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1heo o"# (1heo o"# is offered in co2operation with the ,nited 1heo o"ica Co e"e of the 3est +ndies and St$ Michae 4s 1heo o"ica Centre! 5-ew pro"ramme commenced in Au"ust .//6

FACULTY OF HUMANITIES AND EDUCATION Degree Programmes Offered: Bachelor of Ar s !B"A"# with one or two majors in:

FACULTY OF HUMANITIES ' EDUCATION EDUCATION BASED P(O)(AMMES Degree Programmes Offered: Bachelor of Ed&ca $o* !B"Ed"# with major in: Ear # Chi dhood Education5 Educationa Administration En" ish )an"ua"e (istor# Education )iterac# Studies55 )iterac# Studies 7n2 ine: 8ar*ados9 8e i:e, Ca#man +s ands, Dominica, 'renada, ;amaica, St )ucia, St Vincent and the 'renadines and 1rinidad and 1o*a"o$ Mathematics Education 7n2 ine2 Dominica, 'renada,, ;amaica, St$ Vincent and the 'renadines, St )ucia Primar# Education (Mona! Primar# Education( Mico! Schoo )i*rarianship Science Education Specia Education (Administration! Specia Education (C inica ! Specia Education (Mu tip e (andicapped! 5 A so offered in co a*oration with Shortwood 1eachers Co e"e 55 A so offered in co a*oration with Monea"ue Co e"e (fu 2 time&part2time! 555 A so offered in co a*oration with Mico Co e"e

African & African Diaspora Studies Computer Science EMCVPA options (dance, music, drama & visua arts! the "reater part of the de"ree pro"ramme in each case is tau"ht at the Edna Man e# Co e"e for the Visua and Performin" Arts$ En" ish %rench %rench&Spanish & Education 'eo"raph# (istor# (istor# & Archaeo o"# )an"ua"e, Communication & Societ# )i*rar# & +nformation Studies L$%eral S &d$es (specifica # desi"ned for persons who matricu ate into the ,niversit# *ut are not certain of what the# wish to stud# or major in$ +t is a so "eared towards students who enter with mu tip e interests!$ )in"uistics )in"uistics & )an"ua"e Education Mathematics Media & Communication Phi osoph# Si"n )an"ua"e +nterpretin" ( -ew .//0! Spanish

FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Degree Programmes Offered: Bachelor of Sc$e*ce !B"Sc"# with one or more majors: Anthropo o"# African & African Diaspora Studies Demo"raph# +nternationa <e ations )a*our and Emp o#ment <e ations Po itica Science Pu* ic Sector Mana"ement Ps#cho o"# Socio o"# Statistics The follo+$*g ,rogrammes ca**o %e do*e +$ h a*o her ma-or or m$*or: 8an=in" & %inance 8usiness Economic & Socia Statistics Economics (ote Mana"ement Mana"ement Studies (Accountin"! Mana"ement Studies ( (uman <esource! Mana"ement Studies (Mar=etin"! Mana"ement Studies (7perations! Mana"ements Studies ('enera ! Socia Po ic# & Deve opment Socia 3or=55 1ourism Mana"ement N.B. Mathematics is c m!"#s $% & $ a## !$ '$ammes &&e$e( )% the Fac"#t% & S cia# Scie*ces * a## th$ee Cam!"ses. ..B"Sc" Soc$al /or0 De,ar me* al (e1&$reme* s Each app icant, irrespective of academic >ua ifications, must satisf# the fo owin" departmenta re>uirements:2

?$ <e>uest two (.! referees to su*mit to the Assistant <e"istrar, (Admissions!, C7-%+DE-1+A) references attestin" to her&her suita*i it# for professiona Socia 3or=$

.$ Su*mit a on" with the app ication forms, a persona statement of

*etween .6/ and @// words in en"th, "ivin" his&her reasons for wantin" to stud# for the de"ree in Socia 3or=$

@$ Attend as re>uested for an interview with facu t# representative or


FACULTY OF PU(E ' APPLIED SCIENCES Degree Programme Offered: Bachelor of Sc$e*ce !B"Sc"# )eve one 7ptions (1hree2#ear De"ree Pro"ramme! Actuaria Science A"ricu ture (#ear one course on #! App ied Chemistr# 8iochemistr# 8io o"# with Education 8iotechno o"# 8otan# Chemistr# Chemistr# & Mana"ement Chemistr#&Mathematics&Ph#sics with Education Computer Studies E ectronics Environmenta 8io o"# Environmenta Sciences EAperimenta 8io o"#

%isheries & A>uatic Sciences FACULTY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES %ood Chemistr# 'eo"raph# Degree Programmes offered: 'eo o"# Bachelor of Bas$c Med$cal Sc$e*ces !BBMedSc$# Materia s Science Micro*io o"# 1he 8ache or of 8asic Medica Sciences offers Majors in the fo owin" Mathematics discip ines: Mo ecu ar 8io o"# Anatom#, 8iochemistr#, Pharmaco o"# and Ph#sio o"# 7ccupationa and Environmenta Safet# and (ea th (new .//B! Ph#sics ENT(Y (E3UI(EMENTS:4 Bachelor of Bas$c Med$cal Sc$e*ces Science with Media & Communication (5App icant must pass Media & !BBMedSc$#" Communications entrance test as we as under"o mandator# academic counse in"! Specia Chemistr# ?a$ 'CE 7F)eve s ('rades A to C!&CDC(CSEC! 'enera Proficienc# )eve ('rades + & ++! pre ?GGH9 'rades + to +++ Coo o"# from ?GGH! in En" ish )an"ua"e, Mathematics, 8io o"#, Chemistr# and Ph#sics$ E* ra*ce (e1&$reme* s: 2 2 Minimum of five (6! CSEC, CDC inc usive of Mathematics & En" ish and two ( .! approved a*orator# Science Su*jects$ Passes in at east two .2unit CAPE or 'CE Advanced )eve su*jects$ ii! 'CE AF )eve s&Cape (. ,nits per su*ject!: a minimum of two su*jects chosen from Chemistr#, 8io o"#& Coo o"#, Ph#sics& Mathematics

P(ELIMINA(Y LE2EL COU(SES: Co&rses Offered: 8io o"# Chemistr# Mathematics Ph#sics

7r ,3+ Pure and App ied Sciences Pre iminar# Courses Chemistr#, )ife Sciences, Ph#sics, Mathematics$ .$ E>uiva ent >ua ifications (as determined from transcripts! to those a*ove$ @$ A imited num*er of mature students (I .? #ears! with the 'CE 7F)EVE)&CDC(CSEC! re>uirements stated a*ove at (i! and re evant wor= eAperience in a research&medica a*orator#$ NB: S &de* s reg$s ered $* he Bachelor of Bas$c Med$cal Sc$e*ces !BBMed"Sc$# Programme ca**o ra*sfer o he MBBS ,rogramme" Ho+e5er6 o* com,le $o* ca* a,,l7 !af er a ,er$od has ela,sed# o he MBBS ,rogramme for co*s$dera $o*"

FACULTY OF LA/ ?st #ear E Mona Campus .nd & @rd #ears E Cave (i Campus Degree Programme offered: Bachelor of La+s !L"L"B"#

BACHELO( OF MEDICINE AND BACHELO( OF SU()E(Y !M"B"B"S"# E* r7 (e1&$reme* s 8 M"B"B"S ,rogramme Academ$c (e1&$reme* s 9" S&%-ec s a C:C )e*eral;)CE O Le5el %ive (6! Su*jects Compu sor# E En" ish )an"ua"e, Mathematics, 8io o"#, Chemistr# and Ph#sics$ <" S&%-ec s a he Car$%%ea* Ad5a*ced Prof$c$e*c7 E=am$*a $o* !CAPE# or )CE Ad5a*ced Le5el or e1&$5ale* 1hree .2unit CAPE or 'CE Advanced )eve passes which must inc ude Chemistr# and 8io o"#$ 1he third pass can *e in Mathematics or Ph#sics or in an# other reco"ni:ed su*ject ((istor#, %orei"n )an"ua"e, En" ish )iterature, Accountin", 'eo"raph#J! provided the re>uirements in 9 a%o5e have *een satisfied$ Bachelor of Sc$e*ce $* N&rs$*g BSc N !)e*er$c# 1he pro"ramme is offered throu"h the 8rowns4 1own Communit# Co e"e, EAce sior Communit# Co e"e and the ,niversit# (ospita of the 3est +ndies Schoo of -ursin"(,(3+S-!$ 1he pro"ramme is offered over a period of siA(B! semesters and three(@! summers$ ENT(Y (E3UI(EMENTS 8 Bachelor of Sc$e*ce N&rs$*g !)e*er$c# K %ive CDC(CSEC! 'enera Proficienc# ("rades +2+++! su*jects &'CE 74)eve su*jects inc usive of En" ish )an"ua"e, 8io o"#&+nte"rated Science, Mathematics and two other approved su*jects$ Candidates shou d have a minimum of "rade ++4s in the compu sor# su*jects$ Bachelor of Sc$e*ce $* Ph7s$cal Thera,7 (Ph#sica 1herap# is an a ied hea th profession, concerned with hea th promotion, prevention of ph#sica disa*i ities and the reha*i itation of persons disa* ed *# pain, disease and injur#!$

No*4Academ$c (e1&$reme* s Must *e ?H #ears of a"e A candidates are re>uired to su*mit a short (@// words or ess! auto2 *io"raphic s=etch out inin" the reasons for their career choice$ Candidates must produce evidence of their invo vement in re evant eAtra2curricu ar&co2curricu ar activities in socia # oriented projects and vo untar# communit# service in the #ear prior to their app ication " E*c# se( s!ecia# i*se$t & $ this !$ '$amme m"st )e c m!#ete(. ENT(Y (E3UI(EMENTS 4 B"Sc" Ph7s$cal Thera,7 Academic <e>uirements: 2 %ive (6! CSEC CDC 'enera Proficienc# 2 ('rades + E+++! E inc usive of En" ish )an"ua"e & Mathematics 2 An# two .2unit CAPE&'CE 2 Advanced eve passes from the fo owin" su*jects Ph#sics&Chemistr#, Mathematics, 8io o"#$ App icants to the Ph#sica 1herap# pro"ramme are further re>uired to: ?$ ?$ 8e ?H #ears o d at the time of admission$ Comp ete siAt# (B/! vo untar# hours in a Ph#sica 1herap# department at the time of admission to the pro"ramme$ At east thirt# (@/! of these hours must *e spent in an acute "enera hospita $ Candidates must ma=e their own arran"ements for doin" vo untar# hours$

Bachelor of Sc$e*ce $* N&rs$*g BSc N !Pos (N# The ,rogramme $s offered o5er fo&r !># semes ers a*d o*e!9# s&mmer ENT(Y (E3UI(EMENTS 8 Bachelor of Sc$e*ce N&rs$*g !Pos (N# K M&s %e a reg$s ered *&rse K S&%-ec s a C:C!CSEC#;)CE O?Le5el4 K Com,&lsor7 4 E*gl$sh La*g&age6 Chem$s r7

.$ Su*mit to a persona interview$

,3+ Pure and App ied Sciences Pre iminar# Courses Chemistr#, )ife Sciences, Ph#sics, Mathematics$ .$ E>uiva ent >ua ifications (as determined from transcripts! to those a*ove$ @$ A imited num*er of mature students (I .? #ears! with the 'CE 7F)EVE)&CDC(CSEC! re>uirements stated a*ove at (i! and re evant wor= eAperience in a research&medica a*orator#$ FACULTY OF LA/ ?st #ear E Mona Campus .nd & @rd #ears E Cave (i Campus Degree Programme offered: Bachelor of La+s !L"L"B"# FACULTY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES Degree Programmes offered: Bachelor of Bas$c Med$cal Sc$e*ces !BBMedSc$# 1he 8ache or of 8asic Medica Sciences offers Majors in the fo owin" discip ines: Anatom#, 8iochemistr#, Pharmaco o"# and Ph#sio o"# ENT(Y (E3UI(EMENTS:4 Bachelor of Bas$c Med$cal Sc$e*ces !BBMedSc$#" ?a$ 'CE 7F)eve s ('rades A to C!&CDC (CSEC! 'enera Proficienc# )eve ('rades + & ++! pre ?GGH9 'rades + to +++ from ?GGH! in En" ish )an"ua"e, Mathematics, 8io o"#, Chemistr# and Ph#sics$ 'CE AF )eve s&Cape (. ,nits per su*ject!: a minimum of two su*jects chosen from Chemistr#, 8io o"#& Coo o"#, Ph#sics& Mathematics <" NB: S &de* s reg$s ered $* he Bachelor of Bas$c Med$cal Sc$e*ces !BBMed"Sc$# Programme ca**o ra*sfer o he MBBS ,rogramme" Ho+e5er6 o* com,le $o* ca* a,,l7 !af er a ,er$od has ela,sed# o he MBBS ,rogramme for co*s$dera $o*"

BACHELO( OF MEDICINE AND BACHELO( OF SU()E(Y !M"B"B"S"# E* r7 (e1&$reme* s 8 M"B"B"S ,rogramme Academ$c (e1&$reme* s 9" S&%-ec s a C:C )e*eral;)CE O Le5el %ive (6! Su*jects Compu sor# E En" ish )an"ua"e, Mathematics, 8io o"#, Chemistr# and Ph#sics$ S&%-ec s a he Car$%%ea* Ad5a*ced Prof$c$e*c7 E=am$*a $o* !CAPE# or )CE Ad5a*ced Le5el or e1&$5ale* 1hree .2unit CAPE or 'CE Advanced )eve passes which must inc ude Chemistr# and 8io o"#$ 1he third pass can *e in Mathematics or Ph#sics or in an# other reco"ni:ed su*ject ((istor#, %orei"n )an"ua"e, En" ish )iterature, Accountin", 'eo"raph#J! provided the re>uirements in 9 a%o5e have *een satisfied$


7r No*4Academ$c (e1&$reme* s

Must *e ?H #ears of a"e A candidates are re>uired to su*mit a short (@// words or ess! auto2 *io"raphic s=etch out inin" the reasons for their career choice$ Candidates must produce evidence of their invo vement in re evant eAtra2curricu ar&co2curricu ar activities in socia # oriented projects and vo untar# communit# service in the #ear prior to their app ication " E*c# se( s!ecia# i*se$t & $ this !$ '$amme m"st )e c m!#ete(. Bachelor of Sc$e*ce $* Ph7s$cal Thera,7 (Ph#sica 1herap# is an a ied hea th profession, concerned with hea th promotion, prevention of ph#sica disa*i ities and the reha*i itation of persons disa* ed *# pain, disease and injur#!$ ENT(Y (E3UI(EMENTS 4 B"Sc" Ph7s$cal Thera,7 Academic <e>uirements: 2 %ive (6! CSEC CDC 'enera Proficienc# 2 ('rades + E+++! E inc usive of En" ish )an"ua"e & Mathematics 2 An# two .2unit CAPE&'CE 2 Advanced eve passes from the fo owin" su*jects Ph#sics&Chemistr#, Mathematics, 8io o"#$ App icants to the Ph#sica 1herap# pro"ramme are further re>uired to: ?$ @$ 8e ?H #ears o d at the time of admission$ Comp ete siAt# (B/! vo untar# hours in a Ph#sica 1herap# department at the time of admission to the pro"ramme$ At east thirt# (@/! of these hours must *e spent in an acute "enera hospita $ Candidates must ma=e their own arran"ements for doin" vo untar# hours$

Bachelor of Sc$e*ce $* N&rs$*g BSc N !Pos (N# The ,rogramme $s offered o5er fo&r !># semes ers a*d o*e!9# s&mmer ENT(Y (E3UI(EMENTS 8 Bachelor of Sc$e*ce N&rs$*g !Pos (N# K M&s %e a reg$s ered *&rse K S&%-ec s a C:C!CSEC#;)CE O?Le5el4 K Com,&lsor7 4 E*gl$sh La*g&age6 Chem$s r7

Bachelor of Sc$e*ce $* D$ag*os $c Imag$*g!(ad$ogra,h7# ENT(Y (E3UI(EMENTS 8 K Be a leas 9@ 7ears old $* he 7ear of e* r7 &, o Decem%er A9" K Possess a m$*$m&m of s$=!B# CSEC C:C s&%-ec s6 grades 94999or e1&$5ale* s $* he follo+$*g:E*gl$sh La*g&age6 Ma hema $cs or Ph7s$cs6 B$olog7 or H&ma* B$olog76 o*e o her sc$e*ce s&%-ec 6 a*d +o o her s&%-ec s" Bachelor of Sc$e*ce $* N&rs$*g BSc N !)e*er$c# 1he pro"ramme is a so offered in conjunction with 8rowns4 1own Communit# Co e"e, EAce sior Communit# Co e"e and LnoA Communit# Co e"e$ 1he pro"ramme is offered over a period of siA (B! semesters and three(@! summers$ ENT(Y (E3UI(EMENTS 8 Bachelor of Sc$e*ce N&rs$*g !)e*er$c# K %ive CDC(CSEC! 'enera Proficienc# ("rades +2+++! su*jects &'CE 74)eve su*jects inc usive of En" ish )an"ua"e, 8io o"#&+nte"rated Science, Mathematics and two other approved su*jects$ Candidates shou d have a minimum of "rade ++4s in the compu sor# su*jects$

M$ Su*mit to a persona interview$


FACULTY OF HUMANITIES AND EDUCATION Degree Programmes Offered: Bachelor of Ar s 8 !B"A" Theolog7# Bachelor of Ed&ca $o* !B"Ed"# +Same as A$ts Base( ,$ '$ammes at the M *a Cam!"s-

B"A" with the fo owin" majors: En" ish %rench (istor# )in"uistics Spanish Ps#cho o"# Phi osoph# Majors may be taken in conjunction with a minor from any of the disciplines available in the Faculty or in other faculties including African & African Studies, Economics, Education, nformation !echnology, "aw, Management Studies, #olitical Science and Sociology$ B"A" !Theolog7# B" Ed ! hree 7ear ,rogramme# L"Th" L$ce* $a e $* Theolog7


;oint majors com*inin" two of these su*jects or dou* e majors in a sin" e area are a so a owed$ Minors ma# inc ude su*ject areas from other facu t#4s vi:$: Economics Accountin" Mana"ement Studies Socio o"# Education

FACULTY OF LA/ Degree Programme Offered: Bachelor of La+s !LL"B# FACULTY OF PU(E ' APPLIED SCIENCES Degree Programme Offered: Bachelor of Sc$e*ce !B"Sc"# 1he de"ree is awarded with majors or minors chosen from the fo owin" su*ject areas: 8io o"ica Science Chemistr# Computer Science E ectronics Mathematics Meteoro o"# Micro*io o"#

FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Degree Programmes Offered: Bachelor of Sc$e*ce !B"Sc"# The de"ree is offered with Specia s, Majors and Minors chosen from the fo owin" su*ject areas: Accountin" Economics (istor# (ote Mana"ement (first #ear courses! )a*our and Emp o#ment <e ations )aw Mana"ement Studies Mathematics Pu* ic Sector Mana"ement Po itica Science Ps#cho o"# Socia Sciences Socio o"# Socia 3or= 1ourism Mana"ement ((first #ear course! (ospita it# &1ourism Mana"ement (@rd & Mth on # ?st & .nd offered at the 8ar*ados Communit# Co e"e!

Chemistr# Chemistr# & Mana"ement Computer Science Computer Science & Mana"ement Environmenta & -atura <esources Mana"ement 'eo"raph# Mathematics -utrition & Dietetics (uman Eco o"# Ph#sics & Coo o"#

FACULTY OF EN)INEE(IN) Degree Programmes Offered: Bachelor of Sc$e*ce !E*g$*eer$*g# B"Sc" !E*g"# Bachelor of Sc$e*ce !S&r5e7$*g a*d La*d I*forma $o*# 7ptions: Chemica Civi E ectrica & Computer +ndustria Mechanica Mechanica majors with a minor in 8io2S#stems En"ineerin" )and Surve#in" Petro eum 'eoscience


FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND A)(ICULTU(E Degree Programme Offered: Bachelor of Sc$e*ce !B"Sc"# The de"ree is awarded with one or more majors chosen from the fo owin": A"ricu tura Science A"ri*usiness Mana"ement 8iochemistr# 8otan#

FACULTY OF HUMANITIES ' EDUCATION Degree Programmes offered: Bachelor of Ar s !B"A"# Majors avai a* e are as fo ows: African & Asian Studies Carniva Studies Communication Studies

En" ish )an"ua"e and )iterature with Education %i m %i m Production %rench (istor# )atin American Studies )in"uistics )iteratures in En" ish Mathematics Musica Arts Spanish 1heatre Arts Visua Arts

Bachelor of Ed&ca $o* !B"Ed"# 8 Earl7 Ch$ldhood Care ' Ed&ca $o*

Scheme A
Passes in two units of Chemistr#, 8io o"#&Coo o"# and Ph#sics at CAPE or the 'CE A4 )eve e>uiva ent$ CSE&CDC 'enera Proficienc#&'CE 74 )eve Mathematics is re>uired$

%achelor of Education &%$Ed$' (

#rimary Education

+$ h s,ec$al$Ca $o* $* o*e of he follo+$*g 4Ed&ca $o*al Adm$*$s ra $o* 4 La*g&age Ar s 4Ma hema $cs 4Sc$e*ce

Scheme %
Passes in two units of Chemistr#, 8io o"#&Coo o"# and mathematics at CAPE or the 'CE A4 )eve e>uiva ent$ CSEC&CDC 'enera Proficienc#&'CE 74 )eve Ph#sics is re>uired$

FACULTY OF LA/ +Same as at M *a Cam!"s-

Scheme .
Passes in *oth units of Chemistr#, Ph#sics and Mathematics at CAPE or the 'CE A4 )eve e>uiva ent$ CSEC&CDC 'enera Proficienc#&'CE 74 )eve 8io o"# is re>uired$ FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Degree Programmes Offered: Bachelor of Sc$e*ce !B"Sc"# 1he de"ree is offered with Specia s, Majors and Minors chosen from the fo owin" su*ject areas: Accountin" Economics Mana"ement Studies Sports Mana"ement Pu* ic Sector Mana"ement 'overnment Ps#cho o"# Socio o"# Socia 3or= (ote &1ourism Mana"ement (()eve + on # at$ St$ Au"ustine! (ospita it# &1ourism Mana"ement (@rd & Mth on # and the ?st & .nd #ears offered at the 1rinidad and 1o*a"o (ospita it# +nstitute!

FACULTY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES Degree Programmes Offered: Bachelor of Med$c$*e ' Bachelor of S&rger7 !M"B"B"S"# Bachelor of De* al S&rger7 !D"D"S"# Doc or of 2e er$*ar7 Med$c$*e !D"2"M"# Bachelor of Pharmac7 !B" Pharm"# (A 8$ Pharm$ App icants must su*mit a etter of acceptance from their oca Pharmac# 8oard in their countr# of residence$!

E)!*+ *E,- *EME)!S

M"B"B"S"D D"D"S" a*d D"2"M" ACADEMIC (E3UI(EMENTS 1he minimum re>uirements for Admissions to the %acu t# are the candidate4s performance and attainments in su*jects isted *e ow in the Cari**ean Advanced Proficienc# EAaminations (CAPE!&'CE A4 )eve eAaminations$

B"Sc" Soc$al /or0 !S,ec$al# !Same as for Mo*a Cam,&s# De,ar me* al (e1&$reme* s -71E: 1he 8$Sc$ Socia 3or= (Specia ! is a %u 2time Pro"ramme that inc udes concurrent practicum on desi"nated da#s$ Candidates see=in" admission who do not satisf# the re>uirements at (i! *ut who are deemed capa* e of doin" the standard wor= re>uired for the Certificate ma# *e permitted to enter the Certificate course, at the discretion of the %acu t#$

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