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INFOSYS.110 BUSINESS SYSTEMS: DELIVERABLE 2: BUSINESS SECTION SUMMER 2014 Name NetID Group Number: Website Link: Tutorial Details Time Spent on Assignment: Andrew Student Khop965 085 http://infosys1102014ssgroup85.blogspot.co.nz/ Tutor: Day: Time: Claris Chung Tuesday 2pm 25 hours Word Count: 1653


Research has found that as humans we spend an average of 10 minutes each day, looking for items that we have misplaced or lost (Daily Mail, 2012). This can include phones, wallets, car keys, reading glasses or any other important items that we use in our day to day lives. With the FindMe app there is no need for unnecessary stress as the aim is to manage hectic and stressful lifestyles by retracking your steps for you, by using customized floor plans specific to customers and a built in GPS system located on home computers and smartphones. The aim of the FindMe app is to give everyone back those 10 minutes each day that would have been taken up fruitlessly by looking for such items, and closing the gap between memory loss and the location of where you last left your precious items.

FindMe wants to provide a way that enables customers to find those important items within minutes, which can be often lost or misplaced due to hectic and busy lifestyles.
3.2 Industry Analysis: Item Tracking Device Industry

Industry: Item tracking device industry: The item tracking device industry is growing rapidly due to the increase in customers busy and hectic lifestyles and the inability to remember where we left our items.




Buyer power:


The buyer power is high due there being many other prodcuts in the item tracking device industy that preform a very similar service to help find lost items (Sarah Lobe, 2011). There are also new products which are being developed each year

which have the same intentions as FindMe.

Supplier power:


The supplier power is high because software developers are highly sort after and charge large amount to develop an app or specific software. (Carter Thomas, 2014).

Threat of new entrants:


The threat of new entrance is low due to the high start-up costs that are involved in this industy. The new entrants that enter the market wont be on the same level as the other competitors that already exist.

Threat of substitutes:


The threat of substitutes in the industry is high because there are many other products that can be easily substitutable for another, which puts high emphasis on pricing strategies (Marko, Mudrinic, 2013). The rivalry among competitors is high due to the similar products and apps in the market which have developed a very dominate marketing strategies (Tile, 2014). There is also a saturated market which means that everyone is competing for market share.

Rivalry among existing High competitors:

Overall attractiveness of the industry: The item tracking device industry is not attractive because there are high ongoing costs and high initial costs for potential new entrants. The supplier power is also very high due to the cost of app and software development, which can be very expensive and finally with rivalry among existing competitors, this can lead to the market being portrayed and not attractive.

3.3 Customers and Their Needs

The customers that will use this service is everyone around the world who have busy and stressful lifestyles, as well as customers who often loose those important and personal items. Customers might be wanting to save time each day by not having to search for things and retracing their steps each day.
3.4 The Product and Service

The FindMe app provides customers with a service that enables them to find and locate their lost iems within minutes, by using a GPS system connecting to tags attached to their chosen belongings. This will help improve customer satifaction by giving them back lost time each day which would have been spent looking for them items.
3.5 Suppliers and Partners

In order to create this system, access to a software developer is needed to help develop the app software and to intergrate each specific floor plan into the app. A supplier will be need to design and build the tags that can be attached onto each of the custmers frequently used items i.e. phones, keys, wallets. To develop the tags, an additional partnership between a specialist GPS developer and IT system developer would be needed. Without all these important partnerships, the system will not be able to be produced and would not be available to customers. By using recognised brands and suppliers in the production of the system, we can ensure that stockists and customers of the app will see this service as trustworthy and reliable. A specialist-marketing consultant may also be needed to ensure that the product is known, reliable and worthy to be purchased. Finally a partnership with accountancy and law firms may be needed if any law or financial problems occur, to ensure that professionals handle potentially threatening situations and to maybe patent the product in the future.
3.6 Strategy: Differentiation

The item tracking device industry will have a very broad international market as it applies to everyone who has access to a smartphone or computer. The technology used is a very high

cost and the software will be very expensive to produce, however it will be an efficient long term investment strategy. Therefore the overall strategy is Differentiation
3.7 Value Chain Activity: Making the product

The most important value chain activity for this business is make the product. It is very critical that we produce every part of our innovation to the highest quality, with very few problems as possiable and then to use a strong advertising and markeitng campaign to get our product known in the market place. This will create customer

confidence in our product and through manufacturing proccess and a quality assurance process, we will be able to have a dominance within the item tracking device industry.
3.8 Business Processes

process is very important to our company because

if we do not have a good quality product, then customers are less likely to invest and purchase. To ensure that we gain customer satisfaction, we will provide customers with a guarantee at the time of purchase, listening to their personal feedback and carrying out multiple tests to ensure that the product meets the industry requirements.


The manufacturing process is very crucial to our

organisation because in order to produce a high quailty product, there needs to be good manufactoring systems in place. This would involve many tests and trailing of the product. The organisation focus on the marketing and selling of the product, so we therefore need to make sure that the quality of the product is up to a very high standard, so it is easier to market and sell the product so customers know they are making a reliable investment.

3.9 Functionalities

Feedback about customer problems and future improvements Automatic alerts to help solve problems during production


Customize customers specifc floorplan specifications Re-engineer tracking software to a more suitable one

3.10 Systems

To ensure that customers are satisfied with the service

and product that they have purchased, this makes the feedback support system very important to the organisation. By having this system it will help save time and money because it will automatically send feeback to the software developers so they know what needs to be improved and changed, instead of having to organise meetings with customers and hassles with phone calls, workshops and conferenes etc. The system will therefore be updated every three months based on the feedback received.

The manufacturing system is critical for the whole

manufacturing process because it checks each customers floorplan by an automated system based on the specifc specfiation that the customers provide at the time of purchase. If the service is not up to standard, then the system will re-engineer the software to work in with the app. The manufacturing support system therefore makes the whole manufacturing process more quicker, simpler and allow more time to be spent on producing the tags and app.

This technology system sends an automatic alert

out during the production, so they can fix and correct any problems that may come up during or after the development. These problems can be easily fixed due to all the testing/trails and the automatic alert system.

3.11. Summary Table: Value Chain to Systems

Value Chain Activity

Processes 1. Quality assurance process

Functionalities 1. Feedback about customer problems and future improvements 2. Automatic alerts to help solve problems during production 1. Customize to customers specifc floorplans specifications 2. Re-enigneer tracking software to a more suitable one

Specific Information System(s) Feedback Support System

Making the product

Broad Information System(s) Enterprise Resource Planning System Decision Support System Collaboration System

Technology Support System Manufacturing System Manufacturing System

2. Manufacturing process

Collaboration System



The FindMe app and software can give back 10 minutes each day to their customers by locating their lost personal belongings within minutes. This allows customers to use their time to the best of their ability by doing things they enjoy and living by providing a stressfree lifestyle. The feeback and manufacturing systems help to improve customer stasfaction, so they know that they are investing in the best quality of a reliable product within the industry.

1. Daily Mail (2012). Lost something already today? Misplaced items cost us ten mintues each day . Retrieved from http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article2117987/Lost-today-Misplaced-items-cost-minutes-day.html 2. Sarah Lobe. (2011). Wireless keyfinders to track down you lost keys (or phone). Retrieved from http://www.tomsguide.com/us/keyfinder-wireless-clickerkeys,review-1689.html 3. Carter Thomas. (2014). Cost of app development. Retrieved from http://www.bluecloudsolutions.com/blog/cost-develop-app/ 4. Tile. (2014). Tile, the worlds largest lost and found. Retrieved from http://www.thetileapp.com/#community 5. Marko Mudrinic. (2013). Things that let you track your lost items using you phone. Retrieved from http://techcrunch.com/2013/11/07/chipolo-is-another-thing-thatlets-you-track-lost-items-using-your-smartphone/


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