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HERS 205: Nutrition for Lifetime Wellness

Lab 1: Nutrition Basics

Name: ________________________

1. MyPlate was adopted as the nutritional guidance system icon in 2011. Summarize the differences (pros/cons) between MyPyramid and MyPlate.

Which U.S. government regulatory agency gives us MyPlate?

Visit www.ChooseMyPlate.gov to answer the rest of these questions. 2. Grains: Make at least Half Your Grains Whole How do whole grains differ from non-whole grain foods?
(use the MyPlate menu on the far right, then choose Grains, Whats in the Grains Group? for an explanation of the difference.)

Foods included in the grain group include Bread English muffins Bagel Pasta (like spaghetti) Rice Oatmeal Ready-to-Eat (cold) breakfast cereal

Visit www.choosemyplate.gov; list the serving size of each grain you listed above (What counts as an ounce?).

3. Vegetables: Make Half Your Plate Fruits & Vegetables Categories of vegetables 1. Dark Green 2. Starchy 3. Red/Orange 4. Beans & Peas 5. Other Visit www.choosemyplate.gov; list 3 examples of each vegetable subcategory (Whats in the vegetable group?).

4. Fruit: Make Half Your Plate Fruits & Vegetables Visit www.choosemyplate.gov (Whats in the fruit group? and What counts as a cup? See chart). Circle the foods that are in the USDA MyPlate fruit group. i. kiwi fruit ii. tomato iii. applesauce iv. eggplant v. cherry Kool-Aid 5. Protein: Go Lean with Protein

Categories of protein foods 1. Meats 2. Poultry 3. Eggs 4. Beans & Peas 5. Processed Soy 6. Nuts & Seeds 7. Seafood

Visit www.ChooseMyPlate.gov; list 2-3 examples of foods found within each protein food category that you have not eaten. Circle the plant protein foods. (Whats in the protein foods group?)

Why are beans & peas listed in both the vegetable and protein groups?

6. Dairy: Switch to Fat-Free or Low-Fat (1%) Milk According to www.ChooseMyPlate.gov, MyPlate tab, Dairy, which foods are included in the dairy group?

Differences between Skim, 1%, 2% and Whole milk include (use the Milk Fat Face-Off document on D2L for help): i. Protein content iii. Fat content ii. Calcium content iv. All of the above

7. Oils
Oils are not shown on MyPlate, but are still included in MyPlate meal plans because they provide essential nutrients (those that our bodies cannot make, or cannot make in sufficient quantity to meet our needs).

Visit www.ChooseMyPlate.gov, MyPlate tab, Oils to complete these lists.

Examples of solid fats include: 1. _____________________________ 2. ______________________________ 3. ______________________________ 4. ______________________________ 5. ______________________________ 6. ______________________________ 7. ______________________________ 8. ______________________________

Some commonly eaten oils include: 1. ______________________________ 2. ______________________________ 3. ______________________________ 4. ______________________________ 5. ______________________________ 6. ______________________________ 7. ______________________________

8. Empty Calories
Some foods we eat and beverages we drink deliver Calories (energy) without any vitamins, minerals or other nutrients that our bodies need. They usually appear in foods in the form of solids fats, added sugars or alcohol. May sources of empty Calories are obvious, because most or all of their Calories are empty: butter, candy, soda pop, and beer are examples. However, empty Calories are hidden in many food group foods.

Visit www.ChooseMyPlate.gov, SuperTracker & Other Tools tab, Empty Calories Chart. List 3 foods that get at least half their Calories from empty Calories (solid fats and added sugars)

1. _______________________________ 2. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________

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