $a! in the ho&) ,What $oe he $oE0 ,DoE He* 'aitin# for !o") He*ll ma(e !o" the mana#er) That i 'hat !o" ha+e %ome -a%( for, patron) B"t !o" 'ill ee) Don*t h"rr! !o"r elf) Th<o $oe n*t %ome to 'or( too earl!)0 When I 'ent to the ho& I a' that the to%(, 'hi%h ha$ #one $o'n in i2 'ee( , 'a $i &la!e$ in the ol$ 'a!) Th<o ha$n*t to"%he$ that) B"t m! $e ( ha$ -een mo+e$ from it &la%e ne2t to the &illar in the front of the ho& to the toreroom at the -a%() Aett! ai$ that ha$ ha&&ene$ on the fir t $a!) Citi@en Th<o ha$ $e%i$e$ that the toreroom 'a to -e hi offi%e1 he li(e$ the &ri+a%!) In the to& $ra'er of the $e ( ='here I " e$ to (ee& Y+ette* &hoto#ra&h , 'hi%h ha$ on%e tran forme$ the +ie' of the mar(et :"are for me> there 'ere man! tattere$ 9ren%h.Afri%an &hoto. no+el an$ %omi% -oo( ; Afri%an ho'n li+in# +er! mo$ern li+e , an$ in the %omi% -oo( the! 'ere $ra'n almo t li(e E"ro&ean 8 in the la t t'o or three !ear there ha$ -een a lot of thi 9ren%h.&ro$"%e$ r"--i h aro"n$) A! o'n thin# 8 ma#a@ine , an$ ho& $o%"ment I ha$ tho"#ht Aett! 'o"l$ nee$ 8 'ere in the t'o -ottom $ra'er ) The! ha$ -een han$le$ 'ith %are1 Th<o ha$ ha$ that #ra%e) Nationali@ation; it ha$ -een a 'or$) It 'a ho%(in# to fa%e it in thi %on%rete 'a!) I 'aite$ for Th<o) An$ 'hen the man %ame I %o"l$ ee that he 'a em-arra e$ an$ hi fir t im&"l e, 'hen he a' me thro"#h the #la , 'a to 'al( &a t the $oor) I ha$ (no'n him !ear -efore a a me%hani%1 he " e$ to loo( after the +ehi%le in the health $e&artment) Then, -e%a" e he ha$ %ertain tri-al %onne%tion , he ha$ ri en &oliti%all!, -"t not +er! hi#h) He 'o"l$ ha+e ha$ tro"-le i#nin# hi name) He 'a a-o"t fort!, "n$i tin#"i he$ in a&&earan%e, 'ith a -roa$, $ar(.-ro'n fa%e -eaten "& an$ &on#! 'ith $rin() He 'a $r"n( no') B"t onl! on -eer1 he ha$n*t !et mo+e$ on to 'hi (!) Nor ha$ he mo+e$ on to the re#"lation offi%ial $re of hort. lee+e$ 3a%(et an$ %ra+at) He t"%( to tro" er an$ hirt) He 'a , reall!, a mo$e t man)
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I 'a tan$in# 'here m! $e ( " e$ to -e) An$ it o%%"rre$ to me, noti%in# ho' 'eate$ an$ #rim! Th<o* 'hite hirt 'a , that it 'a li(e the time 'hen the %hool-o! , treatin# me li(e &re!, " e$ to %ome to the ho& to tr! to #et mone! o"t of me in im&le 'a! ) Th<o 'a 'eatin# thro"#h the &ore on hi no e) I $on*t -elie+e he ha$ 'a he$ hi fa%e that mornin#) He loo(e$ li(e a man 'ho ha$ a$$e$ fre h $rin(, an$ nothin# el e, to a -a$ han#o+er) He ai$, ,Ai * Salim) Salim) Citi@en) Yo" m" tn*t ta(e thi &er onall!) It ha not %ome a-o"t thro"#h an! 'i h of mine) Yo" (no' that I ha+e the hi#he t re#ar$ for !o") B"t !o" (no' 'hat the it"ation 'a li(e) The re+ol"tion ha$ -e%ome0 8 he f"m-le$ for the 'or$ 8 ,,n p+ po,rrie) A little rotten) O"r !o"n# &eo&le 'ere -e%omin# im&atient) It 'a ne%e ar!0 8 tr!in# to fin$ the ri#ht 'or$, he loo(e$ %onf" e$, %len%he$ hi fi t an$ ma$e a %l"m ! %"ffin# #e t"re 8 ,it 'a ne%e ar! to ra$i%ali@e) We ha$ a- ol"tel! to ra$i%ali@e) We 'ere e2&e%tin# too m"%h of the /re i$ent) No one 'a 'illin# to ta(e re &on i-ilit!) No' re &on i-ilit! ha -een for%e$ on the &eo&le) B"t !o" 'ill "ffer in no 'a!) A$e:"ate %om&en ation 'ill -e &ai$) Yo" 'ill &re&are !o"r o'n in+entor!) An$ !o" 'ill %ontin"e a mana#er) The -" ine 'ill r"n a -efore) The /re i$ent in i t on that) No one i to "ffer) Yo"r alar! 'ill -e fair) A oon a the %ommi ioner arri+e , the &a&er 'ill %ome thro"#h)0 After hi he itant tart, he ha$ &o(en formall!, a tho"#h he ha$ &re&are$ hi 'or$ ) At the en$ he -e%ame em-arra e$ a#ain) He 'a 'aitin# for me to a! omethin#) B"t then he %han#e$ hi min$ an$ 'ent to the toreroom, hi offi%e) An$ I left, to #o an$ loo( for Aa.he h at Bi#-"r#er) There it 'a -" ine a " "al) Aahe h, a little &l"m&er, 'a &"llin# %offee , an$ Il$e&hon e 'a 3"m&in# a-o"t an$ er+in# late -rea(fa t ) I 'a "r&ri e$) Aahe h ai$, ,B"t thi ha -een an Afri%an %om&an! for !ear ) It %an*t -e ra$i%ali@e$ an! more) I 3" t mana#e Bi#-"r#er for */hon e an$ a fe' other ) The! forme$ thi Afri%an %om&an! an$ the! #a+e me a little &art in it, a mana#er, an$ then the! -o"#ht a lea e from me) That 'a $"rin# the -oom) The! o'e the -an( a lot) Yo" 'o"l$n*t -elie+e it 'hen !o" loo( at */hon e) B"t it* tr"e) That ha&&ene$ in a lot of &la%e after Noimon ol$ o"t to the #o+ernment) That #a+e " an i$ea 'hi%h 'a! the 'in$ 'a -lo'in#, an$ ome of " $e%i$e$ to %om&en ate o"r el+e in a$+an%e) It 'a ea ! eno"#h then) The -an( 'ere fl" h 'ith mone!)0 ,No-o$! tol$ me)0 ,It 'a n*t the (in$ of thin# &eo&le 'o"l$ tal( a lot a-o"t) An$ !o"r tho"#ht 'ere el e'here)0 That 'a tr"e) There ha$ -een a %oolne -et'een " at that time1 'e ha$ -oth -een %rat%h! after Noimon* $e&art"re) I ai$, ,What a-o"t the Ti+oliE All that ne' (it%hen e:"i&ment) The! in+e te$ o m"%h)0 ,That* %ri&&le$ 'ith $e-t) No Afri%an in hi ri#ht min$ 'o"l$ 'ant to -e the tr" tee of that) The! :"e"e$ "& for !o"r , tho"#h) That 'a 'hen I (ne' !o" ha$n*t $one an!thin#) Th<otime an$ another man a%t"all! %ame to -lo' , ri#ht here in Bi#-"r#er) There 'ere a lot of fi#ht li(e that) It 'a li(e a %arni+al after the /re i$ent anno"n%e$ the mea "re ) So man! &eo&le 3" t #oin# into &la%e , not a!in# an!thin# to the &eo&le in i$e, 3" t ma(in# mar( on $oor or $ro&&in# &ie%e of %loth on the floor, a tho"#h the! 'ere %laimin# a &ie%e of meat in the mar(et) It 'a +er! -a$ for a fe' $a! ) One Cree( -"rnt $o'n hi %offee &lantation) The!*+e %alme$ $o'n no') The /re i$ent i "e$ a tatement, 3" t to let e+er!-o$! (no' that 'hat the Bi# Aan #i+e the Bi# Aan %an ta(e a'a!) That* ho' the Bi# Aan #et them) He #i+e an$ he ta(e -a%()0
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I &ent the re t of the mornin# at Bi#-"r#er) It 'a tran#e for me, 'a tin# the 'or(in# $a! in %hat, #i+in# ne' , a (in# for ne' , 'at%hin# the %omin# an$ #oin# in Bi#-"r#er an$ the +an $er We!$en a%ro the roa$, an$ all the time feelin# m! elf e&arate$ from the life of the to'n) Aahe h ha$ little to tell me a-o"t Sho-a) There 'a no %han#e there) She till hi$ 'ith her $i fi#"rement in the flat) B"t Aahe h no lon#er fo"#ht a#ain t that it"ation or eeme$ irritate$ -! it) It $i$n*t ma(e him "nha&&! 8 a I ha$ feare$ it mi#ht 8 to hear a-o"t Lon$on an$ m! tra+el ) Other &eo&le tra+elle$1 other &eo&le #ot a'a!1 he $i$n*t) 9or Aahe h it ha$ -e%ome a im&le a that) I -e%ame Th<otime* mana#er) He eeme$ relie+e$ an$ ha&&!, an$ a#ree$ to the alar! I "##e te$ for m! elf) I -o"#ht a ta-le an$ %hair an$ et them ne2t to the &illar, o that it 'a almo t li(e ol$ time ) I &ent man! $a! a em-lin# ol$ in+oi%e , %he%(in# to%( an$ &re&arin# the in+entor!) It 'a a %om&li%ate$ $o%"ment, an$ of %o"r e it 'a &a$$e$) B"t Th<otime a&&ro+e$ it o rea$il! = en$in# me o"t of the toreroom 'hile he tr"##le$ to i#n 4it> Theot;> that I felt that Aahe h 'a ri#ht, that no %om&en ation 'a #oin# to -e &ai$, that the mo t I %o"l$ e2&e%t, if an!-o$! remem-ere$, 'ere #o+ernment -on$ ) The in+entor! onl! remin$e$ me of 'hat I ha$ lo t) What remaine$E In a -an( in E"ro&e I ha$ a-o"t ei#ht tho" an$ $ollar , &ro%ee$ from m! #ol$ $ealin# in the ol$ $a! 1 that mone! ha$ 3" t ta!e$ an$ rotte$, lo in# +al"e) There 'a the flat in the to'n, for 'hi%h there 'o"l$ -e no -"!er1 -"t the %ar 'o"l$ fet%h a fe' tho" an$ $ollar ) An$ I ha$ a-o"t half a million lo%al fran% in +ario" -an( 8 a-o"t fo"rteen tho" an$ $ollar at the offi%ial rate of e2%han#e, an$ half that on the free mar(et) That 'a all1 it 'a n*t a #reat $eal) I ha$ to ma(e more, a fa t a I %o"l$1 an$ the little I ha$, I ha$ to #et o"t of the %o"ntr!) A mana#er in the ho& I ha$ o&&ort"nitie 1 -"t the! 'ere not e2traor$inar!) An$ o I -e#an to li+e $an#ero" l!) I -e#an to $eal in #ol$ an$ i+or!) I -o"#ht, tore$ an$ ol$1 or, a%tin# for -i##er o&erator ='ho &ai$ $ire%tl! to m! -an( in E"ro&e>, I tore$ an$ hi&&e$ on, for a &er%enta#e) A! "&&lier , an$ ometime the &oa%her , 'ere offi%ial or arm! &eo&le, an$ the e &eo&le 'ere al'a! $an#ero" to $eal 'ith) The re'ar$ 'ere not #reat) Col$ onl! o"n$ e2&en i+e1 !o" ha+e to han$le (ilo -efore !o"r &er%enta#e amo"nt to an!thin#) I+or! 'a -etter, -"t i+or! 'a more $iffi%"lt to tore =I %ontin"e$ to " e the hole at the -ottom of the tair%a e in m! !ar$> an$ tri%(ier to hi&) 9or hi&&in# I " e$ one of the or$inar! mar(et +an or 3itne! , en$in# the t"ff =lar#er t" ( in mattre %on i#nment , maller &ie%e in a%( of %a a+a> 'ith other #oo$ , al'a! $oin# o no' in the name of Citi@en Th<otime, an$ ometime #ettin# Th<otime him elf to &"ll a little &oliti%al ran( an$ #i+e the $ri+er a #oo$ tal(in# to in &"-li%) Aone! %o"l$ -e ma$e) B"t to #et it o"t of the %o"ntr! 'a another matter) Aone! %an -e #ot o"t of %o"ntrie li(e the e onl! if !o" $eal in +er! lar#e "m an$ %an #et hi#h offi%ial or mini ter to ta(e an intere t1 or if there i a %ertain amo"nt of -" ine a%ti+it!) There 'a little a%ti+it! no', an$ I ha$ to $e&en$ on +i itor 'ho for +ario" rea on nee$e$ lo%al %"rren%!) There 'a no other 'a!) An$ I ha$ to tr" t the e &eo&le to &a! "& 'hen the! #ot -a%( to E"ro&e or the Unite$ State ) It 'a a lo', to"t.li(e, h"miliatin# -" ine ) I 'i h I %o"l$ a! that I $i %o+ere$ %ertain r"le a-o"t h"man -eha+io"r) I 'i h I %o"l$ a! that &eo&le of a %ertain %la or %o"ntr! 'ere to -e tr" te$ an$ &eo&le of another %la an$ %o"ntr! not tr" te$) That 'o"l$ ha+e ma$e it m"%h
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im&ler) It 'a a #am-le ea%h time) I lo t t'o.thir$ of m! mone! in thi 'a!1 I #a+e it a'a! to tran#er ) I 'a in an$ o"t of the Domain on thi mone! -" ine 1 it 'a there that I ma$e man! of m! %onta%t ) At fir t it ma$e me "nea ! to -e there) B"t then I &ro+e$ In$ar* &oint a-o"t tram&lin# on the &a t; the Domain :"i%(l! %ea e$ to -e 'hat it ha$ -een for me) It -e%ame a &la%e 'here hono"ra-le &eo&le 8 man! of them fir t.time la'-rea(er , 'ho 'ere later to " e their re &e%t for the la' to %heat me 'ith a %lear min$ 8 trie$ to #et -etter rate than the one 'e ha$ a#ree$ on) What 'a %ommon to the e &eo&le 'a their ner+o" ne an$ %ontem&t 8 %ontem&t for me, %ontem&t for the %o"ntr!) I 'a half on their i$e1 I en+ie$ them the %ontem&t that it 'a o ea ! for them to feel) One afternoon I a' that Ra!mon$ an$ Y+ette* ho" e ha$ a ne' tenant, an Afri%an) The ho" e ha$ -een %lo e$ in%e I ha$ %ome -a%() Ra!mon$ an$ Y+ette ha$ #one a'a!1 no one, not e+en Aahe h, %o"l$ tell me 'here or in 'hat %ir%"m tan%e ) The $oor an$ 'in$o' of the ho" e 'ere 'i$e o&en no', an$ that em&ha i@e$ the ho$$ine of the %on tr"%tion) The ne' man, -are-a%(e$, 'a for(in# "& the #ro"n$ 3" t in front of the ho" e, an$ I to&&e$ to ha+e a %hat) He 'a from ome'here $o'nri+er, an$ frien$l!) He tol$ me he 'a #oin# to #ro' mai@e an$ %a a+a) Afri%an $i$n*t "n$er tan$ lar#e. %ale a#ri%"lt"re1 -"t the! 'ere &a ionate &lanter in thi maller 'a!, #ro'in# foo$ for the ho" e an$ li(in# to #ro' it +er! %lo e to the ho" e) He note$ m! %ar1 he remem-ere$ hi -are -a%() He tol$ me he 'or(e$ for the #o+ernment %or&oration that ran the teamer er+i%e) An$ to #i+e me ome i$ea of hi tan$in#, he ai$ that 'hene+er he tra+elle$ on the teamer he tra+elle$ fir t %la an$ free) That -i# #o+ernment 3o-, thi -i# #o+ernment ho" e in the famo" Domain 8 he 'a a ha&&! man, &lea e$ 'ith 'hat he ha$ -een #rante$, an$ a (in# for nothin# el e) There 'ere more ho" ehol$ li(e hi in the Domain no') The &ol!te%hni% 'a till there, -"t the Domain ha$ lo t it mo$ern, , ho'&la%e0 %hara%ter) It 'a %r"ffier1 e+er! 'ee( it 'a -e%omin# more of an Afri%an ho" in# ettlement) Aai@e, 'hi%h in that %limate an$ oil &ro"te$ in three $a! , #re' in man! &la%e 1 an$ the &"r&le.#reen lea+e of the %a a+a, 'hi%h #re' from a im&le %"ttin# e+en if !o" &lante$ it "& i$e $o'n, %reate$ the effe%t of #ar$en hr"- ) Thi &ie%e of earth 8 ho' man! %han#e ha$ %ome to itB 9ore t at a -en$ in the ri+er, a meetin# &la%e, an Ara- ettlement, a E"ro&ean o"t&o t, a E"ro&ean "-"r-, a r"in li(e the r"in of a $ea$ %i+ili@ation, the #litterin# Domain of ne' Afri%a, an$ no' thi ) While 'e 'ere &ea(in#, %hil$ren -e#an to a&&ear from the -a%( of the ho" e 8 %o"ntr! %hil$ren till, -en$in# a (nee at the i#ht of the a$"lt, -efore %omin# "& h!l! to li ten an$ 'at%h) An$ then a lar#e Do-erman %ame -o"n$in# o"t at me) The man 'ith the for( ai$, ,Don*t 'orr!) He*ll mi !o") He %an*t ee +er! 'ell) A forei#ner* $o#) He #a+e it to me 'hen he 'ent a'a!)0 It 'a a he ai$) The Do-erman mi e$ me -! a-o"t a foot, ran on a little 'a!, to&&e$, ra%e$ -a%(, an$ then 'a all o+er me, 'a##in# hi $o%(e$ tail, -e i$e him elf 'ith 3o! at m! forei#ner* mell, momentaril! mi ta(in# me for ome-o$! el e) I 'a #la$ for Ra!mon$* a(e that he ha$ #one a'a!) He 'o"l$n*t ha+e -een afe in the Domain or the to'n no') The %"rio" re&"tation that ha$ %ome to him in the en$ 8 of -ein# the 'hite man 'ho 'ent ahea$ of the /re i$ent, an$ $re' on him elf the -a$ thin# that ho"l$ ha+e fallen on the /re i$ent 8 that re&"tation mi#ht ha+e en%o"ra#e$ the Li-eration Arm! to (ill him,
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e &e%iall! no', 'hen the /re i$ent 'a ai$ to -e &lannin# to +i it the to'n, an$ the to'n 'a -ein# ma$e rea$! for that +i it) The r"--i h hill in the %entre 'ere -ein# %arte$ a'a!) The %orr"#ate$ treet 'ere -ein# le+elle$ an$ #ra$e$) An$ &aintB It 'a e+er!'here in the %entre, la&&e$ onto %on%rete an$ &la ter an$ tim-er, $ri&&in# on the &a+ement ) Someone ha$ "nloa$e$ hi to%( 8 &in( an$ lime an$ re$ an$ ma"+e an$ -l"e) The -" h 'a at 'ar1 the to'n 'a in a tate of in "rre%tion, 'ith ni#htl! in%i$ent ) B"t "$$enl! in the %entre it eeme$ li(e %arni+al time)


Citi@en Th<otime 'o"l$ %ome in in the mornin# , re$.e!e$ an$ tormente$.loo(in#, hi#h on hi -rea(fa t -eer, 'ith a %o"&le of %omi% -oo( or &hoto.no+el to ee him thro"#h offi%e ho"r ) There 'a an informal ! tem of ma#a@ine e2%han#e in the to'n1 Th<o al'a! ha$ omethin# ne' to loo( at) An$ o$$l!, hi %omi% -oo( or &hoto.no+el , ti#htl! rolle$ "&, #a+e him a -" !, -" ine li(e air 'hen he %ame into the ho&) He 'ent trai#ht to the toreroom, an$ %o"l$ ta! there 'itho"t %omin# o"t for the 'hole mornin#) At fir t I tho"#ht it 'a -e%a" e he 'ante$ to -e o"t of the 'a! an$ not to -e an! tro"-le) B"t then I "n$er too$ that it 'a no har$ hi& for him) He li(e$ -ein# in the $ar( toreroom 'ith nothin# in &arti%"lar to $o, 3" t loo(in# at hi ma#a@ine 'hen the moo$ too( him, an$ $rin(in# hi -eer) Later, 'hen he -e%ame ea ier an$ le h! 'ith me, hi toreroom life -e%ame f"ller) He -e#an to -e +i ite$ -! 'omen) He li(e$ them to ee him a a real directe,r, 'ith a taff an$ an offi%e1 an$ it &lea e$ the 'omen too) A +i it %o"l$ ta(e "& a 'hole afternoon, 'ith Th<otime an$ the 'oman %hattin# in the 'a! &eo&le %hat 'hen the! are helterin# from the rain 8 'ith lon# &a" e an$ lon# h!&noti@e$ tare in $ifferent $ire%tion ) It 'a an ea ! eno"#h life for Th<otime, ea ier than an!thin# he %o"l$ ha+e ima#ine$ 'hen he 'a a me%hani% in the health $e&artment) B"t a he #aine$ %onfi$en%e, an$ lo t hi fear that the ho& mi#ht -e ta(en a'a! from him -! the /re i$ent, he -e%ame $iffi%"lt) It -e#an to 'orr! him that a a directe,r he $i$n*t ha+e a %ar) Some 'oman ha$ &erha& #i+en him the i$ea, or it mi#ht ha+e -een the e2am&le of other tate tr" tee , or it mi#ht ha+e -een omethin# he ha$ #ot from hi %omi% -oo( ) I ha$ a %ar1 he -e#an to a ( for lift , an$ then he re:"ire$ me to $ri+e him to an$ from hi ho" e) I %o"l$ ha+e ai$ no) B"t I tol$ m! elf it 'a a mall thin# to $o to (ee& him :"iet) The fir t fe' time he at in the front1 then he at in the -a%() Thi 'a a fo"r.time .a.$a! $"t!) He $i$n*t ta! :"iet for lon#) It mi#ht ha+e -een m! ea ine , m! 'i h to a&&ear "nh"miliate$; Th<otime 'a oon loo(in# for ne' 'a! of a ertin# him elf) The tro"-le no' 'a that he $i$n*t (no' 'hat to $o) He 'o"l$ ha+e li(e$ to li+e o"t hi role in fa%t 8 to ta(e o+er the r"nnin# of the ho&, or to feel ='hile en3o!in# hi toreroom life> that he 'a r"nnin# the ho&) He (ne', tho"#h, that he (ne' nothin#1 he (ne' that I (ne' he (ne' nothin#1 an$ he 'a li(e a man enra#e$ -! hi o'n hel&le ne ) He ma$e %on tant %ene ) He 'a $r"n(en, a##rie+e$ an$ threatenin#, an$ a $eli-eratel! irrational a an offi%ial 'ho ha$ $e%i$e$ to -e malin)
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It 'a tran#e) He 'ante$ me to a%(no'le$#e him a the -o ) At the ame time he 'ante$ me to ma(e allo'an%e for him a an "ne$"%ate$ man an$ an Afri%an) He 'ante$ -oth m! re &e%t an$ m! toleran%e, e+en m! %om&a ion) He 'ante$ me, almo t, to a%t o"t m! "-or$inate role a a fa+o"r to him) Yet if, re &on$in# to hi &lea, I $i$ o, if I too( ome im&le ho& $o%"ment to him, the a"thorit! he &"t on then 'a +er! real) He a$$e$ it to hi i$ea of hi role1 an$ he 'o"l$ " e that a"thorit! later to e2tort ome ne' %on%e ion) A he ha$ $one 'ith the %ar) It 'a 'or e than $ealin# 'ith a malin offi%ial) The offi%ial 'ho &reten$e$ to -e offen$e$ 8 an$ -a'le$ !o" o"t, for in tan%e, for re tin# !o"r han$ on hi $e ( 8 'a onl! a (in# for mone!) Th<otime, mo+in# :"i%(l! from a im&le %onfi$en%e in hi role to an "n$er tan$in# of hi hel&le ne , 'ante$ !o" to &reten$ that he 'a another (in$ of man) It 'a n*t f"nn!) I ha$ re ol+e$ to -e %alm a-o"t m! $i &o e ion, to (ee& m! min$ on the #oal I ha$ #i+en m! elf) B"t it 'a n*t ea ! to -e %alm) The ho& -e%ame a hatef"l &la%e to me) It 'a 'or e for Aett!) The little er+i%e that he ha$ $one for Th<otime in the -e#innin# -e%ame thin# that he 'a re:"ire$ to $o, an$ the! m"lti&lie$) Th<otime -e#an en$in# Aett! o"t on :"ite &ointle erran$ ) Late one e+enin#, 'hen he ret"rne$ to the flat after -ein# 'ith hi famil!, Aett! %ame into m! room an$ ai$, ,I %an*t ta(e it, patron) I 'ill $o omethin# terri-le one of the e $a! ) If Th<o $oe n*t to& it, I*ll (ill him) I*$ rather hoe in the fiel$ than -e hi er+ant)0 I ai$, ,It 'on*t la t lon#)0 Aatt!* fa%e t'i te$ 'ith e2a &eration, an$ he $i$ a ilent tam& 'ith one foot) He 'a %lo e to tear ) He ai$, ,What $o !o" meanE What $o !o" meanE0 an$ 'ent o"t of the room) In the mornin# I 'ent to %olle%t Th<otime to $ri+e him to the ho&) A a 'ell.to.$o an$ infl"ential lo%al man, Th<otime ha$ three or fo"r familie in $ifferent &art of the to'n) B"t in%e -e%omin# a tate tr" tee he ha$ =li(e other tr" tee > &i%(e$ "& a n"m-er of ne' 'omen, an$ he li+e$ 'ith one of them in one of the little -a%( ho" e in a cit+ !ar$ 8 -are re$ #ro"n$ inter e%te$ 'ith hallo' -la%( $rain all $o'n one i$e, %ra&e$."& earth an$ r"--i h &" he$ to the e$#e, man#o an$ other tree %attere$ a-o"t, %a a+a an$ mai@e an$ %l"m& of -anana -et'een the ho" e ) When I -le' the horn, %hil$ren an$ 'omen from the +ario" ho" e %ame o"t an$ 'at%he$ 'hile Th<otime 'al(e$ to the %ar, 'ith hi %omi% -oo( rolle$ "&) He &reten$e$ to i#nore the 'at%her an$ &at %a "all! on the #ro"n$ on%e or t'i%e) Hi e!e 'ere re$$ene$ 'ith -eer an$ he trie$ to loo( offen$e$) We $ro+e o"t of the -"m&! cit+ lane to the le+elle$ re$ main roa$, 'here the -"il$in# 'ere fre hl! &ainte$ for the /re i$ent* +i it 8 ea%h -"il$in# $one in one %olo"r ='all , 'in$o' frame , $oor >, an$ ea%h -"il$in# a $ifferent %olo"r from it nei#h-o"r) I ai$, ,I 'ant to tal( to !o" a-o"t Citi@en Aett!* $"tie in o"r e ta-li hment, %iti@en) Citi@en Aett! i the mana#er* a i tant) He i not a #eneral er+ant)0 Th<otime ha$ -een 'aitin# for thi ) He ha$ a &ee%h &re&are$) He ai$, ,Yo" a toni h me, %iti@en) I am the tate tr" tee, a&&ointe$ -! the /re i$ent) Citi@en Aett! i an em&lo!ee of a tate e ta-li hment) It i for me to $e%i$e ho' the half.%a te i to -e " e$)0 He " e$ the 'or$ metis, to &la! on the a$o&te$ name of 'hi%h Aett! ha$ on%e -een o &ro"$) The +i+i$ %olo"r of the -"il$in# -e%ame e+en more "nreal to me) The! -e%ame the %olo"r of m! ra#e an$ an#"i h)
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I ha$ -een #ro'in# maller an$ maller in Aett!* e!e , an$ no' I faile$ him alto#ether) I %o"l$ no lon#er offer him the im&le &rote%tion he ha$ a (e$ for 8 Th<otime ma$e that &lain $"rin# the %o"r e of the $a!) So the ol$ %ontra%t -et'een Aett! an$ m! elf, 'hi%h 'a the %ontra%t -et'een hi famil! an$ mine, %ame to an en$) E+en if I ha$ -een a-le to &la%e him in another e ta-li hment in the to'n 8 'hi%h I mi#ht ha+e -een a-le to $o in the ol$ $a! 8 it 'o"l$ ha+e meant that o"r &e%ial %ontra%t 'a o+er) He eeme$ to "n$er tan$ thi , an$ it ma$e him "n-alan%e$) He -e#an to a!, ,I am #oin# to $o omethin# terri-le, Salim) Yo" m" t #i+e me mone!) Ci+e me mone! an$ let me #o a'a!) I feel I*m #oin# to $o omethin# terri-le)0 I felt hi &ain a an e2tra &re "re) I mentall! a$$e$ hi &ain to mine, ma$e it &art of m! o'n) I ho"l$ ha+e tho"#ht more of him) I ho"l$ ha+e ma$e him ta! a'a! from the ho&, an$ #i+en him an allo'an%e from m! o'n alar!, 'hile that la te$) It 'a , reall!, 'hat he 'ante$) B"t he $i$n*t &"t it li(e that) He in+ol+e$ it in that 'il$ i$ea of #oin# a'a!, 'hi%h onl! fri#htene$ me an$ ma$e me thin(; Where i he #oin# to #oE So he %ontin"e$ to #o to the ho& an$ Th<otime, an$ -e%ame more an$ more tormente$) When he ai$ to me one e+enin#, ,Ci+e me ome mone! an$ I 'ill #o a'a!,0 I ai$, thin(in# of the it"ation in the ho&, an$ tr!in# to fin$ %omfortin# 'or$ , ,It i n*t #oin# to la t fore+er, Aett!)0 Thi ma$e him %ream, ,SalimB0 An$ the ne2t mornin#, for the fir t time, he $i$n*t -rin# me %offee) That ha&&ene$ at the -e#innin# of the 'ee() On 9ri$a! afternoon, after %lo in# "& the ho& an$ $ri+in# Th<otime to hi !ar$, I %ame -a%( to the flat) It 'a a &la%e of $e olation for me no') I no lon#er tho"#ht of it a m! o'n) Sin%e that mornin# in the %ar 'ith Th<otime I ha$ felt na" ea for the -ri#ht ne' %olo"r of the to'n) The! 'ere the %olo"r of a &la%e that ha$ -e%ome tran#e an$ felt far a'a! from e+er!'here el e) That feelin# of tran#ene e2ten$e$ to e+er!thin# in the flat) I 'a thin(in# of #oin# to the Helleni% Cl"- 8 or 'hat remaine$ of it 8 'hen I hear$ %ar $oor lam) I 'ent o"t to the lan$in# an$ a' &oli%e in the !ar$) There 'a an offi%er 8 hi name 'a /ro &er; I (ne' him) One of the men 'ith him ha$ a for(, another a ho+el) The! (ne' 'hat the! ha$ %ome for, an$ the! (ne' e2a%tl! 'here the! ha$ to $i# 8 -elo' the e2ternal tair%a e) I ha$ fo"r t" ( there) A! min$ ra%e$, ma$e lin( ) Aett!B I tho"#ht; Oh, AliB What ha+e !o" $one to meE I (ne' it 'a im&ortant to let omeone (no') Aahe h 8 there 'a no one el e) He 'o"l$ -e at hi flat no') I 'ent to the -e$room an$ tele&hone$) Aahe h an 'ere$, an$ I onl! ha$ time to a!, ,Thin# are -a$ here,0 -efore I hear$ foot te& %omin# "&) I &"t the &hone $o'n, 'ent to the -athroom, &"lle$ the la+ator! %hain, an$ 'ent o"t to ee the ro"n$.fa%e$ /ro &er %omin# "& alone, milin#) The fa%e %ame "&, milin#, an$ I retreate$ -efore it, an$ thi 'a ho', not a!in# an!thin#, 'e mo+e$ $o'n the &a a#e -efore I t"rne$ an$ le$ /ro &er into the 'hite ittin# room) He %o"l$n*t hi$e hi &lea "re) Hi e!e #littere$) He ha$n*t !et $e%i$e$ ho' to -eha+e) He ha$n*t !et $e%i$e$ ho' m"%h to a ( for) He ai$, ,The /re i$ent i %omin# ne2t 'ee() Di$ !o" (no' thatE The /re i$ent i intere te$ in %on er+ation) Thi i 'h! thi i +er! erio" for !o") An!thin# mi#ht ha&&en to !o" if I en$ in m! re&ort) Thi i %ertainl! #oin# to %o t !o" a %o"&le of tho" an$)0 Thi eeme$ to me +er! mo$e t)
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He noti%e$ m! relief) He ai$, ,I $on*t mean fran% ) I mean $ollar ) Ye , thi i #oin# to %o t !o" three or fo"r tho" an$ $ollar )0 Thi 'a o"tra#eo" ) /ro &er (ne' it 'a o"tra#eo" ) In the ol$ $a! fi+e $ollar 'a %on i$ere$ &rett! #oo$1 an$ e+en $"rin# the -oom !o" %o"l$ #et man! thin# $one for t'ent!.fi+e $ollar ) Thin# ha$ %han#e$ in%e the in "rre%tion, of %o"r e, an$ ha$ -e%ome +er! -a$ 'ith the ra$i%ali@ation) E+er!one ha$ -e%ome more #ree$! an$ $e &erate) There 'a thi feelin# of e+er!thin# r"nnin# $o'n +er! fa t, of a #reat %hao %omin#1 an$ ome &eo&le %o"l$ -eha+e a tho"#h mone! ha$ alrea$! lo t it +al"e) B"t e+en o, offi%ial li(e /ro &er ha$ onl! re%entl! -e#"n to tal( in h"n$re$ ) I ai$, ,I $on*t ha+e that (in$ of mone!)0 ,I tho"#ht !o" 'o"l$ a! that) The /re i$ent i %omin# ne2t 'ee() We are ta(in# a n"m-er of &eo&le into &re+enti+e $etention) That i ho' !o" 'ill #o in) We 'ill for#et the t" ( for the time -ein#) Yo" 'ill ta! in "ntil the /re i$ent lea+e ) Yo" mi#ht $e%i$e then that !o" ha+e the mone!)0 I &a%(e$ a fe' thin# into a %an+a hol$all an$ /ro &er $ro+e me in the -a%( of hi Lan$. Ro+er thro"#h the -ri#htl! %olo"re$ to'n to &oli%e hea$:"arter ) There I learne$ to 'ait) There I $e%i$e$ that I ha$ to h"t o"t tho"#ht of the to'n an$ to& thin(in# a-o"t time, that I ha$ a far a &o i-le to em&t! m! min$) There 'ere man! ta#e in m! &ro#re thro"#h the -"il$in#, an$ I -e#an to loo( "&on /ro &er a m! #"i$e to thi &arti%"lar hell) He left me for lon# &erio$ ittin# or tan$in# in room an$ %orri$or , 'hi%h #leame$ 'ith ne' oil &aint) It 'a almo t a relief to ee him %omin# -a%( to me 'ith hi %h"n(! %hee( an$ hi t!li h -rief%a e) It 'a near "n et 'hen he le$ me to the anne2 in the !ar$ at the -a%(, 'here I ha$ on%e #one to re %"e Aett!, an$ 'here I no' ha$ to -e fin#er&rinte$ m! elf, -efore -ein# ta(en to the to'n 3ail) The 'all ha$ -een a $" t! -l"e, I remem-ere$) No' the! 'ere a -rilliant !ello', an$ "iscipline Avant To,r 8 ,Di %i&line A-o+e All0 8 ha$ -een fre hl! &ainte$ in -i# -la%( letter ) I lo t m! elf %ontem&latin# the -a$, "ne+en letterin#, the #rainin# of the &hoto#ra&h of the /re i$ent, the "ne+en "rfa%e of the !ello' 'all, the $rie$ !ello' &atterin# on the -ro(en floor) The room 'a f"ll of !o"n# men 'ho ha$ -een &i%(e$ "&) It 'a a lon# time -efore I 'a fin#er&rinte$) The man at the ta-le -eha+e$ li(e an o+er'or(e$ man) He $i$n*t eem to loo( at the fa%e of the &eo&le he fin#er&rinte$) I a (e$ 'hether I %o"l$n*t #et the in( off m! han$ ) It 'a n*t a 'i h to -e %lean, I $e%i$e$ after I ha$ a (e$) It 'a more a 'i h to a&&ear %alm, "nh"miliate$, to feel that the e+ent 'ere normal) The man at the ta-le ai$ !e , an$ from a $ra'er -ro"#ht o"t a &in( &la ti% oa& $i h 'ith a len$er.'ai te$ 'afer of oa& trea(e$ 'ith -la%( line ) The oa& 'a :"ite $r!) He tol$ me I %o"l$ #o o"t i$e an$ " e the tan$&i&e) I 'ent o"t into the !ar$) It 'a no' $ar() Aro"n$ me 'ere tree , li#ht , %oo(in# mo(e, e+enin# o"n$ ) The tan$&i&e 'a near the o&en #ara#e he$) The in(, "r&ri in#l!, 'a he$ o"t ea il!) A ra#e -e#an to &o e me 'hen I 'ent -a%( an$ #a+e the man hi oa& an$ a' the other 'ho 'ere 'aitin# 'ith me in that !ello' room) If there 'a a &lan, the e e+ent ha$ meanin#) If there 'a la', the e e+ent ha$ meanin#) B"t there 'a no &lan1 there 'a no la'1 thi 'a onl! ma(e.-elie+e, &la!, a 'a te of men* time in the 'orl$) An$ ho' often here, e+en in the $a! of -" h, it m" t ha+e ha&&ene$ -efore, thi #ame of
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'ar$er an$ &ri oner in 'hi%h men %o"l$ -e $e tro!e$ for nothin#) I remem-ere$ 'hat Ra!mon$ " e$ to a! 8 a-o"t e+ent -ein# for#otten, lo t, 'allo'e$ "&) The 3ail 'a on the roa$ to the Domain) It 'a et a #oo$ 'a! -a%(, an$ in the &a%e in front there ha$ #ro'n "& a mar(et an$ a ettlement) Thi 'a 'hat re#i tere$ 8 the mar(et an$ the ettlement 8 'hen !o" $ro+e -!) The %on%rete 3ail 'all, no more than e+en or ei#ht feet hi#h, 'a a 'hite -a%(#ro"n$) It ha$ ne+er eeme$ li(e a real 3ail) There 'a omethin# artifi%ial an$ e+en :"aint a-o"t it; thi ne' 3ail in thi ne' ettlement, all o ro"#h an$ tem&orar!.loo(in#, in a %learin# in the -" h) Yo" felt that the &eo&le 'ho ha$ -"ilt it 8 +illa#e &eo&le, e ta-li hin# them el+e in a to'n for the fir t time 8 'ere &la!in# at ha+in# a %omm"nit! an$ r"le ) The! ha$ &"t "& a 'all 3" t taller than a man an$ &"t ome &eo&le -ehin$ it1 an$ -e%a" e the! 'ere +illa#e &eo&le, that 'a 3ail eno"#h for them) In another &la%e a 3ail 'o"l$ ha+e -een a more ela-orate thin#) Thi 'a o im&le; !o" felt that 'hat 'ent on -ehin$ the lo' 'all mat%he$ the &ett! mar(et life in front) No', at the en$ of the lane, after the li#ht an$ ra$io of the little h"t an$ ha%( an$ tall an$ $rin(in# -ooth , that 3ail o&ene$ to let me in) A 'all taller than a man i a hi#h 'all) Belo' ele%tri% li#ht the o"t i$e 'all #leame$ 'ith ne' 'hite &aint1 an$ a#ain, -"t in lar#e -la%( letter a-o"t t'o feet hi#h, 'a "iscipline Avant To,t) I felt $amne$ an$ mo%(e$ -! the 'or$ ) B"t that 'a ho' I 'a e2&e%te$ to feel) What a %om&li%ate$ lie tho e 'or$ ha$ -e%omeB Ho' lon# 'o"l$ it ta(e to 'or( -a%( from that, thro"#h all the a%%"m"late$ lie , to 'hat 'a im&le an$ tr"eE In i$e, -ehin$ the 3ail #ate , there 'a ilen%e an$ &a%e; a lar#e, -are, $" t! !ar$ 'ith ro"#h lo' -"il$in# of %on%rete an$ %orr"#ate$ iron arran#e$ in :"are ) The -arre$ 'in$o' of m! %ell loo(e$ o"t on a -are %o"rt!ar$, lit -! ele%tri% lam& hi#h "& on &ole ) There 'a no %eilin# to m! %ell1 there 'a onl! the %orr"#ate$.iron roof) E+er!thin# 'a ro"#h, -"t e+er!thin# hel$) It 'a 9ri$a! ni#ht) An$ of %o"r e 9ri$a! 'a the $a! to &i%( &eo&le "&; nothin# 'o"l$ ha&&en o+er the 'ee(en$) I ha$ to learn to 'ait, in a 3ail that 'a "$$enl! real, an$ fri#htenin# no' -e%a" e of it +er! im&lene ) In a %ell li(e mine !o" +er! :"i%(l! -e%ome a'are of !o"r -o$!) Yo" %an #ro' to hate !o"r -o$!) An$ !o"r -o$! i all !o" ha+e; thi 'a the %"rio" tho"#ht that (e&t floatin# "& thro"#h m! ra#e) The 3ail 'a f"ll) I fo"n$ that o"t in the mornin#) P"ite a time -efore, I ha$ hear$ from Za-eth an$ other a-o"t the (i$na&&in# o&eration in the +illa#e ) B"t I ha$ ne+er " &e%te$ that o man! !o"n# men an$ -o! ha$ -een &i%(e$ "&) Wor e, it ha$ ne+er o%%"rre$ to me that the! 'ere -ein# (e&t in the 3ail &a t 'hi%h I $ro+e o often) In the ne' &a&er there 'a nothin# a-o"t the in "rre%tion an$ the Li-eration Arm!) B"t thi 'a all that the 3ail 8 or the &art of it I 'a in 8 'a a-o"t) An$ it 'a a'f"l) It ha$ o"n$e$, -ri#ht an$ earl! in the mornin#, li(e a %la of ome ort; &eo&le -ein# ta"#ht &oem -! man! in tr"%tor ) The in tr"%tor 'ere 'ar$er 'ith -i# -oot an$ ti%( 1 the &oem 'ere h!mn of &rai e to the /re i$ent an$ the Afri%an ma$onna1 the &eo&le -ein# %om&elle$ to re&eat the line 'ere tho e !o"n# men an$ -o! from the +illa#e , man! of 'hom ha$ -een tr" e$ "& an$ $"m&e$ in the %o"rt!ar$ an$ 'ere -ein# maltreate$ in 'a! I $on*t 'ant to $e %ri-e) The e 'ere the $rea$f"l o"n$ of the earl! mornin#) Tho e &oor &eo&le ha$ al o -een tra&&e$ an$ $amne$ -! the 'or$ on the 'hite 3ail 'all) B"t !o" %o"l$ tell, from their fa%e , that in their min$ an$ heart an$ o"l the! ha$ retreate$ far) The fren@ie$ 'ar$er , Afri%an them el+e , eeme$ to "n$er tan$ thi , eeme$ to (no' that their +i%tim 'ere "nrea%ha-le)
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Tho e fa%e of Afri%aB Tho e ma ( of %hil$.li(e %alm that ha$ -ro"#ht $o'n the -lo' of the 'orl$, an$ of Afri%an a 'ell, a no' in the 3ail) I felt I ha$ ne+er een them o %learl! -efore) In$ifferent to noti%e, in$ifferent to %om&a ion or %ontem&t, tho e fa%e 'ere !et not +a%ant or &a i+e or re i#ne$) There 'a , 'ith the &ri oner a 'ell a 'ith their a%ti+e tormentor , a fren@!) B"t the fren@! of the &ri oner 'a internal1 it ha$ ta(en them far -e!on$ their %a" e or e+en (no'le$#e of their %a" e, far -e!on$ tho"#ht) The! ha$ &re&are$ them el+e for $eath not -e%a" e the! 'ere mart!r 1 -"t -e%a" e 'hat the! 'ere an$ 'hat the! (ne' the! 'ere 'a all the! ha$) The! 'ere &eo&le %ra@e$ 'ith the i$ea of 'ho the! 'ere) I ne+er felt %lo er to them, or more far a'a!) All $a!, thro"#h the mo"ntin# an$ then le enin# heat of the "n, tho e o"n$ %ontin"e$) Be!on$ the 'hite 'all 'a the mar(et, the o"t i$e 'orl$) E+er! ima#e that I ha$ of that 'orl$ o"t i$e 'a &oi one$ for me -! 'hat 'a #oin# on aro"n$ me) An$ the 3ail ha$ eeme$ :"aint) I ha$ tho"#ht that the life of the 3ail 'o"l$ mat%h the mar(et life o"t i$e) Y+ette an$ I ha$ to&&e$ at a tall one afternoon to -"! 'eet &otatoe ) At the ne2t tall a man 'a ellin# hair! oran#e. %olo"re$ %ater&illar 8 he ha$ a -i# 'hite -a inf"l) Y+ette ha$ ma$e a fa%e of horror) He, the +en$or, la"#hin#, ha$ lifte$ hi -a in an$ &" he$ it into the 'in$o' of the %ar, offerin# it all a a #ift1 later, he ha$ hel$ a :"irmin# %ater&illar o+er hi mo"th an$ &reten$e$ to %he') All that life 'a #oin# on o"t i$e) While here the !o"n# men an$ -o! 'ere learnin# $i %i&line an$ h!mn to the /re i$ent) There 'a a rea on for the fren@! of the 'ar$er , the in tr"%tor ) I hear$ that an im&ortant e2e%"tion 'a to ta(e &la%e1 that the /re i$ent him elf 'a #oin# to atten$ it 'hen he %ame to the to'n1 an$ that he 'o"l$ li ten then to the h!mn "n# -! hi enemie ) 9or that +i it the to'n ha$ -"r t into -ri#ht %olo"r) I felt that almo t nothin# e&arate$ me from tho e men in the %o"rt!ar$, that there 'a no rea on 'h! I ho"l$n*t -e treate$ li(e them) I re ol+e$ to maintain an$ a ert m! &o ition a a man a&art, a man 'aitin# to -e ran ome$) The i$ea %ame to me that it 'a im&ortant for me not to -e to"%he$ &h! i%all! -! a 'ar$er) To -e to"%he$ in one 'a! mi#ht lea$ to more terri-le thin# ) I $etermine$ to $o nothin# to &ro+o(e an! &h! i%al %onta%t, ho'e+er li#ht) I -e%ame %oo&erati+e) I o-e!e$ or$er almo t -efore the! 'ere #i+en) So at the en$ of m! 'ee(en$, 'ith m! ra#e an$ o-e$ien%e, m! e2&o "re to the i#ht an$ o"n$ of the %o"rt!ar$, I 'a a har$ene$ 3ail-ir$) /ro &er %ame for me on Aon$a! mornin#) I 'a e2&e%tin# omeone to %ome) B"t I 'a n*t e2&e%tin# /ro &er, an$ he $i$n*t loo( too ha&&!) The loot.#litter ha$ #one from hi e!e ) I at -e i$e him in hi Lan$.Ro+er an$ he ai$, almo t %om&aniona-l!, a 'e $ro+e thro"#h the 3ail #ate , ,Thi -" ine %o"l$ ha+e -een ettle$ on 9ri$a!) B"t !o"*+e ma$e it m"%h 'or e for !o"r elf) The %ommi ioner ha $e%i$e$ to ta(e a &arti%"lar intere t in !o"r %a e) All I %an a! i that I ho&e it #oe 'ell for !o")0 I $i$n*t (no' 'hether thi 'a #oo$ ne' or -a$ ne' ) The %ommi ioner mi#ht ha+e -een 9er$inan$) Hi a&&ointment ha$ -een anno"n%e$ ome time -efore, -"t o far he ha$ not a&&eare$ in the to'n1 an$ it 'a &o i-le that the a&&ointment ha$ -een re %in$e$) If it 'a 9er$inan$, ho'e+er, thi 'a n*t the -e t 'a! for me to meet him) 9er$inan$, &ro#re in# thro"#h the 'orl$, ha$, a I remem-ere$, a%%e&te$ all hi role , an$ li+e$ them o"t; l!%<e -o!, &ol!te%hni% t"$ent, ne' man of Afri%a, fir t.%la &a en#er on the teamer) After fo"r !ear , after hi time a an a$mini trati+e %a$et in that %a&ital o $ominate$ -! the /re i$ent, 'here 'o"l$ he -eE What 'o"l$ he ha+e learne$E What i$ea 'o"l$ he ha+e a-o"t
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him elf a one of the /re i$ent* offi%ial E In hi o'n e!e he 'o"l$ ha+e ri en1 I 'o"l$ ha+e #ot maller) It ha$ al'a! "n ettle$ me a little 8 the (no'le$#e that the #a& -et'een " 'o"l$ #et -i##er a he #re' ol$er) I ha$ often tho"#ht ho' rea$!.ma$e an$ ea ! the 'orl$ 'a for him, the +illa#e -o!, tartin# from nothin#) /ro &er $eli+ere$ me to the &eo&le in the front offi%e of the e%retariat) There 'a a 'i$e +eran$ah all aro"n$ the inner %o"rt!ar$, an$ on three i$e the +eran$ah 'a %reene$ from the "n -! -i# ree$ -lin$ ) It #a+e an o$$ feelin#, 'al(in# thro"#h the thin tri&e of li#ht an$ ha$o', 'at%hin# them a&&ear to mo+e o+er !o" a !o" mo+e$) The or$erl! let me into a room 'here, after the hiftin# +eran$ah $a@@le, &ot of li#ht momentaril! $an%e$ -efore m! e!e 1 an$ then I 'a let into the inner offi%e) It 'a 9er$inan$, tran#e in hi &ol(a.$otte$ %ra+at an$ hort. lee+e$ 3a%(et, an$ "ne2&e%te$l! or$inar!) I 'o"l$ ha+e e2&e%te$ t!le, a %ertain heartine , a little arro#an%e, a little ho'in# off B"t 9er$inan$ loo(e$ 'ith$ra'n an$ ill, li(e a man re%o+erin# from fe+er) He 'a n*t intere te$ in im&re in# me) On the ne'l! &ainte$ 'hite 'all 'a a lar#er.than.life &hoto#ra&h of the /re i$ent, 3" t the fa%e 8 that 'a a fa%e f"ll of life) Belo' that fa%e, 9er$inan$ eeme$ hr"n(en, an$ %hara%terle in the re#"lation "niform that ma$e him loo( li(e all tho e offi%ial 'ho a&&eare$ in #ro"& &hoto#ra&h in the ne' &a&er ) He 'a , after all, li(e other hi#h offi%ial ) I 'on$ere$ 'h! I tho"#ht he 'o"l$ -e $ifferent) The e men, 'ho $e&en$e$ on the /re i$ent* fa+o"r for e+er!thin#, 'ere -"n$le of ner+e ) The #reat &o'er the! e2er%i e$ 'ent 'ith a %on tant fear of -ein# $e tro!e$) An$ the! 'ere "n ta-le, half $ea$) 9er$inan$ ai$, ,A! mother tol$ me !o" ha$ #one a'a!) I 'a "r&ri e$ to hear that !o" 'ere till here)0 ,I 'ent to Lon$on for i2 'ee( ) I ha+en*t een !o"r mother in%e I*+e %ome -a%()0 ,She* #i+en "& the -" ine ) An$ !o" m" t $o that too) Yo" m" t #o) Yo" m" t #o ri#ht a'a!) There* nothin# here for !o") The!*+e ta(en !o" into 3ail no') The! ha+en*t $one that -efore) Do !o" (no' 'hat it mean E It mean the!*ll ta(e !o" in a#ain) An$ I 'on*t al'a! -e here to #et !o" o"t) I $on*t (no' ho' m"%h /ro &er an$ the other 'ante$ from !o") B"t ne2t time it 'ill -e more) That* all that it i a-o"t no') Yo" (no' that) The! ha+en*t $one an!thin# to !o" in 3ail) That* onl! -e%a" e it ha n*t o%%"rre$ to them) The! till thin( !o" are not that (in$ of man) Yo" are a forei#ner1 the! are not intere te$ in !o" in that 'a!1 the! 3" t -eat "& -" h &eo&le) B"t one $a! the! 'ill ro"#h !o" "& an$ then the! 'ill $i %o+er that !o" are li(e e+er!-o$! el e, an$ then +er! -a$ thin# 'ill ha&&en to !o") Yo" m" t #o) 9or#et e+er!thin# an$ #o) There are no air&lane ) All the eat ha+e -een re er+e$ for offi%ial %omin# "& for the /re i$ent* +i it) That* tan$ar$ e%"rit! for the e +i it ) B"t there* a teamer on T"e $a!) That* tomorro') Ta(e it) It ma! -e the la t) The &la%e 'ill -e f"ll of offi%ial ) Don*t $ra' attention to !o"r elf) Don*t ta(e too m"%h l"##a#e) Don*t tell an!one) I 'ill (ee& /ro &er -" ! at the air&ort)0 ,I 'ill $o 'hat !o" a!) An$ ho' are !o", 9er$inan$E0 ,Yo" $on*t ha+e to a () Yo" m" tn*t thin( it* -a$ 3" t for !o") It* -a$ for e+er!-o$!) That* the terri-le thin#) It* -a$ for /ro &er, -a$ for the man the! #a+e !o"r ho& to, -a$ for e+er!-o$!) No-o$!* #oin# an!'here) We*re all #oin# to hell, an$ e+er! man (no' thi in hi -one ) We*re -ein# (ille$) Nothin# ha an! meanin#) That i 'h! e+er!one i o franti%) E+er!one 'ant to ma(e hi mone! an$ r"n a'a!) B"t 'hereE That i 'hat i $ri+in# &eo&le ma$) The! feel the!*re lo in# the &la%e the! %an r"n -a%( to) I -e#an to feel the ame thin# 'hen I 'a a %a$et in the
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%a&ital) I felt I ha$ -een " e$) I felt I ha$ #i+en m! elf an e$"%ation for nothin#) I felt I ha$ -een foole$) E+er!thin# that 'a #i+en to me 'a #i+en to me to $e tro! me) I -e#an to thin( I 'ante$ to -e a %hil$ a#ain, to for#et -oo( an$ e+er!thin# %onne%te$ 'ith -oo( ) The -" h r"n it elf) B"t there i no &la%e to #o to) I*+e -een on to"r in the +illa#e ) It* a ni#htmare) All the e airfiel$ the man ha -"ilt, the forei#n %om&anie ha+e -"ilt 8 no'here i afe no')0 Hi fa%e ha$ -een li(e a ma ( at the -e#innin#) No' he 'a ho'in# hi fren@!) I ai$, ,What are !o" #oin# to $oE0 ,I $on*t (no') I 'ill $o 'hat I ha+e to $o)0 That ha$ al'a! -een hi 'a!) On hi $e ( there 'a a #la &a&er'ei#ht 8 mall flo'er et in a half. &here of %r! tal) He &"t the &a&er'ei#ht on the flat &alm of hi left han$ an$ loo(e$ at it) He ai$, ,An$ !o" m" t #o an$ #et !o"r teamer ti%(et) That 'a 'here 'e la t met) I*+e often tho"#ht a-o"t that $a!) There 'ere fo"r of " on the teamer) It 'a mi$$a!) We $ran( -eer in the -ar) There 'a the $ire%tor* 'ife 8 !o" left 'ith her) There 'a the le%t"rer 'ho 'a !o"r frien$) He tra+elle$ $o'n 'ith me) That 'a the -e t time) The la t $a!, the $a! of lea+in#) It 'a a #oo$ 3o"rne!) It -e%ame $ifferent at the other en$) I*+e ha$ a $ream, Salim) I*+e ha$ a terri-le $ream)0 He too( the &a&er'ei#ht off hi &alm an$ re te$ it on the $e ( a#ain) He ai$, ,An e2e%"tion i to ta(e &la%e at e+en in the mornin#) That i 'hat 'e are meetin# for) We are #oin# to 'itne the e2e%"tion) It i one of " 'ho i #oin# to -e e2e%"te$, -"t the man $oe n*t (no') He thin( he i #oin# to 'at%h) We are meetin# in a &la%e I %an*t $e %ri-e) It ma! -e a famil! &la%e 8 I feel the &re en%e of m! mother) I am in a &ani%) I ha+e oile$ omethin# in a hamef"l 'a! an$ I am tr!in# har$ to %lean it or to hi$e it, -e%a" e I ha+e to -e at the e2e%"tion at e+en) We 'ait for the man) We #reet him in the " "al 'a!) No', here i the &ro-lem in the $ream) Are 'e #oin# to lea+e the man alone, to -e $ri+en alone to the &la%e of hi e2e%"tionE Will 'e ha+e the %o"ra#e to -e 'ith him, to tal( in a frien$l! 'a! to the la tE Sho"l$ 'e ta(e one %ar, or ho"l$ 'e #o in t'o %ar E0 ,Yo" m" t #o in one %ar) If !o" #o in t'o, it mean !o" are half'a! to %han#in# !o"r min$)0 ,Co an$ #et !o"r teamer ti%(et)0 The teamer offi%e 'a famo" for it errati% ho"r ) I at on the 'oo$en -en%h o"t i$e the $oor "ntil the man %ame an$ o&ene$ "&) The cabine de l,xe 'a free1 I -oo(e$ it) Thi too( mo t of the mornin#) The mar(et o"t i$e the $o%( #ate ha$ -"ilt "&; the teamer 'a $"e that afternoon) I tho"#ht of #oin# to ee Aahe h at Bi#-"r#er, -"t $e%i$e$ a#ain t it) The &la%e 'a too o&en an$ %entral, an$ there 'ere too man! offi%ial there at l"n%htime) It 'a tran#e, ha+in# to thin( of the %it! in thi 'a!) I ha$ a na%( at the Ti+oli) It loo(e$ a little $emorali@e$ the e $a! , a tho"#h a'aitin# ra$i%ali@ation) B"t it ha$ (e&t it E"ro&ean atmo &here, an$ there 'ere E"ro&ean arti an an$ their familie at the ta-le an$ men $rin(in# -eer at the -ar) I tho"#ht; What i #oin# to ha&&en to the e &eo&leE B"t the! 'ere &rote%te$) I -o"#ht ome -rea$ an$ %hee e an$ a fe' e2&en i+e tin 8 m! la t ho&&in# in the to'n 8 an$ $e%i$e$ to &en$ the re t of the time at the flat) I 'ante$ to $o nothin# el e) I ha$ no 'i h to #o an!'here or loo( at an!thin# or tal( to an!one) E+en the tho"#ht of ha+in# to tele&hone Aahe h 'a li(e a -"r$en)
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Late in the afternoon there 'ere foot te& on the e2ternal tair%a e) Aett!) I 'a "r&ri e$) Normall! at thi time he 'a 'ith hi famil!) He %ame into the ittin# room an$ ai$, ,I hear$ the! let !o" o"t, Salim)0 He loo(e$ 'ret%he$ an$ %onf" e$) He m" t ha+e &ent ome -a$ $a! after re&ortin# me to /ro &er) That 'a 'hat he 'ante$ me to tal( a-o"t) B"t I $i$n*t 'ant to tal( a-o"t it) The ho%( of that moment of three $a! -efore ha$ +ani he$) A! hea$ 'a f"ll of other thin# ) We $i$n*t tal() An$ oon it 'a a tho"#h 'e ha$ nothin# to tal( a-o"t) There ha$ ne+er -een a ilen%e li(e thi -et'een " -efore) He too$ aro"n$ for a little, 'ent to hi room, then %ame -a%() He ai$, ,Yo" m" t ta(e me 'ith !o", Salim)0 ,I*m not #oin# an!'here)0 ,Yo" %an*t lea+e me here)0 ,What a-o"t !o"r famil!E An$ ho' %an I ta(e !o" 'ith me, Aett!E The 'orl$ i n*t li(e that no'a$a! ) There are +i a an$ &a &ort ) I %an har$l! arran#e the e thin# for m! elf) I $on*t (no' 'here I*m #oin# or 'hat I*ll $o) I har$l! ha+e an! mone!) I*m %ar%el! a-le to loo( after m! elf)0 ,It* #oin# to -e -a$ here, Salim) Yo" $on*t (no' 'hat the!*re tal(in# a-o"t o"t i$e) It* #oin# to -e +er! -a$ 'hen the /re i$ent %ome ) At fir t the! 'ere onl! #oin# to (ill #o+ernment &eo&le) No' the Li-eration Arm! a! that i n*t eno"#h) The! a! the! ha+e to $o 'hat the! $i$ the la t time, -"t the! ha+e to $o it -etter thi time) At fir t the! 'ere #oin# to ha+e &eo&le* %o"rt an$ hoot &eo&le in the :"are ) No' the! a! the! ha+e to $o a lot more (illin#, an$ e+er!-o$! 'ill ha+e to $i& their han$ in the -loo$) The!*re #oin# to (ill e+er!-o$! 'ho %an rea$ an$ 'rite, e+er!-o$! 'ho e+er &"t on a 3a%(et an$ tie, e+er!-o$! 'ho &"t on a .acket de boy) The!*re #oin# to (ill all the ma ter an$ all the er+ant ) When the!*re fini he$ no-o$! 'ill (no' there 'a a &la%e li(e thi here) The!*re #oin# to (ill an$ (ill) The! a! it i the onl! 'a!, to #o -a%( to the -e#innin# -efore it* too late) The (illin# 'ill la t for $a! ) The! a! it i -etter to (ill for $a! than to $ie fore+er) It i #oin# to -e terri-le 'hen the /re i$ent %ome ), I trie$ to %alm him $o'n) ,The! al'a! tal( li(e thi ) E+er in%e the in "rre%tion the!*+e -een tal(in# of the mornin# 'hen the 'hole thin# i #oin# to #o "& in flame ) The! tal( li(e that -e%a" e that i 'hat the! 'o"l$ li(e to ha&&en) B"t no-o$! (no' 'hat i #oin# to ha&&en) An$ the /re i$ent i mart) Yo" (no' that) He m" t (no' the!*re &re&arin# omethin# for him here) So he*ll #et them e2%ite$, an$ then he ma! not %ome) Yo" (no' the /re i$ent) Yo" (no' ho' he &la! on the &eo&le)0 ,The Li-eration Arm! i n*t 3" t tho e -o! in the -" h, Salim) E+er!-o$!* in it) E+er!-o$! !o" ee) Ho' am I #oin# to ma(e o"t aloneE0 ,Yo" ha+e to ta(e !o"r %han%e) That* 'hat 'e*+e al'a! $one) E+er!-o$! ha $one that here) An$ I $on*t thin( the!*ll tro"-le !o" 8 !o" $on*t fri#hten them) Hi$e the %ar, tho"#h) Don*t tem&t them 'ith it) Whate+er the! a! a-o"t #oin# -a%( to the -e#innin#, the!*ll -e intere te$ in the %ar) If the! remem-er an$ a ( !o" a-o"t it, tell them to a ( /ro &er) An$ al'a! remem-er that the &la%e i #oin# to tart "& a#ain), ,Ho' am I #oin# to li+e thenE When there i no ho&, an$ I ha+e no mone!E Yo" #a+e me no mone!) Yo" #a+e it a'a! to other &eo&le, e+en 'hen I 'a a (in# !o")0

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I ai$, ,AliB I #a+e it a'a!) Yo"*re ri#ht) I $on*t (no' 'h! I $i$ that) I %o"l$ ha+e #i+en ome of it to !o") I $on*t (no' 'h! I $i$n*t) I ne+er tho"#ht of it) I ne+er tho"#ht of !o" in that 'a!) Yo"*+e 3" t ma$e me thin( of it) It m" t ha+e $ri+en !o" %ra@!) Wh! $i$n*t !o" tell meE0 ,I tho"#ht !o" (ne' 'hat !o" 'ere $oin#, Salim)0 ,I $i$n*t) I $on*t (no' no') B"t after thi i o+er !o"*ll ha+e the %ar an$ !o"*ll ha+e the flat) The %ar 'ill -e 'orth :"ite a lot, if !o" (ee& it) An$ I*ll en$ !o" mone! thro"#h Aahe h) That 'ill -e +er! ea ! to arran#e)0 He 'a n*t %omforte$) B"t it 'a all I %o"l$ $o no') He re%o#ni@e$ that an$ $i$n*t &re me an! f"rther) Then he left to #o to hi famil!) In the en$ I $i$n*t tele&hone Aahe h1 I tho"#ht I 'o"l$ 'rite him later) Se%"rit! at the $o%( the ne2t mornin# 'a n*t e2traor$inar!) B"t the offi%ial 'ere ten e) The! 'ere li(e &eo&le 'ith a 3o- to $o1 an$ that 'a to m! a$+anta#e) The! 'ere le intere te$ in a forei#ner 'ho 'a lea+in# than in the Afri%an tran#er in the mar(et en%am&ment aro"n$ the mon"ment an$ the $o%( #ate ) Still, I 'a %on tantl! to&&e$) A 'oman offi%ial ai$, 'hen he #a+e me -a%( m! &a&er , ,Wh! are !o" lea+in# to$a!E The /re i$ent i %omin# thi afternoon) Wo"l$n*t !o" li(e to ee himE0 She 'a a lo%al 'oman) Wa there iron! in her +oi%eE I 'a %aref"l to ta(e all iron! o"t of mine) I ai$, ,I 'o"l$ li(e to, %iti@en) B"t I ha+e to #o)0 She mile$ an$ 'a+e$ me on) At la t I 'ent a-oar$ the teamer) It 'a hot in m! cabine de l,xe) The $oor fa%e$ the ri+er, 'hi%h $a@@le$1 an$ the "n fell on the $e%() I 'ent aro"n$ to the ha$e$ i$e, 'hi%h o+erloo(e$ the :"a!) That 'a n*t a #oo$ i$ea) A ol$ier on the :"a! -e#an to #e t"re at me) O"r e!e met, an$ he -e#an to %ram-le "& the #an#'a!) I tho"#ht; I m" tn*t -e alone 'ith him) I m" t ha+e 'itne e ) I 'ent $o'n to the -ar) The -arman 'a tan$in# in front of hi em&t! hel+e ) A fat man 'ith -i#, mooth arm , a teamer offi%ial of ome ort, 'a $rin(in# at a ta-le) I at at a ta-le in the %entre, an$ the ol$ier oon a&&eare$ in the $oor'a!) He remaine$ there for a 'hile, ner+o" of the fat man) B"t then, o+er%omin# hi ner+o" ne , he %ame to m! ta-le, leane$ o+er an$ 'hi &ere$, ,45est moi -,i a r+%l+ votre affaire) I fi2e$ it for !o")0 It 'a a milin# re:"e t for mone!, from a man 'ho mi#ht oon ha+e to fi#ht a -attle) I $i$ nothin#1 the fat man tare$) The ol$ier felt the fat man* tare an$ -e#an to -a%( a'a!, milin#, a!in# 'ith hi #e t"re that I 'a to for#et hi re:"e t) B"t I too( %are after that not to ho' m! elf) We left at a-o"t mi$$a!) The &a en#er -ar#e 'a not to'e$ -ehin$ the e $a! 8 that 'a no' %on i$ere$ a %olonial &ra%ti%e) In tea$, the -ar#e 'a la he$ to the for'ar$ &art of the teamer) The to'n 'a oon &a t) B"t for ome mile that -an(, tho"#h o+er#ro'n, till ho'e$ 'here in %olonial $a! &eo&le ha$ lai$ o"t e tate an$ -"ilt #reat ho" e ) After the mornin# heat it ha$ t"rne$ torm!, an$ in the il+er torm li#ht the o+er#ro'n, -" h! -an( 'a -rilliant #reen a#ain t the -la%( (!) Belo' thi -rilliant #reen the earth 'a -ri#ht re$) The 'in$ -le', an$ r"ffle$ a'a! refle%tion from the ri+er "rfa%e near the -an() B"t the rain that follo'e$ $i$n*t la t lon#1 'e aile$ o"t of it) Soon 'e 'ere mo+in# thro"#h real fore t) E+er! no' an$ then 'e &a e$ a +illa#e, an$ mar(et $"#o"t &ole$ o"t to meet " ) It 'a li(e that all thro"#h the hea+! afternoon)
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The (! ha@e$ o+er, an$ the in(in# "n ho'e$ oran#e an$ 'a refle%te$ in a -ro(en #ol$en line in the m"$$! 'ater) Then 'e aile$ into a #ol$en #lo') There 'a a +illa#e ahea$ 8 !o" %o"l$ tell from the $"#o"t in the $i tan%e) In thi li#ht the ilho"ette of the $"#o"t an$ the &eo&le in them 'ere -l"rre$, not har&) B"t the e $"#o"t , 'hen 'e %ame to them, ha$ no &ro$"%e to ell) The! 'ere $e &erate onl! to -e tie$ "& to the teamer) The! 'ere in fli#ht from the ri+er-an( ) The! 3amme$ an$ 3o tle$ a#ain t the i$e of the teamer an$ the -ar#e, an$ man! 'ere 'am&e$) Water h!a%inth &" he$ "& in the narro' &a%e -et'een the teamer an$ the -ar#e) We 'ent on) Dar(ne fell) It 'a in thi $ar(ne that a-r"&tl!, 'ith man! lo"$ noi e , 'e to&&e$) There 'ere ho"t from the -ar#e, the $"#o"t 'ith " , an$ from man! &art of the teamer) Yo"n# men 'ith #"n ha$ -oar$e$ the teamer an$ trie$ to ta(e her o+er) B"t the! ha$ faile$1 one !o"n# man 'a -lee$in# on the -ri$#e a-o+e " ) The fat man, the %a&tain, remaine$ in %har#e of hi +e el) We learne$ that later) At the time 'hat 'e a' 'a the teamer ear%hli#ht, &la!in# on the ri+er-an(, &la!in# on the &a en#er -ar#e, 'hi%h ha$ na&&e$ loo e an$ 'a $riftin# at an an#le thro"#h the 'ater h!a%inth at the e$#e of the ri+er) The ear%hli#ht lit "& the -ar#e &a en#er , 'ho, -ehin$ -ar an$ 'ire #"ar$ , a !et %ar%el! eeme$ to "n$er tan$ that the! 'ere a$rift) Then there 'ere #"n hot ) The ear%hli#ht 'a t"rne$ off1 the -ar#e 'a no lon#er to -e een) The teamer tarte$ "& a#ain an$ mo+e$ 'itho"t li#ht $o'n the ri+er, a'a! from the area of -attle) The air 'o"l$ ha+e -een f"ll of moth an$ fl!in# in e%t ) The ear%hli#ht, 'hile it 'a on, ha$ ho'n tho" an$ , 'hite in the 'hite li#ht) ?,ly *''-A,%,st *'@

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