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B. Herskowitz, et al. Scientifical Researches. Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies, Volume !, "o.

# $#%%&', &%()&%*

B. Herskowitz ! Ro"i#$ Se%$&'

Soglowek Food Industries, Nahariya, Israel, Tel.+972-4-9 7 727, !-"ail # $oris%soglowek.&o.il 2 'ni(ersity )*unarea de +os), ,alati, -o"ania, Tel.+4.-2/0414 71, !-"ail# rodi&a.segal%ugal.ro

A detailed analyze was +erformed for # commercial lu+ine +rotein deri,ates from # lu+ins +roducers- .erry and Soya Austria and ( commercial soy +roteins from # soys +roducers- Solae, and Sol/ar trying to find solutions and a++lications of new +rotein deri,ates as alternati,e +rotein sources in meat analogs to make a no,el /ased ,egetarian sausage free of lactose, chemical colors, 012, nitrates and cholesterol. !n this article we found the /est mode for using a new lu+ine +rotein source $PR234 5%%' as a functional ingredient, which can re+lace the soy +rotein source $S2362" S 5%%'.

Keywords: lu+in +rotein, lu+in +roducers, soy +rotein, meat analogs, "2" 012 I)tro"*#tio) 1u2ins are a grain legu"e 3ro" the 1u2inus genus, a grou2 within the legu"inous $ean and the 2ea 3a"ily Fa$a&eae. The seed o3 the lu2in 2lant is a ri&h sour&e o3 2rotein 4Segal, 2..25 used $y 2eo2le 3or their own &onsu"2tion and their ani"als 3or &enturies 46etterson, 2...5. 'ntil 190. "ost lu2in (arieties &ontained high le(els o3 alkaloids 4a $itter &o"2ound whi&h at high le(els &an $e to7i&5 4Momber, 2003., 8ink, 2..2, 8ink et al. 19995 and it has $een ne&essary 3or the seed to $e de$ittered 2rior to &onsu"2tion. Sele&ti(e $reeding o3 lu2ins all o(er the world and es2e&ially in :ustralia sin&e the 190.;s has resulted in sweet 4e7tre"ely low alkaloid5 4Food Standards <ode, 19 75 lu2in (arieties signi3i&antly in&reasing the 2otential use o3 lu2ins 3or hu"an 2ur2oses. The lu2in seed 2rotein 3ra&tion is o3 great interest as it is ri&h in so"e a"inoa&ids as arginine and 2resents a good $alan&e o3 essential a"inoa&ids 48ardrou2 et al. 19 95. 247

A++lications of "ew 3u+ine Protein 7eri,ates as Alternati,e Protein Sources in 1eat Analogs

1u2ine has an ad(antage in its natural yellow &olor due to high le(els o3 $eta-&arotene and total &arotene, and its sweet 3la(or. These &o"2ounds lend to 1u2ine 2roteins their relati(e o7idati(e sta$ility as well as healthy i"age. Soy 2rotein &on&entrate 4S6<5 and isolated 4IS65 are well known as 3un&tional and nutritional ingredients in the 3ood industries 4Stan&u et al. 19795. =eside a high le(el o3 2rotein, $oth S6< and IS6 &ontain other nutritional &o"2ounds su&h as soyiso3la(ones, soy-sa2onins et&. that related to 2re(ention and treat"ent o3 &hroni&ally disease 4>essina et al.19945. =ased on these ad(antages, we ha(e studied the use o3 lu2in and soy 2roteins as 3un&tional and nutritional ingredients in no(el (egetarian 2rodu&ts. E+,eri-e)t$&
: 2re-sele&tion stage 3or &o""er&ial 2rotein 2rodu&ts was 2er3or"ed $y deter"ining the &he"i&al 4"oisture, 2rotein, 2rotein solu$ility, ash, 3at5 and 3un&tional 4gel strength, e"ulsion strength, 2owder &olor5 2ro2erties o3 two 1u2ine 6rotein 2rodu&ts 46-?1' 1.., @erry IngredientsA 1'6IS:N, Soya :ustria5, two Fun&tional Soy 6rotein <on&entrates 4S?1<?N S1..5, Sol$ar BatCor 1td.A *:N6-? 70.S, Solae5 and one Isolated Soy 6rotein 4IS65 4S'6-? 02., Solea5. 6-?1' 1.., and S?1<?N S 1.. were then sele&ted and used indi(idually in / re&i2es 3or no(el $ased (egetarian sausage 3or"ulas. 8eight loss, &he"i&al analysis, te7ture, sensory analysis was then analyCed in order to study the &ontri$ution o3 ea&h 2rotein 2rodu&t on the 3inal sausage.

C.e-i#$& $)$&/sis0
1oisture# "oisture analysis 2re3or"ed $y using an B-7/, Balogen >oisture :nalyCer $ased on the :?<S "ethod No. =&2-49. Protein# 6rotein &ontent was dete&ted using a @+!1T!< 2./. instru"ent $ased on :?<S "ethod No. =a4$- 7. Protein Solu/ility $"S!'# The 2rotein solu$ility o3 the 2owders was analyCed $y deter"ine the Nitrogen Solu$ility Inde7 4NSI5 $ased on :?<S "ethod No. =a11-09. Ash- The ash &ontent was deter"ined $y drying the 2owders at 0..D<, &ooling and &al&ulating the ash as the residual "ass, $ased on :?<S "ethod No. =&9-49. 8at- The 3at 2er&entages were "easured $y 2etrol-ether e7tra&tion using a 2.9. So7te& :(anti :uto"ati& Syste" $ased on :?<S "ethod No. =&/49.


B. Herskowitz, et al. Scientifical Researches. Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies, Volume !, "o. # $#%%&', &%()&%*

F*)#tio)$& $)$&/sis0
0el Strength# : 2.E 2rotein solution was 2re2ared using a =raun <o"$i>a7 09. "i7er. The 3inal slurry was stu33ed in two 9. "l 2lasti& &entri3ugal tu$es $y s2inning at /... . g 3or 9 "in in a la$oratory &entri3uge ty2e :1< 6@121. :3ter /. "in. &hilling at 4D< the tu$es were &ooked 3or /. "in. at .D< and &hilled o(er-night at 4D<. Therea3ter a /."" sli&e was &ut and analyCed in a Te7ture-:nalyCer 4S>S5 &onne&ted to a F..9 in&h dia"eter *erlinG &ylinder 2ro$e. 9mulsion Strength0 : water#oil#2rotein e"ulsion in a ratio o3 9#4#1 4res2e&ti(ely5 was "ade and used in the sa"e "anner as the ,el Strength "ethod. Powder 6olor# The 2owders &olor 41, a, $5 was "easured using a >inolta instru"ent dire&t on the 2owder and reading the (alues &orres2onding to ea&h sa"2le.

Ve%et$ri$) s$*s$%e -$)*1$#t*re0 : $asi& 3or"ula &ontaining 1.2.E 2rotein, 7.E i&e water, 2-9E natural sta$iliCers and s2i&es, and 7-1. E oil was "ade in order to e(aluate the di33eren&es o3 the 2rotein sour&es. The ingredients were "i7ed in a la$oratory Ste3an "i7er ty2e 3or a$out / "in. at /... r2". The total "ass was stu33ed into &ellulose &asings and &ooked 3or /. "in at .D<. :3ter &ooking the sausages were &hilled o(er-night at 4D< and then analyCed 3or &he"i&al, sensorial and 3un&tional 2ro2erties. E+,eri-e)ts0 =ased on the 2re-sele&tion stages we "ade / trails 4nu"$ered 1, 2, /5, whi&h were 2rodu&ed in three re2li&ations o3 a (egetarian sausage using the $asi& 3or"ulations des&ri$ed. In the 3irst grou2 we used 6-?1' 1.. + !,, 8BIT!, in the se&ond grou2 we used only 6-?1' 1.. and in the third grou2 we used only S?1<?N S1.. 4Ta$le 15.
T$(&e . 1u2ine and soy 2roteins in(ol(ed in the trails



2 H

Fi)$& ,ro"*#ts se)sori$& e4$&*$tio)s0 Te7ture e(aluation, Iui&iness, elasti&ity, taste, &olor and aro"a were analyCed $y 2oint
"ethods 3ro" 1 to 0 $y 1. 2ersons# 1 J 3or high Kuality


A++lications of "ew 3u+ine Protein 7eri,ates as Alternati,e Protein Sources in 1eat Analogs

/ - 4 J 3or "ediu" Kuality 0 J 3or low Kuality.

Res*&ts $)" Dis#*ssio)s 6hemical and functional analysis of the +roteins- :nalyCing the ta$le 2 we 2ointed 4 2ara"eters 3or our sele&tion# NSI, gel strength, e"ulsion strength and 3at. The 3irst / 2ara"eters are lower 3or sa"2les 9 and &o"2ared to sa"2les 1 and 2. The 3at &ontent o3 sa"2le 9 has the $iggest a"ount &o"2ared to all other sa"2les. For &ontinuing our trails we took only 2 2roteins 41, 25 3or the 3inal 2rodu&ts "aking 2rodu&ts as des&ri$ed. 8unctional and sensorial +ro+erties of the final +roducts- :s the results 2resent 43ig.15 we &an &on&lude that egg white $inds $etter the water in the 2rodu&t $ut in the sa"e ti"e it gi(es a less Iui&y 2rodu&t. In the sa"e ti"e we &an see that 6-?1' 1.. J the lu2ine &on&entrate kee2s $etter the water than the soy &on&entrate S?1<?N S1.. in the &ooking and storage ti"e.
T$(&e '. <he"i&al and 3un&tional analyses o3 the 2roteins
SA1P39 "R. Product name <o"2any >oisture 4E5 6rotein 4d.s.5 4E5 :sh 4E5 NSI 4E5 Fat 4E5 / 2 6-?1' S?1<?N 1.. S1.. @!--L S?1=:7.9 92.01 2.72 74.41 ..29 0./ -4.12 /2.9 1.9.9 79 .41 0 .1/ 7.9/ 7/.14 ..7/ 9. 4 -..07 14./ 2/4.2 2.. 1 9 S'6-? 1'6IS:N 02. S?L: S?1:! :'ST-I: 7.0/ 0.. 40./2 91 4..7 4./ 21.0 9 0.77 ..0 /.42 -1..0 /9.7 No ,el 9 0.4 -..9 19 9.. 29. *:N6-? 70.S S?1:! 0..2 07..7 0.47 40.0 ..00 7.12 -../9 19.00 149.4 119.2

6owder <olor#
1 : $ ,el Strength 4gr.5 !"ulsion Strength 4gr.5

Fig. 2 is a result o3 te7ture analyCer 3or a distan&e o3 12 "". with registration in 7. 2oints 3or ea&h 2rodu&t.


B. Herskowitz, et al. Scientifical Researches. Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies, Volume !, "o. # $#%%&', &%()&%*

:lthough 6-?1' 1.. + !,, 8BIT! ga(e the 3ir"est te7ture 43ig.25 its uni3or"ity, &olor, and 3la(or were 2oor &o"2ared with $oth S?1<?N S and 6-?1' 1... 6-?1' 1.. has an ad(antage in its natural yellow &olor Mdue to high le(els o3 $eta-&arotene 4..9 "gN1..gr.5, and total &arotene 4/ "gN1..gr.5O, its anti-o7idati(e &a2a&ity and its sweet 3la(or Mwhi&h &ontri$uted to the 3inal 2rodu&t 3la(or $ased (egetarian sausage, and its "ediu" 3ir"ness 41... gr.5O gi(ing a tasty and Iui&y 2rodu&t.
4.00% 3.00% 2.00% 1.00% 0.00% $oo%&'( )o** PROLU 100 + EGG WHITE PROLU 100 !OL"O# !100 0.60% 1.20% 1.31%

*+or,(e )o** $-.* 2/ 0.85% 0.9 % 1.13%

*+or,(e )o** $-.* 4/ 0.85% 0.9 % 1.13%

*+or,(e )o** *,-*,(e* 2/ 1.00% 1.85% 1.88%

*+or,(e )o** *,-*,(e* 4/ 1.35% 2.02% 2.02%

+o+,) )o** 1.95% 3.21% 3.33%

Fi%. . 8eight loss o3 (egetarian "eat analogs

2500 2000

Force (g)

1500 1000 500 0 Distance (m m) PROLU 100 + PROLU 100 SOLCO S100 E.W.

Fi%. '. Te7tural analyses 3or (egetarian "eat sausages

The e(aluations were "ade in / re2li&ations and the a(erage results were ins&ri$ed 42P...95. The $est results 3or the (egetarian "eat analogs 2rodu&ts were o$tained 3or the (egetarian 3rank3urters with lu2ine &on&entrate 6-?1' 1..# Iui&iness Q 2.0A elasti&ity Q 2.0A taste Q 2.9A aro"a Q 2.4 43igure /5.


A++lications of "ew 3u+ine Protein 7eri,ates as Alternati,e Protein Sources in 1eat Analogs

PROLU 100+2L3 PROLU 100 E),*+&$&+,+e, !OL"O# !100 PRO32 4 PRO32 5 !-$-)e'1,

Te0+-r, 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00


"-)o,re G-*+

Fi%. 2. Sensorial analyses o3 3inal 2rodu&ts

Co)#&*sio)s 8e &on&lude $y de3ining the $est "ode 3or using a new 2rotein as an alternati(e sour&e in "eat analogs and as a 3un&tional ingredient is 6-?1' 1.. a lu2ine 2rotein &on&entrate. This 2rotein has a 3un&tional and "arketing ad(antage u2on &he"i&al and syntheti& ingredients when it is used in )&lean-la$eled) 43ree o3 la&tose, &he"i&al &olors, ,>?, nitrates, &holesterol, et&.5 healthy 2rodu&ts, due to its natural high 2rotein le(els, te7ture, &olor, and 3la(or 2ro2erties. Re1ere)#es
F??* ST:N*:-*S <?*!, 419 75. :ustralia New Reeland Food :utority, <an$erra. '-1#htt2#NNwww.anC3a.go(.auN >essina, >. >essina, S. and Set&hell, @. 419945. The sim+le soy/ean and your health, 22 9.-1... >o"$er, -. 42../5. -enwi&k >o"$er Far"ers 6ty. 1td. !-"ail# "o"$er%iinet.net.au 6etterson, *.S. 42...5. The 'se o3 1u2ins in Feeding Syste". Asian:Aus. ;. Anim. Sci. Sol. 1/, No. 0# 01- 2. Segal, -. 42..25. Princi+iile nutri<iei. !ditura :&ade"i&a , ,alaTi, 22. 9.-00. Stan&u, >. Ui Segal, =. 419795. Surse noi de +roteine. !ditura tehni&V, =u&ureUti,

2ag.11- 99. 8ardrou2, 6.8. and S"ith, @.+. 419 95. Animal feed uses of legumes. In# , -.B. >attews 4!ditor5, 1egu"es <he"istry, Te&hnology and Bu"an Nutrition. >ar&el *ekker, In&., 22. 249-//7.
8ink, >. 4Brsg.5 42..25. 1u2inen 2..1- !rge$nisse aus 3ors&hung, :n$au und Serwertung, 22.12-2 .


B. Herskowitz, et al. Scientifical Researches. Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies, Volume !, "o. # $#%%&', &%()&%* 8ink, >., >essner, <., 8itte, 1. 419995. 6atterns o3 KuinoliCidine alkaloids in 90 s2e&ies o3 the genus 3u+inus. Phytochemistry / , 1/9-19/.


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