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Careers for Introverts

By Dawn Ro senberg McKay

Would you rather spend time by yourself than with other people? Do you pref er working alone? Do you cringe at being the center of attention? If you answered yes to these questions, you are probably an introvert. Being introverted means you get energy f rom within, rather than f rom outside sources or other individuals. Contrary to popular belief , introverts aren't necessarily loners who ref use to interact with others and they don't have to work entirely on their own. Simply put, they are self -motivated and at their best when working solo. T hey are happiest when lef t alone to do their own thing. Occupations that emphasize independent work and are out of the public eye are typically good choices f or introverts. It is important to keep in mind that most occupations involve at least some interaction, and occasional collaboration, with others.

1. Archivist
Archivists preserve historically signif icant or potentially valuable documents and records f or museums, governments, colleges and universities, and corporations. T heir work involves cataloging these items, writing descriptions of them and preparing them f or display to researchers. While archivists generally work independently, they may also coordinate workshops and lectures about their collections. Learn More About Archivists

2. Translat or
Translators convert written material f rom one language to another. T hey usually work alone, typically using a computer to receive and submit documents, as well as to compose them. T heir counterparts, interpreters, convert the spoken word between languages and theref ore f ind themselves working directly with other people or even in f ront of audiences. T his distinction makes translating, rather than interpreting, a more satisf ying career f or introverts. Learn More About Translators

3. Act uary
Actuaries spend most of their time perf orming statistical analyses in order to determine the likelihood that certain events will occur. T heir goal is to reduce costs f or their employers, generally insurance companies. Be aware, though, that although their day-to-day work is primarily independent, they must of ten f unction as members of a team. Learn More About Actuaries

4. Comput er Programmer
Programmers spend much of their day staring at screens as they create code that makes computers f unction. Although they are members of teams that include other technical prof essionals, they spend the majority of their time working alone. Learn More About Computer Programmers

5. Medical Transcript ionist

Although medical transcriptionists translate doctors' dictated notes into written reports, they do not deal with them f ace-to-f ace. T hey receive recordings via the Internet, enter data into a computer and then return the completed reports electronically. Learn More About Medical Transcriptionists

6. Ant hropologist
Anthropologists study the origin, behavior and development of human beings. Like other research-oriented occupations, it is particularly suitable f or introverts. Although anthropologists must make presentations about their f indings which goes against an introvert's natural tendency to stay out of the spotlight, their regular tasks are more solitary. T hey include designing research projects, testing hypotheses and collecting and analyzing data. Learn More About Anthropologists

7. Archaeologist
Archaeologists' work also involves research. T hey study evidence of past civilizations, spending much of their time exploring ruins, collecting and studying artif acts, and writing up the results of their f indings. Like anthropologists, they too of ten present their work to peers, but their day-to-day activities don't require a great deal of interaction with other people. Learn More About Archaeologists

8. Deskt op Publisher
Desktop publishers use computer sof tware to create documents. T hey design page layouts and manipulate text and graphics. T hey typically have to consult with clients and other members of a production team when working on a project, but spend a great deal of time sitting in f ront of a computer working alone. Learn More About Desktop Publishers

9. Chemist
Chemists spend a lot of time working in a laboratory alone. T hey apply their knowledge about chemicals to develop new products and processes. As with most jobs, they are not in isolation all the time, and must discuss their work with colleagues. Learn More About Chemists

10. Writ er
Writers create original works including books, poems, plays, advertising copy, song lyrics and articles. T heirs is primarily a solitary job, but they are sometimes required to interview sources. Writers also interact with editors who give them assignments and provide f eedback. Learn More About Writers

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