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SUBJECT SYLLABUS 1. Course Identity a. Course Name b. Course Code c. Credit hours d. Semester e. Course Category ".

Study Program#Program g. Course status h. Pre&re'uisite i. !ecturer : Statistika Terapan : PS 603 :3 :1 :M ! : $ng%ish $ducation Program#!inguistics : Compu%sory : None : (adang Sudana M.).* Ph.(.


Course Objective +pon the comp%etion o" this sub,ect* students are e-pected to i. understand the basic concepts in statistics* ii. be ab%e to app%y those concepts* iii. "ee% con"ident reading academic reports emp%oying statistics* i/. be ab%e to use a correct statistica% data ana%ysis procedure* and /. be ab%e to use computer so"t0are "or statistica% data ana%ysis. Course escri!tion Statistika Terapan PS 603 0i%% use statistics as a too% "or %anguage study. 1t introduces students to basic concepts in statistics. The topics se%ected are the ones that he%p students ha/e a "irm grasp o" the nature o" statistica% ana%ysis. These inc%ude the nature o" statistica% data* types o" sca%es* se/era% concepts common%y used in descripti/e statistics to describe samp%es. Students are a%so introduced to the concept o" in"erentia% statistics and gi/en the opportunity to app%y their ac'uired kno0%edge and ski%%s to critica%%y re/ie0 the 0ork o" others emp%oying statistica% ana%ysis. 2urthermore* they are introduced to SPSS to ana%y3e data. Le#rnin$ A!!ro#c%es C%asses 0i%% be organi3ed on a discussion&basis* 0here students 0i%% be re'uired to undertake reading o" topics "rom the prescribed te-tbook prior to the discussions. To0ards the end o" the semester* students 0i%% ha/e a presentation based on thier mini research pro,ect. Assess'ent Participation A research-based essay o" 4000 & 3000 0ords ) presentation o" the essay 2ina% Test The research&based essay on 6eek 711 405 305 405 305





)ee*+y sy++#bus Week #1: Introduction to the course 1n this "irst meeting* upon the presentation o" the course ob,ecti/es and out%ine* an o/er/ie0 o" issues re%ated to the nature o" statistics and its uses "or %anguage education and the nature o" academic in'uiry is discussed. Week #2: Types of variable and scales of measurement Natura%%y a phenomenon may in/o%/e se/era% /ariab%es. 1n doing research it is not a%0ays possib%e to put a%% /ariab%es in/o%/ed into consideration. So* "or se/era% reasons it is nenecessary to %imit their number. This session discusses types o" /ariab%es and their re%ationship and the sca%es used "or their measurement. Week # : !isplayin" data and data description (ata that has been co%%ected needs to be proper%y disp%ayed "or c%ear description. This session dea%s 0ith important issues o" disp%aying and describing data. Week ##: Standardi$ed scores% theory of probability% and normal distribution Scores cannot ,ust be direct%y compared one to another in a meaning"u% 0ay. To make meaning"u% comparison* scores need to be turned into standardi3ed ones. Statistics is bui%t on the probabi%ity princip%es and the concept o" norma% distribution. )%% these issues o" standardi3ed scores* probai%ity* and norma% distribution are discussed in this session. Week #&: Introducin" inferential statistics: comparin" t'o means ( t-test Statistics can be used not on%y to describe data but it can a%so be used to in"er something beyong the obser/ed and measured data. This in"erence is the "unction o" in"erentia% statistics one o" 0hich is t-test. This statistica% ca%cu%ation is use"u% "or comparing 4 means.

Week #): *omparin" means: Anova 6hen more than t0o means are compared* anova is the appropriate statistica% ca%cu%ation to make in"erence about the popu%ation. Week #+: Statistical test of nominal data: *hi-s,uare Not a%% 'uantitati/e data ha/e mathemetica% /a%ues. Some data are measuered in terms o" its being e-ist or not e-ist. These nomina% data need specia% statistica% test to "ind their re%ationship. Chi&s'uare is the appropriate statistica% test to dea% 0ith nomina% data. Week #-: Implicational scalin" 8ne 0ay o" kno0ing the %anguage %earning process is to %ook at the process o" %inguistics item ac'uisition care"u%%y. 91mp%icationa% sca%ing gi/es us a more re"%ection o" the process* a more systematic 0ay o" describing the data: ;<atch and 2arhady* 1=>4: 1?@.. Week #.: *orrelational analysis Ae%ationships bet0een /ariab%es o" a phenomenon may be in terms o" corre%ation 0hich does not in/o%/e a cause and e""e"ct re%ationship. The corre%ationa% ana%ysis is the correct procedures to dea% 0ith this type o" re%ationship Week #1/: Simple linear re"ression 1t is possib%e to predict a sub,ectB score on a particu%ar /ariab%e "rom the kno0n sub,ectBs score on another /ariab%e pro/ided the coe""icient o" corre%ation bet0een the scores is gi/en. Simp%e %inear regression ana%ysis uses the %ogic o" kno0ing the corre%ation coe""icient to predict a per"ormance o" a sub,ect on a particu%ar /ariab%e based on the kno0n one. Week #11: Student presentation Aesearch based essay is due. Students start presenting their papers. Week #12: Student presentation Students present their papers. Week #1 : Student presentation Students present their papers. Week #1#: Student presentation Students present their papers. Week #1&: Introduction to S0SS Students ha/e "irst hand practice using SPSS to dea% 0ith statistica% data ana%ysis. Week #1): 1inal Test ,. 1. -e.erences

Prescribed textbook <atch* $. and <ossein 2arhady. 1=>4. 2esearch !esi"n and Statistics for Applied 3in"uistics4 Ao0%ey: Ne0bury <ouse Pub%isher. Recommended Readings Cro0n* D. (. 1=>>. 5nderstandin" 2esearch in Second 3an"ua"e 3earnin"4 Cambridge: Cambridge +ni/ersity Press. Coo%idge* 2. !. 4000. Statistics: a "entle introduction4 !ondon: Sage Pub%ication. <atch* $. )nd )nne !a3araton. 1==1. !esi"n and Statistics for Applied 3in"istics4 Coston: <ein%e F <ein%e. McC%a/e* Dames T. and Terry Sincich* 400=. Statistics* e%e/enth edition* Ne0 Dersey: Pearson $ducation. Nunan* (. 1==4. 2esearch 6ethods in 3an"ua"e 3earnin"4 Cambridge: Cambridge +ni/ersity Press. Se%iger* <. 6. )nd $%ana Shohamy. 1=>=. Second 3an"ua"e 2esearch 6ethod4 8-"ord: 8-"ord +ni/ersity Press. Sud,ana.400@. 6etoda Statistika4 Candung: Tarsito. Sugiyono. 1==?. Statistika untuk 0enelitian4 Candung: )%"abeta. 6oods* )* Pau% 2%etcher* and )rthur <ughes. 1=>6. Statistics in 3an"ua"e Studies4 Cambridge: Cambridge +ni/ersity Press.

4. 3. E. @. 6. ?. >. =. 10.

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