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Repetitive ponavljajui Wages plaa Autonomous independent, able to take decisions without consulting someone at the same level

vel or higher in the chain of command (nezavisan,samoupravan) To delegate - the power to give instructions to people at the level below in the chain of command (delegirati/povjeriti) Function a specific activity in a company, e.g. production, marketing, finance (funkcija) Hierarchy or chain of command a system of authority with different levels, one above the other, e.g. a series of management positions, whose holders can make decisions, or give orders and instructions Line authority - to give someone else responsibility for doing something instead of you To report to to be responsible to someone and to take instructions from them

1. MANAGEMENT co founder- suosniva CEO generalni direktor Objective cilj subordinate - podreeni allocate resources raspodjeliti resurse 2. WORK AND MOTIVATION Theory X - are lazy and have to be told what to do Theory Y - people enjoy to work or have need to work Maslows hierarchy of needs physiological needs(air,food..),safety needs (securtiy,protection), love and belonging needs (family, friendships..), esteem needs (achievement,recognition), self-acutalization needs (personal growth and fulfilment) satisfiers hygiene factors motivators Job rotation 3. COMPANY STRUCTURE Wikinomics this means collaborating with people outside the traditional corporate structure, letting people around the world cooperate to improve an operation or solve a problem and paying them for their ideas Outsourcing transferring some of the company's internal functions or operations or jobs to outside suppliers, rather than performing them 'in house'. The chain of command (or hieararchy)- (zapovjedni lanac) a system of authority with different levels, one above the other, e.g. a series of management positions, whose holders can make decisions, or give orders and instructions Functional structure different sectors Human Resources/Persovell Ljudski resursi/kadrovska Accounting (and Finance) raunovodstvo Sales and Marketing marketing Research and development Supply (procurement) - nabava Flattening hierarchies and delegating responsibility Matrix management Teams -

4. MANAGING ACROSS CULTURES Glocalization global+local (global company+local cultures)

linear active cultures these cultures try to act logically rather than emotionally, plan in advance, and like to do one thing at a time, they believe in respecting rules, regulations and cotracts, and so are what the Dutch thero multi active cultures these cultures attach more importance to feelings, emotions and intuition, and relationships and connections. People like to do many things in at the same time; they are flexible, good at changing plans and happy to improvise, they believe in social or company hierarchy and respect status reactive cultures these cultures prefer to listen to and establish the others position, and then react to it. They try to avoid confrontation, and dont want to 'lose face' or cause someone else to. They rarely interrupt speakers and often avoid eye contact. They try to formulate approaches which suit both parties. universalists they thing rules apply to everybody; they are not afraid of controntation but will compromise when necessary to achieve a deal, they are essentially individualist particularists they believe that personal relationships and friendships should take presedence over rules and regulations to take precedence- prednost 5. Recruitment and women in business Vacancy slobodno radno mjesto Headhunter - headhuntanje cover letter/ letter of apllication/ CV resume - ivotopis to be shortlisted ui u ui krug critical mass the number of people needed to start and sustain a chalenge outperforming - doing better than others, financially return on equity the amount of money a company earns on the investment of its shareholders to appoint - imenovati board compulsory quota an officially imposed number or quantity (obavezna kvota) dissolution the ending or termination of an organization (rasputanje) time - consuming advertisment/ad oglas board of directors uprava voluntary compliance done by choice, without legal obligation (dobrovoljno pristajanje) subordinates podreeni

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