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GER 382 M/LI N 393: Theories of Language: Origins and Impac t of Germa n Philology Instruc tor: Katherine Arens

Dept. of Germanic Languages #51"$ 471- 41"3 Office Hours: %%& '(30- )("0 an* +, appointment Unique: 31530 Mee ti ng: M 4-7 pm, A! "15

Office: -... !choch 3.1"'

Description: %his course /i00 *e1e0op a profi0e for German phi0o0og, as part of the genera0 inte00ectua0 histor, of the 0ate eighteenth centur, through the 0ate nineteenth centur,. At the start of the emergence of a mo*ern phi0osoph, of 0anguage, /e fin* &er*er2s Abhandlung ber den Ursprung der Sprache , fo00o/e* short0, +, &um+o0*t2s /or3, 4rie*rich !ch0ege02s /or3 on 5&in*i,5 August 6i0he0m !ch0ege02s /or3 on meter an* rh,me, 4ichte2s essa, on 5!prache un* !prachf7hig3eit,5 an* !teintha02s /or3 on the re0ation of ps,cho0og, to a scientific stu*, of 0anguage. %hese te8ts he0pe* esta+0ish the fun*amenta0 9uestions of /hat /as to +ecome German phi0o0og,( a+out usage, cognition, phono0ogica0, socio0ogica0, an* s,ntactica0 pressure on 0anguage 1ariation, an* 5inner5 or 5*eep5 structure of 0anguage. A 0ater generation #Les3ien, !ch0eicher, :sthoff, ;rugmann, .au0-- the 0atter three most c0ose0, i*entifie* as <eogrammarians$ turne* the ear0ier generation2s phi0osophies into a s,stematic science an* uni1ersit, *iscip0ine -- com+ining fie0*/or3 #sources for their *ia0ect geographies, e*itions, an* 0anguage *escriptions sti00 partia00, in use to*a,$ /ith 0ess-/e00- atten*e* mo*ifications of a theor, of 0anguage use. =mportant in this conte8t /i00 a0so +e the recent c0aim +, :. Amster*ams3a that 9uestions the unifie* i*entit, of a 5<eogram marian5 approach to phi0o0og,. >0oser to the turn of the centur,, further mo*ifications to the *iscip0ine of phi0o0og, arose, /here offshoot *iscip0ines e1o01e* from the /e00- pu+0ici?e* a*1ances in phi0o0og, proper #;r@a0, !aussure, 6un*t, Mach$. %he goa0 of this course is to rea* these te8ts in the conte8ts of the 1arious *iscip0ines from /hich the, stemme* an* to /hich the, u0timate0, contri+ute* -- out0ining a much +roa*er picture of the ro0e of phi0o0og,A0inguistics in the human sciences than is genera00, consi*ere* to*a,. ssign!e n ts/Gr" #ing: -rea*ings for each c0ass, arrange* rough0, chrono0ogica00, as in*icate* a+o1e -one test B 30C of gra*e -fi1e one- page ana0,ses #pr@cisD each gra*e* a00 or nothing$ B 30C of gra*e -one 15- page paper, *ue B 40C of gra*e

$e%ts: &ans Arens #no re0ation$, Sprachwissenschaft Lehmann, A Reader in Historical I-E Linguistics &ans &e0mut >hristmann, e*. Sprachwissenschaft des 19 !ahrhunderts Earious te8ts on reser1e

Origin "n# I!p"c t of Ger!"n &'i(o(og): *)(("+us ,,Note : *ince -e (ose " -ee. #ue to ML/ Mon#" )0 p(e"se re"# t'e fo((o-ing te%ts for t'e first c("ss !ee ti ng1 *ee +i+(iogr"p' ) for #et"i(s of "2"i("+i(it)1 3ee. 4: 56"n1 278 Introduc tion : The History of the Langua ge Sciences $'e Historiogr" p 'ic 9uestion: 3') t'e Histories of Discip(ines: Konra* Koerner, "racticing Linguistic Historiograph# 5:n 2Fnre/riting the &istor, of Linguistics,25 3-1" 5:n the .ro+0em of 2=nf0uence2 in Linguistic &istoriograph,,5 31- 4G 5Mo*e0s in Linguistic &istoriograph,,5 47- 5) 5>ontinuities an* Discontinuities in the &istor, of Linguistics,5 G)- 7' *E;$ION 4: &recursors 3ee. 2: 56"n1 348 $'e L"te Eig'te e n t ' ;entur): $'e *"ns.rit ;onnection << $'e Re("tion of L"ngu" ge "n# ;u(ture Lehmann( !ir 6i00iam Hones, 5%he %hir* Anni1erser, Discourse on the &in*us,5 7-"0 Lehmann( asmus as3, 5An =n1estigation >oncerning the !ource of the :0* <orthern or =ce0an*ic Language,5 ")- 37 Lehmann( 4. !ch0ege0, $n the Language and %isdo& of the Indians , "1- "' I-ng0ishJ B 'ber Sprache und %eisheit der Indier , -rstes ;uch, 107- 1') Iright- han* pages on0,J Background: Arens, Erster (eil) III * , 1+ !ahrhundert , 10G- 134 III ,- .er Stand der Sprachwissenschaft bei& /e0anntwerden des Sans0rits , 134- 15" 1weiter (eil) Einleitung 2 I- Aufta0t --!ch0ege0, 155- 1G) 3ee. 3: 5 =e+1 >8 Ne- Mo#e( of L"ngu"ge "n# Min#: $'e Ger!" n ;onnection H.G. &er*er, Abhandlung ber den Ursprung der Sprache , esp. %ei0 1 K "D '5- 1"' I-J 5:n ecent German Literature( 4irst >o00ection of 4ragments,5 Selected Earl# %or0s , '5- 1G5 4ichte, 5Eon *er !prachf7hig3eit un* *em Frsprung *er !prache,5 )1- 1"7 Background: Aars0eff, 3ro& Loc0e to Saussure , 5%he %ra*ition of >on*i00ac,5 14G"0) ,,&recis #ue: Hones, as3, 4ichte, or one &er*er .art *E;$ION 2: ?eginnings of Ger!" n &'i(o(og) 3ee. 7: 5=e+1 478 Ro!"ntic *cience of ;u(ture >hristmann( Grimm, !ean "aul . . . , 7-1' Lehmann( Haco+ Grimm, 5Germanic Grammar,5 4G- G0 Haco+ Grimm, 5L+er *en Frsprung *er !prache,5 =. "5G- ")) .eutsche 4ra&&ati0 , 1. %hei0, 5Eorre*e,5 an* 5-inige &aupts7t?e,5 ==. "5- 55 Lehmann( 4ran? ;opp, 5:n the >onMugationa0 !,stem of the !ans3rit Language,5 3'45 A.6. !ch0ege0, 5;riefe N+er .oesie, !i0+enmaO un* !prache,5 141- 1'0 5;etrachtungen N+er Metri3,5 1'1- "1' Background: Arens, 1weiter (eil) II Ro&antische 4eisteswissenschaft 5Hu&boldt) /opp) A % Schlegel) 4ri&&6 , 170- ""7 ,,&recis #ue: an, essa, from this /ee3

3ee. @: 5=e+1 248 Origin of Mo#ern Linguistics: 3i('e( ! 2on Hu!+o(#t Lehmann( &um+o0*t, 5:n the !tructura0 Eariet, of &uman Language,5 G1- GG

>hristmann( &um+o0*t, 7atur der Sprache , 1)- 4) Mue00er- Eo00mer, 5%hin3ing an* !pea3ing5 PP.0ease rea* the 5;ac3groun*5 te8ts, as /e00 Background: Konra* Koerner, "racticing Linguistic Historiograph#) 5:n the .ro+0em of 2=nf0uence2 in Linguistic &istoriograph,,5 31- 4G >homs3,, 8artesian Linguistics , 5=ntro*uction,5 an* 5>reati1e Aspect of Language Fse,5 1-30 Aars0eff, 3ro& Loc0e to Saussure , 5%he &istor, of Linguistics an* .rofessor >homs3,,5 101- 11) *E;$ION 3: &rofession"(iA" tion "n# Discip(in"r) ;(osure 3ee. B: 5=e+1 288 *cience "n# Met'o#0 4 >hristmann( !teintha0, 'ber den %andel der Lauts und des /egriffs , 50- GG >hristmann( >urtius, "hilologie und Sprachwissenschaft , G7- '4 >hristmann( !ch0eicher, .ie .arwinsche (heorie und die Sprachwissenschaft , '5- 10' Kriste1a, Language) (he Un0nown , >hap. 1'( 5Language as &istor,,5 1)3- "1G Background: Arens, 1weiter (eil) III .er %eg 9ur 7aturwissenschaft 5"ott) Steinthal) Schleicher) 8urtius6 , ""'- "7G I: 7euer Anstoss 5Steinthal) %hitne#) Scherer6 , "77- 300 3ee. >: 5 M"r1 >8 *cience "n# Met'o#0 2 >hristmann( 6hitne,, Schleicher und die naturwissenschaftliche Sprachauffassung , 10)- 145 >hristmann( !cherer, Re9ension , 1'1- 1') Lehmann( August !ch0eicher, 5=ntro*uction to a >ompen*ium of the >omparati1e Grammar,5 '7- )G Lehmann( Kar0 Eerner, 5An -8ception to the 4irst !oun* !hift,5 13"- 1G3 ,,&recis #ue: an, te8t from this or 0ast /ee3 ,,*pring ?re".: M"r1 42< 2C *E;$ION 7: 6unggr" ! ! " t i . e r 3ee. 8: 5M"r1 248 Origin of " Ne- 5:8 ppro"c'0 *tress on &'ono(og) >hristmann( :sthoffA;rugmann, :orwort 9u ;<orphologische Untersuchungen; , 1)0"0' #a0so Lehmann 1)7- "0)$ >hristmann( :sthoff, 3or&enbildung , "0)- ""5 >hristmann( Miste0i, Re9ension , ""G- "47 Lehmann( Kar0 ;rugmann, 5<asa0is sonans in the :rigina0 =n*o- -uropean Language,5 1)0- 1)G Les3ien, .ie .e0lination i& Slawisch- Litauischen und 4er&anischen , =ntro*uction Background: Arens, 1weiter (eil) : Auswir0ung 5Sch&idt) Les0ien) :erner) /rug&ann) !unggra&&ati0er , 5Die Gegner5$, 301- 3"4, 337- 374 Konra* Koerner, "racticing Linguistic Historiograph# , 5%he <eogram marian Doctrine( ;rea3through or -8tension of the !ch0eicherian .ara*igm,5 7)- 100

3ee. 9: 5M"r1 288 Her!" nn &"u(: $'e *cience 9uestion0 Re#u% &ermann .au0, "rincipien der Sprachgeschichte , 5-in0eitung,5 >haps. 1( A00gemeines N+er *as 6esen *er !prachent/ic30ungALanguage De1e0opmentD >hap. "( Die !prachspa0tungALanguage !p0itsD >hap. 5( Ana0ogieD >hap. G( Die s,nta3tische

Grun*1erh70tnisseA;asic !,ntactic e0ationships I<:%-( use chapters /ith these tit0es in /hate1er e*ition ,ou ha1e- - a00 1ar, s0ight0,J >hristmann( ;0oomfie0*, 'ber die %ahrscheinlich0eit , "4'- "5) ;0oomfie0*, 5Language or =*eas,5 in Kat?, "hilosoph# of Linguistics , 1)- "5 >hristmann( Ga+e0ent?, "ott , "G'- "74 Background: :0ga Amster*ams3a, Schools of (hought , esp. >hapter =E( 5%he <eogram marian Doctrine5 an* >hapter E( 5%he <eogrammarian e1o0ution from A+o1e,5 )0- 143 ,,&recis #ue: an, <eogram marian essa, *E;$ION @: 5 pr1 78 *pr"c'e0 Geist un# Do(.sgeist 3ee. 4C: L"ngu"ge "s ;u(ture << DE(.erps)c'o(ogie 6un*t, :=l0erps#chologie , =, 5Eor/ort,5 5=nha0t,5 5-in0eitung,5 1-3) B Ele&ents of 3ol0 "s#cholog# , 5.reface,5 5>ontents,5 5=ntro*uction, 5 5>hapter 1,5 1-10, 53- G7 I<ote( a short 1ersion of comp0ete te8tD 0ess 5scientific.5J -rnst Mach, >nowledge and Error , essa,s ", 3, 7, K ', pp. 15- 3G, 7)- 104 Irea* the -ng0ishJ >hristmann( !chuchar*t, Sprachwissenschaft , "75- "'" Lehmann( 6i00iam D/ight 6hitne,, 5Language an* the !tu*, of Language,5 ""5- "5G Background: Arens, .ritter (eil) I 7eubesinnung 53inc0) %undt) Husserl) 7oreen) Saussure6 , 403- 45) 3ee. 44: 5 pr1 448 L"ngu"ge "s Min# !apir, Language , 5>ontents,5 5=. =ntro*uctor,,5 an* 5==. %he -0ements of !peech,5 1ii- 41 6horf, Language) (hought) and Realit# 5Grammatica0 >ategories,5 '7- 101 5%he e0ation of &a+itua0 %hought an* ;eha1ior to Language,5 134- 15) 5!cience an* Linguistics,5 "07- "1) Background: Arens, .ritter (eil) II .ie alten "roble&e 5/oas) (rubet90o#) Sapir) %ittgenstein6 , 4'5- 511 ,,&recis #ue: an, essa, from this or 0ast /ee3 ,,$". e< 'o!e test p"sse# out 3ee. 42: 5 pr1 488 L"ngu"ge "n# &'i(osop') &usser0, Logical In?estigations , 5=n1estigation =E( %he Distinction ;et/een =n*epen*ent an* <on- =n*epen*ent Meanings an* the =*ea of .ure Grammar,5 ==. 4)1- 5") B Logische Untersuchungen , 5=E. Der Fnterschie* *er se0+st7n*igen un* unse0+st7n*igen ;e*eutungen un* *ie =*ee *er reinen Grammati3,5 ==. ")4- 34" 6ittgenstein, /lue and /rown /oo0s , 5%he ;0ue ;oo3,5 1-74 Kriste1a, Language) (he Un0nown , >hap. 1)( 5!tructura0 Linguistics,5 "17- "G1 Background: Arens, .ritter (eil) III .eutung der Sprache 58assirer) Sapir 2 %horf) /hler) /loo&field6 , 5"4- 5G4 ,,$". e< 'o!e test #ue +"c.

*E;$ION B: 5 pr1 2@8 Epigones "n# Historiogr" p ') 3ee. 43: ?rF"(: $'e =renc' ;onnection ;r@a0, (he /eginnings of Se&antics) 5%he Latent >oncepts of Language,5 7)- )" 5%he !cience of Language,5 1"3- 13G 5%he =nte00ectua0 La/s of Language( A !3etch in !emantics,5 137- 144 5%he &istor, of 6or*s,5 15"- 175

5Language an* <ationa0it,,5 1))- ""0 Background: Aars0eff, 3ro& Loc0e to Saussure , 5;r@a0, 20a s@manti9ue,2 an* !aussure,5 3'"- 3)' 3ee. 47: 5M") 28 *"ussure "n# *tructur"(is! !aussure, 8ourse in 4eneral Linguistics , 5=ntro*uction,5 1-3" I1)GG e*.J Lehmann( 4ernan*e *e !aussure, 5M@moire on the .rimiti1e !,stem of Eo/e0s,5 "17""4 Gar1in, e*. "rague School Reader -&a1rQne3, 5%he 4unctiona0 Differentiation of the !tan*ar* Language,5 3-1G -Mu3aro1s3,, 5!tan*ar* Language an* .oetic Language,5 17- 30 &Me0ms0e1, 5!tructura0 Ana0,sis of Language,5 in Kat?, "hilosoph# of Linguistics , 1G3- 171 Kriste1a, Language) (he Un0nown , >hap. ""( 5!emiotics,5 ")5- 30' Background: Arens, .ritter (eil) I:- %ir0ung Saussures , 573- 575 ,,=in"( &"per Due: Friday !ay "# $ pm #officia0 fina0 starts at 7(00$

&"per Description &"per Lengt': 15- page paper Due D"te: &"rt of ;("ss Gr"#e: 40C of gra*e $opic ( %he i*ea of this proMect is to a00o/ the stu*ent to pursue one aspect of the course in *epth, to accompan, the historica0 o1er1ie/ of the rea*ings /ith a chance to *o more in*epth ana0,sis of one phi0o0ogistA0inguist from the point of 1ie/ of the histor, of i*eas. %he goa0 of this assignment is not to turn out a fu00,- researche* an* -articu0ate* paper. =nstea*, each person is suppose* to go +ac3 to one of the phi0o0ogists rea* in the course #or an a0ternate of the same t,pe$, chec3 out the +o*, of /or3 sAhe pro*uce*, an* figure out /here that person fits historica00, as /e00 as 0inguistica00,. .aper /i00 ha1e se1era0 sections that each represent the process of /or3ing out a proMect in the histor, of the 0anguage sciences. 1. :1er1ie/ of the person2s professiona0 acti1ities an* pu+0ications #+io- +i+0iograph,$. ". !tatement of the recei1e* 1ie/ of the person2s contri+utions to the stu*, of 0anguage. 3. Ana0,sis of the a*e9uac, of the recei1e* 1ie/ of the personD e.g.( -/here *oes stu*, of 0anguage fit into the person2s greater proMect -/here *oes this /or3 fit into one or more *iscip0ines -group formation or teaching inf0uence. 4. !tatement of /hat rea00, nee*s to +e /or3e* on a+out the person, /ith an e8amp0e on ho/ the rea*ing of a samp0e te8t or e8periment or contri+ution /ou0* +e a0tere* or re1a0ue*. 5. I<:%-( ma, +e part of 4J !tatement of historiographic approach that /ou0* a00o/ ,ou to pro1e thatR 4or e8amp0e( -/hat other *ata /ou0* ,ou nee* -ho/ to choose the pro+0em to +e *iscusse* -/hat 3in* of rea*ing *o ,ou gi1e the te8t or pro+0em ,ou choose #against /hat +ac3groun*, to /hat en*$ -/hat aspect of the /or3 is co0ore* +, to*a,2s rea*ings, an* nee*s reco1eringR G. .ossi+0e significance of such a rerea*ing for inte00ectua0 histor,.

GER 382 M/LI N 393: Re"#ings Theories of Language: Origins and Impac t of Germa n Philology !ain %eadings @All obligator# readings a?ailable as pdf files on 8lass 8.) as selections fro& the boo0s notedA if a call nu&ber is indicated) teBt is also a?ailable on reser?e in "8L &ans Aars0eff. 3ro& Loc0e to Saussure- Essa#s on the Stud# of Language and Intellectual Histor# . Minneapo0is( F. Minnesota .ress, 1)'" I. 10G A" 1)'"J B Aarsleff-From Locke to.pdf :0ga Amster*ams3a. Schools of (hought- (he .e?elop&ent of Linguistics fro& /opp to Saussure . ;ostonADor*recht( D. ei*e0, 1)'7 I. 73 A47 1)'7J B Amsterdamska-Schools of.pdf &ans Arens. Sprachwissenschaft- .er 4ang ihrer Entwic0lung ?on der Entwlic0lung ?on der Anti0e bis 9ur 4egenwart . "n* e*ition. 4ran3furt( 4ischer Eer0ag, 1)G)D 4rei+urgAMNnchen( Kar0 A0+ersA:r+is Aca*emicus, 1)G) I40) Ar 33s 1)G)J Leonar* ;0oomfie0*. 5Language or =*easR5 =n Kat?, "hilosoph# of Linguistics , 1)- "5 Miche0 ;r@a0. (he /eginnings of Se&antics . -*. an* trans. George 6o0f. !tanfor*, >A( !tanfor* Fni1ersit, .ress, 1))1 I.3"5 ;74" 1))1J B Breal-Beginnings of Sem.pdf <oam >homs3,. 8artesian Linguistics- A 8hapter in the Histor# of Rationalist (hought , <S( &arper K o/, 1)GG I.1"3 >53J B Chomsky-Cartesian Lingu.pdf &ans &e0mut >hristmann, e*. Sprachwissenschaft des 19 !ahrhunderts . 6ege *er 4orschung 474. Darmsta*t( 6issenschaft0iche ;uchgese00schaft, 1)77 I. 4) !G5J H. G. 4ichte. Eon *er !prachf7hig3eit un* *em Frsprung *er !prache B Fichte-Der Wissenschaften.pdf .au0 L. Gar1in, e*. an* trans. A "rague School Reader on Esthetics) Literar# Structure) and St#le . 6ashington, D.>.( Georgeto/n Fni1ersit, .ress, 1)G4 I. 1"1 G3"J B Gar in-!rague School "eader.pdf Haco+ Grimm. >leinere Schriften- Reden und Abhandlungen . ". Auf0age, 1. ;an*. ;er0in( DNmm0er, 1'7) I'34 G '' E. 1J - >leinere Schriften- :orreden) 1eitgeschichtliches und "ers=nliches . '. ;*. GNters0oh( >. ;erte0smann, 1')0 I'34 G '' E. 'J B Grimm-#leinere Schriften.pdf $artin %eidegger. &'cepts from Basic Writings . (%eidegger-Basic Writings.pdf Hohann Gottfrie* &er*er. Abhandlung ber den Ursprung der Sprache . -*. &ans Dietrich =rmscher. !tuttgart( ec0am, 1)GG Hohann Gottfrie* &er*er K Hean-Hac9ues ousseau. $n the $rigin of Language- (wo Essa#s . %rans. Hohn &. Moran K A0e8an*er Goo*e. >hicago( Fni1ersit, of >hicago .ress, 1)GG I401 M7)30J

B %erder-)n the )rigin of.pdf Hohann Gottfrie* &er*er. Selected Earl# %or0s) 1CDE- 1CDC . -*s. -rnest A. Men?e an* Kar0 MengesD trans. -rnest A. Men?i /ith Michae0 .a0ma. Fni1ersit, .ar3, .enns,01ania( %he .enns,01ania !tate Fni1ersit, .ress, 1))" I.% "35" T" 1))"J B %erder-Selected &arly Works.pdf Louis &Me0ms0e1. 5!tructura0 Ana0,sis of Language.5 =n Kat?, "hilosoph# of Linguistics , 1G3171. -*mun* &usser0, Logical In?estigations . %rans. H.<. 4in*0a, from the "n* German e*ition. Eo0. ". <S( &umanities .ress, 1)70 I1G0 &)G4L%4 E. "J B %usserl-Logical *n esti.pdf B Logische Untersuchungen . ". Auf0age. ". ;*., =. %ei0. &a00eA!.( Ma8 <ieme,er, 1)13 I1G0 &)G4 L E. ".1J B %usserl-logische +ntersuchungen.pdf Herro0* H. Kat?, e*. (he "hilosoph# of Linguistics . :8for*( :8for* Fni1ersit, .ress, 1)'5. I.1"1 .437 1)'5J B #at,-!hilosophy of Ling.pdf Konra* Koerner. "racticing Linguistic Historiograph#- Selected Essa#s . !tu*ies in the &istor, of the Language !ciences, 50. Amster*amA.hi0a*e0phia( Hohn ;enMamins .u+0ishing >ompan,, 1)') I. G" KG 1)')J B #oerner-Linguistic %ist.pdf Hu0ia Kriste1a. Language) (he Un0nown- An Initiation into Linguistics . %rans. Anne M. Men3e. <S( >o0um+ia Fni1ersit, .ress, 1)') I1)'1J I.1"1 K7413 1)')J B #riste a-Language--he +.pdf 6infre* .. Lehmann, e*. an* trans. A Reader in 7ineteenth- 8entur# Historical IndoEuropean Linguistics . ;0oomington( =n*iana Fni1ersit, .ress, 1)G7 IB Lehmann on s,00a+usJ I. 511 L4 MainJ August Les3ien, .ie .eclination i& Slawisch- Litauischen und 4er&anischen . Leip?ig( !. &ir?e0, 1'7G I415 L5G5J B Leskien-Declination in .pdf -rnst Mach, >nowledge and Error- S0etches on the "s#cholog# of EnFuir# . %rans. %homas H. Mc>ormac3. Dor*recht( D. ei*e0, 1)7G I;D 1G3 M173J B $ach-#no.ledge / &rror.pdf Kurt Mue00er- Eo00mer. 5%hin3ing an* !pea3ing( &er*er, &um+o0*t an* !aussurean semiotics,5 8o&parati?e 8riticis& , " #1)'0$( 1)3- "14 B $ueller-0ollmer--hinkin.pdf &ermann .au0, "rincipien der Sprachgeschichte . 4. Auf0. &a00eA!.( Ma8 <ieme,er, 1)0) I40) . "' p 1)G0J B "rinciples of the Histor# of Language . I40) ."' pts 1'')J G !aul-Sprachgeschichte.pdf -*/ar* !apir. Language- An Introduction to the Stud# of Speech . <S( &arcourt ;race Ho1ano1ich, 1)"1 I. 105 !" 1)4)J B Sapir-Language.pdf

4er*inan* *e !aussure. 8ourse in 4eneral Linguistics , -*. >har0es ;a00, K A0+ert !echeha,e, /ith A0+ert ie*0inger. %rans. 6a*e ;as3in. <S( McGra/- &i00, 1)GG I. 1"1 ! 3G3JD Lon*on, 1)'3 I. 1"1 ! 3G3 1)'3J August 6i0he0m !ch0ege0( 5;riefe N+er .oesie, !i0+enmass un* !prache. B!ch0ege0- Kritische !chr.p*f Friedrich Schlegel. ber Sprache und Weisheit der Indier 1e'ceprt2 (Schlegel-Sprache und WeA.pdf ;enMamin Lee 6horf. Language) (hought) and Realit# . -*. Hohn ;. >arro00. >am+ri*ge( M=% .ress, 1)5G I. "7 653J B Whorf-Language3 -hought.pdf Lu*/ig 6ittgenstein. /lue and /rown /oo0s- "reli&inar# Studies for the H"hilosophical In?estigationsH . <S( &arper K o/ #&arper %orch+oo3 1"11$, 1)G0 I; 337G 6 5G3 . 73 1)G5J B Wittgenstein-Blue / Bro.n B.pdf (Wittgenstein-Blue / Bro.n.pdf 6i0he0m 6un*t, :=l0erps#chologie- Eine Untersuchung der Entwic0lungsgeset9e ?on Sprach) <#thus und Sitte , Erster /and- .ie Sprache . 3 e*. Leip?ig( 6i0he0m -nge0mann, 1)11 I57" 6)G1E 1)11 E. 1J B Wundt-0olkerpsychologie.pdf -Ele&ents of 3ol0 "s#cholog#- $utlines of a "s#chological Histor# of the .e?elop&ent of <an0ind . %rans. -*/ar* Lero, !chau+. Lon*on( George A00en K Fn/in Lt*.D <S( %he MacMi00an >ompan,, 1)1G I57" 6)G1 e%sJ B Wundt-&lements of Folk.pdf &seful Ite ms :s/a0* Ducrot K %?1etan %o*oro1. Enc#clopedic .ictionar# of the Sciences of Language . %rans. >atherine .orter. ;a0timore( Hohns &op3ins F., 1)'3 I1)73, "n* 4r. e*.J Iin .>L eferenceD . ") D'13J PP ea00, goo* historica0 +i+0iographies +, topics, schoo0s, etc. (he Enc#clopedia of Language and Linguistics . -*s. Asher K !impson. >am+ri*ge( .ergamon, 1))4 I.>L eference -- . ") - 4' 1))4J PPFsefu0 +ac3groun* on e1er,thing. A stu*ent fa1orite. 6erner &N00en, e*. Understanding the Historiograph# of Linguistics- "roble&s and "roIects -- S#&posiu& at Essen) *,- *J 7o?e&ber 19+9 . MNnster( <o*us .u+0i3ationen, 1))0 I.G" F5" 1))0J PPEer, nice mo*e0 stu*ies 6i0he0m 1on &um+o0*t. Linguistic :ariabilit# and Intellectual .e?elop&ent . %rans. George >. ;uc3 K 4rithMof A. a1en. .hi0a*e0phia( Fni1ersit, of .enns,01ania .ress, 1)7" IB 'ber die :erschiedenheit des &enschlichen Sprachbaues und ihren EinfluK auf die geistige Entwic0lung des <enschengeschlechts , 1'3GD a3a Einfhrung in das >awiwer0 J I. 103 &'13 1)7"- - not on reser1eJ PPSou can ne1er rea* too much &um+o0*t. 4re*eric3 H. <e/me,er. (he "olitics of Linguistics . >hicago( Fni1ersit, of >hicago .ress, 1)'G I. )3 <4' 1)'G- -not on reser1eJ PP &istorica00,, /h, shou0* 0inguistics e8ist as a separate scienceR

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