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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 1
May 30, 2011

uLllnl1lCn Cl CLl1lCAL LAW
lL ls a branch of publlc law LhaL deals wlLh Lhe organlzaLlon
and Lhe relaLlon of Lhe dlfferenL governmenLal llnes and how
Lhey relaLe wlLh each oLher and Lhe powers Lhey are
supposed Lo exerclse and Lhe exLenL of exerclse of Lhe
powers as well as deflnlng Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe
governmenL and Lhe governed, or Lhe sLaLes wlLh oLher
soverelgn sLaLes.

So ln Lerms of scope, lL ls broader Lhan oLher laws LhaL relaLes
Lo Lhe governmenL.
CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW ls [usL a branch of pollLlcal law. lL
deals wlLh how Lo balance wlLh auLhorlLy on one hand and
rlghLs of lndlvlduals. 8ecause Lhls perLalns Lo governmenL
llmlLlng Lhe rlghLs of lndlvlduals as recognlzed by blll of
rlghLs and aL Lhe same Llme Lhese rlghLs puL a llmlLaLlon on
Lhe powers of Lhe sLaLe, Lhen consLlLuLlonal law musL be
parL of pollLlcal law.

?ou have oLher braches llke AuMlnlS18A1lvL LAW LhaL deals
on how governmenL offlclals run Lhe governmenL and Lhe
exLenL of Lhe exerclse of Lhe powers on how one branch or
one deparLmenL, bureau or agency or lnsLrumenLallLy relaLes
wlLh each oLher.
1haL ls admlnlsLraLlve law LhaL ls why afLer consLl 1 and 2, you
wlll also be revlewlng pollLlcal law as parL of pollLlcal law

?ou also have LLLC1lCn LAWS whlch perLaln Lo Lhe elecLlon
of Lhe represenLaLlves of Lhe governmenL by Lhe people, Lhe
llmlLaLlon on Lhe conducL of elecLlon. lL has someLhlng Lo do
wlLh Lhe governmenL because wlLhouL elecLlon, Lhere
cannoL be a governmenL or offlclals ln Lhe governmenL.

?ou also have LAW Cn u8LlC ClllCL8S, LAW Cn u8LlC
CC8C8A1lCnS and u8LlC ln1L8nA1lCnAL LAW

1hese are Lhe dlfferenL parLs of pollLlcal law.

We wlll be Lackllng on Lhe sLudy of Lhe governmenL,
parLlcularly Lhe 8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL hlllpplnes 8L8LSLn1Lu
8? 1PL 1P8LL 88AnCPLS Cl 1PL CCvL8nMLn1. LxecuLlve,
leglslaLlve and [udlclary, ln Lhe naLlonal and local
governmenLs ln relaLlon Lo Lhe naLlonal governmenL.
We wlll also Lackle on Lhe sLudy of Lhe oLher agencles of Lhe
governmenL lndependenL of Lhe Lhree braches such as Lhe
1PL CM8uuSMAn on Lhe accounLablllLy of publlc offlclals.
1hen we wlll be dlscusslng on Lhe 8lLL Cl 8lCP1S.
We have Lhose Loplcs.

WhaL are Lhe sources of pollLlcal law? WhaL are Lhe basls of
your undersLandlng on Lhe powers of Lhe governmenL and
Lhe llmlLaLlons on Lhe exerclse of Lhe powers?
rlmarlly Lhe source ls Lhe 1987 CCnS1l1u1lCn.
Aslde from LhaL, you also have Lhe oLher laws. 8ecause you
wlll always have Lo refer Lo Lhe oLher laws whlch each
consLlLuLlon has evolved. Cr from whlch Lhe consLlLuLlon has
evolved, llke 1987 ConsLlLuLlon, whlch makes reference Lo
Lhe 1933 ConsLlLuLlon, whlch was promulgaLed pursuanL Lo
Lhe organlc laws passed by congress, 1ydlng's Mcduffl Law,
!ones Law of 1960, hlllpplne 8lll on 1902, Mcklnley's
lnsLrucLlons on school amendmenL.
All of Lhese were passed because of 1reaLy of arls, Lhe
lnsLrumenL LhaL formally Lransferred Lhe powers from Spaln
Lo Lhe uS.

1hese are Lhe sources of your pollLlcal laws. So when you
go lnLo Lhe undersLandlng of your provlslons of Lhe
consLlLuLlon, lL cannoL be avolded LhaL we make reference Lo
Lhose laws Lo be able Lo fully undersLand why such a
declslon of Lhe SC had been reached.

CLher Lhan Lhose laws passed by Lhe uS, we also make
reference on Lhe uLClSlCnS Cl 1PL SC, LhaL may have
changed Lhe lmpllcaLlon or Lhe meanlng of Lhe law.
Lxample. 1he !"#$%&'() ls llmlLed only Lo naLural resources
before. now, because of Lhe declslon of SC, even a bulldlng
LhaL ls noL belong Lo naLural resources ls consldered as parL
of naLlonal paLrlmony llke Manlla PoLel. So lL ls reserved
only Lo llllplno clLlzens. lL cannoL be sold Lo forelgners. lf
Lhere's any, prlorlLy should be glven Lo llllplnos because lL ls
parL of Lhe paLrlmony where Lhe provlslons of Lhe
consLlLuLlon provlded LhaL lL should be tesetveJ ot ptlotlty
sboolJ be qlveo to llllploo cltlzeo.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 2
rlmary source of undersLandlng of pollLlcal law ls Lhe 1987

WhaL ls a CCnS1l1u1lCn?
lL ls Lhe hlghesL fundamenLal law of Lhe land, upon whlch
all powers are founded, LhaL would llmlL, dlvlde, asslgn Lhe
exerclse f Lhe powers.

*-,,+2+./ 342/5 60.5/-/7/-0.
1. consLlLuLlon of governmenL
2. consLlLuLlon of llberLy
3. consLlLuLlon of soverelgnLy

reamble does noL form an lnLegral parL of Lhe
consLlLuLlon. We have lL because we copled Lhe preamble of
Lhe uS. 8uL lL ls nelLher a source of obllgaLlon or a source of
rlghLs of people.

CCnS1l1u1lCn Cl CCvL8nMLn1. 1hls provldes for Lhe
sLrucLure and Lhe powers of governmenL and Lhe llmlLaLlons
of on Lhe exerclse of powers.
?ou have Lhe 8lll of 8lghLs as provlslon on llberLy. And Lhen
we have soverelgnLy whlch refers Lo Lhe power of Lhe
people Lo amend or revlse Lhe consLlLuLlon or Lhe

*-,,+2+./ 8-.*5 0, 60.5/-/7/-0.
49 #' '$%:%(;
1. LnAC1Lu/CCnvLn1lCnAL CCnS1l1u1lCn
-enacLed by a ConsLlLuLlonal ConvenLlon.
2. evoluLlonary / cumulaLlve consLlLuLlon
-a producL of hlsLory
3. flaL / granLed consLlLuLlon
-made by one soverelgn for anoLher

49 #' <'$&;
1. W8l11Ln CCnS1l1u1lCn
-noL because lL ls ln wrlLlng
-all oLher sources are found ln one slngle lnsLrumenL
a. broad
b. brlef
c. deflnlLe
2. noL wrlLLen consLlLuLlon
-mosL sources are wrlLLen are wrlLLen buL are scaLLered
-some parLs are noL wrlLLen
-ex. cusLoms and LradlLlons

49 #' #=> &"((>$ '< ?="(:%(: #=> ?'(9#%#@#%'(;
1. 8lClu CCnS1l1u1lCn
-dlfflculL Lo change. noL flexlble
-musL follow a cerLaln procedure (S1ACLS):
a. proposal
b. submlsslon
c. raLlflcaLlon

-klnuS Cl CPAnCLS
a. revlslon (overhaul/change phllosophy or prlnclples
whlch consLlLuLlon ls founded)
b. amendmenL (noL change Lhe whole phllosophy)

C: ls Lhe change of governmenL a revlslon or an
amendmenL? Lx. change from presldenLlal Lo
A: 8LvlSlCn. 8ecause you LoLally change Lhe
phllosophy Lo be adopLed as basls of Lhe enforcemenL of
Lhe provlslons of Lhe consLlLuLlon.

C: lf you change Lhe Lerm of offlce of Lhe presldenL, ls
LhaL a revlslon or an amendmenL?
A: AMLnuMLn1

1. Congress
-WPA1 klnu Cl 8CCSAL:
a. revlslon
b. amendmenL
AL lLs dlscreLlon, congress may:
a. acL as ConCon - ConsLlLuenL Assembly for voLes
b. call for a ConsLlLuLlonal ConvenLlon for 2/3 voLes
c. lf Lhey are undeclded, refer Lhe quesLlon Lo a
referendum for ma[orlLy voLes, separaLely (all
members of congress)

2. eople
-WPA1 klnu Cl 8CCSAL
a. amendmenL CnL?
a. lnlLlaLlve on amendmenLs of Lhe consLlLuLlon
?ou need 12 of Lhe LoLal reglsLered voLers
whereln each leglslaLlve dlsLrlcL ls represenLed by
aL leasL 3 of lLs LoLal reglsLered voLers.
1hese Lwo musL concur wlLh each oLher CW Lhe
proposal ls lnvalld.

1he peLlLlon lLself musL be slgned by Lhe voLers.
lCW you cannoL only aLLach a blank papers Lo Lhe
peLlLlon. (A"&B%(' C9 6'&>D>?).
1hls ls Lhe reason why Lhe peLlLlon for Lhe
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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 3
change of sysLem of governmenL from presldenLlal
Lo parllamenLary was dlsmlssed by SC and
conflrmed by SC because lL was lmproperly done.
So lf you were Lo propose an amendmenL
lmlLaLed by Lhe people, Lhey musL slgn Lhe peLlLlon

C: ls Lhe provlslon on Lhe consLlLuLlon auLhorlzlng
Lhe people Lo propose amendmenLs on Lhe
consLlLuLlon self execuLlng as ln Lhe case of 5"(#%":'
C9 2"&'9?
A: no. SC sald 8A 6733 ls lnsufflclenL Lo provlde for
mechanlsm or procedure on how people can
propose amendmenLs Lo Lhe consLlLuLlon.
Slnce lL ls lacklng ln provlslon, lL ls presumed LhaL
people, wlLhouL leglslaLlon cannoL propose
amendmenLs Lo Lhe consLlLuLlon.

C: WhaL would be Lhe [usLlflcaLlon, should Lhey be
A: lL bolls down Lo Lhelr belng soverelgn. lL
becomes a pollLlcal quesLlon. lL ls up Lo Lhem Lo
declde. (A"&B%(' C9 6'&>D>?)

8uL Lhe prevalllng [urlsdlcLlon ls people cannoL
propose amendmenLs Lo Lhe consLlLuLlon alLhough lL
ls mandaLed buL Lhe provlslon ls noL self execuLory.

8. Su8MlSSlCn
1here ls consulLaLlon among Lhe people for a beLLer
undersLandlng of Lhe proposed change.
lLCL MLAL Su8MlSSlCn of proposed changes ls
prohlblLed. Should Lhere be any submlsslon, lL has Lo be
Lhe whole Lhlng for Lhe beLLer undersLandlng of Lhe
relaLlonshlp of Lhe proposed changes Lo Lhe consLlLuLlon.

C. 8A1lllA1lCn
When does Lhe amendmenL Lake effecL?
upon raLlflcaLlon by ma[orlLy voLes casL ln a pleblsclLe
called for Lhe purpose, noL a referendum. 1hls ls based
on plurallLy. noL based on ma[orlLy voLers.

49 #' B"9%9;
1. LMCC8A1lC 8Lu8LlCAn
-depend on Lhe form of governmenL LhaL ls provlded ln Lhe
consLlLuLlon lLself

3E-A-33-.+ 60.5/-/7/-0.
CCnS1l1u1lCn vS S1A1u1L
8oLh provlde for how governmenL should be managed or
provlde for powers or llmlLaLlon or Lhe exerclse of he
powers or deflne relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe governmenL and

1he dlfference ls LhaL, Lhe CCnS1l1u1lCn ls Lhe hlghesL law
of Lhe land. So lf lL ls n confllcL of Lhe sLaLuLe passed by
congress, lL should always prevall as Lhe sLaLuLe ls based on
Lhe consLlLuLlon.

1he consLlLuLlon provldes for Lhe baslc prlnclples.
1he S1A1u1L provldes for Lhe Jetolls because Lhe
consLlLuLlon cannoL be deLalled LhaL mlghL resulL Lo Lhe
mlsundersLandlng of Lhe meanlng of Lhe provlslons. lL has Lo
be able Lo cover everyLhlng from Loday and fuLure needs of
Lhe governmenL and Lhe people. SLaLue provldes for Lhe
deLalls of Lhe broad consLlLuLlon for effecLlve enforcemenL
or lmplemenLaLlon.

1he consLlLuLlon ls Lhe dlrecL acL of Lhe people because
wlLhouL Lhelr raLlflcaLlon, Lhe consLlLuLlon does noL Lake
Whereas Lhe sLaLuLe ls belng only assed by Lhe
represenLaLlves of Lhe people Lhrough congress.

CCnS1u1lCn vS C8CAnlC LAWS
8emember you have organlc laws passed durlng Lhe
Amerlcan occupaLlon llke hlllpplne 8lll of 1902, !ones Law
of 1916 and 1ydlngs Mcuuffy Law.

1hey are slmllar ln a sense LhaL organlc laws also provlde for
Lhe sLrucLure, organlzaLlon and operaLlon of Lhe governmenL
aL Lhe Llme. lL even provlded for Lhe blll of rlghLs and a
deflnlLlon of clLlzenshlp.

A dlfference beLween Lhese laws ls LhaL whlle Lhe consLlLuLlon
a dlrecL acL of Lhe people, organlc laws are passed by Lhe
represenLaLlves of Lhe people. uurlng LhaL Llme, Lhe uS

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 4
1987 CCnS1l1u1lCn
Colng back Lo Lhe klnds of laws used s basls ln Lhe
undersLandlng of governmenL and Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween
Lhe governmenL and governed, we also go lnLo a parLlcular
law LhaL we wlll use ln undersLandlng Lhe governmenL.

When dld Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon Lake effecL?
?ou have learned LhaL lL ls prepared by a ConsLlLuLlonal
Commlsslon pursuanL Lo roclamaLlon number 9 by Lhen
resldenL Aqulno under Lhe 8evoluLlonary CovernmenL
conslsLlng of 30 non elecLed by appolnLed members, from
Lhe dlfferenL secLors of socleLy.
AfLer Lhey have drafLed, lL was raLlfled by Lhe people on leb
2, 1987. lL was declared Lo have been valldly raLlfled ln leb
11, 1987 by Lhe Lxec Crder 30 by resldenL Aqulno.

8ecause Lhere are provlslons ln 1987 consLlLuLlon LhaL were
lnconslsLenL wlLh 1973, and Lherefore Lhey are deemed
lor example, deaLh penalLy. 1973 does noL prohlblL deaLh
penalLy. 8uL Lhe 1973 has expressly prohlblLed deaLh penalLy
excepL when congress by compelllng reason, congress wlll
pass a law for helnous crlmes and lmpose deaLh penalLy.
1herefore Lhere was a law passed deflnlng helnous crlmes
and provldlng deaLh penalLy blL was repealed laLely.
ls deaLh penalLy abollshed ln 1987 consLlLuLlon? ?es. 1haL ls
Lhe C8. 1he excepLlon ls when Lhere ls reservaLlon by
congress Lo pass a law deflnlng whaL helnous crlmes are and
lmposlng deaLh penalLy.
lf 1973 does noL prohlblL buL 1987 prohlblLs, assumlng LhaL
Lhere ls no law yeL, here ls on convlcLed ln 1983 Lo be
execuLed ln 1988, should he be execuLed?
lf Lhe consLlLuLlon Look effecL on leb 2, 1987 and he ls Lo be
execuLed on leb 3, 1987, Lhen Lhe execuLlon ls agalnsL Lhe
8uL lf Lhe consLlLuLlon Look effecL on leb 11, Lhe execuLlon
wlll sLlll be ln accordance wlLh Lhe law because whaL wlll
govern ls Lhe 1973 consLlLuLlon.

1hls was Lhe lssue ln Lhe case of *> A>'( C9 +9:@>$$". 1here
was an appolnLmenL of he ClC because under Lhe lreedom
ConsLlLuLlon, Lhe Lerm of offlce of local offlclals Lhen acLually
already explred buL Lhey were asked Lo hold over unLll Lhey
wlll be replaced by ClC's Lhrough Lhe MlnlsLry of Lhe
And Lhen Lhere was Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon, saylng LhaL Lhey
wlll noL be replaced anymore because Lhey have Lo hold on
unLll elecLlons wlll be called.
1he 8arangay CapLaln was replaced on leb 9.
lf Lhe consLlLuLlon Look effecL on leb 2, Lhe replacemenL ls
lllegal because Lhe LranslLory provlslon of Lhe consLlLuLlon
says LhaL Lhey have Lo hold offlce unLll elecLlon ls called.
8uL lf Lhe consLlLuLlon Look effecL on leb 11, Lhen Lhe
replacemenL ls valld.
SC sald 1PL CCnS1l1u1lCn 1Ck LllLC1 Cn 1PL uA1L Cl
8A1lllCA1lCn - lL8 2, 1987.

WhaL ls Lhe consLlLuLlonal basls? Sec 27 ArL 18 of Lhe

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As you have learned ln your flrsL year, Lhe sLudy of pollLlcal
law baslcally a sLudy abouL Lhe sLaLe and when you sLudy Lhe
sLaLe, you have Lo go abouL lLs elemenLs.

lrom Lhe Cv of ollLlcal law, Lhere are only four elemenLs:
1. people
2. LerrlLory
3. governmenL
4. soverelgnLy

lrom Lhe Cv of lnLernaLlonal law, for a sLaLe Lo be
consldered as such, Lwo oLher elemenLs musL be presenL:
3. degree of clvlllzaLlon accepLable by Lhe lamlly of naLlons
6. recognlLlon of Lhe lamlly of naLlons

=#> %-# .'<#9#&?( @&2&8&(' 8#'82#> &582'9&(? %-# 1&6 '4 A25&?-%7 B'6> &(
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lL ls an lnLroducLlon only. lL ls noL parL of Lhe consLlLuLlon, lL ls
noL even necessary. 1o a cerLaln exLenL, lL has lLs pracLlcal
use whlch ls Lo lndlcaLe Lhe source of soverelgnLy.
1he provlslons ln Lhe preamble wlll help or gulde Lhe
members of congress and SC and oLher courLs ln consLrulng
Lhe provlslons of Lhe consLlLuLlon because Lhe consLlLuLlon ls
founded on Lhe purposes as enumeraLed ln Lhe preamble.

-H3A02-.I /E+ 4-* 0, 4AH-IE/G I0*
uoes Lhls vlolaLe Lhe separaLlon of church and sLaLe?
8ecause Lhls ls [usL an asserLlon of Lhe klnd of people LhaL
we are. 1hls ls noL a confermenL of rlghLs. 1hls does noL
lmpose rellglon buL only a declaraLlon LhaL we belleve ln

So you cannoL go Lo courL and use preamble for you asserLlon
on you freedom of rellglon because, llke arL 2 ls noL self
execuLlng. lL ls noL a source of rlghLs or obllgaLlons.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 3
1. Lo bulld a [usL Anu humane socleLy
2. Lo esLabllsh a CovernmenL LhaL shall embody our ldeals
and asplraLlons
3. Lo promoLe Lhe common good (noL general welfare)
4. Lo conserve and develop our paLrlmony
3. Lo secure Lo ourselves and our posLerlLy, Lhe blesslngs of
lndependence and democracy under Lhe rule of law and a
reglme of LruLh, [usLlce, freedom, love, equallLy, and peace

1. 1L88l1C8? - A81 1
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.4/-0.4A /+22-/02G 60H305-/-0.
1. hlllpplne archlpelago, wlLh all Lhe lslands and waLers
embraced Lhereln
2. all oLher LerrlLorles over whlch Lhe hlllpplnes has
soverelgnLy or [urlsdlcLlon, conslsLlng of lLs:
a. LerresLrlal domalns
b. fluvlal domalns
c. aerlal domalns
lncludlng lLs
d. LerrlLorlal sea
e. seabed
f. subsoll
g. lnsular shelves
h. oLher submarlne areas
3. waLers
-around, beLween, and connecLlng Lhe lslands of Lhe
-regardless of Lhelr breadLh and dlmenslons

1he klnd of LerrlLory you have ls archlpelago. So you have Lo
undersLand whaL an archlpelago ls.
1wo deflnlLlons:
1. a body of waLer sLudded wlLh several lslands
2. a group of lslands surrounded or separaLed by sea waLers

WhaL do we follow under unCLCS - un ConvenLlon Law of
Lhe Seas?
An archlpelago ls a body of waLer sLudded wlLh several

Al1L8 88LAk

46J7-5-/-0. 0, /E+ -5A4.*5
Pow dld we acqulre Lhe lslands comprlslng Lhe hlllpplne
rlmarlly we acqulre Lhem by cesslon, excepL for Lhe
8aLanes lslands whlch we have acqulred Lhrough long
occupaLlon and possesslon.

Pow was Lhe Lransfer made?
1hrough Lhe 1reaLy of arls whlch was enLered lnLo by
Spaln and uS on uec 10, 1898 whlch was amended by Lwo
more LreaLles ln 1900 Lransferrlng Lhe 1urLle lslands and
Mangsl lslands. And Lhen you have Lhe CreaL 8rlLaln and uS
LreaLy, Lhe 1reaLy of WashlngLon, whlch also ceded Lwo
more lslands.

1n LhaL baslcally, Lhese lslands LhaL conslsLs of Lhe hlllpplne
archlpelago was acqulred by us Lhrough Lransfer.
1he only lslands noL parL of Lhose lslands ls Lhe 8aLanes
lslands ln facL Lhey were apparenLly excluded ln Lhe 1reaLy
of arls. 1haL ls Lhe reason why we need Lo deflne Lhe
naLlonal LerrlLory under Lhe 1933 ConsLlLuLlon Lo lnclude Lhe
8aLanes lslands whlch has Lhe phrase - all Lhose belonglng
Lo Lhe hlllpplnes by hlsLorlc rlghL or by legal LlLle.

1n LhaL Lhese hlllpplne archlpelago, lf you are asked whaL
provlslons ln Lhe naLlonal LerrlLory haL expressly provlde for
Lhe adopLlon of Lhe archlpelaglc docLrlne, and LhaL ls one of
Lhose LhaL sLaLes or deflnes whaL comprlses Lhe hlllpplne
LerrlLory whlch says - %-# E-&2&88&(# 19$-&8#21?'> C&%- 122 %-# &.21(6.
1(6 C1%#9. #5:91$#6 %-#9#&(+
lCW lL does noL conslsL only of Lhe lslands. lL also lncludes Lhe
waLers embraced ln Lhe archlpelago.

/+22-/02-+5 .0/ ,07.* - ./+ 426E-3+A4I0
WhaL are Lhese LerrlLorles? - 122 '%-#9 %#99&%'9&#. '<#9 C-&$- %-#
E-&2&88&(#. -1. .'<#9#&?(%7 '9 ;09&.6&$%&'(+

1n LhaL Lhe con[uncLlve word ls C8, noL and.

!u8lSulC1lCn ls when you puL up a governmenL and you have
Lhe laws enforced by Lhe governmenL.
8uL Lhere are lnsLances when we are clalmlng cerLaln
LerrlLorles where we have noL esLabllshed hlllpplne
governmenL Lhere buL we are clalmlng as parL of our
naLlonal LerrlLory. 1he legal basls for LhaL ls SCvL8LlCn1?.

SoverelgnLy could elLher be:
1. Lmperlum
2. uomlnlum

LML8luM meanlng acLs of soverelgnLy, meanlng exerclse
of governmenLal powers.
So lf we clalm a properLy under Lhe prlnclple of emporlum,
lL belongs Lo Lhe sLaLe ln lLs soverelgn capaclLy. lL ls noL
sub[ecL Lo Lax and any sulL agalnsL Lhe properLy LhaL belongs
Lo Lhe sLaLe ln lLs soverelgn capaclLy, Lhe sLaLe canoL be
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age 6

under he prlnclple of uCMlnluM where Lhe properLy ls
belng owned by Lhe governmenL ln lL proprleLary capaclLy.
lCW lL refers Lo Lhe legal LlLle.
We mlghL noL have esLabllshed a governmenL Lhere buL as
far as we are concerned, lL belongs Lo us by elLher hlsLorlc
rlghL or legal LlLle.

So on [urlsdlcLlon, lL ls obvlous LhaL Lhere has Lo be a
governmenL esLabllshed. Llke Lhe one we esLabllshed ln
kalayaan lslands whlch ls parL of alawan. Cr Lhe
governmenL ln Scarborough Shoal whlch ls parL of Zambales.
1hese are examples of LerrlLorles belng parL lf he hlllpplnes
over whlch Lhe hlllpplnes has [urlsdlcLlon.

8emember LhaL we also have clalms over Sabah and norLh
8orneo. 1o some [urlsLs, Lhey would say LhaL we have boLh
emperlum and domlnlum over Lhe LerrlLory. 1he basls of
whlch ls hlsLorlc rlghL as well as legal LlLle.
lL was allegedly owned by a SulLan of Solo and Lhen lL was
even Lo Lhe uaLu of norLh 8orneo and lL was leased Lo Lhe
8rlLlshed lndles Company whlch ls a 8rlLlsh owned
corporaLlon of Lhe governmenL. 1hey Lurned over Lhe
LerrlLory Lo Lhe Malayslan CovernmenL and LhaL ls Lhe
reason why Malaysla ls clalmlng lL.
8uL as far as hlllpplnes ls concerened, Lhe sulLan of Solo has
Lransferred Lhe rlghLs Lo Lhe hlllpplne governmenL so LhaL
Lhey can make a legal clalm over Lhe properLy.
lL became more of a conLroversy by reason of Lhe !abadah
Massacre LhaL compelled us Lo drop our clalm over Sabah.
1o remove Lhe lrrlLanL of Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Malaysla
and Lhe hlllpplnes, we rephrased Lhe provlslon on Lhe
deflnlLlon of Lhe naLlonal LerrlLory and lnsLead of adopLlng -
by hlsLorlc rlghL or by legal LlLle, we change lL Lo - and all
oLher LerrlLorles whlch Lhe hlllpplnes has [urlsdlcLlon or

Always remember LhaL Lhls does noL preclude us from
clalmlng properLles whlch we have noL esLabllshed a
governmenL, however we have soverelgnLy over Lhem by
reason of hlsLorlc rlghL or legal LlLle.
Llkewlse, we are noL precluded from clalmlng fuLure
properLles. lor as long as Lhe mode of acqulslLlon ls
accepLable by lnLernaLlonal sLandards, and noL by lnvaslon.
lL could be by purchase.

So far we are clalmlng Lhe SpraLley lslands agalnsL oLher
counLrles. Also cerLaln porLlons of kalayaan lslands.

8emember LhaL Lhese lslands llke kalayaan and Scarborough
Shoal are found ouLslde Lhe archlpelago. lf we are Lo
conslder Lhe LerrlLorlal seas as parL or belonglng Lo Lhese
LerrlLorles of whlch Lhe hlllpplnes has [urlsdlcLlon or
soverelgnLy, we do noL follow Lhe normal basellne meLhod
because ours ls an archlpelago. WhaL we have adopLed ls
Lhe A8CPlLLAClC uCC18lnL.

426E-3+A4I-6 *06/2-.+
1he waLers around Lhe lslands, beLween or connecLlng,
regardless of Lhe deepness and Lhe wldeness belong Lo Lhe
lnLernal waLers of Lhe hlllpplnes.

Pow do you deLermlne Lhe lnLernal waLers of Lhese lslands
conslderlng Lhe kalayaan Croup of lslands and Scarborough
We adopL Lhe sLralghL basellne meLhod. ?ou deLermlne Lhe
ouLermosL lslands of Lhe archlpelago. ?ou lmaglne an
archlpelago LhaL looks llke a recLangle lf we are Lo conslder
all Lhe lslands ln Lhe archlpelago.
?ou have Lo connecL Lhe ouLermosL polnLs of Lhe
ouLermosL lslands by a sLralghL llne.

8ecause of Lhls, lL ls consldered LhaL all lslands lnslde are
consldered lnLernal waLers. 1hey are consldered llke rlvers,
lakes and swamps, regardless of deepness and wldeness
separaLlng Lhe lslands.
1hey are noL even consldered marlLlme domaln. 1hey are
slmply lnLernal waLers.

1hls had been ob[ecLed Lo b Lhe members of Lhe un when Lhe
had Lhe unCLCS because Lhey are saylng LhaL lL ls noL falr
because whlle Lhe hlllpplnes has lnLernal waLers, Lhey have
a clalm over LerrlLorlal seas or Lhe marlLlme domaln whlch ls
12 nM from Lhe normal basellne.
So Lhey wanLed us Lo redraw our lnLernal waLers ln order haL
Lhey would be able Lo deLermlne Lhe exLenL of our lnLernal
And so Lhls prompLed congress ln May 2009 LhaL Lhere should
be proper deLermlnaLlon of lnLernal waLers or archlpelaglc
docLrlne. 1hey had 24 KLMMN

1he law wlLhdrew Lhe basellne Lo comply wlLh Lhe unCLCS
requlremenLs for archlpelaglc sLaLe, ln Lhe process excludlng
Lhe kalayaan Croup of lslands and Lhe Scarborough Shoal.
So whaL looks llke recLangular becomes Lrlangular now
because Lhey were excluded.
So how are Lhese lslands now LreaLed lf Lhey are excluded
from Lhe maln archlpelago ln Lhe deLermlnaLlon of lnLernal
waLers or Lhe archlpelaglc waLers?
1hey wlll be slmply be LreaLed as reglme of lslands.

So you wlll deLermlne lLs LerresLrlal domaln followlng Lhe
normal basellne, around Lhe lslands wlll be Lhe basls of Lhe
deLermlnaLlon of Lhe exLenL of [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe sea
waLers. 1hey are [usL slmply consldered as ouLslde of Lhe
maln archlpelago.

So when you connecL Lhe ouLermosL lslands, you do noL
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age 7
lnclude Lhe kalayaan Croup of lslands and Lhe Scarborough
Shoal. So you wlll [usL focus on Lhe maln archlpelago.

426E-3+A4I-6 O4/+25
1hen you go by Lhe archlpelaglc waLers. lL would be from Lhe
normal basellne Lo Lhe ouLermosL lslands, 12 nM.
So lnslde are consldered as lnLernal waLers.

H42-/-H+ *0H4-. 02 /+22-/02-4A 5+45
now you go by Lhe deLermlnaLlon of Lhe marlLlme domaln or
LerrlLorlal seas.
?ou have 12 nM from Lhe normal basellne of Lhe ouLermosL

-./+2.4/-0.4A O4/+25
8eyond LhaL, LhaL ls consldered as lnLernaLlonal waLers.

60./-.+./4A 5E+A, 4.* -.57A42 5E+A,
1n you also have as parL of our LerrlLory, conLlnenLal shelf
and lnsular shelf.
1hls could be Lhe conLlnenL LhaL ls submerged under Lhe
waLer. Whlle lL ls low Llde, lL ls dry. So you wlll know LhaL lL ls
sLlll an exLenslon of Lhe lsland.

8uL whlle lL ls hlgh Llde, lL ls covered by Lhe sea waLer, and lL
could go beyond 12 nM from Lhe normal basellne of Lhe
ouLermosL lsland.

32-.6-3A+ 0, 60./-I7075 P0.+
Would LhaL sLlll be parL of Lhe naLlonal LerrlLory?
no. beyond Lhe 12 nM from Lhe normal basellne of Lhe
ouLermosL lslands, lL ls no longer parL of Lhe naLlonal

1he hlllpplnes however has [urlsdlcLlon up Lo 24 nM from
Lhe normal basellne. lCW 2 more nM from Lhe end of 12
mlles of Lhe LerrlLorlal seas.
Agaln, LhaL ls noL parL of Lhe naLlonal LerrlLory as lL ls beyond
Lhe 12 nM. 8uL for purposes of lmplemenLlng or proLecLlng
1. flscal laws
2. sanlLary laws
3. lmmlgraLlon laws
4. cusLoms laws
We can run afLer Lhese people up Lo 24 nM from Lhe normal
basellne or 12 nM from Lhe end of Lhe LerrlLorlal seas
conslsLlng of 12 nM from Lhe normal basellne.

1hls ls Lhe 8lnClLL Cl CCn1lCuCuS ZCnL. lL exLends only
up Lo 12nM from LerrlLorlal seas. AlLhough noL parL of Lhe
LerrlLory, Lhe coasLal sLaLe may exerclse [urlsdlcLlon Lo
prevenL lnfrlngemenL or vlolaLlon of cusLoms, flscal,
lmmlgraLlon and sanlLary laws.

+Q6A75-F+ +60.0H-6 P0.+
lor purposes of enforclng Lhe laws l have enumeraLed, you
can go beyond up Lo 12 more nM lf lL ls wlLhln Lhe
conLlguous zone buL lL does noL belong Lo Lhe hlllpplne
LerrlLory buL you can explore Lhe naLural resources beyond
Lhe 12 nM up Lo 200 nM.
1haL ls LxCLuSlvL LCCnCMlC ZCnL. lL ls noL parL of Lhe
LerrlLory where we have excluslve soverelgn rlghL Lo explore,
explolL, conserve, and manage Lhe naLural resources whlch
may conslsL of Lhe esLabllshmenL and use of arLlflclal lslands,
lnsLallaLlons and sLrucLures for marlne and sclenLlflc
research and Lhe proLecLlon and preservaLlon of marlne

60.5/-/7/-0.4A-/G 0, 24 KLMM
So whaL musL be emphaslzed as Lo lLs consLlLuLlonallLy ls 8A
9322. lL ls Lhe deflnlLlon of Lhe archlpelaglc basellne.
lL ls quesLloned because lL wlll ln effecL change Lhe deflnlLlon
of Lhe naLlonal LerrlLory.
1he basls of Lhe deflnlLlon ln Lhe dellneaLlon of Lhe
boundarles, laLlLudes and longlLudes, or Lhe exLenL of our
[urlsdlcLlon ln Lhe archlpelago ls Lhe 1reaLy of arls.
WlLh Lhe adopLlon of 8A 9322, Lhls has pracLlcally changed
because of Lhe reducLlon of our clalm over Lhe lnLernal
waLers by excludlng Lhe kalayaan Croup of lslands and Lhe
Scarborough Shoal from Lhe maln archlpelago ln Lhe
deLermlnaLlon of Lhe lnLernal waLers.

1errlLorlal seas refer Lo marlLlme domaln, 12 nM.
1he seabed ls Lhe porLlon under Lhe sea whlch could be rlch
ln oll and oLher resources.
1alklng abouL subsoll, Lo whaL exLenL do we have [urlsdlcLlon?
1here ls no llmlLaLlon on LhaL under Lhe lnLernaLlonal laws.
1hen you have Lhe lnsular shelves and oLher submarlne areas
whlch lnclude Lhe Lrench.

O4/+25 60..+6/-.I /E+ -5A4.*5
1he oLher deflnlLlon of Lhe adopLlon of Lhe lnLernaLlonal
docLrlne ls one LhaL says - Lhe waLers around, beLween and
connecLlng Lhe lslands of Lhe archlpelago, regardless of Lhe
breadLh and dlmenslon. 1hey are consldered as parL of
lnLernal waLers.

,02+-I. +HR455-+5
Pow abouL forelgn embassles ln Lhe counLry as parL of Lhe
naLlonal LerrlLory?
?es. 8uL we do noL exerclse [urlsdlcLlon ln Lhese premlses,
because by and agreemenL, LreaLy or cusLoms of
lnLernaLlonal law LhaL embassles are LreaLed as exLenslons
of Lhe counLry LhaL lL represenLs.

Pere, we are noL exerclslng Lhe acLs of soverelgnLy. 8uL
deflnlLely, lL ls parL of Lhe naLlonal LerrlLory (2>":"( C9 6-2)

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 8
R45-5 0, 6A4-H 4I4-.5/ 84A4G44. -5A4.*5
?ou have Lhe PlS1C8lC 8lCP1, allegedly fro Lhe dlscovery of
1omas kroma, a llllplno from 8ohol. Pe was a marlner.
u 1936, on !une 11, 1978, LhaL was Lhe declaraLlon of Lhe
dlscovery, LhaL lL was belng dlscovered by a llllplno and
becomes parL of Lhe LerrlLory.
LffecLlve occupaLlon, LhaL sLarLed wlLh Lhe famlly of 1omas.
1hey mlgraLed buL dld noL lasL. 1hen evenLually Lhe coasL
guards Look over.

1hen we have Lhe 8lClLL Cl CCn1lCul1? because of lLs
proxlmlLy. lL ls nearesL Lo us.

lL ls parL of Lhe CCn1lnLn1AL SPLLl under Lhe sLralghL
basellne meLhod. 8A 3046 and 8A 3446, Lhen we have 8A

3+03A+ 45 4. 4A+H+./ 0, /E+ 5/4/+
AnoLher elemenL of Lhe sLaLe ls people.
lrom Lhe Cv of pollLlcal law, Lhe mosL lmporLanL Lhlng ls you
musL undersLand who are Lhese people belng referred Lo,
how ls Lhe word people used ln Lhe provlslons of Lhe

eople could mean Lhe lnAP8l1An1S ln CLnL8AL. 1he
lnhablLanLs could elLher be a clLlzen or a forelgner.
A clLlzen could elLher be a quallfled voLer or a non voLer.

So when Lhe consLlLuLlon says soverelgnLy resldes ln Lhe
people and all governmenL auLhorlLy emanaLes from Lhem,
does Lhe Lerm people lnclude Lhe forelgners?
CerLalnly noL. 8ecause Lhey have noLhlng Lo do wlLh Lhe
esLabllshmenL of governmenL.

uoes lL lnclude Lhose who are noL quallfled voLers?
no. because Lhey cannoL chose represenLaLlves of Lhe

So when we say soverelgnLy resldes ln Lhe people, Lhe people
belng referred Lo here acLually refers 1C 1PL CuALlllLu
vC1L8S C8 1C 1PL LLLC1C8A1L.

3+03A+ S 2-IE/ /0 -.,02H4/-0.
When Lhe law says 1PL 8lCP1 Cl LCLL 1C lnlC8MA1lCn
Cl MA11L8S Cl u8LlC CCnCL8n, can a forelgner [oln Lhe
no. because Lhe people belng referred Lo Lhere refers only
Lo clLlzens of Lhe counLry. Many he be a voLer or non voLer.

3+03A+ S 2-IE/ 4I4-.5/ 7.2+450.4RA+ 5+426E+5 4.*
1he maLLer on Lhe rlghL of people agalnsL unreasonable
searches and selzure. Who ls referred Lo Lhere?
lL refers Lo all lnhablLanLs of Lhe counLry. Pe may be a
forelgner or a clLlzen.

1n LhaL from Lhe Cv of pollLlcal law, Lhe mosL lmporLanL
Lhlng LhaL you musL know ls LhaL Lhe governmenL ls relaLlng
noL Lo any people buL Lo lLs clLlzens.
So Lhen you musL know who are Lhe clLlzens of Lhe

6-/-P+. F5 .4/-0.4A
1n of Lhe dlfference beLween a clLlzen and a naLlonal.
n: owes alleglance Lo Lhe sLaLe

All clLlzens are naLlonals buL noL all naLlonals are clLlzens.
8ecause whlle you may be a llllplno by orlgln, buL you are
no longer a clLlzen because you have been naLlonallzed ln
anoLher counLry. 8uL sLlll you may be loyal Lo Lhe hlllpplnes
belng a former clLlzen of Lhls counLry.

C: member of a democraLlc pollLlcal communlLy
n: member of any communlLy

46J7-5-/-0. 0, 6-/-P+.5E-3 /E207IE RA00*
lnsofar as clLlzen ls concerned, LlLle he holds ls Cl1lZLnSPl.

And how ls Lhls acqulred by hlm ln order Lo be a member of a
democraLlc body pollLlc?
Cenrally, you have by blood relaLlonshlp on Lhe prlnclple of
[us sangulnls. ?ou have Lhe place of blrLh and naLurallzaLlon
or by marrlage.

So from blrLh, Lhere are Lwo cholces, elLher [us soll or blood
8uL ln Lhls [urlsdlcLlon, we do noL recognlze [us soll.

8uL lf you are asked, once upon a Llme, dld we recognlze [us
soll prlnclple?
uurlng Lhe Amerlcan occupaLlon, Lhere was no deflnlLlon
on who are clLlzens of Lhe hlllpplnes.
We were also noL clLlzens of uS and Spaln, we were Lhelr
unLll Lhe hlllpplne 8lll of 1902 was passed ln !uly 1, 1902
where Lhere was a deflnlLlon of ClLlzens.
8eLween uec 10, 1988 (Lransfer of soverelgnLy from Spaln
Lo uS) Lo !uly 1, 1902, Lhere was no deflnlLlon as Lo who
were Lhe clLlzens of Lhe hlllpplnes.
1hus Lhe recognlLlon of Lhe prlnclple of !uS SCLl, followlng
Lhe law ln Amerlca.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 9
*+,-.-/-0. 0, 6-/-P+.
unLll Lhere was LhaL deflnlLlon ln !ul 1, 1902 by vlrLue of Lhe
hlllpplne 8lll of 1902 referrlng Lo all lnhablLanLs, sub[ecLs of
Spaln as of Aprll 11, 1899 and Lhe chlldren of Lhese

75+ 0* T75 50A-
8eLween uec 10, 1988 Lo !uly 1, 1902, Lhe [us soll was
recognlzed. ln facL Lhls was enunclaLed ln Lhe case of 2'" C9
6'DD>?#'$ '< ?@9#'&9, Lhen lL was correcLed when Lhe SC sald
we do noL recognlze [us soll prlnclple. WhaL we recognlze ln
Lhe hlllpplnes ls only [us sangulnls.
8uL because even lf Lhe [udgmenL of Lhe courL may be
erroneous, buL because Lhe [udgmenL of Lhe courL has
become flnal and execuLory, Lhe prlnclple of res [udlcaLa

8uL we have never really recognlzed [us soll. lL was only for
pracLlcal reason because of Lhe absence of deflnlLlon of
clLlzens durlng Lhe Amerlcan occupaLlon's flrsL perlod.

46J7-5-/-0. 0, 6-/-P+.5E-3 /E207IE .4/724A-P4/-0.
Cf course Lhls refers Lo forelgners who wanLs Lo become
llllplno clLlzens.

Pow abouL sLaLeless lndlvlduals? Can Lhey be naLurallzed?
lor as long as Lhey have Lhe quallflcaLlons requlred by Lhe
law and none of Lhe dlsquallflcaLlons, Lhen Lhey may quallfy.

46J7-5-/-0. 0, 6-/-P+.5E-3 RG H422-4I+ S ('# "U'!#>U
1hen you have by marrlage.
lf a llllplna marrles a forelgner and Lhe law of Lhe husband
forelgner wlll conslder her as a clLlzen of Lhe counLry, Lhen
she wlll have Lhe clLlzenshlp of her husband, aL Lhe same
Llme reLaln her hlllpplne clLlzenshlp.

ln Lhe hlllpplnes, do we adopL Lhe prlnclple LhaL one may
become a llllplno by marrlage?
nC. lf you are a forelgner, wlfe has Lo go Lhrough
AuMlnlS18A1lvL nA1u8ALlZA1lCn. She has Lo prove LhaL
she does noL suffer any of Lhe dlsquallflcaLlon, lCW, lL ls noL

46J7-5-/-0. 0, 6-/-P+.5E-3 RG 4*03/-0. S ('# "U'!#>U
We do noL also recognlze adopLlon as a mode of adopLlng
clLlzenshlp ln Lhe hlllpplnes CW whaL ls Lhe use of
naLurallzaLlon lf we recognlze adopLlon.

-H302/4.6+ 0, 6-/-P+.5E-3
Why ls lL lmporLanL why we have Lo know who are Lhe
clLlzens of Lhe hlllpplnes?
8ecause Lhere are cerLaln rlghLs LhaL can only be en[oyed
by Lhe clLlzens of Lhe counLry and en[oyed by Lhe clLlzens of
Lhe counLry or reserved only for Lhe clLlzens of Lhe counLry.

8-.*5 0, 6-/-P+.5
1. !u8lulCAL Cl1lZLnS
2. nA1u8AL L8SCnS

,-A-3-.0 6023024/-0.
Who are consldered llllplno corporaLlon?
Pen Lhe caplLal o9f LhaL corporaLlon ls aL leasL owned by
60 of llllplno clLlzens, naLural persons.

2-IE/5 ,02 .4/724A ,-A-3-.0 6-/-P+.5
Lxamples are Lo run for publlc offlce and Lo be employed ln
Lhe governmenL.
Sec 18, arL 11 of Lhe consLlLuLlon requlres LhaL all publlc
offlcers and employees musL be loyal Lo Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe
hlllpplnes and lLs laws.
So LhaL any change of clLlzenshlp from a llllplno Lo lmmlgranL
should be dealL wlLh by law. 1haL would be a ground for
dlsmlssal from Lhe servlce.

42/ V 5+6 W
"#$%&'( F+ ,-# 4'22'C&(? 19# $&%&G#(. '4 %-# E-&2&88&(#.H
IFJ ,-'.# C-' 19# $&%&G#(. '4 %-# E-&2&88&(#. 1% %-# %&5# '4 %-# 16'8%&'( '4
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42/ V 5+6 W 342 W
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When dld Lhe hlllpplne consLlLuLlon Lake effecL?
leb 2, 1987

Who ls covered by Lhls?
1hls covers all Lhose who are already clLlzens of Lhe
hlllpplnes when 1987 ConsLlLuLlon was adopLed ln leb 2.
Meanlng Lhose who are clLlzens under 1973 consLlLuLlon,
whlch says:
a. Lhose who are clLlzens of Lhe hlllpplnes aL Lhe Llme of Lhe
adopLlon of Lhe 1973 ConsLlLuLlon whlch was adopLed ln !an
17, 1973.
b. Lhose whose faLhers and moLhers are clLlzens of Lhe
c. Lhose who are born of llllplno moLhers and elecLed
llllplno clLlzenshlp
b. Lhose naLurallzed ln accordance wlLh law

ln Lhe flrsL paragraph of 1973 ConsLlLuLlon, we refer Lo Lhe
1933 ConsLlLuLlon, whlch says:
a. Lhose who are clLlzens of Lhe hlllpplnes aL Lhe Llme of Lhe
adopLlon of Lhe 1933 ConsLlLuLlon, May 14, 1933
b. Lhose who were born ln Lhe hlllpplnes of forelgner
parenLs who before Lhe adopLlon of 1933 consLlLuLlon was
elecLed Lo offlce
c. Lhose whose faLhers were clLlzens of Lhe hlllpplnes
d. Lhose whose moLhers are llllplnos and upon reachlng Lhe
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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 10
age of ma[orlLy and upon reasonable Llme elecLed llllplno
e. Lhose who are naLurallzed ln accordance wlLh law.

llrsL paragraph of 1933 ConsLlLuLlon, who are covered
1hose who are deflned as clLlzens under Lhe hlllpplne 8lll
of 1902 pursuanL Lo Lhe provlslons of Lhe 1reaLy of arls, as
amended b !ones Law of 1916.

Who are Lhe clLlzens of Lhe hlllpplnes under Lhe hlllpplne
8lll of 1902?
lL refers Lo all lnhablLanLs sub[ecL of Spaln of Lhe hlllpplne
lslands as of Aprll 11, 1899 (exchange of
lnsLrumenLs/LreaLles beL Spaln and uS).

Who are Lhe lnPA8l1An1S?
a. naLlve born, Lhe lndlos of Lhe hlllpplne lslands
b. resldenLs or lnhablLanLs comlng from Lhe Spanlsh
enlnsulares who as of Aprll 1899 were resldlng ln Lhe
hlllpplne lslands and had chosen Lo remaln ln Lhe hlllpplne
c. Lhose who were lnhablLanLs of Lhe lslands of Spanlsh
papers n or before Aprll 11, 1988

/>?9'( C9 6'&>D>?
Lorenzo oe dled somewhere n 1934. 1hey were
wonderlng whaL was Lhe clLlzenshlp of lernado oe !r
because Lhe faLher declared hlmself as a Spanlard as
lndlcaLed ln hls marrlage cerLlflcaLe wlLh hls flrsL marrlage.
1he grandfaLher, Lorenzo was an lnhablLanL of Lhe
hlllpplnes presumably because he dled ln Lhe hlllpplnes aL
Lhe age of 0's ln 1934. So he musL have reslded ln Lhe
hlllpplnes as of 1899.
under Lhe hlllpplne 8lll of 1902, Lhe subsequenL chlldren
of Lhe lnhablLanLs are consldered llllplno clLlzens as well.
8ecause Lhe faLher of lernando was Lhe son of Lorenzo,
Lhen he musL be a llllplno clLlzen even lf he declares hlmself
as a Spanlard.
Pow could l! be a llllplno clLlzen when Lhe faLher was noL
marrled Lo Lhe moLher? lf he ls llleglLlmaLe, he musL follow
Lhe legally known parenL and Lhe legally known parenL ls Lhe
moLher, who ls a uS clLlzen.
Accordlng Lo oplnlon of Lhe frlends of Lhe SC, l! was
recognlzed by hls faLher. 1he 1933 consLlLuLlon provldes LhaL
clLlzens are Lhose whose faLhers are clLlzens of Lhe
hlllpplnes. lL does noL quallfy wheLher Lhe faLher was
leglLlmaLe or llleglLlmaLe.
1he chlld who follows Lhe name of Lhe faLher ls presumed
Lo be recognlzed by Lhe faLher. ln Lhe case, lL ls presumed
LhaL l! was recognlzed by Lhe faLher because of Lhe facL
LhaL afLer hls blrLh, Lhere ls an affldavlL of Lhe slsLer of hls
faLher LhaL hls faLher conLlnued Lo cohablL wlLh Lhe moLher.
So presumably he was recognlzed.
8ecause Lhe faLher ls llllplno, Lhen l! ls a llllplno clLlzen.
6"9>; F"DD>X C9 6'&>D>?
1he faLher del 8osarlo was a llllplno when he mlgraLed Lo
AusLralla. Pe goL marrled Lo an AusLrallan clLlzen and had hls
1he daughLer wenL Lo uavao and ran for publlc offlce unLll
she ran for a hlgher poslLlon as governor when her
clLlzenshlp was quesLloned because noL only was she
reglsLered an AusLrallan clLlzen, she was also carrylng an
AusLrallan passporL. She was born ln AusLralla. 1he moLher
was an AusLrallan clLlzen, and Lhe faLher was already an
AusLrallan clLlzen.
1hen lL was dlscovered LhaL Lhe faLher was Lhe son of an
lnhablLanL of Lhe hlllpplne LerrlLory as of Aprll 11, 1899.
8elng one, he musL be llllplno clLlzen. lf he acqulres
anoLher clLlzenshlp, lL ls noL concluslve LhaL he has losL hls
hlllpplne clLlzenshlp. And because he had losL lL aL Lhe Llme
of blrLh of hls daughLer, by [us sangulnls, she musL also be a
llllplno clLlzen. ln facL, a naLural born clLlzen of Lhe

1n Lhe provlslon ln Lhe 1933 ConsLlLuLlon wlLh respecL Lo
forelgners who were born ln Lhe hlllpplnes. Meanlng Lhose
of forelgn parenLs. Powever desplLe belng a forelgner,
elecLed Lo a publlc offlce.

6='(: R%"(
1he faLher was elecLed as an offlcer ln Mlsamls. When Chong
8lan acqulred a shlpplng buslness, hls clLlzenshlp was
quesLloned because Lhen he was already born when Lhe
faLher was elecLed Lo a publlc offlce.
1he faLher of course became llllplno clLlzen. how come LhaL
he Loo became a llllplno clLlzen?
8ecause aL Lhe Llme, he was sLlll a mlnor. 8y uL8lvA1lvL
Cl1lZLnSPl, he Loo became a llllplno clLlzen and Lhus he ls
quallfled Lo engage ln a buslness whlch ls only reserved for
llllplno clLlzens.
ln facL, Lhe chlldren subsequenL LhereLo are consldered
naLural born clLlzen.

,4/E+25 42+ 6-/-P+.
AL Lhe Llme, only Lhose who are born Lo llllplno faLhers can
adopL Lhe clLlzenshlp.

H0/E+25 42+ 6-/-P+.
WhaL abouL lf he ls born Lo a llllplna?
Pe ls sLlll also a llllplno clLlzen for as long as she ls noL
marrled Lo a forelgner.

Meanlng, lf faLher and moLher ls llllplno, no cholce, chlld ls
llllplno. noL because Lhe moLher ls llllplno buL because Lhe
faLher ls llllplno.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 11
,-A-3-.4 H422-+* /0 4 ,02+-I.+2 Y WKZL 60.5/-/7/-0.
8uL lf Lhe moLher ls llllplna, and Lhere ls a forelgner, under
Lhe 1933 ConsLlLuLlon, she loses her clLlzenshlp because
Lhere ls a presumpLlon LhaL she acqulres her clLlzenshlp of
her forelgner husband.
1haL's Lhe reason why Lhe chlld durlng hls mlnorlLy has no
cholce. Pe ls consldered a forelgner.
8uL he ls glven Lhe opLlon Lo elecL hlllpplne clLlzenshlp.
1he requlremenL however ls LhaL Lhe moLher musL be a
llllplno clLlzen aL leasL aL Lhe Llme of marrlage Lo forelgner
faLher. And Lhe chlld was born before !an 17, 1973.

8uL lf Lhe llllplna ls noL marrled Lo Lhe forelgner, Lhe chlld
follows Lhe clLlzenshlp of Lhe legally known parenL.
As far as Lhe chlld ls concerned, Lhe legally known parenL ls
Lhe moLher.

4*03/+* 6E-A* 0, ,-A-3-.0 ,4/E+2
lf faLher ls a llllplno and Lhe chlld ls adopLed, can Lhe chlld
become a llllplno clLlzen?
no. ln Lhls [urlsdlcLlon, whaL we follow ls Lhe prlnclple of [us
sangulnls. ?ou cannoL acqulre llllplno clLlzenshlp by
adopLlon. 1here ls naLurallzaLlon for Lhe chlld Lo acqulre
hlllpplne clLlzenshlp.

1he only excepLlon Lo Lhls ls 8A 9223 whlch ls Lhe uL8lvA1lvL
Cl1lZLnSPl under uuAL Cl1lZLnSPl AC1 LhaL even Lhe
adopLed chlldren of a former naLural born clLlzen be
paLrlaLed under Lhls provlslon wlll become a naLural born
clLlzen belng a mlnor chlld, alLhough adopLed.

Agaln, adopLlon ls noL a mode of acqulrlng llllplno clLlzenshlp.

42/ V 5+6 W 342 M
I)J ,-'.# C-'.# 41%-#9. '9 5'%-#9. 19# $&%&G#(. '4 %-# E-&2&88&(#.K

,-A-3-.4 H422-+* /0 4 ,02+-I.+2 Y WK[Z \ WK]L
8elaLlng LhaL provlslon Lo 1973 and 1983, here, Lhe female
counLerparL of Lhe llllplno clLlzen ls puL Lo a level equal Lo
Lhe male counLerparL so LhaL of Lhe moLher ls llllplno
clLlzen, regardless who Lhe husband ls for as long as she dld
noL lose her llllplno clLlzenshlp aL Lhe Llme of forLh of Lhe
chlld, chlld ls llllplno clLlzen.

8uL 1n of Lhe cuL off perlod. 1he chlld has Lo be born aL leasL
on !an 17, 1973 or LhereafLer Lo apply LhaL provlslon. 1he
moLher aL Lhe Llme of Lhe blrLh musL be a llllplno clLlzen for
LhaL chlld Lo be consldered a llllplno.

lf Lhe moLher was marrled under 1933 consLlLuLlon, even lf
Lhe chlld was born afLer 1973 ConsLlLuLlon was adopLed, Lhe
chlld ls noL a llllplno. AL Lhe Llme of blrLh, Lhe moLher has
already losL her llllplno clLlzenshlp by vlrLue of her marrlage
Lo a forelgner husband under Lhe 1933 ConsLlLuLlon.
When Lhe llllplna under Lhe 1933 consLlLuLlon, she ls
presumed Lo have acqulred Lhe clLlzenshlp of her forelgner
husband. And Lhus auLomaLlcally, she loses her hlllpplne
lCW Lhe burden of proof lles wlLh her LhaL she never losL her
clLlzenshlp because she never acqulred Lhe clLlzenshlp of her
8uL Lhe law presumes LhaL by Lhelr marrlage, she acqulred
Lhe clLlzenshlp of her husband and Lhus she loses hlllpplne

1he clLlzenshlp of Lhe chlld lf born 84 !an 17, 1973 ls Lhe
faLher's clLlzenshlp. Pe has no cholce. 8ecause now Lhe
moLher ls forelgner [usL llke Lhe faLher.
8uL Lhe chlld, only durlng hls mlnorlLy ls consldered a
forelgner. 1he chlld ls glven Lhe chance Lo become a llllplno
clLlzen upon reachlng Lhe age of ma[orlLy (21) or wlLhln
reasonable perlod of Llme (3 years), he elecLs hlllpplne
clLlzenshlp, Lhen he becomes a llllplno clLlzen.
lf he does noL elecL llllplno clLlzenshlp, Lhen he remalns a

lf Lhe parenLs marrled ln 1963 and chlld was born ln 1974,
whaL ls Lhe clLlzenshlp of Lhe chlld durlng hls mlnorlLy? uoes
he need Lo elecL llllplno clLlzenshlp ln order Lo become
llllplno clLlzen?
1he chlld ls a forelgner. Pe cannoL elecL hlllpplne
MoLher losL her llllplno clLlzenshlp aL Lhe Llme of marrlage.
So aL 1974, aL Lhe Llme of blrLh of Lhe chlld, Lhe moLher ls
already a forelgn unless she acqulred her llllplno clLlzenshlp
aL Lhe Llme of blrLh of Lhe chlld.
Pe cannoL elecL hlllpplne clLlzenshlp. 8ecause from blrLh,
Lhe moLher ls already a forelgner.

2+J7-2+H+./5 /0 +A+6/ ,-A-3-.0 6-/-P+.5E-3
1. Lhe moLher, musL have been marrled under 1933
ConsLlLuLlon who ls a llllplno clLlzen aL Lhe Llme of marrlage
2. Lhe chlld musL be born before !an 17, 1973

H422-4I+ 4,/+2 WK[Z
Would lL make any dlfference lf Lhe moLher ls marrled Lo Lhe
faLher aL 1973 ConsLlLuLlon?
?es. 8ecause when Lhe llllplna marrles Lhe husband
forelgner, she does noL lose her clLlzenshlp unless by her acL
or omlsslon she ls deemed by Lhe law Lo have renounced her
ln whlch case, because she ls presumed Lo have remalned
llllplno clLlzen, aL Lhe Llme of blrLh Lhe chlld ls a llllplno
clLlzen because Lhe law says - Lhose whose faLhers and
moLhers are clLlzens

uoes he need Lo elecL?
no need. 8ecause he ls already a llllplno clLlzen.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 12
+,,+6/ 0, +A+6/-0. 0, ,-A-3-.0 6-/-P+.5E-3 S .4/724A
lf he a naLural born clLlzen lf he elecLs hlllpplne clLlzenshlp
assumlng LhaL Lhe moLher was marrled Lo Lhe faLher before
1973 ConsLlLuLlon and he ls born under 1933 ConsLlLuLlon.
Pe elecLed llllplno clLlzenshlp before 1973 ConsLlLuLlon was
enacLed, ls he a naLural born llllplno clLlzen?
?es. Pe ls presumed Lo be naLural born. 1here ls no
deflnlLlon Lhen.

under 1973, Lhere ls a clear deflnlLlon - Lhose who are
clLlzens from blrLh wlLhouL havlng Lo perform any acL ln
order Lo acqulre llllplno clLlzenshlp ls a naLural born.
1o elecL llllplno clLlzenshlp ls perfecLlng or acqulrlng llllplno
under LhaL deflnlLlon, a clLlzenshlp by elecLlon ls noL a naLural

So LhaL lf Lhls person was born under 1933 ConsLlLuLlon,
elecLed llllplno clLlzenshlp under 1973 ConsLlLuLlon, he ls a
llllplno clLlzen buL noL a naLural born.

Powever, lL ls anomalous because whlle Lhese Lwo persons
are slLuaLed under Lhe same clrcumsLances, Lhe only
dlfference ls Lhe daLe of elecLlon, one ls consldered a llllplno
clLlzen and Lhe oLher ls noL.
reclsely Lhls was correcLed under Lhe 1973 consLlLuLlon. 1haL
even Lhose who are elecLed as llllplno clLlzenshlp are now
consldered as naLural born clLlzens. Apply reLroacLlvely.
So Lhere ls no more problem ln deLermlnlng wheLher he ls
naLural born or noL. Lven lf he elecLed llllplno clLlzenshlp, he
ls a naLural born clLlzen, Lherefore quallfled Lo run for offlce
LhaL requlres only naLural born clLlzens.

H4..+2 0, +A+6/-0.
Pow ls elecLlon be made ln order Lo be consldered a clLlzen?
1. Laklng of oaLh of alleglance
2. parLlclpaLlng ln elecLlon by
a. runnlng for publlc offlce
b. voLlng
c. acLlvely campalgnlng for a candldaLe
3. declares under oaLh as a llllplno clLlzen

433A-64/-0. 7./-A WKK[
ClLlzen by elecLlon applles only unLll 1997. 8ecause lf Lhe chlld
was born afLer 1973, Lhere ls no need Lo elecL llllplno
clLlzenshlp because he ls already consldered a llllplno
So Lhe cuL off ls 1973. lus 21, LhaL means 1994. lus 3 years
1997 (3 years afLer reachlng Lhe age of ma[orlLy).
Pe has Lo elecL by Lhe age of 21 or wlLhln reasonable perlod
of Llme.

!une 6, 2011

42/ V 5+6 W 342 M
I)J ,-'.# C-'.# 41%-#9. '9 5'%-#9. 19# $&%&G#(. '4 %-# E-&2&88&(#.K

2+/4-.-.I 6-/-P+.5E-3
1hls refers only Lo chlldren born ln 1973 or LhereafLer
because upon effecLlvlLy of 1973 ConsLlLuLlon, lf a llllplna
marrles a forelgner, she does noL auLomaLlcally lose her
She reLalns her llllplno clLlzenshlp unless by her acL or
omlsslon she ls deemed under Lhe L3he law Lo have
renounces her clLlzenshlp.
So aL Lhe Llme of Lhe blrLh of Lhe chlld, as long as Lhe moLher,
alLhough marrled Lo Lhe faLher has remalned a llllplno
clLlzen, Lhe chlld ls a llllplno clLlzen, regardless of Lhe
clLlzenshlp of Lhe faLher who ls marrles Lo Lhe faLher.

H422-+* R+,02+ WKZL^ R02. 4,/+2 WK][
8uL lf Lhe moLher was marrled under Lhe 1933 ConsLlLuLlon
under whlch he ls consldered Lo have losL her llllplno
clLlzenshlp by vlrLue of Lhe marrlage Lo Lhe forelgner and Lhe
chlld ls born only afLer Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon, whaL would be
Lhe clLlzenshlp of Lhe chlld?
lL depends aL Lhe clLlzenshlp of Lhe moLher aL Lhe Llme of
lf aL Lhe Llme of blrLh, Lhe e moLher has noL reacqulred her
hlllpplne clLlzenshlp, Lhen she remalns a forelgner. ln whlch
case, Lhe chlld has no cholce. 8oLh parenLs are forelgners.
And even lf he elecLs hlllpplne clLlzenshlp, he cannoL
acqulre hlllpplne clLlzenshlp.

2+J7-2+H+./5 0, 6-/-P+.5E-3 RG +A+6/-0.
8ecause here Lo avall of Cl1lZLnSPl 8? LLLC1lCn pursuanL
Lo Lhe provlslons of 1933 ConsLlLuLlon, 1n of Lhe
1. born before !an 17, 1973
2. moLher ls llllplno aL leasL aL Lhe Llme of Lhe marrlage Lo Lhe
forelgner husband

Lven lf Lhe moLher has become a forelgner aL Lhe Llme of
Lhe blrLh of Lhe chlld, Lhe chlld has a chance of becomlng a
llllplno by elecLlon upon reachlng Lhe age of ma[orlLy or
wlLhln a reasonable perlod of Llme.

42/ V 5+6 W 342 Z
ILJ ,-'.# :'9( :#4'9# M1(0197 F*> FN*L> '4 @&2&8&(' 5'%-#9.> C-' #2#$%
E-&2&88&(# $&%&G#(.-&8 08'( 9#1$-&(? %-# 1?# '4 51;'9&%7K 1(6

We have dlscussed Lhls already.
1he ls only Lemporary and LranslLlonal ln a sense LhaL by 1994
Lo 1997, Lhere wlll be no more chlldren by elecLlon because
Lhe presumpLlon ls Lhe chlld musL have elLher elecLed
llllplno clLlzenshlp or Lhe Llme has passed for hlm Lo elecL
llllplno clLlzenshlp.
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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 13
6-/-P+.5 RG +A+6/-0. 42+ 4/724A R02. 6-/-P+.5
Lven Lhose who elecLed llllplno clLlzens are now consldered
as nA1u8AL 8C8n Cl1lZLnS under Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon.

So regardless wheLher he has elecLed llllplno clLlzenshlp
elLher before or afLer !an 17, 1973, Lhe chlld ls deflnlLely a
naLural born llllplno clLlzen.

?ou go back Lo Lhe deflnlLlon of Lhe naLural born clLlzens ln
Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon, lL lncludes Lhose who elecLed
hlllpplne clLlzenshlp.

42/ V 5+6 W 342 V
IOJ ,-'.# C-' 19# (1%0912&G#6 &( 1$$'961($# C&%- 21C+

60HH0.O+4A/E 46/ V[Z
1hls ls Lhe orlglnal provlslon on naLurallzaLlon.
lf you are a forelgner and you wanL Lo become a llllplno
clLlzen, Lhen you have Lo apply for naLurallzaLlon.

.4/724A-P4/-0. RG 4 ,02+-I.+2
naLurallzaLlon by a forelgner by a forelgner ls noL a maLLer of
rlghL, lL s a prlvllege, an acL of grace granLed by a soverelgn
sLaLe Lo a forelgner.
1herefore lL ls dlscreLlonary upon Lhe sLaLe WCn Lo confer
llllplno clLlzenshlp Lo a forelgner.

And ln connecLlon LherewlLh, Lhere are cerLaln quallflcaLlons
LhaL an appllcanL forelgner musL possess and musL also
avold sufferlng any of Lhe dlsquallflcaLlons provlded by Lhe
And Lhe law ls very sLrlcL. ?ou have Lo have all Lhe
quallflcaLlons and none of Lhe dlsquallflcaLlons.

.4/724A-P4/-0. RG 4 5/4/+A+55 -.*-F-*74A
Pow abouL lf one ls a sLaLeless lndlvldual? Can he apply for
1he law ls sllenL regardlng on LhaL, for as long as he has all
Lhe quallflcaLlons and none of Lhe dlsquallflcaLlons.

1. 21 years of age
2. of good moral characLer
3. resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes conLlnuously for 10 years
4. properLy of noL less Lhan 3k
3. chlldren of school ages musL be ln publlc schools
6. able Lo read and wrlLe Lngllsh and any of Lhe hlllpplne

1. bellever ln blgamy or polygamy
2. sufferlng from lncurable and conLaglous dlsease
3. bellever ln Lhe use of vlolence ln asserLlng your prlnclples

2+6+./ 27A-.I 0, J74A-,-64/-0.5 4.*
now, for as long as perhaps you do noL have all Lhe
quallflcaLlon buL you do noL suffer any dlsquallflcaLlon, you
may apply for naLurallzaLlon whlch could elLher be [udlclal or
admlnlsLraLlve or by leglslaLlon.

T7*-6-4A .4/724A-P4/-0.
lnsofar as [udlclal process, lL ls very Ledlous. ?ou follow a
parLlcular procedure:
1. make a declaraLlon of lnLenL Lo become a llllplno clLlzen
2. flle lnLenL wlLh Lhe CSC
3. walL for 1 year as SolCen lnvesLlgaLes wheLher you have all
Lhe quallflcaLlon
4. lssuance of cerLlflcaLlon by SolCen LhaL you are quallfled
3. flle a peLlLlon wlLh 81C
6. 81C Lo acqulre [urlsdlcLlon wlll order Lhe publlcaLlon of Lhe
peLlLlon ln a newspaper of general clrculaLlon and Lhe offlclal
7. hearlng and recepLlon of evldence
8. [udgmenL and granL of peLlLlon
9. walLlng perlod of 2 years
10. courL schedules Laklng of oaLh of alleglance

2+F064RA+ Y T7*I+H+./ 0. .4/724A-P4/-0.
1n Lhe [udgmenL ln Lhe naLurallzaLlon case wlll never become
flnal. AnyLlme lL wlll be sub[ecL Lo revocaLlon upon moLlon
by Lhe SolCLn.

J7+5/-0. 0. F4A-*-/G 0, .4/724P4/-0. 3206++*-.I5
lf Lhere ls any quesLlon on Lhe valldlLy of Lhe naLurallzaLlon
proceedlngs, ln Lhe case of A%&_"%?='(: C9 6'&>D>?, LhaL
only Lhe SolCen or Lhe governmenL can quesLlon Lhe valldlLy
of a naLurallzaLlon proceedlngs ln a ul8LC1 AC1lCn and noL
ln a collaLeral proceedlngs such as a peLlLlon for
dlsquallflcaLlon of a candldaLe ln an elecLlon case

6"9>; A%&_"%?='(: C9 6'&>D>?
1here was a quesLlon on Lhe quallflcaLlon of Lhe candldaLe
because Llmkalchong who ls now a congresswoman was Lhe
chlld of a former Chlnese clLlzen who applled for
Accordlng Lo Lhe peLlLloner, Lhe faLher's naLurallzaLlon ls
lnvalld and Lherefore Lhe faLher never became a llllplno
clLlzen. naLurally, Lhe chlldren are noL consldered llllplno
clLlzen. Lhus Lhey ask for Lhe dlsquallflcaLlon of Llmkalchong.
CCMLLLC dlsmlssed Lhe peLlLlon and SC revlewed by SC and
SC sald LhaL only Lhe governmenL or Lhe SolCen can quesLlon
LhevalldlLy of Lhe naLurallzaLlon proceedlngs.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 14
60.5+J7+.6+5 0, /E+ I24./ 0, .4/724A-P4/-0. /0 4
1. forelgner becomes a clLlzen of Lhe hlllpplnes

2. wlfe may become a llllplno clLlzen Lhrough
AuMlnlS18A1lvL nA1u8ALlZA1lCn
-Lhere ls no acqulslLlon of llllplno clLlzenshlp by marrlage
-by asklng for Lhe cancellaLlon of AC8 and by provlng LhaL
she suffers none of Lhe dlsquallflcaLlons provlded by law
-lL ls noL auLomaLlc

3. as Lo chlldren:
a. Lhose who are already born aL Lhe Llme of Lhe approval of
naLurallzaLlon of Lhe faLher, conslder wheLher he ls a mlnor
or of age aL Lhe Llme
a.1. lf he ls already of age, he does noL become a llllplno
clLlzen. lf he wanLs Lo, e has Lo apply for naLurallzaLlon
a.2. lf he ls a mlnor, he by uL8lvA1lvL Cl1lZLnSPl
becomes a llllplno clLlzen
a.3. lf aL Lhe Llme of Lhe approval, he ls ouLslde Lhe
hlllpplnes, he ls only llllplno durlng mlnorlLy. upon
reachlng Lhe age of ma[orlLy, he ls glven Lhe cholce elLher
Lo remaln a llllplno clLlzen or reverL back Lo orlglnal
clLlzenshlp of Lhe faLher

-Lhose who have become llllplno clLlzen by derlvaLlve
clLlzenshlp, Lhey are consldered nA1u8ALlZLu llllplno

b. Lhose who are born afLer Lhe faLher becomes a llllplno by
naLurallzaLlon, Lhey are clLlzens
-Lhey are consldered nA1u8AL 8C8n.
-you go back Lo Lhe deflnlLlon, Lhose who are clLlzens
from blrLh. 8ecause Lhe faLher aL Lhe Llme of blrLh ls a
llllplno clLlzen, Lhen Lhe chlldren are llllplno clLlzens

*>?D"$"#%'( '< "( "U&%(%9#$"#%C> B'U) '$ " ?>$#%<%?"#%'( U'>9
('# ?="(:> " `@U%?%"D `@U:&>(#
-6"9>; 8%D'9 R")"( C9 0(:
1hls ls Lhe appolnLmenL of Cng as !usLlce of SC where Lhese
was a quesLlon on hls clLlzenshlp. Pe was a Sandlgan 8ayan
Somebody asked for an ln[uncLlon noL Lo lssue Lhe
appolnLmenL conslderlng LhaL Lhere was a quesLlon on hls
Pe was born Lo a faLher who ls naLurallzed and a llllplna
moLher. 1he moLher was a daughLer of hls grandfaLher who
ls naLurallzed, orlglnally Chlnese marrled Lo a llllplna.
CrandfaLher became naLurallzed. 1he moLher aL Lhe Llme
was sLlll a mlnor, and by derlvaLlve clLlzenshlp, Lhe moLher
became a llllplno clLlzen.
1he moLher goL marrled Lo a Chlnese who aL Lhe Llme was
sLlll applylng for naLurallzaLlon. AL Lhe Llme of marrlage, Lhe
husband was sLlll a Chlnese clLlzen. uurlng Lhe 1933
ConsLlLuLlon, Lhe moLher auLomaLlcally losL her clLlzenshlp.
LvenLually Lhe faLher became a llllplno by naLurallzaLlon.
8uL Lhe blrLh cerLlflcaLe of Cng says LhaL he ls a llllplno
clLlzen by vlrLue of derlvaLlve clLlzenshlp.
When he Look Lhe bar exam, Lhere was a quesLlon on hls
clLlzenshlp because hls famlly name ls forelgn soundlng.
A declaraLlon made, a cerLlflcaLlon of uC! Lhrough Lhe
bureau of lmmlgraLlon declarlng hlm as a naLural born
clLlzen. And Lhls was hls basls ln Lhe appllcaLlon for [udgeshlp
and [usLlceshlp ln S8 where lL requlres naLural born clLlzen.
When Lhls was quesLloned ln Lhe appllcaLlon for [usLlceshlp
ln SC, SC looked lnLo Lhe maLLer.

ln facL Cng was asklng why now look aL Lhe appllcaLlon
when Lhere was never a quesLlon on hls appllcaLlon when
was noL quesLloned ln Lhe quallflcaLlon for S8.
SC sald LhaL lL ls a CCnS1l1u1lCnAL lSSuL Cl SlCnlllCAn1
MA11L8 conslderlng LhaL lL goes lnLo Lhe quallflcaLlons of an
SC [usLlce requlred by Lhe consLlLuLlon. 1he consLlLuLlon
requlres LhaL ln order for one Lo become a naLural born
clLlzen, he has Lo be a naLural born clLlzen.

SC declared LhaL a declaraLlon of an admlnlsLraLlve body or
a cerLlflcaLlon does noL change a [udlclal [udgmenL LhaL
sLaLes Lhe faLher was naLurallzed clLlzen and Lherefore by
derlvaLlve clLlzenshlp, Lhe chlld who was Lhen a mlnor
cannoL be naLural born.

Cng was banklng on Lhe facL LhaL Lhe moLher was a llllplna
and LhaL she never losL her clLlzenshlp upon marrles and aL
Lhe Llme of hls blrLh, he was a llllplno clLlzen.
SC sald, lf you are Lo CPAnCL your 8l81P CL81lllCA1L, you
cannoL do LhaL by a cerLlflcaLlon of an admlnlsLraLlve body
llke Lhe 8ureau of lmmlgraLlon. 1haL requlres [udlclal change
or declaraLlon.
lor you Lo clalm LhaL you re naLural born, you have Lo go Lo
courL and make necessary changes ln your blrLh cerLlflcaLe
and noL by slmply a declaraLlon of an admlnlsLraLlve body.

1here was a peLlLlon Lo uLCLA8L ALL !uuCMLn1S
8LnuL8Lu vClu because aL Lhe Llme he rendered Lhe
[udgmenL, he was dlsquallfled supposedly Lo slL as [usLlce of
SC for lack of Lhe requlslLe clLlzenshlp of a naLural born.
SC sald LhaL lL ls vALlu havlng been rendered by a uL
lAC1C ClllCL8. 1he appolnLmenL was ln good falLh on Lhe
assumpLlon LhaL he was quallfled.

ulLlmaLely Lhere was a declslon of SC declarlng hlm as
naLural born afLer hls blrLh cerLlflcaLe has been correcLed.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 13
2+F064/-0.0, .4/724A-P4/-0. 3206++*-.I5
AnoLher polnL you should 1n ln naLurallzaLlon ls Lhe
revocaLlon. lL ls never flnal and execuLory, res [udlcaLa
prlnclple does noL apply.

+,,+6/ 0. *+4/E 0, I24./++ 3+.*-.I J7+5/-0. 0.
F4A-*-/G 0, .4/724A-P4/-0.
WhaL lf Lhe granLee of Lhe clLlzenshlp has dled already when
Lhere ls Lhe revocaLlon of Lhe naLurallzaLlon? ls lL deemed
mooLed upon Lhe deaLh of Lhe granLee?
1haL depends on Lhe grounds of Lhe revocaLlon:

a. lf Lhe ground for revocaLlon ls LhaL Lhe !uuCMLn1 lS vClu
on Lhe ground LhaL he has dlsquallfled, Lhen lL shall
CCn1lnuL because of Lhe clLlzenshlp LhaL has been also
exLended Lo hls mlnor chlldren and Lo Lhe wlfe.
8ecause when clLlzenshlp ls granLed, he becomes a llllplno.
1he mlnor chlldren and Lhe wlfe wlll have some basls Lo
apply for naLurallzaLlon before Lhey can become llllplnos.
lf revoked, naLurally premlsed on Lhe [udgmenL belng vold,
Lhen Lhere has never been any clLlzenshlp en[oyed or can be
Lransferred by Lhe granLee.
So even afLer Lhe deaLh of Lhe granLee, Lhe acLlon for
revocaLlon on Lhe decree of naLurallzaLlon may sLlll posper

b. lf Lhe ground for revocaLlon ls LhaL Lhe granLee has
vlCLA1Lu 1PL CCnul1lCnS Cl nA1u8ALlZA1lCn or he
LCS1 PlS CuALlllCA1lCnS 1PL8LAl1L8, (ex. convlcLed of
crlme lnvolvlng for moral LurplLude), lL wlll noL pre[udlce
Lhose who derlved Lhelr clLlzenshlp from Lhelr faLher.
lf Lhe appllcanL granLee dles, Lhen Lhe case wlll have Lo be
dlsmlssed as Lhe case has become MCC1 Anu ACAuLMlC.

H0*+5 0, 46J7-2-.I 6-/-P+.5E-3
1. from blrLh by blood relaLlonshlp/ [us sangulnls
2. naLurallzaLlon

?ou cannoL acqulre llllplno clLlzenshlp elLher by marrlage or
by naLurallzaLlon.

H0*+5 0, A05-.I 6-/-P+.5E-3
Accordlng Lo Lhe modes provlded for by law:
1. applylng for a forelgn clLlzenshlp/ naLurallzaLlon of forelgn
6"9>; A"B' C9 6'&>D>?
lalLh healer who goL marrled Lo an AusLrallan clLlzen and
LhereafLer applled for naLurallzaLlon ln AusLralla. Pe
volunLarlly and expressly renounced hls hlllpplne
clLlzenshlp Lo become an AusLrallan clLlzen.
8y LhaL acL, he ls deemed Lo have losL hls hlllpplne

2. expaLrlaLlon
LxpaLrlaLlon has Lo be done expressly. lL ls noL [usL a mere
declaraLlon. lL could be llke:
a. Laklng an oaLh of alleglance Lo supporL and defend Lhe
forelgn governmenL ln applylng for naLurallzaLlon
b. Laklng an oaLh of alleglance Lo supporL Lhe consLlLuLlon of
Lhe forelgn counLry

+<<>?# '( ?"$$)%(: '< <'$>%:( !"99!'$#
ln relaLlon Lo Lhls, Lhe mere carrylng of a forelgn passporL ls
noL consldered as express renunclaLlon of forelgn

+<<>?# '( $>:%9#$"#%'( %( R@$>"@ '< -&&%:$"#%'( "9 "
A reglsLraLlon ln Lhe 8ureau of lmmlgraLlon LhaL you are a
forelgner ls noL consldered as an express renunclaLlon of
forelgn clLlzenshlp. lL ls only an ASSL81lCn Cl A lC8LlCn
Cl1lZLnSPl. 8uL noL express renunclaLlon.

Y6"9>; 4X("$ C9 6'&>D>? "(U R"(>X C9 6'&>D>?
Y6"9>; 09&>("
When he ran as governor, Lhere was a quesLlon on Lhe
clLlzenshlp because ln Lhe 8ureau of lmmlgraLlon, he
declared hlmself as a uS clLlzen as well.
1haL ls noL consldered loss of clLlzenshlp by expaLrlaLlon. lL
ls a mere asserLlon of forelgn clLlzenshlp buL noL concluslve
as Lo havlng renounced hls hlllpplne clLlzenshlp, unless
Lhere ls proof LhaL he has expressly renounced hls forelgn

3. servlng Lhe armed forces of a forelgn counLry
LxcepL where we have slgned a muLual defense agreemenL.
unless by Lhelr acL or omlsslon, Lhey have deemed Lo have
renounced Lhelr forelgn clLlzenshlp, llke applylng for
naLurallzaLlon of uS.
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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 16
4. by marrlage of llllplna Lo a forelgner, and by Lhelr acLor
omlsslon Lhey are deemed Lo have renounced her
8uL C8 llllplnas marrylng forelgners remaln llllplnos.

3. deserLer of Lhe Armed lorces, convlcLed by flnal [udgmenL
Lspeclally durlng war Llme.

H0*+5 0, 2+46J7-2-.I 6-/-P+.5E-3 4.* 2+J7-2+H+./5
1. naLurallzaLlon
2. repaLrlaLlon

WN .4/724A-P4/-0.
naLurallzaLlon could be:
a. [udlclal
b. admlnlsLraLlve
c. Lhrough acL of congress

WN4N T7*-6-4A .4/724A-P4/-0.
!udlclal, you have
1. CommonwealLh AcL 63 - for Lhose who have losL and wanL
Lo reacqulre
2. CommonwealLh AcL 473 - Crlglnal appllcaLlon for
naLurallzaLlon by a forelgner

MN 2+34/2-4/-0.
lor purposes of reacqulslLlon of hlllpplne clLlzenshlp, Lhere
are several laws on repaLrlaLlon:
a. 8A 8171
b. 8A 723
c. 8A 9223

lf you have losL you clLlzenshlp because you are marrled Lo a
forelgner and you wanL Lo reacqulre your clLlzenshlp, you
can reacqulre lL by 8A 8171, 723 or oLher laws on

MN4N 24 ]W[W
lf you have losL your clLlzenshlp because you have served
Lhe allled forces durlng WW2, you can reacqulre lL by 8A
CLher grounds for 8A 8171 are for reasons of economlc and
pollLlcal necesslLy.

1. apply for repaLrlaLlon wlLh Lhe 8ureau of lmmlgraLlon ln
Lhelr Speclal CommlLLee on naLurallzaLlon
2. Lake oaLh of alleglance
3. teqlstet ootb of olleqlooce wltb tbe clvll teqlstty wbete yoo
lost teslJeJ ot pteseotly teslJloq ot
4. furnlsh copy Lo Lhe 8ureau of lmmlgraLlon Lhrough Speclal
CommlLLee on naLurallzaLlon

8LCul8MLn1 Cl 8LClS18A1lCn ln ClvlL 8LClS18?
lL ls noL enough LhaL you Lake your oaLh of alleglance. lL has
Lo be reglsLered.
6"9>; ,$%C"DU' C9 6'&>D>?
Pe was dlsquallfled.
Pe lnslsLed LhaL Lhe momenL he flled a cerLlflcaLe of
candldacy where he Look hls alleglance and made a
declaraLlon LhaL he ls a llllplno clLlzen, ln effecL, he has
renounced hls uS clLlzenshlp. 8uL he falled however Lo
reglsLer LhaL he ls a llllplno clLlzen ln Lhe nearesL clvll
reglsLry where he was resldlng whlch ls requlred under

8L18CAC1lvL l8CM 1lML Cl llLlnC Cl L1l1lCn
?ou reacqulre your clLlzenshlp from Lhe Llme he flled hls
peLlLlon for repaLrlaLlon.
Whlch means LhaL for as long as he complled wlLh all Lhe
requlremenLs for someone Lo run for an elecLlve offlce,
before he assumed offlce, he compleLed hls requlremenLs
and lL was approved, Lhen he ls consldered quallfled for Lhe

Pe flled hls peLlLlon for repaLrlaLlon ln 1997. ln Mar 2004,
he flled hls cerLlflcaLe of candldacy. lL was only on Lhe daLe
of elecLlon when he compleLed hls papers and reglsLered hls
oaLh of alleglance Lo he clvll reglsLry. AssumpLlon of offlce ls
on Lhe 30
day of !une. ls he quallfled Lo assume offlce?
?es. Whlle Lhe approval was only on May, Lhe effecLlvlLy
reLroacLs from Lhe flllng of Lhe peLlLlon ln 1997.

Cl1lZLnSPl 8LCul8LMLn1 lS CnL? Cn ASSuM1lCn Cl
1he sLaLuLe does noL requlre LhaL you have Lo be a clLlzen
on Lhe day of elecLlon or on Lhe day of appolnLmenL. 1he law
only requlres age, resldency, and oLher quallflcaLlon buL
never on clLlzenshlp.
lor as long as upon assumpLlon of offlce, you are a llllplno
clLlzen, you are quallfled, because afLer all, Lhe effecLlvlLy of
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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 17
repaLrlaLlon and Lhe reacqulslLlon of clLlzenshlp shall be
reckoned from Lhe flllng of Lhe peLlLlon.

upon repaLrlaLlon, he reacqulres hls orlglnal sLaLus as a
nA1u8AL 8C8n Cl1lZLn.

MN6N 24 KMML S *74A 3E-A-33-.+ 6-/-P+.5E-3 46/
1hls Look effecL on AugusL 29, 2010.
Who can apply? Any former naLural born clLlzen who losL
Lhelr hlllpplne clLlzenshlp. 1here ls no speclflc grounds on
Lhe loss of clLlzenshlp.

WA?S Cn 8LCCMlnC A uuAL Cl1lZLn
1here are Lwo ways on becomlng a dual clLlzen.

1. loss by polltlcol ooJ ecooomlc oecesslty
lor one who have losL lL already for reasons of pollLlcal and
economlc necesslLy, lf he reacqulres llllplno clLlzenshlp,
does he lose hls forelgn clLlzenshlp?
1he law ls sllenL on LhaL. 8y Lhe oplnlon of SC, lL says LhaL
he has lmplledly renounced hls clLlzenshlp. 8uL lmplledly
8uL wheLher he ls sLlll recognlzed as a clLlzen of LhaL forelgn
counLry, LhaL ls noL a concern of Lhe hlllpplne governmenL.
as far as hlllpplne governmenL ls concerned, he ls now a
hlllpplne clLlzen.
lL ls posslble LhaL he may noL auLomaLlcally lose hls forelgn
clLlzenshlp. So as a resulL of whlch, he becomes a llllplno
clLlzen and a clLlzen of Lhe counLry where he was naLurallzed
as such.

2. oppllcotloo fot oototollzotloo lo o fotelqo coootty
AnoLher way of becomlng a dual clLlzen ls one who ls now
llllplno clLlzen buL applled for naLurallzaLlon ln a forelgn
noLwlLhsLandlng hls appllcaLlon for naLurallzaLlon ln forelgn
counLry, he reLalns hls llllplno clLlzenshlp. 1he hlllpplnes
doesn'L care lf he applled for a forelgn clLlzenshlp ln anoLher
counLry. As far as Lhe hlllpplnes ls concerned, you are a
llllplno clLlzen.
1n Lhls Lakes effecL only on AugusL 29, 2003.

PCW 1C AL? lC8 9223 - nC1 8un lC8 ClllCL
1haL ls noL a problem aL all lf you do noL run for publlc
offlce. All LhaL you need Lo do ls Lo:
1. Lake an oaLh of alleglance
2. pay Lhe necessary fees
3. slgn Lhe form

1. you become agaln a naLural born clLlzen.
2. mlnor chlldren by derlvaLlve clLlzens also become naLural
born clLlzens
-leglLlmaLe or llleglLlmaLe or adopLed
-noL marrled
-under 18 years old
3. wlfe has Lo prove LhaL she suffers none of Lhe
4. granLee may voLe under 8A 9189, even lf he conLlnues Lo
reslde ln Lhe forelgn counLry where he ls also a clLlzen
-6"9>; A>a%9 C9 6'&>D>?
Lewls became a clLlzen by vlrLue of 8A 9223. When he
wanLed Lo voLe, he was refused by Lhe consular offlce
saylng LhaL he has noL complled wlLh Lhe requlremenL of
resldency (6 monLhs ln place Lo voLe, 1 year ln Lhe
1he lssue ls wheLher Lhey can voLe under 9189 as
speclflcally auLhorlzed under 9223.
1hey are LreaLed llke ClW's and as such Lhey are
expecLed Lo esLabllsh a resldence here ln Lhe hlllpplnes.
1hey can voLe buL wlLhln a perlod of 3 years.
AfLer all, whaL ls lmporLanL on resldency ls LhaL you
have Lhe lnLenLlon Lo reLurn Lo Lhe counLry afLer you
have declared Lhe speclflc resldence ln Lhe hlllpplnes.
3. may run for publlc offlce
6. may pracLlce professlon

Auul1lCnAL CuALlllCA1lCnS lC8 8unnlnC ln u8LlC
1. Lake oaLh of alleglance as requlred by law
2. expressly renounce all forelgn clLlzenshlps (ln wrlLlng)
1hls requlremenL does noL apply for Lhose who are
consldered as dual clLlzens because or blrLh.

nCn ALlCA1lCn 1C uuAL Cl1lZLnS nC1 8? 9223
Y6"9>; H>$?"U' C9 H"(X"('
Y6"9>; F"DD>9 C9 6'&>D>?
Manzano had dual clLlzenshlp because he was born ln
Amerlca, by prlnclple of !us soll, he ls a forelgn clLlzen.
because boLh parenLs are llllplnos, he ls also consldered a
llllplno clLlzen.
When he ran as a vlce mayor of MakaLl, Lhere was a
quesLlon on ownershlp because he was carrylng aL Lhe same
Llme a uS passporL.
As explalned earller, Lhe carrylng of passporL ls noL a
concluslve proof of renunclaLlon.
SC declared, 1PL MCMLn1 PL llLLu 1PL CL81lllCA1L Cl
CAnuluAC?, PL lS CCnSluL8Lu 1C PAvL LLLC1Lu
PlLllnL Cl1lZLnSPl AS PlS SCLL Cl1lZLnSPl Anu
8LnCunCLu ALL C1PL8 lC8LlCn Cl1lZLnSPl.
1bls ptloclple wlll opply ooly to llllploos wbo become Jool
cltlzeos oot by vlttoe of kA 9225. Ooly tbose lovoloototy
ocpolsltloo of fotelqo cltlzeosblps socb os becoose of tbe
oppllcotloo of jos soll.
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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 18
Y6"9>; A'!>X C9 6'&>D>?
lf he became a dual clLlzen because of hls reacqulrlng
hlllpplne clLlzenshlp by vlrLue of 9223, for hlm Lo run for
publlc offlce, Lo quallfy, he has Lo expressly renounce hls
forelgn clLlzenshlp.

LxCL1lCn- WPLn CA88?lnC Cl lC8LlCn ASSCS81 lS
CCnSluL8Lu 8LnunClA1lCn Cl PlLlnL Cl1lZLnSPl
Y6"9>; G@
Pe became a naLurallzed llllplno clLlzen and
ootwltbstooJloq, cootlooeJ to cotty bls lottoqoese posspott
ooJ JecloteJ blmself os o lottoqoese cltlzeo, Lhls ls an
excepLlon Lo Lhe prlnclple LhaL Lhe mere carrylng of a
passporL ls noL a concluslve proof of renunclaLlon of
hlllpplne clLlzenshlp, buL ln Lhls case, lL was consldered an
excepLlon where he ls consldered Lo have renounced hls
hlllpplne clLlzenshlp.

LllLC1 Cl 8LA18lA1lCn Cn nCn MlnC8 CPlLu8Ln
Y6"9>; /"B"9"
lf Lhe klds are already of age, Lhey cannoL avall of Lhe
prlvllege of hlllpplne clLlzenshlp Lhrough derlvaLlve

Y6'$'B'$' C9 6'&>D>? ,>B WK^ MbbK
1ambunLlng, an owner of pawnshops ln Mall, was en[oylng
dual clLlzenshlp because he was born ln uS of llllplno
When he ran for elecLlon, hls clLlzenshlp was quesLloned.
Pe sald, by Lhe mere flllng of hls cerLlflcaLe of candldacy, he
had renounced hls forelgn clLlzenshlp.
Pe was rlghL. 8elng a dual clLlzenshlp ls noL a resulL of 9223
buL a resulL of an lnvolunLary acqulslLlon because of Lhe
clrcumsLances of hls blrLh.
So he need noL comply wlLh Lhe requlremenL of express
renunclaLlon of forelgn clLlzenshlp. 1he eLwln requlremenL
does noL apply.

YA'!>X C9 6'&>D>?^ T@D) MZ^ Mbb]
YE"!9'( C9 6'&>D>?^ T"( W]^ MbbK
Y2'9>D%>$ U> I@X&"( C9 6'&>D>? T@( WK^ MbbK
2 requlslLes Lo run for publlc offlce:
1. Laklng of oaLh of alleglance
2. express renunclaLlon of forelgn clLlzenshlp before any
publlc offlcer auLhorlzed Lo admlnlsLer an oaLh

Auul1lCnAL CuALlllCA1lCnS lC8 8AC1lCL Cl
Y6"9>; *"?"(") *>? W[^ Mbb[
uual clLlzens may pracLlce law ln Lhe hlllpplnes by
1. leave of Sc (permlsslon)
2. compllance of requlremenLs Lo resLore Lhe good sLandlng
as members of hlllpplne bar
a. paymenL of annual dues
b. compllance of MCLL

MNRN 4*H-.-5/24/-F+ .4/724A-P4/-0.
1hls ls wlLh reference Lo forelgners who were born ln Lhe
hlllpplnes. ln order Lo glve Lhem some form of amnesLy,
(especlally smuggled Chlnese).
AccepLlng Lhe reallLy LhaL evenLually some chlldren of Lhese
forelgn smuggled persons lnLo Lhe counLry had chlldren born
lnLo Lhe hlllpplnes wlLhouL clear sLaLus as Lo Lhelr
clLlzenshlp, Lhls law was passed for Lhem Lo have Lhe opLlon
elLher Lo:
1. apply for naLurallzaLlon by admlnlsLraLlve process
2. apply for naLurallzaLlon by [udlclal process

under Lhls provlslon, lL granLs hlllpplne clLlzenshlp by
admlnlsLraLlve proceedlngs Lo allens born and resldlng ln Lhe
hlllpplnes. 1hey have Lhe cholce Lo apply for [udlclal or
admlnlsLraLlve naLurallzaLlon sub[ecL Lo Lhe prescrlbed
quallflcaLlons or dlsquallflcaLlon provlded by law.

*74A 4AA+I-4.6+
WhaL ls prohlblLed under Lhe consLlLuLlon for lL ls lnlMlCAL
1C u8LlC ln1L8LS1 ls dual alleglance, noL dual clLlzenshlp.
unLll now, Lhere ls no deflnlLlon on whaL would consLlLuLe
dual alleglance.

6"9>; 8"D%D'(: C9 *"#@&"('(: H") WW^ Mbb[
SC sald LhaL lf Lhe leglslaLure has noL deflned lL, lL ls noL for
Lhe CourL Lo make a deflnlLlon on whaL would consLlLuLe
dual alleglance.
ueflnlLely, 8A 9223 does noL consLlLuLe dual alleglance buL
mere dual clLlzenshlp.
So Lhere ls no quesLlon as Lo Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy of 8A 9223.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 19
+,,+6/ 0, -HH-I24./ 5/4/75 0. 4. 4330-./+* 37RA-6
lor Lhe green card holder, havlng an lmmlgranL sLaLus, whaL
wlll be Lhe effecL on Lhe appolnLmenL publlc offlclal who
assumed publlc offlce?
6"9>; 0B>$"?%'( C9 6'&>D>?
SC sald LhaL a llllplno clLlzen's acqulslLlon of permanenL
resldence abroad consLlLuLes an abandonmenL of hls
domlclle and resldence of Lhe hlllpplnes.
1he green card sLaLus ln Lhe uS ls a renunclaLlon of one's
sLaLus as a resldenL ln Lhe hlllpplnes.
?ou are glven only a green card lf you are a permanenL
resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes. So lL wlll be lnconslsLenL Lo be
occupylng a publlc offlce and aL Lhe same Lle, holdlng a
green card.
1haL can be a ground for Lhe dlsmlssal of offlce.

8lCP1 Cl Sull8ACL
8lghL of suffrage ls boLh a rlghL and a prlvllege of a clLlzen of a
As a prlvllege, lL ls Lhe rlghL of Lhe people Lo chose Lhe
represenLaLlves Lo run Lhe governmenL for Lhem.

1here are cerLaln quallflcaLlons however for you Lo en[oy Lhls
rlghL, as provlded by law
1. aL leasL 18 aL Lhe Llme of elecLlon when you casL your voLe
2. resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes for one year Anu 6 monLh sln
Lhe place where you propose Lo voLe

-lL ls synonymous wlLh domlclle

klnuS Cl uCMlClLL:
a. uCMlClLL Cl C8lCln
-where you are born/ralsed by parenLs
-by work or by marrlage

8lnClLL Cl AnlMuS 8LvL81Lnul
1he prlnclple ls, you can only have one domlclle. We are
followlng Lhe prlnclple of AnlMuS 8LvL81Lnul, LhaL for as
long as you have Lhe lnLenLlon Lo reLurn Lo Lhe place even lf
you are n9L acLually llvlng ln Lhe place, Lhere ls lnLenLlon Lo
reslde ln Lhe place, you are consldered a resldenL of LhaL
place, even lf you are [usL renLlng.

uCMlClLL Cl CPClCL - 8LCul8MLn1S
When you change you domlclle Lo your domlclle of cholce, 1n
of Lhe requlremenLs:
1. lnLenLlon Lo abandon Lhe orlglnal resldence
2. acLs musL correspond Lo Lhe lnLenLlon Lo change

Y6"9>; 2'&@"DU>X H"$?'9 C9 6'&>D>?
She ran as congresswoman ln LeyLe when she was known Lo
be a resldenL of Manlla because Lhe husband was Lhe
presldenL before Lhey lefL for Pawall.
When se reLurned barely 1 year ln LeyLe, she flled her
cerLlflcaLe of candldacy. ln facL ln Lhe cerLlflcaLe she placed
LhaL she reslded ln Lhe place for 10 moLhs.
A dlsquallflcaLlon case was flled because of Lhe requlremenL
LhaL aL leasL she musL has reslded for aL leasL 1 year ln Lhe
dlsLrlcL where she ls Lo run for congress.
Sc sald LhaL when Lhe husband dled and she declded Lo reLurn
ln her place of blrLh, she reacqulred her domlclle of orlgln
and she never losL lL. She ls noL a resldenL of LeyLe for 10
monLhs buL a resldenL ln Lhe place slnce blrLh.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 20
Y6"9>; 4c@%(' C9 6'&>D>?
Aqulno ran as congressman ln MakaLl afLer he Lransferred
resldence from ConcepLlon 1arlac afLer he has exhausLed
Lhe Lhree Lerms as congressman.
Pe was dlsquallfled upon peLlLlon of anoLher candldaLe.
SC declared LhaL Lhere was no effecLlve Lransfer of resldence
because Lhe records would show LhaL he was sLlll a
reglsLered voLer of ConcepLlon 1arlac. Pe only has a
condomlnlum ln MakaLl.
Pls acLs do noL correspond Lo hls lnLenLlon of changlng hls

8LSluLnCL Anu uCMlClLL
1n of Lhese cases because lnsofar as ln publlc offlce runnlng
and voLlng, Lhey are of Lhe same n Lhe Cv of pollLlcal law.

LxCL1lCn 1C 8LCul8LMLn1 Cl 8LSluLnC? Cn LxL8ClSL
Cl 8lCP1 Cl Sull8ACL
As an excepLlon Lo Lhe requlremenL of resldence, for
purposes of en[oylng Lhe rlghL of suffrage 1n of Lhe case of
Lewls vs Comelec, uual ClLlzens, 8A 9223, and AbsenLee
voLlng, 8A 9189.

A8SLn1LL vC1lnC - 8A 9189
1. local absenLee voLers
2. forelgn absenLee voLers

1hose because of Lhelr [obs, requlre Lhem Lo voLe ln
anoLher place, alLhough Lhey are noL resldenLs of LhaL place.
Lxamples: mlllLary, Leacher, ClW.

!u8lSulC1lCn Cn lSSuLS 8LLA1lnC Cn 1PL 8lCP1 1C vC1L
Who has [urlsdlcLlon relaLlng Lo Lhe rlghL Lo voLe?
M1C. lL ls a [udlclal lssue.

CCMLLLC ls only on Lhe maLLer of reglsLraLlon. 8uL on Lhe
rlghL Lo voLe, lL ls he courL LhaL deLermlnes any lssue
perLalnlng Lo Lhe rlghL Lo voLe such as dlsquallflcaLlon.

Su8S1An1lAL CuALlllCA1lCnS 8CvluLu 8? 1PL
CCnS1l1u1lCn CAnnC1 8L LxAnuLu
SubsLanLlal quallflcaLlons provlded by Lhe consLlLuLlon cannoL
be expanded. Cnly procedural requlremenLs may be
expanded by congress Lhrough laws.
So you cannoL requlre LhaL you have Lo have some properLles
or be able Lo read or rlghL. lf you do LhaL, you wlll be
amendlng Lhe consLlLuLlon by ordlnary leglslaLlon.

!u8lSulC1lCn 8CMuLCA1lCn Cl 8uLLS Cn MA11L8S Cl
romulgaLlon of rules on maLLers of elecLlon on secrecy of
your casLlng of your balloLs. Who has [urlsdlcLlon Lo
promulgaLe Lhe rules?

!u8lSulC1lCn Cn C8CLuu8L lC8 vC1lnC
Cn Lhe maLLer of provldlng for procedures on how a voLer can
voLe, who has LhaL power Lo do?

ulSCuALlllLu vC1L8S
lf you are a permanenL dlsabled voLer who cannoL prepare hls
own balloL, are you allowed Lo voLe?
Pe ls dlsquallfled.

Who are dlsquallfled?
1. convlcLed by flnal [udgmenL of a crlmlnal case where Lhe
penalLy ls more Lhan 1 year of lmprlsonmenL
2. deserLer of armed forces
3. lnsane person

!u8lSulC1lCn Cn:
-Comelec (excluslvely on quasl leglslaLlve funcLlon)
8CMuLCA1lnC LAWS 8LLA1lnC 1C CCvL8nlnC

Al1L8 88LAk

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 21
4. SCvL8LlCn1?
SCvL8LlCn1? ls Lhe hlghesL rullng auLhorlLy, lL ls Lhe
unconLrollable power by whlch Lhe sLaLe ls governed.
WlLhouL whlch, Lhe sLaLe cannoL be consldered a s sLaLe.

H4.-,+5/4/-0.5 0, 50F+2+-I./G
A. supreme power Lo rule wlLhln and ouLslde as manlfesLed
1. people's obedlence Lo Lhe laws
2. en[oymenL of lndependence or freedom from
lndependenL conLrol of a sLaLe

6E4246/+2-5/-65 0, 50F+2+-I./G
1. lndlvlslble
-lL cannoL be shared because Lhere ls only one hlghesL
rullng CW lL could mean Lhe desLroymenL of soverelgnLy
2. lmprescrlpLlble
3. absoluLe
-no body can quesLlon Lhe exerclse of Lhe power and Lhe
laws passed by Lhe soverelgn
4. unconLrollable
3. vlrLually no llmlLaLlons
-lf Lhere ls any llmlLaLlons, lL's because we declde Lo have
llmlL as provlded ln Lhe consLlLuLlon
6. noL sub[ecL Lo any sLaLuLe of llmlLaLlons
7. non Lransferable
-lL cannoL be allenaLed. 1he momenL you Lransfer, Lhe
one who was exerclslng selzes Lo be soverelgn and Lhe
Lransferee becomes Lhe new soverelgn
8. comprehenslve
-covers pracLlcally everyLhlng and every person wlLhln lLs
boundarles and auLhorlLy
9. excluslve

H4.-,+5/4/-0.5 0, 50F+2+-I./G O-/E-. /E+ 5/4/+
1. enacLmenL or passage of law where everybody and
everyLhlng ls sub[ecL Lo
1hls ls manlfesLed by Lhe sLaLe's [urlsdlcLlon over persons
and Lhlngs found wlLhln lLs boundarles and even ouLslde lLs

klnuS Cl !u8lSulC1lCn
a. LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon
b. personal [urlsdlcLlon
c. exLraLerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon

A. 1L88l1C8lAL !u8lSulC1lCn
All Lhlngs and persons found wlLhln Lhe sLaLe are sub[ecL Lo
Lhe laws of LhaL sLaLe.
Powever Lhere are some excepLlons Lo Lhls, such as:
a. exLraLerrlLorlallLy prlnclple
b. persons exempL from Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe sLaLe
1. heads of sLaLe
-Lhey are consldered as exLenslon of Lhe personallLy of
Lhe sLaLe LhaL ls soverelgn, LhaL Lhese heads of sLaLe
are represenLlng
2. Lhlngs and persons ln cerLaln areas llke embassles,
ambassadors and consular offlclals
-Lo a cerLaln exLenL Lhey are noL sub[ecL Lo Lhe laws of
Lhe counLrles where Lhey are found
-an LM8ASS? ls an exLenslon of Lhe counLry LhaL lL
3. where an agreemenL was enLered lnLo by Lwo parLles
-llke whaL we had ln uS MlllLary 8ases agreemenL. 1he
mlllLary personnel were noL sub[ecL Lo Lhe local laws
c. forelgn vessels LhaL docked ln our porLs
-lf forelgn mlllLary vessel, we do noL have [urlsdlcLlon
even lf Lhey are ln our waLers because lL ls llke as
exLenslon of Lhe counLry lL represenLs.
-lf merchanL vessels, we follow Lhe prlnclple of lrench
and Lngllsh prlnclple
-nA1lCnALl1? 8lnClLL goes by whaL flag ls belng
flown by Lhe vessel
-l8LnCP 8uLL - anyLhlng LhaL happens lnslde Lhe
vessel, even lf lL ls docked ln our porLs, as long as lL
doesn'L affecL Lhe peace and order or naLlon al
securlLy of our counLry, lL ls wlLhln Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of
Lhe counLry whose flag ls flown by Lhe vessel.
-LnCLlSP 8uLL - anyLhlng LhaL happens ln Lhe
vessel, for as long as lL affecLs only Lhe persona and
crew ln Lhe vessel, Lhe hlllpplnes has no
[urlsdlcLlon. Cnly when lL affecLs our securlLy LhaL
Lhe hlllpplnes has [urlsdlcLlon. vlrLually, Lhe effecLs
are Lhe same.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 22
8. L8SCnAL !u8lSulC1lCn
1hls refers Lo Lhe clLlzens of Lhe counLry LhaL even lf Lhey
are found ouLslde Lhe counLry, Lhey are sub[ecL Lo our laws
because Lhe hlllpplnes ls soverelgn, speclally Lhose laws
governlng on sLaLus.
So even lf you conLracL dlvorce abroad, as far as Lhe
hlllpplne laws are concerned, you are sLlll marrled.
8ecause Lhey are sub[ecL Lo our laws sLlll, Lhey are sub[ecL
Lo our proLecLlon sLlll.

C. Lx1L88l1C8lAL !u8lS1ulC1lCn
1hls refers Lo Lhe sLaLe's [urlsdlcLlon over persons and
Lhlngs found ouLslde Lhe LerrlLory.
Lxample, hlllpplne embassy ln Lhe uS ls sub[ecL Lo
hlllpplne laws. ersons found ln Lhe embassy are sub[ecL Lo
Lhe laws of Lhe counLry.

lMMunl1? Cl S1A1L l8CM Sul1
8ecause Lhe sLaLe ls soverelgn, Lhere cannoL be any auLhorlLy
hlgher Lhan LhaL. 1hus lL cannoL be sub[ecLed Lo Lhe conLrol
and supervlslon of Lhe courLs. reclsely noL cannoL be sued.

6"9>; 6"$D' C9 604
1he prlnclple why Lhe sLaLe cannoL be sued ls because Lhere
cannoL be any legal rlghL as agalnsL Lhe auLhorlLy LhaL makes
Lhe law on whlch LhaL rlghL Lo sue depends.
So even lf your clalm agalnsL Lhe sLaLe ls valld, LhaL can easlly
be defeaLed by Lhe sLaLe's lnvocaLlon of lmmunlLy from sulL
because Lhe sLaLe ls soverelgn.

And LhaL ls whaL we call 1PL 8C?AL 8L8CCA1lvL Cl
ulSPCnLS1?. lL ls synonymous Lo lmmunlLy from sulL.

-HH7.-/G 0, ,02+-I. 5/4/+5
lorelgn sLaLes are llkewlse lmmune from sulLs.
When lL comes Lo confllcLs wlLh cerLaln persons or enLlLles ln
Lhe counLry where ordlnarlly under cerLaln clrcumsLances,
applylng our laws, Lhey are supposed Lo be seLLled before
our local courLs.
8uL because forelgn sLaLe, llke our sLaLe are lmmune from
sulLs, Lhey cannoL be Lrled on cases flled ln courL.

/E+02-+5 0. -HH7.-/G ,20H 57-/5 0, ,02+-I. 5/4/+5
1. absoluLe and classlcal Lheory
2. resLrlcLlve Lheory

1. A85Olu1 clA55lcAl 1nOk
Same reasonlng. 1he sLaLe ls lmmune from sulL and
Lherefore he cannoL be sub[ecLed Lo local laws.
Powever, Lhls applles only Lo governmenLal acLs, relaLlng Lo
funcLlons dlscharged whlch ls governmenLal ln naLure. lCW
an acL of a soverelgn sLaLe.
8uL ln a resLrlcLlve sense, lL may sLlll be suable lf Lhe acLs
sub[ecL of Lhe sulL are commerclal, noLhlng Lo do wlLh Lhe
performance of a governmenLal funcLlon.

6"9>; *>D 2'9"$%'
vaLlcan. Supposedly Lhe properLy was donaLed Lo lL so LhaL
Lhey can bulld an offlce. lnsLead, lL was sold Lo someone
else, under Lhe condlLlon LhaL Lhe squaLLers ln Lhe area wlll
be e[ecLed. 8uL Lhe owner falled Lo do LhaL, so Lhey are
belng sued.
Are Lhey suable?
llrsL of all you musL undersLand LhaL vaLlcan ls a forelgn
As a forelgn sLaLe, can lL be sued ln our courLs?
1haL depends on ln whaL capaclLy was Lhe conLracL of sale
enLered lnLo by Lhe vaLlcan, governmenLal or commerclal.
SC sald lL was governmenLal. 1herefore, Lhey are noL suable
ln our courLs.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 23
-HH7.-/G 0, 3=%D%!!%(>9 45 4 5/4/+
lnsofar as Lhe hlllpplne sLaLe ls concerned, lL ls lmmune from
sulL as lL ls provlded under sec 3 arL 16 of Lhe consLlLuLlon.

"#$%&'( 3. 1he SLaLe may noL be sued wlLhouL lLs consenL.

5/4/+ /E4/ G07 64..0/ 57+
8uL whaL ls Lhe sLaLe LhaL you cannoL sue?
lL ls represenLed by Lhe followlng:
A. 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes
8. unlncorporaLed governmenL
C. publlc offlcers and employees ln Lhe dlscharge of
governmenLal funcLlons

4N 2+37RA-6 0, /E+ 3E-A-33-.+5
*+/+2H-.-/-0. -, -/ -5 4 57-/ 4I4-.5/ 4 5/4/+
1he CCMMCn uLnCMlnA1C8 ls even lf you sue any of Lhe
Lhree, lf lL does noL requlre an acL on Lhe parL of Lhe
governmenL such LhaL lL would requlre approprlaLlon of
publlc funds or lL wlll lnvolve a loss of publlc properLy, LhaL ls
noL consldered a sulL agalnsL Lhe sLaLe.

lCW Lhe deLermlnlng facLor ln conslderlng Lhe sulL as a sulL
agalnsL Lhe sLaLe, and Lherefore as a C8 should noL prosper
ls LhaL, ln Lhe end lf [udgmenL ls rendered agalnsL any of
Lhose enumeraLed would mean approprlaLlon or
dlsbursemenL of publlc funds or loss of governmenL
properLy, Lhen LhaL ls consldered a sulL agalnsL Lhe sLaLe and
should noL be allowed unless Lhe sLaLe glves lLs consenL.

8LClS18A1lCn Cl 8CL81?
lor example, Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes, by Lhe
reglsLraLlon of cases of LlLle over a parcel of land (1orren's
1lLle - all LlLle should be reglsLered CW lL ls presumed Lo be
Lhe properLy of governmenL). So you flle for reglsLraLlon of
LlLle. AgalnsL whom wlll you apply Lhls properLy for
reglsLraLlon? AgalnsL Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes. So you
lmplead lL whlch may be represenLed by an lncorporaLed
agency of Lhe 8epubllc, Lhe uLn8 or Lhe ueparLmenL of
Why? 8ecause of Lhe prlnclple of 8LCALlAn uCC18lnL - All
lands and resources belong Lo Lhe sLaLe unless you can
prove LhaL Lhese lands are allenable acqulred by a prlvaLe
lndlvldual and Lherefore lL does noL belong Lo Lhe
governmenL. 8ecause ulLlmaLely, Lhe owners of he land and
Lhe naLural resources are Lhe governmenL.

8ecause you lmpleaded Lhe 8epubllc as parLy defendanL or
respondenL of Lhe case, wlll Lhe case be dlsmlssed because lL
ls a sulL agalnsL Lhe sLaLe? ls lL a sulL agalnsL Lhe sLaLe?
?ou go Lo Lhe LesL. uCLS 1PlS 8LCul8L An Alll8MA1lvL
AC1 such as approprlaLlon of publlc funds ln Lhe evenL
[udgmenL ls rendered ln favor of Lhe peLlLloner declarlng hlm
as Lhe properLy owner? Would LhaL mean dlsbursemenL of
publlc funds? Would LhaL mean loss of governmenL
CerLalnly lL wlll noL requlre approprlaLlon by congress.
Would Lhls resulL Lo loss of governmenL properLy? nC. Lhe
properLy never belonged Lo Lhe governmenL.
lL would have been dlfferenL lf afLer flndlng ouL LhaL lL ls
owned by Lhe sLaLe, you granL lL and gave lL Lo peLlLloner.
1hen LhaL would mean loss of governmenL properLy. ln
whlch case, Lhe acLlon may noL prosper because lL ls a sulL
agalnsL Lhe sLaLe.

+Q32032-4/-0. 0, 3203+2/G
1here ls an lssue wheLher afLer exproprlaLlon Lhe land can be
recovered by Lhe orlglnal owner lf he ls noL pald of [usL
compensaLlon... 8ecause of Lhls prlnclple of Lhe lmmunlLy
from sulL.
?ou have an acLlon for Lhe recovery of exproprlaLed properLy
LhaL was noL pald wlLh [usL compensaLlon. Can we recover as
a general rule?
nC. LxcepL when Lhere ls paymenL wlLhln 3 years afLer Lhe
flnallLy of [udgmenL, because Lhe sLaLe ls lmmune from sulL.
(A%& C9 2>!@BD%?)
AfLer 3 years, you can sue even lf lL ls already reglsLered ln
Lhe name of Lhe republlc.

RN 7.-.6023024/+* 4I+.6-+5 0, /E+ I0F+2.H+./
1he agencles of Lhe governmenL may be classlfled as
1. unlncorporaLed
2. lncorporaLed
3. Munlclpal corporaLlons

MN -.6023024/+* 4I+.6-+5
1he lnCC8C8A1Lu are Lhe agencles of Lhe governmenL
such as CCCC whlch are charLered by speclal laws or
governed by charLers or Lhe corporaLlon code whlch under
Lhe law, Lhey are consldered as [urldlcal persons havlng a
separaLe and dlsLlncL personallLy from Lhe governmenL of
Lhe hlllpplnes allowlng Lhem Lo acqulre properLles and Lo
sue and be sued ln connecLlon LherewlLh.
8ecause Lhey have a separaLe and dlsLlncL personallLy, Lhey
can sue. And as a consequence of allowlng Lhem Lo sue, Lhey
open Lhemselves Lo counLersulL.
8ecause lL would be unfalr lf Lhey would call upon
lmmunlLy from sulL. And lf [udgmenL ls rendered agalnsL
Lhem, Lhey have funds Lo saLlsfy Lhe [udgmenL, lndependenL
from publlc funds whlch are earmarked for publlc purposes.
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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 24
And LhaL can be sub[ecLed Lo garnlshmenL ln an execuLlon
on Lhe [udgmenL.

lncorporaLed agencles prlmarlly are CCMML8ClAL,
8C8lL1A8? lnC1lCnS. lL's a buslness funcLlon.
Lven lf lL ls noL a buslness funcLlon, sLlll by lLs own charLer lL
ls allowed Lo sue and be sued.

lor example, sLaLe unlverslLles ln Lhelr charLers are allowed
Lo sue and be sued and Lherefore cannoL lnvoke lmmunlLy
from sulL.

WN 7.-.6023024/+* 4I+.6-+5
unlnCC8C8A1Lu ACLnClLS are Lhose LhaL do noL have a
separaLe and dlsLlncL personallLy from Lhe governmenL of
Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes.
So lf you are Lo sue Lhem, lL ls llke sulng Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe
hlllpplnes. lf you sue Lhe 8epubllc lL ls noL allowed because
Lhe republlc en[oys lmmunlLy from sulL.
lL has Lo lnvolve dlsbursemenL of publlc funds or loss of
properLy ln Lhe evenL [udgmenL ls rendered agalnsL Lhe
unlncorporaLed agency of Lhe governmenL.

?ou have Lo dlsLlngulsh whaL was Lhe funcLlon LhaL was
exerclsed by Lhls unlncorporaLed agency.
a. governmenLal
b. mlnlsLranL or proprleLary funcLlon

u8LL? CCvL8nMLn1AL - nC1 SuA8LL
lL ls noL suable lf Lhe funcLlon ls purely governmenLal.
lf lL ls prlmarlly CCMML8ClAL/buslness funcLlon, Lhen you
can sue Lhe unlncorporaLed agency.

Lxample, when Lhe n enLers lnLo a conLracL wlLh a
suppller of ralncoaLs Lo be used by Lrafflc enforcers. ls LhaL
commerclal or governmenL?
?ou go by Lhe purpose. Law enforcemenL. ueflnlLely LhaL ls
governmenLal because haL would lnvolve lmplemenLaLlon of
Lhe law.
ln case n does noL pay for Lhe ralncoaLs, can Lhe suppller
sue Lhe n? nC. because lL ls an unlncorporaLed agency of
Lhe governmenL. lL ls a sulL agalnsL Lhe sLaLe.

lf Lhe governmenL enLers lnLo a conLracL and engages lnLo a
buslness, Lhen lL ls suable, even lf lL ls unlncorporaLed.
lf n engages ln a barbershop, lf somebody's ear was cuL
because of negllgence, ls nC suable? ?LS. 8ecause Lhls ls
purely commerclal. noLhlng Lo do wlLh Lhe governmenLal

6"9>; 6"&! T'=( E")
lL was owned Lhem aL Lhe Llme by uS armed forces.
1he cook urlnaLed on Lhe soup. 1he cusLomer sued Lhe
armed forces.
ls lL suable?
1he uS armed forces ls an unlncorporaLed agency of Lhe
governmenL of uS LhaL ls lmmune from sulL. 8uL Lhelr
engaged purely on buslness has noLhlng Lo do wlLh Lhe
funcLlon of Lhe armed forces.
SC sald lL ls suable.

When Lhey enLered lnLo a conLracL Lo repalr Lhe walls and
plers used by armed forces, buL Lhey dld noL pay, are Lhey
no. because Lhls ls a governmenLal conLracL.

urely commerclal for an unlncorporaLed agency Lo be

CCMML8ClAL lunC1lCn lnCluLn1AL 1C CCvL8nMLn1AL
lunC1lCn - nC1 SuA8LL
lf lL ls also engaged aL Lhe same Llme a commerclal funcLlon
or buslness, however lncldenLal Lo Lhe dlscharge of Lhe
governmenLal funcLlon, ls lL suable or lmmune from sulL.

ln Lhe case of 8ureau of CusLoms also engaged ln arrasLre
buslness, whlch ls lmporLanL Lo Lhe assessmenL of Laxes, Lo
be broughL Lo Lhe offlce Lo be assessed.
ln Lhe evenL Lhey cause damage, wlll Lhey be suable? nC.
8ecause Lhe arrasLre buslness ls merely lncldenLal Lo Lhe
performance of a governmenLal funcLlon - LaxaLlon
funcLlon/assessmenL of Laxes.

1. lncorporaLed -suable, no dsLlncLlon
2. unlncorporaLed
a. purely governmenLal -noL suable
b. buslness -suable

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 23
ZN H7.-6-34A 6020324/-0.
1hls ls a hybrld klnd of corporaLlon, Lhe LCu's.
lL ls hybrld ln a sense LhaL Lhey are engaged boLh ln
governmenLal and proprleLary funcLlons.

CCvL8nMLn1AL lunC1lCn
So Lherefore, lf lL ls governmenLal/soverelgn funcLlon, as a
C8 lL ls noL suable. 8uL Lhe LCC allows Lhem Lo sue and be
sued Lhelr own charLer or charLered clLles wlLh some LCu's.
And Lherefore Lhey are suable.

-lMLLMLn1A1lCn Cl 1PL !uuCMLn1 ACAlnS1 LCu
8uL 1n Lhe provlng of a clalm agalnsL Lhe LCu ls one Lhlng.
lmplemenLlng Lhe [udgmenL agalnsL Lhe LCu ls anoLher
So LhaL lf you are sulng Lhe LCu because lL ls allowed under
Lhe LCu and you won Lhe case, can you ask for a wrlL of
execuLlon Lo garnlsh publlc funds of Lhe LCu? nC. noL
wlLhouL an approprlaLlon or an ordlnance provldlng for an
lf publlc funds, because Lhe sulL ls premlsed on Lhe exerclse
of a governmenLal funcLlon by a munlclpal corporaLlon.

8C8lL1A8? lunC1lCn
8uL lf lL proprleLary funcLlon and you are sulng Lhe
munlclpal corporaLlon, you can ask for a wrlL of execuLlon.

1hey engage ln dlsLrlbuLlon of waLer and elecLrlclLy. lf sued
ln lLs purely proprleLary capaclLy, you can garnlsh Lhe funds
of LhaL corporaLlon LhaL Lhe LCu may engage ln.

-SuL 8? MAnuAMuS 1C CCMLL A?MLn1
lf Lhe LCu refuses Lo pay, Lhen you can sue Lhe governmenL
wlLh mandamus Lo compel lL Lo pass Lhe supplemenLal
budgeL wlLh Lhe approprlaLlon of funds ln paymenL of Lhe
award ln Lhe [udgmenL.

6N 37RA-6 0,,-6+25 4.* +H3A0G++5 -. /E+ *-56E42I+ 0,
I0F+2.H+./4A ,7.6/-0.5
lor as long as Lhe publlc offlcers dlscharges Lhe funcLlon
wlLhln Lhe scope of hls auLhorlLy, he ls noL suable excepL lf
he ls a SLClAL ACLn1.

under arL 129 of nCC, Lhe sLaLe has expressly glven lLs
consenL Lo be sued for acLs or omlsslon LhaL consLlLuLe LorLs
of a speclal agenL, even lf lL was ln dlscharge of a
governmenLal funcLlon.
A SLClAL ACLn1 ls one who ls deslgnaLed a poslLlon forelgn
Lo hls regular duLles and responslblllLles.
lf he commlLs damage Lo someone LhaL would consLlLuLe
LorLs, Lhe governmenL has expressly glven lL s consenL Lo be

u8LlC ClllCL8 Wl1Pln Au1PC8l1? - LxLM1
CW for as long as lL ls wlLhln Lhe scope of Lhe publlc offlcer's
auLhorlLy, he ls noL suable, he ls consldered as an agenL. An
acL of a publlc offlcer ls consldered an acL of sLaLe Lherefore
he ls lmmune from sulL.

LxCL1lCnS: WPLn u8LlC ClllCL8 Wl1P Au1PC8l1? lS
1. acLs wlLhouL auLhorlLy
2. uL18Avl8LS AC1
3. acLed ln mallce and bad falLh
4. gross negllgence
3. grave abuse of dlscreLlon

1hese are noL consldered acLs of Lhe sLaLe and Lherefore lL
can be sued ln hls personal capaclLy.

6"9>; 5"(U'C"D C9 2>!@BD%?
1hose mlllLary personnel and pollcemen responslble ln Lhe
shooLlng of Lhe farmer aL Mendlola. larmers were shoL Lo
deaLh by pollce and mlllLary personnel.
1he case agalnsL Lhe 8epubllc was dlsmlssed buL noL wlLh
Lhose responslble pollcemen and mlllLary men ln Lhelr
personal capaclLy.
8ased on Lhe flndlngs of Lhe uavlde Commlsslon, Lhere was
gross negllgence on Lhe parL LhaL resulLed Lo Lhe massacre of
Lhese farmers.

So when one ls sued because he ls a publlc offlcer, LhaL does
noL mean LhaL Lhere ls a publlc offlcer LhaL ls lmmune from
lf Lhere ls an allegaLlon of abuse of dlscreLlon, Lhe sulL agalnsL
hlm may noL be dlsmlssed.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 26
LxCL1lCn 1C LxCL1lCn
6"9>; H%(%9#>$%' C9 6,-
1he road ln Corordo was exproprlaLed wlLhouL
approprlaLlon for [usL compensaLlon. lCW lL was
exproprlaLed wlLhouL provlslon on Lhe paymenL of [usL
compensaLlon. lL was Laken and used by Lhe publlc.
1he properLy owner Lhen sued uWP and Lhe dlrecLor.
uWP ls unlncorporaLed and Lhe dlrecLor ls a publlc offlcer.
1he moved for Lhe dlsmlssal of Lhe case on Lhe ground
lnvoklng Lhe lmmunlLy from sulL.
SC allowed Lhe owners of Lhe properLy Lhe uWP. 8ecause
lf Lhe owner of Lhe properLy wlll only be allowed Lo sue Lhe
dlrecLor ln hls personal capaclLy, whaL can he pay lL wlLh.
ueflnlLely Lhls ls dlsmlssable because Lhe acL of Lhe dlrecLor
ls noL Lhe acL of uWP. 8ecause lL was made wlLhouL
auLhorlLy, lL was an ulLra vlres acL.
1hls was Lhe excepLlon where Lhe SC sald, lf lL causes
ln[usLlce Lo Lhe properLy owner, he may be allowed Lo
esLabllsh and prove hls clalm agalnsL hlm.

1he exproprlaLlon cases where Lhe lssue ls non paymenL of
[usL compensaLlon, Lhe owner of Lhe properLy ls allowed Lo
sue Lhe republlc or lLs lmplemenLlng agency. 1hls ls an

1. qlvloq of cooseot
When Lhe sLaLe glve lLs consenL wheLher expressly or
lmplledly Lhen Lhe you may now prove your clalm.
1n LhaL lL has Lo be sLrlcLly consLrued agalnsL Lhe walver of
lmmunlLy from sulL.
lf lL has Lo be Lx8LSS CCnSLn1, lL has be done Lhrough a
sLaLuLe or law passed by congress, noL by a conLracL nor
consenL of a lawyer nor declaraLlon of Lhe presldenL. lL can
only be Lhrough a leglslaLlon elLher Lhrough a SLClAL LAW
or a CLnL8A LAW.

6"9>; 5"(U'C"D
resldenL Aqulno creaLed a commlLLee Lo do an
lnvesLlgaLlon. AfLer Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon, she declared LhaL Lhe
governmenL was aL faulL on Lhe massacre.
Cn Lhe basls of LhaL declaraLlon, Lhey sued Lhe 8epubllc for
Pere Lhey sald Lhere was a walver of lmmunlLy from sulL by
Lhe sLaLe's own declaraLlon LhaL lL was somehow aL faulL on
Lhe kllllng of Lhe farmers.
Was Lhere a valld walver of lmmunlLy by LhaL declaraLlon?
SC sald no. walver can only be done by a sLaLuLe.

ln anoLher case where lL was a governmenL lawyer who
was saylng LhaL any vlolaLlon of Lhe conLracL may be sued ln
Lhe courLs.
1haL ls an lnvalld walver. lL cannoL be compromlsed. lL may
only be Lhrough a sLaLuLe.
Lven lf lL ls sLlpulaLed ln Lhe conLracL LhaL ln Lhe evenL some
condlLlons are vlolaLed by Lhe governmenL, Lhe oLher parLy
shall have recourse agalnsL Lhe governmenL, LhaL ls noL a
valld walver of lmmunlLy. lL can only be Lhrough a law.

ln facL, when lL ls flled ln a complalnL, lL has Lo be alleged ln
Lhe complalnL. Lhe courL would presume LhaL Lhe sLaLe ls noL
glvlng lLs consenL Lo be sued and LhaL can be dlsmlssed for
lack of [urlsdlcLlon because slmply Lhe sLaLe en[oys lmmunlLy
from sulL.

Lx8LSS ClvlnC Cl CCnSLn1 - CLnL8AL LAW
lL can only be by general or speclal law.
Lxample of CLnL8AL LAWS,
a. AcL 3083
b. CommonwealLh acL 327 as amended by u 1443
c. ArL 2180 nCC
d. ArL 2189 nCC
e. Law creaLlng Lhe ueparLmenL of AgrlculLure

A. AC1 3083
AcL 3083 refers Lo all clalms/clvll llablllLy arlslng from
conLracLs. 1he sLaLe has glven lLs consenL Lo be sued.

8. CCMMCnWLAL1P AC1 327 AS AMLnuLu 8? u 1443
All money clalms agalnsL Lhe sLaLe elLher arlslng from
conLracLs or CW musL flrsL be flled wlLh Lhe Commlsslon on
lL ls only when lL ls denled by Lhe CCA, when you can brlng
up Lhe maLLer Lo Lhe SC on cerLlorarl and Lhereby sulng Lhe
governmenL agency concerned lncludlng Lhe CCA.
lCW Lhere ls a speclflc procedure provlded under Lhe law
before you can sue Lhe sLaLe on money clalms.
llrsL you have Lo flle your clalm wlLh Lhe CCA. CCA has a
perlod of 60 days Lo acL on lL, wheLher Lo granL or deny your
clalm for money.
ln Lhe evenL lL ls denled by CCA, you can go dlrecLly now Lo
SC on cerLlorarl, and sue Lhe sLaLe.

Llke ln Lhe case of n noL paylng Lhe suppller, suppller
should noL lmmedlaLely sue n. 1here's a requlremenL
under u 1443 LhaL suppller musL go Lo CCA.
lf Lhe clalm ls [usLlfled, CCA wlll dlrecL n Lo pay. lf CCA
flnds lL excesslve, unreasonable or conLrary Lo law, CCA wlll
deny your clalm. now you can sue n and CCA Lo SC on
cerLlorarl. under LhaL law, Lhe sLaLe has glven lLs consenL.
ln Lhe evenL [udgmenL ls rendered, Lhere ls a dlfferenL
procedure now Lo execuLe Lhe [udgmenL of Lhe SC because
now you have Lo geL anoLher consenL.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 27
L. LAW C8LA1lnC 1PL uLA81MLn1 Cl AC8lCuL1u8L
1here ls anoLher law llke creaLlng Lhe ueparLmenL of
AgrlculLure. 1he law creaLlng Lhe uA, allows lL Lo sue and be
sued. So lL ls suable, even lf lL ls unlncorporaLed.

C. A81 2180 nCC
2180 ls abouL speclal agenLs, Lhe sLaLe has speclally glven
lLs consenL Lo be sued.

u. A81 2189 nCC
2189 on LorLs, any damage ln[ury or deaLh caused by Lhe
roads, brldges, malnLalned by a munlclpal corporaLlon by an
1n Lhe one responslble Lo lLs malnLenance and repalrs.
and somebody ls lnured because of Lhe non malnLenance or
lmproper, you can sue Lhe LCu concerned. 8ecause Lhe
sLaLe has expressly glven lLs consenL under Lhls law.

A speclal law ls a law passed by congress speclflcally
allowlng Lhe parLlcular lndlvldual Lo sue Lhe sLaLe.

6"9>; I'C>$(&>(# C9 H>$@%#
Pe was rldlng on hls moLorcycle bumped by Lhe veLeran's
PosplLal ambulance, whlch ls a governmenL enLlLy.
AL flrsL lL was dlsmlssed because lL ls lmmune from sulL. Pe
wenL Lo congress and he was granLed Lhe rlghL Lo sue Lhe
hosplLal wlLh a speclal law.

lMLlLu ClvlnC Cl CCnSLn1
3 lnsLances:
a. wbeo tbe qovetomeot loltlotes tbe fllloq of o complolot
oqolost o ptlvote loJlvlJool oskloq fot offltmotlve tellef

Alll8MA1lvL 8LLlLl
1he purpose of Lhe compllanL should be for an
afflrmaLlve rellef, Lhey are asklng for redress.
8ecause lf Lhe purpose of flllng a complalnL ls Lo reslsL
Lhe clalm agalnsL Lhe sLaLe, Lhen even lf lL was lnlLlaLed or
sLarLed by Lhe governmenL, LhaL ls noL consldered a walver
of lmmunlLy from sulL and Lherefore sLlll lL cannoL be sued
ln a counLerclalm.

6"9>; 36II
CCC was sulng lndlvlduals and corporaLlons for lll
goLLen wealLh. 1hey LhoughL LhaL Lhe shares of sLocks
acLually are owned by Lhe Marcoses and Lhe reglsLered
owners are mere dummles.
LaLer lL was declared Lo SC LhaL Lhey belong lndeed Lo Lhe
owners of Lhe corporaLlon and noL Lhe Marcoses.
8ecause of Lhe damages suffered by Lhe corporaLlon
because of Lhe case flled by CCC, Lhey flled a counLer
clalm for damages.
CCC ls an unlncorporaLed agency. 8uL lL ls suable
because Lhe clalm lnlLlaLed by CCC was Lo seek for
afflrmaLlve rellef, Lo recover Lhe allege lll goLLen wealLh.
8y lnlLlaLlng Lhe complalnL, lL has gone down Lo Lhe level
of a mere ordlnary lndlvldual and as such, he ls open Lo
counLerclalm. lCW he ls consldered Lo have walved hls
lmmunlLy from sulL.

8C1LC1lCn Cl ln1L8LS1 Anu 8LSlS1 A CLAlM ACAlnS1 l1
8uL noL ln Lhe case here Lhe sLaLe lnlLlaLed Lhe complalnL
because Lo has Lo proLecL lLs lnLeresL and reslsL a clalm
agalnsL lL.

6"9>; 3"D 0$%>(#"D
1here was Lhe dlspuLe of ownershlp on a vessel LhaL was
used as a collaLeral on a loan by a prlvaLe lndlvldual Lo a
1he prlvaLe lndlvldual was noL able Lo pay Lhe bank. 1he
vessel was foreclosed as a bank.
1he governmenL lnLervened as a plalnLlff agalnsL Lhe
bank Lo sLop Lhe foreclosure clalmlng LhaL Lhe vessel
belongs Lo Lhe governmenL and noL Lhe lndlvldual who
morLgaged lL.
ln Lhe evenL Lhe courL says Lhe real owner ls Lhe debLor
and noL Lhe governmenL, can Lhe bank sue Lhe governmenL
because Lhere ls no more vessel Lo foreclose because lL was
desLroyed when 100 years passed because of Lhe
lnLervenLlon of Lhe governmenL?
no. because Lhe lnLervenLlon or llLlgaLlon commenced by
Lhe governmenL agalnsL Lhe bank ls noL for Lhe purpose of
seeklng afflrmaLlve rellef buL Lo reslsL a clalm agalnsL lL.

2. wbeo tbe qovetomeot eoqoqes lo potely bosloess
lL has Lo be purely buslness. lf lL ls lncldenLal only Lo Lhe
governmenLal funcLlon, lL sLlll en[oys lmmunlLy from sulL.
Lven lf lL ls unlncorporaLed.

Lxample. 1he hlllpplne lnformaLlon agency Lo ralse
revenues engaglng ln promoLlng acLlvlLles llke 8A games or
beauLy conLesL. 1o do LhaL Lhey have Lo promoLe lL and
conLracL Lhe servlces of broadcasLlng co0mpanles. 1hey dld
noL pay. Can Lhey be sued?
?LS. Whlle lL ls unlncorporaLed, lL engaged ln purely
buslness LransacLlon. 1herefore lL ls suable.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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age 28
3. wbeo lt eotets loto potely commetclol coottocts
lL has Lo be purely commerclal.

Lxample. 1he case of Camp !ohn Pay ls purely commerclal.
lf you are conLracLlng Lhe purchase of compuLers for Lhe
Comelec, LhaL ls purely governmenLal because haL has
someLhlng Lo do wlLh elecLlon. lf Lhere ls a breach of
conLracL, ls Lhe Comelec suable?
?ou flle a money clalm wlLh Lhe CCA, before you can sue
Lhe Comelec.

When one ls compelled Lo be a llLlganL ln a case, lL was upon
Lhe order ln Lhe courL. ls LhaL covered by Lhe lmmunlLy from
?LS. 1he governmenL cannoL be compelled Lo llLlgaLe and
be an lnLerpleader.

+Q+67/-0. 0, T7*IH+./
When [udgmenL ls rendered and lL ls agalnsL Lhe sLaLe, can
you ask for a wrlL of execuLlon?
nC. Lven lf allowed, Lo prove a clalm agalnsL Lhe sLaLe, lL ls
noL auLomaLlc LhaL Lhe sLaLe be llable for whaLever
[udgmenL ls rendered agalnsL lL. ?ou need Lo ask for anoLher
consenL because publlc funds are LA8MA8kLu for cerLaln
publlc purposes.
lf you allow Lhe garnlshmenL of publlc funds, LhaL would
pre[udlce publlc servlce because you would be deprlvlng or
denylng cerLaln purposes for whlch Lhese funds are
So you need anoLher consenL of Lhe sLaLe Lo answer for Lhe
llablllLy LhaL ls ad[udged by Lhe courLs.

lCW for sulLs agalnsL Lhe sLaLe, Lhose LhaL are allowed
because Lhe sLaLe has glven lLs consenL Lo be sued, lL wlll be
only up Lo Lhe rendlLlon of [udgmenL. ?ou cannoL ask for a
wrlL of execuLlon.

ACAlnS1 nA1lCnAL CCvL8nMLn1
Cnce you geL Lhe money clalm, you prove LhaL Lhe [udgmenL
ls flnal and you are enLlLled Lo Lhe [udgmenL. CCA wlll
submlL lL Lo Lhe offlce of Lhe presldenL, Lhen Lhe offlce of Lhe
presldenL lncludes LhaL ln Lhe budgeL Lo be submlLLed Lo Lhe
congress and congress wlll approprlaLe Lhe correspondlng
amounL, lf lL ls a clalm agalnsL Lhe naLlonal governmenL.

lf lL ls a case agalnsL Lhe local governmenLs, Lhen you have Lo
provlde Lhe LCu a copy of Lhe [udgmenL LhaL has become
flnal. ?ou ask for Lhe paymenL. And lf lL does noL make
paymenL, you sue Lhe LCu for mandamus Lo compel Lhe
passage of a supplemenLal budgeL.

1he rule ls, you cannoL garnlsh publlc funds.
Aslde from LhaL, Lhere ls Lhe presumpLlon of solvency on Lhe
parL of Lhe governmenL. ?ou cannoL make aLLachmenLs on
governmenL properLles Lo saLlsfy Lhe [udgmenL.

ACAlnS1 lnCC8C8A1Lu ACLnClLS Cl 1PL CCvL8nMLn1
8uL for lncorporaLed agencles of Lhe governmenL, can you ask
for wrlL of execuLlon and garnlsh lLs funds ln Lhe bank?

?ou can only ask for a wrlL of execuLlon Lo lmplemenL and
garnlsh up Lo Lhe exLenL of funds approprlaLed.
8emember LhaL before exproprlaLlon, Lhere ls an
approprlaLed amounL.
8uL lnasmuch as lL ls Lhe courL LhaL wlll ulLlmaLerly declde [usL
compensaLlon, lL could be more Lhan whaL ls approprlaLed.

lor example, 1m ls approprlaLed for Lhe wldenlng of Lhe road.
1he courLs awarded up Lo 3m. 1he [udgmenL has become
flnal and execuLory. Can you ask for a wrlL of execuLlon Lo
garnlsh Lhe amounL of [usL compensaLlon awarded by Lhe
?es. 8uL only up Lo Lhe exLenL of 1m. Lhe 4m, you have Lo
submlL Lo Lhe lmplemenLlng agency whlch ls submlLLed Lo
Lhe presldenL for lncluslon ln Lhe budgeL Lo be submlLLed Lo
congress for Lhe approprlaLlon of funds.
lf lL ls a LCu, 1n you can ask for Lhe paymenL buL only up Lo
Lhe exLenL of Lhe approprlaLed amounL, should Lhey refuse
Lo casL a supplemenLal budgeL Lo pay Lhe remalnlng amounL
of Lhe [usL compensaLlon awarded by Lhe courLs, you can
sue Lhe LCu for mandamus Lo compel lL and pass Lhe
supplemenLal budgeL.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 29
!une 11, 2011

8ack Lo forms of governmenL.

1. de [ure governmenL
2. de facLo governmenL

1o dlfferenLlaLe de [ure and de facLo ls relevanL only lf Lhere ls
2 governmenLs aL a Llme.
lf Lhere ls only one governmenL managlng Lhe affalrs of Lhe
sLaLe Lhen Lhere ls no need Lo dlsLlngulsh. lL ls undersLood
LhaL Lhe governmenL musL be de [ure.

*+ T72+ I0F+2.H+./
A de [ure governmenL ls a governmenL esLabllshed by legal
processes llke a consLlLuLlon raLlfled as basls for LhaL
governmenL. Cr you have elecLlon of governmenL offlclals Lo
run LhaL governmenL.
1haL governmenL has Lhe consenL of Lhe rlghLful auLhorlLy,
whlch ls Lhe people. lL has Lhe supporL of Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe
lL exlsLs noL only ln law buL also ln acLuallLy.

/O0 I0F+2.H+./5
8uL when Lhere are Lwo governmenLs aL Lhe same Llme, LhaL
governmenL may only exlsL ln law, noL ln reallLy because
Lhere's anoLher governmenL conLrolllng Lhe affalrs of Lhe
And Lhus we now make a dlsLlncLlon beLween de [ure and de

*+ ,46/0 I0F+2.H+./
A de facLo governmenL ls one whlch ls esLabllshed by force,
by usurplng Lhe powers of a leglLlmaLe governmenL or by
lnvadlng Lhe LerrlLory afLer a war or defeaLlng a parLlcular
auLhorlLy and Lhereby LhereafLer esLabllsh a governmenL.

klnuS Cl uL lAC1C CCvL8nMLn1
1here are Lhree klnds of de facLo governmenL:
a. governmenL of paramounL force
1hls ls Lhe governmenL LhaL we had durlng Lhe !apanese
b. governmenL LhaL ls esLabllshed by Lhe lnhablLanLs of Lhe
counLry who rlse ln lnsurrecLlon agalnsL a parenL sLaLe
c. governmenL LhaL ls esLabllshed afLer usurplng Lhe powers
of a leglLlmaLe governmenL and malnLalnlng lLself agalnsL
LhaL leglLlmaLe governmenL

4N I0F+2.H+./ 0, 3424H07./ ,026+
T434.+5+ 066734/-0.
1ake for lnsLance Lhe governmenL LhaL we had durlng Lhe
!apanese occupaLlon whlle we were sLlll under uS.
We had Lhe CommonwealLh CovernmenL LhaL was
esLabllshed pursuanL Lo Lhe 1ydlngs Mcuuffle Law. lL was uS
who has Lhe rlghLful auLhorlLy of Lhe hlllpplne LerrlLory on
Lhe basls of Lhe 1reaLy of arls.
1he uS was noL overLhrown by Lhe !apanese mlllLary
auLhorlLy. lCW here has never been a Lransfer of auLhorlLy
Lhen from uS Lo Lhe !apanese.
8eLween Lhe Lwo governmenLs, Lhe CommonwealLh and Lhe
one esLabllshed by Lhe !apanese mlllLary army, Lhe prlor has
Lhe consenL of Lhe rlghLful auLhorlLy.
8uL you cannoL deny Lhe facL LhaL Lhe !apanese also
esLabllshed Lhelr governmenL ln Manlla. And because of Lhe
esLabllshmenL of Lhe governmenL Lhere, Lhey had Lo Lransfer
Lhe seaL of Lhe CommonwealLh CovernmenL Lo WashlngLon
So ln reallLy, Lhe one conLrolllng Lhe affalrs of Lhe counLry
Lhrough Manlla were Lhe !apanese, noL Lhe CommonwealLh,
so LhaL Lhe CommonwealLh governmenL exlsLs only ln law
buL cannoL exerclse Lhe acLs of soverelgnLy aL Lhe Llme
because of Lhe presence of !apanese mlllLary.
Whlle Lhe !apanese ls conLrolllng Lhe counLry, Lhey exlsL only
ln facL, buL noL ln law because Lhey dld noL have Lhe consenL
of Lhe rlghLful auLhorlLy.

+,,+6/5 0, R+AA-I+2+./ 066734/-0. 02 I0F+2.H+./
0, 3424H07./ ,026+
WhaL ls lmporLanL here ln pollLlcal law ls LhaL you wlll know
and undersLand Lhe consequence of Lhe esLabllshmenL of
Lhe governmenL of Lhe !apanese.

1hls ls whaL we call belllgerenL occupancy or a governmenL
LhaL was esLabllshed by paramounL force.

WhaL happens Lo Lhe laws LhaL was passed by Lhe
CommonwealLh governmenL? ex. 1933 ConsLlLuLlon. Can lL
sLlll be applled durlng Lhe !apanese occupaLlon?
8emember LhaL Lhe consLlLuLlon ls pollLlcal ln naLure.

lnsofar as pollLlcal laws are concerned, can Lhey sLlll be
applled? Are people sLlll bound Lo obey and conslder LhaL as
Lhe consLlLuLlon durlng Lhe !apanese occupaLlon?
LxcepL for Lhe alleglance Lo Lhe LerrlLory, uS or laws on
Lreason, all pollLlcal laws were suspended.
lL ls noL abrogaLed because Lhere ls no change of
soverelgnLy. 1n of Lhe dlfference.
1he soverelgnLy of uS over Lhe LerrlLory was merely
suspended because of Lhe presence of Lhe !apanese.
As beLween Spaln and uS, when Lhere was a Lransfer of
soverelgnLy, all pollLlcal laws were auLomaLlcally abrogaLed,
repealed or abollshed.
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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 30
8uL noL durlng !apanese occupancy. CLl1lCAL LAWS WL8L
ML8LL? SuSLnuLu.
LxcepL on laws relaLlng Lo laws on alleglance and laws on

Munlclpal laws conLlnue unless Lhey are repealed by Lhe
belllgerenL occupanL.

+,,+6/ 0, 2+H0F4A 0, R+AA-I+2+./ 066734/-0.
WhaL happened afLer Lhe belllgerenL occupanL was removed
and Lhere was Lhe resumpLlon of Lhe operaLlon of Lhe
commonwealLh governmenL whlch laLer Lurned ouL Lo be
Lhe 1hlrd 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes? WhaL happened Lo Lhe
laws LhaL were passed by Lhe !apanese sponsored
lnsofar as laws LhaL are pollLlcal ln naLure, Lhey are
auLomaLlcally abrogaLed.
Laws or acLs of governmenL LalnLed wlLh pollLlcal
complexlon are also abrogaLed.

non pollLlcal/munlclpal laws or acLs of governmenL remaln
good and valld.

uLClSlCnS Cl 1PL CCu81
Meanlng declslons of Lhe courL aL Lhe Llme LhaL were made
durlng Lhe !apanese occupaLlon LhaL were non pollLlcal are
sLlll recognlzed as good and valld.
8uL lf Lhese declslons, were LalnLed wlLh pollLlcal
complexlon, Lhey Loo are abrogaLed.

Pe was convlcLed for robbery for sLeallng wlres of
communlcaLlon. And when Lhere was a resumpLlon of Lhe
governmenL, he asked for a wrlL of habeas corpus on Lhe
ground LhaL hls convlcLlon was pollLlcally LalnLed.
lL was noL an ordlnary robbery. Pe sLole Lhe wlres for Lhe
purpose of saboLaglng Lhe governmenL of Lhe !apanese. So lL
was pollLlcally LalnLed.

RN I0F+2.H+./ /E4/ -5 +5/4RA-5E+* RG /E+
-.E4R-/4./5 0, /E+ 607./2G OE0 2-5+ -.
-.5722+6/-0. 4I4-.5/ 4 342+./ 5/4/+

,-25/ 3E-A-33-.+ 2+37RA-6
A good example of Lhls ls durlng Lhe revoluLlonary perlod of
Lhe Spanlsh perlod.
8emember Lhe esLabllshmenL of Lhe llrsL hlllpplne 8epubllc
by Agulnaldo whose declaraLlon of lndependence we wlll be
celebraLlng Lhls !une 12 (1898).
lL was noL however recognlzed as such because lL only llved
for a monLh. 1hey were noL able Lo geL Lhe recognlLlon from
Lhe lamlly of naLlons.

4J7-.0 4*H-.-5/24/-0.
1hen we have Lhe leglLlmacy of Lhe Aqulno AdmlnlsLraLlon
afLer LuSA.
1here was a quesLlon WCn Aqulno's admlnlsLraLlon was de
[ure or leglLlmaLe.

Pere, you Lake noLe of Lhe requlslLes:
1. Laklng over by one power over an exlsLlng governmenL
LlLher by force, vlolence or volce of ma[orlLy.
2. for Lhe governmenL Lo be consldered de facLo, lL musL
malnLaln lLself agalnsL Lhe leglLlmaLe governmenL.

Conslderlng LhaL lnsofar as 1973 ConsLlLuLlon was concerned,
lL was Lhe Marcos AdmlnlsLraLlon LhaL was legally declared
as Lhe de [ure governmenL, was Lhere sLlll a Marcos
CovernmenL LhaL Lhe Aqulno governmenL was malnLalnlng
agalnsL afLer Lhe LuSA revoluLlon?
ApparenLly, Lhere was no Marcos admlnlsLraLlon anymore.
So apparenLly, Lhere ls no need Lo make a dlsLlncLlon. And
ln facL Lhls was raLlfled by Lhe recognlLlon of Lhe lamlly of
naLlons LhaL lndeed Lhe Aqulno CovernmenL ls a
governmenL LhaL was wlLh Lhe consenL of Lhe llllplno
And Lhls was formally recognlzed by Lhe raLlflcaLlon of Lhe
1987 ConsLlLuLlon, whlch ls a legal process and Lhe
subsequenL elecLlon of Lhe governmenLal offlclals,
parLlcularly Lhe congress.

lL may have sLarLed as a revoluLlonary governmenL, buL
ulLlmaLely, Lhey were able Lo obLaln Lhe leglLlmacy be legal
process, such as by raLlflcaLlon of Lhe consLlLuLlon LhaL was
used by Lhe governmenL and Lhe elecLlon of governmenL
offlclals, and ulLlmaLely Lhe recognlLlon by Lhe lamlly of

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 31
4220G0 4*H-.-5/24/-0.
1hen Lhere was Lhe quesLlon on Lhe Arroyo admlnlsLraLlon
afLer Lhe LuSA ll, on WCn Lhe governmenL of Arroyo ls de

6"9>; +9#$"U" C9 *%9%>$#'
Sc sald LhaL Lhere ls no quesLlon of leglLlmacy because Arroyo
only succeeded by operaLlon of law. LsLrada havlng
reslgned, she became Lhe nexL presldenL. So lL ls de [ure.
lL has noLhlng Lo do wlLh Lransferrlng power from one
governmenL Lo anoLher. 1hls lnvolves only one governmenL
and Lhe change of admlnlsLraLlon by operaLlon of law. ln Lhls
case, successlon.
1herefore, Arroyo became Lhe leglLlmaLe presldenL of Lhe

lunC1lCnS Cl 1PL CCvL8nMLn1
lnsofar as llablllLy and suablllLy, we should know Lhe
dlfference beLween:
1. governmenLal or consLlLuenL funcLlon
2. mlnlsLranL or proprleLary funcLlon

C8LlCA1lCnS Cl 1PL CCvL8nMLn1
lnsofar as Lhe obllgaLlon of Lhe governmenL ls concerned,
Lhere ls no more dlsLlncLlon beLween consLlLuenL and
1hey are all mandaLory funcLlons of Lhe governmenL
especlally Lhe concepL of Lhe 8CMC1lCn Cl SCClAL
lCW whaL used Lo be an opLlonal funcLlonal governmenL now
has become a mandaLory funcLlon of Lhe governmenL.
8ecause wlLhouL Lhe governmenL's lnLervenLlon, no one can
llve a decenL llfe.

MAnuA1L Cl 1PL CCnS1l1u1lCn 1C 1PL CCvL8nMLn1
lnasmuch as Lhe governmenL ls mandaLed, whaL ls Lhe
mandaLe of Lhe consLlLuLlon Lo Lhe governmenL?
1haL lL musL glve Lhose who have less ln llfe, more ln law,
so LhaL a man can llve a decenL llfe as parL of hls promoLlon
of and proLecLlon of human rlghLs.

8lnClLLS unuL8L?lnC 1PL CL8A1lCnS Cl CCvL8nMLn1

A81 2 uLCLA8A1lCn Cl 8lnClLLS Anu S1A1L CLlClLS

I0F+2.H+./ 0, /E+ 2+37RA-6 0, /E+ 3E-A-33-.+5
8uL you already know whaL governmenL we are referrlng Lo,
LhaL ls deflned under sec 1 of Lhe 8evlsed AdmlnlsLraLlve
Code as Lhe corporaLe governmenLal enLlLy Lhrough whlch
funcLlons of governmenL are exerclslng as Lhe counLry
appear from Lhe conLexL LhroughouL Lhe counLry, lncludlng
varlous arms Lhrough whlch pollLlcal auLhorlLy ls made
effecLlve ln Lhe hlllpplnes perLalnlng Lo:
AuLonomous reglons
CLher forms of local governmenL

lCW when we say CovernmenL of Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe
hlllpplnes, we refer Lo agency or lnsLrumenLallLy exerclslng
governmenLal funcLlons.

.0. 5+A, +Q+67/02G
1hls governmenL ls founded on Lhe prlnclples as declared ln
arL 2. 8uL 1n, Lhey are noL self execuLlng. 1herefore, you
cannoL go Lo courL and use Lhese provlslons as basls for
[udlclal acLlon, unless Lhere ls a law lmplemenLlng Lhe
provlslons of arL 2.

6"9>; /"("U" C9 4(:"$"
SC sald you cannoL use Lhe provlslons of arL 2 as your legal
basls Lo go Lo courL for [udlclal rellef.
lf Lhere ls any vlolaLlon of Lhe [udlclal provlslon, you cannoL
lmplemenL Lhese provlslons unless Lhere ls a sLaLuLe or
leglslaLlon lmplemenLlng Lhe provlslons of arL2.
lL cannoL be a source of rlghL nelLher can lL be a source of
obllgaLlons of Lhe governmenL.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 32
"#$%&'( 1. 1he hlllpplnes ls a democraLlc and republlcan SLaLe. SoverelgnLy
resldes ln Lhe people and all governmenL auLhorlLy emanaLes from Lhem.

We sLarLed dlscusslng on secLlon 1.

H4.-,+5/4/-0.5 0, 4 2+37RA-64. I0F+2.H+./
So we explaln, how do you know LhaL LhaL Lhe governmenL ls
?ou wlll know LhaL lL ls republlcan because of Lhe
1. exlsLence of Lhe blll of rlghLs
2. governmenL of law and noL of men
3. observance of Lhe separaLlon of powers
-corollary prlnclple: prlnclple checks and balances
!udlclal revlew
4. non delegaLlon of leglslaLlve powers
3. rlghL of suffrage
6. accounLablllLy of publlc offlcers
7. prohlblLlon agalnsL Lhe passage of lrrepealable laws
8. plurallLy
9. rule on ma[orlLy

ZN 5+3424/-0. 0, 30O+25
lf Lhe powers are concenLraLed only ln one person, Lhen Lhe
sysLem ls noL democraLlc buL a monarchlal, auLocraLlc,
Lyrannlcal or a dlcLaLorlal governmenL.
So you have Lhree branches.

ln a sysLem of presldenLlal form of governmenL, how ls Lhls
lor as long as Lhe power ls a prerogaLlve, a dlscreLlonary
power of a branch, LhaL cannoL be lnLerfered wlLh by Lhe
Lwo oLher branches of Lhe governmenL.

Pow do you know LhaL Lhls ls a prerogaLlve of one branch or a
dlscreLlonary power of one branch?
8ecause Lhe consLlLuLlon expressly asslgns Lhe power Lo
LhaL parLlcular branch.

Lx. MAklnC Cl LAWS
ln Lhe maklng of laws, Lhe consLlLuLlon says lL ls asslgned Lo
1herefore as a general rule, LhaL power can only be
excluslvely exerclsed by congress, noL by Lhe presldenL, noL
even by SC.

Lx. LxLCu1lCn Cl 1PL LAW
ln Lhe execuLlon of Lhe law llke appolnLmenL of governmenL
offlclals Lo execuLe Lhe law, Lhe consLlLuLlon says lL ls
asslgned Lo Lhe presldenL.
1herefore, congress cannoL lnLerfere, nelLher can SC.

Lx. ln1L88L1A1lCn Cl 1PL LAW
ln Lhe lnLerpreLaLlon of Lhe law, SC ls asslgned.

Lx. AuMlSSlCn 1C 1PL 8A8
Admlsslon Lo Lhe bar, lL ls Lhe SC.

1herefore, Lhe presldenL cannoL lnLerfere ln LhaL funcLlon of
Llke ln Lhe lowerlng of Lhe bar raLlng, congress cannoL
leglslaLe LhaL because LhaL funcLlon ls excluslve Lo Lhe SC.
8ecause Lhe consLlLuLlon says so.

lf you have masLered arLlcles 6, 7, and 8, you wlll know LhaL
Lhese funcLlons cannoL be lnLerfered wlLh. 1he momenL LhaL
ls lnLerfered wlLh, Lhen Lhere ls always Lhe quesLlon of
vlolaLlon of separaLlon of powers.

Also you musL 1n, whlle Lhere are dlfferenL powers of each
branch, Lhere are powers LhaL are noL expressed buL are
undersLood by lmpllcaLlon, because lL ls lnherenL and
necessary ln Lhe exerclse of Lhe express powers.
And LhaL ls a prerogaLlve as well of Lhe branch LhaL cannoL be
lnLerfered wlLh by Lhe 2 oLher branches of governmenL.

Congress' maln funcLlon ls Lo make laws. 1haL ls express by
Lhe consLlLuLlon. 1haL's plenary.
As an lncldenLal funcLlon, Lo make lL effecLlve, Lhey lnqulre
ln ald of leglslaLlon. 1haL Loo ls express.
8uL whaL lf Lhe person belng summoned by congress wlll
noL appear. 1hls ls noL provlded ln Lhe consLlLuLlon buL lL ls
lnherenL ln Lhe express power granLed ln congress whlch ls
conLempL powers.

So you have Lo masLer Lhe lncldenLal powers granLed Lo a
parLlcular branch ln Lhe exerclse of Lhe express powers
because Lhey Loo shall be exerclsed wlLh Lhe guaranLy LhaL
Lhey Loo should noL be encroached or lnLerfered upon by
Lhe Lwo oLher branches. CW any encroachmenL of Lhese
lnherenL or lmplled powers or resldual powers are
consldered vlolaLlon of separaLlon of powers.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 33
WhaL does Lhe consLlLuLlon say on lmpeachmenL? 1o whom ls
Lhls vesLed?
lnlLlaLlon of lmpeachmenL proceedlngs, Lhe consLlLuLlon ls
very clear, house of reps.
rosecuLlon and hearlng of Lhe case, Lhe prosecuLlon wlll
be ln Lhe house of reps lf Lhere ls an lnlLlaLlon of
lmpeachmenL. 8uL who ls gonna hear Lhe case? Lxcluslve of
Lhe senaLe.

WhaL ls Lhe conLroversy on Lhe lmpeachmenL proceedlngs?
8ecause Lhe SC lssued a 18C and now Lhe house of reps are
complalnlng LhaL LhaL ls an encroachmenL Lo Lhe excluslve
prerogaLlve LhaL Lhe consLlLuLlon has expressly asslgned Lo

Was Lhere an encroachmenL vls a vls a [udlclal revlew by SC,
and ln facL SC lssued a 18C ln Lhe case of ombudsman?
1n LhaL whlle lL ls Lrue LhaL SC has provlded an asslgnmenL
for each branch, Lhls musL be exerclsed ln accordance wlLh
Lhe provlslons of Lhe consLlLuLlon.
CW, lf you go beyond whaL ls granLed Lo you, who wlll be
saylng LhaL you have abused your auLhorlLy? lL ls Lhe courLs,
as an express asslgnmenL of Lhe consLlLuLlon Lo Lhe courLs.

8emember, [udlclal power ls deflned as noL only llmlLed Lo
seLLllng dlspuLes lnvolvlng legally demandable and
enforceable rlghLs and as well as Lo deLermlne wheLher
Lhere has been a grave abuse of dlscreLlon amounLlng Lo
lack or ln excess of [urlsdlcLlon.

So SC says LhaL whaL Lhey are dolng ls Lhelr [ob as asslgned
by Lhe consLlLuLlon LhaL Lhey are Lo revlew wheLher Lhe
dlscreLlon ls abused amounLlng Lo lack of [urlsdlcLlon.

1hls ls noL an asserLlon of Lhe superlorlLy of Lhe courLs buL
Lhe supremacy of Lhe consLlLuLlon as enunclaLed ln Lhe case
of Angara vs LlecLoral Commlsslon.

!une 13, 2011

lor as long as Lhe power ls a prerogaLlve of a parLlcular
branch, LhaL cannoL be lnLerfered wlLh or encroached upon
by Lhe oLher branches ln Lhe governmenL.
Pow do you know LhaL lL ls a prerogaLlve or a dlscreLlonary
power of LhaL branch?
8ecause lL ls asslgned Lo lL expressly by Lhe consLlLuLlon as
a C8.

AlLhough, because of LhaL express granL of Lhe power, Lhere
are cerLaln powers alLhough noL granLed by Lhe consLlLuLlon
ls lnherenL ln Lhe express power, sLlll LhaL ls consldered as
dlscreLlonary ln Lhe branch and Lherefore LhaL cannoL be
lnLerfered wlLh by Lhe oLher branches of governmenL.

Law maklng ls an express granL of powers Lo congress. ln
facL lL ls plenary. LxcepL for Lhe llmlLaLlon LhaL may be
provlded ln Lhe consLlLuLlon for boLh procedural and
subsLanLlve llmlLaLlons.
8uL as you knew already, corollary Lo Lhe mower Lo make
laws ls Lhe power of leglslaLlve lnqulry and LhaL ls expressly
granLed by Lhe consLlLuLlon Lo congress.
8uL ln LhaL express granL of power, Lhere ls no menLlon
abouL conLempL power LhaL may be exerclsed by congress
for conLumaclous wlLnesses who refuse Lo LesLlfy ln relaLlon
Lo Lhls leglslaLlve lnqulry ln ald of leglslaLlon.
8uL lL ls undersLood, lL ls lnherenL ln Lhe power of
leglslaLlve lnqulry ln relaLlon Lo Lhe law maklng power of
congress LhaL Lhere should be some LeeLh Lo Lhe exerclse of
powers CW lL wlll be useless Lo summon wlLnesses Lo shed
llghL on cerLaln maLLers LhaL would help Lhem ln leglslaLlon lf
Lhey can easlly refuse Lhe summons belng lssued by
And LhaL conLempL powers as a general rule cannoL be
lnLerfered wlLh by Lhe SC by lssulng an ln[uncLlon because
LhaL ls a dlscreLlonary power of congress, alLhough noL
express, lL's lnherenL ln Lhe express power granLed by Lhe
consLlLuLlon Lo congress.
nelLher can Lhe presldenL lnLerfere by granLlng pardon Lo
Lhose who are clLed for conLempL. 8ecause LhaL wlll be
consldered an encroachmenL of a prerogaLlve of a parLlcular
branch and Lhereby vlolaLlng Lhe separaLlon of powers.

1haL ls Lhe more dlfflculL parL. 8ecause lnsofar as Lhe express
powers, you have masLered LhaL. And as a C8, lL cannoL be
lnLerfered wlLh because of Lhe prlnclple of separaLlon of
lnherenL powers, resldual powers or powers LhaL are lmplled
ln Lhe granL of Lhe express powers are Lhose LhaL you are
noL Loo famlllar because Lhey are [urlsprudenLlally
esLabllshed by express provlslon of Lhe consLlLuLlon.
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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 34
LxAMLL - 8LSluLn1 - uLC81 unuLSl8A8LL ALlLn
lor example ls Lhe power of Lhe presldenL as Lhe chlef
execuLlve of Lhls counLry Lo deporL undeslrable allen.
?ou cannoL flnd LhaL ln any provlslon of Lhe consLlLuLlon. lL
ls a resldual power lnherenL ln hls belng Lhe chlef execuLlve.
And Lherefore lL cannoL be quesLloned by Lhe congress,
nelLher by Lhe courL.

LxAMLL - Ln18? 1C CCun18? (?)
Cn Lhe maLLer of who should be allowed Lo enLer Lhe
counLry, LhaL ls also a resldual power esLabllshed by
6"9>; H"$?'9 C9 H"(D"!@9
lL was consldered an encroachmenL by Lhe SC when lL was
revlewed. LaLer lL was explalned why lL was revlewed and
Lhere was a [usLlflcaLlon why Lhe SC was noL clLed for
vlolaLlng of separaLlon of powers.
8ecause Lhere are excepLlons Lo Lhls. 8uL generally, when
Lhe power ls granLed Lo Lhe consLlLuLlon or lf Lhe power ls
lnherenL ln Lhe express granL of powers, Lhe resldual power
or lmplled power necessary Lo Lhe express power, llke Lhe
express powers, Lhey are exerclsed by Lhe Lhree branches
wlLhouL Lhe encroachmenL or Lhe lnLerference of Lhe oLher
branches of Lhe governmenL.

LxAMLL - 8LSluLn1 - uLCLA8A1lCn Cl S1A1L Cl
?ou also have haL lssue relaLlng Lo Lhe declaraLlon of Lhe
sLaLe of naLlonal emergency. ls Lhere any provlslon ln Lhe
consLlLuLlon LhaL Lhe presldenL can expressly exerclse Lhe
power? nC.
8uL Lhls was lmplled ln Lhe case of Arroyo as Lhe chlef
execuLlve fosLered by her belng Lhe commander ln chlef of
Lhe armed forces, and should noL be lnLerfered wlLh b yLhe
SC susLalned LhaL power of Lhe presldenL.

32-.6-3A+ 0, 6E+685 4.* R4A4.6+5
AnoLher polnL LhaL you should 1n on Lhe separaLlon of
powers ls on Lhe checks and balances on Lhe exerclse of
dlscreLlonary powers.
8ecause whlle lL ls Lrue LhaL Lhe power ls expressly asslgned
Lo a parLlcular branch by Lhe consLlLuLlon, Lhe consLlLuLlon
lLself provldes for Lhe llmlLaLlon or Lhe checklng of Lhe
power ln order Lo balance Lhe powers of Lhe governmenL
and proLecL Lhe people from any arblLrary conLrol by any of
Lhe branches ln Lhe governmenL.

WhaL l have earller pronounced LhaL Lhe law maklng power
of congress ls plenary, buL Lhe power by express provlslon of
Lhe consLlLuLlon ls belng llmlLed or checked by Lhe
consLlLuLlon lLself.
Pow ls Lhls checked by Lhe consLlLuLlon? no blll shall be
passed unless lL ls slgned by Lhe presldenL. So lf Lhe
presldenL flnds lL conLrary Lo Lhe consLlLuLlon, Lhe presldenL
can always exerclse hls prerogaLlve as expressly granLed Lhe
consLlLuLlon veLolng Lhe blll.

lf Lhe veLo power of Lhe presldenL ls llkewlse abused by Lhe
powers of Lhe presldenL, LhaL can also be checked by
congress lLself by repasslng Lhe blll.
Cf lL obLalns 2/3 voLes, Lhen Lhe veLo power ls overrldden.
1he blll becomes a law regardless of Lhe veLo of Lhe

T7*-6-4A 2+F-+O
And ln Lhe evenL, lf LhaL blll ls conLrary Lo law, however lL
was slghed by Lhe slgned by Lhe presldenL or overrldden by
2/3 voLes of all members, Lhe consLlLuLlon provldes for a
lf anyone ls aggrleved by an unconsLlLuLlonal law, he can
always seek rellef or redress from Lhe courLs and only Lhen
can Lhe courLs check Lhese powers by [udlclal revlew.
1n of Lhe powers of SC or oLher lnferlor courLs ln Lhe
exerclse of [udlclal revlew. 8ecause of Lhe separaLlon of
powers, Lhe courL cannoL moLo proprlo declare a law
unconsLlLuLlonal, or conslder Lhe exerclse of Lhe prerogaLlve
as havlng been exerclsed wlLh grave abuse of dlscreLlon
amounLlng Lo lack or ln excess of [urlsdlcLlon.
Someone has Lo lnvoke Lhe auLhorlLy of Lhe courLs by flllng
a case ln courLs.
8uL lL ls noL Lhe mere flllng of Lhe case ln courL because
Lhere are oLher requlslLes LhaL musL be complled wlLh ln
relaLlon Lo Lhe separaLlon of powers.
1. acLual case or conLroversy
2. ralsed by Lhe proper parLy
3. ralsed aL Lhe earllesL opporLunlLy Llme
4. quesLlon of consLlLuLlonallLy musL be Lhe lls moLa of Lhe
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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 33
Pere, ln Lhe evenL someone goes Lo courL and quesLlons
Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy of law, 1n of Lhe role of SC. SC can now
revlew. 8ecause now under sec 1, arL 8, [udlclal power ls noL
[usL llmlLed Lo applylng Lhe law and deLermlne Lhe confllcL
by seLLllng Lhe dlspuLes, applylng laws LhaL are appllcable ln
case of a confllcL lnvolvlng rlghLs LhaL are boLh demandable
and enforceable. 1hen, Lhe courL usually ln Lhe exerclse of
[udlclal power lnLerpreL Lhe law and apply Lhe law. 1haL was
Lhe general concepL of [udlclal power.

LxAnuLu CCnCL1 Cl !uulClAL CWL8
8uL 1n LhaL has been expanded LhaL Lhe SC and oLher
courLs can also revlew WCn Lhere has been grave abuse of
dlscreLlon amounLlng Lo lack or ln excess of [urlsdlcLlon.
lCW whaL our consLlLuLlon has recognlzed LhaL each branch
ls supreme on lLs own sphere whose prerogaLlves cannoL be
lnLerfered wlLh by Lhe oLher branches lncludlng Lhe SC,
because of Lhe provlslons of arL 8, here LhaL may sLlll be
revlewed lf somebody goes Lo courL and ask for rellef,
quesLlonlng Lhe valldlLy ln Lhe exerclse of Lhe prerogaLlve.
1he consLlLuLlon so provldes.

So Lhe SC has no cholce buL Lo revlew because LhaL ls parL
of Lhelr power and obllgaLlon.
And lf lL flnds LhaL lndeed Lhere ls a grave abuse LhaL whlle
LhaL ls your dlscreLlonary power, however you abuse lL
amounLlng Lo lack or ln excess of [urlsdlcLlon, SC has Lhe Lask
Lo nulllfy lL or declare lL as null and vold.
1hls ls noL an asserLlon of Lhe courL's superlorlLy. 1hls ls an
asserLlon of Lhe supremacy of Lhe consLlLuLlon.
(4(:"$" C9 +D>?#'$"D 6'&&%99%'()

lCW, even pollLlcal quesLlons lnvolvlng purely dlscreLlonary
maLLers may sLlll be revlewed by Lhe courLs wlLhouL vlolaLlng
Lhe separaLlon of powers.
lL's more on checklng Lhe powers ln order Lo balance Lhe 3
branches' powers and proLecL Lhe people from any arblLrary
conLrol by Lhe presldenL's exerclse of hls prerogaLlve or by
congress ln Lhe maklng of laws, Lhrough Lhls [udlclal revlew
power of Lhe courLs.

Powever, lnsofar as pollLlcal dlscreLlonary powers, Lhe
lssue ls llmlLed lnLo WCn Lhere has been a grave abuse of
dlscreLlon amounLlng Lo lack or ln excess of [urlsdlcLlon.

6"9>; H"$?'9 C9 H"(D"!@9
1here was a quesLlon on Lhe dlscreLlonary power of Lhe
presldenL Lo deLermlne who should be allowed Lo Lhe enLer
Lhe counLry.
noLwlLhsLandlng LhaL lL ls a dlscreLlonary power of Lhe
presldenL, Lhe SC revlewed lL lf only Lo deLermlne wheLher
LhaL dlscreLlonary power of Lhe presldenL ls abused
amounLlng Lo lack or ln excess of [urlsdlcLlon.

ln many cases where Lhere ls a quesLlon on
consLlLuLlonallLy, speclally when Lhere ls a confllcL beLween
Lhe exerclse of powers of Lhe presldenL and of congress, Lhe
SC can always acL as a referee.
Lven lf he clalmed LhaL Lhe power ls dlscreLlonary because
lL ls expressly asslgned Lo Lhem by Lhe consLlLuLlon, Lhls ls
noL Lo preclude Lhe SC Lo revlew lf LhaL dlscreLlonary power
ls abused.

reclsely, before Lhe SC resolved on Lhe merlL, Lhe lssue,
Lhe SC sLlll has Lo deLermlne wheLher Lhere ls [usLlflcaLlon Lo
exerclse lLs power of [udlclal revlew.
8ecause as l have sald, Lhe [udlclal power may be used Lo
lnLerfere lnLo Lhe prerogaLlves of Lhe Lwo oLher branches Lo
make sure LhaL SC wlll noL be accused of lnLerferlng so you
musL make sure LhaL Lhe 4 requlslLes are presenL.
So lf one of Lhe elemenLs ls absenL, generally, Lhere ls no
[usLlflcaLlon for SC Lo exerclse [udlclal revlew. CW LhaL
would be an encroachmenL of Lhe prerogaLlves of Lhe Lwo
oLher branches of Lhe governmenL.

6"9>; 0&B@U9&"( H>$?>U%#"9 I@#%>$>X
1here was an accusaLlon made ln Lhe house of reps
parLlcularly Lhe CommlLLee on !usLlce, Lhe SC has abused Lhe
power of [udlclal revlew because Lhey have lnLerfered wlLh
Lhe prerogaLlve Lo lnlLlaLe lmpeachmenL proceedlngs.
Pere 1n LhaL Lhe lssue ls noL Lhe lnLerference lnLo Lhe
lmpeachmenL proceedlngs prerogaLlve Lo lnlLlaLe on he parL
of Lhe house of reps, buL Lo deLermlne as lL was alleged by
Lhe peLlLloner LhaL LhaL prerogaLlve has been abused by Lhe
house of reps by noL followlng Lhe procedure as provlded b
Lhe consLlLuLlon.
1he consLlLuLlon provldes LhaL Lhere can only be an
lnlLlaLlon of lmpeachmenL proceedlngs noL more Lhan once
ln a year, and LhaL was an lssue.
naLurally Lhe SC has Lo look lnLo LhaL because lL was
alleged. And evenLually Lhe SC ruled ln favor of Lhe house of
reps saylng LhaL Lhere has been no abuse of dlscreLlon and
Lhere has been no vlolaLlon of Lhe requlremenLs of lnlLlaLlon
of lmpeachmenL proceedlngs.
1haL does noL make Lhe SC superlor of Lhe Lwo oLher
branches, buL slmply asserL whaL ls provlded ln Lhe
consLlLuLlon.noL Lhe superlorlLy of Lhe courLs buL Lhe
supremacy of Lhe provlslons of Lhe consLlLuLlon.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 36
AnoLher polnL LhaL you should 1n are Lhose clrcumsLances
where no less Lhan Lhe consLlLuLlon or exlsLlng sLaLuLe
provldlng for Lhe sharlng of Lhe exerclse of Lhe powers.

lor lnsLance, Lhe law maklng power ls deflnlLely Lhe power
expressly asslgned Lo congress as provlded ln Lhe
8uL do you know LhaL Lhls power by express provlslon of
Lhe consLlLuLlon has also been asslgned or delegaLed Lo Lhe
Lwo oLher branches of Lhe governmenL?

1he 8LSluLn1 ls delegaLed wlLh LML8CLnC? CWL8S
under sec 23 or Lo AuMlnlS18A1lvL 8CulLS on subordlnaLe
1hls ls execuLlve branch and yeL exerclslng Lhe power Lo a
cerLaln exLenL for purposes of lmplemenLlng Lhe law. 1hey
promulgaLe rule and regulaLlons lnsofar as admlnlsLraLlve
bodles under subordlnaLe leglslaLlon, Lhe presldenL lnsofar
as Lhe exerclse of emergency power.
ln effecL, Lhe execuLlve branch exerclses leglslaLlve powers,
however llmlLed.
We wlll explaln Lhls furLher when we go Lo Lhe delegaLlon
of leglslaLlve powers.

1he SC under sec 13 arL 8, Lhe SC has excluslve power Lo
promulgaLe rues governlng:
1. leadlngs
2. racLlce of law
3. rocedure ln courL
4. Admlsslon Lo Lhe bar
3. MaLLers exLendlng free legal asslsLance Lo Lhe lndlgenLs
1hese are excluslve.
ln Lhe case of I%(:')'( C9 2>!@BD%?, congress ls never
precluded form promulgaLlng or maklng or enacLlng laws
provldlng or amendlng Lhe rules of courL. 8ecause afLer all,
Lhe leglslaLlve power ls plenary as far as congress ls

Pow abouL Lhe execuLlve power? Are Lhere lnsLances when
lL ls also belng exerclsed by Lhe Lwo oLher branches? ?LS.
ln Lhe maLLer of ACln1MLn1, by naLure LhaL ls
execuLlve. 1o ensure haL laws are falLhfully execuLed, Lhe
presldenL belng Lhe chlef execuLlve makes Lhe appolnLmenL
ln Lhe governmenL. ln facL, lf Lhere ls no law provldlng who
should be Lhe appolnLlng auLhorlLy, lL ls undersLood LhaL
LhaL power ls belng appolnLed wlLh Lhe presldenL belng Lhe
chlef execuLlve.
8uL Lhls power ls belng asslgned Lo CCnC8LSS and SC, ln
Lhe maLLer of ACln1lnC 1PLl8 CWn S1All Anu
L8SCnnLL Lo malnLaln Lhe lndependence of Lhe Lhree

-LxAMLL - SPA8Lu !uulClA8? CWL8S
ln Lhe exerclse of CuASl !uulClAL CWL8S by Lhe
AuMlnlS18A1CvL 8CulLS, seLLllng dlspuLes beLween and
among employees sub[ecL Lo Lhe revlew of Lhe presldenL.
1haL ls by naLure [udlclal buL LhaL ls asslgned Lo Lhe
execuLlve deparLmenL.
CCnC8LSS Lo a cerLaln exLenL also exerclses [udlclal
funcLlons. CCn1LM1 power ls by naLure [udlclal.
LLLC1C8AL 18l8unAL CWL8S Lo confllcL or seLLle confllcLs
lnvolvlng elecLlon offenses among members of congress.
Who are Lhe members of LlecLoral 1rlbunal? 6 of whom are
members of congress.
lMLACPMLn1 ls [udlclal by naLure. 1here ls a proceedlngs
where lL ls adversarlal where house of reps acLs as a
prosecuLors and Lhe senaLe as Lhe ad[udlcaLors or Lrlbunal.

So lf you can observe, Lhere ls more Lo Lhe blendlng of
powers raLher Lhan Lhe compleLe or absoluLe separaLlon of
powers. 1here's more Lo Lhe lnLerdependency of Lhe powers
raLher Lhan on compleLe lndependence.
1n ln relaLlon Lo lL, you have checks and balances and you
have [udlclal revlew power of Lhe courLs.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 37
VN .0. *+A+I4/-0. 0, A+I-5A4/-F+ 30O+25
8elaLed Lo separaLlon of powers ls Lhe non delegaLlon of
powers, parLlcularly leglslaLlve powers.
8ecause Lhere ls separaLlon of powers, as a C8, Lhe powers
should noL be glven up Lo anyone. lL ls noL only a power Lo
exerclse buL an obllgaLlon. 1he people Lhrough Lhe
consLlLuLlon has expressly asslgned Lhe power Lo LhaL
parLlcular branch.
WhaL has been delegaLed cannoL ln Lurn be delegaLed by Lhe
delegaLe Lo anoLher delegaLe.
1haL ls Lhe reason why Lhere ls Lhe prohlblLlon agalnsL Lhe
delegaLlon of powers.
As l have sald earller, lL ls more on Lhe leglslaLlve power
because Lhere's more on Lhe law maklng where Lhe
governmenL has Lo come up wlLh laws ln order Lo meeL Lhe
exlgencles and needs of Lhe publlc.

Whlle non delegaLlon of powers ls a C8, Lhere are cerLaln
excepLlons Lo LhaL. 1hls ls whaL we can permlsslble
delegaLlon of leglslaLlve power.
8ecause of Lhe growlng complexlLles of Lhe people and Lhe
governmenL has Lo meeL Lhe needs of he people
lmmedlaLely, lL cannoL be avolded and lL would be besL for
Lhe power Lo be delegaLed.
And so we have Lhe power delegaLed Lo Lhe:
1. presldenL
2. admlnlsLraLlve bodles
3. local governmenLs
4. people aL large

1. uLLLCA1lCn Cl CWL8 1C 1PL 8LSluLn1
1n of sec 23 arL 6, Lhe requlslLes and Lhe relevanL

"#$%&'( 23.
(1) 1he Congress, by a voLe of Lwo-Lhlrds of boLh Pouses ln [olnL sesslon
assembled, voLlng separaLely, shall have Lhe sole power Lo declare Lhe
exlsLence of a sLaLe of war.

(2) ln Llmes of war or oLher naLlonal emergency, Lhe Congress may, by law,
auLhorlze Lhe resldenL, for a llmlLed perlod and sub[ecL Lo such resLrlcLlons
as lL may prescrlbe, Lo exerclse powers necessary and proper Lo carry ouL a
declared naLlonal pollcy. unless sooner wlLhdrawn by resoluLlon of Lhe
Congress, such powers shall cease upon Lhe nexL ad[ournmenL Lhereof.

Case: uavld eL al vs Arroyo
1hls relaLes Lo Lhe sLaLe of naLlonal emergency.

Case: Sanlakas vs LxecuLlve SecreLary
1hls relaLes Lo Lhe declaraLlon of a sLaLe of rebelllon

Lmergency power ls vesLed wlLh congress. 1hls ls noL
exerclsed by Lhe presldenL unless lL ls delegaLed. Cs lL ls only
delegaLed Lo Lhe presldenL.
And by sec 23, lL ls delegaLed Lo Lhe presldenL ln cases of:
a. naLlonal emergency
b. war

1n of Lhe llmlLaLlons:
a. lt coo ooly be JeleqoteJ ot qtooteJ by low posseJ by
b. lo coses of ootloool emetqeocy ot of wot
c. llmlteJ ooly fot o petloJ of tlme
1. unLll emergency exlsLs
2. unless lL ls llfLed or wlLhdrawn earller
3. unLll Lhe nexL ad[ournmenL of congress (speclal or
regular sesslon)
d. lt coo ooly be wltbJtowo by o tesolotloo
-Lhere ls no need of Lhe approval Lhen of Lhe presldenL
(noL a law)
e. scope ls llmlteJ ooly to cotty oot tbe JecloteJ pollcy of

1he presldenL cannoL Lherefore exerclse Lhe power wlLhouL
Lhe express granL of congress.

uLCLA8A1lCn Cl S1A1L Cl nA1lCnAL LML8CLnC?
Pow abouL Lhe declaraLlon of Lhe sLaLe of naLlonal
emergency? Can Lhe presldenL do LhaL wlLhouL Lhe congress
delegaLlng Lhe exerclse of emergency powers Lo Lhe
1he SC sald Lhere's no need for Lhe delegaLlon of
emergency powers Lo Lhe presldenL Lo make a declaraLlon
elLher of a sLaLe of rebelllon or a sLaLe of naLlonal
8ecause afLer all, Lhls ls based on Lhe presldenL belng Lhe
chlef execuLlve. Pe knows Lhe sLaLus of Lhe counLry and Lhe
condlLlon of Lhe counLry aL Lhe momenL conslderlng LhaL Lhe
evldences and maLerlals he would be needlng are wlLhln hls
reach because Lhe deparLmenLs provldlng for Lhe
lnformaLlon are under Lhe conLrol of Lhe presldenL llke Lhe
n and mlllLary.
So deflnlLely Lhe presldenL can declare a sLaLe of naLlonal
emergency bolsLered by Lhe facL LhaL Lhe presldenL ls Lhe
commander ln chlef of Lhe armed forces.

8uL Lhe momenL LhaL Lhe presldenL orders Lhe warranLless
arresL, Lhe Laklng over of some publlc uLlllLles or vlLal
lndusLrles because of such emergency, he cannoL do LhaL
wlLhouL Lhe granL of emergency powers Lo hlm by congress.
(*"C%U ># "D C9 +d>?@#%C> 5>?$>#"$))

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 38
2. uLLLCA1lCn 1C AuMlnlS18A1lvL 8CulLS
As parL of subordlnaLe leglslaLlon, whaL has been delegaLed
ls only Lhe rule maklng power.
1here cannoL be Lhe promulgaLlon of rules by Lhe
admlnlsLraLlve bodles havlng Lhe force and effecL of law lf ln
Lhe flrsL place Lhere's never been a law delegaLlng Lhe
exerclse of Lhe power Lo Lhe admlnlsLraLlve body.
So Lhere has Lo be a law passed by Lhe congress provldlng
for Lhe basls of Lhe promulgaLlon of lmplemenLlng rules and
Supposedly, Lhe rules promulgaLed by Lhe admlnlsLraLlve
bodles wlll provlde for Lhe deLalls or for Lhe llmlLaLlons or
parameLers for whlch Lhe law can effecLlvely enforced.

klnuS Cl LLClSLA1lCn 1PA1 AuMlnlS18A1lvL 8CulLS MA?
1here are Lwo klnds of leglslaLlon LhaL Lhe admlnlsLraLlve
bodles may promulgaLe as parL of subordlnaLe leglslaLlon:
a. provldlng for deLalls
b. provldlng for llmlLaLlon
lor as long as lL ls wlLhln Lhe provlslon of Lhe law.

1LS1 Cn vALlu uLLLCA1lCn Cl CWL8 1C
AuMlnlS18A1lvL 8CulLS
So you 1n of Lhe LesL ln Lhe delegaLlon of Lhe power Lo Lhe
admlnlsLraLlve bodles:
1he law musL be compleLe ln lLself so LhaL noLhlng ls lefL
Lo Lhe admlnlsLraLlve body Lo deLermlne whaL Lhe law ls. All
LhaL lL needs Lo do ls Lo lmplemenL Lhe law.
8ecause lL ls lncompleLe, lL ls lacklng wlLh baslc
provlslons, Lhen Lhere ls undue delegaLlon.

b. SulllClLnC? Cl S1AnuA8u 1LS1
?ou may flnd Lhls ln Lhe lnLroducLory parL of Lhe
subsLanLlve law lLself. ?ou may provlde for Lhe reason why
Lhls law ls adopLed.
So LhaL ln Lhe promulgaLlon of Lhe rules and regulaLlon,
Lhe admlnlsLraLlve bodles wlll be gulded accordlngly as Lo
how Lhe rules wlll be promulgaLed, Lhe boundarles and
parameLers Lo whlch LhaL law wlll be lmplemenLed.

6"9>; -!%$" C9 *>!"$#&>(# '< +(>$:)
1here's Lhe unlversal charge lmposed for Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of
elecLrlclLy. 1he purpose of whlch ls Lo have elecLrlclLy
dlsLrlbuLed all over Lhe counLry. lL ls shared by all elecLrlclLy
consumers. And lL ls Lhe ueparLmenL of energy LhaL
enforced lL by promulgaLlng Lhe rules and regulaLlon.
1here was a quesLlon on Lhe ueparLmenL of Lnergy Lo do
LhaL. 1hey say Lhere was no delegaLlon because Lhls was a
Lax lmposlLlon.
SC sald Lhee ls no vlolaLlon of Lhe non delegaLlon of non
leglslaLlve power because whaL Lhe uCL ls slmply Lo
lmplemenL Lhe law.
1hls ls noL a Laxlng power LhaL ls belng exerclsed buL more
on pollce power.
And Lhls ls by express delegaLlon of Lhe law lLself Lo Lhe

8A 7160 - LCCAL CCvL8nMLn1 CCuL
1here cannoL be an exerclse of Lhe power of LCu's wlLhouL
Lhe express granL of Congress, 8A 7160, Lhe Local
CovernmenL Code.

1n because lL ls a delegaLed power, Lhe power ls noL
wlLhouL llmlLaLlons. ln facL, LCu's cannoL pass laws conLrary
Lo Lhe consLlLuLlon and conLrary Lo laws passed by congress.
1hey cannoL Lherefore prohlblL a Lrade LhaL ls allowed
under exlsLlng laws nelLher can Lhey pass laws amendlng
naLlonal laws. 8ecause Lhe power ls llmlLed.
1hey cannoL prohlblL. 1hey can only regulaLe.

CAnnC1 8CPl8l1 8u1 MA? 8LCuLA1L
6"9>; 6$@X C9 3"$"9
1hls ls abouL Lhe closure of nlghL clubs whlch was noL Lhe
an acLlvlLy LhaL ls consldered lllegal by law.
1hey cannoL be prohlblLed by LCu's. 1hey may only be

We do noL have a federal sysLem of governmenL. Curs ls
sLlll unlLary. Cur LCu's are noL lndependenL from Lhe
naLlonal governmenL. 1hey cannoL make laws conLrary Lo
laws already passed by Lhe naLlonal governmenL.

6"9>; H":#"_"9 C9 3$)?> 3$'!>$#%>9
1hls ls abouL Lhe esLabllshmenL of caslnos ln CuC. lL was
declared unconsLlLuLlonal because Lhe governmenL cannoL
prohlblL Lhe acLlvlLy. 1hey can only regulaLe.

CAnnC1 8CPl8l1 8AC1lCL Cl 8ClLSSlCn
lncludlng Lhe pracLlce of professlons, LCu's cannoL ln Lhe
gulse of promoLlng general welfare prohlblL cerLaln pracLlce
of professlon or buslness.
lL can only be regulaLed by LCu's buL cerLalnly cannoL be

nC1 C8LSSlvL, nC1 un8LASCnA8LL Anu LlMl1Lu 1C
1L88l1C8lAL !u8lSulC1lCn
AnoLher ls LhaL Lhe laws passed should noL be oppresslve,
noL unreasonable and lL ls only llmlLed wlLhln lLs LerrlLorlal
So lf a munlclpallLy passes an ordlnance, as long as lL ls noL
conLrary Lo exlsLlng laws, lL cannoL be a applled Lo anoLher
munlclpallLles because lL ls nly appllcable wlLhln lLs
LerrlLorlal boundarles.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 39
MMuA ls noL a local governmenL or a pollLlcal subdlvlslon.
lL does noL exerclse pollce power. ?ou can only enforce Lhe
law of LCu's composlng of MeLropollLan Manlla.
8uL Lhey cannoL on Lhelr own make rules and lmplemenL
Lhem. LlLher Lhey make rules on Lhe basls of exlsLlng laws or
on Lhe basls of local laws on Lhe dlfferenL munlclpallLles and
clLles comprlslng Lhe MMuA.

6"9>; R>D 4%$ C9 HH*4
1hls quesLlon WCn Lhey can dlverL Lhe Lrafflc ln a prlvaLe
subdlvlslon, lnvoklng Lhe exerclse of pollce power wlLhouL
paylng [usL compensaLlon.
SC sald, ln Lhe flrsL place, MMuA has no pollce power. lL
cannoL also Lake prlvaLe properLy wlLhouL paymenL of [usL
compensaLlon because vlrLually, by allowlng Lrafflc Lo enLer
a prlvaLe subdlvlslon ls Laklng Lhe properLy for publlc use.

6"9>; I"$%(
An MMuA Lrafflc enforcer conflscaLed Lhe llcense of a
1he lawyer was saylng he has no auLhorlLy because he does
noL have pollce power.
SC susLalned Lhe argumenL LhaL MMuA was noL a pollLlcal
subdlvlslon and Lherefore does noL exerclse pollce power.
Powever, because lL ls an admlnlsLraLlve body, Lhere ls
exlsLlng law allowlng Lhem Lo conflscaLe, Lhen Lhey can do
noL by Lhelr auLhorlLy as an offlce buL Lhe local
governmenLs LhaL comprlse Lhe MMuA.

6"9>; ,$"(?%9?' C9 HH*4
8egardlng on Lhe WeL llag Scheme, Lhere was a quesLlon
on due process and on Lhe auLhorlLy of MMuA Lo pour
waLer on you for Lrafflc vlolaLlon.
1hey were auLhorlzed by LCu's Lo lmplemenL Lrafflc rules.
lranclsco quesLloned Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy.
1here was a quesLlon WCn he ls a proper parLy because he
was noL Lhe one who goL weL.
1here was no problem wlLh due process because SC sald
LhaL was only prevenLlve. ln prevenLlve, no hearlng ls
uoes Lhe MMuA have Lhe auLhorlLy? ?es. noL because of lL
belng MMuA buL because Lhey were auLhorlzed by Lhe
LCu's comprlslng Lhe MMuA.
1bey ote tteoteJ os oo oJmlolsttotlve cootJlootloq boJy.

As regards Lo Lhe exerclse of Lhe power, you wlll wonder
shy should lL be delegaLed Lo Lhe people when Lhe source of
soverelgnLy ls Lhe people. ln facL sec 1 arL 2 provldes:
SoverelgnLy resldes ln Lhe people and all governmenL auLhorlLy emanaLes
from Lhem.

Why ls Lhere a need Lo delegaLe Lhe power when Lhe
soverelgnLy resldes ln Lhem?
As provlded ln Lhe consLlLuLlon, lL ls noL on Lhe delegaLlon.
lL's more on Lhe provlslon on Lhe procedure or mechanlsm
on how he people can exerclse Lhe power.

8A 6733
And Lhus under sec 31 of arL 6 of Lhe consLlLuLlon, Lhe
congress ls mandaLed by Lhe consLlLuLlon Lo pass and enacL
a law provldlng for a procedure.
And Lhus we have 8A 6733 provldlng on procedure on
people maklng laws elLher dlrecLly or lndlrecLly lncludlng
amendlng Lhe consLlLuLlon.
Pow ls Lhls done:
1. lnlLlaLlve
a. on sLaLuLe
b. on local leglslaLlon
c. on amendmenLs Lo Lhe consLlLuLlon
2. referendum

1.a. lnl1lA1lvL Cn S1A1uLS
6"9>; A"&B%(' C9 6'&>D>?
As regards Lo lnlLlaLlve on sLaLues, people can dlrecLly
propose naLlonal laws provlded LhaL Lhe peLlLlon has Lo be
slgned by peLlLloners comprlslng of aL leasL 10 of Lhe LoLal
reglsLered voLers of whlch 3 are represenLlng Lhe dlfferenL
dlsLrlcLs naLlonwlde.
(amendmenL on consLlLuLlon ls 12 and 3)

1.b. lnl1lA1lvL Cn LCCAL LLClSLA1lCn
WhaL are Lhe pollLlcal subdlvlslons LhaL can lnlLlaLe local
leglslaLlon? Pow many voLers requlred Lo slgn?
a. auLonomous reglons 2000 voLers
b. provlnces 1000
c. clLles 300
d. munlclpallLles 100
e. barangays 30

lL could be ordlnance or resoluLlon

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 40
1.c. lnl1lA1lvL Cn AMLnuMLn1S Cl CCnS1l1u1lCn
We need 12 and 3 of each leglslaLlve dlsLrlcL.
6"9>; A"&B%(' C9 6'&>D>?
SC says LhaL 8A 6733 ls sufflclenL Lo provlde for Lhe
mechanlsm on how people can lnlLlaLe amendmenLs on Lhe
consLlLuLlon. Powever, lL ls only llmlLed Lo amendmenLs, noL
a revlslon.

1hls ls now modlfled declslon of SC ln 5"(#%":' C9 2"&'9^
8A 6733 ls noL sufflclenL. xxx

1hls has been changed ln Lhe case of Lamblno. As long as
Lhe peLlLlon has been slgned by Lhe auLhors of Lhe lnlLlaLlve,
sub[ecL Lo raLlflcaLlon of ma[orlLy voLe ln a pleblsclLe called
for Lhe purpose.

2. 8LlL8LnuuM
8eferendum ls an lndlrecL way of proposlng laws. lnsLead lL
wlll be congress for Lhe naLlonal law Lo propose. And people
wlll elLher re[ecL or approve lL ln a referendum.
Same wlLh Lhe LCu's. Lhe sangunlnans wlll propose and Lhe
people ln Lhe locallLy wlll approve or re[ecL lL ln a

ln lnlLlaLlve on amendmenLs, lL ls Lo be raLlfled noL on
referendum buL ln a pleblsclLe.

Al1L8 88LAk

WN +Q-5/+.6+ 0, /E+ R-AA 0, 2-IE/5
As we explalned, Lhe 8lll of 8lghLs wlll serve as a balance or
fulcrum beLween auLhorlLy on one hand LhaL ls represenLed
by Lhe lnherenL powers and rlghLs of lndlvlduals on Lhe oLher
WlLhouL Lhe balance, you cannoL have a republlcan sysLem of
governmenL. ?ou wlll have a Lyrannlcal sysLem of

KN 27A+ 0. H4T02-/G
lnasmuch as we cannoL geL Lhe unanlmous approval, we can
only esLlmaLe Lhe consenL of Lhe people. And LhaL's Lhe
devlce on Lhe ma[orlLy rule. 8ecause afLer all, Lhe heavler
welghL carrles wlLh lL Lhe llghLer welghL.

ln many cases, you have speclally where Lhe body of Lhe
governmenL ls colleglaLe or colleglal, you always have a
declslon reached by Lhe approval of Lhe ma[orlLy.
Llke for lnsLance, ln congress, you have Lhe ma[orlLy voLes
whlch ls only x of Lhe LoLallLy plus 1, and 2/3 or voLes ln
more lmporLanL declslons LhaL need Lo be made by

lnsofar as SC ls concerned, sLlll we follow ma[orlLy rule. SLlll
we follow ma[orlLy rule, llke Lhe declaraLlon of Lhe law Lo be
conLrary Lo Lhe consLlLuLlon and Lherefore null and vold, you
need ma[orlLy of Lhose who acLually parLlclpaLed ln Lhe

eN 46607./4R-A-/G 0, 37RA-6 0,,-6+25
8ecause Lhe publlc offlcers are chosen by Lhe people, you
should always remember LhaL Lhe auLhorlLy emanaLes from
Lhe people. And Lhus aL all Llmes, Lhey are accounLable Lo
Lhe people.
We have a separaLe provlslon on Lhe accounLablllLy of publlc
offlcers. Cne of whlch ls Lhe lmpeachmenL of publlc offlclals
ln Lhe governmenL or Lhe offlce of Lhe ombudsman and hls
AnLl CrafL CourLs or S8 [usL Lo leL Lhe people or Lhe offlclals
ln parLlcular be aware LhaL Lhey are always accounLable Lo
Lhe people.

[N 320E-R-/-0. 4I4-.5/ /E+ 34554I+ 0, -22+3+4A4RA+
1he C8 ls laws passed by congress are always sub[ecL Lo

LxCL1lCn: lMAl8MLn1 Cl CCn18AC1
Can you clLe an example of an excepLlon where Lhe law
cannoL be repealed? 8ecause Lo repeal lL, lL becomes
When Lhe law lmpalrs exlsLlng obllgaLlons of conLracL.
Llke lf you granL a Lax exempLlon based on valuable
conslderaLlon, LhaL cannoL be revoked wlLhouL vlolaLlng Lhe
law agalnsL Lhe non lmpalrmenL clause.

MN I0F+2.H+./ 0, A4O 4.* .0/ 0, H+.
All men are sub[ecL Lo Lhe law.

6"9>; F%DD"C%?>(?%' C9 A@?B"(

6"9>; +?=>('C" C9 I'(X"D>X
?ou cannoL [usL vlolaLe Lhe law wlLh lmpunlLy [usL because
you are powerful. 1here's no one Lhls counLry who ls so
powerful LhaL he can be above Lhe law.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 41
"#$%&'( 2. 1he hlllpplnes renounces war as an lnsLrumenL of naLlonal
pollcy, adopLs Lhe generally accepLed prlnclples of lnLernaLlonal law as parL
of Lhe law of Lhe land and adheres Lo Lhe pollcy of peace, equallLy, [usLlce,
freedom, cooperaLlon, and amlLy wlLh all naLlons.

1he Lhlngs LhaL you need Lo conslder on Lhe 8LnunClA1lCn
Cl WA8 and Lhe adopLlon of Lhe CLnL8ALL? ACCL1Lu
8lnClLLS Cl ln1L8nA1lCnAL LAW AS A81 Cl 1PL LAW
Cl 1PL LAnu.

2+.7.6-4/-0. 0, O42
WhaL we are renounclng ls only an CllLnSlvL WA8 where
we become Lhe aggressors.
We cannoL glve up a war because lL ls Lhe duLy of Lhe
governmenL and Lhe people Lo defend Lhe sLaLe.

-.6023024/-0. 6A475+
WhaL may be Lhe source of generally accepLed prlnclples of
lnLernaLlonal law. auLomaLlcally, under Lhe lncorporaLlon
clause, Lhey form parL of our legal sysLem. lCW Lhey are
LreaLed as ordlnary sLaLues lf Lhere are no appllcable local
law and ln case when Lhere ls a need Lo apply an
lnLernaLlonal law.

WPA1 MA? 8L lnCC8C8A1Lu
1n of whaL can be lncorporaLed as generally accepLed
1. tteotles Joly totlfleJ by tbe pteslJeot
As enunclaLed ln Lhe case of 3%&>(#>D C9 +$&%#". All Lhe
cases belng enLered lnLo by Lhe presldenL, we are bound by
6"9>; 3%&>(#>D C9 +$&%#"
1hls ls Lhe SLaLuLe of 8ome LhaL was quesLloned by
lmenLel because Lhe presldenL refused Lo glve a copy Lo
Lhe senaLe for concurrence.
lL was declared by SC LhaL on Lhe maLLer of raLlflcaLlon,
LhaL ls excluslve Lo Lhe presldenL and under separaLlon of
powers, Lhey cannoL ask for mandamus Lo compel Lhe
presldenL Lo forward a copy of Lhe sLaLuLe or Lhe LreaLy.
1hls was on Lhe esLabllshmenL of Lhe crlmlnal courLs of
Lven lf Lhe senaLe has concurred Lo lL, lf Lhe presldenL
refuses Lo raLlfy lL, Lhen Lhe presldenL ls noL compelled Lo
raLlfy Lhe LreaLy because afLer all, LhaL power ls excluslve Lo
Lhe presldenL.
1o blnd Lherefore Lhe republlc lnsofar as Lhe LreaLles
belng enLered lnLo, lL musL be raLlfled by Lhe presldenL wlLh
Lhe concurrence of 2/3 of Lhe house of Lhe senaLe, Lo
conslder lL as parL of Lhe legal sysLem.

lnasmuch as lL was noL raLlfled by Arroyo whlle lL was
slgned by LsLrada. lL was noL raLlfled because Lhe
presldenL dld noL submlL a copy Lo Lhe senaLe for

Are we bound by lL? nC.
8uL ls Lhe esLabllshmenL of Lhe lnLernaLlonal CourL of
!usLlce, are we sub[ecL Lo lLs [urlsdlcLlon? ?LS. Whlle we dld
noL slgn lL, LhaL law became a cusLomary law for lL was
raLlfled my Lhe ma[orlLy voLe of Lhe members of Lhe un. So
you may sLlll be bound by lL by lncorporaLlon clause
because one of Lhe sources of lnLernaLlonal laws, oLher
Lhan LreaLles enLered lnLo by Lhe presldenL, concurred by
2/3 of Lhe members of Lhe senaLe, are LreaLles whlch
become parL of cusLomary law.

2. tteotles tbot bove become pott of costomoty low
6"9>; .%='_ C9 *%$>?#'$ '< 3$%9'(9
6"9>; 8@$@U" C9 E"D"(U'(%
Whlle we were noL slgnaLory Lo Lhe esLabllshmenL of
Commlsslons Lo prosecuLe Lhe crlmlnals durlng Lhe war
who were responslble Lo Lhe aLroclLles commlLLed durlng
Lhe WW ll, we were never slgnaLorles uakllo 8rlan
auLhorlzed Lhe esLabllshmenL of Lhe Lrlbunals.
8uL because LhaL LreaLy, alLhough we were noL
slgnaLorles LhereLo has become a cusLomary law, meanlng
lL was adopLed and followed by ma[orlLy of Lhe members of
un, Lhen we Loo are bound by lL, because as cusLomary
law, auLomaLlcally, lL forms parL of our legal sysLem under
Lhls provlslon on Lhe lncorporaLlon clause.

6"9>; 3%&>(#>D C9 +$&%#"
1he same wlLh Lhe SLaLuLe of 8ome, we were noL
slgnaLorles because we dld noL raLlfy alLhough lL was slgned
by resldenL LsLrada.
8uL Lhe momenL lL ls a cusLomary law, LhaL can be
applled Lo us.

lCW llke lf Lhere ls accusaLlon of Lhe presldenL's vlolaLlon
of human rlghLs agalnsL Lhose groups or lndlvlduals. Can
she be prosecuLed ln Lhe lnLernaLlonal CourLs of !usLlce?
?LS. lf you lnvoke lncorporaLlon clause, she may be
sub[ecLed Lo, followlng cusLomary laws.

3. ootms of qeoetol ot costomoty lows
6"9>; H%`"$>9 ># "D C9 T"C%>$^ 4!$%D WM^ MbbL
WlLh regard Lo Lhe recognlLlon of forelgn [udgmenLs, we
don'L have laws. nelLher have we slgned LreaLles wlLh oLher
1hls has someLhlng Lo do wlLh a case LhaL was
prosecuLed ln uS for vlolaLlon of human rlghLs agalnsL Lhe
Marcoses. !udgmenL was rendered ln favor of Lhose
plalnLlffs who complalned LhaL Lhelr rlghLs were vlolaLed.
1hey were asklng for damages.
1helr problem ls LhaL Lhe properLles of Lhe Marcoses
were ln Lhe hlllpplnes. 1hey wanLed Lo lmplemenL Lhe
[udgmenL, buL Lhere ls no LreaLy beLween Lhe hlllpplnes
and Lhe uS as regards Lo recognlzlng Lhe [udgmenL belng
rendered by a local courL ln uS.
SC sald LhaL Lhere ls no obllgaLory rule derlved from
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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 42
LreaLles and convenLlons LhaL requlres Lhe hlllpplnes Lo
recognlze forelgn [udgmenLs or allow a procedure for Lhe
enforcemenL Lhereof.
Powever, generally accepLed prlnclples of lnLernaLlonal
law by vlrLue of Lhe lncorporaLlon clause of Lhe consLlLuLlon
form parL of Lhe laws of Lhe land, even lf Lhey do noL derlve
from LreaLy obllgaLlons.

LLLMLn1S: (when lL becomes cusLomary law)
1he classlcal formaLlon of lnLernaLlonal selze Lhose
cusLomary rules accepLed as blndlng resulL from Lhe
comblnaLlon of Lwo elemenLs:
a. esLabllshed, wldespread, and conslsLenL pracLlce on Lhe
parL of Lhe sLaLe.
b. psychologlcal elemenL known as ClnlCn !u8lS Clvl
nLCLSSl1A1LS (meanlng oplnlon as Lo law or necesslLy)

lmpllclL ln Lhe laLLer elemenL ls a bellef LhaL Lhe pracLlce
ln quesLlon ls rendered C8LlCA1C8? by Lhe exlsLence of
Lhe rule of law requlrlng lL.

6"9>; 3="$&"?>@#%?"D "(U E>"D#= 6"$> 499'?%"#%'( '< #=>
3=%D%!!%(>9 C9 *@_> ># "DN^ *>? K^ Mbb[
ln mllk cans, you see Lhe noLlce - breasL mllk ls Lhe besL
for bables.
1he producers of companles manufacLurlng Lhese mllk
say LhaL Lhey are noL obllged because Lhere ls no law
requlrlng Lhem, Lhe blll aL Lhe Llme was sLlll pendlng.
8uL Lhere ls an lnLernaLlonal requlrlng lL, whlch has been
accepLed and approved by ma[orlLy, lf noL all members of
un ln Lhe lnLernaLlonal communlLy.
SC sald lL becomes a cusLomary lnLernaLlonal law.
CuS1CMA8? ln1L8nA1lCnAL LAW ls deemed
lncorporaLed lnLo our domesLlc sysLem. A mere
consLlLuLlonal declaraLlon, lnLernaLlonal law ls deemed Lo
have Lhe force of domesLlc law. 8ecause Lhere ls LhaL
lnLernaLlonal law, Lhen lL has Lo be complled llke a local

So Lhere are only 3 sources of generally accepLed prlnclples of
lnLernaLlonal law:
1. LreaLles LhaL are raLlfled and concurred
2. LreaLles LhaL have become cusLomary laws
3. cusLomary laws and lnLernaLlonal norms

ML1PCuS Cl lnCC8C8A1lCn
ln Lhe lncorporaLlon, lL could be by:
1. LransformaLlon
2. lncorporaLlon

1. ttoosfotmotloo
18AnSlC8MA1lCn ls an express adopLlon of a generally
accepLed prlnclple of lnLernaLlonal law as a local law, by
leglslaLlng and maklng lL a sLaLuLe.

2. locotpototloo
ln lnCC8C8A1lCn, lL ls llke adapLlng a generally
accepLed prlnclple of law by passlng a sLaLuLe, expressly
maklng lL as a local law, or by pronouncemenL of Lhe
ln our case, lL ls by Lhe pronouncemenL of Lhe
consLlLuLlon LhaL lL ls Lransformed lnLo a local law by
adapLlng Lhem as parL of Lhe legal sysLem by express
consLlLuLlonal declaraLlon. And LhaL ls SLLl LxLCu1lnC.

WPLn ALlCA8LL - ln1L8nA1lCnAL CCnlLlC1, nC LCCAL
1hls ls only relevanL when Lhere ls no appllcable law ln Lhe
locallLy and lL lnvolves an ln1L8nA1lCnAL CCnlLlC1. lf
Lhere ls, lL confllcLs wlLh Lhe local law.
So lf Lhere ls no appllcable law ln Lhe locallLy and you need Lo
apply Lhe law on a confllcL, you may refer Lo Lhese
lnLernaLlonal laws LhaL are generally accepLed as lf lL ls a
local law.
lL ls LreaLed llke a sLaLuLe.

8lnClLL Cl ln1L8nA1lCnAL LAW.
1he problem wlll only arlse lf Lhere wlll be a confllcL beLween
a local law and a generally accepLed prlnclple of
lnLernaLlonal law.

Pow do you resolve?
llrsL, accordlng Lo SC, you have Lo 8LCCnClLL Anu
PA8MCnlZL Lhe dlfferences because afLer all, Lhere ls Lhe
presumpLlon LhaL Lhe governmenL wlll noL be sLupld Lo enLer
lnLo an agreemenL Lo enLer lnLo lLs laws. nelLher would Lhey
pass laws LhaL would be runnlng conLrary Lo lnLernaLlonal
congregaLlon such as Lhe LreaLles enLered lnLo.

Powever, lf lL becomes lrreconcllable, how do you resolve Lhe
1he C8 ls, lL musL always be Lhe consLlLuLlon LhaL prevalls.
no problem because a sLaLue and a generally accepLed
prlnclple are of Lhe same level, Lhen lf Lhe sLaLuLe ls conLrary
Lo Lhe consLlLuLlon, lL wlll be declared unconsLlLuLlonal.
Slmllarly, a generally accepLed prlnclple of lnLernaLlonal law
LhaL ls LreaLed as a domesLlc law when lL runs confllcL wlLh
Lhe consLlLuLlon wlll be declared null and vold.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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age 43
8uL lf lL an ordlnary sLaLue and an lnLernaLlonal law.
6"9>; G?='(: C9 E>$("(U>Xr
1hls ls Lhe case of lnLernaLlonallzaLlon of our reLall Lrade,
where Lhe forelgners are noL allowed Lo enLer lnLo Lrade or
buslness such as a sarl-sarl sLore.
1here was a quesLlon on whlch of Lhe laws wlll prevall, Lhe
8eLall 1rade AcL or Lhe 1reaLy of AmlLy and lrlendshlp wlLh
Chlna, where we promlsed Lo Lhe Chlnese LhaL Lhelr
naLlonals wlll be LreaLed slmllarly wlLh Lhe llllplnos ln Lhe
maLLer of buslness.
Accordlng Lo Lhe 8eLall 1rade AcL, only llllplnos were
allowed Lo engage ln LhaL buslness.
lnasmuch as Lhe case wlll be resolved by our local courLs
LhaL are creaLed by our local laws, lL wlll be sLupld Lo susLaln
an lnLernaLlonal law agalnsL a law LhaL creaLed lL.
So lLs' undersLood LhaL our local laws wlll always prevall
over lnLernaLlonal laws.
1he courLs Lhemselves are creaLed by law.

6"9>; 5>?$>#"$) '< T@9#%?> C9 A"(#%'(
Accordlng Lo SC, Lhe docLrlne of lncorporaLlon ls applled
whenever munlclpal Lrlbunals are confronLed wlLh slLuaLlons
ln whlch Lhere appears Lo be a confllcL beLween Lhe rule of
lnLernaLlonal law and Lhe provlslons of Lhe consLlLuLlon or
sLaLuLes of Lhe local sLaLe.
LfforLs should flrsL be exerLed Lo harmonlze Lhem so as Lo
glve effecL Lo boLh slnce lL ls presumed Lhe munlclpal law
was enacLed wlLh proper regard for Lhe generally accepLed
prlnclples of lnLernaLlonal law ln observance of Lhe
lncorporaLlon clause.
ln a slLuaLlon however where Lhe confllcL ls lrreconcllable
and a cholce has Lo be made wlLhln a rule of lnLernaLlonal
law and munlclpal law, [urlsprudence dlcLaLes LhaL munlclpal
law should be upheld by Lhe munlclpal courLs for Lhe reason
LhaL such courLs are organs of munlclpal law and are
accordlngly bound by lL ln all clrcumsLances.
1he facL LhaL lnLernaLlonal law has been made parL of Lhe
law of Lhe land does noL perLaln or lmply Lhe prlmacy of
lnLernaLlonal law over naLlonal or munlclpal law ln Lhe
munlclpal sphere.
1he docLrlne of lncorporaLlon as applled ln Lhose counLrles
decrees Lhe rules of lnLernaLlonal laws are glven equal
sLandlng wlLh, buL are noL superlor Lo naLlonal leglslaLlve
Accordlngly, Lhe prlnclple LLx 8CS1L8lC uL8CCA1 8lC8l
Lakes effecL. A LreaLy may repeal a sLaLuLe. 1he sLaLuLe may
repeal a LreaLy.
ln sLaLes where Lhe consLlLuLlon ls Lhe hlghesL law of Lhe
land such as Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes, boLh sLaLues
and LreaLles may be lnvalldaLed lf Lhey are ln confllcL wlLh
Lhe consLlLuLlon.

"#$%&'( 3. Clvlllan auLhorlLy ls, aL all Llmes, supreme over Lhe mlllLary. 1he
Armed lorces of Lhe hlllpplnes ls Lhe proLecLor of Lhe people and Lhe
SLaLe. lLs goal ls Lo secure Lhe soverelgnLy of Lhe SLaLe and Lhe lnLegrlLy of
Lhe naLlonal LerrlLory.

20A+ 0, /E+ 42H+* ,026+5
ls lL Lhelr duLy Lo malnLaln peace and order ln Lhe counLry?

1helr duLy ls speclflc - Lo secure Lhe soverelgnLy of Lhe SLaLe and Lhe
lnLegrlLy of Lhe naLlonal LerrlLory. - CuLslde force, raLher Lhan

5732+H46G 0, 6-F-A-4. 47/E02-/G S E0O +.,026+*
Clvlllan auLhorlLy ls, aL all Llmes, supreme over Lhe mlllLary"
Pow ls Lhls enforced?
1. ?ou have Lhe presldenL, a clvlllan auLhorlLy who ls made
as Lhe hlghesL mlllLary auLhorlLy as Lhe commander ln chlef
of Lhe Al.

2. ?ou have Congress, a clvlllan lnsLlLuLlon whlch has Lhe
power Lo approprlaLe publlc funds ln Lhe creaLlon of offlces
for Lhe mlllLary and for Lhe expendlLures of Lhe mlllLary
operaLlons. WlLhouL publlc funds approprlaLed, Lhere ls no
acLlvlLy of Lhe mlllLary.

3. Cn Lhe maLLer of recrulLmenL of Lhe members of Lhe
armed forces, proporLlonaLe, by reglons, Lo avold
esLabllshmenL of a cllque among cerLaln lndlvlduals.

4. 1he prohlblLlon agalnsL Lhe appolnLmenL of acLlve mlllLary
men ln Lhe clvlllan governmenL.

3. Cn Lhe maLLer of appolnLmenL and promoLlon of
members of Al, lL has Lo be wlLh Lhe concurrence of Lhe
Commlsslon on AppolnLmenL.

6. ln relaLlon Lo Lhe maLLer of MlllLary 1rlbunals (courL
maLlals - hears cases lnvolvlng members of Lhe armed forces
who have been charged wlLh offenses relaLed Lo Lhe arLlcles
of war or ln relaLlon wlLh Lhe performance of Lhelr duLy)
1hls ls also a manlfesLaLlon of Lhe supremacy of Lhe
clvlllan auLhorlLy over Lhe mlllLary.
6"9>; I'(X"D>9 ># "D C9 2"B")"^ 4@: Wb^ Mbbe
SenaLor 1rlllanes wanLed Lo have hls case Lrled before
Lhe clvlllan courL, so he moved for Lhe dlsmlssal of Lhe case
ln Lhe courL marLlal. lnasmuch as Lhere ls Lhe supremacy of
Lhe clvlllan auLhorlLy over Lhe mlllLary auLhorlLy, Lhe courL
marLlal should be dlvesLed of [urlsdlcLlon over hls case.
SC sald LhaL courL maLlals are lnsLrumenLallLles of Lhe
execuLlve Lo enable Lhe presldenL as commander ln chlef Lo
effecLlvely command conLrol and dlsclpllne over Lhe armed
ln shorL, courL maLlal form parL of Lhe dlsclpllnary sysLem
Lo ensure Lhe presldenL's conLrol and Lhus clvlllan
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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 44
supremacy over Lhe mlllLary.
AL Lhe apex of Lhls dlsclpllnary sysLem, lL ls Lhe presldenL
who exerclses revlew powers of Lhe courL maLlal.

So baslcally, LhaL's Lhe reason why Lhe declslon of courL
maLlal ls sub[ecL Lo revlew by Lhe presldenL ln hls capaclLy
as Lhe commander ln chlef of Lhe armed forces as a sysLem
of dlsclpllnlng Lhe members of Lhe mlllLary.

6"9>; R@U"(% C9 5>(:"
1here ls Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe supremacy of Lhe
clvlllan auLhorlLy over Lhe mlllLary.
8udanl was asked noL Lo appear before Lhe senaLe
commlLLee regardlng Lhe lrregularlLles belng commlLLed ln
Lhe lasL elecLlon of 2004.
Pe was Lold noL Lo appear by Lhe chlef of sLaff upon Lhe
order of Lhe presldenL as Lhe commander ln chlef of Lhe
armed forces.
noLwlLhsLandlng LhaL order, he appeared before Lhe
commlLLee saylng LhaL he ls belng summoned and Lhe
presldenL, ln Lhe maLLer of lnvocaLlon of execuLlve prlvllege
wlll noL apply as far as he ls concerned.
Pe was courL maLlaled LhereafLer for noL heedlng Lo Lhe
lawful order of Lhe chlef of sLaff.

And Lhen Lhere was Lhe quesLlon of Lhe supremacy of Lhe
clvlllan auLhorlLy. WCn lL was correcL for 8udanl Lo be
prosecuLed before Lhe courL maLlal for noL heedlng Lo Lhe
orders of Lhe chlef of sLaff, noL Lo appear ln Lhe commlLLee
hearlng ln congress.
SC sald LhaL by Lhe vlLallLy of Lhe LeneL of Lhe presldenL as
Lhe commander ln chlef of Lhe armed forces ls mosL cruclal
Lo Lhe democraLlc way of llfe, Lo clvlllan supremacy over
Lhe mlllLary and Lo Lhe general sLablllLy of our
represenLaLlve sysLem of Lhe governmenL.
1he consLlLuLlon reposes flnal auLhorlLy, conLrol and
supervlslon of Lhe Al Lo Lhe presldenL, a clvlllan who ls noL
a member of Lhe armed forces and whose duLles as
commander ln chlef represenL only a parL of Lhe organlc
duLy lmposed upon Lhe offlce, Lhe funcLlons clearly clvll ln
Clvlllan supremacy over Lhe mlllLary also counLermands
Lhe noLlon LhaL Lhe mlllLary may bypass clvlllan auLhorlLy
such as clvll courLs on maLLers such as conducLlng
warranLless searches and selzure.
1he ablllLy of Lhe presldenL Lo prevenL mlllLary offlcers
from LesLlfylng before Lhe congress does noL Lurn on an
execuLlve prlvllege. lL has noLhlng Lo do wlLh Lhe execuLlve
prlvllege, buL on Lhe chlef execuLlve's power as Lhe
commander ln chlef Lo conLrol Lhe acLlons and speech of
Lhe members of Lhe Al.
1he presldenL's prerogaLlve as commander ln chlef are
noL hampered by Lhe same llmlLaLlons as ln execuLlve
prlvllege. 1he presldenL could as a C8 requlre mlllLary
offlcers Lo seek presldenLlal approval before appearlng
before congress ls based foremosL on Lhe prlnclple LhaL a
conLrary rule duly dlmlnlshes Lhe prerogaLlve of Lhe
presldenL as commander ln chlef.

So 1n when you are asked a quesLlon WCn Lhe execuLlve
prlvllege of Lhe presldenL ls vlolaLed where Lhe member of
Lhe Al or a mlllLary offlcer ls prohlblLed Lo appear before
Lhe commlLLee hearlng wlLhouL Lhe approval of Lhe
presldenL, 1n, Lhls does noL apply on Lhem.
1he presldenL can prohlblL Lhem noL as a chlef execuLlve
en[oylng execuLlve prlvllege buL raLher as Lhe commander
ln chlef of Lhe armed forces ln order Lo lmplemenL Lhe
supremacy of Lhe clvlllan auLhorlLy aL all Llmes over Lhe
mlllLary auLhorlLy.

6"9>; -R3 C9 P"&'$"
1hls ls wlLh reference Lo Lhe employmenL of Lhe mlllLary
Lo some shopplng malls ln order Lo malnLaln peace and
Why was lL quesLloned? rlmarlly Lhe role of Lhe Al ls Lo
secure LerrlLorlal lnLegrlLy of Lhe counLry and pollLlcal
soverelgnLy, and noL Lo malnLaln peace and order. 1haL's
Lhe n's role.
8uL lL was [usLlfled by SC saylng LhaL Lhey were followlng
orders of a clvlllan auLhorlLy.

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 43
"#$%&'( 4. 1he prlme duLy of Lhe CovernmenL ls Lo serve and proLecL Lhe
people. 1he CovernmenL may call upon Lhe people Lo defend Lhe SLaLe and,
ln Lhe fulflllmenL Lhereof, all clLlzens may be requlred, under condlLlons
provlded by law, Lo render personal, mlllLary or clvll servlce.

1hls ls wlLh regards Lo Lhe duLy of Lhe governmenL Lo serve
and proLecL Lhe people.
Powever, Lhe governmenL may also requlre clvlllans ln Lhe
counLry Lo defend Lhe sLaLe.

L8SCnAL C8 ClvlL SL8vlCL - PLL uLlLnu
ln relaLlon Lo malnLalnlng peace and order where Lhe people
are requlred Lo help defendlng Lhe sLaLe by renderlng
personal or clvll servlce,

6"9>; 6="C>X C9 2'&@D'
As regard Lo Lhe rlghL of bearlng arms.
1here was a pronouncemenL made by Lhe chlef of Lhe n
LhaL all llcenses Lo carry flrearms are revoked, wlLhouL any
hearlng. lL was only a declaraLlon aL Lhe Llme of elecLlon.
And so he was complalnlng LhaL lL was a vlolaLlon of Lhe rlghL
Lo due process where hls rlghL Lo bear arms ls belng
removed wlLhouL hearlng.
SC sald, LhaL ln relaLlon Lo Lhe maLLer of defendlng Lhe sLaLe
by clvlllan auLhorlLy or by Lhe people as Lhelr prlme duLy,
and Lhe malnLenance of peace and order, SC sald
malnLenance of peace and order and Lhe proLecLlon of Lhe
people agalnsL vlolence are consLlLuLlonal duLles of Lhe
sLaLe. And Lo bear arms ls Lo be consLrued ln connecLlon and
ln harmony wlLh Lhese consLlLuLlonal duLles.
SC sald LhaL lnsofar as Lhe llcense Lo bear arms, lL ls nelLher a
properLy or a properLy rlghL, lL ls a prlvllege granLed by a
soverelgn sLaLe sub[ecL Lo Lhe pollce power of Lhe sLaLe. lL
can be removed wlLhouL hearlng.

8emember Lhe due process, Lhe exLenL of proLecLlon - no
person shall be deprlved of llfe, llberLy or properLy wlLhouL
due process of law.
1o bear arms ls noL a properLy. nelLher ls lL a properLy rlghL.
8aLher lL ls a prlvllege granLed Lo a sLaLe Lo an lndlvldual
sub[ecL Lo lLs pollce power.

"#$%&'( 6. 1he separaLlon of Church and SLaLe shall be lnvlolable.

1n LhaL lL ls lnvlCLA8LL.

320F-5-0.5 -H3A+H+./-.I
WhaL ls lmporLanL are Lhe provlslons lmplemenLlng sec 6.
ln subsequenL provlslons of Lhe consLlLuLlons, we have Lhe:
1. non esLabllshmenL of rellglon
ln order Lo malnLaln Lhe separaLlon beLween Lhe church
and Lhe sLaLe

2. prohlblLlon agalnsL accredlLaLlon of Lhe church or rellglous
secLor as a parLy llsL

3. prohlblLlon agalnsL a represenLaLlve comlng from a
rellglous secLor

4. prohlblLlon agalnsL Lhe approprlaLlon of publlc funds for
Lhe supporL of rellglon or any secLor of socleLy
LxcepL when Lhey are pald Lo prlesLs, mlnlsLers or oLher
eccleslasLlcal mlnlsLers asslgned ln:
a. MlllLary lnsLlLuLlon
b. enal lnsLlLuLlon
c. CovernmenL
d. Crphanage
e. Leprosarlum

1here are however excepLlons:
1. when Lhe sLaLe has accommodaLed rellglon because Lhey
acknowledge Lhe conLrlbuLlon of rellglon Lo Lhe promoLlon
of general welfare
Lxample ls Lax exempLlon on properLles of churches LhaL
are acLually, dlrecLly and excluslvely used for rellglous
purpose however llmlLed only Lo properLy Lax.

2. opLlonal rellglous lnsLrucLlon ln publlc, elemenLary and hlgh
a. wrlLLen consenL from Lhe parenL or guardlan of Lhe chlld
b. LaughL durlng school hours wlLhouL addlLlonal cosL Lo Lhe
c. LaughL by someone who ls accredlLed or recognlzed

3. on Lhe maLLer of approprlaLlon of publlc funds, when Lhe
funds are used by prlesLs and mlnlsLers asslgned ln Lhe
a. MlllLary lnsLlLuLlon
b. enal lnsLlLuLlon
c. CovernmenL
d. Crphanage
e. Leprosarlum

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 46
4. on Lhe ownershlp of educaLlonal lnsLlLuLlon
C8, educaLlonal lnsLlLuLlon may only be owned and
admlnlsLered by: (requlremenLs)
a. an lndlvldual - a llllplno clLlzen
b. a corporaLlon - quallfled llllplno corporaLlon, 60 of lL
caplLal ls owned by llllplno clLlzens
c. rellglous group or mlsslon board, even Lhey are all

I+.+24A 32-.6-3A+ /0 -H3A+H+./ /E+ 32-6-3A+ 0,
5+3424/-0. 0, 6E726E 4.* 5/4/+
YR+.+F0A+./ .+7/24A-/G 4660HH0*4/-0. 0, 2+A-I-0.
lL ls noL hosLlllLy wlLh each oLher. 1he sLaLe wlll remaln
neuLral. under Lhe general prlnclple of 8LnLvCLLn1
nLu18ALl1? ACCCMMCuA1lCn Cl 8LLlClCn, as
enunclaLed ln Lhe case of +9#$"U" C9 +9?$%#'$.
lor as long as Lhere ls nC CLLA8 Anu 8LSLn1 uAnCL8 Lo
publlc convenlence, publlc healLh, publlc morale, publlc
safeLy, publlc pollcy, you should be allowed Lo en[oy your
rellglon wlLhouL lnLerference from Lhe sLaLe.

"#$%&'( 7. 1he SLaLe shall pursue an lndependenL forelgn pollcy. ln lLs
relaLlons wlLh oLher sLaLes, Lhe paramounL conslderaLlon shall be naLlonal
soverelgnLy, LerrlLorlal lnLegrlLy, naLlonal lnLeresL, and Lhe rlghL Lo self-

-.*+3+.*+./ ,02+-I. 30A-6G
6"9>; 4(:"$" C9 /"("U"
As regards Lo W1C, we can enLer lnLo LreaLles and
agreemenLs wlLh oLher forelgn counLrles for as long as we
1. naLlonal soverelgnLy
2. LerrlLorlal lnLegrlLy
3. naLlonal lnLeresL
4. rlghL Lo self deLermlnaLlon

"#$%&'( 8. 1he hlllpplnes, conslsLenL wlLh Lhe naLlonal lnLeresL, adopLs and
pursues a pollcy of freedom from nuclear weapons ln lLs LerrlLory
1hls ls wlLh regards Lo nuclear weapons l Lhe LerrlLory.
1n LhaL we are for freedom from nuclear weapons, noL
however precludes us from uslng Lhe nuclear power as our
source of energy llke ln !apan.
WhaL ls prohlblLed ls Lhe possesslon and conLrol and
manufacLure of nuclear weapons. 1he LesL of Lhese nuclear
arms as well are also prohlblLed.

8uL of course LhaL wlll noL be absoluLe. As long as lL ls
conslsLenL wlLh naLlonal lnLeresL, Lhen we mlghL geL lnLo Lhe
manufacLurlng because we cannoL be forever be lsolaLed
from Lhe resL of Lhe world.
8uL as of now, lL ls sLlll prohlblLed.
SLC 12
"#$%&'( 12. 1he SLaLe recognlzes Lhe sancLlLy of famlly llfe and shall proLecL
and sLrengLhen Lhe famlly as a baslc auLonomous soclal lnsLlLuLlon. lL shall
equally proLecL Lhe llfe of Lhe moLher and Lhe llfe of Lhe unborn from
concepLlon. 1he naLural and prlmary rlghL and duLy of parenLs ln Lhe rearlng
of Lhe youLh for clvlc efflclency and Lhe developmenL of moral characLer
shall recelve Lhe supporL of Lhe CovernmenL.

1hls ls lmporLanL ln relaLlon Lo 8P 8lll and Lhe pendlng
ulvorce 8lll.

1n LhaL Lhese are all prlnclples LhaL are noL self execuLlng,
unless Lhere ls a law LhaL lmplemenLs Lhe provlslon, you
cannoL use Lhls as basls for [udlclal acLlon.

1hls ls one of Lhe basls of quesLlonlng Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy of
passlng Lhe 8P 8lll because Lhey are saylng LhaL lL
encourages aborLlon or Lhe prohlblLlon agalnsL concepLlon
because of Lhe use of conLracepLlves.

ln case Lhere ls a confllcL, alLhough lL ls recognlzed , lL ls Lhe
duLy of Lhe sLaLe Lo proLecL Lhe llfe of a chlld from
concepLlon. buL ln case Lhere ls a confllcL beLween Lhe
moLher and Lhe chlld, lL ls undersLood LhaL Lhe moLher's llfe
wlll prevall.

8egardlng Lhe 8P 8lll, lL's noL your cholce of a rlghL Lo prlvacy,
as lL has someLhlng Lo do wlLh Lhe consLlLuLlonal obllgaLlon
on Lhe parL of Lhe sLaLe Lo proLecL Lhe chlld or unborn chlld
from concepLlon.

SLC 16
"#$%&'( 16. 1he SLaLe shall proLecL and advance Lhe rlghL of Lhe people Lo a
balanced and healLhful ecology ln accord wlLh Lhe rhyLhm and harmony of
1n because wlLh Lhe focus cllmaLe change and proLecLlon of
envlronmenL, do noL forgeL Lhls provlslon.
1hls rlghL, alLhough provlded ln arL 2 ls one of Lhe provlslons
Lhey say ls self execuLlng. lL ls noL less lmporLanL as Lhose
clvll and pollLlcal rlghLs LhaL are enumeraLed ln Lhe blll of
frlghL. lL's a publlc rlghL.

6"9>; 0!'9" C9 ,"?#'$"(
1he courLs Look cognlzance over Lhe peLlLlon noLwlLhsLandlng
LhaL Lhey were flled by Lhe mlnor chlldren of ALLy Cposa.
1he basls of Lhe proper parLy requlslLe Lhere ln revlewlng Lhe
consLlLuLlonal pollcles of uLn8 ls on Lhe
ln1L8CLnL8A1lCnAL 8LSCnSl8lLl1? of Lhe governmenL Lo
preserve Lhe foresL or Llmberland from belng desLroyed by
cerLaln lndlvldual ln connecLlon of Lhe rlghL of hls chlldren Lo
a balanced and healLhful ecology.

6"9>; 3$'C%(?> '< 2%X"D C9 +d>?@#%C> 5>?$>#"$)
1hls ls wlLh reference Lo Lhe demand for a balanced and
healLhful ecology where Lhe LCu has lnLervened for Lhe
proLecLlon of Lhe envlronmenL.
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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 47
We do noL have a federal sysLem of governmenL. ln
undersLandlng whaL conslsLs of local auLonomy ls Lhe cases
of 3"9?' C9 3":?'$^ A%&@(" C9 H"(:%D%(^ A%(" C9 /"('N
1he boLLom llne Lhere ls LhaL Lhere ls no Lransfer of powers
from Lhe naLlonal governmenL Lo local. WhaL has been
Lransferred ls merely admlnlsLraLlon so LhaL LCu's can make
Lhelr own rules ln order Lo lmplemenL Lhelr own pollcles, Lo
manage Lhelr own affalrs and resolve Lhelr own problems.

1he power of LCu's Lo lmpose Laxes and fees are always
sub[ecL Lo llmlLaLlons whlch congress may provlde by law.
1he prlnclple of local auLonomy under 1987 ConsLlLuLlon
slmply means uLCLn18ALlZA1lCn.
lL does noL mean local governmenL soverelgn wlLhln Lhe sLaLe
of an emporlum unllke a federal sysLem.
1he maLLer of regulaLlng, Laxlng or CW deallng wlLh gambllng
ls a sLaLe concern. And hence lL ls Lhe sole prerogaLlve of Lhe
sLaLe Lo reLaln and delegaLe lL Lo local governmenLs.

6"9>; A%&@(" C9 H"(:%D%(
under Lhe consLlLuLlon, provlnces, clLles, munlclpallLles and
barangays en[oy local auLonomy sub[ecL Lo Lhe supervlslon
of Lhe naLlonal governmenL acLlng Lhrough Lhe presldenL
and Lhe deparLmenL of local governmenLs.
AuLonomous 8eglons of Musllm Mlndanao and Cordllleras on
Lhe oLher hand, are sub[ecL unknown Lo Lhe decree of Lhe
organlc acL creaLlng Lhem and accepLed prlnclples on Lhe
effecLs and Lhe llmlLs of auLonomy.

8emember Lhe [urldlcal enLlLy of R"(:9" H'$', where lL was
also emphaslzed on Lhe maLLer of local auLonomy.

6"9>; A%(" C9 /"('
SC sald, ours ls sLlll a unlLary form of governmenL, noL a
federal sLaLe. 8elng so, any form of auLonomy granLed Lo a
local governmenL wlll necessarlly be llmlLed and conflned
wlLhln Lhe exLenL allowed by Lhe cenLral governmenL.

30O+2 /0 /4Q
1o malnLaln local auLonomy Lhere ls Lhe lendlng Lhem power
Lo Lax so LhaL Lhey can ralse revenue Lo become
lndependenL aL leasL from Lhe naLlonal governmenL
ln facL, even lf Lhere ls no law conferrlng upon Lhe local
governmenLs Lo ralse revenue Lhrough Laxes by express
provlslon of Lhe consLlLuLlon on local auLonomy, local
governmenLs can lmpose Laxes.
1haL provlslon ln Lhe consLlLuLlon ls self execuLlng, Lhere ls no
need of a leglslaLlve enacLmenL. noneLheless, Lhere are laws
as regards Lo Lhe llmlLs of Lhe exerclse of Lhe powers.

7.*+2 60./20A 4.* 573+2F-5-0. 0, /E+ 32+5-*+./
Sufflce Lo say, lL ls noL absoluLely lndependenL from Lhe
naLlonal governmenL. lL ls sLlll under Lhe conLrol and
supervlslon from Lhe offlce of Lhe presldenL.

6"9>; H"#@D%( C9 604
As regards Lo Lhe exLenL of Lhe supervlslon of Lhe presldenL
over LCu's, lnsofar as Lhe presldenL ls concerned, lL ls
merely supervlslon.
lL cannoL Lherefore, even hls alLer egos llke Lhe secreLary,
cannoL lnLerfere ln local affalrs as Lhe LCu acLs wlLhln Lhe
parameLers of Lhe law and Lhe consLlLuLlon.
1hls has someLhlng Lo do wlLh Lhe glvlng of allowances Lo
[udges, when lL was belng regulaLed by Lhe CCA.
SC sald LhaL as long as Lhe LCu acLs ln accordance of law, LhaL
cannoL be lnLerfered wlLh by Lhe naLlonal governmenL,
lncludlng Lhe CCA.

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age 48
SLC 26
LCuAL ACCLSS Cl CC81unl1lLS lC8 u8LlC SL8vlCL
"#$%&'( 26. 1he SLaLe shall guaranLee equal access Lo opporLunlLles for
publlc servlce and prohlblL pollLlcal dynasLles as may be deflned by law.

Lveryone has equal opporLunlLles Lo run for publlc offlce or
Lo serve Lhe publlc offlce.

ls Lhls a maLLer of rlghL?
6"9>; 3"&"#'(: C9 6'&>D>?^ 4!$%D Zb^ MbbV
ALLy. amaLong ls a lawyer Leacher of u. Pe challenged hls
dlsquallflcaLlon as presldenL because he cannoL command a
naLlonal campalgn for presldency. So he was dlsquallfles as a
nulsance candldaLe.
SC sald LhaL Lhe provlslon does noL besLow a rlghL Lo seek
Lhe presldency. lL does noL conLaln a [udlclal, enforceable
consLlLuLlonal rlghL. lL merely speclfles a guldellne for
leglslaLlve acLlon.
lL ls noL lnLended Lo compel Lhe sLaLe Lo enacL poslLlve
measures LhaL would accommodaLe as many as posslble lnLo
publlc offlce.

30A-/-64A *G.45/G
Cn pollLlcal dynasLy, for as long as Lhere no law yeL passed
Lhe congress deflnlng whaL would consLlLuLe pollLlcal
dynasLy, Lhere ls no such Lhlng as pollLlcal dynasLy. 1here ls
no deflnlLlon.

SLC 27
"#$%&'( 27. 1he SLaLe shall malnLaln honesLy and lnLegrlLy ln Lhe publlc
servlce and Lake poslLlve and effecLlve measures agalnsL grafL and

2+A4/+* A4O5
1. 8equlremenL of sLaLemenL of asseLs and llablllLles

1he polnL lLs, lL ls a consLlLuLlonal mandaLe. unless Lhere are
laws lmplemenLlng and provldlng for Lhe measures Lo go
abouL lL, lL ls [usL a sLaLe prlnclple.

SLC 28
"#$%&'( 28. Sub[ecL Lo reasonable condlLlons prescrlbed by law, Lhe SLaLe
adopLs and lmplemenLs a pollcy of full publlc dlsclosure of all lLs
LransacLlons lnvolvlng publlc lnLeresL.
SLaLemenL of asseLs and llablllLles
ulsbursemenLs of publlc funds, lL has Lo be publlshed

1here are cerLaln LransacLlons where Lhe law prohlblLs
premaLure dlsclosure of lnformaLlon perLalnlng Lo
governmenL (rlghL of people on maLLers of publlc concern)

A81lCLL 6 1PL LLClSLA1lvL uLA81MLn1

"#$%&'( 1. 1he leglslaLlve power shall be vesLed ln Lhe Congress of Lhe
hlllpplnes whlch shall conslsL of a SenaLe and a Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves,
excepL Lo Lhe exLenL reserved Lo Lhe people by Lhe provlslon on lnlLlaLlve
and referendum.

lL ls noL excluslve Lo congress. 1here ls reservaLlon made for
Lhe people Lo exerclse Lhe power as well.

A+I-5A4/-F+ 30O+2
1he power ls noL llmlLed Lo law maklng:
1. ordlnary
2. consLlLuenL

C8ulnA8?, when lL ls an ordlnary law belng passed. lL ls noL
only law Lhe makes law buL also people Lhrough lnlLlaLlve
and referendum
CCnS1l1uLn1 ls Lhe power Lo propose revlslons and
amendmenLs Lo Lhe consLlLuLlon.

F0/+5 2+J7-2+* RG 60.I2+55
Pow many voLes Lo propose amendmenLs and revlslons Lo
Lhe congress acLlng as ConsLlLuLlonal Assembly?

And lf Lhey are undeclded, Lhey can call for ConsLlLuLlonal
ConvenLlon. Pow many voLes are needed?
2/3 voLes.

1hey can ask Lhe people for refenrendum. Pow many voLes
are needed?
Ma[orLy voLes.

60.5/-/7/+./ 30O+2 +Q+26-5+* RG 3+03A+
lf people are Lo exerclse consLlLuenL power, how?
1hrough lnlLlaLlve, buL llmlLed only Lo amendmenLs of Lhe
Pow many percenL?
12 and 3 of Lhe reglsLered voLers represenLed by Lhe
dlfferenL dlsLrlcLs.

1n LhaL Lhe leglslaLlve body ls blcameral. lL conslsLs of Lwo
1. house of senaLe
2. house or represenLaLlves

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age 49
.7HR+2 0, 5+.4/025
1here are Lwo houses, house of senaLe conslsLlng of 24 and
house of congress conslsLlng of noL more Lhan 230.

Can Lhls be changed by power of leglslaLlon?
no. lL's flxed by Lhe consLlLuLlon. 1o lncrease or decrease
Lhe membershlp, you have Lo amend Lhe consLlLuLlon.

Pow are Lhey chosen?
1hey are chosen naLlonwlde.

.7HR+2 0, 2+32+5+./4/-F+5
Pow abouL Lhe house of reps?
1hey are 230 unless CW provlded by law. 1herefore, Lhey
may be lncreased or decreased as deLermlned by law.
lL ls a leglslaLlve funcLlon. 1he membershlp wlll depend on
8CC81lCnA1L 8L8LSLn1A1lCn whlch ls deLermlned
every afLer 3 years as a resulL of a census belng conducLed.
So Lhey are chosen by dlsLrlcLs.

ln Lhe manner of elecLlon, lL ls by dlsLrlcLs, noL naLlonwlde.

.0 32+3206A4H4/-0. 60./+5/5
ls Lhere a preproclamaLlon conLesL as regards Lo members?
And where do you flle cases lnvolvlng elecLlon conLesLs,
quallflcaLlon and reLurns of members of congress?
6"9>; 3%&>(#>D --- C9 6'&>D>?^ H"$ Zb^ Mbb]
Llke Lhe presldenL and v, members of congress, as a C8,
Lhe preproclamaLlon cases or maLLers relaLlng Lo
preparaLlon, LranslaLlon, recelpL, cusLody and appreclaLlon
of elecLlon reLurns or cerLlflcaLes of canvass are prohlblLed.
lCW Lhere ls no preproclamaLlon conLesL.
8uL LhaL ls no longer a problem now wlLh Lhe auLomaLlon of
Lhe counLlng of balloLs.

T7*2-5*-6/-0. 0, 60H+A+6 S H4.-,+5/ +2202
8uL lf Lhere ls a manlfesL error ln Lhe elecLlon reLurn, Lhen you
AffecLlng composlLlon
roceedlng wlLh Lhe board of canvassers
ueLermlnlng of Lhe auLhenLlclLy and Lhe due execuLlon of
Lhe cerLlflcaLes of canvass as provlded 8A 7166 as amended
by 369,
1hese can sLlll be Laken cognlzance by Lhe Comelec.

+Q/+./ 0, /E+ +Q+26-5+ 0, /E+ 30O+25
lnsofar as Lhe exerclse of Lhe power as far as congress ls
concerned, lL ls vlrLually plenary, absoluLe, no llmlLaLlons,
LxcepL Lhose llmlLaLlons provlded by Lhe consLlLuLlon or
subsLanLlve and procedural llmlLaLlon.

Su8S1An1lvL LlMl1A1lCnS (LxAMLL)
1. maLLers relaLlng Lo Lhe consLlLuLlonal rlghLs of lndlvlduals
LhaL Lhey musL noL be vlolaLed ln Lhe enacLmenL of laws

8CCLuu8AL LlMl1A1lCnS (LxAMLL)
1. no blll shall become a law unless lL ls slgned by Lhe
presldenL and has passed Lhrough 3 readlngs.

8-.* 0, A4O5 /E4/ H4G R+ 3455+*
1. derlvaLlve laws
2. orlglnal laws

C8lClnAL could be from Lhe people Lhemselves.
uL8lvA1lvL ls Lhe power LhaL ls exerclsed by congress as
delegaLed when Lhey are elecLed ln an elecLlon as members
of congress.

*+A+I4/-0. 0, 30O+25
lL may be delegaLed Lo cerLaln delegaLes under cerLaln
1. resldenL
2. AdmlnlsLraLlve bodles
3. Local governmenLs
4. eople aL large

645+5 2+A4/-.I /0 *+A+I4/-0. 0, A+I-5A4/-F+ 30O+25
1. 8LSluLn1'S C8ulnAnCL CWL8
lL ls parL of Lhe execuLlve's rule maklng auLhorlLy ln
lmplemenLlng and execuLlng consLlLuLlonal or sLaLuLory
powers. lndlspuLably, Lhere are consLlLuLlonal powers vesLed
ln Lhe execuLlve branch LhaL are self execuLlng.
1he presldenL can also make rules havlng Lhe force and effecL
as parL of hls ordlnance power.
Powever, he cannoL make rules wlLhouL a sLaLuLe or
consLlLuLlonal provlslon as basls.!!! 1here has Lo be a law
auLhorlzlng hlm Lo exerclse Lhe power.

2. CWL8 Cl 1PL SLC8L1A8? Cl llnAnCL
6"9>; 5@"$#>X 6%:"$ T@(> WW^ MbbK
SC sald, unless expressly granLed Lo Lhe 8l8, Lhe power Lo
reclasslfy clgareLLe brands remalns a prerogaLlve of Lhe
leglslaLlve and cannoL be usurped by Lhe former as an
admlnlsLraLlve body.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 30
3. AMLnulnC 1PL lunC1lCnS Cl CPLu
under 8A 7722, wheLher Lhe presldenL has Lhe power as a
delegaLed power concernlng CPLu ls under Lhe conLrol of
Lhe presldenL.

6"9>; 2>C%>a 6>(#>$ 499'?%"#%'( '< #=> 3=%D%!!%(>9 C9 +$&%#"^
4!$%D M^ MbbK
1he presldenL has no lnherenL or delegaLed leglslaLlve power
Lo amend Lhe funcLlons of CPLu under 8A 7722. So he
cannoL add or decrease Lhe funcLlons of CPLu. Cnly Lhe
congress can do LhaL.

4. C8LA1lCn Cl ulS18lC1S
6"9> ; 5>&" C9 6'&>D>?^ T@D) We^ Mbb]
Congress cannoL valldly delegaLe Lo A8MM (Lhey have
auLonomous acL Lo pass laws vuu noL affecLlng naLlonal
laws, and appllcable only Lo auLonomous reglons)
1hls has someLhlng Lo do wlLh creaLlon of dlsLrlcLs ln Lhe
auLonomous reglons by consolldaLlng Lhe places ln CoLabaLo
Lo be parL of A8MM.
1hls effecLs Lhe naLlonal affalrs. 1o consolldaLe clLles Lo be
parL of A8MM Lo creaLe leglslaLlve dlsLrlcLs, lL resulLs Lo
lncrease ln membershlp ln congress, whlch ls naLlonal ln
SC sald LhaL congress cannoL valldly delegaLe Lo Lhe A8MM
reglonal assembly, Lhe power Lo creaLe leglslaLlve dlsLrlcLs,
Lhe power Lo lncrease Lhe allowable membershlp of Lhe
house of represenLaLlves and Lo reapporLlon leglslaLlve
dlsLrlcLs ls vesLed ln congress.

1he oLher polnL ls, lL affecLs Lhe naLlonal affalrs. So Lhe law
creaLlng new leglslaLlve dlsLrlcLs ln A8MM ls

?"9>9 $>D"#%(: #' #=> "!!'$#%'(&>(# '< D>:%9D"#%C> U%9#$%?#9 %(
D>)#> %( ?$>"#%'( '< B%D%$"( !$'C%(?>
lL was Lhe Comelec LhaL apporLloned Lhe munlclpallLles LhaL
would comprlse Lhe leglslaLlve dlsLrlcLs.
SC sald no because Comelec does noL have Lhe auLhorlLy. 1he
power ls vesLed wlLh congress because Lhe apporLlonmenL
of leglslaLlve dlsLrlcLs ls prlmarlly a leglslaLlve funcLlon.

ln facL Lhere are clLles LhaL are creaLed by law LhaL are
consldered a leglslaLlve dlsLrlcL. no clLles wlll be consldered
as such wlLhouL leglslaLlve enacLmenL.
So baslcally, Lhe creaLlon of leglslaLlve dlsLrlcLs ls a leglslaLlve

OE0 H4G R+ H+HR+25 0, /E+ E075+ 0, 2+35
1here are Lwo klnds of members:
1. represenLaLlves from leglslaLlve dlsLrlcLs
2. represenLaLlves from Lhe parLy llsL sysLem

1. 8L8LSLn1A1lvLS l8CM LLClSLA1lvL ulS18lC1S
1hey are chosen from Lhe dlfferenL dlsLrlcLs dependlng on Lhe
populaLlon of each leglslaLlve dlsLrlcL.
-one represenLaLlve for every 230k populaLlon
-8CC81lCnAL 8L8LSLn1A1lCn
-one represenLaLlve for every provlnce, regardless of Lhe

1he membershlp may be changed. lL can be flxed by law,
unllke Lhe senaLe.
1he manner of chooslng (manner of elecLlng) Lhe senaLe may
be changed by law, buL noL Lhe membershlp (number of
members). ?ou need Lo change Lhe consLlLuLlon.

2. 8L8LSLn1A1lvLS l8CM 1PL A81? LlS1 S?S1LM
Whlle Lhe law says Lhey would comprlse 20 of Lhe LoLal
members of Lhe house of reps.
-aL leasL 30 = 20 of 230 members

WPC MA? 8L A81? LlS1 C8Cu
arLy llsL are Lhe marglnallzed group. 1hey represenL Lhe
group LhaL ls less represenLed ln our secLor of socleLy.

C8CAnlZA1lCnS ulSCuALlllLu lC8 ACC8Lul1A1lCn
a. rellglous secLor
b. Lhose havlng Lhe supporL of a forelgn governmenL or
c. supporLer of vlolenL or lllegal group
d. supporLed by governmenL flnd

PCW 1C CL1 A SLA1 Cl 1PL 20
6"9>; R"("# C9 6'&>D>?
Pow do you geL Lhe 20 allocaLed for Lhe parLy llsL?
Pow much percenLage of Lhe voLes casL for Lhe parLy llsL
should be obLalned Lo geL a seaL ln house of reps
represenLlng Lhe parLy llsL?

2 ls only a quallflcaLlon Lo geL a CuA8An1LLu SLA1.

1o geL an addlLlonal seaL, ls lL necessary for you Lo geL 2?
no. As long as Lhere ls avallable seaL from Lhe 20, even lf
you have less Lhan 2 you can geL an addlLlonal seaL.

So lf you have 100 parLy llsL, and you are Lo geL 36, for Lhe
100 organlzaLlons accredlLed Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhe elecLlon of
Lhe parLy llsL sysLem, Lhey should geL 2 for Lhe voLes casL
of Lhe parLy llsL.
lf only 20 goL 2, Lhen Lhere wlll be 20 organlzaLlons who wlll
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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 31
geL one seaL. ?ou sLlll have 36 lefL.
1o dlvlde Lhe 36 seaLs lefL, you llsL accordlng Lo Lhe number of
voLes obLalned from hlghesL Lo lowesL, he may geL an
addlLlonal seaL ln Lhe house of represenLaLlves represenLlng
Lhe parLy llsL, even lf Lhey goL 1 of Lhe voLes casL.
lor Lhose geLLlng more Lhan 2, Lhey can have more seaLs for
as long as lL ls noL more Lhan 3 seaLs.

8L8LSLn1A1lvL Cl 1PL A81? LlS1 C8CAnlZA1lCn
Should you be one of Lhose ln Lhe secLor Lo quallfy Lo slL?
lL ls Lhe prerogaLlve of Lhe organlzaLlon. ln facL, lL ls a
requlremenL, Lhey are supposed Lo submlL names of
1he law ls sllenL. lf you go by Lhe lnLenL of Lhe law, lL ls noL
requlred for as long as you are noL a member.

6"9>; 4$$')' C9 6'&>D>? (JlJ oot teocb 5c)
Pe ls represenLlng Lhe securlLy guards.
Pe need noL be a securlLy guard because you are noL elecLlng
an lndlvldual buL a secLor.
Pe feels for Lhem. Pe has been flghLlng bllls for Lhe rlghLs of
Lhe securlLy guards. Pe ls quallfled Lo represenL Lhem

ls lL allowed for pollLlcal parLles Lo [oln parLy llsL sysLem?
As a pollLlcal parLy, Lhey are prohlblLed because LhaL wlll
defeaL Lhe purpose.
8uL Lhey can represenL an underrepresenLed secLor.

ConsLlLuLlonal Commlsslon and 8A 7941 prohlblLs ma[or
pollLlcal parLles from parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe parLy llsL.
1he framers of Lhe consLlLuLlon lnLended LhaL Lhe ma[or
pollLlcal parLles Lo parLlclpaLe ln parLy llsL elecLlon Lhrough
Lhelr secLoral whlms.

So ma[or pollLlcal parLles can organlze or afflllaLe wlLh chosen

!une 18, 2011

A+I-5A4/-F+ 30O+2
lL ls vesLed wlLh congress
lL ls Lhe power Lo propose, enacL, amend or repeal Lhe law. lL
can be orlglnal or derlvaLlve. lL ls vesLed wlLh congress by
express delegaLlon of Lhe people Lo Lhem Lhrough Lhe

+Q+26-5+ 0, 30O+2
?ou have orlglnal exerclse of Lhe power. lL ls one wlLh Lhe
people delegaLed Lo Lhe congress, acLlng as a consLlLuenL
assembly, exerclslng Lhe consLlLuenL power Lo propose
amendmenLs or revlslons Lo Lhe consLlLuLlon.

60H305-/-0. 0, /E+ 60.I2+55
We were also dlscusslng Lhe composlLlon o Lhe congress:
1. senaLe
2. house of represenLaLlves
a. dlsLrlcL of represenLaLlve
b. parLy llsL sysLem.

.7HR+2 0, H+HR+25
As Lo Lhe number of senaLors, we have 24, LhaL ls flxed by
law. lL cannoL be lncreased or decreased.
1he only change LhaL can be made ls Lhe manner of elecLlng
Lhem. As of now, we elecL Lhem aL large or naLlonwlde.

C1CP, Lhe house of reps, Lhey are no less Lhan 230 whlch can
be lncreased dependlng on Lhe apporLlonmenL of leglslaLlve
Cnly congress has Lhe power Lo apporLlon or reapporLlon
leglslaLlve dlsLrlcLs, excluslvely, noL Lhe Comelec, nelLher Lhe
reglonal assembly of Lhe auLonomous reglon.

62+4/-0. 0, A+I-5A4/-F+ *-5/2-6/
1he only requlremenL ln Lhe creaLlon of a dlsLrlcL ls LhaL, lf lL ls
a provlnce. Lhere ls no requlremenL as Lo populaLlon, as
long as lL ls Lype one leglslaLlve dlsLrlcL.
lf lL has more Lhan Lhe 230k requlremenL, lL wlll have more.
As long as Lhe munlclpallLles comprlslng Lhe leglslaLlve dlsLrlcL
are conLlnuous, compacL and ad[uncL wlLh each oLher Lo
avold CL8l MAnuA8ln
- when you creaLe a leglslaLlve
dlsLrlcL LhaL would favor a candldaLe by selecLlng only Lhe
munlclpallLy or clLles LhaL are favorable Lo hlm, even lf far
aparL from each oLher.

lnsofar as Lhe house of reps, ln Lhe elecLlon of members
Lhereof, we have:
1. by leglslaLlve dlsLrlcL
2. by parLy llsL

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 32
24 [KVW S 320E-R-/-0.5 0. 4662+*-/4/-0.
1he parLy llsL musL be accredlLed by Lhe Comelec.
?ou read Lhe law relaLlng Lo parLy llsL sysLem, 8A7941, as
regards Lo accredlLaLlon or reglsLraLlon or Lhe prohlblLlon
agalnsL secLoral organlzaLlon or pollLlcal parLy or coallLlon of
secLoral organlzaLlon llke accredlLaLlon of
a. rellglous secLor
b. organlzaLlon supporLed by governmenL funds
c. organlzaLlon supporLed by a forelgn governmenL or
lnLernaLlonal organlzaLlon
d. promoLes Lhe use of vlolence

Co over wlLh Lhese prohlblLlon.

7.*+22+32+5+./+* H42I-.4A-P+* I20735
1he provlslon ls on represenLaLlon of Lhe under represenLed
marglnallzed groups.

Would Lhese ln clued marglnallzed groups as well? ?LS.
rovlded LhaL Lhey are represenLlng a parLlcular secLor.

.7HR+2 0, H+HR+25 -. /E+342/G A-5/
As Lo Lhe number of members comlng from Lhe parLy llsL, lL ls
so provlded ln Lhe consLlLuLlon LhaL Lhe celllng ls 20.
1o geL a guaranLeed seaL, Lhe parLy llsL musL have 2 of Lhe
voLes casL for Lhe parLy llsL sysLem.
lor addlLlonal seaLs, for as long as lL ls sLlll covered ln Lhe
20, even lf Lhe organlzaLlon geLs less Lhan 2, Lhen Lhey
may sLlll geL a seaL.
lf you are Lo geL addlLlonal seaLs, Lhe llmlLaLlon ls noL for
more Lhan 3 seaLs

J74A-,-64/-0. 0, H+HR+25 0, 60.I2+55 f5+.4/+g
1. naLural born clLlzen
2. age: 33 years aL Lhe day of elecLlon
3. able Lo read and wrlLe
4. reglsLered voLer
3. resldenL ln Lhe hlllpplnes for 2 years lmmedlaLely
precedlng Lhe elecLlon

lormer naLural born clLlzens who become agaln naLural born
clLlzens, should Lhey run for senaLe and for congress, Lhey
musL have Lhe oLher quallflcaLlons as well provlded by law.
Cn clLlzenshlp, Lhe reacqulslLlon Lhere ls on Lhe assumpLlon of
offlce, noL on Lhe daLe of elecLlon. lor as long as he regalned
clLlzenshlp before he assumed offlce, whlch commences on
Lhe noon Llme of Lhe 30
day of !une followlng Lhe
Cf course he musL have Lhe requlremenL of resldency of 2
years lmmedlaLely precedlng Lhe elecLlon.

1he reacqulslLlon of clLlzenshlp ls noL a presumpLlon LhaL he
has regalned hls resldency as well, especlally when he has
losL hls clLlzenshlp by naLurallzaLlon and has noL come back
Lo Lhe hlllpplnes unLll he applled for repaLrlaLlon under
9223. lf he has sLayed only for one year, Lhen he ls

4I+ J74A-,-64/-0.
Cn Lhe maLLer of age quallflcaLlon, LhaL ls on Lhe day of

Cn clLlzenshlp, on Lhe day he assumed offlce. 1haL ls on Lhe
assumpLlon LhaL he has all Lhe quallflcaLlons provlded for by

Cn Lhe resldency, lL ls synonymous Lo domlclle.

?ou have elLher:
1. domlclle of orlgln
2. domlclle of cholce

Should Lhere be a change of resldence or domlclle, Lhere has
Lo be Lhe bona flde lnLenLlon Lo rellnqulsh or abandon all
resldenLs and Lhese corresponds Lo Lhe acL of abandonlng
Lhe old resldenLs and Lransferred Lo a new resldence.

6"9>; 4c@%(' C9 6'&>D>?
lL ls noL enough for hlm Lo say LhaL he has already Lransferred
resldence. Pe has Lo show LhaL lndeed he had Lhe lnLenLlon
Lo abandon hls former resldence.
1he abandonmenL musL acLually correspond Lo hls acLs by
acLually abandonlng and Lransferrlng Lo anoLher resldence.

J74-,-64/-0.5 0, /E+ H+HR+25 0, /E+ E075+ 0,
4N *-5/2-6/ 2+32+5+./4/-F+5
1. naLural born clLlzen
2. age: 23 years aL Lhe day of elecLlon
3. reglsLered voLer
4. resldenL of Lhe dlsLrlcL ln Lhe hlllpplnes for aL leasL 1 year

RN 342/G A-5/
1. naLural born clLlzen
2. age: 23 years aL Lhe day of elecLlon
-Lx1 lf represenLlng Lhe youLh secLor, maxlmum age ls 30
years. (durlng Lhe Lerm of your offlce)3. reglsLered voLer
4. resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes for aL leasL 1 year
- need noL be a resldenL of Lhe place where Lhe
organlzaLlon ls esLabllshed
3. bona flde member of Lhe organlzaLlon he represenLs wlLhln
Lhe perlod of 90 days before elecLlon
6. noL change pollLlcal afflllaLlon or parLy afflllaLlon wlLhln 6
monLhs precedlng Lhe elecLlon
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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 33
5/4.*42*5 /0 *+/+2H-.+ OE+/E+2 4 I2073 05
H42I-.4A-P+* 02 7.*+22+32+5+./+*
6"9>; AIR- C9 6'&>D>?^ 4!$%D ]^ MbWb
Cn Lhe accredlLaLlon of Ladlad, Lhere was Lhe dlsquallflcaLlon
of Ladad for belng lmmoral.
SC, lnsofar as Lhe maLLer of lLs accredlLaLlon, ls an
organlzaLlon composed of men and women who ldenLlfy
Lhemselves as lesblans, gays, blsexuals or Lransgender
lndlvlduals, has saLlsfled LhaL Lhe exacLlng sLandards LhaL Lhe
marglnallzed and under represenLed secLor musL

?ou have:
1. post sobotJlootloo ot Jlsctlmlootloo soffeteJ by tbe qtoop
2. lmmotoble ot Jlstloqolsbloq cbotoctetlstlc ot otttlbote ot
cbotoctetlstlc tbot Jlstloqolsb ot Jefloe tbem os o Jlsctete
qtoop ooJ pteseot polltlcol ooJ ecooomlc powetlessoess

SC sald LhaL Lhey have been hlsLorlcally dlsadvanLaged and
dlscrlmlnaLed agalnsL because of negaLlve publlc percepLlon
and has even alleged acLs of vlolence perpeLraLed agalnsL
Lhelr members by reason of Lhelr sexual ldenLlflcaLlon and
gender ldenLlLy.
1he magnlLude of opposlLlon agalnsL peLlLloner's
parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe parLy llsL sysLem ls by lLself
demonsLraLlve of Lhe secLor's lack of pollLlcal power.
So Loo ls Lhe facL LhaL proposed leglslaLlon seeklng Lo prohlblL
dlscrlmlnaLory LreaLmenL have been langulshlng ln congress.
So Lhey represenL Lhe marglnallzed group.

ln Lhe dlfferenL vlew, when we go lnLo Lhe non esLabllshmenL
of rellglon, LhaL was also Lhe reason why Lhey should be
8ecause lf you say Lhey are dlsquallfled because of Lhelr
rellglous orlenLaLlon, LhaL Lhey are consldered as lmmoral,
accordlng Lo SC has no place lnsofar as Lhe governmenL ls
concerned, conslderlng LhaL Lhe governmenL has no rellglon.

24 [KVW
?ou [usL go over 8A 7941 especlally on Lhe requlremenLs ln
order Lo be accredlLed as a parLy llsL.

/+2H 0, 0,,-6+ 0, H+HR+25 0, 60.I2+55
-6 years, noL be for more Lhan 2 consecuLlve Lerm
-volunLary renunclaLlon of once offlce regardless of perlod of
Llme shall noL be consldered lnLerrupLlon lnsofar as
conLlnulLy of Lhe Lerm of offlce for purposes of deLermlnlng
successlveness of Lhe Lerm
-even lf one has noL compleLed hls Lerm and he reslgns,
LhaL ls consldered as one whole Lerm
E075+ 0, 2+32+5+./4/-F+5
-3 years, noL be more Lhan 3 successlve Lerms
-volunLary renunclaLlon ls noL consldered an lnLerrupLlon as
Lo Lhe conLlnulLy of hls Lerm of offlce.

1. regular elecLlon
2. speclal elecLlon

8LCuLA8 LLLC1lCn ls belng held ln Lhe second Monday of
may and Lhree years LhereafLer.

1he Lerm of offlce of Lhe senaLe ls on sLaggered basls.
So for Lhe flrsL 12 when we had elecLlon ln 1992, servlng for 6
years and Lhe lasL 12 served for 3 years. 1hereafLer, you
have Lhe conLlnulLy. 1he Lerm of offlce of 12 of Lhe senaLors
wlll serve for 6 years.

1he same ls Lrue wlLh Lhe members of house of
represenLaLlves. 8ecause of Lhe sLaggered basls of Lhe Lerm
of offlce of Lhe senaLe, lL ls pracLlcally a conLlnulng body.
unllke Lhe house of represenLaLlves, afLer Lhe explraLlon of
Lhe perlod of Llme of Lhree Lerms Lhen Lhere ls an
lnLerrupLlon unLll Lhe elecLlon of members. 8uL Lhe senaLe ls

SLClAL LLLC1lCn - ulSC8L1lCnA8?
ln Lhe evenL a vacancy occurs ln Lhe house of senaLe or ln Lhe
house of represenLaLlves, we call for a SLClAL LLLC1lCn.
8uL Lhe calllng for a speclal elecLlon ls dlscreLlonary on Lhe
house concerned.

8uL ln Lhe evenL Lhey call for a speclal elecLlon ln case of
vacancy, 1n of 8A 6643, where lL has provlded for a speclal
procedure on how Lo call for a speclal elecLlon Lo flll up Lhe

8uL Lhe senaLor or member of Lhe house who may be elecLed
ln a speclal elecLlon wlll only serve Lhe unexplred Lerm of hls

1n Lhere cannoL be a speclal elecLlon ln Lhe senaLe lf Lhe
vacancy occurs less Lhan 18 monLhs before Lhe nexL
elecLlon. 1hey wlll [usL have Lo walL for Lhe nexL elecLlon, or
1 year ln Lhe house of represenLaLlves.
8ecause lL ls very expenslve Lo hold a speclal elecLlon.

ln Lhe even a speclal elecLlon ls held, how ls Lhls done?
1. declaraLlon of vacancy or cerLlflcaLlon of Lhe respecLlve
house concerned
2. called
3. held wlLhln 43-90 days from Lhe daLe of Lhe resoluLlon or

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 34
54A42-+5 0, 5+.4/025 4.* H+HR+25 0, 60.I2+55
1hey shall be deLermlned by law.

Can Lhey be lncreased or decreased?
1hey cannoL en[oy Lhe lncrease unLll Lhe Lerm of offlce of
all Lhe members who approved Lhe lncrease shall have
1hls ls Lo avold confllcL of lnLeresL or grafL and corrupLlon.
1hls ls sub[ecL Lo Lax.

lL ls effecLlve lmmedlaLely.

1hls does noL lnclude allowances. Salarles are deLermlned by

3+285 0, 60.I2+55; 60.I2+55-0.4A -HH7.-/-+5
1here are only Lwo leglslaLlve lmmunlLles:
1. freedom of speech
2. freedom from arresL

,2++*0H ,20H 422+5/
When one ls charged wlLh an arresL whose lmposable penalLy
ls noL more Lhan 6 years of lmprlsonmenL.
lor as long as congress ls ln sesslon, WCn Lhe member ls
acLually aLLendlng Lhe sesslon, he ls lmmune from arresL.

1n LhaL ln some cases, Lhls ls a prlvllege and a way of an
excepLlon only when one ls allowed Lo en[oy Lhls lmmunlLy
wlLhouL any condlLlon or ls absoluLe.

6"9>; T"D'9`'9
!alos[os was convlcLed and was conflrmed by SC. AL Lhe Llme,
he was already convlcLed as congressman. Pe wanLed Lo be
escorLed by Lhe [all guards ln order for hlm Lo aLLend Lhe
sesslon ln congress. Pe sald LhaL belng a congressman, he ls
pracLlcally exoneraLed by hls elecLlon Lo Lhe offlce.
Pe sald also LhaL by A8LlAMLn1A8? lMMunl1? whlch ls Lhe
freedom from arresL and deLenLlon, belng a member, he
should en[oy LhaL prlvllege.

SC sald, Lhe hlsLory of LhaL provlslon granLlng senaLors and
congressman lmmunlLy from arresL and deLenLlon shows
LhaL Lhe prlvllege has always been granLed ln a resLrlcLlve
1here cannoL be a preference Lo congressman CW Lhere wlll
be a vlolaLlon of equal proLecLlon clause ln Lhe enforcemenL
of Lhe crlmlnal laws.

6"9>; /$%DD"(>9 -F C9 3%&>(#>D
Same reasonlng ln Lhls case.
1rlllanes lnslsLed LhaL he sLlll had Lhe presumpLlon of
lnnocence. Pe ls noL llke !alos[os who has been convlcLed.
Pls case was sLlll pendlng however lL was noL ballable, as he ls
charged wlLh coup d' eLaL.

SC sald LhaL Lhere ls no dlsLlncLlon beLween Lhe Lwo cases.
1he presumpLlon of lnnocence lnclude Lhe en[oymenL of
prlvlleges and rlghLs provlded by law.
So SC sald, Lhe presumpLlon of lnnocence does noL carry wlLh
lL Lhe full en[oymenL of clvll and pollLlcal rlghLs. lollowlng
Lhe equal proLecLlon of laws, Lhls lmmunlLy from arresL and
deLenLlon cannoL be avalled of by Lhe senaLor.

,2++*0H 0, 53++6E
1he freedom of speech means LhaL you cannoL be sued for
clvll damages or llbel or slander.
WhaLever sLaLemenLs he made, whlle Lhe congress ls ln
sesslon, lf lL ls relaLlon of course Lo Lhe maLLer LhaL ls sub[ecL
Lo dlscusslon, he ls lmmune from any sulL relaLlng Lo hls
speeches so LhaL he can dlscuss and debaLe wlLh anyone for
any lssues relevanL sub[ecL Lo leglslaLlve enacLmenL.

nC1 lnCLuuL ulSC8uL8L? 8LPAvlC8
1n Lhls does noL lnclude llablllLy of Lhe member of congress
LhaL may consLlLuLe dlsorderly behavlor.
lmmunlLy ls llmlLed only Lo clvll and crlmlnal llablllLy. 8uL noL
admlnlsLraLlve llablllLy.

6"9>; 09&>(" C9 3>(U"#'(
?ou can sLlll be held admlnlsLraLlvely llable buL noL crlmlnal or

1hls exLends Lo commlLLee hearlngs and even agenLs of Lhe
leglslaLors ln Lhelr reporLs.
lL ls noL only llmlLed Lo oral uLLerances. AnyLhlng LhaL ls
communlcaLlve ln naLure ls lncluded ln Lhe lmmunlLy.

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 33
lf Lhey en[oy some perks, Lhey also have some prohlblLlons
for belng members of congress.

WhaL are some of Lhe prohlblLlon?
1. ?ou cannoL be appolnLed Lo oLher poslLlons of Lhe
unless you reslgn.
lf you are appolnLed Lo an offlce LhaL ls lnconslsLenL Lo
belng member of congress, you are consldered Lo have
forfelLed your seaL.
8uL ln oLher cases, llke forbldden appolnLmenLs, lf you
are responslble for Lhe creaLlon of LhaL offlce, or lncrease
lLs salary or allowances, you cannoL be appolnLed Lo LhaL
offlce, even lf you reslgn.

6"9>; A%B"( C9 I'$U'(^ T@D WL^ MbbK
Cordon ls also a chalrman of 8ed Cross.
1here was a quesLlon on hls appolnLmenL LhaL he should
vacaLe hls poslLlon as senaLor havlng been appolnLed.
SC sald, Cordon dld noL rellnqulsh hls senaLorlal posL
desplLe hls elecLlon Lo and accepLance of Lhe posL of
chalrman of Lhe hlllpplne 8ed Cross.
8ecause n8C ls a prlvaLe organlzaLlon merely
performlng a publlc funcLlon. n8C chalrman ls noL a
governmenL offlclal or employee. noL belng a governmenL
offlce, Lhe n8C chalrmanshlp may be held by any
lndlvldual lncludlng a senaLor, or a member of Lhe house of
n8C ls auLonomous, neuLral and lndependenL from Lhe
hlllpplne governmenL. lL ls a volunLary organlzaLlon LhaL
does noL have governmenL asseLs and does noL recelve any
approprlaLlon from congress.
Cordon may serve as chalrman wlLhouL glvlng up hls

2. Appearlng as counsel before any courL of offlce, elecLoral
Lrlbunal, quasl [udlclal and admlnlsLraLlve bodles.
Any courL of [usLlce lncludes appellaLe courLs.
1he prohlblLlon ls only agalnsL personal appearance. 1hls
does noL lnclude consulLaLlon and slgnlng pleadlngs ln
cases pendlng any courLs of [usLlce.

3. 8ecomlng flnanclally lnLeresLed ln any conLracLs of

4. CannoL lnLervene ln any maLLer before any offlce of Lhe
1hls ls parL of Lransparency and publlc dlsclosure.

SLC 13
"#$%&'( 13. 1he Congress shall convene once every year on Lhe fourLh
Monday of !uly for lLs regular sesslon, unless a dlfferenL daLe ls flxed by law,
and shall conLlnue Lo be ln sesslon for such number of days as lL may
deLermlne unLll LhlrLy days before Lhe openlng of lLs nexL regular sesslon,
excluslve of SaLurdays, Sundays, and legal holldays. 1he resldenL may call a
speclal sesslon aL any Llme.

Sesslons ln congress may elLher be:
1. regular
2. speclal

2+I7A42 5+55-0.
-every 4
Monday of !uly
-shall conLlnue as deLermlned by Lhem by law unLll 30 days
before Lhe nexL openlng of regular sesslon
-excluslve of SaLurdays, Sundays and legal holldays

53+6-4A 5+55-0.
-when congress ls ln recess and presldenL calls for a speclal
-lL ls Lhe presldenL who calls for Lhls sesslon Lo aLLend Lo
cerLaln lmporLanL urgenL maLLers LhaL need lmmedlaLe
aLLenLlon by congress.

4*T072.H+./ 0, 5+55-0.
-Lhey have Lo lnform each oLher lf Lhey have Lo ad[ourn, and
noL ln separaLe places
SLC 16
"#$%&'( 16.
(1). 1he SenaLe shall elecL lLs resldenL and Lhe Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves, lLs
Speaker, by a ma[orlLy voLe of all lLs respecLlve Members. Lach Pouse shall
choose such oLher offlcers as lL may deem necessary.
(2) A ma[orlLy of each Pouse shall consLlLuLe a quorum Lo do buslness, buL a
smaller number may ad[ourn from day Lo day and may compel Lhe
aLLendance of absenL Members ln such manner, and under such penalLles,
as such Pouse may provlde.
(3) Lach Pouse may deLermlne Lhe rules of lLs proceedlngs, punlsh lLs
Members for dlsorderly behavlor, and, wlLh Lhe concurrence of Lwo-Lhlrds
of all lLs Members, suspend or expel a Member. A penalLy of suspenslon,
when lmposed, shall noL exceed slxLy days.
(4) Lach Pouse shall keep a !ournal of lLs proceedlngs, and from Llme Lo Llme
publlsh Lhe same, excepLlng such parLs as may, ln lLs [udgmenL, affecL
naLlonal securlLy, and Lhe yeas and nays on any quesLlon shall, aL Lhe
requesL of one-flfLh of Lhe Members presenL, be enLered ln Lhe !ournal.
Lach Pouse shall also keep a 8ecord of lLs proceedlngs.
(3) nelLher Pouse durlng Lhe sesslons of Lhe Congress shall, wlLhouL Lhe
consenL of Lhe oLher, ad[ourn for more Lhan Lhree days, nor Lo any oLher
place Lhan LhaL ln whlch Lhe Lwo Pouses shall be slLLlng.

0,,-6+25 0, 60.I2+55
-lMC81An1 8lnClLL ln LLLC1lCn Cl ClllCL8 84 S1A81
Cl SLSSlCn: elecLlon of offlcers by MA!C8l1? vC1L
lCW even lf Lhe presldenL comes from a mlnorlLy pollLlcal
parLy, for as long as he was chosen by Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe
members of Lhe house, he ls never precluded Lo be elecLed
ln Lhe poslLlon of ma[orlLy floor leader or as Lhe presldenL of
Lhe senaLe.
1he only requlremenL ls LhaL he ls chosen by ma[orlLy of Lhe
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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 36
8uL Lhls ls on Lhe presumpLlon of a quorum (30 plus 1).
Powever, lL has Lo be based on Lhe coerclve power of Lhe
house concerned, where Lhe house has Lhe power Lo compel
Lhe member Lo aLLend Lhe sesslon even lf he ls slck. lor as
long as he ls wlLhln Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe house, he may be
And sLlll lf he ls absenL, he can sLlll be consldered ln Lhe
deLermlnaLlon of quorum.

Lxample. ?ou have 24 members ln Lhe house of Lhe senaLe.
Cne of whom ls ln Lhe hosplLal and one ls on vacaLlon
ln deLermlnaLlon of quorum, whaL would be Lhe basls of
30 plus 1? 23.
A quorum ls noL based on Lhe LoLal membershlp buL Lhe
members who may be coerced or compelled Lo aLLend Lhe
sesslon. 1haL lncludes Lhe one ln Lhe hosplLal because he can
sLlll be coerced ln a sLreLcher. !
8uL for one who ls abroad, he wlll noL be consldered.
8ecause even lf congress wanLs Lo and lssue a warranL of
arresL, our warranL ls noLhlng abroad because congress hs
no auLhorlLy ouLslde our LerrlLory.

When Lhey dellberaLe, how many voLes are needed ln
order Lo pass a law?
Ma[orlLy of Lhe quorum.
1haL's why quorum ls lmporLanL. lL musL be esLabllshed aL
Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe sesslon.

5E-,/-.I H4T02-/G 32-.6-3A+
As Lhe aLLendance lncreases, LhaL sLarLs wlLh Lhe quorum,
Lhere ls also an lncreased number of ma[orlLy ln Lhe passlng
of Lhe law.
lL ls posslble LhaL aL Lhe sLarL, Lhere were 13 aLLendlng. And
Lherefore, all LhaL ls needed Lo approve Lhe law ls ma[orlLy
of 13.
8uL ln Lhe course of Lhe sesslon, oLher members arrlved
and we have now 20, Lhen Lhe ma[orlLy requlred Lo approve
a leglslaLlve enacLmenL wlll also lncrease.

*+/+2H-.4/-0. 0, J7027H
1he maLLer of deLermlnaLlon of quorum wlll be based on
Lhe lnLernal rules of congress. 1hey make Lhelr own rules
and regulaLlons.
1he SC cannoL lnLerfere unless Lhere ls vlolaLlons of Lhe
provlslons of Lhe consLlLuLlon.

6"9>; T'_>$ 4$$')' C9 U> F%(>?%"
1here was a quesLlon on WCn Lhere was a quorum aL Lhe
sLarL of Lhe dellberaLlon of Lhe blll.
Pe sald LhaL lL was passed when Lhere was noL quorum.
1herefore Lhere was no ma[orlLy.
SC sald LhaL ls up Lo Lhe house concerned. 1hey have Lhelr
own rules
lL ls a facLual maLLer and lL ls noL for SC Lo lnLerfere because
of separaLlon of powers, lnsofar as Lhey affecL Lhe members
of congress.
SC cannoL lnqulre lnLo Lhe allegaLlons LhaL ln enacLlng a
law, Lhe house of congress flled Lo comply wlLh lLs own rules
ln Lhe absence of showlng LhaL here was a vlolaLlon of Lhe
consLlLuLlonal provlslon or prlvaLe rlghLs.
arllamenLary rules are mere procedures whlch may be
walved or dlsregarded by Lhe leglslaLlve body.

*-56-3A-.-.I 0, H+HR+25 0, 60.I2+55
lf you can lmpeach some lmpeachable offlcers llke Lhe
presldenL, how do you remove a member of congress before
Lhe explraLlon of offlce?
CerLalnly noL by lmpeachmenL, noL even by Lhe offlce of
1o malnLaln Lhelr lndependence, Lhe dlsclpllne of Lhe
members of Lhe congress ls excluslve Lo Lhe house

Pow many voLes are needed Lo expel a member of congress?
2/3 voLes of Lhe members for Lhe house concerned.

C8CunuS - ulSC8uL8L? 8LPAvlC8
lor whaL grounds?
1here ls only one ground, unllke ln lmpeachmenL where
Lhere ls 6 grounds.
Cnly for ulSC8uL8L? 8LPAvlC8.
1he deflnlLlon lf dlsorderly behavlor ls dlscreLlonary ln

nC1 Su8!LC1 1C 8LvlLW 8? CCu81S
ls Lhls sub[ecL Lo revlew by Lhe courLs?

Lx1: !uulClAL 8LvlLW
6"9>; 09&>(" C9 3>(U"#'(
SC sald, Lhe house of represenLaLlves ls Lhe [udge of whaL
consLlLuLes dlsorderly behavlor.
1hls ls wlLh regards Lo endaLon belng censored.
1he courL wlll noL assume [urlsdlcLlon ln any case whlch wlll
amounL Lo lnLerference of [udlclal deparLmenL wlLh Lhe
Cf course, when Lhere ls A8uSL Cl ulSC8L1lCn
AMCun1lnC 1C LACk C8 ln LxCLSS Cl !u8lSulC1lCn ln Lhe
dlsclpllne of members of congress, Lhen LhaL can be
revlewed by SC ln exerclse of lLs [udlclal revlew powers.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 37
6"9>; T"D'9`'9
uld hls elecLlon as congressman condone hls crlmlnal
SC sald, hls elecLlon as congressman dld noL amounL Lo
condonaLlon of hls offense. nelLher does lL enLlLle hlm
pendlng appeal Lo be free from conflnemenL and Lo be
allowed Lo aLLend sesslon of congress for Lhe people elecLed
hlm wlLh full awareness of Lhe llmlLaLlons of hls freedom of
acLlon and movemenL.
lL was never Lhe lnLenLlon of Lhe framers of consLlLuLlon Lo
show Lhe members of congress from Lhe consequences of
hls wrong dolngs.
A member of congress can only lnvoke lmmunlLy from
arresL for relaLlvely mlnor offenses punlshable aL mosL by
correcLlonal penalLles.

6"9>; 3"$>U>9 C9 5"(U%:"( B")"(
Pe was Lhen Lhe SecreLary of PealLh when he was charged
by Lhe S8. lL was asked by Lhe offlce of Lhe prosecuLor when
he became a member of congress Lo suspend hlm
prevenLlvely whlle Lhe crlmlnal case ln S8 ls pendlng.
S8 placed a member of congress under prevenLlve
suspenslon wlLhouL vlolaLlng Lhe excluslve power of
congress Lo dlsclpllne lLs own members.
SC sald LhaL LhaL prevenLlve suspenslon lmposed by Lhe
courL ls noL yeL a penalLy. lL ls [usL a precauLlonary measure.
Whlle lL ls Lrue LhaL Lhe maLLer of dlsclpllnlng lLs members ls
excluslve Lo congress, lL does noL preclude Lhe courLs Lo
place someone under prevenLlve suspenslon because of Lhe
pendency of Lhe crlmlnal case before Lhe courLs.
1here ls no slmllarlLy here because whaL ls conLemplaLed as
excluslve Lo congress ls Lhe penalLy of penallzlng dlsorderly
ln Lhe case of S8, lL ls a precauLlonary measure so LhaL Lhe
evldences would noL be Lampered nelLher would Lhe
members of Lhe congress use hls offlce ln order Lo
lnLlmldaLe posslble wlLnesses of Lhe crlmlnal case ln Lhe S8.

1. Lxpulslon
2. Suspenslon

MAxlMuM L8lCu
lf Lhe lnLenLlon of Congress ls Lo suspend a member of Lhe
house for more Lhan 60 days, Lhen he mlghL as well be
1he maxlmum suspenslon Lherefore LhaL can be lmposed by a
member of congress for dlsorderly behavlor should noL be
more Lhan 60 days.
Should lL be more Lhan 60 days, Lhen lL should be an

4*T7.6/5 0, 60.I2+55Y0,,-6+5 60.5-*+2+* 45
+Q/+.5-0.5 0, 60.I2+55
1. LlecLoral 1rlbunal
2. Commlsslon on AppolnLmenLs

LLLC1C8AL 18l8unAL
lL ls Lhe sole [udge of elecLlon conLesLs relaLlng Lo elecLlon,
reLurns and quallflcaLlon of members of congress.

1here are Lwo elecLoral Lrlbunals:
1. SL1 - SenaLe LlecLoral 1rlbunal
2. P8L1 - Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves LlecLoral 1rlbunal

8oLh conslsL of 9 members each. 3 of whom are [usLlces of SC.
6 oLhers are comlng from pollLlcal parLles by proporLlonaLe
1he basls of Lhe elecLlon Lo Lhe elecLoral Lrlbunal Lo represenL
a pollLlcal parLy ls by proporLlonal represenLaLlon from
pollLlcal parLles lncludlng Lhe parLy llsL.
lCW, you cannoL [usL choose Lhem from one pollLlcal parLy.
1hey have Lo be proporLlonaLe.
?ou go by Lhe number of members conslsLlng a pollLlcal parLy.
And Lhen dlvlde LhaL by Lhe number of Lhe member of Lhe
house and mulLlply lL by 6 allocaLed for Lhe pollLlcal parLy.

Lxample. ?ou have Lwo senaLors from Lhe pollLlcal parLy of
Llberal parLy,
2 x 6 = number of represenLaLlon ln Lhe Lrlbunal

WhaL abouL represenLaLlve comlng from Lhe parLy llsL, wlll
Lhere be a chance for one secLoral organlzaLlon Lo be
elecLed ln Lhe elecLoral Lrlbunal?
SC sald, for as long as Lhey quallfy Lhe quallflcaLlon of
proporLlonaLe represenLaLlon, lL ls for congress Lo deLermlne
how Lhey can go abouL lL.
erhaps Lhey can [oln coallsL wlLh oLher secLoral
organlzaLlon ln Lhe parLy llsL [usL Lo make sure LhaL Lhey can
geL a seaL ln Lhe elecLoral Lrlbunal.

-.*+3+.*+.6+ 0, H+HR+25 ,20H 30A-/-64A 342/G
1n Lhe momenL you are chosen ln Lhe elecLoral Lrlbunal, you
become lndependenL from your pollLlcal parLy LhaL you
represenL. 1hls ls Lo malnLaln Lhe lmparLlallLy of Lhe
elecLoral Lrlbunal, belng a quasl [udlclal body deLermlnlng
elecLlon conLesL.
1he change of pollLlcal parLy or Lhe removal of a member of
elecLoral Lrlbunal from Lhe pollLlcal parLy wlll noL be a
ground for Lhe removal from Lhe elecLoral Lrlbunal lLself.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 38
6"9>; R@(U'? C9 3%(>U"
Pere ls a member of Lhe elecLoral Lrlbunal who was expelled
from Lhe pollLlcal parLy LhaL he was represenLlng because he
voLed agalnsL a candldaLe of Lhe pollLlcal parLy ln an elecLlon
conLesL LhaL was held for Lhe elecLoral Lrlbunal
1he quesLlon Lhere ls, would LhaL mean removal because he
does noL anymore represenL Lhe pollLlcal parLy?
SC sald, no. 8ecause hls seaL ls permanenL and he ls
lndependenL from Lhe pollLlcal parLy.

WhaL ls Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe elecLoral Lrlbunal?
All conLesLs.
When you say conLesLs, Lhere has Lo be Lwo parLles:
1. proLesLanL
2. proLesLee
1he proLesLanL ls Lhe defeaLed candldaLe agalnsL Lhe
wlnnlng candldaLe who has been proclalmed and had
assumed offlce as a member of congress.
lf Lhere ls no conLesL, Lhen you flle a quo warranLo
proceedlng wlLh Lhe elecLoral Lrlbunal, lf Lhe person you are
Lrylng Lo remove has already become a member of Lhe

6"9>; 5@&")" C9 *"X"
1here was an accusaLlon LhaL he was a green card holder of
uS and Lhus moved for dlsquallflcaLlon.
lL was dlsmlssed because ln Lhe flrsL place, accordlng Lo SC,
lL has already become mooL and academlc because aL LhaL
Llme, uaza's Lerm of offlce has already explred.
A case of dlsquallflcaLlon should have been flled ln earller
aL Lhe Llme of flllng Lhe cerLlflcaLe wlLh Lhe Comelec.
1hey flled Lhe dlsquallflcaLlon case ln Lhe SC, lL should have
been flled wlLh Lhe elecLoral Lrlbunal because he ls a
1here ls no conLesL because Lhls perLalns Lo a quallflcaLlon
of a member. Pe ls noL aL all Lhere Lo replace hlm ln Lhe
evenL Lhls candldaLe or member ls removed because of
Should lL be elecLoral Lrlbunal? lnsLead of elecLoral Lrlbunal,
you flle lL wlLh Lhe house concerned for hls excluslon as a
member Lo proLecL Lhe lnLegrlLy of Lhe house LhaL only
quallfled members should become members of Lhe house.
8ecause Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe elecLoral Lrlbunal ls llmlLed
only Lo conLesLs. 1here ls no conLesL because Lhere ls no
defeaLed candldaLe flllng an elecLlon conLesL ln order Lo
replace hlm.

1hls was clarlfled ln Lhe case of:
6"9>; R"$B>$9 C9 6'&>D>?
WhaL has been referred Lo as elecLlon reLurns and
quallflcaLlons wlLhln Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of elecLoral Lrlbunal, lL
should be lnLerpreLed Lo lLs LoLallLy as referrlng Lo all
maLLers affecLlng Lhe valldlLy of Lhe conLesLee's or
proLesLee's LlLle.
8uL lf lL ls necessary Lo speclfy, you can say LhaL LLLC1lCn
refers Lo Lhe conducL of Lhe posL lncludlng Lhe llsLlng of
voLers, Lhe holdlng of Lhe elecLlon campalgn and Lhe passlng
ln counLlng of Lhe voLes.
8L1u8nS refer Lo Lhe canvass of Lhe reLurns and Lhe
proclamaLlon of Lhe wlnners lncludlng quesLlons concernlng
composlLlon of Lhe board of canvassers and Lhe auLhenLlclLy
of elecLlon reLurns.
CuALlllCA1lCn refers Lo maLLers LhaL could be ralsed ln a
quo warranLo proceedlngs agalnsL Lhe proclalmed wlnner,
such as hls dlsloyalLy, lnellglblllLy or lnadequacy of hls
cerLlflcaLe of candldacy.
1he momenL he ls proclalmed valldly as a member, Lhls ls
wlLhln Lhe excluslve [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe elecLoral Lrlbunal.

WhaL ls Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe Comelec?
8emember LhaL Lhere ls no pre proclamaLlon conLesL
lnvolvlng members of congress.
So LhaL maLLers pendlng wlLh Lhe Comelec could be a
dlsquallflcaLlon case aL Lhe Llme of Lhe flllng of cerLlflcaLe of
candldacy whlch was noL even desplLe Lhe elecLlon of Lhe
lor as long as Lhe candldaLe has noL been proclalmed yeL,
Comelec sLlll has [urlsdlcLlon.

Lxample. Pere ls a candldaLe runnlng for Lhe senaLe. Pe
flled for cerLlflcaLe of candldacy and a case for
dlsquallflcaLlon was flled agalnsL hlm ln Lhe Comelec.
uesplLe Lhe pendency of LhaL case, he was elecLed. As long
as Lhere ls no proclamaLlon yeL of LhaL candldaLe as member
of Lhe congress, any quesLlons perLalnlng Lo quallflcaLlons of
LhaL member should be resolved by Lhe Comelec.
lCW Lhe Comelec should noL be dlvesLed of lLs [urlsdlcLlon
over Lhe case yeL.

6"9>; 6@U%DD" C9 U> F%(>?%"
Cudllla was dlsquallfled by a dlvlslon of Lhe Comelec
because he was accused of an elecLlon offense. Accordlng Lo
a complalnanL he had Lhls lnfrasLrucLure, dellverlng of
gravel, desplLe elecLlon perlod whlch ls an elecLlon offense.
uesplLe Lhe resoluLlon of Lhe dlvlslon of Comelec
dlsquallfylng hlm, he won Lhe elecLlon. 8ecause of Lhe
dlsquallflcaLlon, hls voLes were noL counLed and hls rlval was
proclalmed as Lhe duly elecLed.
ln Lhe mean Llme, whlle Lhe elecLlon was on golng, he was
able Lo flle hls appeal seasonably wlLh Lhe Comelec en banc
and Lhe declslon was reversed saylng LhaL lL was Cudllla who
won because he was noL dlsquallfled.
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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 39
So Cudllla wenL Lo de vlnecla Lo ask hlm Lo leL hlm assume
offlce because he was a duly elecLed represenLaLlve of LeyLe
per resoluLlon of Lhe Comelec en banc.
ue vlnecla Lold hlm Lo flle hls Cuo WarranLo proceedlngs ln
P8L1 because Locsln has already been proclalmed as a
member of Lhe house.
ls de vlnecla correcL?
SC says, no. because Lhe proclamaLlon of Locsln was
premaLure. 1here was an appeal seasonably flled, Lherefore,
Lhe Comelec was never dlvesLed of hls [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe
dlsquallflcaLlon case.
Slnce Lhe proclamaLlon ls lnvalld, lL ls as lf no member has
been proclalmed as such. So lL should have been Lhe
Comelec Lo recognlze LhaL he ls a member. Pe does noL have
Lo flle a Cuo WarranLo proceedlngs ln Lhe elecLoral Lrlbunal
because LhaL ls already an pronouncemenL LhaL he ls Lhe
duly elecLed represenLaLlve of Lhe dlsLrlcL of LeyLe.

6"9>; A%&_"%?='(:
Llmkalchong ran as congresswoman ln negros CrlenLal.
8efore Lhe elecLlon, a dlsquallflcaLlon case was flled agalnsL
her for lack of Lhe requlred requlslLe of clLlzenshlp.
Accordlng Lo Lhe complalnanL, Lhe faLher was noL a
naLurallzed clLlzen because Lhe proceedlngs was lnvalld. And
because Lhe faLher was noL a clLlzen of Lhe hlllpplnes, LhaL
makes Llmkalchong oL a llllplno.
uesplLe Lhe pendency of Lhe dlsquallflcaLlon case,
Llmkalchong won Lhe elecLlon. And Lhe exerclse of Lhe quasl
leglslaLlve funcLlon of Lhe Comelec passed a resoluLlon LhaL
all Lhose who have won Lhe elecLlon wlLhouL pre[udlce LhaL
Lhe pendency of dlsquallflcaLlon case should be proclalmed
as Lhe duly elecLed candldaLe.
ln Lhls case, a resoluLlon was passed and Llmkalchong was
Lhen declares as duly elecLed and she became a member of
aras wenL all Lhe way Lo SC because Lhe dlsquallflcaLlon case
was dlsmlssed. Accordlng Lo Comelec, Lhey were already
been dlvesLed of [urlsdlcLlon because Llmkalchong has
already been proclalmed as a duly elecLed member of
congress. ?ou conLlnue Lhe proceedlngs wlLh Lhe elecLoral
Lrlbunal Lhls Llme.

See Lhe dlfference ln Lhe clrcumsLances ln Lhe case of Cudllla
and Llmkalchong.
ln Cudllla, Lhere was an appeal buL Lhere was a resoluLlon
saylng LhaL pendlng Lhe resoluLlon of Lhe dlsquallflcaLlon
case, you are duly proclalmed as elecLed candldaLe.
ln Llmkalchong, Lhere was a resoluLlon of Lhe Comelec saylng
LhaL all Lhe candldaLes noLwlLhsLandlng Lhe pendlng cases,
shall be proclalmed as duly elecLed, wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe
conLlnuaLlon of Lhe proceedlngs ln a proper forum.

So ln Lhe case of Lmkalchong, she was proclalmed as duly
elecLed. now LhaL she ls a member of congress, Comelec ls
dlvesLed of [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe dlsquallflcaLlon case.

6"9>; R>$"@?' C9 .':$"D>9^ 3"$"9 C9 .':$"D>9^ R%DD'(U' C9
Cnce Lhe wlnnlng has been proclalmed, Laken hls oaLh of
offlce and assumed offlce as member of Lhe house of
represenLaLlve, Comelec's [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe elecLlon
conLesL relaLlng Lo elecLlon reLurns and quallflcaLlon ends.
And Lhe P8L1 [urlsdlcLlon beglns.
1he proclamaLlon of Lhe wlnnlng candldaLe dlvesL Lhe
Comelec of [urlsdlcLlon over maLLers endlng before lL aL Lhe
Llme of proclamaLlon.

lL says here LhaL afLer Lhe proclamaLlon of Lhe wlnnlng
candldaLe ln Lhe congresslonal elecLlons, Lhe remedy of
Lhose who may assall lLs ellglblllLy or lnellglblllLy,
quallflcaLlon or dlsquallflcaLlon ls Lo flle before Lhe P8L1 a
peLlLlon for elecLlon proLesL or a peLlLlon for a quo warranLo
wlLhln Lhe perlod prescrlbed by Lhe P8L1 8ules.

6"9>; P@B%$$% C9 6'&>D>? ^ H"$ WZ^ Mbb]
lmenLel wenL Lo SC and asked for an ln[uncLlon Lo sLop Lhe
proclamaLlon of Zublrrl because he wanLed Lo geL Lhe
elecLlon reLurns from Lhe A8MM.
Zublrrl was already proclalmed as duly elecLed senaLor.
SC sald haL Lhey do noL have [urlsdlcLlon on Lhe maLLer
anymore because Lhe maLLer of deLermlnlng elecLlon
conLesL relaLlng Lo elecLlon reLurns ln quallflcaLlon ls
excluslve Lo Lhe elecLoral Lrlbunal. ln whlch case, lL ls wlLh
Lhe SL1.
lL ls noL a maLLer of admlnlsLraLlve proceedlngs. ?ou are noL
quesLlonlng Lhe resulLs of elecLlon.
lL ls Lhe SL1 whlch has excluslve [urlsdlcLlon Lo acL on Lhe
complalnL of lmenLel lnvolvlng as lL does a conLesL relaLlng
Lo Lhe elecLlon of Zublrrl, now a member of Lhe senaLe.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 60
.0 433+4A 0, *+6-5-0. 0, +A+/024A /2-R7.4A
Where do you appeal Lhe declslon of Lhe elecLoral Lrlbunal?
1helr declslons are flnal and execuLory.
LxcepL when Lhere ls an allegaLlon of abuse of dlscreLlon
amounLlng Lo lack or ln excess of [urlsdlcLlon.

6"9>; 4B@B"?"$ C9 E2+/
!urlsdlcLlon of SC Lo revlew Lhe declslons and resoluLlon of
P8L1 operaLes only upon Lhe showlng of grave abuse of
dlscreLlon on Lhe parL of Lhe Lrlbunal LanLamounL Lo lack or
ln excess of [urlsdlcLlon.
Such grave abuse of dlscreLlon lmplles caprlclous and
whlmslcal exerclse of [udgmenL amounLlng Lo lack of
[urlsdlcLlon or arblLrary and despoLlc exerclse of power
because passlon and personal hosLlllLy.
1he grave abuse of dlscreLlon musL be so paLenL and gross as
Lo amounL Lo an evaslon and refusal Lo perform any duLy
en[olned by law.
ln Lhls case, lL was absenL. And Lhus Lhe declslon of Lhe
elecLoral Lrlbunal was susLalned.

lL conslsLs of 12 senaLors and 12 members of Lhe Pouse of
8eps preslded over by Lhe resldenL of Lhe senaLe

1he maln funcLlon ls Lo acL on nomlnaLlons by Lhe presldenL
on cerLaln appolnLmenLs where Lhe consLlLuLlon requlres Lhe
conflrmaLlon by Lhe Commlsslon of AppolnLmenLs.
1hey should acL wlLhln Lhe perlod of 30 days whlle congress ls
ln sesslon from Lhe submlsslon of Lhe nomlnaLlon.

4330-./H+./5 2+J7-2+-.I /E+ 60.,-2H4/-. 0, 6'4
1. Peads of execuLlve deparLmenL
2. Members of Al
lrom CapLaln Lo Corporal ln Lhe navy or Cornel Lo
Ceneral ln Lhe A8M?.
3. Cfflcers whose appolnLmenL are vesLed ln Lhe presldenL by
Lhe consLlLuLlon
a. Comelec commlssloner
b. CCA commlssloner
c. Clvll servlce commlssloner
d. 8egular members of Lhe [udlclal and bar councll
4. Ambassadors, consuls and oLher publlc mlnlsLers

1hese cannoL be expanded by ordlnary leglslaLlon.

Cne Lhe maLLer of procedure, CoA can only hold sesslon whlle
congress ls ln sesslon.

AppolnLmenLs could elLher be regular or ad lnLerlm on Lhe
parL of Lhe presldenL.

lf lL ls 8LCuLA8 ACln1MLn1, appolnLmenL of Lhose l have
enumeraLed musL requlre conflrmaLlon Lo make Lhe
appolnLmenL permanenL.
1alklng abouL regular appolnLmenLs whlle congress ls ln
sesslon, lf lL ls only ln acLlng capaclLy Lherefore Lemporary ln
naLure, even lf Lhose referrlng Lo l have enumeraLed, Lhe
presldenL ls noL compelled Lo submlL Lhe names Lo Lhe CoA
for conflrmaLlon because of Lhe naLure of appolnLmenL
whlch ls only ln acLlng capaclLy and LhaL ls dlscreLlonary on
Lhe presldenL.

4330-./H+./ *72-.I 2+6+55
lf Lhe presldenL makes an appolnLmenL whlle congress ls ln
recess, Lherefore CoA ls llkewlse ln recess, whaL ls Lhe naLure
of Lhe appolnLmenL?
lL ls permanenL buL lmmedlaLely lL ls effecLlve upon
quallflcaLlon of Lhe appolnLee buL wlll lasL only unLll Lhe nexL
ad[ournmenL of Lhe congress lf lL ls noL conflrmed.
8y nexL ad[ournmenL, lL could mean regular or speclal
sesslon because Lhere ls no dlsLlncLlon.
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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 61
So lf Lhe congress ls noL ln recess, Lhey should follow LhaL
Lhere ls conflrmaLlon.
8uL lf Lhe congress ls ln recess, Lhe presldenL can sLlll make an
appolnLmenL even for a secreLary of a deparLmenL. lL ls sLlll
permanenL buL Lhe duraLlon ls llmlLed. unless lL ls conflrmed
by Lhe CoA, lL shall lasL only unLll Lhe nexL ad[ournmenL of

4*T072.H+./ 0, 5+55-0.
1he ad[ournmenL can be of a regular sesslon or a speclal
lf lL ls a regular sesslon, lL ls deLermlned by law, lL wlll lasL
unLll 30 days before Lhe openlng of Lhe nexL regular sesslon.
lf lL ls a speclal sesslon, afLer Lhe LermlnaLlon of Lhe speclal
sesslon by congress afLer Lhey are belng called by Lhe

Can you be reappolnLed or renomlnaLed Lo Lhe same
?es. lor as long as lL ls noL dlsapproved, you can be
lf lL ls only by passed, meanlng lL ls noL acLed on wlLhln 30
days from lLs submlsslon Lo Lhe CoA, you can be

+,,+6/ 0, .0. 60.,-2H4/-0. 0. 32+F-075 305-/-0.
Can you go back Lo Lhe prevlous poslLlon lf noL conflrmed?
lf lL ls a regular appolnLmenL, you can go back Lo your
prevlous poslLlon because Lhe effecLlvlLy of appolnLmenL ls
upon conflrmaLlon.
lf lL ls an ad lnLerlm appolnLmenL, lL ls effecLlve
lmmedlaLely upon Lhe quallflcaLlon. ?ou may be
renomlnaLed buL you cannoL go back however Lo your
prevlous poslLlon.

6"9>; H"#%B":
1o be appolnLed Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlonal Commlsslons, Lhere ls a
prohlblLlon agalnsL reappolnLmenLs. ?ou have afflxed Lerm
of offlce wlLhouL reappolnLmenL.
1hls appolnLmenL belng referred Lo here LhaL ls prohlblLlng a
reappolnLmenL refers Lo an appolnLmenL LhaL ls regular and
conflrmed by Lhe CoA. Cnce conflrmed you become a
commlssloner for a flxed Lerm. ln whlch case, you cannoL be
anymore reappolnLed upon Lhe explraLlon of Lhe Lerm.

Powever ln Lhe case of Lhls commlssloner, he was nomlnaLed
by Lhe presldenL Lo be Lhe chalrman of Lhe Comelec. 1hls has
always been by passed by CoA unLll Lhe presldenL appolnLed
hlm ln an lnLerlm appolnLmenL, lmmedlaLely permanenL.
8ecause he was noL conflrmed by CoA, upon Lhe nexL
ad[ournmenL of congress, hls appolnLmenL explred. Pe was
agaln reappolnLmenL by Lhe presldenL.
Was Lhere a vlolaLlon of Lhe prohlblLlon on reappolnLmenL of
Lhe commlssloner?
no. because Lhe appolnLmenL was ad lnLerlm, noL a regular
appolnLmenL. 1he prohlblLlon agalnsL reappolnLmenL applles
only Lo a regular appolnLmenL, meanlng appolnLed or
nomlnaLed by Lhe presldenL, conflrmed by Lhe CoA, he had
flnlshed hls Lerm, Lhen he cannoL anymore be reappolnLed.
8uL for an ad lnLerlm appolnLmenL, lL wlll lasL only upon Lhe
nexL ad[ournmenL of Lhe congress and Lherefore explres lf
noL conflrmed. upon Lhe nexL ad[ournmenL he can sLlll be
renomlnaLed Lo Lhe same poslLlon.

H+HR+25E-3 0, 6'4
lL ls Lhe same, 8CC81lCnA1L 8L8LSLn1A1lCn from Lhe
pollLlcal parLles.

6E4.I+ 0, 30A-/-64A 4,,-A-4/-0.
And Lhls ls hlghly parLlsan ln Lhe sense LhaL Lhe momenL LhaL
you selze Lo be a member of Lhe parLy, auLomaLlcally, you
are removed as a member of CoA.
1he change of pollLlcal afflllaLlon has Lo be permanenL. lf you
lL ls only a coallLlon, LhaL ls noL consldered a permanenL
change of pollLlcal parLy afflllaLlon Lo remove you as a
member of CoA.

.7HR+2 0, H+HR+25
1here are 24 members all ln all. 23, lf you lnclude Lhe
presldenL of Lhe senaLe.
8uL Lhere ls no need Lo fully flll up Lhe 24 membershlp ln Lhe
CoA. lL ls upon Lhelr dlscreLlon, as long as:
1. Lhey consLlLuLe ma[orlLy of Lhe membershlp
2. aL leasL a pollLlcal parLy ls represenLed by 2 members ln
order Lo quallfy Lo geL a seaL ln Lhe CoA.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 62
AlulnC ln LLClSLA1lvL LnAC1MLn1S
LLClSLA1lvL lnCul8? and CuLS1lCn PCu8 as parL of Lhe
overslghL funcLlon of congress.

LLClSLA1lvL lnCul8?
lL ls Lhe power of congress Lo lnqulre lnLo any maLLer LhaL
may be a sub[ecL of leglslaLlve enacLmenL.
LlLher lL ls pendlng or noL pendlng aL all, for as long as lL wlll
help congress ln formulaLlng a law.

So Lhose persons who may be summoned Lo appear before a
leglslaLlve lnqulry are wlLnesses. 1hey are noL accused. And
someLlme we would wonder why ln Lhe course of Lhe
sesslon, Lhey become defenslve.
So Lhey cannoL lnvoke Lhe rlghL agalnsL self lncrlmlnaLlon
because lL ls supposedly an enllghLenlng sesslon. ?ou as a
wlLness Lo enllghLen congress, help Lhem ln leglslaLlon.

+Q+67/-F+ 32-F-A+I+
+0 VeW
6"9>; *$%DD'( C9 +d>?@#%C> 5>?$>#"$)
Arroyo passed an LxecuLlve Crder 461 on LxecuLlve rlvllege,
saylng LhaL cablneL members should noL appear ln a
leglslaLlve lnqulry elLher ln Congress, house or CommlLLee
Pearlng wlLhouL her consenL.
So lf one ls served wlLh summons Lo appear, Lhey would say,
ask Lhe presldenL flrsL.
1hen you have urlllon quesLlonlng Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy of LC

ls lL correcL for Lhe presldenL Lo lnvoke execuLlve prlvllege?
SC sald yes. Powever, LhaL can only be lnvoked by Lhe
presldenL. l1 lS nC1 Lx1LnuLu 1C 1PL CA8lnL1 MLM8L8S.

So SC parLlally nulllfled Lhe provlslons of LC 461.
lL ls noL by Lhe poslLlon LhaL you hold as a cablneL member
LhaL makes you exempL from leglslaLlve lnqulry, buL lL ls Lhe
lnformaLlon LhaL you are ln possesslon wlLh because lL
lnvolves Lhe prlvllege of Lhe presldenL. lL ls an execuLlve
reclsely, Lo deLermlne WCn lnformaLlon wlll affecL Lhe offlce
of Lhe presldenL, or lL wlll affecL Lhe lnLegrlLy of Lhe offlce of
Lhe presldenL, lL wlll dlscharge Lhe funcLlons of Lhe
presldenL, one has Lo ask Lhe presldenL lf Lhe lnformaLlon
belng held by Lhe cablneL member LhaL Lhe congress wanLs
Lo lnqulre lnLo ls an execuLlve prlvllege.
And so Lhey have Lo sLay Lhe purpose of Lhe summons of Lhls
cablneL member so LhaL Lo glve Llme Lo Lhe presldenL Lo
lnvoke Lhe execuLlve prlvllege.
lL ls noL Lhe cablneL member who en[oys Lhe execuLlve
prlvllege buL lL ls Lhe presldenL.
1he lnformaLlon belng held by Lhe cablneL member LhaL Lhe
presldenL may lnvoke execuLlve prlvllege.

So Lhen, lf Lhe presldenL Lhlnks LhaL Lhe lnformaLlon Congress
wanLs Lo lnqulre lnLo ls prlvlleged, under Lhe separaLlon of
powers, he can lnvoke Lhe execuLlve prlvllege and noL allow
cablneL member Lo LesLlfy or Lo appear ln commlLLee

E0O /0 -.F08+ +Q+67/-F+ 32-F-A+I+
Pow does Lhe presldenL lnvoke execuLlve prlvllege?
8y Lhe presldenL hlmself saylng LhaL lL ls an execuLlve
prlvllege, and lL cannoL be dlsclosed, or
8y Lhe auLhorlLy of Lhe presldenL lnvoked by Lhe execuLlve

6"9>; .>$% C9 5>("#> 6'&&%##>>
WCn Lhe lnformaLlon LhaL Lhe senaLe wanLs Lo look lnLo was
an execuLlve prlvllege.
nerl lnvoked Lhe execuLlve prlvllege of Lhe presldenL saylng
LhaL he cannoL dlsclose.
noLwlLhsLandlng Lhe lnvocaLlon of Lhe execuLlve secreLary of
Lhe execuLlve prlvllege of Lhe presldenL, Lhey conLlnued Lo
harass nerl, ln facL because he dld noL appear anymore ln
Lhe senaLe, Lhey lssued an arresL order for conLempL.
SC susLalned nerl's rlghL wlLh Lhe lnvocaLlon of Lhe presldenL
of Lhe execuLlve prlvllege.

SenaLe wanLed Lo know Lhls, nerl dlsclosed LhaL Lhere was an
offer of brlbe Lo hlm [usL Lo approve Lhe broadband conLracL
wlLh Z1L. Pe was saylng $230m, belng offered by Lhe
Chalrman of Lhe Comelec.
Pe sald LhaL he Lold Lhe presldenL abouL lL. SenaLe wanLs Lo
know whaL was Lhe reacLlon of Lhe presldenL. 1he presldenL
Llmely lnvoked execuLlve prlvllege.

1he quesLlon Lhere ls, are Lhose lnformaLlon asked by Lhe
senaLe execuLlve prlvllege?
SC sald, Lhe communlcaLlons llllclLed by Lhe Lhree
1. WheLher Lhe presldenL followed up Lhe n8M pro[ecL
2. Where you dlcLaLed Lo prlorlLlze Z1L?
3. WheLher Lhe presldenL sald Lo go ahead and approve Lhe
pro[ecL afLer belng Lold abouL Lhe alleged brlbe,
Are covered ln Lhe presldenL's communlcaLlon prlvllege.

SC sald, flrsL, Lhe communlcaLlon refers Lo a non delegable
power of Lhe presldenL, Lhe power Lo enLer lnLo execuLlve
agreemenL wlLh Lhe oLher counLrles. 1hls auLhorlLy of Lhe
presldenL Lo enLer lnLo execuLlve agreemenLs wlLhouL
concurrence of leglslaLure has been LradlLlonally recognlzed
ln Lhe hlllpplne [urlsprudence as confldenLlal.
1he communlcaLlons are recelved by a close advlsor of Lhe
presldenL under Lhe CL8A1lCnAL 8CxlMl1? 1LS1, nerl
can be consldered as a close advlser belng a member of Lhe
1hlrd, Lhere ls no adequaLe showlng of a compelllng need
LhaL would [usLlfy Lhe llmlLaLlon of Lhe prlvllege and Lhe
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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 63
avallablllLy of Lhe lnformaLlon elsewhere by an approprlaLe
lnvesLlgaLlng auLhorlLy. ?ou can geL Lhe lnformaLlon

lCW ln Lhls case, Lhe execuLlve prlvllege was susLalned.

.4/72+ 0, +Q+67/-F+ 32-F-A+I+
lL ls Lhe lmplled power of Lhe presldenL Lo wlLhhold
lnformaLlon requesLed by oLher branches of Lhe
1he consLlLuLlon does noL expressly granL Lhls power Lo Lhe
presldenL buL courLs have long recognlzed lmplled
presldenLlal powers necessary and proper ln carrylng ouL
powers and funcLlons expressly granLed Lo Lhe execuLlve
under Lhe consLlLuLlon.

1hls [urlsdlcLlon, several declslon have recognlzed execuLlve
prlvllege sLarLlng wlLh 1993 case of:
6"9>; 4D&'(#> C9 F"9c@>X
Cn Lhe SALn belng confldenLlal.

6"9>; 6="C>X C9 3@BD%? +9#"#> 4@#='$%#)

6"9>; 5>("#> C9 +$&%#"

0/E+2 H4//+25 60F+2+* -. +Q+67/-F+ 32-F-A+I+ S RG
1. As Lhe commander ln chlef, as chlef execuLlve Lhe
presldenL ls ulLlmaLely responslble for Lhe mlllLary and
naLlonal securlLy maLLers.
2. As offlclally ln conLrol lf Lhe naLlon's forelgn servlce, LhaL ls
also execuLlve prlvllege.
3. LxecuLlve agreemenLs enLered lnLo by Lhe presldenL,
dlplomaLlc negoLlaLlons.
4. lnLernal dellberaLlons Lo Lhe presldenL by hls cablneL

1here ls a pendlng blll llmlLlng Lhe execuLlve prlvllege of Lhe
presldenL, deflnlng whaL may be consldered as execuLlve

!une 20, 2011

A+I-5A4/-F+ -.J7-2G
lL ls Lhe power of congress Lo lnqulre and lnvesLlgaLe on any
maLLer WCn Lhere ls a pendlng sub[ecL maLLer on leglslaLlon
whlch lncludes Lhe power of conLempL.

30O+2 0, 60./+H3/
1he power of conLempL may noL have been expressly granLed
ln Lhe consLlLuLlon, buL lnherenL ln Lhe power of congress Lo
conducL lnvesLlgaLlon, Lo glve LeeLh Lo LhaL power CW lL wlll
be useless Lo call people and glve Lhem opLlon Lo aLLend or

A+I-5A4/-F+ 30O+2 0, 60.I2+55
1hls power ls dlscreLlonary, and cannoL be encroached upon
by Lhe Lwo oLher branches of Lhe governmenL due Lo
separaLlon of powers.

6"9>; .>$% C9 5>("#>
ln facL, lf clLed for conLempL ln a leglslaLlve lnqulry, Lhe
presldenL cannoL granL hlm pardon, nelLher can Lhe courL
lssue an ln[uncLlon Lo en[oln Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of
conLempL made by congress unless of course Lhere ls an
abuse of LhaL dlscreLlon amounLlng Lo lack of ln excess of

+Q+67/-F+ 32-F-A+I+
1here are cerLaln lnformaLlon LhaL may noL be dlsclosed such
LhaL maLLer of execuLlve prlvllege of Lhe presldenL.
1he lnformaLlon LhaL ls ln Lhe possesslon of Lhe presldenL or
of hls execuLlve offlcer or cablneL members LhaL cannoL be
dlsclosed even Lo congress and Lo publlc aL large for lL mlghL
affecL Lhe offlce of Lhe presldenL or hls lnLegrlLy.

1. dlscusslons or dellberaLlons durlng a cablneL hearlng
2. conversaLlon beLween Lhe presldenL and advlsors
3. conversaLlon wlLh consulLanL for pollcy maklng
4. clLy negoLlaLlon by peLlLlon
3. maLLers relaLlng Lo Lhe presldenL's power as a commander
ln chlef wlLh respecL Lo mlllLary secreLs or sLraLegy

1hese are lnformaLlon LhaL may noL be dlsclosed Lo congress
even lf a cablneL member ls summoned by congress Lo

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 64
R4A4.6-.I 0, +Q+67/-F+ 32-F-A+I+
Powever, accordlng Lo SC, Lhls has Lo be balanced wlLh
1. Lhe power of leglslaLlve lnqulry on Lhe parL of congress
2. Lhe rlghL of people Lo lnformaLlon on maLLers of publlc
concern lnsofar as Lhe publlc aL large
3. lnsofar as Lhe exerclse of Lhe power of SC and oLher courLs
ln Lhe seLLllng of dlspuLes,

And how Lo balance lL, LhaL has Lo be deLermlned by Lhe
lCW lL ls noL absoluLe, lL sLlll has Lo be looked lnLo by SC.

Whlch of Lhese Lwo equally lmporLanL lnLeresL musL be glven
prlorlLy? LxecuLlve prlvllege? Cr Lhe Lhree oLher publlc

6"9>; 5>("#> C9 +$&%#"
1hls ls Lhe declaraLlon of Lhe unconsLlLuLlonallLy of LC 464 on
LxecuLlve rlvllege, as Lo Lhe exLenL of Lhe exerclse of Lhe
execuLlve prlvllege of Lhe presldenL.

6"9>;.>$% C9 5>("#>
1hey dlscussed whaL klnd of prlvlleges of Lhe presldenL LhaL
Lhe presldenL or hls cablneL members cannoL be compelled
Lo dlsclose.

6"9>; 4_B")"( C9 4c@%('
1hls has someLhlng Lo do wlLh !epepa where Lhere ls a
quesLlon wheLher SecreLary Aqulno was asked Lo glve a copy
of !epepa for Lhe sLudy of congress.
8ecause lL was sLlll under negoLlaLlon, lL ls confldenLlal and
parL of Lhe execuLlve prlvllege of Lhe presldenL.
Accordlng Lo SC, he cannoL be compelled because afLer all, lL
ls Lhe very maLLer or lf Lhey wanL Lo lnqulre abouL lL, Lhere
are oLher sources oLher Lhan from Lhe offlce of Lhe 8l.

5+3424/-0. 0, 30O+25 F5 A+I-A4/-F+ -.J7-2G

6"9>; />(:)'( C9 6'&&%##>>
SC sald LhaL should Lhere be a pendlng case already flled,
supposedly, Lhe person belng summoned Lo appear on
commlLLee hearlng Lo shed llghL on maLLers LhaL mlghL be of
help Lo congress ln Lhe maklng of law may noL be compelled
lf lL mlghL vlolaLe Lhe separaLlon of powers beLween Lhe
leglslaLlve branch and Lhe [udlclary.

6"9>; R>(X'(
1hls has someLhlng Lo do wlLh Lhe lllgoLLen wealLh of Lhe
Marcos and Lhe corrupLlon commlLLed. 1here were cases
flled wlLh S8.
SC susLalned Lhe separaLlon of powers by sLopplng Lhe
leglslaLlve lnqulry as Lhere was already a case flled ln courL.

ln conLrasL of LhaL, Lhere ls a case flled ln Lhe Lrlal courL and
whaL happened was LhaL Lhere was an lnqulry of a
LransacLlon relaLlng Lo a purchase of a properLy ln
1hey flled a case ln courL. 1hereafLer, Lhey ask for an
ln[uncLlon Lo sLop Lhe lnqulry on Lhe LransacLlon.
SC sald LhaL you cannoL sLop Lhls by slmply flllng a case
because Lhe power of congress ls plenary.

6"9>; 5#"(U"$U 6="$#>$>U R"(_C9 5>("#> 6'&&%##>>
1he offlcers of SLandard CharLered 8ank had Lo appear before
Lhe commlLLee who are ln charge of banklng LransacLlons
because of posslblllLy of vlolaLlons of law LhaL mlghL affecL
Lhe economy of counLry and whaL Lhey dld was LhaL Lhe
offlcers of Lhe bank asked for ln[uncLlon Lo sLop Lhe lnqulry,
saylng LhaL Lhere ls already an lnvesLlgaLlon conducLed by
Lhe CenLral 8ank, and anyLlme soon, Lhere mlghL be a case
flled agalnsL Lhem.
SC says, Lhe mere flllng of a crlmlnal or admlnlsLraLlve
complalnL before courL or quasl [udlclal body should noL
auLomaLlcally bar Lhe conducL of leglslaLlve lnqulry CW lL
would be easy Lo subverL lnqulry of Lhe congress Lhrough
Lhe convenlenL ploy of lnsLlLuLlng a crlmlnal or
admlnlsLraLlve complalnL.
1he exerclse of congress or any of lLs commlLLee of Lhe power
Lo punlsh conLempL ls based on Lhe prlnclple of self
preservaLlon of Lhe branch of governmenL vesLed wlLh
leglslaLlve power lndependenLly of [udlclal branch. lL can
asserL lLs auLhorlLy and punlsh conLenLlous acLs.
lL cannoL penallze Lhe vlolaLors even lf Lhere ls overwhelmlng
evldence of crlmlnal culpablllLy. lL can only recommend
measures or remedy whlch may be unearLhed durlng
lnvesLlgaLlon, alLhough lL may lnclude ln lLs reporL of lLs
lnvesLlgaLlon or reporL for Lhe crlmlnal lndlcLmenL of
persons who may appear llable.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 63
O-/.+55 57HH0.+* 64. R+ 60H3+AA+*
Whlle we would say LhaL Lhe mere flllng of a crlmlnal or
admlnlsLraLlve complalnL agalnsL a wlLness or person
summoned before a leglslaLlve lnqulry can be compelled Lo
appear before Lhe senaLe or Lhe congress.
8ecause Lhey are noL accused ln a leglslaLlve lnqulry. 8aLher,
Lhey are mere wlLnesses.
So Lhey do noL vlolaLe Lhe separaLlon of powers beLween Lhe
leglslaLlve branch or any courL or quasl [udlclal bodles where
Lhere ls also a case flled agalnsL wlLnesses.

8enzon case has dlfferenL clrcumsLances as LhaL of Lhe
CharLered 8ank.

60.*76/ 0, A+I-5A4/-F+ -.J7-2G S 3206+*72+
Cne cannoL be lnqulred lnLo or clLed for conLempL. 1here has
Lo be Lhe 8ules of rocedure and LhaL musL be publlshed.
1haL ls also emphaslzed ln Lhe case of nerl vs SenaLe.

36II Y
Can Lhe congress compel Lhe commlssloner of CCC desplLe
Lhe prlvllege glven Lo Lhe offlce LhaL Lhey cannoL be sub[ecL
of lnvesLlgaLlon.

(my recordlng sLarLs here)
6"9>; 5"C%'
Pe was clLed for conLempL.
ln Lhe maLLer of peLlLlon for lssuance of wrlL of habeas corpus
on Savlo, SC sald LhaL congress' power of lnqulry ls broad
LhaL lL encompasses everyLhlng LhaL concerns Lhe
admlnlsLraLlon of exlsLlng laws as well as propose needed
lL even exLends Lo governmenL agency creaLed ln congress
and offlcers whose poslLlons are wlLhln Lhe power of
congress Lo regulaLe or even abollsh.
CCC belongs Lo Lhls class. So long as consLlLuLlonal rlghLs of
wlLnesses llke Chalrman Savlo and hls commlssloners wlll be
respecLed by respondenL's senaLe commlLLees.
lL ls Lhelr duLy Lo cooperaLe wlLh Lhem ln Lhelr efforLs Lo
obLaln Lhe facLs needed for lnLelllgenL leglslaLlve acLlon.
1he obllgaLlon of clLlzen ls Lo respond Lo subpoena, Lo respecL
Lo Lhe dlgnlLy of congress and lLs commlLLees and Lo LesLlfy
fully wlLh respecL Lo maLLers wlLhln Lhe realm of

6"9>; H%:@>D C9 I'$U'(^ 4?# W[^ Mbbe
A mere provlslon of law cannoL pose llmlLaLlon on Lhe power
of congress ln Lhe absence of consLlLuLlonal basls.

F42-+/-+5 0, +Q+67/-F+ 32-F-A+I+
1. stote sectets
lnvoked by Lhe presldenL lf lL wlll subverL cruclal mlllLary,
dlplomaLlc ob[ecLlves.

2. lofotmets ptlvlleqe
1hese are lnformaLlon LhaL Lhe presldenL cannoL be
compelled Lo dlsclose, noL Lo dlsclose Lhe ldenLlLy of
persons who furnlshed Lhe lnformaLlon of vlolaLlon of law
Lo offlcers charged wlLh Lhe enforcemenL of Lhe law.

3. qeoetlc ptlvlleqe
lnLernal dellberaLlons aLLached Lo lnLra governmenLal
and Lhe documenLs reflecLlng advlsory oplnlons,
recommendaLlons and dellberaLlons comprlslng parL of
process whlch governmenLal declslons and pollcles are

64R-.+/ H+HR+25
As regards Lo Lhe cablneL belng soverelgn before Lhe
leglslaLlve lnqulry, Lhey have Lo ask for Lhe consenL Lo
appear Lo glve Lhe presldenL Lhe chance Lo lnvoke Lhe

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 66
CuLS1lCn PCu8

43320F4A 0, 32+5-*+./
uoes lL need Lhe approval of Lhe presldenL?

A-H-/+* /0 64R-.+/
Pow ls a quesLlon hour conducLed?
1hls ls llmlLed Lo cablneL members. So noL any person wlll
be summoned before any commlLLee or senaLe or
congresslonal lnqulry.
So lL ls elLher
a. Lhe cablneL requesLlng an audlence wlLh Lhe senaLe or
congress or any of lLs commlLLee lnsofar as maLLers LhaL
affecL or Lhey wanL Lo clarlfled abouL.
b. Lhe presldenL Lo be lnformed of Lhe sesslons on reachlng
Lhe congress,
c. congress summonlng a member of Lhe cablneL.

30O+2 0, 0F+25-IE/ 0, 60.I2+55
lf lL ls [usL a follow up on laws LhaL are Lo be enforced by Lhe
dlfferenL deparLmenLs LhaL ls parL of Lhe overslghL funcLlon
of congress whlch would lnclude scruLlny, lnvesLlgaLlon and
ower of overslghL embraces all acLlvlLles underLaken by
congress Lo enhance lLs undersLandlng of and lnfluence Lhe
over Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe leglslaLlon lL has enacLed.
Clearly, overslghL concerns posL enacLmenL measures under
Laken by congress Lo monlLor beurocraLlc compllance wlLh
program acLlvlLles, Lo deLermlne wheLher Lhe agencles are
properly admlnlsLered Lo ellmlnaLe execuLlve dlshonesLy and
prevenL execuLlve usurpaLlon of leglslaLlve auLhorlLy Lo
assess execuLlve conformlLy wlLh congresslonal percepLlon
of publlc lnLeresL.
1hls may be done ln a quesLlon hour.

uLCLA8A1lCn Cl WA8
Who has Lhe power Lo declare war?
lL ls Lhe presldenL who declared war. 8uL Lhere cannoL be
declaraLlon of war should Lhere be no deflnlLlon of Lhe
exlsLence of a sLaLe of war.
1he law does noL make lL a condlLlon slne qua non Lo Lhe
declaraLlon of war.

8uL ln Lhe maLLer of Lhe exlsLence of Lhe sLaLe of war ls for
Lhe purpose of granLlng or vesLlng ln Lhe presldenL
emergency power, LhaL ls why Lhey have Lo deLermlne WCn
Lhere exlsL a sLaLe of war.
8uL WCn Lhere ls a deLermlnaLlon of Lhe exlsLence f a sLaLe of
war, of course Lhe presldenL can declare war as Lhe
commandlng chlef of Lhe Al.
CW lf Lhe presldenL has Lo walL for congress Lo hold sesslon
and voLe WCn we are on a sLaLe of war, Lhen we are already

*+6A424/-0. 0, 5/4/+ 0, O42
Powever, for purposes of Lhe prosecuLlon of Lhe war such as
granLlng emergency power Lo Lhe presldenL so LhaL Lhe
presldenL can lncorporaLe funds for Lhe war, lL ls lmporLanL
LhaL Lhere has Lo be a declaraLlon of sLaLe of war, and LhaL ls
vesLed wlLh Lhe congress.

Pow many voLes are needed?
2/3 voLes boLh houses, voLlng separaLely.

+H+2I+.6G 30O+2
Where ls emergency power vesLed?
lL ls noL ln Lhe presldenL buL lL ls delegaLed Lo Lhe presldenL.
lL ls vesLed ln congress.
1hls ls Lhe power LhaL ls delegaLed Lo Lhe presldenL ln a
sLaLuLe under sec 23.
8ecause you mlghL Lhlnk LhaL Lhls power ls exerclsed by Lhe
presldenL, Lhls can only be exerclsed by Lhe presldenL lf lL ls
delegaLed by Lhe congress Lo Lhe presldenL.

under whaL cases?
Cnly ln cases of:
1. naLlonal emergency
2. war
And Lhus preclsely a deLermlnaLlon of congress wheLher we
are ln a sLaLe of war.

8uL ln Lhe deLermlnaLlon lf we are ln Lhe sLaLe of rebelllon or
naLlonal emergency, LhaL may be done by Lhe presldenL
only. (uavld eL al vs Arroyo).

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 67
1here ls a sponsor of Lhe blll whlch wlll be under flrsL readlng.
Cnly Lhe LlLle wlll be read.
1hereafLer, lL ls referred Lo a commlLLee for referral.
1he commlLLee could elLher conducL a furLher sLudy on a blll
LhaL ls belng sponsored Lhrough hearlngs or may [usL lay lL
on Lhe Lable, meanlng noL acL on lL.
ln Lhe evenL Lhe commlLLee concerned acLs on lL, lL goes back
Lo Lhe plenary sesslon for a second readlng.

Cn Lhe second readlng, noL only wlll Lhe LlLle be read buL Lhe
whole LexL of Lhe sponsored blll lncludlng Lhe recommended
changes made by Lhe commlLLee.

1hereafLer, Lhere wlll be dlscusslon and debaLe on Lhe blll.
1hen lL wlll be recommended for prlnLlng.
AfLer Lhe prlnLlng, lL wlll dlsLrlbuLed aL leasL Lhree days before
Lhe plenary sesslon ls held and Lhen Lhere wlll be a Lhlrd

AfLer Lhe Lhlrd readlng, no amendmenL wlll be made, Lhen
Lhey wlll Lake a voLe.
1hereafLer, lL wlll be Lransferred Lo Lhe oLher house.

1he Lhree readlngs ls lndlspenslble.
8uL where Lhe presldenL cerLlfles LhaL Lhe blll ls urgenL
because of an exlgency or emergency, Lhe Lhree readlngs
may be done on Lhe same day. And Lhe prlnLlng may be
dlspensed wlLh. AfLer Lhe Lhlrd readlng, Lhere wlll be Lhe
Laklng of Lhe voLe.

lf Lhere are dlfferences beLween Lhe Lwo houses' verslon, lL
wlll be referred Lo a blcameral conference commlLLee. lL can
even make a pracLlcally new verslon of Lhe blll of boLh
1here wlll be no vlolaLlon here. lL ls noL superlor Lo Lhe Lwo
oLher houses because afLer all, Lhe recommendaLlon of Lhe
blcameral conference commlLLee sLlll has Lo be submlLLed Lo
Lhe plenary sesslons of boLh houses where Lhey wlll Lake a
voLe wheLher Lo agree Lo Lhe blcameral conference
commlLLee or noL.

So ulLlmaLely, lf lL ls carrled ouL, lL ls approved by boLh
houses. 1he amendmenLs could Lake as a subsLlLuLe.

27A+5 4.* A-H-/4/-0.5 -. H48-.I 0, A4O5
1here are cerLaln rules and llmlLaLlons ln maklng of laws, boLh
subsLanLlve and procedural.

AS 1C 8lLLS 1PA1 MA? 8L SCnSC8Lu
a. bllls LhaL musL orlglnaLe from Lhe Pouse of
1. approprlaLlon bllls
2. revenue bllls
3. Larlff bllls
4. bllls auLhorlzlng lncrease of publlc debLs
3. bllls of local appllcaLlon and prlvaLe bllls

Meanlng, Lhe house of senaLe cannoL lnlLlaLe unless Lhey
recelve Lhe flrsL verslon of Lhe house of reps. 1hey may
probably come up wlLh Lhelr own verslon.

WhaL are Lhese klnds of bllls?
1. opptoptlotloo bllls
-auLhorlLy Lo dlsburse publlc funds
-may be general or speclal

2. teveooe bllls
-deslgned Lo ralse money or revenue Lhrough lmposlLlon
or levy

3. bllls of locol oppllcotloo ooJ ptlvote bllls
-for maLLer relaLlng Lo LCu
-ex. change from munlclpallLy Lo clLy

1he bllls may be:
1. general blll
2. speclal blll

1. qeoetol blll
-ex. AnnuAL 8uuCL1
-prepared by Lhe presldenL Lo be submlLLed before Lhe
regular sesslon
-MA? nC1 8L lnC8LSSLu 8? CCnC8LSS
-musL speclflcally Lo some parLlcular approprlaLlon
and Lhe leglslaLlon or enacLmenL musL be llmlLed ln
lLs operaLlon Lo Lhe approprlaLlon Lo whlch lL relaLes
-of course Lhere musL be an avallable fund for LhaL
-nC !uCCLlnC Cl lunuS
-lf Lhere ls an amounL approprlaLed for a speclflc
purpose, you cannoL Lransfer lL as C8 Lo anoLher
purpose or from one lLem Lo anoLher lLem
-depends on whose budgeL, who wlll approve
a. execuLlve - presldenL
b. leglslaLlve - presldenL of Lhe senaLe or Lhe
speaker of Lhe house of represenLaLlves
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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 68
c. [udlclary - chlef [usLlce of SC
d. consLlLuLlonal commlsslons - chalrman

-example. 1he budgeL of Lhe mlllLary cannoL be
Lransferred from one lLem Lo anoLher, lL has Lo be
wlLh Lhe consenL of Lhe presldenL, noL ln hls capaclLy
as Lhe commander ln chlef buL hls belng Lhe
presldenL Lo avold Lhe [uggllng of Lhe funds.

AS 1C vL1ClnC An A8C8lA1lCn 8lLL
As a C8, lf Lhe presldenL should veLo a blll, Lhe presldenL
veLoes Lhe enLlre blll excepL when lL ls an
1. approprlaLlon bllls
2. revenue bllls
3. Larlff bllls

Cn A8C8lA1lCn 8lLL, you have Lo make furLher excepLlon
because someLlmes Lhe members of congress wlll lnserL
sub[ecL maLLers LhaL are noL relaLed Lo approprlaLlon.
So Lhen you wlll have Lo undersLand whaL ls Lhe nA1u8L Cl
A8C8lA1lCn. lL prlmarlly auLhorlzes Lhe dlsbursemenL of
funds for a speclflc publlc purpose.

8uL someLlmes, ln Lhe gulse of an approprlaLlon blll creaLe an
offlce and lnserL LhaL ln an approprlaLlon blll.
1haL ls noL an approprlaLlon blll. lL ls [usL a creaLlon of offlce,
Lhe allocaLlon of funds ls merely lncldenLal Lo Lhe creaLlon of
1haL can be veLoed by Lhe presldenL as an lnA8C8lA1L

So 2 LxCL1lCnS 1C 1PL 8uLL 1PA1 ll 1PL 8LSluLn1 PAS
1C vL1C 1PL 8lLL, PL PAS 1C vL1C 1PL Ln1l8L 8lLL:
1. approprlaLlon bllls, revenue bllls, Larlff bllls
2. lnapproprlaLe provlslons

Cf course wlLh Lhe condlLlon LhaL Lhe resL of Lhe provlslon
of Lhe blll can sLand on Lhelr own excludlng LhaL porLlon LhaL
has been veLoed by Lhe presldenL.

6"9>; 5@!D%?' C9 2'&@D'
1hls ls on approprlaLlon.
1he rule ls, any dlsbursemenL of publlc funds should be
supporLed by an approprlaLlon law.
1hey borrowed money Lo be placed Lo Lhe general fund for a
publlc purpose. lnsLead of placlng lL Lo Lhe general fund,
Lhey applled Lhe proceeds of Lhe loan dlrecLly for Lhe
purpose whlch ls was made.
Can LhaL be done?
SC sald, any governmenL expendlLure wlLhouL correspondlng
approprlaLlon by congress ls unconsLlLuLlonal. 1here can be
no dlspuLe LhaL Lhe proceeds of Lhe forelgn loans wheLher
concluded or noL cannoL be obllgaLed ln a procuremenL
conLracL wlLhouL a prlor approprlaLlon from congress.
When Lhe execuLlve branch secures a loan Lo flle a
procuremenL of goods and servlces, Lhe loan proceeds enLer
Lhe naLlonal Lreasury as parL of Lhe naLlonal funds of Lhe
governmenL. Congress musL approprlaLe by law Lhe loan
proceeds Lo flnd Lhe procuremenL of goods and servlces CW
Lhe loan proceeds cannoL be spenL by Lhe execuLlve branch.
When Lhe loan falls due, congress musL make anoLher
approprlaLlon Lo auLhorlze Lhe paymenL of Lhe loan of Lhee
general funds of Lhe naLlonal Lreasury.
1hls approprlaLlon for Lhe repaymenL of Lhe loan ls whaL ls
covered by auLomaLlc approprlaLlon.

1hey were saylng LhaL ln Z1L, Lhey borrowed money buL lL dld
noL push Lhrough because lL dld push Lhrough because of
Lhe conLroversy. 1hey borrowed money and supposedly Lhe
proceeds wlll be applled Lo Lhe conLracL LhaL Lhey have
enLered lnLo wlLh Lhe Chlnese governmenL.
1o go lnLo shorL cuL, Lhey wlll pay lL dlrecLly wlLhouL puLLlng lL
ln Lhe general funds.
1hls cannoL be done. Lven lf lL ls for a publlc purpose, Lhere
has Lo be an approprlaLlon law. 1haL ls Lhe C8.

47/0H4/-6 4332032032-4/-0.
WhaL ls Lhe rule Lhen on auLomaLlc approprlaLlon?
lL ls an excepLlon Lo Lhe loans LhaL we borrowed where we
schedule Lhe paymenL of Lhe loan. 1here a speclflc amounL
LhaL you are golng Lo pay lL wlLh.
ln whlch case, you do noL have Lo make a separaLe
approprlaLlon for LhaL purpose. AuLomaLlcally, lL wlll be
carrled ouL ln Lhe nexL budgeL.
1haL's auLomaLlc approprlaLlon, as an excepLlon Lo every
dlsbursemenL havlng an approprlaLlon.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 69
LxcepL for sec 28, where Larlff powers are vesLed ln Lhe
presldenL, Lhe congress ls Lhe one LhaL lmposes Laxes.

OE0 -5 57RT+6/+*
And as a C8, ln Lhe lmposlLlon of Laxes, everybody ls
sub[ecLed Lo Lax excepL by voLe of ma[orlLy of Lhe members
of congress.

/2+4/G /4Q 62+*-/5
1ax credlLs granLed by LreaLy. Pow many voLes are needed?
lL needs no concurrence from congress. 8uL because lL ls a
LreaLy, lL needs concurrence of 2/3 of senaLe.

/4Q +Q+H3/-0.5 0. 6+2/4-. -.5/-/7/-0.5
Churches, personages.properLles LhaL are dlrecLly, acLually
and excluslvely used for rellglous purposes and for
charlLable lnsLlLuLlons.

6"9>; A@(: 6>(#>$ C9 J@>X'( 6%#)
under 1973, 1987 ConsLlLuLlon and 8A 7160, ln order Lo be
enLlLled Lo exempLlon, peLlLloner ls burdened Lo prove by
unequlvocal proof LhaL lL ls a charlLable lnsLlLuLlon and Lhe
properLles are acLually, dlrecLly and excluslvely used for
charlLable lnsLlLuLlon.

+Q6A75-F+AG 75+*
1n of Lhe deflnlLlon of LxCLuSlvL. lL ls deflned as possessed
or en[oyed Lo Lhe excluslon of oLhers, barred from
parLlclpaLlon or en[oymenL.
And excluslvely ls deflned ln a manner Lo exclude or en[oy Lhe
prlvllege excluslvely.
1he words uCMlnAn1 uSL and 8lnClAL uSL cannoL be
subsLlLuLed for Lhe words used excluslvely wlLhouL dolng
vlolence Lo Lhe consLlLuLlon and Lhe law.
SCLLL? ls synonymous Lo Lhe word excluslvely.

6"9>; A@(: 6>(#>$ C9 J@>X'( 6%#)
arL of lLs properLy was for charlLable purposes for free for
lndlgenL purposes. 8uL Lhere ls a parL of a properLy whlch
Lhey had for a fee. So Lhose who are well off enough Lo pay
for fees wlll pay.
1hey are now asklng for exempLlon because Lhey are Laxed
for Lhe lncome LhaL Lhey derlved, and on Lhe properLy as
well because lL was wlLh a fee. 1hey say LhaL Lhls lnsLlLuLlon
ls prlnclpally a charlLable lnsLlLuLlon.
SC sald, LhaL would noL mean excluslve. So Lhere ls Lhe
deflnlLlon of excluslve use Lhere.

WhaL else are exempLed?
1. rellglous purposes
2. educaLlonal purposes

+*764/-0.4A 372305+5
1he appllcaLlon of Lhe exempLlon refers Lo non sLock non
proflL educaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons LhaL would lnclude Lhelr
revenues. noL only Lhe properLles LhaL Lhey are ln
possesslon wlLh, lncludlng Lhe revenues.
1hey are exempL from LaxaLlon for as long as lL ls ln relaLlon
of educaLlonal purposes.

ln conLracLs, you have Lhose proprleLary educaLlonal
lnsLlLuLlon, do Lhey en[oy Lhe same prlvllege as a non sLock
non proflL lnsLlLuLlon? 8ecause Lhls ls Lhe lssue of some
schools here LhaL ls for buslness?
1he law says, unless CW provlded by law. So Lhey may be
exempL. 8uL our local laws are sub[ecLlng Lhem Lo LaxaLlon,
so Lhey cannoL complaln.

1hls lncludes foundaLlons LhaL are non sLock non proflL, llke
uSC foundaLlon. 1hey are exempL also from LaxaLlon.

8CCLuu8AL LlMl1A1lCn
Lvery blll musL embrace one sub[ecL maLLer. Same Lhlng as
when laws are lnlLlaLed by Lhe people on Lhe process of
lnlLlaLlve and referendum.
CW, lf Lhere wlll be several sub[ecL maLLers, LhaL wlll be a
PCuCL CuCL LAW and ls prohlblLed by law and can be
prohlblLed by Lhe presldenL on Lhe concepL of
lnA8C8lA1L 8CvlSlCnS.

8LCC8uS Cl 1PL 8CCLLulnC Cl 1PL uLLl8L8A1lCnS
8ecords of Lhe proceedlng of Lhe dellberaLlons:
1. [ournal
2. enrolled blll

Whlch of Lhese Lwo wlll prevall ln case of confllcL?
WhaL ls Lhelr probaLlve value?
Ln8CLLLu 8lLL ls Lhe cerLlfled and auLhenLlcaLed verslon of
Lhe blll LhaL ls slgned by Lhe presldenL before becomlng a
AfLer boLh houses Lhrough Lhelr respecLlve heads cerLlfy
LhaL LhaL ls Lhelr verslon, lL wlll be enrolled. lL wlll be
auLhenLlcaLed by Lhe presldenL of Lhe senaLe and Lhe
speaker of Lhe house of represenLaLlve and slgned by Lhe
ln case Lhere ls a confllcL and a quesLlon on whaL ls Lhe
verslon of Lhe law, Lhe enrolled blll ls concluslve upon Lhe
courLs as Lo Lhe conLenLs, Lhe Lenor of Lhe leglslaLlve
Should Lhey Lhlnk LhaL lL ls acLually noL Lhe verslon LhaL
boLh houses lnLended, Lhen Lhey need Lo amend lL. 1hey
cannoL [usL seL aslde Lhe enrolled blll. So far as Lhe courL ls
concerned, lL ls concluslve

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!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 70
WhaL lf lL confllcL wlLh Lhe [ournal?
1he !Cu8nAL ls requlred by Lhe consLlLuLlon Lo be kepL by
Lhe secreLary of each house ln order Lo conLaln Lhe
1. veLo message of Lhe presldenL
2. voLlng of boLh houses overrldlng Lhe veLo
3. yeas and nays of Lhe members of boLh houses ln Lhe
passlng of Lhe blll
4. yeas and nays requesLed by 1/3 of Lhe members of Lhe
house Lo be enLered ln Lhe [ournal
lnsofar as Lhose lnformaLlon are concerned, Lhey are
concluslve upon Lhe courLs. So you musL know whaL are
Lhese lnformaLlon LhaL need Lo be enLered ln Lhe [ournal.

ln case of confllcL of Lhe voLlng, Lhe [ournal always prevalls.
lf you go by Lhe maLLer WCn Lhe blll ls valld ln lLs conLenL
or Lenor, you have Lo go by Lhe enrolled blll.

6"9>; 4B"_"U" I@$' 3"$#) D%9# C9 +$&%#"^ 0?# W]^ MbbL
1he slgnlng of Lhe blll by speaker of Lhe house and Lhe
presldenL of Lhe senaLe and Lhe cerLlflcaLlon of Lhe
secreLarles of boLh houses of congress LhaL lL was passed are
concluslve of lLs due enacLmenL.

6"9>; 3'(9 C9 75
1hls abouL Lhe subsLances.
1hls ls lmporLanL. Cne, as regards Lo Lhe concluslveness of
Lhe [ournal, and Lhe anoLher one ls Lhe concluslveness of Lhe
enrolled blll.
1hls has someLhlng Lo do wlLh Lhe Llme when Lhe blll was
passed because Lhere was an allegaLlon LhaL Lhe blll was
slgned afLer Lhe Lerm of offlce of Lhe offlce.
8uL lL was sLaLed ln Lhe [ournal LhaL lL was passed before 12
So whlch Lwo wlll prevall as far as Lhe courL ls concerned?
lL should be Lhe [ournal because accordlng Lo Lhe SC, Lhe
memory of man may fall buL deflnlLely whaL was recorded ln
Lhe [ournal. And lL ls lncluslve upon Lhe courLs because Lhe
courLs musL accord respecL Lo Lhe Lwo branches of Lhe
governmenL, havlng Lhese records prepared by co-equal
braches of governmenL whlch ls congress.

SLC 32
"#$%&'( 32. 1he Congress shall, as early as posslble, provlde for a sysLem of
lnlLlaLlve and referendum, and Lhe excepLlons Lherefrom, whereby Lhe
people can dlrecLly propose and enacL laws or approve or re[ecL any acL or
law or parL Lhereof passed by Lhe Congress or local leglslaLlve body afLer Lhe
reglsLraLlon of a peLlLlon Lherefor slgned by aL leasL Len per cenLum of Lhe
LoLal number of reglsLered voLers, of whlch every leglslaLlve dlsLrlcL musL be
represenLed by aL leasL Lhree per cenLum of Lhe reglsLered voLers Lhereof.
-.-/-4/-F+ 4.* 2+,+2+.*7H

A81lCLL vll - LxLCu1lvL uLA81MLn1

LxLCu1lvL CWL8
lL ls vesLed ln Lhe presldenL.

Some powers LhaL are noL asslgned elLher Lo Lhe leglslaLlve or
Lhe [udlclary, Lhe power ls vesLed on Lhe presldenL belng Lhe
chlef execuLlve.
1hls ls whaL we call Lhe 2+5-*74A 30O+2 0, /E+ 32+5-*+./

*+/+2H-.+ OE0 -5 4AA0O+* /0 +./+2 607.2/G
Cn Lhe maLLer of deLermlnaLlon who ls allowed Lo enLer Lhe
counLry. (Marcos vs Maglanos)

32+5-*+./-4A -HH7.-/G
Cn Lhe en[oymenL of Lhe presldenL of lmmunlLy.
Cn Lhe presldenLlal lmmunlLy, Lhls ls only avallable Lo Lhe
presldenL durlng hls lncumbency. 1hls ls noL an express granL
of Lhe consLlLuLlon. 1hls ls [urlsprudenLlal. lCW by Lhe
declslons of Lhe SC LhaL Lhls power of lmmunlLy from sulL ls
en[oyed by Lhe presldenL.
WlLh Lhe en[oymenL of Lhls lmmunlLy, 1n of Lhe cases of:

6"9>; +9#$"U" C9 *%9%>$#'
LsLrada was saylng LhaL he ls sLlll Lhe presldenL and
Lherefore he should sLlll conLlnue Lo en[oy Lhe lmmunlLy and
Lhus he cannoL be prosecuLed ln S8.
SC sald LhaL ln as much as he ls already consldered
reslgned, he ls no longer Lhe presldenL. And noL belng Lhe
presldenL anymore, he can no longer lnvoke Lhe lmmunlLy.
lCW he can now be prosecuLed ln any courL of law because
such ls CCnCu88Ln1 CnL? 1C PlS 1Lnu8L, noL Lo hls Lerm.
1he 1Lnu8L means Lhe perlod whlch he acLually holds
1he 1L8M ls a perlod whlch he ls Lo hold offlce as a maLLer
of rlghL.

6"9>; 2'&@"DU>X C9 5"(U%:"(B")"(
SC sald LhaL Lhe execuLlve lmmunlLy applles only durlng Lhe
lncumbency of Lhe presldenL.

6"9>; *"C%U ># "D C9 4$$')'
Arroyo was dropped from LhaL case.
SC sald lL ls noL proper Lo lmplead Arroyo as respondenL.
SeLLled ls Lhe docLrlne LhaL Lhe presldenL durlng hls Lenure
of offlce or acLual lncumbency may noL be sued ln any clvll
or crlmlnal case, and Lhere ls no need Lo provlde for lL ln Lhe

6"9>; 5'D'C>( C9 H"?"9%"D
1hey moved for Lhe dlsmlssal of Lhe case flled agalnsL Lhem
by resldenL Aqulno, lnvoklng lmmunlLy from sulL. 1hey are
saylng LhaL when you can sue us, we cannoL flle a
counLersulL agalnsL you because of lmmunlLy from sulL. And
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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 71
Lhus Lhey moved for Lhe dlsmlssal of Lhe case.
1n Lhls can only be lnvoked by Lhe presldenL. lL ls personal
Lo Lhe presldenL. So lL ls up Lo Lhe presldenL Lo lnvoke lL or
walve LhaL rlghL.
So when Lhe presldenL flles a case agalnsL a prlvaLe
lndlvldual, presldenL ls consldered Lo have lmplledly walved
hls lmmunlLy.
8uL lL's up Lo Lhe presldenL. lL cannoL be used as a defense
on Lhe parL of Lhe person belng sued by Lhe presldenL

lMMunl1? l8CM Sul1 lS L8SCnAL 1C 1PL 8LSluLn1
1n lmmunlLy from sulL ls personal Lo Lhe presldenL. lL cannoL
be lnvoked under quallfled pollLlcal agency by Lhe alLer egos
of Lhe presldenL. 1hls cannoL be delegaLed Lo Lhe dlfferenL
secreLarles of Lhe dlfferenL deparLmenLs.

6"9>; 5>?$>#"$) ID'$%" 4$$')'
She lnvoked lmmunlLy from sulL belng Lhe secreLary of Lhe
ueparLmenL of LducaLlon.
SC sald LhaL lL ls noL exLended Lo Lhe cablneL members.
1hls ls only personal Lo Lhe presldenL.

1. naLural born
2. resldenL of hlllpplnes for 10 years lmmedlaLely precedlng
Lhe elecLlon
3. 40 years on Lhe days of elecLlon
4. clLlzen before assumlng offlce

6 years
unless CW provlded by law

1erm beglns aL noon of !un 30 followlng Lhe elecLlon.

When we say, unless CW provlded by law, can hls Lerm of
offlce be exLended?
no. lL refers Lo Lhe commencemenL of hls Lerm of offlce. lL
could be oLher Lhan !une 30 followlng Lhe day of elecLlon.

F-6+ 32+5-*+./
6 years buL ln no case for 2 successlve Lerms.
So he can serve for more Lhan 12 years as long as lL ls noL

Can Lhe v who assumes Lhe presldency run agaln as
presldenL afLer Lhe explraLlon of hls Lerm?
lL depends.
lf he had served for more Lhan four years ln Lhe offlce of hls
predecessor, he ls dlsquallfled.
lf 4 years or less, he can sLlll run as presldenL.

MAnnL8 Cl LLLC1lCn
Pow are Lhey chosen?
1hey are chosen by dlrecL voLes.

R042* 0, 64.F455+25
Who canvass Lhe elecLlon reLurns from Lhe dlfferenL
provlnces and clLles? Who serves as Lhe board of
1he congress. 1he congress cannoL delegaLe LhaL Lo
Comelec. lL ls dlrecLly LransmlLLed Lo congress.
8uL Lhey can conducL a [olnL commlLLee Lo auLhenLlcaLe Lhe
elecLlon reLurns LhaL have been submlLLed. 8uL l don'L Lhlnk
LhaL ls now a conLroverslal Lhlng now LhaL we are

SLlll lL ls Lhe congress LhaL wlll canvass and LhereafLer Lhey are
golng Lo make a proclamaLlon.

81W, remember LhaL durlng Lhe elecLlon Llme, usually, Lhe
Lerm of offlce of Lhe members are already explrlng excepL
for Lhe 12 senaLors whose Lerm of offlce have noL already
explred yeL.
ls lL noL LhaL Lhey ad[ourn slne dle? WhaL ls ad[ournmenL slne
When Lhey ad[ourn as a leglslaLlve body. Meanlng, ln Lhe
maLLer of law maklng.
LlecLlons are held every 2
Sunday of May. 8efore an
elecLlon ls made, Lhey ad[ourn slne dle. 1hls ls wlLhouL
pre[udlce Lo conLlnulng Lhelr sesslon noL as a leglslaLlve body
buL as Lo perform oLher funcLlons vesLed ln Lhem or
conferred upon Lhem by Lhe consLlLuLlon such as Lhe
canvasslng of voLes for presldenL and v.
1hls ls a funcLlon LhaL Lhey can be compelled Lo sLay ln
sesslon and aLLendlng and performlng Lhe funcLlon
noLwlLhsLandlng LhaL Lhey have already ad[ourned lnsofar as
belng a leglslaLlve body.
So Lhey ad[ourn as a leglslaLlve body lnsofar as lawmaklng
buL noL lnsofar as performlng funcLlons LhaL are requlred of
Lhem by Lhe consLlLuLlon such as acLlng as Lhe board of

1hen Lhey have Lo voLe. 1o proclalm, Lhey have Lo have
ma[orlLy voLes ln a [olnL sesslon voLlng separaLely.

ln case Lhere would be a deadlock or a Lle, Lhey have Lo break
Lhe Lle wlLh ma[orlLy of boLh houses.

+A+6/-0. 60./+5/ 02 320/+5/
ln Lhe mean Llme, any elecLlon conLesL or proLesL, where ls lL
?ou have Lhe L1 - resldenLlal LlecLoral 1rlbunal.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 72
3+/ S 32+5-*+./-4A +A+6/024A /2-R7.4A
lL ls Lhe SC acLlng as Lhe L1.
When Lhe law granLs Lhe SC Lhe power Lo resolve an elecLlon
conLesL beLween and among Lhe presldenLlal candldaLes, no
new or separaLe courL ls creaLed.
1he law merely conferred upon Lhe SC Lhe funcLlons of Lhe

.0 32+ 3206A4H4/-0. 60./+5/
1here ls no pre proclamaLlon conLesL wlLh regards Lo
presldenL and v.

OE0 H4G R+ 320/+5/4./
Who may be a proLesLanL ln a presldenLlal elecLlon?
6"9>; 3'>
Cnly a real parLy ln lnLeresL may be a proLesLanL.
A real parLy ln lnLeresL are only Lhe Lwo persons, Lhe
second and Lhlrd placers only.
1he rule makes ln effecL deLermlne Lhe real parLy ln
lnLeresL concernlng an on golng elecLlon conLesL.
Lnvlslon Lhe scenarlo where lf Lhe declared voLer have noL
been Lruly voLed upon by Lhe elecLoraLe, Lhe candldaLe who
recelved Lhe second or Lhlrd hlghesL number of voLes would
be Lhe leglLlmaLe beneflclary ln Lhe successful elecLlon

6"9>; />?9'( C9 6'&>D>?
1he acLlons conLemplaLed ln sec 4 arL 7 of Lhe consLlLuLlon
are posL elecLlon remedles, namely:
1. regular elecLlon conLesL
2. quo warranLo

1he word conLesL means LhaL Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe SC may
only be lnvoked afLer Lhe elecLlon and proclamaLlon of Lhe
v or presldenL. 1here can be no conLesL before a wlnner ls

+,,+6/ -, 320/+5/4./ 2+4557H+5 0,,-6+
WhaL wlll happen lf Lhe proLesLanL reassumes hls offlce?
6"9>; 5"(#%":'
SanLlago ran as presldenL. She was noL able Lo geL Lhe
resulL of Lhe conLesL, she wenL back Lo her belng a senaLor.
lor Lhose who wlll run as presldenL, Lhey are noL
consldered reslgned. 1hey can go back Lo Lhelr poslLlon so
long as Lhe Lerm dld noL explre.
WhaL was Lhe effecL on Lhe elecLlon proLesL?
SC sald, ln assumlng Lhe offlce of Lhe senaLor, resldenL
SanLlago has effecLlvely abandoned or wlLhdrawn her
proLesL Lo Lhe elecLlon proLesLee. Case ls dlsmlssed.

6"9>; A>:"$U" C9 U> 6"9#$'
She also flled an elecLlon proLesL agalnsL de CasLro. AfLer
LhaL, she ran for elecLlon Lo Lhe senaLe.
SC sald LhaL Legarda has effecLlvely abandoned or
wlLhdrawn her proLesL when she ran for senaLe whlch
colncldes wlLh Lhe Lerm of vlce presldency.

6"9>; +9#$"U"
ln Lhe case of LsLrada runnlng agaln as presldenL. Supposedly
6 years wlLhouL reelecLlon. So meanlng, you have Lo flnlsh
Lhe Lerm ln 6 years.
8ecause lL dld lL say: volunLary renunclaLlon ls consldered an
lnLerrupLlon of Lhe conLlnulLy of Lhe Lerm of offlce. llke ln
Lhe case of members of congress.
So, Lhe presume LhaL Lhe presldenL ln order Lo be dlsquallfled
Lo run for elecLlon, he wlll have Lo flnlsh Lhe 6 years Lerm.

1hls ls noL belng made clear, because evenLually, whaL lf for
example, you are belng lmpeached, on Lhe second year of
hls Lerm, can he run for presldency on Lhe nexL elecLlon? lL ls
noL volunLary?
lL case of reslgnaLlon lL ls volunLary.

lL ls raLher confuslng because Lhe law ls very clear, 6 years
wlLhouL reelecLlon.
Addlng Lo Lhe confuslon ls LsLrada runnlng for reelecLlon. Pls
Lheory ls he ls quallfled because he had noL flnlshed hls
Anyhow, Lhere ls no declslon on LhaL by Lhe SC.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 73
llLLlnC u Cl 1PL vACAnC?
lL may occur aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe Lerm or durlng Lhe Lerm
of Lhe presldenL or v.

R+,02+ 4557H3/-0. Y *+4/E
lf lL occurs before Lhe Lerm or even before Lhe presldenL
assumes offlce, he dled or he suffered permanenL dlsablllLy,
Lhe v becomes Lhe presldenL.
lf Lhere ls no v, Lhen lL would be Lhe presldenL of Lhe senaLe,
Lhe speaker of Lhe house of represenLaLlves, ln LhaL order
acLlng as Lhe presldenL ln Lhe mean Llme unLll Lhe v has
succeeded, quallfled or chosen.

R+,02+ 4557H3/-0. S ,4-A+* /0 J74A-,G 02 .0.+
lf aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe Lerm, Lhe presldenL falled Lo quallfy,
Lhen Lhe presldenL or Lhe senaLe shall acL as Lhe presldenL.
Cr lf no presldenL has been chosen, Lhen Lhe presldenL of Lhe
senaLe or Lhe speaker of Lhe house of represenLaLlves, ln
LhaL order wlll be acLlng as Lhe presldenL.
ln Lhe absence of Lhe speaker, Lhey wlll have Lo convene and
provlde for a law LhaL wlll serve Lo provlde Lhe manner of
successlon - who shall be acLlng as Lhe presldenL ln Lhe
mean Llme Lhe elecL presldenL has noL yeL been chosen or
falled Lo quallfy.

OE+. /E+2+ -5 4557H3/-0.
uurlng Lhls Llme, Lhe Lerm of Lhe presldenL, you go lnLo Lhe
successlon, only when Lhere ls permanenL vacancy caused
1. deaLh
2. permanenL dlsablllLy
3. reslgnaLlon
4. lmpeachmenL

2. L8MAnLn1 ulSA8lLl1?
ln Lhe case of L8MAnLn1 ulSA8lLl1?, should lL always be
WhaL abouL lunC1lCnAL ulSA8lLl1?? Meanlng you cannoL
anymore funcLlon effecLlvely as a presldenL because you do
noL have anymore Lhe supporL of your cablneL, Al or LCus.

6"9>; +9#$"U"
lL ls noL so much on Lhe reslgnaLlon buL on Lhe funcLlonal
dlsablllLy of Lhe presldenL. vlrLually, he was a laylng duck
because he cannoL command anymore Lhe leadershlp
lnsofar as Lhe governmenL ls concerned because he losL Lhe
supporL of Lhe key offlclals of Lhe governmenL especlally Lhe
supporL from Lhe Al.
1haL has Lo be deflned by Lhe SC because lL was a mere
oplnlon of one of Lhe [usLlces.

1he permanenL dlsablllLy as has been venLured ln lLs
deflnlLlon by Lhe deflnlLlon of one of Lhe [usLlces, perhaps lL
could also lnclude funcLlonal dlsablllLy. 8uL Lhe
undersLandlng ls P?SlCAL ulSA8lLl1?.

3. 8LSlCnA1lCn
1hls ls deflned ln Lhe case of:
6"9>; +9#$"U" C9 *%9%>$#'
no formal process ls requlred llke when you have Lo Lender
a reslgnaLlon leLLer. lor as long as Lhere ls a manlfesLaLlon of
Lhe rellnqulshmenL of Lhe power and Lhe acL ls more Lo Lhe
rellnqulshmenL by abandonlng physlcally Lhe offlce LhaL he ls
abandonlng, LhaL ls already consldered as reslgnaLlon.
1here were enumeraLed manlfesLaLlons of Lhe acL of
rellnqulshmenL of Lhe power whlch Lhe SC has concluded
LhaL lndeed, he has reslgned.

1he presldenL can only be removed Lhrough lmpeachmenL.
8ecause he ls Lhe presldenL, you have Lhe lnlLlaLlon by Lhe
house of represenLaLlves, and Lhen you have Lhe senaLe
acLlng as Lhe Lrlbunal.
?ou wlll have Lhe chlef [usLlce of SC as Lhe presldlng offlcer.

Pow abouL Lhe v? Same manner ln creaLlng a vacancy ln
Lhe offlce of Lhe v.
1. deaLh
2. permanenL dlsablllLy
3. reslgnaLlon
4. lmpeachmenL

lnsofar as Lhe v ls concerned, Lhe one who ls golng Lo
preslde Lhe lmpeachmenL proceedlngs ln Lhe senaLe wlll be
Lhe presldenL of Lhe senaLe.

5766+55-0. *7+ /0 F464.6G 0, 32+5-*+./
ln case a vacancy occurs, Lhere wlll be Lhe successlon. 1he v
shall become Lhe new presldenL by operaLlon of law.
ln Lhe absence of Lhe v, you wlll have Lhe presldenL of Lhe
senaLe o acL unLll Lhe elecLlon shall be held. Cr you have Lhe
8uL 1n ln Lhe absence of elLher, congress wlll meeL and
provlde for Lhe manner of successlon. Pere, Lhey wlll call for
a speclal elecLlon.
no speclal elecLlon however wlll be called unless Lhe vacancy
occurs wlLhln 18 monLhs before Lhe nexL regular elecLlon.

5766+55-0. *7+ /0 F464.6G 0, F3
1he presldenL nomlnaLes and Lhe members of congress shall
voLe by ma[orlLy voLes, voLlng separaLely.
1here wlll be no speclal elecLlon.

Speclal elecLlon wlll be held when boLh offlces of Lhe
presldenL and v are vacanL.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 74
/+H30242G *-54R-A-/G 0, /E+ 32+5-*+./
1here ls a dlscusslon on Lhe Lemporary dlsablllLy ln Lhe case
+9#$"U" C9 *%9%>$#'
ln Lhe deLermlnaLlon WCn Lhere ls a confllcL beLween Lhe
presldenL's pronouncemenLs and LhaL of Lhe ma[orlLy of hls
cablneL, lL wlll be for congress Lo declde, WCn lndeed Lhe
presldenL suffers Lemporary dlsablllLy ln order Lo have Lhe
v Lo Lake over and acL as Lhe presldenL.

vC1LS 8LCul8Lu 1C uLCLA8L 1LMC8A8? ulSA8lLl1?
Pow many voLes are needed Lo declare Lhe Lemporary
dlsablllLy on Lhe parL of Lhe presldenL?
2/3 voLes voLlng separaLely.

lL ls only when on Lhe second Llme LhaL Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe
cablneL wlll declare LhaL Lhe presldenL Lo be under
Lemporary dlsablllLy.

lnl1lA1lvL Cl uLCLA8A1lCn Cl 1LMC8A8? ulSA8lLl1?
So Lhe declaraLlon of Lemporary dlsablllLy could elLher be by
Lhe lnlLlaLlve of:
1. Lhe presldenL hlmself lnformlng congress LhaL he ls under
Lemporary dlsablllLy
2. Lhe ma[orlLy of lLs cablneL

lnl1lA1lvL Cl MA!C8l1? Cl CA8lnL1 MLM8L8S
1hls can be proLesLed by Lhe presldenL. And Lhe momenL Lhe
presldenL conLradlcLs LhaL, Lhen he can reassume Lhe
funcLlons of Lhe presldenL.
1hen Lhe cablneL agaln can go back Lo congress and Lell Lhen
LhaL lndeed Lhe presldenL ls ln Lemporary dlsablllLy.
1he second Llme LhaL Lhey wlll do LhaL, Lhen congress has Lo
And Lhe maLLer of declarlng Lemporary dlsablllLy ls
dlscreLlonary of congress. noL even Lhe SC can lnLerfere.

6"9>; +9#$"U" C9 *%9%>$#'
1he quesLlon wheLher Lhere ls Lemporary dlsablllLy of LsLrada
ls a pollLlcal quesLlon beyond SC's power of revlew.
1he declslon LhaL resldenL Arroyo ls a de [ure presldenL,
made by a co-equal branch of governmenL cannoL be
revlewed by Lhe SC because LhaL ls dlscreLlonary of Lhe SC.

*+64A42/-0. 0, /+H30242G *-54R-A-/G
ln relaLlon Lo Lhls, you have also Lhe requlremenL LhaL whlle
Lhe presldenL ls lll, lL has Lo be declared and Lhe publlc has Lo
be lnformed abouL lL.

466+55 /0 32+5-*+./ *72-.I -AA.+55
And durlng Lhe lllness of Lhe presldenL, who has access Lo Lhe
1. naLlonal securlLy advlser
2. secreLary of forelgn affalrs
3. chlef of sLaff of Al
ulSCuALlllCA1lCn Cl 1PL 8LSluLn1Anu v Anu
MLM8L8S Cl CA8lnL1
1. ptoblblteJ ftom bolJloq ooy offlce ot employmeot Jotloq
tbelt teoote, eltbet qovetomeot ot ptlvote
-unless CW provlded by Lhe consLlLuLlon or by law
a. vl moy olso be oppoloteJ os o cobloet sectetoty
-does noL requlre conflrmaLlon of Commlsslon on
b. 5ectetoty of Iostlce ls oo ex offlclo membet of joJlclol ooJ
bot cooocll
-does noL requlre conflrmaLlon of Commlsslon on
c. wbeo tbey bolJ offlce lo o copoclty of ex offlclo
-do noL recelve salary or emolumenLs
-ex. SecreLary of llnance aL Lhe same Llme Pead of Lhe
MoneLary 8oard

2. ptoblblteJ ftom ptoctlcloq ptofessloo Jltectly ot loJltectly
Jotloq tbelt teoote

3. coooot pottlclpote lo ooy bosloess

4. coooot be floooclolly lotetesteJ lo ooy coottoct ot ooy
ftoocblse ot ooy speclol ptlvlleqe tbot moy be qtooteJ by ooy
sobJlvlsloo of tbe qovetomeot, oqeocy locloJloq COcc

3. coooot oppolot spoose of pteslJeot ooJ telotlves wltblo tbe
foottb clvll Jeqtee eltbet by coosooqololty ot by offlolty to be
tbe beoJ of tbe coostltotloool commlssloo ot tbe
commlsslooet of cOA, clvll 5etvlce ot comelec

6. coooot oppolot tbe spoose to be tbe omboJsmoo ot
sectetoty of ooy of tbe Jepottmeot ooJet tbe execotlve
btoocb ot ooJetsectetoty ot cboltmoo of boteoos ot offlces
locloJloq COccs ooJ tbelt sobslJloty

.0 320E-R-/-0. 0. /E+ 4330-./H+./ 0, 53075+
Can Lhe spouse be appolnLed as chlef [usLlce of SC or Lo be an
ambassador or consul?
?es. 1here ls no prohlblLlon.

lf Lhe spouse ls already ln offlce before he was elecLed as
presldenL, can she conLlnue?
?es. WhaL ls prohlblLed ls Lhe appolnLmenL or Lhe
reappolnLmenL of LhaL spouse or relaLlve Lo Lhose poslLlons l
have enumeraLed wlLhln or durlng hls Lenure.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 73
ACln1MLn1 CWL8 Cl 1PL 8LSluLn1
8elng Lhe chlef execuLlve, by naLure, appolnLlng power ls
vesLed ln Lhe presldenL.

WhaL are Lhe dlfferenL klnds of appolnLmenLs?
1. beoJs of execotlve Jepottmeots

2. ombossoJots ooJ pobllc mlolstets ooJ coosols

3. offlcets of All
-excludlng Lhose LhaL are no longer parL of Al:
a. n
b. hlllpplne CoasL Cuard

4. otbet offlcets wbose oppolotmeot ls vesteJ lo blm by tbe
coostltotloo llke:
a. cboltmoo ooJ commlsslooets of
1. clvll 5etvlce
2. comelec
3. cOA
b. omboJsmoo ooJ bls Jepotles
-4 depuLy ombudsman:
1. Luzon
2. vlsayas
3. Mlndanao
4. MlllLary
-lL ls only under Lhls admlnlsLraLlon LhaL Lhey wenL lnLo
Lhe maLLer of removlng Lhem or lnvesLlgaLlon Lhem.
?ou also lnclude Lhe speclal prosecuLor who ls belng
placed under prevenLlve suspenslon. 1he depuLy
ombudsman for Lhe mlllLary has already been
dlsmlssed from servlce.
-Lhe ombudsman, whlle he ls appolnLed by Lhe
presldenL, cannoL be removed by Lhe presldenL. Pe ls
only removable by lmpeachmenL.
-Lhe law however ls very clear as Lo who are Lhe
lmpeachable offlclals: Lhose who are noL lncluded ln
Lhe llsL are excluded. 1herefore, LhaL excludes Lhe
depuLy ombudsman.
-who can dlsclpllne Lhem? lrom Lhe prevlous
undersLandlng, Lhey can only be dlsclpllned by Lhe
offlce of Lhe ombudsman Lo malnLaln Lhe
lndependence of ombudsman. 1hey have Lhls
commlLLee LhaL lnvesLlgaLes depuLy ombudsman who
has been charged admlnlsLraLlvely.
-lL ls only under Lhls admlnlsLraLlon where Lhe
presldenL has conducLed lnvesLlgaLlon, and we already
have and example of Conzales havlng been dlsmlssed
from Lhe servlce ln relaLlon Lo LhaL lncldenL LhaL had
happened ln LuneLa, where Lhere was Lhe holdlng
hosLage of some Chlnese LourlsLs ln Lhe counLry. We
also have Lhe prevenLlve suspenslon of Lhe speclal
prosecuLor, who has Lhe same rank of Lhe depuLy
-Lhey have flled cases ln Lhe SC rlghL now. SC wlll sLlll
declde on Lhe lssue of Lhe presldenL's dlsclpllnlng Lhe
depuLy ombudsman belng Lhe appolnLlng auLhorlLy.

c. teqolot membets of tbe joJlclol ooJ bot cooocll
d. sectotol tepteseototlve lo cooqtess befote tbe potty llst

3. joJqes of tbe joJlcloty
-buL Lhe presldenL cannoL remove Lhem.
-Lo malnLaln lndependence of SC, only SC can remove

6. oll otbet offlcets wbose oppolotmeots ote oot ptovlJeJ by
low ooJ tbose wbo moy be ootbotlzeJ by low to oppolot
-lf Lhere ls no law provldlng who Lhe appolnLlng auLhorlLy,
lL ls undersLood LhaL Lhe presldenL makes Lhe presldenL
because Lhe appolnLlng power by lLs naLure ls execuLlve.
-or Lhose laws LhaL speclflcally provlde LhaL Lhey are sub[ecL
Lo Lhe appolnLmenL of Lhe presldenL.
-because Lhere are cerLaln appolnLmenLs LhaL are noL made
by Lhe presldenL, llke:
a. personnel ln congress
b. sLaff and employees ln [udlclary
-only Lhe [udges and up are appolnLed by Lhe presldenL

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 76
LlMl1A1lCnS Cl ACln1MLn1
1. CCnll8MA1lCn Cl CoA
1he flrsL four appolnLmenLs LhaL we have menLloned are
sub[ecL Lo Lhe conflrmaLlon of Lhe Commlsslon of

8-.*5 0, 4330-./H+./5
1n of Lhe dlfferenL klnds of appolnLmenLs relaLlng Lo Lhls,
lnsofar as conflrmaLlon:
1. permanenL
2. Lemporary

1. regular
2. ad lnLerlm

3+2H4.+./ 4330-./H+./
lf Lhe appolnLmenL ls permanenL, and congress ls ln sesslon,
Lhe process ls llke Lhls:
1he presldenL nomlnaLes, and Lhen Lhe CoA supposedly
should acL ln lL wlLhln 30 days.

lf Lhe CoA conflrms Lhe nomlnaLlon, Lhen Lhe presldenL
lssues whaL Lhey call, CCMMlSSlCn. And LhereafLer Lhe
appolnLee accepLs Lhe appolnLmenL and assumes offlce.

lf Lhe CoA dlsapproves, Lhen Lhe presldenL cannoL
renomlnaLe Lhe same candldaLe.
Can Lhe appolnLee reLurn Lo Lhe prevlous poslLlon he was
occupylng before Lhe nomlnaLlon of Lhe presldenL? ?LS.
Cen he be renomlnaLed? nC.

lf Lhe CoA does noL acL on Lhe nomlnaLlon wlLhln 30 days
from submlsslon, Lhen Lhe nomlnaLlon ls as good as by
Can Lhe appolnLee reLurn Lo Lhe prevlous poslLlon he was
occupylng before Lhe nomlnaLlon of Lhe presldenL? ?LS.
Cen he be renomlnaLed? ?LS.
8ecause hls removal or separaLlon of offlce shall Lake effecL
only upon conflrmaLlon.

/+H30242G 4330-./H+./
Lven a Lemporary appolnLmenL or a mere deslgnaLlon, does
LhaL requlre conflrmaLlon by Lhe CA? Assumlng lL refers Lo
heads of execuLlve deparLmenL, offlcers of Al, consul, eLc.
lf lLs only Lemporary or ln acLlng capaclLy, or lL's a mere
deslgnaLlon (addlLlonal funcLlons Lo Lhe regular funcLlon),
LhaL would noL requlre conflrmaLlon by Lhe CoA.
AcLlng appolnLmenL can be made even lf congress ls ln
sesslon because lL does noL anyway requlre conflrmaLlon by
Lhe CoA.

2+I7A42 4330-./H+./
lL ls made by Lhe presldenL whlle congress ls ln sesslon.
1n LhaL CoA cannoL acL lf Lhe congress ls noL ln sesslon.
1he presldenL has Lo submlL Lhe nomlnaLlon Lo Lhe CoA.
lf Lhe CoA dlsapproves, Lhen he cannoL renomlnaLe Lhe same
lf Lhe CoA approves, Lhen Lhe appolnLmenL Lakes effecL upon
lf Lhe CoA does noL acL on lL wlLhln 30 days, Lhen lL ls good as
by passed. 1he presldenL can sLlll renomlnaLe Lhe same

4* -./+2-H 4330-./H+./
lL ls made by Lhe presldenL whlle congress ls noL ln sesslon,
Lherefore CoA ls noL ln sesslon.
lL ls effecLlve lmmedlaLely upon quallflcaLlon of Lhe
appolnLee. And lL ls permanenL.
Powever, lL wlll lasL only unLll lL ls dlsapproved by Lhe CoA
upon Lhe resumpLlon of Lhe sesslon.
lf lL ls noL conflrmed, Lhen lL shall lasL only unLll Lhe nexL
ad[ournmenL of congress. So Lhere ls a llmlL on lLs duraLlon
alLhough lL ls permanenL.

Can Lhe same candldaLe be renomlnaLed afLer Lhe explraLlon
of Lhe appolnLmenL because lL was noL conflrmed even afLer
Lhe ad[ournmenL of congress?
?LS. lL ls only when lL ls dlsapproved when he cannoL be

Lven lf Lhere ls a prohlblLlon on reappolnLmenL ln Lhe case of
ConsLlLuLlonal Commlssloners of CCA, Clvll Servlce or
?LS. 8ecause Lhe prohlblLlon agalnsL reappolnLmenL as Lo
Lhe offlcers l have menLloned applles only Lo regular
appolnLmenL, noL lnLerlm appolnLmenL.

6"9>; H"#%B": C9 R>$%!")'
6"9>; R%("&%$" C9 I"$@?='
SC sald, an ad lnLerlm appolnLmenL ls a permanenL
appolnLmenL because lL Lakes effecL lmmedlaLely and can no
longer be wlLhdrawn by Lhe presldenL once an appolnLee ls
quallfled lnLo offlce.
1he facL LhaL lL ls sub[ecL Lo conflrmaLlon by Lhe CoA, does
noL alLer lLs permanenL characLer.
lL ls effecLlve unLll dlsapproved by Lhe CoA or unLll Lhe nexL
ad[ournmenL of congress.
lL ls exLended only durlng Lhe recess of congress.
lf lL ls dlsapproved by CoA, appolnLlng can no longer
exLended ln Lhe new appolnLmenL.
lf by passed, Lhe presldenL ls free Lo renew Lhe ad lnLerlm

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 77
6"9>; 3%&>(#>D C9 +d>?@#%C> 5>?$>"#$)
1he law allows Lhe presldenL Lop make such acLlng
appolnLmenL. 1he presldenL may even appolnL ln acLlng
capaclLy a person noL ln Lhe governmenL servlce as long as
Lhe presldenL deemed LhaL person compeLenL.
AcLlng appolnLmenL ls Lemporary ln naLure. lL ls lnLended Lo
flll up an offlce for a llmlLed Llme unLll Lhe appolnLmenL of
permanenL occupanL Lo Lhe offlce.
ln case of vacancy ln an offlce occupled by an alLer ego of
her cholce as acLlng secreLary before Lhe permanenL
appolnLee of her cholce and assume offlce, lL may be
exLended anyLlme Lhere ls vacancy even whlle congress ls ln

2. LlMl1A1lCn Cn MlunlCP1 ACln1MLn1
1hls was a conLroversy lasL year because of Lhe appolnLmenL
of Lhe chlef [usLlce of SC.

1he presldenL cannoL make appolnLmenLs because lL ls
prohlblLed wlLhln 2 monLhs lmmedlaLely precedlng a regular
elecLlon of Lhe presldenL.

So 1n of Lhe followlng cases:
6"9>; *> 6"9#$' C9 TR6
6"9>; 5>$$"(' C9 TR6
6"9>; 2>?'(X" C9 TR6

1n of Lhe reappllcaLlon of sec 13 arL 7 of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon Lo
appolnLmenLs of Lhe [udlclary.
8ecause ln Lhe law, parLlcularly of sec 13, arL 7, LhaL ln
reference Lo appolnLmenL of offlcers (no dlsLlncLlon), for a s
llng as lL ls wlLhln Lhe presldenL's power Lo appolnL, excepL
when Lhe conLlnued vacancy would cause pre[udlce Lo publlc
servlce, Lhen he may appolnL Lemporarlly Lhe execuLlve
offlcers Lo offlces ln Lhe execuLlve deparLmenL.
uoes Lhls apply Lo Lhe [udlclary?
ln Lhese cases, SC sald, Lhe prohlblLlon under arL 7 sec 13 of
Lhe consLlLuLlon agalnsL presldenLlal appolnLmenLs
lmmedlaLely before Lhe nexL presldenLlal elecLlon and up Lo
Lhe end of Lhe Lerm of Lhe ouLgolng presldenL does noL
apply Lo Lhe vacancles ln Lhe hlgh Lrlbunal, meanlng Lhe SC.

AlLhough we have Lhe case of:
6"9>; F"D>(X@>D"
Where SC sald LhaL lL applles Lo Lhe [udlclary. came Lo hold
LhaL Lhe prohlblLlon covered ln [udlclal deparLmenLs, lL
cannoL be dlspuLed LhaL Lhe ___ dlcLum dld noL flrmly resL
on Lhe dellberaLlon of ConsLlLuLlonal commlsslon.
1hereby, Lhe conflrmaLlon made Lo Lhe !8C by Lhen Senlor
!usLlce llorence 8egalado of Lhls courL, a former member of
Lhe ConsLlLuLlonal Commlsslon, abouL Lhe prohlblLlon noL
belng lnLended Lo apply Lo Lhe appolnLmenLs Lo Lhe [udlclary
whlch conflrmaLlon valenzuela even expressly menLloned
should prevall.
Pad Lhe framers lnLended Lop exLend Lhe prohlblLlon
conLalned ln sec 13 arL 7 Lo Lhe appolnLmenL of members of
Lhe SC Lhey should have expllclLly done so.

We explaln. As provlded ln Lhe consLlLuLlon, how do you flll
up Lhe vacancy ln Lhe offlce ln Lhe SC? lL has Lo be fllled up
wlLhln how long?
90 days from Lhe occurrence of Lhe vacancy.
unllke Lhe resL of Lhe courLs ln Lhe [udlclary, Lhe fllllng up of
Lhe [udlclary ls only wlLhln 90 days from Lhe submlsslon of
Lhe llsL of nomlnees.
lnsofar as Lhe SC ls concerned, wlLhln 90 days from Lhe
occurrence of Lhe vacancy LhaL Lhey wlll flll up.

lf Lhey have Lo walL for Lhe new presldenL Lo be elecLed, Lhey
are saylng LhaL Lhey mlghL vlolaLe Lhe provlslons of Lhe
consLlLuLlon whlch ls mandaLory.
Whereas for Lhe resL of Lhe [udlclary, ln Lhe case of
valenzuela, on why Lhe prohlblLlon applles Lo Lhe [udlclary
because afLer all, Lhe appolnLmenLs can be made wlLhln 90
days from Lhe submlsslon of Lhe llsL.

So lL may run confllcL wlLh Lhe provlslon of Lhe SC.
1haL's why accordlng Lo SC, lf Lhls applles Lo all, Lhen hey
should have speclfled. 8uL Lhey dld noL. So sLlll Lhey
malnLaln SC ls noL sub[ecL Lo LhaL prohlblLlon on
So Lhe appolnLmenL of Chlef !usLlce Corona was susLalned as
Lo lLs proprleLy and valldlLy.

8ecause lf you ask abouL lndependence, because Lhey have
Lhls pollLlcal pre[udlce already as Lo Lhe appolnLlng
auLhorlLy. Supposedly, whoever ls appolnLed afLer belng
appolnLed, should remaln lndependenL as requlred by Lhe
So all Lhe more, Lhey should noL be afrald of Lhe SC belng blas
agalnsL Lhe nexL admlnlsLraLlon because lL ls so esLabllshed
Lo be lndependenL from Lhe Lwo oLher branches of Lhe
1he only Lhlng ls LhaL Lhey cannoL remove Lhe personal
senLlmenLs of people from whaL ls supposedly provlded by

.0/ 433A-64RA+ /0 A064A +Q+67/-F+5
LlecLlon ban. Cnly presldenLlal elecLlon ls covered ln Lhe
prohlblLlon. 1hls does noL apply Lo appolnLmenLs made by
local execuLlves.
1herefore, ln Lhe local level, Lhey can make mldnlghL

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 78
CWL8 Cl CCn18CL Anu SuL8vlSlCn 8? 1PL 8LSluLn1
60./20A F5 573+2F-5-0.5
C: -when Lhe presldenL nulllfy, alLer or seL aslde whaL a
subordlnaLe offlcer has done ln Lhe performance of hls
duLles and Lo subsLlLuLe Lhe [udgmenL of Lhe offlcer or

S: -merely overseelng over Lhe acLs of Lhe publlc offlcer.
1he presldenL cannoL alLer or nulllfy Lhe same excepL
when Lhey are conLrary Lo law.
-lL's more on overseelng Lhe acLs of offlcer raLher Lhan
Lhe acLor

C: -conLrol over execuLlve deparLmenL
S: -supervlslon over local governmenLs

2+02I4.-P4/-0. 0, 0,,-6+5
ln relaLlon of Lhe power of conLrol of Lhe presldenL over Lhe
dlfferenL deparLmenLs, bureaus and agency under Lhe
execuLlve branch or offlce of Lhe presldenL, 1n of presldenL's
8LC8CAnlZA1lCn Cl ClllCLS whlch may lnclude even
1. Lhe Lransfer of funcLlons from one deparLmenL Lo anoLher
2. Lhe merger of offlces under Lhe execuLlve branch
3. Lhe abollLlon of offlces ln Lhe execuLlve branch

6"9>; R@_D'U C9 P"&'$"
1hls was Lhe deacLlvaLlon of Lhe Lll8 because some of Lhe
funcLlons were already performed by Lhe oLher offlces of Lhe
governmenL. Some of Lhe personnel were Lransferred
offlces. And Lhose who cannoL be Lransferred losL Lhelr [ob.
1hus Lhe quesLlon of Lhe auLhorlLy of Lhe presldenL Lo do
LhaL because vlrLually lL abollshed Lll8. Accordlng Lo Lhem
only congress LhaL creaLed Lhe offlce can do LhaL.
8uL SC sald LhaL C8 has been Lhe power Lo abollsh Lhe
publlc offlce ls dlslodged wlLh Lhe leglslaLure. 1he excepLlon
however ls LhaL as far as bureaus, agencles or offlces ln Lhe
execuLlve deparLmenL ls concerned, Lhe presldenL's power
of conLrol may [usLlfy hlm Lo lnacLlvaLe Lhe power and
funcLlons of an offlce or cerLaln laws may granL hlm broad
auLhorlLles Lo carry ouL Lhe reorganlzaLlon measures.
1he chlef execuLlve under our laws has Lhe conLlnulng
auLhorlLy Lo reorganlze Lhe admlnlsLraLlve sLrucLure of Lhe
offlce of Lhe presldenL.
1n only Lhe offlce of Lhe presldenL or Lhe execuLlve offlce

6"9>; H"D"$%"
Malarla Lmployees and Workers AssoclaLlon of Lhe hlls.
lnc. were some of Lhe funcLlons Lhe uCP have been
SC sald LhaL Lhe presldenL has Lhe auLhorlLy Lo carry ouL Lhe
reorganlzaLlon of Lhe uCP under Lhe consLlLuLlon and
sLaLuLory laws.
1hls auLhorlLy ls an ad[uncL of hls power Lo conLrol under
arL 7 sec 1 and 17 of Lhe 1987 consLlLuLlon.
1he presldenL's power Lo reorganlze Lhe execuLlve branch
ls also an exerclse of hls resldual power, whlch granLs Lhe
presldenL broad organlzaLlonal power Lo lmplemenL Lhe
reorganlzaLlon measures. 8e LhaL as lL may, Lhe presldenL
musL exerclse good falLh ln carrylng ouL Lhe reorganlzaLlon
of any branch or agency of Lhe execuLlve deparLmenL.

SC sald Lhe conLrol of Lhe organlzaLlon of Lhe naLlonal
governmenL and agencles may lnclude Lhe power
1. Lo group, consolldaLe bureaus and agencles
2. Lo abollsh offlces Lo Lransfer funcLlons
3. Lo Lransfer funcLlons
4. Lo creaLe and classlfy funcLlons, servlces and acLlvlLles
3. Lo sLandardlze salarles and maLerlals

1he valldlLy of Lhe laws are unquesLlonable. 1he 1987
consLlLuLlon clearly provldes LhaL all laws, decrees, execuLlve
orders and proclamaLlons, leLLers of lnsLrucLlons and oLher
execuLlve lnsLrumenLs noL lnconslsLenL wlLh Lhe consLlLuLlon
shall remaln operaLlve.

6"9>; *'&%(:' C9 P"&'$"
1he presldenL's power Lo reorganlze offlces ouLslde of Lhe
offlce of Lhe presldenL proper ls llmlLed. Merely Lransferrlng
funcLlons or agencles from Lhe offlce of Lhe presldenL Lo Lhe
deparLmenLs or agencles and vlce versa.
ln uLCS, lL ls now uoL. WhaL happened Lo CulLure and
SporLs? 1he funcLlons have been Lransferred Lo Lhe
hlllpplne SporLs Commlsslon. lL was removed. lL ls now
aLLached Lo Lhe offlce of Lhe presldenL.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 79
J74A-,-+* 30A-/-64A 4I+.6G *06/2-.+
1n as regard of Lhe power of conLrol ls Lhe CuALlllLu
CLl1lCAL ACLnC? uCC18lnL.
1haL power of conLrol of Lhe presldenL ls delegaLed Lo Lhe
dlfferenL secreLarles of Lhe dlfferenL deparLmenLs as ad[uncL
Lo Lhe offlce of Lhe presldenL, or acLlng as alLer egos of Lhe
1hey perform Lhe funcLlon and Lhey are consldered as Lhe
funcLlons belng performed by Lhe presldenL hlmself unless
Lhe acLs are dlsapproved or reproprlaLed by Lhe presldenL or
lf Lhe presldenL ls requlre Lo acL ln person by law or by Lhe
1hls ls lmporLanL, LhaL whlle we have Lhls quallfled pollLlcal
agency whlch pracLlcally makes Lhe acL of Lhe secreLary as
Lhe acL of Lhe presldenL, preclsely ln Lhe exhausLlon of
admlnlsLraLlve remedles, Lhe momenL lL ls declded by Lhe
secreLary of Lhe deparLmenL, you need noL go Lo Lhe
presldenL because Lhe acL of Lhe secreLary has exhausLed
Lhe admlnlsLraLlve remedy, you can now go Lo Lhe courLs, as
an excepLlon Lo exhausLlon of admlnlsLraLlve remedles.

.0. *+A-I4RA+ 46/5
1n however LhaL Lhere are cerLaln acLs LhaL cannoL be
delegaLed Lo a delegaLe such a secreLary of a deparLmenL. So
LhaL even lf lL ls acLed upon by Lhe secreLary, LhaL ls noL
consldered as an acL of Lhe presldenL.
Lven lf raLlfled by Lhe presldenL, sLlll, lL cannoL be consldered
as flnal. SLlll, lL has Lo be acLed upon by Lhe presldenL

WhaL are Lhese funcLlons?
1. resldual power of lmmunlLy from sulL
-Lhls cannoL be also en[oyed by an alLer ego
2. declaraLlon of marLlal law
3. suspenslon of Lhe prlvllege of Lhe wrlL of habeas corpus
4. pardonlng power of Lhe presldenL
-Lhls ls Lhe granL of pardons, commuLaLlons, reprleves, and
remlsslons of flnes and forfelLures

6"9>; 6'(9#"(#%(' C9 I%X%"
WhaL abouL Lhe presldenL, Lhrough Lhe 8S conLracLlng
forelgn loans? uoes LhaL need Lhe presldenL's acLlon
personally? Can LhaL be delegaLed Lo Lhe presldenL of 8S?
SC sald, on Lhe quesLlon on WCn 8S can enLer lnLo
conLracLs. Lhe maLLer of enLerlng of LreaLy and agreemenLs
ls a funcLlon of Lhe presldenL.
SC sald, neverLheless, Lhere are powers vesLed on Lhe
presldenL by Lhe ConsLlLuLlon whlch may noL be delegaLed Lo
or exerclsed by an agenL or alLer ego of Lhe presldenL.

!usLlce Laurel ln hls ponencla ln Culllena made Lhls clear,
Lhe argumenL of raLlflcaLlon may seem plauslble under Lhe
clrcumsLances concerned whlch by some cerLaln acLs whlch
by Lhelr naLure cannoL be valldaLed by subsequenL approval
or raLlflcaLlon by Lhe presldenL.
1here are cerLaln consLlLuLlonal powers and prerogaLlves of
Lhe chlef execuLlve of Lhe naLlon whlch musL be exerclsed by
hlm ln person and no amounL of approval or raLlflcaLlon wlll
valldaLe Lhe exerclse of any of Lhose powers by any person,
such for lnsLance ls Lhe power:
a. Lo suspend Lhe wrlL of habeas corpus
b. Lo proclalm marLlal law
c. Lo Lhe exerclse of Lhe dlvlne prerogaLlve of mercy (pardon)
1hese dlsLlncLlons hold Lrue Lo Lhls day. 1here are cerLaln
presldenLlal powers whlch arlse ouL of excepLlonal
clrcumsLances and lf exerclsed would lnvolve Lhe suspenslon
of fundamenLal freedoms or aL leasL called for Lhe
supercedence of execuLlve prerogaLlve over Lhose exerclsed
by co-equal branches.
1he declaraLlon of marLlal law, Lhe suspenslon of prlvllege
of Lhe wrlL of habeas corpus, Lhe exerclse of Lhe pardonlng
power noLwlLhsLandlng [udlclal deLermlnaLlon of Lhe
accused, all fall wlLhln Lhe speclal class and demands for Lhe
excluslve exerclse by Lhe presldenL of Lhe consLlLuLlonally
vesLed power.
lL ls by no means excluslve. 8uL Lhere musL be showlng LhaL
Lhe execuLlve power ln quesLlon ls ofslda gravlLas and
excepLlonal lmporL.

SC sald, we cannoL conclude LhaL Lhe power of Lhe
presldenL Lo conLracL or guaranLy forelgn debLs falls wlLhln
Lhe same excepLlonal class.
lndublLably, Lhe excepLlon Lo conLracL and guaranLy forelgn
debLs ls a vlLal publlc lnLeresL buL only akln Lo any
conLracLual obllgaLlon underLaken by Lhe soverelgn, whlch
arlses noL from Lhe exLraordlnary lncldenL buL from Lhe
esLabllshed funcLlons of Lhe governance.
lCW Lhls power can be delegaLed. And lL can be performed
by an alLer ego even wlLhouL prlor approval b yLhe
lL ls consldered an acL of Lhe presldenL unless lL ls
dlsapproved or reprobaLed.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 80
CCMMAnuL8 ln CPlLl CWL8S Cl 1PL 8LSluLn1
WhaL are Lhe powers?
1. call ouL Al (cannoL declpher)
-Lhe power Lo call ouL Lhe Al Lo prevenL or suppress
lawless vlolaLlon, lnvaslon or rebelllon
2. suspend wrlL of habeas corpus
3. proclalm a sLaLe of marLlal law
4. conLrol Lhe acLs of Lhe Al

30O+2 /0 64AA 07/ 4,3
1hls ls Lhe power Lo call ouL Lhe Al Lo prevenL or suppress
lawless vlolaLlon, lnvaslon or rebelllon.
lL ls noL sub[ecL Lo [udlclal revlew. lL ls dlscreLlonary of Lhe
Pe doesn'L have Lo reporL Lo congress, unllke Lhe suspenslon
of Lhe wrlL of habeas corpus or Lhe declaraLlon of marLlal
law, where Lhere are consLlLuLlonal llmlLaLlons.

60.5/-/7/-0.4A A-H-/4/-0.5 0, 5753+.5-0. 0, O2-/ 0,
E4R+45 602375 4.* 3206A4H4/-0. 0, 5/4/+ 0,
H42/-4A A4O
Cnly Lwo requlslLes:
1. lnvaslon or rebelllon, Anu
2. publlc safeLy requlres lL

lnvaslon or rebelllon musL be acLual and noL merely

Cn 60 days, auLomaLlcally lL ls llfLed by operaLlon of law upon
Lhe explraLlon of Lhe perlod unless lL ls revoked earller or lf
noL lL ls exLended by congress by ma[orlLy voLes ln a [olnL
sesslon voLlng [olnLly. (!Lhls ls one of Lhe excepLlons where
Lhe houses voLe [olnLly!)
1he presldenL cannoL seL lL aslde nelLher can lL be revlewed
by SC.

1hen Lhe presldenL has Lo reporL Lo congress wlLhln 48 hours
from Lhe declaraLlon of suspenslon. Pe musL submlL a repoL
Lo congress.
1he purpose of Lhe reporL ls for Lhe congress Lo deLermlne
wheLher lL should be revoked.

LLnC1P Cl uL1Ln1lCn
lor how long can you be deLalned where Lhe courL cannoL
lnLerfere lnLo Lhe deLenLlon afLer a warranLless arresL
pursuanL Lo Lhe suspenslon of Lhe wrlL of habeas corpus?
?ou cannoL be deLalned for more Lhan 72 hours, unless you
are [udlclally charged.

-8lCP1 1C 8AlL
And Lhe rlghL Lo ball ls sLlll avallable unless lL ls noL ballable,
llke coup d' eLaL.
Cf course Lhls ls wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo hearlng. 8ecause
Lhere are Lwo requlslLes Lo deny you of your rlghL Lo ball:
1. charged wlLh caplLal offense
2. evldence of gullL ls sLrong

30O+2 /0 60./20A /E+ 46/5 0, /E+ 4,3
1. AL8AnCL ln LLClSLA1lvL lnCul8?
rohlblLlng Lhem from appearlng ln any leglslaLlve lnqulry.
LxecuLlve prlvllege has noLhlng Lo do wlLh lL. lL ls parL of Lhe
presldenL's power as Lhe commandlng ln chlef.

2. CPAln Cl CCMMAnu
rohlblLlng members of Al Lo freely say whaL Lhey wanL Lo
say or go wherever Lhey wanL Lo go. 1hey have Lo follow Lhe
chaln of command.
So obey flrsL before you complaln. 1haL ls Lhe sLrucLure of
Lhe mlllLary.
CW should Lhey refuse, Lhey can be courL marLlaled. ln
whlch case, Lhe declslon of LhaL Lrlbunal ls sub[ecL Lo appeal
noL Lo any clvlllan courL buL Lo Lhe resldenL ln hls capaclLy of
commander ln chlef of Al.

*+64A42/-0. 0, .4/-0.4A +H+2I+.6G
AnoLher polnL you should 1n belng Lhe commander ln chlef,
Lhe presldenL can declare a sLaLe of naLlonal emergency, or
sLaLe of rebelllon.
1n of cases:
Lacson vs erez,
Sanlakas vs LxecuLlve CommlLLee,
lnLegraLed 8ar of Lhe hlllpplnes
uavld eL al vs LxecuLlve SecreLary

*+64A424/-0. 0, O42
Cf course Lhe presldenL as Lhe commander ln chlef can
declare war.
8uL Lhere has Lo be deLermlnaLlon of sLaLe of war. 1hls ls for
Lhe purpose of granLlng emergency power.
WCn Lhere ls a declaraLlon of a sLaLe of war, Lhe presldenL
can declare war lf lndeed Lhere ls war.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 81
SLC 19 - LxLCu1lvL CLLMLnC?
CranL of:
1. ardon
2. AmnesLy
3. 8eprleve
4. CommuLaLlons
3. 8emlLLance of flnes and forfelLures

I24./ 0, 342*0.
usually Lhls ls granLed Lo persons or accused who are charged
wlLh ordlnary offenses wheLher crlmlnal or admlnlsLraLlve ln
lL can only be granLed when Lhe [udgmenL of convlcLlon has
become flnal and execuLory.

LllLC1 Cl C8An1
WhaL wlll be effecL of granLed?
Pe wlll be relleved of furLher punlshmenL.
Meanlng, lf convlcLed and Lhe [udgmenL of convlcLlon has
become flnal and execuLory, even lf he has served lL already,
sLlll he can be granLed pardon because LhaL wlll relleve hlm
of furLher punlshmenL.
So he need noL serve hls remalnlng years lf Lhere ls sLlll a
number of years LhaL he has Lo serve as parL of hls senLence.

klnuS Cl A8uCn
1he momenL he ls granLed pardon, lL could elLher be absoluLe
or condlLlonal.
A8SCLu1L, WCn lL wlll be accepLed by Lhe pardonee, lL
doesn'L maLLer.
CCnul1lCnAL, LhaL requlres Lhe consenL of Lhe pardonee
because lL can be more burdensome on hls parL.

C8An1 ln AuMlnlS18A1lvL CASLS
WhaL ls Lhe effecL of granL of pardon ln admlnlsLraLlve cases?
Would lL relnsLaLe hlm?
1haL depends on Lhe naLure of pardon LhaL may be granLed
by Lhe presldenL.
1he presldenL has Lo speclfy LhaL lL ls lncludlng hls
relnsLaLemenL ln offlce.

LllLC1 Cn luLL? SL8vLu SLn1LnCL
1hls may also be served Lo persons who have fully served hls
senLence because Lhere are some cases where you have
convlcLlon for more Lhan 2 years of lmprlsonmenL or when
you are dlsmlssed from Lhe servlce.
1here are accessory penalLles lncluded ln Lhe penalLy or
Llke Lhe forfelLure of your:
8lghL Lo voLe
arenLal auLhorlLy over chlldren
AdmlnlsLraLlon over con[ugal properLy
8lghL Lo run for publlc offlce.

lf lL ls absoluLe pardon and you have already served your
Lerm of lmprlsonmenL, lL ls sLlll relevanL.
LlMl1A1lCnS Cn 1PL C8An1 Cl A8uCn
1. cannoL be granLed Lo someone who ls convlcLed of

2. noL apply Lo employees of Lhe [udlclary lncludlng Lhe
-because Lhe dlsclpllne of [udges and employees of Lhe
[udlclary are excluslve Lo Lhe SC.

3. noL granLed Lo persons convlcLed of elecLlon offenses
-unless Lhere ls favorable recommendaLlon from Lhe

4. noL granLed Lo one who ls clLed for conLempL ln a
leglslaLlve lnqulry

3. noL granLed Lo one who ls clLed for conLempL ln clvll cases
and courL proceedlngs

A8uCn Wl1PCu1 CCnCu88LnCL - llnAL Anu LxLCu1C8?
ln pardon granLed by Lhe presldenL, wlLhouL concurrence of
congress, LhaL ls flnal and execuLory, noL sub[ecL Lo revlew
non appealable.
1haL ls dlscreLlonary ln Lhe presldenL. lL ls non appealable.
1he momenL lL ls granLed, lL cannoL be appealed unless
Lhere ls a grave abuse of dlscreLlon.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 82
I24./ 0, 4H.+5/G
lL ls a pardon granLed by Lhe presldenL however wlLh Lhe
concurrence of Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe members of congress.
WlLhouL Lhe concurrence of congress, Lhe presldenL cannoL
granL amnesLy.

1hls ls relevanL Lo Lhe amnesLy granLed Lo Lhe muLlneers
lncludlng 1rlllanes.

usually Lhls ls granLed Lo a group of lndlvlduals or lndlvldual
belonglng Lo a group charged wlLh pollLlcal offenses. And
Lhls can only be granLed wlLh Lhe concurrence of congress.
1n Lhls can be granLed before or afLer convlcLlon.
lCW before he ls Lrled ln courL, Lhe presldenL can granL hlm
amnesLy. unllke ln pardon, lL can only be granLed by Lhe
presldenL when Lhe [udgmenL of convlcLlon becomes flnal
and execuLory.

6"9>; +9#$"U"
WhaL was granLed Lo LsLrada was noL amnesLy. lL was
pardon. 1haL's why he had Lo wlLhdraw hls moLlon for
reconslderaLlon Lo make Lhe [udgmenL flnal and execuLory
Lo quallfy hlm Lo pardon.

AMnLS1? C8An1Lu 1C Mu1lnL8S
6"9>; 6"!@(" `$ C9 64
1hls was durlng Lhe Llme of 8amos, Lhe granL of amnesLy Lo
Lhose people who sLaged a coup d' eLaL lncludlng Ponasan.
1hls ls abouL roclamaLlon no 347 LhaL was lssued by 8amos.
1hls ls supposed Lo be granLed Lo former nA's, Lhe rebels.
So Lhey were asklng lf lL would apply Lo Lhe rebel mlllLary as
well ln Lhe granL of amnesLy.
SC says LhaL Lhe effecLs of roclamaLlon 347 lssued by 8amos
cover Lhe members of Al. lL exLends Lo all persons who
commlLLed Lhe parLlcular acLs descrlbed ln Lhe provlslon and
noL [usL rebels or lnsurgenLs.

CCnul1lCn Cl AMnLS1? - ASk lC8 lC8ClvLnLSS
?ou cannoL be granLed amnesLy unless you ask for
8ecause Lhls ls an acL of mercy Lo someone who had faulLed
Lhe sLaLe. So why should Lhe sLaLe granL you pardon lf you
do noL ask for lL.
?ou have Lo admlL your gullL ln order Lo be granLed amnesLy.
lL's a rlsk acLually because whaL lf lL ls dlsapproved by
congress? lL ls llke pleadlng gullLy as charged. So Lhe nexL
Lhlng LhaL Lhe courL wlll do ls Lo lmpose Lhe penalLy lf lL ls

I24./ 0, 2+32-+F+
lL ls a maLLer of posLponlng Lhe execuLlon of deaLh penalLy Lo
anoLher day or Lhe execuLlon of hls senLence.

6"9>; +?=>:"$")
lL was Lhe SC who lssued Lhe ln[uncLlon Lo suspend Lhe
execuLlon of deaLh penalLy of Lchegaray.
1hey were quesLlonlng SC because Lhe power of reprleve ls
vesLed only ln Lhe presldenL.
1he [usLlflcaLlon of SC LhaL Lhey are never precluded form
looklng ln Lo Lhe case agaln speclally when lL ls Lhe llfe of Lhe
person LhaL ls aL sLake. !usL because Lhe [udgmenL has
become flnal and execuLory, Lhey are noL deprlved of
conLrol over Lhe [udgmenL. 1hey have Lhe duLy Lo proLecL
Lhe fundamenLal rlghLs of an lndlvldual, as emphaslzed ln a
law parLlcularly secLlon 13 regardlng Lhe rules for Lhe
proLecLlon of fundamenLal rlghLs of lndlvlduals.

lf ln facL Lhere ls a pendlng blll repeallng Lhe deaLh penalLy,
whaL wlll be Lhe effecL?
lL wlll be applled reLroacLlvely because lL ls beneflclal Lo Lhe
accused. Pls penalLy wlll be commuLed from deaLh Lo llfe

I24./ 0, 60HH7/4/-0.
1he granL of commuLaLlon of penalLy ls slmply Lo reduce Lhe
penalLy Lo a degree or 2 degrees lower dependlng on Lhe
1haL ls Lhe prerogaLlve of Lhe presldenL.

I24./ 0, 64.6+AA4/-0. 0, ,-.+5 4.* ,02,+-/72+5

CWL8S 1C CCn1AC1 Anu CuA8An1? lC8LlCn LCAnS
2+J7-2+ 60.6722+.6+ 0, H0.+/42G R042*
1hls ls enLered by Lhe resldenL by way of a LreaLy. 8uL lL does
noL requlre Lhe concurrence of Lhe senaLe. Cnly Lhe
concurrence of Lhe MoneLary 8oard.

Sub[ecL Lo Lhe llmlLaLlons as provlded by law.
Cf course M8 has Lo submlL Lo congress Lhese LreaLles
relaLlng Lo Lhe loans conLracLed.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 83
SLC 21
"#$%&'( 21. no LreaLy or lnLernaLlonal agreemenL shall be valld and effecLlve
unless concurred ln by aL leasL Lwo-Lhlrds of all Lhe Members of Lhe SenaLe.

.+I0/-4/-0. 30O+25 0, /E+ 32+5-*+./
?ou have Lhe powers Lo negoLlaLe LreaLles and oLher
lnLernaLlonal agreemenLs.
Such LreaLles and agreemenLs musL pass Lhe senaLe for:
1. concurrence of 2/3 voLes, or
2. may be dlsapproved ouLrlghL or
3. be approved condlLlonally sub[ecL Lo Lhe condlLlons made
by Lhe senaLe so Lhe presldenL can renegoLlaLe lL

6"9>; 3%&>(#>D C9 +d>?@#%C> 5>?$>#"$)
Who has Lhe sole power Lo raLlfy Lhe LreaLy?
1he sole power ls vesLed upon Lhe presldenL.

Powever Lo blnd Lhe republlc, lL ls sub[ecL Lo Lhe concurrence
of Lhe senaLe.
1he role of Lhe senaLe ls llmlLed Lo glvlng or wlLhholdlng lLs
consenL or concurrence Lo Lhe raLlflcaLlon.

Pence lL ls wlLhln Lhe auLhorlLy of Lhe presldenL Lo refuse Lo
submlL Lhe LreaLy Lo Lhe sanaLe or havlng lLs consenL or
raLlflcaLlon, refuse Lo raLlfy lL.

AlLhough Lhe refusal of Lhe sLaLe Lo raLlfy a LreaLy whlch has
been slgned ln lLs behalf ls serlous deLrlmenL, lL should noL
be Laken llghLly. Such declslon ls wlLhln Lhe compeLence of
Lhe presldenL alone whlch cannoL e encroached by Lhe courL
vla a wrlL of mandamus.
1he SC has no [urlsdlcLlon over acLlons seeklng Lo en[oln Lhe
presldenL ln Lhe performance of offlclal duLles. 1he courL
Lherefore cannoL lssue a wrlL of mandamus prayed for by
Lhe peLlLloners as lL ls beyond Lhe [urlsdlcLlon Lo conLrol Lhe
execuLlve funcLlon of Lhe governmenL Lo LransmlL Lhe slgned
LexL of 8ome sLaLuLe Lo Lhe senaLe.

3206+55 0, /2+4/G H48-.I
1here ls Lhe negoLlaLlon by Lhe presldenL.
1hen Lhey would slgn lnlLlally.
1hereafLer, Lhrough Lhe ulA, LhaL LreaLy wlll be submlLLed Lo
Lhe senaLe for revlew. 1he senaLe could elLher:
1. dlsapprove lL ouLrlghL
2. concur wlLh lL or recommend some changes before Lhey
concur lL

WhaL wlll happen lf Lhe senaLe wlll recommence for Lhelr
1hey wlll renegoLlaLe.

E0O /0 R-.* /E+ 2+37RA-6
WhaL ls Lhe effecL lf Lhe senaLe does noL concur lL yeL Lhe
presldenL has slgned lL? Can we sLlll be obllged
Lven lf Lhe presldenL has slgned lL buL Lhe senaLe does noL
concur lL, lL does noL blnd us.
Lven lf Lhe senaLe has concurred lL, buL Lhe presldenL lL
does noL raLlfy lL, sLlll lL does noL blnd us.

8emember, concurrence ls excluslve Lo Lhe presldenL,
however Lo make Lhe LreaLy effecLlve and blnd Lhe
hlllpplnes, lL has Lo be wlLh Lhe 2/3 voLes of Lhe senaLe.

6"9>; 4_B")"( C9 4c@%('
1he LreaLy negoLlaLlons ls prlmarlly confldenLlal.

6"9>; R")"( C9 P"&'$"
ln Lhe case of ulA, lL ls lnconsequenLlal wheLher Lhe uS Lo
LreaLs lL as an execuLlve agreemenL because under Lhe
lnLernaLlonal law, an execuLlve agreemenL ls as blndlng as a
ln Lhe fleld of negoLlaLlon, Lhe senaLe cannoL lnLrude and
congress ls powerless.

2+J7-2+H+./ 0, 60.6722+.6+
1n of Lhe requlremenL of concurrence. Cnly LreaLy and
lnLernaLlonal agreemenL.
LxecuLlve agreemenL, Lhey cannoL lnLerfere, LhaL ls excluslve
Lo Lhe presldenL.

/2+4/G 4.* -./+2.4/-0.4A 4I2++H+./ F5 +Q+67/-F+
1/lA: lL ls pollLlcal ln naLure, lL affecLs Lhe whole counLry
LA: lL ls only provldlng for deLalls. lL ls noL permanenL. lL
ls for Llme Lo Llme negoLlaLlon. So no need Lo be
concurred by Lhe senaLe.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 84
1hls ls dlscreLlonary of Lhe presldenL.

uLC81A1lCn Cl 1PL ALlLnS
ueporLaLlon of Lhe allens ls noL provlded ln Lhe consLlLuLlon
buL lL ls parL of lLs resldual power.

CLASSlllCA1lCn Anu SALL Cl u8LlC LAnuS
1he classlflcaLlon of publlc lands and Lo sell Lhe same, belongs
Lo Lhe presldenL.
Cnly lands LhaL ls classlfled as allenable may be sold. 1here
musL be a law auLhorlzlng lLs sale or allenaLlon.

6"9>; 523
1hey are saylng LhaL Lhere has Lo be wlLh Lhe consenL of
congress lf LhaL ls acqulred by Lhe LCu ln lLs proprleLary
lL's noL a loL belonglng Lo Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes.
8ecause when you sell lL, Lhere has Lo be a declaraLlon LhaL
lL ls dlsposable and allenable. lL musL be wlLh Lhe consenL of
So Lhe presldenL may noL covey or sell real properLy of Lhe
governmenL on her sole wlll. Pe musL be auLhorlzed by law
Lhrough congress.

8emember LhaL properLy ln !apan, 8epongl properLy. lf lL ls a
properLy owned by Lhe sLaLe ln lLs soverelgn capaclLy, lL has
Lo be wlLh Lhe consenL of congress.

We have dlscussed Lhls already.

!une 23, 2011

A81lCLL vlll !uulClAL uLA81MLn1
"#$%&'( 1. 1he [udlclal power shall be vesLed ln one Supreme CourL and ln
such lower courLs as may be esLabllshed by law.
!udlclal power lncludes Lhe duLy of Lhe courLs of [usLlce Lo seLLle acLual
conLroversles lnvolvlng rlghLs whlch are legally demandable and
enforceable, and Lo deLermlne wheLher or noL Lhere has been a grave
abuse of dlscreLlon amounLlng Lo lack or excess of [urlsdlcLlon on Lhe parL of
any branch or lnsLrumenLallLy of Lhe CovernmenL.

!uulClAL CWL8
1. seLLllng dlspuLes
2. [udlclal power of revlew

We wlll know whaL [udlclal power ls. 8ecause ln 1987
consLlLuLlon, Lhere has been an LxAnuLu !u8lSulC1lCn of
Lhe courLs lncludlng Lhe lower courLs.
noL only LhaL Lhe funcLlon ls Lo seLLle dlspuLes [usLlclable ln
naLure, lnvolvlng rlghLs whlch are demandable and
enforceable, meanlng hls rlghLs have been vlolaLed and you
are seeklng redress ln Lhe courLs.
8ecause Lhe 1973 ConsLlLuLlon, Lhe deflnlLlon of !udlclal
power ls llmlLed only Lo seLLllng dlspuLes, Lhls Llme, lL
lncludes Lhe deLermlnaLlon wheLher Lhere has been a grave
abuse of dlscreLlon amounLlng Lo lack or ln excess of
1hls ls whaL we call Lhe !uulClAL 8LvlLW CWL8 Cl 1PL
CCu81S, also known as Lhe LxAnuLu !u8lSulC1lCn Cl
1PL CCu81S or Lhe CWL8 Cl !uulClAL lnCul8?.

WN 5+//A-.I *-537/+5
1n as regards Lo Lhe maLLer of seLLllng dlspuLes, lL only
lnvolves [usLlclable quesLlons, and one ls asklng for rellefs or
redress of Lhe vlolaLlon of hls rlghLs.
So Lhere has Lo be an appllcable law such as sLaLuLes or Lhe
consLlLuLlon as basls for Lhe seLLllng of dlspuLes.

MN T7*-6-4A 2+F-+O
C1CP, on [udlclal revlew, as a C8, laws passed by congress
and pollcles made by Lhe execuLlve branch cannoL be
revlewed by Lhe courLs because lL mlghL vlolaLe Lhe
separaLlon of power.
So on lssues of pollcles and wlsdom, 1n, LhaL should be
answered by Lhe people on Lhelr soverelgn capaclLy whlch
capaclLy has been delegaLed Lhe full dlscreLlonary power Lo
Lhe presldenL who makes Lhe pollcles or Lo congress who
makes Lhe rules.
So as a C8, lL should noL be lnLerfered wlLh CW Lhere may be
a vlolaLlon of Lhe separaLlon of powers.
lL's only when Lhls dlscreLlon ls abused amounLlng Lo lack or
ln excess of [urlsdlcLlon LhaL Lhe courLs may look lnLo ln
order Lo comply wlLh lLs mandaLe under Lhe consLlLuLlon Lo
make sure LhaL whaLever laws LhaL may be passed or
pollcles of Lhe governmenL may formulaLe, musL be ln
accordance of law.
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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 83
1hls ls noL an asserLlon of Lhe superlorlLy of Lhe courLs, raLher
Lhe supremacy of Lhe consLlLuLlon.

6"9>; 4(:"$" C9 +D>?#'$"D 6'&&%99%'(
6"9>; H"$?'9 C9 H"(D"!@9
8ecause of Lhls requlremenL, 1n as a C8, only !uS1lClA8LL
CuLS1lCn rlghL for [udlclal ad[udlcaLlon, LhaL may be Lhe
sub[ecL of Lhe sub[ecL of a [udlclal lnqulry as a C8.
Powever, CLl1lCAL CuLS1lCnS may be look lnLo lf Lhere ls
allegaLlon of abuse of dlscreLlon. Cnly Lo LhaL exLenL.

30A-/-64A J7+5/-0.5
1n on pollLlcal quesLlons. 1he courL cannoL look lnLo Lhem
because lL's a maLLer of quesLlons of pollcles or lssues of
wlsdom and Lhus lL cannoL be looked lnLo as a C8.
Cnly when Lhere ls allegaLlon of abuse of dlscreLlon LhaL lL
may be looked lnLo by Lhe courLs.

2+J7-5-/+5 0, T7*-6-4A 2+F-+O
1he courLs musL make sure LhaL Lhe requlslLes of a [udlclal
revlew musL be presenL.
1. acLual case or conLroversy
2. ralsed by Lhe proper parLy
3. ralsed aL Lhe earllesL opporLunlLy of Llme
4. lls moLa of Lhe case (Lhe maln case cannoL be declded
wlLhouL resolvlng Lhe lssue on consLlLuLlonallLy)

WN 46/74A 645+ 02 60./20F+25G
lf lL ls an acLual case, meanlng lL musL be exlsLlng. 8lpe for
[udlclal deLermlnaLlon or ad[udlcaLlon.
Meanlng, lL should noL be premaLure, and lL should noL be
also mooL and academlc. And lL should noL be slmply asklng
of a hypoLheLlcal quesLlon or an advlsory oplnlon.
So lf lL ls premaLure, Lhen Lhe case may be dlsmlssed ouLrlghL
by Lhe courL for Lhere ls no confllcL yeL, no conLrarleLy of
rlghLs lnvolved. nobody ls aggrleved.

H00/ 4.* 464*+H-6 32-.6-3A+
C1CP, on Lhe MCC1nLSS Anu ACAuLMlCnLSS of Lhe
lssue, 1n of Lhe MCC1nLSS uCC18lnL.
As a C8 when Lhe lssue becomes sLale, because elLher lL
has already been granLed or Lhe maLLer ls academlc because
lL ls overLaken by evenLs.
Lxample, when somebody was quesLlonlng Lhe valldlLy of
Lhe declaraLlon of sLaLe of emergency, buL laLer lL was llfLed,
Lhe lssue was ralsed ln Lhe SC. 1here ls no more naLlonal
emergency because lL was already llfLed by Lhe presldenL.
So Lhe lssue may become mooL and academlc already
because lL ls no longer exlsLlng or Lhe case ls sLlll pendlng
before Lhe courLs for lLs deLermlnaLlon.

8uL accordlng Lo SC, lL should noL be a maLhemaLlcal
formula Lo dlsmlss Lhe case because lL has already become
mooL and academlc.
2+J7-5-/+5 ,02 T7*-6-4A 2+F-+O 0. H00/ 4.*
464*+H-6 -557+5
6"9>; *"C%U ># "DN C9 +d>?@#%C> 5>?$>#"$)
1he SC proceeded ln deLermlnlng Lhe lssue on
consLlLuLlonallLy because Lhe lssue ralsed ls of
LranscendenLal lmporLance or on paramounL publlc lnLeresL.
SC sald, Lhe MCC1 Anu ACAuLMlC 8lnClLL, lL ls noL a
maglcal formula LhaL can auLomaLlcally dlsmay Lhe courLs ln
resolvlng a case.

CourLs wlll declde cases CW mooL and academlc lf:
1. Lhere ls gave vlolaLlon of Lhe consLlLuLlon
2. Lhe excepLlonal characLer of Lhe slLuaLlon and Lhe
paramounL publlc lnLeresL ls lnvolved
3. consLlLuLlonal lssues ralsed requlres formulaLlon of
conLrolllng prlnclples Lo gulde Lhe bench and Lhe bar and Lhe
4. Lhe case ls capable of repeLlLlon yeL evadlng revlew.

lCW Lhere ls sLlll a posslblllLy LhaL Lhls may crop up agaln ln
Lhe fuLure. AL leasL Lhere ls speclflc guldellnes Lo [udges,
lawyers and publlc on how Lo deal wlLh lL. ln whlch case,
even lf Lhe lssue has become mooL and academlc, Lhe courL
may sLlll enLerLaln Lhe quesLlon of consLlLuLlonallLy ln order
1. provlde for guldellnes
2. educaLe Lhe bench and Lhe bar

*+6A424/02G 2+A-+,
Cn Lhe maLLer of declaraLory rellef, where you have Lo
declare Lhe rlghLs and obllgaLlons of Lhe parLles under Lhe
conLracL, alLhough Lhere ls no confllcL yeL, may Lhe courL
revlew Lhe conLracL on lLs valldlLy based on Lhe
consLlLuLlonal provlslon or an exlsLlng sLaLuLe? Lven lf no
rlghLs yeL LhaL are lnvolved LhaL are ln confllcL, buL lL may
happen LhaL lf lL ls noL lnLerpreLed, Lhen Lhere may be cases
LhaL would be cases LhaL would be flled ln courL? ls Lhls
hypoLheLlcal or only asklng for advlsory oplnlon?

Lxample. A clalm by Lwo clalmanLs and Lhere are dlfferenL
laws as basls. Powever, Lhere ls a quesLlon on Lhe
consLlLuLlonallLy of Lhe laws based as basls for Lhe clalms
over Lhe deposlL.
1he bank ls noL lnvolved ln Lhe confllcL of Lhese Lwo
clalmanLs. 8uL cerLalnly, lf Lhe bank wlll award any of Lhe
clalms of elLher parLy, Lhe bank wlll be sued by elLher one
who ls aggrleved by Lhe declslon of Lhe bank.
So Lhe bank has Lo be sure LhaL lf Lhey are golng Lo award
Lhe accounL Lo a parLlcular clalmanL on Lhe basls of a law,
Lhe law LhaL Lhey applled musL be consLlLuLlonal.
Can Lhey go Lo courL and seek Lhe courL Lo declde WCn Lhe
law LhaL was used as basls as consLlLuLlonal?
?LS. A L1l1lCn lC8 uLCLA8A1C8? 8LLLll accordlng Lo SC
ls an acLual case or conLroversy.

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age 86
As a C8, Lhe courL wlll no longer look lnLo Lhe maLLer lf Lhe
lssue has become mooL and academlc unless when Lhe
lssues lnvolved Lhe four requlslLes.

MN 24-5+* RG /E+ 3203+2 342/G
*-2+6/ -.T72G /+5/ 02 32-.6-3A+
WhaL we follow ln Lhls [urlsdlcLlon ls dlrecL ln[ury LesL or
Cne has Lo be Lhe person who has personal and subsLanLlal
lnLeresL ln Lhe ouLcome of Lhe case, sLands Lo be ln[ured lf
Lhe case ls Lo be declded agalnsL hlm or beneflLed lf declded
ln hls favor.

3203+2 342/G
A 8CL8 A81? ls one who has susLalned ln[ury or ls
lmmlnenL danger of susLalnlng ln[ury.
1herefore, ln[ury could elLher be acLual or poLenLlal.

Speclflcally, who are consldered proper parLy Lo quesLlon
Lhe valldlLy of Lhe law?
a. ordlnary clLlzen
-lf he ls ln[ured by Lhe appllcaLlon of Lhe law complalned
b. Laxpayer
-lf Lhe law :
1. lnvolves dlsbursemenL of publc funds conLrary Lo law
2. ls anomalous
3. lnvolves lmposlLlon of Lax LhaL ls unreasonable or
c. congress
-lf lL encroaches wlLh Lhe leglslaLlve lmperaLlves
-ex. 5>("#> C9 +$&%#" as regards Lo LC 464
d. mlnor chlldren
-6"9>; 0!'9" C9 ,"?#'$"&
1he rlghL ls poLenLlal only. 8ecause lL ls lmmlnenL LhaL
lf Lhere wlll be no regulaLlon ln Lhe granL of logglng
concesslon, evenLually you wlll be desLroylng Lhe land
and foresL. So whaL paLrlmony wlll Lhese chlldren lnherlL
lf Lhey are all desLroyed?
So Lhey are consldered proper parLy under Lhe
8lnClLL Cl ln1LCLnA81lCnAL 8LSCnSl8lLl1? Lo
preserve our Llmberland because of Lhe publlc rlghL of
Lhe people Lo a healLhful and balanced ecology.

-6"9>; U>D 3%D""( C9 2"&'9
As Lo Lhe exLenL of Lhls rlghL, Lhls ls noL Lhe acLlonable
rlghL ln clvll law. A case may be dlsmlssed for lack of
cause of acLlon, because Lhe person who flled Lhe case
has no acLlonable rlghL.
1haL ls noL Lhe klnd of acLlonable rlghL LhaL has been
referred Lo here as Lhe proper parLy. lL only refers Lo
LCCuS S1Anul LhaL may affecL publlc rlghL.

e. voLer
-only when lL lnvolves:
1. rlghL Lo voLe
2. elecLlon laws

/24.56+.*+./4A -H302/4.6+
ls lL a necessary requlslLe before Lhe courLs Lo conslder
before lL wlll Lake cognlzance LhaL may be complalnL LhaL
may be flled relaLlng Lo quesLlons of consLlLuLlonallLy of any
law or acLs of Lhe presldenL?
1here ls a excepLlon Lo Lhls: when Lhe lssue lnvolved ls of
LranscendenLal lmporLance or of paramounL publlc lnLeresL,
lf noL consLlLuLlonal slgnlflcance, Lhe courL may seL aslde Lhe
requlslLe of proper parLy as a mere procedural LechnlcallLy
and may proceed ln assumlng [urlsdlcLlon and Lake
cognlzance over Lhe peLlLlon only Lo resolve LhaL lssue.
ln many cases, even lf Lhe parLy concernlng may noL be
dlrecLly affecLed by lL, buL lL ls noL pervaslve, lf lL ls noL
resolved, Lhe courL may sLlll look lnLo Lhe maLLer.
Agaln, you go lnLo Lhe LranscendenLal lmporLance ln Lhe
maLLer of deLermlnlng wheLher a person ls a proper parLy.

6"9>; 8%D'9B")"( C9 +$&%#"
1he SC Look cognlzance over Lhe peLlLlon of kllosbayan
quesLlonlng Lhe quallflcaLlons of Lhe appolnLmenL of Lhe
[usLlce ln SC.
1hey wanLed Lo sLop Lhe lssuance of Lhe appolnLmenL of
Cng of Lhe Sandlgan 8ayan Lo SC because Lhey suspecLed he
ls noL a naLural born clLlzen.
Sandlgan 8ayan, ln Lhe evenL LhaL he ls dlsquallfles cannoL
assume hls appolnLmenL. ln clvll law, Lhey cannoL be Lhe
proper parLy.
Sc sald, conslderlng LhaL Lhe maLLer lnvolves a
consLlLuLlonal slgnlflcance, SC noneLheless may look lnLo Lhe
So Lhls case ls a maLLer of prlmordlal lmporLance accordlng
Lo Lhe SC because lL lnvolves compllance Lo Lhe
consLlLuLlonal mandaLe, speclally on Lhe quallflcaLlon of Lhe
member of SC where lLs lmporLance ls uLmosL and far
reachlng, parLlcularly quallflcaLlon, wlLhouL Lhe clLlzenshlp of
Lhe person Lo be appolnLed Lo be a member of Lhls courL.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 87
ZN 24-5+* 4/ /E+ +42A-+5/ 03302/7.-/G 0, /-H+
lf lL ls noL sLaLed ln Lhe pleadlngs, aL leasL durlng Lhe Lrlal, one
cannoL be able Lo ralse Lhe lssue on consLlLuLlonallLy for Lhe
flrsL Llme on appeal.

1n of Lhe excepLlons where lL can be ralsed even for Lhe flrsL
Llme on appeal:
a. ln a crlmlnal case, when lL lnvolves consLlLuLlonallLy of a
law as basls ln Lhe convlcLlon of Lhe accused
b. when Lhe lssue ls [urlsdlcLlon
-because Lhe proceedlngs ls vold, [udgmenL ls vold as
c. ln clvll cases, only when lL ls unavoldable LhaL Lhey have
flrsL Lo resolve Lhe lssue on consLlLuLlonallLy before Lhey
resolvlng Lhe maln case lLself Lo granL or deny Lhe relelfs of

VN A-5 H0/4 0, /E+ 645+
(Lhe maln case cannoL be declded wlLhouL resolvlng Lhe lssue
on consLlLuLlonallLy)
Meanlng lf Lhere are oLher ways Lo resolve Lhe case wlLhouL
Louchlng Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy of Lhe law, Lhen Lhe courLs
should avall of Lhe oLher grounds Lo noL vlolaLe separaLlon
of powers, and Lhereby accord respecL Lo co-equal branches
of governmenL such LhaL of congress or presldenL.
lL ls only when lL ls unavoldable LhaL flrsL, lL has Lo resolve Lhe
consLlLuLlonallLy of Lhe law ln quesLlon before Lhe courLs can
resolve Lhe lssue.

So grounds llke:
a. lack of [urlsdlcLlon
b. lssue of esLoppel
c. lack of prerequlslLes
So Lhe case can be dlsposed of by Lhose grounds.

+,,+6/5 OE+. 6072/ *+6A42+5 4 A4O
1he Lhlng LhaL you should 1n ls Lhe consequences or Lhe
effecL when Lhe courLs exerclses Lhe power and declares Lhe
law as unconsLlLuLlonal.
1. LradlLlonal vlew
2. modern vlew

ln Lhls [urlsdlcLlon, we follow Lhe modern vlew.

1. 18Aul1lCnAL vlLW
lL ls vold from Lhe very concepLlon of Lhe law. lL ls as lf Lhe
law never exlsLed.
lL confers no rlghLs, lL poses no obllgaLlons, L creaLes no
offlce and lL affords no proLecLlon. lL wlll be as lf LhaL law has
never been passed.

2. MCuL8n vlLW
03+24/-F+ ,46/ *06/2-.+
WhaL happens Lo Lhe consequences when Lhe law was sLlll
applled for?
lL was noL declared as unconsLlLuLlonal, or sLlll consldered
as valld?
1hls ls whaL we call Lhe CL8A1lvL lAC1 uCC18lnL.
?ou cannoL slmply lgnore LhaL once upon a Llme, LhaL law
exlsLed and has creaLed cerLaln rlghLs, lmposes cerLaln
obllgaLlons, and Lhls cannoL be lgnored because you mlghL
pre[udlce subsLanLlal rlghLs.
So Lhen how do you LreaL Lhe law LhaL has been declared as
ln modern vlew, Lhey are only consldered as voldable, valld
unLll, Lhey are declared a nulllLy.
1herefore, before declared a nulllLy, you have Lo recognlze
Lhe operaLlve facL as Lo lLs exlsLence before lL ls declared a
nulllLy, Lhe consequences and Lhe effecLs of LhaL law.
lf lL has creaLed rlghLs, Lhen Lhese rlghLs musL be respecLed.

6"9>; 4:B")"(% C9 3.3
6"9>; ,D'$>9
ln Lhls [urlsdlcLlon, unLll lL ls declared as a nulllLy, lL ls
applled and we have Lo respecL Lhe consequences and Lhe
effecLs of LhaL law.
8uL Lhe momenL lL ls declared unconsLlLuLlonal, Lhere wlll
be no compromlse. lL lmposes no obllgaLlons, confers no
rlghLs, affords no proLecLlon, creaLes no offlce. lL ls as lf lL
was never passed slnce Lhe Llme lL was declared a nulllLy.

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 88
A0O+2 6072/5 F+5/+* T7*-6-4A 2+F-+O 30O+2
1hls [udlclal revlew power ls noL excluslve Lo Lhe SC.
1hls ls also exerclsed by Lhe lower courLs.

WhaL are Lhese courLs vesLed wlLh [udlclal revlew power?
1. SC and
2. such oLher courLs LhaL are creaLed by sLaLuLes:
a. lnLermedlaLe appellaLe courLs
1. courL of appeals
2. sandlgan bayan
3. courL of Lax appeals
b. lower courLs
1. flrsL level - 81C
2. second level - M1C

1hey exerclse [udlclal revlew because ln sec 1, lL says [udlclal
power ls vesLed ln SC and such oLher courLs esLabllshed by
So when [udlclal power ls deflned as noL [usL seLLllng dlspuLes
buL as well as deLermlnlng abuse of dlscreLlon, Lhen lL ls
undersLood LhaL Lhe power ls llkewlse by Lhe lower courLs.
?ou also have Lhe provlslons of sec 3 arL 8, under Lhe
appellaLe [urlsdlcLlon of SC. whaL wlll Lhe SC revlew on Lhe
consLlLuLlonallLy lf ln Lhe flrsL place Lhe lower courLs do noL
exerclse [udlclal revlew.
So you have:
1. sec 1, arL 8
2. sec 3, arL 8

!uuCMLn1 Cl LCWL8 CCu81S 8lnuS A81lLS Cl 1PL CASL
1he only dlfference ls LhaL Lhe declaraLlon of nulllLy by
lower courLs may noL be flnal or blndlng. 8ecause even lf Lhe
order ls already flnal, lL ls noL [urlsprudenLlal. lL cannoL be
used Lo gulde Lhe [udges and Lhe lawyers as well as Lhe
publlc as Lo Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy of Lhe law.
lL ls when only lL ls declared wlLh flnallLy by SC LhaL Lhe
lssue on consLlLuLlonallLy ls resolved or seLLled.
So even lf 81C declares an ordlnance unconsLlLuLlonal, and
even lf Lhe [udgmenL becomes flnal, LhaL cannoL be used as
basls no Lo apply anymore Lhe ordlnance because LhaL blnds
only Lhe parLles wlLh respecL Lo LhaL case
lL may be repeaLed. And Lhen flnally lL reaches Lhe SC. Cnly
Lhe SC can say wlLh flnallLy WCn Lhe ordlnance or any law
for LhaL maLLer ls ln consonance wlLh Lhe consLlLuLlon.

I7424./-+5 0, /E+ -.*+3+.*+.6+ 0, 56
WhaL are Lhe guaranLles of Lhe lndependence of SC? WhaL
are Lhe facLors LhaL safeguard Lhe lndependence of Lhe
[udlclary parLlcularly of SC?
1. 5c ls o coostltotloool coott
lL cannoL be abollshed by congress. Lven lf congress and
Lhe presldenL dlsllkes Lhe chlef [usLlce of Lhe SC, Lhey
cannoL consplre ln order Lo abollsh Lhe SC because lL
creaLed by Lhe consLlLuLlon and Lhey can only be abollshed
by Lhe consLlLuLlon.

2. tbe jostlces of 5c ote temovoble ooly tbtooqb lmpeocbmeot
?ou cannoL sue Lhem for clvll cases, for damages ln
crlmlnal cases, for offense. 8elaLlvely Lhey have some klnd
of lmmunlLy.
1he cannoL be charged for dlsbarmenL. 8ecause Lhls wlll
clrcumvenL Lhe law on Lhelr removal.
lf Lhey are noL lmpeached, for how long wlll Lhey sLay ln
Lhe [udlclary? All [udges and [usLlces of Lhe SC sLay ln offlce
unLll Lhey reach Lhe age of 70, unless Lhey are dlsmlssed
from Lhe servlce lf Lhey become lnsane or permanenLly
dlsabled or have reslgned.
1he mandaLory reLlremenL age for clvll servlce ls 63. 8uL
Lhe [usLlces and [udges of Lhe courLs are glven Lhe opLlon Lo
reLlre aL 60 for as long as Lhey have been ln servlce for 13
years and 3 years ln Lhe [udlclary.
And when Lhey reLlre Lhey conLlnue Lo recelve Lhe lasL
salary Lhey have recelved lncludlng allowances.
And lf Lhey dle, Lhe spouses wlll recelve Lhe salarles of
Lhe [udges.

3. potely joJlclol fooctloo
1hey are prohlblLed from exerclslng quasl [udlclal or
admlnlsLraLlve funcLlons.
1here are excepLlons Lo Lhls:
a. some members of SC are also members of Lhe elecLoral
Lrlbunal (quasl [udlclal)
b. chlef [usLlce of SC chalrs Lhe !8C (admlnlsLraLlve)

8uL as a C8, Lo avold vlolaLlon of separaLlon of powers or
encroachlng lnLo each oLher's powers, LhaL's Lhe
prohlblLlon agalnsL.
1he appolnLmenL for example of a [usLlce of Lhe SC Lo
become a cablneL secreLary Lo advlce Lhe presldenL on
[udlclal maLLers, LhaL ls prohlblLed.

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 89
4. oppolotmeot of petsoooel ls vesteJ lo tbe 5c
a. oppoloteJ by 5c
1he personnel of Lhe courLs from Lhe [anlLor Lo Lhe clerks
of courLs excepL Lhe [udges are appolnLed by Lhe SC en
banc ln accordance wlLh Lhe clvll servlce law.
Can Lhey be dlsmlssed by Lhe presldenL? nC.
Can Lhey be dlsclpllned by Lhe ombudsman? nC.
1hls ls excluslve Lo Lhe SC Lo malnLaln lndependence of
Lhe SC.
lf you have any complalnLs agalnsL Lhe courL personnel or
[udge or [usLlce, you do noL flle lL wlLh Lhe offlce of Lhe
presldenL or wlLh Lhe offlce of Lhe ombudsman. ?ou flle lL
dlrecLly wlLh Lhe SC.
8ecause ln Lhe manner of dlsclpllnlng courL personnel
and [udges, LhaL ls excluslve Lo Lhe SC.

b. oot sobject to tbe coofltmotloo of tbe coA
AnoLher polnL on respecL Lo Lhe guaranLy of lLs
lndependence, Lhls ls wlLh respecL Lo Lhelr appolnLmenLs.
1hey are noL sub[ecL Lo Lhe conflrmaLlon of Lhe CoA.
Powever, Lhey are screened by Lhe !8C and Lhe
appolnLmenL by Lhe presldenL ls llmlLed only by Lhe llsL
submlLLed by Lhe !8C. And for every vacancy, Lhere should
be aL leasL 3 nomlnees.
Powever Lhe presldenL, alLhough appolnLs Lhe [udges
and [usLlces, cannoL remove Lhem from offlce. !udges can
only be removed by SC. !usLlces of Lhe SC can be removed
only Lhrough lmpeachmenL.

3. flscol ootooomy - boJqet of 5c
WlLh respecL Lo Lhelr budgeL, even lf congress dlsllkes Lhe
SC, Lhey cannoL decrease Lhe budgeL of SC, CW, lL ls
unconsLlLuLlonal. AuLomaLlcally, Lhe lasL budgeL of Lhe SC
wlll be revlved wlLhouL deducLlon.
1he lssue on Lhe budgeL of Lhe SC on Lhls year ls noL Lhe
reducLlon of Lhe budgeL buL on Lhe proposed lncrease LhaL
was reduced, from 2b Lo 800m.
1he polnL here ls, Lhey have flscal auLonomy. 1helr
budgeL cannoL be reduced.

6. locteose of oppellote jotlsJlctloo
!urlsdlcLlon of SC ls boLh orlglnal and appellaLe. 1hey are
provlded ln Lhe consLlLuLlon.
Can Lhe orlglnal [urlsdlcLlon provlded by consLlLuLlon be
reduced by SC by leglslaLlon? nC.
Can Lhe orlglnal [urlsdlcLlon provlded by consLlLuLlon be
lncreased by SC by leglslaLlon? ?LS.
1hey cannoL dlvesL buL can be lncreased, even wlLhouL
Lhe consenL of SC.

lncrease by of Lhe appellaLe [urlsdlcLlon, can LhaL be
done? nC. lf lL ls wlLhouL advlse or concurrence by SC.

7. toles oo pleoJloqs ooJ ptoceJote lo coott
Pow abouL Lhe lower courLs? Who deLermlnes Lhe
[urlsdlcLlon of Lhe lower courLs?
1hey are creaLed by law.
8uL 1n, under Lhe rules of courL, Lhelr [urlsdlcLlon, under
sec 13, on Lhe rule maklng power of SC, who promulgaLes
rules governlng pleadlng and procedure ln courLs whlch
musL be unlform?
Lxcluslve Lo Lhe SC.
So Lhey can only be Lhe one Lo amend Lhe rules of courL.

8. Jetololoq joJqes
ln Lhe maLLer of deLalnlng [udges Lemporarlly, who does
LhaL? Cnly Lhe SC.

J74A-,-64/-0.5 0, H+HR+25 0, 56 fT75/-6+5g
1. aL leasL 40 years old
2. wlLh experlence ln Lhe pracLlce of law or as [udge for 13
3. naLural born clLlzen
4. proven compeLence, lnLegrlLy, problLy and lndependence

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 90
!une 27, 2011

T7*-6-4A 30O+2
WhaL we were dlscusslng was Lhe exLenL of Lhe [udlclal power
of Lhe courLs parLlcularly of Lhe SC.
We have dlscussed Lhe naLure of [udlclal power and Lhe
exLenL of [udlclal revlew as well as on Lhe effecLs of
declaraLlon of nulllLy.

!uulClAL lnuLLnuLnCL
We also explalned Lhe safeguards of [udlclal lndependence.

4330-./H+./ 0, 6072/ 3+250..+A
As parL of Lhe guaranLy of Lhe lndependence of Lhe courLs,
Lhe maLLer of appolnLmenL of personnel from Lhe courL Lo a
clerk of courL or even hlgher poslLlon Lhan LhaL excepL for
[udges of Lhe lower courLs, such power ls vesLed ln SC,
sub[ecL Lo Lhe rules of Lhe clvll servlce law.

*-56-3A-.-.I 6072/ 3+250..+A
So ln Lhe maLLer of dlsmlssal from Lhe servlce, LhaL ls also
excluslve Lo Lhe SC conslderlng LhaL Lhe maLLer of
dlsclpllnlng courL personnel and [udges ls wlLhln Lhe power
of SC under Lhe excluslve supervlslon of Lhe SC over courLs
and courL personnel.

SC Ln 8AnC
ln Lhls connecLlon, 1n, whlle Lhe [udges are appolnLed by Lhe
presldenL, Lhey can only be dlsclpllned by Lhe SC slLLlng en
banc. So LhaL lf Lhere are complalnLs flled agalnsL [udges and
courL personnel, 1n LhaL lnsofar as admlnlsLraLlve
complalnLs ls concerned, LhaL ls excluslve of Lhe SC.

8LCul8LMLn1 Cl llLlnC C8lMlnAL CASL ln ClllCL Cl
CM8uuSMAn ACAlnS1 CCu81 L8SCnnLL
Should you flle a case ln Lhe offlce of Lhe ombudsman, wlLh
respecL Lo Lhe crlmlnal aspecL of Lhe compllanL,
6"9>; H"?>U" C9 0&B@U9&"(
SC has emphaslzed LhaL sLlll, lL should be flrsL referred Lo
Lhe offlce of Lhe SC Lo Lake cognlzance over Lhe complalnL.
and only when Lhe SC makes a recommendaLlon of an
lndlcLmenL, Lhe conducL of Lhe prellmlnary lnvesLlgaLlon, Lhe
crlmlnal aspecL LhaL Lhe ombudsman may Lake over Lhe

A0O+2 6072/5
lnsofar as [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe lower courLs, Lhese are
deLermlned by congress. ?ou have Lhe rules of courL
governlng [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe rules of courL, whlch rules of
courL are sub[ecL Lo changes or amendmenLs by Lhe SC as
parL of lLs rule maklng power, or promulgaLlng rules
governlng procedure and pleadlngs.

5732+H+ 6072/
lnsofar as Lhe SC C1CP, we have provlslons ln Lhe
consLlLuLlon deflnlng lLs orlglnal as well as appellaLe

02-I-.4A T72-5*-6/-0. 0, 56
1. coses oqolost fotelqo ombossoJots stotlooeJ lo tbe
lblllpploes ooJ coosols ooJ otbet pobllc mlolstets
-concurrenL wlLh CA and 81C
2. petltloos fot cettlototl, mooJomos, ptoblbltloo, poo
wottooto ooJ bobeos cotpos

CAnnC1 8L 8LuuCLu
1he orlglnal [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe SC cannoL be reduced. SC
cannoL be dlvesLed of LhaL [urlsdlcLlon.

CAn 8L lnC8LASLu
Can lL be lncreased wlLhouL Lhe consenL or Lhe concurrence
of Lhe SC?

433+AA4/+ T72-5*-6/-0. 0, 56
8aslcally you have Lwo:
1. petltloo fot tevlew
2. petltloo fot cettlototl

WhaL are Lhe cases LhaL are heard by Lhe SC ln lLs appellaLe
1. oll coses lovolvloq tbe coostltotlooollty of tteoty,
lotetootloool oqteemeot ot execotlve oqteemeot ot low
2. coostltotlooollty losofot os oppllcotloo ot opetotloo of
pteslJeotlol Jectees, ptoclomotloos, otJets, losttoctloos,
otJloooces ooJ otbet teqolotloos
3. tox lmposts, ossessmeot ot ooy otbet peooltles lmposeJ lo
telotloo tbeteto
4. oll coses lo wblcb tbe jotlsJlctloo of ooy lowet coott ls oo
3. ctlmlool coses wbete tbe peoolty lmposeJ ls teclosloo
petpetoo ot blqbet
6. coses wbete ooly ettots ot poestloos of low ote lovolveJ

CAnnC1 8L 8LuuCLu
Can Lhey be lncreased or reduced? Can SC be dlvesLed of lLs
appellaLe [urlsdlcLlon?
nC. lL ls parL of Lhe guaranLy of hls lndependence.

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age 91
C8: CAnnC1 8L lnC8LASLu
Can lL be lncreased?
nC. lf lL ls wlLhouL Lhe advlse or Lhe concurrence of Lhe SC.

6"9>; ,"B%"( C9 *%9%>$#'
WlLh respecL Lo 8A 6770 when Lhe law provldes LhaL Lhe
declslons of Lhe ombudsman ln Lhe crlmlnal cases are
revlewable only by Lhe SC, on purely quesLlons of law or
abuse of dlscreLlon amounLlng Lo lack or ln excess of
SC sald, LhaL law lncreaslng Lhe appellaLe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe
had no prlor concurrence or advlse of Lhe SC and Lhus Lhe
provlslon was declared unconsLlLuLlonal.

1LMC8A8? ASSlCnMLn1 Cl LCWL8 CCu81 !uuCLS 1C
C1PL8 S1A1lCn
lL need noL be wlLh Lhe consenL of Lhe [udge lf Lhe asslgnmenL
ls less Lhan slx monLhs.
Powever, lf lL ls more Lhan 6 monLhs, lL should be wlLh Lhe
consenL of Lhe [udge concerned.

CPAnCL Cl vLnuL C8 LACL Cl 18lAL 1C AvClu 1PL
MlSCA88lACL Cl !uS1lCL
6"9>; 3>'!D> C9 5'D"
1hen Lhe change of venue or place of Lrlal Lo avold Lhe
mlscarrlage of [usLlce, 1n ln case of doubL wheLher lL can be
changed, lL has Lo be resolved ln favor of Lhe change of
venue ln order Lo prevenL Lhe mlscarrlage of [usLlce.

1hls ls very lmporLanL.
57RT+6/ H4//+25 OE-6E 64. R+ R45-5 ,02
320H7AI4/-.I 27A+5
lnsofar as Lhe procedural rule maklng power, sec 13, 1n of
Lhe sub[ecL maLLers LhaL could be Lhe basls of Lhe
promulgaLlon of rules:
1. proLecLlon and enforcemenL of consLlLuLlonal rlghLs
2. rules governlng pleadlng, pracLlce and procedure of all
3. addlLlon Lo Lhe pracLlce of law
4. rules governlng Lhe lnLegraLed bar of Lhe hlllpplnes
3. rules governlng Lhe legal asslsLance of Lhe under

O2-/5 -557+* RG 56 -. 60..+6/-0. O-/E 27A+ H48-.I
ln connecLlon Lo Lhls, 1n of Lhe wrlLs LhaL have been lssued
and [usLlfled by Lhe rule maklng power of Lhe SC
1. wrlL of habeas daLa
2. wrlL of amparo
3. wrlL of kallkasan
lnsofar as Lhelr lssuances, Lhey are [usLlfled under Lhe rule
maklng power of Lhe SC.

uoes Lhls mean LhaL lnsofar as amendlng Lhe rules of Lhe SC,
LhaL ls excluslve Lo SC Lo do so?
Whlle lL ls Lrue LhaL lnsofar as Lhe power Lo amend Lhe
rules ls vesLed ln Lhe SC under lLs rule maklng power,
however you Lake noLe of Lhe case of:

6"9>; I%(:''( C9 2>!@BD%?
Where Lhe law was passed LhaL deLermlnes [usL
compensaLlon ln exproprlaLlon cases lnvolvlng naLlonal
lnfrasLrucLures whlch ln effecL amended Lhe rules of courL
on Lhe maLLer of deLermlnaLlon of [usL compensaLlon.
8ecause whlle rule 67 of Lhe rules of courL provldes LhaL all
LhaL ls needed for Lhe wrlL of possesslon Lo be lssued ls 10
of Lhe esLlmaLed value based on assessed value of Lhe
munlclpal assessor, 1n LhaL on 8A 8974 on naLlonal
lnfrasLrucLure, [usL compensaLlon ln exproprlaLlon cases
where SC sald LhaL LhaL wlll noL preclude however Lhe power
of congress Lo pass any law lncludlng amendlng Lhe rules of
courL conslderlng LhaL Lhe leglslaLlve power vesLed ln
congress ls plenary.
SC sald congress has Lhe plenary leglslaLlve power. 1he
sllence of Lhe consLlLuLlon, Lhe sub[ecL can only be
lnLerpreLed as meanlng Lhere ls no lnLenLlon Lo dlmlnlsh LhaL
plenary power.
8A 8974, whlch requlre full paymenL before Lhe sLaLe may
exerclse proprleLary rlghLs, conLrary Lo rule 67 whlch requlre
only a deposlL was recognlzed by Lhe SC.

47/0H4/-6 433+4A /0 56 S .0O 3455 /0 64
Cn Lhe maLLer on appeals on [udgmenL of convlcLlon where
Lhe penalLy ls recluslon perpeLua supposedly lL ls only
excluslve Lo SC where you flle an appeal by flllng a noLlce of
appeal because lL ls noL auLomaLlc.
lL ls only when Lhe penalLy ls deaLh when appeal ls auLomaLlc
even lf accused does noL flle a noLlce of appeal.
1n LhaL under Lhe new rules of Lhe offlce of Lhe SC, as lL was
enunclaLed n Lhe case of 3>'!D> C9 H"#>', Lhe appeal
should flrsL pass Lo Lhe CA before lL goes Lo Lhe SC.

6"9>; 3>'!D> C9 H"#>'
1he SC sald, Lhe fundamenLal law requlres mandaLory revlew
by SC of cases where Lhe penalLy perpeLua, llfe
lmprlsonmenL or deaLh, nowhere has lL been prohlblLed an
lnLermedlaLe revlew.
SC deems lL wlse and compelllng Lo provlde ln Lhese cases a
revlew by Lhe CA before Lhe case ls elevaLed ln Lhe CA.
!usLlflcaLlon. rocedural flrsL and foremosL falls more
squarely wlLhln Lhe rules maklng prerogaLlve of Lhe SC Lhan
Lhe law maklng power of congress.
1he rule allowlng Lhe CA, a subordlnaLe appellaLe courL
before Lhe case ls elevaLed Lo Lhe SC for auLomaLlc revlew ls
such a procedural maLLer.

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age 92
A-H-/4/-0.5 0. 27A+ H48-.I 30O+2 0, 56
1n on Lhe llmlLaLlon of Lhe rule maklng power of SC, lL should
1. slmpllfled and lnexpenslve procedure for Lhe speedy
dlsposlLlon of cases
2. unlform for all courLs of Lhe same grade
3. noL dlmlnlsh, lncrease or modlfy subsLanLlve rlghLs

Pow many voLes ls requlred Lo arrlve aL a declslon CW Lhe
appeal ls dlsmlssed?

lf lL ls a dlvlslon of 7, how many voLes are needed?
AL leasL 4.
lf Lhere ls 6?
AL leasL 4.
lf Lhere are 3?
AL leasL 3.
lf Lhere are 4?
AL leasL 3.
lf Lhere are 3?
1here ls no more quorum.

lf lL ls a dlvlslon of 3, how many voLes are needed?
AL leasL 3.
lf Lhere are 4?
AL leasL 3.
lf Lhere are 3?
A unanlmous 3.

lf lL ls a dlvlslon of 3, how many voLes are needed?
A unanlmous 3.

lCW lL wlll be noL less Lhan 3 ln all dlvlslons.

lf lL ls noL obLalned, Lhen ln whlch case, lL wlll be held by SC
slLLlng en banc.

645+5 /0 R+ *+6-*+* +. R4.6
WhaL are Lhe cases Lo be declded by SC slLLlng en banc and ln
As a C8, because Lhere are many cases appealed Lo Lhe SC,
Lhey declde cases ln dlvlslon of 3,3 and 7.
1hese are Lhe cases LhaL are noL covered by cases Lo be
heard only by SC en banc.
So beLLer lf you can memorlze Lhe cases LhaL musL be heard
en banc, llke:
1. oll coses lovolvloq coostltotlooollty of tteoty, lotetootloool
oqteemeot, execotlve oqteemeot ot low

2. oll coses to be beotJ eo booc ooJet tbe toles of coott

3. oppeols ftom 5ooJlqooboyoo & coostltotloool commlssloo
1he S8 ls dlrecLly Lo Lhe SC because lL ls co-equal Lo CA.
lnsofar as Clvll Servlce Commlsslon, 1n lL musL flrsL pass
Lhrough Lhe CA, by Lhe clrcular of Lhe SC before lL goes Lo
mandaLory revlew of SC.
lnsofar as Comelec, only declslons of Comelec en banc
can appealed Lo Lhe SC. 1hus as a condlLlon precedenL Lo
an appeal Lo be Laken cognlzance by Lhe SC on declslons of
Lhe Comelec, a moLlon for reconslderaLlon musL be flrsL
flled or resolved by Lhe Comelec en banc.
lnsofar as CCA, lL ls dlrecLly appealable Lo SC purely on
quesLlons of law or on allegaLlons of abuse of dlscreLlon
amounLlng Lo lack or ln excess of [urlsdlcLlon. lCW only
Lhrough a peLlLlon for cerLlorarl.

4. coses lovolvloq tbe coostltotlooollty of oppllcotloo ot
opetotloo of lus, ptoclomotloo, otJets, losttoctloos,
otJloooces ooJ otbet teqolotloos.

3. coses wbete 5c moJlfles ot tevetses o Jocttloe ot o
ptloclple lolJ Jowo by 5c eltbet slttloq eo booc ot lo Jlvlsloo.
1haL can only be done by SC slLLlng en banc.
lf Lhere ls already a prlnclple esLabllshed ln Lhe case by
Lhe SC slLLlng ln dlvlslon, lf you are Lo reverse LhaL declslon,
you flle a moLlon for reconslderaLlon ln Lhe SC slLLlng en
banc because only SC en banc can reverse a declslon LhaL
esLabllsh Lhe prlnclple elLher by SC slLLlng en banc or ln

6. oJmlolsttotlve coses to Jlsclplloe ot Jlsmlss joJqes of
lowet cootts

7. electloo cootest fot tbe pteslJeot ooJ vl

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age 93
uLClSlCn Cl SC
1he requlremenL ls, courL should declde cases for a perlod of:
1. SC: 24 monLhs
2. lAC: 12 monLhs
3. lower courLs: 3 monLhs

R0/E H4.*4/02G 4.* *-2+6/02G
All from Lhe Llme Lhe case ls deemed submlLLed for declslon
or resoluLlon.
1n LhaL ln Lhe requlremenL, ls lL mandaLory ls dlrecLory?
lL ls ul8LC1C8? because even lf [udgmenL ls rendered afLer
Lhe prescrlbed perlod, [udgmenL ls sLlll valld.
lL ls MAnuA1C8? ln a sense, speclally for lower courLs
because lf Lhey fall Lo comply or follow Lhe prescrlbed
perlod, LhaL would be sub[ecL Lo a dlsclpllnary acLlon agalnsL
a [udge.

45 /0 ,02H 4.* H4..+2
1n of Lhe requlremenL, under sec 14, lL musL sLaLe Lhe pasL
and appllcable law and [urlsprudence.

WhaL ls lmporLanL ln sec 14 are Lhe excepLlons. lnsofar Lhe SC
dlsmlsslng a peLlLlon for revlew or cerLlorarl by Lhe mere
sLaLemenL for lack of merlL, Lhe declslon ls dlsmlssed. uoes
Lhls vlolaLe secLlon 14?
1n of Lhe followlng cases:
6"9>; 6'&"?=' C9 64
6"9>; I>$&"( H"?=%(>$%>9 -(?N C9 -(U")"
6"9>; 5'D%U E'&>9 C9 A"?>$("

6"9>; 4$>:"U' C9 G"&"
Where Lhe SC sLressed LhaL SC has dlscreLlon Lo declde
wheLher a mlnuLe resoluLlon should be used ln lleu of a full
blown declslon ln any parLlcular case.
lurLher, SC explalned LhaL Lhe granL of due course Lo a
peLlLlon for revlew ls noL a maLLer of rlghL buL of some
[udlclal dlscreLlon.
Whlle lf forced Lo flnd any reverslble error commlLLed by CA,
Lhere ls no need Lo fully explaln Lhe courL's denlal as lL
means LhaL means LhaL Lhe SC agrees wlLh or adopLs Lhe
flndlngs and concluslons of Lhe CA.
1here ls no polnL ln reproduclng or resLaLlng ln Lhe resoluLlon
of Lhe denlal Lhe concluslons of Lhe appellaLe courL afflrmed.
1he consLlLuLlonal requlremenL of sec 14 arL 8 of a clear
presenLaLlon of facLs and laws applles Lo declslons where
Lhe peLlLlon ls glven due course buL noL where Lhe peLlLlon ls
denled due course wlLh Lhe resoluLlon sLaLlng Lhe legal basls
for Lhe dlsmlssal.
lCW lf Lhe SC denles a peLlLlon for revlew, Lhe SC need noL
explaln LhaL.
8uL Lhe momenL Lhe SC glves due course Lo Lhe peLlLlon, even
lf Lhe SC ulLlmaLely wlll dlsmlss Lhe peLlLlon, sLlll SC has Lo
comply wlLh sec 14.
Cn memorandum declslon, ls LhaL accepLable?
6"9>; 0%D "(U ."#%'("D I"9 6'&&%99%'(
SC sald, sec 14 does noL preclude Lhe valldlLy of
memorandum declslon where Lhe SC makes only a referral
of Lhe declslon already made by Lhe lower courL whlch Lhe
by Lhe reference, Lhe flndlngs of facLs and concluslons of law
conLalned ln Lhe declslons of lnferlor Lrlbunal.
lL ls lnLended Lo avold cumbersome reproducLlon of Lhe
declslon or porLlons of Lhe lower courL.

Also you musL learn Lhe deflnlLlon of Lhe Lerm:
CblLer dlcLum
ro hac vlce

1hls was used ln Lhe case of AmpaLuan as regards Lo Lhe
maLLer of havlng Lhe proceedlngs of Lhe case broadcasL.
lL ls only appllcable wlLh respecL Lo Lhls case and may noL be
used as a precedenL. 1haL's a pro hac vlce declslon.

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age 94
CCnS1l1u1lCnAL 8CvlSlCnS

60.5/-/7/-0.4A 60HH-55-0.5
Clvll Servlce Commlsslon ls Lhe cenLral personnel agency.
CCMLLLC wlll guaranLy a clean and honesL and orderly
CCA ls Lhe waLchdog of hlllpplne funds and expendlLure.

54,+I742*5 /0 I74224./G -.*+3+.*+.6+
WhaL are Lhe safeguards LhaL guaranLy Lhe lndependence of
Lhese consLlLuLlonal commlsslons?
1. Lhey are creaLed by Lhe consLlLuLlon and Lherefore, Lhey
cannoL be amended abollshed by sLaLuLe
Lach ls expressly descrlbed as an lndependenL body. lL ls
conferred wlLh powers and funcLlons whlch cannoL be
reduced by sLaLuLes.

2. members and chalrman are removable only Lhrough

3. Lerm of offlce ls 7 years

4. Lhey cannoL be appolnLed ln acLlng capaclLy, permanenL
appolnLmenL, lncludlng ad lnLerlm appolnLmenL

3. salarles cannoL be lncreased durlng Lhe conLlnuance of

6. en[oy flscal auLonomy

7. may promulgaLe own rules
vuu LhaL Lhey wlll noL dlmlnlsh, lncrease or modlfy
subsLanLlve rlghLs.

8. appolnLmenL of own personnel
ln accordance wlLh Lhe Clvll Servlce law.
ln Lhe dlsquallflcaLlon of ConsLlLuLlonal Commlssloners,
Lhe Lhlng LhaL you should 1n ls Lhe maLLer LhaL Lhey should
noL be a candldaLe of elecLlon lmmedlaLely precedlng Lhe
appolnLmenL. (!!!!!)

3206+*72+ 2+A4/-.I /0 433+4A5

Memorlze Lhe scope of clvll servlce.
agencles of Lhe CovernmenL
CCCC's wlLh orlglnal charLers
CCCC's creaLed by speclal laws

1hose LhaL are creaLed wlLh Lhe orlglnal charLers, Lhey are
governed by law.
As Lo ordlnary CCCC, Lhey are governed by Lhe corporaLlon
code. And ln whlch case, Lhey are noL wlLhln Lhe [urlsdlcLlon
of Lhe Clvll servlce law
Cnly Lhose creaLed by speclal law and Lhose wlLh orlglnal
charLers are under Lhe CS.

lnS18uMLn1ALl1? vS ACLnC?
6"9>; A%B>$%9" C9 -46
SC sald, ACLnC? of Lhe governmenL refers Lo Lhe varlous
unlLs of Lhe governmenL, lncludlng a deparLmenL, bureau,
offlce, lnsLrumenLallLy of governmenL, CCCC, local
governmenL or any dlsLlncL unlL Lhereln, usually exerclslng
governmenLal funcLlons.
lnS18uMLn1ALl1? refers Lo agency of Lhe naLlonal
governmenL noL lnLegraLed wlLh Lhe deparLmenL framework
vesLed wlLh speclal funcLlons or [urlsdlcLlon by law, wlLh
some lf noL all corporaLe powers admlnlsLerlng speclal funds
and en[oylng operaLlonal auLonomy, usually Lhrough a
charLer. 1hls lncludes regulaLory agencles, lnsLlLuLes of Lhe
governmenL or conLrolled corporaLlon.

WA1L8 ulS18lC1S
Pow abouL waLer dlsLrlcLs? Are Lhey under CS?
?LS. lf one ls employed under Lhe CCCC wheLher a regular
or noL, Lhe CS law applles. lL ls noL Lrue elLher wlLh respecL
Lo money clalms LhaL labor code applles.
So 1n LhaL lnsofar as Lhe waLer dlsLrlcLs, Lhey are under Lhe
1hey are governed wlLh an orlglnal charLers.

S1A1L unlvL8Sl1lLS
Pow abouL Lhe sLaLe unlverslLles? Are Lhey under Lhe clvll
servlce? So LhaL lf Lhere ls any complalnL, you should flle lL
wlLh Lhe clvll servlce or Lhe board of LrusLees LhaL elecLed
Lhe presldenL of a sLaLe unlverslLy or college?
6"9>; 656 C9 5'='$^ H") MM^ Mbb]
SC sald LhaL a sLaLe unlverslLy wlLh a flxed Lerm of offlce
appolnLed by Lhe governlng board of LrusLees of Lhe
unlverslLy ls non carrler clvll servlce offlcer.

AppolnLed by Lhe chalrman and members of Lhe governlng
board of CvC, lL ls a non carrler under Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of
Lhe clvl servlce commlsslon.
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age 93
8ecause sLaLe unlverslLles are governed by speclal laws or
charLered by speclal laws.
1he presldenL ls non carrler wlLhln Lhe [urlsdlcLlon o f Lhe
clvll servlce.

6A455-,-64/-0.5 0, /E+ 305-/-0. 0, /E+ 6-FA 5+2F-6+
1. carrler
2. non carrler

C: ls based on compeLlLlve examlnaLlon.
ellglblllLy based on examlnaLlons.
Lhere are quallflcaLlons prescrlbed by law.
nC: ls usually enLrance based on oLher Lhan Lhe usual LesL of
merlL and flLness
-could be by elecLlon

C: en[oys securlLy of Lenure
nC: could be llmlLed by Lhe Lerm prescrlbed by law
could be coLermlnous Lo Lhe appolnLlng auLhorlLy
could be llmlLed Lo Lhe duraLlon of Lhe pro[ecL for whlch
he ls employed or appolnLed Lo

C: wlLh opporLunlLy of advancemenL
nC: no opporLunlLy of advancemenL
no promoLlon

5+672-/G 0, /+.72+
Who en[oys Lhe securlLy of Lenure assumlng LhaL he ls a
carrler? Lspeclally for Lhe requlremenL of execuLlve clvll
servlce ellglblllLy LhaL ls now an lssue.
8emember LhaL afLer Lhe change of admlnlsLraLlon, some
dlrecLors are Lo be replaced? AlLhough Lhey are clvll servlce
ellglble buL lL ls noL ellglblllLy LhaL ls requlred of Lhe poslLlon.
WhaL ls Lhe requlremenL of an execuLlve poslLlon?
?ou have Lo have an execuLlve clvll servlce ellglblllLy llke
CLSC - Carrler LxecuLlve LllglblllLy.
CW even lf you are a flrsL grade professlonal, clvll servlce
ellglblllLy holder, LhaL ls noL Lhe klnd of ellglblllLy LhaL ls
requlred of Lhe poslLlon, you can sLlll be removed. ?ou don'L
en[oy Lhe securlLy of Lenure.

LeL me explaln Lhe exLenL of Lhe en[oymenL of securlLy of
Lenure. ?ou have Lo have noL only Lhe prescrlbed
quallflcaLlon buL as well as Lhe requlred ellglblllLy.
lor a reglonal dlrecLor for example, whaL are Lhe
requlremenLs of a bureau?
Cf course Lhe quallflcaLlons needed for Lhe poslLlon as
requlred by law and secondly, Lhe requlslLe ellglblllLy for LhaL
Meanlng, even lf you have Lhe quallflcaLlons, llke for
example, relaLlng Lo Lhe requlremenL LhaL ln order Lo
acqulre Lhe poslLlon, you have Lo be an englneer. And you
have Lo be a CLS holder, LxecuLlve LllglblllLy.
Lven lf you are an englneer buL you don'L have Lhe
ellglblllLy, you don'L en[oy securlLy of Lenure. ?ou can be
Lransferred any where else.
Lven lf you have Lhe clvll servlce ellglblllLy however noL Lhe
requlred clvll servlce ellglblllLy, Lhen you are dlsquallfled.
Cr even lf you have CLSC, however you do noL have Lhe
quallflcaLlon, you sLlll do noL en[oy securlLy of Lenure.
So LhaL explalns why many dlrecLors who have been
holdlng Lhe poslLlon for several years already,
professlonallzed Lhe poslLlon, Lhey are sLlll Lransferred or
removed from offlce because Lhese Lwo musL concur, Lhe
requlred quallflcaLlon and Lhe ellglblllLy.
lallure Lo apply for Lhls requlremenL, one does noL
guaranLy a securlLy of Lenure.

8uL lf you are a CLSC, whaL wlll happen here? ln case you
do noL have Lhe quallflcaLlons?
?ou may noL geL Lhe poslLlon. llke for example, Lhe
poslLlon requlres LhaL you have Lo be a docLor. Powever you
are only a nurse, buL you have Lhe ellglblllLy of a CLSC, do
you en[oy securlLy of Lenure Lo Lhe poslLlon?
nC. 8ecause of Lhe lack of quallflcaLlon.
Powever your salary ls noL be dlmlnlshed because you are
a CLSC. ?ou don'L en[oy securlLy of Lenure Lo Lhe poslLlon.

1o glve you concreLe cases relaLlng Lo Lhls, l wanL you Lo
read Lhe followlng cases:
6"9>; 4D9'?'9' C9 H"?"$"%:
SC sald, permanenL appolnLmenL can be lssued only Lo a
person who makes all Lhe requlremenLs for Lhe poslLlon Lo
whlch he ls belng appolnLed lncludlng Lhe approprlaLe
ellglblllLy prescrlbed.
1he mere facL LhaL poslLlon belongs Lo a carrler does noL
auLomaLlcally confer securlLy of Lenure on lLs occupanL even
lf lL does noL possess Lhe requlred quallflcaLlons such rlghL
wlll have Lo depend on Lhe naLure of appolnLmenL whlch ln
Lurn depends on lLs ellglblllLy or lack of lL.

WhaL lf for example, you are permanenL appolnLee. ?ou
accepLed an appolnLmenL LhaL ls CC-1L8MlnuS Wl1P 1PL
ACln1lnC Au1PC8l1? because Lhe salary ls hlgher. uo
you en[oy securlLy of Lenure?
nC. 1he momenL you accepL an appolnLmenL LhaL ls co-
Lermlnus Lo Lhe appolnLlng auLhorlLy, you walve your rlghL
agalnsL securlLy of Lenure.

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age 96
Cf course Lhose CCnlluLn1lAL CSl1lCn do noL en[oy
securlLy of Lenure.
So Lhen you have Lo know whaL are consldered as
confldenLlal poslLlons?
1hese are prlmarlly confldenLlal.
Case: MonLlclllo vs CSC
SC sald LhaL Lhe CS ls expressly empowered by Lhe
AdmlnlsLraLlve Code of 1987 Lo declare poslLlons of CS
prlmarlly confldenLlal, on 2 lnsLances:
1. presldenL declares Lhe poslLlon as prlmarlly confldenLlal
upon recommendaLlon of CSC
2. wheLher Lhe naLure of funcLlon exlsLs close lnLlmacy
beLween Lhe appolnLee and Lhe appolnLlng auLhorlLy whlch
ensures freedom of lnLercourse wlLhouL embarrassmenL or
freedom from mlsglvlng or los of personal LrusL or
confldenLlal maLLers.

Pow abouL a pre legal offlcer? ls LhaL prlmarlly

Pow abouL a Caslno CperaLlons Manager?
noL confldenLlal.

2+H0F4A 0, /+H30242G +H3A0G++
Can you remove a Lemporary employee anyLlme?
?LS. WlLh or wlLhouL cause.
8uL for Lhose who en[oy securlLy of Lenure, Lhey can only
be removed for [usL or legal cause provlded by law.
8uL lf your appolnLmenL ls Lemporary, Lhere ls no such
expecLaLlons because Lhey do noL en[oy securlLy of Lenure.

.+Q/ -. 24.8 27A+
1he appolnLlng auLhorlLy ls noL bound by Lhe nexL ln rank
rule. SLlll he ls glven a wlde laLlLude ln Lhe cholce of

8-.*5 0, 305-/-0.5
1here are poslLlons llke
1. compeLlLlve poslLlons
2. non compeLlLlve poslLlons
a. pollcy deLermlnlng
b. confldenLlal
c. hlghly Lechnlcal

5753+.5-0. 0, 4. +H3A0G++
1. prevenLlve suspenslon
2. penalLy

2+-.5/4/+H+./ 4.* R468 54A42G
ls he enLlLled Lo relnsLaLemenL and back salary lf exoneraLed?
ln 32+F+./-F+ 5753+.5-0., lL ls Lhe Lemporary removal of
an employee ln an offlce whlle a case flled agalnsL hlm ls
pendlng. ln Lhe evenL Lhe case ls dlsmlssed, ls he enLlLled Lo
backwages? lf he ls exoneraLed and relnsLaLed Lo offlce?
1he rule ls, nC WC8k, nC A?. lf he dld noL render servlce,
lL ls noL auLomaLlc LhaL he wlll be enLlLled Lo back wages
a. lf Lhere ls a flndlng of abuse of dlscreLlon on Lhe parL of
Lhe dlsclpllnlng commlLLee, or
b. lf Lhere ls an order for Lhe paymenL of backwages

ln 5753+.5-0.^ ls he LlLled Lo Lhe paymenL of backwages
when he ls lllegally dlsmlssed?
6"9>; 6"9#%DD' C9 656
When Lhe employee ls lllegally dlsmlssed and hls
relnsLaLemenL ls Lhrough order of Lhe courL, for all lnLenLs
and purposes, he ls consldered as noL havlng lefL hls offlce,
noLwlLhsLandlng Lhe sllence of hls declslon, he ls enLlLled Lhe
paymenL of backwages.

6"9>; R0/6 C9 6$@X
SC follows as precedenL LhaL 8C1C dld noL effecL Cruz's
LermlnaLlon wlLh bad falLh. And consequenLly, no back
wages can be awarded ln hls favor.

So only when Lhere ls a flndlng of abuse of dlscreLlon or
bad falLh on Lhe parL of Lhe auLhorlLy LhaL he be enLlLled Lo
Lhe paymenL of backwages.

lf Lhe publlc offlclal ls 4A2+4*G 2+/-2+*^ ls he enLlLled Lo
backwages and hls reLlremenL beneflLs?
6"9>; *"C%U C9 I"("9
SC sald, Lhe CS offlcer has been found lllegally dlsmlssed or
suspended ls enLlLled Lo be relnsLaLed and Lo backwages and
oLher moneLary beneflLs from Lhe Llme of hls lllegal dlsmlssal
or suspenslon and up Lo hls relnsLaLemenL.
And lf aL Lhe Llme Lhe declslon of exoneraLlon ls
promulgaLed, he ls already of reLlremenL age, he shall be
enLlLled nlL only Lo back wages buL also Lo full reLlremenL

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 97
*07RA+ 60H3+.54/-0.
1hls ls prohlblLed.

Pow abouL lf he ls reLlred and recelved penslon and he ls
reemployed, wlll LhaL be consldered as double
6"9>; 5"(#'9 C9 64
1he rule on double compensaLlon ls noL appllcable Lo
penslon. A reLlree recelvlng Lhe penslon of graLulLy afLer
reLlremenL can conLlnue Lo recelve such penslon or graLulLy
lf he accepLs anoLher governmenL poslLlon Lo whlch anoLher
compensaLlon ls aLLached.

/+2H-.4/-0. 0, 5+2F-6+ O-/E /E+ I0F+2.H+./
?ou have Lhe Law on ubllc Cfflcers.

6"9>; +9#$"U" C9 *%9%>$#'
As regards Lhe form of reslgnaLlon, lL ls noL requlred LhaL lL ls
formal. 8uL for purposes of avoldlng any llablllLy, Lhe
reslgnaLlon has Lo accepLed by Lhe appolnLlng auLhorlLy.

30O+25 +Q+26-5+*
CSC exerclses admlnlsLraLlve funcLlon. 8uL lL also exerclses
quasl leglslaLlve and quasl [udlclal funcLlons sub[ecL Lo
revlew by Lhe SC, however lL musL pass Lhrough Lhe
lnLermedlaLe revlew.

433+4A RG 656 /0 56
Can CS appeal Lhe declslons of CA? Can lL be an appellanL of a
CS case? Llke for example, ln case of uacoycoy where CSC
rendered a declslon agalnsL a CS employee and he was
dlsmlssed from employmenL because of nepoLlsm. Cf course
Lhe employee appealed eh declslon of Lhe CSC Lo CA. 1hen
CA reversed Lhe CSC. Can CSC can appeal Lhe declslon of CA
Lo SC?
?es. 8ecause ln LhaL case Lhe CSC was Lhe aggrleved parLy.
Appeal now lles from a declslon exoneraLlng CS employee of
admlnlsLraLlve charges.

H4G -557+ O2-/5
Can CS lssue a wrlL of execuLlon ln order Lo lmplemenL lLs
own [udgmenL?
?LS. lL ls parL of lLs quasl [udlclal funcLlon.

4330-./H+./ 0, /E+ 60HH-55-0.+25
L8MAnLn1, nC1 Su8!LC1 1C 8LACln1MLn1
!usL llke Lhe resL of Lhe offlcers of Lhe consLlLuLlonal
commlsslon, appolnLmenL musL be permanenL and noL
sub[ecL Lo reappolnLmenL.

Su8!LC1 1C CCnll8MA1lCn 8? CoA
1he appolnLmenL ls sub[ecL Lo conflrmaLlon by Lhe CoA.
When you say noL sub[ecL Lo reappolnLmenL, LhaL affecLs
only Lo regular appolnLmenLs whlch had been conflrmed by
CoA. (H"#%B": C9 R>(%!")')

-5574.6+ 0, O2-/5 -. 4-* 0, -/5 433+AA4/+ T72-5*-6/-0.
As parL of lLs quasl [udlclal funcLlon, CCMLLLC can lssue
1. CerLlorarl
2. rohlblLlon
3. Mandamus
8uL only ln ald of lLs appellaLe [urlsdlcLlon

60./+H3/ 30O+25 -. 4*H-.-5/24/-F+ 4.* J745-
T7*-6-4A ,7.6/-0.5
uo Lhey exerclse conLempL powers?
?es. 8uL only ln exerclse of admlnlsLraLlve funcLlons.

6"9>; R%U'D C9 6'&>D>?^ *>? Z^ MbbK
8ldol sald he losL Lhe elecLlon reLurns ln Lhe Magulndanao
elecLlons. Zublrrl was elecLed as senaLor as a resulL.
8dol was clLed for conLempL because he dld noL appear
anymore and dld noL brlng Lhe oLher elecLlon paraphernalla.
Pe Lhen appealed Lhe conLempL order Lo Lhe SC saylng LhaL
Lhe order was lssued by Lhe Comelec ln Lhe exerclse of lLs
admlnlsLraLlve funcLlon and Lherefore, Lhe Comelec has no
auLhorlLy Lo clLe hlm for conLempL. lL was noL ln Lhe exerclse
of lLs quasl [udlclal funcLlon.

LeL me clarlfy. Cn Lhe Commlsslon of Puman 8lghLs, as you
can recall, lL has no conLempL power nelLher Lhe power Lo
lssue resLralnlng powers because lL ls merely an
lnvesLlgaLlng body excepL when lL ls exerclslng
admlnlsLraLlve funcLlon.
lnsofar as Lhe Comelec C1CP, Lhe conLempL power ls
execlsed by Lhe Comelec ls Lhe exerclse of lLs quasl [udlclal
funcLlon, noL admlnlsLraLlve.

So here, SC susLalned Lhe Comelec. 8ecause accordlng Lo SC,
when LhaL order was lssued by Lhe Comelec, Lhere was an
lnvesLlgaLlon conducLed on 8ldol as regards Lo Lhose
elecLlon reLurns.
ln connecLlon Lo Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon, 8ldol was ordered Lo
produce all Lhe necessary elecLlon reLurns and Lhe
cerLlflcaLes of canvass whlch however he falled Lo do so. And
Lhus Lhe conLempL.
So lL was noL purely an admlnlsLraLlve funcLlon of Lhe
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age 98
Comelec when he was ordered buL ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe
case LhaL was lnvesLlgaLed by Lhe Comelec.
1herefore, Lhe clLaLlon of conLempL of 8ldol was ln
accordance wlLh law.

As far as lLs quasl [udlclal funcLlon, Lhe Comelec can clLe for

64..0/ 64AA ,02 +A+6/-0.5
Can Comelec call for elecLlons?
6"9>; 5>&" C9 6'&>D>?N
nC. 1haL ls an excluslve power of congress.

T72-5*-6/-0. 0F+2 60.,A-6/5 0, 30A-/-64A 342/-+5
Can Lhe Comelec assume [urlsdlcLlon over confllcLs of pollLlcal
6"9>; AR3 C9 6'&>D>?
6"9>; AR3 C9 4#%>(X"
Cn Lhe confllcL of leadershlp ln Lhe pollLlcal parLy, WCn
Clbon or ALlenza ls Lhe resldenL of L8. Comelec assumed
[urlsdlcLlon over LhaL confllcL.
1n Whlle Lhe J7+5/-0. 0, 342/G A+4*+25E-3 has
lmpllcaLlon on Lhe Comelec's performance of lLs funcLlons,
Comelec has [urlsdlcLlon Lo declde quesLlons of leadershlp
wlLhln a parLy and Lo ascerLaln lLs leglLlmaLe offlcers and
leaders. 1he Comelec ls endowed wlLh ample, well deflned
and conslderable laLlLude ln adapLlng Lhe means and
meLhods LhaL would ensure Lhe accompllshmenL of Lhe
ob[ecLlves of whlch lL was creaLed.

8uL lf lL goes Lo Lhe +Q37A5-0. of a leader of a pollLlcal
parLy or a member from a pollLlcal parLy, does Lhe Comelec
have [urlsdlcLlon over LhaL dlspuLe?
6"9>; 4#%>(X" C9 6'&>D>?^ ,>B We^ MbWb
1hls ls on Lhe expulslon of ALlenza from L8.
1n SC sald, whlle on Lhe quesLlon of parLy leadershlp has
lmpllcaLlons on Lhe Comelec's performance of lLs funcLlons
under sec 2 arL 9 par c of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon, Lhe same cannoL
be sald of Lhe lssue perLalnlng Lo ALlenza's expulslon from
Lhe LC.
Such expulslon ls for Lhe momenL an lssue of parLy
membershlp and dlsclpllne ln whlch Lhe Comelec cannoL
lnLerfere glven Lhe llmlLed scope of lLs power over pollLlcal

320H7AI4/-0. 0, 27A+5 -. /E+ 60.*76/ 0, +A+6/-0.
1he promulgaLlon of rules ln Lhe conducL of elecLlon ls wlLhln
Lhe powers of Lhe Comelec.
6"9>; A%&_"%?='(: C9 6'&>D>?
1he resoluLlon lssued by Lhe Comelec, where Lhe Comelec
declares LhaL noLwlLhsLandlng Lhe pendency of Lhe
dlsquallflcaLlon case agalnsL Lhe candldaLe, lf elecLed, he
should be proclalmed wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe conLlnuaLlon
of Lhe proceedlngs ln Lhe proper forum.
ln Lhls case, resoluLlon number 8062, accordlng Lo SC ls a
valld exerclse of Comelec's consLlLuLlonally mandaLed power
Lo promulgaLe lLs own rules or procedure relaLlve Lo Lhe
conducL of elecLlons.
ln adopLlng such pollcy guldellnes for Lhe May 14, 2007
naLlonal and Local LlecLlons, Lhe Comelec had ln mlnd Lhe
ob[ecLlve of upholdlng Lhe soverelgn wlll of Lhe people and
ln Lhe lnLeresL of [usLlce and falr play accordlng Lo Lhese
candldaLes whose dlsquallflcaLlon cases are sLlll pendlng aL
Lhe Llme of elecLlon, should Lhey obLaln Lhe hlghesL number
of voLes from Lhe elecLoraLe should be proclalmed. 8uL Lhelr
proclamaLlon should be wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe
conLlnuaLlon of Lhe hearlng and Lhe resoluLlon of Lhe
lnvolved cases.

60.*76/ 0, 3A+R-56-/+ 4.* *+/+2H-.4/-0. 0, 2+57A/
Pow abouL conducL of pleblsclLe and deLermlnaLlon of resulL?
ls lL wlLh Lhe Comelec or Lhe courLs?
6"9>; 6")>#"(' C9 6'&>D>?
1he conducL of pleblsclLe and deLermlnaLlon of resulLs shall
be Lhe buslness of Lhe Comelec, noL Lhe regular courLs.
1he lndependenL consLlLuLlonal body excluslvely charged
wlLh Lhe power of enforcemenL and admlnlsLraLlon of laws
and regulaLlon relaLlve Lo Lhe conducL of elecLlon, pleblsclLe,
lnlLlaLlve, referendum and recall, Lhe Comelec has Lhe
lndlspuLable experLlse of elecLlon and relaLed laws.
lL has Lherefore en[oyed Lhe presumpLlon of regularlLy ln
Lhe performance of lLs duLles.

.0 T72-5*-6/-0. 0F+2 58 0,,-6-4A5
WhaL abouL Sk offlclals, who has [urlsdlcLlon?
ulLC. noL Lhe Comelec.

H4.74A 607./
As Lo Lhe manual counL, Lhe Comelec may valldly order a
manual counL noL wlLhsLandlng Lhe auLomaLed counLlng of
balloLs ln 8A 8486.
1he law granLs Lo Lhe commlsslon Lhe use of auLomaLed
elecLlon sysLem lf LhaL ls Lhe only way Lo counL voLes. lL
oughL Lo be self evldenL LhaL Lhe consLlLuLlon dld noL
envlslon a Comelec LhaL cannoL counL a resulL elecLlon.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 99
+A+6/-0. 60./+5/5 -.F0AF-.I R424.I4G5
Where do you flle elecLlon conLesLs lnvolvlng barangays?
llle lL wlLh Lhe M1C.

Appealable Lo where?
lrom M1C Lo Comelec.

lrom Comelec, lL ls flnal and execuLory, excepL when Lhere ls
an allegaLlon of abuse of dlscreLlon amounLlng Lo lack or ln
excess of [urlsdlcLlon. ?ou flle peLlLlon for cerLlorarl ln SC.

+A+6/-0. 60./+5/5 -.F0AF-.I H7.-6-34A 0,,-6-4A5
Where do you flle elecLlon conLesLs lnvolvlng munlclpal
llle lL wlLh 81C.

Where Lo do you appeal?
1he Comelec.

lrom Comelec, lL ls flnal and execuLory, excepL when Lhere ls
an allegaLlon of abuse of dlscreLlon.

+A+6/-0. 60./+5/5 -.F0AF-.I 6-/G 0,,-6-4A5
Where do you flle elecLlon conLesLs lnvolvlng clLy offlclals?
llle lL wlLh Comelec.

Where do you appeal?

+A+6/-0. 60./+5/5 -.F0AF-.I 320F-.6-4A 02 42HH
Where do you flle elecLlon conLesLs lnvolvlng provlnclal or
A8MM offlclals?
llle lL wlLh Comelec.

Where do you appeal?
SC, buL only declslon of Lhe Comelec en banc.

*+6-5-0. RG 60H+A+6 -. *-F-5-0. 4.* +. R4.6
lL can be appealed Lo Lhe SC. 1he rule ls, as long as lL ls an
ad[udlcaLory power, ln Lhe exerclse of lLs quasl [udlclal
funcLlon Lo be exerclsed by Lhe Comelec, all Lhese cases shall
be declded by Lhe Comelec ln dlvlslon.
1hey only declde maLLers LhaL are purely admlnlsLraLlve en

0.AG *+6-5-0.5 +. R4.6 -5 2+F-+O4RA+ RG 56
8o appeal Lherefore Lhe declslon of LhaL dlvlslon, you have Lo
flle a moLlon for reconslderaLlon LhaL has Lo resolved by Lhe
Comelec en banc. And LhaL resoluLlon now can be appealed
Lo SC.
8ecause Lhe law ls very clear Lhan only declslons of
consLlLuLlonal bodles rendered en banc can be revlewed by
Lhe SC.

3203054A /0 4H+.* 60.5/-/7/-0. RG /E+ 3+03A+
Cn Lhe maLLer of proposlng Lhe people on Lhe amendmenLs
of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon,

Case: SanLlago vs Comelec
Case: Lamblno vs Comelec
SC made Lhe declaraLlon LhaL Lhe provlslon ln Lhe 8A 6733 ls
sufflclenL. Powever Lhe manner of Lhe naLure of Lhe
proposal changed ls noL [usL Lhe amendmenL. lL ls Lhe reason
why Lhe peLlLlon was dlsmlssed.
So wala na Long lnsufflclency.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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age 100
CCMMlSSlCn Cn Auul1
1. admlnlsLraLlve funcLlons
2. quasl [udlclal funcLlons

320H7AI4/-0. 0, 27A+5 3+2/4-.-.I /0 47*-/ Y 604
ln Lhe maLLer of promulgaLlng rules perLalnlng Lo audlL ls
excluslve Lo Lhe CCA.

60.*76/ 0, 47*-/
ln Lhe maLLer of conducLlng audlL, LhaL ls noL excluslve Lo
rlvaLe accounLlng flrms or audlLors conLracLed by
governmenL Lo conducL audlL on funds of governmenL LhaL
were derlved from Lhe proceeds of Lhe loan for example
from an lnLernaLlonal bank or from donaLlons made form
lnLernaLlonal sources, LhaL can also be audlLed by prlvaLe

6"9>; *R3 C9 604
CCA does noL have Lhe excluslve power Lo examlne and audlL
governmenL agencles.
8uL as regards Lo promulgaLlon of rules perLalnlng Lo audlL of
governmenL funds and expendlLures, LhaL ls excluslve Lo

lCW lf Lhe law requlres LhaL ls promulgaLed by CCA, Lhe
conducL wlll have Lo be followed. 1haL cannoL be seL aslde.
8ecause Lhe maLLer of promulgaLlng Lhe rules relaLlng Lo
audlL or how funds should be expended ls ln Lhe excluslve
power of CCA.

57RT+6/ 0, 47*-/ S 0.AG A-J74*4/+* ,7.*5
ln Lhe conducL of audlL, whaL can be Lhe sub[ecL of audlL?
Cnly Lhe llquldaLed funds. CW lf lL unllquldaLed, LhaL has
sLlll Lo be esLabllshed ln Lhe courL, noL CCA.

6"9>; 3=%D%!!%(> 0!>$"#%'(9 -(?'$!'$"#>U C9 4@U%#'$
SC sald, CCA's power over Lhe seLLlemenL of accounLs ls
dlfferenL from power over unllquldaLed clalms. 1he laLLer of
whlch ls wlLhln Lhe amblL of [udlclal power. CCA has no

T72-5*-6/-0. 0F+2 32-F4/+ 6023024/-0.
Can prlvaLe corporaLlon be Lhe sub[ecL of an audlL?
C8, lL ls beyond Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of CCA.
1. when a prlvaLe corporaLlon or enLlLy handles publlc funds.
Lxample, Lhe collecLlon of vA1 by some agencles. 1haL's
Lhe only amounL sub[ecL Lo audlL.
2. when Lhey recelve subsldy from Lhe governmenL

7.4.-H075 *+6-5-0. 0, 604
Any declslon rendered by CCA has Lo be unanlmous among
Lhe Lhree members because Lhe chalrman ls noL Lhe CCA.
8emember CCA ls a colleglal body and Lherefore Lhey declde
Lhe case as a colleglal body. noL [usL by Lhe chalrman of

*-54AA0O;+Q6+55-F+^ 7..+6+5542G +Q3+.*-/72+5
Can CCA dlsallow Lhe approval excess or unnecessary

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 101
A81 10 - LCCAL CCvL8nMLn1S
1hls wlll agaln be dlscussed by ALLy Largo.

30A-/-64A 57R*-F-5-0.5
1he pollLlcal subdlvlslons are Lhe
1. AuLonomous reglons
2. rovlnces
3. ClLles
4. MunlclpallLles
3. 8arangays

24 ZWeb Y AI6
1hey are governed by 8A 3160 - LCC LhaL provldes for Lhe
rules relaLlng Lo
1. Lerm of offlce
2. sLrucLure and organlzaLlon of LCu's

/+2H 0, 0,,-6+
under Lhe consLlLuLlon, how long ls Lhe perm of offlce of Lhe
LC offlclals?
3 years, buL noL more LhaL 3 consecuLlve Lerms.

Can Lhls be changed by ordlnary leglslaLlon?
LxcepL barangay offlclals.

When would you conslder lL as prohlblLed LhaL wlll
dlsquallfy an lncumbenL Lo run for reelecLlon?
When lL would be hls 4
elecLlon Lo Lhe same poslLlon LhaL
ls successlve.

When ls lL consldered SuCCLSSlvL for purposes of
deLermlnlng dlsquallflcaLlon? (!!!)

LllLC1 Cl 8LvLn1lvL SuSLnSlCn Cn 1PL
6"9>; 4DU'C%(' C9 6'&>D>?^ *>? MZ^ MbbK
1he quesLlon here ls wheLher prevenLlve suspenslon of a
publlc offlclal lnLerrupLs Lhe consecuLlveness of Lhe Lerm. Cr
lf noL lnLerrupLed, ay noL have flnlshed because Lhere ls a
perlod of Llme where he had noL served because he was
placed under prevenLlve suspenslon. Would LhaL be
consldered an lnLerrupLlon?
SC sald, Lhe prevenLlve suspenslon of publlc offlclal does
noL lnLerrupL Lhelr Lerm for Lhe purposes of Lhe %)*##
%#*+ ,&+&% *-,# under Lhe consLlLuLlon and LCC.
revenLlve suspenslon by lLs naLure does noL lnvolve an
effecLlve lnLerrupLlon of lLs servlce wlLhln Lhe Lerm and
should Lherefore noL be a reason Lo avold Lhe Lhree Lerm

ln1L88u1lCn Cl 1L8M
1he lnLerrupLlon of a Lerm exempLlng an elecLlve offlclal
from Lhe Lhree Lerm llmlL ls one LhaL lnvolves no less Lhan
lnvCLun1A8? LCSS Cl ClllCL.
ln all cases of prevenLlve suspenslon, Lhe suspended offlclal
ls barred from performlng Lhe funcLlons of hls offlce and
does noL vacaLe or lose LlLle of hls offlce.
Loss of offlce ls a consequence LhaL only resulLs upon Lhe
evenLual flllng of gullL or llablllLy.

LllLC1 Cl SuSLnSlCn AS A LnAL1? Cn 1PL
So lL ls prevenLlve suspenslon, LhaL wlll noL lnLerrupL. 8uL lf
lL ls suspenslon as a penalLy, Lhen LhaL would be a dlfferenL
lf lL ls only prevenLlve, lL does noL lnLerrupL because
preclsely he was suspended because he ls sLlll connecLed Lo
hls offlce.
8uL lf lL ls now a penalLy afLer flllng hls case, Lhen deflnlLely
Lhere would be an lnLerrupLlon.

6"9>; R'D'9 C9 6'&>D>?^ H"$ W]^ MbbK
Pe was punong barangay aL hls Lhlrd Lerm. Pe reslgned
because he ran as munlclpal councllor as a Sangunlang
8ayan member. 1herafLer, he reslgned and ran agaln as
8arangay CapLaln.
So Lhe quesLlon Lhere ls WCn Lhere has been an
lnLerrupLlon afLer he reslgned as 8arangay CapLaln and ran
as Sangunlang 8ayan member?
SC sald, 8olos was servlng hls Lhlrd Lerm as unong
8anrangay when he ran as Sangunlang 8ayan member. And
upon wlnnlng, assume Lhe poslLlon as S8 member, Lhus
volunLarlly rellnqulshlng hls offlce as punong barangay whlch
Lhe courL deems as volunyLary renunclaLlon and Lherefore
noL consldered as an lnLerrupLlon.

8LCALL - ln1L88u1lCn
As regards Lo recall, ls LhaL consldered an lnLerrupLlon? ls lL
consldered as your 4
Lxample. Supposedly, you had 3 Lerms and Lhere was a
recall elecLlon, can you run as an opponenL agalnsL Lhe
barangay offlclal?
6"9>; 4U$'&>' C9 6'&>D>?
1he wlnner ln a recall elecLlon can be charged or credlLed
wlLh Lhe full Lerm of Lhree years for purposes of counLlng
Lhe consecuLlveness of an offlclals Lerm ln offlce.
1hus ln a slLuaLlon where a candldaLe loses Lhe elecLlon Lo
galn a Lhlrd consecuLlve Lerm, buL laLer wlns ln Lhe recall
elecLlon, Lhe recall Lerm cannoL be sLlLched ln hls Lwo
prevlous consecuLlve Lerms.
1he perlod of Llme prlor Lo Lhe recall Lerm when anoLher
publlc offlclal holds Lhe offlce consLlLuLes an lnLerrupLlon of
Lhe conLlnulLy of hls servlce.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 102
1L8M 8? LLLC1lCn, nC1 8? SuCCLSSlCn
6"9>; R'$`" C9 6'&>D>?
Cn consecuLlve Lerms, LhaL musL be by elecLlon, noL by
lor example. lf aL flrsL by successlon, and LhereafLer he ran
for elecLlon Lwlce whlch ls supposedly hls Lhlrd Lerm, 1n you
should noL counL LhaL Lerm where he merely succeeded ln
offlce. lL ls an lnLerrupLlon or noL counLed ln Lhe
deLermlnaLlon of conLlnulLy of Lhe Lhree llmlL rule relaLlng Lo
Lerm of offlce.

vCLun1A8? 8LnunClA1lCn
6"9>; A'(X"(%#"
volunLary renunclaLlon ls noL consldered an lnLerrupLlon.

6"9>; 0(: C9 4D>:$>
Cng was consldered Lo have fully served Lhe Lhree Lerms.

J74A-,-64/-0.5 ,02 60.F+25-0. -./0 4 6-/G 02 4
6"9>; 6%#%>9 '< #=> 3=%D%!!%(>9
8ead Lhe lasL parL of Lhe declslon for Lhe quallflcaLlons.

under Lhe new rules now, Lhe requlremenL on area and
lncome has been lncreased.

8A 9009
WhaL would be Lhe law LhaL you should read?
8A 9009 whlch amended sec 430 of Lhe LCC.

Pow much lncome ls requlred?

6"9>; ."C"$$' C9 +$&%#"^ H") WM^ MbWb
SC sald, we declared unconsLlLuLlonal Lhe creaLlon of Lhe
provlnce of ulnagaL lsland for falllng Lo comply wlLh Lhe
LerrlLorlal populaLlon requlremenLs under arL 261 of Lhe

MMuA ls noL a pollLlcal subdlvlslon, lL ls merely an
admlnlsLraLlve coordlnaLlng body whose purpose ls Lo
coordlnaLe wlLh Lhe LCu comprlslng of MeLropollLan Manlla.

1he more recenL cases lnvolvlng MMuA ln exerclslng pollce
power ls:
6"9>; HH*4 C9 /$@?_a'$_9
SC sald, MMuA has no auLhorlLy Lo dlsmanLle blllboards
and oLher forms of adverLlsemenLs posLed ln Lhe sLrucLures
of M813, Lhe laLLer belng a prlvaLe properLy. 8ecause
MMuA's power ls llmlLed only Lo Lhe formulaLlon,
coordlnaLlon, regulaLlon, lmplemenLaLlon, preparaLlon,
managemenL, monlLorlng, seLLllng of pollcles, lnsLalllng a
sysLem and admlnlsLraLlon and Lherefore lL has no power Lo
dlsmanLle Lhe blllboards under Lhe gulse of pollce and
leglslaLlve powers.

6"9>; HH*4 C9 H602 /$"(9!'$# 5)9#>&
1hls ls wlLh reference Lo Lhe ellmlnaLlon of cerLaln
Lermlnals ln LuSA. 1hey don'L have LhaL power because Lhey
are noL vesLed wlLh pollce power.

50726+5 0, 2+F+.7+ 0, AI7h9
1. levy of toxes
1hls lncludes barangays.
Lven lf Lhere ls no leglslaLlve enacLmenL, do Lhey have
Lhe Laxlng power?
?LS. 1haL provlslon ls self execuLory as provlded ln Lhe
consLlLuLlonal as long as lL ls noL conLrary Lo exlsLlng laws.

2. sbote ftom tbe ootloool toxes

3. mloloq toxes, fotestty ooJ flsbety fees ooJ cbotqes

4. sbote lo co-ptoJoctloo, jolot veotote ot ptoJoctloo sbotloq
oqteemeot lo otlllzotloo ooJ Jevelopmeot of ootloool weoltb
wltblo tbe tettltotlol jotlsJlctloo
Case: 1here ls Lhe oll ln alawan and Lhe company
refuses Lo share Lhe lncome Lo alawan rovlnce.

/4Q-.I 30O+2 0, AI7
1hls ls Lo lnsure local auLonomy.
.4/-0.4A I0F+2.H+/. -5 57RT+6/ /0 A064A /4Q
WCn some naLlonal lnsLrumenLallLy are sub[ecL Lo LaxaLlon,
unless Lhey are expressly exempL from LaxaLlon, Lhey are
sub[ecL Lo Lax by local governmenL.
6"9>; H"(%D" -(#>$("#%'("D 4%$!'$# C9 3"9") 6%#)
6"9>; H6-44 C9 H"$?'9
6"9>; 334 C9 -D'%D' 6%#)
6"9>; H-44 C9 64
1he rule ls, Lhey are sub[ecL Lo Lax unless Lhey are expressly
Powever, ln case of doubL, Lhey are exempL from LaxaLlon.
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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 103
A81 11 - ACCCun1A8lLl1? Cl u8LlC ClllClALS

?ou [usL masLer lmpeachmenL.

5+6 W
Memorlze sec 1.
"#$%&'( 1. ubllc offlce ls a publlc LrusL. ubllc offlcers and employees musL,
aL all Llmes, be accounLable Lo Lhe people, serve Lhem wlLh uLmosL
responslblllLy, lnLegrlLy, loyalLy, and efflclency, acL wlLh paLrloLlsm and
[usLlce, and lead modesL llves.

-H3+46ERA+ 37RA-6 0,,-6-4A5
Who are publlc offlclals LhaL are lmpeachable:
1. resldenL
2. v
3. !usLlces of SC
4. ConsLlLuLlonal commlssloners
3. Cmbudsman
-noL Lhe depuLy ombudsman.
We wlll Lackle Lhls lssue ln SC WCn Lhe presldenL has
[urlsdlcLlon. Conslderlng LhaL Lhe presldenL makes LhaL
appolnLmenL of Lhe uC, and Lhe Cmbudsman, because
Lhe uC ls noL lmpeachable, he can be, as parL of Lhe
appolnLlng power of Lhe presldenL, revoked by Lhe
-noL Lhe speclal prosecuLor
ApparenLly Lhe S ls now belng lnvesLlgaLed by Lhe
presldenL. ApparenLly, Lhey are sub[ecL Lo Lhe [urlsdlcLlon
of Lhe offlce of Lhe presldenL.

I207.*5 0,2 -H3+46EH+./
1hese are excluslve grounds.
1. vlolaLlon of Lhe consLlLuLlon
2. brlbery
3. Lreason
4. grafL and corrupLlon
3. beLrayal of publlc LrusL

1hese are excluslve grounds. ?ou cannoL have adulLery as

now Lhe quesLlon of plaglarlsm because lL ls now belng Lhe
sub[ecL of lmpeachmenL agalnsL Lhe !usLlce of SC. 1he
ground ls beLrayal of publlc LrusL. 1hls wlll be creaLlng a
confllcL beLween Lhe congress and SC because Lhe congress
has already exoneraLed Lhe [usLlce of SC.

3206+55 0, -H3+46EH+./
So you go Lhrough Lhe process of who lnlLlaLes Lhe
lmpeachmenL - PCuSL Cl 8L8LSLn1A1lvLS.

WhaL are Lhe 8LCul8LMLn1S?
1. loltlotloo of tbe ptoceeJloqs
a. lf lL ls a member who lnlLlaLes Lhe complalnL or flles
Lhe complalnL, Lhere ls no need of an endorsemenL
b. lf lL ls a prlvaLe lndlvldual, lL has Lo be lndorsed ln order
LhaL lL wlll be Lake acLlon by Lhe CommlLLee on !usLlce

When ls Lhere lnlLlaLlon?
lnlLlaLlon of Lhe proceedlngs (noL Lhe complalnL)
commences upon Lhe flllng and Lhe referral (whaLever
acLlon ls Lo be Laken by Lhe commlLLee aL Lhe momenL).

ln Lhe case of Cmbudsman MercldlLas CuLlerrez, Lhere
were several complalnLs, dlfferenL complalnanLs, Lhey
were slmulLaneously referred aL Lhe same Llme Lo Lhe
commlLLee ln [usLlce. Wlll LhaL be Laken as one lnlLlaLlon
?LS. Accordlng Lo SC.

Why ls Lhls lmporLanL?
8ecause you cannoL lnlLlaLe an lmpeachmenL
proceedlngs more Lhan once ln a year.

2. ptepototloo of ottlcles of lmpeocbmeot
ln Lhe maLLer of lnlLlaLlon, how many voLes are needed
ln order Lo prepare Lhe charge sheeL or arLlcles of
1/3 of Lhe members of Lhe house. 1hls wlll be for Lhe
flllng of Lhe arLlcle sof lmpeachmenL.

3. ptomolqotloo of tbe toles by tbe boose coocetoeJ
1hls ls dlscreLlonary Lo Lhe house.

4. fotwotJ to boose of seoote os tbe ttlboool
1he house of senaLe wlll acL as Lhe Lrlbunal.
Who wlll be Lhe presldlng offlcer?
1he presldenL of Lhe senaLe.
LxcepL lf lL lnvolved Lhe presldenL, lL wlll be Lhe chlef
[usLlce of SC

3. votloq
Pow many voLes are needed Lo convlcL or remove an
2/3 voLes of Lhe members of Lhe house of senaLe.

60.5+J7+.6+5 0, 2+H0F4A /E207IE -H3+46EH+./
1. removal from offlce
2. no pre[udlce Lo crlmlnal prosecuLlon and dlsquallflcaLlon
for appolnLmenL or elecLlon ln publlc offlce
3. noL sub[ecL of pardon
-provlded ln Lhe consLlLuLlon
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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 104
30O+25 4.* ,7.6/-0.5 0, /E+ 0HR7*5H4.
1. crlmlnal cases, Lhe Cmbudsman has [urlsdlcLlon
-on all publlc offlclals, Lemporary or permanenL
-excepL ouL of courLesy Lo SC relaLlng Lo courL personnel
and [udges
-Lhey musL walL unLll SC makes a recommendaLlon for
Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon ln Lhe crlmlnal case

2. admlnlsLraLlve cases, Lhe Cmbudsman has [urlsdlcLlon
-noL on all publlc offlclals llke:
a. lmpeachable offlclals
b. members of congress
c. members of Lhe [udlclary

3. prevenLlve suspenslon
-Cmbudsman has Lhe power Lo suspend an errlng publlc
offlcer suspenslve
-perlod: noL exceedlng 6 monLhs

4. Leachers, Cmbudsman has [urlsdlcLlon
-Lhey are saylng LhaL magna carLa excluslve [urlsdlcLlon ls
excluslve wlLh uLCS. Wrong.
-?"9>; H"9%(: ># "D C9 0<<%?> '< #=> 0&B@U9&"(
1eachers, noLwlLhsLandlng Lhe magna caLra,
Cmbudsman has [urlsdlcLlon.

62-H-.4A T72-5*-6/-0. 0, /E+ 0HR7*5H4.
ls Lhe crlmlnal [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe ombudsman excluslve Lo
LCW 8AnklnC ClllClAL
lf lL ls low ranklng offlclal, meanlng Lhe salary grade ls 26 or
lower, lL ls concurrenL wlLh uC!.
So lf you flle a malversaLlon case agalnsL a munlclpal
Lreasurer, elLher you flle lL wlLh Lhe uC!, llscal's Cfflce or
Lhe Cflce of Lhe Cmbudsman.
uo you need Lhe approval of Lhe uepuLy Cmbudsman? nC.

PlCP 8AnklnC ClllClAL
lf lL lnvolves a hlgh ranklng offlclal llke a clLy Lreasurer, cam
you flle lL wlLh Lhe uC!? ?LS. Powever, lf Lhe
recommendaLlon of Lhe flllng of Lhe case wlLh Lhe S8, lL has
Lo be concurrence wlLh Lhe uC or Cmbudsman.
?ou go back Lo your crlmlnal procedure.
8ecause lnsofar as [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe S8, [urlsdlcLlon has Lo
be approved by Lhe uC. CW lf lL ls only Lhe flscal who
approves Lhe lnformaLlon, LhaL ls an lnvalld lnformaLlon,
because Lhe flscal has no auLhorlLy Lo flle Lhe lnformaLlon ln
Lhe S8.

30O+2 0, 0HR7*5H4. /0 5753+.* 02 -H305+
6"9>; A>U>9&" C9 64
6"9>; 0&B@U9&"( C9 F"D>$"
8efore Lhey say LhaL Lhe power of Lhe Cmbudsman ls merely
SC sald LhaL Lhey have Lhe power Lo glve lL Lo Lhe Cfflce of Lhe
Cmbudsman. 1hey can lmpose and execuLe Lhe penalLles
LhaL Lhey have recommended.

5/4/+H+./ 0, 455+/5 4.* A-4R-A-/-+5

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 103
A81 12 - nA1lCnAL LCCnCM? Anu A18lMCn?
2+I4A-4. *06/2-.+ fiiig
All lands and mlneral resources belong Lo Lhe sLaLe.

lncludlng Lhe ancesLral domaln and ancesLral lands?
nC. 8ecause Lhey belong Lo Lhe lndlgenous people or
communlLy on Lhe basls of naLlve LlLle.

8-.*5 0, A4.*5
noL all lands belong Lo Lhe sLaLe.
1. agrlculLural lands
2. Llmber lands
3. foresL lands
4. mlneral lands
3. naLlonal parks

Cf all Lhese lands, whlch ls dlsposable and allenable?
AgrlculLural lands.

1here are Lwo klnds of lands:
1. publlc lands
a. allenable lands (agrlculLural lands)
b. lnallenable lands
2. prlvaLe lands

46J7-5-/-0. 0, 4I2-67A/724A A4.*5
Who can acqulre?
Cnly lndlvldual clLlzens of Lhe counLry.
CorporaLlons cannoL acqulre agrlculLural lands, even lf lL ls
a llllplno quallfled corporaLlons. 1hey can only lease.

Pow many hecLares can be acqulred?
LlmlLed only Lo 12 hecLares.

Paw many hecLares can be leased?
300 hecLares for lndlvldual.
1000 hecLares for quallfled llllplno corporaLlon.
lorelgners cannoL lease.

46J7-5-/-0. 0, 32-F4/+ A4.*5
Who can acqulre?
llllplno clLlzens, elLher naLural or quallfled llllplno

Who can lease?
llllplno clLlzens and forelgners.

WhaL are Lhe lnsLance when a forelgner may acqulre publlc
a. former naLural born clLlzens
-3000 sq meLers
b. heredlLary lnLesLaLe successlon
-no llmlL on lnLesLaLe successlon lf he ls a compulsory

4I2-67A/724A A4.*5
lL does noL mean lands devoLed Lo agrlculLure. lL refers Lo
lands LhaL ls allenable llke:
1. reclalmed
2. foreshores

Who owns lL?
1he sLaLe. 8ecause Lhe sea ls lnallenable. Supposedly,
llkewlse, lL ls lnallenable.
LxcepL when lL ls classlfled as agrlculLural and dlsposable
lands of Lhe governmenL and of Lhe sLaLe.

Who can acqulre lL?
Cnly lndlvldual clLlzen, noL corporaLlon.
Pow come Amarl and MCA are acqulred by corporaLlons?
8ecause Lhere ls no prohlblLlon agalnsL dlrecLors of llllplno
corporaLlons who are llllplno clLlzens Lo acqulre. And Lhe
momenL lL ls acqulred by prlvaLe lndlvlduals, lL becomes a
prlvaLe land, and lL can be sold ln Lurn Lo a llllplno
So Lhls explalns why some reclalmed lands are belng
acqulred by llllplno corporaLlons.
Crlglnally, Lhey are agrlculLural lands.

1here has Lo be a classlflcaLlon LhaL Lhey are dlsposable.

6"9>; 6="C>X C9 3@BD%? +9#"#> 4@#='$%#)
loreshore and submerged areas form parL of publlc domaln
and are lnallenable.
Lands beLween foreshore and submerged areas also form
parL of Lhe publlc domaln unless converLed lnLo allenable or
dlsposable lands of publlc domaln.
1he prevalllng rule ls LhaL, reclalmed dlsposable lands of
publlc domaln may also be leased and noL sold Lo prlvaLe
parLles. 1hese lands remaln sole generls as Lhe only
allenable or dlsposable lands of Lhe publlc domaln whlch Lhe
governmenL could noL sell Lo prlvaLe parLles excepL lf Lhe
leglslaLlve passes a law auLhorlzlng sub sale. (S8)

8uL ln Lhls case, Lhe classlflcaLlon ls noL a publc domaln. 1here
was a LlLle LhaL was lssued. lL was acqulred by LCu ln lLs
prlvaLe capaclLy (proprleLary). lL can be sold even wlLhouL
Lhe consenL of congress.

8eclalmed lands have malnLalned Lhelr lnherenL poLenLlal as
areas for publlc use or servlce. 1he ownershlp of lands
reclalmed from foreshore areas ls rooLed ln Lhe regalla
docLrlne whlch declares LhaL all lands and waLers of Lhe
publlc domaln belong Lo Lhe sLaLe.

8uL noLwlLhsLandlng Lhe converslon of reclalmed lands Lo
allenable lands of Lhe publlc domaln, Lhey may noL be sold
Lo prlvaLe corporaLlons whlch can only lease Lhe same.
1he sLaLe can only sell allenable publlc lands Lo llllplno
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age 106

8uL 1n ln Lhls case, declslon does noL bar prlvaLe corporaLlon
ln parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe reclamaLlon pro[ecLs and be pald for
Lhe servlces ln reclalmlng lands.
WhaL Lhe declslon prohlblLs followlng Lhe consLlLuLlonal
mandaLe ls for Lhe prlvaLe person Lo acqulre reclalmed lands
ln Lhe prlvaLe domaln.
1here ls no prohlblLlon on Lhe dlrecLors, offlcers, SP of prlvaLe
corporaLlons, lf Lhey are llllplno clLlzens from acqulrlng aL
publlc aucLlon, reclalm allenable lands of Lhe publlc domaln.
lL can acqulre noL more Lhan 12 hecLares per lndlvldual and
Lhe lands Lhus acqulred becomes publlc lands.

34/2-H-.-4A 3203+2/G
lreedom lslands are lnallenable lands of publlc domaln.
CovernmenL owned lands, as long as Lhey are paLrlmonlal
properLy can be sold Lo prlvaLe parLles who are llllplno
clLlzens or quallfled prlvaLe corporaLlon.

So Lhere ls a dlfference, owned as a publlc domaln - allenable
wlLh Lhe consenL of congress. 8uL lf paLrlmonlal, no need for
consenL of congress.

now Lhey are clalmlng LhaL S8 ls parL of publlc domaln.
Should Lhere be a sale, lL has Lo be wlLh Lhe approval of
congress, and lL has Lo be done aL publlc aucLlon.
8uL Lhe LCu malnLalns LhaL lL ls a paLrlmonlal properLy, and
Lherefore lL can be acqulred by quallfled prlvaLe corporaLlon.
1here ls no blddlng requlred because lL ls a prlvaLe properLy
lnsofar as Cebu ClLy CovernmenL ls concerned.
CA ruled susLalnlng Lhe Lrlal courL LhaL lL can be acqulred by
a corporaLlon.

46J7-5-/-0. RG 32+562-3/-0.
6"9>; H"D"B"("( C9 2>!@BD%? '< #=> 3=%D%!!%(>9^ 4!$%D MK^
MbbK fiiig
1hls ls wlLh reference Lo Lhe acqulslLlon of Lhe properLy by
prescrlpLlon. 1hey are saylng LhaL Lhey are applylng for
reglsLraLlon of LlLle because Lhey have been occupylng Lhe
properLy slnce Llme lmmemorlal.
1he lssue ls wheLher lL can be applled for by an lndlvldual for
SC sald, publlc domaln lands become paLrlmonlal or prlvaLe
properLy of Lhe governmenL only upon declaraLlon LhaL
Lhese are allenable or dlsposable lands LogeLher wlLh
express governmenL manlfesLaLlon LhaL Lhe properLy ls
already paLrlmonlal or no longer reLalned for publlc servlce
or Lhe developmenL of naLlonal wealLh.
Cnly when Lhe properLy has become paLrlmonlal can Lhe
prescrlpLlve perlod for Lhe acqulslLlon of Lhe properLy of
publlc properLy domaln begln Lo run.

So lf you have been Lhere slnce Llme lmmemorlal, however
Lhe declaraLlon LhaL lL ls a paLrlmonlal properLy ls only 2011,
prescrlpLlon does noL sLarL Lo run.

ln connecLlon wlLh sec 14 of properLy reglsLraLlon decree,
recognlzed Lhose who by Lhemselves or Lhrough Lhelr
predecessors ln lnLeresL have been ln open, conLlnuous and
excluslve possesslon and occupaLlon of allenable and
dlsposable lands of Lhe publlc domaln under bona flde clalm
of ownershlp.
1hey musL have been Lhere slnce !une 12, 1943, have
acqulred ownershlp of and reglsLrable LlLle Lo such lands
based on Lhe lengLh and quallLy of such possesslon.

1he courL clarlfled LhaL Lhe publlc land merely requlres
possesslon slnce !une 12, 1943 and does noL requlre LhaL Lhe
land should have been allenable and dlsposable ln Lhe enLlre
perlod of possesslon.
1he possessor ls noL enLlLled Lo secure [udlclal conflrmaLlon
of LlLle as soon as Lhe land ls declared allenable and
1hls ls however sub[ecL Lo uec 31, 2020 deadllne.

So lf you are squaLLlng a land owned by Lhe governmenL, all
you need Lo prove ls LhaL you have been occupylng Lhe land
slnce !une 12 1843, even lf lL has been recenLly declared
only as dlsposable or allenable. 1he 30 year perlod shall be
reckoned from !une 12, 1943.
And you have unLll uec 31, 2020 Lo apply for Lhe reglsLraLlon
of LlLle over Lhese properLy.

4A-+.4RA+ 02 *-3054RA+
6"9>; 5"?") C9 *+.2
1hey applled for reglsLraLlon of LlLle over Lhese LlLles.
8oracay lsland ls owned by Lhe sLaLe, excepL for Lhe land
areas wlLh exlsLlng LlLles.
1he conLlnued possesslon and conslderable possesslon of
prlor clalmanLs do noL auLomaLlcally glve Lhem a vesLed
rlghL ln 8oracay, nor does Lhls glve Lhem a rlghL Lo apply a
LlLle Lhe land Lhey are presenLly occupylng.
1he presenL lands Lraces lLs rooLs Lo Lhe regalla docLrlne.
8ecause Lhey are noL Llmber lands and Lherefore Lhey are no
longer lands of publlc domaln.
SC sald, excepL for lands already covered by exlsLlng LlLles, SC
sald LhaL 8oracay was unclasslfled lands of publlc domaln
prlor Lo roclamaLlon 1006 whlch classlfled 8oracay as 400
hecLares of reserved foresL lands and 628.96 hecLares of
agrlculLural lands.
Such unclasslfled lands are consldered publlc foresLs under
u 703. loresL lands do noL necessarlly refer Lo large Lracks
of wooded lands or expanses covered by dense Lrees and
under brushes.
lor as long as lL ls noL reclasslfled, lL ls sLlll foresL lands, noL
sub[ecL Lo allenaLlon. lL cannoL be acqulred even lf you have
llved Lhere for a Lhousand years.
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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 107
6A455-,-64/-0. 0, A4.*5
6"9>; *"@$%"(' C9 E>$&'9' ># "D^ 4!$%D MV MbbK
SC sald, Lhe classlflcaLlon of lands of publlc domaln of 2 Lypes:
1. prlmary classlflcaLlon
a. AgrlculLural
b. loresL
c. 1lmber
d. Mlneral lands
e. naLural parks
2.secondary classlflcaLlon

1he agrlculLural lands of publlc domaln may furLher be
classlfled by law accordlng Lo Lhe uses whlch Lhey may be
devoLed. 1hls furLher classlflcaLlon of agrlculLural lands may
be referred Lo as SLCCnuA8? CLASSlllCA1lCn.
Congress under exlsLlng laws, granLed auLhorlLy Lo a member
of Lhe governmenL agency Lo effecL Lhe secondary
classlflcaLlon of agrlculLural lands Lo:
1. resldenLlal
2. commerclal
3. lndusLrlal
4. oLher urban uses

So you have 8A 7160 granLlng such auLhorlLy.

2+6A4H4/-0. 0, A4.*5
ln LhaL case relaLlng Lo WCn reclalmlng corporaLlon can be
pald by lands.
ulba kung reclalmed, publc domaln, only lndlvldual clLlzens
can acqulre Lhe land.
lf you pay land Lo Lhe corporaLlon LhaL reclalmed lL, ls LhaL
6"9>; 6="C>X C9 .E4 f!"#$%&'(%"D !$'!>$#)g
lL was allowed because Lhe land was noL consldered a
publlc domaln buL a paLrlmonlal properLy of Lhe
governmenL. And Lherefore lL can be acqulred by Lhe
SC sald LhaL nPA ls a governmenL agency. lLs funcLlon ls Lo
dlsLrlbuLe lands. lL ls noL exerclslng publlc funcLlons.
nPA ls a governmenL agency noL Lasked Lo dlspose of
publlc lands under lLs charLer. 1he 8evlsed AdmlnlsLraLlve
Code of 1987, Lhe nPA ls an end user agency auLhorlzed by
law Lo admlnlsLer and dlspose of reclalmed lands.
1he momenL LlLles over reclalmed lands based on Lhe
speclal paLenLs or Lransferred Lo Lhe nPA by Lhe reglsLry of
deeds, Lhey are auLomaLlcally converLed Lo a paLrlmonlal
properLy of Lhe sLaLe whlch can be sold Lo llllplno clLlzen
and prlvaLe corporaLlons, 60 of whlch are owned by
1he reason ls obvlous. lf Lhe reclalmed land ls noL
converLed Lo paLrlmonlal lands, was Lransferred, Lhen lL
would be useless Lo Lransfer lL Lo nPA because you cannoL
legally Lransfer any lands of publlc domaln.

And l Lhlnk Lhls was Lhe case LhaL was lnvoked ln Lhe S8 case
as agalnsL Lhe Chavez case.

So read Chavez vs LA and Amarl ln consonance wlLh Cavez vs
6"9>; 6="C>X C9 3+4 f!@BD%? U'&"%(g
1hls ls on publlc esLaLe. So any lands LhaL were reclalmed
by LA ls parL of publlc domaln.

+Q6+3/-0. /0 A4.*5 45 342/ 0, 2+I4A-4. *06/2-.+
AncesLral lands are exluded from Lhe regalla docLrlne.

6"9>; 6$@X C9 5>?$>#"$) '< *+.2
lf caLegorlcally declared ancesLral lands and domaln held by
naLlve LlLle as never Lo have been publc lands. uomalns and
lands under naLlve LlLle are Lherefore lndlspuLably presumed
Lo have never been publlc lands and are prlvaLe.
1he rlghL of ownershlp granLed Lo lndlgenous people over
Lhelr ancesLral domalns does noL cover Lhe naLural
1he rlghL granLed Lo l Lo negoLlaLe Lhe Lerms and condlLlons
over Lhe naLural resources covers only Lhelr exploraLlon Lo
ensure ecologlcal and envlronmenLal proLecLlon.

6"9>; 6"$%(' C9 -(9@D"$ I'C>$(&>(#
1he exlsLence of naLlve LlLle Lo land by llllplnos by vlrLue of
possesslon under clalm of ownershlp slnce Llme lmmemorlal
ls an excepLlon Lo Lhe Lheory of res regalla.

And ln recognlLlon Lo LhaL, you have Lhe case of:
6"9>; 4D?"(#"$" C9 *+.2^ T@D) ZW^ Mbb]
Cn Lhe maLLer of ancesLral domaln.
SC has revoked Lhe permlL Lo logglng concesslons LhaL were
covered by Lhe ancesLral domaln ln recognlLlon of Lhe rlghL
of Lhe lndlgenous people Lo Lhe ancesLral domaln.
SC sald, a mere llcense or prlvllege granLed by Lhe sLaLe Lo Lhe
peLlLloner for Lhe use or exploraLlon of naLural resources Lo
publlc lands over whlch Lhe sLaLe has soverelgn ownershlp
over Lhe regallan docLrlne, llke Llmber or mlnlng llcenses on
foresL land and grazlng lease agreemenL ls a mere permlL
whlch by execuLlve acLlon can be removed, resclnded,
cancelled or modlfled whenever publlc welfare or publlc
lnLeresL so requlres.
1he deLermlnaLlon of whaL ls ln Lhe publc lnLeresL ls
necessarlly vesLed ln Lhe sLaLe as owners of counLry's
naLural resources. 1hus, a prlvllege or llcense ls noL ln a
naLure of a conLracL LhaL en[oys proLecLlon.
ln Lhls case, such prlvllege or llcense ls noL even a properLy or
properLy rlghL, nor does lL creaLe a vesLed rlghL.

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 108
ln Lhls declslon, Lhe SC recognlze Lhe lnherenL rlghL of lCC and
l's Lo recover Lhelr ancesLral lands from ouLslders and
usurpers, seen by many as a vlcLory aLLalned by Lhe prlvaLe
respondenLs afLer a long and cosLly efforL.
lCW because of Lhls case, lL was an asserLlon of Lhe rlghLs of
Lhe lndlgenous people over Lhe ancesLral lands and domaln.
1here was Lhe revocaLlon of Lhe llcense LhaL was granLed
prevlously Lo prlvaLe lndlvlduals as regards Lo publc lands,
parLlcularly Lhe use of publlc lands as a grazlng lands.

+Q3A024/-0. 0, .4724A 2+50726+5
Who has conLrol over Lhe exploraLlon of naLural resources?
lL ls Lhe sLaLe belng Lhe owner.

Pow abouL prlvaLe lndlvlduals and clLlzens of Lhe counLry?
Can Lhey explore Lhe naLural resources by Lhemselves?
LxcepL when Lhey enLer lnLo:
1. [olnL venLure
2. co producLlon
3. producLlon sharlng
1hey may be clLlzens who are naLural or [urldlcal persons.

Pow abouL forelgn corporaLlons? Can Lhey enLer lnLo such
nC. Lhey can only enLer lnLo SL8vlCL CCn18AC1. 1hey are
only Lo provlde:
1. Lechnlcal
2. flnanclal asslsLance

WhaL ls Lhe exLenL?
1hey wlll be provldlng for servlces and labor. 1he
conLracLor ls Lhe sLaLe.
8uL lL does noL mean LhaL Lhe sLaLe has Lo closely supervlse
and monlLor Lhem. 1here can be macro supervlslon Lhrough
Lhe laws passed by Lhe sLaLe.

1hls ls ln consonance Lo Lhe upholdlng Lhe valldlLy of Lhe
mlnlng laws.
1here are so many cases susLalnlng Lhe parLlclpaLlon of a
forelgn corporaLlon lnLo mlnlng.
6"9>; 2>!@BD%? C9 /$%#"9 6'$!^ 9>!# Me^ Mbbe
6"9>; 2"&'9 C9 2"&'9
6"9>; R%D""( C9 2"&'9
6"9>; ,72 5"C>$9 C9 *+.2
1he boLLom llne ls LhaL conLrol by Lhe sLaLe ls on macro
level Lhrough Lhe esLabllshmenL of pollcles, guldellnes
regulaLlons, lndusLrles, and slmllar measures LhaL would
enable Lhe governmenL Lo conLrol Lhe conducL and Lhe
affalrs of varlous enLerprlses and resLraln acLlvlLles deemed
Lo be noL deslrable or beneflclal.

1hese agreemenLs wlLh forelgn corporaLlons are noL llmlLed
Lo flnanclal and Lechnlcal asslsLance. 1he 1987 consLlLuLlon
allows Lhe conLlnued use of servlce corporaLlons as
conLracLors who would lnvesL ln and operaLe and manage
exLracLlve enLerprlses sub[ecL Lo Lhe full conLrol and
supervlslon of Lhe sLaLe.
1hls ls on LA8CL SCALL MlnlnC.
1he requlremenL ls luLL CCn18CL.

8LCALlAn uCC18lnL uCLS nC1 AL? 8L18CAC1lvLL?.
1hose covered prlor Lo regalla docLrlne where Lhey were
glven concesslon for noL more Lhan 30 years, lL ls sLlll
exlsLlng ln Lhe e1987 consLlLuLlon. 1he regallan docLrlne
does noL apply reLroacLlvely.

6"9>; 2>!@BD%? C9 2>9>$C'%$ H%(%(: "(U *>C>D'!&>(#
Sec 2, arL 12 of Lhe 1987 consLlLuLlon does noL apply
reLroacLlvely Lo a llcense concesslon or lease granLed by Lhe
governmenL under Lhe 1973 consLlLuLlon or before Lhe
effecLlvlLy of 1987 consLlLuLlon.

So lf Lhe concesslon sLlll ls exlsLlng even beyond Lhe 987
consLlLuLlon, Lhen lL ls sLlll valld. 1hls ls on nCn

320E-R-/-0. 0, ,02+-I.+25 46J7-2-.I A4.*5
1hey can acqulre only condomlnlums because Lhe prohlblLlon
covers only acqulslLlon of lands.

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 109
42+45 0, -.F+5/H+./ 2+J7-2+H+./
03+24/-0. 0, 37RA-6 7/-A-/G
Pow many percenLage lf lL ls a quallfled llllplno corporaLlon?
60 by a llllplno clLlzen.



+*764/-0.4A -.5/-/7/-0.
60 quallfled llllplno corporaLlon.

8uL Lhe managemenL and admlnlsLraLlon ls all llllplno clLlzens
ln all of Lhese corporaLlons. Cnly Lhe caplLal lnvesLmenL
where Lhere ls allowlng forelgners.

,24.6E-5+ 0, 37RA-6 7/-A-/G
lor how many years?
23 years, renewable for anoLher 23 years.

Sub[ecL Lo amendmenLs, repeal, or modlflcaLlons when publlc
lnLeresL so requlres.
?ou 1n of Lhe excepLlons because whlle a franchlse ls a
conLracL beLween Lhe governmenL and prlvaLe lndlvldual
clLlzen or corporaLlon, because lL lnvolves publlc lnLeresL,
Lhe consLlLuLlon no less provldes for Lhe reservaLlon of lLs
lL ls proLecLed ln Lhe non lmpalrmenL clause supposedly buL
Lhls ls an excepLlon.

CnL? lnulvluuAL Cl1lZLnS (speclally on small scale) and

3246/-6+ 0, 320,+55-0.
llllplno clLlzens only.

6023024/-0.5 57RT+6/ /0 /E+ 2+I7A4/-0. 0, /E+
ls monopoly prohlblLed?
nC. 8uL of course Lhere are regulaLlons relaLlng Lo proLecL
publlc lnLeresL. 8uL per se, lL ls noL prohlblLed by law.

8LS18Aln1 Cl 18AuL Anu unlAl8 CCML1l1lCn
We have here free enLerprlse.

A81 13 - SCClAL !uS1lCL Anu PuMAn 8lCP1S
506-4A T75/-6+
8rlefly, lL means we glve Lhose who have less ln llfe more ln
As Lhe resL, go over wlLh LhaL. ?ou go b? Lhe concepL of

E7H4. 2-IE/5
WhaL ls human rlghLs?
lL covers clvll and pollLlcal rlghLs. lL ls noL llmlLed agalnsL Lhe
governmenL, even agalnsL blg companles, can be Lhe sub[ecL
of Lhe complalnL.

60HH-55-0. 0. E7H4. 2-IE/5
!u8lSulC1lCn Cl CP8
WhaL ls Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe Commlsslon of Puman 8lghLs?
Merely lnvesLlgaLory. lL has no quasl [udlclal funcLlon or
ad[udlcaLory power.
1herefore lL cannoL lssue resLralnlng orders nelLher can lL
clLe anyone for conLempL for vlolaLlon of human rlghLs.

8CMuLCA1lCn Cl 8uLLS Anu 8LCuLA1lCn
8uL ln Lhe maLLer of promulgaLlng Lhe rules and regulaLlons ln
Lhe exerclse of lLs admlnlsLraLlve funcLlons, Lhese have noL
been complled wlLh by Lhe persons ordered by CP8, ln Lhe
enforcemenL of Lhe rules by sald offlce, one may be clLed for
AdmlnlsLraLlve lang ha? 8ecause Lhey don'L have any quasl
[udlclal funcLlons.

+T+6/H+./ 0, 5J74//+25
L[ecLmenL of squaLLers, ls LhaL a vlolaLlon of human rlghLs?
6"9>; 3>'!D> C9 A%?='(
1he consLlLuLlonal requlremenL of Lhe demollLlon belng ln
accordance wlLh law and be conducLed ln a [usL and humane
manner does noL mean valldlLy or legallLy of Lhe
demollLlon. on Lhe exlsLence of reseLLlemenL area LhaL ls
deslgnaLed or earmarked by Lhe governmenL. 1here ls no

.0 ,-564A 47/0.0HG
uoes Lhe CP8 en[oy flscal auLonomy?

60HH-55-0.+2 .0/ -H3+46E4RA+
ls Lhe commlssloner lmpeachable?
nC. Lhese ls noL Lhe same as Lhe Lhree consLlLuLlonal

4R0A-5E+* RG 02*-.42G A+I-5A4/-0.
Can lL be abollshed by ordlnary leglslaLlon?
?LS. lL ls noL creaLed by Lhe consLlLuLlon. lL was creaLed
upon Lhe mandaLe of Lhe consLlLuLlon. So lL may be
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k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 110
A81 14 - LuuCA1lCn, SClLnCL Anu 1LCPnCLCC?, A81S,
CuL1u8L Anu SC81S LuuCA1lCn

464*+H-6 ,2++*0H
Memorlze academlc freedom.

lL ls en[oyed only by lnsLlLuLlon of hlgher learnlng, noL
Mababag aaralan ng lllplnas.
Lxample. unlverslLles and colleges. noL hlgh school and

8LvlLW CLn1L8
6"9>; 2>C%>a 6>(#>$ 499'?%"#%'( '< #=> 3=%D%!!%(>9 C9
A revlew cenLer ls noL a n lnsLlLuLlon of hlgher learnlng as
conLemplaLed ln 8A 7722 because lL does noL offer a degree
program LhaL would puL lL under Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe
Moreover, revlew course ls only lnLended Lo refresh and
enhance Lhe knowledge or compeLence or skllls of
revlewees. And lL does noL requlre enrollmenL, aLLendance,
submlsslon of Lheses ln order Lo compleLe Lhe revlew course
requlremenL or Lake Lhe llcensure examlnaLlon.

8-.*5 0, 464*+H-6 ,2++*0H
1. lrom Lhe sLandpolnL of Lhe lnsLlLuLlon
2. lrom Lhe sLandpolnL of Lhe academe
3. lrom Lhe sLandpolnL of Lhe sLudenLs

1. l8CM 1PL S1AnuCln1 Cl 1PL lnS1l1u1lCn
1hey have Lhe rlghL Lo choose Lhelr own professors and
sLudenLs as well.
1hey can lmpose regulaLlons on LhaL.

6"9>; 73 ># "D C9 656
1hey cannoL be Lold abouL Lhe cholce of professor, lf Lhey
are golng Lo promoLe a professor who has gone AWCL.
AWCL ls a ground for dlsmlssal of governmenL servlce
and u ls under CSC. 1he oLher professors complalned. CSC
dlsmlssed hlm from servlce.
SC susLalned u. lrom Lhe sLandpolnL of Lhe educaLlonal
lnsLlLuLlon and members of Lhe academe, Lhe SC susLalned
Lhe prlmacy of academlc freedom over CS rules on AWCL
sLresslng, when u opLed Lo promoLe hlm desplLe hls
absence, lL ls exerclslng hls freedom Lo chose who may
Leach and conLlnue Lo Leach lLs baLLlefleld.

6"9>; A" 9"DD>
AfLer Leachlng ln la sale as probl, he was dlsmlssed.
SC sald sec 3 par 2 of arL 14 of consLlLuLlon guaranLles
lnsLlLuLlon of hlgher learnlng academlc freedom.
lnsLlLuLlonal academlc freedom lncludes Lhe rlghL of Lhe
school or college Lo declde for lLself lLs alms and ob[ecLlves
on how Lo aLLaln Lhem, free from ouLslde coerclon and
So Lhey have lndependence on who may Leach, whaL Lo
Leach, how Lo Leach and who may be admlLLed Lo sLudy.

1he dlsclpllnlng of sLudenLs ls sLlll wlLhln academlc

2. l8CM 1PL S1AnuCln1 Cl 1PL ACAuLML
1hey can Leach ln any manner and grade you accordlngly.
And Lhey are free Lo do Lhelr research and publlsh Lhelr

3. l8CM 1PL S1AnuCln1 Cl 1PL S1uuLn1S
1haL's noL absoluLe. lL's sub[ecL Lo Lhe rules of Lhe
unlverslLy and your havlng malnLalned Lhe requlred
classlflcaLlons Lo malnLaln ln Lhe unlverslLy.

/4Q +Q+H3/-0.
lor non sLock non proflL

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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 111
A81 16 - CLnL8AL 8CvlSlCnS
WhaL ls Lhe color of flag?
Pow many suns and sLars?

Can you change Lhe deslgn of your flag?
nC. WlLhouL amendlng Lhe consLlLuLlon.

Can you change Lhen name of Lhe counLry by ordlnary
leglslaLlon, naLlonal anLhem and naLlonal seal?
?LS. Sub[ecL Lo raLlflcaLlon ln a referendum (noL pleblsclLe).

50F+2+-I./G 0, /E+ 5/4/+

42H+* ,026+* 0, /E+ 3E-A-33-.+5
lL ls a clLlzen armed force. 1haL ls one of Lhe manlfesLaLlon of
Lhe supremacy of Lhe clvlllan auLhorlLy.

1he chlef of sLaff has a llmlLed Lerm of 3 years unless lL ls
exLended by presldenL when Lhere ls a naLlonal emergency
declared by congress. So Lhere has Lo be a naLlonal

ls n under Al?

A81 17 - AMLnuMLn1S Anu 8LvlSlCnS
Who can propose amendmenLs Lo Lhe consLlLuLlon?
1. Congress
2. ConsLlLuLlonal convenLlon
3. eople

Who can propose revlslon?
1. Congress
2. ConsLlLuLlonal convenLlon
(people can'L)

Change of Lhe sysLem of governmenL, ls LhaL an amendmenL
or revlslon?
8LvlSlCn. (Lamblno vs Comelec)

60.5/-/7/+./ 30O+2
lf lL ls congress exerclslng Lhe power, we call lL CCnS1l1uLn1
Pow ls lL dlfferenL from leglslaLlve power?

Cf course you have number of voLes, for congress
proposlng, 2/3 Lo call for a concon, ma[orlLy Lo submlL lL Lo
lL ls dlscreLlonary 81W Lo congress.

5/4I+5 0, 6E4.I-.I /E+ 60.5/-/7/-0.
1. roposal
2. Submlsslon of Lhe proposal
3. ClasslflcaLlon

F0/+5 ,02 ++,+6/-F-/G
Pow many voLes are needed for Lhe effecLlvlLy of any change
Lo Lhe consLlLuLlon?
Ma[orlLy voLes casL durlng Lhe pleblsclLe.

When does Lhe change Lake effecL?
upon Lhe raLlflcaLlon by Lhe people.

T7*-6-4A 2+F-+O S 3203+2 342/G
ls Lhe amendmenL or revlslon of Lhe consLlLuLlon or
raLlflcaLlon of Lhe consLlLuLlon sub[ecL Lop [udlclal revlew?
?LS. lL can be ralsed by any clLlzen. 1haL's an exLenslon of
proper parLy. So long as procedure ls noL followed, any
person may quesLlon.

6"9>; 3$'C%(?> '< .'$#= 6'#"B"#' C9 2>!@BD%?
1hls ls wlLh reference Lo 8ansang Moro.
lL was declared unconsLlLuLlonal because LhaL wlll allow Lhe
presldenL Lo propose amendmenLs Lo Lhe consLlLuLlon by
allowlng Lhe esLabllshmenL of a sLaLe wlLh a sLaLe.
1hls ls prohlblLed by Lhe consLlLuLlon because only congress,
people and concon can propose amendmenLs Lo Lhe
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CCnS1l1u1lCnAL LAW

!"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$
k w l n L r a n s c r l p L s

age 112
A81 18 - 18AnSl1C8? 8CvlSlCn
H-A-/42G R45+5 4I2++H+./
1haL has already explred. We now have Lhe lA. So Lhe
quesLlon ls, should lL requlre Lhe concurrence of Lhe senaLe?
ls lL valld?
1haL has already been seLLled, even wlLhouL Lhe
concurrence of senaLe. 8ecause lL ls an execuLlve agreemenL
lmplemenLlng a muLual defense agreemenL beLween Lhe
presldenL and Lhe uS.

6"9>; A%& C9 +d>?@#%C> 5>?$>#"$)
SC sald LhaL sec 23 of Lhe LranslLory provlslon shall mark
anLlpaLhy Lowards forelgn mlllLary presence ln Lhe counLry.
1he forelgn Lroops are allowed enLry ln Lhe hlllpplnes only ln
a way of excepLlon.
under Lhe consLlLuLlon, Lhe uS forces are prohlblLed from
engaglng ln an offenslve war ln Lhe LerrlLory.
Sc however cannoL accepL Lhe allegaLlon LhaL Lhe Arroyo
admlnlsLraLlon engaged ln double ___ ln Lrylng Lo pass off as
a mere Lralnlng exerclse, an offenslve efforL by forelgn
Lroops on naLlve soll.

6"9>; R")"( C9 P"&'$"
1he vlA was duly concurred by Lhe hlllpplne senaLe and was
duly recognlzed as a LreaLy by Lhe uS as cerLlfled by Lhe duly
auLhorlzed represenLaLlve of uS governmenL.
1he facL LhaL vlA was noL submlLLed for advlse and consenL
of Lhe uS senaLe does noL deLracL from lLs sLaLus as a
blndlng lnLernaLlonal agreemenL.
Curs was concurred.
Pere, even lf Lhe uS does noL recognlze lL as a LreaLy, as far as
we are concerned, lL ls a LreaLy.

reclsely you noL LhaL case of SmlLh who was Lransferred ln
Lhe Lmbassy lnsLead for deLenLlon.
8ecause under Lhe vlA, he should have been deLalned ln our
[all speclally lf convlcLed. 8uL apparenLly, wlLhouL our
knowledge, Lhere was an amendmenL LhereLo by a mere
agreemenL beLween Lhe ambassadors of uS and hlllpplnes.
So Lhe quesLlon ls lf lL can be done by mere amendmenL of
Lhe vlA Lhrough an agreemenL slgned beLween Lhe
ambassadors of Lhese Lwo sLaLes.
Should Lhere be any changes of Lhe vlA because lL has
reference Lo Lhe deLenLlon?
6"9>; .%?='D"9 C9 2'&@D'
Should here be any changes, you should follow Lhe
procedure ln Lhe maLLer of enLerlng lnLo negoLlaLlons wlLh
lnLernaLlonal agreemenLs and LreaLles.
SC sald, vlA beLween hlllpplnes and uS enLered lnLo ln
leb 10, 1998 ls upheld as consLlLuLlonal.
8uL Lhe agreemenLs ln uec 19 and 22, 2006 are declared
noL ln accordance wlLh Lhe vlA. And respondenL SecreLary
of lorelgn Affalrs 8omulo ls hereby ordered Lo fore wlLh
negoLlaLe wlLh Lhe uS represenLaLlve for Lhe approprlaLe
agreemenL on Lhe deLenLlon faclllLles as provlded ln arL 3 sec
10 of Lhe vlA. endlng sLaLus quo shall be malnLalned unLll
furLher orders of SC.

lCW lnasmuch as vlA was LreaLed as a LreaLy, should Lhere
be any amendmenLs or changes Lo lL, lL musL be done ln
accordance wlLh Lhe changlng of Lhe LreaLy.
lL has Lo be negoLlaLed, Lurned Lo Lhe presldenL and ulA,
submlLLed Lo senaLe for concurrence. And Lhen have lL
ln Lhls case, lL was only beLween ulA SecreLary and
Ambassador of uS. 1haL ls vold foe lL ls conLrary Lo whaL ls
agreed ln vlA.

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