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Introduction: Poverty line has always been a matter of huge debates.

According to the The Financial Express the progress in poverty reduction in angladesh has been remar!able" particularly over the past decade. The Poverty fell from #$% in &''& to ('% in )*** and even more sharply to +&.#% in )*&*. The past five years has seen a further acceleration of the rate of poverty reduction ,from (*% in )**# to +&% in )*&*-. .t was /uoted in several prestigious foreign newspapers as indicative of greater success in poverty alleviation in angladesh during the last decade when neighboring countries li!e .ndia and Pa!istan were behind this respect. 0ere a rises the controversy. According to the 1orld having 2.# percent inflation rate which is much lower than angladesh in an! estimation that (#2 angladesh the

million .ndians ,()% of the total .ndian population- are living below the poverty line despite of angladesh. .n inflation rate was last reported at &*.2 percent in 3ecember of )*&&. 4oreover we !now that there exists a positive relationship between inflation and poverty. As the inflation increases" the additional number of people goes under the poverty line. The rising trend of prices of commodities and unemployment ma!e the problem even more complex. As the prices are in the rising trend it may pave the way for more people to go under the poverty line. So here we can easily understand that in conducting the measurement of poverty it was manipulated whether through our political government or the government agencies. .n order to 5ustify my statement there are several indicators which are the credible assessments of the country6s reputed economists with whom we can consider with. Those indicators are7 the measurement techni/ue of poverty line" inflation" corruption" the poor economic condition of some selected areas such as7 income" food and non8food expenditure" productive and non8 productive asset" food security" and employment creation. Justification of my statement: Three reasons . have chosen in order to support my statement. Controversy with Poverty Measurement technique: Poverty levels are typically determined based on income and consumption levels. ut evidence" and the voices of poor people themselves" has shown that poverty has many more dimensions. Poverty means hunger" lac! of medical treatment" and poor access to basic services" such as electricity and water supply. .t means being unable to send children to school and often needing them to wor! instead. Poverty

means a lac! of assets9such as land or savings9and thus extreme vulnerability to shoc!s due to economic downturns" family illness or natural disasters. .t means social exclusion" and a constant feeling of insecurity and stress based on an uncertain future. The government of angladesh follows a simple one8dimensional definition of poverty

estimation which is the level of food consumption that provides calories of energy below what was re/uired. :n the other hand .ndia ta!es into account multiple dimensions. That is the reason why angladesh is way ahead of .ndia in reducing poverty line in spite of having a high inflation rate. Inequality: .n addition to the ine/uality in angladesh has increased" particularly in urban areas" with incomes growing much faster for some households than for others. Poor people in angladesh tend to have low levels of education and limited access to land and hold low paying" physically demanding" and socially unattractive occupations" such as casual wage labor. .n both urban and rural areas" the poor lac! access to modern amenities and services" and they also tend to live in houses of inferior /uality. 0ouseholds headed by women" who are widowed" divorced" or separated" have a considerably higher incidence of poverty relative to the others. The official estimation of !"#$: Poverty has now been contested by the angladesh Economic Association , EA-" a reputed body having the country6s well8!nown economists as its members" particularly in the context of the fall8outs from the latest very adverse food8price phenomenon and related income effects from slowed8down economic activities and new investment operations. EA in a recent seminar came up with many observations and statistics that poverty situation in angladesh during the last one and a half years has become worse. According to the EA" the hard core poor are now at a substantially higher level" as a proportion of the country6s total population that was earlier estimated to be the case under the official report. Finally" it can be said the poverty scenario what we are seen is not an actual one. .t;s manipulated. .t is because of the <overnment reputation" goodwill and image are also involving behind this. ut the true picture is the fruits of growth have been monopoli=ed by a small section of the population. 1ealth is concentrated in a few hands" lac! of distributive 5ustice in economic policies and large8scale official corruption are all over here. Therefore" we will have to address these issues effectively to consider a >sustainable; reduction of poverty.

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