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Urdhva Dhanurasana John Schumacher Benefits 1. Increases flexibility of spine, shoulders, and hips 2.

Stren thens arms and le s !. Stimulates circulatory system ". Improves respiration #. $ner i%es nervous system &. $nhances mood and counteracts depression 'ontraindications 1. (enstruation 2. )re nancy !. *i h blood pressure ". *eart )roblems #. Spinal nerve, disc, and vertebral problems re+uire expert supervision ,ips 1. Don-t allo. your elbo.s to splay out to the sides/ 0eep them ali ned .ith your hands or your arms .on-t be in line to support you .hen the time comes. 2. )ress your palms, 0eepin the base of the thumb and the root of the index fin er rounded, and lift your inner shoulder blades a.ay from the bac0 of your nec0. 1ou should not feel any compression in your nec0. !. 2ith your head on the floor/ press your feet into the floor and len then your sacrum a.ay from your lumbar spine. Stretch your outer thi hs from your hips to your 0nees, 0eepin your 0nees hip3.idth apart. ". 4t the same time, dra. your triceps into your armpits, di your shoulder blades deeply into your bac0 ribs, and curl your chest open. #. 2ith an exhalation, lift simultaneously from your tailbone and from your shoulder blades to push up into Urdhva Dhanurasana. &. Balance and synchroni%e the movement of your hips and chest. 5. 4 common mista0e people ma0e in liftin the body is to turn out the feet. 6. 7nce you-ve lifted up, don-t be too +uic0 to try to stretch your arms strai ht. 8irst maintain and increase the extension of your spine. 9. :eepin your feet parallel, roll your shins and front thi hs in.ard. 1;. Spread your sacral muscles a.ay from your spine and ta0e your coccyx deeply into the pelvis, movin your top buttoc0s a.ay from your lumbar spine. 11. ,o intensify the in.ard movement of your coccyx and the up.ard lift of your hips, dra. the bac0s of your thi hs to.ard your buttoc0s and lift your bottom buttoc0s as if to brin them hi her than your top buttoc0s. 12. 2ithout allo.in your hips to drop, press the inner ed es of your hands into the floor and rotate your upper arms so that your triceps roll in to.ard the centerline of the body. 1!. Dra. your inner shoulder blades up.ard a.ay from your nec0 and press them firmly into your bac0 ribs, spreadin the front ribs a.ay from your sternum.

1". 2hen you eventually try to move your chest for.ard, it is important to have hei ht in the ribs to avoid <ammin your shoulder <oints or compressin your mid3 thoracic spine. 1#. 4s your chest opens and your spine becomes more pliable, you may find that after you lift your heels you can .al0 your feet in to.ards your hands. ,his .ill deepen your pose. 1&. 2ith the additional extension in your upper bac0 that liftin your heels brin s, ta0e your bac0 ribs into your body and brin your chest for.ard so that your shoulders come more nearly over your .rists. 15. 4s you did earlier, lo.er your heels .ithout collapsin your hips or your upper bac0. 16. ,he more you can brin your feet and arms under you, the better the support you-ll have to create hei ht. 19. But it is important to bear in mind that you must maintain maximum extension of the spinal vertebrae and openness of the shoulders and roins to avoid stressin or in<urin your <oints. 2;. $ach time you do Urdhva Dhanurasana/ 0eep the front of your body relaxed. Don-t harden your roins or push .ith the pubis. 4lthou h your abdomen receives a tremendous stretch, 0eep the muscles there passive. ,hen your breath can move .ithout restriction and provide you .ith the ener y to repeat and stay in the pose. =2or0 up to stayin a minute or more.> 21. Utili%in your breath .ill not only provide ener y/ it .ill help you avoid unnecessary and un.anted tension.

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