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Hypothyroidism - an astrology analysis


A Capricorn Native with Jupiter placed in the 10 house in Libra, developed a thyroid disorder since Jupiter Maha
dasa Started. Diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and gained extreme weight with weakness and depression.

DOB: 20-12-1981, TIME: 10.00 AM IST, LAT 21N09 LONG 79E09. An Analysis:

Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the body lacks sufficient thyroid hormone. There are many disorders that result
in hypothyroidism. These disorders may directly or indirectly involve the thyroid gland. Because thyroid hormone
affects growth, development, and many cellular processes, inadequate thyroid hormone has widespread
consequences for the body.

Thyroid hormones are produced by the thyroid gland. This gland is located in the lower part of the neck, below the
Adam's apple. The thyroid gland uses iodine (mostly available from the diet in foods such as seafood, bread, and
salt) to produce thyroid hormones.

The thyroid itself is regulated by another gland that is located in the brain, called the pituitary. In turn, the pituitary is
regulated in part by the thyroid and by another gland called the hypothalamus.

The hypothalamus releases a hormone called thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH), which sends a signal to the
pituitary to release thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). In turn, TSH sends a signal to the thyroid to release thyroid
hormones. If a disruption occurs at any of these levels, a defect in thyroid hormone production may result in a
deficiency of thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism).

A decrease in thyroid function results in a decrease in the consumption of energy and as a result more energy is
available to be stored. Weight gain is, therefore, typical of an underactive thyroid. There are also many other causes
for weight gain.The safest approach is lifestyle modification that results in decreased caloric intake by changing
eating habits and increased expenditure of calories by exercising more.

Many of the endocrine glands are actually located in the Aries and Libra sections of the body. Afflictions related to
these signs can put the endocrine system out of balance. In addition, each of the endocrine glands and the hormone
it produces is ruled by a particular planet.The hormones are under the ruler ship of Mercury.The Pituitary gland is
located in the center of our brain. There are two parts to the Pituitary gland. The anterior or front portion is ruled by
Capricorn. The posterior or rear part of it is ruled by Cancer. Moon relates indirectly to the endocrine system, but
especially hypothalamus, if the Moon is weak, it will affect the Hypothalamus in the brain.The para thyroid gland
is ruled by Mercury.Pituitary gland is ruled by Jupiter.
Aries is the first sign of Zodiac and stands for Head and Brain. Lagna also has to be considered. Mars, the Lord of
Aries rules over Head and all diseases concerning the Head and Brain. Sun rules the vital fluid in the body. So
affliction to Aries and Lagna and their lords and the planets Sun, Mars and their weakness in the chart cause
diseases of the brain.

Afflictions to Jupiter can indicate problems with arterial blood circulation, disease caused by excess, obesity, difficulty
in fat assimilation, fatty degeneration of muscles, enlargement of organs, and formation of adipose tissue. For a
Capricorn Lagna, Venus is the most powerful benefic. Saturn and Mercury are also benefics. Mars, Jupiter and Moon
are evil. Sun is neutral.

Taurus rules the neck, throat, palate, larynx and tonsils, lower jaw, ears, and occipital region etc.Thyroid gland is
ruled by the Sun and Venus; the thyroid gland will be depletedif Venus is afflicted in the chart. Sun’s affliction will
bring laziness and lethargy. Para-thyroid Glandis ruled by Mercury.

Pharyngeal plexus controlling Thyroid and Parathyroid has to be judged from Jupiter and Dwadasamsa.Cavernous
plexus controlling Pituitary glands are to be judged from Ascendant and Venus.

In the chart Yoga karaka Venus is placed in Capricorn in star Shravana ruled by Moon, a malefic here. Lagna lord
Saturn is placed in Virgo in star Chitra ruled by Mars, a malefic and in conjunction with another malefic Moon.
Mercury is placed in Sagittarius and in star Moola ruled by Ketu and combusted. Jupiter is placed in Libra and in star
Swati ruled by Rahu. Sun is also afflicted by Ketu.
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In bhava chart Mars is placed in the 8 house, Sun Mercury and Neptune are placed in the 11 house. Jupiter has
moved to 9 house.Mercury is severely afflicted here. Jupiter, Moon, Venus are also afflicted here. Jupiter is heavily
afflicted in the Dwadasamsa chart.So the afflicted Jupiter has created this problem forthe native with the support of
other afflicted planets like Venus, Mercury, Saturn and Sun.

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