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SAMPLE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) for direct-mail fundraising ser ices


#$R Fundraising %rou& ' ())* T+is sam&le RFP is made a aila,le to t+e $MA -on&rofit Federation and its mem,ers ,. t+e #$R Fundraising %rou& as a &u,lic ser ice" #$R Fundraising %rou& +ere,. grants to all non&rofit organi/ations t+e rig+ts to co&.0 use and modif. t+is sam&le RFP for t+eir o!n &ur&oses and !it+out attri,ution"

On the following pages, items shown in blue font need to be replaced with the organizations own information. Items shown within brackets [ ] are intended as instructions to people using the form.

A1# #+arit.0 2nc" Re3uest for Pro&osal (RFP) $irect Mail Mar4eting and Fundraising Ser ices $ate 2ssued5 Mont+ $a.0 6ear 1. NOTICE TO VENDORS
With this Request for Proposals (RFP), ABC, Inc. solicits proposals from vendors to perform direct mail mar etin!, pu"lic education and fundraisin! services. In issuin! this RFP, ABC, Inc. ma es no commitment to contract for #or #ith an$ vendor(s) respondin! to this RFP either #ithin the dates specified in the RFP or at an$ other date(s). ABC, Inc. #ill not reim"urse vendors for an$ e%penses or pa$ for an$ implied services associated #ith responses to this RFP & vendors choosin! to respond to this RFP must do so entirel$ at their o#n e%pense. ABC, Inc. a!rees to maintain all vendor proposal materials as private and confidential and not to displa$ or disseminate them to an$ individuals other than those evaluatin! their contents for purposes of this RFP. All proposals and collateral materials su"mitted in response to this RFP "ecome the propert$ of ABC, Inc. and #ill not "e returned to vendors.

2.1 RFP Purpose
With this RFP, ABC, Inc. solicits proposals from vendors for direct mail mar etin!, pu"lic education and fundraisin! services. With the replies from this RFP, ABC, Inc. ma$ select one or more vendor a!encies to mana!e and implement all aspects of a comprehensive direct response fundraisin!, mar etin! and pu"lic education campai!n.

2.2 Schedule of Events

'his follo#in! schedule of events should "e considered definitive. ABC, Inc. reserves the ri!ht, ho#ever, to ad(ust an$ of these dates as necessar$ to meet its needs. In the event an$ of the dates are ad(usted, ABC, Inc. #ill send information a"out the date chan!es to all vendors to #hom this RFP ori!inall$ #as distri"uted, plus an$ other vendors that have made their interests no#n to ABC, Inc. a) Formal release of the RFP ") )ast da$ to su"mit questions or comments c) Release of RFP revisions, ans#ers to questions and additional comments "$ ABC, Inc. d) Proposals due to ABC, Inc. "$ *+,,pm e) ABC, Inc. invites selected vendor(s) to ma e presentations f) ABC, Inc. "e!ins formal decision and ne!otiation period !) ABC, Inc. announces final contract a#ard decision(s) date date date date date date date

Follo#in! step e) a"ove, ABC, Inc., at its discretion, reserves the ri!ht to request one or more vendors to su"mit a -"est.and.final.offer,/ #hich ma$ involve tar!eted chan!es to

0 C1R Fundraisin! 2roup & 3onprofit 4r!ani5ations have free ri!hts to use these materials.

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Request for Proposals to provide dire t !ail fu"draisi"# servi es the requirements stated in this RFP. In this event, the dates for steps f) and !) a"ove #ill "e modified to allo# time for the "est.and.final.offer to "e prepared.

$. %&C'(ROUND ON &%C C)&RIT*+ INC.

3.1 Mission
7Insert here+ Information e%plainin! $our or!ani5ation8s mission, the services $ou provide, $our constituents, etc.9

3.2 Brief History

7Insert here+ A "rief histor$ of $our or!ani5ation, #ith emphasis on $our !ro#th and patterns as a fundraisin! institution.9

3.3 Current Situation

'his section of the RFP e%plains ABC, Inc.8s e%istin! fundraisin! situation.

$.$.1 I" u!,e"t &#e" ies a"d &" illar- Ve"dors

7Insert here+ Information a"out ho# $our or!ani5ation currentl$ does its fundraisin!. If $ou have one or more a!encies that currentl$ support $our fundraisin! efforts, state that, and also reveal #hether or not the e%istin! a!enc$ #ill "e allo#ed to respond to this RFP. If $ou have multiple a!encies assistin! #ith various aspects of fundraisin!, state #hat the$ are, #hich of them #ill sta$ in place, and #hich ma$ "e replaced. 3ame the vendor(s) #hich is (are) providin! ca!in! and:or e$punch services, #hether responders are e%pected to recommend other such vendors or #hether or not such services are requested as a part of the proposals. 3ame the vendor(s) #hich is (are) providin! data processin! services, #hether responders are e%pected to recommend other such vendors or #hether or not such services are requested as a part of the proposals. 3ame the vendor(s) #hich is (are) providin! list "ro era!e and mana!ement services, #hether responders are e%pected to recommend other such vendors or #hether or not such services are requested as a part of the proposals. 3ame the vendor(s) #hich is (are) providin! an$ other ancillar$ services (e.!. anal$tics, modelin!, "ac .end fulfillment, etc.), #hether responders are e%pected to recommend other such vendors or #hether or not such services are requested as a part of the proposals.9

$.$.2 )ousefile Des riptio"

7Insert here+ Comprehensive information a"out $our housefile, such as file si5e, characteristics, list e%chan!e policies, !ro#th and maintenance histories, etc. Be sure to e%plain relevant facts related to data"ase and statistical anal$sis services.9

$.$.$ Curre"t .aili"# Pro#ra!

7Insert here+ Information on current practices #ith re!ard to mailin! of all sorts of appeals specif$in!, in particular, the information "$ t$pe+ acquisition, house, ac no#led!ment, hi!h dollar, sustainer, deferred !ivin!, etc. Provide information on num"ers of pieces mailed, lists used (rented or e%chan!ed), common pac a!es, etc. ;%plain $our satisfactions or pro"lems #ith these schedules, $our ideas of chan!es $ou

0 C1R Fundraisin! 2roup & 3onprofit 4r!ani5ations have free ri!hts to use these materials.

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Request for Proposals to provide dire t !ail fu"draisi"# servi es thin should "e made, and an$ calendar constraints $our or!ani5ation faces in mailin!s of #hich vendors should "e a#are.9

$.$./ Ot0er I!porta"t Fu"draisi"# .edia

7Insert here+ Information a"out other #a$s in #hich $ou or!ani5ation does, or intends to do, fundraisin!. Point out ho# the various fundraisin! media in $our or!ani5ation are or are not coordinated or interdependent.9

$.$.1 I"ter"al Support Staff

7Insert here+ Information a"out the internal staff #ho support $our fundraisin! functions, their locations and duties, and ho# the$ t$picall$ interact #ith fundraisin! vendors.9


7Insert here+ Comprehensive description of services $our or!ani5ation is see in! from the vendors. 'he follo#in! information should "e considered a starter set to !et $ou !oin!.9 ABC, Inc. see s a vendor to #or #ith it to develop, test, mana!e, and implement all aspects of its direct mail pro!ram. 'his #ill include pu"lic education and fundraisin! appeal strate!ies, desi!n and creation of direct mail materials, list "ro era!e and mana!ement, !ettin! materials in the mail, mana!ement of the receipt of and accountin! for donations, mana!ement of all data processin! requirements includin! file maintenance, h$!iene, list de.duplication and mer!e.pur!e, file updates and all su"sequent data anal$sis and reportin!. ABC, Inc. #ants an inte!rated solution #ith a sin!le point of contact. If the vendor intends to use other su"contractin! a!encies to fulfill some aspects of the fundraisin! campai!n, this must "e no#n "$, "ut should "e functionall$ transparent to ABC, Inc. In this case, this proposal must reveal e%plicitl$ #ho the intended su"contractors are and their roles in the fundraisin! #or . 'his proposal also must include costin! for all aspects of the #or , includin! those that #ill "e performed "$ su"contractors, and the vendor must accept accounta"ilit$ and final responsi"ilit$ for the qualit$ and timeliness of ever$thin! done "$ the su"contractor(s). Pricin! need not "e provided for services independentl$ contracted for "$ ABC, Inc. as noted a"ove in section =.=.6. >our proposal also should e%plain $our philosoph$ to#ard and $our approach to inte!ratin! direct mail #ith ABC, Inc.8s other fundraisin! channels and on!oin! fundraisin! campai!ns. 'he performance period for this a!reement should "e!in on ?onth 1a$, >ear and end on ?onth 1a$, >ear. Proposals should e%plain in !ood detail the vendor8s proposed processes for #or in! #ith ABC, Inc., formulatin! pro!ram and fundraisin! strate!ies and "ud!ets, desi!nin! and creatin! direct mail pac a!es and $earl$ schedules, selectin! lists and developin! test strate!ies, reportin! results, holdin! account revie#s, modif$in! fundraisin! plans "ased upon empirical results, and coordinatin! #ith other aspects of clients8 overall
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Request for Proposals to provide dire t !ail fu"draisi"# servi es fundraisin! operations. Please include e%istin! mail pac a!e e%amples or moc .ups of mail plans, appeal letters, anal$tical reports, etc. to help e%plain these items. Where relevant, estimated pac a!e costs should "e sho#n. >our proposal must clearl$ specif$ $our plans for acquisition mailin!s, housefile mailin!s, than .$ou mailin!s, etc. >ou must ma e clear ho# and #hen $ou #ill introduce and test ne# pac a!es, reuse old pac a!es, test pac a!e characteristics, etc. ABC, Inc. #ill advance necessar$ prepaid list rental and posta!e costs from its o#n funds and #ill have ultimate responsi"ilit$ for all costs or e%penses associated #ith the mar etin! efforts. 4ther financial relationships ma$ "e e%plained and proposed. ABC, Inc. #ill e%clusivel$ control, mana!e, and e%ercise dominion over all funds donated to it and an$ lists created as a result of this relationship.

.1 !eneral "nstructions
1.1.1 For!at
7Insert here+ An$ instructions $ou #ish to provide relatin! to the appearance of the proposal. For lar!e proposals, #ith man$ replies e%pected, it is easier to evaluate the proposals if the$ all come to $ou in the same format. In this section, $ou can provide a complete proposal outline that $ou either recommend or require vendors to follo# for their proposals. >ou ma$ also simpl$ !ive a list of required content, #ith or #ithout pa!e num"er restrictions. 'o ma e it eas$ to read and evaluate, $ou should require all proposals to have+ 6.<*.inch left and ri!ht mar!ins, 6.inch top and "ottom mar!ins, 6<. or 6@.point t$peface usin! onl$ Arial or 'imes Roman fonts, and consecutive num"erin! of A)) pa!es, #ith the e%ception of Attachments. If $ou e%pect to have different people evaluatin! different parts of the proposal (e.!., separate evaluation of the "ud!et or contract), it helps to require t$pes of "indin! (e.!., three.rin! note"oo ) that ma e it eas$ to separate the proposal into component parts. If $ou e%pect electronic documents, specif$ all proposals to "e su"mitted in a -#rite.protected/ format, such as a pdf file or a Word file that is loc ed a!ainst modification #ith a pass#ord.9

1.1.2 Proposal Su,!issio" I"stru tio"s

7Insert here+ Instructions on ho# to pac a!e the proposal, #here and #hen to deliver it, and in ho# man$ copies. Apecif$ if $ou #ant to require an electronic file delivered instead of or in addition to hard copies.9

1.1.$ I"quiries
All su!!estions and inquiries pertainin! to this RFP should "e addressed to+ (Aalutation) (First 3ame) ()ast 3ame) Formal Bo" 'itle Address 'elephone 3um"er ('imes to phone) ;mail Address
0 C1R Fundraisin! 2roup & 3onprofit 4r!ani5ations have free ri!hts to use these materials. Pa!e @

Request for Proposals to provide dire t !ail fu"draisi"# servi es

Au!!estions and questions a"out the RFP ma$ "e sent via post or email to ABC, Inc. until ?onth 1a$, >ear and after that date, no further comments or inquiries #ill "e accepted. Ans#ers to all questions #ill "e distri"uted to all vendors as quic l$ as possi"le. ABC, Inc. reserves the ri!ht to modif$ the RFP "ased on these comments and questions, as #ell as its o#n predilections, up until ?onth 1a$, >ear. All final RFP modifications #ill then "e distri"uted to all vendors.

.2 Proposal Content Re#uire$ents

1.2.1 State!e"t of 4or5
'he vendor must provide a complete e%planation of the policies, processes, tools, procedures, schedules, reports, etc. that #ill "e used to deliver the desired !oods and services as descri"ed in, and coverin! all questions raised in, section @ of this RFP.

1.2.2 Staffi"#
'he vendor must name a specific person #ho #ill act in the capacit$ of Account ;%ecutive for ABC, Inc. For this person, the proposal must include+ A detailed "io!raph$ or resume A (o" description for the person vis.C.vis this contract A chart sho#in! the person8s place in the vendor8s or!ani5ation Identification and functional description of this person8s mana!er or superior 4ffice location ;stimated percent of this person8s time that #ill "e dedicated to this account 3ames of other accounts this person #ould "e involved #ith and in #hat capacit$ 'he proposal must identif$, at least "$ (o" function, other a!enc$ staff #ho #ill assist the Account ;%ecutive in successfull$ performin! the #or on this contract. If vendor #ill "e ma in! use of su"contractors, the e$ person for each su"contractor should "e identified and a "io or resume should "e provided.

1.2.$ &#e" - Des riptio"

'he proposal must include+ A "rief histor$ of the vendor8s or!ani5ation Current a!enc$ descriptive information A list of the vendor8s five lar!est ("$ #or volume) current clients 3ames, addresses, phone num"ers, and email addresses of at least four current and one previous clients, #hom #e ma$ contact for references 3ames of A)) other current or recent clients en!a!ed in pro!rams closel$ similar to those of ABC, Inc.

0 C1R Fundraisin! 2roup & 3onprofit 4r!ani5ations have free ri!hts to use these materials.

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Request for Proposals to provide dire t !ail fu"draisi"# servi es

1.2./ .a"a#e!e"t a"d 3ualit- &ssura" e

>our proposal must e%plain the mana!ement processes $our a!enc$ uses re!ularl$ to ensure that the products and services $ou provide are timel$, correct, consistent, complete, and hi!h in qualit$. Please e%plain an$ policies $ou have related to #arranties of $our #or , and ho# those policies are implemented and enforced. ;%plain the avenues of recourse ABC, Inc. #ill have in the event it is not pleased #ith the services and products it receives from $ou.

1.2.1 Sa!ples of Previous 4or5

As an attachment to the proposal, please su"mit at least t#o e%amples of fundraisin! materials prepared for current or recent clients. 'hese materials #ill "e ept confidential and the$ #ill not "e returned.

1.2.6 &ffir!atio"s
>our proposal must affirm A)) the follo#in! statements. In doin! so, please fill in the required information. >ou must e%plicitl$ reveal and e%plain an$ e%ceptions to or deviations from these statements. a) 'he DDDD A!enc$ is properl$ re!istered and:or "onded in all states requirin! charita"le solicitation re!istration and has no current state re!ulator$ enforcement actions pendin! a!ainst it relatin! to charita"le re!istration or fundraisin! that #ould interfere #ith ABC, Inc.8s a"ilit$ to fundraise in an$ and all (urisdictions. ") 3one of the DDDD A!enc$, or its officers, directors or o#ners, nor an$ current client of the DDDD A!enc$ has an$ state, federal, internal revenue, postal, federal trade commission criminal enforcement actions pendin! a!ainst it, nor have an$ of these or!ani5ations or individuals had such an action pendin! or current in the past =E months to the "est of the no#led!e of an$ officer, director or o#ner of the A!enc$. c) 'he DDDD A!enc$ or our principals and o#ners have the follo#in! affiliates #hich are partiall$ or #holl$ o#ned "$ our a!enc$ or our principals and o#ners or #ith #hich #e deal other than completel$ -at arms len!th./ ()ist DDDD ) d) 4f the precedin! list of affiliates the follo#in! are proposed as su"contractors under the DDDD A!enc$ proposal to ()ist DDDD ) e) 'he DDDD A!enc$ a!rees that "efore enterin! into an$ contract #ith ABC, Inc. it #ill "e required to a!ree not to enter into an$ a!reements or understandin!s of an$ t$pe or description #ith an$ vendors or su"contractors to ABC, Inc. #hich #ould provide commissions, finders fees, discounts, or an$ form of compensation or "enefit to the DDDD A!enc$ or to an$ third part$ (includin! officers, directors or staff of ABC, Inc.) other than directl$ to ABC, Inc. e%cept as specificall$ approved in #ritin! "$ ABC, Inc.

1.2.7 Si#"ature
>our proposal must "e si!ned "$ an o#ner, principal, officer of the corporation, or another person #ho is le!all$ authori5ed to enter into a!reements on "ehalf of $our a!enc$.

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Request for Proposals to provide dire t !ail fu"draisi"# servi es

.3 Price Proposal% Fees% E&penses% and E&pected Returns

'he proposed pricin! of vendor a!enc$ products and services must encompass all anticipated e%penses. 'hese mi!ht include creative and production fees, art#or , t$pesettin!, production of camera.read$ art, mail and courier costs, data processin! and anal$tical costs, costs for outside consultant services, etc. )ist mana!ement commissions should "e e%pressed as a percenta!e to "e retained "$ the list mana!er. Wherever possi"le, fees and revenues should "e e%pressed "oth as total amounts and in terms of per.letter.mailed. )ist "ro era!e and mana!ement fees for list e%chan!es should "e quoted on a per.thousand "asis for a t#o.#a$ e%chan!e (not separated for providin! and receivin! names).

1.$.1 O"e8Ti!e Setup Costs

'he vendor must provide complete, detailed information on A)) the one.time setup costs that ABC, Inc. #ill incur. 'he timin! (and cash.flo# implications) of these costs must "e clearl$ indicated.

1.$.2 O"#oi"# Fees a"d Costs

>our proposal must include complete, detailed information on A)) on!oin! fees that #ill "e incurred for the direct mail fundraisin! campai!n. If $ou #ish to propose services "ased upon a monthl$ mana!ement fee, summari5e all aspects of #hat the fee #ill include (e.!., staff time, creative) and #hat additional e%penses #ill "e required as separate char!es. If $ou #ish to propose fees "ased upon itemi5ed e%penses, summari5e all the items that #ill "e included therein and provide $our estimates of #hat a -t$pical/ "illin! #ould "e. If $ou are doin! an$ pass.throu!h "illin!s from suppliers or su"contractors, $our proposal must sho# #hat those are, alon! #ith estimates of a -t$pical/ "illin! period, and complete disclosure of $our compan$8s related mar ups and commissions if an$. If an$ other related services (e.!., ca!in!, data processin!, etc.) #ill "e required for the direct mail campai!n that $our a!enc$ #ill 34' include in its pac a!e, $ou must identif$ #hat those are, e%plain #h$ $our a!enc$ chooses not to provide them, and recommend ho# ABC, Inc. should "est procure those services. >our proposal should full$ e%plain optional, additional, special, and alternative services, #hich are related to "ut not necessaril$ required for the direct mail campai!n, that $our a!enc$ can recommend or ma e availa"le to ABC, Inc., alon! #ith the financial and non.financial "enefits or reasons for ABC, Inc. to choose those options. ;stimate and e%plain the costs of these options. >our proposal should include a comprehensive, "est.!uess, three.$ear "ud!et for the direct mail campai!n that #ould "e $our a!enc$8s stron!est recommendation. 1escri"e clearl$ all the elements of this campai!n, the num"er and si5e of the mailin!s, the nature of the pac a!es, etc.
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Request for Proposals to provide dire t !ail fu"draisi"# servi es

1.$.$ Realisti Retur" Esti!ates

'he vendor should e%plain realistic estimates of the return on investment for these fundraisin! services. Based upon the "est.!uess campai!n recommended, realisticall$ estimate e%pected cash flo#s and revenues and sho# them as a function of time for a period of at least three $ears. 'he vendor should ma e clear all the assumptions inherent in these estimates.

.' Contractual Re#uire$ents

7Insert here+ All information or considerations $ou #ish to have included in a contract. If $ou have a standard contract $ou #ant the vendor to accept, state that here and include it as an attachment to the RFP. Also e%plain the vendor8s options (if an$) to modif$ the contract or certain clauses #ithin it. >ou should specif$ that the vendor8s proposal (#ith all su"sequent modifications and attachments) #ill "e a required addendum to the contract, and that ne!otiated departures from the lan!ua!e of the proposal must "e stated e%plicitl$ in the contract. 4ther e$ information $ou should have in a contract includes ("ut is not limited to)+ Ge$ staff provisions Provisions for data o#nership and intellectual propert$ ri!hts A!reements on privac$ and confidentialit$ A!reements on e%clusivit$ A!reements not to hire each other8s staff Invoicin! terms and pa$ment schedules All fees and contin!enc$ fees Provisions for reim"ursement of e%penses Warrant$ provisions Ataff hours of availa"ilit$ ("oth directions) Provisions for ma in! chan!es to the contract Consequences for nonperformance Insurance, indemnification, and "ondin! requirements Conditions and procedures to terminate the a!reement9

. Proposal Evaluation Criteria

ABC, Inc. intends to enter into a contract #ith the vendor(s) that provide ABC, Inc. the "est value and "enefit, not necessaril$ on the "asis of the lo#est price. 7Insert here+ A detailed e%planation of ho# the #innin! proposal #ill "e selected. A common and eas$ #a$ to do this is to create a list of important proposal aspects and the possi"le points to "e a#arded for each, totalin! 6,, or 6,,, points. Be a#are that vendors #ill #rite their proposals in order to ma%imi5e their point counts. 'his means the$ #ill provide much information for proposal attri"utes that mi!ht $ield hi!h point counts and little or no information for attri"utes that have lo# or none%istent point counts & so "e sure to desi!n the evaluation criteria accordin!l$. >ou #ill !et #hat $our evaluation criteria as for. 'he level of detail to #hich $ou drive do#n $our point "rea do#n is up to $ou.

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Request for Proposals to provide dire t !ail fu"draisi"# servi es Iere is an e%ample of a fairl$ hi!h.level evaluation scheme+ 'o select the #innin! vendor, ABC, Inc. #ill use the follo#in! evaluation method. 6) 'hreshold Criteria & Before (ud!in! proposals on their merits, ABC, Inc. #ill eliminate all proposals that fail to meet these criteria+ Adherence to su"mission instructions (includin! deadlines) Adherence to format !uidelines Positive fulfillment of all the Affirmations (section *.<.E) All contractual terms a!reea"le to ABC, Inc. <) ?erit Criteria & ABC, Inc. #ill a#ard merit points to each proposal. A proposal can earn up to 6,,, points. 'he evaluation criteria and their point values are these+ <A) 4r!ani5ation "ac !round, reputation, sta"ilit$ (<*, points). Factors that #ill "e included in this criterion are+ o Auccessful histor$ of "usiness and ethical reputation (@* points) o Iistor$ of successful fundraisin! in our area of concern (@*) o Reports from references (@*) o Control relationships to su"contractors (if an$ are needed) (@*) o Financial sta"ilit$ (@*) o ?iscellaneous e%tras (<*) <B) Pricin! (=*, points). Factors that #ill "e included in this criterion are+ o 4verall cost of #or (setup and on!oin!) (** points) o Reasona"le mar ups and commissions (@*) o Presentation of options (=*) o Realistic estimates (@*) o )i el$ R4Is (**) o Clarit$ of "ud!ets and plans (=*) o Completeness of financial considerations (@*) o ?iscellaneous e%tras (=*) <C) A!enc$ approach (@,, points). Factors that #ill "e included in this criterion are+ o Fundraisin! approach and methodolo!$ (H, points) o Proposed staffin! (**) o Jualit$ and appeal of #or plans and processes (F,) o ?ana!ement and JA plan (E*) o Creativit$ in approachin! our needs (*,) o Jualit$ and appeal of sample materials (*,) o ?iscellaneous e%tras (=,) 9

0 C1R Fundraisin! 2roup & 3onprofit 4r!ani5ations have free ri!hts to use these materials.

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