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Republic of the Philippines Supreme Court Manila EN BANC A.M. No. 02-8- !

-SC 200" Rules on Notarial Practice RES#$%&'#N Actin( on the compliance )ate) 0* +ul, 200" an) on the propose) Rules on Notarial Practice of 200" submitte) b, the Sub-Committee for the Stu),- .raftin( an) /ormulation of the Rules 0o1ernin( the Appointment of Notaries Public an) the Performance an) E2ercise of &heir #fficial /unctions- of the Committees on Re1ision of the Rules of Court an) on $e(al E)ucation an) Bar Mattersthe Court Resol1e) to APPR#3E the propose) Rules on Notarial Practice of 200"- 4ith mo)ifications- thus5 200" R%$ES #N N#&AR'A$ PRAC&'CE RULE I IMPLEMENTATION SECTION 1. Title. - These Rules shall be known as the 2004 Rules on Notarial Practice. SEC. 2. Pur oses. - These Rules shall be a construe! to a!"ance the #ollowin$ ur oses% lie! an!

notar+ ublic throu$h co( etent e"i!ence o# i!entit+ as !e#ine! b+ these Rules* an! &c' a"ows un!er enalt+ o# law to the whole truth o# the contents o# the instru(ent or !ocu(ent. SEC. -. Co((ission. - 1Co((ission2 re#ers to the $rant o# authorit+ to er#or( notarial acts an! to the written e"i!ence o# the authorit+. SEC. 4. Co + Certi#ication. - 1Co + Certi#ication2 re#ers to a notarial act in which a notar+ ublic% &a' is resente! with an instru(ent or !ocu(ent that is neither a "ital recor!) a ublic recor!) nor ublicl+ recor!able* &b' co ies or su er"ises the co +in$ o# the instru(ent or !ocu(ent* &c' co( ares the instru(ent or !ocu(ent with the co +* an! &!' !eter(ines that the co + is accurate an! co( lete. SEC. 3. Notarial Re$ister. - 1Notarial Re$ister2 re#ers to a er(anentl+ boun! book with nu(bere! a$es containin$ a chronolo$ical recor! o# notarial acts er#or(e! b+ a notar+ ublic. SEC. 4. 5urat. - 15urat2 re#ers to an act in which an in!i"i!ual on a sin$le occasion% &a' a ears in erson be#ore the notar+ ublic an! resents an instru(ent or !ocu(ent* &b' is ersonall+ known to the notar+ ublic or i!enti#ie! b+ the notar+ ublic throu$h co( etent e"i!ence o# i!entit+ as !e#ine! b+ these Rules* &c' si$ns the instru(ent or !ocu(ent in the resence o# the notar+* an! &!' takes an oath or a##ir(ation be#ore the notar+ ublic as to such instru(ent or !ocu(ent. SEC. 6. Notarial 0ct an! Notari,ation. - 1Notarial 0ct2 an! 1Notari,ation2 re#er to an+ act that a notar+ ublic is e( owere! to er#or( un!er these Rules. SEC. 7. Notarial Certi#icate. - 1Notarial Certi#icate2 re#ers to the art o#) or attach(ent to) a notari,e! instru(ent or !ocu(ent that is co( lete! b+ the notar+ ublic) bears the notar+8s si$nature an! seal) an! states the #acts atteste! to b+ the notar+ ublic in a articular notari,ation as ro"i!e! #or b+ these Rules. SEC. 9. Notar+ Public an! Notar+. - 1Notar+ Public2 an! 1Notar+2 re#er to an+ erson co((issione! to er#or( o##icial acts un!er these Rules. SEC. 10. Princi al. - 1Princi al2 re#ers to a erson a earin$ be#ore the notar+ ublic whose act is the sub:ect o# notari,ation. SEC. 11. Re$ular Place o# ;ork or <usiness. - The ter( 1re$ular lace o# work or business2 re#ers to a stationar+ o##ice in the cit+ or ro"ince wherein the notar+ ublic ren!ers le$al an! notarial ser"ices. SEC. 12. Co( etent E"i!ence o# I!entit+. - The hrase 1co( etent e"i!ence o# i!entit+2 re#ers to the i!enti#ication o# an in!i"i!ual base! on%

&a' to ro(ote) ser"e) an! rotect ublic interest* &b' to si( li#+) clari#+) an! (o!erni,e the rules $o"ernin$ notaries ublic* an! &c' to #oster ethical con!uct a(on$ notaries ublic. SEC. -. Inter retation. - .nless the conte/t o# these Rules otherwise in!icates) wor!s in the sin$ular inclu!e the lural) an! wor!s in the lural inclu!e the sin$ular. RULE II DEFINITIONS SECTION 1. 0cknowle!$(ent. - 10cknowle!$(ent2 re#ers to an act in which an in!i"i!ual on a sin$le occasion% &a' a ears in erson be#ore the notar+ ublic an! resents an inte$rall+ co( lete instru(ent or !ocu(ent* &b' is atteste! to be ersonall+ known to the notar+ ublic or i!enti#ie! b+ the notar+ ublic throu$h co( etent e"i!ence o# i!entit+ as !e#ine! b+ these Rules* an! &c' re resents to the notar+ ublic that the si$nature on the instru(ent or !ocu(ent was "oluntaril+ a##i/e! b+ hi( #or the ur oses state! in the instru(ent or !ocu(ent) !eclares that he has e/ecute! the instru(ent or !ocu(ent as his #ree an! "oluntar+ act an! !ee!) an!) i# he acts in a articular re resentati"e ca acit+) that he has the authorit+ to si$n in that ca acit+. SEC. 2. 0##ir(ation or Oath. - The ter( 10##ir(ation2 or 1Oath2 re#ers to an act in which an in!i"i!ual on a sin$le occasion% &a' a ears in erson be#ore the notar+ ublic* &b' is ersonall+ known to the notar+ ublic or i!enti#ie! b+ the

&a' at least one current i!enti#ication !ocu(ent issue! b+ an o##icial a$enc+ bearin$ the hoto$ra h an! si$nature o# the in!i"i!ual* or &b' the oath or a##ir(ation o# one cre!ible witness not ri"+ to the instru(ent) !ocu(ent or transaction who is ersonall+ known to the notar+ ublic an! who ersonall+ knows the in!i"i!ual) or o# two cre!ible witnesses neither o# who( is ri"+ to the instru(ent) !ocu(ent or transaction who each ersonall+ knows the in!i"i!ual an! shows to the notar+ ublic !ocu(entar+ i!enti#ication. SEC. 1-. O##icial Seal or Seal. - 1O##icial seal2 or 1Seal2 re#ers to a !e"ice #or a##i/in$ a (ark) i(a$e or i( ression on all a ers o##iciall+ si$ne! b+ the notar+ ublic con#or(in$ the re=uisites rescribe! b+ these Rules. SEC. 14. Si$nature ;itnessin$. - The ter( 1si$nature witnessin$2 re#ers to a notarial act in which an in!i"i!ual on a sin$le occasion% &a' a ears in erson be#ore the notar+ ublic an! resents an instru(ent or !ocu(ent* &b' is ersonall+ known to the notar+ ublic or i!enti#ie! b+ the notar+ ublic throu$h co( etent e"i!ence o# i!entit+ as !e#ine! b+ these Rules* an! &c' si$ns the instru(ent or !ocu(ent in the resence o# the notar+ ublic. SEC. 13. Court. - 1Court2 re#ers to the Su re(e Court o# the Phili ines. SEC. 14. Petitioner. - 1Petitioner2 re#ers to a a lies #or a notarial co((ission. erson who

cit+ or ro"ince where the co((ission is to be issue!* &4' (ust be a (e(ber o# the Phili ine <ar in $oo! stan!in$ with clearances #ro( the O##ice o# the <ar Con#i!ant o# the Su re(e Court an! the Inte$rate! <ar o# the Phili ines* an! &3' (ust not ha"e been con"icte! in the #irst instance o# an+ cri(e in"ol"in$ (oral tur itu!e. SEC. 2. Aor( o# the Petition an! Su ortin$ Bocu(ents. E"er+ etition #or a notarial co((ission shall be in writin$) "eri#ie!) an! shall inclu!e the #ollowin$% &a' a state(ent containin$ the etitioner8s ersonal =uali#ications) inclu!in$ the etitioner8s !ate o# birth) resi!ence) tele hone nu(ber) ro#essional ta/ recei t) roll o# attorne+8s nu(ber an! I<P (e(bershi nu(ber* &b' certi#ication o# $oo! (oral character o# the etitioner b+ at least two &2' e/ecuti"e o##icers o# the local cha ter o# the Inte$rate! <ar o# the Phili ines where he is a l+in$ #or co((ission* &c' roo# o# a+(ent #or the #ilin$ o# the etition as re=uire! b+ these Rules* an! &!' three &-' ass ort-si,e color hoto$ra hs with li$ht back$roun! taken within thirt+ &-0' !a+s o# the a lication. The hoto$ra h shoul! not be retouche!. The etitioner shall si$n his na(e at the botto( art o# the hoto$ra hs. SEC. -. 0 lication Aee. - E"er+ etitioner #or a notarial co((ission shall a+ the a lication #ee as rescribe! in the Rules o# Court. SEC. 4. Su((ar+ Cearin$ on the Petition. - The E/ecuti"e 5u!$e shall con!uct a su((ar+ hearin$ on the etition an! shall $rant the sa(e i#% &a' the &b' the etition* &c' the E/ecuti"e Rules. etition is su##icient in #or( an! substance* etitioner ro"es the alle$ations containe! in the an! etitioner establishes to the satis#action o# the 5u!$e that he has rea! an! #ull+ un!erstoo! these

SEC. 16. O##ice o# the Court 0!(inistrator. - 1O##ice o# the Court 0!(inistrator2 re#ers to the O##ice o# the Court 0!(inistrator o# the Su re(e Court. SEC. 17. E/ecuti"e 5u!$e. - 1E/ecuti"e 5u!$e2 re#ers to the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e o# the Re$ional Trial Court o# a cit+ or ro"ince who issues a notarial co((ission. SEC. 19. >en!or. - 1>en!or2 un!er these Rules re#ers to a seller o# a notarial seal an! shall inclu!e a wholesaler or retailer. SEC. 20. ?anu#acturer. - 1?anu#acturer2 un!er these Rules re#ers to one who ro!uces a notarial seal an! shall inclu!e an en$ra"er an! seal (aker. RULE III COMMISSIONING OF NOTARY PUBLIC SECTION 1. @uali#ications. - 0 notarial co((ission (a+ be issue! b+ an E/ecuti"e 5u!$e to an+ =uali#ie! erson who sub(its a etition in accor!ance with these Rules. To be eli$ible #or co((issionin$ as notar+ etitioner% ublic) the

The E/ecuti"e 5u!$e shall #orthwith issue a co((ission an! a Certi#icate o# 0uthori,ation to Purchase a Notarial Seal in #a"or o# the etitioner. SEC. 3. Notice o# Su((ar+ Cearin$. &a' The notice o# su((ar+ hearin$ shall be ublishe! in a news a er o# $eneral circulation in the cit+ or ro"ince where the hearin$ shall be con!ucte! an! oste! in a cons icuous lace in the o##ices o# the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e an! o# the Clerk o# Court. The cost o# the ublication shall be borne b+ the etitioner. The notice (a+ inclu!e (ore than one etitioner. &b' The notice shall be substantiall+ in the #ollowin$ #or(% NOTICE OA CE0RIND Notice is hereb+ $i"en that a su((ar+ hearin$ on the etition #or notarial co((ission o# &na(e o# etitioner' shall be hel! on &!ate' at & lace' at &ti(e'. 0n+ erson who has an+ cause or reason to ob:ect to the $rant o# the etition (a+ #ile a "eri#ie!

&1' (ust be a citi,en o# the Phili ines* &2' (ust be o"er twent+-one &21' +ears o# a$e* &-' (ust be a resi!ent in the Phili ines #or at least one &1' +ear an! (aintains a re$ular lace o# work or business in the

written o osition thereto) recei"e! b+ the un!ersi$ne! be#ore the !ate o# the su((ar+ hearin$.chanrobles "irtual law librar+ EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE E/ecuti"e 5u!$e SEC. 4. O osition to Petition. - 0n+ erson who has an+ cause or reason to ob:ect to the $rant o# the etition (a+ #ile a "eri#ie! written o osition thereto. The o osition (ust be recei"e! b+ the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e be#ore the !ate o# the su((ar+ hearin$. SEC. 6. Aor( o# Notarial Co((ission. - The co((issionin$ o# a notar+ ublic shall be in a #or(al or!er si$ne! b+ the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e substantiall+ in the #ollowin$ #or(% REP.<FIC OA TCE PCIFIPPINES REDION0F TRI0F CO.RT OA EEEEEEEEEEEEEE This is to certi#+ that &na(e o# notar+ ublic' o# &re$ular lace o# work or business' in &cit+ or ro"ince' was on this &!ate' !a+ o# &(onth' two thousan! an! &+ear' co((issione! b+ the un!ersi$ne! as a notar+ ublic) within an! #or the sai! :uris!iction) #or a ter( en!in$ the thirt+-#irst !a+ o# Bece(ber &+ear' EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE E/ecuti"e 5u!$e SEC. 7. Perio! O# >ali!it+ o# Certi#icate o# 0uthori,ation to Purchase a Notarial Seal. - The Certi#icate o# 0uthori,ation to Purchase a Notarial Seal shall be "ali! #or a erio! o# three &-' (onths #ro( !ate o# issue) unless e/ten!e! b+ the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e. 0 (ark) i(a$e or i( ression o# the seal that (a+ be urchase! b+ the notar+ ublic ursuant to the Certi#icate shall be resente! to the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e #or a ro"al rior to use. SEC. 9. Aor( o# Certi#icate o# 0uthori,ation to Purchase a Notarial Seal. - The Certi#icate o# 0uthori,ation to Purchase a Notarial Seal shall substantiall+ be in the #ollowin$ #or(%

SEC. 10. O##icial Seal o# Notar+ Public. - E"er+ erson co((issione! as notar+ ublic shall ha"e onl+ one o##icial seal o# o##ice in accor!ance with these Rules. SEC. 11. 5uris!iction an! Ter(. - 0 erson co((issione! as notar+ ublic (a+ er#or( notarial acts in an+ lace within the territorial :uris!iction o# the co((issionin$ court #or a erio! o# two &2' +ears co((encin$ the #irst !a+ o# 5anuar+ o# the +ear in which the co((issionin$ is (a!e) unless earlier re"oke! or the notar+ ublic has resi$ne! un!er these Rules an! the Rules o# Court. SEC. 12. Re$ister o# Notaries Public. - The E/ecuti"e 5u!$e shall kee an! (aintain a Re$ister o# Notaries Public in his :uris!iction which shall contain) a(on$ others) the !ates o# issuance or re"ocation or sus ension o# notarial co((issions) an! the resi$nation or !eath o# notaries ublic. The E/ecuti"e 5u!$e shall #urnish the O##ice o# the Court 0!(inistrator in#or(ation an! !ata recor!e! in the re$ister o# notaries ublic. The O##ice o# the Court 0!(inistrator shall kee a er(anent) co( lete an! u !ate! !atabase o# such recor!s. SEC. 1-. Renewal o# Co((ission. - 0 notar+ ublic (a+ #ile a written a lication with the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e #or the renewal o# his co((ission within #ort+-#i"e &43' !a+s be#ore the e/ iration thereo#. 0 (ark) i(a$e or i( ression o# the seal o# the notar+ ublic shall be attache! to the a lication. Aailure to #ile sai! a lication will result in the !eletion o# the na(e o# the notar+ ublic in the re$ister o# notaries ublic. The notar+ ublic thus re(o"e! #ro( the Re$ister o# Notaries Public (a+ onl+ be reinstate! therein a#ter he is issue! a new co((ission in accor!ance with these Rules. SEC. 14. 0ction on 0 lication #or Renewal o# Co((ission. The E/ecuti"e 5u!$e shall) u on a+(ent o# the a lication #ee (entione! in Section - abo"e o# this Rule) act on an a lication #or the renewal o# a co((ission within thirt+ &-0' !a+s #ro( recei t thereo#. I# the a lication is !enie!) the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e shall state the reasons there#or. RULE IV POWERS AND LIMITATIONS OF NOTARIES PUBLIC SECTION 1. Powers. - &a' 0 notar+ er#or( the #ollowin$ notarial acts% ublic is e( owere! to

REP.<FIC OA TCE PCIFIPPINES REDION0F TRI0F CO.RT OAEEEEEEEEEEEEE CERTIAIC0TE OA 0.TCORIG0TION TO P.RCC0SE 0 NOT0RI0F SE0F This is to authori,e &na(e o# notar+ ublic' o# &cit+ or ro"ince' who was co((issione! b+ the un!ersi$ne! as a notar+ ublic) within an! #or the sai! :uris!iction) #or a ter( en!in$) the thirt+#irst o# Bece(ber &+ear' to urchase a notarial seal.chanrobles "irtual law librar+ Issue! this &!a+' o# &(onth' &+ear'. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE E/ecuti"e

&1' acknowle!$(ents* &2' oaths an! a##ir(ations* &-' :urats* &4' si$nature witnessin$s* &3' co + certi#ications* an! &4' an+ other act authori,e! b+ these Rules. &b' 0 notar+ ublic is authori,e! to certi#+ the a##i/in$ o# a si$nature b+ thu(b or other (ark on an instru(ent or !ocu(ent resente! #or notari,ation i#% &1' the thu(b or other (ark is a##i/e! in the resence o# the notar+ ublic an! o# two &2' !isintereste! an! una##ecte! witnesses to the instru(ent or !ocu(ent* &2' both witnesses si$n their own na(es in a!!ition to the thu(b or other (ark* &-' the notar+ ublic writes below the thu(b or other (ark%


HThu(b or Other ?ark a##i/e! b+ &na(e o# si$nator+ b+ (ark' in the resence o# &na(es an! a!!resses o# witnesses' an! un!ersi$ne! notar+ ublicH* an! &4' the notar+ ublic notari,es the si$nature b+ thu(b or other (ark throu$h an acknowle!$(ent) :urat) or si$nature witnessin$. &c' 0 notar+ ublic is authori,e! to si$n on behal# o# a erson who is h+sicall+ unable to si$n or (ake a (ark on an instru(ent or !ocu(ent i#% &1' the notar+ ublic is !irecte! b+ the erson unable to si$n or (ake a (ark to si$n on his behal#* &2' the si$nature o# the notar+ ublic is a##i/e! in the resence o# two !isintereste! an! una##ecte! witnesses to the instru(ent or !ocu(ent* &-' both witnesses si$n their own na(es * &4' the notar+ ublic writes below his si$nature% 1Si$nature a##i/e! b+ notar+ in resence o# &na(es an! a!!resses o# erson an! two I2J witnesses'2* an! &3' the notar+ ublic notari,es his si$nature b+ acknowle!$(ent or :urat. SEC. 2. Prohibitions. - &a' 0 notar+ ublic shall not er#or( a notarial act outsi!e his re$ular lace o# work or business* ro"i!e!) howe"er) that on certain e/ce tional occasions or situations) a notarial act (a+ be er#or(e! at the re=uest o# the arties in the #ollowin$ sites locate! within his territorial :uris!iction% &1' ublic o##ices) con"ention halls) an! si(ilar laces where oaths o# o##ice (a+ be a!(inistere!* &2' ublic #unction areas in hotels an! si(ilar laces #or the si$nin$ o# instru(ents or !ocu(ents re=uirin$ notari,ation* &-' hos itals an! other (e!ical institutions where a art+ to an instru(ent or !ocu(ent is con#ine! #or treat(ent* an! &4' an+ lace where a art+ to an instru(ent or !ocu(ent re=uirin$ notari,ation is un!er !etention. &b' 0 erson shall not er#or( a notarial act i# the in"ol"e! as si$nator+ to the instru(ent or !ocu(ent erson

&a' the notar+ knows or has $oo! reason to belie"e that the notarial act or transaction is unlaw#ul or i((oral* &b' the si$nator+ shows a !e(eanor which en$en!ers in the (in! o# the notar+ ublic reasonable !oubt as to the #or(er8s knowle!$e o# the conse=uences o# the transaction re=uirin$ a notarial act* an! &c' in the notar+8s :u!$(ent) the si$nator+ is not actin$ o# his or her own #ree will. SEC. 3. Aalse or Inco( lete Certi#icate. - 0 notar+ ublic shall not% &a' e/ecute a certi#icate containin$ in#or(ation known or belie"e! b+ the notar+ to be #alse. &b' a##i/ an o##icial si$nature or seal on a notarial certi#icate that is inco( lete. SEC. 4. I( ro er Instru(ents or Bocu(ents. - 0 notar+ ublic shall not notari,e% &a' a blank or inco( lete instru(ent or !ocu(ent* or &b' an instru(ent or !ocu(ent without a ro riate notarial certi#ication. RULE V FEES OF NOTARY PUBLIC SECTION 1. I( osition an! ;ai"er o# Aees. - Aor er#or(in$ a notarial act) a notar+ ublic (a+ char$e the (a/i(u( #ee as rescribe! b+ the Su re(e Court unless he wai"es the #ee in whole or in art. SEC. 2. Tra"el Aees an! E/ enses. - 0 notar+ ublic (a+ char$e tra"el #ees an! e/ enses se arate an! a art #ro( the notarial #ees rescribe! in the rece!in$ section when tra"elin$ to er#or( a notarial act i# the notar+ ublic an! the erson re=uestin$ the notarial act a$ree rior to the tra"el. SEC. -. Prohibite! Aees. K No #ee or co( ensation o# an+ kin!) e/ce t those e/ ressl+ rescribe! an! allowe! herein) shall be collecte! or recei"e! #or an+ notarial ser"ice. SEC. 4. Pa+(ent or Re#un! o# Aees. - 0 notar+ ublic shall not re=uire a+(ent o# an+ #ees s eci#ie! herein rior to the er#or(ance o# a notarial act unless otherwise a$ree! u on. 0n+ tra"el #ees an! e/ enses ai! to a notar+ ublic rior to the er#or(ance o# a notarial act are not sub:ect to re#un! i# the notar+ ublic ha! alrea!+ tra"ele! but #aile! to co( lete in whole or in art the notarial act #or reasons be+on! his control an! without ne$li$ence on his art. SEC. 3. Notice o# Aees. - 0 notar+ ublic who char$es a #ee #or notarial ser"ices shall issue a recei t re$istere! with the <ureau o# Internal Re"enue an! kee a :ournal o# notarial #ees. Ce shall enter in the :ournal all #ees char$e! #or ser"ices ren!ere!. 0 notar+ ublic shall ost in a cons icuous lace in his o##ice a co( lete sche!ule o# char$eable notarial #ees. RULE VI NOTARIAL REGISTER

&1' is not in the notar+8s resence ersonall+ at the ti(e o# the notari,ation* an! &2' is not ersonall+ known to the notar+ ublic or otherwise i!enti#ie! b+ the notar+ ublic throu$h co( etent e"i!ence o# i!entit+ as !e#ine! b+ these Rules. SEC. -. Bis=uali#ications. - 0 notar+ ublic is !is=uali#ie! #ro( er#or(in$ a notarial act i# he% &a' is a art+ to the instru(ent or !ocu(ent that is to be notari,e!* &b' will recei"e) as a !irect or in!irect result) an+ co((ission) #ee) a!"anta$e) ri$ht) title) interest) cash) ro ert+) or other consi!eration) e/ce t as ro"i!e! b+ these Rules an! b+ law* or &c' is a s ouse) co((on-law artner) ancestor) !escen!ant) or relati"e b+ a##init+ or consan$uinit+ o# the rinci al within the #ourth ci"il !e$ree. SEC. 4. Re#usal to Notari,e. - 0 notar+ ublic shall not er#or( an+ notarial act !escribe! in these Rules #or an+ erson re=uestin$ such an act e"en i# he ten!ers the a ro riate #ee s eci#ie! b+ these Rules i#%

SECTION 1. Aor( o# Notarial Re$ister. - &a' 0 notar+ ublic shall kee ) (aintain) rotect an! ro"i!e #or law#ul ins ection as ro"i!e! in these Rules) a chronolo$ical o##icial notarial re$ister o# notarial acts consistin$ o# a er(anentl+ boun! book with nu(bere! a$es. The re$ister shall be ke t in books to be #urnishe! b+ the Solicitor Deneral to an+ notar+ ublic u on re=uest an! u on a+(ent o# the cost thereo#. The re$ister shall be !ul+ a$e!) an! on the #irst a$e) the Solicitor Deneral shall certi#+ the nu(ber o# a$es o# which the book consists. Aor ur oses o# this ro"ision) a ?e(oran!u( o# 0$ree(ent or .n!erstan!in$ (a+ be entere! into b+ the O##ice o# the Solicitor Deneral an! the O##ice o# the Court 0!(inistrator. &b' 0 notar+ ublic shall kee onl+ one acti"e notarial re$ister at an+ $i"en ti(e. SEC. 2. Entries in the Notarial Re$ister. - &a' Aor e"er+ notarial act) the notar+ shall recor! in the notarial re$ister at the ti(e o# notari,ation the #ollowin$% &1' the entr+ nu(ber an! a$e nu(ber* &2' the !ate an! ti(e o# !a+ o# the notarial act* &-' the t+ e o# notarial act* &4' the title or !escri tion o# the instru(ent) !ocu(ent or rocee!in$* &3' the na(e an! a!!ress o# each rinci al* &4' the co( etent e"i!ence o# i!entit+ as !e#ine! b+ these Rules i# the si$nator+ is not ersonall+ known to the notar+* &6' the na(e an! a!!ress o# each cre!ible witness swearin$ to or a##ir(in$ the erson8s i!entit+* &7' the #ee char$e! #or the notarial act* &9' the a!!ress where the notari,ation was er#or(e! i# not in the notar+8s re$ular lace o# work or business* an! &10' an+ other circu(stance the notar+ ublic (a+ !ee( o# si$ni#icance or rele"ance. &b' 0 notar+ ublic shall recor! in the notarial re$ister the reasons an! circu(stances #or not co( letin$ a notarial act. &c' 0 notar+ ublic shall recor! in the notarial re$ister the circu(stances o# an+ re=uest to ins ect or co + an entr+ in the notarial re$ister) inclu!in$ the re=uester8s na(e) a!!ress) si$nature) thu(b(ark or other reco$ni,e! i!enti#ier) an! e"i!ence o# i!entit+. The reasons #or re#usal to allow ins ection or co +in$ o# a :ournal entr+ shall also be recor!e!. &!' ;hen the instru(ent or !ocu(ent is a contract) the notar+ ublic shall kee an ori$inal co + thereo# as art o# his recor!s an! enter in sai! recor!s a brie# !escri tion o# the substance thereo# an! shall $i"e to each entr+ a consecuti"e nu(ber) be$innin$ with nu(ber one in each calen!ar +ear. Ce shall also retain a !u licate ori$inal co + #or the Clerk o# Court. &e' The notar+ ublic shall $i"e to each instru(ent or !ocu(ent e/ecute!) sworn to) or acknowle!$e! be#ore hi( a nu(ber corres on!in$ to the one in his re$ister) an! shall also state on the instru(ent or !ocu(ent the a$eLs o# his re$ister on which the sa(e is recor!e!. No blank line shall be le#t between entries. &#' In case o# a rotest o# an+ !ra#t) bill o# e/chan$e or ro(issor+ note) the notar+ ublic shall (ake a #ull an! true

recor! o# all rocee!in$s in relation thereto an! shall note therein whether the !e(an! #or the su( o# (one+ was (a!e) b+ who() when) an! where* whether he resente! such !ra#t) bill or note* whether notices were $i"en) to who( an! in what (anner* where the sa(e was (a!e) when an! to who( an! where !irecte!* an! o# e"er+ other #act touchin$ the sa(e. &$' 0t the en! o# each week) the notar+ ublic shall certi#+ in his notarial re$ister the nu(ber o# instru(ents or !ocu(ents e/ecute!) sworn to) acknowle!$e!) or roteste! be#ore hi(* or i# none) this certi#icate shall show this #act. &h' 0 certi#ie! co + o# each (onth8s entries an! a !u licate ori$inal co + o# an+ instru(ent acknowle!$e! be#ore the notar+ ublic shall) within the #irst ten &10' !a+s o# the (onth #ollowin$) be #orwar!e! to the Clerk o# Court an! shall be un!er the res onsibilit+ o# such o##icer. I# there is no entr+ to certi#+ #or the (onth) the notar+ shall #orwar! a state(ent to this e##ect in lieu o# certi#ie! co ies herein re=uire!. SEC. -. Si$natures an! Thu(b(arks. - 0t the ti(e o# notari,ation) the notar+8s notarial re$ister shall be si$ne! or a thu(b or other (ark a##i/e! b+ each% &a' rinci al* &b' cre!ible witness swearin$ or a##ir(in$ to the i!entit+ o# a rinci al* an! &c' witness to a si$nature b+ thu(b or other (ark) or to a si$nin$ b+ the notar+ ublic on behal# o# a erson h+sicall+ unable to si$n. SEC. 4. Ins ection) Co +in$ an! Bis osal. - &a' In the notar+8s resence) an+ erson (a+ ins ect an entr+ in the notarial re$ister) !urin$ re$ular business hours) ro"i!e!* &1' the erson8s i!entit+ is ersonall+ known to the notar+ ublic or ro"en throu$h co( etent e"i!ence o# i!entit+ as !e#ine! in these Rules* &2' the erson a##i/es a si$nature an! thu(b or other (ark or other reco$ni,e! i!enti#ier) in the notarial re$ister in a se arate) !ate! entr+* &-' the erson s eci#ies the (onth) +ear) t+ e o# instru(ent or !ocu(ent) an! na(e o# the rinci al in the notarial act or acts sou$ht* an! &4' the erson is shown onl+ the entr+ or entries s eci#ie! b+ hi(. &b' The notarial re$ister (a+ be e/a(ine! b+ a law en#orce(ent o##icer in the course o# an o##icial in"esti$ation or b+ "irtue o# a court or!er. &c' I# the notar+ ublic has a reasonable $roun! to belie"e that a erson has a cri(inal intent or wron$#ul (oti"e in re=uestin$ in#or(ation #ro( the notarial re$ister) the notar+ shall !en+ access to an+ entr+ or entries therein. SEC. 3. Foss) Bestruction or Ba(a$e o# Notarial Re$ister. - &a' In case the notarial re$ister is stolen) lost) !estro+e!) !a(a$e!) or otherwise ren!ere! unusable or ille$ible as a recor! o# notarial acts) the notar+ ublic shall) within ten &10' !a+s a#ter in#or(in$ the a ro riate law en#orce(ent a$enc+ in the case o# the#t or "an!alis() noti#+ the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e b+ an+ (eans ro"i!in$ a ro er recei t or acknowle!$(ent) inclu!in$ re$istere! (ail an! also ro"i!e a co + or nu(ber o# an+ ertinent olice re ort.

&b' . on re"ocation or e/ iration o# a notarial co((ission) or !eath o# the notar+ ublic) the notarial re$ister an! notarial recor!s shall i((e!iatel+ be !eli"ere! to the o##ice o# the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e. SEC. 4. Issuance o# Certi#ie! True Co ies. - The notar+ ublic shall su l+ a certi#ie! true co + o# the notarial recor!) or an+ art thereo#) to an+ erson a l+in$ #or such co + u on a+(ent o# the le$al #ees. RULE VII SIGNATURE AND SEAL OF NOTARY PUBLIC SECTION 1. O##icial Si$nature. K In notari,in$ a instru(ent or !ocu(ent) a notar+ ublic shall% a er

o# !eath o# the notar+ ublic) the erson in ossession o# the o##icial seal shall ha"e the !ut+ to surren!er it to the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e. SEC. -. Seal I(a$e. - The notar+ ublic shall a##i/ a sin$le) clear) le$ible) er(anent) an! hoto$ra hicall+ re ro!ucible (ark) i(a$e or i( ression o# the o##icial seal besi!e his si$nature on the notarial certi#icate o# a a er instru(ent or !ocu(ent. SEC. 4. Obtainin$ an! Pro"i!in$ Seal. - &a' 0 "en!or or (anu#acturer o# notarial seals (a+ not sell sai! ro!uct without a written authori,ation #ro( the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e. &b' . on written a lication an! a#ter a+(ent o# the a lication #ee) the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e (a+ issue an authori,ation to sell to a "en!or or (anu#acturer o# notarial seals a#ter "eri#ication an! in"esti$ation o# the latter8s =uali#ications. The E/ecuti"e 5u!$e shall char$e an authori,ation #ee in the a(ount o# PhP 4)000 #or the "en!or an! PhP 7)000 #or the (anu#acturer. I# a (anu#acturer is also a "en!or) he shall onl+ a+ the (anu#acturer8s authori,ation #ee. &c' The authori,ation shall be in e##ect #or a erio! o# #our &4' +ears #ro( the !ate o# its issuance an! (a+ be renewe! b+ the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e #or a si(ilar erio! u on a+(ent o# the authori,ation #ee (entione! in the rece!in$ ara$ra h. &!' 0 "en!or or (anu#acturer shall not sell a seal to a bu+er e/ce t u on sub(ission o# a certi#ie! co + o# the co((ission an! the Certi#icate o# 0uthori,ation to Purchase a Notarial Seal issue! b+ the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e. 0 notar+ ublic obtainin$ a new seal as a result o# chan$e o# na(e shall resent to the "en!or or (anu#acturer a certi#ie! co + o# the Con#ir(ation o# the Chan$e o# Na(e issue! b+ the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e. &e' Onl+ one seal (a+ be sol! b+ a "en!or or (anu#acturer #or each Certi#icate o# 0uthori,ation to Purchase a Notarial Seal. &#' 0#ter the sale) the "en!or or (anu#acturer shall a##i/ a (ark) i(a$e or i( ression o# the seal to the Certi#icate o# 0uthori,ation to Purchase a Notarial Seal an! sub(it the co( lete! Certi#icate to the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e. Co ies o# the Certi#icate o# 0uthori,ation to Purchase a Notarial Seal an! the bu+er8s co((ission shall be ke t in the #iles o# the "en!or or (anu#acturer #or #our &4' +ears a#ter the sale. &$' 0 notar+ ublic obtainin$ a new seal as a result o# chan$e o# na(e shall resent to the "en!or a certi#ie! co + o# the or!er con#ir(in$ the chan$e o# na(e issue! b+ the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e. RULE VIII NOTARIAL CERTIFICATES SECTION 1. Aor( o# Notarial Certi#icate. - The notarial #or( use! #or an+ notarial instru(ent or !ocu(ent shall con#or( to all the re=uisites rescribe! herein) the Rules o# Court an! all other ro"isions o# issuances b+ the Su re(e Court an! in a licable laws. SEC. 2. Contents o# the Conclu!in$ Part o# the Notarial Certi#icate. K The notarial certi#icate shall inclu!e the #ollowin$%

&a' si$n b+ han! on the notarial certi#icate onl+ the na(e in!icate! an! as a earin$ on the notar+8s co((ission* &b' not si$n usin$ a #acsi(ile sta( or rintin$ !e"ice* an! &c' a##i/ his o##icial si$nature onl+ at the ti(e the notarial act is er#or(e!. SEC. 2. O##icial Seal. - &a' E"er+ erson co((issione! as notar+ ublic shall ha"e a seal o# o##ice) to be rocure! at his own e/ ense) which shall not be ossesse! or owne! b+ an+ other erson. It shall be o# (etal) circular in sha e) two inches in !ia(eter) an! shall ha"e the na(e o# the cit+ or ro"ince an! the wor! 1Phili ines2 an! his own na(e on the (ar$in an! the roll o# attorne+8s nu(ber on the #ace thereo#) with the wor!s Hnotar+ ublicH across the center. 0 (ark) i(a$e or i( ression o# such seal shall be (a!e !irectl+ on the a er or arch(ent on which the writin$ a ears. &b' The o##icial seal shall be a##i/e! onl+ at the ti(e the notarial act is er#or(e! an! shall be clearl+ i( resse! b+ the notar+ ublic on e"er+ a$e o# the instru(ent or !ocu(ent notari,e!. &c' ;hen not in use) the o##icial seal shall be ke t sa#e an! secure an! shall be accessible onl+ to the notar+ ublic or the erson !ul+ authori,e! b+ hi(. &!' ;ithin #i"e &3' !a+s a#ter the o##icial seal o# a notar+ ublic is stolen) lost) !a(a$e! or other otherwise ren!ere! unser"iceable in a##i/in$ a le$ible i(a$e) the notar+ ublic) a#ter in#or(in$ the a ro riate law en#orce(ent a$enc+) shall noti#+ the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e in writin$) ro"i!in$ ro er recei t or acknowle!$(ent) inclu!in$ re$istere! (ail) an! in the e"ent o# a cri(e co((itte!) ro"i!e a co + or entr+ nu(ber o# the a ro riate olice recor!. . on recei t o# such notice) i# #oun! in or!er b+ the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e) the latter shall or!er the notar+ ublic to cause notice o# such loss or !a(a$e to be ublishe!) once a week #or three &-' consecuti"e weeks) in a news a er o# $eneral circulation in the cit+ or ro"ince where the notar+ ublic is co((issione!. Therea#ter) the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e shall issue to the notar+ ublic a new Certi#icate o# 0uthori,ation to Purchase a Notarial Seal. &e' ;ithin #i"e &3' !a+s a#ter the !eath or resi$nation o# the notar+ ublic) or the re"ocation or e/ iration o# a notarial co((ission) the o##icial seal shall be surren!ere! to the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e an! shall be !estro+e! or !e#ace! in ublic !urin$ o##ice hours. In the e"ent that the (issin$) lost or !a(a$e! seal is later #oun! or surren!ere!) it shall be !eli"ere! b+ the notar+ ublic to the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e to be !is ose! o# in accor!ance with this section. Aailure to e##ect such surren!er shall constitute conte( t o# court. In the e"ent

&a' the na(e o# the notar+ ublic as e/actl+ in!icate! in the co((ission* &b' the serial nu(ber o# the co((ission o# the notar+ ublic* &c' the wor!s HNotar+ PublicH an! the ro"ince or cit+ where the notar+ ublic is co((issione!) the e/ iration !ate o# the co((ission) the o##ice a!!ress o# the notar+ ublic* an! &!' the roll o# attorne+8s nu(ber) the ro#essional ta/ recei t nu(ber an! the lace an! !ate o# issuance thereo#) an! the I<P (e(bershi nu(ber. RULE IX CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY OF NOTARIES PUBLIC SECTION 1. Certi#icate o# 0uthorit+ #or a Notarial 0ct. - 0 certi#icate o# authorit+ e"i!encin$ the authenticit+ o# the o##icial seal an! si$nature o# a notar+ ublic shall be issue! b+ the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e u on re=uest in substantiall+ the #ollowin$ #or(% CERTIAIC0TE OA 0.TCORITM AOR 0 NOT0RI0F 0CT I) &na(e) title) :uris!iction o# the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e') certi#+ that &na(e o# notar+ ublic') the erson na(e! in the seal an! si$nature on the attache! !ocu(ent) is a Notar+ Public in an! #or the &Cit+L?unici alit+LPro"ince' o# the Re ublic o# the Phili ines an! authori,e! to act as such at the ti(e o# the !ocu(ent8s notari,ation.chanrobles "irtual law librar+ IN ;ITNESS ;CEREOA) I ha"e a##i/e! below (+ si$nature an! seal o# this o##ice this &!ate' !a+ o# &(onth' &+ear'.chanrobles "irtual law librar+ EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE &o##icial si$nature' &seal o# E/ecuti"e 5u!$e'

SEC. 2. Resi$nation. - 0 notar+ ublic (a+ resi$n his co((ission b+ ersonall+ sub(ittin$ a written) !ate! an! si$ne! #or(al notice to the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e to$ether with his notarial seal) notarial re$ister an! recor!s. E##ecti"e #ro( the !ate in!icate! in the notice) he shall i((e!iatel+ cease to er#or( notarial acts. In the e"ent o# his inca acit+ to ersonall+ a ear) the sub(ission o# the notice (a+ be er#or(e! b+ his !ul+ authori,e! re resentati"e. SEC. -. Publication o# Resi$nation. - The E/ecuti"e 5u!$e shall i((e!iatel+ or!er the Clerk o# Court to ost in a cons icuous lace in the o##ices o# the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e an! o# the Clerk o# Court the na(es o# notaries ublic who ha"e resi$ne! their notarial co((issions an! the e##ecti"e !ates o# their resi$nation. RULE XI REVOCATION OF COMMISSION AND DISCIPLINARY SANCTIONS SECTION 1. Re"ocation an! 0!(inistrati"e Sanctions. - &a' The E/ecuti"e 5u!$e shall re"oke a notarial co((ission #or an+ $roun! on which an a lication #or a co((ission (a+ be !enie!. &b' In a!!ition) the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e (a+ re"oke the co((ission o#) or i( ose a ro riate a!(inistrati"e sanctions u on) an+ notar+ ublic who% &1' #ails to kee a notarial re$ister* &2' #ails to (ake the ro er entr+ or entries in his notarial re$ister concernin$ his notarial acts* &-' #ails to sen! the co + o# the entries to the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e within the #irst ten &10' !a+s o# the (onth #ollowin$* &4' #ails to a##i/ to acknowle!$(ents the !ate o# e/ iration o# his co((ission* &3' #ails to sub(it his notarial re$ister) when #ille!) to the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e* &4' #ails to (ake his re ort) within a reasonable ti(e) to the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e concernin$ the er#or(ance o# his !uties) as (a+ be re=uire! b+ the :u!$e* &6' #ails to re=uire the resence o# a rinci al at the ti(e o# the notarial act* &7' #ails to i!enti#+ a rinci al on the basis o# ersonal knowle!$e or co( etent e"i!ence* &9' e/ecutes a #alse or inco( lete certi#icate un!er Section 3) Rule I>* &10' knowin$l+ er#or(s or #ails to er#or( an+ other act rohibite! or (an!ate! b+ these Rules* an! &11' co((its an+ other !ereliction or act which in the :u!$(ent o# the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e constitutes $oo! cause #or re"ocation o# co((ission or i( osition o# a!(inistrati"e sanction. &c' . on "eri#ie! co( laint b+ an intereste!) a##ecte! or a$$rie"e! erson) the notar+ ublic shall be re=uire! to #ile a "eri#ie! answer to the co( laint. I# the answer o# the notar+ ublic is not satis#actor+) the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e shall con!uct a su((ar+ hearin$. I# the alle$ations o# the co( laint are not ro"en) the co( laint shall be !is(isse!. I# the char$es are !ul+ establishe!) the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e shall i( ose the a ro riate a!(inistrati"e sanctions. In either case) the a$$rie"e! art+ (a+ a eal the !ecision to the Su re(e Court #or re"iew. Pen!in$ the a eal) an or!er i( osin$ !isci linar+ sanctions shall be i((e!iatel+ e/ecutor+) unless otherwise or!ere! b+ the Su re(e Court.

RULE X CHANGES OF STATUS OF NOTARY PUBLIC SECTION 1. Chan$e o# Na(e an! 0!!ress. ;ithin ten &10' !a+s a#ter the chan$e o# na(e o# the notar+ ublic b+ court or!er or b+ (arria$e) or a#ter ceasin$ to (aintain the re$ular lace o# work or business) the notar+ ublic shall sub(it a si$ne! an! !ate! notice o# such #act to the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e. The notar+ ublic shall not notari,e until% &a' he recei"es #ro( the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e a con#ir(ation o# the new na(e o# the notar+ ublic an!Lor chan$e o# re$ular lace o# work or business* an! &b' a new seal bearin$ the new na(e has been obtaine!. The #ore$oin$ notwithstan!in$) until the a#ore(entione! ste s ha"e been co( lete!) the notar+ ublic (a+ continue to use the #or(er na(e or re$ular lace o# work or business in er#or(in$ notarial acts #or three &-' (onths #ro( the !ate o# the chan$e) which (a+ be e/ten!e! once #or "ali! an! :ust cause b+ the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e #or another erio! not e/cee!in$ three &-' (onths.

&!' The E/ecuti"e 5u!$e (a+ (otu ro rio initiate a!(inistrati"e rocee!in$s a$ainst a notar+ ublic) sub:ect to the roce!ures rescribe! in ara$ra h &c' abo"e an! i( ose the a ro riate a!(inistrati"e sanctions on the $roun!s (entione! in the rece!in$ ara$ra hs &a' an! &b'. SEC. 2. Su er"ision an! ?onitorin$ o# Notaries Public. - The E/ecuti"e 5u!$e shall at all ti(es e/ercise su er"ision o"er notaries ublic an! shall closel+ (onitor their acti"ities. SEC. -. Publication o# Re"ocations an! 0!(inistrati"e Sanctions. - The E/ecuti"e 5u!$e shall i((e!iatel+ or!er the Clerk o# Court to ost in a cons icuous lace in the o##ices o# the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e an! o# the Clerk o# Court the na(es o# notaries ublic who ha"e been a!(inistrati"el+ sanctione! or whose notarial co((issions ha"e been re"oke!. SEC. 4. Beath o# Notar+ Public. - I# a notar+ ublic !ies be#ore #ul#illin$ the obli$ations in Section 4&e') Rule >I an! Section 2&e') Rule >II) the E/ecuti"e 5u!$e) u on bein$ noti#ie! o# such !eath) shall #orthwith cause co( liance with the ro"isions o# these sections.

RULE XII SPECIAL PROVISIONS SECTION 1. Punishable 0cts. - The E/ecuti"e 5u!$e shall cause the rosecution o# an+ erson who% &a' knowin$l+ acts or otherwise i( ersonates a notar+ ublic* &b' knowin$l+ obtains) conceals) !e#aces) or !estro+s the seal) notarial re$ister) or o##icial recor!s o# a notar+ ublic* an! &c' knowin$l+ solicits) coerces) or in an+ wa+ in#luences a notar+ ublic to co((it o##icial (iscon!uct. SEC 2. Re orts to the Su re(e Court. - The E/ecuti"e 5u!$e concerne! shall sub(it se(estral re orts to the Su re(e Court on !isci line an! rosecution o# notaries ublic.

RULE XIII REPEALING AND EFFECTIVITY PROVISIONS SECTION 1. Re eal. - 0ll rules an! arts o# rules) inclu!in$ issuances o# the Su re(e Court inconsistent herewith) are hereb+ re eale! or accor!in$l+ (o!i#ie!. SEC. 2. E##ecti"e Bate. - These Rules shall take e##ect on the #irst !a+ o# 0u$ust 2004) an! shall be ublishe! in a news a er o# $eneral circulation in the Phili ines which ro"i!es su##icientl+ wi!e circulation. Pro(ul$ate! this 4th !a+ o# 5ul+) 2004. Ba"i!e) 5r. C.J.) Puno) >itu$) Pan$aniban) @uisu(bin$) Mnare,-Santia$o) San!o"alDutierre,) Car io) 0ustria-?artine,) Corona) Car io-?orales) Calle:o) Sr.) 0,cuna an! Tin$a) JJ.

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