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Numerical Model andtransformationof Energyina

How is it possible to have a change of energy from observable to unobservable and vice
versa, and implication in the transmission of information.
Guido Massa Finoli
IT Advisor
Rome, Italy
Abstract Our goal is to demonstrate, using the recursive
bicyclic for the representation of the systems and their analogy
with the numerical model, which behind the identity quantum,
there is a form of energy not observable. And as the same system
can change its energy, transforming the observable energy in
unobservable and vice versa, without there being a real exchange
of energy with the outside. Also, if this model is valid, could give
us a significant contribution to the instantaneous transmission of
Keywordsrecursive bicyclic; identical entities; quantum
systems; classicsystems; observableenergy; unobservableenergy.;
Contemporary physics has described up to now only
systems where a transformation is measurable through an
absorption or emission of energy, and through an exchange of
particles with the outside. We think that there is another way
of processing of the systems, until now only touched, by the
scientific analysis, it is a transformation of the system without
exchange of particles and energy with the outside. We assume
the existence of a new process, until now never studied, that
transforms energy that is not observable, in observable energy
and vice versa. There are many complex processes, that we
cannot explain with the physics as we know. This new idea
could explain many singular events, but it do not comes from
physics, and we must recognize that if the physics is lacking
until now of an important part as the study of singularity , it is
because it could not find within itself this idea. It is out of it,
as well as the first concept of astronomy is came from the
geometry also this idea, comes from the numeric model of
mathematics. It could be a first step to understanding these
A. Premisses - Recursive and Measures
As I have expressed in other studies [1], the starting point is
the possibility of a mathematical model that allow us to
describe the physical phenomena in their aspect of complexity,
and that allows us to highlight the deep interconnection that
measures of a system have between them. The premises of this
work can be summarized as follows:
- The measurement can be described as an invariant ,
represented by a recursive loop.
- The recursive loop can be expressed by a double
operator. This dual operator is the space of measures of
the system and the functions that cover these measures (
space and space )[2].
- This bicyclic structure can be immersed in a relativistic
reference system and where is the uncertainty principle
of Heisenberg.
- In it, through the use of the transform , we can
interpret some quantum principles, including the
identity of the measures, the entangled synchronism,
the superposition of states.
Through this interpretative model, we can delineate a new
way to represent the energy of a system, and in particular the
energy not observable. In this way it becomes conceptually
simple hypothesize a transformation from unobservable energy
to observable energy and vice versa. Subsequent work, from
such premises, attempts to show how this could be possible.
B. Numerical Mode, bicyclic recursive and Systems
In general, we can say that an element is differentiated when it
is locatable in space and time. A quantum superposition
occurs when two or more elements are located at the same
instant S/T, this determines the increase of frequency of a
certain state compared to other measurable. Also means that
identical items, of the same state, can be measured only in
chronological order, i.e. they are diachronic. As we have seen,
if we measure
z as
z , we could say that there will be a factor
of incommensurability, which presents itself as an imaginary
value. We can consider a system consisting of 9 items by a
bicyclic recursive in the S/T. 9 elements are all distinguishable
even if in the first cycle are synchronous, this may happen
because the functions of which they lie are distinguishable and
this synchronism is local[3]. Now we want to define the
elements of such a system from the point of view of energy;
give, to each element, an energy value and see what happens
in the case of elements which are identical or different, in a
time instant. We construct an energy system of reference in
the following way. Rotate the axis S/T of 45 degrees, so you
have the energy variation E on the Y axis, and on the X-axis,
time variation T. As shown below:
In a classic system (CS) all values will be distinguishable as
T, to make the idea of this, we must consider that the values
1 2 3
; ; z z z are not perfectly aligned with those of
4 5 6
; ; z z z .If
we assume
1 5 9
( ; ; ) z z z , that have the energy level e, then
2 6
( ; ) z z they will have the energy level e + e, and so level
4 8
( ; ) z z , e - e. The result will be that systems CS, will have
elements (and orbits) differentiated, the whole energy level
will be 9
E e = . The system has all its measured states
different. If, instead, they are aligned (as shown) and
correlated, then the instant
T will measure only or e + e or
e - e, And, in this case, the total energy measured, will be:
6 4
E e e = A (1)
In this case, the system appears correlated in a certain instant,
in such a way that only one of the states in it present, in the
particular instant, is measurable. In fact, other states are really
present, because the energy of the system cannot have virtual
entities (they are not identical), but they are related entities
instantly. Also in this case, they give rise to all the effects to a
quantum system QS, in this way we can measure only one
state at time. The thing is different if, instead, we have
identical elements in the same instant, in this case we have
only one real measurement, the other or the others are virtual,
as is demonstrated by the transformation . So in the case of
different states, measured at the same instant, they occur in all
respects as real, and they can be locally synchronous, as in the
systems CS, or are instantly synchronic and in such case will
arise correlated (as happens in the quantum systems)[2]. This
means that the only case in which we have energy
unobservable in the system, is always when we have identical
elements in the same instant in time. Otherwise, what will
measure is a variation interval, or range, of real energy (or
C. Measures in in the Classics System and in the Quantum
We define a Classical System (CS) as a system in which each
element is derivable in space time (S / T). In an instant, S/T,
you can only make a measurement, this means that there can
not be two identical measures at the same time, but there may
be 2 or more different sizes, synchronize locally. So the
properties of classical-relativistic tell us that if we have in the
T, 2 measurements at the same time, they will be changed in
S, if we have in S, two measurements of the same S, will be
changed to T. As we have already seen, if the measures are
identical, then only one of them will be true, the other possible
measures must be seen as virtual. If, however, there are
various measures (located in different S), namely that we have
a change of S, then we would have real measurements
between them, but alternative or coexisting. They may have a
local synchrony, or instantly synchronic (or entangled), the
first property is classic, the second is quantistic. If we have a
system with 2 or more identical measures at the same instant
in time, the system will have quantum characteristics, and will
submit, according to our model, the virtual energy or not
observable. We can formalize the types of our measurements
as follows:
1) Measures separated in space and time, this means that the
measure of an element does not interfere with the
measurement of the other, and after that the two measurements
have been carried out we can verify a possible synchronization
that will always be of local type. We call the CS.
2) At the same time instant, we have identical measures. The
principle of real measurements is or S in T or T in S, so if
we have 2 or more S in T, we can have only one real measure
and the others are virtual[4]. In this case we have a system
with 2 or more identical elements and the measure is always
probabilistic. This is what we call the QS.
3) In the instant T, the system has different measures but their
time is not local, but instantaneous. The measurements made,
are real but they are instantly connected, is an instantly
correlated system, which has quantum properties.. It usually is
always presented along with case 2), giving rise to the systems
QS. The kind 1) is present in Figure 5), each element is
different at the instant T and local synchronized, identical
elements are in different instants. A representation, in terms of
the energy grid and numerical model, would give us a result
like this:
In this case, we have a system described by a recursive loop,
where each element at time T is distinct from another, and on
the basis of the interpretation that we have given through the
transform . The elements distinguishable from the previous
cycle, must fall in the upper section of the dial S/ T, which is
also an energetic quadrant. In this case we have 9 sizes
distinguishable in the S/T, the system is fully determined in its
components, the states at the same time are locally
synchronous. In the instant
T we have 3 possible states
measurable ( )
1 2 3
, , e e e , and so the instant
T and
T , if the
3 states are locally synchronous, they coexist and their
measures do not interfere with each other. The system thus
outlined is a CS system.
Now, what happens if, according to the transformed , one of
the elements falls in the lower part of the dial, in this case the
element is measured as identical to the previous one, but it can
not stay in the same quadrant of the former, then it will be a
virtual element. The elements of the lower part of the dial are
presented as virtual elements in the instant T. Thus we will
In this case, the system does not present itself more locally
synchronous, but overlapped, the overlap will involve all
elements of the system and in particular the instant
T , we
will have the measure
e or
e , but
e has twice as likely to
be measured. The system will be as QS, will be a system not
more deterministic but probabilistic, as are the quantum
systems. So the presence of the identical item has made the
system correlated, or only in the single instant or totally, is no
longer possible to have a local synchronization (so we have,
generally, that the case 2) and case 3), are always in the same
system). We interpret, now these two situations in terms of
energy. In the first case the energy of the whole system is
observable. The energy of CS will be:
1 2 3
3 3 3 E e e e = + + (2)
so that the entire energy of the system will be real and
observable. It will be:
E E = (3)
In the second case (without case 3), a particle exists only
virtually and then his energy will not be real but virtual and
therefore we have:
1 2 2 3
3 3 2 E e e ie e = + + + (4)
Mind you that the virtual energy is present only for identical
particles, not for different ones in the same instant in time. If
we have a CS system, and if they are instantaneous correlated,
we have a real measure in different instants, as in QS (we can
call a system CS correlated, without identical particles, as CSq
or QSq)[6]. In the case CS, energy corresponds to the
observed particles, no energy is present as unobservable. In
the case of QS, we have particles identical, synchronic they
are in the form of energy, not observable, while the different
particles in the same time instant, define a range of variation
of energy observable of the system. So different particles,
correlated at the same time, present themselves as a change in
the observable energy. Instead the identical particles measured
at the same time, will always remain in their virtual
dimension, and will represent the energy of the system is not
In summary if the system is QS then it means that there are
identical particles in the system, if there are then the system
has virtual energy, as energy that is not observable. From
E E E = + (5)
The energy of a system QS is always determined by its energy
composed in observable and unobservable energy.
If a system is CS, then all the energy will always kind of
observable, so the energy not observable is always 0.
E E = (6)
Our numerical recursive-model tells us that an event to be
observed, in the S/T, must be a recursive bicyclic, or should be
symmetrical (in S/T). This means that all phenomena in space-
time have analogy with the multiple numbers, and this must be
valid in the phenomenon of CS type or QS type. In the
previous case the system CS, with 9 elements distinguishable
QS, becomes a system with 8 elements and one virtual
distinguishable, the structure that follows is still symmetrical
in S/T even if it has a double element (virtual). So to still be
observable in S/T it must be an element of A), must be a
recursive bicyclic represented by a number divisible, and so
we have:
A system with 8 elements and one double distinguishable,
will be observable in the S/T, but, at the same time, will have
characteristics of quantum correlation, such a system will be
specify with the QSC-8 and will be different from CS-8,
where there will be 8 elements, not correlated and without
duplicate components. The QSC-8 will have unobservable
energy, but it will be represented and observable in the S/T.
While an CSq-8, will have only observable energy.
The situation is completely different if the system with 9e will
have, instead, 2 double elements, in this case the resulting
system with 7 distinct elements will no longer be represented
by a recursive bicyclic, will no longer be symmetrical in S/T.
Systems with prime numbers of distinguishable elements will
have this feature, they are no longer part of the fabric S/T, the
analogy with the numerical model tells us that they are no
longer part of the pattern A). They become tears in the fabric
S/ T, with a singularity, with quantum characteristics; we will
call these systems QSS. This means that their entire energy
becomes unobservable, they are black holes in the fabric S/T.
But unlike what we observe in our physics of the visible, they
are also generated as new elements into the fabric S/T. In
them, are cancelled but also recreated new systems in the S/T,
as a life cycle, which originates from a parallel model to the
Model A), a model of the primes.
At this point we are able to describe how it can be an increase
in energy of the system without energy exchange with the
outside. Consider the previous case and we define for
simplicity that the energy
3 e e = , as well as
2 e e = and
e e = , also we will have to make the two systems CS-9 and
QSC-8 compatible in order to be comparable, this means that
we must consider them correlated to single instant. So we have
that the total energy of CSq-9 will be given by:
6 3 E e e = (7)
Then the energy measures on the system will fluctuate from
3rd to 9th[5]. This is all the energy of the system observable,
if we consider QSC-8, which is the same system with an
identical element, then the total energy will be observed: (8)
6 (2 3 ) E e e e = + v so what we observe is a little variation
in the range of oscillation of observable energy, but this is the
proof that the system, that we consider, has identical elements
and, therefore, with unobservable energy.
A system transformed from CSq-9 to QS-8 will have, for
example, the peak of maximum energy decreased, in general,
a narrow range of energy. A transformation from QS-8 to
CSq-9 will be the opposite. As you can see, the system does
not absorb energy from the outside, but it changes the state of
the particles they contain, and they are defined only by their
symmetry in the S/T.
The transition from one system to other causes a change of
observable energy without energy exchange with the outside.
So when we measure the transformation from QSC-8 to CSq-
9, we see the system that increases its energy, despite having
no signal of energy generation. The thing may occur in the
transformation between QS to QS, or between CS and QS, can
not, however, occur between CS and CS. In this case each
variation energy must always be accompanied by an emission
or absorption of particles. Another type of transformation is
that QSC or CS to QSS, ultimately in the system turns into a
singularity and disappears as an observable system in the
fabric S/T. All the observable energy becomes unobservable,
the system collapses on itself. If, for example, QSC-8 assumes
another particle identical, the states differentiable are not 8 but
7, and in our model, a system with a prime number of states
differentiable are not more representable by a bicyclic, then
the system is no longer part of fabric S/T. It becomes a
singular event and its energy is not observable, but if such a
situation can have correspondence with real physical
phenomena, more hard is to imagine a situation contrary.
Where a singular event quantum QSS-7 is transformed into
QSC-8 or CSq-9, in this case what we will see is a creation
from almost nothing of an event or system in the S/T. But in
reality, in hindsight, is this not what happened with the origin
of the universe? And there could not be for all the time, in the
Universe, micro phenomena of this kind?
What we have is an unobservable energy that, in part or all, is
transformed into observable.
Even in these two cases, the system has no energy exchange
with the outside, or the part of observable energy is
transformed into unobservable energy or, in the contrary case,
the unobservable energy becomes observable energy. In these
cases the total energy can remain always the same.
E E E = + (9)
But even his change does not affect the transformation of
energy in observable-unobservable.
If our model is valid then it could be explained a number of
phenomena that are not understood or are difficult to reconcile
with the theoretical foundations of contemporary physics.
However, it remains a key issue to explain, how it is possible a
change of state of system from itself, so as to take it to a CS
system to a system QS?
It is in the topology of the conditions that trigger of recursive
that we find the explanation of why a system is presented as
CS or QS as well as how it can change. We will use another
job to explain how this could happen, here we limit ourselves
to consider that the trigger of recursive not only represent the
initial conditions of a Hamiltonian, but also, in addition, the
observable energy and , if it exists, unobservable energy.
A. On the possibility of an instantaneous transmission
Got a recursive 9(x), that represents any physical system CS
in a certain instant of time. We hypothesize that such a system
is made up of 6 elements, distributed as follows:
Fig. 7
As represented in figure, we assume to have an observer OB1
of the system and an OB2 (as in the rectangle) able to detect in
its reference system, the presence of the P6 (in such a way that
does not interfere with the environment of the observer).
During the various cycles of the recursive, OB2 will see P6
that will move along a path, P6 will always be in relation with
the other elements of the system, but this, in a CS system, can
also be transparent for OB2. Now, what happens if this system
by CS turns into QS, and the identical particles are precisely
P5 and P6 ?
It will happen, as seen in Figure 3, the particle P6, becomes
virtual, in the instant in which P5 is measured, but this means
that it will disappear in the reference system of the OB2. In
fact, if the system is CS then all particles are observed without
interference, if the system becomes QS, with identical
elements P5 and P6, it means that we will have 2 elements P5
at the same time one of which is real and the other virtual. The
other identical element can only be measured after an interval
T, and in the same place the previous. Assume now that the
observer OB1 is able to manage the system, and is able to take
the CS to QS and then again in the CS. With a synchronization
of reading times for OB1 and OB2, we have:
If the observation is synchronized to that of the variation of
the system, it should follow that the particle P6 in OB2 will
disappear when the system goes into QS and then see it
reappear when you return to the CS, and this always and only
at the discretion of OB1. If such a model has value then we
will have a real instantaneous transmission of information
between two observers and absolutely impossible to intercept.
The aim is to give a physical explanation to identical measures
inside a recursive cycle[7]. We define a system given by the
recursive 9(x) with the module k = 7 (the states of the system
will be obtained from the successive sum of the cycle values).
Embedding such a system into a space-time representation, we
have the variations of the states
1 7
,..., S S on the x axis, and
the cycle intervals as identical time intervals on the ct axis
(where c = light speed and t = time)(see Fig.7). If we connect
the consecutive states, defined as such according to the
principle of minimum distance, we will have a series of
segments related to the S/T reference system.
Fig. 8
This graph illustrates the cycle of a system in space and time,
from the point of view of an observer measuring the states of
the invariant represented by recursive 9(x) (system reference
K with axis X-CT). For K reference, each point is the same
state of the system at different time instants, the segments
connecting these states will have different angles with respect
to the x axis. Let this angle be called angle . For simplicity
purposes, we extrapolate 2 states
k k
whose connecting
line forms an angle
o with the x axis. Now, let us consider
the two states as synchronic states in the reference system
Q(x,ct), i.e. the system where the x axis is obtained from the
line connecting the two states. Being our reference system
relativistic, there will be a light line that corresponds exactly
to the quadrant bisector. So we have the reference system
K(X, CT), shown in the picture, measuring invariant 9(x) in
its distinct and consecutive steps. The reference system Q, for
this observer, the cycle measures (all of these) will always
occur at the same time, i.e. measures are always synchronic
and related. For Q(x, ct), instead, only two consecutive states
(step by step) are related and synchronic. The transform
allows us to pass from the reference system K to the reference
system Q through the reference system Q. Through this
passage it is possible to identify correlated states of the cycle
that can be measured as identical. The measures will be taken
in relation with a single reference system, either Q or Q, at a
given time and with a single spatial dimension and the light
speed will be constant. The aim of this first part of the
transformation is to demonstrate how some states, though
always distinguishable in K, become identical in the reference
systems relativistic Q e Q, and their being identical cannot be
overcome in any way.
To obtain this transformation, we start from the observer on K.
We have to take into consideration that on the x axis we have
the distance between S, while on the ct we define the time
distance between 2 consecutive states in 9(x), and
conventionally = 1. If we indicate the distance
k k
on Q
as L and the distance on Q as L (we take for simple Q = K
as representation), according to the Lorenz transform of
special relativity, we obtain:
= = (11)
The tangent of angle ,
o = , represents the relative
speed of the two reference systems K (or Q) and Q (where the
two states are synchronic), in relation to the light speed. In
addition, this tangent represent the angular coefficient of the
line passing through the origin
S which finds the point
1 k
with ct = 1 (in Q), but it is evident that all the points in
the line will be the possible states consecutive to
S . What
remains invariant is the determination of the relative speed
between the two systems given by angle , i.e. by the
inclination of the line connecting the two consecutive states.
Therefore, the connecting line will be the x axis in the
reference system Q, where the two consecutive states will be
synchronic. The point is that, what said above is true up to a
value of
o < 45, and up to this point the values of L,
represent the distance between
S and
1 k
measured on K
with unit L of K, so L will remain reasonably smaller than L.
For = 0 L = L and the difference
1 k k
is max. But what
happens if the angle of the line connecting the two consecutive
states equals or exceeds 45?
If the reference system Q, where we see the two events as
synchronic, moves at a relativistic speed close to c, it is clear
that L tends to infinity. If angle
o > 45, we have a system
moving at speed even greater than the light speed. But we
have another way to interpret this interesting situation, angle
greater than 45, which we call
o , it gives us the line
connecting two states so close to each other with respect to S,
which we have considered to be same level. But, in relativistic
terms, this means that the two states are along the axis ct, and
therefore they are not two synchronic events but they are two
diachronic events having the same measure: it is a same
measure that appears in two different time instants. If we
divide the reference system Q with the line y = x, and we
consider the quadrant I of the upper section with < 45, it will
pass all lines of Q that will have two different states and
synchronistic. In the lower section, for > 45, will be the
mirror image of Q, which are the states of the system on ct
axis and not on x; and then will be diachronic in the time and
the same values as S, values on x. Now, if we complete the
transform taking Q onto a branch of the invariant; passing
through Q, state by state, it is covering all the cycle states, the
7 states of the example will be equal or different depending on
> 45 or < 45. According to our interpretation, we have S
as the variation between the states of the system, i.e.
2 1
| | S S S = A , and therefore in
( 45) Q o < we have S in the
instant t. While in
( 45) Q o > we have S in the range t.
As you can see, in the first part of the dial will have real
measurements, in the lower part of the dial, instead, the
measures imaginary, but they correspond to the real previous
measure. So when we have a measure in time T we can get
only one, real, the others, in the same time, are virtual. But
they will be real the next time, because they are measured as
identical only in diachronic time. Therefore, the value z ,
will be measured as a real value identical to the previous value
of the recursive sequence.
[1] G. Massa Finoli, Lineamenti per un nuovo modello interpretativo dei
sistemi complessi, 2012. The Self-generating Operator, Symmetry in a
Model of Primes and the Proof of a link in S/T Tears, 2013. Emergent
Properties, Identical Elements in a recursive loop and Systems with
unobservable energy, WORLDCOMP13, 2013
[2] The space is the space of discrete measures and countable. The space
is covering the measures defined by continuous functions.
[3] See The Self-generating Operator, Symmetry in a Model of Primes and
the Proof of a link in S/T Tears, A1, 2013
[4] Local Correlation: is the synchronism relativistic measurable through the
principle of constant speed of light. Instantaneous correlation: the
correlation is entangled, not measurable in a reference system
[5] This definition is derived from the application of the transform , to a
system defined by a recursive loop, with the principle of the exclusion of
the particles fermions.
[6] CSq and QSq, two systems are formed in the same way with different
elements instantly synchronized. But since this is a characteristic
quantum should be indicated as QSq.
[7] This appendix is located partly in A1.

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