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Intellectual Property: Class Notes

1/9/2006 Revision 0.1 Author: Philip Larson 703.798.5244 tel!

Intellectual Property: Class notes

Table of Contents
1. Lecture 1....................................................................................................................................3

Philip Larson

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Intellectual Property: Class notes

1. Le"ture 1
1.1 What is Intellectual Property? - Kunin

#penin$ "o%%ents & Lan"e 'arr( )ill o""asionall( su*stitute. & Atten+an"e is i%portant. ,lass parti"ipation )ill *e part o- the $ra+e. & Assi$n "ases in a+van"e o- the ne.t "lass. Report out the "ase. /he %ost i%portant thin$ is that (ou rea+ the entire "ase0 not 1ust the e."erpt in the "ase *oo2. ,op(ri$hts0 /ra+e%ar2s an+ Patents & prin"ipall( statutor( /ra+e 3e"rets0 4n-air ,o%petition0 5isappropriation & prin"ipall( "o%%on la) /ra+e%ar2 La) is a*out prote"tin$ "onsu%ers -ro% "on-usion. & /ra$e+( o- the "o%%ons o /oo %an( people "an use0 *ut no*o+( "an e."lu+e. o 6- (ou have li%ite+ ri$hts0 then (ou have to have a $oo+ "ivil re$i%e in or+er to avoi+ people tra%plin$ on those ri$hts. 7hat so%eone has0 others +on8t have. /his "reates tensions in the have&nots to $et )hat the have8s have. & /ra$e+( o- the anti&"o%%ons o /oo %an( people have the ri$ht to e."lu+e an+ there-ore no one "an use it. o 9o) +oes this %ani-est itsel- )ith upstrea% vs +o)nstrea% te"hnolo$(: ;ou have to pa( a toll to innovate *e"ause the people *e-ore (ou have an e."lusive ri$ht. /here-ore0 (ou run into a sta"2e+ ro(alt( pro*le%. ;ou tra%ple on the ri$hts o- others an( ti%e (ou tr( to a+van"e the te"hnolo$( (oursel-. 7hat are so%e o- the attri*utes re$ar+in$ )hat tra+e%ar2s are an+ ho) the( are "reate+: & <e+eral tra+e%ar2s have to *e use+ in interstate "o%%er"e */" the( are *ase+ on the "o%%er"e "lause. & /ra+e%ar2s +o not have to *e ori$inal. & /he( +o not have to involve an invention or +is"over(0 s"ien"e or art. & 3(%*ols0 +esi$ns0 )or+s0 "olors 7hat are (ou tr(in$ to prote"t: & "onsu%er "on-usion & a "ertain level o- =ualit( & -ree&ri+in$ o- "o%petitors on their reputation Prin"iples o- -e+eral tra+e%ar2 prote"tion & +i%inution o- the %ar2 & un-air use o- the %ar2s e.$. another "o%pan( usin$ the %ar2 to preten+ their $oo+s are so%e*o+( else8s! & tarnish%ent > asso"iatin$ the tra+e%ar2 )ith ne$ative thin$s Lanha% A"t o- 1946 & s(ste% o- re$istration. & Pre+i"ate+ on ho) (ou re$ister a tra+e%ar2. /he Lanha% A"t +oes )hat in ter%s o- -a"ilitatin$ -orei$n treaties: /reaties are not sel-&e.e"utin$. #nl( )hen ,on$ress passes a la) +oes that +e-ine the 43 o*li$ations un+er the treat(. /here-ore0 the Lanha% A"t i%ple%ents so%e o- the -eatures o- international treaties. ?ntitle%ent to re$istration

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& & & 4se in "o%%er"e 'ona -i+e intent to use /ra+e%ar2 re$istration in a -orei$n "ountr(.

7here +o (ou -ile an appli"ation -or a -e+eral tra+e%ar2: & P/# > (ou "an +o it online. 4se&*ase+ appli"ations & re=uire%ents -or re$istrations: the -ee0 the appli"ation -or%0 an+ the +ra)in$ o- the %ar2. & /here is an international s(ste% o- "lassi-i"ation: 37 ,.<.R. @ 2.32 & Ae"laration: ;ou have to s)ear the %ar2 isn8t li2e an(thin$ else. & 3iBe re=uire%ents: %ar2 has to a+here to "ertain siBe re=uire%ents. & 4se: the -irst +a( it )as use+ an+ the -irst use in "o%%er"e. 10510 1052 > Lanha% A"t. Let8s sa( the tra+e%ar2 a"tuall( )or2s an+ (ou $et throu$h su""ess-ul e.a%ination. & 9o) +o the( sa( the tra+e%ar2 is availa*le: o /he( pu*lish it in the CaBette -or 30 +a(s so that others "an "hallen$e it. 6- there is no opposition0 it is re$istere+ in the prin"iple re$ister. 7hen +i+ intent to use -irst *e"o%e la) in the 43: & 1988 > )hat +oes it re=uire: o Ara)in$ is a "on"ept pie"e o 3pe"i%en is so%ethin$ (ou have a"tuall( use+. o ;ou +on8t have to provi+e a spe"i%en in an Dintent to useE Let8s sa( 6 %onths passes an+ (ou still +on8t have a +ate in use: & (ou are allo)e+ a sin$le e.tension. 6- (ou nee+ %ore than one0 (ou nee+ a $oo+ reason. 9o) lon$ "an (ou 2eep $oin$: /hree (ears total. Ao (ou $et an( ri$hts until (ou a"tuall( use it: Fo0 (ou "an8t en1oin an(one until the %ar2 is a"tuall( re$istere+. Aes"ri*e so%e o- the pro*le%s (ou %i$ht run intoG & 3o%eone %i$ht oppose the re$istration +urin$ the perio+ o- opposition. & ;ou %i$ht have a +i--i"ult e.a%iner sa(in$ that it %i$ht not *e +istin"tive0 it %i$ht %erel( *e +es"riptive. 6t "oul+ *e alle$e+ to *e a $eneri" ter%. 7hat happens i- so%ethin$ is %erel( +es"riptive: & 6- it a"=uires a se"on+ar( %eanin$0 it "an *e tra+e%ar2e+. 7hen (ou have se"on+ar( %eanin$0 it is re$istere+ in the supplemental register. ,an (ou en1oin a$ainst in-rin$in$ $oo+s i- it is onl( on the supple%ental re$ister: Fo. 7hat i- (our %ar2 sits on the supple%ental re$ister -or 5 (ears: & (ou "an re$ister it on the prin"iple re$ister. @1052 -! Ao (ou have a ri$ht to a tra+e%ar2 in perpetuit(: & (ou have ten (ear in"re%ents. ;ou "an rere$ister in the last (ear. 6n (our rene)al (ou have to -ile an a--i+avit sa(in$ (ou are "ontinuin$ to use it or an intention to use it. @10580 1059 > (ou have to a""ount -or the non&use. ,an (ou have an inter-eren"e *et)een t)o appli"ations: & (es. @ 1066. ,an (ou have "an"ellation pro"ee+in$s: ;es. 7hat )oul+ *e the *asis o- this: & 6- (ou are an a""use+ tra+e%ar2 in-rin$er (ou "an ar$ue invali+it( +e-enses. @1064. 7hat happens in the e.a%ination pro"ess:

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& & A sear"h is "on+u"te+ -or si%ilar %ar2s. ;ou )oul+ sear"h tra+e 1ournals0 %a$aBines0 et". 3tates so%eti%es have state re$istration s(ste%s. /here-ore0 the( )oul+ also have sear"ha*le +ata*ases. 7hat i- it is an international -ile: Ao (ou sear"h outsi+e the 43:

Paris ,onvention & 20 40 60 90 10 involve priorit( an+ & /R6P3 Art 15&24 are also appli"a*le to tra+e%ar2s. & Arti"le 60 *is o- the Paris ,onvention > sa(s that to -a"ilitate $lo*al %ar2etin$0 "ountries )ill reserve %ar2s that *e"o%e internationall( 2no)n -or the pro+u"ers that %a+e the% -a%ous. /here is an issue *et)een D)ell 2no)nE vs. D-a%ousE. /he tra+e%ar2 +ilution statute tal2s a*out D-a%ousE %ar2s. /here-ore0 1ust *ein$ D)ell 2no)nE +oesn8t ne"essaril( %a2e it )ell 2no)n. & /here are various %e"hanis%s in pla"e that put the *ur+en o- proo- on the plainti-- to esta*lish that their %ar2 is -a%ous. /he "lassi" )a( to +eter%ine that it is -a%ous is *( surve(s. ;ou have pro-essional surve( or$aniBations that ta2e the surve(. & ,an 5"Aonal+8s en1oin 'est 7estern -ro% usin$ the slo$an D5"3leep:E Ceo$raphi"al in+i"ations & )hat are $eo$raphi"al in+i"ations: ,oul+ *e "it( na%esGFapa Halle( )ines0 6+aho potatos0 <lori+a $rape-ruit0 it is suppose+ to *e the sour"e o- ori$in o- the $oo+s *ut not *e asso"iate+ )ith an( parti"ular "o%pan(. & /hat is the +i--eren"e *et)een $eo$raphi"al in+i"ations an+ tra+e%ar2s. 7hen +o the( overlap: o 7here the $eo$raphi"al in+i"ation is "ouple+ )ith another )or+ or series o- )or+s that ta2en as a )hole is asso"iate+: Ri"e&r&oni0 the 3an <ran"is"o treat. o 7hat happens i- there si a "o%pan( that %a2es oran$e 1ui"e in Hir$inia an+ )ants to "all it the <lori+a oran$e 1ui"e "o%pan(: 6t )oul+ see% that this +e"eption an+ %isrepresentation )oul+ *e a pro*le%. 5isrepresentation0 an+ +e"eption "reate "onsu%er "on-usion. 7ill "onsu%er8s *e "on-use+ *e"ause Hir$inia par%a ha% is not "o%in$ -ro% par%a 6tal(: /hese "o%e into pla( re$ar+in$ re$istera*ilit(. 6nternational prote"tion & 5a+ri+ A$ree%ent an+ the 5a+ri+ Proto"ol o 3i$ne+ in 1891. /he i+ea )as that on"e (ou ha+ a re$istere+ tra+e%ar2 in (our o)n "ountr(0 (ou "oul+ -ill out a -or% an+ -ile it )ith the 6nternational 'ureau an+ $et tra+e%ar2s in all the other %e%*er "ountries. o /his is part o- the 7orl+ 6ntelle"tual Propert( #--i"e. o ;ou -ile the national appli"ation. /hen (ou -ile (our international appli"ation. /he 'ureau loo2s it over an+0 i- the( a""ept it0 the( noti-( ea"h national o--i"e. /he( have a (ear to re-use the re$istration. 6- the( +on8t re$use0 ti *e"o%es re$istere+. & 7h( +i+n8t the 43 li2e it: o /he D"entral atta"2E %eans that i- (ou $o +o)n in one "ountr(0 (ou $o +o)n ever()here. /his 2in+ o- "reates a *a"2 +oor. o /he( +i+n8t li2e the -ee s(ste% as )ell. /he no%inal international -ees )eren8t a+e=uate -or the 43 to pro"ess the in"rease+ )or2loa+. o /he( also ha+ a pro*le% )ith the 12 %onth re=uire%ent *e"ause %ost o- the ti%e the -ilin$s ta2e a*out 18 %onths. & 3o%e o- these pro*le%s )ere solve+ in the 5a+ri+ Proto"ol o ?n$lish *e"a%e an o2a( lan$ua$e. o #pposition pro"ee+in$s e.ten+e+ to 18 %onths. o 3olves the "entral atta"2 *( "onvertin$ ea"h appli"ation into a nu%*er o- international appli"ations that retain the priorit( +ate o- the ori$inal app. o <ees > ea"h tra+e%ar2 o--i"e "oul+ "har$e its o)n -ilin$ -ees. Assi$n%ent o- "ases -or 7e+nes+a( an+ 5on+a(

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Foah0 Phil > 6 )ill have the /)o Pesos0 6n". v. /a"o ,a*ana0 6n" <inal e.a% )ill test us on so%e o- these pro*le%s. /r( to anal(Be these pro*le%s. Pa( a lot o- intention to the notes. ;ou %ust assi%ilate the %aterial to solve the pro*le%s. 7hat are the 2e( -a"ts: 7hat are the issues: 7hat )ere the parties ar$uin$: 7hat )ere the appli"a*le statutes: 7hat )as the out"o%e: 'e"ause )e are +ealin$ )/ "o%%on la) as )ell as -e+eral la)0 so%e o- these "ases )ill *e state *ase+ "ases. ;ou )ill have to un+erstan+ the relation *et)een the state la) an+ the -e+eral la). #verti%e0 -e+eral tra+e%ar2 la) has al%ost entirel( e%*ra"e+ the state "o%%on la). ;ou8ll -in+ that %an( o- the prin"iples "oul+ *e +ealt )ith un+er *oth sets o- la)s. Aon8t e.pe"t that the "ases (ou rea+ are representative o- the la). Aon8t *e a-rai+ to sa(0 this is )hat the "ase hel+ *ut 6 -un+a%entall( +isa$ree... & /ra+e%ar2 an+ "op(ri$ht la) > there )ill *e +i--eren"es *et)een the "ir"uits. /his is not true in patent la). 7h(: & /hese "ases are all a*out *alan"in$ the interests o- the ri$ht hol+er an+ the rest o- the )orl+ "onsu%ers0 "o%petitors0 et".! 6n the Hi"toria 3e"ret "ase0 the 3, +e"i+e+ the "ase a*out +ilution an+ there is "urrentl( a *ill in ,on$ress to overrule the +e"ision */" the people in the tra+e%ar2 *ar thin2 the 3, $ot it )ron$. 1/11/2006 /hree topi" areas -or to+a(: 1. Ph(si"al use a. A"tual use > spatial asso"iation )ith $oo+s *. ?le%ent o- +ispla( ". <e+eral tra+e%ar2s re=uire that the %ar2 *e use+ in interstate commerce. 2. ,o$nitive use a. 9as to +o )ith ho) +istin"tive the tra+e%ar2 is. *. /he notion that (ou $et re"o$nition o- this %ar2 in a )a( that "reates distinctiveness. 3. Re$istration re=uire%ents 5i"rostrate$( & 5otorola )ante+ a ne) tra+e%ar2. /he( "a%e out )ith D6ntelli$en"e ?ver()hereE & Resear"he+ an+ "oul+n8t -in+ an(thin$ so the( -ile+ -or it. & 53/R "o%plaine+ an+ -ile+ sa(in$ the( ha+ alrea+( *een usin$ it. /he( as2e+ -or a preli%inar( in1un"tion. & ,ourt -oun+ the( ha+ not use+ it "onsistentl( as a %ar2. & ;ou have to sho): 1! (ou have a %ar20 an+ 2! it has *een in-rin$e+. & /he "ourt -oun+ 53/R +i+ not $et past step 1. /he( +i+ not use D6ntelli$en"e ?ver()hereE "onsistentl( enou$h to have +evelope+ a %ar2. & Are (ou usin$ the s(%*ol to +es"ri*e the $oo+s or are (ou tr(in$ to help the% -in+ the pla"e oori$in o- the pro+u"t. eile!an "re#in$ Co!pany% Inc &. 'nheuser-"usch & <a"ts: 'us"h "reate+ an LA lo) al"ohol! *eer. 5iller an+ another "o%pan( )ante+ to prevent 'us"h -ro% "lai%in$ LA as a %ar2. /he( sai+ it )as onl( +es"riptive an+ ha+n8t a"=uire+ a se"on+ar( %eanin$. /he( ar$ue+ it )as $eneri". & Rationale o Ceneri": na%e -or a "lass o- $oo+s. 6t is never prote"ta*le un+er an( situations. /his in"lu+es all $eneri" %ar2s.

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o o o o o <un"tional %ar2s: "annot *e prote"te+. 5erel( +es"riptive: Dpar2 an+ -l(E > i- (ou "an $et these t(pes o- %ar2s0 (ou are reall( lu"2( *e"ause it is $oo+ to prevent others -ro% "o%in$ in. A-ter 5 (ears0 it *e"o%es in"ontesta*le. ;ou "an then put it on the prin"iple re$ister. Aistin"tive: inherentl( +istin"tive > e.$. tra+e +ress )as vie)e+ as *ein$ )orth( o%ovin$ up this s"ale > that8s )h( there is this tension *et)een )h( it +oesn8t re=uire a se"on+ar( %eanin$! 3u$$estive: prote"ta*le )ithout a se"on+ar( %eanin$. Re=uires "onsu%er or listener to use so%e i%a$ination to un+erstan+ it e.$. roa"h %otel0 /i+e! Ar*itrar( o- <an"i-ul: no possi*ilit( o- it *ein$ +es"riptive or su$$estive.

T#o Pesos% Inc. &. Taco Cabana% Inc. & 6ssue: "an tra+e +ress o- a restaurant *e prote"te+ *ase+ on a -in+in$ o- inherent +istin"tiveness0 even i- it has not proven to have a se"on+ar( %eanin$. & <a"ts: /, sue+ /P -or in-rin$in$ their tra+e +ress. /he 1ur( -oun+ that 1! /, has a tra+e +ress0 2! the tra+e +ress )as non&-un"tional0 3! it +i+ not have a se"on+ar( %eanin$0 4! the alle$e+ in-rin$e%ent )oul+ "ause "on-usion. /he 1ur( )as tol+ that the tra+e +ress )as prote"te+ i- 1! it )as inherentl( +istin"tive0 or 2! it ha+ a se"on+ar( %eanin$. /here-ore0 the( -oun+ that there )as a prote"te+ %ar2 an+ it ha+ *een in-rin$e+. Petitioners appeale+ sa(in$ that to -in+ tra+e +ress inherentl( +istin"tive re=uire+ that it have se"on+ar( %eanin$. ,ourt o- Appeals re1e"te+ this ar$u%ent an+ there-ore a--ir%e+. & PP: trial "ourt -oun+ /, ha+ a prote"ta*le %ar2 that )as in-rin$e+. Appellate ,ourt a--ir%e+. 3upre%e ,ourt "onsi+ers. & Rationale: o Lantha% A"t )as inten+e+ to prote"t a$ainst un-air "o%petition. o Aes"riptive vs. +istin"tive: +es"riptive %ar2s are not inherentl( +istin"tive. Aes"riptive %ar2s %a( a"=uire +istin"tiveness. /his is "alle+ a Dse"on+ar( %eanin$.E o Fon-un"tionalit(: prote"ta*ilit( +epen+s on non-un"tionalit(. Lia*ilit( re=uires proo- othe li2elihoo+ o- "on-usion. o 3e"on+ar( %eanin$: $eneral re=uire%ent is that it i%poses an un-air prospe"t o- the-t or -inan"ial loss. Petitioner ar$ue+ that prote"tion o- tra+e +ress shoul+ *e te%porar( an+ shoul+ $o a)a( i- it -ails to +evelop a se"on+ar( %eanin$. o & Rule: +istin"tive %ar2s are either 1! inherentl( +istin"tive0 or 2! a"=uire+ +istin"tiveness throu$h se"on+ar( %eanin$. o Iusti-i"ations: 1! re=uirin$ a se"on+ar( %eanin$ -or inherentl( +istin"tive tra+e +ress )oul+ not prote"t "onsu%ers a*ilit( to +istin$uish *et)een "o%petin$ pro+u"ts0 an+ 2! (ou +on8t provi+e the "o%pan( an( -irst %over a+vanta$es. & Fote: one aspe"t o- tra+e +ress %i$ht not "over ever(thin$. 6n tra+e%ar2 re$istration0 (ou pa( -or ea"h +i--erent "lass the tra+e%ar2 is use+ in. e.$. )earin$ apparel0 "o%puters0 *uil+in$ stru"tures0 et".! /here-ore0 the -ees "an start to a++ up. 6t +oesn8t -lo) +ire"tl( -ro% the +e-inition in the A"t. 6t is not a )or+0 na%e0 s(%*ol0 +evi"e or "o%*o. /his is %ore o- a %ar2 *ein$ asso"iate+ )ith a pa"2a$e or overall appearan"e. o 6sn8t tra+e +ress 1ust -un"tional an+ there-ore not prote"ta*le: Fo0 people asso"iate it )ith a uni=ue e.perien"e0 et". /here are 1! servi"e %ar2s0 2! "olle"tive %ar2s0 3! "erti-i"ation %ar2s0 an+ 4! tra+e na%es. (ualite) Co. &. *acobson Pro+ucts Co.% Inc & <a"ts: t)o "o%panies sol+ $reen&$ol+ pa+s on +r( "leanin$ presses. Jualite. sue+ Ia"o*son sa(in$ that the "olor )as a tra+e%ar2. Ia"o*son sai+ "olors alone "oul+ not *e a tra+e%ar2. & PP: Aistri"t ,ourt -oun+ -or Jualite.0 the ,ourt o- Appeals reverse+ sa(in$ D"olor aloneE )as not enou$h0 an+ the 3, steppe+ in an+ reverse+ the 9th ,ir"uit +e"ision sa(in$ "olor alone so%eti%es "oul+ *e enou$h.

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Intellectual Property: Class notes

& Rationale: o 3e"on+ar( 5eanin$: ,ourt -oun+ se"on+ar( %eanin$ )hen it is poun+e+ into people throu$h %ar2etin$ e.$. 4P3 > *ro)n tru"2s!. o <un"tionalit(: in this "ase0 "olor is servin$ no -un"tion in the pro+u"t. 6- the "olor pla(e+ a parti"ular -un"tion (ou "an8t ne"essaril( $et a tra+e%ar2 e.$. (ou "an8t tra+e%ar2 the "olors o- a tra--i" li$ht0 an oran$e huntin$ 1a"2et0 or a $reen "a%ou-la$e shirt!. Respon+ent8s ar$u%ent: 1! allo)in$ "olor as a tra+e%ar2 )ill lea+ to +isputes a*out )hat sha+es "an *e la)-ull( use+.


Traf,i) -e&ices% Inc. &. .ar/etin$ -isplays% Inc. & <a"ts: Aoes a "o%pan( have & 6ssue: )hat is the e--e"t o- an e.pire+ patent on a "lai% o- tra+e +ress in-rin$e%ent. & Rationale: o <un"tional vs non-un"tional: +ual sprin$ +esi$ns vs. other +esi$ns. & Rule: in $eneral0 a pro+u"t -eature is -un"tional an+ "annot serve as a tra+e%ar20 i- it is essential to the use or purpose o- the arti"le or i- it a--e"ts the "ost or =ualit( o- the arti"le. o A -un"tional -eature is one the De.tensive use o- )hi"h )oul+ put "o%petitors at a si$ni-i"ant non&reputation&relate+ +isa+vanta$e.E o A -eature is also -un"tional )hen it is essential to the use or purpose o- the +evi"e or )hen it a--e"ts the "ost or =ualit( o- the +evi"e. 9i$her level & )h( are )e +ealin$ )ith these prin"iples: & 6+eas are -ree to all %en an+ the e."lusive provin"e o- ever(one. /he( are in the pu*li" +o%ain. o ,op(ri$hts prote"t the e.pression o- i+eas. 6+eas "an *e e.presse+ in )or+s0 pi"tures0 et". 6+eas "an *e e.presse+ in statues0 et". /he -or% or %etho+ o- e.pression o- the i+ea is prote"te+. Art. 60 3e" 80 ,l 8 o Patents prote"t the appli"ation o- an i+ea. ;ou "an8t patent a*stra"t i+eas. ;ou "an onl( patent the pra"ti"al appli"ation o- an i+ea. /here are +esi$n patents an+ utilit( patents G.Art. 60 3e" 80 ,l 8 o /ra+e%ar2s > un+er the ,o%%er"e ,lause0 tra+e%ar2s prote"t the i+ea as it is use+ in ,o%%er"e in so%e -or% o- %ar2. /hat %ar2 provi+in$ %eanin$0 sense o- ori$in0 et". & Pree%ption +o"trine > is there -e+eral la) pree%ption or onl( -e+eral la)0 state la) pree%ption: Patents are an entirel( -e+eral s(ste%. /here-ore0 there is an a*solute pree%ption a$ainst state la). /ra+e%ar2s0 (ou "an have state la) prote"tion an+ -e+eral la) prote"tion. ,op(ri$hts0 (ou "an have -e+eral "op(ri$ht prote"tion an+ "o%%on la) prote"tion -or unpu*lishe+ )or2s. o /here is no -e+eral&-e+eral pree%ption. /here-ore0 (ou "an have a pro+u"t that has -un"tional aspe"ts that are patenta*le. Assu%in$ it has an orna%ental +esi$n0 *ut the +esi$n -eatures "an *e +isasso"iate+ )ith the -un"tion o- the pro+u"t0 (ou "an $et a +esi$n patent in a++ition to the utilit( patent. ;ou "an also prote"t the e.pression o- (our pro+u"ts0 su"h as the pa"2a$in$0 et". & /ra+e%ar2s have a tension *et)een )hether the tra+e +ress an+ the +esi$n patent are the sa%e thin$. Prote"tions & patents > prote"t -un"tionalit( utilit(! an+ orna%entation +esi$n & tra+e%ar2s > prote"t "onsu%ers a*ilit( to i+enti-( the pro+u"t0 its =ualit(0 et". & "op(ri$hts > prote"t ho) the pro+u"t or i+ea is e.presse+0 et". ?.a%ple: ,o"a "ola *ottle > this is -un"tional. /his is a utilit( patent. /he shape o- the patent is pro*a*l( a +esi$n patent. /he shape itsel- is tra+e%ar2a*le *e"ause the( asso"iate it )ith "o2e. Also0 the la*el that sa(s D,o"a ,olaE is a tra+e na%e use+ as a tra+e%ar2. ?.a%ple:

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101102334 In re -ial-'-.attress 5peratin$ Corporation & <a"ts: Aial&a&%attress -ile+ an appli"ation to re$ister D1&888&5A/R?33.E /he e.a%iner8s re1e"te+ it an+ the Appellate ,ourt is revie)in$ the 'oar+8s a--ir%ation o- the re1e"tion. & 9el+: the %ar2 is +es"riptive an+ +istin"tive. & Rationale o- ?.a%iner: 888 is $eneri" an+ D%atressE is $eneri". /o$ether the( are still $eneri". & Rationale o- ,ourt: the )ron$ test )as applie+ in sa(in$ that the )hole thin$ is $eneri" *e"ause ea"h o- the parts )as $eneri". o /he( shoul+ have a +is"lai%er. 7hile0 in -a"t0 (ou are re$isterin$ the tra+e%ar2 as a )hole0 the stren$th o- the %ar2 "o%es -ro% the D%atressE "o%ponent0 not the D888E part. /here-ore0 the( shoul+ have +is"lai%e+ the $eneri" part. o 6- it is onl( partiall( $eneri"0 & 7h( +i+n8t the -un"tional aspe"t o- the phone nu%*er "o%e into pla(: Notes 6p789 /ra+e%ar2s are %ani-este+ *( their use in "o%%er"e. Re$istra*ilit( is a )a( *( )hi"h (ou "an provi+e a pu*li" noti"e re=uire%ent. ;ou "an ta2e a+vanta$e o- this noti"e -or national prote"tion. Ao (ou al)a(s have to re$ister (our tra+e%ar2s to have a vali+ tra+e%ar2: Fo. 5ar2s & & use it in a "onsistent )a( i- (ou use a )or+ li2e DA"tive #pti%iBationE al)a(s use it in the sa%e -ont )ith the sa%e "apitaliBationG

,ate$ories o- %ar2s & Fote 1: <our t(pes o- %ar2s o 1! tra+e%ar2s > %ar2 use+ )ith $oo+s in"lu+in$ tra+e na%es! o 2! servi"e %ar2s > %ar2s use+ -or servi"es o 3! "erti-i"ation %ar2s > to si$nal so%ethin$ a*out $oo+s or servi"es pro+u"e+ *( others o 4! "olle"tive %ar2s > %ar2s o- an asso"iation & Fote 2: use as a si$nal in "o%%er"e > ph(si"al +i%ension o Re=uire%ent o- ph(si"al use or +ispla( o Re=uire%ent that it *e use+ in "o%%er"e in a )a( to that the pu*li" un+erstan+s the %ar2 as an i+enti-ier o- the pro+u"t or servi"e. & Fote 3: use as a si$nal in "o%%er"e > "o$nitive +i%ension o 5ar2s that are $eneri"0 +es"riptive or -un"tional are e."lu+e+ -ro% prote"tion. o 3"ale is: -un"tional $eneri" +es"riptive su$$estive ar*itrar(. /his is a spe"tru%. Ar*itrar( %ar2s Aes"riptive %ar2s > re=uires se"on+ar( %eanin$ 3u$$estive > re=uires i%a$ination Ceneri" > ten+s to tr( to pree%pt %ar2ets an+ tra+e%ar2 la) is inten+e+ to -a"ilitate "o%petition > loo2 to the %ar2 as a )holeK t)o $eneri" ter%s %a( *e"o%e a +es"riptor. <un"tional > si%ilar to *an on $eneri"0 onl( nonessential ele%ents "an serve as a tra+e%ar2 & Fote 4: tra+e +ress an+ "o%petition o 6n Walmart0 the 3, hel+ that pro+u"t +esi$n tra+e +ress0 unli2e pro+u"t&pa"2a$in$ tra+e +ress is prote"ta*le onl( upon a sho)in$ o- se"on+ar( %eanin$ that the +esi$n has *e"o%e sour"e&in+i"ative. o Two Pesos is no)0 there-ore0 *asi"all( li%ite+ to pro+u"t&pa"2a$in$. o 6t is not eas( to tell the +i--eren"e here. & Fote 5: evi+entiar( issues

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/hree %ost popular %etho+s -or provi+in$ evi+en"e are +i"tionar( resear"h0 Le.is&Fe.is sear"hes0 an+ surve(s. 3urve(s are so%eti%es the onl( evi+en"e0 even thou$h the( are ver( poor. Fote 6: *ene-its o- -e+eral re$istration o 1! "onstru"tive noti"e o 2! evi+en"e o- o)nership o- /5 o 3! 1uris+i"tion o- -e+eral "ourts %a( *e invo2e+ o 4! re$istration "an *e use+ to $et re$istration in -orei$n "ountries o 5! re$istration %a( *e -ile+ )ith the 43 ,usto% 3ervi"e to prevent i%portin$ in-rin$in$ -orei$n $oo+s. Fote 7: use versus intent to use Fote 8: to2en use o /his is not via*le an(%ore no) that Dintent to useE is availa*le. /here is no lon$er a nee+ -or it. Fote 9: -orei$n )or+s o 6s there a pro*le% )ith re$istration an+ a""eptan"e: o Cenerall( the P/# translates )or+s into ?n$lish in or+er to +e"i+e )here on the %eanin$ spe"tru% the( -it. Fote 10: ,an"ellation o A %ar2 "an *e "an"elle+ i- it has *een a*an+one+0 or it i- has *e"o%e $eneri" or -un"tional or a*an+one+. o ,an"ellation pro"ee+in$s are "heaper than liti$ation an+ usuall( =ui"2er than a+1u+i"ation. Fote 11: 6n"ontesta*ilit( o ;ou "an8t "hallen$e on the $roun+s that: 1! the %ar2 )as confusingly similar to another mark, or 2! the %ar2 is not inherentl( +istin"tive an+ la"2s a se"on+ar( %eanin$. o ;ou "an still "ontest *ase+ on 20 other +e-enses at an( ti%e e.$. $eneri"0 -un"tional0 -air use0 estoppel0 -rau+ in pro"urin$ the re$istration0 et".! Fote 12: re$istration an+ "onsu%er stan+in$ o Ao nor%al people have stan+in$ in a++ition to "o%petitors: o /here is a real interest test. 6- a "onsu%er has a real0 le$iti%ate0 personal interest in the opposition o- the %ar20 the( have stan+in$. Fote 13: +is"lai%ers o ;ou are per%itte+ to re$ister %ar2s that "ontain unre$istra*le "o%ponents0 as lon$ as (ou +is"lai% the unprote"ta*le parts. 7h( )asn8t one re=uire+ in Aial&a&%attress: Fote 14: re$istra*le su*1e"t %atter & li%itations o A! i%%oral0 s"an+alous an+ +ispara$in$ %atter "annot *e re$istere+ 7ho +e"i+es )hat is i%%oral: /he $u( at the P/#: /he( +on8t re1e"t *ase+ on this ver( %u"h. o '! +e"eptive %atter vs. +e"eptivel( %is+es"riptive @ 1052 a! 5ar2s that are +e"eptive "an never *e re$istere+ @ 1052 e! 5ar2s that are +e"eptivel( %is+es"riptive "an *e re$istere+ a-ter the( have a"=uire+ se"on+ar( %eanin$. /)o part test 1! Aoes the %atter %is+es"ri*e the $oo+s: 2! Are the "onsu%ers li2el( to *elieve the %isrepresentation: 7hat a*out i- it %ateriall( in-luen"es the pur"hasin$ +e"ision: 6t is +e"eptive an+ "annot *e re$istere+. o ,! -la$ or "oat o- ar%s o A! i+enti-(in$ %atter o- a livin$ in+ivi+ual Ri$ht o- pu*li"it(0 et". ;ou "an8t $et a tra+e%ar2 to e.ploit 'e(on"e Foles. o ?! %atter )hi"h rese%*les another %ar2 so as to *e li2el( to "ause "on-usion o


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5ost "o%%on $roun+s -or re1e"tion. /he li2elihoo+ o- "onsu%er "on-usion is the *otto% line +eter%ination in tra+e%ar2 in-rin$e%ent a"tions. o <! -un"tional su*1e"t %atter o C! $eo$raphi"al +esi$nations o 9! pri%aril( %erel( surna%es o 6! +istin"tiveness/+ilution Fote 15: su*1e"t %atter: Lantha% A"t8s interse"tion )ith patent an+ "op(ri$ht la) Fote 16: other re$ulator( re$i%es

& &

Assi$n%ents 6 have !osely & :ictoria secret catalo$ 102302334 Lunin is out > 1u+$e too2 his pla"e Lan"e 'arr( > Cra+uate+ -ro% C543L > ele"tri"al en$ineer > *ooB allen as a te"hni"al "onsultant > 1991 starte+ la) s"hool > patent e.a%iner %ost o- that ti%e > sele"te+ as a 1u+$e. 6n-rin$e%ent & 7hat is the -e+eral la) $overnin$ in-rin$e%ent: Lanha% A"t. & @ 1114 1! a! > prote"ts re$istere+ %ar2s & @ 43 a! 1! > prote"ts all %ar2s & Dli2elihoo+ o- "on-usionE > re$ar+in$ in-rin$e%ent0 this is )hat )e are al)a(s tal2in$ a*out. & /here are t)o t(pes o- DLi2elihoo+ o- "on-usionE o 1! or+inar( "on-usion > a "onsu%er %ista2es the senior user as the user o- the 1unior user8s $oo+s o 2! reverse "on-usion > )hen people thin2 the 1unior user is the sour"e o- the senior user8s pro+u"t. 'a%p- "ase > 'a%p- )as the senior user an+ the( "reate+ apparel un+er the tra+e%ar2 D'ee )earE > 'loo%in$+ale8s then na%e+ one o- the +epart%ents D'&7earE. /his *asi"all( %a2es the senior user8s tra+e%ar2 )orthless. /his is reverse "on-usion. & 3enior user > the -irst one to use it & Iunior user > the latter one to use it. Lois &. Le&i & <a"ts: Levi8s is appealin$. Lois ha+ a *a"2po"2et stit"hin$ +esi$n si%ilar to that o- Levi8s *a"2 po"2et. ,ourt liste+ out the Polaroi+ -a"tors. & Polaroi+ -a"tors: these are representative. /hese are all *alan"in$ -a"tors to see i- there is in-rin$e%ent. o 1! stren$th o- the %ar2 /en+en"( o- "onsu%ers to asso"iate the %ar2 )ith the sour"e. /he stron$er the %ar20 the %ore li2el( the "ourts are to -in+ "on-usion. /his is so%e)hat "ounter intuitive. 6- %( %ar2 is stron$0 )oul+n8t it *e less li2el( to *e "on-use+: o 2! +e$ree o- si%ilarit( o- the %ar2s 5ore si%ilar0 the %ore li2el( "ourts )ill -in+ "on-usion. 9ere there is a hi$h +e$ree o- si%ilarit(. o 3! pro.i%it( o- the pro+u"ts )ill "usto%ers %ista2in$l( assu%e that As $oo+s are so%ho) asso"iate+ or %a+e *( P: 6sn8t this 1ust li2elihoo+ o- "on-usion: 6sn8t this "ir"ularG o 4! *ri+$in$ the $ap /he %ore li2el( the ori$inal o)ner is to $o into that ne) %ar2et0 e.$. +esi$ner 1eans vs. non&+esi$ner 1eans!0 the %ore li2el( )e are to -in+ "on-usion. o 5! a"tual "on-usion A"tual "on-usion is $oo+ evi+en"e o- li2el( "on-usion. 6s it re=uire+: Fo. 6n the "o%plete a*sen"e o- a"tual "on-usion a-ter a lon$ perio+ o- ti%e %i$ht -avor the +e-en+ant.

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o 6! 1unior user8s $oo+ -aith in a+optin$ the %ar2 Coo+ -aith o- the 1unior user in a+optin$ the %ar2. Ao (ou have to sho) that the +e-en+ant inten+e+ to "op(: Fo. /he "ourt a"tuall( sai+ this -avore+ Lois. 7! the =ualit( o- the respe"tive $oo+s 7h( is this a -a"tor: /he senior user +oesn8t )ant the 1unior user to +ilute the per"eption o- their =ualit(. 8! the sophisti"ation o- relevant *u(ers /(pi"all(0 the %ore sophisti"ate+ the pur"haser0 the less li2el( there )ill *e "on-usion. 6%pulse pur"hases are li2el( to "ause "on-usion. 6n this "ase0 the %ore sophisti"ate+ users )oul+ *e %ore li2el( to "on-use the stit"hin$ patterns.

.c-onal+;s Corporation &. -ruc/ & <a"ts: in-rin$e%ent a$ainst 5"Aental. 5"Aonal+8s ar$ues the( have a D-a%il( o- %ar2sE that have the D5"E pre-i.. & <a%il( o- %ar2s o /he( +e-ine a D-a%il( o- %ar2sE as a $roup o- %ar2s that have a re"o$niBa*le "o%%on "hara"teristi" that "auses the pu*li" to asso"iate the %ar2 )ith the "o%%on o)ner. o /his soun+s si%ilar to Dse"on+ar( %eanin$E > 5"3leep $ives (ou a "ertain -ra%e o%in+. 6t is al%ost as i- the -a%il( o- %ar2s has its o)n se"on+ar( %eanin$. & 7hat test is applie+: o /he( use the Polaroi+ -a"tor tests Pro.i%it( o- $oo+s > )ill "usto%ers %ista2in$l( assu%e that As $oo+s are so%ho) asso"iate+ or %a+e *( P: 6sn8t this 1ust li2elihoo+ o- "on-usion: 6sn8t this "ir"ularG & Rationale: the( ha+ no reason to *e usin$ the na%e e."ept to pi$$( *a"2 o-- o- 5"Aonal+8s su""ess. 6- the( aren8t har%in$ 5"Aonal+8s0 )hat is the pro*le%: ,ourt sai+ it -lat out +i+ not *elieve that the Ar8s )ere not "o$niBant o- the na%e8s si%ilarit( to 5"Aonal+8s. /here-ore0 it -in+s *a+ -aith. & /he( +i+n8t $o a-ter -e+eral +ilution *e"ause it +i+n8t e.ist until 1995. p101! Fone o- the Polaroi+ -a"tors are +eter%inative. 5oreover0 other -a"tors outsi+e these 8 "an *e use+ to +eter%ine the li2elihoo+ o- "on-usion. Ti!in$ of confusion & 1! Point o- sale "on-usion o the "ourt in Levi sai+ there )as no "on-usion at ti%e o- sale. 6t ar$ue+ that the "on-usion )oul+ *e post&sale. & 2! Post&sale "on-usion & 3! Pre&sale "on-usion > initial interest "on-usion. ,ontri*utor( in-rin$e%ent > in+u"in$ it to happen. 3tan+ar+ > to have "ontri*utor( in-rin$e%ent the %anu-a"turer %ust intentionall( in+u"e another to in-rin$e a tra+e%ar2. /he "ase -aile+ *e"ause there )as no proo-. & 1027034 3tatute *oo2 & 6n-rin$e%ent statutes o Prohi*its use o- re$istere+ !ar/s @ 1114 a! > an( person )ho uses a re$istere+ %ar2 in or+er to tr( to sell a pro+u"t is li2el( to "ause "on-usion. 7hat is the test: 6t is the likelihood of confusion test. /his is prohi*itin$ use oa re$istere+ %ar2 that is li2el( to "ause "on-usion. o Prote"ts all %ar2s: @ 1125 a! M 43 a! 1! > prote"tin$ "ertain uses in "o%%er"e & (ou "an8t use unre$istere+ tra+e%ar2s in )a(s that is likely to cause confusion or the( are lia*le to an(one )ho is +a%a$e+.

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& /his is the federal unfair competition statutes.

7hat is the point o- antidilution laws:

7here is +ilution in the statute: & -ilution: @ 1127 > the lessenin$ o- the "apa"it( o- a -a%ous %ar2 to i+enti-( an+ +istin$uish $oo+s or servi"es o ?na"te+ in 1995. At the ti%e0 a*out hal- the states ha+ anti+ilution la)s. o /)o evils "lurrin$: /here-ore0 it is to prote"t a$ainst blurring. ;ou +on8t have to $et into li2elihoo+ o- "on-usion0 (ou +on8t even have to have "o%petition */) the partiesGall (ou nee+ is blurring. Tarnish!ent: & 7here in the statute is the -e+eral anti+ilution la): o @ 1125 "! or 43 "! 1! > the o)ner o- a -a%ous %ar2 shoul+ *e entitle+ to in1un"tions a$ainst another8s "o%%er"ial use o- the %ar2 i- it happens 1! a-ter it has *e"o%e -a%ous an+ 2! "auses +ilution o- the %ar2. .osely &. :ictoria <ecret Catalo$ue% Inc. & *lur an+ ero+e the +istin"tiveness & 9el+: proo- o- a"tual +ilution )as nee+e+ to prevail. Proo- "an *e sho)n *( either 1! *lurrin$0 or 2! tarnish%ent0 o- the %ar2. Li2elihoo+ o- +ilution is not enou$h to violate @ 1125. & Rationale: the( thre) out H 3e"ret8s surve(s an+ then *ase+ their +e"ision on the o--i"er8s a+. & ,ourt *asi"all( sa(s that i- there isn8t an( har%0 it is o2a(. & Fotes: 7hat are the -a"tors -or +eter%inin$ i- a %ar2 is -a%ous: o 1! +e$ree o- inherent or a"=uire+ +istin"tiveness o 2! ho) %u"h the %ar2 is use+ o 3! a+vertisin$ an+ pu*li"it( o- the %ar2 o 4! "hannels o- tra+e o 5! +e$ree o- re"o$nition o- the %ar2 o 6! the a%ount the %ar2 is use+ *( thir+ parties e.$. ho) $eneri" is it! o 7! is the %ar2 re$istere+ 6- Arnold "oul+ *e tra+e%ar2e+0 it )oul+ *e prett( valua*le. & All (ou nee+ is -or the %ar2 to *e -a%ous in a ni"he. Ceor$e <ore%an Crill Cybers=uattin$ Wal-.art <tores% Inc. &. Wall!artcana+asuc/s.co! & )hat are the t)o *ases o 4ARP > 4ni-or% Ao%ain Fa%e Aispute Resolution o 43 A,PA > 43 Anti&,(*ers=uattin$ ,onsu%er Prote"tion A"t & <a"ts: ar*itration "onsi+ere+ the "ase un+er *oth the 4ARP an+ 43 A,PA. & 7hat is the stan+ar+ -or the 4ARP: o 1! +o%ain na%e is i+enti"al or "on-usin$l( si%ilar to a tra+e%ar2 o 2! respon+ent has no ri$hts or le$iti%ate interests in the +o%ain na%e o 3! a""use+ +o%ain na%e %ust *e re$istere+ an+ use+ in *a+ -aith. & 7hat is the stan+ar+ -or the 43 A,PA: o 43 *! > 1! *a+ -aith 2! li2elihoo+ o- "on-usion 3! +ilution i- the tra+e%ar2 is -a%ous! & 9el+: )all%art"ana+asu"2s."o% )on the "ase. 9e )as allo)e+ to $ripe.

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Intellectual Property: Class notes

& Rationale: o Li2elihoo+ o- "on-usion: 9e "on"lu+e+ that the sites serve+ t)o +i--erent purposes. 7al%art isn8t li2el( to use the 7al%artsu"2s."o% site. People )on8t *e "on-use+. o Le$iti%a"( o- respon+ent8s interests in the +o%ain na%e: this threshol+ is not ver( hi$h. /he $u( is 1ust usin$ the site to $ripe. As lon$ as it is "riti"is% or paro+( rather than -ree&ri+in$ on the %ar20 it is o2a(. o 'a+ -aith: respon+ent has not atte%pte+ to $et %one(. /here )as no *a+ -aith. Fote: this "ase is an outlier. 5ost o- the Dsu"2s."o%E sites have lost.


-efenses to -ilution & Paro+ies > in $eneral0 re-eren"e to a "op(ri$hte+ )or2 or tra+e%ar2 is per%issi*le i- it is a paro+(. & ,riti"is%s Playboy >nterprises% Inc. &. Welles & <a"ts: <or%er pla(%ate has a )e*site. Pla(*o( sues *e"ause she uses so%e tra+e%ar2s. 3he ha+ %etata$s on her site0 a )ater%ar20 an+ use+ a nu%*er o- tra+e%ar2s in the "ontent on the pa$es. & PP: pla(*o( lost su%%ar( 1u+$%ent an+ appeale+ on tra+e%ar2 +ilution. & Rule: nominative use o /est -or no%inative use: 1! the pro+u"t %ust *e one not rea+il( i+enti-ia*le )ithout use o- the tra+e%ar20 2! onl( so %u"h o- the %ar2 %a( *e use+ as is reasona*l( ne"essar( to i+enti-( the pro+u"t0 3! the user %ust +o nothin$ that )oul+ su$$est sponsorship or en+orse%ent *( the tra+e%ar2 hol+er. & 9el+: Appellate "ourt a--ir%e+ ever(thin$ e."ept her use o- a )ater%ar2 o- pla(*o( on her site. & Rationale: she ha+ no pra"ti"al )a( o- +es"ri*in$ hersel- )ithout usin$ the tra+e%ar2s. /he %etata$s )ere -ine *e"ause o 7allpaper: this )as not no%inative *e"ase it )as an overuse o- the %ar2. 9er na%e +oesn8t appear *e-ore or a-ter P5#; 881. & Fo%inative uses: *( +e-inition0 +o not +ilute the tra+e%ar2s. <air use > the use o- a tra+e%ar2 in $oo+ -aith to +es"ri*e the $oo+s *ein$ re-erre+ to. 1/30/2006 A$en+a 1! <air 4se Ao"trine 2! <irst 3ale Ao"trine -a#n -onut Co!pany% Inc. &. art;s ,oo+ <tores% Inc. & <a"ts: A operates in Ro"hester an+ uses DAa)n.E P o)ns DAa)nE *ut +i+n8t 2no) A )as usin$ it -or 3 (ears. A "lai%e+ Ps %ar2 shoul+ *e )ipe+ out as Da*an+one+E at least in the area )here the( are operatin$. & 9el+: /here )as no li2elihoo+ o- pu*li" "on-usion *e"ause P +i+n8t use their %ar2 in A8s $eo$raphi" area. /here-ore0 the( "oul+n8t en1oin A -ro% usin$ it in that area unless the( e.pan+ into that area. & Rule: the a*ilit( to en1oin others -ro% usin$ a prote"te+ %ar2 is not tri$$ere+ *( re$istration alone. /he a*ilit( to stop unauthoriBe+ use %a( a""rue onl( )hen the re$istere+ o)ner enters or plans to enter the unauthoriBe+ user8s tra+in$ re$ion. & Fotes: o 6s this a $oo+ rule: A senior %ar2hol+er over 60 %iles -ro% the 1unior %ar2hol+er. /he 1unior8s ri$hts prevaile+ */" the "ourt sai+ there )as no reasona*le li2elihoo+ that the senior o)ner )oul+ %ove into that area. L.L "ean Inc &. -ra/e Publishers% Inc. & <a"ts: LL 'ean sue+ a-ter a %a$aBine pu*lishe+ an un-latterin$ paro+(. /he( sue+ un+er a state anti+ilution statute. /rial "ourt $rante+ in1un"tion an+ relie-.

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& & 9el+: ,ourt o- appeals overturne+ *e"ause the %ar2 )as not use+ in a "o%%er"ial "onte.t0 it )as use+ as a paro+(. /here-ore0 it )as prote"te+ un+er the <irst A%en+%ent ri$hts. Rule: o <irst A%en+%ent Rule: Paro+(8s are prote"te+ un+er the 1st A%en+%ent. 6t is not a "o%%er"ial use. o /arnish%ent: "ourt +e-ine+ it not 1ust as asso"iatin$ a %ar2 )ith unsavor( pro+u"ts. ;ou are onl( tarnishin$ the% i- (ou $o a$ainst )hat the "orporation a"tuall( *elieves in. Fotes: )hat i- (our "o%%er"ial use is to %a2e paro+(8s o- thin$s: 6s this a "o%%er"ial use: o /his )as +istin$uishe+ -ro% "ases )here people use another8s %ar2 -or e"ono%i" $ain.


(uality Inns International% Inc. &. .c-onal+;s Corp. & <a"ts: the( starte+ %ar2etin$ D5"3leepE. 5"Aonal+8s -ile+ a pree%ptive suit. & 6ssues: +eter%inin$ )hat the pu*li" un+erstan+s )hen it vie)s a %ar2. & Rule: & 9el+: -in+in$ that there is a su--i"ient li2elihoo+ that "onsu%ers )ill *e "on-use+0 the "ourt sai+ that 5"3leep )oul+ in-rin$e 5"Aonal+8s tra+e%ar2s an+ per%anentl( en1oine+ Jualit( 6nns -ro% utiliBin$ the ter%. & Fotes: )hat is the *est )a( to -i$ht o-- =uestions o- $eneri"it(: Co a-ter the% all the ti%e. ;ou have to start $oin$ a-ter people or else ever(one )ill use the ter% in the "o%%on usa$e an+ eventuall( it )ill *e "onsi+ere+ $eneri". e.$. aspirin0 s"ot"h tape0 et".! o Pu*li" per"eption: pu*li" per"eption o- the %eanin$ o- D5"E )as 1! relia*le at a $oo+ pri"e0 2! prepa"2a$e+0 -ast an+ eas(0 3! a pre-i. 5"Aonal+8s a++s to ever(thin$0 4! pro"esse+0 si%pli-ie+0 has the pun"h ta2en out o- it. -a&i+off &. PL& <a"ts: the( )ere s"rat"hin$ o-- the *at"h "o+es so that Aavi+o-- "oul+n8t -in+ out )ho the( )ere *u(in$ -ro%. & Rule: o <irst 3ale Ao"trine: a-ter the -irst sale0 the ori$inal seller "an8t prevent -uture sales an+ the( are not Dli2el( to "ause "on-usionE o 5aterial Ai--eren"e ?."eption: an(thin$ that )oul+ "ause the pu*li" to =uestion the =ualit( an+ nature o- the pro+u"t0 is an e."eption to the -irst sale +o"trine. o Passin$ o--: the( "oul+n8t re%ove the tra+e%ar2 alto$ether -ro% the pro+u"t *e"ause the( )oul+ have *een passing off the pro+u"t as their o)n. & 7hat are the antitrust i%pli"ations i- the seller )ants to "ontrol the resale pri"e: /his )oul+ *e a pro*le%. Pri"e&-i.in$ is so%ethin$ antitrust prote"ts a$ainst. & Fotes: o ,o"a ,ola: pro*a*l( has 20 variations o- its pro+u"t that is altere+ *ase+ on the lo"al "onsu%er8s taste. 3o%e "ultures li2e it s)eeter0 so%e li2e it *itter0 so%e li2e it stron$0 et". 6- (ou i%porte+ "ases an+ "ases o- "o2e -ro% ,hina an+ sol+ it in the 43 %ar2et0 (ou %i$ht run into pro*le%s. /here %a( *e a pro*le% )ith the source of origin of the goods. 7e8re tal2in$ a*out the resale doctrine. 5aterial alterations "oul+ o""ur -ro% the ori$inal tra+e%ar2 hol+er. 6t is not the sa%e pro+u"t. /here-ore0 the %aterial +i--eren"e e."eption is pro*a*l( satis-ie+. ,irst <ale -octrine > a-ter the -irst sale0 (ou +on8t Truth in '+&ertisin$ & as+Parallel I!ports > i- (ou are sellin$ the e.a"t sa%e pro+u"t0 not altere+ at all. /he "lassi" e.a%ple is in ?urope (ou %a( have a pro+u"t )ith a le$iti%ate tra+e%ar2 that is onl( to *e sol+ to the ?astern ?uropean %ar2ets. 9o)ever0 then people )ant to *rin$ it *a"2 to the 4L an+ sell the% at 4L pri"es. 6n these "ases o- Dparallel i%portsE )here there are no alterations0 (ou are *asi"all( 1ust ta2in$ a+vanta$e o- the -a"t that $oo+s are %eant to *e sol+ at a lesser %ar2et. & this is si%pl( a "ontra"tin$ issue. N5T>< 6p1439

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& & & & & & & Cancellation > $o to the P/# an+ as2 the% to "an"el a %ar2. A "o%%on $roun+ -or re=uestin$ "an"ellation is i- it has *een a*an+one+. Incontestability > a-ter a %ar2 has *een aroun+ -or 5 (rs it is in"ontesta*le. /his is so%e)hat oa %isno%er *e"ause even in"onstesta*le %ar2s are "ontesta*le on so%e $roun+s. ?eo$raphic Li!itations > so%eti%es (ou "an onl( en-or"e a %ar2 in "ertain $eo$raphi" areas. (ou have the pro*le% o- e.pansion. >)pressi&e +i!ensions of tra+e!ar/s > ?enericity > as -ilution an+ >)pressi&e interests > in1un"tion vs. in1un"tion an+ +a%a$es > )hi"h is availa*le -or +ilution: 4nless there is a )ill-ul in-rin$e%ent0 +ilution "ases "an onl( $et in unctive relief. Aoes +ilution re=uire "onsu%er "on-usion: Fo. ,irst <ale -octrine > 6t sa(s the ri$ht hol+er "an pro-it -ro% the )or2s *ut on"e a sale is %a+e0 the ri$ht hol+er8s interest is e.hauste+. 3u*se=uent sellers +o not nee+ authoriBation unless the pu*li" is li2el( to *e "on-use+ *( the su*se=uent use o- the tra+e%ar2. o ?ray ?oo+s > also "alle+ parallel i%ports > $oo+s sol+ un+er the ri$ht hol+er8s authorit( in one "ountr( )here the pri"e is lo)! an+ resol+ in a se"on+ "ountr( )here the pri"e is hi$her!. 6- the ri$ht hol+er "an prevent resale0 then he is0 in e--e"t0 pri"e +is"ri%inatin$. 'ban+on!ent > o Loss of +istincti&eness > this is sai+ to prote"t the pu*li" *e"ause it assures that %ar2s sen+ "onsistent %essa$es. o 'ban+on!ent base+ on non&use !ilverman v" C#! > ,'3 ha+ ri$hts to DA%os n8 An+(E an+ !ilverman )ante+ to use the %ar2 -or a pla(. /he( ha+n8t use+ the %ar2 in a lon$ ti%e. 3ilver%an )on *e"ause a-ter 3 (ears there )as a pri%a -a"ie "ase o- a*an+on%ent. 21 (ears )as +e-initel( a*an+on%ent. /his is a "lassi" "ase o- "han$es in e"ono%i" "on+itions. 6s that a $oo+ reason -or the non&use: Fo0 this is a parti"ularl( *a+ reason to allo) so%eone to *reathe ne) li-e into the +ea+ tra+e%ar2. ;ou "an resume use o- (our %ar2. 9o)ever0 +urin$ the entire perio+ it )as a*an+one+ (ou +on8t have an( re%e+( -or it.


C5P@AI? T PA5T>CTI5N: INTA5-BCTI5N 6p2129 & ,op(ri$ht la) +erives -ro% Art. 60 @ 80 ,l. 8 o- the ,onstitution > ,on$ress has the po)er to Dpro%ote the pro$ess o- s"ien"e an+ use-ul arts0 *( se"urin$ -or li%ite+ ti%es to authors an+ inventors the e."lusive ri$ht to their respe"tive )ritin$s an+ +is"overies.E o #*1e"tive: ,on$ress authoriBes li%ite+ %onopolies -or "reators o- "op(ri$hte+ )or2s. /he( li%it the +uration an+ su*stantive e.er"ise o- those ri$hts. ?nhan"in$ so"ietal pro$ress o /(pe o- ri$ht: ,op(ri$ht is a ne$ative ri$ht. /here are also "ertain positive ri$hts in ter%s o- (our a*ilit( to use an+ e.press (our propert(. ,op(ri$ht in-rin$e%ent is (our ri$ht to e."lu+e others -ro% -ree&ri+in$ an+ pla$iaris%. o 'alan"e: so"iet(8s opti%al use o- resour"es an+ the opti%al i%petus -or in+ivi+ual "reativit(. o #n"e e.pire+: "op(ri$hte+ propert( enters the pu*li" +o%ain0 -reel( use+ *( all & 9istor(: o 3tate la)s: 4n+er state prote"tion0 (ou onl( $ot prote"tion -or unpu*lishe+ )or2s. o ,op(ri$ht A"t o- 1790 o ,op(ri$ht A"t o- 1909 > "ontrols all )or2s "reate+ *e-ore 1/1/1978. /here is still a lar$e a%ount o- )or2 $overne+ *( the 1909 A"t. Cave a 28&(ear ter% )ith option -or rene)al -or another 28 (ears. 'asi" re=uire%ents: Re=uire+ re$istration Pa( a +eposit Provi+e noti"e.

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,op(ri$ht A"t o- 1976 > *e"a%e e--e"tive on Ianuar( 10 1978 Re+u"e+ re=uire%ent o- re$istration an+ noti"e. Auration: Li-eti%e N 50 (ears. 1998: 3on( 'ono ,op(ri$ht /er% ?.tension A"t passe+ $rantin$ an a++itional 20 (ears. /his )as to %a2e it "onsistent )ith the ?48s prote"tion. o 6nternational ,op(ri$ht /reaties: treaties are not sel-&e--e"tuatin$. ,on$ress has to ena"t a la). /here-ore0 to ena"t the 'erne "onvention ,on$ress ha+ to pass the la). 4,, 1955: allo)e+ 43 to have re"ipro"al a$ree%ents )ith other "ountries even thou$h )e ha+ a harsher pu*li"ation re=uire%ents. /R6P3: tra+e relate+ international propert( G @ 104 a!: "op(ri$ht prote"tion to -orei$n )or2s. 7here there is a relian"e part(0 that relian"e part( has )hat ri$hts relative to the "op(ri$ht o)ner o- the restore+ )or2: /he +uration o- prote"tion is e=uivalent to )hat the( )oul+ have re"eive+ ha+ the 43 "op(ri$ht re%aine+ in e--e"t. /here are so%e %ore provisions here that $o a$ainst the relian"e part(. A+%inistere+ *(: 7/# 'erne ,onvention: ori$inall( an atte%pt to "reate a universal international "op(ri$ht la). ;ou have to treat international "o%panies as )ell as (our o)n "o%panies. /he 'erne "onvention provi+es a %ini%u% s"he%e o- prote"tion. ,ountries "an provi+e 5#R? prote"tion0 *ut the( ,AFF#/ provi+e L?33. A+%inistere+ *(: 76P# Foti"e: 'erne "onvention +oes not re=uire noti"e. 9o)ever0 there is still in"entive to use noti"e *e"ause i- there is noti"e the "ourt )on8t $ive )ei$ht to a "lai% o- inno"ent in-rin$e%ent in %iti$ation o+a%a$es. #)nership: 6nno"ent in-rin$er: Re=uire%ents: 6t has to *e an ori$inal )or2 -i.e+ in a tan$i*le -or%. o Re$istration: )h( re$ister: Re$istration0 )hile not %an+ator(0 is a prere=uisite -or an in-rin$e%ent a"tion -or )or2s in the 43 an+ is a prere=uisite -or re"overin$ statutor( +a%a$es an+ attorne(8s -ees. 3u*1e"t %atter: /here is copyrighta$le an+ noncopyrighta$le su*1e"t %atter <or%s: @ 410: @ 411: o Aeposit: (ou have to +eposit t)o "opies o- the "op(ri$ht. Purpose: the purpose o- the +eposit re=uire%ent is so the li*rar( o- "on$ress $ets -ree stu--. /he( $et a "op(. /he ,op(ri$ht o--i"e is lo"ate+ in the Li*rar( o,on$ress. /he Patent #--i"e is lo"ate+ in the Aepart%ent o- ,o%%er"e. /he Li*rar( o- ,on$ress is part o- the le$islative *ran"h so that the( "an $et -ree stu--. <ilin$ <ee: O30 -ilin$ -ee. /his %a( have $one up re"entl(. o Foti"e: Provi+in$ noti"e is in+i"atin$ the )or2 is "op(ri$hte+ P0 ,!0 ,op(ri$ht0 ,#PR. ;ou also have to provi+e the o)ners na%e an+ the +ate0 to let people 2no) )hat A"t $overns it an+ )hether it is still alive. ?li$i*ilit( o- 7or2s: o @ 102: eli$i*ilit( > photos0 %ovies0 literature0 +ra%ati" )or2s0 s"ulptures0 "horeo$raph(0 %usi"0 ar"hite"ture. Iu+i"ial pro"ess: o Pro"ess itsel-: the e.a%iner )ill loo2 at 1! the statute0 2! "o%%on la)0 3! -e+eral re$ulations 37 ,.<.R. @ 202 1991!! > )ritten *( the ,op(ri$ht #--i"e0 4! ,o%pen+iu% o


& &

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o- ,op(ri$ht #--i"e Pro"e+ures0 5! D,ir"ularsE poli"( noti"es!0 6! a+ ho" & Drule o+ou*tE sa(s that it shoul+ *e a*le to *e re$istere+ i- a "ourt "oul+ reasona*l( -in+ that the )or2 %i$ht *e su*1e"t to "op(ri$ht!. o 7ho revie)s: -e+eral +istri"t "ourts. o 6- "op(ri$ht is re-use+: (ou "an still %aintain an in-rin$e%ent a"tion un+er @ 411 a! )hi"h allo)s the appli"ant to institute an a"tion. /he( %ust noti-( the Re$ister an+ serve a "op( o- the "o%plaint to the Re$ister. /he Re$ister o- ,op(ri$hts "an intervene )ith the a"tion. Provisions @ 107&118 o 6s it ano%alous that the "onstitution sa(s it is the ri$ht o- authors to e."lu+e others -ro% in-rin$in$ their ri$hts -or a li%ite+ ti%e e.$. an e."lusive ri$ht! )hile these se"tions provi+e e."eptions there-ore not an e."lusive ri$ht!. ,onstitution +oes not re=uire ,on$ress to $ive an a*solute ri$ht o- e."lusivit(. /his is $oo+ *e"ause the purpose o- ,op(ri$ht La) is to sti%ulate -or)ar+ pro$ress an+ ne) i+eas that *ene-it so"iet(. Pro%otin$ -ree+o% o- spee"h an+ e.pression in )a(s that "an *ene-it others. 6n or+er to +o this0 the( "an8t *e the e%clusive ri$hts o- the o)ners. /here-ore0 there are fair use e."eptions. <air use: the %e+ia0 "lassroo%s0 papers0 et". use these -air use e."eptions ever(+a(. ,o%pulsor( li"ensin$ o""urs -re=uentl( in ra+io0 television. 6t is vie)e+ that this is in the *asi" interest o- so"iet(. Juestions: o 7hat happens i- (ou pu*lish *e-ore (ou re$ister: /here is a $ra"e perio+ o- -ive (ears. o 7hat is the value o- re$isterin$ prior to pu*li"ation or )ithin 5 (ears o- pu*li"ation: 6t provi+es pri%a -a"ie evi+en"e o- vali+it( o- the "op(ri$ht an+ o- the -a"ts state+ in the "erti-i"ate.



7hat are the three ele%ents o- a "op(ri$ht: 1! ori$inalit( 2! authorship 3! -i.ation /oni$ht )e )ill -o"us on issues o- originality an+ authorship. & 7hat is a +erivative )or2: o ;ou start )ith an ori$inal0 pree.istin$ )or2. A +erivative )or2 is so%ethin$ that has *een recast0 transformed or adapted. & 7hat is a "olle"tive )or2: o All 1ournal arti"les in a sin$le issue o- the 1ournal. o ,olle"tive )or2s %ust *e separately an+ independently "op(ri$hta*le. & 7hat is a "o%pilation )or2: o ,o%pilations in"lu+e "olle"tive )or2s0 an+ %ore. o ,o%pilations % o Re=uire a %ini%u% level o- "reation -or authorship ,eist Publications% Inc. &. Aural Telephone <er&ice Co. & <a"ts: <eist is a pu*lishin$ "o%pan( that $oes to telephone provi+ers an+ tries to $et their +ata an+ provi+e a lar$er +ire"tor( than the Rural /elephone 3ervi"e ,o. Rural re-use+ to $ive <eist their +ire"tor(. <eist there-ore too2 the Rural8s +ire"tor(0 e+ite+ it0 an+ use+ it in their o)n +ire"tor(. /he( )ere sue+ -or "op(ri$ht. Aistri"t "ourt -oun+ -or Rural. Appellate "ourt uphel+. & 6ssue: o 1! Are -a"ts "op(ri$hta*le: Fot usuall(. o 2! Are "o%pilations o- -a"ts "op(ri$hta*le: Cenerall( the( are.

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Intellectual Property: Class notes

& & 9el+: /he selection0 coordination an+ arrangement o- the -a"ts "an provi+e enou$h ori$inalit( to *e "op(ri$hta*le. /here-ore0 )hen (ou have a telephone +ire"tor( (ou "an $et so%e prote"tion *ut not -or the +ata itsel-. Rationale: as+o #ri$inalit(: originality %eans that the )or2 )as in+epen+entl( "reate+ *( the author an+ that it possesses so%e +e$ree o- "reativit(. #ri$inalit( is a "onstitutional re=uire%ent oArt. 60 @ 80 "l. 8. o 3)eat o- *ro): the a%ount o- )or2 put in +oes not %atter. #nl( the ori$inalit(. o #nl( arran$in$ people in an alpha*eti"al )a( +oes not %eet the arrangement re=uire%ent -or the -a"ts. /here-ore0 it is voi+ o- ori$inalit(. Fotes: o Aata*ases: +ata*ases are valua*le. 6- the( +on8t %eet the threshol+ o- "oor+ination an+ arran$e%ent o- the -a"ts to *e "op(ri$hta*le0 )hat happens: 6n ?urope0 the( have se)ie $eneris spe"i-i" prote"tion! -or +ata*ases. 9o) +oes a 43 "o%pan( $et their +ata*ase prote"te+ in ?urope: ?urope has re"ipro"it( *ut 43 +oesn8t allo) us to "op(ri$ht it. /he 43 has to use %isappropriations e.$. en-or"e non&+is"losure a$ree%ents0 tra+e se"ret la)0 et".! o Appli"ations: %ost +ata*ases have appli"ation so-t)are. 7ith respe"t to patent la)0 (ou "an prote"t the te"hnolo$( that per%its (ou to "reate the +ata*ases0 not the +ata*ases the%selves. /here-ore0 so%eti%es (ou "an patent the or$aniBation an+ stru"ture o- (our +ata.


Kre$os &. 'ssociate+ Press & <a"ts: Lre$os ha+ a -or% )ith *ase*all statisti"s. AP )as allo)e+ to use it. /hen0 a (ear later0 the( starte+ usin$ so%ethin$ -ro% another "o%pan(. Lre$os sue+ *oth o- the% -or "op(ri$ht in-rin$e%ent an+ tra+e%ar2 in-rin$e%ent. 9e lost on su%%ar( 1u+$%ent. & 6ssue: & 9el+: & Rationale: o #ri$inalit(: o 5er$er +o"trine: onl( the e.pression o- an i+ea an+ not the i+ea itsel- is prote"ta*le. ?ven e.pression is not prote"te+ )here there is onl( one or a -e) )a(s o- e.pressin$ the i+ea. /his merger doctrineG/he "ourt hel+ there )as no %er$er. o ?.tent o- prote"tion: the( tal2e+ a*out the %er$er +o"trine & Aissent: +issentin$ 1u+$e +i+n8t li2e the appli"ation o- the %er$er +o"trine. Aissent sai+ that the %er$er +o"trine shoul+ *e use+ to see i- a "op(ri$ht is vali+0 not to see i- there )as in-rin$e%ent. 9e sa(s it $oes *a"2 to )hether it is su--i"ientl( ori$inal an+ has a %o+i"u% o- authorship an+ there-ore is "op(ri$hta*le. & Fotes: o 9o) +i+ the( in+i"ate there )as no %er$er: 6- the )a( o- e.pressin$ the i+ea o @ 507 *! o- the ,op(ri$ht A"t > 3tatute o- Li%itations > the P )aite+ too lon$ to sue. /here-ore0 he lost on the 1984 -or%. 9e lost on the 1986 -or% *e"ause it ha+ *een su*stantiall( "han$e+ so it )asn8t in-rin$in$. earn &. .eyer & <a"ts: As )ere authors o- a "hil+rens *oo2Grepro+u"e+ in another *oo2. A "lai%e+ illustrations )ere not ori$inal *e"ause the( )ere repro+u"tions that )ere in the pu*li" +o%ain. & Rationale: o 6n or+er -or a +erivative )or20 there %ust *e so%e ori$inalit(. /he "han$e in "olors +i+ not & 9el+: the +erivative )or2 )as not ori$inal enou$h to *e "op(ri$hta*le. & Fotes: )hat i- the( "reate+ an oil paintin$ inten+e+ to "o%pletel( repro+u"e the e.pression. 6s this ori$inal enou$h: o Rule: 1! ,han$in$ %e+iu% test

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2! A++in$ an a++itional +i%ension /he -a*ri" "o%pan( sai+ a++in$ an a++itional +i%ension )as enou$h to $et prote"tion. 7e are tr(in$ to +eter%ine the %ini%u% level o- ori$inalit( re=uire+ in or+er to *e "op(ri$hta*le. 5erel( "han$in$ a %e+iu% is not enou$h to $et ori$inalit(. 6- it re=uires s2ill to repro+u"e0 it %a( *e "loser.



& &


o o Fotes: o 7hat )ere so%e o- the un+erl(in$ poli"( reasons -or the ori$inalit( re=uire%ent: ;ou )ant to prote"t "reativit(. /he( +on8t )ant to *e a*le to re"op(ri$ht so%ethin$ alrea+( in the pu*li" +o%ain. /here is a -ree+o% o- spee"h an+ *alan"in$ the interestsG o /he -ra%e o- re-eren"e is the tar$ete+ au+ien"e. /his is i%portant -or the pit"hin$ -or% "ase. 6n "ontrast0 there is the #ell !outh "ase )here the sele"tion )as "onsi+ere+ rote0 "usto%ar( an+ la"2in$ in ori$inalit(. o <or a +erivative )or20 is there a hi$her stan+ar+ o- ori$inalit(: ;es0 (ou have to sho) a su--i"ient a%ount o- +istin"tion *et)een the ori$inal )or2 an+ +erivative )or2 to see so%e +e$ree ooriginality an+ authorship. /here-ore0 in a paint *( nu%*er situation0 i- (ou 1ust "han$e+ a -e) "olors0 it %a( *e "op(ri$hta*le assu%in$ there is a su--i"ient a%ount o- +istin"tion that people )oul+ not 1ust lu%p all the paintin$s to$ether. 7hat a*out thin$s li2e pi"torials0 $lo*es0 ta*les0 %aps0 et". Are the( "op(ri$ht eli$i*le: ;es0 the( are all pi"torial )or2s. 7hat a*out )or2s o- the <e+eral Covern%ent: Fo0 these are not "op(ri$hta*le un+er @ 105. /his e.ists *e"ause the $overn%ent is there to serve the people an+ that %aterial shoul+ *e -reel( +istri*ute+ an+ "opie+. /he Covern%ent is not )orrie+ a*out the e.pression0 it shoul+ *e )orrie+ a*out the "ontent. 6t )ants the )orl+ to 2no) )hat it has to sa( a*out thin$s. Le.is Fe.is0 7est0 pu*li"ations o- +e"i+e+ "ases. 7hat is prote"te+ an+ )hat is not prote"te+ *( "op(ri$ht: o /he hea+ notes0 arran$e%ent o- the opinions0 sear"h -eatures are all )or2s o- authorship prote"te+ *( "op(ri$ht.

,i)ation in a tan$ible !e+iu! re=uire!ent & ?.a%ples o- )or2s that -ail this re=uire%ent. An interpretive +an"e. & 7hat +i+ the( +o *e-ore the +a(s o- vi+eotape to -i.ate the %e+iu%. 6n anti=uit(0 the( )oul+ "reate "harts )here the se=uen"e o- the steps )ere lai+ out an+ the "horeo$raph( too2 pla"e0 an+ people pra"ti"e+ the +an"e steps *( -ollo)in$ the se=uen"e o- the -ootsteps. /hat is "alle+ la*a notation. & 9o) +o (ou $et "op(ri$ht prote"tion -or a para+e: A live tele"ast is not -i.e+ in a tan$i*le %e+iu%. 6- (ou +o tape it or have an( 2in+ o- se"on+ar( trans%ission it "an *e "op(ri$hte+. 6- all (ou have is a si%ultaneous live tele"ast )ith no ar"hivin$0 (ou have no "op(ri$ht on the para+e *e"ause it is not -i.e+ in a tan$i*le %e+iu%. Fo)a+a(s0 that )oul+ *e "onsi+ere+ sill( to have a live event an+ not tapin$ it. /he( have ar"hives o- al%ost ever(thin$. & 'ssi$n!ents for ne)t #ee/ Assi$n%ent 80 )e8re tal2in$ a*out su*1e"t %atter eli$i*ilit(. /his )ill "over "op(ri$hts -or "hara"ters an+ use-ul arti"les. e.$. 5i"2e( 5ouse "hara"ter on a *irth+a( "a2e!. @ 102 o- the 1976 ,op(ri$ht A"t & @ 102 a! > all su*1e"t %atter o- "op(ri$ht & @ 102 *! > list o- e."lusions ?."lu+e+ 3u*1e"t 5atter & Civen to the )hole )orl+ -reel( > the( "an not *e the e."lusive provin"e o- an(one. o 6+ea o ,on"ept

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o Prin"iple 4/6L6/; PA/?F/3!/hese "an *e patente+ o /er%: 20 (ears -ro% -ilin$. /hese are not rene)a*le. o /(pes: Pro"e+ures Pro"esses 3(ste%s 5etho+s o- #peration Ais"overies A?36CF PA/?F/3 o #rna%entation -or an arti"le o- %anu-a"ture it %ust *e useful! 5a( *e surface ornamentation0 it %i$ht *e shape. /er%: 14 (ears -ro% $rant o- patent. /hese are not rene)a*le. o Re=uire novelt(0 not %erel( ori$inalit(. ,#P;R6C9/3 o /er%: Li-e N 70 (ears. /here-ore0 sin"e this is so lon$ the stan+ar+ shoul+ *e hi$her $iven that (ou "an $et orna%ental aspe"ts "overe+ un+er a +esi$n patent. o Pro"ess: patents are e.a%ine+. /he( have to *e novel an+ non&o*vious. ,op(ri$hts are a prett( si%ple re$istration pro"ess. /here-ore0 the( are prett( "heap an+ eas( to $et. o As a %atter o- pu*li" poli"(0 i- so%ethin$ is har+ to $et an+ (ou $et -or a li%ite+ ti%e or eas( to $et -or a lon$ perio+ o- ti%e0




"a/er &. <el+en & & & & <a"ts: 3el+en %a+e an a""ountin$ *oo2. 9e ha+ *oo22eepin$ reports *( +a( an+ %onth. 'a2er also %a+e a *oo2 that ha+ si%ilar reports )ith si%ilar "olu%ns0 et". 6ssue: Ai+ 3el+en have a "op(ri$ht to the "harts he "reate+: 9el+: Fo. /here is a +i--eren"e *et)een "op(ri$hts an+ patents. /hese )oul+ -all into "op(ri$ht. Rationale: o /his is a *oo22eepin$ i+ea that )oul+ re=uire a patent in or+er to %a2e it e."lusive. o 5er$er +o"trine: there %a( *e onl( one )a( o- e.pressin$ these "olu%ns. 6- there aren8t other )a(s to put this *oo2 to$ether0 it shoul+n8t *e "op(ri$hta*le. 6t is har+ to separate the method -ro% the e.pression. o Patents: the "ourt sa(s this )oul+ re=uire a patent *ut (ou "an8t patent *oo2s. Fotes: /his is a 3upre%e ,ourt "ase that +ra)s a line *et)een "op(ri$ht an+ patents. 9o)ever0 one %i$ht =uestion )hether this )oul+ *e a vali+ patent $iven that it is 1ust a *oo2. o Perhaps this is an accounting method that )oul+ *e patenta*le. 9o)ever0 i- it pree%pts all )a(s o- +oin$ it0 (ou are pree%ptin$ the i+ea itsel- an+ it )oul+ there-ore not *e patenta*le. /his "a%e out too si%plisti"l(. /he( 1ust sai+ Dthis is patenta*le su*1e"t %atterE *ut +i+n8t a++ress )h( it a"tuall( is patenta*le su*1e"t %atter. Juestion: Are there thin$s that are neither "op(ri$hta*le or patenta*le:


& &

"ran+ir International% Inc. &. Casca+e Pacific Lu!ber & <a"ts: /e"hni"al )or2s vs. in+ustrial +esi$ns. 5etal tu*in$ -ro% a )ire s"ulpture. Ps appli"ation -or "op(ri$ht )as re-use+ *e"ause it +i+n8t have an(thin$ that )as in+epen+entl( "op(ri$hta*le. /he( sai+ it la"2e+ ori$inalit( an+ )as a "o%%on s(%*ol. P sue+ -or "op(ri$ht in-rin$e%ent an+ tra+e%ar2s. & Rule: 6n+ustrial +esi$ns "annot *e "op(ri$hte+. & /est: Iu+$e Feu%an8s separa*ilit( test. /he( re1e"te+ this test sa(in$ it )as a non&test. & /est2: Aeni"ola test > i- the +esi$n ele%ents are -un"tional0 o Fot "op(ri$hta*le: the -or% o- the ra"2 is in-luen"e+ *( utilitarian thin$s an+ those utilitarian thin$s "oul+ not & Aissent:

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& Fotes: i- (ou thin2 this is a "o%plete "ro"20 )hat )oul+ (our anal(sis *e. 7hat )oul+ (our o*1e"tive thin$ *e rather than temporal displacement. 7hat area o- la) )oul+ (ou $o to: Aesi$n patents. 9o) +o the( +eter%ine the separation o- orna%entation -ro% utilitarianis%. 9o) "an (ou in the %ost o*1e"tive )a( appl( a novelt( test: ,o%pare it )ith e.istin$ e.a%ples. ;ou $o out an+ -in+ the "losest loo2in$ *i"("le ra"2s an+ "o%pare the% si+e *( si+e. ;ou loo2 at the si%ilarities an+ the +i--eren"es. 3o%e si%ilarities )ill *e +i"tate+ *( -un"tion. /hose si%ilarities )on8t +rive in the +ire"tion o- prote"tion. 7here the +i--eren"es are purel( orna%ental0 (ou have a ne) +esi$n. ;ou "an a"tuall( see -ro% this novelty test ho) to separate artisti" e.pression -ro% the -un"tionalit(. 7hen the entire stru"ture is +i"tate+ *( the -un"tion0 (ou $et no prote"tion. ;ou "an8t $et a "op(ri$ht or a +esi$n patent.

'e"ause this )as purel( an appeal +en(in$ "op(ri$ht -ro% the "op(ri$ht o--i"e0 the "ourt ha+ to appl( "op(ri$ht la). /he short ans)er is D1ust sa( no.E /his is not "op(ri$hta*le. /his is reall( a D%etho+ ooperationE (ou shoul+ appl( -or a patent. ,an (ou use a re1e"tion -ro% a "op(ri$ht o--i"e as evi+en"e osupport -or a +esi$n patent: #nl( i- the issue is )hether (ou have an orna%ental +esi$n i%*e++e+ in %anu-a"ture. 'n+erson &. <tallone 6Copyri$ht for characters9 & <a"ts: 3tallone )rote the Ro"2( %ovies. /he +istri"t "ourt $rante+ A8s re=uest -or su%%ar( 1u+$%ent. /here-ore0 it )as a"tuall( the P that in-rin$e+ the A8s )or2. P )as the one )ho shoul+ have *een sue+ *( the A. & 9el+: Ro"2( "hara"ters have in+epen+ent "op(ri$hts0 outsi+e the in+ivi+ual stories Ro"2( 60 66 an+ 666. /here-ore0 An+erson is not entitled to copyright protection. & Rationale: & Fotes: o ,hara"ter in a literar( )or2: /he appre"iation o- the "hara"ter is to so%e +e$ree one8s i%a$ination. /his is +i--erent than a $raphi"al )or2. 6- there is a visual +epi"tion there )on8t *e an( a%*i$uit( a*out )hat t)o people see in ter%s o- the "hara"ter. Ro"2(0 pla(e+ *( 3tallone0 )ith spe"i-i" spee"h patterns0 et". are easil( +is"erni*le. 6n literar( )or2s0 so%eti%es "hara"ter +evelop%ent $oes throu$h the )hole *oo2 or %ultiple *oo2s. 6n a $raphi"al )or20 o-ten (ou 2no) )ho the "hara"ter is. #n"e (ou8ve seen one 'at%an "artoon0 (ou prett( %u"h 2no) )hat is $oin$ on. /here-ore0 (ou )ill have a less strin$ent stan+ar+ -or a $raphi"al "hara"ter than a literar( "hara"ter. 6- (ou have a hi$hl( +evelope+ literar( "hara"ter0 (ou %a( *e a*le to $et "op(ri$ht prote"tion. o 'roiler: i- (ou ha+ a three +i%ensional *oiler0 )oul+ the +epi"tion o- the *roiler on a /& shirt *e "op(ri$hta*le: Pro*a*l(0 $iven that the 2&+i%ensional i%a$e is not reall( -un"tional. o ,on"eptual separa*ilit(: se=uen"e o- a"tions. Artisti" -eatures o- a %anne=uin. 6s a %anne=uin a s"ulpture+ )or2 or a use-ul )or2: o ,o%pilations vs Aerivative )or2s: ho) +o (ou $et "op(ri$ht prote"tion -or a +erivative )or2: Fe) versions o- so-t)are: these are usuall( *uilt on the ori$inal )or2 *ut the( have su*stantiall( ne) an+ +istin$uisha*le variations. ,on$ruen"(: )hat i- the ori$inal )or2 is a vo+2a *ottle an+ the +erivative )or2 is a photo$raph o- the vo+2a *ottle: 7hat i- the vo+2a *ottle is 1ust a plain ol+ *ottle an+ (ou have a photo$raph o- the *ottle. o Prote"tion -or "hara"ters: note 4 p287! Literar( )or2: )hat i- the prin"iple "hara"ter is the stor(teller. ,an (ou $et "op(ri$ht prote"tion: /he "ases *asi"all( sa( that i- he is the onl( person in the stor(0 there "annot *e "op(ri$ht prote"tion. Ia%es 'on+: on"e (ou start to *e a*le to +es"ri*e the attri*utes o- so%eone0 iso%eone "o%es alon$ an+ "opies all o- those attri*utes (ou are $oin$ to *e a*le to $et "op(ri$ht prote"tion on a literar( "hara"ter. 6- (ou have visual o ,op(ri$ht vs pu*li"it( ri$hts: +i--eren"e *et)een 3(lvester 3tallone an+ Ro"2( 'al*oa. 3(lvester 3tallone has pu*li"it( ri$hts )hereas Ro"2( 'al*oa "an *e "op(ri$hte+. /he

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"ourt here a"tuall( hel+ that no "hara"ter other than Ro"2( )as su--i"ientl( +elineate+. ;ou "an8t "op(ri$ht stock characters. ,o%%on plots an+ stor(lines are not "op(ri$hta*le e.pressions. ,a2e: )hat a*out a "a2e as a pie"e o- authorship. Aoes this pass @ 102: 6s this a pi"toral or s"ulptural thin$: 9o) )oul+ (ou separate its -un"tional -ro% orna%ental aspe"ts. Part o- this $oes *a"2 to the test o- "on"eptual a*stra"tion )rt the aspe"t o- the "a2e. 7hat are the aspe"ts o- the "a2e that are +i"tate+ *( its -un"tion. Ae"i+in$ that it is three&la(ers an+ ea"h la(er is a +i--erent siBe +oesn8t a--e"t its taste. Ar"hite"tural )or2s: this is "o%pli"ate+. 9o) +o (ou +e-ine an ar"hite"tural )or2: note 5 p289! > +e-inition in @ 101 as the D+esi$n o- a *uil+in$ as e%*o+ie+ in an( tan$i*le %e+iu% o- e.pression0 in"lu+in$ a *uil+in$0 ar"hite"tural plans0 or +ra)in$s.E 9o) shoul+ the ter% D*uil+in$E *e interprete+: Prior to A7,PA0 onl( ar"hite"tural plans "oul+ *e prote"te+ as a Dpi"torial0 $raphi"E an+ there-ore the "onstru"tion o- a *uil+in$ -ro% "op(ri$hte+ plans )as not "onsi+ere+ in-rin$e%ent. #ne "aveat is that @ 120 a! sa(s that i- a *uil+in$ is Dvisi*le -ro% a pu*li" pla"eE a "op(ri$ht o)ner "annot Dprevent the %a2in$0 +istri*utin$0 or pu*li" +ispla( o- pi"tures0 paintin$s0 photo$raphs0 or other pi"torial representations o- the )or2. Prote"tion -or Hessel 9ulls: this *e"a%e la) *e"ause there )as a 3upre%e ,ourt "ase )here the state o- <lori+a passe+ a la) prote"tin$ vessel hull +esi$ns. /hat la) )as stri"2en as *ein$ un"onstitutional an+ *ein$ pree%pte+ *( -e+eral la) *e"ause this )as a -or% o- patent prote"tion )hi"h )as the e."lusive provin"e o- the -e+eral $overn%ent states "an8t have patent la)s!. /here-ore0 a ne) statute )as "reate+ -or vessel hulls. 4nli2e +esi$n patents0 vessel hull +esi$ns are a+%inistere+ *( the "op(ri$ht o--i"e0 not the +esi$n patent o--i"e. /he +uration o- prote"tion -or vessel hulls is onl( 10 (ears. Fe) 9a$ue A$ree%ent: in+ustrial +esi$n prote"tion. 5ost other "ountries prote"t in+ustrial +esi$ns -ro% in+ustrial +esi$n prote"tion si%ilar to "op(ri$ht la) )hereas the states +o it throu$h +esi$n patents. /he Fe) 9a$ue A$ree%ent )as %eant to %er$e those -ro% the 6nternational re$istration s(ste% )ith those s(ste%s that use patents. 6t per%its one to $o throu$h an international *o+( at the )orl+ intelle"tual propert( or$aniBation. /hen (ou have to $et (our national ri$hts -ro% ea"h in+ivi+ual state.

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2/27/06 & /hese "ases are ver( "on-usin$. /here is a reason -or that. Aepen+in$ on )hi"h "ir"uit (ou are in0 the tests var( even thou$h the )or+s see% si%ilar. /he stan+ar+s -or those )or+s +i--er. & 2n+ ,ir"uit o .ichael <till!an &. Leo "urnett Co. & <a"ts: 3till%an sue+ A8s -or "op(ri$ht in-rin$e%ent alle$in$ A8s "opie+ his DsilentE television "o%%er"ial he "reate+ -or ?astern Airlines. A8s %ove+ to +is%iss an+ the "t. +enie+. & Rule: (ou are allo)e+ to "op( unprote"ti*le ele%ents. ;ou "an8t "op( prote"te+ ele%ents. 4nprote"te+ vs. prote"te+ "ontent is )here e.perts "o%e in an+ that is an issue o- la). o Ceneri" e.pression: so%e tools are use-ul as part o- e.pression *ut are the in-rastru"ture that are reserve+ -or ever(*o+(. 'uil+in$ )ith these tools *e"o%es the artisti" e.pression.

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o 5ain point: so%e o- these ele%ents are li2e tools or props that are entitle+ to *e use+ *( ever(*o+(.

Louis .. Kohus &. *obn :. .ariol & <a"ts: Lohus an+ 5ariol8s )ere in *usiness to$ether. /he( "reate+ a lat"h. /he( *ro2e up an+ in the settle%ent0 Lohus $ot a""ess to lat"h L560 in"lu+in$ all "op(ri$hts0 et". )ith nothin$ le-t over. 5ariol later0 )or2in$ as a "onsultant0 %a+e a +ra)in$ o- a lat"h. Lohus sai+ it )as an in-rin$e%ent. & PP: Aistri"t ,ourt sai+ no reasona*le trier o- -a"t )oul+ -in+ the lat"hes si%ilar. 9e +i+ not allo) e.pert testi%on(. Lohus appeale+ to the 6th ,ir"uit to +eter%ine the proper anal(sis. & Rules: 1! a""ess0 an+ 2! su*stantial si%ilarit(. Are e.perts ne"essar( to -in+ thin$s that are su*stantial si%ilarit(: Lat"h en$ineers an+ e.perts are ne"essar( to tell the 1ur( )hat is ori$inal an+ )hat isn8t in their tra+e. & 2n+ ,ir"uit & Rule: o

o 9th ,ir"uit & Rule: o o

,op(in$: "an *e sho)n *( : 1! a+%ission it )as "opie+0 2! "ir"u%stantial evi+en"e A! a""ess to the )or2 '! +e$ree o- si%ilarit( *et)een the )or2s. o 1. Iur( > so stri2in$l( si%ilar that an( or+inar( person )oul+ noti"e. o 2! ?.pert testi%on( > )hen the )or2s are %ore "o%ple.. 4nla)-ul Appropriation: "an *e sho)n *( 1! no e.pert testi%on( 2! ol+ la( o*server A*stra"tion0 <iltration test to -ilter out prote"ti*le -ro% nonprote"ti*le ele%ents. A""ess: all (ou nee+ to sho) is the person ha+ a""ess to the )or2. 3u*stantial si%ilarit(: ?.trinsi" evi+en"e test: o*1e"tive anal(sis *ase+ on e.pert testi%on(. 6ntrinsi" evi+en"e test: su*1e"tive anal(sis o- )hether an or+inar( la( o*servers )oul+ "on"lu+e that the )or2 "apture+ the Dtotal "on"ept an+ -eelE o- the "op(ri$hte+ )or2.

7th ,ir"uit & Rule: 6lli"it ,op(in$ > "op(in$ is onl( ille$al i- the thin$ is prote"te+ *( "op(ri$ht. o ,op(in$: 1! A""ess0 2! su*stantial si%ilarit( o 4nla)-ul Appropriation: 1! A8s "op(in$ e.ten+e+ to Ps prote"ti*le e.pression. ?.trinsi" test: 6ntrinsi" test: 4th ,ir"uit & Rule: o o

1! A""ess 2! 3u*stantial 3i%ilarit( ?.pert sorts out )hat is prote"ti*le an+ not prote"ti*le. lat"h on pla($roun+!

Paraphrasin$ > (ou have a""ess an+ it %a( *e su*stantiall( si%ilar. 7hile there %a( *e a lot o- i+eas an+ there is -ree+o% to ta2e those i+eas0 those i+eas )ere e.presse+ in a spe"i-i" )a(0 senten"e *( senten"e an+ )ith a parti"ular lo$i". /here-ore0 even thou$h the i+eas %a( not *e prote"ti*le0 ta2en as a )hole it "oul+ *e.

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Co!puter 'ssociates &. 'ltai & <a"ts: & Rules: as+& 7hat is it that is le-t to the pu*li" in ter%s o- -un+a%ental *uil+in$ *lo"2s versus the -irst %over )ho "o%es out )ith a 7in+o)8s st(le inter-a"e: Fote 9: su*"ons"ious in-rin$e%ent: is su*"ons"ious in-rin$e%ent a +e-ense: Fo. 7hat *earin$ +oes it have: 6t $oes to)ar+s inno"ent in-rin$e%ent an+ there-ore +a%a$es. /his is not an issue o- in-rin$e%ent it is an issue o- re%e+ies. Fote 10: 6nteri% in-rin$e%ent: reverse en$ineerin$!: t(pi"all( "onsi+ere+ a -or% o- -air use. ,op(in$ s%all *its o- so%eone8s "op(ri$hte+ "o+e solel( -or the purpose o- interopera*ilit( is +riven *( the -un"tionalit( not the e.pression. Fote 11: su%%ar( 1u+$e%ent: /here "oul+ *e "ir"u%stan"es )here su%%ar( 1u+$%ent )ill *e $rante+ *( the "ourt even un+er a su*stantial "ertaint( test )hen no reasona*l( 1ur( "oul+ -in+ the )or2s si%ilar. p462 Reading Assignment: US vs. Elcom limited as+<ony &. "eta!a) & <a"ts: 'eta%a. & 6ssue: +oes sale o- tools "apa*le o- *ein$ use+ -or in-rin$e%ent "onstitute "ontri*utor( in-rin$e%ent o- "op(ri$ht: & 9el+: Fo. & Fote: %ass +istri*ution o- "op(ri$hte+ )or2 )ithout "o%%er"ials. People /ivo an+ AHR the%. Aoesn8t this "ontri*ute to lost sales. 7hat are people )orrie+ a*out no) )ith +o)nloa+s over the 6nternet: 9oll()oo+ is "on"erne+ )ith the Cro2ster version o- %ass "op(in$ o- vi+eo. 6- (ou rea+ the %o+ern "riti"s o- the 3on( "ase the( sa( that it )as )ron$l( +e"i+e+ *e"ause o- the politi"s o- the +a( an+ the te"hnolo$( o- the +a(. o Hi"arious lia*ilit( vs. ,ontri*utor( lia*ilit(: arper C Ao# &. Nation >nterprises & <a"ts: Presi+ent <or+ "ontra"te+ )/ 9arper to pu*lish his %e%oirs. 'e-ore it )as pu*lishe+0 so%eone pu*lishe+ an e."erpt -ro% it. /he( ha+ pro%ise+ the "on-i+entialit( o- it. /he( sent it to an e+itor at Fation an+ Fation put to$ether a stor( )ithout satire0 et". 9e 1ust too2 =uotes -ro% the %e%oir an+ put out the stor(. Fation8s unauthoriBe+ pu*li"ation o- the %e%oirs too2 a)a( the "op(ri$ht hol+er8s ri$ht o- -irst pu*li"ation. /here-ore0 this )as F#/ a -air use. & Rule: ,op(ri$ht hol+er has a ri$ht to pu*lish the )or2 -irst. /he ri$ht to pu*lish -irst is an i%portant ri$ht. /he ,ourt -oun+ that Fation ha+ a"te+ in *a+ -aith in pu*lishin$ the %anus"ript an+ )as un+er%inin$ the e"ono%i" value to 9arper. /here-ore0 there )as "lear e"ono%i" +a%a$e. 6n -a"t0 it +ire"tl( "o%pete+ )ith the ori$inal )or2. & Fote: Fation "oul+ "o%pletel( pre1u+i"e the rea+er8s per"eption o- the )or2 *( pree%ptin$ it. /here-ore0 it "an "o%pete an+ provi+e a "o%plete +istortion. Ca!pbell &. 'cuff-Aose .usic% Inc. & <a"ts: 2 Live ,re) )as sue+ *( P )ho o)ne+ "op(ri$ht to DPrett( 7o%anE. Aistri"t ,t hel+ -or 2 live "re). Appellate ,t reverse+ sa(in$ that the -air use )as *arre+ *e"ause o- the "o%%er"ial "hara"ter an+ the *orro)in$ o- the "ontent. 3, reverse+ sa(in$ that "o%%er"ial nature )as onl( one ele%ent an+ insu--i"ient "onsi+eration )as $iven to the nature o- the paro+( in )ei$hin$ the +e$ree o- "op(in$. & <a"tors o- <air use: o Fature an+ o*1e"ts o- the sele"tions %a+e

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o o o Halue o- the %aterials use+ Juantit( an+ value o- the %aterials use+ Li2elihoo+ o- si$ni-i"ant %ar2et har%

'C. Aecor+s% Inc. &. Napster% Inc. & <a"ts: AM5 sue+ Fapster. ;ou "oul+ sear"h -or the son$s0 lo"ate+ on other "o%puters. Fapster ha+ their o)n servers storin$ in+e.es o- son$s. <untrust "an/ & <a"ts: 'oo2 o)ner D/he 7in+ Aone ConeE! )as sue+ *( Cone )ith the 7in+. & 6ssue: to )hat e.tent a "riti" "an use the stu-- -ro% an ori$inal )or2. 9o) -ar +oes -air use e.ten+ -or paro+(. & Rule: Paro+( in"lu+es "riti"is%. /he "ourt hel+ that the *roa+er +e-inition )as %ore appropriate. o 1! Purpose an+ "hara"ter o- the )or2 > +oes it serve a non&pro-it e+u"ational purpose. 6s the in-rin$in$ )or2 trans-or%ative: /he %ore trans-or%ative0 the less i%portant the other -a"tors. o 2! Fature o- the )or2: )or2s in -i"tion $et $reat prote"tion. /his -a"tor +oesn8t %atter )hen "onsi+erin$ paro+(. o 3! A%ount an+ su*stantialit( o- the %aterial use+ o 4! ?--e"t on the %ar2et value o- the ori$inal > )hether the paro+( i%pe+es the sale o- the ori$inal. & 9el+: <air use )as -oun+. & Fote: "riti"al )or2s %a( even help the sales o- the ori$inal *e"ause the( are not in "o%petition. 5oreover0 un+erstan+in$ the "riti"is% an+ paro+( o-ten re=uires havin$ rea+ the ori$inal. ,air use factors D 13E: 1! the purpose an+ "hara"ter o- the use0 in"lu+in$ )hether su"h use is o- a "o%%er"ial nature or is -or nonpro-it e+u"ational purposesK 2! the nature o- the "op(ri$hte+ )or2K 3! the a%ount an+ su*stantialit( o- the portion use+ in relation to the "op(ri$hte+ )or2 as a )holeK an+ 4! the e--e"t o- the use upon the potential %ar2et -or or value o- the "op(ri$hte+ )or2. /here is no $ui+an"e on ho) %u"h )ei$ht to $ive an( one -a"tor in an( $iven "ase. /he +e-ense has to prove their use "onstitute+ -air use *ut this is +one on a "ase *( "ase *asis. Bnite+ <tates &. >lco! Lt+. & <a"ts: A+o*e A"ro*at ha+ an e'oo2 Rea+er. ?l"o% "reate+ a pro+u"t that "ir"u%vente+ te"hnolo$( %easures that i%pose li%itations on the use o- these prote"te+ )or2s. & A5,A +eals )ith > tra--i"2in$ in "ir"u%vention te"hnolo$(. .?. &. ?ro/ster & <a"ts: Cro2ster )as a spiritual su""essor to Fapster. & 3on( stan+ar+: "apa*le o- si$ni-i"ant non&in-rin$in$ use. & 6n+u"e%ent rule: i- (ou in+u"e in-rin$e%ent0 (ou are lia*le. & Juestion: )hen is a +istri*utor o- a te"hnolo$( "apa*le o- in-rin$in$ use lia*le un+er theories o"ontri*utor( lia*ilit(: & Fote: All this +oes is sa(0 i- (ou are $oin$ to +o this0 (ou shoul+ *e %ore "are-ul a*out (our %ar2etin$0 an+ *ro"hures0 an+ internal e&%ails. 'e %ore +is"rete a*out )hat (ou are +oin$. Notes on the boar+ fro! pF1E-F81 & 6%pa"t on potential %ar2et o 5a$nitu+e o- %ar2et i%pair%ent o /ra+itional0 reasona*le0 li2el( to *e +evelope+ %ar2ets

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& & & ,o%%er"ial vs. non&"o%%er"ial use o Aupli"ation %ust *e "ouple+ )/ trans-or%ation <a"t or <i"tion Pro+u"tive 4se o 3uper"e+es +e%an+ o Ao)nloa+in$ an+ retrans%ittin$ /ea"hin$0 Resear"h0 3"holarship Relevan"e o- pu*li" nature o- )or2 -a"ts are in the pu*li" +o%ain! A%ount o- "op(in$ o Juantit( an+ =ualit( o- the "op(in$ o ?.tent o- in1ur( as a result o- the "op(in$

& & &

,an a s"ulpture *e a paro+( o- a photo$raph: & ,ourts have sai+ that s"ulptures aren8t reall( paro+ies. P4'L6, A,,?33 & ,ontri*utor(/vi"arious lia*ilit( & <irst sale +o"trine "op(ri$hts! o 6%pa"t o- -irst sale +o"trine an+ )hat is retaine+. /here is a +i--eren"e *et)een )hat is "op(ri$hte+ an+ a )or2 %a+e that in"orporates a "op(ri$ht. 7hen (ou sell a pro+u"t that in"lu+es "op(ri$hte+ )or20 (ou +on8t ne"essaril( sell the "op(ri$ht itsel-. o 6s *ase+ on the notion that )hen (ou have propert(0 it is an aliena*le ri$ht (ou "an trans-er it an+ (ou have o)nership!. & 4nauthoriBe+ i%portation > o ho) )oul+ this )or2 )/ "op(ri$hte+ )or2s: 3ell overseas0 the( *rin$ it *a"2 an+ un+er"ut the lo"al %ar2et. o ;ou %a( have a "op(ri$ht pu*lishe+ in %ultiple "ountries. 6n one "ountr( it %a( *e sol+ su*stantiall( less than in another "ountr(. 6- so%eone i%ports those pro+u"ts0 the( violate the "op(ri$ht. o 6- *oo2 is pu*lishe+ a*roa+ an+ sol+ a*roa+0 -irst sale +o"trine +oesn8t appl(. #nl( that "ountries "op(ri$ht la) is a--e"te+. #n"e the *oo2 enters the 430 it is enterin$ our "o%%er"e an+ is no) su*1e"t to 43 ,op(ri$ht La). 4n+er 1976 A"t0 (ou +on8t even nee+ spe"ial %ar2in$s. & @ 109 "! o- the ,op(ri$ht A"t +eals )ith P4'L6, A63PLA;3 o- "op(ri$hte+ %aterial. & 6t has *een hel+ that )here so%eone )as a li"ensee -or "ertain pro$ra%%in$0 )hen the( trie+ to repro$ra% over the internet it )as outsi+e the s"ope o- the li"ense -or pu*li" +ispla( or pu*li" per-or%an"e ri$ht. -i$ital sa!plin$ > & <irst Anal(sis: 6s the part o- the )or2 (ou have ta2en su--i"ientl( ori$inal to *e )orth( o"op(ri$ht: & 3e"on+: 7ho even o)ns that part o- the "op(ri$hte+ )or2: /he "o%poser0 %usi"ian0 re"or+ "o%pan(0 pu*lisher: & /hir+: 9o) %u"h is ta2en: & <ourth: 6s the value o- the ori$inal )or2 e--e"te+ *( the sa%plin$: Rea+in$ assi$n%ent: 3/8/06 Ae!e+ies 'ben+ &. .C' & <a"ts: A $u( )rote a stor( an+ sol+ the ri$hts to the %ovie. 9e +ie+ *e-ore he "oul+ rene) the ri$hts. ,op(ri$ht statute *a"2 then )as t)o rene)a*le ter%s.

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& 9el+: 6t )oul+ *e proper to "onsi+er +a%a$es not 1ust an in1un"tion. 7hat is the statute that $overns in1un"tions: D 732. G!ayH$rant te!porary an+ final inIunctions on such ter!s as it !ay +ee! reasonable to pre&ent or restrain infrin$e!ent of a copyri$htJ. P )ante+ an in1un"tion. /he "ourt re%an+s an+ sa(s that it )oul+ *e proper not to $rant an in1un"tion */" there )ere %ore "onsi+erations. A8s ar$ue that the( are presu%ptivel( entitle+ to an in1un"tion an+ P )ants an a*solute ri$ht. /he statute sa(s it D%a(E have the ri$ht. 6t soun+s +is"retionar(. /he "ourt sai+ )here D$reat pu*li" in1uriesE o""ur0 the( "an $rant +a%a$es. 7hat statute provi+es -or +a%a$es: D 73F6b9 K per!its the reco&ery of copyri$ht o#ners +a!a$es an+ infrin$ers profits. 9ere0 the +a%a$es are the -air %ar2et value o- havin$ *een a*le to release the -il%. 7hat a*out pro-its: /he pro-its )oul+ *e attri*uta*le. /he( sai+ it )oul+ *e +i--i"ult to "al"ulate *ut the( have to. Also0 it shoul+n8t *e all the pro-its. /rial "ourt has to -in+ some portion o- the pro-its *ase+ on )hat the( thin2 are reasonable. #nl( pro-its attri*uta*le to the in-rin$e%ent "an *e re"lai%e+. 9o) pre"ise +oes the "ourt have to *e: /he( 1ust have to *e reasonable an+ ust. Loo2in$ at @ 504 *!0 (ou "an8t $et +ou*le re"over(. ::

5n -a&is &. The ?ap & <a"ts: #n Aavis sues -or O2.5 %illion -or a photo even thou$h on a previous o""asion he re"eive+ a O50 -ee -ro% Hi*e -or )earin$ so%e t(pe o- D#no"ulii Aesi$nE. /he e(e)ear sol+ -or O30&45 per pair. /he purpose o- this "ase is to tal2 %ore a*out +a%a$es. & Rule: p501 Din-rin$er8s pro-its an+ the "op(ri$ht o)ner8s Qa"tual +a%a$es8E > the $oal is not to let the in-rin$er *ene-it -ro% his )ron$+oin$. Ais"oura$e the ill $otten $ains. @ 504 '! $overns the pro-its. /he "ase is a*out ho) to "o%pute the%. /he statute sa(s Dthe "op(ri$ht o)ner is re=uire+ to prove onl( the in-rin$er8s $ross revenueE then the in-rin$er has the responsi*ilit( ore+u"in$ -ro% $ross revenue to 1ust the pro-it. /he $ross revenue is the $ross revenue reasona*l( relate+ to in-rin$e%ent0 not the total $ross revenue. Cross revenue shoul+n8t in"lu+e revenue not relate+ to the in-rin$e%ent. /he "ourt8s pro*le% )ith $ross revenue o- O1.7 *illion )as that it in"lu+e+ revenue -ro% other la*els. Bni&ersal <tu+ios &. 'h!e+ & /he( )ent o-- people sellin$ *ootle$s o- Iurassi" Par2. & 7hat %a2es in-rin$e%ent )ill-ul: 6- it is )ill-ul0 the "ourt "an raise the "eilin$ *( a*out 5 ti%es. 9o) +o (ou +e"i+e i- so%ethin$ is )ill-ul. /he "ourt has a -air a%ount o- +is"retion. /he( have to -ollo) three -a"tors: 1! e.penses save+ an+ pro-its reape+ *( As in "onne"tion )ith in-rin$e%ent 0 2! revenue lost *( Ps0 3! )hether the in-rin$e%ent )as )ill-ul an+ 2no)in$0 or )hether it )as a""i+ental an+ inno"ent. 7ill-ul is +eter%ine+ *ase+ on )hether there )as 1! 2no)le+$e0 or 2! re"2less. 9ere0 there is an in+ustr( "usto% an+ "o%%on 2no)le+$e that %ovies ta2e a)hile *e-ore the( $o to AHA. /hese AHAs )ere out in a )ee2. 6t is reasona*le to in-er there )as a"tual 2no)le+$e or re"2less +isre$ar+. /here-ore0 this )as D)ill-ul in-rin$e%entE. 7e tal2e+ a*out in unctions, statutory damages, 'C. Aecor+s% Inc. &. Napster & <a"ts: Fapster )ants a "o%pulsor( li"ense )/ "o%pulsor( ro(alties. /his e."erpt sa(s no. @ 115 provi+es -or "o%pulsor( ro(alties an+ li"enses. 6t la(s out "ir"u%stan"es )here the( appl( an+ the( +on8t appl( here. /he "ourt also sa(s there is no reason to e.ten+ it -or poli"( reasons. 6the( $ive the% a "o%pulsor( li"ense0 it $ives the% an eas( out. /here )oul+ *e no %ore re%e+ies -or "ontinue+ in-rin$e%ent. 6- this )ere $rante+ the( )oul+ have lost "ontrol over their "op(ri$hte+ %aterial an+ the( )oul+ *e -or"e+ to )or2 )/ Fapster )ho the( %i$ht not )ant to. ,o%pulsor( li"enses )oul+ have -i.e+ a stan+ar+ an+ )oul+ have prevente+ AM5 -ro% *ein$ a*le to ,o$erty &. ,antasy & <a"ts: loo2in$ at attorne(8s -ees. ,ir"uit split. 7hat statute: @ 505. @ 505 sa(s that Dthe "ourt %a(Ga)ar+ a reasona*le attorne(8s -ee to the prevailin$ part( as part o- the "osts.E /hat8s )hat ,on$ress sa(s. /he "ir"uit split +eals this )a(G1! the +ual stan+ar+ > Ps )ere $enerall( a)ar+e+ attorne(8s -ees as a %atter o- "ourse. A8s )oul+ have to sho) there )as *a+ -aith an+ it )as a

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-rivolous "ase0 2! evenhan+e+ > no +istin"tion *et)een prevailin$ As an+ prevailin$ Ps. 3, $rante+ "ert. /he( re1e"t the +ual stan+ar+. /here )as no settle+ +ual stan+ar+ applie+ to the 1909 a"t )hi"h ha+ si%ilar ver*ia$e as the 1976 a"t. /he( sai+ a su""ess-ul +e-ense is 1ust as i%portant as a su""ess-ul o--ensive suit. /here-ore0 the +ual stan+ar+ is re1e"te+. <o$art( )ants to a+opt the #ritish &ule )hi"h is the )inner auto%ati"all( $ets his attorne(8s -ees pai+ -or. Rehn=uist sa(s the( never +o that an+ the( never inten+ to +o that. 6- ,on$ress inten+e+ to +o that the( )oul+ have sai+ to *e"ause that is a hu$e +eparture. Plus0 the statute sa(s D%a(E )hi"h soun+s li2e the A%eri"an rule. 3o )e are le-t )/ a +is"retionar(0 evenhan+e+ approa"h. /he "ourt sa(s the -ollo)in$ -a"tors "o%e into pla( -ootnote 13!0 1! -rivolousness0 2! %otivation o- *rin$in$ the suit0 3! o*1e"tive unreasona*leness0 4! nee+ to a+van"e "onsi+erations o- "o%pensation an+ +eterren"e. /he 3, a$rees that these -a"tors shoul+ *e "onsi+ere+. 3u%%ar(: use an evenhan+e+ approa"h. @ 505 t)o ele%ents 1! "osts an+ 2! attorne(8s -ees. 7hat +oes the statute tell us a*out "osts: /he "ourt D%a( allo) re"over( o- -ull "ostsE. /here-ore0 "ourt has that level o- +is"retion. @ 503 > 6%poun+in$ > "ourt %a( or+er the Di%poun+in$E thin$s that %i$ht *e "op(ri$hte+ )hile the "ase is $oin$ on. /here-ore0 +urin$ a trial (ou "an use @ 503. A-ter the trial (ou )ant to as2 -or the ri$ht to +estro( all o- these %aterials. 3/20/06 Pree!ption of <tate La#s: The Ai$ht of Publicity an+ .isappriation N"' &. .otorola & ,acts: 5otorola0 han+hel+ pa$er servi"e "alle+ D3ports/ra.E. 5isappropriation is tr(in$ to prevent un1ust enri"h%ent *ase+ on so%eone else8s . 7as this pree%pte+ *( -e+eral la). 6F3 v. AP "ase. 6F3 )as li-tin$ -a"ts -ro% AP. 3, hel+ that )as %isappropriation. ?ven thou$h -a"ts aren8t "op(ri$hta*le0 )e )oul+ lose & Ae=uire!ents to pree!pt: ri$ht prote"te+ *( "op(ri$ht la). 6t is not pree%pte+ un+er @ 301 othe ,op(ri$ht A"t o- 1976. & ProIect these facts to to+ay #here this /in+ of infor!ation is pro&i+e+ +irectly by a licensee of the copyri$ht o#ner: e.$. on the internet0 (ou have a servi"e that provi+es (ou )ith realti%e up+ates. ;ou "an "he"2 on (our "ell phone the latest s"ores. 6- F'A properties no)a+a(s ha+ this 2in+ o- servi"e0 )hat )oul+ *e the out"o%e: e.$. a "o%petitor sittin$ in the stan+s an+ rela(in$ the in-or%ation > $oin$ to real ti%e -ee+s to "o%petitors )ith the o--i"ial li"ensee! o P faile+ to pro&e the co!petiti&e effect. /he( loo2e+ at the -a"t that there )asn8t an( har% to an(thin$ o- the F'A8s e.istin$ *usiness8s. o 19 Ti!e sensit&e &alue of the facts o 2! -ree ri+in$ o 3! )hether there )as a threat to servi"e & /his is a %u"h %ore -a"tor *ase+ approa"h rather than a stri"t pree%ption +o"trine un+er @ 301. ;ou have to loo2 at all the -a"tors involve+ *e-ore +eter%inin$ )hether there is a "op(ri$ht violation. 6n this parti"ular -a"t pattern0 the -a"t that there )ere people in the stan+s is %u"h %ore "o%pellin$ than i- the( 1ust %erel( -oun+ the in-or%ation that )as provi+e+ *( a li"ensee an+ 1ust "opie+ an+ retrans%itte+ it. & ,i)ation re=uire!ent: : /here are onl( so %an( )a(s that (ou "an report on a $a%e. Li2e #aker v" !eldon0 (ou "an8t "op(ri$ht the stats o- the $a%e. 1! ;ou are loo2in$ -or misappropriation of t!e wor". /he live per-or%an"e is not "op(ri$hta*le. /he( are 1ust provi+in$ their o)n assess%ent o- )hat too2 pla"e. /he pla(ers that s"ore+ the points0 that is a -a"t. 7hat )ere the( $ettin$ -ro% the *roa+"asts: Iust the -a"tsG/he( )eren8t %isappropriatin$ the e.pression o- the $a%es. Co!e+y III Pro+uctions% Inc. &. ?ary <a+erup% Inc.

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& ,acts: propert( ri$ht that "an %ove past )ills0 et". 6t is -or a+vertise%ents as )ell as pro+u"ts sol+. An artist +re) the three stoo$es an+ put the% on a *un"h o- / shirts an+ sol+ the% -or a pro-it. ,o%e+( 666 sue+ hi% -or +a%a$es an+ in1un"tive relie-. /he( $ot O7500000 "ost opro"ee+in$s0 an+ in1un"tion. Issue: ,ali-ornia 3upre%e ,ourt "he"2e+ )hether the statute 1ust applies to the a+vertise%ents or also to the /&shirts: /he( sai+ the plain %eanin$ )as that /&shirts )ere in"lu+e+. /&shirts )ere tan$i*le an+ -ell in line )ith the statute. Constitutional issue: is the ri$ht o- pu*li"it( i%pe+e+ )ith the ri$ht o- -ree spee"h0 in this "ase: o 7h( +i+ the /&shirts sell: 7h( )oul+ people *u( the%: 'e"ause the( li2e+ the /hree 3too$es. o 7hat a*out the aspe"t o- the "ourt8s +is"ussion o- the transformative wor" e#ception. /he( )ere sa(in$ that i- (ou are -a%ous0 (ou "an "o%%ent an+ "riti=ue (ou. 9o)ever0 this "ase isn8t reall( a*out that. o Fe.t0 the( loo2e+ at -i"tion an+ propa$an+a. /he( sai+ there )as value in entertain%ent. o 6s the artist reall( 1ust repeatin$ so%ethin$0 li2e the ?lvis "ases0 )hi"h are not allo)e+0 or is he ta2in$ so%ethin$ an+ a"tuall( transforming it )here he has so%e 2in+ o- "o%%ent on it. /he( sai+ this )oul+ have *een the 2e(. 7hat is the +istin"tion */) An+( 7arhol8s paintin$s an+ . 7hen loo2in$ at state la)s0 is there a *ene-it to so"iet( )hen (ou have ver( -a%ous ppl in entertain%ent

& &


& Notes fro! boar+ Pree%ption & 6+eas & <e+eral la)s & ?=uivalen"( a++itional ele%ents o*1e"tives! & 1st A%en+%ent Ri$hts Ri$ht o- Pu*li"it( & Fa%es0 li2enesses persons!0 voi"e0 reputation -or "ertain *ehaviors. 3tate la) & *ene-it to so"iet( & un1ust enri"h%ent & la*or/talent the( too2 a lot o- ti%e an+ )or2 to *e"o%e -a%ous! & "onsu%er +e"eption )hat )oul+ the avera$e "onsu%er thin2 a*out the /&shirts > )ho )oul+ the( thin2 the( )ere *u(in$ the% -ro%:! -ustin off!an &. Capital Cities0'"C% Inc. & ,acts: Re+ se=uin +ress pi"ture. LA %a$aBine ha+ a si%ilar pi"ture e."ept 9o--%an8s *o+( )as repla"e+ *( the *o+( o- a %o+el in another +ress. Aistri"t ,ourt -oun+ -or hi% an+ $rante+ attorne( -ees. LA %a$aBine appeale+. Aoes the 1st a%en+%ent prote"t this: & Issue: 7as this a "o%%er"ial use o- the photo$raph0 )as it an a+vertise%ent: o ,o%pare+ to other "ases )here the "o%%er"ial use o- photo$raphs )ere use+ to sell the pro+u"t. 6t )asn8t %eant to sell +resses0 it )as %ore o- a -eature. /he arti"le itsel"ontaine+ in-or%ation a*out the pri"e o- the +ress an+ )here (ou "oul+ *u( it. /he arti"le )as a*out a lot o- %ovies over %an( (ears. o /he( reverse+ the Aistri"t ,ourt8s 1u+$%ent sa(in$ it )as not commercial an+ there-ore the pi"ture )as F#/ prote"te+. o 7ere there ele%ents o- hu%or an+ e+itorial "o%%ent: /here )ere ele%ents o- hu%or. /he -ull opinion tal2e+ a*out a"tual %ali"e. 'asi" prin"iples & Pree%ption +o"trine o Her( "o%pli"ate+ +o"trine.

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/here are %an( +i--erent inter)oven prin"iples that have to *e sorte+ out to trul( un+erstan+ it. o 1! Prote"tin$ i+eas > there is no ri$ht to prote"tion o- the i+eas. /here is "ertain su*1e"t %atter that either ,on$ress or the 3, has sai+ is -ree to ever(one. /his is F#/ prote"ta*le *( an(one. /his is *in+in$ on *oth -e+eral la) an+ state la). 6+eas are an e.a%ple. o 2! <e+eral la)s. Fe.t0 there are the spe"i-i" rules o- -e+eral la). <e+eral la) pree%pts state la). ;ou have to +eter%ine )hat the spe"i-i" *or+ers o- the -e+eral la) are. 6- the -e+eral la) sa(s this su*1e"t %atter is only prote"ta*le un+er this la). Alternativel(0 the -e+eral la) "oul+ sa( that it may *e prote"ta*le un+er -e+eral la) *ut states "an also -ill in $aps. o 3! ?=uivalen"( > loo2 at the le$al an+ e=uita*le o*1e"tives o- the state la) an+ see i- the( are "oe.tensive )ith -e+eral la)0 in ter%s o- )hat the -e+eral la) atte%pts to prote"t0 the state la) is pree%pte+. 6n or+er -or it not to *e pree%pte+0 there %ust *e so%e additional elements in or+er to *e in"lu+e+. /he %ost "o%%on one is misappropriation )hi"h t(pi"all( +eals )ith violations o- "ontra"t or sharin$ o- "on-i+ential in-or%ation. 6- the state la) has a +i--erent set o- o*1e"tives0 )hi"h )e8ll tal2 a*out %ore in a se"on+. 1! "o%%er"ial i%%oralit(0 a)areness or intent. /hese are F#/ a++itional ele%ents. o 4! 1st A%en+%ent Ri$hts > have to *e "onsi+ere+ in *alan"e to the ri$hts $iven un+er state la). 1st A%en+%ent ri$hts are the ones that *alan"e )hether the appropriation othe ri$ht is a misappropriation or )hether it is le$iti%ate */" o- the "on"epts o- -air use. Ri$ht o- Pu*li"it( o /his $oes into the +etaile+ anal(sis o- /ra+e%ar2 la) an+ "op(ri$ht la) in ter%s o- )hat is F#/ prote"te+ un+er -e+eral la). o Fa%es0 li2enesses0 reputation0 voi"e #*1e"tives o- state la)s o 'ene-it to so"iet(: ,reativit( an+ ?ntertain%ent are "onsi+ere+ a state herita$e in ,ali-ornia. /here-ore0 in ter%s o- ri$ht o- pu*li"it( this is sa"rosan"t in the state. o 4n1ust enri"h%ent > e.ploitin$ so%eone8s inherent value in their persona is un1ust enri"h%ent o La*or//alent > so%eone has use+ s)eat an+ )or2 to $ain so%e level o- pu*li"it( so the( "an %a2e %one( o-- that pu*li"it(. o ,onsu%er +e"eption > one inherentl( *elieves that the "ele*rit( has approve+ the "o%%er"ial use o- their li2eness. /here-ore0 i- the( haven8t "onsu%ers %a( *e +e"eive+ an+ there-ore %a( *e )orse o--. o



6n or+er -or the plainti-- to a"tuall( )in un+er state la)0 there )ill have to *e a su*stantial "ase %a+e to sho) that the ri$ht *ein$ prote"te+ is a H?R; A6<<?R?F/ 2in+ o- ri$ht0 a ver( spe"ialiBe+ 2in+ o- ri$ht0 )hi"h t(pi"all( has *een provi+e+ -or *( an in+i"ation *( ,on$ress that state la)s are -ree to provi+e prote"tion in these other areas. ;ou %a( have a spe"i-i" pronoun"e%ent *( ,on$ress sa(in$ that states are -ree to +o it )here the -e+eral la) has "hosen not to +o so. /his )ill *e the stron$est area )here state la)s )ill prevail. 6t is possi*le that ea"h state )ill have +i--erent values0 et". /here-ore0 ri$ht o- pu*li"it( "ases are t(pi"all( "entere+ in ,A. 6n "ontrast to this0 is )here (ou8ve $ot situations )ith the %a1or athleti" ven+ors > Ioe Paturno at Penn 3t. ?ver( %a1or lea$ue tea% an+ their pla(ers. /(pi"all( in that situation0 ithe state is -o"usin$ on prote"tin$ their -a%ous people0 the( %a( have these t(pes o- la)s put in pla"e. #ther)ise0 )hat happens is that the athletes )oul+ a"tuall( have to -in+ 1uris+i"tion in a state "ourt that )oul+ *e %ore -avora*le to the%. & $irst sale doctrine > this "an also *e a +e-ense in a ri$ht o- pu*li"it( a"tion. /here )as a "ase in the rea+in$ )here an a""use+ in-rin$er ha+ %ounte+ a -a%ous *allpla(ers pla(in$ "ar+s in a parti"ular )a( an+ )as sellin$ the%. /he pla(er si$ns a L )ith 5L' )here 5L' has a L )ith /opps0 et". to have that pla(er8s pi"ture on all the "ar+s. /he( then $et "o%pensate+ -or that. /hen0 so%eone *u(s the "ar+0 the( %ount it in a -a%ous stan+ an+ sell the %ounte+ "ar+s -or

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pro-it. 6n that "ase0 the *ase*all pla(er trie+ to use the ri$ht o- pu*li"it( to $et %one( *a"2. /he "ourt sai+ the first sale doctrine applies. 9e $ot "o%pensate+ at the -irst sale )hen the person -irst *ou$ht the "ar+. %igital dilemma > re%e%*er ho) so%eone %i$ht ta2e sa%ples o- %usi" an+ "reate ne) )or2s. ;ou also have the +i$ital +ile%%a o- ta2in$ +i$ital photo$raphs an+ "o%pletel( alterin$ the% in an( )a( that (ou )ant. /his )ill "o%e *a"2 to so%e +e$ree o- reputation an+ )hether it is a transformative wor". /his "reates %an( pro*le%s. <or e.a%ple0 (ou "an put t)o people to$ether that )ere never to$ether in a photo. e.$. put 'ush into a pi"ture )/ A*ra%o-- in or+er to tarnish reputations!. 6- it is "o%e+i" or a paro+(0 that8s another )a( o- *ein$ prote"te+ -ro% lia*ilit(. 6(ou $o -ar enou$h0 (ou8re sa-e. 6- not0 (ou are in the real% o- the /hree 3too$es /&3hirts.


Fo "ases (et -or Assi$n%ent 14: )hat (ou )ant to +o is $o throu$h to $et the prin"iple appre"iation o)hat a patent loo2s li2e. /he parts0 -or%0 "ontent0 et". 7e+nes+a( )e8ll tal2 a*out the histor( o- the patent la)s in the 43. 7e8ll start to "over patenta*ilit(0 an+ +is"uss the +i--erent t(pes availa*le an+ )hat the pro"ess o- o*tainin$ the pro"ess is all a*out. 3/22/2005 Fotes -ro% *oar+ Patent La) 35 43,! & Propert( Ri$ht v. 5onopol( & Jui+ pro =uo & Ais"losure & A*solute lia*ilit( & 20 (ear ter% -ro% earliest -ilin$ +ate not in"lu+in$ priorit(/prov. Ap -+! @ 154 & ,lai%s +e-ine the invention & /(pes o 4tilit( pro+u"ts or pro"esses! o Aesi$n orna%ental +esi$ns that are not +i"tate+ *( the -un"tionalit(! o Plant & & ,o%%entar( on patent -ro% p568 ,ontents o Patent nu%*er o Aate patent )as $rante+ o <ilin$ +ate o 6nventors o Appli"ation nu%*ers %a+e up o- t)o parts > 1! series "o+e0 2! serial nu%*er! o 'a"2$roun+ o- invention & ho) +oes this -it in the +evelop%ent o- this -iel+ ote"hnolo$(. o 3u%%ar( o- the invention > reasons )h( this invention has a+vanta$es over the prior art. o Aes"ription o- the +ra)in$s o Aes"ription o- the pre-erre+ e%*o+i%ent o ,lai%s > +e-ines the *oun+aries o- )hat the patent "onsists o-. <or%at ,lai%s have three parts: 1! prea%*le > 2! transition phrase > e.$. D"o%prisin$E or D"onsistin$ o-E o ,lose+ en+e+: D"onsistin$ o-E > %eans that the "lai% "onsists only o- these ele%ents0 no -e)er an+ no %ore. o #pen en+e+: D"o%prisin$E > %eans the "lai% in"lu+es at least the ite%s in the "lai%. 6t %a( in"lu+e %ore. 3! *o+( > re"ites the essential ele%ents o- the "lai% that +e-ine the invention. o 3in$le %eans vs. "o%*ination "lai%s

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5eans N -un"tion "lause > Dt)o roller means -or movementE 4sin$ this "o%*ination0

http://))).la)."ornell.e+u/us"o+e/ht%l/us"o+e35/us"Rse"R35R00000112&&&&000&.ht%l para$raph 6! & Peripheral "lai% +o"trine & rea+ the "lai%0 an+ (ou 2no) )hat it %eans. o ?."eption: 35 43, 1120 para 6 > (ou "an8t interpret )hat that %eans )ithout resortin$ to the )ritten +es"ription. ;ou have to rea+ into the "lai%0 )hat is the "orrespon+in$ stru"ture or %aterial *ase+ on the )or+s in the spe"i-i"ation. .onopoly &s. Property ri$ht & ;ou +on8t have a %onopol( )ithout %ar2et po)er. ;ou "an have a patent )ithout %ar2et po)er. & /here-ore0 e.isten"e o- a patent +oesn8t presu%e %ar2et po)er. & Arti"le 60 3e"tion 80 "l 8 > e%po)ers ,on$ress to pass la)s in the area o- patents an+ "op(ri$ht to provi+e e."lusive ri$hts to authors an+ inventors. 9o)ever0 )hat those ri$hts are are not a--ir%ative ri$hts to pra"ti"e the invention *ut are a ne$ative ri$ht to e."lu+e others -ro% +oin$ an(thin$ "overe+ *( the "lai%s o- the patent. 7h( is it a propert( ri$ht: & it is also li2e a "ontra"t > the $overn%ent $ives the e."lusive ri$ht in e."han$e -or the +is"losure o- the patent to the pu*li". 'bsolute liability & ;ou +on8t nee+ to sho) "op(in$. 6- the( are in-rin$in$0 it +oesn8t %atter ho) the( "a%e up )ith it. /his is +i--erent -ro% tra+e%ar2 la) an+ "op(ri$ht la). Rules have the -or"e an+ e--e"t o- la) AP?P > is 1ust a $ui+eline. 6- the %anual has an( real e--e"t0 it is prin"ipall( on the P/# that %ana$es the %anual */" the "ourts sa( the( have to a+here to their o)n pra"ti"es. 3hi-tin$ $earsG & patent la)s have their *asis in the ,onstitution. 1790 )as the -irst patent la) in the 43. 6t in"lu+e+ e.a%ination. /here )as a patent *oar+ %a+e up o- three people Ie--erson0 Lno.0 Ran+olph!. /he( )ere all se"retarial level people. <or three (ears0 the( +i+ it all. & 1793 ,on$ress "han$e+ the la) an+ eli%inate+ patent e.a%ination. 4ntil 18360 there )as utter "haos. 6t )as the )il+0 )il+ )est. /here also )eren8t an( "lai%s. 3o%e poor 1u+$e0 pro*a*l( )/ no te"hni"al +e$ree0 ha+ to tell the liti$ants )hat the patent )as an+ )hat it prote"te+. & 6n 18360 ,on$ress reinstitute+ patent e.a%ination. 7ho )as the -irst person to $et a patent in 1836: 6t )as a politi"all( issue+ patent. & 18700 ,on$ress esta*lishe+ the Patent #--i"e. /he( ha+ the -irst superinten+ent o- patents. & 19520 ,on$ress esta*lishe+ the %o+ern "o+e 35 43,!. 5u"h o- the patent a"t o- 1952 "o+i-ie+ statutor( an+ "ase la). 6t also "reate+ @ 103 o- the la). @ 103 an+ the prin"iple o- non& o*viousness0 prior to that onl( e.iste+ in the "asela). & 1995 > patent ter% "han$e+ to 20 (ears. o Part o- /R6P3 ne$otiations that esta*lishe+ the 7/#. & 1999 > A%eri"an inventors prote"tion a"t > a++e+ a nu%*er o- -eatures. & 6nternational treaties o 1893 > Paris ,onvention > esta*lishe+ a ri$ht o- priorit( an+ a prin"iple o- national treat%ent. @ 119 is not "onsistent )ith the Paris "onvention. ,on$ress 1ust +i+ )hat the( )ante+. 7e have the onl( first to invent rule rather than the first to file rule. @ 119 is %eant to "o%pl( )ith our ori$inal rule rather than the stan+ar+ first to file rule. o /R6P3 > o PL/ > )e are part o- a patent la) treat( )hi"h is a -or%alit( treat(. Lunin )as a "hiene$otiator o- the treat(. o P,/ > 1970 > 43 *e"a%e a %e%*er in 1978. prin"ipall( a treat( +ealin$ )ith -or%alities.

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& ,on+itions o @ 101 & http://))).la)."ornell.e+u/us"o+e/ht%l/us"o+e35/us"Rse"R35R00000101&&&& 000&.ht%l Pro+ucts an+ processes: D7hoever invents or discovers an( new and useful process0 %a"hine0 %anu-a"ture0 or "o%position o- %atter0 or an( new and useful improvement thereo-0 may obtain a patent there-or0 su*1e"t to the "on+itions an+ re=uire%ents o- this title.E 7hat is the +i--eren"e *et)een Dne)E an+ DnovelE: @ 101 is tal2in$ a*out so%ethin$ that is F#/ a la) o- nature or a natural pheno%enon. o 3, has sai+ there are e."lusions: 1! Fatural pheno%enon. 2! A*stra"t 6+eas 3! La)s o- Fature 7hat +oes Duse-ulE %ean: /o %a2e an i+ea Duse-ulE (ou have to pra"ti"all( appl( the prin"iple. 6- (ou appl( ?S5, 2!0 (ou "an8t patent0 *ut i- (ou "reate an ato%i" *o%*0 that is patenta*le. /o have practical utility. 1! 3pe"i-i" utilit( 2! 3u*stantial utilit( 3! ,re+i*le utilit( Ru* Col+*er$ %a"hines > i- it +oesn8t )or20 it "an8t have "re+i*le utilit( > (ou "an8t have Dthro) a)a(E utilit( & (ou have to -i$ure out e.a"tl( )hat the thin$ +oes an+ %a2e sure it is a "re+i*le use! o @ 102 & http://))).la)."ornell.e+u/us"o+e/ht%l/us"o+e35/us"Rse"R35R00000102&&&& 000&.ht%l /)o "o%pletel( +i--erent "on"epts asso"iate+ )ith it: 1! &ovelty > this %eans Dhas this invention *een +one *e-ore:E 6- it is alrea+( in the pu*li" +o%ain0 )h( shoul+ (ou $et an(thin$ -ro% the Covern%ent. /he +is"losure to the pu*li" +o%ain $ets nothin$ %ore. /here-ore0 (ou "an8t $et an e."lusive ri$ht -or thin$s that are in the pu*li" +o%ain. 2! 'oss of rig!ts > (ou %i$ht other)ise *e entitle+ to a patent *ut (ou %esse+ up or so%eone else +i+ so%ethin$ that too2 a)a( (our ri$ht to a patent. o @ 103 > &on(obviousness: & i- the +i--eren"es +on8t rise to a level o- *ein$ a su--i"ient +i--eren"e to )arrant the $rant o- a patent0 in relationship to )hat alrea+( e.ists in the pu*li" +o%ain. ,on$ress an+ the "ourts have sai+ that (ou have to loo2 at the pu*li" +o%ain. 6- (our invention is in the pu*li" +o%ain0 it +oesn8t "ount. #r0 i- it is o*vious *ase+ on in-or%ation in the pu*li" +o%ain0 (ou +on8t $et a patent. 6- )hat (ou are +oin$ is F#F#'H6#430 it li2el( )oul+n8t other)ise *e in the pu*li" +o%ain. )rior art: prior art is another )a( o- tal2in$ a*out )hat is in the pu*li" +o%ain. o @ 112 para$raph 1! *ritten disclosure > %ust *e a +is"losure that -its the re=uire%ents o- @ 112. 19 '+e=uate #ritten +escription of in&ention > appli"ant %ust sho) the( are in possession o- the invention. /his sa(s )hat (ou present ori$inall( is )hat (ou are stu"2 )ith. 29 39 "est !o+e > (ou "an8t "on"eal the *est %o+e the inventors have "o%e up )ith. 6- the( have one0 the( have to +es"ri*e it. /he( "an8t 2eep it to the%selves.

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o @ 112 para$raph 2! D/he spe"i-i"ation shall "on"lu+e )ith one or %ore "lai%s parti"ularl( pointin$ out an+ +istin"tl( "lai%in$ the su*1e"t %atter )hi"h the appli"ant re$ar+s as his invention.E 3o%eone rea+in$ has to 2no) )hat )oul+ "lassi-( in-rin$e%ent. /his +e-ines the *oun+ar( lines o- the propert(. 6- the propert( lines are poorl( +e-ine+0 (ou )on8t 2no) )hen (ou are trespassin$.

Assi$n%ents & & Patents0 unli2e "op(ri$hts0 are e.a%ine+ in or+er to +eter%ine patenta*ilit(. /his in"lu+es a Dpatent sear"hE to i+enti-( Dprior art.E &

5633?A ,LA33?3

N5:>LT@ & @ 101 > )hoever invents or +is"overs an( newG & @ 102 > +e-ines this. & 7e8ll -o"us on @ 102 a! an+ 102 e! & @ 102 a! > o 'ur+en is to sho) that one is F#/ entitle+ to a patent. 3i%ilarl(0 on"e (ou have a patent the *ur+en is on others to prove (ou shoul+n8t have $otten it. o Prior art > so%ethin$ that "an *e use+ to prove a patent appli"ation shoul+ not *e $rante+0 or later to prove the patent shoul+ not have *een $rante+. Lno)le+$e an+ use Patent 3o%e +es"ription in print. <orei$n a"tivities > patent or so%ethin$ +es"ri*in$ it in print. & Fovelt( o Prior Art o Anti"ipation ?ayler &. Wil+er & <a"ts: patent )as -or a sa-e to prote"t -ro% -ires. 6%prove%ent in 6ron sa-es *( puttin$ plaster oparis aroun+ nor%al sa-es. Leeps the +o"u%ents insi+e -ree -ro% -ire. & PP: lo)er "ourt instru"te+ the 1ur( that i- the other person ha+ %a+e a si%ilar sa-e *ut ha+ not %a+e his +is"over( pu*li"0 *ut onl( use+ it -or private purposes0 the -a"t that he +i+ it -irst )oul+ not prevent Aaniel -ro% $ettin$ his patent. /he appeal sai+ this instru"tion )as *a+ *e"ause i- he +i+ it -irst0 an+ )as *asi"all( the sa%e0 Aaniel "oul+n8t *e the Dori$inal an+ -irst inventor or +is"overerE )ithin the %eanin$ o- the A"t o- 1836. o <orei$n inventions: have to *e in print to *e prior art. o Lost arts: +evelope+ thin$s %an( "enturies a$o that have *een lost. 3o%eone )ho +is"overs the% (ears later "an $et a patent0 even i- it is alrea+( in this "ountr(. 7h(: 'e"ause o- the pu*li" *ene-it. Cive in"entive to *rin$ these i+eas out to the pu*li". & Rule: D2no)le+$eE an+ DuseE in A"t o- 1836 @ 6 %eans Dpu*li" 2no)le+$eE an+ Dpu*li" useE. P641. /his is $oo+ poli"( */" the point o- patents is to $et the 2no)le+$e in the pu*li"8s han+sG o Rationale: 6- the person has no e.istin$ 2no)le+$e o- the invention0 )hatever *ene-it so%eone +erive+ )ent entirel( to the e--orts o- <itB$eral+. & 3tatutes in pla(: A"t o- 18360 pre+e"essor -or @ 102 a!.

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Coffin &. 5$+en & <a"ts: a reversi*le lo"2in$ +oor lat"h that )or2s )hether the +oor s)in$s le-t or ri$ht. 9e $ave out protot(pes to three separate people *e-ore 5iller patente+ it. /he issue is )hether the prior invention an+ li%ite+ +ispersion "onstitute+ prior art. o Prior A"tivit( ?r*e: %a+e it in 1860. 5asta: he 2ne) ?r*e an+ sai+ it )as sho)n to hi% on 1/1/1861 Patterson: the( put lo"2s in the +oors to test the% out o Ae-en+ants Ai+n8t "all an( )itnesses. /here )as no evi+en"e. & 3tatutes: Loo2in$ at the A"t o- 18360 the( trie+ to +e"i+e )hether this )as prior art. /he( +istin$uish 'aylor sa(in$ that the & Rule: Dthe lo"2 ori$inall( %a+e *( ?r*e Q)as "o%plete an+ "apa*le o- )or2in$8E o 9ere0 he +istri*ute+ it to %ultiple people. 9e inten+e+ to +istri*ute. 5oreover0 )e have pu*li" 2no)le+$e. & Fotes: /he "ourt is usin$ this to intro+u"e a ne) rule. /he Dinventioni or +is"over( relie+ upon as a +e-ense0 %ust have *een "o%plete0 an+ "apa*le o- pro+u"in$ the result sou$ht to *e a""o%plishe+.E o 9ere0 the lo"2 ha+ *een teste+ an+ "learl( )or2e+0 it ha+ *een +istri*ute+ in a li%ite+ "apa"it( to the pu*li"0 et". o Fo)a+a(s0 )e tal2 a*out prior art havin$ to *e enablingGA re-eren"e has to *e enabling to =uali-( as prior art. 7hat is the enabling re+uirement: <cripps Clinic C Aesearch ,oun+ation &. ?enentech & <a"ts: 3"ripps o)ns a patent -or isolatin$ a protein that "lots *loo+. 6t is %i.e+ in )ith other stu--0 an+ the $oal is to isolate that protein. 9e *rou$ht an in-rin$e%ent a"tion a$ainst Cenente"h. & PP: +istri"t "ourt sai+ it ha+ *een prove+ )ith "lear an+ "onvin"in$ evi+en"e that this )as +es"ri*e+ in a prior )ritten pu*li"ation. & Appellate ,ourt: /his "ourt sa(s Dinvali+it( -or anti"ipationE %eans that all ele%ents have to *e -oun+ in the sin$le pie"e o- prior art. & Rule: All elements rule > anti"ipation %eans there aren8t an( substantial differences. Anti"ipation is suppose+ to have ever(thin$. An(thin$ else0 an+ (ou have to 2i"2 it over to o*viousness. o 6nvali+it( -or anti"ipation: Dre=uires that all o- the ele%ents an+ li%itations o- the "lai% are -oun+ )ithin a sin$le prior art re-eren"e.E o ?.trinsi" evi+en"e: 7h( are the( tal2in$ a*out e.trinsi" evi+en"e: /he( sai+ it "oul+ *e "onsi+ere+ to +eter%ine )hether all the ele%ents )ere -oun+ )ithin the prior art re-eren"e. ;ou "an onl( use e.trinsi" evi+en"e to help e.plain the prior art re-eren"e0 *ut (ou "an8t use e.trinsi" evi+en"e to -ill $aps. ?.trinsi" evi+en"e helps e.plain ho) the re-eren"e )oul+ *e interprete+ *( an ordinary person of s"ill in t!e art. o Prior art: in this "ase is the $u(8s +issertation. /he e.trinsi" evi+en"e )ere the three +e"larations. Ai+ the trial "ourt rel( on the +e"2s: 7ere an( o these ne"essaril( relevant: /he( )ere "ite+ *( the +istri"t "ourt. & 6ssue: +oes the re-eren"e +es"ri*e all the ele%ents an+ li%itations o- the invention: o /rial "ourt: -elt that ever(thin$ )as in the re-eren"e0 the +issertation. & 9el+: there )ere ele%ents that )ere not +es"ri*e+ *( the +issertation. /he trial "ourt use+ e.trinsi" evi+en"e to fill gaps an+ it can,t do t!is. /hin$s %issin$ in"lu+e+ ratios0 $el pattern evi+en"e0 et". o 3in$le re-eren"e: there-ore0 ever(thin$ )as not in a sin$le prior re-eren"e. o In re Cruciferous <prout Liti$ation & <a"ts: $ro)in$ an+ eatin$ sprouts to re+u"e the ris2s o- "an"er.

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& PP: previous "ourt invali+ate+ patents *ase+ on prior art. People in $eneral 2no) that so%e sprouts have these anti"ar"ino$ens. 6n the prea%*le to the patents0 prior art is +is"usse+ an+ the( trie+ to li%it o /hree parts to a "lai%: Prea%*le: ever(thin$ *e-ore D"o%prisin$E or D"onsistin$ o-E /ransition Phrase: "o%prisin$0 "onsistin$ o-G 'o+(: ever(thin$ a-ter D"o%prisin$E or D"onsistin$ o-E o 3"ope: is the "lai%0 as "onstrue+0 o*vious or in+e-inite0 et". Rule: Dno lit%us test +e-ines )hen a prea%*le li%its "lai% s"ope.E > Da prea%*le li%its a "lai% iit re"ites essential stru"ture or steps0 or i- it is Qne"essar( to $ive li-e0 %eanin$0 an+ vitalit(8E to the "lai%. o ,lear relian"e rule: 6- +urin$ prose"ution0 the( ar$ue+ that the prea%*le )as nee+e+ to +istin$uish prior art. o ?ssential stru"ture or steps rule: a*ove. Anal(sis: o 3o%eti%es the prea%*le li%its "lai%s0 so%eti%es it +oesn8t. /his "ase tries to -i$ure out the li%itations on the "lai%s )hen people )ith prior art ar$ue that it shoul+ not *e a vali+ patent. o ,lear relian"e: this is one reason )h( )e shoul+ $ive this prea%*le )ei$ht. Rule: a prior art re-eren"e %a( anti"ipate )hen the "lai% li%itations not e.pressl( -oun+ in that re-eren"e are nonetheless inherent in it. o @ 102 *!: Ae-en+ants %ust present "lear an+ "onvin"in$ evi+en"e that a sin$le prior art re-eren"e +is"loses0 either e.pressl( or inherentl(0 ea"h li%itation o- the "lai%. o 6nheren"(: so%ethin$ is inherent to the patent i- it necessarily nee+s the -un"tionalit(. e.$. an ele"tri" tooth*rush ne"essaril( has a po)er suppl(!. 9el+: these )ere 1ust inherent properties o- the sprouts the%selves an+ the person +i+n8t a"tuall( invent an(thin$ ne).





6- the 43 $rants an 7e pu*lish patent appli"ations a-ter 18 %onths. At that point0 it is not a patent. 6t is art. 4n+er 102 e!0 (ou $et to use the -ilin$ +ate. & & & & Patent appli"ation -ile+ Patent appli"ation pu*lishe+ a-ter 18 %onths Patent $rante+. @102 e! allo)s so%eone to "lai% an earlier -ilin$ +ate i- so%eone else -iles a patent appli"ation a-ter so%eone else +oes *ut *e-ore the patent appli"ation )as pu*lishe+ or $rante+. /here-ore0 the ori$inal patent "onstitutes prior art.

F0702334 <ro% *oar+ 1! 3"ope M ,ontent o- Prior Art a. 3a%e -iel+ o- en+eavor *. 7here phosita person havin$ or+inar( s2ill in the art! )oul+ loo2 to -in+ solutions to pro*le%s art re"o$niBe+! 2! Ai--eren"es */) prior art an+ "lai%e+ invention 3! Level o- or+inar( s2ill in the art 4! 5otivation/su$$estion/rationale "olle"tive su$$estions -ro% prior art )oul+ tea"h )h( phosita )oul+ have "on"lu+e+ that "lai%e+ invention )oul+ have *een o*vious at the ti%e invention )as %a+e 5! Reasona*le e.pe"tation o- su""ess 6! Pri%a -a"ie o*viousness 7! #*1e"tive 6n+i"ia o- o*viousness a. Lon$ -elt nee+

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;ou have to loo2 at the prior art "o%pare+ to the invention to see i- the invention )as o*vious. 6n 43 la)0 so%ethin$ "an *e nono*vious i- it is a step *a"2)ar+ in the art. 6t +oes not have to *e an i%prove%ent or even solve a ne) pro*le%. 6t 1ust has to *e nono*vious. @103 a! > &onobviousness & patent "annot *e o*taine+Gi- the +i--eren"es G)oul+ have *een o*vious *( so%eone )ith or+inar( s2ill in the art. 1! 7hat is the s"ope an+ "ontent o- the prior art: /his is not ever(thin$ that e.ists prior to the invention. 6t is the su*1e"t %atter %ost "learl( relate+ to the "lai%e+ invention. 9o) +o (ou +eter%ine: 6t is either su*1e"t %atter in t!e same field of endeavor or )here a P9#36/A )oul+ loo2 to -in+ solutions to pro*le%s. /his is "onsi+ere+ to *e an analo$ous art. 2! Loo2 -or +i--eren"es */) prior art an+ "lai%e+ invention. At this point0 (ou are past the novelt( ele%ent. 7hen (ou $et into nono*viousness0 (ou are loo2in$ at %ultiple +o"u%ents. 3! 7hat is the level o- or+inar( s2ill in the art: /his is +eter%ine+ *( e.pert )itnesses. ;ou $et a P9+0 an+ he sa(s )hat people )/ less s2ill )oul+ 2no). ;ou %ust esta*lish0 )ithout use o- i%per%issi*le hin+si$ht0 a rationale )h( a P9#36/A )oul+ have *een tau$ht )h( it )oul+ have *een o*vious to "o%*ine the "olle"tive su$$estions. 6- the "olle"tive su$$estions sa( not to +o it0 it is "alle+ teac!ing away. Pro*le% re"o$nition an+ solution > the pro*le% that the appli"ant has a"2no)le+$e+ an+ re"o$niBe+ Pro*le% re"o$nition/solution > )as it a pro*le% +is"overe+ *( the appli"ant or one un+erstoo+ *( a P9#36/A: 7as the solution art re"o$niBe+ solution or a *ran+ ne) one: 6- (ou have an art re"o$niBe+ pro*le% an+ no one has a solution0 that $oes into the o*1e"tive in+i"ia o- non&o*viousness. D#*vious to tr(E test is a *o$us test. /his +oesn8t %ean (ou have an a+e=uate %otivation/su$$estion/or rationale. 7h( )oul+ a P9#36/A have "on"lu+e+ that the "lai%e+ invention )oul+ have *een o*vious at the ti%e the invention )as %a+e. Reasona*le e.pe"tation o- su""ess > not onl( +o (ou have to e.plain )h( the "olle"tive "o%*ination osu$$estions )oul+ *e nor%al -or a P9#36/A0 *ut also that the( )oul+ have a reasonable e#pectation of success. #n"e (ou prove all these thin$s0 there is a prima facie case of obviousness. At this point0 people "an rel( on /hese "an *e use+ to re*ut a pri%a -a"ie "ase o- o*viousness. 1. lon$ -elt nee+ 2. "o%%er"ial su""ess 3. -ailure o- others )ho trie+ 4. une.pe"te+ results/a+vanta$es Nonob&iousness an+ 5ri$inality ?raha! &. *ohn -eere Co. & <a"ts: #ne "ir"uit sai+ it )as vali+0 another +i+n8t. 'oth tests )ere in"orre"t. /he test that shoul+ have *een use+ )as the 9ot"h2iss test. & /he "ourt sa(s (ou +o 10 20 3 an+ then (ou "on"lu+e 6. 9o)ever0 there is no )a( to $et to the "on"lusion *e"ause there is no $lue. /here-ore0 there is 1ust su*1e"tive +eter%inations. 6n 18510 9ot"h2iss )as )ron$l( +e"i+e+. 7h(: 'e"ause o- the in+i"ia o- nono*viousness. #l+ +oor2no*s eventuall( )oul+ *rea2. /he han+le )oul+ $et )o**l( on the sha-t an+ the han+le )oul+ *rea2.

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/he 3upre%e ,ourt rarel( hol+s that patents are vali+. /he( sa( the( are o*vious. #ne pro*le% that e.iste+ is that (ou have a "onve(er arran$e%ent -or %a2in$ paper0 an+ a se%isoli+ %ass that (ou sprea+ out on the "onve(er. 6t )ill har+en into paper. /he( nee+e+ a )a( to %a2e the paper the ri$ht "onsisten"( to +r( an+ $ive (ou +e"ent paper. <a/rai+a &. '$ Pro% Inc. & 9i$h pressure hoses to $et )ater out o- tan2s. Patent allo)e+ -or the a*rupt release o- the )ater. & 9el+: e.ploitation o- $ravit( )as not enou$h -or a patent. 5(tholo$( )as prior artG)h( +i+ the patent o)ner *lo) this "ase: 'elieve it or not0 there <tratofle) &. 'ero=uip & <a"ts: ha+ to +o )ith usin$ P/<? tu*in$. In re (illon & <a"ts: Aillon applie+ -or a patent -or . /he 'oar+ hel+ it )as obvious. /he( )ent to the -e+eral "ir"uit appealin$ )hether it )as o*vious. 7hat is prima facie o*viousness. -!is is a seminal case. 7hat is the prin"ipal point: 'asi" la) o- analogous art is that the scope and content of prior art includes everyt!ing from t!e same field of endeavor and t!ose analogous fields w!ere someone would searc! for a solution to t!e problem in t!e art. 6n the Aillon "ase0 there is an e.pansion o- this +o"trine */" it is not the re"o$nition an+ solution o- the pro*le% that the appli"ant re"o$niBe+ an+ solve+0 *ut %u"h li2e the la) in ?urope0 a P#36/A loo2s to i+enti-( o*1e"tive pro*le%s an+ o*1e"tive solutions to o*1e"tive pro*le%s. & Rule: @ou say% as a P5<IT'% loo/ at #hat the prior art teaches an+ i+entify all the proble!s that a P5<IT' #oul+ ha&e reco$niLe+ e)ist% #hether or not they are synony!ous. Then% loo/ to #here you #oul+ search for a solution. Prior art is e)pan+e+ fro! the area the applicant i+entifie+ to all proble! areas that obIecti&ely are tau$ht to a P5<IT'. Therefore% it is not re=uire+ that you sol&e applicant;s proble!% you can sol&e another proble!. If in that process you ha&e to create the sa!e co!poun+% that is ob&ious. & Rationale: une#pected results. 3he +i+n8t sho) an(thin$ -or une.pe"te+ results so %a1orit( sai+ it )as o*vious. o Pro*le%0 re"o$nition0 solution: ho) +oes this "ase -it into that: o Lesson: 6n re 'ell & Rule: (ou "an "o%*ine %ultiple pie"es o- prior art to -ill in the $aps to +eter%ine o*viousness. & <a"ts: Rationale: Ceneri" %aterial 2no)n!. ,ourt sa(s (ou have to +o a stru"tural "o%parison an+ sho) )h( the "lai%e+ stru"ture )oul+ have *een o*vious over the stru"ture -ro% the prior art. 6- (ou +on8t have the stru"ture & <a"ts: the( 2ne) ever(thin$ an+ 1ust "hurne+ out )hat ever(one 2ne) an+ $ot the ans)er. & #ther "ountries: sa( that these 2in+s o- thin$s la"2 invention an+ are o*vious. & @103 a!: )dd*on products0 6n" v. Iust /o(s0 6n". & <a"ts: Horte. is #++Bon8s "o%%er"ial e%*o+i%ent o- its +esi$n patent. #++B#n sue+ Iust /o(s -or +esi$n patent in-rin$e%ent0 tra+e +ress in-rin$e%ent0 an+ state&la) un-air "o%petition0 sa(in$ their *alls )ere li"ely to be confused )ith the Horte. *all. Iust /o(s sai+ the patent )as invali+. Aistri"t "ourt hel+ that the patent )as not sho)n to *e invali+ an+ )as not in-rin$e+. & 3tatutes: 102 -! & Fotes: there is nothin$ here that sa(s the in-or%ation here +erive+ -ro% another %et the "riteria o@ 103 "! 2!. As ?rin sai+0 there are spe"i-i" "riteria that %ust *e %et to invo2e the create act. ;ou "an8t over"o%e @103 a! *ase+ on @102 -! )/o %eetin$ the "riteria.

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Intellectual Property: Class notes

@ 103 "! 1! is li%ite+ to secret prior art @ 103 "! 2! is the create act. @103 *! > 1ust forget it e#ists . t!is is a mista"e of law. / 0123b4 was ta"en over by caselaw under 5c!ai and 6rower. Prior to these "ases0 )e ha+ the -ollo)in$ situation: 6- (ou have met!od of ma"ing an+ met!od of using. 4sin$ ' to %a2e , an+ %a2in$ , usin$ ' are *oth nonobvious. /his is )hat @ 103 *! sai+. &ovelty & / 0123a4 )ublicly "nown7used in US or patent7printed pub: @ 102 a! patent is not entitle+ i- the invention )as 2no)n or use+ *( others in this "ountr(0 or patente+ or +es"ri*e+ in a printe+ pu*li"ation in this or a -orei$n "ountr(0 *e-ore the invention thereo- *( the appli"ant -or patent 'oss of rig!t & / 0123b4 Absolute grace period: appli"ant has up to one (r to -ile in the 43. 6- there is a pu*li" use/sale in 430 as lon$ as it is )ithin one (ear0 it )ill not +e-eat the appli"ant8s patent. T 1 (r is @ 102 a! prior art. U 1 (r is @ 102 *! prior art an+ e."lu+es patenta*ilit(.

<tatutory "ars >$bert &. Lipp!an & <a"ts: patent ri$hts )ere invali+ate+. 9e -ile+ %ore than 11 (ears a-ter inventin$ it. /he 3, sai+ that it )as public use an+ prevente+ a*ilit( to $et the patent. o 6nvali+atin$ a"tivit(: 7hat is the startin$ point: /he -irst pu*li" use. /his is all a*out the a"tivit( that o""urs %ore than a (ear *e-ore the -ilin$ +ate re$ar+less o- the +ate o- the invention. & Fotes: )as there an e#pectation of confidentiality that parties )ere a)are o-: @102 a! > tal2s a*out the +ate o- the invention. @ 102 *! > tal2s a*out )hat happens %ore than a (ear prior to -ilin$. 9as nothin$ to +o )ith the invention +ate. Dthe invention )as patente+ or +es"ri*e+ in a printe+ pu*li"ation in this or a -orei$n "ountr( or in public use or on sale in this "ountr(0 %ore than one (ear prior to the +ate o- the appli"ation -or patent in the 4nite+ 3tatesE 7hat is a non(informing use: 6t is the invention0 not the patent or the "lai%s. 6t is the pro+u"t or pro"ess "overe+ *( the "lai%s that )ere in use %ore than one&(ear *e-ore the patent )as -ile+. /he =uestion is )hether the pro+u"t or pro"ess is )hether it is an informing or non(informing use. & 7hat a*out the +o"trine o- non&in-or%in$ use: o 5erel( +is"overin$ that so%ethin$ that e.iste+ in the pu*li" +o%ain that ha+ so%e un2no)n *ene-it isn8t ne"essaril( $oin$ to $et (ou a patent. o 6s a non(informing use a )a( o- $ettin$ aroun+ the statutor( *ar: C2 tal2s a*out the situation )here there )as so%eone )ho %a+e the invention in the 430 an+ the %a2in$ o- it *e-ore the +ate o- invention o- the appli"ant0 )ill prevent it unless the( a*an+on0 suppress or "on"eal it. /here-ore0 i- so%eone pra"ti"es appli"ant8s invention %ore than 1 (ear ahea+ o- ti%e *ut the( are "on"ealin$0 or suppressin$ it0 that use +oes not a"t as a *ar. Juanni > "o"a "ola "oul+n8t "o%e out an+ tr( to $et a patent -or so%ethin$ that the( have "o%%er"ialiBe+ -or %ore than a (ear. & 7hen is so%ethin$ a se"ret use versus a pu*li" use. A se"ret use prevents so%eone -ro% *ein$ a*le to 2eep tra+e se"rets -or too lon$. & )rior user rig!ts statute > this +oesn8t e.ist in the 43. /his %eans that so%eone usin$ this in se"ret )oul+ have a +e-ense i- so%eone else -i$ure+ out. o E#ception: *usiness %etho+s.

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6n the Patent La) re-or% *ills *ein$ ar$ue+0 there )ill at so%e point *e a prior user rig!ts statute -or all te"hnolo$ies. Pfaff &. Wells >lectronics & Ae-ense )as that it )as on sale %ore than 1 (r *e-ore -illin$. ?vi+en"e sho)e+ that inventor ha+ sho)n s2et"hes an+ re"eive+ an oral pur"hase or+er. 9e +i+n8t reduce it to practice until he sent the %aterials. & ,ourt: "ourt *arre+ the patent sa(in$ the invention )as su*stantiall( %a+e at the ti%e o- the sale. & 3,: sai+ the statute +oesn8t %ention an(thin$ a*out reduction to practice. 5oreover0 patents "an *e $rante+ *e-ore *ein$ a*le to re+u"e to pra"ti"e. & 5verruled t!e original 8totality of t!e circumstances test9 & &ow% there is a t#o-part test. o# +o you +eter!ine if there #as a sale? o 04 Loo/ to K la# an+ loo/ to offer an+ acceptance +efine+ in the BCC 6+eter!ine if there #as an offer for sale an+ #hether the K #as co!pliant #ith the BCC9 o 24 Is the in&ention rea+y for patentin$? Is it re+uce+ to +ra#in$s an+ a #ritten +escription that #oul+ enable a P5<IT' to !a/e an+ use it% #0o nee+in$ !ore infor!ation & 9;P#: @ 102 *! re=uires a sale of t!e invention. 6n @ 1010 the invention is a product or process. /here-ore0 sellin$ a patent appli"ation is an in"hoate ri$ht.

>)peri!ental use &s. Public use & Len$th o- the test perio+0 a$ree%ent *( the user to 2eep thin$s "on-i+ential0 the nu%*er o- tests0 the len$th o- tests -or other +evi"es. & 6- so%eone other than the inventor is parti"ipatin$0 i- the inventor is +ire"tin$ an+ "ontrollin$ that person +urin$ that perio+ o- use an+ i- the )or2 is *ein$ +one to per-e"t the invention & Fote: 1! )hen )as it re+u"e+ to pra"ti"e. As soon as it is0 the perio+ o- testin$ is over. /he "lo"2 starts. 6- %ore than a (ear o- testin$ ta2es pla"e *e-ore -ilin$ the patent0 (ou lose. o Len$th o- test perio+: 6- the purpose o- the testin$ is not to per-e"t the pro+u"t0 (ou +on8t $et the *ene-it o- the G.commercial embodiment. 7hether (ou have a "o%%er"ial a$ree%ent "an "o%e to *ear on this. o ,o%%er"ialiBation: @102 @102 @102 @102 @102 *! "! > A*an+on%ent o- invention not the sa%e as a*an+onin$ the patent appli"ation! +! > <orei$n Patent o*taine+ *e-ore 43 <ilin$ -! > Fot true inventor $! 1! > not -irst inventor or a*an+one+0 suppresse+ or "on"eale+ invention.

TA'-> <>CA>T< & the *i$$est tra+e se"ret is ,o"a ,ola & ori$inall(0 (ou "oul+n8t $et ,o2e in 6n+ia */" (ou ha+ to e."han$e the -or%ula in e."han$e -or prote"tion. 6n 19910 6n+ia "han$e+ their la). /ra+e se"ret la) $oes *a"2 -ar in the ,/L. 6t )as restate+ in the restate%ent o- torts an+ %ore re"entl( in the restate%ent o- un-air "o%petition. /he 4ni-or% /ra+e 3e"ret A"t has also *een "reate+. 6n 19980 the( passe+ the <e+eral ?spiona$e A"t. -ionne &. <> ,oa! Con&ertin$ C Pac/a$in$% Inc. & pro+u"t "alle+ DAuro-oa%E > )hen Ro*ert +ie+ his -a%il( assu%e+ "ontrol an+ the( %a+e i%prove%ents. /he( use+ it -or shapin$ o- ta*les an+ +ressers0 et". Pierre put in -or a +esi$n patent in his o)n na%e. A *itter -a%il( +isa$ree%ent ensue+. Pierre a$ree+ to put 90V out to the

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rest o- his -a%il(. <a%il( loo2e+ -or an in1un"tion. Lo)er "ourt $ave it in a""or+an"e )ith the 4ni-or% /ra+e 3e"rets A"t. Pierre appeals sa(in$ there are t)o pro*le%s. T#o criteria for a tra+e secret: 1! "o%pan( has to %a2e e--orts to 2eep it se"ret. Aeasonable efforts to /eep it secret. An+ 2! it has to have in+epen+ent econo!ic &alue0 a"tual or potential0 not *ein$ $enerall( 2no)n to0 an+ not rea+il( as"ertaina*le *( proper %eans *(0 other persons )ho "an o*tain e"ono%i" value -ro% its +is"losure or use. Fovelt( pro*le%: )hat i%pa"t +oes the -a"t that 17 people have alrea+( +one this: Fothin$0 this is not a patent0 it is a tra+e se"ret. -o #e ha&e a tra+e secret? o >cono!ic a+&anta$e: )hat per"enta$e +oes Auro-oa% %a2e -ro% this: 80V. 6s this $enerall( o Aeasonable efforts to /eep it secret: "on-i+entialit( a$ree%ents si$ne+ *( the -a%il(0 the e%plo(ees0 or to +istri*utors0 "ontra"tors0 suppliers0 su*si+iaries0 et". /he Aionne -a%il( never reveale+ it to an(one *ut the patent attorne(s. /he( also ha+ %ultiple "on-i+entialit( a$ree%ents. /he( +i+n8t tell an(one a*out it. 4nauthoriBe+ persons )ere e."lu+e+ -ro% the plant. Therefore% yes there is a tra+e secret. Was the tra+e secret !isappropriate+? o Pierre ar$ues: he "annot *e -oun+ $uilt( o- %isappropriatin$ so%ethin$ )hi"h he Dpersonally developed or su$stantially contri$uted to developing while employed at !+,C)-. o .issappropriation !eans: DAis"losure or use o- a tra+e se"ret o- another )/o e.press or i%plie+ "onsent *( a person )hoGat the ti%e o- +is"losure or use0 2ne) or ha+ reason to 2no) that his 2no)le+$e o- the tra+e se"ret )asGa"=uire+ un+er "ir"u%stan"es $ivin$ rise to a +ut( to %aintain its se"re"( or li%it its use.E o 'nalysis: Pierre sent "ease an+ +esist letters su$$estin$ he 2ne) or shoul+ have 2no)n he ha+ this +ut(. 5oreover0 the "on-i+entialit( a$ree%ents he si$ne+. 4nauthoriBe+ people )ere e."lu+e+ -ro% the plant. 'asi"all( ever(thin$ )e sai+ that su$$est it )as a se"ret )oul+ i%pl( that he 2ne) or shoul+ have 2no)n o- a +ut( to %aintain its se"re"(. Therefore% it #as !isappropriate+. What is the re!e+y: o InIunctions are i+eal: ,o+e @ 59.1&337 A! Da"tual or threatene+ %isappropriate %a( *e en1oine+Gthe in1un"tion %a( *e "ontinue+ -or an a++itional reasona*le perio+ o- ti%e in or+er to eli%inate "o%%er"ial a+vanta$e that other)ise )oul+ *e +erive+ -ro% the %isappropriation.


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PepsiCo% Inc &. Ae+!on+ & <a"ts: Re+%on+ )or2e+ -or Pepsi an+ *e"a%e hea+ hon"ho in ,ali-ornia in 1994. /here is a heate+ *attle in the %ar2et. Pepsi,o )as tr(in$ to enter the %ar2et an+ Jua2er ha+ Po)erAi+0 et". Pepsi,o -ile+ to en1oin Re+%on+ -ro% )or2in$ at Jua2er */" he ha+ a""ess to Pepsi tra+e se"rets. #ne )as a strate$i" plan li2e -inan"ial $oals0 the annual operatin$ plan "o%%er"ial events0 et".!0 atta"2 plans -or spe"i-i" %ar2ets0 et". 7e +e-initel( have economic value. Re+%on+ an+ Jua2er ar$ue+ that none o- that %atters */" Jua2er alrea+( has its plan an+ its +istri*ution net)or2 is alrea+( in pla"e. Jua2er8s plan )as onl( t)o pa$es an+ Re+%on+ )oul+ *e responsi*le -or it. /he "ourt en1oine+ hi% -ro% 1oinin$ Jua2er until so%eti%e in 1995. & Anal(sis: there are -e) "ases that +e-ine a t!reatened misappropriation. /his "ase is a*out inevitable misappropriation. /he "ourt sai+ this )oul+ *e inevita*le %isappropriation. /he( site the Teradync "ase an+ A.P Inc /p01230 sa(in$ that P %a( prove a "lai% o- tra+e se"ret %isappropriation *( +e%onstratin$ that A8s ne) e%plo(%ent )ill inevita*l( lea+ hi% to rel( on the P8s tra+e se"rets. & 6ssue: Aoes Re+%on+8s 1oinin$ Jua2er "onstitute an inevitable misappropriation o- Pepsi,o8s tra+e se"rets: & 9el+: ;es. 9e si$ne+ a "on-i+entialit( a$ree%ent )/ Pepsi,o. Pepsi,o sho)e+ su*stantial evi+en"e o- e.tensive an+ inti%ate 2no)le+$e a*out Jua2er8s strate$i" $oals. /he( )ere "on"erne+ a*out the Dparti"ulariBe+ plans or pro"esses +evelope+ *( P,FA an+ +is"lose+ to hi%

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)hile the e%plo(er&e%plo(ee relationship e.iste+0 )hi"h are un2no)n to others in the in+ustr( an+ )hi"h $ive the e%plo(er an a+vanta$e over his "o%petitors.E Rule: prote"tion o- tra+e se"rets "an *e prote"te+ usin$ ,ontra"t La) an+ 6P La). ?n-or"ea*ilit( o- the a$ree%ents: the( are en-or"ea*le )/ a+e=uate "onsi+eration. 6- there is a threat o- Dinevita*leE *rea"h o- a "on-i+entialit( a$ree%ent0 this "an *e en1oine+.

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?illette Co. &. Willia!s & <a"ts: e%plo(ee si$ne+ so%ethin$ prohi*itin$ usin$ "on-i+ential in-or%ation. As he $ets pro%ote+0 he si$ns a spe"ial a$ree%ent that is a non&"o%pete -or t)o (ears -or another "o%pan( in the in+ustr(. 9e leaves an+ $oes to a +ire"t "o%petitor. /he( as2 hi% to resi$n an+ he +oesn8t so the( sue. /he ,ourt anal(Bes the non&"o%pete a$ree%ent. & Rule: A non&"o%pete a$ree%ent %ust *e reasonable. 7hat %a2es su"h a "ovenant reasona*le vs unreasona*le. 9ere0 the( sai+ it )as a uni+ue product0 it %a2es sense there )oul+ *e nation)i+e prohi*ition. /here is no territorial scope */" Cillette is in an international %ar2et. Another -a"tor is the reasonableness of t!e consideration. e.$. hal- (our salar( -or +oin$ nothin$!. A++itionall(0 part o- the "onsi+eration )as $ettin$ the ne) position. /he two(year duration see%e+ prett( reasona*le. 5onitorin$ this $u( )oul+ *e +i--i"ult. & <a"tors: 1! territorial s"ope0 2! reasona*leness o- "onsi+eration0 3! +uration o- prohi*ition0 4! %onitorin$ pro*le%0 5! inevita*ilit( o- usin$ the tra+e se"rets. Bnite+ <tates &. Lan$e & & &

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