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Babylon the Whore


I've been watching the first 7 issues of Chuck Missler's Revelation video series
on Google Video last week, and while I am thankful for the elaborate background
information Missler gives on the deeper significance that lies in the Letters to the
7 Churches, there are also points in which I personally feel he's totally off the
track, such as the erroneous Pre-Tribulation Rapture, of course, but also his
identifying Babylon the Whore as literal ancient Babylon in Iraq. I've also read
portions of Dave Hunt's book "A Woman Rides The Beast," which Chuck Missler
repeatedly recommends, to see whether I would be able to reconcile with the
tought that Babylon the great Whore as described in Revelations 17 and 18 could
perhaps be Rome, but also in this case, I must acredit those two Americans'
interpretation of those Scriptures to the same - typical for Americans - wishful
thinking that misleads millions of Christians to belief in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture.
While it is certainly true that Rome and the Catholic Church are guilty of the
blood of innocent millions, and it's certainly true that the remnant of what used to
be true Christianity that they are presenting to the world as such is blasphemous
and certainly good reason for God's indignation, it takes Americans to fail to
recognize that the slaughter, rape of the truth and untold bloodshed perpetrated
by their own country over the past centuries makes even Rome look innocent
and saintly by comparison.
Of course, recognizing this fact takes a willingness to face the truth and to see
beyond the "America the Beautiful" image that most Americans and part of the
rest of the world (still) are enchanted with, and a look beyond the official version
of history; a look behind the curtains as to who really financed and instigated the
first two world wars, the Russian Revolution, and literally every other war during
the past few centuries of our world's history.
The bloody tracks lead to another "great and mighty city" that "sitteth upon many
waters" and plays the tunes to which all nations really dance, be it financially,
culturally or polictically. A city, so great and mighty, in fact, that modern day
Rome looks like a little village in comparison, the skyline of which you see daily
on TVs, billboads and web pages or in movie theatres all over the world
There is even a town called "Babylon" on Long Island, New York. As (not only)
Insiders know, the Statue of Liberty is in reality an idol representing the
Babylonian goddess Semiramis, watching over her favored child.
Just read for yourself the verses about "Babylon the Great Whore" which shall be
destroyed in one hour, and make up your mind, whether this is most applicable to
the Italian city of Rome, the - howbeit rebuilt - ruins of ancient Babylon in Iraq, or
the City which not only houses the United Nations, the Council on Foreign
Relations, but also the financers behind it all, including the very material they're
forcing on our kids in school as "truth" every day: Rockefellers & Co.
If you're in touch with reality at all, and you're bold enough to face the ugly truth
about your beloved and oh so great country, you'll see that the other 2
alternatives are pitifully erroneous wishful thinking cooked up by people whose
loyalty is rather to the flag of their country than the cross, when Jesus told His
disciples clearly that they were not of this world, just as He wasn't.
America, it's time to open up your eyes that the rest of the world is seeing
through your camouflage of "democracy." You've just become another big bully
world empire, dictating your views on the rest of the world, you're the greatest
oppressor of the poor and innocent this world has ever seen in its pitiful history,
and you're going to reap what you've sown. God promises it, and there won't be
any "Pre-Tribulation Rapture," either, to save you out of it! Oh, and did I mention
it? Your President is a mass murderer, - and he's not the first in line - going down
in history as another infamous villain like Hitler and Stalin, who were ultimately
brought into power by your money in the first place, too.
What you may not know is, that the Beast you're riding on, that wonderful and
glorious "New World Order" your head honchos like Bush Sr., are so eagerly
promoting, will turn against you, rend you in pieces and devour your flesh. Read
Revelations 17 and 18 for what they are! Read and weep!

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