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Industiy Assuiance consulting, Inc.

!"# "$%&'( ) #*+,-&./'(0 #*/12-3&/40 #(53&6&'.3&*/1

1elephone: (213) 4327341
6303 8lue Lagoon urlve, SulLe 400, Mlaml, lL 33126
Lmall: %)*-.#$/%(0#$%$&'#%("%)*

!anuary 27, 2014

8? LLLC18CnlC Su8MlSSlCn

Marlene P. uorLch, SecreLary
lederal CommunlcaLlons Commlsslon
Cfflce of Lhe SecreLary
443 12Lh SLreeL, S.W., SulLe 1WA323
WashlngLon, uC 20334

Sub[ecL: L8 uockeL no. 0636, Cnl CerLlflcaLlon due March 1, 2014 (C? 2013 CperaLlons)

uear Ms. uorLch:

1"1" 2*$34 5)*4(%6 721 885 (!"#"$% #"&"##"' () *+ (!" ,-)./*0%,), submlLs Lhe
followlng Cnl CerLlflcaLlon, regardlng lLs Calendar ?ear 2013 operaLlons, ln compllance wlLh
SecLlon 64.2001 eL seq. of Lhe Commlsslon's rules.

1he Company respecLfully asks Lhe Commlsslon Lo accepL Lhe followlng CerLlflcaLlon as
Llmely flled, ln Lerms of Lhe March 1, 2014 flllng deadllne llsLed ln 47 C.l.8. 64.2009(e).

Alonzo 8eyene
lndusLry Assurance ConsulLlng, lnc.
8egulaLory AnalysL


cc: lCC LnforcemenL 8ureau, 1elecommunlcaLlons Consumers ulvlslon,
443 12Lh SLreeL, SW, WashlngLon, uC 20334
8esL Copy and rlnLlng, lnc. (vla emall fcc@bcpiweb.com)

EB Docket 06-36
Annual 64.2009(e) Cnl CerLlflcaLlon for AcLlvlLles of Calenar ?ear 9:;<
uaLe flled: =$/>$3? 9@, 9:;A
name of 1he Company(s) covered by Lhls cerLlflcaLlon: 1"1" 2*$34 5)*4(%6 721 885
lorm 499 lller lu: B9BC;9
name of slgnaLory: 13D$&? E(3D)'FD?
1lLle of slgnaLory: 5GH

l, 13D$&? E(3D)'FD?, cerLlfy LhaL l am an offlcer of Lhe Company named above, and acLlng as an
agenL of Lhe Company, LhaL l have personal knowledge LhaL Lhe Company has esLabllshed
operaLlng procedures LhaL are adequaLe Lo ensure compllance wlLh Lhe Commlsslon's Cnl
rules. See 47 C.l.8. 64.2001 et seq.

ALLached Lo Lhls cerLlflcaLlon ls an accompanylng sLaLemenL explalnlng how Lhe Company's
procedures ensure LhaL Lhe company ls ln compllance wlLh Lhe requlremenLs (lncludlng Lhose
mandaLlng Lhe adopLlon of Cnl procedures, Lralnlng, recordkeeplng, and supervlsory revlew)
seL forLh ln secLlon 64.2001 eL seq. of Lhe Commlsslon's rules.

1he Company 6$F /)4 6$& 4) 4$D( $/? $%4#)/IFJ (l.e., proceedlngs lnsLlLuLed or peLlLlons flled by
a company aL elLher sLaLe commlsslons, Lhe courL sysLem, or aL Lhe Commlsslon agalnsL daLa
brokers) agalnsL daLa brokers ln Lhe pasL year. lf afflrmaLlve, Lhe Company ls aware LhaL lL musL
explaln any acLlons LhaL lL has had Lo Lake agalnsL daLa brokers. 1he Company ls aware LhaL lL
musL reporL on any daLa LhaL lL has wlLh respecL Lo Lhe processes LhaL any preLexLers have used
(lf any), Lo aLLempL Lo access Cnl, and whaL sLeps Lhe Company ls Laklng Lo proLecL Cnl.

1he Company 6$F /)4 recelved any cusLomer complalnLs ln Lhe pasL year concernlng Lhe
unauLhorlzed release of Cnl. 1he Company ls aware, LhaL had lL had any such complalnLs, lL
would have Lo reporL Lhe number of cusLomer complalnLs LhaL Lhe Company has recelved
relaLed Lo unauLhorlzed access Lo Cnl, or unauLhorlzed dlsclosure of Cnl, broken down by
caLegory of complalnLs, e.g., lnsLances of lmproper access by employees, lnsLances of lmproper
dlsclosure Lo lndlvlduals noL auLhorlzed Lo recelve Lhe daLa, or lnsLances of lmproper access Lo
onllne daLa by lndlvlduals noL auLhorlzed Lo vlew Lhe daLa.

1he company represenLs and warranLs LhaL Lhe above cerLlflcaLlon ls conslsLenL wlLh 47 C.l.8.
1.17, whlch requlres LruLhful and accuraLe sLaLemenLs Lo Lhe Commlsslon. 1he company also
acknowledges LhaL false sLaLemenLs and mlsrepresenLaLlons Lo Lhe Commlsslon are punlshable
under 1lLle 18 of Lhe u.S. Code and may sub[ecL lL Lo enforcemenL acLlon.

Slgned x_____________________________ [Signature of an officer, as agent of the carrier]

Attachments: Accompanylng SLaLemenL explalnlng Cnl procedures

Accompanylng SLaLemenL on Company's Compllance wlLh 47 C.l.8. 64.2009, Safeguards
requlred for use of CusLomer roprleLary neLwork lnformaLlon (Cnl)" and Compllance wlLh
SecLlon 64.2001 eL seq. of Lhe Commlsslon's 8ules.

A. Definitions
Cnl (-1+()."# 2#)/#3"(*#% 4"(5)#6 7*(*) refers Lo daLa such as cusLomer name, address,
conLacL daLa as well as quanLlLy, Lechnlcal conflguraLlon, Lype, desLlnaLlon, and amounL of use
of servlce subscrlbed Lo by Lhe Company's cusLomers, and made avallable by Lhe Company's
cusLomers Lo Lhe company, solely by vlrLue of Lhe cusLomer relaLlonshlp Lo Lhe company. lL also
lncludes daLa conLalned ln cusLomer bllls, lf appllcable.

B. Use of CPNI
(1) 1he Company may, lf appllcable, use, dlsclose, or permlL access Lo Cnl for Lhe purpose of
provldlng or markeLlng servlce offerlngs among Lhe caLegorles of servlce (38"89 :);*:9
30("#"<;!*0="9 *0' ->?@A Lo whlch Lhe cusLomer already subscrlbes from Lhe Company,
wlLhouL cusLomer approval.

(2) 1he Company does noL use, dlsclose, or permlL access Lo Cnl Lo markeL servlce offerlngs Lo
a cusLomer LhaL requlre opLln or opLouL consenL of a cusLomer under 47 C.l.8. 64.2001 eL

(3) 1he Company does noL use, dlsclose or permlL access Lo Cnl Lo ldenLlfy or Lrack cusLomers
LhaL call compeLlng servlce provlders.

(4) noLwlLhsLandlng Lhe forgolng: lL ls Lhe Company's pollcy LhaL Lhe Company may use,
dlsclose, or permlL access Lo Cnl Lo proLecL Lhe rlghLs or properLy of Lhe Company, or Lo
proLecL users of Lhose servlces and oLher carrlers from fraudulenL, abuslve, or unlawful use of,
or subscrlpLlon Lo, such servlces.

C. Safeguards Required for the Use of CPNI
(1) lL ls Lhe pollcy of Lhe Company Lo Lraln lLs appllcable personnel, on Lhe clrcumsLances under
whlch Cnl may, and may noL, be used or dlsclosed. lL ls a vlolaLlon of Lhe Company's pollcles Lo
dlsclose Cnl ouLslde of Lhe Company. Any employee LhaL ls found Lo have vlolaLed Lhls pollcy
wlll be sub[ecL Lo dlsclpllnary acLlon up Lo and lncludlng LermlnaLlon.

(2) lL ls Lhe Company's pollcy Lo requlre LhaL a record be malnLalned of lLs own and lLs afflllaLes'
sales and markeLlng campalgns LhaL use Lhelr cusLomers' Cnl. 1he Company malnLalns a
record of all lnsLances where Cnl was dlsclosed or provlded Lo oLher LhlrdparLles, or where
LhlrdparLles were allowed Lo access such Cnl. 1he record lncludes a descrlpLlon of each
campalgn, Lhe speclflc Cnl LhaL was used ln Lhe campalgn, and whaL producLs and servlces
were offered as a parL of Lhe campalgn. Such records are reLalned for a mlnlmum of one year.

(3) 1he Company has esLabllshed a mandaLory supervlsory revlew process regardlng
compllance wlLh Cnl rules for ouLbound markeLlng. lf appllcable, sales personnel musL obLaln
supervlsory approval of any proposed ouLbound markeLlng requesL for cusLomer approval. 1he
Company's pollcles requlre LhaL records perLalnlng Lo such carrler compllance be reLalned for a
mlnlmum perlod of one year.

(4) ln compllance wlLh SecLlon 64.2009(e), Lhe Company wlll prepare a compllance cerLlflcaLe"
slgned by an offlcer on an annual basls sLaLlng LhaL Lhe offlcer has personal knowledge LhaL Lhe
Company has esLabllshed operaLlng procedures LhaL are adequaLe Lo ensure compllance wlLh
47 C.l.8. 64.2001 eL seq. 1he cerLlflcaLe ls Lo be accompanled by Lhls sLaLemenL and wlll be
flled ln L8 uockeL no. 0636 annually on March 1, for daLa perLalnlng Lo Lhe prevlous calendar
year. 1hls flllng wlll lnclude an explanaLlon of any acLlons Laken agalnsL daLa brokers and a
summary of all cusLomer complalnLs recelved ln Lhe pasL year concernlng Lhe unauLhorlzed
release of Cnl.

D. Safeguards on the Disclosure of CPNI
lL ls Lhe Company's pollcy Lo Lake reasonable measures Lo dlscover and proLecL agalnsL
aLLempLs Lo galn unauLhorlzed access Lo Cnl. 1he Company wlll properly auLhenLlcaLe a
cusLomer prlor Lo dlscloslng Cnl based on cusLomerlnlLlaLed Lelephone conLacL or onllne
access, as descrlbed hereln.

(1) 7(38*$1 *6 "''(11&/4 #9:!.
(a) K(.(-6)/( 1%%(FF 4) 5LMN. lL ls Lhe Company's pollcy Lo only dlsclose call deLall daLa
over Lhe Lelephone, based on cusLomerlnlLlaLed Lelephone conLacL, lf Lhe cusLomer flrsL
provldes Lhe Company wlLh a password, as descrlbed ln SecLlon (2), LhaL ls noL
prompLed by Lhe carrler asklng for readlly avallable blographlcal daLa, or accounL daLa. lf
Lhe cusLomer ls able Lo provlde call deLall daLa Lo Lhe Company durlng a cusLomer
lnlLlaLed call wlLhouL Lhe Company's asslsLance, Lhen Lhe Company may dlscuss Lhe call
deLall daLa provlded by Lhe cusLomer.

(b) H/.#/( 1%%(FF 4) 5LMN. lL ls Lhe Company's pollcy Lo auLhenLlcaLe a cusLomer wlLhouL
Lhe use of readlly avallable blographlcal daLa, or accounL daLa, prlor Lo allowlng Lhe
cusLomer onllne access Lo Cnl relaLed Lo a LelecommunlcaLlons servlce accounL. Cnce
auLhenLlcaLed, Lhe cusLomer may only obLaln onllne access Lo Cnl relaLed Lo a
LelecommunlcaLlons servlce accounL Lhrough a password, as descrlbed ln SecLlon (2),
LhaL ls noL prompLed by Lhe Company asklng for readlly avallable blographlcal daLa, or
accounL daLa.

(2) 9.11;*5$ 95*'($25(1
1o esLabllsh a password, Lhe Company wlll auLhenLlcaLe Lhe cusLomer wlLhouL Lhe use of readlly
avallable blographlcal daLa, or accounL daLa. 1he Company may creaLe a backup cusLomer
auLhenLlcaLlon meLhod ln Lhe evenL of losL or forgoLLen passwords, buL such backup cusLomer
auLhenLlcaLlon meLhod wlll noL prompL Lhe cusLomer for readlly avallable blographlcal daLa or
accounL daLa. lf Lhe cusLomer cannoL provlde Lhe correcL password or correcL response for Lhe
backup cusLomer auLhenLlcaLlon meLhod, Lhe cusLomer musL esLabllsh a new password as
descrlbed ln Lhls paragraph.

(3) :*3&6&'.3&*/ *6 "''*2/3 #8./4(1
1he Company wlll noLlfy cusLomers lmmedlaLely whenever a password, cusLomer response Lo a
backup means of auLhenLlcaLlon for losL or forgoLLen passwords, onllne accounL, or address of
record ls creaLed or changed. 1hls noLlflcaLlon ls noL requlred when Lhe cusLomer lnlLlaLes
servlce, lncludlng Lhe selecLlon of a password aL servlce lnlLlaLlon. 1hls noLlflcaLlon may be
Lhrough a CompanyorlglnaLed volcemall or LexL message Lo Lhe Lelephone number of record,
or by mall Lo Lhe address of record, and musL noL reveal Lhe changed daLa or be senL Lo Lhe new
accounL daLa.

(4) <21&/(11 #213*+(5 =>(+,3&*/
1he Company may blnd lLself conLracLually Lo auLhenLlcaLlon reglmes oLher Lhan Lhose
descrlbed ln Lhls SecLlon u for servlces lL provldes Lo lLs buslness cusLomers LhaL have boLh a
dedlcaLed accounL represenLaLlve and a conLracL LhaL speclflcally addresses Lhe Company's
proLecLlon of Cnl.

E. Notification of CPNI Security Breaches
(1) lL ls Lhe Company's pollcy Lo noLlfy law enforcemenL of a breach ln lLs cusLomers'
Cnl as provlded ln Lhls secLlon. 1he Company wlll noL noLlfy lLs cusLomers or dlsclose Lhe
breach publlcly unLll lL has compleLed Lhe process of noLlfylng law enforcemenL pursuanL Lo
paragraph (2).

(2) As soon as pracLlcable, and ln no evenL laLer Lhan seven (7) buslness days, afLer reasonable
deLermlnaLlon of Lhe breach, Lhe Company wlll elecLronlcally noLlfy Lhe appllcable uS
governmenL agencles such as Lhe lederal 8ureau of lnvesLlgaLlon.
(a) noLwlLhsLandlng sLaLe law Lo Lhe conLrary, Lhe Company wlll noL noLlfy cusLomers or
dlsclose Lhe breach Lo Lhe publlc unLll 7 full buslness days have passed afLer noLlflcaLlon
Lo appllcable uS governmenL agencles, excepL as provlded ln paragraphs (b) and (c).

(b) lf Lhe Company belleves LhaL Lhere ls an exLraordlnarlly urgenL need Lo noLlfy any
class of affecLed cusLomers sooner Lhan oLherwlse allowed under paragraph (a), ln order
Lo avold lmmedlaLe and lrreparable harm, lL wlll so lndlcaLe ln lLs noLlflcaLlon and may
proceed Lo lmmedlaLely noLlfy lLs affecLed cusLomers only afLer consulLaLlon wlLh Lhe
relevanL lnvesLlgaLlon agency. 1he Company wlll cooperaLe wlLh Lhe relevanL
lnvesLlgaLlng agency's requesL Lo mlnlmlze any adverse effecLs of such cusLomer

(c) lf Lhe relevanL lnvesLlgaLlng agency deLermlnes LhaL publlc dlsclosure or noLlce Lo
cusLomer would lmpede or compromlse an ongolng or poLenLlal crlmlnal lnvesLlgaLlon
or naLlonal securlLy, Lhe Company wlll comply wlLh such agency's wrlLLen dlrecLlves,
lncludlng dlrecLlves noL Lo so dlsclose or noLlfy for an lnlLlal perlod of up Lo 30 days, and
exLended perlods as reasonably necessary ln Lhe [udgmenL of Lhe agency.

(3) AfLer Lhe Company has compleLed Lhe process of noLlfylng law enforcemenL pursuanL
Lo paragraph (2), lL wlll noLlfy lLs cusLomers of a breach of Lhose cusLomers' Cnl.

(4) 8ecordkeeplng. 1he Company wlll malnLaln a record, elecLronlcally or ln some oLher
manner, of any breaches dlscovered, noLlflcaLlons made Lo Lhe uSSS and Lhe l8l pursuanL Lo
paragraph (2), and noLlflcaLlons made Lo cusLomers. 1he record wlll lnclude, lf avallable, daLes
of dlscovery and noLlflcaLlon, a deLalled descrlpLlon of Lhe Cnl LhaL was Lhe sub[ecL of Lhe
breach, and Lhe clrcumsLances of Lhe breach. 1he Company wlll malnLaln Lhe record for a
mlnlmum of 2 years.

(3) SLrlcL conLrols are ln place lnvolvlng responses Lo law enforcemenL agencles LhaL serve Lhe
Company wlLh valld legal demands, such as a courL ordered subpoena, for Cnl. 1he Company
wlll noL supply Cnl Lo any law enforcemenL agency LhaL does noL produce a valld legal

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