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v i s i t u s : w w w . g u p t a c la s s e s . c o m e - m a i l : a l o k g u p t a 9 3 1 9 @ g m a il .

c o m

Human Physiology-I 1. Which of the following control blood pressure? (a) Parathyroid, (b) Thyroid, (c) Thymous, (d) Adrenal 2. Insulin is a kind of (a) salt, (b) !armone, (c) "n#yme, (d) $itamin 3. %umber of muscles found in human body (a) &'', (b) &(', (c) &(), (d) &*( 4. +trongest muscle of man found in (a) Wrist, (b) ,inger, (c) -aw, (d) .eg 5. A person feel fatigued due to deposition of acid in their muscles is (a) .atic Acid, (b) /reic acid, (c) 0itric acid, (d) Pyru1ic acid 6. 0urnea is an important part of (a) "ar, (b) %ose, (c) 2idney, (d) "ye 7. Part of eye used during eye donation is (a) 3etina, (b) 0ornea, (c) "ye hens, (d) complete eye 8. In the retina of eye cells present for colour differentiation (a) 0ones, (b) 3ods, (c) 0ornea, (d) 0horoid 9. 0olour of sking depend on (a) "n#yme, (b) !armones, (c) "pidermis, (d) 4elanin 10 Thickest layer of skin is found on (a) +ole, (b) Palm, (c) Thigh, (d) !ead 11. .argest organ of human body is (a) 5rain, (b) !eart, (c) +kin, (d) .i1er 12. The hardest part of human body is (a) 5one, (b) Pala6ue, (c) "namel, (d) +kull 13. Which of the follwong organ cannot be transplanted (a) 2idney, (b) !eart, (c) .ung, (d) 5rain 14. Tear of man ha1e a en#yme which kill the bacteria (a) Amylase, (b) /rease, (c) .yso#yme, (d) Ptylin 15. %ormal temperature of human body is (a) 7'8*90, (b) (&8)90, (c) ):8790, (d) :;8790 16. 5lood bank of human body is (a) +pleen, (b) Pancrease, (c) <all bladder, (d) %one of these 17. 5ile is stored in (a) 4outh, (b) .i1er, (c) <all bladder, (d) +tomach 18. Weigh of human brain in gram is (a) =(*', (b) =;(', (c) =='', (d) =('' 19. If the radius of blood 1assels decrease the blood pressure will (a) Increase, (b) >ecrease, (c) 3emain same, (d) Increase in male but decrease in female 20. Which one of the following is a rich source of energy? (a) Protein, (b) !ipid, (c) 0arbohydrate, (d) $itamin 21. Athletes with higher proportion of red fibers in their muscles are better e6uipped for which of the following? (a) +wimming, (b) +print, (c) +hort acti1ities, (d) shot put 22. 0onsider the following "n#yme and protein can be correlated with each other in following ways (a) All proteins are en#yme, (b) All en#ymes are protein, (c) All en#ymes are not protein, (d) All protein are not en#yme 23. 5lood is a?an (a) 0onnecti1e tissue, (b) "pithelial tissue, (c) 5oth of the abo1e, (d) %one of abo1e 24. White blood cells act (a) As a defence against infection, (b) As source of energy, (c) ,or source of energy, (d) As a medium for o@ygen transport form lung to tissue 25. Which one of the following organs breaks fat to produce cholesterol? (a) Intestine, (b) .i1er, (c) .ungs, (d) 2idneys 26. Which of the following is a good source of $itamin "? (a) 4eat,8 (b) <hee, (c) 5ile duct, (d) Pancrease 27. 5ile is secreted by (a) <all bladder, (b) .i1er, (c) 5ile duct, (d) Pancrease 28. The largest organ of human body is (a) !eart, (b) 5rian, (c) .i1er, (d) 2idney, 29. %ame the $itamin not found in any animal foodA (a) $itamin 5, (b) $itamin 0, (c) $itamin >, (d) $itamin 2 30. Which among following is the largest mammal?

(a) "lephant, (b) Whale, (c) >inosaur, (d) 3hinoceros Answer shee 1 ! 2 " 3 # 4 # 6 ! 7 " 8 a 9 ! 11. # 12. # 13. ! 14. # 16. a 17. # 18. a 19. a 21. a 22. " 23. a 24. a 26. ! 27. a 28. # 29. "

5 10 15 20. 25. 30.

a a " # "

Human Physiology-II 1. %umber of bone found in child (a) :, (b) (', (c) (;, (d) (7 2. +trongest bone of body is found in (a) Thigh, (b) -aw, (c) +houlder, (d) %eck 3. +mallest bone of human body is (a) %ails, (b) ,ibula, (c) 5one of nose, (d) +tapes 4. .ongest bone found in which part of human body? (a) $ertebral column, (b) Thigh, (c) 3ib cage, (d) Arm 5. The element found in bone and teeth (a) Potassium and calcium, (b) 0alcicum and 4agnesium, (c) 0alcium and phosphorus, (d) Phosphorus and sulpher 6. >igestion started in man from (a) 3ectum, (b) +tomach, (c) 4outh, (d) Intestine 7. "n#ymes are essential for body because (a) They pro1ide energy, (b) They control ner1ous system, (c) these are the structural part of body, (d) these are the catylist of biochemical acti1ity 8. the en#yme which take part in digestion of milk protein (a) Pepsin, (b) Trypsin, (c) 3enine, (d) "ripsin 9. 4a@imum nutriti1e element aborbed by blood from which part of alimentary canal (a) .arge intestine, (b) 4outh, (c) +mall intestine, (d) stomach 10. The en#yme found in sli1a (a) 3enine, (b) Ptylin, (c) Tenin, (d) 3esin 11. Which of the following is necessary for digestion of food (a) air, (b) water, (c) "n#yme, (d) 4ineral 12. +ali1a secreted from mouth diegest (a) Protein, (b) +tarch, (c) ,at, (d) $itamin 13. After digestion protein is con1erted into (a) ,at, (b) <lucose, (c) Amino acid, (d) <lucose 14. 5ile is stored in (a) <all bladder, (b) >uedenum, (c) .i1er, (d) +pleen 15. 4ain ,unction of 5ile (a) To con1ert fat into fatty acid and glycerol, (b) To con1ert fatty acid into fat and glycerol, (c) "mulsification of fat, (d) All of them 16. >uring sleep blood pressure (a) Increase, (b) >ecrease, (c) ,irst decrease and then increase, (d) 3emain same 17. To complete one heart beat the time taken is (a) = sec, (b) = minute, (c) =8* sec, (d) '8: second 18. ,unction of heart in human body (a) work like pumping machine, (b) To relase energy, (c) To increase temperature, (d) none of these 19. .ongest artery found in the body of human (a) $enaca1a, (b) Arota, (c) 0apillaries, (d) $entricle 20. Purification of blood is called (a) .ung, (b) !eart, (c) 2idney, (d) .i1er 21. Artificial purification of blood is called (a) >ylisis, (b) !emoglobin, (c) Bsmosis, (d) Pyralysis 22. 3ed colour of blood is due to presence of (a) Plasma, (b) !aemoglobin, (c) 350, (d) W50 23. 4etal present in haemoglobin (a) 0opper, (b) Iron, (c) 4agnese, (d) Cinc 24. !aemoglobin is an important component of (a) 350, (b) W50, (c) Platletes, (d) 0ytoplasm 25. 0oagulation of blood do not occur inside human body due to presence of (a) !aemoglobin, (b) heparin, (c) ,ibrinogen, (d) none of these 26. 3ed blood corpuscles is also known as

v i s i t u s : w w w . g u p t a c la s s e s . c o m e - m a i l : a l o k g u p t a 9 3 1 9 @ g m a il . c o m

(a) "rythorocytes, (b) .eucocytes, (c) Thrombocphils, (d) "sinophils 27. 4ain function of white blood corpuscles is (a) Transport of 0B;, (b) Transport of o@ygen, (c) To produce immune system of body, (d) none of these 28. .ife of red blood cells in the body (a) &' days, (b) =;' days, (c) (&* days, (d) 7&* days 29. 5lood group which ha1e no antibodies (a) A, (b) 5, (c) A5, (d) B 30. 5lood group which ha1e both antibodies (a) A, (b) 5, (c) A5, (d) B 31. 5lood group which ha1e no antigen (a) A, (b) 5, (c) A5, (d) B 32. Antigen is a substance which (a) .ower body temperatures, (b) >estroys harmful bacteria, (c) Triggers the immune system, (d) Is used as an antidote to poison 33. 4ain function of antibodies is against (a) /nfa1arouble en1ironment, (b) >uring deficiency of nutrient, (c) >uring infection, (d) none of these 34. A person with DA5E blood group is sametimes called a uni1ersal recipient because of the (a) .ack of antigen in his blood, (b) .ack of antibodies in his blood, (c) .ack of both antigen and antibodies in his blood, (d) Presence of antibodies in his blood 35. <lucose le1el in blood is commonly e@pressed as (a) mm of !g, (b) 4iligram per deciliter, (c) Parts per million, (d) <arm (mg?d=) per liter 36. Which blood group is a uni1ersal recipient? (a) A, (b) 5, (c) A5, (d) B 37. Which of the following blood group is uni1ersal doner (a) 5, (b) B, (c) A, (d) A5 38. If the father ha1e blood group DA5E and mother ha1e blood group D5E then blood group which is not possible in their child? (a) A5, (b) 5, (c) A, (d) B 39. If father ha1e blood group DAE and mother ha1e blood group DBE which one of following blood group may present in their son? (a) 5, (b) A5, (c) B, (d) 5, A5 F B 40. Person ha1ing blood group D5 can donate the blood to person ha1ing group (a) A and B, (b) 5 and B, (c) A and A5, (d) 5 and A5 41. Anaemia is due to deficiency of (a) 0a, (b) ,e, (c) 4g, (d) P 42 $itamin 2 is re6uired for (a) 5lood clotting, (b) 3espiration, (c) 0arbohydrate metabolism, (d) 0alcium phosphorus 43. Which part of brain is center of thirst hunger and sleep (a) !ypothlmus, (b) 0erebellum, (c) 0erebrum, (d) 4edulla oblangata 44. .arges part of human brain is (a) 0erebellum, (b) 0erebrum, (c) Blfactory labbe, (d) 4id brain 45. The longest cells of human body (a) White blood corpuscles, (b) 3ed blood cells, (c) %euron cell, (d) none of these 46. ,ood is con1erted into energy in which of the cellular organelles of cell (a) %ucleus, (b) .ysosome, (c) 3ibosome, (d) 4itochondria 47. 0omplete o@idation of sucrose in presence of o@ygen into 0B; water and energy is called (a) Aerobic respiration, (b) Anaerobic respiration, (c) <lycolysis, (d) !ydrolysis 48. "nd product of Anaerobic respiration (a) 0B; F water, (b) ,umeric acid, (c) .actic acid, (d) Pyru1ic acid 49. >ialysis is used to perform the function of (a) .ung, (b) !eart, (c) .i1er, (d) 2idney 50. +weating is important for (a) impro1ement of normal health, (b) to open the pore of skin, (c) to control the temperature of body,(d) To e@cret the smell of body 51. .argest gland found in man (a) Pancrease, (b) .i1er, (c) 2idney, (d) Intestine 52. In the human body which structure is the appendi@ attached to?

(a) .arge intestine, (b) The small intestine, (c) The gall bladder, (d) The stomach 53. Which one of following is not a digesti1e en#yme in human system? (a) Trypsin, (b) <astrin, (c) Ptylin, (d) Pepsin 1 6 11. 16. 21. 26. 31. 36. 41. 46. 51. a # # " a a ! # " ! " 2 7 12. 17. 22. 27. 32. 37. 42. 47. 52. " ! " ! " # # " a a a Answer shee 3 ! 8 # 13. # 18. a 23. " 28. " 33. # 38. ! 43. a 48. # 53. " 4 9 14. 19. 24. 29. 34. 39. 44. 49. " # a " a # " # " ! 5 10 15 20. 25. 30. 35. 40 45. 50. # " a a " ! " ! # $

Plan Phisiology 1. >uring rainy seasons door made up of wood swell up due to (a) >iffusion, (b) Bsmosis, (c) Inbibition, (d) Plasmolysis 2. The process in which loss of water occur in the form of water 1apour through aerial part of plant is (a) Plasma lemma, (b) 0ytoplasm, (c) 0ell wall, (d) none of these 3. The ma@imum loss of water in transpiration is from (a) .enticles, (b) 0uticle, (c) +tomata, (d) !ydothodes 4. The process of taking in 0B; by plant and releasing B; is component of (a) Transpiration, (b) 3espiration, (c) "ndosmosis, (d) Photosynthesis 5. Which of following is essential for photosynthesis (a) 0arbon dio@ide, (b) 0hlorophy II, (c) +un light, (d) All of these 6. Which one of the following gas comes out during photosynthesis (a) B@ygen, (b) 0arbondio@ide, (c) !ydrogen, (d) 0hlorine 7. The o@ygen in photosynthesis is released form (a) 0B;, (b) !;B, (c) 5oth 0B; and !;B, (d) 0hlorophy II 8. Photosynthesis is fastest in (a) 5lue light, (b) +un light, (c) 3ed light, (d) <reen light 9. 3ate of photosynthesis is minimum (a) 3ed light, (b) yellow light, (c) 5lue light,(d) <reen light 10. Which gas is essintial for photosynthesis (a) B;, (b) 0B;, (c) %;, (d) 0B 11. .ea1es are green because they (a) Absorb green light,(b) >o not absorb but reflect green light, (c) /tilise green light, (d) Absorb and reflect green light 12. ,lant purify air during (a) Photosynthesis, (b) 3espiration, (c) Transpiration, (d) >esiceation 13. Photosynthesis is (a) Photochemical process, (b) 0hemical process, (c) B@idation process, (d) 3eduction process 14. 3espiration is (a) "ndothermic process, (b) "@othermic process, (c) Anabolic process, (d) "ndagenic process 15. In anaerobic respiration (a) B@ygen is absorbed, (b) B@ygen is released, (c) 0arbon dio@ide is released, (d) 0arbon dio@ide is absorbed 16. respiration is found in (a) in all li1ing cell in light, (b) All li1ing cell in dark, (c) In all li1ing cell both in light and dark, (d) Bnly in non green cells both in light and dark 17. ,ood products are kept in cold storage or refrigeration in order to (a) 4ake them tasty, (b) /se in off season, (c) 4aintenance of freshness, longe1ity and teste due to low respiration, (d) 2eep them cool 18. The instrument by which rate of growth of plant is measured (a) !ydrometer, (b) Au@anometer, (c) Bsmometer, (d) Potometer Answer shee 1 # 2 # 3 # 4 ! 5 !

v i s i t u s : w w w . g u p t a c la s s e s . c o m e - m a i l : a l o k g u p t a 9 3 1 9 @ g m a il . c o m

6 11. 16.

a " #

7 12. 17.

" a #

8 13. 18.

# ! "

9 14.

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10 15

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%i#ro &rganism 1. +tudy of microorganism is called (a) 5iology, (b) 4icrobiology, (c) 4icroscopic, (d) %one of these 2. 4icroorganisms are seen only with (a) Bpen eye, (b) %aked eye, (c) 4icroscope, (d) none 3. $iruses are (a) 0omplete saprophytes, (b) Partial parasites, (c) Partial saprophytes, (d) Total parasite 4. <enetic material of a 1irus is (a) >%A,(b) 3%A,(c) "ither >%A or 3%A, (d) 5oth >%A and 3%A 5. +mallest form of bacteria is called (a) $ibrio,(b) 0occi, (c) 5acilli, (d) +pirilla 6. +mallest organism which cause disease (a) 5acteria, (b) $irus, (c) 4ycoplasm, (d) All 7. 5acteria which is found in the intestine of human (a) "scherichia coli, (b) $ibrio cholerae, (c) 5acillus antherosis, (d) 0orynebacterium diphtheriae 8. %ame of bactria which cause tuberculosis (a) 4ycobacterium tuberculosis, (b) $ibrio cholrae, (c) 5acillus coli, (d) "scherichia coli 9. <enerally antibiotic are formed from (a) ,ungi, (b) $irus, (c) 5acteria, (d) Angiosperm 10. 5acteria helpful in making curd from milk (a) 4ycobacterium, (b) +taphlio 0occus, (c) .acto bacillus, (d) Geast 11. The disease AI>+ is caused by (a) 5acteria, (b) ,ungi, (c) $irus, (d) Proto#oan 12. "@panded form of !I$ is (a) !uman immune 1irus, (b) !uman immunity deficiency 1irus, (c) !uman immune deficiency syndrome 1irus, (d) none of these 13. "@panded form of AI>+ is (a) Ac6uired immune deficiency syndrome, (b) Ac6uired deficiency syndrome, (c) Ac6uired immunity syndrome, (d) Ac6uired incapability, 14. !I$ $irus destroy (a) 350, (b) TH7 .ymphoytes, (c) %euron, (d) none of these 15. >isease caused by !I$ (a) Tuberculosis, (b) 0ancer, (c) Ac6uired immune deficiency syndrome,(d) none of these 16. What is +A3+ (a)An organi#ation, (b) A disease caused by 1irus, (c) A disease caused by bacteria, (d) 0arbohydrate F %ucleic acid 17. Anthra@ is caused by (a) $irus, (b) 5acteria, (c) 4ycoplasm, (d) Algae 18. In bakery when yeast is added in kneaded flour it become soft and spongy due to (a) Geast produce ben#oic acid, (b) Production of 0B; makes the bread spongy, (c) Geast makes the flour soft, (d) Geast produce acetic acid and alcohol which makes the bread soft 19. Geast is an important sources of (a) $itamin I0, (b) $itaminH5, (c) $itaminHA, (d) $itaminH> 20. Geast is used in bakery in the preparation of bread because (a) It make on bread hard, (b) It make bread soft and spongy, (c) It increase the food and 1alue of bread, (d) It keep the bread fresh 21. .itmus paper used in laboratory obtained from (a) <reen algae, (b) 5lueHgreen algae, (c) .ichen, (d) ,ungi 22. >og bite can cause rabies8 Which among the following other animals can also cause rabies? (a) >onkey, (b) bat, (c) !orse, (d) 0rocidile 23. Which microorganism causes hepatitis 5? (a) $irus, (b) Proto#oa, (c) 5acteria, (d) %one 24. 5at can fly in dark because they (a) ha1e strong wings, (b) ha1e sharp eyes, (c) produce ultrasonic wa1es 25. Which of the following animals breathes through the skin? (a) ,ish, (b) Pigion, (c) ,rog, (d) 0ockroach Heal h' (isease an! )u ri ion

1. Which one of the following is considered as the drug of last resort for human being? (a) Penicillin, (b) Tetracycline, (c) 0hloramphenical, (d) +treptomycin 2. People drinking water from a shallow hand pump are likely to suffer from all of following disease e@cept (a) 0holera, (b) Typhoid, (c) -aundice, (d) ,luorosis 3. 4atch .istHI with .istHII and select the correct answer using the code gi1en below .istHI .istHII (Brganism) A8 4alaria =8 ,ungi 58 Poliomyelitis ;8 5acteria 08 Tuberculosis (8 $irus >8 3ing worm 78 Proto#oa 4. Which of the following lead to malnutrition? (a) B1ernutrition, (b) /nder nutrition, (c) Imbalance nutrition +elect the correct answer by code (a) ; alone, (b) ; F (, (d) = F (, (d) =, ;, F ( 5. 0onsumption of fish is considered to be healthy compared to flesh of other animals because fish contain (a) Polyunsaturated fatty acids, (b) +aturated fatty acid, (d) "ssential 1itamins, (d) 4ore carbohydrate proteins 6. 4atch .ist I with .istHII and select the correct answer using the codes gi1en below the lists .istHI (>isease) .istHII(Part of human body) A8 0onJuncti1itis =8 "ye 58 >ermatitis ;8 -oints 08 <out (8 +kin >8 4eningitis 7 +pinal cord 0ode A 5 0 > (a) ; 7 = ( (b) = ( ; 7 (c) ; ( = 7 (d) = 7 ; ( 7. 4atch .ist I with .istHII and select the correct answer using the codes gi1en below the lists .istHI (>isease) .istHII(Part of human body) A8 $itamin A =8 Assists in normal reproducti1e function 58 $itamin 0 ;8 Assists in absorption and metabolism of calcium 08 $itamin > (8 "ssential for healthy skin and normal 1ision >8 $itamin 5=; 7 "ssential for formation of collages *8 "ssential for 3ed blood cell formation 0ode A 5 0 > (a) ; = * 7 (b) ( 7 ; * (c) ( ; 7 = (d) ; = ( * 8. The wounds of face bleed profusely because (a) of its rich 1ascularity, (b) It is close to heart, (c) Its skin is soft, (d) >ue to fast contraction of facial muscle 9. Which one of the following insects spreads kalaHa#ar? (a) ,ruit fly, (b) Tsetse fly, (c) +and fly, (d) 4os6ito 10. $irus of bird flue is also known as (a) %! *=, (b) %! =*, (c) %=! *, (d) % * != 11. Insects that can transmit diseases to human are referred to as Insects that can transmit diseases to human are referred to as (a) 0arriers, (b) 3eser1oirs, (c) $ectors, (d) Incubators 12. 4atch listHI (>isease) with .istHII (>eficiency causing them) using the code gi1en below the list .ist .ist II A8 3ickets =8 $itamin > 58 5eriberi ;8 $itamin 5=; 08 %ight blindness (8 $itamin A >8 +cur1y 78 $itamin 0 0ode A 5 0 > (a) = ; ( 7 (b) 7 ; ( = (c) ( ; = 7 (d) 7 ( ; =

v i s i t u s : w w w . g u p t a c la s s e s . c o m e - m a i l : a l o k g u p t a 9 3 1 9 @ g m a il . c o m

1 6 11.

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2 7 12.

! " a

Answer shee 3 a 4 8 a 9

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5 10

a !

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