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We gather today as Gods beloved children to worship our Heavenly Father.

We praise his holy name, we listen eagerly for his words of comfort, hope, and challenge to us, and we offer ourselves to him in dedicated service. May you be blessed as you worship here today.

Leading and Assisting in Worship

Leaders: Pastor Stephen Wood Organist: Olga Otte Deacons: Mark Hoffmeier; Larry Guinn Greeters: Paul & Ruth Ann Newkikr (8:00) Milton & Laberta Otte (10:15) Communion Assistant: Ruth Ann Newkirk (8:00) Altar Care: Shirley Lewis (8:00) Lectors: Doris Rorick (8:00) Marc Fountain (10:15) Acolyte: Kori Otte (8:00) Dylan Hatfield(10:15) Projectors: Jamie Baker (8:00) John Pierceall (10:15) Welcome Center: Shirley Lewis (8:00) Michelle Wood (10:15)

January 26, 2014

St. Paul Lutheran Church is a congregation of The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (E.L.C.A.). It is referred to as Borchers since Rev. Henry Borchers, who served our congregation from 1857-1881, advised and influenced a small group of pioneer settlers that wanted to establish a congregation in the area. This year we celebrate 162 years of life and ministry in this beautiful country setting in Southern Indiana. We look forward to many more years of growth and change as we seek continually to be faithful to Gods call to mission.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion is

offered at the 8:00 a.m. services on the 2nd and 4th Sundays and at the 10:15 a.m. service on the 1st and the 3rd Sundays of the month. Christians who believe in the true presence of Christ in the bread and wine for our forgiveness and salvation are invited to receive Holy Communion.

St. Paul Lutheran Church

10792 North 210 East, Seymour, IN 47274 Office 522-7364 Annex & Fax 522-7484 Parsonage 522-7421 email: stpaullutheran@stpaul-borchers.org Web Site: stpaul-borchers.org Office hours: Tuesday - Friday Staff The Reverend Stephen Wood Pastor Carolyn Jones...............Director of Youth & Family Ministries and Borchers Preschool Director Wendy Rotert ..Secretary Trish Tangman ..Care Team Director Tyler Claycamp ...Intern Youth & Family Director Amy Pierceall and Mandy Otte Custodians Jamie Baker .. Worship Technology Advisor and Web Master

Sunday School classes are held each Sunday for all ages at 9:10 a.m. Visitors are welcome to attend.
HEARING ASSISTANCE: We have head phones available for those in need of assistance with hearing. They are located on the table at the entrance of the sanctuary. LARGE PRINT BULLETINSThere are a handful of large print bulletins available. They are located on the table at the entrance of the sanctuary.

This week: Sunday 26thMonday 27th-

Wednesday 29th-

Thursday 30thFriday 31stNext week: Sunday 2nd-

Monday 3rd-

Wednesday 5th-

Thursday 6th-

Friday 7th-

CALENDAR January 26thFebruary 1st 11:30 am Free Will Offering Meal 12:15 pm Congregational Annual Meeting 9:00 am Pre-school 1:00 pm Book Buzz Meeting 6:30pm Stephen Ministers Group Meeting 8:00 pm Dartball at Wegan B 9:00 am Pre-school 9:00 am Blanket Making 5:30 pm Kids Bells Team 1 6:00 pm Kids Bells Team 2 6:30 pm Adult Bells 7:30 pm Prayer 9:00 am Borchers Breakfast Club 9:00 am Pre-school February 2nd8th Kids Bells Team 1 at worship both services 8:00 pm Dartball Borchers at Jonesville 9:00 am Pre-school 1:00 pm Blanket Making 8:00 pm Dartball at Jonesville 9:00 am Pre-school 9:00 am Blanket Making 5:30 pm Kids Bells Team 1 6:00 pm Kids Bells Team 2 6:30 pm Kids praise 6:30 pm Adult Bells 8:30 am Devotional Service in Borchers Chapel 7:00 pm Ruth Circle at Ruth Ann Newkirks home 9:00 am Pre-school

er gathering are: Wednesday, January 29th @ 7:30 pm. Any questions, please talk with Pastor Steve. If you are unable to come, you are still invited to take time during these appointed times to pray and lift up a variety of requests and petitions to God. PRAYERS IN THE LUTHERAN BOOK OF WORSHIP: Within the hymnals are prayers for people to use. These prayers cover a variety of situations and topics. Of particular interest may be the prayers for use Before Worship, After Worship, Before Holy Communion, and After Holy Communion. You are encourage to look at these prayers and if you find them meaningful to use them for your own spiritual nourishment. These prayers are located on pages 4152 in the beginning of the hymnal. The prayers about worship and communion are located on pages 47-48. BOOK BUZZ will meet on Monday, January 27th at 1:00 pm in the Church Narthex. The book to be discussed is Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt. Call Michelle Wood at 522-7421 or Trish Tangman at 497-3166 for more details. IF YOU WOULD like to donate altar flowers in 2014, please sign-up on the sheet at the Welcome Center. THE FOOD PANTRY ITEM being collected for January is canned soups. BLANKET MAKINGThe blanket makers will meet on Mondays at 1:00 pm and Wednesdays at 9:00 am in the Adult Sunday School room. Everyone is welcome to help. There are blankets ready for knotting by the Mission Outreach room. If you have questions contact Wanda Engelau. ON THE WELCOME CENTER is a jar for collecting aluminum pull tabs for Ronald McDonald House at Riley Hospital. Tabs are being collected in honor of 12 yr. old Emily Hume, who has been on our prayer list since July. TALENT SHOWIts that time of year again. Time for the ninth annual Talent Show. The theme this year is colleges. The Talent show will

TODAY is the Congregational Annual Meeting at 12:15 pm. A free-will offering meal will be held before the meeting. OPPORTUNITY FOR PRAYERDuring 2014, one of my emphases for ministry is prayer. As a way to be intentional about praying, I will be offering two different times each month for people to gather for the sole purpose of praying together. As we gather, we will begin with a short teaching on prayer followed by time spent lifting up a variety of requests and whatever else in on peoples mind. The date, in January for this pray-

be held on Saturday, February 22nd. The Luther League will serve a free-will offering meal at 5:30 pm. The menu is chicken and pork BBQ, potato salad, macaroni salad, mac & cheese, pigs in a blanket, veggies and desserts. The show will begin at 6:30 pm. We ask everyone to wear your favorite collegiate colors and score extra points for your team. You can also bring canned goods for Anchor House to score more points for your team. A silent auction will be held and the proceeds will go to the Care Team Fund. If you have any college memorabilia that we could decorate, we would greatly appreciate borrowing it. Any questions see Leah Otte, Susan Kaiser or Carolyn Jones. ARE YOU EXPERIENCING A WINTER IN YOUR LIFE? In addition to the cold weather outside, many people experience winters in their personal lives that may leave them feeling lonely. A hospitalization, cancer diagnosis, or ongoing medical problems may leave them feeling isolated. The loss of a job, the fear of layoffs, or a financial setback can devastate ones self-esteem. Family and personal struggles may leave them with nowhere to turn for support. If you are going through a difficult time, our Stephen Ministers can bring Gods warm love back into your life. They provide confidential, one -to-one care. They will meet with you privately on a weekly basis to listen, support, and encourage you, to pray with and for you, and to walk with you as long as you need them. To find out more about Stephen Ministry and how you or someone you know could be matched with a Stephen Minister, talk with Pastor Steve, Laberta Otte, or Trish Tangman. Our Stephen Ministers are ready to care for you! HOT SOUP IN A COLD MONTH Every Thursday in January & February seniors are invited to bring an empty PINT jar to the church kitchen to be filled with a delicious homemade soup. Seniors can then take the soup home for a later meal. Volunteers will begin filling jars around 10:00 and refrigerate them until BBC participants leave at noon. If you are not a regular BBC participant you are still welcome to bring a jar for soup, just let Trish know so enough soup can be planned.

HOT SOUP IN COLD MONTHS has been a big hit. More Soup Makers are needed to help with "Hot Soup in a Cold Month". If you are willing to prepare a gallon or two of soup for our seniors please sign up at the Welcome Center or contact Trish. A different soup will be offered each Thursday in January & February, so volunteer your specialty to warm the hearts and souls of our St. Paul seniors. ALL ST. PAUL YOUTH GROUPS will be going snow tubing on Sunday, February 23rd. Please eat before you come or pack a lunch and a snack for the ride home. The cost is $15.00 for St. Paul youth and $20.00 for guests. A signup sheets are on the bulletin board in the church office. YOU MUST SIGN UP AND TURN IN MONEY BY FEBRUARY 16TH. RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE Sunday, February 2nd from 8 AM 12 noon in Borchers Preschool. If youd like to reserve a time slot please sign up at the Welcome Center. Drop-ins are always welcome, so encourage your friends and neighbors to donate this precious gift of life! Thank you for your loyal support of this vital need! THE 4TH ANNUAL "INDOOR SUPERBOWL TAILGATE" PARTY will begin at 5 pm on Sunday, February 2, 2014 at the Mansfields. Beverages and Georges "World Famous Tailgate Chili" will be provided. Please bring your favorite tailgating food, munchie, and/or dessert. Even non-football fans will have activities to entertain themselves. Kids are welcome. 8688 Beacon Hill Dr., Seymour, IN. Any questions, please call 524-9484. FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY will be offered at St. John White Creek beginning Sunday, February 2nd at 2:00 pm. This class will run for 9 weeks with allowances for Spring Break. This class will empower you with practical skills to beat debt and to build wealth! Sign up by going online to www.daveramsey.com/fpu. RUTH CIRCLE will meet at 7:00 pm on Thursday, February 6th at Ruth Ann Newkirks home. Linda Guinn will be Bible study leader. THANK YOU ALL for the prayers, cards and visits after my surgery. Pat Otte

Walking in Faith Sowing Christs Love
The mission of St. Paul Lutheran Church is derived from our core values - the essence of our purpose for existence and the criteria we should use to guide our congregational decisions and actions.

Our Core Values:

1. Spirituality to worship and to grow and develop spiritually as Christians. 2. Outreach To spread the message of Gods love and grace by word and by action. 3. Service to Others To live Christs message to Love one another.
You can support the mission of our church by coming to worship, engaging in study, sharing the word, bringing a friend to church, taking part in Care Team initiatives, volunteering at church or in the community and loving one another. We invite you to join us in this journey.

Our Response to Gods Love

We Worshipped: January 19 8:00 am service123 Total Offerings for January 19 : Spending Plan Giving $3,538.00 Other Giving$245.00 New Church Loan:
th th

10:15 service70 New Church Loan Payment$820.00

Beginning Balance January 1, 2013$753,620.27 Ending Loan Principal Balance December 31, 2013$637,467.16

{The weekly amount needed to cover expenses in the 2014 Spending Plan is $5,853.00} *This amount does not include the $5,900.00 monthly mortgage payment Readings for February 2nd: Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
Exodus 17:1-7 Psalm 42:1-7 John 4:1-1-42 Lectors: Mandy Oe (8:00) Ed DeVoe (10:15)

Those assisting with worship February 2nd:

Greeters: Communion Assistant: Altar Care: Acolytes: Projectors: Childrens Sermon: Flowers: Welcome Center: Larry & Shirley Lewis (8:00) Larry & Linda Guinn (10:15) Leon Seitz (10:15) Gretchen Lawles (10:15) Jack Rosenberger (8:00) Cheyenne Douglass(10:15) Doris Rorick (8:00) Hannah Wood (10:15) Leah Oe Connie Knoke Chris Herbert (8:00) Terri DeVoe (10:15)

January 26, 2014

Going Deeper

The purpose of this page is to provide a tool or instrument for your spiritual growth. This page contains a brief synopsis of the readings as well as some questions for your reflection to help you go deeper with the Word. On the back is a day by day listing of scripture readings with possible prayer request. Individuals are listed on their day of birthso that you might pray for them on their birthday. Also on the back is the prayer list for the congregation. Keep on Growing Spiritually!! Readings for the Day: Numbers 21:4-9: Though God provides food and water for the Israelites in the wilderness, they whine and grumble. They forget about the salvation they experience in the exodus. God punishes them for their sin, but when they repent God also provides a means of healing: a bronze serpent lifted up on a pole. John 3:1-21: A curious Pharisee, Nicodemus, visits Jesus by night to learn from the teacher his friends reject. Jesus speaks to him about life in the Spirit and the kingdom of God. To explain the salvation of God to Nicodemus, Jesus refers to a scripture passage from Numbers. Just as people looked at the bronze serpent and were healed, so people will be saved when they behold Christ lifted up on the cross. From Sunday & Seasons, copyright 2013 Augsburg Fortress


Questions To Ponder: 1 Why would Nicodemus come to Jesus at night? 2 What does it mean to be born again? 3 Are you born again? Why or Why not? 4 What is the reference to Moses in the wilderness? 5What does this reference have to do with God sending Jesus to the world?

MEMORY VERSE: JOHN 3:16 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.

Going Deeper in Prayer

Sunday1/26 Genesis 14:1-24 Luke 11:1-54 World peace Monday 1/27 Genesis 15:1-21 Luke 12:1-59 Larry Lewis Riley Childrens hospital Tuesday 1/28 Genesis 16:1-16 Luke 13:1-35 Brandy Rotert, Chloe Bryden nurses Wednesday 1/29 Genesis 17:1-27 Luke 14:1-35 Habitat for Humanity Thursday 1/30 Genesis 18:1-33 Luke 15:1-32 Kim Holland, Andrea Zimmer Christians in Iran Friday 1/31 Genesis 19:1-38 Luke 16:1-31 Delores Douglass people who do not know Jesus as Lord & Savior Saturday 2/1 Genesis 20:1-18 Luke 17:1-37 Pete, Engelau, Kyle Claycamp the music ministry of St. Paul

Prayer List Prayer for Homebound Individuals: Betty Hoene, Eunice Lutes, Helen Carter, Evelyn Otte; Geneva

Hoene; Orville Schnitker

Prayer for Long Term Care Issues: Andy Runge, Peggy Meahl (Sarah Roterts sister-in-law); Pastor Ed and Joan Winter; Walter Von Fange (Bertha Ottes brother in-law); Recent Hospitalizations: Other Prayer Request: Karen Vaughn (neighbor of Merrell Otte); Ted Weidner (cancer-Ed DeVoes cousin);Pat Otte; James Otte; Mandy Wessel (cancer-friend of Carolyn Jones); Selma Mellenbruch; Jon Eglen; Albert Skaggs (cancer-neighbors of Roger & Delores Douglass); Jeannie Isaacs (physical healthcousin of Karen Hoene); Jeff Fugett; Dale Ann Hoyt (cancer-friend of Bob & Dena Schafstall); Charity Hill (accident-Cindy Smiths daughter in-law); Herschel Kleffman; Cindy Hunt (cancer-neighbor of Delores Douglass); Deanna Johnson (Richard Andersons sister); Kristie Wessel (Tracey Engelaus sister); Tom Harris (cancer-friend of Leah Otte); Claudine Rowe (cancer- friend of Bill & Marlis Kidd); Emily Hume; Paul Johnson (cancer-Leslie Wentes fianc); Amy Siefker (niece of Karen Hoene); Carly Hoffmeier (sister-in-law to Mark Hoffmeier); Joe Bond (cancer-friend of Bob & Dena Schafstall); Frances Lamberson (Terri DeVoes Mother); Phyllis Neidinger; Edna Spiehler (Patty Herkamps friend); Shirley Darlage Duncan (cancer-friend of Dena Schafstall); Pat Norrell (friend of Kendra Harris) Prayers for those in Military Service: Steven Rieker (Jerry & Pixie Ottes Grandson); Chad Brigdon,

Evan Marshall, Tyler Kruse

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