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The Cancer Industry The Cancer industry knows the American people want a miracle pill that they

can just pop into their mouth to knock cancer out (which will NEVER happen). The American people want this ecause a miracle pill would allow them to keep li!in" la!ishly and #ri!olously while eatin" their elo!ed de"enerate$ denatured and de!alued %tandard American &iet. No pill will e!er knock out (cure) any disease. A sin"le pill didn't cause the patholo"y. It was the thou"ht process (mindset)$ diet and li#estyle (or death style) o# the person that caused the patholo"y. And yes$ consumin" !arious or multiple pills (dru"s) plays a role in the de!elopment o# patholo"y. &isease is multidimensional and not one(dimensional. )n#ortunately #or *estern allopathic medicine$ they treat disease in a one dimensional way. Nearly one million people die #rom cancer in the )nited %tates e!ery year. In all due honesty cancer patients+su##erers are not dyin" #rom cancer. They are in e##ect dyin" #rom the cancer treatments ( chemotherapy and radiation and the elie# that they are "oin" to die (thanks to the unwise doctor tellin" the cancer patient this). ,olks$ chemotherapy is -.I%.N/ I# you "i!e chemotherapy to a healthy person$ the person will ecome sick. Now how can that which will make a healthy person sick e "i!en to a sick person and e0pect to make them well1 *here in the world is the lo"ic in this1 The human ody is N.T made up o# chemotherapy (petroleum). There#ore$ petroleum is a #orei"n su stance in the ody and will cause the ody's de#ense mechanism to kick in. 2ut in cancerous persons$ their odies are already too weak to resist and #i"ht the #orei"n su stance. Chemotherapy is so to0ic$ poisonous$ and injurious that it makes the hair #all out. This alone should tell you somethin". 3ou're "oin" to treat the cancer ut one o# the many side e##ects is that the hair on your head and #ace is "oin" to #all o## and out1 This is outri"ht insane and a surd$ ut yet in still hundreds o# thousands o# poor$ #ri"htened and i"norant indi!iduals unwisely su ject themsel!es to this insidious in!asi!e process and to their "reat doom and demise. The other widespread insidious techni4ue used on cancer !ictims$ oops$ I mean 5patients$5 is RA&IATI.N/ Now you'!e really "ot to e out o# your damn mind to under"o this treatment. Radiation has no place in the human ody$ at least not in the ody o# a healthy and sane person. Radiation is ased upon the to0ic element 5radium o0ide$5 a serious poison to the human ody. Radiation treatment leads to radium neuritis and myal"ia. Radiation is used under the illo"ical premise o# killin" the cancerous cells in the ody$ ut how are you "oin" to kill the cancerous cells o# the ody without harmin" and killin" the "ood+ ene#icial cells o# the ody1 ,olks$ radiation kills A66 cells in an indiscriminate way. This treatment and process literally urns and cooks your #lesh and ha!e you e!er smelled cooked #lesh o# a li!in" human ein"1 It %TIN7% somethin" terri le$ people/ This is the latest in medicine$ e##ecti!e #or cancer/ Read care#ully 8 you e the jud"e. 6emon (Citrus) is a miraculous product to kill cancer cells. It is 9:$::: times stron"er than chemotherapy. *hy do we not know a out that1 2ecause there are la oratories interested in makin" a synthetic !ersion that will rin" them hu"e pro#its. 3ou can now help a #riend in need y lettin" him+her know that lemon juice is ene#icial in pre!entin" the disease. Its taste is pleasant and it does not produce the horri#ic e##ects o# chemotherapy. ;ow many people will die while this closely "uarded secret is kept$ so as not to jeopardi<e the ene#icial multimillionaires lar"e corporations1 As you know$ the lemon tree is known #or its !arieties o# lemons and limes. 3ou can eat the #ruit in di##erent ways= you can eat the pulp$ juice press$ prepare drinks$ sor ets$ pastries$ etc. It is credited with many !irtues$ ut the most interestin" is the e##ect it produces on cysts and tumors. This plant is a pro!en remedy a"ainst cancers o# all types. %ome say it is !ery use#ul in all !ariants o# cancer. It is considered also as an anti micro ial spectrum a"ainst acterial

in#ections and #un"i$ e##ecti!e a"ainst internal parasites and worms$ it re"ulates lood pressure which is too hi"h and an antidepressant$ com ats stress and ner!ous disorders. The source o# this in#ormation is #ascinatin"= it comes #rom one o# the lar"est dru" manu#acturers in the world$ says that a#ter more than >: la oratory tests since 9?@:$ the e0tracts re!ealed that= It destroys the mali"nant cells in 9> cancers$ includin" colon$ reast$ prostate$ lun" and pancreas ... The compounds o# this tree showed 9:$::: times etter than the product Adriamycin$ a dru" normally used chemotherapeutic in the world$ slowin" the "rowth o# cancer cells. And what is e!en more astonishin"= this type o# therapy with lemon e0tract only destroys mali"nant cancer cells and it does not a##ect healthy cells. Institute o# ;ealth %ciences$ A9? N. 6.6.C. Cause %treet$ 2altimore $ B&9>:9 Cohn ;opkins )pdate ( Dood News/ A,TER 3EAR% ., TE66IND -E.-6E C;EB.T;ERA-3 I% T;E .N63 *A3 T. TR3 ('TR3'$ 2EIND T;E 7E3 *.R&) T. E6IBINATE CANCER$ C.;N% ;.-7IN% I% ,INA663 %TARTIND T. TE66 3.) T;ERE I% AN A6TERNATIVE *A3. Cancer )pdate #rom Cohns ;opkins = 9. E!ery person has cancer cells in the ody. These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they ha!e multiplied to a #ew illion. *hen doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their odies a#ter treatment$ it just means the tests are una le to detect the cancer cells ecause they ha!e not reached the detecta le si<e. >. Cancer cells occur etween E to more than 9: times in a person's li#etime. F. *hen the person's immune system is stron" the cancer cells will e destroyed and pre!ented #rom multiplyin" and #ormin" tumors. G. *hen a person has cancer it indicates the person has multiple nutritional de#iciencies. These could e due to "enetic$ en!ironmental$ #ood and li#estyle #actors. H. To o!ercome the multiple nutritional de#iciencies$ chan"in" diet and includin" supplements will stren"then the immune system. E. Chemotherapy in!ol!es poisonin" the rapidly("rowin" cancer cells and also destroys rapidly("rowin" healthy cells in the one marrow$ "astrointestinal tract etc$ and can cause or"an dama"e$ like li!er$ kidneys$ heart$ lun"s etc. @. Radiation while destroyin" cancer cells also urns$ scars and dama"es healthy cells$ tissues and or"ans. A. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will o#ten reduce tumor si<e. ;owe!er prolon"ed use o# chemotherapy and radiation do not result in more tumor destruction. ?. *hen the ody has too much to0ic urden #rom chemotherapy and radiation the immune system is either compromised or destroyed$ hence the person can succum to !arious kinds o# in#ections and complications. 9:. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to mutate and ecome resistant and di##icult to destroy. %ur"ery can also cause cancer cells to spread to other sites. 99. An e##ecti!e way to attle cancer is to star!e the cancer cells y not #eedin" it with the #oods it needs to multiply. ICANCER CE66% ,EE& .N=

a. %u"ar is a cancer(#eeder. 2y cuttin" o## su"ar it cuts o## one important #ood supply to the cancer cells. %u"ar su stitutes like Nutra%weet$ E4ual$ %poon#ul$ etc are made with Aspartame and it is harm#ul. A etter natural su stitute would e Banuka honey or molasses$ ut only in !ery small amounts. Ta le salt has a chemical added to make it white in color. 2etter alternati!e is 2ra""'s aminos or sea salt. . Bilk causes the ody to produce mucus$ especially in the "astro(intestinal tract. Cancer #eeds on mucus. 2y cuttin" o## milk and su stitutin" with unsweetened soy milk cancer cells are ein" star!ed. c. Cancer cells thri!e in an acid en!ironment A meat( ased diet is acidic and it is est to eat #ish$ and a little chicken rather than ee# or pork. Beat also contains li!estock anti iotics$ "rowth hormones and parasites$ which are all harm#ul$ especially to people with cancer. d. A diet made o# A:J #resh !e"eta les and juice$ whole "rains$ seeds$ nuts and a little #ruits help put the ody into an alkaline en!ironment. A out >:J can e #rom cooked #ood includin" eans. ,resh !e"eta le juices pro!ide li!e en<ymes that are easily a sor ed and reach down to cellular le!els within 9H minutes to nourish and enhance "rowth o# healthy cells. To o tain li!e en<ymes #or uildin" healthy cells try and drink #resh !e"eta le juice (most !e"eta les includin" ean sprouts) and eat some raw !e"eta les > or F times a day. En<ymes are destroyed at temperatures o# 9:G de"rees , (G: de"rees C). e. A!oid co##ee$ tea$ and chocolate$ which ha!e hi"h ca##eine. Dreen tea is a etter alternati!e and has cancer(#i"htin" properties. *ater( est to drink puri#ied water$ or #iltered$ to a!oid known to0ins and hea!y metals in tap water. &istilled water is acidic$ a!oid it. 9>. Beat protein is di##icult to di"est and re4uires a lot o# di"esti!e en<ymes. )ndi"ested meat remainin" in the intestines ecomes putre#ied and leads to more to0ic uildup. 9F. Cancer cell walls ha!e a tou"h protein co!erin". 2y re#rainin" #rom or eatin" less meat it #rees more en<ymes to attack the protein walls o# cancer cells and allows the ody's killer cells to destroy the cancer cells. 9G. %ome supplements uild up the immune system (I-E$ ,lorescence$ Essiac$ anti(o0idants$ !itamins$ minerals$ E,As etc.) to ena le the odies own killer cells to destroy cancer cells. .ther supplements like !itamin E are known to cause apoptosis$ or pro"rammed cell death$ the ody's normal method o# disposin" o# dama"ed$ unwanted$ or unneeded cells. 9H. Cancer is a disease o# the mind$ ody$ and spirit. A proacti!e and positi!e spirit will help the cancer warrior e a sur!i!or. An"er$ un(#or"i!eness and itterness put the ody into a stress#ul and acidic en!ironment. 6earn to ha!e a lo!in" and #or"i!in" spirit. 6earn to rela0 and enjoy li#e. 9E. Cancer cells cannot thri!e in an o0y"enated en!ironment. E0ercisin" daily$ and deep reathin" help to "et more o0y"en down to the cellular le!el. .0y"en therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells. 9. No plastic containers in microwa!e. >. No plastic water ottles in the #ree<er. F. No plastic wrap in microwa!e. Cohns ;opkins has recently sent this out in its newsletters.. This in#ormation is ein" circulated at *alter Reed Army Bedical Center as well. &io0in chemicals cause cancer$ especially reast cancer. &io0ins are hi"hly poisonous to the cells o# our odies. &on't #ree<e your plastic ottles

with water in them as this releases dio0ins #rom the plastic. Recently$ &r. Edward ,ujimoto$ *ellness -ro"ram Bana"er at Cast le ;ospital$ was on a TV pro"ram to e0plain this health ha<ard. ;e talked a out dio0ins and how ad they are #or us. ;e said that we should not e heatin" our #ood in the microwa!e usin" plastic containers. This especially applies to #oods that contain #at. ;e said that the com ination o# #at$ hi"h heat$ and plastics releases dio0in into the #ood and ultimately into the cells o# the ody. Instead$ he recommends usin" "lass$ such as Cornin" *are$ -yre0 or ceramic containers #or heatin" #ood. 3ou "et the same results$ only without the dio0in. %o such thin"s as TV dinners$ instant ramen and soups$ etc.$ should e remo!ed #rom the container and heated in somethin" else. -aper isn't ad ut you don't know what is in the paper. It's just sa#er to use tempered "lass$ Cornin" *are$ etc. ;e reminded us that a while a"o some o# the #ast #ood restaurants mo!ed away #rom the #oam containers to paper. The dio0in pro lem is one o# the reasons. Also$ he pointed out that plastic wrap$ such as %aran$ is just as dan"erous when placed o!er #oods to e cooked in the microwa!e. As the #ood is nuked$ the hi"h heat causes poisonous to0ins to actually melt out o# the plastic wrap and drip into the #ood. Co!er #ood with a paper towel instead. 53ou can not dru" your ody to health only nutrition does that5 K6et #ood e thy medicine and medicine e thy #oodL M ;ippocrates 4uote he made >::: years a"o (interpretation (whole(#ood plant ased diet) 5The doctor o# the #uture will no lon"er treat the human #rame with dru"s$ ut rather will cure and pre!ent dis(ease (disease) with nutrition.5 5.ne 4uarter (9+G) o# what you eat keeps you ali!e...the other three 4uarters (F+G) keeps you doctor ali!e/5 This is an article that should be sent to anyone important in your life.. Recommend readin"= &eath 2y Bedicine (Dary Null$ -h&) Editorial Reviews ,rom -u lishers *eekly *ith help #rom a trio o# B&s$ radio host and alternati!e medicine ad!ocate Null (Dary Null's -ower ,ood$ etc.)$ takes on the current state o# ).%. health care with a contro!ersy(courtin" sense o# moral outra"e. Thou"h #ocused on what the Institute o# Bedicine (part o# the N%A) has called 5the nation's epidemic o# medical errors$5 Null also e0poses la0 re"ulation at the ,&A$ and a science(de#yin" ias a"ainst natural #oods in "o!ernment and the media in "eneral= 5%omethin" is wron" when re"ulatory a"encies pretend that !itamins and nutritional supplements are dan"erous.5 -ushin" ack a"ainst the well(connected pharmaceutical industry$ Null pulls #rom a num er o# mainstream sources to make a !alua le$ alarmin" case that 5the American medical system is the leadin" cause o# death and injury in the ).%.5 Null #inds shockin" #acts hidden in plain si"ht$ such as %enate testimony #rom a >:(year ,&A employee statin" that the or"ani<ation #ailed to act promptly e!en in the case o# a dru"(induced #atality. Null also makes a case a"ainst certain common procedures he #inds unnecessary or o!erprescri ed$ includin" chemotherapy$ "oin" so #ar as to su""est that chemotherapy actually causes more cancers to #orm. Thou"h readers may #eel Null

"oin" occasionally o!er oard$ anyone with a horse in the health care race is sure to e intri"ued and pro!oked. Copyri"ht N Reed 2usiness In#ormation$ a di!ision o# Reed Else!ier Inc. All ri"hts reser!ed. -This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Re!iew America's medical system has not only lost its way ut has ecome the leadin" cause o# death and injury in the )nited %tates. That shockin" assertion is the premise o# this compact ut e0plosi!e ook y Dary Null$ an award(winnin" journalist$ pu lic radio host$ author o# wellness ooks$ and stron" proponent o# alternati!e medicine and natural healin". Null elie!es the medical #ield is in serious need o# repairO i" corporations and the deep(pocketed pharmaceutical industry ha!e e##ecti!ely hamstrun" "o!ernment a"encies and su ju"ated much o# the medical community throu"h threats and #inancial incenti!es. The end result1 Not only are people not "ettin" the proper care they deser!e$ they are dyin". In a systematic presentation$ the author addresses the pla"ue o# needless sur"ical lunders$ ne"ati!e side e##ects o# corporate dru"s$ #ri!olous operations$ shame#ul ne"lect o# the elderly warehoused in rest homes$ and research uni!ersities' "rowin" dependency on "rant money #rom i" usiness. All o# this is done at the e0pense o# pre!enti!e #orms o# healin". E##ecti!e$ alternati!e$ and traditional types o# care are le#t out o# the loop o# money and in#luence. 5Bany complementary healthcare pro!iders are denied pu lication throu"h the inter!ention o# pharmaceutical companies$5 Null writes. 5I# they or their allopathic collea"ues do mana"e to speak out a"ainst corruption in the esta lishment$ they are considered traitors to the medical rotherhood.5 The author makes e##ecti!e use o# headline("ra in" statistics and shockin" anecdotal e!idence #rom a wide ran"e o# medical sources$ includin" the Journal of the American Medical Association and numerous researchers o# note. Re#erences and an inde0 are included. The reader learns that GH million unnecessary and+or inappropriate anti iotics are prescri ed annually. A out A.? million patients are unnecessarily hospitali<ed each year. Tons o# unused dru"s are re"ularly dumped into the water supply$ pollutin" drinkin" sources. This ook is presented as an e0posP$ as the title su""ests$ to re!eal cracks in the medical institutions that are killin" people. The ook is meant to outra"e$ warn$ and li"ht a #ire under a citi<enry the author hopes will demand re#orm. &o not look #or alance$ thou"h. This ook does not o##er the !oices o# opposin" sides o# the ar"ument. Re#utations #rom representati!es o# 5 i" pharma5 won't e #ound. The author wanted this !ehicle to dri!e home his messa"e. And it certainly does. (Canuary) Karl Kunkel((Foreword Magazine 5...Anyone with a horse in the health care race is sure to e intri"ued and pro!oked.5 ((Publishers Weekly --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

*hole ,ood -lant 2ased &iet

.ur country has increasin" amounts o# en!ironmental pollutants (chemicals and hea!y metals). *e ha!e shrinkin" 4uality o# #ood in standard "rocery stores and processed #ood ser!ed in restaurants. The #ollowin" tips are "eneral thin"s to do and eat which will help you stay healthier and li!e lon"er. All #ood should e 9::J or"anic$ natural and whole. %hop at stores that sell or"anic natural whole #oods and read the #ood la els )- code= ?::: is or"anicO A::: is "enetically modi#ied #ood %tudies show that a plant ased diet rich in or"anically "rown #ruits$ !e"eta les$ eans$ whole "rains$ nuts and seeds is the most e##ecti!e diet #or maintainin" health &rink sprin" water or re!erse osmosis water (A "lasses per day) Eat reak#ast (e!en i# it is small) Eat se!eral small meals per day rather than one lar"e meal ,inish dinner three hours e#ore ed A!oid your delayed I"D #ood aller"ies (i# you ha!e not had these tested$ "et the la test done in clinic) Eat or"anic salads with lunch and dinner IEat only small amounts o# or"anic meat and dairy (or none at all) IEat only small amounts o# or"anic ran"e #ed poultry and their e""s (or none at all) II;ealthy people around the world eat less than 9:J o# their diet #rom animal protein. The healthiest are !e"an (no #ood deri!ed #rom animals). )se only small amounts o# or"anic cold$ e0peller pressed oils (or"anic e0tra !ir"in oli!e oil$ coconut oil) )se natural sweeteners= molasses$ a"a!e$ etc. The A Ve"an ,ood Droups= to e eaten in 4uantities with eans #irst and nuts 8 seeds last. eans rice potatoes 8 yams corn !e"eta les salad #ruit nuts 8 seeds %ometimes$ what you dont do is more important than what you do. A!oid re#ined #lour and su"ar products 6imit alcohol and ca##eine A!oid trans #ats$ hydro"enated$ partially hydro"enated oils A!oid hi"h #ructose corn syrup$ corn syrup$ sucrose$ de0trose or malto de0trose A!oid arti#icial sweeteners$ Nutr%weet$ %plenda$ aspartame$ sucrolos$ saccrin A!oid monosodium "lutamate (B%D) A!oid nitrites (#ound in processed meats and acon) 6imit animal ased #ood to 9:J or less o# your intake (animals ha!e the hi"hest concentration o#

en!ironmental to0icants) A!oid meats containin" her icides$ hormones or anti iotics A!oid meat and other #ood sold in %tyro#oam trays and plates A!oid #arm(raised #ish A!oid microwa!in" A!oid car onated drinks or diet drinks (6imit clu soda) A!oid #ast #oods$ processed #oods$ #oods with additi!es and preser!ati!es A!oid "enetically modi#ied #ood A!oid lotions$ creams$ or cosmetics containin" Kpara ensL Binimi<e use o# air conditionin" A!oid #luorescence li"hts (unless they are #ull spectrum) &ru" use is at its hi"hest in the )nited %tates. *e are e0periencin" more poor health and chronic disease than e!er. &ru"s= all non(prescription$ o!er(the(counter and prescription dru"s and medication ha!e side e##ects (e!en aspirin) and lead to secondary illness and to wei"ht "ain

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