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Materials Required:

light box towel 600 mL Berzelius, tall form beakers (6) 30 mL beaker 4 L plastic alge!e co!tai!er "#$ glue stick stirri!g ro% # L pitchers (# i%e!tical, !o!&tra!spare!t) %roppi!g bottles (') (ermit the )rog (optio!al) *eage!ts

phenolphthalein thymolphthalein p-nitrophenol sodium hydroxide concentrated sulfuric acid glycerin 95 % ethanol

Indicators: RED: 1.5 g phenolphthalein !." g p-nitrophenol (." g p-nitrophenol

#R$%&E: ".'5 g phenolphthalein )E**#+: (." g p-nitrophenol &REE%: ".( g thymolphthalein ,*-E: 1.5 g thymolphthalein .I#*E/: ".9 g phenolphthalein

(." g p-nitrophenol

".' g thymolphthalein

0ix the amounts listed a1o2e 3ith !" m* 95 % ethanol and store in dropping 1ottles la1eled 3ith the color indicated. $cid-alcohol solution 4"."5 0 567#' mixed 3ith an e8ual 2olume of 95% ethanol9: Dilute 6.: m* of con 567#' to 1 * 3ith deioni;ed 3ater. 0ix 3ith an e8ual 2olume 41 *9 of 95% ethanol. 567#'-glycerin solution:

Dilute 1" m* of con 567#' in 6" m* of glycerol< and transfer to a dropper 1ottle ,ase solution 4"."16 0 %a#59: 0ix 1."" g of %a#5 3ith distilled 3ater and dilute to 6." *. Pre-demonstration Preparation: 1. *a1el the 1ea=ers 3ith their color< and place t3o drops of indicator solution of that color in the center of each 1ea=er. 7et them on the light 1ox in rain1o3 order 4R#)&,.9 from left to right. 6. *a1el one of the pitchers as acid and fill completely 3ith acid-alcohol solution. 7it on the top of the ta1le to the right of the light 1ox. !. *a1el the other pitcher as 1ase< and fill completely 3ith 1ase solution. 7et it on the floor 1ehind the ta1le out of 2ie3 1y the audience. '. $dd 65 drops of 567#' glycerin solution in the center of the ' * plastic container and set it to the left of the light 1ox. 5. 7et the !" m* 1ea=er< glue stic= stirrer< to3el< and dropper 1ottle of 5 67#'-glycerin 1ehind the light 1ox and to the left. (. 7et >ermit on the front of the ta1le to one side so that the audience 2ie3 3ill not 1e o1structed. ?. If the indicator solution dries on the 1ottom of the 1ea=ers they 3ill appear cloudy. $dd a fe3 drops of 95 % ethanol if this happens to =eep them @in2isi1le@ on the 1ottom. The Demonstration: Banjo strumming Clean glasses with towel. There is enough time to do three of them. Why are there so many songs about rainbows, And whats on the other side? Rainbows are visions, but only illusions, And rainbows have nothing to hide. Pour acid alcohol mixture into the glasses. Be done ! the end of the "erse. So weve been told, and some choose to believe it, I now theyre wrong! wait and see. # ser"e that there is no rain ow. $witch pitchers %i.e. place acid pitcher on the floor ehind the ta le& loo' closel! at the glasses& and pic' up the ase pitcher( Someday well "ind it, the rainbow connection! #he lovers, the dreamers, and me.

)fter loo'ing at the % ase( pitcher in wonder& pour a out *+ m, of solution into each glass. This is not enough to de"elop the colors. Who said that evry wish would be heard and answered When wished on the morning star? Somebody thought o" that, and someone believed it! $oo what its done so "ar. Whats so ama%ing that ee&s us star'ga%ing And what do we thin we might see? Someday well "ind it, the rainbow connection, #he lovers, the dreamers, and me. $tarting with red& pour in sequence the colors of the rain ow. Pic' up a glass pour in enough ase to de"elop the color %approximatel! -.+ m,(& and displa! the colored glass to the audience. $tart with the word /0ho/ and finish with /me./ 0hen finished ta'e a ow1 All o" us under its s&ell! We now that its &robably magic. Present the dropping ottle of 23$#4-gl!cerin to the audience. (ave you been hal" aslee& and have you heard voices? Ive heard them calling my name. )dd two drops of 23$#4- gl!cerin to each ea'er. 5inish ! /m! name./ Is this the sweet sound that calls the young sailors? #he voice might be one and the same. Ive heard it too many times to ignore it. Present the stirrer and stir out the colors of the rain ow in sequence. 5inish ! /ignore it./ Present the colorless glasses and ta'e a ow. Its something that Im &oised to be. Someday well "ind it, the rainbow connection! #he lovers, the dreamers, and me. Pic' up the ase pitcher and quic'l! rede"elop the colors in all of the glasses& again in rain ow sequence. 6ou will add a out -++ m, of ase to each glass. $a'la'la......

)s the song ends& remo"e the center two glasses %!ellow and green( from the light ox. Replace them with the 4 , container. Pour the contents of the glasses into the 4 , container& two at a time& pouring the last two %red and "iolet( as the song fades. $afet! Precautions: /he acid alcohol solution is flamma1le. >eep the container closed. $2oid flames or spar=s. /he acid 4glycerin and acid alcohol9 and 1ase solutions can cause 1urns. +ear safety glasses. If you spill these solutions on yourself< 3ash it off immediately. Disposal: /he final solution may 1e disposed of do3n the drain. Reference:

Chemical Concept Demonstrated: ,ci%&base i!%icators Demonstration: , colorless solutio! is poure% i!to six glasses.he li/ui% i! the glasses is the! poure% back i!to the pitcherObservations: 0ach glass pro%uces a %iffere!tl1 colore% li/ui%- 2he! these li/ui%s are poure% back i!to the pitcher, the result is a colorless solutio!Explanations: Before the experime!t took place, each glass was pretreate% with six %iffere!t mixtures of i!%icator, as show! below3 Red: "-4 g phe!olphthalei! a!% 3-0 g m&!itrophe!ol Orange: -44 g phe!olphthalei! a!% 6-0 g m&!itrophe!ol Yellow: 6-0 g m&!itrophe!ol Green: -6 g th1molphthalei! a!% 6-0 g m&!itrophe!ol Blue: "-4 g th1molphthalei! Violet: -' g phe!olphthalei! a!% -4 g th1molphthalei!

.hese i!%icator solutio!s were all the! allowe% to e5aporate i!to a thi! film at the bottom of each glass, re!%eri!g them i!5isible.he solutio!s cha!ge color because a basic solutio! is a%%e% to each glass- ,ll of the i!%icator mixtures are colorless u!%er aci%ic co!%itio!s a!% cha!ge color u!%er basic co!%itio!s,t the e!% of the %emo!stratio!, the solutio!s are poure% together i!to a second pitcher that co!tai!s a powerful aci%ic solutio!- Because the i!%icators are colorless u!%er aci%ic co!%itio!s, the co!te!ts of all of the glasses mix with the aci%ic solutio! to form a si!gle,

colorless solutio!thi!k that this is 6. the Briggs&*auscher 6scillati!g *eactio!, but this 7+ the Belouso5& 8haboti!sk1 6scillati!g *eactio!3 9alo!ic ,ci% (:66;:;#:66;), <otassium Bromate ((Br63), +ulphuric ,ci% (;#+64) a!% <otassium Bromi%e ((Br)- .he color i!%icator is )erroi!- .he compositio! is eas1 to fi!% o! the web- Look up $Belouso5&8haboti!sk1 6scillati!g *eactio!$Belouso5&8haboti!sk1 6scillati!g *eactio!$
malo!ic aci% potassium bromate potassium bromi%e co!c- sulfuric aci% ferroi! solutio!

erroin solution: 0-34 g of ferrum sulfate heptah1%rate a!% 0-== g of "-"0& phe!a!throli!e h1%rochlori%e are %issol5e% i! 34 ml %ist water- .he solutio! is ma%e up to 40 mL with %ist- water-

!pparatus and glass wares: mag!etic stirrer

mag!etic stirri!g bar stirri!g bar remo5er cr1stallizi!g %ish % > ""4 mm, h > 64 mm beaker 40 mL 4 beakers "00 mL measuri!g c1li!%er "00 mL "a#ards and sa$et% precautions: &otassium bromate is a stro!g oxi%izer & co!tact with combustible materials ma1 cause fire- ;armful if swallowe%- <ossible huma! carci!oge!- 01e, ski! a!% respirator1 irrita!tConc' sul$uric acid is highl1 toxic- :auses se5ere bur!s(alonic acid is harmful if swallowe%, i!hale% or absorbe% through the ski!- ;igh co!ce!tratio!s are 5er1 %estructi5e of mucous membra!es)a$et% goggles and protective gloves must be worn' E$$ective ventilation*

Experimental procedure:
)our solutio!s are prepare%3 )olution !: 6-?4 g of (Br63 i! =0 mL of %ist- water )olution B: "4-6 g of malo!ic aci% i! "00 mL of %ist- water )olution C: "-3 g of (Br i! ?0 mL of %ist- water )olution D: "4 mL of co!c- ;#+64 i! of 64 mL %ist- water- .he mixture is allowe% to cool to room temperature.he four solutio!s are poure% i!to a cr1stallizi!g %ish co!tai!i!g 400 mL of %ist- water while stirri!g o! a mag!etic stirrer- ,fter the 1ellow&brow! color (bromi!e) has %isappeare%, # mL of ferroi! solutio! are a%%e% to the mixture-

)erroi!&i!%icator a%%e% creates a re% color- ,fter approximatel1 ?4 seco!%s the color of

the solutio! tur!s to a blue, that will %isappear after a short time a!% a re% color will appear agai!- .hus the color oscillates betwee! re% a!% blue-

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