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A Siebert Woodcraft Surfboards, com sede em Florianpolis/SC, especializada em pranchas de surf ocas, construdas em madeira, tambm conhecidas como hollow wooden surfboards. Esteticamente diferenciadas, tem uma forte relao com o surgimento do surf atravs das pranchas de madeira e sua evoluo nas dcadas de 50 e 60. Focada no desenvolvimento de produtos alternativos, a Siebert tem a proposta de trazer a atmosfera que caracterizou a origem do surf e do skate e a cultura presente nos primrdios destas artes.

Based in Florianpolis, Brazil, Siebert Woodcraft Surfboards is specialized in the creation of hollow wooden surfboards. Aesthetically distinct, the brand is strongly related with the birth of surfing through wooden surfboards and its evolution during the 50s and 60s. Focused on the development of alternative products, Siebert aims to bring back the original cultural atmosphere of surfing and skateboarding as an art form.

The Surfboard Process

Nos ltimos anos, a Siebert, baseada em processos j utilizados no exterior, desenvolveu tcnicas especficas de colagem, montagem e materiais para construo das hollow wooden surfboards. As pranchas so fabricadas com uma variedade de madeiras de baixa densidade e diferentes texturas (Marup, Cedro-rosa, Figueira-Branca, Sumama, entre outras), onde a tcnica de construo mais relevante do que o tipo de madeira utilizada. Inicia-se o projeto em um software CAD, para posterior plotagem e corte das estruturas que sero coladas para dar forma a prancha (mais detalhes do processo em: www.siebertsurfboards.com)

In recent years, Siebert developed specific materials, gluing and assembly techniques for hollow wooden surfboards construction, based on previously used international processes. Our surfboards are manufactured with a variety of low density wood species in different textures (Marup, Red Cedar, White Fig Tree, Kapok, among others), where the construction technique is more relevant than the type of wood itself. The project starts off in a CAD software for subsequent plotting and cutting of the structures, that will later be glued to form the board shape (more process details in: www.siebertsurfboards.com).

Surfboard Models
Mini Simmons Fish Singlefin


Longboard Noserider

Longboard Classic


Surfboards Skateboards Clothing


www.siebertsurfboards.com shop.siebertsurfboards.com Florianpolis / SC / Brasil

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