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Doctoral Candidacy Exam Area: Research Table of Specifications

TOPIC AREA Research General: Specific & Types E"al ation Educational Evaluation #eas rement General, Scales, Approaches Reliability: Over ti e, ite s & people !alidity Statistics General, #re$uency: %istribution&Table (entral Tendency: )ode, )edian, and )ean %ispersion: Standard %eviation*!ariance Transfor ations: +*score, percentile, Stanine, ,or al (orrelation: Assu ptions, Types, -lot, *"./01r 012"./, r* s$uare, Association vs. (ause*and*Effect Si ple 3inear Re4ression: 5 1 a 2 b6 t*value: 7ndependent and %ependent, A,O!A 8#*value9 & -ost*:oc -rocedures (hi S$uare & Spear an<s Rho Inference: $ypothesis Testin% (lassical -rocedure: ,ull :ypothesis Alternate :ypothesis, " or 2 tailed, Si4nificance 3evel 8Alpha9, (alculated !alue & %e4rees of #reedo , Type 7 & 77 Errors Desi%ns #actorial, >loc? & %escriptive -re*, True*, & @uasi*eAperi ental Randomness Selection of SubBects & of Treat ents Assi4n ent of SubBects to Treat ents Samplin% Sa ple vs. -opulation & Stratified -roportional Rando Research Threats 7nternal Threats to (ause and Effect EAternal Threats to Generali+ability N mber of ! estions

2 4 2 2 " ' 2 " 4 2 ; " =

2 2 "

" 4 4

RE#ERE,(ES >or4, C. R. 8"DE"9. Applyin4 educational research: A practical 4uide for teachers 82nd ed.9. ,eF 5or?, ,5: 3on4 an 7nc. 7S>,: /*;E2*2EG='*; H>"/2E.>G "DEDI >or4, C. R., & Gall, ). %. 8"DED9. Educational research: An introduction 8;th ed.9. ,eF 5or?, ,5: 3on4 an. 7S>,: /*E/"*/''4*G H3>"/2E.>G "DEDI %reF, (. J., & :ard an, ). 3. 8"DE;9. %esi4nin4 and conductin4 behavioral research 82nd ed.9. ,eF 5or?, ,5: -er4a on -ress. H>#=G.;.%GE "DE;I Gall, J. -., Gall, ). %., & >or4, C. R. 8"DDD9. Applyin4 Educational Research: A practical 4uide 84th ed.9. ,eF 5or?, ,5: 3on4 an. 7S>,: /*E/"'*"D;/*" H3>"/2E.>;D "DDDI Gay, 3. R., & Airasian, -. 82///9. Educational research: (o petencies for analysis and application 8Gth ed.9. Kpper Saddle River, ,J: )errill. 7S>,: /*"'*/DG"/'*; :uc?, S. C.,& (or ier, C. :. 8"DDG9. Readin4 statistics and research 82nd ed.9. ,eF 5or?, ,5: :arper(ollins -ublishers. 7S>,: /*/G*;//G/G*2 H@A2=G.:=EE "DDGI Johnson, >., & (hristensen, 3. 82///9. Educational research: @uantitative and $ualitative approaches. >oston, )A: Allyn & >acon. 7S>,: /*2/;*2GG;D*2 H3>"/2E.J;D 2///I Lerlin4er, #. ,. 8"DE49. #oundations of behavioral research 82nd ed.9. ,eF 5or?, ,5: :olt, Rinehart & Cinston. 7S>,: /'*/E;4G*E H>#=G.;L4 2///I )c)illan, J. :. 82///9. Educational research: #unda entals for the consu er 8'rd ed.9. ,eF 5or?, ,5: 3on4 an. 7S>,: /*'2"*/2''=*4 )c)illan, J. :., & Schu ac?er, S. 8"DD=9. Research in education: A conceptual introduction 84th ed.9. ,eF 5or?, ,5: 3on4 an. 7S>,: /*'2"*/2''=*4 H3>"/2E.)'G; "DD=I )oore, G. C. 8"DE'9. %evelopin4 and evaluatin4 educational research. >oston, )A: 3ittle, >roFn, and (o pany. 7S>,: /*'"G*;=D;D*D H3>"/2E.)G4' "DE'I RosnoF, R. 3., & Rosenthal, R. 8"DE49. Knderstandin4 behavioral science: Research ethods for research consu ers. ,eF 5or?, ,5: )cGraF*:ill >oo? (o. 7S>,: /*/=*/;'E/D*' H>#=G.;.RG; "DE4I Tuc? an, >. C. 8"DEE9. (onductin4 educational research 8'rd ed.9. San %ie4o, (A: :arcourt >race Jovanovich. 7S>,: /*";*;"2DE2*" H3>"/2E.TE "DEEI Ciers a, C. 8"DEG9. Research ethods in education: An introduction 84th ed.9. >oston, )A: Allyn and >acon, 7nc. 7S>,: /*2/;*/E=4=*= H3>"/2E.C;"= "DEGI Cillia son, J. >., Larp, %. A., %alphin, J. R., & Gray, -. S. 8"DE29. The research craft: An introduction to social research ethods 82nd ed.9. >oston, )A: 3ittle, >roFn and (o. 7S>,: /*'"G*D4'G4D H:)4E.R4= "DE2I

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