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Exercise 1/pag.7 e 1.2 Listen again and match the questions (1 7) to the answers (a g). 1.

1. Can you tell me your full name, please? 2. Can you tell me why you are here today? 3. Have you had any serious illnesses in the past? 4. Have you ever had any operations? 5. Now, are you takin any medi!ations at the moment? ". #o you have any aller ies to any medi!ations? $. Can you tell me the name of your ne%t of kin? f In pairs & 'es, it(s #oreen )ary Chad. e& *ell, +(ve ot hi h ,lood pressure, and +(m here for some tests. d& 'es, + had a mild heart atta!k last year. ,& No, +(m very lu!ky. + never have. f& 'es, my do!tor put me on some ,lood pressure ta,lets after my heart atta!k. a& Not that + know of. !& +t(s my son, -eremy, -eremy Chad.

omp!ete the fo!!owing acti"e !istening strategies using the words and phrases in the #ox a& + had my appendi% out when + was fourteen. ,& + take aspirin every day for my arthritis. !& +(m here for a !hest . / ray. d& + had pneumonia two years a o. e& +(m aller i! to nuts.

1. Have you ever had any operations? 2. Now, are you takin any medi!ations at the moment? 3. Can you tell me why you are here today? 4. Have you had any serious illnesses in the past? 5. #o you have any aller ies to any medi!ations?

Exercise 2/pag.7 2 # omp!ete the fo!!owing acti"e !istening strategies using the words and phrases in the #ox Eye contact mm nodding your head hm I see 1. 0sin e%pressions su!h as Really?, Is that right?, I see and Yes or No. 2. )akin 1listenin noises2 like mm and hm shows that you are interested in what the speaker is sayin . 3. 3eanin towards the other person and nodding your head also show interest. 4. 4milin while maintainin eye contact puts a patient at ease. Exercise $/pag.% $ a. In pairs& answer the fo!!owing questions. 1. *hat is the !ardia! !y!le? 5he !ardia! !y!le is a term referrin to all or any of the events related to the flow or ,lood pressure that o!!urs from the ,e innin of one heart,eat to the ,e innin of the ne%t. 5he !ardia! !y!le !onsists of two phases, the diastole phase and the systole phase. +n the diastole phase, the heart ventri!les are rela%ed. 5he valves lo!ated ,etween the atria and ventri!les are open, allowin ,lood to flow throu h to the ventri!les 61ventri!ular fillin 2 sta e&. +n the systole phase, the ventri!les !ontra!t and pump ,lood to the arteries. 5he ri ht ventri!le sends ,lood to the lun s via the pulmonary artery while the left ventri!le pumps ,lood to the aorta. 1

2. *hat does the heart do durin a heart,eat? 5he ,lood enters the ri ht atrium, one of the upper re!eivin !ham,ers of the heart. 7lood is pumped throu h the tri!uspid valve into the ri ht ventri!le. 5he ri ht ventri!le pumps de8 o%y enated ,lood away from the heart throu h the 58shaped pulmonary artery into the lun s whi!h re8o%y enate the ,lood and return it to the heart throu h pulmonary vein. 9%y enated ,lood enters the heart via the left atrium and is pumped to the left ventri!le. :rom here the ,lood is pumped around the entire ,ody. 3. *hat symptoms does a person have if there is not enou h ,lood flow throu h the heart? +rre ularities in ,lood flow due to ,lo!ka es in the ,lood vessels !an lead to heart diseases. 9ur heart re!eives its ,lood from the !oronary arteries. ;s we row older, we dama e those on!e8 supple arteries with stress, fast food, not enou h e%er!ise and a e. 9ver de!ades, they !olle!t p!aque 6or fatty deposits& alon their inner walls, !ausin them to harden and narrow. 5his !ondition is known as atherosc!erosis. 0n!he!ked, atheros!lerosis may worsen and ,e!ome coronar' arter' disease 6also known as coronar' heart disease&. ;s CH# advan!es, a num,er of thin s !an happen. :or e%ample, if a portion of your heart mus!le is re!eivin some 88 ,ut not enou h 88 o%y en due to partially ,lo!ked arteries, it won<t ,e permanently dama ed, ,ut the mus!le won<t like the situation one ,it. +t files a formal !omplaint with you in the form of chest pain !alled angina. (ta#!e angina is the lesser of two evils= it<s predi!ta,le and reversi,le. )nsta#!e angina, however, !ould si nal an unsta,le pla>ue that !ould !ause a heart atta!k. 7lo!ka es lower the amount of o%y en ettin to the heart mus!le. +f one of these o,sta!les ,reaks open, a !lot forms at the site of the rupture in the pla>ue. 5his little !lot !an totally ,lo!k the artery within minutes. *hen heart tissue is !ut off from o%y en, it >ui!kly ,e ins to die. 5his, typi!ally, is your heart attac* 6or m'ocardia! infarction&. 5here are other symptoms that o alon with poor ,lood !ir!ulation affe!tin the heart, high blood pressure and rise in the level of cholesterol. Tiredness and breathless o!!ur when !ommon tasks like !lim,in stairs or walkin a stret!h are performed. 4. ;s an +C0 nurse + should ive a ,rief introdu!tion on !ardia! !y!le to my patients, espe!ially to those that underwent !ardia! sur ery, e%perien!ed a !ardia! arrest or any form of !oronary heart disease. +t is important to e%plain them how the heart works and what was the parti!ular malfun!tion, where was re istered in the !y!le, that led to their heart !ondition, makin so the a!knowled ement and a!!eptan!e of their medi!al !ondition as easy as possi,le. 5his will help to esta,lish a !ir!le of trust ,etween me and the patients, winnin their !onfiden!e must ,e one of my ma?or !on!erns durin the medi!al !are pro!ess, helpin me to help the patient himself.

$. #. +ead the patient information !eaf!et. In pairs discuss what the fo!!owing parts of the heart do. 5he atria / 5he atrium (plural: atria), sometimes !alled auric!e& a separate part of the main atria known as the atrial appenda es, refers to a !ham,er or spa!e, in whi!h ,lood enters the heart. #eo%y enated ,lood enters the right atrium , one of the upper re!eivin !ham,ers of the heart. 5he left atrium, the other upper re!eivin !ham,er, re!eives o%y enated ,lood from the left and ri ht pulmonary veins.

5he valves

/ 5he !ardia! !y!le relies on the effi!ien!y of the four valves ,etween the atria, the ventri!les and the pulmonary ,lood vessels / tricuspid 6ri ht atrium / ri ht ventri!le&, bicuspid/mitral 6left atrium / left ventri!le&, aortic valve 6left ventri!le / aorta& and pulmonary valve 6ri ht ventri!le / pulmonary artery& 5hese valves open to let in suffi!ient ,lood flow to fill ea!h heart !ham,er and then shut to prevent the ,a!kflow of ,lood. 5he ventri!les / 5he right ventricle pumps de8o%y enated ,lood away from the heart throu h the 58shaped pulmonary artery. 9%y enated ,lood enters the heart throu h the left atrium and is pumped to the left ventricle. 5he left ventri!le is en!ased in thi!ker !ardia! mus!le than the ri ht side ,e!ause it has to pump o%y enated ,lood around the entire ,ody via the aorta, the lar est artery. 5he pulmonary vein / Caries re8o%y enated ,lood from the lun s throu h the pulmonary vein into the left atrium. 5here are four pulmonary veins, two from ea!h lun . 5hey !arry o%y enated ,lood, whi!h is unusual sin!e almost all other veins !arry deo%y enated ,lood. 5he pulmonary artery / 5he ri ht ventri!le pumps de8o%y enated ,lood away throu h the 58 shaped pulmonary artery into the lun s. 5he aorta / 5he left ventri!le is en!ased in thi!ker !ardia! mus!le than the ri ht side ,e!ause it has to pump o%y enated ,lood around the entire ,ody via the aorta, the lar est artery of the ,ody. Exercise ,/pag.1,. #. (usana uses se"era! informa! expressions to create a friend!' and re!axed re!ationship with the patient. .atch the expressions from the dia!ogue (1/7) to their meaning (a / g). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ". $. have a !hat a ,it of a sho!k a ,it flushed wat!h for +(ll ?ust ra, a !hair fired up keep an eye on e. . !. d. ,. f. a. dis!uss unpleasant surprise ruddy@red !omple%ion take noti!e +(m oin to sit down enthusiasti! monitor

,. c. omp!ete the strategies for putting a patient at ease (1/,) using the words in the #ox. 0hen match them to the rationa!es (a/d). ?ud emental rapport positive same level 1. 4it at the same level as the patient. 2. )ake positive responses whilst noddin your head. 3. #on(t make ?ud emental !omments. 4. 0se humour to esta,lish a ood rapport with your patient. 3 a. 5his en!oura es patients in their attempts at learnin new information. ,. 5his shows respe!t for the patient(s ri ht to make de!isions a,out health!are. !. 5his !an li hten the atmosphere and help patient rela%. d. 5his help patients feel that you are interested in talkin to them rather than over them.

Exercise 1/pag.11 1. c. Listen again and mar* the fo!!owing statements 0rue (0) or 2a!se (2). 1. She does not manage her ADLs at home by herself. (T) 2. 4he has ,een >uite distressed. (0) 3. Her 7A at 1B am was 2BB@1B5. (0)
4. Her pulse was 88 at 10 am. (F)

5. 5he porter has ,een ,ooked for tomorrow. (2) 1. d. .atch the a##re"iation ( 1 1,) to their meanings (a n) 1. 7A 2. A 3. >ds 4. )+ 5. C+N ". 4H9 $. 4D E. !@o F. sl 1B. 92 11. GCC 12. ;#3s 13. At. 14. 9,s. . m. ?. f. l. !. ,. h. e. n. d. a. k. i. ,lood pressure pulse four hourly, or every four hours= also 4/24 myo!ardial infar!tion, or heart atta!k ly!eryl trinitrate= also !alled nitrolin ual !. 4enior House 9ffi!er four times a day !omplain of su,lin ual, or under the the ton ue o%y en ele!tro!ardio ram a!tivities of daily livin patient o,sevation

1. e. Listen again and comp!ete the fo!!owing extract using the a##re"iation in Hi ht, now )rs Cho in ,ed num,er five. )rs Cho was readmitted yesterday ,e!ause of un!ontrolled hypertension. 'ou<ll pro,a,ly remem,er her from last week. 4he went home ,ut !ouldn<t mana e her 61& 34Ls ,y herself. Her dau hter had to !ome in every mornin to ive her a shower and help her durin the day. 4he<s ,een >uite distressed a,out it, a!!ordin to her dau hter. 4he presented to the unit with un!ontrolled hypertension, despite a !han e in medi!ation. 4he has a past history of .I this year in -une. 0m, this mornin she !omplained of !hest pain. 5he (56 was !alled. Her 78 at the time I er, that was 1B am I was two ten over one oh five, and her pulse was one hundred. 4he had an E 9 done and was iven 90: su,lin ually. *e ave her some 62 via the mask and she seemed to settle. 4he<s in for !ardia! !atheterisation tomorrow to assess the e%tent of the dama e to her heart. +<ve ,ooked the porter already. 4tri!t four hourly 7A and pulse and report any !hest pain immediately, of !ourse. 4he<s had no !hest pain this shift. 1. f. 3nother patient& .rs. (mits handed o"er. )se information from the 8atient +ecord to comp!ete what was said

TH# $%#&$"'($ HOS)*T$%

+,"- ./2010 Surname- Smits !iven names- %ivia 'O1- 10.12./1 Se2- 3emale $dd si nature5 printed name5 staff cate ory. date and time to all entries 5 M$6# $%% "OT#S 7O"7*S# $"' (#%#8$"T %eave no aps between entries

!"IEN" RE#$R%
'$T# 4T*M#

22.30 hrs. 220/100

Mrs Smits c/o chest pain at 22.00hrs. SHO informed. O2 administered via a mask. BP P/120 at 2200 hrs. SHO ordered !"#$ attended %& n'rsin( staff ")* hrs$ chest pain re,ieved -ithin 2 min'tes. . /eene 01*2 / * s+ administered at 22.05

Mrs. Smits complained of chest pain at 22.00 hours. The SHO was informed. O2 was administered via mask. Her blood pressure was 220/100 and her P was 120 at 22.00 hours. The SHO ordered an ECG which was done by nursin staff. !T" sl was iven with ood effect. The chest pain was relieved within a couple of minutes.

Exercise 1/pag.11 1. d. 3nother patient& .rs. (mits handed o"er. )se information from the 8atient +ecord to comp!ete what was said J"K J5K

5he last thin to remem,er is to re!ord the hi hest of the three readin s on your #aily He!ord Chart. ;fter that, + want you to ,low into the peak flow meter two more times.
!e"t# blow as hard and as fast as you $an w%th one breath.


Hi ht, first of all, ?ust move the red indi!ator to the ,ottom of the num,ered s!ale, like this. Now, stand up. 5ake a deep ,reath and try to fill your lun s as mu!h as you !an. )ake a note of the final position of the marker.

Exercise 2/pag.11 2. #. omp!ete the strategies for gi"ing instructions effecti"e!' (1/;) using the words and phrases in the #ox. at the same level demonstrate repeat
1. 2. smiling.

+(m oin to tea!h you how to firstly se!ondly

understood 5hat<s ri ht fin ers


Aut the listener at ease ,y usin positive non8ver,al !ommuni!ation su!h as

4it or stand at the same level as the pat%ent. 3. Cive en!oura ement ,y makin remarks su!h as 0hat<s right, 'es, ood, *ell done, et!. 4. 4tate the purpose of the !ommuni!ation ,efore ivin instru!tions, to prepare the listener for important information= for e%ampleL I<m going to teach 'ou how to. 5. 0se a level of lan ua e whi!h !an ,e understood by the l%stener. ". &%'e %nstru$t%ons %n steps# for e"ample first!'& second!', et!. 'ou !ould !ount the steps on your fingers to make sure your patient understands you. $. 4emonstrate %nstru$t%ons on the rele'ant p%e$e of e(u%pment. E. +epeat %nstru$t%ons and allow the l%stener to as) (uest%ons.

Exercise ,/pag.17 ,. a. Listen to the con"ersation and !a#e! the parts of the respirator' s'stem using the words in the #ox. nasa! ca"it' a!"eo!i throat or phar'nx windpipe or trachea ora! ca"it' "oice #ox or !ar'nxp!eura! mem#rane epig!ottis intercosta! space #ronchus

ora, cavit& ,ar&n3/voice %o3 %ronch's a,veo,i epi(,ottis -indpipe/trachea p,e'ra, mem%rane/ intercosta, space ri%s

Exercise =/pag.1% =. d. .atch the medica! terms to their ( 1 7) to their meanings (a g)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ". $.

inspiration inspiratory rate respirations respiratory rate e%piration e%piratory rate M 43@min.

e. d. !. f. . ,. a.

4enior House 9ffi!er four times a day !omplain of su,lin ual, or under the the ton ue o%y en ele!tro!ardio ram a!tivities of daily livin

Exercise 7/pag.27. #. .atch the a##re"iations from the 8atient +ecord (1 =) to their meanings (a f) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ". 0H5+ 497 HH C.H p@f At ed. e. f. a. !. ,. ,. upper respiratory tra!t infe!tion shortness of ,reath@diffi!ulty ,reathin 6dyspnoea& respiratory rate !hest .8ray peak flow= the most air whi!h is e%pired patient edu!ation

Exercise 7/pag.21 7. f. 1. apnoea 2. ,radypnoea 3. eupnoea 4. ta!hypnoea 5. dyspnoea ,. the patient is not ,reathin at all d. the patient(s ,reathin is slow rate= the respiratory rate is less than 12 ,reaths per minute e. the patient is ,reathin a normal respiratory rate / ,etween 12 and 2B ,reaths per minute !. the respiratory rate is rapid= it has in!reased to ,etween 2B and 3B ,reaths per minute a. the patient has la,oured ,reathin or diffi!ulty ,reathin

Exercise 1/pag.2$ 1. f. .atch the medica! terms and a##re"iation (1 7) to their meaning (a g). 1. CN4 2. AN# 3. #oppler 4. 5. ". $. ,u s spike a temperature +N ;,s N;C f. Clini!al Nurse 4pe!ialist . Aeripheral Nas!ular #isease ,. ultrasound devi!e whi!h measures ,lood flow throu h arteries and veins a. mi!ro,es !. have episodes of pyre%ia d. anti,ioti!s whi!h are iven throu h a vein e. Na!uum ;ssisted Closure= also pronoun!ed &ac

Exercise 2/pag.2$ 2. a. .atch the #eginnings (1 1) to the endings (a e) to comp!ete the questions. 1. *ould you mind 2. 3. 4. 5. *hat would you re!ommend *hat do you think *hat do you su est we #o you think it(s a ood idea !. ivin me some advi!e on his wound !are mana ement? a. that we !han e to? e. + should do with this ul!er? ,. use? d. to try that instead of the dressin they(re usin now?

2. #. .atch the sentences in Exercise 2a to the most !i*e!' responses.

1. 2. 3.


*hat do you think + should do with this ul!er? *ell, + think the first thin to do is to reassess the wound. *hat do you su est to use? +<d like to use a N;C dressin on this wound. *ould you mind ivin me some advi!e on his wound !are mana ement? No, not at all. *hat+s what ,+m here for. *hat would you re!ommend that we !han e to? 3et me have a look at the wound and we<ll see what the ,est option is. #o you thin it(s a ood idea to try that instead of the dressin they(re usin now? 'es. + think it<ll help the wound heal faster.

Exercise $/pag.21 $. #. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ne!rosis es!har dessi!ation inflamation swa, h.death of !ells and livin tissue a.dry, ,la!k, ne!roti! tissue ,.dryin out .swellin !aused ,y infe!tion d.a small pie!e of material whi!h is used to take samples of ,ody fluids e.dead tissue whi!h separates from healthy tissue after infe!tion f.the removal of dead tissue !.inflammation of the tissue under the skin, often !aused ,y an infe!tion

". slou h $. de,ridment E. !ellulitis

$. e. omp!ete the fo!!owing sentences using the words in the #ox and then match the sentencesto the photos in Exercise $a !ellulitis slou h es!har inflammation swa, ne!rosis desi!!ation de,ridement

)rs. .imenes has an area of necrosis , or dead t%ssue# on her left lower le . 5here are ,la!kened areas, or eschar , on the upper wound. 5hese areas will ,e sur i!ally de,rided tomorrow. photoO OOOO


)r Gdwards has cellulitis in the lo'er leg( "he 'ound is sho'ing signs of dryin out, or

desiccation / there is >uite a lot of skin flakin off his le . photoO OOOO 3. 5he skin surroundin )rs Heath<s le wound is red and warm to the tou!h. 5he inflammation is a si n of infe!tion and was !onfirmed ,y a wound swab sent to the Aatholo y la, three days a o. photoO OOOO 4. 5he yellowish slough , or dead )i*rous tissue, on the inner part o) 7irad<s wound will have to ,e softened ,efore debridement, or removal of the tissue, is possi,le. photoO OOOO

Exercise ,/pag.2= ,. #. $.$ >ou are attending a 84 training session gi"en #' a wound management !inica! :urse (pecia!ist& .r ?ohn (imp*ins& on wound #ed preparation. Listen and tic* the medica! terms 'ou hear (1/;). 1. well 8 vas!ularised 2. $. ,. 1. =. 7. ;. via,le ne!roti! tissue hi h ,a!terial load e%udate ma!eration !hroni! skin raft !. ood ,lood !ir!ulation is a!hieved, and the tissue are supplied with o%y en and other nutrients . a,le to row or survive h. dead tissue e. a hi h level of infe!tion !arried ,y the tissues f. ooPe or dis!har e from the wound ,. e%!essive softness !aused ,y too mu!h moister d. lon / term or on oin a. the transplantation of skin from another part of the ,ody to a wound whi!h !annot heal on its own.

Exercise 1/pag.2; 1. c. @.$&1 0he con"ersation contains se"era! examp!es of as*ing for and gi"ing ad"ice& Listen again and match the requests (1/,) to the ad"ice (aAd). 1. QrisPtina what do you su est + !lean the wound with? 2. Can you ive me some advi!e on lookin after this at home? $. *hat should + do a,out the anti,ioti!s? ,. 4hould + et a medi!al !ertifi!ate c. +ts ,est to flush it with lots of Normal 4aline ,efore you do the dressin a. 4ure ... +(d like you to keep it !lean and dry and !ome to 9utpatients to have the dressin !han ed daily. d. 'ou(ll ,e pres!ri,ed some anti,ioti!s ,y the do!tor a ,it later. 'ou(ll et a s!ript whi!h you !an take to the hospital pharma!y to ,e filled. #. 'es, that(d ,e a ood idea.

1. e. .atch the medica! terms (1-12) to their meanings (ai). 1. 2. $. ,. 1. =. 7. ranulated slou hy ma!erated inflamed serous haemoserous purulent 1-. antimi!ro,ial 11. hydratin 12. inta!t wound g. !ontainin !onne!tin tissue found in healthy wounds. d. !ontains dead tissue whi!h fails off a wound durin an infe!tion i. softened ,e!ause of e%!ess of moisture. *. red and swollen ,e!ause of an infe!tion a. with yellowish fluid or ,lood serum B. yellowish fluid tin ed with red ,lood !ells

;. odour %. non / adhesive dressin 6N;#&

f. full of puss, a yellow or reen dis!har ed found in #. addin moisture to somethin an infe!ted wound, e. the dressin is sealed and !annot ,e lifted off for !. smell 6usually unpleasant&. viewin c. a dressin whi!h does not sti!k to the wound h. somethin whi!h treats infe!tive mi!roor anism Exercise 1/pag.$1. d. >ou are Loo* at the rest of the con"ersation and comp!ete (usanCs questions. 4usan: How often do you see your lo!al do!tor? How many times a day do you !he!k your 743s, your ,lood su ar levels?

)rs QimL + see her at least on!e a month for a !he!kup. 4usanL

)rs QimL ;t the moment + !he!k ,efore meals and ?ust ,efore + o to ,ed. 4usanL 4usanL
Do you f%nd %t easy to use the glu$ometer-

)rs QimL +t<s easy now. + !an mana e it >uite well. )y CA showed me how to use it.
*hat+s good. , )now what you mean. they are a b%t d%ff%$ult at f%rst.

How frequently do you have a urine test to !he!k your kidney fun!tion?

Exercise $/pag.$2 $. c. ,.2 Listen again and comp!ete the fo!!owing sentences. 1. 'ou<ll have to make some ma?or lifestyle !han es if you(re oin to avoid nasty !ompli!ations of dia,etes. 2. 'ou need to redu!e your intake of saturated fats. 3. Try to make sure you in!lude !ar,ohydrates in ea!h meal. 4. 'ou really should keep a !lose eye on your wei ht. 5. +t would ,e a good idea to et ,a!k to walkin alon the ,ea!h a ain. ". 'ou must keep a !lose eye on your al!ohol intake ,e!ause it !an affe!t your insulin dose. $. R it is important to stop smokin if you want to avoid !ir!ulation pro,lems. E. 'ou might like to speak to your do!tor a,out some ni!otine pat!hes.

$. e. .arta uses se"era! strategies for gi"ing ad"ice sensiti"e!'. .atch the strategies (1/7) to the expressions from the dia!ogue (aAg). 1. -ustify advi!e 2. +nvolve the patient in de!isions $. ;!knowled e that somethin may ,e diffi!ult to a!hieve ,. 7e firm ,ut non8a ressive

1. 0se impersonal statements, whi!h are less threatenin =. Aersonalise the information 7. Aut the responsi,ility of the out!ome on the patient if the advi!e is not taken, in a firm ,ut supportive tone g. 'ou<ll have to ... if you<re oin to avoidR f. it would ,e a ood idea to et ,a!k to

walkin a ain. d. + know it must ,e diffi!ult for you ... c. 'ou must keep a !lose eye on ... #. ... it !an ,e a pro,lem for dia,eti!sR a. Could you try to in!lude... e. ... it is important to stop smokin if you want to avoid...

Exercise 1/pag.$, 1. a. .atch the medica! terms (1 10) to their meanings (a j). 1. pan!reas 2. dia,etes $. d%abet%$ ,. hypo ly!aemia 1. hypo ly!aemi! a ent =. ly!osuria 7. )etones ;. d%abet%$ )etoa$%dos%s /D0A1 %. %nsul%n 1-. ,lood su ar level 6743& c. the or an whi!h produ!es insulin, whi!h re ulates ,lood s e. d%sease $hara$ter%sed by 12%rgh le'els of sugar %n
the blood d. a person who suffers from d%abetes

B. a lower level of su ar in the ,lood #. oral medi!ation used to lower ,lood su ar levels f. the by2produ$t produ$ed when fats metabol%se a. the !ondition where the ,lood is more a!idi! than the surroundin tissues g. hormone produ$ed %n the beta $ells of the

h. presen!e of lu!ose in the urine amount of lu!ose in the ,lood

1. c. ,.$

omp!ete the next part of the information !eaf!et using the words in the #ox. 0hen !isten to a

con"ersation #etween :adia& a 4ia#etes (pecia!ist& and 7eth& a recent!' diagnosed dia#etic& and chec* 'our answers.

pumps FBS

oral !hildren

in?e!tions ,eta

normalise liver

fuel fat re ulates lu!ose insulin


5he normal pan!reas produ!es a hormone !alled 61& insulin in the ,eta !ells. +nsulin 62& regulates ,lood su ar levels 743& ,y movin 9/:;;; glucose from the blood %nto
the mus$le# /41 fat and (+) liver 333 $ells. *h%s means that glu$ose $an be used as /41 fuel for the body. 5he dia,eti! pan!reas may not produ!e any %nsul%n at all %n the /51 beta $ells# or produ$e too l%ttle %nsul%n to 6E& normalise ,lood su ar levels. +f

dia,etes and is often the !ause of dia,etes %n /61 children ( %aily or t'ice daily (,-) injection o) insulin by people w%th *ype 1 d%abetes. 7hen the pan$reas produ$es too l%ttle %nsul%n# th%s %s $alled 5ype 2 dia,etes and makes up a,out 611& 90% of all !ases of dia,etes.
5his type of dia,etes may ,e treated with an 612& oral on hypoglycaemic med%$at%on and somet%mes also w%th %nsul%n %n8e$t%on. *wo new de'%$es# %nsul%n /131 inhalers and insulin (,4) pumps o))er great %mpro'ements %n l%festyle for all d%abet%$s.

noninsulin is produ!ed, this is !alled 5ype 1



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