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12-01-12 SECTION 26 51 00 INTERIOR LIGHTING SPEC WRITER NOTE: Delete between //----// if not applicable to pro ect!

"l#o $elete an% ot&er ite' or para(rap& not applicable to t&e #ection an$ ren)'ber t&e para(rap&#! Coor$inate wit& t&e *I+,TIN+ -I.T/RE SC,ED/*E #&own on t&e $rawin(#! PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION: "! T&i# #ection #pecifie# t&e f)rni#&in(0 in#tallation0 an$ connection of t&e interior li(&tin( #%#te'#! 1.2 RELATED WORK SPEC WRITER NOTE: T&e $e#i(ner #&all $eter'ine if be$li(&t# will be controlle$ b% patient be$ control#! "! Section 01 45 160 CONSTR/CTION W"STE 7"N"+E7ENT: Di#po#al of la'p#! //8! Section 02 51 000 DE7O*ITION: Re'o9al an$ $i#po#al of la'p# an$ balla#t#!// //C! Section 10 2: 1;0 P"TIENT 8ED SER<ICE W"**S: Power an$ control# for wall-'o)nte$ fl)ore#cent be$li(&t fi2t)re#!// //D! Section 1; 0: 510 SEIS7IC RESTR"INT RE=/IRE7ENTS -OR NON-STR/CT/R"* CO7PONENTS: Re>)ire'ent for #ei#'ic re#traint for non#tr)ct)ral co'ponent#!// E! Section 2? 0: 110 RE=/IRE7ENTS -OR E*ECTRIC"* INST"**"TIONS: Re>)ire'ent# t&at appl% to all #ection# of Di9i#ion 2?! -! Section 2? 0: 210 *OW-<O*T"+E E*ECTRIC"* POWER COND/CTORS "ND C"8*ES: *ow-9olta(e con$)ctor#! +! Section 2? 0: 2?0 +RO/NDIN+ "ND 8ONDIN+ -OR E*ECTRIC"* S@STE7S: Re>)ire'ent# for per#onnel #afet% an$ to pro9i$e a low i'pe$ance pat& to (ro)n$ for po##ible (ro)n$ fa)lt c)rrent#! ,! Section 2? 24 2?0 WIRIN+ DE<ICES: Wirin( $e9ice# )#e$ for control of t&e li(&tin( #%#te'#! SPEC WRITER NOTE: T&e $e#i(ner #&all re9i#e t&e #pecification appropriatel% if <" $eter'ine# t&at patient be$li(&t# will be controlle$ b% n)r#e call pillow #peaAer control#! T&e ter'# 1li(&tin( fi2t)re03 1fi2t)re03 an$ 1l)'inaire3 are )#e$ interc&an(eabl%!

2? :1 00 - 1

12-01-12 //I! Section 24 :2 2;0 N/RSE C"** "ND CODE 8*/E S@STE7S: -or pillow #peaAer control of t&e wall-'o)nte$ fl)ore#cent be$li(&t fi2t)re#!// 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE "! Refer to Para(rap&0 =/"*I-IC"TIONS BPROD/CTS "ND SER<ICESC0 in Section 2? 0: 110 RE=/IRE7ENTS -OR E*ECTRIC"* INST"**"TIONS! 1.4 SUB ITTALS "! S)b'it #i2 copie# of t&e followin( in accor$ance wit& Section 2? 0: 110 RE=/IRE7ENTS -OR E*ECTRIC"* INST"**"TIONS! 1! S&op Drawin(#: a! S)b'it t&e followin( infor'ation for eac& t%pe of li(&tin( fi2t)re $e#i(nate$ on t&e *I+,TIN+ -I.T/RE SC,ED/*E0 arran(e$ in or$er of li(&tin( fi2t)re $e#i(nation! b! 7aterial an$ con#tr)ction $etail#0 incl)$e infor'ation on &o)#in( an$ optic# #%#te'! c! P&%#ical $i'en#ion# an$ $e#cription! $! Wirin( #c&e'atic an$ connection $ia(ra'! e! In#tallation $etail#! f! Ener(% efficienc% $ata! (! P&oto'etric $ata ba#e$ on laborator% te#t# co'pl%in( wit& IES *i(&tin( 7ea#)re'ent# te#tin( an$ calc)lation ()i$e#! &! *a'p $ata incl)$in( l)'en o)tp)t Binitial an$ 'eanC0 color ren$ition in$e2 BCRIC0 rate$ life B&o)r#C0 an$ color te'perat)re B$e(ree# Del9inC! i! 8alla#t $ata incl)$in( balla#t t%pe0 #tartin( 'et&o$0 a'bient te'perat)re0 balla#t factor0 #o)n$ ratin(0 #%#te' watt#0 an$ total &ar'onic $i#tortion BT,DC! ! -or *ED li(&tin( fi2t)re#0 #)b'it /S DOE *ED *i(&tin( -act# label0 an$ IES *40 rate$ life! 2! 7an)al#: a! S)b'it0 #i')ltaneo)#l% wit& t&e #&op $rawin(#0 co'plete 'aintenance an$ operatin( 'an)al#0 incl)$in( tec&nical $ata #&eet#0 wirin( $ia(ra'#0 an$ infor'ation for or$erin( replace'ent part#! b! If c&an(e# &a9e been 'a$e to t&e 'aintenance an$ operatin( 'an)al# ori(inall% #)b'itte$0 #)b'it )p$ate$ 'aintenance an$ operatin( 'an)al# two weeA# prior to t&e final in#pection! ;! Certification#: Two weeA# prior to final in#pection0 #)b'it t&e followin(!

2? :1 00 - 2

12-01-12 a! Certification b% t&e Contractor t&at t&e interior li(&tin( #%#te'# &a9e been properl% in#talle$ an$ te#te$! 1.5 APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS "! P)blication# li#te$ below Bincl)$in( a'en$'ent#0 a$$en$a0 re9i#ion#0 #)pple'ent#0 an$ errataC for' a part of t&i# #pecification to t&e e2tent reference$! P)blication# are reference$ in t&e te2t b% $e#i(nation onl%! 8! "'erican National Stan$ar$# In#tit)te B"NSIC: C4E!1-61 C4E!;4?-01 C?;:-04 -l)ore#cent *a'p# - Rapi$-Start T%pe# Di'en#ional an$ Electrical C&aracteri#tic# C&ro'aticit% of -l)ore#cent *a'p# 7an)fact)re0 Perfor'ance0 an$ Te#tin( of 7etal S)#pen#ion S%#te'# for "co)#tical Tile an$ *a%in Panel Ceilin(# D! En9iron'ental Protection "(enc% BEP"C: 50 C-R 2?1 C-R Title 540 Part 1: C-R Title 540 Part 1E *7-46-0E *7-E0-0E *7-E2-12 I$entification an$ *i#tin( of ,aFar$o)# Wa#te Ra$io -re>)enc% De9ice# In$)#trial0 Scientific0 an$ 7e$ical E>)ip'ent Electrical an$ P&oto'etric 7ea#)re'ent# of Soli$-State *i(&tin( Pro$)ct# 7ea#)rin( *)'en 7aintenance of *ED *i(&t So)rce# C&aracteriFation of *ED *i(&t En(ine# an$ *ED *a'p# for Electrical an$ P&oto'etric Propertie# a# a -)nction of Te'perat)re +! In#tit)te of Electrical an$ Electronic En(ineer# BIEEEC: C?2!51-61 I8C-12 40-11 101-12 CE2!1-05 S)r(e <olta(e# in *ow <olta(e "C Power Circ)it# International 8)il$in( Co$e National Electrical Co$e BNECC *ife Safet% Co$e *a'p 8alla#t# I *ine -re>)enc% -l)ore#cent *a'p 8alla#t# ,! International Co$e Co)ncil BICCC: I! National -ire Protection "##ociation BN-P"C: E! -e$eral Co'')nication# Co''i##ion B-CCC: C! "'erican Societ% for Te#tin( an$ 7aterial# B"ST7C:

-! Ill)'inatin( En(ineerin( Societ% BIESC:

G! National Electrical 7an)fact)rerH# "##ociation BNE7"C:

2? :1 00 - ;

12-01-12 CE2!2-02 CE2!5-02 7et&o$ of 7ea#)re'ent of -l)ore#cent *a'p 8alla#t# *a'p 8alla#t# - 8alla#t# for ,i(&-Inten#it% Di#c&ar(e an$ *ow-Pre##)re So$i)' B*PSC *a'p# B7)ltiple-S)ppl% T%peC CE2!11-11 **-6-06 SS*-1-10 *a'p 8alla#t# - ,i(& -re>)enc% -l)ore#cent *a'p 8alla#t# Di''in( of TE -l)ore#cent *i(&tin( S%#te'# Electronic Dri9er# for *ED De9ice#0 "rra%#0 or S%#te'# D! /n$erwriter# *aboratorie#0 Inc! B/*C: 56?-0E :52-0:66 E55-12 625-12 6;:-01 1026-65 *a'p&ol$er# -l)ore#cent *a'p Starter# *)'inaire# for /#e in ,aFar$o)# BCla##ifie$C *ocation# E'er(enc% *i(&tin( an$ Power E>)ip'ent -l)ore#cent-*a'p 8alla#t# ,i(&-Inten#it%-Di#c&ar(e *a'p 8alla#t# 8alla#t# 1:6E-0E *)'inaire# 1:45-05!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!TracA *i(&tin( S%#te'# 210E-05!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*ow-<olta(e *i(&tin( S%#te'# E4:0-06!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*i(&t E'ittin( Dio$e B*EDC *i(&t So)rce# for /#e in *i(&tin( Pro$)ct# SPEC WRITER NOTE: Delete between // ---// if not applicable to pro ect! "l#o $elete an% ot&er ite' or para(rap& not applicable to t&e #ection an$ ren)'ber t&e para(rap&#! PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 LIGHTING !I"TURES "! S&all be in accor$ance wit& N-P"0 /*0 a# #&own on $rawin(#0 an$ a# #pecifie$! 8! S&eet 7etal: 1! S&all be for'e$ to pre9ent warpin( an$ #a((in(! ,o)#in(0 tri' an$ len# fra'e #&all be tr)e0 #trai(&t B)nle## intentionall% c)r9e$C0 an$ parallel to eac& ot&er a# $e#i(ne$!

1026"-0?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I(nitor# an$ Relate$ ")2iliarie# for ,ID *a'p

2? :1 00 - 5

12-01-12 2! Wirewa%# an$ fittin(# #&all be free of b)rr# an$ #&arp e$(e#0 an$ #&all acco''o$ate internal an$ branc& circ)it wirin( wit&o)t $a'a(e to t&e wirin(! ;! W&en in#talle$0 an% e2po#e$ fi2t)re &o)#in( #)rface0 tri' fra'e0 $oor fra'e0 an$ len# fra'e #&all be free of li(&t leaA#! 5! ,in(e$ $oor fra'e# #&all operate #'oot&l% wit&o)t bin$in(! *atc&e# #&all f)nction ea#il% b% fin(er action wit&o)t t&e )#e of tool#! C! 8alla#t# an$ la'p# #&all be #er9iceable w&ile t&e fi2t)re i# in it# nor'all% in#talle$ po#ition! D! *a'p SocAet#: 1! -l)ore#cent: Sin(le #lot entr% t%pe0 re>)irin( a one->)arter t)rn of t&e la'p after in#ertion! *a'p&ol$er contact# #&all be t&e bitin( e$(e t%pe! 2! Co'pact -l)ore#cent: 5-pin! ;! ,i(& Inten#it% Di#c&ar(e B,IDC: Porcelain! E! Rece##e$ fi2t)re# 'o)nte$ in an in#)late$ ceilin( #&all be li#te$ for )#e in in#)late$ ceilin(#! -! 7ec&anical Safet%: *i(&tin( fi2t)re clo#)re# Blen# $oor#0 tri' fra'e0 &in(e$ &o)#in(#0 etc!C #&all be retaine$ in a #ec)re 'anner b% capti9e #crew#0 c&ain#0 aircraft cable0 capti9e &in(e#0 or fa#tener# #)c& t&at t&e% cannot be acci$entall% $i#lo$(e$ $)rin( nor'al operation or ro)tine 'aintenance! +! 7etal -ini#&e#: 1! T&e 'an)fact)rer #&all appl% #tan$ar$ fini#& B)nle## ot&erwi#e #pecifie$C o9er a corro#ion-re#i#tant pri'er0 after cleanin( to free t&e 'etal #)rface# of r)#t0 (rea#e0 $irt an$ ot&er $epo#it#! #&earin( proce##e# #&all be fini#&e$ in a #i'ilar corro#ion re#i#tant 'anner to 'atc& t&e a$ acent #)rfaceB#C! flaAin(0 an$ #&all be applie$ after fabrication! 2! Interior li(&t reflectin( fini#&e# #&all be w&ite wit& not le## t&an E: percent reflectance#0 e2cept w&ere ot&erwi#e #&own on t&e $rawin(! ;! E2terior fini#&e# #&all be a# #&own on t&e $rawin(#! ,! *i(&tin( fi2t)re# #&all &a9e a #pecific 'ean# for (ro)n$in( 'etallic wirewa%# an$ &o)#in(# to an e>)ip'ent (ro)n$in( con$)ctor! -i2t)re fini#& #&all be free of #tain# or e9i$ence of r)#tin(0 bli#terin(0 or E$(e# of pre-fini#&e$ #&eet 'etal e2po#e$ $)rin( for'in(0 #ta'pin( or 8alla#t# #&all not be 'o)nte$ to re'o9able reflector# or wirewa% co9er# )nle## #o #pecifie$!

2? :1 00 - :

12-01-12 I! *i(&t Tran#'ittin( Co'ponent# for -l)ore#cent -i2t)re#: 1! S&all be 100 percent 9ir(in acr%lic! 2! -lat len# panel# #&all &a9e not le## t&an ; '' B1/E inc&C of a9era(e t&icAne##! ;! /nle## ot&erwi#e #pecifie$0 len#e#0 reflector#0 $iff)#er#0 an$ lo)9er# #&all be retaine$ fir'l% in a 'etal fra'e b% clip# or cla'pin( rin( in #)c& a 'anner a# to allow e2pan#ion an$ contraction wit&o)t $i#tortion or cracAin(! G! *i(&tin( fi2t)re# in &aFar$o)# area# #&all be #)itable for in#tallation in Cla## an$ Di9i#ion area# a# $efine$ in N-P" 40! D! Co'pact fl)ore#cent fi2t)re# #&all be 'an)fact)re$ #pecificall% for co'pact fl)ore#cent la'p# wit& balla#t inte(ral to t&e fi2t)re! "##e'blie# $e#i(ne$ to retrofit incan$e#cent fi2t)re# are pro&ibite$ e2cept w&en #pecificall% in$icate$ for reno9ation of e2i#tin( fi2t)re#! 2.2 BALLASTS SPEC WRITER NOTE: T&e $e#i(ner #&all #pecif% in#tant #tart balla#t# for )#e in low a'bient te'perat)re en9iron'ent#! T&e $e#i(ner #&all not #pecif% in#tant #tart balla#t# w&ere li(&tin( i# controlle$ b% occ)panc% #en#or#! "! *inear -l)ore#cent *a'p 8alla#t#: 7)lti-9olta(e B120 I 244<C0 8alla#t# #&all be

electronic //in#tant-#tart// //pro(ra''e$-#tart// //rapi$-#tart// t%pe0 $e#i(ne$ for t%pe an$ >)antit% of la'p# in$icate$! in$icate$! $e#i(ne$ for f)ll li(&t o)tp)t )nle## $i''er or bi-le9el control i# 8alla#t# #&all incl)$e t&e followin( feat)re#: 1! *a'p en$-of-life $etection an$ #&)t$own circ)it BT: la'p# onl%C! 2! ")to'atic la'p #tartin( after la'p replace'ent! ;! So)n$ Ratin(: Cla## "! 5! Total ,ar'onic Di#tortion BT,DC: 10 percent or le##! :! Tran#ient <olta(e Protection: IEEE C?2!51!1 an$ IEEE C?2!51!20 Cate(or% " or better! ?! Operatin( -re>)enc%: 20 A,F or &i(&er! 4! *a'p C)rrent Cre#t -actor: 1!4 or le##! E! 8alla#t -actor: 0!E4 or &i(&er )nle## ot&erwi#e in$icate$! 6! Power -actor: 0!6E or &i(&er! Co'pl% wit& C-R Title 54 Part 1E for 10! E7R/R-I Interference: non-con#)'er e>)ip'ent!

li'itation# on electro'a(netic an$ ra$io-fre>)enc% interference for

2? :1 00 - ?

12-01-12 11! To facilitate ')lti-le9el la'p #witc&in(0 la'p# wit&in fi2t)re #&all be wire$ wit& t&e o)ter'o#t la'p at bot& #i$e# of t&e fi2t)re on t&e #a'e balla#t0 t&e ne2t inwar$ pair on anot&er balla#t an$ #o on to t&e inner'o#t la'p Bor pair of la'p#C! Wit&in a (i9en roo'0 eac& #witc& #&all )nifor'l% control t&e #a'e corre#pon$in( la'p Bor la'p pair#C in all fi2t)re )nit# t&at are bein( controlle$! 12! W&ere t&ree-la'p fi2t)re# are in$icate$0 )nle## #witc&in( arran(e'ent# $ictate ot&erwi#e0 )tiliFe a co''on two-la'p balla#t to operate t&e center la'p in pair# of a$ acent )nit# t&at are 'o)nte$ in a contin)o)# row! T&e balla#t fi2t)re an$ #la9e-la'p fi2t)re #&all be factor% wire$ wit& lea$# or pl)( $e9ice# to facilitate t&i# circ)itin(! In$i9i$)all% 'o)nte$ fi2t)re# an$ t&e o$$ fi2t)re in a row #&all )tiliFe a #in(le-la'p balla#t for operation of t&e center la'p! 1;! Di''in( balla#t# #&all be a# per abo9e0 e2cept $i''able fro' 100J to // : // // //J of rate$ la'p l)'en#! Di''in( balla#t# #&all be f)ll% co'patible wit& t&e $i''in( control#! 8! *ow--re>)enc% *inear TE -l)ore#cent *a'p 8alla#t# Ballowe$ for S)r(er% S)ite#0 Critical Care /nit#0 an$ "ni'al *ab#C: 7)lti-9olta(e B120 I 244<C0 &%bri$ electronic-electro'a(netic rapi$-#tart t%pe0 $e#i(ne$ for t%pe an$ >)antit% of la'p# in$icate$! f)ll li(&t o)tp)t! 2! So)n$ Ratin(: 8alla#t #&all be $e#i(ne$ for 8alla#t# #&all incl)$e t&e followin( feat)re#: Cla## "! 20 percent or le##! IEEE C?2!51!1 an$ IEEE C?2!51!20

1! ")to'atic la'p #tartin( after la'p replace'ent! ;! Total ,ar'onic Di#tortion BT,DC: 5! Tran#ient <olta(e Protection: Cate(or% " or better! :! Operatin( -re>)enc%: ?0 ,F! 1!4 or le##! ?! *a'p C)rrent Cre#t -actor: E! Power -actor: 6! Interference: e>)ip'ent! 10! To facilitate ')lti-le9el la'p #witc&in(0 la'p# wit&in fi2t)re #&all be wire$ wit& t&e o)ter'o#t la'p at bot& #i$e# of t&e fi2t)re on t&e #a'e balla#t0 t&e ne2t inwar$ pair on anot&er balla#t an$ #o on to t&e inner'o#t la'p Bor pair of la'p#C! Wit&in a (i9en roo'0 eac&

4! 8alla#t -actor: 0!E: or &i(&er )nle## ot&erwi#e in$icate$! 0!60 or &i(&er! Co'pl% wit& C-R Title 54 Part 1E for li'itation# on

electro'a(netic an$ ra$io-fre>)enc% interference for non-con#)'er

2? :1 00 - 4

12-01-12 #witc& #&all )nifor'l% control t&e #a'e corre#pon$in( la'p Bor la'p pair#C in all fi2t)re )nit# t&at are bein( controlle$! 11! W&ere t&ree-la'p fi2t)re# are in$icate$0 )nle## #witc&in( arran(e'ent# $ictate ot&erwi#e0 )tiliFe a co''on two-la'p balla#t to operate t&e center la'p in pair# of a$ acent )nit# t&at are 'o)nte$ in a contin)o)# row! T&e balla#t fi2t)re an$ #la9e-la'p fi2t)re #&all be factor% wire$ wit& lea$# or pl)( $e9ice# to facilitate t&i# circ)itin(! In$i9i$)all% 'o)nte$ fi2t)re# an$ t&e o$$ fi2t)re in a row #&all )tiliFe a #in(le-la'p balla#t for operation of t&e center la'p! C! Co'pact -l)ore#cent *a'p 8alla#t#: 7)lti-9olta(e B120 I 244<C0 electronic pro(ra''e$ rapi$-#tart t%pe0 $e#i(ne$ for t%pe an$ >)antit% of la'p# in$icate$! 8alla#t #&all be $e#i(ne$ for f)ll li(&t o)tp)t 8alla#t# #&all incl)$e )nle## $i''er or bi-le9el control i# in$icate$! t&e followin( feat)re#: 1! *a'p en$-of-life $etection an$ #&)t$own circ)it! 2! ")to'atic la'p #tartin( after la'p replace'ent! ;! So)n$ Ratin(: Cla## "! 10 percent or le##! IEEE C?2!51!1 an$ IEEE C?2!51!20 5! Total ,ar'onic Di#tortion BT,DC: :! Tran#ient <olta(e Protection: Cate(or% " or better! ?! Operatin( -re>)enc%: E! 8alla#t -actor: 6! Power -actor: 10! Interference: e>)ip'ent! 11! Di''in( balla#t# #&all be a# per abo9e0 e2cept $i''able fro' 100J to // : // // //J of rate$ la'p l)'en#! Di''in( balla#t# #&all be f)ll% co'patible wit& t&e $i''in( control#! D! 8alla#t# for ,ID fi2t)re#: 7)lti-tap 9olta(e B120 I 5E0<C electro'a(netic balla#t for &i(& inten#it% $i#c&ar(e la'p#! t&e followin( feat)re# )nle## ot&erwi#e in$icate$: 1! 8alla#t Circ)it: Con#tant-watta(e a)totran#for'er or re()latin( 7in)# 22 $e( - B7in)# ;0 $e( CC for &i(&-power-factor t%pe! 2! 7ini')' Startin( Te'perat)re: #in(le-la'p balla#t#! Incl)$e 20 A,F or &i(&er! 1!4 or le##! 4! *a'p C)rrent Cre#t -actor:

0!6: or &i(&er )nle## ot&erwi#e in$icate$! 0!6E or &i(&er! Co'pl% wit& C-R Title 54 Part 1E for li'itation# on

electro'a(netic an$ ra$io-fre>)enc% interference for non-con#)'er

2? :1 00 - E

12-01-12 ;! Rate$ "'bient Operatin( Te'perat)re: :! *ow-Noi#e 8alla#t#: 105 $e( - B50 $e( CC!

5! Open-circ)it operation t&at will not re$)ce a9era(e life! 7an)fact)rer#H #tan$ar$ epo2%-encap#)late$ 'o$el# $e#i(ne$ to 'ini'iFe a)$ible fi2t)re noi#e! E! Electronic balla#t for ,ID 'etal-&ali$e la'p# #&all incl)$e t&e followin( feat)re# )nle## ot&erwi#e in$icate$: 1! 7ini')' Startin( Te'perat)re: #in(le-la'p balla#t#! 2! Rate$ "'bient Operatin( Te'perat)re: 5! So)n$ Ratin(: Cla## "! 20 percent or le##! IEEE C?2!51!1 an$ IEEE C?2!51!20 1;0 $e( - B:5 $e( CC! ;! *a'p en$-of-life $etection an$ #&)t$own circ)it! :! Total ,ar'onic Di#tortion BT,DC: ?! Tran#ient <olta(e Protection: Cate(or% " or better! 4! *a'p C)rrent Cre#t -actor: E! Power -actor: 6! Interference: e>)ip'ent! 10! Protection: Re#ettable t&er'al! 2.3 !LUORESCENT E ERGENCY BALLAST "! Self-containe$0 'o$)lar0 batter%-in9erter )nit0 factor% 'o)nte$ wit&in li(&tin( fi2t)re &o)#in( an$ co'patible wit& balla#t! 1! E'er(enc% Connection: Operate //one// // // fl)ore#cent la'pB#C // l)'en# eac&! Connect contin)o)#l% at an o)tp)t of //1100// // fi2t)re balla#t! 2! Te#t P)#& 8)tton an$ In$icator *i(&t: a! P)#& 8)tton: <i#ible an$ acce##ible wit&o)t openin( fi2t)re or enterin( ceilin( #pace! P)#&-to-te#t t%pe0 in )nit &o)#in(0 #i')late# lo## *ED in$icate# nor'al power on! Nor'al (low of nor'al power an$ $e'on#trate# )nit operabilit%! b! In$icator *i(&t: in$icate# tricAle c&ar(eK bri(&t (low in$icate# c&ar(in( at en$ of $i#c&ar(e c%cle! ;! 8atter%: Seale$0 'aintenance-free0 nicAel-ca$'i)' t%pe! 5! C&ar(er: -)ll% a)to'atic0 #oli$-#tate0 con#tant-c)rrent t%pe wit& #eale$ power tran#fer rela%! 1!: or le##! 0!60 or &i(&er! Co'pl% wit& C-R Title 54 Part 1E for li'itation# on 7in)# 20 $e( - B7in)# 26 $e( CC for

electro'a(netic an$ ra$io-fre>)enc% interference for non-con#)'er

)n#witc&e$ circ)it to batter%-in9erter )nit an$ #witc&e$ circ)it to

2? :1 00 - 6

12-01-12 :! Inte(ral Self-Te#t: ")to'aticall% initiate# te#t of )nit e'er(enc% Te#t fail)re i# ann)nciate$ b% an

operation at re>)ire$ inter9al#! 2.4 E ERGENCY LIGHTING UNIT

inte(ral a)$ible alar' an$ a fla#&in( *ED! "! Co'plete0 #elf-containe$ )nit wit& batterie#0 batter% c&ar(er0 one or 'ore local or re'ote la'p &ea$# wit& la'p#0 )n$er-9olta(e rela%0 an$ te#t #witc&! 1! Enclo#)re: S&all be //i'pact-re#i#tant t&er'opla#tic// //ca#t al)'in)'//! Enclo#)re #&all be #)itable for t&e en9iron'ental con$ition# in w&ic& in#talle$! 2! *a'p ,ea$#: ,oriFontall% an$ 9erticall% a$ )#table0 'o)nte$ on t&e face of t&e )nit0 e2cept w&ere ot&erwi#e in$icate$! ;! *a'p#: S&all be #eale$-bea' 7R-1? &alo(en0 rate$ not le## t&an //12// // // watt# at t&e #pecifie$ DC 9olta(e! 7ini')' nor'al 5! 8atter%: S&all be 'aintenance-free nicAel-ca$'i)'! life #&all be 'ini')' of 10 %ear#! :! 8atter% C&ar(er: Dr%-t%pe f)ll-wa9e rectifier wit& c&ar(in( rate# to 'aintain t&e batter% in f)ll%-c&ar(e$ con$ition $)rin( nor'al operation0 an$ to a)to'aticall% rec&ar(e t&e batter% wit&in 12 &o)r# followin( a 1-1/2 &o)r contin)o)# $i#c&ar(e! ?! Inte(ral Self-Te#t: ")to'aticall% initiate# te#t of )nit e'er(enc% Te#t fail)re i# ann)nciate$ b% an operation at re>)ire$ inter9al#! 2.5 LA PS "! *inear an$ /-#&ape$ T: an$ TE -l)ore#cent *a'p#: 1! E2cept a# in$icate$ below0 la'p# #&all be low-'erc)r% ener(% #a9in( t%pe0 &a9e a color te'perat)re between ;:00 an$ 5100D0 a Color Ren$erin( In$e2 BCRIC e>)al or (reater t&an E00 a9era(e rate$ life e>)al to or (reater t&an 250000 &o)r# w&en )#e$ wit& an in#tant #tart balla#t an$ ;00000 &o)r# w&en )#e$ wit& a pro(ra''e$ or rapi$ #tart balla#t Bba#e$ on ; &o)r #tart#C0 an$ be #)itable for )#e wit& $i''in( balla#t#0 )nle## ot&erwi#e in$icate$! a! O9er t&e be$# in Inten#i9e Care0 Coronar% Care0 Reco9er%0 *ife S)pport0 an$ Ob#er9ation an$ Treat'ent area#K Electro'%o(rap&ic0 ")top#% BNecrop#%C0 S)r(er%0 an$ certain $ental roo'# BE2a'ination0 Oral ,%(iene0 Oral S)r(er%0 Reco9er%0 *ab#0 Treat'ent0 an$ .-Ra%C )#e color correcte$ la'p# &a9in( a CRI of

inte(ral a)$ible alar' an$ a fla#&in( *ED!

2? :1 00 - 10

12-01-12 E: or abo9e an$ a correlate$ color te'perat)re between :000 an$ ?000D0 a# #&own on t&e $rawin(#! b! Ot&er area# a# #&own on t&e $rawin(#! 2! *a'p# #&all co'pl% wit& EP" To2icit% C&aracteri#tic *eac&ate Proce$)re BTC*PC re>)ire'ent#! 8! Co'pact -l)ore#cent *a'p#: 1! T50 CRI E0 B'ini')'C0 color te'perat)re ;:00D0 a9era(e rate$ life e>)al to or (reater t&an 120000 &o)r# Bba#e$ on ; &o)r #tart#C0 an$ #)itable for )#e wit& $i''in( balla#t#0 )nle## ot&erwi#e in$icate$! 2! *a'p# #&all co'pl% wit& EP" To2icit% C&aracteri#tic *eac&ate Proce$)re BTC*PC re>)ire'ent#! C! ,i(& Inten#it% Di#c&ar(e *a'p#: 1! ,i(&-Pre##)re So$i)' *a'p#: CRI 21 B'ini')'C0 color te'perat)re //1600// // //D0 an$ a9era(e rate$ life of 250000 &o)r#! a! *a'p# #&all co'pl% wit& EP" To2icit% C&aracteri#tic *eac&ate Proce$)re BTC*PC re>)ire'ent#! 2! P)l#e-Start0 7etal-,ali$e *a'p#: 7ini')' CRI ?: B'ini')'C0 color te'perat)re //5000// // //D0 an$ a9era(e rate$ life of 1:0000 &o)r# Bba#e$ on 10 &o)r #tart#C! ;! Cera'ic0 P)l#e-Start0 7etal-,ali$e *a'p#: CRI E0 B'ini')'C0 color te'perat)re //5000// // //D0 an$ a9era(e rate$ life of 120000 &o)r# Bba#e$ on 10 &o)r #tart#C! 2.6 RADIO-INTER!ERENCE-!REE !LUORESCENT !I"TURES SPEC WRITER NOTE: T&e#e fi2t)re# are for )#e in "ni'al *ab#0 Operatin( Roo'#0 Inten#i9e Care /nit#0 an$ #i'ilar area#! "! S&all be #peciall% $e#i(ne$ for #)ppre##in( ra$io-fre>)enc% ener(% pro$)ce$ wit&in t&e fi2t)re#0 an$ #&all co'pl% wit& Depart'ent of Defen#e 7I*-STD-5?1- an$ IEC IP?:! 8! *en#e# #&all &a9e 'etal 'e#& to pre9ent or re$)ce ra$io-fre>)enc% interference! T&e effecti9e li(&t tran#'ittance of t&e len#e# #&all be a 'ini')' of 4: percent! C! -i2t)re fini#& #&all be anti-'icrobial! D! Pro9i$e R-I line filter# inte(ral to t&e fi2t)re# an$ wire$ in #erie# wit& t&e #)ppl% circ)it con$)ctor#! E! 8alla#t# #&all be a# #pecifie$ in t&i# Section!

2? :1 00 - 11

12-01-12 2.# WALL OUNTED !LUORESCENT BEDLIGHT !I"TURES SPEC WRITER NOTE: De#i(ner #&all coor$inate control re>)ire'ent# wit& patient be$ control arran(e'ent! Pro9i$e wirin( $ia(ra' on t&e $rawin(#! "! -i2t)re# #&all be len#e$! 8! -i2t)re# #&all be rate$ for 120 <olt operation0 an$ be powere$ t&ro)(& t&e patient wall )nit per Section 10 2: 1;0 P"TIENT 8ED SER<ICE W"**S! C! Pro9i$e 5-po#ition0 p)ll cor$ #witc& to control t&e )pwar$ an$ $ownwar$ portion of t&e li(&t #eparatel% an$ #i')ltaneo)#l%! Incl)$e an off po#ition0 e2cept in #in(le be$ roo'# w&ere t&e #witc& #&all ener(iFe an$ $e-ener(iFe t&e $ownwar$ li(&t onl%! In t&e #in(le be$ roo'#0 pro9i$e a 2-po#ition p)ll cor$ #witc& for Lon-offL control of t&e $ownwar$ la'p#! //D! Pro9i$e low-9olta(e rela%# an$ #witc&in( inte(ration wit& patient be$ control#!// SPEC WRITER NOTE: <erif% if .-ra% -il' Ill)'inator# are to be )#e$! C)rrent practice i# t%picall% P"CS! 2.$ "-RAY !IL ILLU INATORS

"! S&all be t&e &i(&-inten#it% t%pe0 fl)#&-'o)nte$ in t&e wall#! 7)ltiple# of t&e ba#ic )nit 'a% be co'bine$ in a co''on &o)#in(! 8! S&all &a9e t&e followin( feat)re#: 1! -l)ore#cent li(&tin(0 $e#i(ne$ to pro9i$e )nifor' $iff)#ion of t&e li(&t! 2! 8o2 $i'en#ion# appro2i'atel% :;0 '' B21 inc&e#C &i(&0 ;:: '' B15 inc&e#C wi$e an$ 100 '' B5 inc&e#C $eep! ;! ,o)#in( #&all be #teel! &o)#in(! 5! <iewin( panel #&all t&er'opla#tic0 not le## t&an ; '' B1/E inc&C t&icA! :! <iewin( panel #&all &a9e a$e>)ate $i'en#ion# #o t&e fil'# will not o9erlap t&e fra'e an$ will be po#itione$ wit& re#pect to t&e li(&t #o)rce for e9en ill)'ination wit&o)t #&a$ow#! ?! "n ON-O-- $o)ble-pole0 $o)ble-t&row #witc&! 2.% LED E"IT LIGHT !I"TURES "! E2it li(&t fi2t)re# #&all 'eet applicable re>)ire'ent# of N-P" an$ /*! 8! ,o)#in( an$ $oor #&all be $ie-ca#t al)'in)'! Tri' #&all be #tainle## #teel an$ #&all e2ten$ appro2i'atel% 50 '' B1-1/2 inc&e#C fro' t&e e$(e# of t&e

2? :1 00 - 12

12-01-12 C! -or (eneral p)rpo#e e2it li(&t fi2t)re#0 $oor fra'e #&all be &in(e$0 wit& latc&! -or 9an$al-re#i#tant e2it li(&t fi2t)re#0 $oor fra'e #&all be #ec)re$ wit& ta'per-re#i#tant #crew#! D! -ini#& #&all be #atin or fine-(rain br)#&e$ al)'in)'! E! T&ere #&all be no ra$ioacti9e 'aterial )#e$ in t&e fi2t)re#! -! -i2t)re#: 1! In#cription panel# #&all be ca#t or #ta'pe$ al)'in)' a 'ini')' of 2!2: '' B0!060 inc&C t&icA0 #tencile$ wit& 1:0 '' B? inc&C &i(& letter#0 baAe$ wit& re$ color #table pla#tic or fiber(la##! *a'p# #&all be l)'ino)# *i(&t E'ittin( Dio$e# B*EDC 'o)nte$ in center of letter# on re$ color #table pla#tic or fiber(la##! 2! Do)ble--ace$ -i2t)re#: Pro9i$e $o)ble-face$ fi2t)re# w&ere re>)ire$ or a# #&own on $rawin(#! ;! Directional "rrow#: Pro9i$e $irectional arrow# a# part of t&e in#cription panel w&ere re>)ire$ or a# #&own on $rawin(#! Directional arrow# #&all be t&e Lc&e9ron-t%peL of #i'ilar #iFe an$ wi$t& a# t&e letter# an$ 'eet t&e re>)ire'ent# of N-P" 101! +! <olta(e: 7)lti-9olta(e B120 I 244<C! 2.10 LED LIGHT !I"TURES 1! *ED li(&t fi2t)re# #&all be in accor$ance wit& IES0 N-P"0 /*0 a# #&own on t&e $rawin(#0 an$ a# #pecifie$! 2! *ED li(&t fi2t)re# #&all be Re$)ction of ,aFar$o)# S)b#tance# BRo,SC-co'pliant! ;! *ED $ri9er# #&all incl)$e t&e followin( feat)re# )nle## ot&erwi#e in$icate$: a! 7ini')' efficienc%: E:J at f)ll loa$! b! 7ini')' Operatin( "'bient Te'perat)re: -20M C! B-5M -!C c! Inp)t <olta(e: 120 - 244< BN10JC at ?0 ,F! $! Inte(ral #&ort circ)it0 open circ)it0 an$ o9erloa$ protection! e! Power -actor: O 0!6:! f! Total ,ar'onic Di#tortion: P 20J! (! Co'pl% wit& -CC 54 C-R Part 1:! 5! *ED 'o$)le# #&all incl)$e t&e followin( feat)re# )nle## ot&erwi#e in$icate$: a! Co'pl% wit& IES *7-46 an$ *7-E0 re>)ire'ent#! b! 7ini')' CRI E0 an$ color te'perat)re ;000M D )nle## ot&erwi#e #pecifie$ in *I+,TIN+ -I.T/RE SC,ED/*E! "! +eneral:

2? :1 00 - 1;

12-01-12 c! 7ini')' Rate$ *ife: :00000 &o)r# per IES *40! $! *i(&t o)tp)t l)'en# a# in$icate$ in t&e *I+,TIN+ -I.T/RE SC,ED/*E! 8! *ED Downli(&t#: 1! ,o)#in(0 *ED $ri9er0 an$ *ED 'o$)le #&all be pro$)ct# of t&e #a'e 'an)fact)rer! C! *ED Troffer#: 1! *ED $ri9er#0 'o$)le#0 an$ reflector #&all be acce##ible0 #er9iceable0 an$ replaceable fro' below t&e ceilin(! 2! ,o)#in(0 *ED $ri9er0 an$ *ED 'o$)le #&all be pro$)ct# of t&e #a'e 'an)fact)rer! SPEC WRITER NOTE: Delete between // ---// if not applicable to pro ect! "l#o $elete an% ot&er ite' or para(rap& not applicable to t&e #ection an$ ren)'ber t&e para(rap&#! T&e $e#i(ner #&all incl)$e t&e applicable <" Stan$ar$ Detail# on t&e $rawin(#! PART 3 - E"ECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION "! In#tallation #&all be in accor$ance wit& t&e NEC0 'an)fact)rerH# in#tr)ction#0 an$ a# #&own on t&e $rawin(# or #pecifie$! 8! "li(n0 'o)nt0 an$ le9el t&e li(&tin( fi2t)re# )nifor'l%! C! Wall-'o)nte$ fi2t)re# #&all be attac&e$ to t&e #t)$# in t&e wall#0 or to a 20 (a)(e 'etal bacAin( plate t&at i# attac&e$ to t&e #t)$# in t&e wall#! boar$! D! *i(&tin( -i2t)re S)pport#: 1! S&all pro9i$e #)pport for all of t&e fi2t)re#! S)pport# 'a% be anc&ore$ to c&annel# of t&e ceilin( con#tr)ction0 to t&e #tr)ct)ral #lab or to #tr)ct)ral 'e'ber# wit&in a partition0 or abo9e a #)#pen$e$ ceilin(! 2! S&all 'aintain t&e fi2t)re po#ition# after cleanin( an$ rela'pin(! ;! S&all #)pport t&e li(&tin( fi2t)re# wit&o)t ca)#in( t&e ceilin( or partition to $eflect! SPEC WRITER NOTE: /#e t&e followin( para(rap&# 5 an$ : w&ere #ei#'ic con#i$eration i# )nnece##ar%! //5! ,ar$ware for rece##e$ fl)ore#cent fi2t)re#: a! W&ere t&e #)#pen$e$ ceilin( #%#te' i# #)pporte$ at t&e fo)r corner# of t&e fi2t)re openin(0 &ar$ware $e9ice# #&all cla'p t&e *i(&tin( fi2t)re# #&all not be attac&e$ $irectl% to (%p#)'

2? :1 00 - 15

12-01-12 fi2t)re to t&e ceilin( #%#te' #tr)ct)ral 'e'ber#0 or pla#ter fra'e at not le## t&an fo)r point# in #)c& a 'anner a# to re#i#t #prea$in( of t&e #)pport 'e'ber# an$ #afel% locA t&e fi2t)re into t&e ceilin( #%#te'! b! W&ere t&e #)#pen$e$ ceilin( #%#te' i# not #)pporte$ at t&e fo)r corner# of t&e fi2t)re openin(0 &ar$ware $e9ice# #&all in$epen$entl% #)pport t&e fi2t)re fro' t&e b)il$in( #tr)ct)re at fo)r point#! :! ,ar$ware for #)rface 'o)ntin( fl)ore#cent fi2t)re# to #)#pen$e$ ceilin(#: a! In a$$ition to bein( #ec)re$ to an% re>)ire$ o)tlet bo20 fi2t)re# #&all be bolte$ to a (ri$ ceilin( #%#te' at fo)r point# #pace$ near t&e corner# of eac& fi2t)re! T&e bolt# #&all be not le## t&an ? '' B1/5 inc&C #ec)re$ to c&annel 'e'ber# attac&e$ to an$ #pannin( t&e top# of t&e ceilin( #tr)ct)ral (ri$ 'e'ber#! Nont)rnin( #t)$# 'a% be attac&e$ to t&e ceilin( #tr)ct)ral (ri$ 'e'ber# or #pannin( c&annel# b% #pecial clip# $e#i(ne$ for t&e p)rpo#e0 pro9i$e$ t&e% locA into place an$ re>)ire #i'ple tool# for re'o9al! b! In a$$ition to bein( #ec)re$ to an% re>)ire$ o)tlet bo20 fi2t)re# #&all be bolte$ to ceilin( #tr)ct)ral 'e'ber# at fo)r point# #pace$ near t&e corner# of eac& fi2t)re! Pre-po#itione$ ? '' B1/5 inc&C #t)$# or t&rea$e$ pla#ter in#ert# #ec)re$ to ceilin( #tr)ct)ral 'e'ber# #&all be )#e$ to bolt t&e fi2t)re# to t&e ceilin(! In lie) of t&e abo9e0 ? '' B1/5 inc&C to((le bolt# 'a% be )#e$ on new or e2i#tin( ceilin( pro9i$e$ t&e pla#ter an$ lat& can #afel% #)pport t&e fi2t)re# wit&o)t #a((in( or cracAin(!// SPEC WRITER NOTE: Incl)$e t&e followin( para(rap& for pro ect# in #ei#'ic area# of 'o$erate-&i(&0 &i(& an$ 9er% &i(& #ei#'icitie# a# li#te$ in Table 5 of <" ,an$booA ,-1E-E0 Sei#'ic De#i(n Re>)ire'ent#! Coor$inate wit& t&e #tr)ct)ral en(ineer! //?! ,ar$ware for rece##e$ li(&tin( fi2t)re#: a! "ll fi2t)re 'o)ntin( $e9ice# connectin( fi2t)re# to t&e ceilin( #%#te' or b)il$in( #tr)ct)re #&all &a9e a capacit% for a &oriFontal force of 100 percent of t&e fi2t)re wei(&t an$ a 9ertical force of 500 percent of t&e fi2t)re wei(&t!

2? :1 00 - 1:

12-01-12 b! 7o)ntin( $e9ice# #&all cla'p t&e fi2t)re to t&e ceilin( #%#te' #tr)ct)re B'ain (ri$ r)nner# or fi2t)re fra'in( cro## r)nner#C at fo)r point# in #)c& a 'anner a# to re#i#t #prea$in( of t&e#e #)pportin( 'e'ber#! Eac& #)pport point $e9ice #&all )tiliFe a #crew or appro9e$ &ar$ware to LlocAL t&e fi2t)re &o)#in( to t&e ceilin( #%#te'0 re#trainin( t&e fi2t)re fro' 'o9e'ent in an% $irection relati9e to t&e ceilin(! T&e #crew B#iFe No! 10 'ini')'C or appro9e$ &ar$ware #&all pa## t&ro)(& t&e ceilin( 'e'ber BT-bar0 c&annel or #plineC0 or it 'a% e2ten$ o9er t&e in#i$e of t&e flan(e of t&e c&annel Bor #plineC t&at face# awa% fro' t&e fi2t)re0 in a 'anner t&at pre9ent# an% fi2t)re 'o9e'ent! SPEC WRITER NOTE: W&ere applicable0 t&e followin( para(rap& ')#t be 'o$ifie$ to be co'patible wit& an% #pecial arc&itect)ral re>)ire'ent# for fire rate$ ceilin(#! c! In a$$ition to t&e abo9e0 t&e followin( i# re>)ire$ for fi2t)re# e2cee$in( 6 A( B20 po)n$#C in wei(&t! 1C W&ere fi2t)re# 'o)nte$ in "ST7 Stan$ar$ C?;: LInter'e$iate D)t%L an$ L,ea9% D)t%L ceilin(# an$ wei(& between 6 A( an$ 2: A( B20 po)n$# an$ :? po)n$#C0 pro9i$e two 12 (a)(e #afet% &an(er# &)n( #lacA between $ia(onal corner# of t&e fi2t)re an$ t&e b)il$in( #tr)ct)re! 2C W&ere fi2t)re# wei(& o9er 2: A( B:? po)n$#C0 t&e% #&all be in$epen$entl% #)pporte$ fro' t&e b)il$in( #tr)ct)re b% appro9e$ &an(er#! Two-wa% an()lar bracin( of &an(er# #&all be pro9i$e$ to pre9ent lateral 'otion! $! W&ere ceilin( cro## r)nner# are in#talle$ for #)pport of li(&tin( fi2t)re#0 t&e% ')#t &a9e a carr%in( capacit% e>)al to t&at of t&e 'ain ceilin( r)nner# an$ be ri(i$l% #ec)re$ to t&e 'ain r)nner#! 4! S)rface 'o)nte$ li(&tin( fi2t)re#: a! -i2t)re# #&all be bolte$ a(ain#t t&e ceilin( in$epen$ent of t&e o)tlet bo2 at fo)r point# #pace$ near t&e corner# of eac& )nit! T&e bolt# Bor #t)$-clip#C #&all be 'ini')' ? '' B1/5 inc&C bolt0 #ec)re$ to 'ain ceilin( r)nner# an$/or #ec)re$ to cro## r)nner#! Non-t)rnin( #t)$# 'a% be attac&e$ to t&e 'ain ceilin( r)nner# an$ cro## r)nner# wit& #pecial non-friction clip $e9ice# $e#i(ne$ for t&e p)rpo#e0 pro9i$e$ t&e% bolt t&ro)(& t&e r)nner0 or are al#o #ec)re$ to t&e b)il$in( #tr)ct)re b% 12 (a)(e #afet% &an(er#!

2? :1 00 - 1?

12-01-12 St)$# or bolt# #ec)rin( fi2t)re# wei(&in( in e2ce## of 2: A( B:? po)n$#C #&all be #)pporte$ $irectl% fro' t&e b)il$in( #tr)ct)re! b! W&ere ceilin( cro## r)nner# are in#talle$ for #)pport of li(&tin( fi2t)re#0 t&e% ')#t &a9e a carr%in( capacit% e>)al to t&at of t&e 'ain ceilin( r)nner# an$ be ri(i$l% #ec)re$ to t&e 'ain r)nner#! c! -i2t)re# le## t&an ?!E A( B1: po)n$#C in wei(&t an$ occ)p%in( le## t&an ;41: #> c' Btwo #>)are feetC of ceilin( area 'a%0 w&en $e#i(ne$ for t&e p)rpo#e0 be #)pporte$ $irectl% fro' t&e o)tlet bo2 w&en all t&e followin( con$ition# are 'et! 1C Screw# attac&in( t&e fi2t)re to t&e o)tlet bo2 pa## t&ro)(& ro)n$ &ole# Bnot Ae%-&ole #lot#C in t&e fi2t)re bo$%! 2C T&e o)tlet bo2 i# attac&e$ to a 'ain ceilin( r)nner Bor cro## r)nnerC wit& appro9e$ &ar$ware! ;C T&e o)tlet bo2 i# #)pporte$ 9erticall% fro' t&e b)il$in( #tr)ct)re! $! -i2t)re# 'o)nte$ in open con#tr)ction #&all be #ec)re$ $irectl% to t&e b)il$in( #tr)ct)re wit& appro9e$ boltin( an$ cla'pin( $e9ice#! E! Sin(le or $o)ble pen$ant-'o)nte$ li(&tin( fi2t)re#: a! Eac& #te' #&all be #)pporte$ b% an appro9e$ o)tlet bo2 'o)nte$ #wi9el oint an$ canop% w&ic& &ol$# t&e #te' capti9e an$ pro9i$e# #prin( loa$ Bor appro9e$ e>)i9alentC $a'penin( of fi2t)re o#cillation#! O)tlet bo2 #&all be #)pporte$ 9erticall% fro' t&e b)il$in( #tr)ct)re! 6! O)tlet bo2e# for #)pport of li(&tin( fi2t)re# Bw&ere per'itte$C #&all be #ec)re$ $irectl% to t&e b)il$in( #tr)ct)re wit& appro9e$ $e9ice# or #)pporte$ 9erticall% in a &)n( ceilin( fro' t&e b)il$in( #tr)ct)re wit& a nine (a)(e wire &an(er0 an$ be #ec)re$ b% an appro9e$ $e9ice to a 'ain ceilin( r)nner or cro## r)nner to pre9ent an% &oriFontal 'o9e'ent relati9e to t&e ceilin(!// E! -)rni#& an$ in#tall t&e new la'p# a# #pecifie$ for all li(&tin( fi2t)re# in#talle$ )n$er t&i# pro ect0 an$ for all e2i#tin( li(&tin( fi2t)re# re)#e$ )n$er t&i# pro ect! -! T&e electrical an$ ceilin( tra$e# #&all coor$inate to a#certain t&at appro9e$ li(&tin( fi2t)re# are f)rni#&e$ in t&e proper #iFe# an$ in#talle$ wit& t&e proper $e9ice# B&an(er#0 clip#0 tri' fra'e#0 flan(e#0 etc!C0 to 'atc& t&e ceilin( #%#te' bein( in#talle$!

2? :1 00 - 14

12-01-12 +! 8on$ li(&tin( fi2t)re# to t&e (ro)n$in( #%#te' a# #pecifie$ in Section 2? 0: 2?0 +RO/NDIN+ "ND 8ONDIN+ -OR E*ECTRIC"* S@STE7S! ,! "t co'pletion of pro ect0 replace all $efecti9e co'ponent# of t&e li(&tin( fi2t)re# at no co#t to t&e +o9ern'ent! I! Di#po#e of la'p# per re>)ire'ent# of Section 01 45 160 CONSTR/CTION W"STE 7"N"+E7ENT//0 an$ Section 02 51 000 DE7O*ITION//! 3.2 ACCEPTANCE CHECKS AND TESTS "! Perfor' t&e followin(: 1! <i#)al In#pection: a. Verify proper operation by operating the lighting controls. b. Visually inspect for damage to fixtures, lenses, reflectors, diffusers, and louvers. Clean fixtures, lenses, reflectors,

diffusers, and louvers that have accumulated dust, dirt, or fingerprints during construction. 2! Electrical te#t#: a. Exercise dimming components of the lighting fixtures over full range of dimming capability by operating the control devices(s) in the presence of the //Resident Engineer// //COTR//. Observe

for visually detectable flicker over full dimming range, and replace defective components at no cost to the Government. b. Burn-in all lamps that require specific aging period to operate properly, prior to occupancy by Government. Burn-in period to be

40 hours minimum, unless specifically recommended otherwise by the lamp manufacturer. Burn-in dimmed fluorescent and compact

fluorescent lamps for at least 100 hours at full voltage, unless specifically recommended otherwise by the lamp manufacturer. Replace any lamps and ballasts which fail during burn-in. 3.3 !OLLOW-UP &ERI!ICATION "! /pon co'pletion of acceptance c&ecA# an$ te#t#0 t&e Contractor #&all #&ow b% $e'on#tration in #er9ice t&at t&e li(&tin( #%#te'# are in (oo$ operatin( con$ition an$ properl% perfor'in( t&e inten$e$ f)nction! ---END---

2? :1 00 - 1E

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