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Please note: You may need 5 minutes to fill in this form. MOE will not be able to process your application if you provide wrong (especially !"# $ %# o& or incomplete information. Please see instructions on the ne't page.

Part ( : )o be completed by student (please write within the bo'es&

Name : Contact No : __________________________ NRIC/BC No :

Institution Name : __________________________

Part * : )o be completed by student only if using the P+E, of sibling(s&. +ibling refers to natural$adopted$step sibling. Please leave Part * blan- if student is using his$her own P+E, only.
Deduction Priority Name Of Sibling NRIC / BC No of Sibling Maximum Amount To !e "# of $ee!% "Place a & at t'e a((ro(riate box% )*# $ir!t Next .a!t ote : "f there are errors or omissions in the information on sibling(s&. the +O will be established for the student only if he$she has a P+E,. *+# ,*# -++#

Part / : )o be completed by student $ parent $ legal guardian $siblings aged *( and above By Student / Parent/.egal /uardian
nder Section -1"D% of t'e 2ducation 2ndo3ment and Sa0ing! Sc'eme! Act4 I 'ereby aut'ori!e t'e PS2 Sc'eme Admini!trator to ma5e deduction! from my / my c'ild6! "c'ildren6!% PS2A to (ay fee! or c'arge! incurred by my!elf / my c'ild at any a((ro0ed in!titution7 I declare t'at4 to t'e be!t of my 5no3ledge4 all t'e information in t'i! form i! true and accurate7 In connection 3it' t'i! a((lication4 I underta5e to furni!' to t'e PS2 Sc'eme Admini!trator any document! 3'ic' t'e PS2 Sc'eme Admini!trator may re8uire for 0erification (ur(o!e!4 and al!o aut'ori!e t'e PS2 Sc'eme Admini!trator to obtain from t'e rele0ant aut'oritie! / (er!on! any information or document! 3'ic' may be re8uired for !uc' (ur(o!e!7

By Sibling! Aged )- And Abo0e Named In Part )

nder Section -1"D% of t'e 2ducation 2ndo3ment and Sa0ing! Sc'eme! Act4 I/3e 'ereby aut'ori!e t'e PS2 Sc'eme Admini!trator to ma5e deduction! from my / our PS2A to (ay fee! or c'arge! incurred by my / our !ibling named in Part - at any a((ro0ed in!titution7

Sibling6! NRIC

Signature 9 Date

Signature of Student "Aged )- and abo0e% / Signature of Parent / .egal /uardian "If !tudent or !ibling! i!/are belo3 )- year! old%


Sibling6! NRIC

Signature 9 Date

Name of Parent / .egal /uardian

Parent:! / .egal /uardian:! NRIC

Sibling6! NRIC

Signature 9 Date

Part 0 : )o be completed by MOE Batch No Entered by Date

" +)!1#)"O + O #OMP2E)"O

O3 3O!M

Part ( T'i! (art mu!t be com(leted 3'et'er t'e !tudent u!e! 'i! o3n or 'i! !ibling!6 PS2A4 or bot' 'i! o3n and !ibling!6 PS2A7 a% b% Name ; 2nter t'e !tudent6! name a! in NRIC/$IN card In!titution Name ; 2nter t'e full name of t'e in!titution e7g7 Singa(ore Polytec'nic

Part * T'i! (art i! to be com(leted only if t'e !tudent i! re8ue!ting to u!e 'i! !ibling!6 PS2A7 If t'e !tudent i! u!ing 'i! o3n PS2A only4 t'i! (art need not be com(leted7 a% Name of !ibling ; To enter !ibling6! name a! in NRIC/BC/Citi<en!'i( Cert

A !tudent may re8ue!t to deduct fund! from u( to = !ibling!6 PS2A7 >o3e0er4 if t'e !tudent 'a! a PS2A4 deduction 3ill fir!t be made from 'i! o3n account7 Any !'ortfall 3ill t'en be deducted from t'e !ibling6! account labelled ?$ir!t@ under t'e column 'eading ?Deduction Priority@7 If t'ere i! !till !'ortfall4 deduction 3ill be made from t'e !ibling6! account labelled ?Next@4 follo3ed by t'e account labelled ?.a!t@7 Plea!e !ee t'e exam(le! belo3 PS2A Balance Deduction Priority Maximum Amount To !e 2xam(le A B C Cour!e $ee! A=*+ A*++ A-4+++ A)++ A)++ A )++ Student A)++ Sibling A)++ $ir!t -++# Sibling AB++ Next )*# Sibling AB++ .a!t *+#

Amount Deducted A -*+ A)++ A)++ A -++ A)*+ " )*# of A-+++% A=*+

Part / T'i! (art aut'ori!e! t'e u!e of t'e PS2A in Part )7 a% C%y +tudent$Parent$2egal 4uardian5 T'i! !ection mu!t be !igned by eit'er i7 t'e !tudent4 if 'e i! )- year! old or abo0e4 or ii7 a (arent/guardian if t'e !tudent or any !ibling 3'o!e account i! to be u!ed i! belo3 )- year! old b% C%y +iblings ,ged *( ,nd ,bove amed "n Part *5 T'i! !ection mu!t be !igned by !ibling"!% 3'o aut'ori!e t'e u!e of 'i!/t'eir PS2A if 'e/t'ey are )- year! old or abo0e

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