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SET A Seat No.____


DIRECTION: Choose the letter of the BEST answer by shading the corresponding letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY ! ER"S#RE$ 1. A child who is 13 months has fast !"athin# if h" has: A. 3$ !"aths %"! min&t" o! mo!" B. '$ !"aths %"! min&t" C. 40 breaths per m !"te #r m#re (. )$ !"aths %"! min&t" *. +hich of th" followin# is t!&" a o&t discha!#" %lannin#, A. asic discha!#" %lans in-ol-" !"f"!!al to comm&nit. !"so&!c"s B. discha!#" %lans in-ol-" !"f"!!al to comm&nit. !"so&!c"s C. sim%l" !"f"!!al in-ol-"s &s" of a discha!#" %lann"! D. $#mp%e& re'erra% !$%"(es !ter( s$ p% !ar) $#%%ab#rat #! 3. A n&!s" ma. /""% o%"n"d -ials of 0P1 fo! &s" in th" n"2t s"ssion if: A. .o& ha-" ta/"n o&t th" -accin" at th" h"alth c"nt"! fo! som" oth"! !"asons B. th" "2%i!. dat" has not %ass"d C. the *a$$ !es ha*e bee! st#re( at a temperat"re bet+ee! 0 (e, C a!( - (e, C (. th" -accin"s ha-" chan#" its colo! 3. Th" %!ima!. %!"-"nti-" m"as&!"s a#ainst 4I1-AI(S is: A. withd!awal C. foams and #"ls &s" B. -i!&s /illin# d!&#s D. $#!(#m "se ). 5s. Amodia6 RN wo!/s fo! a hom" h"alth a#"nc. and ca!"s fo! an old"! ad&lt m"ntal %ati"nt. 0n !"%o!tin# to wo!/6 sh" o s"!-"s n&m"!o&s !&is" and !"d ma!/s on h"! %ati"nts fac". 4"! %ati"nt s""ms &%s"t. 5s. Amodia s&s%"cts that "ith"! a &s" has occ&!!"d. 5s. Amodia sho&ld: A. contact th" mo il" %olic" to in-"sti#at" th" a &s" B. ma/" an a%%ointm"nt with an "ld"! ad&lt co&ns"lo! C. wa/" h"! son and as/ him who wo&ld h&!t his moth"! D. $a%% her s"per* s#r r ,ht a+a) t# rep#rt the ' !( !,s '. If th"!" d"-"lo%s s"-"!" %!"-"clam%sia6 what wo&ld " th" d!&# .o& wo&ld antici%at" to " %!"sc!i "d and that .o& wo&ld ha-" to administ"!, A. a loo% di&!"tic C. !anitidin" 78antac9 .. ma,!es "m s"%'ate (. a non-st"!oidal inflammato!. a#"nt :. As a comm&nit. h"alth n&!s" .o& alwa.s "a! in mind that th" %&!%os" of "m%ow"!in# -ictims of -iol"nc" is to: A. t"ll th"m how to sol-" th"i! %!o l"ms B. con-inc" -ictims to l"a-" th"i! a &s"!s C. he%p $% e!ts be$#me a+are that the) ha*e $#!tr#% #*er the r % *es (. d"-"lo% saf"t. "sca%" %lans fo! th"m ;. 5a!ia is d"-"lo%in# consti%ation f!om "in# on "d !"st. +hat m"as&!" wo&ld .o& s&##"st sh" ta/" to h"l% %!"-"nt this, A. (r !/ - '"%% ,%asses #' '%" ( s"$h as +ater (a %) B. d!in/ mo!" mil/6 inc!"as"d calci&m inta/" %!"-"nts consti%ation C. "at mo!" f!"<&"nt small m"als inst"ad of th!"" la!#" on"s dail.

(. wal/ fo! at l"ast half an ho&! dail. to stim&lat" %"!istalsis =. A ilat"!al am%&t"" is assist"d . his wif" and child!"n to th" commod" fo! ow"l "-ac&ation. This "2am%l" "st d"monst!at"s th" famil.>s assistanc" to m""t which n""d, A. E% m !at #! C. n&t!ition and m"ta olism B. acti-it. (. h"alth %"!c"%tion and h"alth maint"nanc" 1$. +hich of th" followin# is th" most im%o!tant !"ason fo! doin# a lit"!at&!" !"-i"w fo! const!&ctin# a !"s"a!ch st&d., A. h"l%f&l info!mation on d"mo#!a%hic inst!&m"nt d"-"lo%m"nt co&ld " &nco-"!"d .. e& st !, /!#+%e(,e ab#"t the (e!t ' e( pr#b%em $a! be '#"!( C. a d"t"!mination of th" st&d.>s f"asi ilit. co&ld " "2t!a%olat"d

(. th" !"s"a!ch d"si#n can " co%i"d f!om anoth"! st&d. 11. 5a!tina d"-"lo%s "ndom"t!itis. +hat wo&ld " th" "st acti-it. fo! h"!, A. l.in# in "d with a cold cloth on h"! fo!"h"ad B. !"adin# whil" !"stin# in a t!"nd"l"n &!# %osition C. sittin# with h"! f""t "l"-at"d whil" %la.in# ca!ds D. +a%/ !, ar#"!( her r##m % ste! !, t# m"s $ 1*. G!ac" s&stain"d a lac"!ation on h"! l"# f!om a&tomo il" accid"nt. +h. a!" lac"!ations of low"! "2t!"miti"s %ot"ntiall. mo!" s"!io&s amon# %!"#nant wom"n than oth"!, A. lac"!ations can %!o-o/" all"!#ic !"s%ons"s d&" to #onadot!o%ic ho!mon" !"l"as" B. a woman is l"ss a l" to /""% th" lac"!ation cl"an "ca&s" of h"! fati#&" C. h"alin# is limit"d d&!in# %!"#nanc. so th"s" will not h"al &ntil aft"! i!th D. !$rease( b%ee( !, $a! #$$"r 'r#m "ter !e press"re #! %e, *e !s 13. ?"l. has dia!!h"a fo! * da.s. Sh" has s&n/"n "."s6 s/in %inch #o"s ac/ -"!. slowl.6 and sh" is d!in/in# %oo!l. and i!!ita l". Sh" is not a l" to d!in/ and th"!" is no lood in th" stool. 4ow will .o& classif. ?"l.>s illn"ss, A. %"!sist"nt dia!!h"a C. se*ere (eh)(rat #! B. som" d"h.d!ation (. no d"h.d!ation 13. Th" inf"ctio&s a#"nt that ca&s"s %&lmona!. t& "!c&losis is: A. m)$#ba$ter "m t"ber$%e C. +&ch"!"!ia anc!ofti B. 4ans"n>s acill&s (. m.co act"!i&m di%hth"!ia 1). @o&! cli"nt6 who ha%%"ns to " f"mal" !"sid"nt of th" a!an#a. .o& a!" co-"!in#6 is an ad&lt s&!-i-o! who stat"s: A+h. co&ldn>t I ma/" him sto% th" a &s", If I w"!" st!on#"! %"!son6 I wo&ld ha-" ""n a l" to ma/" him sto%. 5a. " it was m. fa&lt to " a &s"dB. Bas"d on this6 which wo&ld " .o&! most a%%!o%!iat" n&!sin# dia#nosis, A. social isolation C. $hr#! $ %#+ se%'0esteem B. an2i"t. (. in"ff"cti-" famil. co%in# 1'. 5a. "ll" is also sch"d&l"d to ha-" an amnioc"nt"sis to t"st fo! f"tal mat&!it.. +hat inst!&ctions wo&ld .o& #i-" h"! "fo!" this %!oc"d&!", A. *# ( mme( ate%) be'#re the pr#$e("re t# re("$e )#"r b%a((er s 1e B. no mo!" amniotic fl&id fo!ms aft"!wa!d6 that is wh. onl. a small amo&nt is !"mo-"d C. th" int!a-"no&s fl&id inf&s"d to dilat" .o&! &t"!&s do"s not h&!t th" f"t&s (. th" 2-!a. &s"d to !"-"al .o&! f"t&s %osition has no lon#-t"!m "ff"cts 1:. +h"n %lannin# t"achin# st!at"#. fo! a %!"#nant woman6 th" n&!s" sho&ld do which of th" followin#, A. #i-" info!mation a o&t how th" woman can mana#" th" s%"cific %!o l"ms sh" id"ntifi"s as !"l"-ant in h"! lif" B. omit info!mation !"lat"d to mino! %ains of %!"#nanc. to %!"-"nt th" woman f!om d"-"lo%in# h.%ochond!ia C. %!o-id" all info!mation to th" woman in a #!o&% s"ssion with oth"! %!"#nant wom"n so sh" can ha-" som"on" to disc&ss it with D. ("r !, the ' rst pre!ata% * s t2 tea$h a +#ma! the $are meas"res !e$essar) '#r hea%th pr#m#t #! thr#",h#"t the pre,!a!$) 1;. +hich of th" followin# s.m%toms is CESS commonl. not"d in EARC@ %!"#nanc., A. f!"<&"nc. of &!ination C. -a!icositi"s

.. $h %%s a!( 'e*er (. B!a2ton 4ic/s> Cont!actions 1=. Bonni"6 3 months %!"#nant6 has !"%o!t"d fo! h"! fi!st %!"natal -isit. Th" n&!s" sho&ld inst!&ct h"! to do which of th" followin#, A. eat m#re (a r) pr#("$ts a!( ,ree! %ea') *e,etab%es t# pr#* (e a! a(( t #!a% 300 $a%#r es ea$h (a) B. inc!"as" h"! inta/" of ca! oh.d!at"s- !"ads and sw""ts to %!"-"nt %!ot"in m"ta olism C. "at wh"n"-"! sh" f""ls h&n#!. "ca&s" h"! od. will l"t h"! /now wh"n sh" n""ds n&t!i"nts and "2t!a calo!i"s (. limit inta/" of amino acids to %!"-"nt d"-"lo%m"nt of dia "tic /"toacidosis *$. Th" n&!s" is assistin# 5!. and 5!s. C!&8 to %!"%a!" fo! child i!th in th" hom" s"ttin#. +hich of th" followin# s&%%li"s sho&ld " !"adil. a-aila l" fo! th" infant imm"diat"l. aft"! i!th, A. -itamin D to a-oid l""din# B. mild soa% witho&t %"!f&m" so as not to i!!itat" th" s/in C. b"%b s)r !,e t# s"$t #! '%" ( a!( m"$#"s 'r#m the m#"th (. h"atin# lam% to a-oid chillin# f!om wat"! "-a%o!ation *1. +hich of th" followin# co&ld " incl&d"d in th" o&tcom" c!it"!ia fo! a %ati"nt with a n&!sin# dia#nosis6 ADnowl"d#" d"ficit !"lat"d to %ot"ntial fo! alt"!"d tiss&" %"!f&sion in f"t&s o! moth"! !"lat"d to mat"!nal ca!dio-asc&la! dis"as"B, A. "d!"st is maintain"d at hom" aft"! th" 3'th w""/ of #"station

.. 'eta% heart rate + %% rema ! bet+ee! 450 a!( 460 beats a m !"te C. E&#&la! -"in dist"ntion is "-id"nt wh"n l.in# at 3) d"#!""s (. mat"!nal lood %!"ss&!" maintain"d a o-" 1)$ s.stolic **. P!"#nant wom"n sho&ld " ta&#ht to " ca!"f&l to a-oid accid"ntal inE&!.. Th". a!" %!on" to falls fo! which of th" followin# !"asons, A. a(( t #!a% +e ,ht 'r#m pre,!a!$) ma) ( st"rb ba%a!$e +he! +a%/ !, B. f"tal acti-it. stim&lat"s th" n"!-"s of th" l"#s and ca&s"s w"a/n"ss C. hi#h l"-"ls of ho!mon"s oft"n im%ai! E&d#m"nt !"s&ltin# in !"c/l"ss "ha-io! (. inc!"as"d ad!"nalin !"l"as"d d&!in# %!"#nanc. ca&s"s wom"n to mo-" fast"! than &s&al *3. +h"n a n&!s" &s"s th" I5CI mod"l6 th" I5CI cha!t &s"s illn"ss classification6 ".#. th" %in/ !ow n""ds: A. no s%"cific t!"atm"nts s&ch as anti iotics C. a%%!o%!iat" anti iotics .. "r,e!t re'erra% (. no &!#"nt m"as&!"s *3. +hich of th" fo&! si#ns of #ood attachm"nt is t!&" in this stat"m"nt, A. th" chin sho&ld to&ch th" !"ast whil" th" mo&th is wid" o%"n and whil" th" low"! li% is t&!n"d inwa!d mo!" a!"ola is -isi l" a o-" than "low .. the $h ! sh#"%( t#"$h the breast2 the m#"th s + (e #pe! +h %e the %#+er % p t"r!e( #"t+ar( a!( m#re are#%a * s b%e ab#*e tha! be%#+ C. th" chin sho&ld to&ch th" !"ast whil" th" mo&th is wid" o%"n whil" th" low"! li% t&!n"d o&twa!d and mo!" a!"ola -isi l" "low than a o-" (. th" chin sho&ld to&ch th" !"ast whil" th" mo&th is wid" o%"n and th" low"! li% t&!n"d inwa!d6 mo!" a!"ola is -isi l" a o-" than "low *). +hich t.%" of !"s"a!ch in<&i!. in-"sti#at"s th" iss&"s of h&man com%l"2it. 7 ". #. &nd"!standin# th" h&man "2%"!tis",9 A. %ositi-ism C. lo#ical %osition B. <&antitati-" !"s"a!ch D. !at"ra% !7" r) *'. Ca!ol is 1) months old and w"i#hs ).) /#s and it is h"! initial -isit. 4"! moth"! sa.s that Ca!ol is not "atin# w"ll and &na l" to !"astf""d6 h" has no -omitin#6 has no con-&lsion and not a no!mall. sl""%. o! diffic&lt to awa/"n. 4"! t"m%"!at&!" is 3;.= d"# C. Usin# th" int"#!at"d mana#"m"nt of childhood illn"ss o! I5CI st!at"#.6 if .o& w"!" th" n&!s" in cha!#" of Ca!ol6 how will .o& classif. h"! illn"ss, A. a child at a #"n"!al dan#"! si#n C. s"-"!" %n"&monia .. *er) se*ere 'ebr %e ( sease (. s"-"!" maln&t!ition *:. +h. a!" small fo! #"stational a#" n"w o!ns at !is/ fo! diffic&lt. maintainin# od. t"m%"!at&!",

A. th"i! s/in is mo!" s&sc"%ti l" to cond&ction of cold B. th". a!" %!"t"!m so a!" o!n !"lati-"l. small in si8" C. the) (# !#t ha*e as ma!) 'at st#re( as #ther !'a!ts (. th". a!" mo!" acti-" than &s&al so th". th!ow off com"s *;. 02.tocin is administ"!"d to Rita to a&#m"nt la o!. +hat a!" th" fi!st s.m%toms of wat"! into2ication to o s"!-" fo! d&!in# this %!oc"d&!", A. hea(a$he a!( *#m t !, C. a hi#h cho/in# -oic" B. a swoll"n t"nd"! ton#&" (. a dominal l""din# and %ain *=. +hich of th" followin# t!"atm"nt sho&ld N0T " consid"!"d if th" child has s"-"!" d"n#&" h"mo!!ha#ic f"-"!, A. &s" %lan C if th"!" is l""din# f!om th" nos" o! #&ms B. #i-" 0RS if th"!" is s/in P"t"chia"6 %"!sist"nt -omitin#6 and %ositi-" to&!ni<&"t t"st C. , *e asp r ! (. %!"-"nt low lood s&#a! 3$. In ass"ssin# th" %ati"nt>s condition &sin# th" Int"#!at"d 5ana#"m"nt of Childhood Illn"ss a%%!oach st!at"#.6 th" fi!st thin# that a n&!s" sho&ld do is to: A. as/ +hat are the $h %(8s pr#b%em C. ch"c/ fo! th" fo&! main s.m%toms B. ch"c/ th" %ati"nt>s l"-"l of conscio&sn"ss (. ch"c/ fo! th" #"n"!al dan#"! si#ns 31. A child with dia!!h"a is o s"!-"d fo! th" followin# EFCEPT: A. how lon# th" child has dia!!h"a C. %!"s"nc" of lood in th" stool .. s/ ! 9ete$h ae (. si#ns of d"h.d!ation 3*. Th" child with no d"h.d!ation n""ds hom" t!"atm"nt. +hich of th" followin# is N0T incl&d"d in th" ca!" fo! hom" mana#"m"nt at this cas", A. , *e (r",s e*er) 4 h#"rs C. #i-" th" child mo!" fl&ids B. contin&" f""din# th" child (. info!m wh"n to !"t&!n to th" h"alth c"nt"! 33. 5s. Go!dan6 RN6 "li"-"s that a %ati"nt sho&ld " t!"at"d as indi-id&al. This "thical %!inci%l" that th" %ati"nt !"f"!!"d

to: A. "n"fic"nc" C. respe$t '#r pers#! B. nonmal"fic"nc" (. a&tonom. 33. +h"n %ati"nts cannot ma/" d"cisions fo! th"ms"l-"s6 th" n&!s" ad-ocat" !"li"s on th" "thical %!inci%l" of: A. E&stic" and "n"fic"nc" C. be!e' $e!$e a!( !#!ma%e' $e!$e B. fid"lit. and nonmal"fic"nc" (. fid"lit. and E&stic" 3). B"in# a comm&nit. h"alth n&!s"6 .o& ha-" th" !"s%onsi ilit. of %a!tici%atin# in %!ot"ctin# th" h"alth of %"o%l". Consid"! this sit&ation: 1"ndo!s s"llin# !"ad with th"i! a!" hands. Th". !"c"i-" mon". with th"s" hands. @o& do not s"" th"m washin# th"i! hands. +hat sho&ld .o& sa.Hdo, A. A5iss6 ma. I #"t th" !"ad m.s"lf "ca&s" .o& ha-" not wash"d .o&! handsB B. All of th"s" C. :M ss2 t s better t# "se a p $/ "p '#r$eps; brea( t#!,< (. A5iss6 .o&! hands a!" di!t.. +ash .o&! hands fi!st "fo!" #"ttin# th" !"adB 3'. If a child with dia!!h"a has * o! mo!" si#ns in th" I5CI %in/ !ow cha!t6 th" classification will ": A. mod"!at" d"h.d!ation C. no d"h.d!ation B. som" d"h.d!ation D. se*ere (eh)(rat #! 3:. If th" ca%illa!. !"fill ta/"s mo!" than 3 s"conds it ma. m"an: A. th" child is in shoc/ C. $ r$"%at#r) 'a %"re B. th" child is d"h.d!at"d (. th" child is al!i#ht 3;. C"%!os. is a ch!onic dis"as" of th" s/in and %"!i%h"!al n"!-"s. +hich of th" followin# si#ns a!" %!"s"nt in th" "a!l. sta#", A. loss of "." !ows C. cont!act&!"s

B. clawin# of fin#"!s D. th $/e! !, #r pa !'"% !er*es 3=. In as/in# th" moth"! a o&t h"! child>s %!o l"m th" followin# comm&nication s/ills sho&ld " &s"d EFCEPT: A. &s" wo!ds that th" moth"! &nd"!stand C. list"n att"nti-"l. B. #i-" tim" fo! th" moth"! to answ"! th" <&"stion D. as/ $he$/ !, 7"est #!s 3$. Pati"nts "li#i l" &nd"! th" sho!t t"!m ch"moth"!a%. 7STC9 a!" th" followin# EFCEPT: A. all n"wl. disco-"!"d and !"confi!m"d s%&t&m %ositi-" cas"s B. thos" with ca-ita!. l&n# findin#s aft"! two s&cc"ssi-" n"#ati-" s%&t&m "2amination C. pat e!ts + th#"t ha* !, bee! , *e! $#!se!t '#r a!t 0T. treatme!t (. %ati"nts willin# to &nd"!#o t!"atm"nt 31.+h"n %lannin# comfo!t m"as&!"s to h"l% th" woman in acti-" la o! to tol"!at" h"! %ain6 th" n&!s" m&st consid"! which of th" followin#, A. "a!l. la o! cont!actions a!" &s&all. !"#&la!6 coo!dinat"d6 and -"!. %ainf&l B. if wom"n a!" %!o%"!l. %!"%a!"d6 th". will !"<&i!" no %ain m"dication to mana#" th"i! %ain C. %ain m"dication #i-"n d&!in# th" lat"nt %has" of la o! is not li/"l. to im%ai! cont!actions D. the a$$e%erat #! phase #' %ab#r $a! be a t me #' tr"e ( s$#m'#rt a!( h ,h a!& et) 3*. ?!ancis is admitt"d in acti-" la o!. Th" n&!s" locat"s f"tal h"a!t so&nds in th" &%%"! l"ft <&ad!ant of th" moth"!>s a dom"n. Th" n&!s" wo&ld !"co#ni8" which of th" followin#, A. ?!ancis will %!o a l. d"li-"! -"!. <&ic/l. and witho&t %!o l"msI .. Th s !( $ates Fra!$ s + %% pr#bab%) ha*e a bree$h (e% *er) C. Th" f"t&s is in th" most common ant"!io! f"tal %ositions (. this %osition is !"f"!!"d to as "in# l"ft ant"!io%"l-ic 33. +hil" int"!-i"win# a woman in la o!6 th" n&!s" wo&ld add!"ss which of th" followin#, A. wh"th"! th" %!"#nanc. was %lann"d C. mat"!nal conc"!ns !"#a!din# f"tal h"alth B. th" &s" of m"dications d&!in# %!"#nanc) D. a%% #' the ab#*e 33. If a woman will " %lacin# h"! a . fo! ado%tion6 which of th" followin# n&!sin# m"as&!"s sho&ld " im%l"m"nt"d d&!in# th" la o! sta#"s, A. a-oid disc&ssin# th" a . d&!in# th" histo!ical ass"ssm"nt to minimi8" th" woman>s an2i"t. .. s"pp#rt the +#ma! as !ee(e( b) a$$ept !, the (e$ s #!s she ma/es re,ar( !, h#%( !, the bab) C. %!ot"ct th" woman f!om -isito!s and famil. m"m "!s who mi#ht t!. to chan#" h"! mind (. ta/" th" a . awa. as soon as %ossi l" aft"! i!th to %!"-"nt ondin# f!om occ&!!in# 3). (&!in# th" thi!d sta#" of la o!6 th" n&!s" ma. ha-" which of th" followin# !"s%onsi iliti"s, A. a(m ! strat #! #' !tram"s$"%ar O&)t#$ ! t# 'a$ % tate "ter !e $#!tra$t % t) B. monito!in# fo! lood loss #!"at"! than 1$$ cc6 which wo&ld indicat" #!oss h"mo!!ha#" C. notin# if th" %lac"nta ma/"s a Sch&lt8 %!"s"ntation6 which is a si#n of #!oss com%lication (. %&shin# down on th" !"la2"d &t"!&s to aid in th" !"mo-al of th" %lac"nta 3'. Imm"diat"l. followin# "%isiotom. !"%ai!6 th" n&!s" wo&ld do which of th" followin#, A. $%ea!se the +#ma!8s a!a% area2 the! per !e"m a!( *"%*a2 t# rem#*e a!) 'e$a% !$#!t !e!$e #r *a, !a% se$ret #!s B. monito! th" woman fo! sha/in# and com%laints of chill s"nsations6 which ma. indicat" an ad-"!s" !"action

to m"dications C. %al%at" th" &t"!&s f&nd&s fo! si8"6 consist"nc. and %osition and ta/" -ital si#ns to o tain as"lin" data (. !"mo-" all co-"!in#s "2c"%t a cl"an6 li#ht hos%ital #own to %!"-"nt th" d"-"lo%m"nt of %ost%a!tal f"-"! 3:. 5!. Ton. has ""n hos%itali8"d fo! months followin# s%"cial s%inal co!d s&!#"!.. Th" o.s cl& in his hom"town was !"nam"d th" Ton. o.s cl& 6 and a %a!ad" is %lann"d to hono! 5!. Ton.. S&ch comm&nit. action sho&ld %ositi-"l. infl&"nc" 5!. Ton.>s: A. s"lf-%"!c"%tion and s"lf conc"%t C. h"alth %"!c"%tion and h"alth maint"nanc" B. co#nition and %"!c"%tion D. $#p !, a!( stress t#%era!$e 3;. +hich of th" followin# conditions is not t!&" a o&t cont!aindication to imm&ni8ation,

A. (# !#t , *e .CG ' the $h %( has /!#+! hepat t s B. do not #i-" BCG if th" child has /nown AI(S C. do not #i-" (PT to a child who has !"c&!!"nt con-&lsion o! acti-" n"&!olo#ic dis"as" (. do not #i-" (PT* o! (PT3 to a child who has had con-&lsions within 3 da.s of (PT1 3=. +hich of th" followin# mi#ht %!"-"nt th" cond&ct of a !"s"a!ch st&d., A. ! #r(er t# ,ather (ata '#r the resear$h2 e&$ess *e r s/ t# s"b=e$t s re7" re( B. costs fo! cond&ctin# th" st&d. a!" low com%a!"d to th" %ot"ntial "n"fits f!om th" !"s"a!ch"! C. th" id"ntifi"d %!o l"m is co-"!"d in th" lit"!at&!" (. th" !"s"a!ch %!o l"m is as"d on &nt"st"d n&!sin# th"o!i"s )$. 5a!sha is conc"!n"d sh" ma. loos" an "2c"ssi-" amo&nt of lood with c"sa!"an s&!#"!.. +hat is th" &s&al amo&nt of lood loss with c"sa!"an i!th, A. *)$ J 3)$ ml C. 1$$ J **$ ml C. >00 ? 4000 m% (. 3$$ J )$$ ml )1. If th" child is 3 months6 which of th" followin# <&"stions S40UC( N0T " incl&d"d in ch"c/in# th" #"n"!al dan#"! si#ns, A. as/ ' the $h %( s eat !, +e%% ("r !, %%!ess C. as/ if th" child has had no con-&lsion B. as/ if th" child is a l" to !"astf""d (. as/ if th" child -omits "-"!.thin# )*. A!ni"6 li/" all n"w o!ns6 can loos" od. h"at . cond&ction. Und"! which conditions is this most a%t to occ&!, A. if th" n&!s"!. is cool"d . ai! conditionin# C. ' Ar! e s p%a$e( ! a $#%( bass !et B. if th" infant is w"t f!om amniotic fl&id (. if th"!" is a !""8" f!om an o%"n window )3. @o& ha-" E&st "nt"!"d 5!. Tian#co>s !oom and o s"!-"d him l.in# on th" floo! n"2t to th" "d. Th" sid" !ails on th" "d a!" down. +h"n .o& as/"d 5!. Tian#co what ha%%"n"d6 h" !"%li"s. AI was asl""% and th" n"2t thin# I /n"w I was on th" floo!B. +hich of th" followin# "2am%l"s of doc&m"ntation is 50ST APPR0PRIATE fo! this sit&ation, A. C.in# on floo! n"2t to "d. No com%laints -"! ali8"d. Sid" !ails down. A%%"a!s to ha-" fall"n o&t of "d whil" asl""%. .. Mr. T a!,$# +as '#"!( %) !, #! the '%##r !e&t t# h s be(. @he! as/e( +hat happe!e(2 he state( : I +as as%eep a!( the !e&t th !, I /!e+ I +as #! the '%##r<. C. C.in# on th" floo!6 sid" !ails down. Roll"d o&t of "d whil" asl""%. (. 5!. Tian#co f"ll o&t of "d whil" asl""%K oth sid" !ails w"!" l"ft down. )3. Th" a%%lication of %& lic h"alth6 m"dical and "n#in""!in# %!actic"s to h"alth s"!-ic"s and "ff"cti-"n"ss of wo!/"!s ma. " t"!m"d as: A. comm&nit. h"alth C. school h"alth .. #$$"pat #!a% hea%th (. m"ntal h"alth )). A lit"!at&!" !"-i"w sho&ld ": A. br e' a!( % m te( C. s.st"matic and "2ha&sti-" B. !oad and th"o!"tical (. #"n"!al and cont"2t )'. Th" Santia#o ?amil. li-"s in a ma/"shift ho&s" in G&l&#an6 Tan8a6 Ca-it". Com%os"d of ; m"m "!s6 th" "ld"st son Rhio is : ."a!s old. Rh"an is '6 L&""ni" and L&"nc. a!" twins )6 P"t"! is 3 and th" .o&n#"st is ' months old nam"d 0sca!. Alin# Rosa wo!/s in a la&nd!. "a!nin# Ph% 16)$$.$$ a month and h&s and 5an# Son. wo!/s as fish -"ndo! "a!nin# Ph% 1)$.$$ %"! da.. P"t"! and th" twins a!" "n!oll"d in th" da. ca!". Rhio and Rh"an sto%%"d st&d.in# to h"l% th"i! %a!"nts fo! th"i! .o&n#"! !oth"!s and sist"!s. +ith th" c&!!"nt condition "s"ttin# th" Santia#o famil.6 which of th" followin# int"!-"ntions can l"nd assistanc" to th"m, A. !"f"! th" child!"n to a hos%ic" ca!" facilit. .. ass st A% !, R#sa t# be re'erre( t# the DS@D '#r % *e% h##( ass sta!$e C. #i-" Alin# Rosa>s famil. a Ph% *6$$$.$$ wo!th of ca%ital fo! th"m to %&t a fish all stand

(. ad-is" Alin# Rosa to &s" cont!ac"%ti-" %ills ):. E-"!. ."a! w" disco-"! n"w m"thods o! #ad#"ts to im%!o-" man>s lif". Th" !"s"a!ch t.%"d &s"d of this nat&!" is: A. app% e( C. "2%"!im"ntal B. d"-"lo%m"ntal (. <&antitati-"

);. +h"n sho&ld th" moth"! #i-" com%l"m"nta!. foods to a ) months old infant, A. if th" child #i-"s ad"<&at" w"i#ht fo! his a#" B. if th" child shows int"!"st in s"mi solid foods C. s"pp%eme!tar) '##(s sh#"%( be , *e! be'#re breast'ee( !, (. if th" child is !"astf"d l"ss than ; tim"s in *3 ho&!s )=. 4"%atitis A is diff"!"ntiat"d f!om h"%atitis B . th"i! mod" of t!ansmission. 4"%atitis B is t!ansmitt"d th!o&#h: A. ins"ct it"s C. tra!s'"s #! a!( !=e$t #! B. &!in" (. f"cal wast" '$. Th" n&!s" wants to imm&ni8" a 1 ."a! old child fo! m"asl"s. Th" child has ""n classifi"d as ha-in# %n"&monia and no an"mia and not -"!. low w"i#ht. Th" child>s moth"! do"s not want h"! child to " imm&ni8"d and inst"ad th". will E&st !"t&!n as soon as th" child is "tt"!. 4ow will th" n&!s" "2%lain th" im%o!tanc" of imm&ni8in# th" child with m"asl"s now, A. the $h %(8s $#!( t #! s !#t a h !(ra!$e t# mm"! 1at #! a$$#r( !, t# @.H.O. B. th" child has low"! !"sistanc" and mo!" %!on" to dis"as" C. th" child will !"co-"! fast"! if th" child will " imm&ni8"d (. it is th" child>s sch"d&l" to ha-" th" imm&ni8ation '1. To im%l"m"nt th" cas" findin# as%"ct of TB cont!ol6 s%&t&m "2amination sho&ld " don" to th" followin# #!o&%s: A. child!"n $-= ."a!s old with co&#h fo! * w""/s o! mo!" .. a%% pers#!s #' a%% a,es ab#*e 4 )ear + th s)mpt#ms !( $at *e #' t"ber$"%#s s C. child!"n "low 1$ ."a!s old with f"-"! fo! 3-) da.s (. all %"!sons a#"s 1$ ."a!s and o-"! with %!o#!"ssi-" loss of w"i#ht '*. 5!. Ba!mont" was !o&#ht hom" with an ad-anc" di!"cti-"6 &t th" n&!s" is not s&!" that sh" can follow his wish"s. Th" n&!s" sho&ld: A. follow th" di!"cti-" "-"n tho&#h th" n&!s" is &ncomfo!ta l" with th" di!"cti-"s B. call 5!. Ba!mont">s law."! C. ( s$"ss + th the !ter( s$ p% !ar) team ! $har,e #' Mr. .arm#!te a!( the #r,a! 1at #!8s eth $s $#mm ttee (. i#no!" th" ad-anc" di!"cti-" '3. A t"!m conc"!nin# od. !"sistanc" which !"f"!s to %!ot"in %!"s"nt in th" s"!&m of th" lood: A. a!t b#( es C. anti#"n B. antito2in (. all"!#"n '3. A h"alth ca!" s"!-ic" in which !is/ facto!s a!" id"ntifi"d6 occ&%ational saf"t. m"as&!"s !"d&c"6 and a %& lic "d&cation %!o#!am "#&n is: A. hea%th pr#m#t #! C. t!"atm"nt facilit. B. illn"ss %!"-"ntion (. !"ha ilitation '). A comm&nit. h"alth n&!s" 7C4N9 -isits th" Gom"8 famil. w""/l.. Altho&#h famil. incom" s""ms ad"<&at"6 5!s. Gom"8 is &na l" to &d#"t it o-"! a 3-w""/ %"!iod. Th" n&!s" as/s what ma. " don" to h"l% 5!s. Gom"8 sh!&#s h"! sho&ld"!s and sa.s6 ATomo!!ow ma. n"-"! com".B 5!s. Gom"8>s !"action is d"sc!i "d as: A. re'%e$t !, her $"%t"re2 *a%"es2 a!( t me #r e!tat #! B. on" of not ca!in# a o&t h"! famil.>s n""ds C. h"! "li"f that incom" ma. not " ad"<&at" as %"!c"i-"d . th" C4N (. indicatin# that h"! &d#"t n""ds is a %!i-at" matt"! ''. A %ositi-" o! n"#ati-" f""lin# towa!d a %"!son6 o E"ct6 o! id"a is /nown as aHan: A. m"!it C. mo!al B. -al&" D. att t"(e ':. +h"n th" n&!s" assists th" cli"nts in &nd"!standin# %"!sonal -al&"s6 this is an "2am%l" of -al&": A. -alidation C. $%ar ' $at #!

B. disco-"!. (. choic" ';. +hil" doin# a n&t!itional ass"ssm"nt of a low-incom" famil.6 th" comm&nit. h"alth n&!s" d"t"!min"s th" famil.>s di"t is inad"<&at" in %!ot"in cont"nt. Th" n&!s" co&ld s&##"st which of th" followin# foods to inc!"as" %!ot"in cont"nt with

littl" inc!"as" in food "2%"ndit&!", A. o!an#"s and %otato"s C. !ic" and maca!oni B. %otato"s and !ic" D. peas a!( bea!s '=. A n"w moth"! who is !"ast-f""din# h"! a . as/s th" n&!s" wh"n sh" sho&ld sta!t h"! f""din# a . -"#"ta l"s. Th" n&!s" wo&ld s&##"st th" 50ST APPR0PRIATE a#" to "#in -"#"ta l"s is: A. 3 to 3 months C. 6 t# - m#!ths B. 3 to ) months (. = to 1* months :$. Ass"ssm"nt a!"as fo! th" n&!s" is wo!/in# with th" famil. on h"alth %!omotion st!at"#i"s wo&ld incl&d": A. th" t"l"-ision shows that th". watch C. the per$e *e( hea%th stat"s a!( %%!ess patter!s #' the 'am %) B. th" famil. and all th" !"lati-">s stat&s"s (. th" m"ntal stat&s of famil. and f!i"nds :1. Th" n&!s" mana#"! wish"s to im%l"m"nt a n"w wa. of d"t"!minin# th" -acation sch"d&l" fo! th" staff. Th" s"nio! staff o%%os"s th" chan#" whil" th" n"w"! staff s""ms mo!" acc"%tin# of th" chan#". An "ff"cti-" st!at"#. fo! !"sol-in# this diff"!"nc" in acc"%tanc" wo&ld " to: A. "2%lain that th" chan#" will occ&! as d"si#n"d6 !"#a!dl"ss of th" staff>s %!"f"!"nc" B. t"ll th" staff that if th". !"all. do not want th" chan#"6 it will not " im%l"m"nt"d C. %!o-id" "2t"nsi-" and d"tail"d !ational" fo! th" %!o%os"d chan#" D. e!$#"ra,e ea$h s (e t# share the r * e+s + th ea$h #ther :*. Th" followin# a!" th" d&ti"s of th" P& lic 4"alth N&!s" EFCEPT: A. %ea*e t# the .H@ the resp#!s b % t es #' e("$at !, the $#mm"! t) B. %!o-ision of n&!sin# ca!" to th" sic/ and w"ll indi-id&als C. %!o-ision of t"chnical and administ!ati-" s&%%o!t to !&!al h"alth midwi-"s (. cond&ct of %!" and %ost cons&ltation conf"!"nc" fo! clinic %ati"nts :3. An ; month old has fast !"athin# if h" has: A. 3$ !"aths %"! min&t" C. 3; !"aths %"! min&t" .. >> breaths per m !"te (. 3) !"aths %"! min&t" :3. Th" followin# a!" th" conc"!ns of th" P& lic 4"alth N&!s" on th" thi!d t!im"st"! of %!"#nanc. EFCEPT: A. a(* $e '#r the m#ther t# ta/e #ra% $#!tra$ept *e B. wh"!" to #i-" i!th C. %!o%"! timin# in th" s"%a!ation of moth"! to oth"! si lin#s (. t.%" of f""din# :). +h"n a child with %"!sist"nt dia!!h"a !"t&!ns fo! follow-&% -isit aft"! ) da.s6 th" n&!s" sho&ld as/ th" moth"! if th" dia!!h"a has sto%%"d wh"n: A. the $h %( has %ess tha! 3 %##se b#+e%s per (a) B. th" child has 3 s"mi fo!m"d stool C. th" child has ) fo!m"d stools (. th" child has 3 loos" stoolsHda. :'. In a!an#a. @6 on" of th" id"ntifi"d %!o l"ms is &na-aila ilit. of toil"t facilit. fo! th" !"sid"nts. Th" a%%!o%!iat" int"!-"ntion is: A. s"c&!" donations in th" fo!m of toil"t owls B. as/ h"l% f!om local #o-"!nm"nt C. non" of th" a o-" D. $#!("$t a $#mm"! t) assemb%) a!( ( s$"ss the $#!se7"e!$es #' th s pr#b%ems

::. A hom" -isit is a %!of"ssional int"!action "tw""n th" comm&nit. h"alth n&!s" and his %ati"nt o! th" famil.. +h"!" co&ld th" n&!s" #"t a-aila l" info!mation a o&t th" %ati"nt o! th" famil. to " -isit"d, A. doc&m"nt fil" C. docto!>s offic" B. !"co!ds and !"%o!ts D. 'am %) hea%th re$#r( :;. In %lannin# a hom" -isit6 th" n&!s" consid"!s th" indi-id&al n""ds. +hich of th" followin# is a %!io!it., A. n""ds of all famil. m"m "!s C. follow-&% of m"dication and t!"atm"nt .. !ee(s re$#,! 1e( b) the 'am %) (. clinic sch"d&l"s aft"! hom" -isit :=. +hich of th" followin# is th" ?IRST action of th" n&!s" d&!in# a hom" -isit, A. ,reet the $% e!t #r the h#"seh#%( members B. stat" th" %&!%os" o! o E"cti-" of th" -isit C. #i-" n"c"ssa!. h"alth t"achin# (. in<&i!" a o&t w"lfa!" and h"alth condition of th" cli"nt ;$. +hich facto! m&st " consid"!"d . th" n&!s" as -ital to d"t"!min" f!"<&"nc. of th" hom" -isit, A. a-aila l" !"so&!c"s C. a$$epta!$e #' the 'am %) B. %olic. of th" a#"nc. (. %ast n&!sin# s"!-ic"s ;1. Eatin# ha its of th" famil. has chan#"d d&" to th" "2istin# fast food "sta lishm"nt in th" a!"a. +hat h"alth !is/

sho&ld .o& wa!n th" famil., A. '##(0b#r!e !'e$t #! C. inc!"as" w"i#ht B. indi#"stion (. hand washin# ;*. To show a moth"! how to h"l% h"! to ha-" #ood attachm"nt of th" infant d&!in# !"ast f""din#. +hich of th" followin# stat"m"nt S40UC( N0T " incl&d"d, A. p%a$e the !'a!t ! )#"r m#st $#!*e! e!t p#s t #! B. to&ch th" infant>s li%s with h"! ni%%l"s C. wait &ntil th" infant>s mo&th is wid"l. o%"n (. mo-" th" infant <&ic/l. onto h"! !"ast6 aimin# th" infant>s li%s w"ll "low th" ni%%l" ;3. +h"n m"m "!s of th" comm&nit. id"ntif. n""ds6 wo!/ on its sol&tions with confid"nc" in th" s%i!it of coo%"!ation. Th" %!oc"ss is: A. n&!s">s %!of"ssional "ffo!t C. $#mm"! t) #r,a! 1 !, B. #o-"!nm"nt assistanc" (. l"ad"!shi% th!o&#h t!aditional l"ad"!s ;3. In ass"ssin# th" l"-"l of famil. coh"sion6 .o& ha-" d"t"!min"d that th" famil. is -"!. clos" and has -"!. hi#h lo.alt.6 and m"m "!s a!" hi#hl. d"%"nd"nt on on" anoth"!. @o& wo&ld doc&m"nt this as which l"-"l of coh"sion: A. s"%a!at"d C. conn"ct"d .. e!meshe( (. dis"n#a#"d ;). 5!s. A.&.ao6 :: ."a! old6 has ""n admitt"d with %n"&monia. 4"! h&s and as/s th" n&!s" a o&t th" li-in# will. As a lic"ns" n&!s"6 .o& !"m"m "! that li-in# wills: A. a!" l"#all. indin# in all stat"s B. allow th" co&!t to d"cid" wh"n th" ca!" can " #i-"n C. a%%#+ the !( * ("a% t# e&press h s #r her + shes re,ar( !, $are (. allow h"alth wo!/"!s to withhold fl&ids and m"dications ;'. 5a. "ll" is sch"d&l"d to ha-" an &lt!aso&nd "2amination. +hat inst!&ctions wo&ld .o& #i-" h"! "fo!" h"! "2amination, A. Th" int!a-"no&s fl&id inf&s"d to dilat" .o&! &t"!&s do"s not h&!t th" f"t&s .. )#" + %% !ee( t# (r !/ at %east 3 ,%asses #' '%" ( be'#re the pr#$e("re C. -oid imm"diat"l. "fo!" th" %!oc"d&!" to !"d&c" .o&! ladd"! si8" (. .o& can ha-" m"dicin" fo! %ain fo! an. cont!actions ca&s" . th" t"st ;:. +hat is th" most common t.%" of h"alth %!o l"m s""n in th" h"alth ca!" s.st"m, A. %oo! %!"natal ca!" C. immo ilit. .. %a$/ #' !'#rmat #! a*a %ab%e t# pat e!ts D. !$rease( rate #' $hr#! $ ( sease

;;. +hich of th" followin# is th" "st t.%" of dis"as" %!"-"ntion, A. imm&ni8ation C. comm&nit. social "-"nts B. ."a!l. %h.sical "2am D. beha* #r that pr#m#tes hea%th ;=. N&!s"s who d"li-"! comm&nit.- as"d ca!" m&st ha-" which of th" followin# <&aliti"s, A. ada%ta ilit. C. a ilit. to " s"lf-di!"ct"d B. tol"!anc" of -a!io&s lif"st.l" D. a%% #' the ab#*e =$. A n&!s" has sch"d&l"d a h.%"!t"nsion clinic. This s"!-ic" wo&ld " an "2am%l" of which of th" followin# t.%"s of h"alth ca!", A. t"!tia!. %!"-"ntion C. %!ima!. %!"-"ntion .. se$#!(ar) pre*e!t #! (. %!ot"ction =1. +h"n %!o-idin# ca!" in a hom"6 how mi#ht th" n&!s" "st im%l"m"nt inf"ction cont!ol, A. $%ea!se the ha!(s be'#re a!( a'ter , * !, ( re$t pat e!t $are B. !"mo-" th" %ati"nt>s wo&nd d!"ssin#s f!om th" hom" C. dis%os" off %ati"nt>s s.!in#"s in th" %ati"nt>s #a! a#" (. disinf"ct all wo!/ a!"as in th" %ati"nt>s hom" =*. +hich of th" followin# is a l"adin# h"alth %!o l"m of school-a#" child!"n, A. "a!ach"s C. o "sit. B. att"ntion diso!d"!s D. ma%!"tr t #! =3. If th" child do"s not ha-" "a! %!o l"m6 what sho&ld th" n&!s" do, A. ch"c/ fo! t"nd"! sw"llin# "hind th" "a! C. ch"c/ fo! "a! d!aina#" B. ch"c/ fo! "a! %ain D. ,#t t# ( et 7"est #!2 $he$/ '#r ma%!"tr t #! =3. Nona had h"! %"l-ic m"as&!"m"nt ta/"n. +hat si8" sho&ld th" ischial t& "!osit. diam"t"! "6 to " consid"!"d ad"<&at", A. ha-" th" width of th" s.m%h.sis %& is C. 44 $m B. ; cm (. twic" th" width of th" conE&#at" diam"t"! =). In classif.in# th" child>s illn"ss &sin# th" I5CI colo!-cod"d t!ia#"6 "ach illn"ss is classifi"d acco!din# to wh"th"! it !"<&i!"s th" followin# EFCEPT:

A. &!#"nt %!"-!"f"!!al t!"atm"nt and !"f"!!al C. mm"! 1at #! B. sim%l" ad-ic" on hom" mana#"m"nt (. s%"cific m"dical t!"atm"nt ='. +hich of th" followin# is an "2am%l" of hostil" "n-i!onm"nt in t"!ms of s"2&al ha!assm"nt, A. th" oss ass&!"s .o& of a i# %!omotion if .o& #o o&t on a co&%l" of dat"s with him .. )#"r s"per* s#r ma/es mast"rbat#r) ,est"res e*er) t me )#" +a%/ pass h m C. th" %"!sonn"l mana#"! hints that th" Eo will " .o&!s if .o& coo%"!at" s"2&all. with him (. .o&! oss s&##"sts that .o&! A!ais"B is d"%"nd"nt &%on ha-in# s"2 with him =:. +hich amon# th"s" acti-iti"s is th" conc"!n of th" P!ima!. C"-"l, A. a(m ! strat #! #' .CG *a$$ !e '#r a 40 (a)s #%( bab) B. ins"!tion of a naso#ast!ic t& "s to %ati"nts C. administ"! di&!"tics s&ch as f&!os"mid" %"! docto!s o!d"! (. !"#&lat" int!a-"no&s fl&id d!o% !at"s =;. +hich of th" followin# -accin" in th" E2%and"d P!o#!am of Imm&ni8ation ha-" a 3 w""/s int"!-al, A. O9A C. BCG B. A51 (. T"tan&s To2oid ==. Th" n&!s" who is %lannin# a h"alth %!omotion %!o#!am with cli"nts in th" comm&nit. will ha-" th" CEAST foc&s on: A. assistin# th" cli"nts to ma/" info!m"d d"cisions B. o!#ani8in# m"thods to achi"-" o%timal m"ntal h"alth C. re("$ !, ,e!et $ r s/ 'a$t#rs '#r %%!ess (. %!o-idin# info!mation and s/ills to maintain lif"st.l" chan#"s

1$$. A holistic "li"f s.st"m . th" n&!s" wo&ld " most "-id"nt if th" n&!s": A. !$#rp#rates $% e!t per$ept #!s #' hea%th +he! p%a!! !, $are B. "nco&!a#"s "ha-io! modification %!o#!am C. s&%%o!ts #oal-di!"ct"d l"a!nin# to im%!o-" h"alth (. acc"%ts d"ath as an o&tcom" of lif"

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