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Iowa Early Learning Standards

Area 7 7.1 Physical Well-Being and Motor Development Healthy and Safe Living
Standard: Children understand healthy and safe living practices.

Benchmarks: The child: 1. Begins to recogni e and select healthy foods. !. "ollows healthy self#care routines $%rushing teeth and washing hands&. '. (e)onstrates safe %ehaviors regarding environ)ent $stranger* tornado* fire* traffic&* su%stances $drugs* poisons&* and o%+ects $guns* ,nives* scissors&.

Area 7 7.!

Physical Well-Being and Motor Development Play and Senses

Standard: Children engage in play to learn.

Benchmarks: The child: 1. -articipates in a variety of indoor and outdoor play activities that increase strength* endurance* and fle.i%ility. !. /ses sights* s)ells* sounds* te.tures* and tastes to discri)inate %etween* e.plore* and e.perience activities and )aterials.

Area 7 7.'

Physical Well-Being and Motor Development Large Motor Development

Standard: Children develop large )otor s,ills.

Benchmarks: The child: 1. Shows control and %alance in loco)otor s,ills* such as wal,ing running* +u)ping* hopping* )arching* galloping* and s,ipping. !. Shows a%ilities to coordinate )ove)ents with %alls* such as throwing* ,ic,ing* catching* and %ouncing.

Area 7 7.0

Physical Well-Being and Motor Development Fine Motor Development

Standard: Children develop fine )otor s,ills.

Benchmarks: The child: 1. /ses hand#eye coordination to perfor) self#help and fine#)otor tas,s with a variety of )anipulative )aterials. !. Shows increased s,ills in using scissors and writing tools for various learning activities.

Area 8 1.1

Approaches to Learning Curiosity and Initiative

Standard: Children e.press curiosity* interest* and initiative in e.ploring environ)ent* engaging in e.periences* and learning new

s,ills. Benchmarks: The child: 1. E.plores and e.periences activities and ideas with eagerness* fle.i%ility* i)agination* independence* and inventiveness. !. Choose to e.plore a variety of activities and e.periences with a willingness to try new challenges.

Area 8 1.!

Approaches to Learning Engagement and Persistence

Standard: Children purposefully choose and persist in e.periences and activities.

Benchmarks: The child: 1. -ersists in and co)pletes a variety of %oth caregiver# directed and self#initiated tas,s* activities* pro+ects* and e.periences. !. 2aintains concentration on a tas,.

Area 8 1.'

Approaches to Learning Problem Solving

Standard: Children de)onstrate strategies for reasoning and pro%le) solving.

Benchmarks: The child: 1. Shows interest in and finds a variety of solutions to 3uestions* tas,s* or pro%le)s. !. 4ecogni es and solves pro%le)s through active e.ploration* including trial and error* and through interactions and discussions with peers and caregivers.

Area 5.1

Social and !motional Development Self

Standard: Children e.press a positive awareness of self in ter)s of a%ilities* characteristics* and preferences. Benchmarks: The child: 1. E.presses sense of self in ter)s of specific a%ilities. !. E.presses needs* wants* and feelings in socially appropriate ways. '. Shows increasing confidence and independence in a variety of tas,s and routines* e.presses pride in acco)plish)ents.

Area 5.!

Social and !motional Development Self !egulation

Standard: Children show increasing a%ility to regulate their %ehavior e.press their e)otions in appropriate ways. Benchmarks: The child: 1. Shows increasing capacity to )onitor own %ehavior* following and contri%uting to classroo) procedures. !. /ses )aterials purposefully* safely* and respectfully. '. Begins to accept conse3uences of own actions. 0. 2anages transitions and changes to routines 6. States feelings* needs* and opinions in difficult situations without har)ing self* others* or property.

A"!A 5.'

Social and !motional Development !elationships "ith Caregivers

Standard: Children relate positively to caregivers who wor, with the).

Benchmarks: The child: 1. Interacts co)forta%ly with a range of fa)iliar caregivers. !. 7ccepts guidance* co)fort* and directions fro) a range of fa)iliar caregivers. '. Shows trust in fa)iliar caregivers. 0. See,s help as needed fro) fa)iliar caregivers.

A"!A 5.0

Social and !motional Development Peer Interactions

Standard: Children develop the a%ility to interact with peers respectfully and to for) positive peer relationships. The child: Sustains interactions with peers (evelops friendships with other peers 8egotiates with others to resolve disagree)ents Ta,es turns with others

Benchmarks: 1. !. '. 0.

Area 5.6

Social and !motional Development #"areness of Community

Standard: Children have an increasing awareness of %elonging to a co))unity* culture* and progra). Benchmarks: The child: 1. Shows that he9she values others within the classroo)9progra)* fa)ily* and co))unity. !. Shows early understanding of the concepts of +ustice* fairness* individual rights* and the welfare of the co))unity and its )e)%ers. '. Shows responsi%ility as a )e)%er of a co))unity 0. Shows acceptance of persons fro) different cultures and ethnic groups.

Area #$ 1:.1

%omm&nication' Lang&age' and Literacy Language $nderstanding and $se

Standard: Children understand and use co))unication and language for a variety of purposes.

Benchmarks: The child:

1. Shows a steady increase in listening and spea,ing voca%ulary. !. Initiates* listens* and responds appropriately in conversations with peers and caregivers. '. Spea,s in sentences of increasing length and gra))atical co)ple.ity. 0. "ollows si)ple oral directions that involve several actions. 6. 7s,s and answers a variety of 3uestion types.

Area #$ 1:.!

%omm&nication' Lang&age' and Literacy Early Literacy

Standard: Children engage in early reading e.periences.

Benchmarks: The child: 1. Shows an interest and en+oy)ent in listening to %oo,s and atte)pts to read fa)iliar %oo,s !. (isplays %oo, handling ,nowledge $turning the %oo, right side up* using left to right sweep* turning one page at a ti)e* recogni ing fa)iliar %oo,s %y cover&. '. Shows an awareness of environ)ental prints. 0. Identifies so)e alpha%et letters %y their shapes* especially those in his9her own na)e. 6. 4ecogni es the printed for) of his9her na)e in a variety of conte.ts. ;. (e)onstrates co)prehension of a %oo, 7. (e)onstrates awareness that language is )ade up of words* parts of words* and sounds in words.

Area #$ 1:.'

%omm&nication' Lang&age' and Literacy Early %riting

Standard: Children engage in early writing e.periences.

Benchmarks: The child: 1. 7tte)pts to co))unicate with others using scri%%les* shapes* pictures* and9or letters to write. !. E.peri)ents with a variety of writing tools $pencils* crayons* %rushes* chal,& and )aterials. '. Tells others a%out intended )eaning of drawings and writing.

Area ## 11.1

Mathematics and Science Comparison and &umber

Standard: nu)%ers and

Children understand a)ount including use of counting.

Benchmarks: The child: 1. Shows recognition and na)ing of nu)erals $1*!*'&. !. Counts o%+ects* )atching nu)%ers one#to#one with o%+ects. '. /ses language such as more or less to co)pare 3uantities.

Area ## 11.!

Mathematics and Science Patterns

Standard: Children understand patterns.

Benchmarks: The child: 1. Shows s,ills in recogni ing and creating so)e patterns !. -redicts what co)es ne.t in a pattern

Area ## 11.'

Mathematics and Science Shapes and Spatial !elationships

Standard: Children understand shapes and spatial relationships.

Benchmarks: The child: 1. (e)onstrates understanding of spatial words such as up* down* over* under* top* %otto)* inside* outside* in front* and %ehind. !. Shows )ore recognition for so)e si)ple shapes '. 8otices si)ilarities and differences a)ong shapes 0. 8otices how shapes fit together to for) other shapes

Area ## 11.0

Mathematics and Science Scientific !easoning

Standard: Children o%serve* descri%e* and predict the world

the). Benchmarks: The child: 1. Shows curiosity a%out living and non#living things.

!. 8otices* descri%es* and predicts changes in the environ)ent. '. Shows respect for living things.

Area ## 11.6

Mathematics and Science Scientific Problem Solving

Standard: Children apply and adapt strategies to solve

Benchmarks: The child: 1. /ses his9her senses and variety of strategies to solve pro%le)s !. Invents strategies to figure out answers to pro%le)s '. <hen unsuccessful at solving pro%le)s* e.peri)ents and adapts strategies.

Area ## 11.;

Mathematics and Science Measurement

Standard: Children understand co)parisons and )easure)ent.

Benchmarks: The child: 1. Sorts* classifies* and puts o%+ects in series* using a variety of properties. !. 2a,es co)parisons a)ong several o%+ects %ased on one or )ore attri%utes $length* si e* weight& and using words such as shorter* taller* %igger* s)aller* heavier* lighter.

Area #( 1!.1

%reative Arts #rt

Standard: Children e.plore art through a variety of )edia.

Benchmarks: The child: 1. /ses a variety of two#and three#di)ensional )edia $drawing )aterials* paint* clay* wood* )ar,ers& to create original wor,s* for)* and )eaning. !. E.presses ideas a%out own artwor, and artwor, of others* relating artwor, to what is happening in the environ)ent* life* classroo)* etc.

Area #( 1!.!

%reative Arts Music' !hythm' and Movement

Standard: Children participate in a variety of )usic and e.periences. Benchmarks: The child: 1. -articipates in a variety of )usical and rhyth)ic e.periences* including singing* listening* and finger#plays. !. 8otices differences in pitch* te)po* dyna)ics* and ti)%re.

Area #( 1!.'

%reative Arts Dramatic Play

Standard: Children engage in dra)atic play e.periences.

Benchmarks: The child: 1. Shows creativity and i)agination to use )aterials and assu)e different roles in dra)atic play situations. !. Interacts with peers in dra)atic play activities that %eco)e )ore e.tended and co)ple..

)o*a !arly Learning Standards )n+ormation on the We, http:--***.io*achildnet*ork.org )o*a Department o+ !d&cation )o*a Department o+ /&man Services

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