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The Tycoon's Runaway Bride The Tycoon's Runaway Bride By: Christine Rimmer Copyright 2011 by Harle uin

n Boo!s "#$# %epartment store tycoon &ac! 'c(ay had no idea what had made his )ianc*e run out on their wedding and escape to Thunder Canyon+ 'ontana# But he was going to )ind out# $nd then he'd bring 'elody (il!alen home+ no matter what it too!# 'elody !new e,actly why &ac! wanted her to return to Te,as with him-and it wasn't because he lo.ed her# $nd yet/he seemed so sincere about his )eelings )or her# "he had to !now )or sure whether &ac! truly cared )or her# 0nly this time she would call the shots+ this time she was in control/and this time she was the one with the secret# 1n &uly 2011+ 2"$ T0%$3 bestselling author Christine Rimmer launches the new 'ontana 'a.eric!s continuity+ 'ontana 'a.eric!s: The Te,ans $re Coming-Te,as oil barons come to 'ontana loo!ing )or oil/only to )ind romance+ too4 Related Title Resisting 'r# Tall+ %ar! 5 Te,an Resisting 'r# Tall+ %ar! 5 Te,an by Christine Rimmer Harle uin "pecial 6dition Heart 5 Home 'ontana 'a.eric!s: The Te,ans $re Coming4 7ist 8rice: 9:#2: 0ur 8rice: 9;#20 3ou "a.e: 91#0: Chapter 0ne Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter <our Chapter <i.e Chapter "i, Chapter "e.en Chapter 6ight 0nline Read 7ibrary Community Chapter 0ne 8rint this 8age "omehow+ he had )ound her#

'elody (il!alen's pulse spi!ed# "he set down her )or! and lowered her hands to her lap so he couldn't see them trembling# Then+ slowly+ trying to loo! as though she couldn't care less+ she turned her head away )rom the sight o) him sitting there+ alone at a table not )i)teen )eet )rom hers# "he ga=ed out the wide window at a stunning .iew o) Thunder 'ountain# 1t was so beauti)ul> the craggy pea!s were still crested with snow at the end o) 'ay# "he watched the lengthening shadows that dar!ened the mountainside as e.ening came on# %amn you+ &ac! 'c(ay# ?hy had he come here@ The uestion echoed+ loud as her own heartbeat+ in her brain# ?hat could possibly be the point o) trac!ing her down@ <ollowing her@ Hadn't her lea.ing him at the altar a wee! ago told him e.erything he needed to !now@ $nd how had he )ound her@ "he'd )led in her wedding dress right be)ore the wedding march started+ grabbing her purse and running+ with no idea where she would go# $ !indhearted truc!er pic!ed her up and too! her all the way to <ort Collins+ Colorado# "he'd chec!ed into a motel and slept )or twel.e hours straight# The ne,t day+ she'd paid the motel maid to get her some Aeans and a TBshirt# The maid had admired her Cera ?ang wedding dress+ so 'elody had gi.en it to her# $nd then she'd called a cab and as!ed the cabbie to dri.e her to the nearest car rental place# 0nce she had a car+ she'd been on the road again# "he'd dri.en north until she )ound hersel) in a small 'ontana town called Thunder Canyon# "he'd )ollowed the signs to the Thunder Canyon Resort and ta!en a suite# $nd she'd been here e.er since# The resort had e.erything she needed-se.eral restaurants+ bouti ues where she'd bought a whole new wardrobe+ a great spa i) she wanted to pamper hersel)# 6.erything# "he'd decided to splurge-she was on her honeymoon+ a)ter all# $ honeymoon minus a wedding+ and without a groom# "he'd contacted no one bac! in Houston-well+ e,cept )or her parents# &ust to tell them she was sa)e+ to as! them to call her bridesmaids and say how sorry she was to ha.e le)t them at the church+ all dressed up )or a wedding that wasn't going to happen# "he'd had a long tal! with her dad+ e,plaining how betrayed she )elt that he hadn't been honest with her+ that he hadn't told her what he !new about &ac!# $nd then she'd made both her mom and dad swear they wouldn't re.eal to &ac! where she'd gone# Had they bro!en their promise@ "he'd been so sure that they wouldn't# But &ac! 'c(ay could be .ery persuasi.e when he wanted to be# He might ha.e the )ace and body o) a streetB)ighting thug+ but he was also s!illed at turning on the charm# He could seem so sincere when he chose to be# The lowBli)e lying bastard scum# Her parents must ha.e told him where to )ind her# 0r maybe he'd hired some detecti.e to trac! her down# He'd had se.eral days to wor! on it+ a)ter all#

?hich brought her bac! to the real uestion: ?hy@ 0h+ please# "he !new why# $nd it wasn't )or her# 1) a sad little )lic!er o) hope had dared to )lare in her heart at the sight o) him+ well+ she needed to stomp it out# He was here because without her+ he couldn't get what he wanted# "he was part o) the deal-in )act+ without her+ there was no deal# "he pic!ed up her )or! again# "ee@ Her hands were steady now# 6.en her galloping heart had settled to a more sedate rhythm# 1t wasn't right that he'd )ollowed her to the resort+ that he'd trac!ed her down to the place where she'd )ound re)uge )rom his twoB)aced betrayal# "he li!ed it here+ and she planned to stay )or a while-at least )or the whole two wee!s they would ha.e been on Turtle 1sland )or their honeymoon# $ll she wanted was to lic! her wounds in peace+ in the shadow o) the craggy snowB capped mountain# Her stomach rolled-no4 "he re)used to be sic! here+ in the beauti)ul Dallatin Room+ the resort's best restaurant# Eot while he was watching+ see!ing a wea!ness+ trying to )ind an opening+ a way to get to her# "he !ept her e,pression composed as she too! a bite o) tender prime rib# Her gag re)le, tried to !ic! in# "he didn't let it# "he made hersel) chew and swallow# $nd then she ate another bite# $nd another a)ter that# The )ood stayed down# Than! Dod# Eo way could she a))ord to re.eal that to him# Her secret was her own# $nd she was glad+ so glad+ that she'd ne.er shared it with a user li!e him# "he ate the rest o) her meal in a calm and unhurried )ashion# "he did not once glance his way again# $nd by the end o) the meal+ she'd come to a decision# "he would con)ront him-which she probably should ha.e done be)ore she ran out on him# "he would tell him e,actly what she thought o) him# $nd then she would demand that he go home# "he would ma!e him reali=e that he was wasting his time# 1t was o.er+ and he wasn't getting what he'd schemed and lied to get# "o he might as well Aust lea.e her alone# FFF &ac! 'c(ay wa.ed away the waiter's o))er o) dessert# G&ust co))ee#G The waiter brought him the co))ee and le)t him# He sipped+ set the cup down and stared at 'elody's delicate pro)ile some more# "he didn't loo! his way again# 0ne glance was all she'd gi.en him# "o )ar# "he probably thought that she could get rid o) him i) she re)used to admit he was e.en there#

<at chance+ 'elody# 1t had cost him a bundle to )ind her# The best pri.ate in.estigators didn't come cheap# But he had )ound her# $nd now that he had+ he was staying right here at this mountain resort in the middle o) nowhere-staying on the same )loor as hers+ as a matter o) )act-until she came to her senses and agreed to return to Te,as with him# &ac! wanted answers and he was going to get them# "he'd made a )ool o) him in )ront o) e.eryone who mattered in Houston# He needed to )ind out why she'd le)t him at the altar and )i, whate.er the problem was between them so that they could get bac! together and mo.e on# &ac! was not a man who ga.e up what was his# 'elody ought to !now that by now# He was a )ighter and a winner+ in spite o) long odds# $nd 'elody was his# He would ma!e her see that+ no matter what it too!# But he was getting ahead o) himsel)# Be)ore he could con.ince her she'd made a huge mista!e+ he )irst had to )igure out how to approach her+ this woman who in an instant had turned into someone he didn't !now# "he was probably the most gentle+ wellBbred person he'd e.er met+ yet she'd beha.ed li!e a cra=y woman# The )ew who'd seen her running away had said she'd simply come out o) the dressing room o)) the church waiting area+ li)ted her white s!irts high and sprinted out the church doors+ running as i) the de.il himsel) were a)ter her# &ac! had done his research on her and her )amily be)ore he'd decided to pursue her# There was no history o) mental illness# 1t made no sense# $nd that meant he had no idea what she would do when he tried to tal! to her# Burst into tears@ "lap his )ace@ "tart yelling-or Aust turn on her heel and wal! away@ The possibility that she might beha.e rationally seemed remote at best# $nd i) she started crying and shouting at him+ well+ where would he go )rom there@ "he was a small+ slender woman+ with big+ innocent eyes# $nd he was tall and broadBshouldered+ with plenty o) muscle# 1) she told him to get away )rom her and he didn't go+ some damn )ool would be bound to come to her rescue# &ac! didn't want trouble# He Aust wanted answers and to ta!e her home# How to get what he wanted )rom a woman who wouldn't e.en meet his eyes@ That was the uestion# He sipped more co))ee and watched her smile at the waiter and sign the chec!# "hould he get up and )ollow her out when she le)t@ $t this point+ he wouldn't put it past her to bolt# $nd he'd ha.e to hunt her down all o.er again# "he pushed bac! her chair and stood+ her babyB)ine so)t blond hair shining in the light )rom the chandeliers o.erhead+ her posture charmBschool straight# "he pic!ed up her small clutch purse and turned toward him#

$nd shoc!ed the hell out o) him when she loo!ed straight at him# Her elegantly shaped mouth trembled# "he started wal!ing# Right )or him# "he didn't stop until she stood by his table# G&ac!#G Her .oice was so)t as a breath+ musical+ re)ined# "omething down inside him went hot and tight# G'elody#G He let his ga=e slide downward to where she clutched her purse against her small breasts in her le)t hand# G3ou're not wearing your ring/G Had she ripped it o)) her )inger and thrown it away as she ran down the church steps@ Rich girls# They had no damn appreciation )or the .alue o) e,pensi.e things# 3et it wasn't the money he'd paid )or it+ he had to admit# 1n )act+ the money wasn't what ate at him at all# He'd chosen that ring specially+ all by himsel)+ Aust )or her# ?hen he'd slipped it on her )inger+ he'd been the happiest man in the world# The thought o) her tossing it out li!e trash+ as i) it meant nothing to her+ as i) he meant nothing to her# 1t galled him# $nd hurt him# $ lot# GEo+ 1'm not wearing the ring you ga.e me+G she said with a ci.ility he hadn't e,pected-an o.erB theBtop graciousness that set his teeth on edge# G$nd 1 will ne.er wear any ring o) yours again#G Her smile was etched in acid# "he added+ G?e need to tal!# $lone#G $lone# 8er)ect# "he'd made the )irst mo.e )or him# He smiled+ pushed bac! his chair and )ollowed her out o) the Dallatin Room# Chapters: 1

Chapter Two 8rint this 8age 'elody got on the ele.ator and &ac! )ollowed her# The doors slid shut and she had a moment o) pure panic# ?as she out o) her mind to .olunteer to be alone with him@ The ele.ator walls seemed to close in on her# He dwar)ed the space+ suc!ed up all the air# "he )elt small and )ragile and insigni)icant and/ Eo4

"he would not let her insecurities get the best o) her# 1t had been a good mo.e to ta!e the lead+ to )ace him down# $ bold mo.e# "he was proud she'd ta!en the initiati.e# $nd this con)rontation would be o.er soon# "he would tell him e,actly what she thought o) him and send him away+ and that would be that# $t the )i)th )loor+ the doors glided open-on a niceBloo!ing guy named Roger# "he'd met Roger the day she chec!ed in at the resort# $nd he always said hi whene.er he saw her# GRoger#G "he put on a smile )or him# GHi+ 'elody#G Roger was a gol)er# He wasn't carrying his clubs right then+ but he was wearing a 8uma gol)er's hat+ an argyle polo shirt and Bermuda shorts+ probably on his way down to dinner at one o) the resort's more casual eateries# G"till hoping to see you on the )airways#G G"oon+ Roger+G she lied+ smiling wider+ stepping o)) the ele.ator+ with &ac! )ollowing much too closely behind her# Roger said goodbye and got on the ele.ator# 'elody heard the so)t rumble o) the doors sliding shut as she turned down the hallway toward her rooms# "he was stic!ing her card !ey into the slot when she glanced bac! at &ac!# He stood hal)way down the hall+ tossing a gol) ball toward the ceiling# Catching it neatly in his big hand+ he tossed it up again# "he tried not to roll her eyes# G?here did you )ind that@G GEe,t to the ele.ator#G He threw it into the air once more# GRoger seems to be losing his balls#G G3ou are not the least bit amusing#G The loc! light blin!ed green# "he pushed the door wide and went in+ letting the door swing shut behind her# 1) he didn't hurry up and catch it+ so be it# He could stay out in the hall# That would be Aust )ine with her# Eo such luc!# &ac! mo.ed )ast when he wanted to# He grabbed the door be)ore it closed in his )ace and came through behind her# $nd she had that )eeling again-that o.erwhelmed+ trapped )eeling# "he ignored it# "he set her purse on the table near the door+ aimed her chin high and led the way into the sitting area# G"omething to drin!@G GEo#G He set the gol) ball in a small crystal dish on a side table and dropped into a wing chair# "he sat on the so)a across )rom him# <rowning+ he studied her through narrowed ha=el eyes# G3ou loo! tired#G 0h+ please# $s i) he cared# GEot your problem+ &ac!#G He sat bac! and braced his elbows on the chair arms# G"o who's Roger+ anyway@G G&ust a guest o) the resort# He came )or the grand opening o) the new gol) course this past wee!end#G G3ou're playing gol) with him@ 3ou hate gol)#G His eyes held hers#

"he !new he was remembering# "he tried not to+ but she was remembering+ too# 0n their third date+ &ac! had tal!ed her into playing a round o) gol) with him at <a=io <oothills in the Barton Cree! Resort near $ustin# 1n the middle o) the game+ she'd con)essed that she disli!ed gol) and hoped he wouldn't as! her to play again# He'd ta!en her hand+ pulled her into his arms and !issed her+ right there on the ninth green-a long+ delicious+ wonder)ul !iss# $nd then he'd ushered her into the gol) cart and dri.en her bac! to the clubhouse# That was it )or gol)ing when they were together# $nd why was she remembering that !iss on the gol) course@ "o what i) he'd actually listened to her when she told him she didn't want to play@ That didn't ma!e him any less o) a liar now# G1t's still true that 1 don't enAoy it+G she said sti))ly# G$nd no+ 1'm not playing gol) with Roger#G G?ell+ he's way too damn )riendly#G GHe's a nice guy who happens to ha.e a wi)e and a little boy#G G"o@ $ wi)e and !id didn't stop him )rom )alling all o.er you#G GHe did not )all all o.er me# $nd Roger's not the issue here# 3ou !now it# 1 !now it#G His )rown turned to a scowl# G$ll right# 3ou want to get right down to it@G "he re)used to wa.er# G1sn't that why you came here@G G<ine+ 'elody# 7et's go )or it# 1 don't !now what happened+ why you ran out on our wedding+ made a )ool o) me+ le)t me and e.eryone else in that church wondering what the hell went wrong# 1 don't !now# $nd it doesn't matter# 1 Aust want to wor! this out so we can go bac! to Houston and get on with our li.es#G Do bac! to Houston and get on with our li.es@ "he wanted to laugh in his )ace# But she was a)raid that i) she did+ she might start screaming-or burst into tears# "he wrapped her arms around hersel)# Tightly# G3ou don't !now what happened# Hah# That's rich#G He leaned )orward+ intently# G1 don't# 1 thin! you'd better tell me#G G1 can't belie.e you ha.en't )igured it out-in )act+ &ac!+ my guess is that you !now e,actly what happened# $nd you're Aust playing dumb# "ince you're a .ery smart man+ 1'm not buying your act#G G"top tal!ing in circles#G <air enough# GThin! bac!#G GBac! to/@G GTwo nights be)ore the wedding+ &ac!# ?e went to my parents' house# Be)ore dinner+ you and my dad had a nice little pri.ate chat alone in his study/#G &ac!'s )ace paled# The sight was uite satis)ying# G3ou heard our con.ersation#G

G0h+ yes# 1 heard# %inner was ready# 1 came to tell you# The door was slightly aAar# 3ou men really should learn to shut the door i) you want to !eep things secret#G G'elody+ 1-G "he put up a hand# G1'm not )inished+ &ac!# 3ou and my dad were tal!ing about the little merger you were planning#G &ac! owned 'c(ay's+ a chain o) .ery success)ul discount department stores# $nd 'elody's )amily had been in retail )or o.er a century# (il!alen's was one o) the oldest and most respected upscale department store chains in the country# G(il!alen 'c(ay# 1t has a nice ring to it+G she said sourly# G"trange that neither you or my )ather e.er mentioned any merger to me#G G?e planned to tell you e.erything+G he said gru))ly# G1n time# ?e were still in the negotiation stages#G G?ere+ &ac!@G GCut the crap+G he said in that rough way o) his# He might dress in beauti)ully tailored trousers and designer shirts+ but underneath+ he was a guy who'd come up )rom nothing+ and sometimes he let that show# G6.erything's on hold now# 3ou ha.e to !now that#G G'aybe because my )ather has his doubts about you now# 8articularly gi.en the )act that 1 ran )rom the church and !ept running until 1 reached 'ontana+ all so 1 didn't ha.e to marry you#G He was scowling again# G1 don't get it# 3ou didn't say a word to me about what you'd o.erheard# 3ou went right on as though nothing had happened-that night+ and the night a)ter+ and the day o) the wedding# 3ou got all the way to the church be)ore you suddenly decided you couldn't go through with it/@G G$ll that time 1 was trying to con.ince mysel) that it would be all right# That we would be all right#G He dared to loo! at her with reproach in his eyes# G3ou should ha.e tal!ed to me#G "he made a low sound o) outrage# GTal!ed to you@ 1 was in shoc!# Reeling# Hurt# 1/G Tears pushed at the bac! o) her throat# Eo way would she cry in )ront o) him# "he swallowed the tears down# G1 thought you were di))erent-better than hal) my girl)riends growing up+ than Aust about e.ery boy)riend 1 e.er had# 1 thought you didn't care about my money+ about what !nowing me could get )or you# 1 lo.ed you# $nd then+ two days be)ore 1 almost made the biggest mista!e o) my li)e and married you+ 1 o.erhear my dad telling you that he !new you had only gotten close to me to get close to him#G He loo!ed away# G%amn it+ 'elody/G G3ou didn't e.en try to deny %ad's accusation+G she reminded him through clenched teeth# G$nd then/then he said he'd watched us together and thought we had something good between us# That he wanted me to be happy+ and as long as you were ready to be a real husband to me+ he could li.e with your original moti.es being/G "he paused )or a slow breath# GHow did he put it@ 0h+ yes/'less than pure#'G &ac! )aced her again# G$ll right# That's true#G G0) course it's true+G she cried# G3ou thought you could claim it wasn't@G

His bluntB)eatured )ace loo!ed car.ed in stone# G1'm not trying to# 3es+ 1 thought a merger with (il!alen's would be good )or both companies# 3es+ 1 set out to meet you+ to get to !now you-to get close to you-as a way to get on good terms with your dad# 0riginally# But-G GBut what@ 1'm supposed to Aust accept all that and mee!ly go bac! to Houston with you@ 1'm supposed to )all into your arms and tell you all is )orgi.en because you admit that you cheated and you lied#G G1 did not4G G3ou lied to me+ &ac!# 1t was all a lie#G GThat's not true# ?hen 1 as!ed you to marry me+ 1 wasn't thin!ing about how 1 would be Reid (il!alen's sonBinBlaw# 1 was thin!ing that 1 wanted you to be my wi)e#G G?ell+ o) course you wanted me )or your wi)e# 1'm Reid (il!alen's only child and 1 stand to inherit a bundle# Eot to mention the connections 1 ha.e because o) my name# 'arrying someone li!e me is a pretty big step up )or a guy raised in )oster homes+ a guy who ne.er !new his dad+ a guy whose mom died when he was barely out o) diapers+ a guy who had to claw and scrape )or e.erything he e.er got#G He s uared his power)ul shoulders-and tried to ta!e the high ground# G1'm not ashamed o) where 1 came )rom+ 'elody# $nd 1'.e done all right )or mysel)# Better than all right# 1 ne.er needed to marry you to get ahead#G GThat's not the point#G GThe hell it's not# 1 don't need your money#G GEo# 3ou were a)ter my connections# $nd 1 didn't say you should be ashamed o) your bac!ground# 3ou ha.e a right to be proud o) how )ar you'.e come# But the way you manipulated me+ well+ you could ha.e a little shame )or that+ &ac!# 3ou could ha.e a lot o) shame#G G7isten+ 1 as!ed you to marry me because 1 wanted you-you+ 'elody# Eot (il!alen's# Eot the merger# Eot your big+ )at trust )und# 3ou#G He paused# $nd then he deli.ered his best shot# G$nd i) you had listened at your )ather's study door Aust a little bit longer+ you would ha.e heard me say that#G "he sat bac! against the so)a cushions# $nd she made hersel) spea! coolly# G$ctually+ &ac!# 1 did hear you say that#G That too! him by surprise# He e.en blin!ed# G3ou did@G "he ga.e a nod# G1 heard it# $nd 1 didn't belie.e it# ?hy e.er would 1@ 3ou'.e been lying to me since the day we met#G GEo+ 1 ha.en't# 1-G "he cut him o))# G0h+ come on+ &ac!# ?hy should 1 belie.e a word you say@G G1 want to marry you+ 'elody#G

G3ou didn't answer my uestion#G He said nothing# He held her eyes )or a moment# $nd then he loo!ed away# He got up and went around the end o) the so)a to the window behind her# "he turned to watch him# Beyond his tall )orm+ the window pro.ided another splendid .iew o) the snowBcapped Thunder 'ountain-a shadowed .iew now# Twilight had come# 'ore so)tly than be)ore+ she spo!e to his broad+ strong bac!# GDi.e it up# 8lease# 1t's o.er and you !now it# ?e both !now it# 1 want you to go bac! to Houston+ get on with your li)e and lea.e me alone# 7et me/get o.er you# 1 mean it+ &ac!# 1 ne.er want to see you again#G Chapters: 1 2

Chapter Three 8rint this 8age "he wanted him to go# "he ne.er wanted to see him again# &ac! stared out the picture window in the sitting room o) 'elody's hotel suite# $ tric! o) the twilight showed him both the snowBco.ered mountain pea!s beyond the glass and also the shadowed re)lection o) the room behind him# He saw his own )ace: the broad )orehead+ the deepBset eyes+ the nose that had ne.er been straight-not e.en be)ore he'd bro!en it in a school yard brawl# $nd behind him+ he saw 'elody# "he had turned to loo! at him# Her sweet brown eyes were bigger than e.er# 6.en in the window's dar! re)lection+ he saw the sadness in those eyes# The hurt# $nd the disappointment# "he watched him+ waiting# <or him to gi.e up and lea.e# "he really should !now him better than that# He )aced her again# G3ou can't tell me you thin! our entire relationship was a lie#G "he drew hersel) up# G1sn't that what 1 Aust said a )ew minutes ago@G GThen you're lying#G He said it uietly# Her eyes changed as she remembered# 1t had been good with them# "o good# "o right# "he glanced away# GThat doesn't matter#G G0h+ yeah# 1t matters#G He started toward her# $nd he didn't stop until he stood loo!ing down at her+ with only the bac! o) the couch between them# G1t matters more than anything#G GEo#G "he sounded breathless now#

G3eah#G He bent close+ braced his )ists on either side o) her and shamelessly in.aded her space# G1t's true 1 had an ulterior moti.e at the start#G "he pursed her so)t mouth# G"o generous o) you to admit that now#G He loomed closer still# Close enough that she ga.e ground a little+ swaying away )rom him# G3ou had your say# Eow it's my turn-i) that's o!ay with you#G He laid on the sarcasm# "he leaned closer again+ getting right in his )ace# G0h+ by all means# Do ahead+ &ac!# Ha.e your say#G He wanted to strangle her# He wanted to !iss her# 1nstead+ he continued where he'd le)t o))# G3es+ in the beginning 1 arranged to be near you to get entr*e to your dad# But 1 ne.er would ha.e married you )or a damn introduction# 2hBuh# Right away+ the )irst time 1 spo!e to you-at that party in Ri.er 0a!s+ remember@ $)ter that ridiculous charity dinner# 3ou were wearing a sil! dress that was both brown and gold at once# 7i!e your eyes/G GBron=e+G she corrected in a whisper# GThe dress was bron=e#G GBron=e+G he repeated# G3eah# 3ou wore a bron=e sil! dress and you were so sweet and shy and beauti)ul#G "he bit her lip# G1'm not beauti)ul# ?e both !now that#G He shoo! his head# G1 !now what 1 see# 3ou're beauti)ul+ 'elody# $nd 1 could tell right away that you were di))erent# That you/would matter to me# "o 1 changed my plan# Because in an instant nothing else mattered# 1 wanted you most o) all# 3ou were the real pri=e# 1 swear it to you# 1 wanted you )rom the )irst night we met# 1 still want you# Di.e me a chance to pro.e it+ 'elody#G Her so)t lips were a thin determined line# G3ou don't deser.e a chance+ &ac!#G G'aybe 1 don't# But we do#G FFF 'elody tried to remain unmo.ed as she ga=ed up at him# But it wasn't easy# Because+ in spite o) e.erything+ she wanted to belie.e him# "he loo!ed into his un)orgettable ha=el eyes and she wished/ ?hat@ That things could ha.e been di))erent@ 3es# $ll right# "he did# "he wished that he hadn't lied to her# That there was some way they might start o.er and do things right this time# ?ithout the lies# He said it again so)tly+ with what she couldn't help but recogni=e as real tenderness+ as honest yearning# GDi.e me a chance#G $nd she thought o) her secret+ o) the truth she hadn't shared with him# %eep down+ she )elt more than a little guilty about that# Really+ he wasn't the only one who'd hidden important in)ormation#

?ho'd lied# "o Aust tell him# Eow# Det it o.er with#/ Eo# "he couldn't# How could she trust him with something li!e this@ The words wouldn't come# "he might be wea!ening+ )inding hersel) starting to belie.e that whate.er his moti.es had been at the )irst+ he'd actually started to care about her# "he could e.en almost accept that he'd meant it when he'd promised her )ather he lo.ed her# But she didn't )ully trust him# Eo way# Eot yet# 0nce she told him her secret+ he would ha.e a whole other argument as to why she should become his wi)e# $ .ery power)ul argument# Right now+ she couldn't allow hersel) to gi.e him more ammunition to hurl at her crumbling de)enses# He continued+ spea!ing with an intensity and heat that sent a shi.er o) longing sliding under her s!in# G1'm not going anywhere# 1'm not lea.ing# Eot until you come with me#G "he shrugged# But re)used to gi.e in# G6nAoy your stay+ then# $lone# 'aybe you and Roger can play a little gol)#G $ muscle in his strong Aaw twitched# He studied her )or a long time# <inally+ he said in a raw .oice+ G?hat do 1 ha.e to do+ 'elody@ $nything# 1'll do it# &ust say it#G Call the merger o))+ she thought# Tell my )ather you'.e changed your mind+ show us both that it really is me you want and not the deal# But she didn't say it# That o))er was one he had to ma!e o) his own accord+ not because she bargained their relationship )or it# $nd he hadn't o))ered to !ill the deal# "he needed to remember that# He might actually care about her-more than she'd let hersel) belie.e when she ran away )rom their wedding# But he still wanted to merge his stores with (il!alen's# Cery possibly+ he wanted that more than anything# 'ore than her# Could she li.e with that@ 1t shoc!ed her that she could e.en as! hersel) such a uestion# But there was one pain)ul truth that she couldn't get around# The thing she couldn't deny now that she'd seen him again+ now that she'd heard his .oice+ loo!ed into those tempting grayBgreen eyes# Eow that she'd listened to him e,plain that he did care+ that he wouldn't ha.e as!ed her to marry him i) he didn't want her and only her )or his wi)e# 0!ay+ she might as well )ace it# "he belie.ed him+ e.en though her pride !ept warning her not to# The pain)ul truth was this: she still lo.ed him# $nd she was ha.ing his baby# $s much as he'd hurt her+ well+ lo.e and a baby had to count )or something# 7o.e and a baby were worth more than a merger# They were worth )ighting )or#

Chapters: 1 2 H

Chapter <our 8rint this 8age G1 want a wee!+G 'elody said# &ac! wasn't )ollowing# G$ wee! )or/@G G$ wee! o) you and me# 1 want what's le)t o) what would ha.e been our honeymoon# ?e'll spend it here+ at the resort# $nd in Thunder Canyon+ too# ?e'll/ta!e some time together# $ lot o) time together# ?e'll see how it goes#G This was sounding really good to &ac!# 6,cellent+ as a matter o) )act# He couldn't ha.e come up with a better plan himsel)# 1) she needed reassuring+ he was only too happy to reassure the hell out o) her# G3es# $bsolutely# ?e're on# 1'll mo.e my stu)) in here right now#G He leaned in a little closer across the bac! o) the couch to claim a !iss# $gain# $t last# "he stopped him+ laying her hand against his chest-a too brie) touch# But one that lasted long enough )or heat to bla=e through him# $nd also to communicate clearly that the !iss he wanted was not happening# GHold on+G she said# He tried to loo! innocent+ though he wasn't all that success)ul at it# "till+ he did his best+ widening his eyes+ rela,ing his mouth# G?hat@G GDet your own room#G %amn it# G1 already ha.e a room+ it Aust so happens-ne,t door to you#G "he cast a glance toward the ceiling# G?hy am 1 not surprised@G G1'm a determined man+ 'elody#G GEo !isses#G "he shoo! a )inger at him# GEot until 1 say so-i) 1 say so#G He tried not to be too disappointed# "he would be saying so# Cery soon# He would see to that# He'd smother her in )lowers+ shower her with diamonds# GHowe.er you want it+G he said in a heart)elt tone# GEo )lowers and no gi)ts#G He had to shut his mouth to !eep )rom gaping# How did she do that-read his mind li!e that@ "he'd been able to do it )rom the )irst night he met her# 1t was damn disconcerting# G?hat's wrong with a )ew )lowers and a little bling@G Her so)t mouth was set# GThey don't pro.e anything# They're not what matters+ &ac!# 3ou and me

and trying to wor! this out# That's what matters#G G<ine# Dreat+G he grumbled# $nd then he went around the end o) the couch again and dropped into the chair# GHa.e it your way# Eo gi)ts# Eo )lowers#G "he )aced him# G$nd that's not all#G He had a bad )eeling suddenly# He loo!ed at her sideways# G?hat else@G "he smiled# 'uch too sweetly# G3ou !now+ you really did sweep me o)) my )eet+ &ac!# The diamonds+ the pearls/G Two diamond tennis bracelets+ se.eral gorgeous pairs o) earrings+ a tripleBstrand blac! pearl cho!er+ with earrings to match# $nd a number o) other pieces he couldn't speci)ically recall at that point# G1 thought you li!ed them#G G1 did+G she replied# GCery much# 0h+ and the orchids/G He had sent her a lot o) orchids# G3ou said you lo.ed orchids#G G1 did# 1 do-that's not the point#G "he sighed# G$nd all those trips+ &ac!# Those romantic getaways/G GBut you told me you enAoyed tra.el#G GEot the point#G G3ou !eep saying that# &ust tell me# ?hat is the point@G "he sat bac! on the so)a and spread her arms wide# GThe point is that it's my turn#G 0!ay+ he was lost# G3our turn to/@G GTo decide what we do# To be in control#G He didn't get it# G3ou're going to buy me )lowers and Aewelry@G "he laughed )or the )irst time that night# The sound wrapped around his heart# He lo.ed her laugh# $nd there had been a )ew dar! moments in the past wee! when he'd wondered i) he would e.er hear it again# "he continued+ GEo+ 1'm not going to buy you )lowers and e,pensi.e gi)ts#G Dru))ly+ he replied+ GThat's )ine# 1'm not real big on orchids+ anyway#G "he crossed her slim legs+ smoothed her s!irt and leaned toward him a little# G?e're going to do/simple things# 0rdinary things# Ta!e wal!s# Do horsebac! riding# ?indow shop on 'ain "treet+ right here in Thunder Canyon+ arm in arm#G 1t didn't sound too bad# G?hate.er you want#G G$ll right+ then#G "he rose lightly to her )eet# G1'll see you tomorrow# Dood night#G

He stayed in the chair and )rowned up at her# G&ust li!e that@ 1'm being dismissed@G "he held down her hand# GCome on# 1'll wal! you to the door#G He didn't want to go# Eot yet# They had a million things to settle )irst# But then again+ well+ at least she had some color bac! in her chee!s# $nd she'd actually o))ered him her hand# He too! it and stood# "he tuc!ed her so)t little )ingers around his arm# GThis way/G Reluctant but resigned+ he let her lead him to the door# But he hadn't become a retail tycoon by ta!ing no )or an answer# Clearly+ what she needed was a little more wooing# Eo problem# "he wanted wooing@ He'd woo the soc!s o)) her# FFF $t nine the ne,t morning+ &ac! was on his computer in the middle o) a .ideocon)erence with his Houston o))ice when the room phone rang# GDi.e me a minute+G he told his assistant and the two e,ecuti.es on the other end# He paused the session and pic!ed up the phone on the sitting room des!# G'c(ay#G GBrea!)ast+G 'elody said# He smiled at the sound o) her .oice# GThe Drubsta!e# 1'm waiting#G He grunted# GThe Drubsta!e-that's the co))ee shop downstairs+ right@G GThat's it# $re you coming@G He sent a rue)ul glance at the open laptop# He really needed to )inish this meeting# G1'm a little tied up right now/#G $ silence# $nd then+ in a low+ soBsweet .oice+ G&ac!# 1) we'd gone on our honeymoon+ would you be .ideoBcon)erencing be)ore brea!)ast@G How did she !now he was .ideoBcon)erencing@ "he always seemed to !now way too muchabout what he was thin!ing and what he might be doing# $nd he wanted to argue that they hadn't gone on their honeymoon+ damn it# Because she'd run away )rom him# 8lus+ he had a company to manage# He didn't argue+ though# $)ter all+ they did ha.e an agreement# $nd he had a wooing campaign to wage# GTen minutes+G he bar!ed into the phone# G1'm there#G G6,cellent#G "he hung up#

<i.e minutes later+ he le)t his room to go downstairs# He )ound Roger+ the guy )rom the e.ening be)ore+ waiting )or the ele.ator# Roger had a gol) bag )ull o) clubs and a boy o) se.en or eight with him+ a RogerBinBminiature# The !id wore an argyle gol) shirt and a 8uma gol) hat-and carried a childBsi=ed set o) clubs# GHey+G Roger greeted him+ holding out his hand# GRoger 8emley# 7ast night@ 3ou were with 'elody+ 1 belie.e#G G1 remember#G &ac! too! the guy's hand# G&ac! 'c(ay#G G$nd this is Roger &r#+G the gol)er said proudly# The !id beamed up at him+ showing two teeth missing in )ront# 1n his little )ist+ he clutched a gol) ball# G&unior+ put that ball away+G Roger nagged the !id# Then he sent an apologetic glance at &ac!# GHe's always losing them# 8eople trip on them e.erywhere-in the hallway+ on the ele.ator+ down in the lobby/G "o+ then# 1t wasn't Roger who was losing his balls# G1 )ound one last night#G G"orry+G said Roger# He ga.e his son a threatening scowl# G8ut it away# Eow#G G$w+ %aaaaadddd/G But the !id did put the ball in the =ippered compartment o) his childBsi=ed bag# The ele.ator came# &ac! let the two Rogers and all their e uipment get on )irst# Roger "r# chatted li!e a happy magpie on the way down# He and his )amily were )rom ?isconsin# They lo.ed the resort# They were ha.ing the time o) their li.es# &ac! listened and nodded and le)t them on the main )loor# 1n the co))ee shop+ 'elody was waiting )or him# "he wore a slee.eless yellow shirt and a big smile and the sight o) her made him )eel li!e the sun had come up all o.er again# He sat down across )rom her and ordered co))ee-he'd had brea!)ast deli.ered to his room earlier-and watched her put away a big plate o) <rench toast with bacon# "he always used to be a pic!y eater# But the mountain air must agree with her# "he ate heartily# $nd the dar! circles he'd noticed under her big bron=e eyes last night@ They seemed to ha.e )aded# He decided to ta!e that as a good sign# "he must be )eeling better now that they were wor!ing things out# Come to thin! o) it+ he )elt better+ too# $t least he had )ound her# $nd he !new that she was o!ay# Though he didn't really get how wal!ing around some 8odun!+ 'ontana+ town side by side+ holding hands and loo!ing in shop windows+ was going to help her to see that he did care about her# But then+ what did he !now about how to ma!e her reali=e what she meant to him@ The diamonds and orchids he'd supplied in abundance were supposed to ha.e done that Aob# But they hadn't+ or she ne.er would ha.e run away )rom him# "o all right# He had a thing or two to learn about intimate relationships# He supposed that wasn't really too surprising# He lac!ed e,perience when it came to the whole lo.e thing# He'd ne.er had his own )amily+ ne.er e.en had a brother or a sister to stand with against the world# He only !new that he wanted her+ 'elody# He wanted her in a deep and elemental way# He

wanted her with him# He wanted to see her smile+ to hear her musical laughter# He wanted to wa!e up e.ery morning in the same bed with her# 1) doing Gsimple thingsG together was going to con.ince her that she really did matter to him+ well+ o!ay# Bring on the simple things# "wallowing a mouth)ul o) <rench toast+ she said+ GToday+ we're going into town-0ld Town+ to be speci)ic# That's the side o) Thunder Canyon originally settled bac! in the eighteen hundreds# Eew Town is east o) 0ld Town+ and it's-G G7et me guess+G he o))ered dryly# GEewer@G "he popped a piece o) bacon into her mouth and grinned in a .ery sel)Bsatis)ied way# GThat's right# 1n 0ld Town+ we're going to e,plore 'ain "treet+ chec! out the cute shops# Cisit the Heritage 'useum#G G1 can't wait#G He tried to sound cynical# But her enthusiasm was contagious# Hey# $s long as they were together+ he didn't really care what they did# "cratch that# Di.en the choice+ he'd rather ha.e her alone in his suite+ where he could ta!e o)) that sunny yellow shirt and e.erything else she was wearing# He'd rather ma!e lo.e to her all day long# Her mind might hold out against him+ but her body !new better# 1) he could only get his hands on her+ he was sure he could uic!ly eliminate e.ery doubt she had le)t about whether or not to come home to Te,as with him# G1 !now that loo!+ &ac!#G "he shoo! her last piece o) bacon at him# G<orget it# Eot happening#G $nd then she ga=ed at him )rom under lashes# GEot today+ anyway#G He saw his opening and went )or it# GTomorrow+ then#G "he ate the bacon+ wiped her tempting lips with her nap!in# G1'm ma!ing no promises#G G'aybe not in words/G "he tried to appear stern# GEo guarantees# ?e'll see how it goes#G "he signed the chec! with her room number# G$ll right# 3ou ready@G He reached in his poc!et and got out his car !eys# G7et's go#G G8ut those away+G she told him smartly# G1'm in control and that means 1'm dri.ing#G Chapters: 1 2 H ;

Chapter <i.e 8rint this 8age 1t was a great day+ 'elody thought#

The sun was shining+ the s!y a clear+ gorgeous )adedBdenim blue+ with the occasional cottony cloud dri)ting around up there# 'elody dro.e them down )rom the mountain in her rental car and par!ed in the lot at the corner where Thunder Canyon Road turned sharply and became 'ain "treet+ between a bar and restaurant called The Hitching 8ost "aloon and a cute little motel named the ?anderB0n 1nn# They got out and started down 'ain# ?hen &ac! reached )or her hand+ she ga.e it# ?hy not@ They were trying to wor! things out+ a)ter all# His hand was big and warm and solid as e.er# "he wo.e her )ingers with his and let hersel) enAoy the shi.er o) e,citement that radiated through her# Because she was with him# Because the simple touch o) his hand seemed to promise so much# 6.erything# Their )uture+ reclaimed# Their happiness+ redisco.ered# $nd really great se,# Eot that she was going there today# "he'd told him she wouldn't# "he shouldn't let hersel) anticipate how wonder)ul it might be when-no+ i)-she did# But she did anticipate# "he tried not to remember what it was li!e when &ac! held her in his arms# But she might as well ha.e tried to stop breathing# He !new her wea!ness# $nd he played on it# He eased his thumb between their Aoined hands and stro!ed her palm with it in a light and wayBtooBtempting caress# $s they strolled along 'ain "treet+ he too! e.ery opportunity to mo.e in closer to her+ so their bodies touched# The seemingly accidental contact made her constantly+ intimately aware o) him# 6.ery brie)+ brushing touch )anned the ban!ed )ires o) desire that smoldered between them# "he didn't tell him to cut it out# "he Aust couldn't# 1t )elt too good# They .isited a couple o) cute little gi)t shops# "he bought some sou.enirs: a 'ontana Dold TB shirt+ a Thunder Canyon shot glass and a boo! about Thunder Canyon history called Dold Rush Drooms+ written+ the gi)tBstore owner proclaimed proudly+ by a local author# <arther down the street+ &ac! stopped in )ront o) a ba!ery# G7a Boulangerie#G He read the sign painted on the window+ mangling the pronunciation in his own endearing way# G<rench )or ba!ery+ right@G "he'd li.ed in 8aris )or a year bac! in her college days and had learned to spea! <rench )luently+ though she was a little rusty now# $t her nod+ he as!ed+ GRemember that time 1 too! you to 8aris@G "he would ne.er )orget# G1t was more than a year ago# 1n early spring# 0ur )irst trip together#G The )irst time they'd made lo.e# G1 remember e.erything#G He said it with gru)) tenderness# "he sighed# GThe Tuileries gardens were spectacular# $ll those gorgeous tulips in bloom#G He arched a brow# G<eel li!e a croissant@G Her heart seemed to get lighter inside her chest# He'd brought her croissants the morning a)ter/ they'd eaten them in bed+ not e.en caring about the crumbs#

He really was trying# $nd the way he loo!ed at her+ well+ he didn't seem li!e a man who was only a)ter her money and connections# G1 would lo.e a croissant#G They went inside# The <rench ba!er behind the counter was not a )riendly )ellow# He scowled as he waited on them# But one bite o) her croissant had 'elody deciding that she didn't care i) the ba!er had a lousy personality# He ba!ed the best croissants she'd e.er tasted-e.en counting the ones she'd had in 8aris# &ac! swallowed a big bite o) the *clair he'd chosen and grinned across the round bistroBstyle ca)* table at her# G"o good/G "he wholeheartedly concurred# "he could ha.e ordered a second croissant# 'aybe e.en a third# Her appetite was huge lately-at least in the morning and early a)ternoon# $t dinnertime+ things got roc!ier# ?hoe.er called it morning sic!ness didn't !now what they were tal!ing about/# $nd her thoughts had circled bac! to the baby again+ to her dilemma-when to tell him@ How@ He was )rowning# G'el@ ?hat's the matter@G &ust do it# &ust say it: ?e're ha.ing a baby+ &ac!# 1t shouldn't be this hard# But it was# "he pasted her smile bac! on# GEot a thing#G FFF $)ter the ba!ery+ she too! him o.er to 8ine "treet+ where they .isited the Heritage 'useum# "he !ept him at the museum )or o.er an hour+ admiring the rooms )ull o) authentic pioneer )urniture+ the glass cases pac!ed with clothing and tools )rom days gone by# ?hen she'd )inally had enough+ she announced+ G1'm star.ing# ?e need some lunch#G He teased+ G1) you don't watch it+ you won't be able to )it into those s!inny Aeans that loo! way too good on you/G "he laughed# G1 don't !now what it is# 1'm hungry as a horse lately/G But she did !now what it was# "he was eating )or two+ as the old saying went# $nd she was going to tell him about it# "oon# Cery soon/ Bac! on 'ain+ she ushered him into a tea shop called The Tottering Teapot# They ordered %arAeeling tea and sandwiches made with whole wheat bread and )illed with wholesome ingredients: organic mayonnaise+ )reeBrange chic!en and locally grown lettuce and tomatoes# He was the only guy in the place# He !idded her about that# G7oo!s to me li!e one o) those places you should come with your girl)riends# Eo sel)Brespecting man would be caught dead here#G

G"hould 1 chec! your pulse@ "ee i) you're still breathing@G He shrugged# G&ust sayin'# 3ou're in control#G $nd he sipped his tea )rom a delicate china cup# Ee,t+ they wal!ed bac! to the little par! in the center o) 0ld Town+ the town s uare# They sat on a bench+ held hands some more and watched the young mothers play with their children in the grass and on the slide and the rings and the small Aungle gym not )ar )rom where they sat# "trange how e.erywhere they went that day+ she was reminded o) the secret she !ept )rom him# He s uee=ed her hand# G3ou seem uiet# 3ou sure nothing's bothering you@G $gain+ she put on her liar's smile# GEothing at all#G He studied her )ace )or a moment+ and then he turned bac! to the play area# G(ids# 7oo! at them# Eot a care in the world# 1 don't e.er remember it being li!e that# 7i)e wasn't/sa)e )or me# Eot when 1 was little# 1) 1 e.er ha.e a !id/G He shi)ted and )aced her again+ pinning her with his ga=e# But only )or a moment-a little girl on the swings laughed and he )ocused on the playground again# G1) we e.er ha.e !ids+ it's going to be di))erent#G $ slight smile cur.ed his mouth as he watched the little girl# Her pigtails )lew as she swung high# G0ur !ids will ha.e e.erything# ?e'll !eep them sa)e#G Her heart twisted# "he should say it right now# 1t was the per)ect moment# 1'm pregnant# But doubts !ept nagging at her# ?as he only saying what he thought she wanted to hear@ ?hat !ind o) )ather would he be+ really@ He'd ne.er had a )amily and he was such a dri.en man# 1) she told him there was a baby and went bac! to Te,as with him+ would he be there )or their child@ 0r would he only use her pregnancy as another way to get her to do what he wanted+ to con.ince her to marry him so he could ma!e the merger happen@ "he longed to belie.e in him again# $nd she did# But not completely# "ome small+ wounded part o) her heart continued to hold out against him# "o she said nothing# FFF Be)ore they returned to the resort+ they dropped in at the Hitching 8ost "aloon+ where a painting o) a beauti)ul woman draped in nothing but a )ew precisely placed scar.es hung o.er the bar# GThat's 7ily %i.ine+G said the bartender# GThe story goes that bac! in the 1IH0s+ 7ily owned a house o) ill repute called the Hitching 8ost in the original building at this .ery location# "ome say she wasn't really running a whorehouse+ though# That what she did was to ta!e in prostitutes who'd been mistreated+ or any woman who came to her in need o) a helping hand and a way out o) a bad li)e#G The bartender ga.e the lady in the picture a thumbsBup# G1 say+ whate.er you were up to+ 7ily+ you are loo!in' good#G The pretty woman in the picture smiled seducti.ely down at them# &ac! ordered a beer and 'elody had ginger ale# "ince she'd ne.er been all that )ond o) alcohol+ he didn't uestion her choice o) a so)t drin! o.er something stronger# But the truth was that she might ha.e enAoyed a beer with him i) she hadn't !nown she was pregnant-and i) she wasn't already )eeling her regular a)ternoon ueasiness# They pulled in to the resort around )our# By then+ her stomach was seriously acting up#

G3ou o!ay@G he as!ed her as they entered the clubhouse lobby+ with its huge natural stone )ireplace and soaring )i.eBstory ceiling# GEot really#G "he tried to ma!e a Ao!e o) it# G'ust ha.e been the )reeBrange chic!en/G He had her arm and was guiding her toward one o) the con.ersation groupings+ a leather so)a and a couple o) )at easy chairs# GCome on# "it down# Rela, )or a )ew minutes#G Eot a good idea# "he needed to get up to her room-and uic!ly# G2h# Eo# 1 thin! 1'll Aust go upstairs and lie down )or a while#G He )rowned+ worried# GThe resort has an in)irmary# 1'll ta!e you there#G GEo# Really# 1 want to go upstairs#G "he headed )or the ele.ators# By the time they got on the car and started going up+ she was absolutely certain she would chuc! her coo!ies right there in the ele.ator# G'el# "eriously# 1 don't li!e the way you loo!# ?hat i) it's something serious@ 1 thin! 1 should ta!e you to a doctor#G "he would not be sic! in )ront o) him# $bsolutely not# $nd she wasn't going to the doctor+ either# G1 am )ine4G "he said it too strongly and she !new it# He glanced at her strangely+ but at least he uit insisting on a .isit to the in)irmary# $)ter an eternity+ the ele.ator doors opened# <umbling in her purse )or her card !ey+ she raced down the hallway# He was right on her heels# "he reached her door+ swiped the !ey+ got the green light and sho.ed the door open# G'elody/G "omehow she managed not to lose her lunch all o.er him# G1'll be )ine# 1'll call you# ?e'll ha.e dinner/G GBut 'el+ 1 don't-G "he put up a hand+ gently pressed her )ingers to his lips to silence him# G$n hour# Really# 1'm )ine#G "he slipped through the door and closed it in his worried )ace# $nd then she dropped her purse and bags o) sou.enirs on the entry table and ran )or the bathroom# "he made it Aust in time# Chapters: 1 2 H ; :

Chapter "i, 8rint this 8age &ac! stared at the door she'd shut in his )ace# He didn't get it# "he'd seemed )ine until a )ew minutes ago# $nd he'd had the chic!en sandwich at that )rouB)rou girly place+ too# 3eah+ he would ha.e pre)erred a chili dog and )ries+ but he didn't )eel the least bit sic!# That was how it went with )ood poisoning+ though# Two people ate the same thing+ but only one got the dangerous dose o) salmonella# ?as she o!ay in there@ He li)ted his hand to !noc!+ to call out to her and demand to !now that she was all right# $nd then he lowered his arm without ma!ing a sound# He turned and slid to the )loor in )ront o) the door# He would sit right here+ in case she might need him# He'd gi.e her ten minutes# Then he would call her and ma!e certain that she didn't need the resort doctor# <ood poisoning wasn't anything to )ool with# He loo!ed at his 8ate! 8hilippe+ which was the plainest watch he'd e.er owned# $nd a birthday gi)t )rom her# 7ea.e it to 'el to buy only the best# He almost smiled+ thin!ing o) her-and then he scowled as he started to worry again# 1t was ;:1:# Ten minutes# $nd when he called+ she'd better be o!ay# ?ith a grunt o) )rustration+ he let his head )all bac! against the door# He waited# The ne,t time he let himsel) chec!+ it was ;:1J# 7ongest two minutes o) his li)e# The remaining eight would ta!e )ore.er# He let his head )all bac! again and he shut his eyes# The light nudge at his hip made him open them again# He loo!ed down+ saw the gol) ball that had apparently rolled toward him until it had run into him# He pic!ed it up# $nd that was when he heard giggling# Roger &r# peered at him )rom down at the turn to the ne,t hallway# He brought up his little hand and co.ered his mouth to sti)le the sound o) laughter# (ids# "heesh# &ac! rolled the ball bac! to him# &unior was ready )or it# He scooped it up and .anished down the other hall# ;:22# Three more minutes# That was all he had to wait# Those minutes too! a li)etime to pass+ but at last they were o.er#

He got out his Blac!Berry and called 'elody's cell# "he answered on the second ring# G&ac!# 1 said 1 would call you#G "he sounded/pretty good+ actually# G<eeling better@G G1 am+ yes#G $ pause+ then+ GThan! you-and where are you@G G"itting on the carpet outside your door#G G&ac!#G "he said his name reproach)ully# But !ind o) sweetly+ too# G"o shoot me# 1 was worried#G He hal) hoped that maybe she might let him in# But she only said gently+ G1'm )ine# Really# 1) 1 could Aust rest )or a little while#G G3ou're sure@ "almonella can !ill you#G G1t's not salmonella#G GHow do you !now@G GBecause+ um+ 1'm )eeling better already# $nd how about this@ %inner# The Dallatin Room# "e.en#G G3ou're sure you're up )or it@ Because we could Aust-G G1'm sure# "e.en+ &ac!# "ee you there#G $nd she hung up# He went bac! to his suite and chec!ed in at the o))ice# Then he handled messages and email# $nd tried his damndest not to imagine the worst-that she might be lying alone in her room+ writhing in pain+ desperately needing him+ but too wea! to autoBdial his number# FFF "he showed up at the restaurant right on time wearing a little blac! dress and loo!ing li!e a billion buc!s# "o o!ay# 'aybe it wasn't salmonella a)ter all# They got a nice+ uiet table tuc!ed away where they wouldn't be disturbed# Her eyes loo!ed so big and so)t# $nd she smiled and laughed and seemed as happy to be with him as he was to sit across )rom her# He thought about how much he wanted to !iss her# How much he wanted to spend the night holding her in his arms-that night+ and all the nights to come# ?hen they went bac! upstairs and got to the door o) her suite+ she !issed him+ a !iss that reached down deep inside him# Heat )lared across his s!in# Her per)ume+ so light and tempting+ li!e dew and roses+ was all around him# He gathered her closer+ slanted his mouth the other way#

But then she pushed lightly against his chest# He li)ted his head+ demanded+ G?hat@G in a .oice .ery close to a growl# GDood night+ &ac!#G $nd she turned+ slipped her !ey in the slot and went into her room without him# He tried not to be too disappointed# Tomorrow night would be di))erent# He could wait until then# FFF But the ne,t night was the same# $ !iss at her door and a so)t goodBnight# 7i!ewise )or Thursday and <riday+ too# "he was dri.ing him cra=y# But in a good way# They spent each day together+ tal!ing# 7aughing# "he spo!e o) her childhood+ how she wished she'd had brothers and sisters# He said he understood# $nd he did# They were both GonlyG children+ though she was born the golden princess o) the (il!alen empire# $nd he was born with nothing+ a !id without a mom or dad+ a !id nobody wanted# He ached to beg her to come home with him+ to be his wi)e# "omething !ept him )rom that+ though# 'aybe it was the strange )eeling he had that she was holding something bac!# 0r maybe it was the agreement they'd made: a wee! together+ to see how it went# 0r maybe it was his own reali=ation that he ought to be o))ering her the one thing that would really matter# He should gi.e up the merger# He !new that i) he did that+ all her doubts about him would be silenced# "he would come to him willingly# They could go home# But he wasn't ready to do that# ?hy should he@ The merger was )or both o) them# They both stood to gain by it+ and her mother and )ather+ too-not to mention e.ery single employee o) both the giant retail chains# "he ought to see that+ accept that# The merger was good )or e.eryone# 3eah+ he should ha.e told her what he was up to as soon as he reali=ed he wanted a li)etime with her# He was wrong to ha.e !ept the truth )rom her# But by now it should be clear that he regretted his dishonesty# He couldn't see how+ a)ter all they'd shared in the past )ew days+ she could doubt that she mattered to him# "he mattered most o) all# They went into 0ld Town again# They too! in a mo.ie at the theater in Eew Town# The resort had a large stable# They rented horses and e,plored Thunder 'ountain's scenic trails+ sharing a picnic high up+ near the snow line+ where the wind had a bite to it# "ometimes he would catch her loo!ing at him and he'd ha.e that )eeling he so o)ten had now+ that there was something she wanted to tell him# He !new what it was-or at least+ he hoped that he did# He hoped she was trying to )igure out a way to admit that she belie.ed in him again+ that she no longer doubted that he lo.ed her# To say that she was ready to go home with him+ to marry him+ to become his wi)e+ as she should ha.e done almost two wee!s ago now# He was waiting )or her to ta!e his hand at her door each e.ening-and pull him inside#

But it didn't happen# They met some people )rom 'idland who were there )or a wedding# Rose Traub was in her late twenties+ possibly thirty# Her twin brothers &ac!son and &ason were a )ew years older# $nother brother+ Corey+ was the groom# The Traubs were heirs to Traub 0il 1ndustries# Corey and his bride+ 6rin+ li.ed in Thunder Canyon# Rose in.ited them to the wedding reception in the resort ballroom on "aturday e.ening# They dropped in a)ter dinner+ a)ter the ca!e had been cut+ when the band was playing and e.eryone was dancing# &ac! too! 'elody in his arms and they swayed to the music# He tried not to be Aealous o) the bride and groom+ who had married in a local church se.eral hours earlier# He tried not to thin! about how+ right now+ he and 'elody should ha.e been married# Right now+ she should ha.e been his wi)e# "he li)ted her head )rom his shoulder and ga=ed up at him# Her eyes were shining# $nd he !new then# 1t had happened at last# %uring the past golden days together+ she had learned to trust him again# G&ac!+G she whispered# $nd then the words that mattered most o) all# G1 lo.e you+ &ac!#G His heart li)ted and he !issed her+ right there on the ballroom )loor+ with a hundred other couples swaying around them# $nd later+ when they stood at the door to her suite+ she too! his hand# "he loo!ed up at him+ her tender heart shining in her eyes# $nd then she led him inside# Chapters: 1 2 H ; : K

Chapter "e.en 8rint this 8age 'elody planned to tell him about the baby right then+ that night+ as soon as they entered her suite+ be)ore they made lo.e )or the )irst time in wee!s# But as soon as the door to her room closed+ he too! her in his big arms and !issed her# $nd by then+ all that mattered was the heat o) him surrounding her+ the )eel o) his body pressed to hers+ the scent o) that cleanBsmelling a)tersha.e he wore# There was only the way his lips urged her to open )or him/# "he did open# His tongue swept in+ claiming e.ery secret space# His arms tightened around her and she was lost in the wonder o) what they had together# 1n the pure+ sensual splendor#

He un=ipped her sil! dress and peeled it away )rom her# 1t )ell around her )eet and she shi.ered a little# He trailed !isses down her body as he too! all her clothes away+ e.ery last stitch that co.ered her and hid her )rom his sight# <inally+ she had only her highBheeled shoes and her little blac! panties# He !nelt be)ore her# $nd he wrapped his big hand around her an!le as he ga=ed up at her through eyes that burned her+ eyes that seared her to her soul# He li)ted her )oot# "he wobbled a little+ laughed a breathless little laugh as she braced hersel) on his roc!Bhard shoulder# He too! o)) her shoe# $nd then he too! o)) the other one# $nd then+ still holding her eyes+ he slid those big hands o) his upward+ s!imming the .ulnerable )lesh o) her bare legs# "he trembled as he hoo!ed his )ingers under the elastic at her hips-and pulled her panties down# 'elody sighed# He swayed toward her+ pressed a !iss at her na.el# "he gathered him to her+ wea.ing her )ingers in his hair# He didn't stop there# He went on !issing her+ touching her# "he let her head )all bac! and she li)ted her hips to him as he )ound the womanly heart o) her and played it li!e a song# 2ntil there was only his !iss and his s!illed+ !nowing touch# 2ntil she shuddered and cried out his name# Then+ rising+ he scooped her high against his chest and he carried her into the shadowed bedroom o) the suite# He laid her down on the bed and stood abo.e her+ his eyes green )ire+ as he uic!ly+ ruthlessly+ stripped o)) his clothes# "he reached )or him as he came down to her# "he en)olded him in her arms and he came into her+ )ully# %eeply# Completely# He groaned her name against her throat# "he ga.e his name bac! to him# They rose to the crest and went o.er as one# 7ater+ she held him in her arms as he slept# "he stro!ed his thic!+ short brown hair with gentle )ingers# Tomorrow+ she thought# 1'll tell him tomorrow/ FFF 1n the morning+ 'elody wo!e to the sight o) him+ glorious and na!ed+ lying ne,t to her# "nuggling close+ she pressed her lips to the hard bulge o) his shoulder# "he'd tell him about the baby as soon as he opened his eyes# He opened one eye# G'elody/G $nd then he pulled her close# "he wrapped her arms around him# $nd then her legs# "he sighed in pleasure# There would be time to tal! about the baby later/#

$)ter an hour or so+ they got up and showered together# That led to more !isses# $nd !isses led to/other things# <inally+ around ele.en+ they debated whether to order room ser.ice or go downstairs and ha.e brea!)ast at the Drubsta!e# "he teased him+ G1) we don't get dressed and get out o) this room+ we might ne.er lea.e it#G G"ounds li!e a great plan to me#G "he laughed# GCome on# Det dressed# 7et's go downstairs#G His dress shirt )rom the night be)ore was a hopeless tangle o) wrin!les# They stopped in at his suite so he could change into clean clothes# He !issed her as they were heading toward the door# $nd it was touch and go )or a moment whether they would e.er lea.e his room# But e.entually+ they pulled apart# GThe Drubsta!e+G she said+ panting a little# GThe Drubsta!e+G he repeated+ as breathless as she was# They got out o) there and headed )or the ele.ator-which had a big Temporarily 0ut o) 0rder sign taped to the doors and a little note about how management was sorry )or the incon.enience# &ac! said hope)ully+ GRoom ser.ice@G "he shoo! her head# GCome on# 1t's only )i.e )lights and we'll be going down# 8iece o) ca!e#G "he turned and made )or the red e,it sign at the end o) the hall and the steel door that led to the stairs# GHey4 ?ait up#G He started a)ter her# GDet a mo.e on+G she called o.er her shoulder as she reached the stairwell door and pulled it wide# "he should ha.e been loo!ing down+ watching where she was going# But it ne.er occurred to her that there could be a problem# Her )oot landed on something hard and round-and went shooting out )rom under her# $ shoc!ed cry escaped her# $nd then she was tumbling+ )alling+ rolling+ bouncing li!e the gol) ball she'd tripped on+ down the stairs# "he landed in a heap on the cold concrete slab o) the ne,t landing down# "he heard &ac! call her name# G'elody4 'y Dod/G The baby# "he tried to put her hand o.er her stomach-and cried out as a pain sharp as !ni.es speared through her shoulder# G'elody4G &ac! raced down to her+ his )ace white as a bleached sheet# But she was so a)raid that it was already too late#

Chapters: 1 2 H ; : K J

Chapter 6ight 8rint this 8age "he loo!ed li!e a rag doll+ bro!en on the stairs# &ac! could hear the damn gol) ball that Roger's !id must ha.e le)t at the top o) the stairwell as it bounced its way down the ne,t )light o) stairs and the ne,t a)ter that# &ac! was already mo.ing# 1n seconds+ he was !neeling at her side# G'elody/oh+ sweetheart/G "he was still conscious# ?as that a good sign@ "he reached out a hand-her le)t one# The right one hung at an odd angle# G&ac!# "o sorry+ &ac!/G Her so)t )ingers gra=ed his chee!# $nd then her arm dropped away# He probably shouldn't mo.e her# But he couldn't Aust lea.e her there while he went )or help# $nd i) he stayed and tried to call+ how long would he ha.e to wait there beside her+ helpless+ until somebody came@ He got out his Blac!Berry# Eo bars# The stairwell must be bloc!ing the signal# He would ha.e to run bac! up to their )loor to get reception# "he whispered+ G%on't lea.e me+ &ac!/G GEe.er#G "he reached )or him again# G&ac!/G He made up his mind# He put a hand under her nec! and one under her !nees and he gathered her into him# "he didn't cry out# But a so)t moan o) agony escaped her# "he wrapped her good arm around his nec! and held on as he rose-that was a positi.e sign+ wasn't it@ "he was not only conscious+ but able to hold on/ GEeed to tell you/G "he moaned the words through clenched teeth# G"hh# 1t's o!ay# Tell me later# Eot now#G GEo#G Her .oice was stronger# G7isten# Hear me#G He started down# "he said the impossible words as he reached the thirdB)loor landing# G1'm ha.ing a baby# 0ur baby+ &ac!/G He didn't say anything# ?hat could he say right then@ Her words seemed to bounce around inside his head#

$ baby# 'y Dod+ 'elody# 8regnant# 1'm such a damn idiot# 1 should ha.e !nown#/ There had been plenty o) clues+ he reali=ed now# The )ood poisoning incident that was o.er by dinnertime# The way she sometimes loo!ed at him+ with secrets in her eyes# $nd how many times had he been sure she was about to tell him something important@ Ten@ Twenty@ 'ore@ 1 should ha.e !nown+ should ha.e !ept a)ter her to say what was on her mind# 8regnant with his baby# $nd not sure how to share it with him# $nd then o.erhearing him and her )ather+ learning the truth he should ha.e e,plained to her long be)ore# He saw it all in a whole new light now# $nd what he saw did not ma!e him proud o) himsel)# Eo wonder she had run )rom him# He didn't deser.e her# He'd ne.er deser.ed her# He wanted to tell her/how sorry he was# How wrong he had been# But now was not the time to ma!e amends# He had to get help )or her )irst# "o he !ept mo.ing# He didn't brea! stride# He put one )oot in )ront o) the other and he held her as gently as he could+ tried to !eep )rom Aostling her+ as he carried her down# $t the lobby le.el+ he managed to get the hea.y door open and get them through# $nd then he was calling )or the )ront des! sta))+ shouting+ GDet the resort doctor# $nd call an ambulance+ someone4 Call an ambulance+ now4G FFF G$ sprained an!le and an anterior dislocation o) the right shoulder+ which 1'.e relocated manually with e,cellent results# $lso+ se.eral bad bruises+G said the doctor# 1t was past one in the a)ternoon by then# The doctor and &ac! stood outside the pri.ate room they'd gi.en 'elody a)ter her inAuries had been treated# GEo bro!en bones+G the doctor added# G$nd somehow+ she managed not to hit her head on the way down that )light o) stairs#G &ac! could almost breathe )or the )irst time since he'd watched her trip on that gol) ball# G"o you're saying she's o!ay# "he's going to be o!ay/#G The doctor nodded# G3es# "he's a .ery luc!y woman#G G$nd/the baby@G &ac! swallowed con.ulsi.ely as his pulse lurched into racing mode all o.er again# GThe baby's )ine+G said the doctor# G3our )ianc*e is only in her )irst trimester> the )etus is .ery small and well protected within the womb# But we'll !eep her here o.ernight )or obser.ation# &ust to be on the sa)e side#G GDood# Right# That's wise-can 1 see her@G GDo on in# "he's resting#G

G1 won't disturb her#G The doctor pretended to loo! stern# G'a!e sure that you don't#G &ac! slipped into the room and went to the side o) the bed# "he was so small and still beneath the white sheet# But then she turned her head and tried to smile# G0h+ &ac!/G He too! her hand+ smoothed the sil!y hair away )rom her )orehead# G3ou're going to be all right#G "he caught her lower lip between her e.en white teeth# G?e need to tal!#G G7ater# Tomorrow# $)ter they gi.e you a clean bill o) health# Rest now#G Her eyes dar!ened+ the gold )ading so they turned deepest brown# G$re you lea.ing@G GEo way# They would ha.e to drag me out o) here#G FFF "omehow+ that scary day passed# &ac! !ept his word# He did not lea.e her room# The nurses put up with him+ bringing him a tray+ too+ when they ser.ed her an early dinner# $round )i.e+ the 8emley )amily appeared-Roger+ his wi)e+ 'idge+ and Roger &r# Roger wanted to apologi=e )or the gol) ball that had caused 'elody's )all# &unior apologi=ed+ too# G1 am tho thorry that you )ell+ 'ith (il!alen+G he lisped through the space between his teeth# G1 will ne.er play with my gol) ballth in the hallway again# 8romith#G 'elody ga.e him her brightest+ !indest smile and told him that he was )orgi.en# FFF That e.ening+ when the lights were out and &ac! was Aust dri)ting o)) to sleep in the chair+ she whispered his name# G&ac!@G GHmm@G G1 ne.er threw my ring away+G she said# G1 couldn't# 1t's in the sa)e in my room at the resort#G He had the strangest )eeling then# $ tightness in his chest+ an emotion o) e ual parts pain and happiness# G3ou're serious@ 3ou didn't@G G1 thought about it# But 1 couldn't#G G1'm happy you didn't# But 'el+ 1/1 could understand now+ i) you had#G

G0h+ &ac!/G G"hh+G he told her so)tly# G?e'll tal! tomorrow# Eow+ you need your rest#G He heard her sigh# $nd then nothing more a)ter that+ e,cept the so)t+ e.en sound o) her breathing# FFF The doctor e,amined her at ten the ne,t morning# $)terward+ when &ac! reentered the room+ she loo!ed at him in wonder# GHe says 1'm o!ay# Can you belie.e it+ &ac!@ 1'm going to be )ine# $nd the baby is+ too#G He went to her+ bent close+ pressed a !iss at her temple# G1'm so glad+G he whispered prayer)ully# G1 can't tell you how glad#G Her big eyes had tears in them# G1 !now 1 should ha.e said something to you about the baby# 1 !ept meaning to# 1 Aust/somehow+ the words wouldn't come#G G1t's o!ay# 1 understand# 1 do+ 'el# 'ore than you !now# 3ou weren't sure+ a)ter the way 1 lied to you+ a)ter how 1 misled you+ that you could really trust me# $nd 1/G He too! her hand+ brushed his lips across her !nuc!les# G1'.e made a decision#G "he must ha.e seen something in his )ace+ something that scared her# "he gasped# G0h+ no# ?hat@G He s uee=ed her hand# GRela,# 1t's nothing that terrible# 1t's good+ really+ the best thing#G GBut what@G G1t's the merger# 1t's/not right# 1 pulled strings to meet you and get close to you with the merger in mind# $nd e.en when 1 reali=ed 1 wanted a lot more than a business deal )rom you+ 1 !ept that central lie in place# 1 ne.er told you how wrong 1 was+ ne.er apologi=ed )or going a)ter you )or all the wrong reasons#G G0h+ &ac!/G G1'm apologi=ing now+ 'elody# Really apologi=ing# 1n the only true way 1 !now how# 1'm going to gi.e the merger up completely# 6.en i) your dad is still ready to carry on with it+ 1'll e,plain to him that it's not going to wor!# ?hate.er happens+ e.en i) you ne.er )eel you can go home with me and be my wi)e+ the merger is o))#G G0h+ &ac!/G The gold lights were bac! in her eyes again# G&ac!+ 1 lo.e you#G He ga.e her a rue)ul smile# G$nd 1 Aust lied some more# 1'm gi.ing up the merger+ but 1 can't gi.e you up# Eot you+ and not our baby# 1 lo.e you# 1 want to be a )ather to our child# 1 want that more than words can say# 1 want the )amily 1'.e ne.er had and 1 want it with you# Eo matter how long it ta!es )or you to trust me again+ 1'm stic!ing around+ 'elody# 1'm not gi.ing up#G "he smiled at him then+ a smile that was li!e the sun coming out a)ter a long+ stormy night# GDood# Because 1'm ready to go bac! to Te,as+ &ac!# 1'm ready to go bac! with you+ to stand up beside you+ to be your wi)e#G

His heart stuttered in his chest# G%on't say it i) you're not sure#G Her bright smile didn't wa.er# G0h+ 1'm sure# 1 am absolutely positi.e# 1 lo.e you+ &ac! 'c(ay# 3ou're the only man )or me-and 1 trust you# 1 truly do# 6nough that 1 don't need you to gi.e up the merger# 1t will be good )or all o) us#G Right then+ he didn't care in the least about the damn merger# G"ay that again# How 1'm the only man )or you#G $nd she did# G3ou're the only man )or me+ &ac!#G $nd then she whispered+ G(iss me/#G G1 lo.e you+ 'elody# 3ou are my heart# 'y soul# The one 1'.e been loo!ing )or all o) my lonely li)e#G G(iss me# 8lease#G $nd he did# He !issed her slowly and tenderly# $nd she li)ted her arms and wrapped them around him+ wincing a little at the pain in her stillBtender right shoulder# He chided+ G'elody+ your arm/G G"hh# 1t's )ine# 1'm )ine# 1 lo.e you#G "he held on tight# $nd+ cradled close in her tender embrace+ &ac! 'c(ay !new at last what it meant to come home# TH6 6E% Chapters: 1 2 H ; : K J I

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