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SQL Server 2012 New Features Management Studio

Insert Code Snippets into code in Query Editor Surround with BEGIN, WHILE or IF code segment in QE Code Snippets Manager tool IntelliSence Feature Enhancements

T-SQL Enhancements
PARSE() returns the result of expression translated to requested data type TRY_CONVERT() returns NULL for invalid conversion TRY_PARSE() returns NULL if cast fails FORMAT() function similar to C# CONCAT() concatenates two or more string values THROW statement can be used to raise an exception CHOOSE() returns item at specified index from list of values IIF returns one of two values based on condition DATEFROMPARTS() returns a date value for specified year, month, and day DATETIMEFROMPARTS() returns a datetime value for the specified date and time EOMONTH() returns the last day of the month that contains the specified date SEQUENCE Objects EXECUTE statement can now specify results metadata - WITH RESULT SETS Ad-hoc Query Paging Implementation - OFFSET AND FETCH OVER Clause Support Enhanced Analytic Functions: CUME_DIST, LAST_VALUE , PERCENTILE_DISC, FIRST_VALUE, LEAD, PERCENT_RANK, LAG, PERCENTILE_CONT Existing LOG() function now has an optional second base parameter XQuery Functions Are Surrogate-Aware New and Enhanced Query Optimizer Hints New and Enhanced Spatial Features Enhancements to spatial data types Spatial performance improvements

Database Engine
FileTables Columnstore Index Feature Support for 15,000 Partitions by default UTF-16 Support Extended Event Enhancements Metadata Discovery Statistical Semantic Search Full-Text Search Enhancements SQL Server multi-subnet clustering SMB file share is a supported storage option

SQL Server Installation Center

New edition of SQL Server SQL Server Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition: Server/Client Access License (CAL) based licensing Enterprise Edition: Core-based Licensing Product Update integrates the latest product updates with the main product installation Install option for Data Quality Services

SQL Server Configuration Manager

Uses Microsoft Management Console 3.0

SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) replaces BIDS Web Based Visualization - Project Crescent

SQL Server AlwaysOn High Availability Feature Indirect Checkpoints Feature Partially Contained Database Online Index Create, Rebuild, and Drop Option in SQL Server 2012 for VARCHAR(MAX), NVARCHAR(MAX) and VARBINARY(MAX) columns

User Defined Server Level Role

SQL Server Express LocalDB

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