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Name: Number: Time: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15



1 2

3 4 5 6 Low Intermediate 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 High Intermediate 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15

1 2 3 4 5 Proficient 6 7 8 9 10

1 2 3

4 Advanced

Advanced 5

6 7

What is your name? Where are you from? What Province? Where is that? Are you married? How often do you speak English? Do you speak English at work? What is the name of your best friend? What is your hobby? What is your job? Who do you work for? What time do you start work? What time do you finish work? Do you like your job? What is your bosss name? What department do you work in? What do you do at work? What is your favorite book? What food do you like? Where do you like to shop? What do you do on weekends? Describe your parents Describe your hometown What music do you like? What does your work department do? What are your duties at work? Describe your work How do you travel to work each day? Where is your workplace? What time is your lunch break? Where do you eat lunch? Who with? Why do you like your job? When did you have a work holiday? What did you do? Where did you go?

How is a Chinese family different to a western one? How has your hometown changed in the past 10 years?

What subjects did you enjoy most in school? What kinds of websites do you like? Why do you like them? What kinds of people visit them? Do you read the news? Do you like the news? Why/why not? Where have you traveled to? Who did you go with? What did you enjoy most there? Describe a movie or book you enjoyed recently. What is the synopsis/storyline? Describe the company you work for. What do they do? Who are similar companies? Or, competitors? Why is your company better? What do you enjoy most in your job? If you could change jobs, what would you do? How did you find your job? Who employed you? Do you think your job is easy or difficult? Why? Do you speak with customers at work? Why/why not? What would you like to change in your job?

Describe Chinese culture Do you think Chinese culture is changing? Why/why not? In what ways is life easier now than when your parents where young? Do you think technology has made life busier? Is life better or worse for it? What electronic device have you bought recently? Why did you choose that particular brand/model? If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? And, why? What interests you more, travel or learning new things? And, why? How would you compare the company you work for with its main competitor? What are your main responsibilities at work? Describe them? In what ways are your companys products/services better than another companys? In what ways do you feel your companys products/services could be improved? Why? Would you like to be promoted one day? What would you need to do to get a promotion in your company? What is the most difficult thing about your job? How do you handle it?

Have you ever solved a problem at work? What was the problem? And, how did you solve it? In what ways do you think your workplace could change in the future?

What is your view of modern lifestyle compared to traditional? How would you compare Chinese culture and traditions to Western ones? Give examples. Do you feel globalization is good for your country? Why/why not? In what ways? Which industries do you feel contribute most to your countries economy? In what ways? With modern technology, do you think that work related travel will become unnecessary? Why, why not? Do you feel it is advantageous for IT companies to allow some workers to work from home? Why, why not? What are the main advantages/benefits your company provides for their customers? In your opinion, what are the disadvantages of starting a new business these days? Give examples. In what ways do you think the industry you are working in will change in the not too distant future? Describe the positive and the negative changes you foresee. What do you find most satisfying in your job? Life? Give examples.

What places and things to do would you suggest for a tourist in your country? And, how would you recommend they best get around while there? Do you feel that these days the father in a family is no longer the bread-winner? Why? Why not? Is this detrimental to family life? Give examples. In what ways do your work duties and responsibilities contribute to the smooth running of other departments or co-workers within the company? Give examples. Describe China's main industries. In what ways do you feel they are they the backbone of the country? And how does this flow on to benefit the people?

In your opinion what are the main deciding factors for customers choosing your companys products/services? And what other unique selling points do you think could be developed? Where do you see the industry you work in, in 20 years time? What do you foresee as the future obstacles for future development and expansion? What is your opinion of Globalization? How is it affecting the industry you work in? Your future job security? Describe a time you had to deal with an issue at work. What was the issue? Why did it come up? How did it affect others in the workplace? And, how was it handled? Do you think it was put to bed once and for all? Or, is it still an issue?

the HuDongEnglish Level Assessment

Overall Level Rating

Listening Comprehension -> Reading Comprehension -> Spoken Interaction -> Spoken Production -> Spoken Enunciation ->

Please Write a teacher's overview to go to the student (use Alt Enter for line break) This is the Teachers comments area

You have rated the student's Level as

average of the level assessment from each area below:

assessing the ability of the student to undersrtand you (a native speaker) speaking at a normal speed assessing the reading comprehension of the student ability of the student to speak in direct conversation about known subject and in response to questions assessing the ability of the student to articulate their ideas and opinions in natural conversation assessing the student's style of speaking, their pronunciation, intonation, inflections and emphasis

. . . . . .

iew to go to the student (use Alt Enter for line break) This is the Teachers comments area

Initial Beginner Initial Beginner Initial Beginner Initial Beginner Initial Beginner

Spoken Enunciation Spoken Production Spoken Interaction Reading Comprehension Listening Comprehension

. . . . . . 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5

5 1 1 1 1 1


Advanced Intermediate Novice

74 44 14

Upper Mastery 100 Middle Mastery 95 90 Initial Mastery Upper Proficient 85

99 94 89 84

Middle Proficient 80 Initial Proficient 75 Upper Progressive 70 Middle Progressive65 Initial Progressive 60 Upper Transitional 55 Middle Transitional50 Initial Transitional 45 Upper Elementary 40 Middle Elementary35 Initial Elementary 30 Upper Beginner Middle Beginner Initial Beginner 25 20 15

79 74 69 64 59 54 49 44 39 34 29 24 19 14

the HuDongEnglish Level Assessment

Listening Comprehension
can understand ->

can understand ->

can understand ->

can understand ->

can understand ->

can understand ->

You have rated the student's Listening Comprehension Level as:

assessing the ability of the student to undersrtand you (a native speaker) speaking at a normal speed

Novice Initial Beginner

Initial Middle Upper

general vocabulary and basic phrases when spoken slowly and clearly standard phrases and generally used vocabulary when spoken slowly and clearly main points of clear standard speech when the delivery is relatively slow and clear extended speech and follow even complex lines of discussion in familiar topics extended speech even when it is not clearly structured and when topical relationships are only implied any kind of spoken language, even when delivered at fast native speed

Level Beginner






15 1 15 Initial Beginner 1 15

20 2 0

Advanced Intermediate Novice

74 44 14

Upper Mastery Middle Mastery Initial Mastery Upper Proficient Middle Proficient Initial Proficient Upper Progressive

100 95 90 85 80 75 70

99 94 89 84 79 74 69

Middle Progressive Initial Progressive Upper Transitional Middle Transitional Initial Transitional Upper Elementary Middle Elementary Initial Elementary Upper Beginner Middle Beginner Initial Beginner

65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15

64 59 54 49 44 39 34 29 24 19 14

25 3 0

30 4 0

35 5 0

40 6 0

45 7 0

50 8 0

55 9 0

Advanced Intermediate Novice


60 10 0

65 11 0

70 12 0

75 13 0

80 14 0

85 15 0

90 16 0

95 17 0

100 18 0

the HuDongEnglish Level Assessment

Reading Comprehension
can read and understand ->

can read and understand ->

can read and understand ->

can read and understand ->

can read and understand ->

can read and understand ->

You have rated the student's Reading Comprehension Level as:

assessing the reading comprehension of the student

Novice Initial Beginner

Initial Middle Upper

general words and very simple sentences

standard sentences with general vocabulary

general articles that consist mainly of standard and clear sentences general articles with some complexity that are mainly about contemporary topics long and complex and factual text, and specialised articles where the subject's relationships are only implied read with ease virtually all forms of the written text

Level Beginner






15 1 15 Initial Beginner 1 15

20 2 0

Advanced Intermediate Novice

74 44 14

Upper Mastery Middle Mastery Initial Mastery Upper Proficient Middle Proficient Initial Proficient Upper Progressive

100 95 90 85 80 75 70

99 94 89 84 79 74 69

Middle Progressive Initial Progressive Upper Transitional Middle Transitional Initial Transitional Upper Elementary Middle Elementary Initial Elementary Upper Beginner Middle Beginner Initial Beginner

65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15

64 59 54 49 44 39 34 29 24 19 14

25 3 0

30 4 0

35 5 0

40 6 0

45 7 0

50 8 0

55 9 0


60 10 0

65 11 0

70 12 0

75 13 0

80 14 0

85 15 0

90 16 0

95 17 0

100 18 0

the HuDongEnglish Level Assessment

Spoken Interaction
in conversation or discussion can ->

in conversation or discussion can ->

in conversation or discussion can ->

in conversation or discussion can ->

in conversation or discussion can ->

in conversation or discussion can ->

You have rated the student's Spoken Interaction Level as:

ability of the student to speak in direct conversation about known subject and in response to questions

Novice Initial Beginner

Initial Middle Upper

interact and answer in a simple way when asked

communicate the direct exchange of general information in simple sentences enter unprepared into conversations on topics that are familiar and clear interact with a degree of fluency with native speakers in active discussions on familiar topics express their response fluently without obvious searching for expressions effortlessly express fluently and convey finer shades of meaning precisely

Level Beginner






15 1 15 Initial Beginner 1 15

20 2 0

Advanced Intermediate Novice

74 44 14

Upper Mastery Middle Mastery Initial Mastery Upper Proficient Middle Proficient Initial Proficient Upper Progressive

100 95 90 85 80 75 70

99 94 89 84 79 74 69

Middle Progressive Initial Progressive Upper Transitional Middle Transitional Initial Transitional Upper Elementary Middle Elementary Initial Elementary Upper Beginner Middle Beginner Initial Beginner

65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15

64 59 54 49 44 39 34 29 24 19 14

25 3 0

30 4 0

35 5 0

40 6 0

45 7 0

50 8 0

55 9 0


60 10 0

65 11 0

70 12 0

75 13 0

80 14 0

85 15 0

90 16 0

95 17 0

100 18 0

the HuDongEnglish Level Assessment

Spoken Production
Can describe and express by ->

Can describe and express by ->

Can describe and express by ->

Can describe and express by ->

Can describe and express by ->

Can describe and express by ->

You have rated the student's Spoken Production Level as:

assessing the ability of the student to articulate their ideas and opinions in natural conversation

Novice Initial Beginner

Initial Middle Upper

using simple phrases and sentences about simple subjects

use a series of phrases and sentences about simple subjects

connecting phrases in a simple way to express a complete idea or opinion clearly explaining a viewpoint on a known topical subject

clearly explaining ideas and opinions on complex subjects

clearly explaining in a smoothly-flowing style, ideas and opinions with an effective logical structure

Level Beginner






15 1 15 Initial Beginner 1 15

20 2 0

Advanced Intermediate Novice

74 44 14

Upper Mastery Middle Mastery Initial Mastery Upper Proficient Middle Proficient Initial Proficient Upper Progressive

100 95 90 85 80 75 70

99 94 89 84 79 74 69

Middle Progressive Initial Progressive Upper Transitional Middle Transitional Initial Transitional Upper Elementary Middle Elementary Initial Elementary Upper Beginner Middle Beginner Initial Beginner

65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15

64 59 54 49 44 39 34 29 24 19 14

25 3 0

30 4 0

35 5 0

40 6 0

45 7 0

50 8 0

55 9 0


60 10 0

65 11 0

70 12 0

75 13 0

80 14 0

85 15 0

90 16 0

95 17 0

100 18 0

the HuDongEnglish Level Assessment

Spoken Enunciation
ability to clearly articulate ->

ability to clearly articulate ->

ability to clearly articulate ->

ability to clearly articulate ->

ability to clearly articulate ->

ability to clearly articulate ->

You have rated the student's Spoken Enunciation Level as:

assessing the student's style of speaking, their pronunciation, intonation, inflections and emphasis

Novice Initial Beginner

Initial Middle Upper

difficulty in speaking individual words correctly

generally understood but mispronunciation of individual words or sounds difficulties in articulating whole sentences, enunciation can be a distraction whole sentences well presented with flow and style

close to that of a native English speaker, with an accent

same as a native English speaker with a well articulated international accent

Level Beginner






15 1 15 1 15

20 2 0

Advanced Intermediate Novice

74 44 14

Upper Mastery Middle Mastery Initial Mastery Upper Proficient Middle Proficient Initial Proficient Upper Progressive

100 95 90 85 80 75 70

99 94 89 84 79 74 69

Middle Progressive Initial Progressive Upper Transitional Middle Transitional Initial Transitional Upper Elementary Middle Elementary Initial Elementary Upper Beginner Middle Beginner Initial Beginner

65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15

64 59 54 49 44 39 34 29 24 19 14

25 3 0

30 4 0

35 5 0

40 6 0

45 7 0

50 8 0

55 9 0


60 10 0

65 11 0

70 12 0

75 13 0

80 14 0

85 15 0

90 16 0

95 17 0

100 18 0

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