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Curs estudios en la Universidad de Chicago, donde se doctor en astrofsica.

Adems estudi los orgenes de los organismos junto a los genetistas Hermann J. Muller y Joshua Lederberg, contribuyendo a la constitucin de la exobiologa, la bsqueda de vida extraterrestre, como disciplina cientfica. Fue profesor ayudante de astronoma en la Universidad de Harvard, astrofsico en el Observatorio Astrofsico Smithsoniano (1962-1968) y director del Laboratorio para Estudios Planetarios de la Universidad de Cornell. En la dcada de los '50 particip como asesor y consultor de la NASA. Trabaj activamente en los programas espaciales Mariner, Viking, Voyager y Galileo. Fue instructor en el programa Apolo; jug un rol decisivo en las investigaciones planetarias: ayud a descifrar las altas temperaturas en Venus al emplear la teora del efecto invernadero masivo y global, los cambios estacionales de Marte y las nubosidades rojizas de Titn. Adems de publicaciones cientficas, escribi diversos libros de divulgacin: Los dragones del edn (1977)Premio Pulitzer para no-ficcin en 1978, Especulaciones Sobre la Evolucin de la Inteligencia Humana; El cerebro de Broca (1979); Cosmos (1980) -basado en la serie de televisin del mismo ttulo, que produjo l- y El cometa (1985). Tambin escribi una novela, Contacto (1985). En 1980, su serie en 13 captulos para los servicios de tele-difusin pblica "Cosmos", se convirti en una de las series ms populares en la historia de la televisin pblica Americana. Obtuvo las Medallas de NASA por Excepcionales Logros Cientficos, Logros en el Programa Apollo, y Servicio Pblico Distinguido (dos veces). El premio internacional de Astronutica: el Prix Galbert. El premio Joseph Priestley "por distinguidas contribuciones al bienestar de la humanidad". El Premio Masursky del American Astronomical Society y en 1994, el Public Welfare Medal, el honor ms elevado del National Academy of Sciences. Carl Sagan falleci el 20 de diciembre de 1996 en Seattle.


He studied at the University of Chicago, where he received his doctorate in astrophysics. Also studied the origins of organisms together with geneticists Hermann J. Muller and Joshua Lederberg , contributing to the formation of exobiology , the search for extraterrestrial life , as a scientific discipline . He was assistant professor of astronomy at Harvard University , an astrophysicist at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (1962-1968) and director of the Laboratory for Planetary Studies at Cornell University. In the early '50s he participated as an advisor and consultant to NASA. He worked actively in the Mariner , Viking, Voyager and Galileo space programs. He was an instructor in the Apollo program , played a decisive role in planetary research : helped decipher the high temperatures on Venus by using the theory of massive global greenhouse seasonal changes on Mars and Titan reddish cloudiness . In addition to scientific publications, wrote many popular books : The Dragons of Eden (1977 ) Pulitzer Prize for nonfiction in 1978 , Speculations on the Evolution of Human Intelligence , Broca's

Brain ( 1979) Cosmos (1980 ) - based in the television series of the same title , which produced him and comet (1985). He also wrote a novel, Contact ( 1985).

In 1980, his 13-part series for television broadcast services public " Cosmos" , became one of the most popular in the history of American public television series. He received the NASA medals for Exceptional Scientific Achievement , Achievements in the Apollo Program , and Distinguished Public Service (twice) . The international prize of Astronautics : the Prix Galbert . The Joseph Priestley Award " for distinguished contributions to the welfare of humanity." On Public Welfare Medal Award Masursky American Astronomical Society , and in 1994 , the highest honor of the National Academy of Sciences.

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