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45 Cravings Quick Tips


My name is Kevin Zahri. I am a fitness author, speaker, TV Host and entrepreneur based in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.

I published my first bestselling fitness book entitled Fitness 24/7 and Cergas 24/7 back in 2008. About a year later, I released my first ebook - 24 Questions - which answers the 24 most commonly asked health and fitness questions.

Personal Trainer & Nutritionist

I have been a personal trainer and nutritionist for over 6 years. got my certification from A.F.T.A in the USA. I

I conduct various health and corporate wellness seminars. Some of my clients include Nestle, Nandos, Bank Negara, Petronas Malaysia, Bursa Malaysia and other clients in both the private and public sector

TV Host
I am a regular TV guest on various talk shows discussing health, diet, nutrition and other wellness topics.

Brand Ambassador
As part of my job, I have been fortunate to represent brands such as Adidas, Nestle and Fitness Concept.

Web Entrepreneur
I love the web. We launched Cekodok.com, a Malaysian calorie database, ebooks and are very active in providing tips on our website - KevinZahri.com, Facebook and Twitter. I also run a web design and hosting company at embunweb.com.

KevinZahri.com 2012

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45 Cravings Quick Tips


Lets Get Started


KevinZahri.com 2012

45 Cravings Quick Tips

Eat very 3-4 hours!

This is arguably the best way to keep your cravings in check. Why? Coz by eating every 3-4 hours, your cravings never really have the chance to kick in!

Go Complex

Make sure to work in complex carbohydrates into your diet. Now there are a couple things you ought to know about complex carbohydrates 1. They provide slower and more consistent release of energy as your body needs to time to break down the complex carb chains into usable sugar. 2. Pound for pound, complex foods like whole grain bread contain more calories than their whitecounterparts. So dont overdo them.

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Water. All Day Long

Drinking neutral water will calm your cravings for sugar - making less interested in sugary drinks and foods. Also, no matter how much water you drink, it contains ZERO calories - so it cant make you gain weight.

Dont Bring it Back Home.

If you have a weak spot for chocolates or sweets, dont bring these back home. This way your home is craving safe.

Fruits Can Help...

The sugars in fruits are digested differently than the empty calories of white sugar. Also their fiber slows the absorption of the sugars.

Know Your Insulin Killers

Avoid refined sugars like sweets, popcorn etc as these will raise sugar levels (insulin as well) ...which ultimately results in higher cravings. Its because of this sugar-insulin relationship that you can munch on sweet and fruits without ever really feeling full!

Exercise Works Wonders.

Exercise releases endorphins which can naturally suppress your appetite. Exercise also reminds you of your commitment to stay in shape. So the next time you feel the urge to munch, pick up your running shows and run!

Healthy TV Cravings?

If from experience you know that your cravings typically kick-in at night while you watch TV, make sure to have healthy snacks available. I personally stick with carrots! They are crunchy and low in calories.

Just Say No!

What causes craving?

Cravings tends to be rather specific. For instance cravings for chocolates differ from that of water. Our body has its way of telling us what we lack and more importantly need. For instance: Water cravings (night) are due to salt deficiencies. Ice cream cravings are linked to calcium deficiency. Chocolate? Mostly due to lack of love or hormonal imbalances.

Sometimes the best remedy for cravings is you! Be strong, stay committed and say NO! Your mind is the master of your body. Take control.


KevinZahri.com 2012

45 Cravings Quick Tips


Carry Emergency Supplies.

Especially when out of town and in unfamiliar territory, carry emergency supplies of nutritional protein bars or other healthy snacks in your handbag or brief case. When you feel a carbohydrate craving, eat the protein bar instead and wait 30 minutes before acting on the craving. More often than not the craving will pass and you will be in control again. This truly works!


KevinZahri.com 2012

45 Cravings Quick Tips

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Track Your Foods ..

One of the best ways to manage your cravings is to keep track of your food choices. Since it is not about perfection, this way you can decide if you can afford to surrender and give in or fight your cravings. It is all about balance.


20 Minute Rule!

From the moment you take your first bite, remember it takes about 20 minutes for you to feel kenyang. So even if you have succumb to your cravings, take it slow and eat a balanced meal.

Know Yourself.

If you have cravings for chocolates (like me), know where the danger lies. Just like walking through a mine field, make sure you avoid going to places where your cravings can literally explode.

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Never Start With Desserts

When sugar cravings kick in, there is nothing else we desire BUT no matter how much you want that ice cream sundae, always start with something balanced meal. Dont let your mind play tricks on you.. Stay in control.

Plan Ahead.

Say you are heading to your cousins wedding. Now you know that you wont be getting any food for a while! So plan ahead by either bringing healthy snacks along or have a small meal before you hit the road.

Surrender ... at times

Lets face it. We you are not going to win the battle against cravings every single time. Sometimes its ok to give in and go nuts .... but only sometimes.


Supplement Can Help.

Supplements that can help ease your cravings, here are some: Amino acids: Tyrosine, phenylalanine, GABA, tryptophan, and glutamine can help by aiding the production of brain chemicals (like serotonin) that help modulate both mood and cravings. B-complex: Also important co-factors in building brain chemicals and are generally lacking in our diets. Minerals: Chromium, magnesium and calcium have all been shown to help with food cravings. Balance blood sugar: Chromium & vanadium help to stabilize blood sugar, which is also play a role in food cravings. Multi-vitamins can help quell cravings. Many include the Bvitamins and minerals.

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Get Yourself some loving

How often have you seen characters in movies indulging on sweets and ice cream every time they are heartbroken? Way too many! So get yourself some TLC to balance your hormones and emotions.

Are You Stressed?

Stress plays a huge factor in your cravings for food. Instead of releasing stress with desserts, try to find alternative hobbies. For me, sport is a great stress buster! Take your stress to the driving range or pick up kick boxing.


KevinZahri.com 2012

45 Cravings Quick Tips


Destroy the Bag Trick.

Ok, we all need our occasional guilt trip to with donuts, goreng pisang or chips but lets not get carried away. So let yourself have a few chips than destroy the bag. This way you can still enjoy your cravings without having a major pig out.


KevinZahri.com 2012

45 Cravings Quick Tips


Keep yourself minty fresh.

Just like chewing, keeping you breath minty fresh indirectly eases up on your cravings. How? I guess people dont like putting in nasty foods in their minty fresh mouth :)

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Avoid artificial sweeteners?

Although artificial sweeteners are calories free these may actually increase your natural craving for sugars. I personally do take artificially sweetened drinks as well but I try to balance them out with normal sugar from time to time.


Protein Is Cool!

Protein is key to controlling carbohydrate cravings and creates that feeling of fullness. Those wanting to lose wait and control cravings can simply up their daily protein calories intake by 25%. So say you were consuming 80g before, simply increase it to 100g per day. But be sure to get your protein from ultra lean sources so you dont pick up unwanted calories and saturated fats. I.e. chicken breast is way better than a drumstick or wing. Lastly, eating protein with a carbohydrate will reduce the cravings caused by eating the carbohydrate alone.


Are you Bored?

Boredom leads to pointless cravings. To avoid these, keep yourself active, distracted, find a hobby or do whatever it takes.

Eh, what about those fibers?


Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

Including some 20-25g of fibers in your diet can dramatically help you keep your cravings in check. How? They slow down digestion without dramatically raising sugar levels.

A recent study has shown that sleep deprivation increases your cravings for sugar. Another reason to get your full 8 hours of sleep each day.

Tea/Coffee Kills Cravings

Although caffeine should be limited, tea and coffee can actually help to curb your appetite. The caffeine in these products is a natural appetite suppressants.

Trick Yourself.

Easier said than done but soups and salad can help with cravings as give you that illusion of a large portion which physiologically keeps your cravings in check.


Chew Away ...

Just how smokers have this insatiable need to have something in their mouth when trying to quit ... try sugar free chewing gum. That constant chewing distracts from cravings ... and hey, although not much, that contact movement of your jaw muscles actually burns calories.


KevinZahri.com 2012

45 Cravings Quick Tips



Know Your Triggers!

Do you know your trigger foods? Well, they vary from person to person, but typically look like goreng pisang, cekodok, roti canai, soft drinks, donuts, french fries, cheese, pizza, chocolate chip cookies etc. To control your cravings, its important to recognize your triggers and to keep your distance coz most of the time, when faced with triggers, they are too good to resist. So stay away.


KevinZahri.com 2012

45 Cravings Quick Tips


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Dont bring it back home.

This is arguably the best way to keep your cravings in check. Why? Coz by eating every 3 hours, your cravings never really have the chance to kick in!


GO Out!

Most cravings kick in when you have little to do at home (especially when watching TV) .... so go out and distract yourself.


Reduce Salt.

Reducing your salt intake can help reduce your cravings for sugar. Plus reducing your salt intake will help reduce water retention which is also crucial in regulating your blood pressure. Did you know that a normal adult only 2300 milligrams of sodium (salt) per day? That is about one teaspoon of salt.


A large apple packs some 5g of fiber. Also, sugars found in apples do not influence blood sugar levels as much as starchy carbohydrates do ... and if you have the choice, go for the green apples. They contain less sugar.

Never shop with cravings

Never go grocery shopping when your cravings have kicked in. From experience, I am sure you know what will happen if you will! Exactly. Your shopping cart will be filled with craving foods (ice creams, chocolates etc). My tip: Have a slow-digesting complex carbohydrate + protein snack before you hit the lanes. Youll thank yourself later.

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Clear out that fridge

Be honest and acknowledge your cravings. Throw out whatever junk you love but know you cant resist.

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Go a lil Nuts!

Practice the 5 Ds!

In summary, you can follow the rules of five Ds to manage your

Nuts are great to help suppress your appetite but note that the hunger-reducing effects of nuts tend to take about half an hour before you feel them, so eat them before you reach the point of being extremely hungry or youll be tempted to eat more than just the nuts.

1. Delay. As my previous tips mentioned, simply waiting can work wonders 2. Distract. Keep active, go out and do whatever you can to distract yourself. 3. Distance. If you know you cant resist temptations ... just stay away. 4. Determine. If faced with a temptation, determine if you can afford to indulge? 5. Decide and commit to your decision.

Wait it out ....

If you have fasted before (i.e. Ramadhan), than you know that cravings come and go. Sometimes waiting it out is the best cure.


KevinZahri.com 2012

45 Cravings Quick Tips


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Spice It Up! ....

Consuming spicy foods also helps to suppress the appetite. Secondly, spciy helps to elevate your metabolism.

When youre tense your body produces more of the hormone cortisol. This may increase the amount of carbohydrates you want to eat.

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Get a Massage

Whey Protein

Dont skip breakfast

Better still, never skip a meal. Skipping a meal makes your blood sugar drop, resulting in tiredness and massive food cravings. As mentioned in my very first tip, in order to suppress your cravings you need to be eating some 5-7 meals per day.

Popular among athletes, whey protein helps you release appetite suppressing hormones that curb your cravings. Whey is also a great anytime snack when you are on the road, at the office or anywhere else. A single serving contains just about 120 calories - 90 coming from protein alone and the remaining 30 calories from carbohydrates and fat.

Change Isnt Always Easy

When it comes to dealing and managing your cravings, change is not always going to be easy. Instead of making drastic changes, opt for small but permanent changes to your lifestyle. Example: If you crave for roti canai and are used to having a couple every morning, start by either alternating days or sticking to just one canai instead. Than over time, continue to make positive changes to your diet and remove bad cravings.

My last tip is to experiment! Everyone is unique and so is their ability or ways of dealing with cravings. Some of the tips outlined in the ebook may work wonders for you ... but some tips may not. Also, you may have your own secret tricks of dealing with your appetite. So experiment and over time with experience, you will be able to master your cravings!




KevinZahri.com 2012

45 Cravings Quick Tips




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