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THE RIDGE AIRSOFT FIELD WAIVER/RELEASE All of those who play at The Ridge Airsoft !

st ha"e a sig#ed wa"ier to $e allowed to play% All those &' years a#d yo!#ger !st ha"e their pare#ts (o#se#t a#d the pare#t or g!ardia# !st sig# the wai"er% Those &) a#d !#der !st ha"e pare#t/g!ardia# prese#t to sig# wai"er% If yo! are playi#g witho!t a sig#ed wai"er yo! are (o#sidered trespassi#g a#d will $e as*ed to lea"e% Wai"er/Release+ The Ridge Airsoft field is a# ,as is- field% It is played o# pri"ate property a#d is a .O. /ROFIT field% It is for airsoft play o#ly a#d a$sol!tely #o le"el of safety is e"er gi"e# to a#y player that (o es to play at The Ridge Airsoft% /lay at yo!r ow# ris*% We are #ot respo#si$le for a#y i#0!ry or loss d!e to playi#g airsoft at The Ridge Airsoft Field% The field is a (o o# se#se field% Airsoft is a a(tio# sport with lots of physi(al a(ti"ity1 whi(h (arries with it a i#here#t ris* of i#0!ry% If yo! wa#t to play at The Ridge Airsoft1 the# first12O3 THE /LA2ER 4a#d yo!r pare#t/g!ardia# if yo! are &' or !#der5 6!st #ot o#ly (o#se#t to that fa(t1 $!t yo! also #eed to !#dersta#d what it ea#s if yo! fill o!t the wai"er/release $elow a#d show !p to play% If yo! are o# the field witho!t a sig#ed wai"er/release o# file yo! are (o#sidered trespassi#g a#d will $e as*ed to lea"e% If we ha"e a wai"er/release o# file1 2O3 OR 2O3R LEGAL G3ARDIA. are a((epti#g all ris* that ay arise while yo! are here% The Ridge Airsoft Field is i# #o way respo#si$le for a#y loss d!e to theft or da age% 4 If yo! get (a!ght steali#g a#ythi#g1 yo! will get a (ha#(e to eet a Rhea 7o!#ty Sheriff Dep!ty% .o se(o#d (ha#(e%8885 The field has $ee# $!ilt $y players1 they are i# #o way (o#tra(tors e ployed i# the (o#str!(tio# $!si#ess% We a*e e"ery effort to a*e s!re a#y str!(t!re we $!ild is safe1 $!t #o#e are i# a#y way i#spe(ted $y li(e#sed (o#str!(tio# professio#al% 2o! are !si#g the at yo!r ow# ris*% There is #o I.S3RA.7E o# the field% It is #ot a $!si#ess1 #or is it for profit% It is a pla(e to (o e a#d play airsoft% All o#ey ta*e# i# goes toward the !p*eep of the field a#d to a*e additio#s for a $etter playi#g e9perie#(e% We ha"e first aid *its o# ha#d a#d the #! $er for para edi(s o# ha#d if the #eed arises% .o edi(al (are aside fro $asi( first aid will $e gi"e# to a#yo#e% There is #o edi(al perso##el o# ha#d a#d a#y (are gi"e# will $e the ost $asi( of (are% 6o!th g!ards are ad"ised as there ha"e $ee# (ases of (hipped or $ro*e# teeth% The g!#s that are !sed are "ery powerf!l a#d (a# easily *#o(* o!t a tooth% 2o! ha"e $ee# war#ed% /layers 63ST wear so e type of eye prote(tio# at all ti es whe# i# the play area% A.SI rated goggles prefera$ly with f!ll seal sho!ld $e !sed for the $est prote(tio#% .O 6ESH GOGGLES ALLOWED% S!# Glasses are #ot allowed% Airsoft is a (o#ta(t sport1 yo! are goi#g to get hit1 a#d at ti es it will h!rt% 2o! are (o i#g o!t to play a $ig $oy sport so a(t li*e a $ig $oy/ girl% Do#:t get ad whe# yo! are shot1 (all yo!r hits1 $e ho#ora$le% /lease read all the aterial (aref!lly $efore sig#i#g% Tha#* yo!%

A//LI7ATIO. A.D WAIVER/RELEASE OF LIA;ILIT2 FOR /ARTI7/ATIO. TO /LA2 AIRSOFT AT THE RIDGE AIRSOFT% As a prospe(ti"e parti(ipa#t i# the sport of Airsoft1 it is "ery i porta#t that yo! ha"e a good !#dersta#di#g of the ris* of perso#al i#0!ry a#d/or death that (o!ld $e asso(iated with the sport of airsoft% The followi#g is i#te#ded to i#for yo! of the ge#eral #at!re of those ris* $efore yo! parti(ipate% This is #ot a# e9ha!sti"e list $!t a ge#eral dis(!ssio#% If yo! ha"e a#y do!$t or <!estio#s please as* $efore yo! parti(ipate% Whe# yo! are s!re1 the# sig#% &%5 The sport of airsoft is a i#here#tly da#gero!s sport% The ga es i#"ol"e the !se of high powered airg!#s that shoot a = plasti( $$ at "elo(ities of )>> ft% per se(o#d% It does h!rt% Witho!t ade<!ate prote(tio# they (a# $rea* the s*i#1 p!t o!t a#y eye1 (hip/ *#o(* o!t a tooth% It (o!ld1 i# e9tre e (ir(! sta#(es1 (a!se death4#ot li*ely5% ?%5 /layers play the ga e o# ro!gh o!tdoor terrai#% The fa(ility ta*es a$sol!tely #o respo#si$ility for the safety of the field or parti(ipa#t% The (o#ditio#s (ha#ge as it is a o!tdoor sport% 2o! as a player ta*e the ris* $y parti(ipati#g% @%5 The sport of airsoft i#"ol"es rigoro!s a#d stre#!o!s physi(al a(ti"ity o# the players part% If yo! ha"e a (o#ditio# that wo!ld (a!se yo! to $e at ris* please tal* with yo!r do(tor $efore parti(ipati#g% There are (ha#(es that yo! will $e e9posed to i#se(ts1 $ees1 poiso# oa*/i"y% /lease (o#sider this if yo! ha"e rea(tio#s to a#y of these% )%5 The ga e of airsoft at The Ridge Airsoft is played o!tdoors1 there is wildlife i# the playi#g area DO .OT shoot at a#y of the % A%5 It is the respo#si$ility of ea(h player to o$ey all r!les a#d !tiliBe all safety e<!ip e#t at all ti es1 The field does #ot ha"e or !se a(ti"e referees1 $!t there will $e perso#s o# ea(h tea who will $e assig#ed as ad i# to o$ser"e a#d will report ea(h a(t to the lead Ad i#% /lease play with ho#or1 do#:t $e (a!ght (heati#g 4 #ot (alli#g yo!r hits1 telli#g positio#s while goi#g to respaw#% Dead e# (a#:t tal*%5 It is yo!r respo#si$ility to follow the r!les% =%5 ;y sig#i#g this Wai"er/Release the !#dersig#ed 4a#d if appli(a$le his/her pare#t/g!radia#5 a(*#owledges that he/she has read a#d !#dersta#ds what hey ha"e read (o#(er#i#g the ris* i#"ol"ed i# the ga e of airsoft1 a#d ass! es all ris* great a#d s all1 a#d holds #o#e1 the ow#ers (o pletely free a#d har less fro a#y a#d all da ages fro physi(al i#0!rys a#d or of death that ay res!lt fro the !#dersig#ed:s parti(ipatio# whether i#side or o!tside the fields at The Ridge Airsoft Field% '%5 The Ridge Airsoft Field is #ot i# a#y way respo#si$le for a#y da age or loss to a#y parti(ipa#t:s property% C%5 ;y sig#i#g yo! state that yo! are of so!#d i#d a#d are legally allowed to sig# this wai"er/release a#d are held to all state e#ts ade i# this wai"er/release% 2o! also !#dersta#d that there is #o dire(t ad!lt s!per"isio# of spe(ifi( parti(ipa#ts o# a f!ll ti e $asis% If yo! drop yo!r (hild/tee#ager off the Ridge Airsoft is i# #o way respo#si$le if they (hoose to lea"e $efore yo! pi(* the !p% E"e# tho!gh there will $e ad!lts prese#t1 this i# .O way ea#s they are there to pro"ide (o#sta#t o$ser"atio# of a#yo#e% /lease tal* with yo!r (hild/tee#ager a#d let the *#ow this%

If parti(ipa#t is &' years or yo!#ger1 his/her legal pare#t/g!ardia# Legal pare#t/g!ardia# .a e 4please pri#t5

!st sig# $elow%

Legal pare#t/g!ardia# sig#at!re



6EDI7AL RELEASE FOR6 I/we $ei#g the legal pare#t/g!ardia# ofDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD1 a i#or1 do here$y appoi#t those of The Ridge Airsoft to a(tio# y/o!r $ehalf i# the e"e#t of a# e erge#(y or i# the e"e#t that I/we (a##ot $e (o#ta(ted to a!thoriBe or ref!se #e(essary treat e#t while o# the property of The Ridge Airsoft Field% E FI/we !#dersta#d that I/we are respo#si$le for the (ost of a#y a#d all i#(!rred treat e#t fro a#y i#(ide#t% I hold #o o#e at The Ridge Airsoft Field respo#si$le for a#y $odily1 e#tal har 1 o issio# that ay arise fro the offeri#g of edi(al assista#(e to the parti(ipa#t% E FI !#dersta#d that there are #o g!ara#tees that trai#ed edi(al staff will e"er $e o# ha#d at a#y ti e a#d that a#y aid that is offered is do#e stri(tly i# a a##er of a Good Sa arita#% Legal #a e of pare#t/g!ardia#+4please pri#t5DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Legal sig#at!re of pare#t/g!ardia#+DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Date+DDDDD/DDDDDD/DDDDDDD Legal #a e of /arti(ipa#t:s+DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD E erge#(y (o#ta(t #! $erDDDDDD/DDDDDDD/DDDDDDDD Legal sig#at!re of /arti(ipa#t+DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DateDDDDD/DDDDDDD/DDDDDDD E FI wish this to $e a# ope# dated edi(al wa"ier/release allowi#g the perso# listed a$o"e to parti(ipa#t at The Ridge Airsoft Field d!ri#g the (!rre#t seaso# witho!t #eed to resig# o# ea(h "isit% Legal #a e of pare#t/g!ardia#+4please pri#t5DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Legal sig#at!re of pare#t/g!ardia#+DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DateDDDDD/DDDDDD/DDDDDDD R!les agree e#t+ IDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD1 agree to (o ply with all r!les of The Ridge Airsoft Field a#d !#dersta#d that if I do#:t I ay $e re o"ed fro the ga e% A#d te porarily/per a#e#tly $a##ed fro playi#g at The Ridge Airsoft Field a#d/or to i#(l!di#g legal a(tio# depe#di#g o# the sit!atio#1 a#d tha t the field staff reser"e the right to a*e the de(isio# Legal pare#t #a e+4please pri#t5DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Legal pare#t sig#at!re+DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD /arti(ipa#t .a e+DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD /arti(ipa#t sig#at!re+DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DateDDDD/DDDDDD/DDDDDDDDDDDD

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