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1. a) Fineness of cement (By dry-sieving method).
b) Specific gravity of cement
2. a) Standard consistency of cement paste
b) Soundness of cement (By Lechatlier method).
. !nitial and final setting of cement
". #ompressive strength of cement
$. a) %rain distribution of fine aggregate
b) Specific gravity of fine &ggregate
'. a) %rain distribution of coarse aggregate
b) Specific gravity of coarse &ggregate
(. Bul)ing of sand.
*. a) +or)ability of fresh concrete by slump cone method
b) +or)ability of fresh concrete by compaction factor method
,. a) #ompressive strength of concrete
b) Split tensile strength of #oncrete.
1-. .odulus of rupture of #oncrete.
11. #oncrete .i/ 0esign 1 !.S..ethod (0emonstration only).
1A) Fineness of cement (B !"#sie$in% met&o!)
1' AIM(
2o determine the fineness of the given cement by 0ry-Sieving .ethod
2he ob3ect of this test is to chec) the proper grinding of cement. 2he rate of hydration depends on
the fineness of cement. 2he finer the cement4 the earlier the hydration and the faster and greater is the
gaining of strength. 2his is because the hydration starts at the surface. Larger the surface area (i.e. finer
the cement)4 faster 5ill be hydration. 6o5ever4 a very fine cement is susceptible to air set and
deterioration earlier. 2he grinding of cement shall be as fine as possible to conform to the standard
specifications and also shall be uniformly fine. !f the cement is not uniformly fine4 the concrete made out
of it 5ill have poor 5or)ability and 5ill re7uire a large 7uantity of 5ater 5hile mi/ing. &lso bleeding of
concrete can occur i.e. even before the concrete is set4 5ater 5ill come out of the surface due to the
settlement of concrete particles.
&ccording to the !S code 8o.2',91,*,4 for a sound (good) cement4 the : age 5eight retained on
the !.S. Sieve 8o. , should not be more than 1-:.
!.S. Sieve 8o. , (,- .icrons) and +eighing Balance of capacity 1 )g
1. +eigh 1-- grams of the given cement and transfer on to !.S. Sieve 8o. , 5ithout any loss of
2. ;eep a pan belo5 the !.S. Sieve 8o. ,
. Brea) do5n air set lumps of cement if any by fingers4 but nothing should be rubbed on the
". Sieve the contents for about 1$ minutes continuously.
$. Find the 5eight of the residue on the sieve.
'. #alculate the percentage 5eight retained of original 5eight of cement ta)en.
(. <epeat the e/periment for second time.
*. #alculate the average value of the t5o trials and report the same.
Brand of #ement9
3ei%&t of
Cement (%m)
3ei%&t of
"esi!4e(%m) on I'S'
Sie$e No' 5
6 1%e 3ei%&t
7' RES+LT(
Fineness of the given cement is
1B) S8ecific %"1$it of cement
1' AIM(
2o determine the Specific %ravity of the given cement.
Le-#hatelier Flas)4 +eighing Balance4 +ater bath4 ;erosene and 2hermometer.
Specific %ravity is determined by measuring the 5eight of a cement sample and its volume by
measuring the li7uid displaced by the cement sample. 2he li7uid4 5hich is to be used4 should be such that
it does not have any chemical reaction 5ith cement other5ise the volume 5ould include that of products
of the reactions. &lso the li7uid4 5hich is to be used4 should be such that it does not have any physical
reaction such as absorption 5ith the cement. !f polar li7uids are used4 their density in the regions very
close to the cement4 particle surface 5ill be more than that of the free li7uid a5ay from the surface of
particles. &lso the cement should not have any agglomerated particles 5ith internal voids other5ise4 only
average apparent density 5ill be measured.
2he average Specific %ravity of =rdinary >ortland #ement (=.>.#.) is about .1$. !f a given
sample of cement e/hibits a value of Specific %ravity significantly different from .1$ the 7uality of the
sample may be suspected of clays and such impurities (or adulterates have been added) in the cement4 the
lo5er values of the Specific %ravity obtained. Li)e5ise4 partly hydrated cement 5hich can occur due to
the prolonged storage under moist environment 5ill also lead to lo5er values.
1. 2he flas) shall be filled 5ith )erosene to a point on the stem bet5een - and 1 ml mar). 2he
first reading shall be recorded after the flas) has been immersed in a 5ater bath.
2. & 5eighed 7uantity of cement (about '"gm) shall then be introduced at the same temperature
as that of li7uid. & vibrating apparatus may be used to accelerate the introduction of the
cement in to the flas) and to prevent the cement from stic)ing to the nec) of the flas).
. &fter all the cement has been introduced4 the stopper shall be placed to the flas). !f proper
amount of cement has been added? the level of li7uid 5ill be in its final position at some point
of the upper series of graduations.
". 2he final rending shall be ta)en after the flas) has been immersed in the 5ater bath.
$. 2he difference of the first and the final readings represent the volume of the li7uid displaced by
the cement and is e7ual to the volume of cement.
'. 2he test must be repeated at least times to report a mean value.
Brand of cement9
Li7uid used 9
0ensity of Li7uid at room temperature9 -.*
+eight. of cement ta)en(in gms)9
0o24me of
Cement (0) in cc
S8ecific %"1$it

7' RES+LT(
Specific gravity of the given cement at room temperature is
)A) St1n!1"! consistenc of cement 81ste
1' AIM(
2o determine the normal consistency of the given cement.
8ormal consistency is defined as that percentage of 5ater re7uirement of the cement paste4 the
viscosity of 5hich 5ill be such that the @icat plunger penetrates up to a depth of $ to (mm from the
bottom of @icatAs mould. +hen 5ater is added to cement4 the resulting paste starts stiffening and gains
strength simultaneously losing its consistency.
>ractical <elevance9
2he 5ater re7uirement for ma)ing specimen for the determination of initial and final setting times
and tensile and compressive strength of cement sand mortar and for soundness test depends upon the
normal consistency of cement to be used. 2his normal consistency or 5ater demand of cement depends
upon the compound composition and fineness of the cement.
8ormal consistency is the rheological property since this concept is defined corresponding to the standard
flo5 of cement paste under standard force e/erted by the 5eight of the plunger.
For normally available cements the normal consistency varies from - to $:
@icatAs apparatus 5ith plunger4 %lass plate4 +eighing Balance of capacity 1 )g and Stop 5atch.
1. >repare a paste of 5eighed 7uantity of cement ("-- gms) 5ith a 5eighed 7uantity of 5ater ta)ing
care that the time of mi/ing (gauging) is bet5een to $ minutes and shall be completed before any
signs of setting becomes visible. 2he time of gauging shall be counted from the time of adding
5ater to the dry cement until the commencement of filling mould.
2. Fill the @icat mould 5ith the paste4 resting the mould on a non-porous plate and then smoothen the
surface of the paste ma)ing it level 5ith the top of the mould.
. >lace the test bloc) in the mould together 5ith the non-porous resting plate under the rod bearing
the plunger. Lo5er the plunger gently to touch the surface of the test bloc) and 7uic)ly release
allo5ing it to sin) into the paste. 2he operation shall be carried out immediately after filling the
mould and at room temperature. 2he reading against the indicator is noted.
". >repare trial paste 5ith varying percentages of 5ater and test them as described above and
measure the penetration of the needle. 2his test should be carried until the plunger not penetrated
up to $ to ( mm measured from the bottom of the mould. 2he percentage of 5ater corresponding
to this penetration is )no5n as StandardB8ormal consistency of the cement paste.
8ormalBStandard consistency is e/pressed as percentage of 5ater added by 5eight of cement and
the penetration is e/pressed in mm. 0ra5 a graph bet5een percentage of 5ater and depth not penetrated in
mm. 2hen find the percentage of 5ater corresponding to depth of $ to mm ( mm not penetrated.
+eight of cement ta)en (+
) C"--gms.
6 1%e
of 91te"
Hei%&t not
8enet"1te! in mm
D!nitial reading is the indicator reading 5hen the lo5er end of the plunger touches the bottom
non-porous plate.
+eight of 5ater corresponding to the penetration of $ to ( mm from bottom C +
: age 5ater for Standard (8ormal) consistency C
1-- E

2he e/periment should be conducted at a room temperature of 2$ to - # at a relative humidity of
,-:. &fter half a minute from the instant of adding 5ater to the cement4 the paste should be thoroughly
mi/ed 5ith fingers for at least a minute. & ball of this paste is prepared and then it is pressed into the test
mould mounted on the non-porous plate.
2he plunger should be released 7uic)ly 5ithout pressure of 3er)4 after the plunger is brought do5n to
touch the surface of the test bloc). For each repetition of the e/periment fresh cement is to be ta)en.
>lunger should be cleaned during every repetition and it should move freely and also there should be no
;' RES+LT(
Standard (8ormal) consistency of the given cement is
) B) So4n!ness of cement (B Lec&1te2ie" met&o!)
1' AIM(
2o determine the soundness of the given cement
Soundness is the ability of cement to maintain a constant volume. 2he hardened cement paste may
undergo an undesirable large e/pansion due to the delayed hydration of some o/ides 5hich had not
combined at the time of formation of clin)er. Free lime is one such. 2his may be present in the clin)er in
inter crystalline form 5ith other compounds and is only partially e/posed to 5ater during the period in
5hich the cement paste normally sets. .agnesium o/ide can also produce similar e/pansion on delayed
reaction. %ypsum4 if present in e/cess4 may also cause e/pansion. 2his undesirable e/pansion of cement is
called Fnsoundness. Such cement is )no5n as Gunsound cementH 2he large changes in volume as the time
elapses4 tends to cause crac)s.
Fnsoundness of cement may not be apparent until many months or years. 2herefore accelerated
tests such as LechatelierAs test are re7uired for rapid assessment of Fnsoundness of cement. +hen the
=rdinary >ortland #ement is tested as per !S code4 for a sound cement4 the e/pansion (difference of the
distance bet5een the needles of LechatelierAs apparatus) should not be more than 1-mm.

LechatelierAs apparatus4 +ater bath and +eighing Balance of capacity 1 )g
LechatelierAs apparatus used for the determination of soundness of cement consists of a small split
cylinder of spring brass of -.$ mm thic)ness4 forming a mould - mm internal diameter and - mm high.
=n either side of the split are attached t5o indicators 5ith pointed ends4 the distance from these ends to
the center of the cylinder being 1'$ mm. 2he mould shall be )ept in good condition 5ith the 3a5s more
than -.$ mm apart.
1. >lace the mould on a glass plate and fill it 5ith cement paste formed by gauging 1-- gms. of
cement 5ith -.(* times the 5ater re7uired to give a paste of normal consistency.
2. #over the mould 5ith another piece of glass plate4 place a small 5eight on this covering glass
plate and immediately submerge the 5hole assembly in 5ater at a temperature of 2(
# and
)eep there for 2" hours.
. .easure the distance separating the indicator points by removing the assembly from the 5ater
after 2" hours.
". Submerge the mould in a 5ater bath. 2he 5ater of the bath is brought to boiling point4 5ith the
mould submerged4 in 2$ to - minutes and )ept boiling for hours.
$. <emove the mould from the 5ater4 allo5 it to cool and measure the distance bet5een the
indicator points. 2he difference bet5een these t5o measurements represents the e/pansion of
2ype of cement9
8ormal #onsistency9 >C :
+ater re7uired for soundness testC-.(* >C
!nitial distance C mm
Final distance C mm
I/pansion of cementC mm
7' RES+LT(
2he given cement is
-' Initi12 1n! fin12 settin% of cement
1' AIM9
2o determine the initial and final setting times of the given cement.
For any cement4 t5o stiffening states are identified as initial and final setting times respectively.
+hen 5ater is added to cement and mi/ed properly4 the chemical reaction soon starts and the paste
of cement remains plastic for a short period. 0uring this period4 it is possible to remi/ the paste. 2his
period is called Jinitial setting timeA. !t is assumed that no hardening 5ill start in this period. &s the time
lapses4 the reaction is continued and cement begins to harden. &t some stage it hardens and called as
Jfinally setA and the time lapsed since the 5ater 5as added is called Jfinal setting timeA. 2he setting times
are rheological properties since these concepts are defined corresponding to the standard flo5 of cement
paste under the standard force e/erted by the 5eight of the relevant needle.
!nitial setting time is defined as the time ta)en by the paste to stiffen to an e/tent such that the
@icat needle is not permitted to move do5n through the paste 5ithin $ K -.$ mm measured form the
bottom of mould.
Final setting time is the time 5hen the paste becomes so hard that the needle ma)es an impression
5hile the annular attachment to the needle under standard 5eight fails to do so on the hardened cement
>ractical <elevance9
2he 5ater re7uirement for ma)ing specimens for the determination of initial and final setting
times4 tensile and compressive strengths of cement sand mortars and soundness tests depends upon the
normal consistency of the cement to be used. 2his normal consistency or 5ater demand of cement
depends upon the compound composition and fineness of the cement.
2he initial setting time of the cement is limiting time beyond 5hich paste made from it cannot be
placed or compacted 5ithout loss of useful properties e.g. strength. 2he final setting time is the time limit
beyond 5hich moulds can be removed. For generally available cements the initial setting time is L-min
and final setting time is M1- hours.
@icatAs apparatus 5ith plunger N needles4 %lass plate4 +eighing Balance of capacity 1 )g and Stop
S2&80&<0 #=8S!S2I8#O9
1. >repare a paste of 5eighed 7uantity of cement ("-- gms) 5ith a 5eighed 7uantity of 5ater
ta)ing care that the time of mi/ing (gauging) is bet5een to $ minutes and shall be completed
before any signs of setting become visible. 2he time of gauging shall be counted from the time
of adding 5ater to the dry cement until the commencement of filling the mould.
2. Fill the @icat mould 5ith the paste4 resting the mould on a non-porous plate and then smoothen
the surface of the paste ma)ing it level 5ith the top of the mould.
. >lace the test bloc) in the mould together 5ith the non-porous resting plate under the rod
bearing the plunger. Lo5er the plunger gently to touch the surface of the test bloc) and 7uic)ly
release allo5ing it to sin) into the paste. 2he operation shall be carried out immediately after
filling the mould and at room temperature. 2he reading against the indicator is noted.
". >repare trial paste 5ith varying percentages of 5ater and test as described above and measure
the penetration of the needle. 2his test should be carried until the plunger not penetrated up to
$ to ( mm measured from the bottom of the mould. 2he percentage of 5ater corresponding to
this penetration is the StandardB8ormal consistency of the cement paste.
!8!2!&L SI22!8% 2!.I9
1. >repare a cement paste 5ith -.*$ times the 5ater re7uired to give standard consistency.
2. Start the stop 5atch at the instant of addition of 5ater. Fill the @icatAs mould 5ith above paste
completely and smooth off the surface of the mould resting on a non-porous glass plate
. >lace the test bloc) under the rod bearing the needle. Lo5er the needle gently in contact 5ith
surface of test bloc) and 7uic)ly release allo5ing it to penetrate into the test bloc). <epeat this
procedure until the needle 5hen brought into contact 5ith the test bloc) penetrates to a depth of
$K-.$ mm measured from the bottom of the mould.
". 2he period elapsing bet5een the time 5hen 5ater is added to the cement and the time at 5hich the
needle fails to pierce the test bloc) by $K-.$ mm from bottom of the mould is called as the initial
setting time.
F!8&L SI22!8% 2!.I9
2he cement shall be considered as finally set4 5hen upon applying the needle 5ith annular
attachment gently to the surface of the test bloc)4 the needle ma)es an impression thereon 5hile the
attachment fails to do so.
2he period elapsed bet5een the time 5hen 5ater is added to the cement and the time at 5hich the
needle ma)es an impression on the surface of test bloc) 5hile the attachment fails to do so is called the
final setting time.
S2&80&<0 #=8S!S2I8#O
+eight of cement ta)en (+
) C"--gms.

6 1%e
of 91te"
Hei%&t not
8enet"1te! in mm
D!nitial reading is the indicator reading 5hen the lo5er end of the plunger touches the
bottom non-porous plate.
+eight of 5ater corresponding to the penetration of $ to ( mm from bottom C +
: age 5ater for Standard (8ormal) consistency C
1-- E

!8!2!&L SI22!8% 2!.I

+eight of cement ta)en C"--gm.
+eight of 5ater ta)enC -.*$ p
+here p is the normal consistency.
S' Initi12 Fin12 Hei%&t not Time in
No "e1!in% "e1!in% 8enet"1te! in mm min4tes
>lot a curve bet5een time in minutes and height not penetrated in mm4 and find the time for height not
penetrated e7ual to $mm measured from the bottom of bloc).
Final setting time in hoursC
2he e/periment should be conducted at a room temperature of 2$ to - # at a relative humidity of
,-:. &fter half a minute from the instant of adding 5ater to the cement4 the paste should be thoroughly
mi/ed 5ith fingers for at least a minute. & ball of this paste is prepared and then it is pressed into the test
mould mounted on the non-porous plate.

2he plungerBneedle should be released 7uic)ly 5ithout pressure of 3er)4 after the rod is brought do5n
to touch the surface of the test bloc). For each repetition of the e/periment fresh cement is to be ta)en.
>lungerBneedle should be cleaned during every repetition and it should move freely and also there should
be no vibration.
;' RES+LT(
!nitial setting time of the given cement is
Final setting time of the given cement is
.' Com8"essi$e st"en%t& of cement
1' AIM(
2o find the compressive strength of given cement by casting cement mortar cubes compacted by means of
a standard vibrating machine.
2he standard sand to be used in the test shall conform to !S9 '$--1,,1(specification for standard sand for
testing of cement)
2he @ibration machine consists of a frame mounted on a coil spring to carry the cube mould4 and a
revolving shaft provided 5ith an eccentric. By means of a balance 5eight beneath the base plate attached
rigidly to the frame4 the center of the gravity of the 5hole machine4 including the cube and mould4 is
brought either to the center of the eccentric shaft4 or 5ithin a distance of 2$mm belo5 it. !n conse7uence
of this4 the revolving eccentric imparts an e7ual circular motion to all parts of the machine and mould4 the
motion being e7uivalent to e7ual vertical and horiPontal simple harmonic motions ,- degrees out of
phase. 2he minimum running speed of the machine is 5ell above its natural fre7uency on its supporting
springs4 so that the amplitude of the vibration is independent of the speed. 2he mortar should preferably
be of the synchronous type and the drive should be by means of an endless belt running on a cro5ned
pulley on the motor and a cro5ned pulley on the vibration machine.
2he machine shall be constructed to comply 5ith the follo5ing essential re7uirements.
+eight of machine on its supporting springs C - t 1 )g (e/cluding 5eight of
solid eccentric4 but including 5eight of mould and mould clamp4 6opper and cement cube)
J=ut -of-balanceAmoment of eccentric shaft in )g m C -.--1'12,(
8ormal running speed of eccentric shaft in rpm C 12--- t "--
2he po)ing rod shall be made of non-absorptive4 non abrasive and non brittle material such as
rubber compound having shore & durometer hardness of *- t 1-4 or seasoned tea) 5ood rendered non
absorptive by immersion for 1$min in paraffin at appro/imately 2-- #4 or ebonite fiber. 2he po)ing rod
shall be 1$- to 1($ mm long and shall have cross section of 12E2$ mm 5ith tamping face in the form of a
blunt torpedo
S!QI =F 26I S>I#!.I8S
2he test specimens shall be in the form of cubes having area of face e7ual to $- s7.cm. ((-.' E (-.' E
(-.' mm)
.oulds for the cube specimens of $-cm
face area shall be of metal4 non reactive 5ith cement mortar4 and
there shall be sufficient material in the sides of the mould to prevent spreading 5arping. 2he moulds are
rigidly constructed in such a manner to facilitate the removal of the molded specimen 5ithout damage.
2he mould shall be machined so that 5hen assembled ready for use4 the dimensions and internal faces
shall be accurate to the follo5ing limits.
2he height of the moulds and the distance bet5een the opposite faces shall be (-.'-mm K -.1$
mm. 2he angel bet5een ad3acent interior faces and bet5een interior faces and top and bottom planes of
the mould shall be ,-t-.$ degrees. 2he interior faces of the moulds shall be provided 5ith a base plate
having a plane surface machined to a tolerance -.1$ mm and made of non-absorbent material preferably
metal non reactive 5ith cement mortar. 2he base plate shall be of such dimensions as to support the
mould during the filling 5ithout lea)age.
2he 5eight of cube mould shall be such that the total 5eight of machine and cube mould does not
vary from the total appro/imate 5eight of -)g. 2he parts of the mould 5hen assembled shall be
positively held together4 and suitable methods of ensuring this4 both during the filling and on subse7uent
removal of the filled mould from the vibration machine shall be provided in order to prevent the moulded
specimen from damage.
.!E ><=>=<2!=8S &80 .!E!8%
#lean appliances shall be used for mi/ing and the temperature of the 5ater and that of the test
room at the time 5hen the above operations are being performed shall be 2( t 2 #. >lace on non-porous
plate4 a mi/ture of cement and standard sand in the proportion of 19 by 5eight. .i/ it dry 5ith a tro5el
for one minute and then 5ith 5ater until the mi/ture is of uniform colour. 2he time of mi/ing shall in any
event be not less than minutes.2he time ta)en to obtain a uniform colour e/ceed " minutes4 the mi/ shall
be re3ected and the operation shall be repeated 5ith a fresh 7uantity of cement4 sand and 5ater.
2he material for each cube shall be mi/ed separately and the 7uantity of cement4 standard sand and
5ater shall be as follo5s9
Cement9 2-- gms.
St1n!1"! s1n!9 '-- gms.
31te"9 R(>B") K.-S : of combined 5eight of cement and sand.
5here > is the : of 5ater re7uired to produce a paste of standard consistency.
8ote9 =5ing to certain practical difficulties during the transition period4 the sectional committee has
decided to permit the use of single siPed Innore sand as an alternative to the use of graded Innore sand
conforming to !S9 '$--1,,1 for assessing the 7uality of cement in terms of its compressive strength.
+hen the cement is to be tested for its compressive strength 5ith single graded sand4 the follo5ing
modification may be made in the test procedure.
a) 2he sand for test shall confirm to !S9 '$--1,,1 e/cept that it shall pass through *$- microns !S Sieve
and not more than 1-: by 5eight shall pass through '---microns !S sieve.
b) 2he material for each cube shall be mi/ed separately and the 7uantities of the cement4 sand and 5ater
shall be as follo5s9
Cement9 1*$ gms.
St1n!1"! s1n!9 $$$ gms.
31te"9 R(>B") K.$S : of combined 5eight of cement and sand.
+here > is the : of 5ater re7uired to produce a paste of standard consistency.
!n assembling the moulds for use4 cover the 3oints bet5een the halves of the mould 5ith a thin film of
petroleum 3elly any apply a similar coating of petroleum 3elly bet5een the contact surfaces of the bottom
of the mould and its base plate in order to ensure that no 5ater escapes during vibration. 2reat the interior
face of the mould 5ith a thin coating of mould oil.
>lace the assembled mould on the table of the vibrating machine and firmly held it in position by
means of a suitable clamp. Securely attach a hopper of suitable siPe and shape at the top of the mould to
facilitate filling and this hopper shall not be removed until completion of the vibration period.
!mmediately after mi/ing the mortar place the mortar in the cube mould and prod 5ith the rod. 2he
mortar shall be prodded 2- times in about * seconds to ensure elimination of entrapped air and honey
combing. >lace the remaining 7uantity of mortar in the hopper of the cube mould and prod again as
specified for the first layer and then compact the mortar by vibration
&t the end of vibration4 remove the mould together 5ith the base plate from the machine and finish
the top surface of the cube in the mould by smoothening the surface 5ith the blade of a tro5el.
#F<!8% =F S>I#!.I89
&fter completing vibration4 )eep the filled moulds at a temperature of 2( t 2
# in an atmosphere
of at least ,-: relative humidity for 2" hours. &t the end of that period remove the specimens from the
moulds and immediately submerge the specimens in clean fresh 5ater and )eep there until ta)en out 3ust
prior to brea)ing. 2he 5ater in 5hich the cubes are submerged shall be rene5ed after every ( days and
shall be maintained at a temperature of 2( t 2
#. &fter they have been ta)en out for brea)ing4 until they
are bro)en the cubes shall not be allo5ed to become dry.

2est three cubes for compressive strength at the periods mentioned under the relevant
specifications for different hydraulic cements4 the periods being rec)oned from the completion of
vibration. 2he compressive strength shall be the average of the strengths of the three cubes for each period
of curing.
2he cubes shall be tested on their sides 5ithout any pac)ing bet5een the cubes and the steel
platens of the testing machine. =ne of the platens shall be carried on the base and shall be self-ad3usting4
and the load shall be steadily and uniformly applied4 starting from Pero at the rate of $- )gBs7.cm B min.
#alculate the compressive strength from the crushing load and the average area over 5hich the load is
applied. I/press the result in 8Bs7. mm.
;' RES+LT(
#ompressive strength of the given cement sample at the age of days is
/A) G"1in !ist"i<4tion of fine 1%%"e%1te
1' AIM(
i) 2o study the particle siPe distribution of the given fine aggregate by doing sieve analysis and to
dra5 the grading curve.
ii) 2o determine the Fineness modulus of the given fine aggregate sample.
Set of Sieves consisting the siPes of ".($ mm4 2.' mm4 1.1* mm4 '-- m4 -- m4 1$- m4 >an4 Lid4
+eighing Balance 5ith accuracy up to -.1gm4 +eights and Sieve sha)er.
+ith conditions of 5or)ability and slumps it has been found possible to increase the strength of
the concrete by grading the aggregates. &n ideal gradation curve also has been developed giving the
optimum amounts of particles of various siPes to give concrete of desired properties.
2he grading of an aggregates mi/ should be such that the resulting concrete has least voids for
obtaining ma/imum strength and that the concrete mi/ in the fresh state4 should give re7uired 5or)ability
so that the concrete can be cast and compacted 5ith least effort. Further concrete should not segregate on
handling. &s such for the purpose of concrete mi/ design? the information furnished by the sieve analysis
is of prime importance. >ractical grading re7uirements for ma)ing good concrete are as sho5n in the table
Sie$e Si=e
6 81ssin% fo" G"1!in% >one
1- mm 1-- 1-- 1-- 1--
".($ mm ,--1-- ,--1-- ,--1-- ,$-1--
2.' mm '--,$ ($-1-- *$-1-- ,$-1--
1.1* mm --(- $$-,- ($-1-- ,--1--
'-- m 1$-" $-$, '--(, *--1--
-- m $-2 *-- 12-"- 1$-$-
1$- m --1-D --1-D --1-D --1$D
&ggregate particles 5hich are smaller than ".($ mm (passing through !S ".($ mm sieve) constitute
fine aggregates or sand.
Fineness modulus of an aggregate is defined as the sum of the cumulative percentage 5eight
retained on sieves of standard siPes divided by 1--. !t can be loo)ed upon as a 5eighed average siPe on
5hich the material is retained4 the sieves being counted from the lo5est. For the purpose4 1$- m sieve is
ta)en as the lo5est.
%enerally4 Fine aggregate is classified on the basis of its Fineness .odulus as belo59
0124e of Fineness Mo!424s C21ssific1tion
2.2-- 2.'- Fine sand
2.'--2.,- .edium sand
2.,--.2- #oarse sand
%rading curve is a graphical representation of the sieve analysis in 5hich4 the ordinate on the
ordinary scale represents the (cumulative) percentage passing for each sieve and abscissa represents the
corresponding sieve opening plotted on a log scale in a semi-log paper. &lternately4 if the siPe of each
successive sieve is half that of the ne/t larger one4 plotting sieve siPes 5ith e7ual abscissa intervals results
in a near semi-log plot.
2he sample should be ta)en by 7uartering for 5hich the sample is thoroughly mi/ed and spread
over a clean surface. !t is then cut into four e7ual parts by a tro5el? care being ta)en to include finer and
due. 25o opposite 7uarters are ta)en and mi/ed ma)es the sample. !f any further reduction of 7uantity is
re7uired the process may be repeated. +eight retained on each sieve shall not e/ceed the limits specified
by the !S code.
1. 2a)e 1)g of fine aggregate from a sample of 1- )g by 7uartering.
2. &rrange the relevant !S sieves one above the other 5ith the sieve siPe increasing to the top. >ut the
pan at the bottom. >lace the sample in the top sieve and cover it 5ith lid.
. Sha)e the setup for 2- to - minutes in the sieve sha)er.
". +eigh the amount of aggregate retained on each sieve including that accumulated in the pan. 8ote
do5n the readings in the table belo5.
2otal 5eight of aggregate C 1--- g
Sie$e si=e 3ei%&t
in %ms'
6 1%e 9t'
6 1%e 9t'
"et1ine! (F)
6 1%e

".($ mm
2.' mm
1.1* mm
'-- m
-- m
1$- m
1. &fter tabulating the observations compute : age of material retained on each sieve and
calculate the cumulative percentage retained (F) on each sieve and percentage passing (1---F)
through each sieve. 0ra5 a graph4 ta)ing log of aperture siPe of the sieve on E a/is and
percentage passing on O a/is. 2he curve obtained is )no5n as %rain siPe distribution curve
(%rading curve) of the given aggregate sample.
2. Fineness .odulus C
2he fineness modulus of the given fine aggregate is
/B) S8ecific %"1$it of fine 1%%"e%1te
1' AIM(
2o determine the specific gravity of given fine aggregate (sand) sample.
+eighing balance (capacity not less than )g.)4 >ycnometer4 drying =ven4 shallo5 metal tray (area 2$--
)4 air tight container and t5o dry absorbent cloths each not less than (( E "$ cms.
1. 0etermine the 5eight (+
) of the dry and empty >ycnometer.
2. 2a)e about $-- gm of saturated surface dry sand sample and transfer it in to the >ycnometer and find
the 5eight (+
) of >ycnometerKsand.
. Fill the >ycnometer containing sand 5ith 5ater 5ithout any air bubbles until the 5ater spills out from
the hole on the top of the cone. #are should be ta)en that the surface of 5ater in the hole is flat. +ipe
off the flas) 5ith the help of a dry cloth and then find the 5eight (+

". Impty the >ycnometer by transferring the contents into a tray. #lean the >ycnometer 5ith 5ater
thoroughly. Fill the >ycnometer 5ith clean 5ater 5ithout any air bubbles until the 5ater spills out from
the hole on the top of the cone. #are should be ta)en that the surface of 5ater in the hole is flat. +ipe
off the flas) 5ith the help of a dry cloth and then find its 5eight (+
$. 0rain out the 5ater from the sample carefully and )eep the sample in the oven at a temperature of 1--
to 11-
# for 2" T hours. 2hen cool it after )eeping it in the air tight container. 2hen find the 5eight
+eight of dry and empty >ycnometer (+
) C
+eight of >ycnometer Ksand (+
) C
+eight of >ycnometer KsandK5ater (+

) C
+eight of >ycnometer K5ater (+
) C
+eight of oven dry aggregate sample (+
) C
Specific gravity C
) + - (+ - ) + - (+
" 1 2
Specific gravity of the given fine aggregate is
7A) G"1in !ist"i<4tion of co1"se 1%%"e%1te
1' AIM(
iii) 2o study the particle siPe distribution of the given coarse aggregate by doing sieve analysis and
to dra5 the grading curve.
iv) 2o determine the Fineness modulus of the given coarse aggregate sample.
Set of Sieves consisting the siPes of *-4 '4 $-4 "-4 1.$4 2$4 2-4 12.$4 1-4 '.4 ".($ mm4 >an4 Lid4
+eighing Balance 5ith accuracy up to -.1gm and +eights.
+ith conditions of 5or)ability and slumps it has been found possible to increase the strength of the
concrete by grading the aggregates. &n ideal gradation curve also has been developed giving the optimum
amounts of particles of various siPes to give concrete of desired properties.
2he grading of an aggregates mi/ should be such that the resulting concrete has least voids for
obtaining ma/imum strength and that the concrete mi/ in the fresh state4 should give re7uired 5or)ability
so that the concrete can be cast and compacted 5ith least effort. Further concrete should not segregate on
handling. &s such for the purpose of concrete mi/ design the information furnished by the sieve analysis
is of prime importance.
&ggregate particles 5hich are larger than ".($ mm (retained on !S ".($ mm sieve) constitute
coarse aggregates.
Fineness modulus of an aggregate is defined as the sum of the cumulative percentage 5eight
retained on sieves of standard siPes divided by 1--. !t can be loo)ed upon as a 5eighed average siPe on
5hich the material is retained4 the sieves being counted from the lo5est. For the purpose4 ".($ mm sieve is
ta)en as the lo5est.
%rading curve is a graphical representation of the sieve analysis in 5hich the ordinate on the
ordinary scale represents the (cumulative) percentage passing for each sieve and abscissa represents the
corresponding sieve opening plotted on a log scale in a semi-log paper. &lternately4 if the siPe of each
successive sieve is half that of the ne/t larger one4 plotting sieve siPes 5ith e7ual abscissa intervals results
in a near semi-log plot.
2he sample should be ta)en by 7uartering for 5hich the sample is thoroughly mi/ed and spread
over a clean surface. !t is then cut into four e7ual parts by a tro5el? care being ta)en to include finer and
due. 25o opposite 7uarters are ta)en and mi/ed ma)es the sample. !f any further reduction of 7uantity is
re7uired the process may be repeated. +eight retained on each sieve shall not e/ceed the limits specified
by the !S code.

1. 2a)e 1-)g of coarse aggregate from a sample of $- )g by 7uartering.
2. &rrange the relevant !S sieves one above the other 5ith the sieve siPe increasing to the top. >ut the
pan at the bottom. >lace the sample in the top sieve and cover it 5ith lid.
. Sha)e the setup for 2- to - minutes.
". +eigh the amount of aggregate retained on each sieve including that accumulated in the pan. 8ote
do5n the readings in the follo5ing table.
2otal 5eight of aggregate C 1---- g
S' No' Sie$e si=e
in mm
in %ms'
6 1%e 9t'
6 1%e 9t'
"et1ine! (F)
6 1%e

1. &fter tabulating the observations compute : age of material retained on each sieve and calculate the
cumulative percentage retained (F) on each sieve and percentage passing (1---F) through each sieve.
0ra5 a graph4 ta)ing log of aperture siPe of the sieve on E a/is and percentage passing on O a/is. 2he
curve obtained is )no5n as %rain siPe distribution curve (%rading curve) of the given aggregate
2. Fineness .odulus C
2he fineness modulus of the given coarse aggregate is
7B) S8ecific %"1$it of co1"se 1%%"e%1te
1' AIM(
2o determine the Specific gravity of given coarse aggregate (1-mm do5n siPe) sample.
+eighing balance (capacity not less than )g.)4 >ycnometer4 drying =ven4 shallo5 metal tray (area 2$--
)4 air tight container and t5o dry absorbent cloths each not less than (( E "$ cms.
2he specific gravity of coarse aggregate is considered to be a measure of strength or 7uality of the
aggregate. &ggregates having lo5 specific gravity are generally 5ea)er than those 5ith high specific
gravity values. 2he specific gravity test helps in identification of aggregate
1. 0etermine the 5eight (+
) of the dry and empty >ycnometer.
2. 2a)e about 1--- gm of saturated surface dry sample and transfer it in to the >ycnometer and find the
5eight (+
) of >ycnometer K coarse aggregate
. Fill the >ycnometer containing coarse aggregate 5ith 5ater 5ithout any air bubbles until the 5ater
spills out from the hole on the top of the cone. #are should be ta)en that the surface of 5ater in the hole
is flat. +ipe off the flas) 5ith the help of a dry cloth and then find the 5eight (+

". Impty the >ycnometer by transferring the contents into a tray. #lean the >ycnometer 5ith 5ater
thoroughly. Fill the >ycnometer 5ith clean 5ater 5ithout any air bubbles until the 5ater spills out from
the hole on the top of the cone. #are should be ta)en that the surface of 5ater in the hole is flat. +ipe
off the flas) 5ith the help of a dry cloth and then find its 5eight (+
$. 0rain out the 5ater from the sample carefully and )eep the sample in the oven at a temperature of 1--
to 11-
# for 2" T hours. 2hen cool it after )eeping it in the air tight container. 2hen find the 5eight
+eight of dry and empty >ycnometer (+
) C
+eight of >ycnometer K coarse aggregate (+
) C
+eight of >ycnometer K coarse aggregate K5ater (+

) C
+eight of >ycnometer K5ater (+
) C
+eight of oven dry coarse aggregate sample (+
) C
Specific gravity C
) + - (+ - ) + - (+
" 1 2
Specific gravity of the given coarse aggregate is
;' B42Bin% of S1n!
1' AIM9
2o determine the bul)ing of fine aggregate by volume method and to dra5 a curve bet5een 5ater content
and bul)ing.
2he volume of a given 7uantity of sand (fine aggregate) increase 5ith increase in moisture content in the
initial stages. & stage is reached 5hen the percentage increase in the volume is ma/imum (depending
upon the fineness and nature of sand) after 5hich the increase in volume starts decreasing 5ith further
increase in moisture content and finally drops to Pero. 2he bul)ing is due to the volume occupied by the
absorbed film of 5ater on fine particles? these films )eep the fine particles apart. +hen the 7uantity of
moisture content reaches a stage that suspension of sand ta)es place in 5ater4 bul)ing drops to Pero.
!n concrete mi/ design4 5hen the 7uantity of sand is to be measured volumetrically4 a correction has to be
applied to the sand to account for the increase in volume 5ith increase in moisture content. 2his can be
done only by studying the bul)ing characteristics of sand4 other5ise the concrete may contain fine
aggregate less than 5hat is needed. Let a fine aggregate sample contain percentage moisture content / and
the corresponding percentage bul)ing as determined in the laboratory is O. !f in a mi/ design4 the volume
of dry sand re7uired is @4 the volume of moist sand to be used in the mi/ is given by @ (1KO). 2he
7uantity of 5ater to be added is also reduced depending upon /.
!n general4 ma/imum bul)ing of about 2$--: occurs at about *-1-: of moisture content for
normal sands.
+eighing Balance4 #ylindrical container of about $--ml. capacity4 .etal tray4 Steel rule4 =ven and
1. >ut sufficient 7uantity of oven dried sand loosely into the container to about t5o- thirds full. Level
the top surface of sand and 5eigh the container to obtain the 5eight of sand.
2. >ush the steel rule vertically do5n through the sand at the middle to the bottom and measure the
height (h) of sand.
. Impty the container on to a clean metal tray 5ithout any loss of sand.
". &dd one percent 5ater by 5eight of sand and mi/ thoroughly by hand.
$. >ut bac) the loose sand into the container 5ithout tamping it.
'. Smooth and level the top surface of the moist sand and measure its depth (h
) 5ith the steel rule.
(. <epeat the above procedure 5ith 244"4$U. percents of moisture by 5eight of the sand sample till
the bul)ing is ma/imum and starts dropping and finally to Pero.
*. Ivery time a different sample shall be used.
,. >lot a graph bet5een 5ater content as abscissa and : age bul)ing as ordinate.
+eight of empty container in gms. C
+eight of container 5ith oven-dried sand in gms. C
+eight of sand in gms. C
6eight (h) of dry sand in cm C
61%e 91te"
1!!e! <
9ei%&t of
Hei%&t of
moist s1n!
in cm (&
61%e B42Bin% of


h h
1. 2here should not be any 5astage of sample during testing.
2. #ontainer should be clean and dry.
;' RES+LT(
.a/imum amount of : bul)ing obtained at a moisture content of :.
AA) 3o"B1<i2it of f"es& conc"ete < s24m8 cone met&o!
1' AIM(
2o assess the 5or)ability of given concrete mi/ by conducting slump test.
+or)ability is an important characteristic of fresh concrete. !t can be defined as the ease 5ith
5hich the concrete can be 5or)ed. +or)ing includes mi/ing4 placing4 compacting and finishing. &ctually
it is a comple/ rheological property of fresh concrete broadly consisting of its stability4 compactability and
mobility. 2hese can be assessed by Slump test4 #ompaction factor test and @ee bee time tests respectively.
@ertical settlement of a standard cone of fresh concrete (actually frustum of a cone) under its o5n
5eight is called slump. 2he cone of concrete in a slump test may some times fail in shear thus casting
doubt on the stability of the concrete system. Lac) of stability is termed as segregation.
For very stiff mi/es slump test is not to be adopted because it 5ill give very small values of slump4
5hich are very difficult to measure accurately. For such concretes4 @ee bee time test is suitable.
For highly 5or)able mi/es4 slump is of the order of a fe5 inches4 5hich can be measured
accurately. 6ence slump test is to be preferred in such cases.
2he @ee-bee inde/ is a time measure 5ith a standard rate of energy input? the time re7uired to
force the fresh concrete to flo5 to a standardised e/tent is called the @ee-bee time. !t is a measure of
mobility of fresh concrete.
&n increase in the amount of (mi/ing) 5ater used in ma)ing concrete increases its 5or)ability but
reduces its strength because of increase in +B# ratio. 2hus 5or)ability is the most predominant factor in
determining the practicable lo5er 5aterB cement ratio4 5hich can be used implying as it governs the
ma/imum obtainable strength under the given conditions of placing and compaction. For concrete mi/
design re7uired strength and 5or)ability are both specified. +here flo5 of concrete instead of its strength
is the only or dominant criterion such as in situations 5here concrete is to be pumped to greater distances4
the 5or)ability of concrete should be very high.
2he typical values of 5or)ability of fresh concrete to be used in different situations are sho5n in
the 2able belo5.
Sl no 0egree of
Slump (mm) #ompaction
1. @ery Lo5 --2$ -.(* <oads vibrated by po5er operated
machines? #oncrete may be compacted 5ith
hand operated machine for more 5or)able
2. Lo5 2$-($ -.*$ <oads vibrated by hand operated machine?
for more 5or)able mi/4 concrete may be
manually compacted in roads using
aggregate of rounded or irregular shapes.
.ass concrete foundations 5ithout vibration
or lightly reinforced sections 5ith vibration.
. .edium $--1-- -.,2 For less 5or)able concretes4 manually
compacted flat slabs using crushed
aggregate. 8ormal reinforced concrete
manually compacted and highly reinforced
section 5ith vibration.
". 6igh 1---1$- -.,$ For section 5ith congested reinforcement.
8ormally not suitable for vibration.
Slum cone4 Spatula4 2ro5el and 2amping rod.
1. >lace the fresh concrete mi/ in the clean slump cone in four e7ual layers4 tamping each layer
2$ times 5ith the tamping rod in a uniform manner over the cross section. For the 2
subse7uent layers the rod should penetrate into the underlying layers during such tamping.
2. Stri)e - off the top of concrete surface? ma)ing flush 5ith the mould 5ith a tro5el so that it is
e/actly filled.
. <emove the metallic cone by raising it slo5ly and carefully in a vertical direction.
". &s soon as the concrete settlement stops4 measure the subsidence of concrete in mm. 2his
subsidence is )no5n as slump.
7' RES+LT(
2he Slump of the given concrete mi/ is mm

AB) 3o"B1<i2it of f"es& conc"ete < com81ction f1cto" met&o!
1' AIM(
2o assess the 5or)ability of given concrete mi/ by compaction factor test.
#ompaction factor is a measure of the density of concrete to 5hich a fresh concrete mi/ can be
compacted for a standard input of energy relative to the theoretical ma/imum density it can have
corresponding to Pero air content. 2his theoretical ma/imum density can be estimated in the laboratory as
that obtained by full compaction under mechanical vibration. #ompaction factor is a measure of
compactibility of fresh concrete.
&n un5or)able concrete cannot be placed and compacted in-situ properly and such a concrete 5ill
e/hibit poor strength because of presence of large air voids. #ompaction factor test is applicable for mi/es
of moderate 5or)ability.
#ompaction factor apparatus4 %raduated cylinder4 Balance4 @ibrator4 spatula4 2ro5el4 6and scoop and
2amping rod.
1. #lean the inner surfaces of the hoppers and cylinder of the #ompaction factor apparatus. Fasten
the hopper trap doors.
2. +eigh the empty cylinder (+
) accurately. Fi/ the cylinder on the base 5ith fly nut and bolts in
such a 5ay that the central a/es of the hoppers and cylinder lie in one vertical line.
. Fill the freshly mi/ed concrete in the upper hopper gently and carefully 5ith a hand scoop 5ithout
any compacting effort. &fter t5o minutes4 release the trap door so that the concrete falls in to the
lo5er hopper? bringing the concrete to some degree of compaction.
". !mmediately after the concrete came to rest in this hopper4 open its trap door and allo5 the
concrete to fall into the cylinder.
$. <emove the e/cess concrete above the top of the cylinder by a pair of tro5els 5ith blades )ept
horiPontal. #lean the surface of the cylinder properly and find the 5eight of this partially
compacted concrete (+
'. <efill the cylinder 5ith the same sample of concrete in appro/imately $ cm thic) layers4 the
la5yers being heavily rammed or by using mechanical vibration to e/pel all the air in order to
obtain full compaction. Level up the top and 5eigh the cylinder to get the 5eight of fully
compacted concrete (+

8ote the proportion of various ingredients in the concrete mi/ that is #ement4 Fine aggregate4 #oarse
aggregate4 +ater and admi/tures (if any).

#ompaction factor
( )
( )

1 2
+ +
+ +
) #F (

;' RES+LT(
#ompaction factor of the given concrete mi/ is
5A) Com8"essi$e st"en%t& of conc"ete
1' AIM(
2o determine the compressive strength of the given concrete cube.
#ompression 2esting .achine (#.2...) of 2--- ) 8 capacity4 +eighing Balance and Scale.
1. 2a)e the dimensions of the concrete cube accurate to 1 mm and find the 5eight of each
2. ;eep the cube on the compression plate of the 2--- ) 8. #.2... such that the load is applied
on the sides of cast.
. &pply the load at a uniform rate of 1"- )gBs7.cm.Bminute. 8ote the loads at first crac) and at
crushing. .a)e a note of the type of fracture (S)etch may be dra5n of the ruptured specimen).
.i/ proportion9 1929" (by 5eight)
<atio of +ater Bcement9 -.$$
0ate of casting9
0ate of 2esting9
Si=e in mm 3ei%&t
in B%
Lo1! in BN
At fi"st c"1cB At c"4s&in%
Stress or strength CLoadB&rea of cross section offering resistance
A"e1 in mm
3ei%&t in
St"ess o" st"en%t& in
NC mm
At fi"st c"1cB At c"4s&in%

&verage compressive strength of concrete at days at first crac) is
&verage compressive strength of concrete at days at crushing is
Fnit 5eight of concrete is
B) S82it tensi2e st"en%t& of conc"ete
1' AIM(
2o determine the tensile strength of concrete by Spilt cylinder tension test.
+hen a concrete cylinder is sub3ected to compressive line load applied along diametrically
opposite lines4 i.e. 5hen the load is applied along the opposite generators of the cylinder4 then an element
on the vertical diameter of the cylinder is sub3ected to a horiPontal tensile stress in a direction opposite to
the compressive load applied.
#.2...4 specimen #ylinders (siPe91$cm dia4 - cm height) and Scale.
1. >lace the cylinder 5ith its longitudinal a/is in horiPontal direction bet5een the plates of
compression testing machine.
2. >lace narro5 strips of pac)ing material such as ply5ood bet5een the plate and the
cylinder surface.
. &pply the load at such a rate that tensile stress acting on the vertical diameter is
appro/imately 1." to 2.1 8Bmm
Bminute. 8ote do5n the ma/imum load that can be
&ge of concrete9
#uring conditions9
#oncrete mi/9
2ype of aggregate9
0imensions of cylinder9
Length L C
0iameter 0 C
2ensile stress in the material4

>9 #ompressive load on the cylinder
L9 Length of the cylinder
09 0iameter of the cylinder
F1i24"e 2o1!
Tensi2e st"en%t&
in BNCmm
F1i24"e mo!e C Rem1"Bs

/' RES+LT(
&verage tensile strength of concrete at days at crushing is
1?' Mo!424s of "48t4"e of Cocn"ete
1' AIM(
2o determine the tensile strength of concrete by conducting modulus of rupture test.
2ensile strength of plain concrete can be determined by the follo5ing methods9
1. 0irect tension test9 !n this test a bri7uette made of plain concrete is pulled unia/ially and the fracture
load per unit area of the specimen in fracture plane gives the tensile strength of concrete.
2. Split cylinder tension test9 +hen a concrete cylinder is sub3ected to compressive line load applied
along diametrically opposite lines4 i.e. 5hen the load is applied along the opposite generators of the
cylinder4 then an element on the vertical diameter of the cylinder is sub3ected to a horiPontal tensile
stress in a direction opposite to the compressive load applied.
. Fle/ural tension test9 +hen a beam of plain concrete is sub3ected to fle/ure4 it fails under fle/ural
tension. 2he value of tensile stress calculated at failure gives tensile strength of concrete under strain
gradient. 2his calculated tensile strength is called modulus of rupture.

2he direct tension test is not common due to the difficulties in measuring the tensile strength and
ma)ing suitable fi/tures for conducting the test. 2he modulus of rupture is about 1. to 1.* times the
values obtained from direct tension test. 2he splitting cylinder test gives values from direct tension tests.
2he modulus of rupture is more than the tensile strength measured by the direct tension because of
follo5ing reasons9
1. &ccidental eccentricity in the direct tensile test results in a lo5er apparent tensile strength4 in
comparison 5ith the other tests
2. !n direct tension test4 entire specimen is sub3ected to ma/imum tensile stress 5hile in the fle/ure
test4 only in the bottom fibers in the constant moment Pone4 the stresses are high and every 5here
else the stresses are lesser. So the probability of a 5ea) element occurring and thus resulting in
failure is comparatively high in direct tension test.
. !n the fle/ure test4 the under-stressed concrete near the neutral a/is restrain the proportion of crac)
thus resulting in higher failure load.
". !n the fle/ure test4 it is assumed that the stress is proportional to the distance of fiber from the
neutral a/is. &ctually4 the stress distribution is parabolic. 2he modulus of rupture thus over
estimates the tensile strength of concrete.
2he tensile strength of concrete is not made use of in the normal structural designs of member in
fle/ure. 6o5ever4 it is important to estimate the crac) load because the absence of crac)ing is important
in maintaining the continuity of a concrete structure for diminishing the corrosion of reinforcement in
concrete structures li)e li7uid retaining structures4 or for aesthetic appearance. <estrained shrin)age and
temperature gradients also introduce tensile stresses. !n roads4 pavements and airport run5ays4 fle/ural
tensions have to be resisted since steel reinforcement is absent in pavements. 2ensile strength of concrete
determines the shear strength of such reinforced concrete elements.
Fniversal testing machine4 >lain cement concrete beams (SiPe91- E 1- E $- cm)4 >ly5ood sheet etc.
1. 2est specimens stored in 5ater in temperature of 2-
to -
# for " hours before testing4 shall be
tested immediately in 5et condition. 8o preparation of the surface is re7uired. 2he span4 i.e. the
center to center distance of bearing rollers shall be )ept e7ual to "- cms.
2. 2he bearing surface of the bearing and loading rollers shall be 5iped clean. &ny loose sand and
other materials are to be removed from the surface of the specimen so that they do not ma)e
contact 5ith the rollers. 2he specimen then shall be placed in the machine in such a manner that
the load shall be applied to the upper most surface as casted in the mould along t5o lines4 one-
third of the distance apart. 8o pac)ing shall be placed bet5een the specimen and roller.
. 2he load shall be applied continuously at a rate (1*- ;gBmin) such that the e/treme fibre stress
increases at ( )gBcm
Bmin appro/imately. 2he load shall be increased until the specimen fails.
2he fle/ural strength of the specimen shall be e/pressed as the modulus of rupture4 calculated to the
nearest -.$ )gBcm
as follo5s9

5hen a W "-B cm


5hen "-B W a W 11cm
L4 b N d 9 Span4 5idth and depth of the beam respectively.
a 9 0istance bet5een the line of fracture and the nearest support4 measured on the centre
line of the tensile side of the specimen in cms.
> 9 Load applied at failure
!f aM 11cm4 the test should be discarded and a ne5 specimen has to be tested.

F1i24"e 2o1!
in *%
D1E in
Mo!424s of "48t4"e
in *%Ccm
F1i24"e mo!e C "em1"Bs

&verage value of .odulus of rupture C

;' RES+LT(
.odulus of rupture of concrete of the given beam is
11' Conc"ete MiF ,esi%n#I'S' Met&o!(,emonst"1tion on2)
1' AIM(
2o design concrete mi/ as per !ndian Standard code (!S9 1-2'2-1,*2) method
#ompression 2esting .achine (2--- )8 #apacity)4 +eighing Balance4 #oncrete cube moulds of standard
siPe and @ibrating machine etc.
2he follo5ing are the basic assumptions made in the design of concrete mi/es of medium strength.
1. #ompressive Strength of concrete is governed by its 5ater-cement ratio.
2. For given aggregate characteristics4 the +or)ability of fresh concrete is governed by its 5ater
2hese assumptions are not fully valid under all situations. For high strength concrete4 the validity
of these assumptions is limited and many other factors such as the 7uality and 7uantity of cement4 5ater
and aggregates etc. 5ill have influence on the strength. 2hus for high strength concrete4 further
modifications are necessary.
2he follo5ing basic data is re7uired to be specified for designing the concrete mi/9
1. #haracteristic compressive strength (i.e. belo5 5hich only a specified proportions of test results
are e/pected to fall) of concrete at 2*days (f
2. 0egree of +or)ability desired
. Limitations on the 5aterBcement ratio and the minimum cement content to ensure ade7uate
". 2ype and ma/imum siPe of aggregate to be used.
$. Standard deviation (S) of compressive strength of concrete
2he target average compressive strength (F
) of concrete at 2*days is given by

S t f F
c) c)

C target average compressive strength
Ccharacteristic compressive strength at 2*days.
t C a statistical coefficient4 depending upon the accepted proportion of lo5 results and the number
of tests4 (for 1 in 2- i.e. $:? t C 1.'$)4 and
S C standard deviation
Select bet5een -."$ N -.$$.
2he suggested value of standard deviation for .1$ mi/ 5ith good 7uality control is .$.
1. #alculate the target mean strength of concrete.
2. Select 5ater- cement ratio.
. Select 5ater content as1*$ lit and absolute sand (fine aggregate) content as $: of total
". 0etermine the cement content.
$. 0etermine coarse and fine aggregate contents.
2he total coarse and fine aggregate contents per unit volume of concrete may be calculated from the
follo5ing e7uations.
) 1 (

+ @





) 2 (
p - 1

+ @





@ C &bsolute volume of fresh concrete C %ross volume (1mX) # volume of entrapped air
+ C .ass of 5ater ()g) B mX of concrete
# C .ass of cement ()g) B mX of concrete
C Specific gravity of cement
C .ass of fine aggregate ()g) B mXof concrete
C .ass of coarse aggregate ()g) B mX of concrete
4 S
C Specific gravities of fine aggregate and coarse aggregate respectively
p C <atio of fine aggregate to total aggregate
1. 0IS!%8 S2!>FL&2!=!8S
a) #haracteristic compressive strength re7uired in the field at 2*days C 8BmmY
b) .a/imum siPe of aggregate C mm
c) 0egree of 5or)ability (compaction factor) C
d) 0egree of 7uality control C
e) 2ype of e/posure C
2. 2IS2 0&2& F=< .&2I<!&LS
a) #ement used 1 ordinary >ortland cement satisfying the re7uirements !S 9 2', 1 1,,*
b) Specific gravity of cement C
c) Specific gravity of coarse aggregate C
d) Specific gravity of fine aggregate C
e) Free (surface) moisture9
!n coarse aggregate C :
!n fine aggregate C :
f) Sieve analysis9
Fineness modulus of coarse aggregate C
Fineness modulus of fine aggregate C
. .I&8 2&<%I2 S2<I8%26(

S t f F
c) c)
". Finalise 5aterBcement ratio and ratio of sandBtotal aggregate. Fsing these4 ma)e the necessary
ad3ustments in the 5ater and sand contents.
$. 0I2I<.!8&2!=8 =F #I.I82 #=82I82
+B# C ? +ater C ? #ement C )gBmX
Fine aggregate9 From e7uation (1)? fa C )gBmX
#oarse aggregate9 From e7uation (2)? ca C )gBmX
'. .!E ><=>=<&2!=89
(#ement9 sand9 coarse aggregate)

#ement C )g
Sand C )g
#oarse aggregate C )g
+ater C lit
1?' RES+LT(
.i/ ratio by 5eight C

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