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Advanced Character Chart Characters full name: Original Name: Reason or meaning of name: Characters nickname: Reason for

nickname: Nationality: Gender: Birth date: Blood Type: Fandom: Physical appearance Age: o! old does he"she appear: #eight: eight: Body $uild: %ye color: Glasses or contacts: &kin tone:

Takashi Kawano N/A Takashi Noble Kawano River Field Kawano-sempai; Takashi-kun Sempai Respec Kun Friends !apanese "ale Au#us $nd %& N/A

'( '(-') (*k# '()cm "uscular+ Toned %rown None Tanned

'istinguishing marks: air color: airstyle:

A hu#e scar on his hand, -rom a inciden o- him cu in# his hand, a his -amilies res auran . /a0lenu h p1//www.hairs 2lesh.com/wp-con en /uploads/$*'$/'$/!apanese-"en 34$35*3))s-/airs 2les-/ara6uku.6p# N/A (/'* None

(oice: O)erall attracti)eness: *hysical disa$ilities:

+sual fashion of dress:

Casual: http:""thum$nail,image,rakuten,co,-p"./0mall"drop12"ca$inet"$31441311,-pg &leep: http:""image,rakuten,co,-p"pa-amako$o3lo)ely"ca$inet"s"s1"5/63d1,-pg +niform: http:""6,$p,$logspot,com"3 f7at0-t$8i9"T19t:;h<='9"AAAAAAAAA/%"ke&> ?rt2T6"s1@//"Flo!erA=BBoyA=BRamyun A=B&hopA=B11,-pg

Fa)orite outfit:


<e!elry or accessories: Personality Good personality traits: Bad personality traits: 7ood character is most often in: &ense of humor: Characters greatest -oy in life: Characters greatest fear: #hyB


Funn2; Tou#h; Speaks his mind. Sill2; Sa2s hin#s a he wron# ime; careless 7ickin# -un a o her people. 8rea sense o- humor. "akin# o her people lau#h. %ein# e9iled. %ecause he en6o2s bein# wi h people and makin# hem smile and lau#h and happ2 even i- he:s sad+ so wh2 would he wan o be e9iled and sad+ and have o -ace his own problems. /e:d much ra her -i9 ever2one else:s.

#hat single e)ent !ould most thro! this characters life into complete turmoilB Character is most at ease !hen: 7ost ill at ease !hen: %nraged !hen: 'epressed or sad !hen: *riorities:

;- he los all o- his -riends.

/e is rela9in# and han#in# ou wi h a #roup o- -riends. /e is alone wi h his hou#h s. Someone calls him ou . /e is i#nored. /is -amilies res auran ; School; 8irls

Cife philosophy: 9f granted one !ishD it !ould $e: #hyB

No one should ever have o -rown. For his -amil2 and him o have he bes res auran in !apan ha ever2one will wan o ea a . %ecause he and his -amil2 work so hard o make heir mone2 and make he bes -ood+ ha he wan s ever2one o en6o2 and e9perience+ due o heir -ood will leave 2our soul happ2. /is -amil2 and -riends. Somewha .

Characters soft spot: 9s this soft spot o$)ious to othersB Greatest strength: Greatest )ulnera$ility or !eakness: Biggest regret: 7inor regret: Biggest accomplishme nt: 7inor accomplishme nt: *ast failures he"she !ould $e em$arrassed to ha)e people kno! a$out: #hyB

Characters darkest secret: 'oes anyone else kno!B Goals 'ri)es and moti)ations: 9mmediate goals: Cong term goals:

o! the character plans to accomplish these goals: o! other characters !ill $e affected: Past ometo!n: Type of childhood: *ets: First memory: 7ost important childhood memory: #hyB FukuokaD <apan

Childhood hero: 'ream -o$: %ducation: Religion: Finances: Present Current location: Currently li)ing !ith: *ets: Religion: Occupation: Finances: Family 7other: Relationship !ith her:

Fukuoka !apan


Relationship !ith him:

&i$lings: Relationship !ith them:

&pouse: Relationship !ith him"her:

Children: Relationship !ith them:

Other important family mem$ers: Favorites Color: Ceast fa)orite color: 7usic: Food: Cest fa)orite food: Citerature: Form of entertainment: %Epressions: 7ode of transportation: 7ost pri:ed possession: Habits o$$ies: *lays a musical instrumentB *lays a sportB

o! he"she !ould spend a rainy day: &pending ha$its: &mokes: 'rinks: Other drugs: #hat does he"she do too much ofB #hat does he"she do too little ofB %Etremely skilled at: %Etremely unskilled at: Ner)ous tics: +sual $ody posture: 7annerisms:

S andin#1 Si in#1

*eculiarities: Traits Optimist or pessimistB 9ntro)ert or eEtro)ertB 'arede)il or cautiousB Cogical or emotionalB 'isorderly and messy or methodical and neatB *refers !orking or relaEingB Confident or unsure of himself"herself B Animal lo)erB

Self perception o! he"she feels a$out himself"herself: One !ord the character !ould use to descri$e self: One paragraph description of ho! the character !ould descri$e self: #hat does the character consider his"her $est personality traitB #hat does the character consider his"her !orst personality traitB #hat does the character consider his"her $est physical characteristicB #hat does the character consider his"her !orst physical characteristicB o! does the character think others percei)e him"her: #hat !ould the character most like to change a$out himself"herself: Relationships with others Opinion of other people in general:

'oes the character hide his"her true opinions and emotions from othersB *erson character most hates: Best friendFsG: Co)e interestFsG: *erson character goes to for ad)ice: *erson character feels responsi$le for or takes care of: *erson character feels shy or a!k!ard around: *erson character openly admires: *erson character secretly admires: 7ost important person in characters life $efore story starts:

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