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2000 L0013

Directive 2000/13/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 March 2000 on the approximation of the laws of the Mem er !tates relatin" to the la ellin"# presentation and advertisin" of foodstuffs
Official Journal L 109 , 06/05/2000 P. 0029 - 0042 (ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, !, "#, NL, P#, ", S$%

Directive 2000/13/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 March 2000 on the approximation of the laws of the Member tates relatin! to the labellin!" presentation and advertisin! of foodstuffs $%E E&'(PE)* P)'L+)ME*$ )*D $%E C(&*C+L (, $%E E&'(PE)* &*+(*# #avin! re!ard to the $reat% establishin! the European Communit%" and in particular &rticle '( thereof" #avin! re!ard to the proposal of the Commission" #avin! re!ard to the opinion of the Economic and ocial Committee)1*" &ctin! in accordance with the procedure laid down in &rticle 2(1 of the $reat%)2*" -%E'E)!. )1* Council Directive +'/112/EEC of 1, December 1'+, on the approximation of the laws of the Member tates relatin! to the labellin!" presentation and advertisin! of foodstuffs)3* has been fre-uentl% and substantiall% amended).*/ $herefore" for reasons of clarit% and rationalit%" the said Directive should be consolidated in a sin!le text/ )2* Differences between the laws" re!ulations and administrative provisions of the Member tates on the labellin! of foodstuffs ma% impede the free circulation of these products and can lead to une-ual conditions of competition/ )3* $herefore" approximation of these laws would contribute to the smooth functionin! of the internal mar0et/ ).* $he purpose of this Directive should be to enact Communit% rules of a !eneral nature applicable hori1ontall% to all foodstuffs put on the mar0et/ )(* 2ules of a specific nature which appl% verticall% onl% to particular foodstuffs should be laid down in provisions dealin! with those products/ )3* $he prime consideration for an% rules on the labellin! of foodstuffs should be the need to inform and protect the consumer/ )+* $hat need means that Member tates ma%" in compliance with the rules of the $reat%" impose lan!ua!e re-uirements/ ),* Detailed labellin!" in particular !ivin! the exact nature and characteristics of the product which enables the consumer to ma0e his choice in full 0nowled!e of the facts" is the most appropriate since it creates fewest obstacles to free trade/ )'* $herefore" a list should be drawn up of all information which should in principle be included in the labellin! of all foodstuffs/ )10* #owever" the hori1ontal nature of this Directive does not allow" at the initial sta!e" the inclusion in the compulsor% indications of all the indications which must be added to the list appl%in! in principle to the whole ran!e of foodstuffs/ Durin! a later sta!e" Communit% provisions should be adopted" aimed at supplementin! the existin! rules/ )11* 4urthermore" in the absence of Communit% rules of a specific nature Member tates should retain the ri!ht to la% down certain national provisions which ma% be added to the !eneral provisions of this Directive" nevertheless these provisions should be sub5ect to a Communit% procedure/ )12* $he said Communit% procedure must be that of a Communit% decision when a Member tate wishes to enact new le!islation/ )13* Provision should also be made for the Communit% le!islator to dero!ate" in exceptional cases" from certain obli!ations that have been fixed !enerall%/

)1.* $he rules on labellin! should also prohibit the use of information that would mislead the purchaser or attribute medicinal properties to foodstuffs/ $o be effective" this prohibition should also appl% to the presentation and advertisin! of foodstuffs/ )1(* 6ith a view to facilitatin! trade between Member tates" it ma% be provided that" at sta!es prior to sale to the ultimate consumer" onl% information on the essential elements should appear on the outer pac0a!in! and certain mandator% particulars that must appear on a prepac0a!ed foodstuff need appear onl% on commercial documents referrin! thereto/ )13* Member tates should retain the ri!ht" dependin! on local practical conditions and circumstances" to la% down rules in respect of the labellin! of foodstuffs sold in bul07 in such cases" information should nevertheless be provided for the consumer/ )1+* 6ith the aim of simplif%in! and acceleratin! the procedure" the Commission should be entrusted with the tas0 of adoptin! implementin! measures of a technical nature/ )1,* $he measures necessar% for the implementin! of this Directive should be adopted in accordance with Council Decision 1'''/.3,/EC of 2, 8une 1''' la%in! down the procedures for the exercise of implementin! powers conferred on the Commission)(*/ )1'* $his Directive should be without pre5udice to the obli!ations of the Member tates concernin! the time limits for transposition of the Directives set out in &nnex 9:" Part ;"

%)/E )D(P$ED $%+! D+'EC$+/E.

)rticle 1 1/ $his Directive concerns the labellin! of foodstuffs to be delivered as such to the ultimate consumer and certain aspects relatin! to the presentation and advertisin! thereof/ 2/ $his Directive shall appl% also to foodstuffs intended for suppl% to restaurants" hospitals" canteens and other similar mass caterers )hereinafter referred to as <mass caterers<*/ 3/ 4or the purpose of this Directive" )a* <labellin!< shall mean an% words" particulars" trade mar0s" brand name" pictorial matter or s%mbol relatin! to a foodstuff and placed on an% pac0a!in!" document" notice" label" rin! or collar accompan%in! or referrin! to such foodstuff7 )b* <pre=pac0a!ed foodstuff< shall mean an% sin!le item for presentation as such to the ultimate consumer and to mass caterers" consistin! of a foodstuff and the pac0a!in! into which it was put before bein! offered for sale" whether such pac0a!in! encloses the foodstuff completel% or onl% partiall%" but in an% case in such a wa% that the contents cannot be altered without openin! or chan!in! the pac0a!in!/ )rticle 2 1/ $he labellin! and methods used must not> )a* be such as could mislead the purchaser to a material de!ree" particularl%> )i* as to the characteristics of the foodstuff and" in particular" as to its nature" identit%" properties" composition" -uantit%" durabilit%" ori!in or provenance" method of manufacture or production7 )ii* b% attributin! to the foodstuff effects or properties which it does not possess7 )iii* b% su!!estin! that the foodstuff possesses special characteristics when in fact all similar foodstuffs possess such characteristics7 )b* sub5ect to Communit% provisions applicable to natural mineral waters and foodstuffs for particular nutritional uses" attribute to an% foodstuff the propert% of preventin!" treatin! or curin! a human disease" or refer to such properties/ 2/ $he Council" in accordance with the procedure laid down in &rticle '( of the $reat%" shall draw up a non=exhaustive list of the claims within the meanin! of para!raph 1" the use of which must at all events be prohibited or restricted/ 3/ $he prohibitions or restrictions referred to in para!raphs 1 and 2 shall also appl% to> )a* the presentation of foodstuffs" in particular their shape" appearance or pac0a!in!" the pac0a!in! materials used" the wa% in which the% are arran!ed and the settin! in which the% are displa%ed7

)b* advertisin!/ )rticle 3 1/ 9n accordance with &rticles . to 1+ and sub5ect to the exceptions contained therein" indication of the followin! particulars alone shall be compulsor% on the labellin! of foodstuffs> )1* the name under which the product is sold7 )2* the list of in!redients7 )3* the -uantit% of certain in!redients or cate!ories of in!redients as provided for in &rticle +7 ).* in the case of prepac0a!ed foodstuffs" the net -uantit%7 )(* the date of minimum durabilit% or" in the case of foodstuffs which" from the microbiolo!ical point of view" are hi!hl% perishable" the <use b%< date7 )3* an% special stora!e conditions or conditions of use7 )+* the name or business name and address of the manufacturer or pac0a!er" or of a seller established within the Communit%/ #owever" the Member tates shall be authorised" in respect of butter produced in their territor%" to re-uire onl% an indication of the manufacturer" pac0a!er or seller/ 6ithout pre5udice to the notification provided for in &rticle 2." Member tates shall inform the Commission and the other Member tates of an% measure ta0en pursuant to the second para!raph7 ),* particulars of the place of ori!in or provenance where failure to !ive such particulars mi!ht mislead the consumer to a material de!ree as to the true ori!in or provenance of the foodstuff7 )'* instructions for use when it would be impossible to ma0e appropriate use of the foodstuff in the absence of such instructions7 )10* with respect to bevera!es containin! more than 1"2 ? b% volume of alcohol" the actual alcoholic stren!th b% volume/ 2/ @otwithstandin! the previous para!raph" Member tates ma% retain national provisions which re-uire indication of the factor% or pac0a!in! centre" in respect of home production/ 3/ $he provisions of this &rticle shall be without pre5udice to more precise or more extensive provisions re!ardin! wei!hts and measures/ )rticle 0 1/ Communit% provisions applicable to specified foodstuffs and not to foodstuffs in !eneral ma% provide for dero!ations" in exceptional cases" from the re-uirements laid down in &rticle 3)1*" points 2 and (" provided that this does not result in the purchaser bein! inade-uatel% informed/ 2/ Communit% provisions applicable to specified foodstuffs and not to foodstuffs in !eneral ma% provide that other particulars in addition to those listed in &rticle 3 must appear on the labellin!/ 6here there are no Communit% provisions" Member tates ma% ma0e provision for such particulars in accordance with the procedure laid down in &rticle 1'/ 3/ $he Communit% provisions referred to in para!raphs 1 and 2 shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure laid down in &rticle 20)2*/ )rticle 1 1/ $he name under which a foodstuff is sold shall be the name provided for in the Communit% provisions applicable to it/ )a* 9n the absence of Communit% provisions" the name under which a product is sold shall be the name provided for in the laws" re!ulations and administrative provisions applicable in the Member tate in which the product is sold to the final consumer or to mass caterers/

4ailin! this" the name under which a product is sold shall be the name customar% in the Member tate in which it is sold to the final consumer or to mass caterers" or a description of the foodstuff" and if necessar% of its use" which is clear enou!h to let the purchaser 0now its true nature and distin!uish it from other products with which it mi!ht be confused/ )b* $he use in the Member tate of mar0etin! of the sales name under which the product is le!all% manufactured and mar0eted in the Member tate of production shall also be allowed/ #owever" where the application of the other provisions of this Directive" in particular those set out in &rticle 3" would not enable consumers in the Member tate of mar0etin! to 0now the true nature of the foodstuff and to distin!uish it from foodstuffs with which the% could confuse it" the sales name shall be accompanied b% other descriptive information which shall appear in proximit% to the sales name/ )c* 9n exceptional cases" the sales name of the Member tate of production shall not be used in the Member tate of mar0etin! when the foodstuff which it desi!nates is so different" as re!ards its composition or manufacture" from the foodstuff 0nown under that name that the provisions of point )b* are not sufficient to ensure" in the Member tate of mar0etin!" correct information for consumers/ 2/ @o trade mar0" brand name or fanc% name ma% be substituted for the name under which the product is sold/ 3/ $he name under which the product is sold shall include or be accompanied b% particulars as to the ph%sical condition of the foodstuff or the specific treatment which it has under!one )e/!/ powdered" free1e=dried" deep=fro1en" concentrated" smo0ed* in all cases where omission of such information could create confusion in the mind of the purchaser/ &n% foodstuff which has been treated with ionisin! radiation must bear one of the followin! indications> = in panish> <irradiado< or <tratado con radiaciAn ioni1ante<" = in Danish> <bestrBlet////< or <strBle0onserveret< or <behandlet med ioniserende strBlin!< or <0onserveret med ioniserende strBlin!<" = in Cerman> <bestrahlt< or <mit ionisierenden trahlen behandelt<" = in Cree0> <DEDFDGHIJKLMN KD ONMPQNRJI ISTOMNUNVPI< or <ISTOMNUNVWKLMN<" = in En!lish> <irradiated< or <treated with ionisin! radiation<" = in 4rance> <traitX par ra%onnements ionisants< or <traitX par ionisation<" = in 9talian> <irradiato< or <trattato con radia1ioni ioni11anti<" = in Dutch> <doorstraald< or <door bestralin! behandeld< or <met ioniserende stralen behandeld<" = in Portu!uese> <irradiado< or <tratado por irradiaYZo< or <tratado por radiaYZo ioni1ante<" = in 4innish> <s[teil%tett%< or <0[sitelt% ionisoivalla s[teil%ll[<"

= in wedish> <bestrBlad< or <behandlad med 5oniserande strBlnin!</ )rticle 2 1/ 9n!redients shall be listed in accordance with this &rticle and &nnexes 9" 99 and 999/ 2/ 9n!redients need not e listed in the case of> 3a4 5 fresh fruit and ve!etables" includin! potatoes" which have not been peeled" cut or similarl% treated" = carbonated water" the description of which indicates that it has been carbonated" = fermentation vine!ars derived exclusivel% from a sin!le basic product" provided that no other in!redient has been added7 )b* = cheese# 5 utter# 5 fermented mil6 and cream" provided that no ingredient has been added other than lactic products, enzymes and micro-organism cultures essential to manufacture, or the salt needed for the manufacture of cheese other than fresh cheese and processed cheese 7 )c* products comprisin! a sin!le in!redient" where> = the trade name is identical with the in!redient name" or = the trade name enables the nature of the in!redient to be clearl% identified/ 3/ 9n the case of bevera!es containin! more than 1"2 ? b% volume of alcohol" the Council" actin! on a proposal from the Commission" shall" before 22 December 1',2" determine the rules for labellin! in!redients/ ./ )a* <9n!redient< shall mean an% substance" includin! additives" used in the manufacture or preparation of a foodstuff and still present in the finished product" even if in altered form/ )b* 6here an in!redient of the foodstuff is itself the product of several in!redients" the latter shall be re!arded as in!redients of the foodstuff in -uestion/ )c* $he followin! shall not be re!arded as in!redients> )i* the constituents of an in!redient which have been temporaril% separated durin! the manufacturin! process and later reintroduced but not in excess of their ori!inal proportions7 )ii* additives> = whose presence in a !iven foodstuff is solel% due to the fact that the% were contained in one or more in!redients of that foodstuff" provided that the% serve no technolo!ical function in the finished product" = which are used as processin! aids7 )iii* substances used in the -uantities strictl% necessar% as solvents or media for additives or flavourin!/ )d* 9n certain cases Decisions ma% be ta0en in accordance with the procedure laid down in &rticle 20)2* as to whether the conditions described in point )c*)ii* and )iii* are satisfied/ (/ $he list of in!redients shall include all the in!redients of the foodstuff" in descendin! order of wei!ht" as recorded at the time of their use in the manufacture of the foodstuff/ 9t shall appear preceded b% a suitable headin! which includes the word <in!redients</ #owever>

= added water and volatile products shall be listed in order of their wei!ht in the finished product7 the amount of water added as an in!redient in a foodstuff shall be calculated b% deductin! from the total amount of the finished product the total amount of the other in!redients used/ $his amount need not be ta0en into consideration if it does not exceed ( ? b% wei!ht of the finished product" = in!redients used in concentrated or deh%drated form and reconstituted at the time of manufacture ma% be listed in order of wei!ht as recorded before their concentration or deh%dration" = in the case of concentrated or deh%drated foods which are intended to be reconstituted b% the addition of water" the in!redients ma% be listed in order of proportion in the reconstituted product provided that the list of in!redients is accompanied b% an expression such as <in!redients of the reconstituted product<" or <in!redients of the read%=to=use product<" = in the case of mixtures of fruit or ve!etables where no particular fruit or ve!etable si!nificantl% predominates in proportion b% wei!ht" those in!redients ma% be listed in another order provided that that list of in!redients is accompanied b% an expression such as <in variable proportion<" = in the case of mixtures of spices or herbs" where none si!nificantl% predominates in proportion b% wei!ht" those in!redients ma% be listed in another order provided that that list of in!redients is accompanied b% an expression such as <in variable proportion</ 3/ 9n!redients shall be desi!nated b% their specific name" where applicable" in accordance with the rules laid down in &rticle (/ #owever> = in!redients which belon! to one of the cate!ories listed in &nnex 9 and are constituents of another foodstuff need onl% be desi!nated b% the name of that cate!or%/ &lterations to the list of cate!ories in &nnex 9 ma% be effected in accordance with the procedure laid down in &rticle 20)2*/ #owever" the desi!nation <starch< listed in &nnex 9 must alwa%s be complemented b% the indication of its specific ve!etable ori!in" when that in!redient ma% contain !luten" = in!redients belon!in! to one of the cate!ories listed in &nnex 99 must be desi!nated b% the name of that cate!or%" followed b% their specific name or EC number7 if an in!redient belon!s to more than one of the cate!ories" the cate!or% appropriate to the principal function in the case of the foodstuff in -uestion shall be indicated/ &mendments to this &nnex based on advances in scientific and technical 0nowled!e shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure laid down in &rticle 20)2*/ #owever" the desi!nation <modified starch< listed in &nnex 99 must alwa%s be complemented b% the indication of its specific ve!etable ori!in" when that in!redient ma% contain !luten" = flavourin!s shall be desi!nated in accordance with &nnex 999" = the specific Communit% provisions !overnin! the indication of treatment of an in!redient with ionisin! radiation shall be adopted subse-uentl% in accordance with &rticle '( of the $reat%/ +/ Communit% provisions or" where there are none" national provisions ma% la% down that the name under which a specific foodstuff is sold is to be accompanied b% mention of a particular in!redient or in!redients/ $he procedure laid down in &rticle 1' shall appl% to an% such national provisions/ $he Communit% provisions referred to in this para!raph shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure laid down in &rticle 20)2*/ ,/ 9n the case referred to in para!raph .)b*" a compound in!redient ma% be included in the list of in!redients" under its own desi!nation in so far as this is laid down b% law or established b% custom" in terms of its overall wei!ht" provided that it is immediatel% followed b% a list of its in!redients/ uch a list" however" shall not be compulsor%> )a* where the compound in!redient constitutes less than 2( ? of the finished product7 however" this exemption shall not appl% in the case of additives" sub5ect to the provisions of para!raph .)c*7 )b* where the compound in!redient is a foodstuff for which a list of in!redients is not re-uired under Communit% rules/

'/ @otwithstandin! para!raph ( the water content need not be specified> )a* where the water is used durin! the manufacturin! process solel% for the reconstitution of an in!redient used in concentrated or deh%drated form7 )b* in the case of a li-uid medium which is not normall% consumed/ &rticle + 1/ $he -uantit% of an in!redient or cate!or% of in!redients used in the manufacture or preparation of a foodstuff shall be stated in accordance with this &rticle/ 2/ $he indication referred to in para!raph 1 shall be compulsor%> )a* where the in!redient or cate!or% of in!redients concerned appears in the name under which the foodstuff is sold or is usuall% associated with that name b% the consumer7 or )b* where the in!redient or cate!or% of in!redients concerned is emphasised on the labellin! in words" pictures or !raphics7 or )c* where the in!redient or cate!or% of in!redients concerned is essential to characterise a foodstuff and to distin!uish it from products with which it mi!ht be confused because of its name or appearance7 or )d* in the cases determined in accordance with the procedure laid down in &rticle 20)2*/ 3/ Para!raph 2 shall not appl%> )a* to an in!redient or cate!or% of in!redients> = the drained net wei!ht of which is indicated in accordance with &rticle ,).*" or = the -uantities of which are alread% re-uired to be !iven on the labellin! under Communit% provisions" or = which is used in small -uantities for the purposes of flavourin!" or = which" while appearin! in the name under which the food is sold" is not such as to !overn the choice of the consumer in the countr% of mar0etin! because the variation in -uantit% is not essential to characterise the foodstuff or does not distin!uish it from similar foods/ 9n cases of doubt it shall be decided b% the procedure laid down in &rticle 20)2* whether the conditions laid down in this indent are fulfilled7 )b* where specific Communit% provisions stipulate precisel% the -uantit% of an in!redient or of a cate!or% of in!redients without providin! for the indication thereof on the labellin!7 )c* in the cases referred to in the fourth and fifth indents of &rticle 3)(*7 )d* in the cases determined in accordance with the procedure laid down in &rticle 20)2*/ ./ $he -uantit% indicated" expressed as a percenta!e" shall correspond to the -uantit% of the in!redient or in!redients at the time of its/their use/ #owever" Communit% provisions ma% allow for dero!ations from this principle for certain foodstuffs/ uch provisions shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure laid down in &rticle 20)2*/ (/ $he indication referred to in para!raph 1 shall appear either in or immediatel% next to the name under which the foodstuff is sold or in the list of in!redients in connection with the in!redient or cate!or% of in!redients in -uestion/ 3/ $his &rticle shall appl% without pre5udice to Communit% rules on nutrition labellin! for foodstuffs/ &rticle , 1/ $he net -uantit% of prepac0a!ed foodstuffs shall be expressed> = in units of volume in the case of li-uids" = in units of mass in the case of other products"

usin! the litre" centilitre" millilitre" 0ilo!ram or !ram" as appropriate/ Communit% provisions or" where there are none" national provisions applicable to certain specified foodstuffs ma% dero!ate from this rule/ $he procedure laid down in &rticle 1' shall appl% to an% such national provisions/ 2/ )a* 6here the indication of a certain t%pe of -uantit% )e/!/ nominal -uantit%" minimum -uantit%" avera!e -uantit%* is re-uired b% Communit% provisions or" where there are none" b% national provisions" this -uantit% shall be re!arded as the net -uantit% for the purposes of this Directive/ 6ithout pre5udice to the notification provided for in &rticle 2." Member tates shall inform the Commission and the other Member tates of an% measure ta0en pursuant to this point/ )b* Communit% provisions or" where there are none" national provisions ma%" for certain specified foodstuffs classified b% -uantit% in cate!ories" re-uire other indications of -uantit%/ $he procedure laid down in &rticle 1' shall appl% to an% such national provisions/ )c* 6here a prepac0a!ed item consists of two or more individual prepac0a!ed items containin! the same -uantit% of the same product" the net -uantit% shall be indicated b% mentionin! the net -uantit% contained in each individual pac0a!e and the total number of such pac0a!es/ 9ndication of these particulars shall not" however" be compulsor% where the total number of individual pac0a!es can be clearl% seen and easil% counted from the outside and where at least one indication of the net -uantit% contained in each individual pac0a!e can be clearl% seen from the outside/ )d* 6here a prepac0a!ed item consists of two or more individual pac0a!es which are not re!arded as units of sale" the net -uantit% shall be !iven b% indicatin! the total net -uantit% and the total number of individual pac0a!es/ Communit% provisions or" where there are none" national provisions need not" in the case of certain foodstuffs" re-uire indication of the total number of individual pac0a!es/ 6ithout pre5udice to the notification provided for in &rticle 2." Member tates shall inform the Commission and the other Member tates of an% measure ta0en pursuant to this point/ 3/ 9n the case of foodstuffs normall% sold b% number" Member tates need not re-uire indication of the net -uantit% provided that the number of items can clearl% be seen and easil% counted from the outside or" if not" is indicated on the labellin!/ 6ithout pre5udice to the notification provided for in &rticle 2." Member tates shall inform the Commission and the other Member tates of an% measure ta0en pursuant to this para!raph/ ./ 6here a solid foodstuff is presented in a li-uid medium" the drained net wei!ht of the foodstuff shall also be indicated on the labellin!/ 4or the purposes of this para!raph" <li-uid medium< shall mean the followin! products" possibl% in mixtures and also where fro1en or -uic0=fro1en" provided that the li-uid is merel% an ad5unct to the essential elements of that preparation and is thus not a decisive factor for the purchase> water" a-ueous solutions of salts" brine" a-ueous solutions of food acids" vine!ar" a-ueous solutions of su!ars" a-ueous solutions of other sweetenin! substances" fruit or ve!etable 5uices in the case of fruit or ve!etables/ $his list ma% be supplemented in accordance with the procedure laid down in &rticle 20)2*/ Methods of chec0in! the drained net wei!ht shall be determined in accordance with the procedure laid down in &rticle 20)2*/ (/ 9t shall not be compulsor% to indicate the net -uantit% in the case of foodstuffs> )a* which are sub5ect to considerable losses in their volume or mass and which are sold b% number or wei!hed in the presence of the purchaser7 )b* the net -uantit% of which is less than ( ! or ( ml7 however" this provision shall not appl% to spices and herbs/ Communit% provisions or" where there are none" national provisions applicable to specified foodstuffs ma% in exceptional cases la% down thresholds which are hi!her than ( ! or ( ml provided that this does not result in the purchaser bein! inade-uatel% informed/ 6ithout pre5udice to the notification provided for in &rticle 2." Member tates shall inform the Commission and the other Member tates of an% measure ta0en pursuant to this para!raph/ 3/ $he Communit% provisions referred to in para!raphs 1" second subpara!raph" 2)b* and )d* and (" second subpara!raph" shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure laid down in &rticle 20)2*/

&rticle ' 1/ $he date of minimum durabilit% of a foodstuff shall be the date until which the foodstuff retains its specific properties when properl% stored/ 9t shall be indicated in accordance with para!raphs 2 to (/ 2/ $he date shall be preceded b% the words> = <;est before ///< when the date includes an indication of the da%" = <;est before end ///< in other cases/ 3/ $he words referred to in para!raph 2 shall be accompanied b%> = either the date itself" or = a reference to where the date is !iven on the labellin!/ 9f need be" these particulars shall be followed b% a description of the stora!e conditions which must be observed if the product is to 0eep for the specified period/ ./ $he date shall consist of the da%" month and %ear in uncoded chronolo!ical form/ #owever" in the case of foodstuffs> = which will not 0eep for more than three months" an indication of the da% and the month will suffice" = which will 0eep for more than three months but not more than 1, months" an indication of the month and %ear will suffice" = which will 0eep for more than 1, months" an indication of the %ear will suffice/ $he manner of indicatin! the date ma% be specified accordin! to the procedure laid down in &rticle 20)2*/ (/ ub5ect to Communit% provisions imposin! other t%pes of date indication" an indication of the durabilit% date shall not be re-uired for> = fresh fruit and ve!etables" includin! potatoes" which have not been peeled" cut or similarl% treated/ $his dero!ation shall not appl% to sproutin! seeds and similar products such as le!ume sprouts" = wines" li-ueur wines" spar0lin! wines" aromatised wines and similar products obtained from fruits other than !rapes" and bevera!es fallin! within C@ codes 220300'1" 2203 00 '3 and 2203 00 '' and manufactured from !rapes or !rape musts" = bevera!es containin! 10 ? or more b% volume of alcohol" = soft drin0s" fruit 5uices" fruit nectars and alcoholic bevera!es in individual containers of more than five litres" intended for suppl% to mass caterers" = ba0ers\ or pastr% coo0s\ wares which" !iven the nature of their content" are normall% consumed within 2. hours of their manufacture" = vine!ar" = coo0in! salt" = solid su!ar" = confectioner% products consistin! almost solel% of flavoured and/or coloured su!ars" = chewin! !ums and similar chewin! products" = individual portions of ice=cream/

&rticle 10 1/ 9n the case of foodstuffs which" from the microbiolo!ical point of view" are hi!hl% perishable and are therefore li0el% after a short period to constitute an immediate dan!er to human health" the date of minimum durabilit% shall be replaced b% the <use b%< date/ 2/ $he date shall be preceded b% the words> = in panish> <fecha de caducidad<" = in Danish> <sidste anvendelsesdato<" = in Cerman> <verbrauchen bis<" = in Cree0> <IM]V^JW KL_GO<" = in En!lish> <use b%<" = in 4rench> <` consommer 5us-u\au<" = in 9talian> <da consumare entro<" = in Dutch> <te !ebrui0en tot<" = in Portu!uese> <a consumir atX<" = in 4innish> <viimeinen 0[%ttaa5an0ohta<" = in wedish> <sista farbru0nin!sda!</ $hese words shall be accompanied b%> = either the date itself" or = a reference to where the date is !iven on the labellin!/ $hese particulars shall be followed b% a description of the stora!e conditions which must be observed/ 3/ $he date shall consist of the da%" the month and" possibl%" the %ear" in that order and in uncoded form/

./ 9n some cases it ma% be decided b% the procedure laid down in &rticle 20)2* whether the conditions laid down in para!raph 1 are fulfilled/ &rticle 11 1/ $he instructions for use of a foodstuff shall be indicated in such a wa% as to enable appropriate use to be made thereof/ 2/ Communit% provisions or" where there are none" national provisions ma%" in the case of certain foodstuffs" specif% the wa% in which the instructions for use should be indicated/ $he procedure laid down in &rticle 1' shall appl% to such national provisions/ $he Communit% provisions referred to in this para!raph shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure laid down in &rticle 20)2*/ &rticle 12 $he rules concernin! indication of the alcoholic stren!th b% volume shall" in the case of products covered b% tariff headin! @os 22/0. and 22/0(" be those laid down in the specific Communit% provisions applicable to such products/ 9n the case of other bevera!es containin! more than 1"2 ? b% volume of alcohol" these rules shall be laid down in accordance with the procedure provided for in &rticle 20)2*/ &rticle 13 1/ )a* 6hen the foodstuffs are prepac0a!ed" the particulars provided for in &rticles 3 and .)2* shall appear on the prepac0a!in! or on a label attached thereto/ )b* @otwithstandin! point )a* and without pre5udice to Communit% provisions on nominal -uantities" where prepac0a!ed foodstuffs are> = intended for the ultimate consumer but mar0eted at a sta!e prior to sale to the ultimate consumer and where sale to a mass caterer is not involved at that sta!e" = intended for suppl% to mass caterers for preparation" processin!" splittin! or cuttin! up" the particulars re-uired under &rticles 3 and .)2* need appear onl% on the commercial documents referrin! to the foodstuffs where it can be !uaranteed that such documents" containin! all the labellin! information" either accompan% the foodstuffs to which the% refer or were sent before or at the same time as deliver%/ )c* 9n the case referred to in point )b*" the particulars referred to in &rticle 3)1* point 1" ( and + and" where appropriate" that referred to in &rticle 10" shall also appear on the external pac0a!in! in which the foodstuffs are presented for mar0etin!/ 2/ $he particulars mentioned in &rticle 3 and &rticle .)2* shall be eas% to understand and mar0ed in a conspicuous place in such a wa% as to be easil% visible" clearl% le!ible and indelible/ $he% shall not in an% wa% be hidden" obscured or interrupted b% other written or pictorial matter/ 3/ $he particulars listed in &rticle 3)1*" points 1" ." ( and 10 shall appear in the same field of vision/ $his re-uirement ma% be extended to the particulars provided for in &rticle .)2*/ ./ 9n the case of the !lass bottles intended for reuse which are indelibl% mar0ed and which therefore bear no label" rin! or collar and pac0a!in! or containers the lar!est surface of which has an area of less than 10 cm2 onl% the particulars listed in &rticle 3)1* points 1" . and ( need be !iven/ 9n this case" para!raph 3 shall not appl%/ (/ 9reland" the @etherlands and the bnited cin!dom ma% dero!ate from &rticle 3)1* and para!raph 3 of this &rticle in the case of mil0 and mil0 products put up in !lass bottles intended for reuse/ $he% shall inform the Commission of an% measure ta0en pursuant to the first subpara!raph/ &rticle 1.

6here foodstuffs are offered for sale to the ultimate consumer or to mass caterers without prepac0a!in!" or where foodstuffs are pac0a!ed on the sales premises at the consumer\s re-uest or prepac0a!ed for direct sale" the Member tates shall adopt detailed rules concernin! the manner in which the particulars specified in &rticle 3 and &rticle .)2* are to be shown/ $he% ma% decide not to re-uire the provision of all or some of these particulars" provided that the purchaser still receives sufficient information/ &rticle 1( $his Directive shall not affect the provisions of national laws which" in the absence of Communit% provisions" impose less strin!ent re-uirements for the labellin! of foodstuffs presented in fanc% pac0a!in! such as fi!urines or souvenirs/ &rticle 13 1/ Member tates shall ensure that the sale is prohibited within their own territories of foodstuffs for which the particulars provided for in &rticle 3 and &rticle .)2* do not appear in a lan!ua!e easil% understood b% the consumer" unless the consumer is in fact informed b% means of other measures determined in accordance with the procedure laid down in &rticle 20)2* as re!ards one or more labellin! particulars/ 2/ 6ithin its own territor%" the Member tate in which the product is mar0eted ma%" in accordance with the rules of the $reat%" stipulate that those labellin! particulars shall be !iven in one or more lan!ua!es which it shall determine from amon! the official lan!ua!es of the Communit%/ 3/ Para!raphs 1 and 2 shall not preclude the labellin! particulars from bein! indicated in several lan!ua!es/ &rticle 1+ Member tates shall refrain from la%in! down re-uirements more detailed than those alread% contained in &rticles 3 to 13 concernin! the manner in which the particulars provided for in &rticle 3 and &rticle .)2* are to be shown/ &rticle 1, 1/ Member tates ma% not forbid trade in foodstuffs which compl% with the rules laid down in this Directive b% the application of non= harmonised national provisions !overnin! the labellin! and presentation of certain foodstuffs or of foodstuffs in !eneral/ 2/ Para!raph 1 shall not appl% to non=harmonised national provisions 5ustified on !rounds of> = protection of public health" = prevention of fraud" unless such provisions are liable to impede the application of the definitions and rules laid down b% this Directive" = protection of industrial and commercial propert% ri!hts" indications of provenance" re!istered desi!nations of ori!in and prevention of unfair competition/ &rticle 1' 6here reference is made to this &rticle" the followin! procedure shall appl% should a Member tate deem it necessar% to adopt new le!islation/ 9t shall notif% the Commission and the other Member tates of the measures envisa!ed and !ive the reasons 5ustif%in! them/ $he Commission shall consult the Member tates within the tandin! Committee on 4oodstuffs set up b% Council Decision 3'/.1./EEC)3* if it considers such consultation to be useful or if a Member tate so re-uests/ Member tates ma% ta0e such envisa!ed measures onl% three months after such notification and provided that the Commission\s opinion is not ne!ative/ 9n the latter event" and before the expir% of the abovementioned period" the Commission shall initiate the procedure provided for in &rticle 20)2* in order to determine whether the envisa!ed measures ma% be implemented sub5ect" if necessar%" to the appropriate modifications/ &rticle 20 1/ $he Commission shall be assisted b% the tandin! Committee on 4oodstuffs )hereinafter referred to as <the Committee<*/

2/ 6here reference is made to this para!raph" &rticles ( and + of Decision 1'''/.3,/EC shall appl%" havin! re!ard to the provisions of &rticle , thereof/ $he period referred to in &rticle ()3* of Decision 1'''/.3,/EC shall be set at three months/ 3/ $he Committee shall adopt its rules of procedure/ &rticle 21 9f temporar% measures prove necessar% to facilitate the application of this Directive" the% shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure provided for in &rticle 20)2*/ &rticle 22 $his Directive shall not affect Communit% provisions relatin! to the labellin! and presentation of certain foodstuffs alread% adopted on 22 December 1'+,/ &n% amendments necessar% to harmonise such provisions with the rules laid down in this Directive shall be decided in accordance with the procedure applicable to each of the provisions in -uestion/ &rticle 23 $his Directive shall not appl% to products for export outside the Communit%/ &rticle 2. Member tates shall ensure that the Commission receives the text of an% essential provision of national law which the% adopt in the field !overned b% this Directive/ &rticle 2( $his Directive shall also appl% to the 4rench overseas departments/ &rticle 23 1/ Directive +'/112/EEC as amended b% the Directives referred to in &nnex 9:" Part &" is repealed" without pre5udice to the obli!ations of the Member tates in respect of the deadlines for transposition laid down in &nnex 9:" Part ;/ 2/ $he reference made to the repealed Directive shall be construed as references to this Directive and should be read in accordance with the correlation table set out in &nnex :/ &rticle 2+ $his Directive enters into force on the 20th da% followin! its publication in the dfficial 8ournal of the European Communities/ &rticle 2, $his Directive is addressed to the Member tates/ Done at ;russels" 20 March 2000/ 4or the European Parliament $he President @/ 4ontaine 4or the Council $he President

8/ Cama )1* d8 C 2(," 10/'/1'''" p/ 12/ )2* dpinion of the European Parliament of 1, 8anuar% 2000 )not %et published in the dfficial 8ournal* and Council Decision of 13 March 2000/ )3* d8 e 33" ,/2/1'+'" p/ 1/ Directive as last amended b% Directive '+/./EC of the European Parliament and of the Council )d8 e .3" 1./2/1''+" p/ 21*/ ).* ee &nnex 9:" Part ;/ )(* d8 e 1,." 1+/+/1'''" p/ 23/ )3* d8 e 2'1" 2'/11/1'3'" p/ '/ &@@Ef 9 C&$ECd29E d4 9@C2ED9E@$ 6#9C# M&g ;E DE 9C@&$ED ;g $#E @&ME d4 $#E C&$ECd2g 2&$#E2 $#&@ $#E PEC949C @&ME h$&;eEh &@@Ef 99 C&$ECd29E d4 9@C2ED9E@$ 6#9C# Mb $ ;E DE 9C@&$ED ;g $#E @&ME d4 $#E92 C&$ECd2g 4deed6ED ;g $#E92 PEC949C @&ME d2 EC @bM;E2 Colour Preservative &ntioxidant Emulsifier $hic0ener Cellin! a!ent tabiliser 4lavour enhancer &cid &cidit% re!ulator &nti=ca0in! a!ent Modified starch)1* weetener 2aisin! a!ent &nti=foamin! a!ent Cla1in! a!ent Emulsif%in! salts)2*

4lour treatment a!ent 4irmin! a!ent #umectant ;ul0in! a!ent Propellent !as )1* $he specific name or EC number need not be indicated/ )2* dnl% for processed cheeses and products based on processed cheeses/ &@@Ef 999 DE 9C@&$9d@ d4 4e&:db29@C 9@ $#E e9 $ d4 9@C2ED9E@$ 1/ 4lavourin!s shall be desi!nated either b% the word <flavourin!)s*< or b% a more specific name or description of the flavourin!/ 2/ $he word <natural< or an% other word havin! substantiall% the same meanin! ma% be used onl% for flavourin!s in which the flavourin! component contains exclusivel% flavourin! substances as defined in &rticle 1)2*)b*)i* of Council Directive ,,/3,,/EEC of 22 8une 1',, on the approximation of the laws of the Member tates relatin! to flavourin!s for use in foodstuffs and to source materials for their production)1* and/or flavourin! preparations as defined in &rticle 1)2*)c* of the said Directive/ 3/ 9f the name of the flavourin! contains a reference to the ve!etable or animal nature or ori!in of the incorporated substances" the word <natural< or an% other word havin! substantiall% the same meanin! ma% not be used unless the flavourin! component has been isolated b% appropriate ph%sical processes" en1%matic or microbiolo!ical processes or traditional food=preparation processes solel% or almost solel% from the foodstuff or the flavourin! source concerned/ )1* d8 e 1,." 1(/+/1',," p/ 31/ Directive as amended b% Commission Directive '1/+1/EEC )d8 e .2" 1(/2/1''1" p/ 2(*/ &@@Ef 9: P&2$ & 2EPE&eED D92EC$9:E &@D 9$ )referred to b% &rticle 23* Council Directive +'/112/EEC )d8 e 33" ,/2/1'+'" p/ 1* Council Directive ,(/+/EEC )d8 e 2" 3/1/1',(" p/ 22*" onl% &rticle 1)'* Council Directive ,3/1'+/EEC )d8 e 1.." 2'/(/1',3" p/ 3,* Council Directive ,'/3'(/EEC )d8 e 1,3" 30/3/1','" p/ 1+* Commission Directive '1/+2/EEC )d8 e .2" 1(/2/1''1" p/ 2+* Commission Directive '3/102/EC )d8 e 2'1" 2(/11/1''3" p/ 1.* Commission Directive '(/.2/EC )d8 e 1,2" 2/,/1''(" p/ 20* European Parliament and Council Directive '+/./EC )d8 e .3" 1./2/1''+" p/ 21* P&2$ ; DE&De9@E 4d2 $2&@ Pd 9$9d@ 9@$d @&$9d@&e e&6 )referred to b% &rticle 23* bCCE 9:E &ME@DME@$

h$&;eEh &@@Ef : Cd22Ee&$9d@ $&;eE

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