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Alteraes nos Verbos Modais

Changes in Modal Verbs

Quando passamos de Discurso Direto (Direct Speech) para Discurso Indireto (Reported Speech) so produzidas alteraes de verbos modais na frase. Por exemplo: Em Direct Speech (Discurso Direto): 'They will help you' Em Reported Speech (Discurso Indireto): 'She said that they would help me' Aqui esto mais exemplos para entender seu funcionamento.

Direct Speech Can "I can stay here until Sunday" May


Reported Speech

He said he could stay there until Sunday Might

"I may go fishing next weekend" He said that he might go fishing next weekend Will "I will stay here!" Must "I must work everyday" Can Could
o o o

Would He said that he would stay there Had to He said he had to work everyday


mute Peter: "I can stay here until Sunday" Peter: "Puedo quedarme aqu hasta el domingo" He said that he could stay there until sunday l dijo que poda quedarse all hasta el domingo

Mike: "I can do this alone" Mike: "Puedo hacer esto solo" He said that he could do that alone l dijo que poda hacer eso solo

Beth: "I can't open this jar!" Beth: "No puedo abrir este frasco!" She said that she couldn't open the jar Ella dijo que no pida abrir el frasco

Tommy: "He can't come with us" Tommy: "l no puede venir con nosotros" The boy said that he couldn't go with them El chico dijo que no poda ir con ellos.

May Might
o o o


mute Jake: "I may go fishing next weekend" Jake: "Puede ser que vaya a pescar el fin de semana que viene" He said that he might go fishing next weekend l dijo que podra ser que fuera a pescar el fin de semana que viene

Mr. and Mrs. Collins: "We may travel to Europe" Sr. y Sra. Collins: "Puede ser que viajemos a Europa" They said that they might travel to Europe Ellos dijeron que podra ser que viajaran a Europa

Dan: "You may not need this" Dan: "Puede que no necesites esto" He said I might not need that l dijo que podra ser que no necesitara eso

Kate: "I may not like Jim's friend" Kate: "Puede que no me guste el amigo de Jim" She said that she might not like Jim's friend Ella dijo que podra ser que no le gustara el amigo de Jim

Will Would


mute Chris: "I will stay here!" Chris: "Me quedar aqu!" He said that he would stay there l dijo que se quedara all

o o

Adam: "I will not go away" Adam: "No me ir" He said that he would not go away l dijo que no se ira

Kelly: "My dad won't let me go to the party" Kelly: "Mi pap no me dejar ir a la fiesta" She said that her father wouldn't let her go to the party Ella dijo que su padre no la dejara ir a la fiesta

Ian: "I'll help you with the dishes!" Ian: "Yo te ayudar con los platos!" He said that he would help me with the dishes l dijo que me ayudara con los platos

Must Had to
o o o


mute Harry: "I must work everyday" Harry: "Debo trabajar todos los das" He said he had to work everyday l dijo que deba trabajar todos los das

Frank: "I must not arrive late" Frank: "No debo llegar tarde" He said that he was not to come late l dijo oque no deba llegar tarde

Manager: "You must not push this button" Gerente: "No deben presionar este botn"

The manager said I was not to push the button El gerente dijo que no deba presionar el botn

Luke: "We must leave at 8 o'clock" Luke: "Debemos partir a las 8" He said we had to leave at 8 o'clock l dijo que debamos partir a las 8

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